Kansas ESGR 1 The month of June was extremely busy for Kansas Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve members as they organized and managed two Job Fairs in Kansas. June 14,2010, was the date for the Wichita ESGR Job Fair. It was con- ducted at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Wichita, KS. Ninety-seven businesses, colleges and employment agencies participated. Approximately 2100 job seekers attended. On June 23, 2010, Kansas ESGR greeted ninety-one vendors and 1500 participants at the Ritz Charles Con- vention Center in Overland Park, KS. The Kansas National Guard and Kansas ESGR hosted em- ployers at VIP day at the Kansas Speed- way on March 30, 2010. Bosses had an opportunity to meet with race car owners and drivers. The day started with a video in the National Guard tent on Indy Car racing. We then toured the garage areas, viewing the Indy cars. Lunch was served to all by the Panther racing team. Pro Patria award was presented to Marquee Artisan Wines of Overland Park. The National Guard Indy car Driver Dan Weldon came to the tent to chat with the employers and sign autographs. We were then free to roam the infield. The rain stopped, they were able to dry the track and the Indy cars took to the track for practice runs. by Fred Waller Not One ….. But TWO Job Fairs INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Chairman’s Mes- 2 Kansas City Area 2 New Strategic 2 Patriot Awards KS School Board Challenge Statements of Sup- port 3 9- 10 3 3 5-8 Contacts 3 Orientation Flight St. Jo Air Show 4 4 Seven Seals 8 National Guard & ESGR Sponsor Bosses at Raceway SUMMER 2010 The newsletter of Kansas Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve The mission of ESGR is to develop & promote employer support for Guard & Reserve service by advo- cating relevant initiatives, recog- nizing outstanding support, in- creasing awareness of applicable laws, and resolving conflict be- tween employers & service mem- bers. The Kansas ESGR newslet- ter provides official and professional information to Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Stories, photos & news items are welcome and can be submitted to the Public Affairs Director at [email protected]. Kansas ESGR newsletter is compiled and edited by Colleen Allen. Ken Mosteller, Rick Storm, Fred Waller, Mick Allen, Rhonda Sacks and Alan Barrett assist with the Overland Park Job Fair. Left: volunteers Ken Mosteller and Warren Johnston greet the public R: Mick Allen is interviewed by KAKE TV, Wichita Chris Cribs and Craig Skopec of Marquee Artisan Wines accept the Pro Patria Award from Fred Waller, ESGR, and TAG Gen Tod Bunting. Fred Waller, ESGR; Dan Weldon, driver, and KsTAG Gen Tod Bunting

KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

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KS Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Newsletter, Summer 2010

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Page 1: KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

Kansas ESGR 1

The month of June was extremely

busy for Kansas Employer Support of

the Guard and Reserve members as

they organized and managed two Job

Fairs in Kansas.

June 14,2010, was the date for the

Wichita ESGR Job Fair. It was con-

ducted at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in

downtown Wichita, KS. Ninety-seven

businesses, colleges and employment

agencies participated. Approximately

2100 job seekers attended.

On June 23, 2010, Kansas ESGR

greeted ninety-one vendors and 1500

participants at the Ritz Charles Con-

vention Center in Overland Park, KS.

The Kansas


Guard and

Kansas ESGR

hosted em-

ployers at VIP

day at the

Kansas Speed-

way on March 30, 2010. Bosses had an

opportunity to meet with race car owners

and drivers. The day started with a video

in the National Guard tent on Indy Car

racing. We then toured the garage areas,

viewing the Indy cars. Lunch was served

to all by the Panther racing team. Pro

Patria award was presented to Marquee

Artisan Wines of Overland Park.

The National Guard Indy car Driver Dan

Weldon came to the tent to chat with the

employers and sign autographs. We were

then free to roam the infield. The rain

stopped, they were able to dry the track

and the Indy cars took to the track for


runs. by



Not One ….. But TWO Job Fairs I N S I D E T H I S

I S S U E :

Chairman’s Mes- 2

Kansas City Area 2

New Strategic 2

Patriot Awards

KS School Board


Statements of Sup-








Contacts 3

Orientation Flight

St. Jo Air Show



Seven Seals


National Guard & ESGR Sponsor Bosses at Raceway

S U M M E R 2 0 1 0

The newsletter of Kansas Employer Support of the

Guard and Reserve

The mission of ESGR is to develop

& promote employer support for

Guard & Reserve service by advo-

cating relevant initiatives, recog-

nizing outstanding support, in-

creasing awareness of applicable

laws, and resolving conflict be-

tween employers & service mem-


The Kansas ESGR newslet-

ter provides official and

professional information

to Employer Support of

the Guard and Reserve

Stories, photos & news

items are welcome and can

be submitted to the Public

Affairs Director at

[email protected].

Kansas ESGR newsletter is

compiled and edited by

Colleen Allen.

Ken Mosteller, Rick Storm, Fred Waller, Mick Allen, Rhonda Sacks and

Alan Barrett assist with the Overland Park Job Fair.

Left: volunteers

Ken Mosteller and

Warren Johnston

greet the public

R: Mick Allen is

interviewed by

KAKE TV, Wichita

Chris Cribs and Craig Skopec of

Marquee Artisan Wines accept the

Pro Patria Award from Fred Waller,

ESGR, and TAG Gen Tod Bunting.

Fred Waller, ESGR; Dan Weldon,

driver, and KsTAG Gen Tod Bunting

Page 2: KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

K A N S A S E S G R 2

P A G E 2

What’s the best

kept secret in the


See Goal 7

ESGR Expands National Goals through 2015

Kansas/Missouri Recognize Employers at Breakfast

From the State Chair It is hard to believe that I

am completing my third

year as the State Chair.

How time flies when we

are so involved in so many

activities. As we complete

the last quarter of the

fiscal year, it is very re-

warding for me to look at

the number of Statements

of Support, Boss Lifts &

many other activities that

you have completed.

Kansas ESGR is a leader in

the nation in activities and

in creating new activities

to support those who

serve in uniform. We have

just completed two job

fairs. Both were a great

success. As I visited with

employers at the job fairs,

they remarked about the

professional class of peo-

ple attending. Almost all

employers stated they had

a more successful rate

with these two job fairs in

hiring people than the

2009 Job Fair.

Activities scheduled for

the last quarter of the

fiscal year include a Na-

tional Boss Lift, Soldier

Readiness Processing, in-

state Boss Lifts to Ft.

Riley and other briefings

Thanks for a job well done

by each of our volunteers

and a special thanks for

the full time staff for

supporting the operations.


Jeff Alderman, Kansas Bar

Association, was presented a

Seven Seals Award for their

work in recruiting 12 Kansas

Attorneys as Ombudsmen.

Kansas and Missouri Employer

Support of the Guard and

Reserve representatives met

with outstanding Kansas City

Area businesses at a Break-

fast with the Boss meeting in

Kansas City, MO. Among the

speakers were Tracy Beckett,

Missouri ESGR Chair, Mick

Allen, Kansas ESGR Chair, &

Tony Vanvakais, representing

the Missouri Adjutant Gen-

eral and several service mem-

Dr. Whitman from The Kansas

University Medical Center

accepted a Patriot Award.

4. Continue to refine the ESGR

organization for relevancy, effec-

tiveness and efficiency.

5. Advocate for employer issues

of military families.

6. Facilitate employment transi-

tions relating to the continuum of

military service.

7. Enhance Brand awareness to all

customers and stakeholders.

To view the new FY 11-15 ESGR

Strategic Plan in its entirety,

ESGR members may log-in to ESGR

Net and view the Library.


The new Strategic Plan was re-

vised to meet the growing needs of

Guard and Reserve members to

include their families and employ-

ers. The mission requirements are

shown in the following goals:

1. “Gain and maintain support for

employers for Guard and Reserve


2. Educate customers & stake-


3. Advocate within DoD for Re-

serve Component employers.

Kansas recognized Providence Hos-

pital of Kansas City with the Above

and Beyond Award. Accepting for

Providence was Kelly Falhaufer.

Present were Tracy Beckett, Tony Van-

vakais & Mick Allen.

Michael R. Allen, KS ESGR

Page 3: KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

Kansas ESGR 3

Patriot Awards Every employer nominated for recognition will receive the Patriot Award, and will then be eligible for con-

sideration for other awards and recognition based on their level of support described in the nomination

narrative. The employer nominated will receive a Patriot Award certificate and accompanying lapel pin.

School Boards Challenged to Sign Statements of Support


State Chair

Mick Allen

Employer Outreach

Dave Mayfield

Boss Lifts

Chuck Bredahl

Military Outreach

Chuck Bredahl


Alan Barrett

Public Affairs

Colleen Allen

Area 1 Chair

Dave Daniels

Area 2 Chair

Scott Chipman

Area 3 Chair

Dennis Hansen

Area 4 Chair

Jim Plummer

Area 5 Chair

Ken Spencer

Area 6 Chair

Jim Wishart

Area 7 Chair

Greg Sims

Area 8 Chair

Larry Graham

Executive Director

Fred Waller

(785) 217-4828

Fred. [email protected]

Program Support

Rick Storm

1-800-892-7266 ext1453

[email protected]

Kansas ESGR

2800 SW Topeka Blvd.

Topeka, KS 66611


Rodney Roush, Ks Association of School Boards President,

challenged ”all school districts in the state to join with me and

the KASB Board of Directors in demonstrating your support by also

signing a Statement of Support”.

Area 7 chair Greg Sims has a State-

ment of Support signing with Becky

Shamburg, Hiawatha USD 415 school

board President.

Ellsworth, Kanopolis

Geneseo USD 327

SOS signing Kirby

Sullivan and Presi-

dent Cory Rathbun.

Volunteer Dave Fehr with USD 258 Humboldt

school board at a statement of Support signing

USD 351 Dennis Dut-

ton President USD

351 Board of Educa-

tion, Superintendent

Michael Harvey, & Mike McAvoy, ESGR rep.

USD 270 School Board, Plainville, signs Statement of Support

James Davis presented the Patriotic Employer Award to Chief Richard Johnson of Police Department Kansas University Medical Center in Kansas City Kansas on Thursday, April 22, 2010. Sgt. Airman Lora Martinez is also in the picture who nominated the Police Department. There were about six of their co-workers who joined us in the presentation. Chief Johnson was honored and said that he appre-ciated all that the National Guard and Reserves do for our country. He said he has about six officers who are serving in the Guard and Reserves and showed

their pictures. This was a joyful experience and everyone was so excited!

ESGR volunteer Mark Mertel and TSgt Anthony

Harbour present a Patriot Award to Anthony's

supervisor, Dennis D'Orvilliers.

Attention: Employers of a Reserve Component SPOUSE

are now eligible for the Patriot Award, ALSO.

USD 291 Grinnell School Board meeting.

Statement of Support presented to

President Jody Beckman and Superinten-

dent Dr. Rose Kane.

Page 4: KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

K A N S A S E S G R 4

Refueling may be routine to those who are the experts but to the public, it’s an exciting adventure. May 19, 2010, was an adventure for 30 employers who boarded a KC 135 Refueling Tanker. Manned by the Kansas Coyotes 190th Air Refueling Wing, the plane refueled a B 52 Bomber over Iowa. After a briefing by the Kansas Air National Guard and Kansas Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, the participants boarded the plane. At the end of a cloudy, rainy, 30 minute flight, the tanker refueled the bomber. Guests were invited to observe the boom operators in action by laying adjacent to the cradle. People were rotated in about every 3 minutes. The 3 hour flight concluded at Forbes Field, Topeka, KS.

Kansas ESGR Chair speaks to Employ-

ers prior to a refueling flight by the

190th Air National Guard, Topeka, KS

Employers seated in KC 135

Refueling Tanker prior to flight.

Refueling Boom from

Tanker to B 52 Bomber.

KS ESGR Volunteers: Log your volunteer hours and submit them to your Area Chairman.

Rosecrans Air National Guard hosted the

Sound of Speed Air Show April 1-2, 2010

near St. Joseph, MO. Employers from Kansas

and Missouri were invited to attend VIP day

prior to the Air Show. They were informed

of the mission of the 139th Mis-

souri Air National Guard and

briefed by Kansas ESGR Chair

Mick Allen on the purposes of

ESGR. Following an awards lunch

in the base cafeteria, guests

viewed the U.S. Navy Blue Angels

Demonstration Team, vintage air-

craft and other precision flyers.

Combined efforts of the Kansas

and Missouri ESGR staff and vol-

unteers made this an enjoyable

event with multiple outcomes.

Page 5: KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

Kansas ESGR 5

By signing Statements of Support for

the Guard and Reserve, employers and

political leaders demonstrate their support for

their National Guard and Reserve

soldiers, their commitment to Operation Enduring

Freedom, and their resolve to

bolster the defense of the United States. The fol-

lowing businesses have signed

Statements of Support from April 2010 through

June 2010. For a complete listing of Statements of Support from KS, go to www.esgr.org, Programs, Statement of Support. Click on KS on the map.


Green Ford

Mid Kansas Coop




Arma Police Dept

Kumer Lumber & Construction


Atchison Police Dept


CW Beamgard Co Inc


Harvey Remodeling


Sonic Drive-In

Williams Electric

Baxter Springs

City of Baxter Springs


Steve Richards


Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp


Advance Systems & Homes

Guest Home Estates




Clay Center

Bud's Tire Service



Hibbett Sports



Colby Public Schools

Cummins Central Power

Hinkle Termite & Pest Control

Land Diesel Inc.

Murray Roofing & Construction

Red River


Council Grove

Morris County Hwy Dept


Grisham Construction



Hibbett Sports

Dodge City

Dodge City Public Schools

Dodge City Police Dept


Mike Cochran


Butler County Sheriff's Office

Butler County Jail

City of El Dorado

City of El Dorado Police Dept.

El Dorado Correctional Facility


Unified School District # 218


Roy's Contracting


Board of Education USD 327

Great Plains of Ellsworth




Emporia Fire Dept

Emporia Pet Products

Emporia Presbyterian Manor


Stutler Tech


Enterprise Police Dept


Ewing Construction


Neosho County Sheriff's Office

USD 101


Mission Valley USD 330

Fort Riley



Costal International Security Inc



Dominos Pizza

Eagle Support

Fort Riley Fire Dept


State of Kansas


US Army Corps of Engineers

USD 475

Warrior Transition Battalion

Fort Scott


City of Fort Scott

Peerless Products

The Buffalo Grill



Triple T Foods

Systech Environmental Corp

Ft. Leavenworth

Diamond Detective Agency

Department of the Army

Munson Army Health Center

Northrop Grummen


Wilson Contracting

Garden City

Project Fitness

Finney County Sheriff's Office


East Kansas Agri-Energy


Girard Fire Dept

Crawford County Sheriff's Office

USD #248


DSR Woodworks

Universal Products


Goodland Police Dept

Goodland Glass

Kansas Land Tire

L&L Engine Service

Sherman County Sheriff's Office

Shores Bumper to Bumper


June Jandt Farms


Frisbie Construction


Ricky's Café


Ellis County Coalition for Economic Development

ABC Seamless Siding

FMS #1

Fort Hays State University

Hays Police Dept

High Plains Mental Health Center

Reidel Garden Center



Hiawatha USD #415


Tyson Foods, Inc.


Holton Family Health Clinic

Jackson County Court

North Jackson USD #335



Little Haps Bar & Grill


South Brown County USD #430


South Brown County USD #430


Anderson Roofing

635th RSG

Carlos O'Kelly's

Central Electric Motor SPL

Collias Bus Corp

Collins Ind Inc

Community Volunteer

Edward Jones

FMS Shop

Field Maintenance Shop #4

Hutchinson Correctional Facility

Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center

Little Caesars

Matindell Swearer Shaffer Ridenoor

Plaza Astle Realty


Stroberg Equipment Co. Inc.

Page 6: KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

K A N S A S E S G R 6



First Federal

Greg Kelly DDS

Montgomery County Public Works


Allen County Sheriff's Office

Cameron Surface Systems

Field Maintenance Shop #2

Gates Corporation



Sonic Drive-in

Junction City

Barton Community College


Geary County USD #475

Kings Storage

Watco Companies

Kansas City

Cheeseburger in Paradise


Con-Way Freight


Federal Reserve Bank of KC



MVM Inc.

Omega Door & Hardware

Spangler Graphics

U.S. Army

Unified Government of Wyandotte

Unigard Security

University of Kansas Med Center

US Post Office


Lansing Correctional Facility

State of Kansas


Casey's General Store

Hanson Farms


69th TC


Amarr Garage Doors

Cardinal Motors

Community Living Opportunities

Environmental Management Resources

Holiday Inn

Jim Clark Motors

Lawrence KS Police Dept

McElroys Inc

P1Group Inc

Sears Holding Co.



TJ Max


City of Leavenworth


Nueterrra Healthcare


Coca Cola

Gear for Sports

Henderson Engineers, Inc

Kaw Valley Engineering



National Guard

Pulse Needle Free Systems

US Assembly Inc


Rawhide Well Service

Linn Valley

Linn Valley Home Owners Assoc.


Blue Hill Feeders


Lyndon USD #421


GTM Sportswear

Holiday Inn at the Campus

Little Caesars

Riley County EMS

Riley County Police Dept


St. Joseph Village

Valentino's Buffet


Western Associate


Citizens State Bank

Kiwanis Club of Marysville

OH Electric Inc

Oregon Trail Equipment

USD # 364


Prairie Band Casino



Embry Riddle Aeronautical University


McPherson Police Dept

Water Products


AJ Construction & Remodeling


Superior Chevrolet

Home Depot

Zouire Marketing Group


Dairy Queen

First Federal Savings & Loan




Newton Public Schools

United Methodist Youthville


Crawford Sales Co

E Solutions

Garmin International

Home Depot

Johnson County Sheriff's Office

Olathe Police Dept



Olpe Chicken House


Osawatomie State Hospital


Strickland Roll-Off Service


Franklin County Sheriff's Office

Stage Pro Inc.

Wal-mart Distribution Center

Overland Park

Acquity Group LLC

Adkore Staffing Group

Allied Barton

Best Buy

Black & Veatch

City of Overland Park


Emerald City Gymnastics

First National Bank of Kansas


Guardian Life Insurance

Kansas Dept of Transportation

Overland Park Jeep Dodge Chrysler

Securitas Security

Stanley Vidmar

Validity Screening Solutions



A & R Custom Form & Fab

Beyond Tomorrow

Clemens Insurance Co

Day & Zimmerman Kansas Operations

Dayton Superior Corp.

Great Southern Bank

Green Country Auto Group

Higher Calling Technologies, LLC


Labette Centre for Mental Health Service

Larry Allen Motor Car Co


Orscheln Farm & Home

Pete's Corp

Tec Tank


USD #503 Parsons



226th Engineering

First Edition

Kansas Dept of Transportation

Lewis Transmission

Midwest Minerals

Millers Professional Color

Pitt Plastics

Rogers Construction

The Finishing Touch

Touchton Electric

US Postal Service

Washington Electronics


USD 270


Sac & Fox Casino

Prairie Village

Edward Jones




Riley County USD #378

Roeland Park

Roeland Park Police Dept

Mission Valley USD 330 School Board Presi-dent Milda Sage signs the SOS

Statements of Support

The International Chiefs of Police and the Kansas Association of School Boards recently issued letters of challenge to members in their organi-zations. Contact Kansas ESGR to have your organi-zation participate in Statement of Support Sign-ings.

Page 7: KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

Kansas ESGR 7


Pizza Hut


City of Sabetha

Community National Bank

Garrett Country Mart

Keim Ts Inc

Mac Equipment Inc

United Bank & Trust

Wenger Manufacturing Inc


Braums Inc

City of Salina

Continental Analytical Services

Dept of the Army

Dignity Care Home

ElDorado National Inc

Kansas PreMob Training


REW Materials

Saint Francis Community Services


Astra Bank


Valention's Italian Buffet

Sharon Springs

USD #241


Jackson & Wade LLC

Shawnee Mission

Bill Foreman Inc

Century Link

Deffenbaugh Recycle Co.



Solomon Corp

St. Marys

City of St. Marys

Hawker Beechcraft

Hussman Refrigeration

IBEW #271

Intrust Bank

Johnny Carinos

Kansas Army National Guard

Kansas Paving

Kice Industries



Royer Brothers Tree Service


USD 494 Syracuse


Pretty Penny Holdings


Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline

Tonganoxie Police Dept



Always Roofing

Aviva Life & Annuity

Berry Material Handling

Cavanaugh and Porter

City of Topeka

Combined Support & Maintenance Shop

Core First Bank & Trust

Dr Pepper Snapple Group

Durham School Services

Fed Ex Home Delivery

Federal Home Loan Bank

Field Maintenance Shop #9

Goodyear Tire & Rubber

Hardscapes of Kansas

Health Resource Center

Heavenly Sweets Vending

Hills Pet Nutrition

Home Depot Distribution

Home Depot

Jayhawk Area Council Boy Scouts

Jiffy Lube

Kansas Army National Guard

Kansas Army National Guard CMS

Kansas Association of School Boards

Kansas Dept of Transportation

Kansas Expo Center

Kansas Joint Operations

Kansas Racing & Gaming Commission

Key Staffing

Office of the State Surgeon

Ogden Publications

Petland Topeka

Recruiting & Retention Command

Recruiting Detachment, KS

Restoration & Waterproofing

Robinson Middle School

SE 2

Security Transport Services

Shawnee County Dept of Corrections

Shawnee County Sheriff's Office

Skinny's Bar & Grill

Stormont Vail Healthcare

Todd Treinen

Topeka Correctional Facility

Topeka Harley-Davidson

Tractor Supply

USPF&O Central Issue Facility

USPF&O CIF Warehouse

USPF&O Kansas

Visit Topeka Inc



Waste Management

YMCA of Topeka


Circle USD #375

Valley Center

All Saints Cardiology

USD #262 Valley Center


Trego County Sheriff's Office

City of Wakeeney


Wellington Middle School


Increase Unlimited

Wichita 18th Judicial District Court Trustee

AAFES Base Exchange

ADT Security Services

Aeroflex Inc

Airsoft Sport Unlimited

American Red Cross

Aramark Correctional Services

Army Reserve Careers Division

Austin Distributing


Baker University

Balco Inc

BG Products

Big Brother & Big Sisters

Build A Better U

Burlington Coat Factory

Capital Federal Savings



Center Industries Corp.

Cessna Aircraft Co.

City of Wichita


College Hill Nursing & Rehab Center

Consumer Credit Counseling Service


Cox Communications

Cricket Communications

Davis Moore

Defense Contract Audit Agency

Denim & Diamonds

Dept of Veteran Affairs

Doc Howards

Statements of Support

Kansas ESGR volunteer Ron Frank gets a Statement of

Support signed by the Riley County Police Department

Director Brad Schoen.

Page 8: KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

K A N S A S E S G R 8

Nex-Tech Processing

Northcutt Trailers Inc.

OLC Global

Overhead Door Company

Protection One

Quick Trip

Rossi Motor Freight

Safelite Autoglass

Sears Holdling Co.

Sedgwick Count EMS

Spirit Aero Systems


Top Early Learning & Day Care Center

Travelers Insurance

Union Pacific Railroad

Universal Lubricants


US Military Recruiter



Via Christi St. Francis

Via Christi Medical Center

Village Inn


Wal-Mart # 1221

Waste Connections


Wesley Medical Center

Wichita Fire Dept

Wichita State University


Dondlinger & Sons Construction

Drywall Systems Inc.

Edward Jones

FACC Solutions Inc.

Flight Safety International

Field Maintenance Shop #3

Franklin Elementary

Franklins Barber & Beauty Salon

Galichia Heart Hospital

Genesis Health Club

H & R Block

H2 Drilling LLC

Hampton Inn & Suites

Hawker Beechcraft

Hussman Refrigeration

IBEW #271

Intrust Bank

Johnny Carinos

Kansas Army National Guard

Kansas Paving

Kice Industries


Koch Business Solutions

Koch Glitsch LP

Kristina Bishop


Metal Fab Inc.

Midwest Drywall

National Institute for Aviation

Statements of Support

G Co 2-135 GSAB CW2 Christopher Chartrand & Capt. Kennedy with businesses who received the Seven Seals Award for supporting their

deployment efforts




Yates Center

TS Constructions

Woodson County Ambulance Service

Woodson County EMS

Page 9: KS ESGR SUMMER 2010 Newsletter Long for Email

Kansas ESGR 9

Recipient Name Company Name City Nominator Name

Carl Haga Alma Foods Alma Roger Morrison

Alan Johnson Mastercarved Memorials Clay Center Erik Tipsword

Janet Clark Mastercarved Memorials Clay Center Erik Tipsword

Eric Sperber Cornerstone Ag, LLC Colby Jordan Burris

Tom Frame Swift Transportation Edwardsville David Trowbridge

Barbara Wry Emporia Pet Food Emporia Jeffrey Harris

Gary Adock Emporia Pet Products Emporia Jeffrey Harris

Tom Ryder Emporia Pet Food Emporia Jeffrey Harris

President Dean Hollenbeck Flint Hills Technical College Emporia Steve Harmon

Cheryl Erickson Army Community Service Fort Riley Ben Ronning

Darryl Holland 88 RSC, ECS 33, DOA Fort Riley Earl Feiling

Aaron Henderson Dept of Army Civilian Police Ft. Leavenworth Allen Barnes

SGT Courtney Prewitt Garden City Police Department Garden City Gabriel Calvillo

Leroy Bourbon Bourbon Trucking, LLC Jewell Roger Meier

Teresa Smith 16th Circuit Court Kansas City David Mundy

Dr. Bob Whitman University of Kansas Hospital Kansas City John McLean

Tom Newman Miller Pipeline Kansas City Spencer Dugan

David Sommerla City of Leavenworth Parks & Recreation Department Leavenworth Matthew Fangohr

Ed Bare Steel & Pipe Supply Company Manhattan Victor Rincorn

Brenda Lebaron LifeTeam Newton David Owen

Bill Leuty Parsons State Hospital & Training Center Parsons Randy Badgett

North McArthur Long McArthur Ford Salina Lance Turner

West McArthur Long McArthur Ford Salina Lance Turner

James Davis presenting the Patriotic Employer Award to Mr. Darren Dupriest of Validity Screening Solutions in Overland Park Kansas on Thursday, April 22, 2010. Senior Airman Sean Lawrenz is also in the picture who nominated

Mr. Dupriest. There were about fifteen of their co-workers who joined us in the presentation. Mr. Dupriest was honored and very excited to receive the award. He said he that what they were doing by supporting the National Guard and Reserves was only a some contribution for all that our service men and women do for our country. This was a joyful experience and everyone was so excited!

from April 2010 through June 2010.

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K A N S A S E S G R 1 0

Chief of police for the city of Enterprise Tom Burns,

left, was presented the Patriotic Employer award by

Jerry Nichols a committee representative for ESGR,

David Toffelmire Glory Days Pizza Topeka Michael Mathewson

Dennis D'Orvilliers Goodyear Tire & Rubber Topeka Plant Topeka Anthony Harbour

Nick Saunders Glory Days Pizza Topeka Michael Mathewson

Ed Schulte Midwest Health Topeka Michelle Givens

Eve Kendall Shawnee County Juvenile Detention Center Topeka Michael Hogg

Jose Vasquez AutoZone Topeka Steven Baker

Juan Lopez Wal-Mart Topeka Kenneht Arnold

Department of Criminal Justice Wichita State University Wichita Ivan Hong

Marilea Pugh Exacta Aerospace Wichita Francisco Mendez

Damond Pollock Cessna Aircraft Company Wichita Dyer David

Doug Dale Product Manufacturing Corporation Wichita Ward Harold

Kari Gordon Via Christi Health St. Francis Wichita Casey Marck

Gary Goldsmiith, Wichita State University,

receives the Patriot Award.

Sgt. Reynolds presents a Patriot Award to his supervisor, Wayne Colwell of Durham School Services in Topeka. Wayne also signed a State-ment of Support.