Need for a tax reporting enabler With the increasing number of changes in tax and accounting regulations in India in the past few years, organisations are faced with a growing number of challenges in accounting and reporting for deferred taxes. There is a need to prepare tax calculations quickly but with a high degree of accuracy. It is, therefore, important for companies to look for technology-enabled capabilities for their tax-reporting requirements to match the pace of the environment they cater to. Some of the typical challenges faced by companies in their deferred tax reporting are as follows. KPMG in India’s deferred tax services An enabler for deferred tax reporting requirements Why KPMG in India • The combined offering under KPMG in India’s deferred tax services helps organisations overcome the major challenges outlined above while working closely with their tax function in assisting them to construct a technology- enabled model that delivers deferred tax reports swiftly, reliably and effectively. The offering is tailored to each company’s tax positions and requirements, including an analytical outlook on data and models that help in efficiently preparing and presenting deferred taxes disclosures in line with the requirements of Ind AS 12 Income taxes. Introduction to KPMG in India’s deferred tax services KPMG in India helps its clients prepare, analyse and report deferred tax computations by offering not just tax advisory services but also create customised automated models for deferred taxes. Our objective is to help make deferred tax reporting efficient, accurate and cost-effective which will allow the tax function to play a more tactical role in business. Trial balance iterations: updating tax calculations and reporting with last-minute changes and iterations to the trial balance Limited financial closing window: need for timely turnaround of deferred tax calculations and disclosures for period-end reporting Multiple workpapers and data points: need for organisation and standardisation of data collected from multiple stakeholders Version control: lack of control over updates by users Lack of standardisation: absence of a standard procedure and formats for reporting.

KPMG in India’s deferred tax services...Printed in India. (032_FLY1119_RU) KPMG in India contacts: Dinesh Jangid Partner CFO Advisory T: +91 22 3090 1953 E: [email protected] home.kpmg/in

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Page 1: KPMG in India’s deferred tax services...Printed in India. (032_FLY1119_RU) KPMG in India contacts: Dinesh Jangid Partner CFO Advisory T: +91 22 3090 1953 E: dinesh@kpmg.com home.kpmg/in

Need for a tax reporting enabler With the increasing number of changes in tax and accounting regulations in India in the past few years, organisations are faced with a growing number of challenges in accounting and reporting for deferred taxes. There is a need to prepare tax calculations quickly but with a high degree of accuracy. It is, therefore, important for companies to look for technology-enabled capabilities for their tax-reporting requirements to match the pace of the environment they cater to.

Some of the typical challenges faced by companies in their deferred tax reporting are as follows.

KPMG in India’s deferred tax services An enabler for deferred tax reporting requirements

Why KPMG in India• The combined offering under KPMG in India’s deferred tax services helps

organisations overcome the major challenges outlined above while working closely with their tax function in assisting them to construct a technology-enabled model that delivers deferred tax reports swiftly, reliably and effectively. The offering is tailored to each company’s tax positions and requirements, including an analytical outlook on data and models that help in efficiently preparing and presenting deferred taxes disclosures in line with the requirements of Ind AS 12 Income taxes.

Introduction to KPMG in India’s deferred tax services KPMG in India helps its clients prepare, analyse and report deferred tax computations by offering not just tax advisory services but also create customised automated models for deferred taxes.

Our objective is to help make deferred tax reporting efficient, accurate and cost-effective which will allow the tax function to play a more tactical role in business.

Trial balance iterations: updating tax calculations and reporting with last-minute changes and iterations to the trial balance

Limited financial closing window: need for timely turnaround of deferred tax calculations and disclosures for period-end reporting

Multiple workpapers and data points: need for organisation and standardisation of data collected from multiple stakeholders

Version control: lack of control over updates by users

Lack of standardisation: absence of a standard procedure and formats for reporting.

Page 2: KPMG in India’s deferred tax services...Printed in India. (032_FLY1119_RU) KPMG in India contacts: Dinesh Jangid Partner CFO Advisory T: +91 22 3090 1953 E: dinesh@kpmg.com home.kpmg/in

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

© 2019 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

The KPMG name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.

Printed in India. (032_FLY1119_RU)

KPMG in India contacts:Dinesh JangidPartner CFO AdvisoryT: +91 22 3090 1953 E: [email protected]


Sai VenkateshwaranPartner and Head CFO Advisory T: +91 22 3090 2020E: [email protected]

Follow us on: home.kpmg/in/socialmedia

Key features and potential benefits

1. Efficient processing• Balances directly uploaded from entity’s trial balance• Automates book-tax adjustments at a general ledger or

standardised chart of account level• Significant man hours saved.

3. Data management• Acts as a repository for maintaining supporting documentation

in a single workbook• Strong data validation and multiple checks to enhance

accuracy• Mechanism for reporting of previous-year adjustments (true-ups).

5. Aggregation capabilities• Enables aggregation of deferred tax positions at a group level• Includes multiple entities and relationships i.e. subsidiaries,

joint ventures, associates, step-subsidiaries• Calculates deferred tax impacts of outside basis differences.

2. Customisable construct• Tailored diagnosis and set-up activity• Customisation of reports and input forms based on client-

specific requirements• Enables mapping of balances at required chart of account level.

6. Enhanced capabilities• Generates key disclosure requirements for deferred taxes

as per Ind AS 12• Analytical dashboard for internal tracking and reporting• Tailored output for disclosure formats as per statutory financials.

4. Roll forward of balances• Facilitates roll forward of previous year/quarter balances.