Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 1 (VO) (707.003) Map-Reduce Denis Helic KTI, TU Graz Oct 24, 2013 Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 1 / 82

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 1 (VO) (707.003) - Map ...kti.tugraz.at/staff/denis/courses/kddm1/mapreduce.pdf · Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 1 (VO) (707.003) Map-Reduce

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Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 1 (VO) (707.003)Map-Reduce

Denis Helic

KTI, TU Graz

Oct 24, 2013

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 1 / 82

Big picture: KDDM

Linear Algebra Map-Reduce

Mathematical Tools Infrastructure

Knowledge Discovery Process

Information Theory Statistical Inference

Probability Theory

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 2 / 82


1 Motivation

2 Large Scale Computation

3 Map-Reduce

4 Environment

5 Map-Reduce Skew


Slides are partially based on “Mining Massive Datasets” course fromStanford University by Jure Leskovec

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 3 / 82



Today’s data is huge

ChallengesHow to distribute computation?Distributed/parallel programming is hard

Map-reduce addresses both of these points

Google’s computational/data manipulation modelElegant way to work with huge data

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 4 / 82


Single node architecture




Data fits in memory

Machine learning, statistics

“Classical” data mining

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 5 / 82


Motivation: Google example

20+ billion Web pages

Approx. 20 KB per page

Approx. 400+ TB for the whole Web

Approx. 1000 hard drives to store the Web

A single computer reads 30− 35 MB/s from disk

Approx. 4 months to read the Web with a single computer

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 6 / 82


Motivation: Google example

Takes even more time to do something with the data

E.g. to calculate the PageRank

If m is the number of the links on the Web

Average degree on the Web is approx. 10, thus m ≈ 2 · 1011

To calculate PageRank we need per iteration step m multiplications

We need approx. 100+ iteration steps

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 7 / 82


Motivation: Google example

Today a standard architecture for such problems is emerging

Cluster of commodity Linux nodes

Commodity network (ethernet) to connect them

2− 10 Gbps between racks

1 Gbps within racks

Each rack contains 16− 64 nodes

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 8 / 82


Cluster architecture













... ... ...

Switch Switch


Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 9 / 82


Motivation: Google example

2011 estimation: Google had approx. 1 million machines



Other examples: Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc.

But also smaller examples: e.g. Wikipedia

Single source shortest path: m + n time complexity, approx. 260 · 106

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 10 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Large scale computation

Large scale computation for data mining on commodity hardware


How to distribute computation?

How can we make it easy to write distributed programs?

How to cope with machine failures?

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 11 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Large scale computation: machine failures

One server may stay up 3 years (1000 days)

The failure rate per day: p = 10−3

How many failures per day if we have n machines?

Binomial r.v.

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 12 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Large scale computation: machine failures

One server may stay up 3 years (1000 days)

The failure rate per day: p = 10−3

How many failures per day if we have n machines?

Binomial r.v.

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 12 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Large scale computation: machine failures

PMF of a Binomial r.v.

p(k) =



)(1− p)n−kpk

Expectation of a Binomial r.v.

E [X ] = np

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 13 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Large scale computation: machine failures

n = 1000, E [X ] = 1

If we have 1000 machines we lose one per day

n = 1000000, E [X ] = 1000

If we have 1 million machines (Google) we lose 1 thousand per day

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 14 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise


Suppose a job consists of n tasks, each of which takes time T seconds.Thus, if there are no failures, the sum over all compute nodes of the timetaken to execute tasks at that node is nT . Suppose also that theprobability of a task failing is p per job per second, and when a task fails,the overhead of management of the restart is such that it adds 10Tseconds to the total execution time of the job. What is the total expectedexecution time of the job?


Example 2.4.1 from “Mining Massive Datasets”.

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 15 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

Failure of a single task is a Bernoulli r.v. with parameter p

The number of failures in n tasks is a Binomial with parameter n andp

PMF of a Binomial r.v.

p(k) =



)(1− p)n−kpk

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 16 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

The time until the first failure of a task is a Geometric r.v. withparameter p


p(k) = (1− p)k−1p

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 17 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

If we go to very fine scales we can approximate a Geometric r.v. withan Exponential r.v. with λ = p

The time (T ) until a task fails is distributed exponentially


f (t;λ) =

{λe−λt , t ≥ 0

0, t < 0


F (t;λ) =

{1− e−λt , t ≥ 0

0, t < 0

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 18 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

Expected execution time of a task

E [T ] = PSTS + PF (E [TL] + TR + E [T ])

PS = 1− PF

PF = 1− e−λTs

PS = e−λTs

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 19 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

Expected execution time of a task

E [T ] = PSTS + PF (E [TL] + TR + E [T ])

PS = 1− PF

PF = 1− e−λTs

PS = e−λTs

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 19 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

After simplifying, we get:

E [T ] = TS +PF

1− PF(E [TL] + TR)


1− PF=

1− e−λTS


= eλTS − 1 (1)

E [T ] = TS + (eλTS − 1)(E [TL] + TR)

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 20 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

E [TL] =?

What is PDF of TL

TL models time lost because of failure

Time is lost if and only if a failure occurs before the task finishes, i.e.we know that within [0,TS ] a failure has occurred

Let this be an event B

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 21 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

What is P(B)?

P(B) = F (TS) = 1− e−λTS

Our TL is now a r.v. conditioned on event B

I.e. we are interested in the probability of event A (failure occurs attime t < TS) given that B occurred

P(A) = λe−λt

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 22 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

P(A|B) =P(A ∩ B)


What is A ∩ B?

A: failure occurs at time t < TS

B: failure occurs within [0,TS ]

A ∩ B: failure occurs at time t < TS

A ∩ B = A

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 23 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

P(A|B) =P(A)


PDF of a r.v. TL

f (t) =λe−λt

1− e−λTS

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 24 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

Expectation E [TL]:

E [TL] =

∫ ∞−∞

tf (t)dt

E [TL] =

∫ TS



1− e−λTSdt


1− e−λTS

∫ TS

0tλe−λtdt (2)

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 25 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

E [TL] =1

1− e−λTS

[−te−λt − e−λt





λ− TS

eλTS − 1

E [T ] = TS + (e−λTS − 1)(1

λ− TS

eλTS − 1+ TR)

= (eλTS − 1)(1

λ+ TR) (3)

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 26 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Coping with node failures: Exercise

For a single task:

E [T ] = (epT − 1)(1

p+ 10T )

For n tasks:

E [T ] = n(epT − 1)(1

p+ 10T )

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 27 / 82

Large Scale Computation


Using this information we can improve scheduling

We can also optimize checking for node failures

Check-pointing strategies

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 28 / 82

Large Scale Computation

Large scale computation: data copying

Copying data over network takes time

Bring data closer to computation

I.e. process data locally at each node

Replicate data to increase reliability

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 29 / 82


Solution: Map-reduce

Storage infrastructure

Distributed file systemGoogle: GFSHadoop: HDFS

Programming model


Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 30 / 82


Storage infrastructure

Problem: if node fails how to store a file persistently

Distributed file systemProvides global file namespace

Typical usage pattern

Huge files: several 100s GB to 1 TBData is rarely updated in placeReads and appends are common

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 31 / 82


Distributed file system

Chunk servers

File is split into contiguous chunksTypically each chunk is 16− 64 MBEach chunk is replicated (usually 2x or 3x)Try to keep replicas in different racks

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 32 / 82


Distributed file system

Master node

Stores metadata about where files are storedMight be replicated

Client library for file access

Talks to master node to find chunk serversConnects directly to chunk servers to access data

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 33 / 82


Distributed file system

Reliable distributed file system

Seamless recovery from node failures

Bring computation directly to data

Chunk servers also used as computation nodes

Reliable distributed file system Data kept in “chunks” spread across machines Each chunk replicated on different machines Seamless recovery from disk or machine failure

C0 C1

C2 C5

Chunk server 1



Chunk server 3


C3 C5

Chunk server 2

… C2 D0


Bring computation directly to the data!

C0 C5

Chunk server N

C2 D0

1/8/2013 Jure Leskovec, Stanford CS246: Mining Massive Datasets, http://cs246.stanford.edu 33

Chunk servers also serve as compute servers

Figure: Figure from slides by Jure Leskovec

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 34 / 82


Programming model: Map-reduce

Running example

We want to count the number of occurrences for each word in a collectionof documents. In this example, the input file is a repository of documents,and each document is an element.


Example is meanwhile a standard Map-reduce example.

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 35 / 82


Programming model: Map-reduce

words input_file | sort | uniq -c

Three step process1 Split file into words, each word on a separate line2 Group and sort all words3 Count the occurrences

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 36 / 82


Programming model: Map-reduce

This captures the essence of Map-reduce


Naturally parallelizable

E.g. split and count

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 37 / 82


Programming model: Map-reduce

Sequentially read a lot of data

Map: extract something that you care about (key , value)

Group by key: sort and shuffle

Reduce: Aggregate, summarize, filter or transform

Write the result


Outline is always the same: Map and Reduce change to fit the problem

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 38 / 82


Programming model: Map-reduce

2.2. MAP-REDUCE 23

possibility that one of these tasks will fail to execute. In brief, a map-reducecomputation executes as follows:

1. Some number of Map tasks each are given one or more chunks from adistributed file system. These Map tasks turn the chunk into a sequenceof key-value pairs. The way key-value pairs are produced from the inputdata is determined by the code written by the user for the Map function.

2. The key-value pairs from each Map task are collected by a master con-troller and sorted by key. The keys are divided among all the Reducetasks, so all key-value pairs with the same key wind up at the same Re-duce task.

3. The Reduce tasks work on one key at a time, and combine all the val-ues associated with that key in some way. The manner of combinationof values is determined by the code written by the user for the Reducefunction.

Figure 2.2 suggests this computation.


Groupby keys



their valuesKeys with all




(k, [v, w,...])

Figure 2.2: Schematic of a map-reduce computation

2.2.1 The Map Tasks

We view input files for a Map task as consisting of elements, which can beany type: a tuple or a document, for example. A chunk is a collection ofelements, and no element is stored across two chunks. Technically, all inputs

Figure: Figure from the book: “Mining massive datasets”

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 39 / 82


Programming model: Map-reduce

Input: a set of (key , value) pairs (e.g. key is the filename, value is asingle line in the file)

Map(k , v)→ (k ′, v ′)∗

Takes a (k, v) pair and outputs a set of (k ′, v ′) pairsThere is one Map call for each (k , v) pair

Reduce(k ′, (v ′)∗)→ (k ′′, v ′′)∗

All values v ′ with same key k ′ are reduced together and processed in v ′

orderThere is one Reduce call for each unique k ′

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 40 / 82


Programming model: Map-reduce

Big Document

Star Wars is anAmerican epicspace operafranchise centeredon a film seriescreated by GeorgeLucas. The filmseries has spawnedan extensive mediafranchise called theExpanded Universeincluding books,television series,computer and videogames, and comicbooks. Thesesupplements to thetwo film trilogies...


(Star, 1)(Wars, 1)

(is, 1)(an, 1)

(American, 1)(epic, 1)

(space, 1)(opera, 1)

(franchise, 1)(centered, 1)

(on, 1)(a, 1)

(film, 1)(series, 1)

(created, 1)(by, 1). . .. . .

Group by key

(Star, 1)(Star, 1)(Wars, 1)(Wars, 1)

(a, 1)(a, 1)(a, 1)(a, 1)(a, 1)(a, 1)

(film, 1)(film, 1)(film, 1)

(franchise, 1)(series, 1)(series, 1)

. . .

. . .


(Star, 2)(Wars, 2)

(a, 6)(film, 3)

(franchise, 1)(series, 2)

. . .

. . .

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 41 / 82


Programming model: Map-reduce

map(key, value):

// key: document name

// value: a single line from a document

foreach word w in value:

emit(w, 1)

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 42 / 82


Programming model: Map-reduce

reduce(key, values):

// key: a word

// values: an iterator over counts

result = 0

foreach count c in values:

result += c

emit(key, result)

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 43 / 82


Map-reduce computation

Map-reduce environment takes care of:1 Partitioning the input data2 Scheduling the program’s execution across a set of machines3 Performing the group by key step4 Handling machine failures5 Managing required inter-machine communication

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 44 / 82


Map-reduce computation

1/8/2013 Jure Leskovec, Stanford CS246: Mining Massive Datasets, http://cs246.stanford.edu 43

Big document

MAP: Read input and

produces a set of key-value pairs

Group by key: Collect all pairs with

same key (Hash merge, Shuffle,

Sort, Partition)

Reduce: Collect all values belonging to the key and output

Figure: Figure from the course by Jure Leskovec (Stanford University)

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 45 / 82


Map-reduce computation

1/8/2013 Jure Leskovec, Stanford CS246: Mining Massive Datasets, http://cs246.stanford.edu 44

All phases are distributed with many tasks doing the work Figure: Figure from the course by Jure Leskovec (Stanford University)

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 46 / 82


Data flow

Input and final output are stored in distributed file system

Scheduler tries to schedule map tasks close to physical storagelocation of input data

Intermediate results are stored on local file systems of Map andReduce workers

Output is often input to another Map-reduce computation

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 47 / 82


Coordination: Master

Master node takes care of coordination

Task status, e.g. idle, in-progress, completed

Idle tasks get scheduled as workers become available

When a Map task completes, it notifies the master about the size andlocation of its intermediate files

Master pushes this info to reducers

Master pings workers periodically to detect failures

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 48 / 82


Map-reduce execution details

2.2. MAP-REDUCE 27











fork forkfork

Mapassign assign




Figure 2.3: Overview of the execution of a map-reduce program

executing at a particular Worker, or completed). A Worker process reports tothe Master when it finishes a task, and a new task is scheduled by the Masterfor that Worker process.

Each Map task is assigned one or more chunks of the input file(s) andexecutes on it the code written by the user. The Map task creates a file foreach Reduce task on the local disk of the Worker that executes the Map task.The Master is informed of the location and sizes of each of these files, and theReduce task for which each is destined. When a Reduce task is assigned by theMaster to a Worker process, that task is given all the files that form its input.The Reduce task executes code written by the user and writes its output to afile that is part of the surrounding distributed file system.

2.2.6 Coping With Node Failures

The worst thing that can happen is that the compute node at which the Masteris executing fails. In this case, the entire map-reduce job must be restarted.But only this one node can bring the entire process down; other failures will bemanaged by the Master, and the map-reduce job will complete eventually.

Suppose the compute node at which a Map worker resides fails. This fail-ure will be detected by the Master, because it periodically pings the Workerprocesses. All the Map tasks that were assigned to this Worker will have tobe redone, even if they had completed. The reason for redoing completed Map

Figure: Figure from the book: “Mining massive datasets”

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 49 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Maximizing parallelism

If we want maximum parallelism then

Use one Reduce task for each reducer (i.e. a single key and itsassociated value list)Execute each Reduce task at a different compute node

The plan is typically not the best one

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 50 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Maximizing parallelism

There is overhead associated with each task we create

We might want to keep the number of Reduce tasks lower than thenumber of different keysWe do not want to create a task for a key with a “short” list

There are often far more keys than there are compute nodes

E.g. count words from Wikipedia or from the Web

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 51 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew: Exercise


Suppose we execute the word-count map-reduce program on a largerepository such as a copy of the Web. We shall use 100 Map tasks andsome number of Reduce tasks.

1 Do you expect there to be significant skew in the times taken by thevarious reducers to process their value list? Why or why not?

2 If we combine the reducers into a small number of Reduce tasks, say10 tasks, at random, do you expect the skew to be significant? Whatif we instead combine the reducers into 10,000 Reduce tasks?


Example is based on the example 2.2.1 from “Mining Massive Datasets”.

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 52 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Maximizing parallelism

There is often significant variation in the lengths of value list fordifferent keys

Different reducers take different amounts of time to finish

If we make each reducer a separate Reduce task then the taskexecution times will exhibit significant variance

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 53 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

Input data skew describes an uneven distribution of the number ofvalues per key

Examples include power-law graphs, e.g. the Web or Wikipedia

Other data with Zipfian distribution

E.g. the number of word occurrences

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 54 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Power-law (Zipf) random variable


p(k) =k−α


k ∈ N, k ≥ 1, α > 1

ζ(α) is the Riemann zeta function

ζ(α) =∞∑k=1


Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 55 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Power-law (Zipf) random variable

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19k












ty o

f k

Probability mass function of a Zipf random variable; differing α values



Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 56 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Power-law (Zipf) input data

0 2 4 6 8 10 12100






Key size: sum=189681,µ=1.897,σ2 =58.853

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 57 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Tackling input data skew

We need to distribute a skewed (power-law) input data into a numberof reducers/Reduce tasks/compute nodes

The distribution of the key lengths inside of reducers/Reducetasks/compute nodes should be approximately normal

The variance of these distributions should be smaller than the originalvariance

If variance is small an efficient load balancing is possible

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 58 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Tackling input data skew

Each Reduce task receives a number of keys

The total number of values to process is the sum of the number ofvalues over all keys

The average number of values that a Reduce task processes is theaverage of the number of values over all keys

Equivalently, each compute node receives a number of Reduce tasks

The sum and average for a compute node is the sum and averageover all Reduce tasks for that node

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 59 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Tackling input data skew

How should we distribute keys to Reduce tasks?

Uniformly at random

Other possibilities?

Calculate the capacity of a single Reduce task

Add keys until capacity is reached, etc.

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 60 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Tackling input data skew

How should we distribute keys to Reduce tasks?

Uniformly at random

Other possibilities?

Calculate the capacity of a single Reduce task

Add keys until capacity is reached, etc.

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 60 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Tackling input data skew

How should we distribute keys to Reduce tasks?

Uniformly at random

Other possibilities?

Calculate the capacity of a single Reduce task

Add keys until capacity is reached, etc.

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 60 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Tackling input data skew

We are averaging over a skewed distribution

Are there laws that describe how the averages of sufficiently largesamples drawn from a probability distribution behaves?

In other words, how are the averages of samples of a r.v. distributed?

Central-limit Theorem

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 61 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Tackling input data skew

We are averaging over a skewed distribution

Are there laws that describe how the averages of sufficiently largesamples drawn from a probability distribution behaves?

In other words, how are the averages of samples of a r.v. distributed?

Central-limit Theorem

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 61 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Central-Limit Theorem

The central-limit theorem describes the distribution of the arithmeticmean of sufficiently large samples of independent and identicallydistributed random variables

The means are normally distributed

The mean of the new distribution equals the mean of the originaldistribution

The variance of the new distribution equals σ2

n , where σ2 is thevariance of the original distribution

Thus, we keep the mean and reduce the variance

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 62 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Central-Limit Theorem


Suppose X1, . . . ,Xn are independent and identical r.v. with theexpectation µ and variance σ2. Let Y be a r.v. defined as:

Yn =1




The CDF Fn(y) tends to PDF of a normal r.v. with the mean µ andvariance σ2 for n→∞:


Fn(y) =1√


∫ y




Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 63 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Central-Limit Theorem

Practically, it is possible to replace Fn(y) with a normal distributionfor n > 30

We should always average over at least 30 values


Approximating uniform r.v. with a normal r.v. by sampling and averaging

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 64 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Central-Limit Theorem

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00










Averages: µ=0.5,σ2 =0.08333

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 65 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Central-Limit Theorem

0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.700









Averages: µ=0.499,σ2 =0.00270

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 66 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Central-Limit Theorem

IPython Notebook examples



Command Line

ipython notebook –pylab=inline clt.ipynb

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 67 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

We can reduce impact of the skew by using fewer Reduce tasks thanthere are reducers

If keys are sent randomly to Reduce tasks we average over value listlengths

Thus, we average over the total time for each Reduce task(Central-limit Theorem)

We should make sure that the sample size is large enough (n > 30)

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 68 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

We can further reduce the skew by using more Reduce tasks thanthere are compute nodes

Long Reduce tasks might occupy a compute node fully

Several shorter Reduce tasks are executed sequentially at a singlecompute node

Thus, we average over the total time for each compute node(Central-limit Theorem)

We should make sure that the sample size is large enough (n > 30)

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 69 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

0 2 4 6 8 10 12100






Key size: sum=196524,µ=1.965,σ2 =243.245

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 70 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

0 200 400 600 800 10000










Task key size: sum=196524,µ=196.524,σ2 =25136.428

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 71 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

0 1 2 3 4 5 6100



Task key averages: µ=1.958,σ2 =1.886

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 72 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

0 2 4 6 8 100






Node key size: sum=196524,µ=19652.400,σ2 =242116.267

Node key averages: µ=1.976,σ2 =0.030

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 73 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

IPython Notebook examples



Command Line

ipython notebook –pylab=inline mrskew.ipynb

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 74 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew


Sometimes a Reduce function is associative and commutative

Commutative: x ◦ y = y ◦ x

Associative: (x ◦ y) ◦ z = x ◦ (y ◦ z)

The values can be combined in any order, with the same result

The addition in reducer of the word count example is such anoperation

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 75 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew


When the Reduce function is associative and commutative we canpush some of the reducers’ work to the Map tasks

E.g. instead of emitting (w , 1), (w , 1), . . .

We can apply the Reduce function within the Map task

In that way the output of the Map task is “combined” beforegrouping and sorting

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 76 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew



(Star, 1)(Wars, 1)

(is, 1). . .

(American, 1)(epic, 1)

(space, 1). . .

(franchise, 1)(centered, 1)

(on, 1). . .

(film, 1)(series, 1)

(created, 1). . .. . .. . .


(Star, 2). . .

(Wars, 2)(a, 6). . .

(a,3). . .

(film, 3)(franchise, 1)

(series, 2). . .. . .. . .

Group by key

(Star, 2)(Wars, 2)

(a, 6)(a, 3)(a, 4). . .

(film, 3)(franchise, 1)

(series, 2). . .. . .. . .


(Star, 2)(Wars, 2)

(a, 13)(film, 3)

(franchise, 1)(series, 2)

. . .

. . .

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 77 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew: Exercise


Suppose we execute the word-count map-reduce program on a largerepository such as a copy of the Web. We shall use 100 Map tasks andsome number of Reduce tasks.

1 Do you expect there to be significant skew in the times taken by thevarious reducers to process their value list? Why or why not?

2 If we combine the reducers into a small number of Reduce tasks, say10 tasks, at random, do you expect the skew to be significant? Whatif we instead combine the reducers into 10,000 Reduce tasks?

3 Suppose we do use a combiner at the 100 Map tasks. Do you expectskew to be significant? Why or why not?

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 78 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

0 2 4 6 8 10 12100






Key size: sum=195279,µ=1.953,σ2 =83.105

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 79 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7100






Task key averages: µ=1.793,σ2 =10.986

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 80 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Input data skew

IPython Notebook examples



Command Line

ipython notebook –pylab=inline combiner.ipynb

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 81 / 82

Map-Reduce Skew

Map-Reduce: Exercise


Suppose we have an n× n matrix M, whose element in row i and column jwill be denoted mij . Suppose we also have a vector v of length n, whosejth element is vj . Then the matrix-vector product is the vector x of lengthn, whose ith element is given by

xi =n∑



Outline a Map-Reduce program that calculates the vector x.

Denis Helic (KTI, TU Graz) KDDM1 Oct 24, 2013 82 / 82