Running head: PRESENTATION HANDOUTS 1 “Is the OCAIRS a Suitable Hospice OT Outcome Measure?” Presentation Handouts Janice Kishi Chow OT 8901 Capstone Projects

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“Is the OCAIRS a Suitable Hospice OT Outcome Measure?”

Presentation Handouts

Janice Kishi Chow

OT 8901 Capstone Projects


Included in this packet are the following handouts:

1) OCAIRS Literature Matrix

2) OCAIRS Mental Health Questions Form

3) OCAIRS Data Summary Form

4) Scaled Levels of Goal Attainment Scaling

5) References

Please note that Occupational Circumstances Assessment and Interview Rating

Scale (OCAIRS) (Forsyth, et al., 2006) handouts are provided as illustrative examples

and not intended for use without reference to the OCAIRS assessment manual for

procedural instruction.

For comments or questions, please contact Janice Kishi Chow at

[email protected] or [email protected].




OCAIRS Literature Matrix

Citation Population Purpose Methods/Design Summary/Applicability

Broiler, C., Watts, J. H., Bauer, D., & Schmidt, W. A. (1989). Concurrent validity study of two occupational therapy evaluation instruments: the AOF and OCAIRS. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 8, 49-59.

Inpatient psychiatric patients with schizophrenia, n=41

Test the concurrent validity of OCAIRS with Assessment of Occupational Functioning (AOF)

Pearson’s correlation coefficient, n=41, r=0.55; n=39, r=0.65

Moderate correlation with AOF

Haglund, L., & Henriksson, C. (1994). Testing a Swedish version of OCAIRS on two different patient groups. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(4), 223-230.

Compared acute inpatient psychiatric n=6 and chronic muscular pain patients n=6

Test interrater reliability and content validity

Intraclass correlation coefficient (0.56-0.82)Insufficient evidence for content validity

Adequate to poor interrater reliability. Insufficient evidence for content validity

Haglund, L., Thorell, L., & Walinder, J. (1998a). Assessment of occupational functioning for screening of patients to occupational therapy in general psychiatric care. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 4, 193-206.

Swedish adult psychiatric patients, n=145

Test interrater reliability

Intraclass correlation coefficient (0.88-0.96)

Excellent interrater reliability

Kaplan, K. (1984). Short-term assessment: The need and a response. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 4, 29-45.

One case study, adult inpatient psychiatric

Test content validity and interrater reliability

Intraclass correlation coefficient (0.318-0.812)

Adequate to poor interrater reliability

Lai, J., Haglund, L., & Kielhofner, G. (1999). Occupational case analysis interview and rating scale: an examination of construct validity. Scandinavian Journal of CaringSciences, 13, 276-273.

Psychiatric patients from 3 hospitals n=145

Evaluate construct validity and quality of rating scale

Rasch analysis of 6 raters of 145 subjects. 10 domains evaluated. Acceptable ranges: MnSq=0.7 to1.3. 9 of 10 domains ranged 0.6 to 1.4, ZStd≤2.0.

Considered valid measure for occupational adaptation

Watts, J. H., Broiler, C., Bauer, D., & Schmidt, W. (1989). A comparison of two evaluation instruments used with psychiatric patients in occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 8, 7-27.

Clients with schizophrenia, n=41

Test criterion validity with AOF

Correlated with AOFPearson’s correlation coefficient, n=41, r=0.86

High correlation with AOF,Excellent criterion validity



OCAIRS Mental Health Interview Questions Form

Page 1 of 2 (Forsyth, et al., 2006, p. 31)



OCAIRS Mental Health Interview Questions Form

Page 2 of 2 (Forsyth, et al., 2006, p. 30)



OCAIRS Data Summary Form (Forsyth, et al., 2006, p. 75)



Scaled Levels of Goal Attainment Scaling

(Kiresuk & Sherman, 1968; Mailloux et al., 2007)

Rating Level Description-2 Much less than expected outcome-1 Somewhat less than expected outcome0 Expected outcome+1 Somewhat more than expected outcome+2 Much more than expected outcome




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