King of the North Part7

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  • 8/14/2019 King of the North Part7



    FirmOurVolume 23, Number 7 July 2008

    The Seventh-day Sabbath Christ Our Righteousness The Immutable Law of God

    The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels Messages The Sanctuary

    You Are Bought

    With a Price

    Part 3

    Importance of Receivingthe Holy SpiritPolitically Incorrect


    Is God Particular?Part 2

    The King of the NorthPart 7

    Does the Bible

    Contradict Itself?Page 12

    A Study of An Apparent

    Contradiction in ScriptureFanaticism In Diet - Part 2

  • 8/14/2019 King of the North Part7



    Theological Waymarks

    Joe Olson


    Joe Olson serves as theexecutive director and

    chairman of the board

    of Hope International. He

    also travels as an

    international speaker


    cided thatwe are going to move theTheologicalWaymarkssectionof Thereasonforthemoveisthatthereissomuch informationto sharewithyou,wesimplycannotputallofitintothemagazinewithouteithertakingupthewholemagazineorhavingendlessparts.Wewanttobeabletomaintainsomesenseofcontinuity.Inordertodothat,weneedtohaveallofthematerialtogetherinoneplaceandonetime.

    Atourwebsite,wehave theluxuryofbeingabletoincludeallofthema-terialatonce,withouthavingtosacri-ce space or continuity of thought. Wehavetriedtopresentthematerialswehaveinasclearandconciseawayaswecan,butsomethingsgetlostovertimewhenyouhavethesamearticleineight,nineortenmagazines. Wehave struggledwithhow to getthematerials thatwehave out to thepeople without inundating themwithalotoftheneededdocumentationandhistorical perspectives.For those thathad been following the daily ar-ticles,eachmonthwetriedtoaddressanotherissueorerrorthathadcloudedthetruth.Unfortunately,becausethereweresomanyissuestoaddress,ittookseveralarticles. We have the goal of continuing tobring to you, with a rm thus sayeththe Lord, all ofthe truththathas inmanycasesbeencoveredupwithsu-perstition,unbeliefanderrorformany


    documentationaswecandiscover.Inordertodothis,weneedthefreedomofmorespaceinwhichtopresentthematerials we nd, and so we neednt beconcernedaboutwhatpeopleremem-berwassaidineachpreviousarticle. Wehavemanysubscribersthatgivetheirpastissuestootherstoread.Theysend them to foreign countries or toprisoners.Therearemanypeoplethatwanttoreadthemagazinethateithercannot afford it, orcannot afford theextrapostage toget itto them,espe-

    ciallyinthecaseofforeignpostage. Asaresult,thesepeoplecannoteasilygobacktopreviousissuesandrecapwhatwassaidinthelastfewmagazines.Thisistheproblemwehopetoaddressbyputtingallofthematerialtogetherinonecontinuousstrainforeachtopic.ItalsomakesitmucheasierforthosewhowanttodoBiblestudiesononeoftheparticulartopicsweaddress.Allofthematerialwillbeavailableforimmediatedownloadandprinting. Whatwillwedowiththespacethatisleftinthemagazine?Wealmostal-ways have a standing list of articleswaiting toget into themagazine, butspacelimitationshaveprohibitedthemfrombeingincludedinatimelyfashion.Someexcellentarticlesarestillinourreaders heads or hearts. We encourageyou to sharewith other readers yourpersonalstudies,spiritualinsights,andthe like.As time progresses,wewillneed to strengthen one another evermoreearnestly.Writingisonewayto


    spirational,soul-stirringmaterialfromthe pen of Inspiration. Lastly it wilgiveusmoreroomfortheNewswatcharticlesandhealtharticles. Itisaconstantjuggletotrytomakethemagazineeasytoreadandmakeispirituallyrelevantatthesametime,allthewhiletryingtomeettheneedsooursubscribers.WeneedyourconstantprayerandintercessionthatwemighfollowthepaththattheLordlaysoutforus. Wearestrivingtobe faithful stew-

    ards of the Lords blessings and everyissueofthemagazine,everyindividuaarticle,isgoneoverinaverypainstakingwaytomakesureitisalltruthandleadspeopletoadeeperandcloserre-lationshiptoJesusChrist. Whom shall he teach knowledge?andwhomshallhemaketounderstanddoctrine? them that are weaned fromthemilk,anddrawnfromthebreastsForpreceptmustbeuponprecept,preceptuponprecept;lineuponline,linuponline;herealittle,andtherealittle.Isaiah28:9,10. Weneednowtopresentthetruthinitsimportantbearings.Wearetowalkevery step understandingly. BlessedlightfromtheWordofGodistocometo the people. No new and strangethingistobeintroducednow,unlessiisprovedbymuchdiligent investiga-tion andmostearnestprayer.BlessedlightfromtheWordofGodisourstoreceiveand inassurancegivetopeo-ple.10MR313.

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    You Are Bought With APrice: The Penalty Death

    Part 3 - Page 4Barry J. Mellor

    Importance of Receivingthe Holy Spirit - Page 8

    Ellen G. White

    Politically IncorrectChristianityPage 10

    Maxim Balaklitsky; Maxim Serbin

    Table of ContentsVolume 23

    Number 7

    July 2008

    Fanaticism in Diet - Part 2Page 26

    Kevin Paulson

    Our Mission - It is the mission o Hope International and theeditors oOur Firm Foundation to clearly present Christ andHis truth. The days remaining or this world are ew, and wemust work quickly. We must boldly proclaim the historic truthso Adventism that place us on so frm a oundation in the midsto this troubled world. Editor

    Executive Director: Joe [email protected]

    Editor: Heidi [email protected]

    Director o Hope For Health: Heather Olson, R.N., [email protected]

    Bookstore Manager: Kaye [email protected]

    Layout & Design: Sherrie [email protected]

    Our Firm Foundation is published monthly by: Hope International

    P.O. Box 220Knoxville, Illinois 61448 USA

    Phone: 309.343.1844

    Fax: 309.343.3721Email: [email protected]:



    About Hope International - We are a lay ministry ounded, supported,and operated by Seventh-day Adventists to assist Gods Church in theproclamation o the Everlasting Gospel in every way that is consistent withthe principles o God as revealed in Inspiration.

    Invitation to Writers - We are accepting article-length manuscripts orpossible publication in Our Firm Foundation. We preer that submissions besubmitted in Word .doc ormat as a computer fle. Include a digital pictureand a short bio. Please address all correspondence to Editor, Our FirmFoundation, P.O. Box 220, Knoxville, IL 61448, or by email [email protected].

    Subscription Inormation: See page 30 Shipping & Sales Tax: See page 30

    Content credited in this publication is the property of its respective owner(s) and islicensed or used with permission. Other items are the property of Hope International.

    Cover Photo: All Photos unless otherwise noted:

    Sojourn To Egypt - Page 12Clark Floyd

    Is God Particular?Part 2 - Page 15

    Joe Olson

    Volume 23, Number 7 3

    Letters to the EditorPage 31

    Historical FootnotesPage 29

    Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Central TimeFriday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Central Time

    News Watch - Page 24

    The King Of the NorthPart 7 - Page 18

    Heidi Heiks

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    You Are BoughtWithA Price:

    The Penalty DeathPart 3


    Jesus could not have gained the victory

    over every element of the penalty death

    unless He, by faith, submitted

    to every element of the penalty itself.

    Faith, Not Feelings Did Jesus gain the victory beforeHedied?Absolutely!Thevictoryoverfeelings.Itwas inconscious faiththatJesusgainedthatvictory!Whatisfaith?Now faith is the substanceof thingshoped for, the evidence of things notseen. Hebrews11:1. Jesuscould notsee through the portals of the tomb.But had He not, shortly before, metwithMosesandElijahontheMountoftheTransfiguration?SeeThe Desire of

    Ages,421.HadMosesnotbeenraisedfromthegrave(firstdeath)?HadJesusHimself not recently called Lazarusback fromwhat Jesus Himself calledonlyasleep? So what grave could Jesus not seethrough?The grave of thosewho areeventually separated from God! Thegraveofsin,whichHehadbecomeforus.However,sincewehavetoexercisefaith in Gods Word, which Wordrelating to Gods justice did Jesus

    havetotrustin?SeeDeuteronomy8:3andMatthew4:4;seealsoLuke10:28Psalms 16:10 andActs2:2527. JesusknewthatHehaddonenowrong.Hehadnotpersonallyviolatedthelaw.Thsin which He had becomewas yoursandmine.SatancouldfindnothinginHim.

    Jesus Faith ThenSaves Us Now JustasHeassumedourfallenhumannature,soHealsoassumedoursinandbore fallenhumannatureand sin intothe gravean eternal gravefromwhichitwouldnotrisethesecondtimewhenallisfulfilled.ButasHehunginagonyonthecross,noneofthiscouldbeseen. Jesus had to trust in His FathersjusticethattheFatherwouldnotsufferHisHoly One to see corruption. HehadtotrustthatHisFatherwouldrais

    Him again afterHehad rested on theSabbathinthetomb.Itwasasupremeact of faith, on Jesus part, for Himto declare, It is finished. Fatherinto thy hands Icommendmy spirit.Rememberthejustshalllivebyfaith.Jesus is the just; it is His faith thasavesus.Hisfaithisthevictory!Alightencircledthecross,andthefaceoftheSaviourshonewithaglorylikethesun.HethenbowedHisheaduponHibreast,anddied.The Desire of Ages756.

    Nowthetempleveilistornfromtopto bottom. Now the sacrificial lambescapes from thenerveless fingers othepriest. TypehasmetantitypeinthedeathoGods Son. [Not in the tasting!] The greatsacrificehasbeenmade.Thewayintotheholiestislaidopen.Anewandlivingwayispreparedforall.Ibid.,757.

    The New and Living Way Whatisthisnewand livingway?WhatisthepowerthatraisedupJesusfromthedead; that assures redeemedman of eternal life; that is the key tosalvationfromsin(inwhichwearedeadand of victory over death (obviouslyvictoryovertheseconddeath)?Roman8:11,hastheanswer: But if theSpiritof himthatraisedupJesusfromthedeaddwellinyou,hethatraisedupChristfromthedeadshalalsoquickenyourmortalbodiesbyhiSpiritthatdwellethinyou. The permanent indwelling presence

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    oftheHolySpiritintheredeemedwasmade possibleonlyby Jesuseffectingthe reconciliation, by dying in sinfulmans placethereby remitting sinuntil its final termination. In John14:17, Jesus made the promise of theindwellingoftheComforterinthelivesofHisfollowers: EventheSpiritof truth;whom the

    worldcannot receive,becauseit seethhimnot, neither knowethhim: but yeknow him; for he dwellethwith you,andshallbeinyou. During Old Testament times theworking of the Holy Spirit on mensheartswaspredicateduponthepromiseof the redemption effected by JesussinlesslifeandHisdeathonourbehalf.The New Testament is based uponbetterpromises,forourreconciliationhasbeenaccomplished.Mancannowbecomeapermanentunionofhumanity

    anddivinityasJesuswasbybeingbornagainoftheSpiritandbyhaving,throughchoice,theindwellingpresenceof the Holy, Divine Spirit. ThatindwellingoftheHolySpiritcanbeforalleternityifwefaint not and passour earthly probation on Gods side oftheequation. Jesus said, And I will pray theFather, and he shall give you anotherComforter,thathemayabidewithyouforever.John14:16.

    Humanity and Divinity United WearewarnednottogrieveawaytheHolySpirit,wherebywearesealeduntothedayofredemption.TheindwellingpresenceoftheHolySpirittheunionof humanity with divinityis mansassurance of eternal life, for mans lifeisunitedtodivinityanddivinitycannotdie,whereasfallenhumanitywillperishforever. The redeemed only sleep.TheirlifeishidwithGodthroughtheagency of the mighty third person oftheGodhead:theHolySpirit.Whentheredeemed come forth from thegrave,theydosoinglorifiedhumanitylikeJesus!Thelivingsaintsarechangedinthetwinklingofaneyeandalsoreceiveglorifiedhumanity.

    Faith is the Victory InThe Desire of Ages,pg.756,wereadof Jesus final moments as He drankthelastofthecupofdeath:Amidtheawfuldarkness,apparentlyforsakenofGod,Christhaddrainedthelastdregs

    in the cup of human woe. [Notice, thisis the cup of human woe, not thefinal cup. Still not the penaltyof thelaw!] In those dreadful hours He hadrelied upon the evidence of His Fathersacceptance heretofore givenHim.Hewas acquaintedwith the character ofHisFather;HeunderstoodHisjustice,Hismercy,andHisgreatlove.

    The penalty threatened is notmerely temporal death, for all must

    suffer this. It is the second death, theopposite of everlasting life.

    By faithHe rested inHimwhomithadeverbeenHisjoytoobey.AndasinsubmissionHecommittedHimselftoGod [Jesus was now laying down Hislifelike Isaac, submitting Himselfto the sacrifice presided over by theFather], the sense [feeling] of the loss

    of His Fathers favor was withdrawn.By faith, Christ was victor. Jesuswas trustingHis Father to raise HimtorestoredandeternalunitywithHisFather.

    We Share His Victory ButiftheSpiritofHimthatraisedupJesusfromthedeaddwellinyou,HethatraisedupChristfromthedeadshallalsoquickenyourmortalbodiesbyHisSpiritthatdwellethinyou.Romans8:11. WhomGodhath raised up, having

    loosedthepainsofdeath....Acts2:29. Whoverilywasforeordainedbeforethe foundation of the world, but wasmanifestedintheselasttimesforyou:who by him do believe in God, thatraisedHimupfromthedead,andgaveHim glory, that your faith and hopemightbeinGod.1Peter1:20,21.

    Finishing His Work ChristdidnotyieldupHislifetillHehadaccomplished theworkwhichHecametodo....Whatworkwasthat?Itwastoshowthatfallenhumannature,unitedwithDivinitycanperfectlykeepGods law; to vindicate the characterofGod;toshowanddemonstratewhatGod is really like; to refute Satansmisrepresentations and to redeemfallen man. His act of submitting tothef inal, sacrificialphaseof thePlanofRedemptionwas thelastworkthatJesus had come to do on earth. ButdidtheFatherpermitHisHolyOnetoseedeath?Therewasnoonetostay

    the Fathers hand as there had been withAbraham. . . .AndwithHisparting breath He exclaimed, It is finished.The Desire of Ages,758.

    In death He [Jesus] gained the victoryover its [deaths] power; in rising againHeopenedthegatesofthegravetoallHis followers. Prophets and King701.

    In dying, He condemned theoriginatorofsinanddisloyaltytosufferthe penalty of sineternal death.Testimonies,vol.6,230. The battle had been won. Satanas well as sin and deathwhich areSatans powerhad been defeated bythefaithofJesus.Submissiontothepenalty for sinon behalf of fallenmanwas Jesus part in the sacrificeHow readily we forget the Fathers partthe performing of the sacrificethetaking of the Lambs life.

    His Fallen HumanityDied Forever

    ThefallenhumanityofJesusboresinto the grave. In justice, because JesuhadneversinnedinthatfallenhumanityGod the Father could raise Him upagain.SeeRomans8:11.However,letusnever forget that Jesus fallen humanitynever rose from the grave. Jesusfallenhumanitydied forever.Glorifiedhumanityrosefromthegrave.Sin,whichJesushadbecome,Heboretodeath

    eternaldeath.Jesuscondemned sin intheflesh.Romans8:3.Satanhewhohad the power of sin and deathwasdefeated; his power was now brokenSatans fate, sins fate, was now eternallysealed. The redeemed who have diedbefore Christs Second Coming will alcomeforthfromthegravewithglorifiedhumanity. Those redeemed who arestillaliveatHiscomingwillallreceiveglorified humanity before ascensionThismortalbodysubjecttoeternadeathmust put on immortality,becausethisfleshandbloodcannoinheritthekingdomofGod.However,thelostwillretaintheirfallenhumanity,andfinallyallfallenhumanitywill,togethewithsinanditsauthor,beconsumedrooandbrancheachsufferingthepenaltyof the lawas God performs Hisstrangeact.Bycontrast,theredeemedwilleternallypraiseGodtheFather,theSon,andtheHolySpiritthatJesuspaidthepenaltyforthem.

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    The Penalty Somehave stated thatin theSacredWritings they cannot find where it isstatedthatJesusdiedtheseconddeath!Aswehaveseen,theprophetusestheterm second death interchangeablywith the term eternal death, andthe prophet in both usages indicatesthat what these terms describe is the

    penaltyforsin.Theprophetalsoclearlystates andemphasizes that Jesus paidthat penalty. What other reasonableconclusioncanonecometootherthanthat Jesus paid the penalty which isclearly that deathwhich isdefinedasthepenalty? Through death He destroyed himthathadthepowerofdeath,thatis,thedevil. Hebrews 2:14. This act [dying]decidedthedestinyoftherebelchief,andmadeforeversuretheplanofsalvation.IndeathHegainedthevictoryoverits

    power; inrisingagain,HeopenedthegatesofthegravetoallHisfollowers.Prophets and Kings,7012. Thepenaltythreatenedisnotmerelytemporaldeath,forallmustsufferthis.Itis the seconddeath, the oppositeofeverlasting life. God cannot save thesinnerinhissins;buthedeclaresthatthewicked,havingsufferedthepunishmentof their guilt, shall beas though theyhadnotbeen.Saysaninspiredwriter,Thou shalt diligently consider hisplace, and it shall not be. Psalms 37:10.

    In consequence of Adams sin, deathpasseduponallmankind.Allalikegodown into the grave.But through theprovisionsoftheplanof salvation,allaretobebroughtforthfromtheirgraves.Then thosewho have not secured thepardon of their sins must receive thepenalty of transgression. They sufferpunishment varying in duration andintensityaccordingtotheirworks,butfinally ending in the second death.Covered with infamy, they sink intohopeless, eternal oblivion. The Spiritof Prophecy,vol.4,364.

    Through the provisionsof the plan of salvation,

    all are to be brought forthfrom their graves.

    The Lake of Fire andThe Second Death

    With consternation others refer toRevelation20:14: Anddeathandhellwerecastintothelakeoffire.Thisis

    notalwaysrefertotheonewhohasthefirstbirthday,but referstoa statusorstandingwithGod.

    When Was Victory Gained? IthasbeenpublishedabroadthatJesusgainedthevictoryoverdeathwhilestilalive and that He then died the firsdeath, rested fromHis victoryduringtheSabbathandthensimplyrosefromsleep [first death] on the first day oftheweek.ThetruthisthatJesusgainedaseriesofvictories,mostnotablyinthewildernesstemptation,intheGardenofGethsemane,and finallyonthe crossSee Prophets and Kings, 701.On the

    crossJesusgainedtheultimatevictorybest described inTestimonies, vol. 2209215: . . . The glorious Redeemer of alostworldwassufferingthepenaltyomans transgression of the Fathers lawHewasabouttoransomHispeoplewithHis own blood. [Only when His bloodwas shed was the ransom met.] .... Christ is dying! He is indespair! His Fathers approving smile isremoved,andangelsarenotpermittedtolightenthegloomoftheterriblehour

    They can only behold in amazementheirlovedCommander,theMajestyofheaven, suffering the penalty of manstransgression of the Fathers law.

    He is acquainted with the characterof His Father, with His justice, His

    mercy, and His great love,and in submission

    He drops into His hands.


    6 Our Firm Foundation

    theseconddeath.Andtheyreferalsoto Revelation 21:8: But the fearful,and unbelieving, and the abominable,andmurderers,andwhoremongers,andsorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars,shallhavetheirpartinthelakewhichburnethwithfireandbrimstone:whichistheseconddeath,implyingthatthelake of fire is being defined as the

    seconddeathandsinceJesusdidnotburninthelakeoffire,howcouldHehavediedtheseconddeath? Letuslookcloselyatthesestatementsto see whether they are correctlyunderstood.Revelation20:14 refers totwo abstracts being cast into the lakeof fire: firstly, death, and secondly,hell (or gehenna or sheol), whichis the grave. Is the lake of fire theseconddeath,oristhetotalandeternalelimination of these aspects of Satansruletheseconddeath?Personally,Isee

    thesetwoabstractsasrepresentinghimwhohasthepowerofsinanddeath,namelySatan.Anditisthelakeoffirethat finally and eternally eliminatesSatan(seeRevelation20:10)andallherepresents. That final elimination istheseconddeatheventhoughthisisthefirsttimethatSatanisdying.Onceagain,itseemstome,Inspirationusesthetermseconddeathasrepresentingthestateofeternaldeath. The second text, Revelation 21:8, isevenmoreclear.Theseconddeathis

    allthosevariousgradesofsinnershavingtheirpartinthelakeoffire.Whatistheirpartinthelakeoffire?Tosuffereternaldeathwhentheyareconsumed.Thetormentsofthelakeoffirethatthewicked suffer is the execution of Godsvengeance; the ultimate finale is thepenaltyorseconddeath. It is also to be noted that some ofthosefinallyexpiringinthelakeoffirehavepreviouslydiedattheendoftheirprobationary lives, have been raisedin a special resurrection to see Himcoming in the clouds of glory, havebeen destroyed by the brightness ofHis coming, are raised at the end atthemillenniumtodietheseconddeath(even though, for them, itis the thirdtimethattheydie).Thereafter,theyareas nothing for all eternity. The termseconddeathsimplydescribeseternaldeath, not necessarily the mechanismwhichbringsittopass.Itisatermusedtodescribethepenalty of the Law!Similarly, the term firstborn does

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    Amidtheawfuldarknesswhichisfeltbysympathizingnature,theRedeemerdrains the mysterious cup even to itsdregs. Denied even bright hope andconfidence in the triumphwhichwillbeHis in the future, He cries with aloud voice: Father, into Thy hands Icommend My spirit. He is acquaintedwith the character ofHisFather,with

    His justice,His mercy, andHis greatlove,andinsubmissionHedropsintoHishands....

    His Work on Earth Completed JesusdidnotyieldupHislifetillHehad accomplished the work whichHecame to do, [He lived a life sustainedby faitha life reflecting the uttertrustworthiness of the Father. LayingdownHis life in total submission andfaith was the ultimate victory] andexclaimedwithHisdepartingbreath:It

    is finished. Satan was then defeated. Heknewthathiskingdomwaslost.Angelsrejoicedasthewordswereuttered:Itisfinished. The great plan of redemption,which was dependent on the death ofChrist,hadbeenthusfarcarriedout.... When men and women can morefullycomprehendthemagnitudeofthegreatsacrificewhichwasmadebytheMajesty of heaven in dying in mansstead,thenwilltheplanofsalvationbemagnified, andreflectionsof Calvarywill awaken tender, sacred,andlively

    emotions in the Christians heart. . . .

    Considering at what an immensecost our salvation has been

    purchased, what will be the fateof those who neglect so great



    The Magnitude ofThe Atonement

    . . . Some have limited views ofthe atonement.They think that Christsuffered only a small portion of thepenaltyofthelawofGod.TheysupposethatwhilethewrathofGodwasfeltbyHis dearSon,he had, through all Hispainful sufferings, theevidenceofHisFathers love and acceptance; that theportals of the tomb before Him wereilluminatedwithbright hope, and that

    He had the abiding evidence of Hisfutureglory.Hereisagreatmistake.... The sins of the world were uponHim, also the sense of His Fatherswrath as He suffered the penalty ofthelawtransgressed.ItwasthesethacrushedHisdivinesoul.... When the atonement is viewedcorrectly,thesalvationofsoulswillbe


    Error Must Be Met;Truth Established

    Is it important to understand andto teach the difference between theconcepts of Jesus dying either thefirstortheseconddeath?Ibelievethestatement in Testimonies, vol. 5, 292whichstates,ErrorisneverharmlessIt never sanctifies, but always bringsconfusionand dissension. It isalwaydangerous. Jesusstatedthat theHoly

    Spirit, which He sends, would guideHis followers into all truth, thatHisfollowerswouldknowthetruthandthetruthwouldsetthemfree. Itiserrorwhichattemptstoinsinuateitself among Gods remnant and bringabout division. That is why Godsprophet has declared that error musbe met! To teach that Jesus did nodie thatdeathwhich is thepenaltyolawbreakingimpliesthatJesushasnotpaiditallforyouandme.Hecouldnothavegainedthevictoryoverevery

    element of the penalty except He, byfaith, submit to every element of thapenalty. Inspiration tells us that Heexhaustedthepenalty.ItwasinbeingraisedfromthepenaltydeaththatJesusdemonstratedHispowerovertheseconddeath.PRAISEGOD!


    Barry J. Mellor Tennessee: Sailor, Ento-mologists AssistantClerk, Qualified AutoTechnician, StudentMission Farm Manager& Business EconomicsLecturer, Town Mayor Farmer, Maintenan

    Man & Lifestyle Counselor (self supporting), Builders CarpenterChurch Company Leader, Preacher.

    Volume 23, Number 7 7

    of God.He could not see through theportalsofthetomb.Brighthopedidnotpresent toHimHis coming forthfrom

    the tomb a conqueror [Does this soundlikethecompleteachievementofvictorybefore Jesus diedlaid down Hislife?] and His Fathers acceptance ofHissacrifice.Thesinoftheworld,withallitsterribleness,wasfelttotheutmostbytheSonofGod.ThedispleasureoftheFatherforsin,anditspenalty,whichisdeath [We already have established thatthe first death is not the penalty.], wereall that He could realize through thisamazing darkness. [No sense of victory.]Hewastemptedtofearthatsinwasso

    offensiveinthesightofHisFatherthatHecouldnotbereconciledtoHisSon.The fierce temptation that His ownFatherhadforeverleftHimcausedthatpiercingcry fromthecross: MyGod,My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? Christfeltmuchassinnerswillfeelwhen the vials of Gods wrath shall bepouredoutuponthem.... Faith and hope trembled in theexpiring agonies of Christ becauseGod had removed the assurance HehadheretoforegivenHis belovedSonof His approbation and acceptance.TheRedeemeroftheworldthenreliedupontheevidenceswhichhadhithertostrengthened Him, that His Fatheraccepted His labors and was pleasedwithHiswork.InHisdyingagony,asHeyieldsupHispreciouslife,Hehasby faith alone to trust inHim whomithaseverbeenHisjoytoobey.Heisnot cheeredwith clear, bright rays ofhopeontherighthandnorontheleft.Allisenshroudedinoppressivegloom.

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    8 Our Firm Foundation

    Limited ComprehensionExpanded Only by Holy Spirit


    Spirit.OnoneoccasionChristtoldHis disciples,Ihaveyetmanythingstosayuntoyou,butyecannotbearthemnow.TheirlimitedcomprehensionputarestraintonHim.HecouldnotopentothemthetruthsHelongedtounfold;forwhiletheir heartswereclosedto them,His unfoldingofthesetruthswouldbelaborlost.TheymustreceivetheSpirit before they could fully understand Christs lessons.The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, Christ said,whomtheFatherwillsendinmyname,heshallteachyouallthings,andbringallthingstoyourremembrance,what-soeverIhavesaiduntoyou.

    The Sentinels Question to AllInmydreamasentinelstoodatthedoorofanimpor-tantbuilding,andaskedeveryonewhocameforentrance,HaveyereceivedtheHolyGhost?Ameasuring-linewasinhishand,andonlyvery,veryfewwereadmittedintothebuilding.Yoursizeasahumanbeingisnothing,hesaid.ButifyouhavereachedthefullstatureofamaninChristJesus,accordingtotheknowledgeyouhavehad,youwillreceiveanappointment tositwithChristatthemarriagesupperoftheLamb;andthroughtheeternalages,youwillneverceasetolearnoftheblessingsgrantedinthebanquetpreparedforyou.

    Character Decides Entrance

    Youmaybetallandwell-proportionedinself,butyoucannotenterhere.Nonecanenterwhoaregrown-upchil-dren,carryingwiththemthedisposition,thehabits,andthecharacteristicswhichpertaintochildren.Ifyouhavenur-turedsuspicions,criticism,temper,self-dignity,youcannotbe admitted; foryouwould spoilthefeast.Allwhogointhroughthisdoorhaveontheweddinggarment,wovenintheloomofheaven.Thosewhoeducatethemselvestopickflaws in the charactersof others, reveal a deformity thatmakesfamiliesunhappy,thatturnssoulsfromthetruthtochoosefables.Yourleavenofdistrust,yourwantofconfi-dence,yourpowerofaccusing,closesagainstyouthedoorofadmittance.Withinthisdoornothingcanenterthatcouldpossiblymarthehappinessofthedwellersbymarringtheirperfecttrustinoneanother.Youcannotjointhehappyfamily intheheavenlycourts; forI havewipedall tears fromtheireyes.YoucanneverseetheKinginHisbeautyifyouarenotyourselfarepresentativeofHischaracter.

    Required: Full Surrender

    Whenyougiveupyourownwill,yourownwisdom,andlearnofChrist,youwillfindadmittanceintothekingdomofGod.Herequiresentire,unreservedsurrender.Giveupyour life forHimto order,mold, and fashion.Take uponyourneckHisyoke.Submit tobeledandtaughtbyHimLearnthatunlessyoubecomeasalittlechild,youcanneverenterthekingdomofheaven.

    Importanceof Receivingthe Holy Spirit

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    Within this door nothing can enter that could possiblymar the happiness of the dwellers by marring their perfecttrust in one another.

    AbidinginChristischoosingonlythedispositionofChrist,sothatHisinterestsareidentifiedwithyours.AbideinHim,tobeandtodoonlywhatHewills.Thesearetheconditions of discipleship, and unless they are compliedwith,youcanneverfindrest.RestisinChrist;itcannotbeassomethingapartfromHim.

    A Purified Conception ofSpiritual Things Needed

    ThemomentHisyokeisadjustedtoyourneck,thatmo-mentitisfoundeasy;thentheheaviestspirituallaborcanbeperformed,theheaviestburdensborne,becausetheLordgivesthestrengthandthepower,andHegivesgladnessindoing thework.Mark the points: Learnofme; for I am

    meek and lowly in heart (Matt. 11:29). Who is it that speaksthus?TheMajestyofheaven,theKingofglory.Hedesiresthat your conception of spiritual things shall be purifiedfromthedrossofselfishness,thedefilementofacrooked,coarse, unsympatheticnature.Youmust have an inward,higher experience.Youmustobtain agrowthin gracebyabidinginChrist.Whenyouareconverted,youwillnotbeahindrance,butwillstrengthenyourbrethren.

    Spiritual Pride Addressed



    brokeninheart,madeconfessiontothosewhomtheyhadbruisedandwounded.Theydidnotthinkofmaintainingtheirowndignity,butaskedateverystep,WhatmustIdotobesaved?(Acts16:30).Theanswerwas,Repent,andbe converted,thatyoursinsmay go beforehand to judg-ment,andbeblottedout.Wordswerespokenwhichre-bukedspiritualpride.ThisGodwillnottolerate.Itisincon-sistentwithHisWordandwithourprofessionoffaith.SeektheLord,allyewhoareministersofHis.SeekHimwhileHemay befound, calluponHimwhileHeisnear.Lethewickedforsakehisway,andtheunrighteousmanhisthoughts:andlethimreturnuntotheLord,andhewillhavemercyuponhim;andtoourGod,forhewillabundantlypardon(Isa.55:7).

    You must have an inward, higher experience. You mustobtain a growth in grace by abiding in Christ.

    AsIpresentedtheseprinciplestothepeopleintheSab-bathmeeting,allseemedtofeelthattheLordhadspokenthroughthefeebleinstrument.The Review and HeraldApril11,1899.ThetimehascomewhenwemustexpecttheLordtodogreatthingsforus.Oureffortsmustnotflagorweaken.WearetogrowingraceandintheknowledgeoftheLord.Be-

    fore the work is closed up and the sealing of Gods peopleisfinished,weshallreceivetheoutpouringoftheSpiritofGod.Angelsfromheavenwillbeinourmidst.Thepresentisafitting-uptimeforheavenwhenwemustwalkinfullobediencetoallthecommandsofGod.Letter 30,1907.FromSelected Messages, Vol.1,109-111.

    Ellen G. White, 1827-1915, received the spiritual gift ofprophecy, and the fruits of her life and work accord withthe biblical tests of a true messenger of God. To this day,her counsels are an incalculable blessing to Gods peoplearound the world.

    We must complywith the conditions

    of discipleshipif we wish entranceto the heavenly courts.

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    A Study of An ApparentContradiction in Scripture

    In ordertounderstandthe truth ofGod, there is need of deep researchthatwemaydiscoverintheteachingsof Christ new aspects of truth, andbehold the exceeding breadth andcompass of grand old truth,of whichwehaveonlyasuperficialknowledgeThesearchingoftheScriptureswouldreveal the harmony existing between

    thevariouspartsoftheBible,andthebearing of one passage upon anotherWedonotperceivethemeaningofthewordofGodwithoutmuchstudy;butherewardofthestudyoftheBibleiexceedinglyprecioustohimwhofearsGodandearnestlysearchesfortruthaforhiddentreasure.Atthepresentdaytherearealargenumberinourchurchewho are not sufficiently interested inBible study to seek tounderstand themysteriesofthetruth.Theydonotgobelowthesurface.Thosewhoareliving


    That which liesplainly revealed, whichcosts us no effort, will

    not be esteemed ashighly as the treasurethat costs us diligent,

    prayerful research andinvestigation.

    That which lies plainly revealedwhichcostsusno effort,will not beesteemedashighlyasthetreasurethatcosts us diligent, prayerful researchand investigation. Celestial truth isrepresentedastreasurehidinafieldwhich when a man hath found, hehideth, and for joy thereof goethandsellethallthathehath,andbuyeththafield, that he may work every part of itodiscoverthegoldenoreorpreciou

    Sojourn To EgyptClarkFloyd

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    gems. The earth itself cannot revealtreasuresofasgreatvalueascantheBible.Notoilcansorepaythediligentworker,ascanthesearchfortruth.Letthe mines of revelation be properlyworked,andtheunsearchablerichesofChristwill be revealed. Review andHerald,November15,1892.

    Scripture Never Contradictory The Bible never contradicts itself,although sometimes itmay appear todoso.TheHolySpiritisalwaysconsistent.Ifthereappearstobeacontradiction,weneedtostudyouttheScriptures,com-paringscripturewithscriptureuntilwefindwheretheflawisinourownreasoning.Tosometheremayappeartobeacontradictionbetweencer-tainBibleversesintheOldTes-

    tament. This studywill showyouhowtoseethroughanap-parentcontradiction.

    An Apparent Inconsistency InGenesis15:13,14weread:AndhesaiduntoAbram,Knowofasuretythatthyseedshallbeastrangerinalandthatisnottheirs, and shall serve them;andtheyshallafflictthemfourhundred years;Andalsothatnation,whomtheyshallserve,

    willIjudge:andafterwardshalltheycomeoutwithgreat sub-stance. In Exodus 12:41 we read:Anditcametopassattheendofthe four hundred and thirtyyears,eventheselfsamedayitcametopass,thatallthehostsoftheLORDwentoutfromthelandofEgypt. Notonlydoesitseemlikewehaveaconflictbetweenthetwotimeperi-ods400yearsand430yearsbutitalsoappearsthatthechildrenofIsraelwereinEgyptianbondageforatleast400years,ifnot430years. Thisarticlewill showthat thechil-drenofIsraelwereinEgyptfromthetimeJacobenteredtothetimeMosesleftonly215years,andthatthetimeperiods,whenproperlyunderstood,donotconflictwitheachother.

    Two Lands Considered One To begin our study, it is important

    tounderstandtheworldinwhichMo-ses, the author of both statementsofScripture, lived. Canaan was botheconomically and politically depen-dentuponEgyptduringthetimepe-riodswearediscussing.Therefore,itisnotunusualtofindbothlandsin-cluded in the singular a land. (SDABible Commentary,Vol.1,314.)The


    ofEgyptandthelandofCanaan,wasfourhundredthirtyyears. Bothafflictionandservitudeof thechildren of Israel are included in theprophecy inGenesis. We shall lookintothesestatementsaswegetdeeperintoourstudytoseehowbothpartsofthisprophecyareperfectlyfulfilled.

    The 430 Years Oneoftherealkeystounderstandingthe prophecy inExodus is an inspiredstatementbyPaulintheNewTestament.InGalatians 3:17,we read: And thisI say, that the covenant, thatwas con-firmedbeforeofGodinChrist,the law,whichwasfour hundred and thirty years

    after, cannot disannul, that it shouldmakethepromiseofnoneeffect. Notice thatwe have the same timeperiodas inExodus 12:41. Wehaveaneventatthebeginningofthattimeperiod,themakingofacovenant,andanother event at the end of that timeperiod,thelaw. In theBiblewehavethe first cov-

    enant with Abram found in Genesis12:14, as well as the age of Abramwhenthatcovenantwasgiven:

    NowtheLORDhadsaiduntoAbram,Gettheeoutofthycoun-try, and from thy kindred,andfrom thy fathers house, unto alandthatIwillshowthee:AndIwillmakeoftheeagreatnationandIwillblessthee,andmakthy name great; and thou shalbeablessing:AndIwillblesthem that blessthee,and curse

    himthatcurseththee:andintheeshallallfamiliesoftheearthbeblessed. So Abram departedas theLORDhad spokenuntohim; and Lot went with himandAbramwasseventyandfiveyearsoldwhenhedepartedoutofHaran. The next verse, verse fivetells to where they departedthe beginning of their sojournTheywentforthtogointothelandofCanaan.

    THE CLOCK BEGAN TOTICK! And, ofcourse, thelawwaentered into with the childrenofIsraelattheirdeparturefromEgyptatMountSinai.

    Dating Entrance into Egypt:A Chronology Ifwecandeterminewhenthechil-drenofIsraelenteredintoEgypt,wecantellhowlongtheywereinEgyptWeknowthattheyenteredEgyptwithJacob(Israel)atthebequestofJosephand Pharaoh, and remained until ledforthbyMoses. Remember,wehaveatimeperiodof430yearsthattakesusfromthecovenant madewith Abram at Haran tothelawfromMountSinaiwithMosesAbramwas75yearsoldwhenthecovenantwasenteredinto. IsaacwasborntoAbramtwentyfiveyearslater,whenAbramwasonehun-dredyearsold.(Gen.21:5)Atthispoint

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    we have usedup 25 years of the 430years,leaving405yearsuntilthelaw.

    Often, it is inresolving the conflicts

    that we think existin Scripture

    that strengthensour faith in Godand in His Word.

    IsaacmarriedRebekahwhenhewasfortyyearsold,andmoreimportantlyasfarasthetimelinegoes,Isaachadhisson,Jacob,whenhewassixtyyearsold.(Gen.25:20,26)Ifwesubtract60 from our remaining time line of405years,we have345years left onthetimelinefromthebirthofJacobtothegivingofthelaw. Rememberagain,wearelookingfortheamountoftimethechildrenofIs-rael (Jacob)were inEgypt. We findtheirentryintoEgyptinGenesischap-

    ter 47, and Jacobs age is given in verse9:AndJacobsaiduntoPharaoh,Thedaysoftheyearsofmypilgrimageareanhundredandthirtyyears.... Subtracting the 130 years from the345,wehave215yearsfromthetimethechildrenofIsraelcameintoEgyptwithJacobuntiltheyleftwithMosesandthegivingofthelawatMountSinai.

    Explaining the Difference Howdoweexplain the400 yearsgiven inGenesis as compared to the430 years in Exodus and Galatians?We need to compare what they eacharespeakingabout.TheverseinExo-dus speaksonlyabout comingoutofEgypt.TheverseinGalatiansspeaksaboutthecovenantandthelaw.Theverse in Genesis, which is the 400years,speaksofservitudeandafflic-tion.Soapparentlytheservitudeandafflictiondonotstartatthegivingofthecovenant,butsome30yearslater.IsthisborneoutinScripture?Yes!

    As then he that wasborn after the fleshpersecuted him thatwas born after theSpirit, even so it is

    now. Gal. 4:29. Twenty-fiveyearsafterthecovenant,Isaac was born to Abram. Childrenwere usually weaned around the ageofthree.(Accordingto2Macc.7:27,Jewishmothers nursed their childrenforthreeyears.SecondChron.31:16,speakingofthedailyportionofthemalesthatservedinthetemple,refersto their genealogy from three yearsoldandupward.)Andthechildgrew,

    andwasweaned:andAbrahammadeagreatfeastthesamedaythatIsaacwasweaned.AndSarah saw the sonofHagartheEgyptian,whichshehadbornuntoAbraham,mocking.(Gen.21:8, 9) Ishmael dared openly tomock the heir of Gods promise. (Pa-triarchs and Prophets, 146.) We dontknowforsurefromtheBiblewhattheageofIsaacwaswhenIshmaelbegantomockhim,norwhatageIsaacwaswhen the mocking became persecu-tionandaff lictionofIsaac.Weknow


    Dating the Persecution Nowwe,brethren,asIsaacwas,arethechildrenofpromise.Butasthenhethatwasbornafterthefleshpersecuted

    himthatwasbornaftertheSpirit,evensoitisnow.(Gal.4:28,29.) This persecution began around 30yearsafterthegivingofthecovenantAndpersecutioncontinuedthroughoutheremaining400years.JacobfledfohislifefromEsau(Gen.27:4143)andlater fromLaban (Gen. 31:2, 21,29)Josephwassoldbyhisownbrothersasaslaveandlaterunjustlythrowninjai(Gen. 37:28; 39:20). The children oIsrael, finally,weresorelyafflictedby the Egyptians after Josephs death

    (Ex.1:8,12).(SeeSDABible Commen-tary, Vol.1,314.)

    Perfect Harmony TheBiblecomes togetherin perfecharmony.Thereare430yearsfromthemakingofthecovenanttothelawatSinai,whilethetimeofpersecutionandafflictionisonly400years.ThechildrenofIsraelareinEgypt,thecountry,for215years.AbrahamandhisheirstothecovenantareinCanaanfor215yearsbeforeenteringEgypt.Thetotal

    timeawayfromHaranis430years. Agoodstudyconnectedwiththisisthestudyofthegenerationsthatwerein Egyptonly four: Levi, KohathAmramandMoses.Theycameoutinthefourthgeneration,asstated.Theywere not there under persecution aslongasmanyhavebelieved.

    We, as Gods people, need again tobepeopleofthebook.Often,itisinresolving the conflicts that we thinkexistinScripturethatstrengthensourfaithinGodandinHisWord. StudytoshowthyselfapproveduntoGod,aworkmanthatneedethnottobeashamed,rightlydividingthewordotruth.2ndTim.2:15. Theholyscripturesareabletomakethee wise unto salvation through faithwhichisinChristJesus.2ndTim.3:15.

    Clark Floyd resides in Leices-ter, North Carolina. He is aboard member and a speakerfor Hope International.

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    God rightly expects thosewho desire eternal life to

    know and obey His will inevery loving particular.







    Volume 23, Number 7 15

    the LORD, Forasmuch as thou hasdisobeyed the mouth of the LORDand hast not kept the commandmenwhichtheLORDthyGodcommandedthee,Butcamestback,andhasteaten

    breadanddrunkwaterintheplace,othewhichtheLORDdidsaytotheeEat no bread, and drink no waterthy carcase shall not come unto thesepulchreofthyfathers.Anditcametopass,afterhehadeatenbread,andafter he had drunk, that he saddledforhimtheass,towit,fortheprophewhomhehadbroughtback.Andwhenhewasgone,alionmethimbythewayandslewhim:andhiscarcasewascasintheway,andtheassstoodbyit,thelionalsostoodbythecarcase.1Kings

    13:2024. Thisissoimportant,especiallyforusuponwhomthelastdayshavecome:

    The Take-to-Heart Message

    ThemanofGodhadbeenfearlessin delivering his message of rebukeHehadnothesitated todenounce thekings false system of worship. Andhe had refused Jeroboams invitationeventhoughpromisedareward.Buthe

    allowedhimselftobeoverpersuadedbytheonewhoclaimedtohaveamessagefromheaven. When the Lord gives a mana command such as He gave thismessenger, He Himself muscountermandtheorder.UponthosewhoturnfromthevoiceofGodtolistentocounterorders,thethreatenedevilwilcome.Becausethismessengerobeyedfalseorders,Godpermittedhimtobedestroyed. SDA Bible CommentaryVol.2,1033.

    Part Two continues and expandsupon the fact that God indeed meansexactly what He says, and that thedetails matter. Nowthere dweltanold prophet in

    Bethel;andhissonscameandtoldhimalltheworksthatthemanofGodhaddonethatdayinBethel:thewordswhichhehadspokenuntotheking,themtheytoldalsototheirfather.Andtheirfathersaiduntothem,Whatwaywenthe?ForhissonshadseenwhatwaythemanofGodwent,whichcamefromJudah.Andhe said unto his sons, Saddleme theass.Sotheysaddledhimtheass:andherode thereon,Andwent after themanof God, and found him sitting underanoak.Letmeinterjectherethatif

    Godtellsyounottoeatordrinkorevengobackthesamewayyoucame,thendont hang around there! You cant betemptedifyouarewherethetemptationis!RememberEve!!

    But though we, or an angelfrom heaven, preach any other

    gospel unto you than that whichwe have preached unto you,

    let him be accursed.

    Andhesaiduntohim,Artthouthe man of God that camest fromJudah? And he said, I am. Then hesaidunto him,Comehomewithme,andeatbread.Andhesaid,Imaynotreturnwiththee,norgoinwiththee:neitherwillIeatbreadnordrinkwaterwiththeeinthisplace:ForitwassaidtomebythewordoftheLORD,Thoushalt eat no bread nor drink waterthere,norturnagaintogobythewaythatthoucamest.Hesaiduntohim, Iamaprophetalsoasthouart;andan

    angelspakeuntomebythewordoftheLORD,saying,Bring himbackwiththeeintothinehouse,thathemayeatbreadanddrinkwater.Buthelieduntohim.1Kings13:1118.

    Thatremindsmeofthisverse:Butthoughwe,oranangelfromheaven,preachanyothergospeluntoyouthanthatwhichwehavepreacheduntoyou,lethimbeaccursed.Galatians1:8. If God tells you to do something,youd better do it! Remember, Satan canandwillappearasanangeloflight! Forsucharefalseapostles,deceitfulworkers,transformingthemselves intotheapostlesofChrist.Andnomarvel;forSatanhimselfistransformedintoanangeloflight.2Corinthians11:1314.

    Well,what happenedwith themanofGod? So he went back with him, anddideatbreadinhishouse,anddrankwater.1Kings13:19.

    Okay. Lets do a recap here. Who toldhimnottoeatordrinkinthatplace?God.Whotoldhimtoitwasallright?Man.Whomdoyoulistento?

    Started with Adam and Eve, didntit?WentonwithCainandAbel.Stillgoing on, isnt it?

    When the Lord gives a man acommand such as He gave thismessenger, He Himself must

    countermand the order.

    What happened to the disobedientprophet? Anditcametopass,astheysatatthetable,thatthewordoftheLORDcameuntotheprophetthatbroughthimback:AndhecrieduntothemanofGodthatcame from Judah,saying,Thus saith

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    Lets do another recap here. Who told us to keep the SaturdaySabbath?God.Whoistellingusthatthe day has been changed, and we donthavetokeeptheSaturdaySabbathanymore? Man. Whom should we listen

    to? Its just not rocket science, is it?

    A Practical Application

    Howaboutanotherillustrationfrommy days in electricity? The seniormaintenance man that I mentionedearlier was wiring upan electric hotwaterheater.Hewasjustaboutdone.Hehadrunthepowertoadisconnectboxbythewaterheaterandhadbroughtthewiresoutofthewaterheater.Allthathadtobedonewastoconnectthe

    wirestogether. He told his son-in-law, who washelpinghim,toconnectthewireswhilehewenttodosomethingelse.Hisson-in-lawwasafraid.Hethoughthemightdoitwrong.Hisfather-in-lawtoldhimhecouldnotpossiblymessthingsup.Just connect either wire to the otherandturniton. So, his son-in-law saidokayandproceededtohookthewirestogether.Hetookthetwowiresfromthewaterheater

    andtiedthemtogether,andtookthetwowirescomingoutofthedisconnect box and tied themtogether.Guesswhathappened? When he turned thepower on,he blew the disconnect right off thewall!Yousee,thereisalwaysarightway,andawrongway.

    An Example for Our Time

    Inchapters46of1Samuel,wehavethestoryofthearkofGodbeingtakenbythePhilistines.Withoutgoinginto a lot of detail, the Philistineswere stricken with death, tumors,sufferingandtheywantedtogetridofthatthing. And he smote the men ofBethshemesh,becausetheyhadlookedinto the ark of the LORD, even hesmoteofthepeoplefiftythousandandthreescoreandtenmen:andthepeoplelamented, because the LORD hadsmittenmanyofthepeoplewithagreat

    slaughter....Andtheysentmessengersto the inhabitants of Kirjathjearim,saying, The Philistines have broughtagainthearkoftheLORD;comeyedown,andfetchituptoyou.1Samuel6:19,21.

    Uzzahs Fatal Act

    Nowwewill resume thestoryin2Samuel.AndDavid arose,andwentwithallthepeoplethatwerewithhimfromBaaleofJudah,tobringupfromthencethearkofGod,whosenameiscalledbythenameoftheLORDofhoststhatdwellethbetweenthecherubims.AndtheysetthearkofGoduponanewcart,and brought it out of the houseofAbinadabthatwasinGibeah:andUzzahandAhio,thesonsofAbinadab,dravethenewcart.AndtheybroughtitoutofthehouseofAbinadabwhich

    wasatGibeah,accompanyingthearkofGod:andAhiowentbeforetheark.AndDavidandallthehouseofIsraelplayedbeforetheLORDonallmannerof instrumentsmadeof

    fir wood,even on harps, and

    onpsalteries,andontimbrels,andoncornets, and on cymbals. And whenthey came to Nachons threshingfloor,UzzahputforthhishandtothearkofGod,andtookholdofit;fortheoxenshookit.AndtheangeroftheLORDwas kindled againstUzzah; andGodsmotehimthereforhiserror;andtherehediedbythearkofGod.2Samuel6:27.

    Was God Too Extreme?

    Doesthat seemharsh to you?Afterall, wasnt he just trying to steady theark so it wouldnt fall down off the cart?Butthereisalwaysmoretothestory! The fate of Uzzah was a divinejudgmentupontheviolationofamost

    explicit command. Through MosestheLordhadgivenspecialinstructionconcerning the transportation ofthe ark. None but the priests, thedescendants of Aaron,were to touchit,oreventolookuponituncovered... . (And we know God wasnt kiddingaboutthat!) The priestswere to cover the ark

    andthentheKohathitesmust lift itbythestaves,whichwereplaced inringsupon each side of the ark and werenever removed. To the GershonitesandMerarites,who hadinchargethecurtains andboardsandpillarsof thetabernacle,Mosesgavecartsandoxenforthetransportationofthatwhichwascommittedtothem.Butuntothesonsof Kohath he gave none: because theserviceofthesanctuarybelonginguntothemwas that they should bear upontheir shoulders (Num. 7:9). Thus in the

    bringingofthearkfromKirjathjearimtherehadbeenadirectandinexcusabledisregard of the Lords directions. . . .

    Unconfessed SinsLead to Presumption

    The Philistines, whohad not a knowledge ofGods law, had placedthe ark upon a cart whenthey returned it to Israel

    and the Lord accepted the effor

    which they made. But the Israeliteshad in their hands a plain statemenofthewillofGodinallthesemattersand theirneglectofthese instructionswas dishonoring toGod.UponUzzahrestedthegreaterguiltofpresumptionTransgression of Gods law hadlessened his sense of its sacrednessandwithunconfessedsinsuponhimhehad,in face of the divineprohibitionpresumed to touch the symbol of Godspresence. God can accept no partiaobedience,nolaxwayof treatingHiscommandments.BythejudgmentuponUzzahHedesignedtoimpressuponalIsrael the importance of giving stricheed to His requirements. Thus thedeathofthatoneman,byleadingthepeopletorepentance,mightpreventthenecessityofinflictingjudgmentsuponthousands.Conflict and Courage,176 Unconfessed sins?! Are you out oyourmind?AndyoudaretocomenearthethroneofGod?Forthatiswhatthearkrepresented.

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    RememberwhathappenedtoMosesfacewhenhewasjustnearGod?Hewassobrightthepeoplecouldntlookat him! And Moses never got to seeGod,justhisbackparts!AndUzzahis


    Reverence His Ways and Obey

    Uzzah meddled with the ark,notwithstanding the plain commandoftheLordtoregarditwithfearandtrembling, and to keep it sacred. Hehad to be removed from the Lordswork. God changes not. Today he is

    justasdesirousasinthedaysofUzzahthatmenshallknowhisways,andthattheyshallreverencethemethodshehasoutlined for their guidance. They aretocarryouttheplanshehasdevised.Whenmenfeelthatitisunimportantto

    obeyaThussaiththeLordincarryingforward his work, but that their own

    plansshouldbefollowed,theytherebyevidence unfitness for any positionof trust in his cause. In every effortto advance the interests of his work,wemustlosesightofself,andkeepinview Gods glory. Review & Herald,September14,1905,italicsadded. Can you see thereasoningnow forUzzahs death? If God would haveallowedthisactoftransgressiontogounpunished, Satan, along with every

    othertransgressor,wouldhavethrownthisupinGodsfaceandaccusedhimofpartialityandunfairness. Note that God accepted what thePhilistinesdidtogetridofthearkfromtheirlandbecausetheydidnotknow.Butthesemenknew,Uzzahknew,anddiditanyway. There is a huge difference here.AND, Uzzah had unconfessed sinsuponhim. Do you suppose that we can comeintoGodspresencewithunconfessedsinuponusanditwillbeokay?

    Probationary Time Given

    Sin cant exist in Gods presence.SinnerscantlookatGodandlive!ThatswhyallsinnersdieatthecomingofJesus.IftheyhaveunconfessedsinsuponthemwhenHereturns,theywillbeblottedout

    bythebrightnessofHiscoming. And then shall that Wicked berevealed, whom the Lord shall

    consumewiththespiritofhismouth,andshall destroy with the brightnessofhiscoming:2Thessalonians2:8. For ourGodisa consumingfire.Hebrews12:29. ButwhatifGoddidntdestroythem?What if He did take all people, allsinners, all rejecters of His graceeveryone?

    It is in mercy to the universethat God will finally destroythe rejecters of his grace.

    Listen to this: Could those whoselives have been spent in rebellionagainst God be suddenly transportedto Heaven, and witness the high, theholystateofperfectionthateverexiststhere,-- every soul filled with love;every countenance beaming with

    joy; enrapturing music in melodious

    strainsrisinginhonorofGodandtheLamb; and ceaselessstreamsof lightflowing upon the redeemed fromthefaceofHimwhosittethuponthethrone,--couldthosewhoseheartsarefilledwithhatredofGod,oftruthandholiness, mingle with the heavenlythrongandjointheirsongsofpraise?CouldtheyendurethegloryofGodandtheLamb?--No,no;yearsofprobationwere granted them, that they mightform characters for Heaven; but theyhave never trained the mind to love

    purity; they have never learned thelanguageofHeaven,andnowitistoolate.AlifeofrebellionagainstGodhasunfitted them for Heaven. Its purity,holiness, andpeace would be torturetothem;thegloryofGodwouldbeaconsuming fire. They would long tofleefromthatholyplace.Theywouldwelcomedestruction, thattheymight

    behiddenfromthefaceofHimwhodied to redeem them. The destinyof the wicked is fixed by their ownchoice. Their exclusion from Heavenisvoluntarywiththemselves,andjustandmercifulonthepartofGod.

    Once Will Hardened,No Disposition to Obey

    Likethewatersoftheflood,thefiresofthegreatdaydeclareGodsverdictthat the wicked are incurable. Theyhavenodispositiontosubmittodivineauthority.Theirwillhasbeenexercisedinrevolt;andwhenlifeisended,itis

    too late to turn the current of theirthoughts in the opposite direction,-toolatetoturnfromtransgressiontoobedience,fromhatredtolove.GreaControversy 88,542543.

    God can accept nopartial obedience, no lax way of

    treating His commandments.

    And finally, as we come fullcirclewithourmessagetoday,afinalquoteaboutCain: In sparing the life of Cain themurderer, God gave the world anexample of what would be the resulof permitting the sinner to live, tocontinueacourseofunbridlediniquity.Th rough the influence of Cainsteaching and example, multitudes ohisdescendantswereledintosin,untithe wickedness of man was grea

    in the earth, and every imaginationofthethoughtsofhisheartwasonlyevilcontinually. Theear th alsowascorruptbeforeGod,andtheearthwafilledwithviolence.Gen6:5,11.

    Destruction Was and Is Mercy

    Inmercytotheworld,Godblottedout its wicked inhabitants in Noahstime. In mercy he dest royed thecorrupt dwellers in Sodom. Throughthe deceptive power of Satan, the

    workers of iniquity obtain sympathyandadmiration,andarethusconstantlyleadingotherstorebellion.ItwassoinCains and in Noahs day, and in thetimeofAbrahamandLot;itissoinourtime.ItisinmercytotheuniversethaGod will finally destroy the rejectersofhisgrace.Ibid.,543. IsGodparticular?Yes!ThankGodIn mercy, He is particular, that wemight live throughout the ceaselessagesofeternityasacomplete,happyharmoniousfamily.Neveragaintobcontrolledortemptedbysin. Canyousay:PraisetheLord? Is God Particular?Whatsayyou?

    Joe Olson serves athe executive direc-tor and chairman ofthe board of Hope In-ternational. He alsotravels as an interna-tional speaker.

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    Heidi Heiks


    Part 7

    TheologicalThe King of the NorthOur foundation and duty regarding the nal call of mercy;a sure identity for the glorious land.

    Dan. 11:41 He shall enter935 also intothe glorious6643 land,776 and many7227countries shall be overthrown:3782but these428 shall escape4422 out ofhis hand,4480, 3027 even Edom,123 andMoab,4124 and the chief7225 of the chil-dren1121 of Ammon.5983

    Inthisissue,wewillbrieflyreviewoursacredobligation,asthechurchofGod,togivethelawofGodthepromi-nencethatisneedfulastheculmina-tion of human history approaches intheimpendingabrogationofthatlaw.Throughus,Godintendsthatthepeo-

    pleoftheworldbegivenafinaloppor-tunity to contrast the government ofGodwiththeoppressiveruleofSatan,through his human agents. Then wewill present final arguments regard-


    begin: Andthethirdangelfollowedthem,sayingwithaloudvoice,Ifanymanworshipthebeastandhisimage,andreceive his mark in his forehead, orinhishand, The same shall drink ofthewineofthewrathofGod,whichis


    presenceoftheholyangels,andinthepresenceoftheLamb:Andthesmokeoftheirtormentascendethupforeverandever:andtheyhavenorestdaynornight,whoworshipthebeastandhisimage, and whosoever receiveth themarkofhisname.Hereisthepatienceofthesaints:here[are]theythatkeepthe commandments of God, and thefaithofJesus.Rev.14:912.

    Gods Warning Beforehand However, before these awful judg-mentsdescenduponhumanity,Godinmercywill firstsendforthHis consecratedlaborerstosoundthetrumpetoalarm: The Lord God of heaven will no

    sendupontheworldHisjudgmentsfodisobedience and transgression untiHehassentHiswatchmentogivethewarning.Hewillnotcloseuptheperiodofprobationuntilthemessageshallbemoredistinctlyproclaimed.ThelawoGodistobemagnified;itsclaimsmust

    bepresentedintheirtrue,sacredchar-acter,thatthepeoplemaybebroughttodecidefororagainstthetruth.Yettheworkwillbecutshortinrighteousness.The message ofChrists righteousnessistosoundfromoneendoftheearth

    totheothertopreparethewayoftheLord.ThisisthegloryofGod,whichclosestheworkofthethirdangel.Thereisnoworkinourworldsogreat,sosacred,andsoglorious,noworkthatGodhonors so much, as this gospel workThemessage presented atthis time isthelastmessage of mercy for a fallenworld.Testimonies, Vol.6,19.

    The Warning Rejected Many, however, will be led to rejec

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    the Lords merciful call. Ellen Whitereveals the intent of the clergy and theirunited effort to obtain public consen-sus.

    If the people can be led to favor aSunday law, then the clergy intend toexert their united influence to obtaina religious amendment to the Consti-tution, and compel the nation to keep

    Sunday.Review and Herald, Decem-ber 24, 1889.Inspiration tells us that intention

    will meet with success. CompulsorySunday worship in direct oppositionto the fourth commandment (the sev-enth-day Sabbath) will be legislatedinto power. The fires of persecution

    will be rekindled. With the image tothe beast thus to be set up, the last in-vitation of salvation will be extendedto a perishing world. Now is soundedthe command:

    He commands His servants to pres-ent the last invitation of mercy to theworld. They cannot remain silent, ex-cept at the peril of their souls. GreatControversy, 609.

    We Dare Not Remain Silent As it was regarding the second an-gels message, so it will be likewise ifone remains silent during this criticalperiod of the third angels message. Itwill be at the peril of his own soul. ButGods true people must and will presson, heedless of personal consequences:

    Let not the com-mandment -keep ingpeople of God be silentat this time, as thoughwe gracefully acceptedthe situation. There isthe prospect before us,of waging a continuouswar, at the risk of im-

    prisonment, of losing property and even lifeitself, to defend the lawof God, which is beingmade void by the lawsof men. This Bible textwill be quoted to us, Let every soul besubject unto the higher powers. . . . Thepowers that be are ordained of God.Review and Herald, January 1, 1889.

    Detractors Biblical Argument;Our Reply

    The argument will be pressed uponus that obedience to the nations Sundaylaw is mandated by God, based on theverse just quoted. The instruction tomeet that argument was given to usover a century ago:

    The question is asked, Shall we notobey the powers that be?--Yes, whenthey are in harmony with the higherpowers that be. Ibid., April 15, 1890.

    The principle is straightforward.Heaven has given the state a line towhich it can go and no more. It has also

    given to the church a limit to whichshe may extend, and no further. Those parameters can be found in Romans13. While Romans 13 deserves astudy of its own, suffice it to be saidwith the following. The external, physical acts referred to in the lastsix commandments, while reflectingmans divinely appointed duty toman, are also under state oversightfor temporal enforcement. However,matters of the heart and conscience,delineated on the first table of theLaw, are solely between man and God.When religious authorities presume tointrude upon the internal applicationsof the first four commandments, andto require an external expression ofmental acquiescence, and when thestate endeavors to penalize those whodont comply, then religious freedomwill have been abridged and humanitymust recognize the law of a higher power at whatever the cost it mayinflict upon themselves:

    If one remains silentduring this critical period

    of the third angels message,it will be at the peril of his own soul

    The people of God will recognizehuman government as an ordinanceof divine appointment and will teachobedience to it as a sacred duty with-in its legitimate sphere. But when itsclaims conflict with the claims of Godthe word of God must be recognizedas above all human legislation. Thussaith the Lord is not to be set asidefor Thus saith the church or the state.Testimonies, Vol. 6, 402.

    Role of the State LimitedThe role of the state cannot extend to

    matters of the heart and conscience. Toprotect liberty of conscience is the dutyof the state, and this is the limit of itsauthority in matters of religion. Everysecular government that attempts toregulate or enforce religious observancesby civil authority is sacrificing the very principle for which the evangelicChristian so nobly struggled. GreaControversy, 201.

    We are referred to an example in

    Gods Word. [King] Davids powerhad been given him by God, but onlyto be exercised in harmony with thedivine law. When he commanded thawhich was contrary to Gods law [thenumbering of his kingdom], it becamesin to obey. The powers that be areordained of God (Romans 13:1), buwe are not to obey them contrary toGods law. The apostle Paul, writing tothe Corinthians, sets forth the principleby which we should be governed. Hesays, Be ye followers of me, even as I

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    alsoamofChrist.1Corinthians11:1.Patriarchs and Prophets, 719. OurinstructionfromtheapostlePeterunder the same condition declares,We ought to obey God rather thanmen.Acts5:29. And in another instance, . . . the


    hasarighttointerposebetweenthesoulandGod.Prophets and Kings, 542. One cannot misunderstand thecou nsel: When the laws of menconflictwiththewordandlawofGod,wearetoobeythelatter,whatevertheconsequences may be. Testimonies,Vol.1,2012.

    Prepare for the Test before Us Cognizant, then, of the great testof faithand character before us,nowisthetimeforustofortifyourminds

    with Gods word andcommit to memoryt h o s e p r e c i o u s

    promises,foritwillbeinthishourthatmanyofuswillhavetostandalone,deprivedofourBibles, to answer forour faith before thelegislated assembliesoftheland: Put away thefoolishreadingmatter

    and study the Wordof God. Commit its

    precious promises tomemorysothatwhenwe shall be deprivedofourBibleswemaystill be in possessionof the Word of God.Manuscript 85,1909,p.10;ManuscriptReleases, Vol.10,298.

    Final Thoughts on DanielsTwo Symbols for Church

    Havingthuscondensedtheessentialparts of instruction for Gods peopleregarding thesecond andthird angelsmessages, we encourage the readertopursue these vital concepts in theirfullest application, as they have beenlargely ignored in recent times. Weask the reader to keep in mind thefactsandinterpretationprovidedintheFebruaryissueregardingtheidentityofthegloriouslandthatRomeassaultswhen she enters. Despite the many

    terms or titles given the gloriousland,ithasonlyoneidentity:spiritualIsrael, the people of the Lord, Mt.Zion. In subsequent issues, readerswere equipped with an understandingof Daniels use of glorious as it

    pertainstoGodschurch,aswellastheissues, actions, andactorsinvolved inthesecondandthird angels message.

    We are now able to address one lastessential thought on that topic beforewemoveontoournextclauseinDaniel11:41.

    Dan. 11:41He shall enter also into the

    glorious land. . . .

    Church Militant and Triumphant The two symbols designated byheaven for the church in Daniel 11

    arethe glorious land, verses 16 and41, andtheglorious holymountain,verse 45. The two terms have severalcommonalities.Bothareglorious;botharerealestate;bothverse41and45are

    symbolic.Itisobvioustwoverysimilarentitiesarebeingdescribed,andrightlyso. They share a mutual identityGods churchdepicted by Daniel intwostagesofitsdevelopment.Thefirststageisthechurchmilitant;thesecond,thechurchtriumphant.Thedistinction

    betweenthemisasimportantastheirsimilarities. We are told the ChurchmilitantisnottheChurchtriumphant.Review and Herald, December31,1901.Theyhavetheirapplicationindifferent

    timeperiods,aswewillnowshow. Daniel 11:45 reads: And he shal

    plant the tabernacles of his palacebetweentheseasinthegloriousholymountain;yetheshallcometohisendandnoneshallhelphim. What does a mountain represent in

    prophecy? A kingdom: Behold, I amagainst thee, O destroying mountain

    [Babylon],saiththe LORD, which de-stroyestalltheearth:andIwillstretchoutminehanduponthee,androlltheedownfromtherocks,andwillmaketheeaburntmountain.Jeremiah51:25. WhydoesDanielcallthechurchthegloriousholymountaininverse45?Becausethechurchisnowthechurchtriumphant,althoughlittlebeknownstothepeopleofGodonearthatthattime. Since a mountain in prophecydenotes a kingdom, Daniels use oglorious holy mountain in verse 45

    indicates Gods king-domhasbeenmadeupWhen does this occur?The answer should in-terest us mightily, asit pertains to our timeThe latter portion ofthe versetells us whenithappens.Letsreadiagain:

    The Timing of theChange

    Daniel 11:45 readsAndheshallplantthetabernaclesofhispalace


    him. Gods kingdom is made up shortly

    before the power of the King of theNorth is broken. But when is that totakeplace?Letusreadtheanswerintheverynextverse: And at that time shall Michaestandup,thegreatprincewhichstandethforthechildrenofthypeople:andthere shallbe a time of trouble, suchasneverwassincetherewasanationeventothatsametime:andatthattimethy people shall be delivered, everyone that shallbefound writtenin the

    book.Dan.12:1. The Kingofthe North is broken athat time when Michael stands upThat action closes human probation

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    plagues. The question that still re-mainstobefullyanswered,though,is,WhenisChristskingdommadeup?EllenWhiteclarifiesthatitiswhenhe

    pronounces: Hethatisunjust,lethimbeunjuststill:andhewhichisfilthy,lethimbefilthystill:andhethatisrighteous,lethim be righteous still: andhe that isholy,lethimbeholystill.

    Daniels use of glorious holy

    mountain in verse 45 indicatesGods kingdom has been made up.

    Every case had been decidedfor life or death. While Jesus had

    been ministering in the sanctuary,the judgment had been going on forthe righteous dead, and then for therighteous living. Christ had receivedHis kingdom, having made theatonement for His people and blottedout their sins. The subjects of the

    kingdomweremadeup.Themarriageof the Lamb was consummated. Andthekingdom,andthegreatnessofthekingdomunderthewholeheaven,wasgiventoJesusandtheheirsofsalvation,andJesuswastoreignasKingofkingsand Lord of lords. Early Writings,27980. Isaiah4:23portraysGodschurchatthattimeaswell:Inthatdayshallthe


    thathethatisleftinZion,andhethatremainethinJerusalem,shallbecalledholy, even every one that is writtenamongthelivinginJerusalem.(TherealityofthiswillnotbeexperienceduntiltheSecondComing.) The subjects of Christs kingdomwereallnumbered,allthosesincethedaysofAdamforwhosesinsHehad

    atoned,includingallthosestilllivingwho were sealed at that time. TherighteouslivinganddeadcomposeHiskingdom,thechurchtriumphant,in

    placewhenMichaelstooduphencethe appropriate symbol of identity,the glorious holy mountain. It willhappenatthecloseofprobation.

    Nature of Militant Church On the other hand, the churchmilitant,termedinDaniel11:41thegloriousland,hasitsreferencetoan

    all-encompassing, Christ-professingchurch. However,not all whoprofesstobemembersofHischurchhereoneartharecountedashavingcitizenshipinHisheavenlychurch: God has a church upon the earthwhoareHischosenpeople,whokeepHiscommandments.Heisleading,notstray offshoots, not one here and one

    there,butapeople.Thetruthisasanc-tifyingpower;butthechurchmilitantisnotthechurchtriumphant.Therearetaresamongthewheat.Testimonies toMinisters, 61. Leteveryonewhoisseekingtolivea Christian life, remember that thechurchmilitantisnotthechurchtrium-

    phant.Thosewhoarecarnallymindedwillbefoundinthechurch.Theyareto be pitied more than blamed. Thechurchisnottobejudgedassustain-ing these characters, though they befoundwithinherborders.Review andHerald,January16,1894.

    The church militant is not thechurch triumphant. There are tares

    among the wheat.

    This is clearly but sadly illustratedfromthosewholosetheirwayallalongthepath: The Bible will be opened fromhousetohouse,andmenandwomenwill find access to these homes, andminds will be opened to receive theword of God; and when the crisicomes,manywillbepreparedtomakerightdecisionseveninthefaceoftheformidable difficulties that will be

    brought about through the deceptivemiraclesofSatan.AlthoughthesewillconfessthetruthandbecomeworkerwithChristattheeleventhhour,theywill receive equal wages with thosewhohavewroughtthroughthewhole

    day.Therewillbeanarmyofsteadfasbelieverswhowillstandasfirmasarockthroughthelasttest.Butwhereinthatarmyarethosewhohavebeenstandard-bearers?Wherearethosewhosevoices have sounded in proclaimingthetruthtothesinning?Some of them

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    firstandforemosttostretchherhandacrossthegulftograspthehandoftheRomanpower.ItisthatcombinationofAmericanProtestant churches thatinitiatestherelationshipwithRome.Insodoing,eventhecitizensoftheUSwillbeinfluencedtodemandandwel-comewithopenarmsthischildofthe


    Political corruption is destroyingloveofjusticeandregardfortruth;andeveninfreeAmerica,rulersandlegis-lators,inordertosecurepublic favor,will yield to the popular demand fora lawenforcingSunday observance.Great Controversy,592.

    What Then Does Rome Besiege? SincetheapostateProtestantreligious


    Romeinvade?IsitperhapsthecivilorjudicialpoweroftheUSA? Inspiration tells usthat asAmerica,thelandofreligiousliberty, shall unitewiththepapacyinforcingtheconscienceandcompellingmentohonorthefalsesabbath,thepeopleofeverycountryontheglobewillbeledtofollowherexam-

    ple.Testimonies, Vol.6,18.

    Thenation[America]willbeonthesideofthegreatrebelleader.Testimo-nies, Vol.5,136. When the two apostateschurchand stateshall unite in forcing

    theconscienceandcompellingmentohonorthefalseSabbath (for only thestatehasthemeanstoforceandcompelhumanity),doesthatunityofpurposereflectamilitaryassaultuponoractofaggressiontowardthecivilgovernmentoftheUSAbyRome,astheprophecydemands?No.Tothecontrary,allthreeentitiesareseenasworkinginperfect


    Matching Term with Entity Would Jesus, knowing beforehandtheendfromthebeginning(see6SD-ABC 1082),inspire Daniel to usetheterm glorious land to describe thenationthathasjustinstitutedanationalSundaylawwithpunitiveconsequenc-esforthosewhowillnotconcedetoafalsesabbath?Afterall,thesoleeventand timing of this prophecy isRomes entrance at the right

    handoffellowshipfromapostateAmerican Protestantism. Wouldit not bea misleadingor evenanoutrightfalsedescriptiononheavens part ofthatheaven-de-fyingcivilpowerthatuniteswithRome?

    Would Jesus inspireDaniel to use the term glori-ous land to describe the na-

    tion that has just instituted anational Sunday law?

    The religious, political, eco-nomic and legislativeaspectsofAmerica,includinghercitizenry,willhavebeennothingbutcoop-erative in setting up the imagetothebeast,makinganyhostil-ityonthepartofRomeunnecessary.Therefore, if Romes attack does notcomeuponanyofthem,wearedown

    tojusttwochoicesforthedefinitionofthegloriousland.EitherthatphraseisasymbolandtheassaultcomesuponChrists church, as interpreted above,or the interpretation for land must

    betheliteralsoiloftheUnitedStatesthatRomeistobesiege.Thereisnoth-ingelseleftforittomeanunless,ofcourse,thethemeofDaniel11isagainthe great controversy between Christand Satan. In that perspective, it canreadily be seen in the verses weve

    beendiscussingthatSatanorchestratehis wrath through his three earthlyrepresentatives,andattheirheadisthe

    bishopofRome.Theassault,then,isonJesusChrist,throughthepersonoHiswitnesses,Hischurch. He[Christ]will bring outthepat-ternoflifeandcharacterthatwillbetoHis own glory. Andthat character

    which expresses the glorycharacterofChristwillbereceivedintotheParadiseofGod.Desire of Ages,331. We pray this examination endsthedifferences of opinion regarding themeaningsofthetwotermsdiscussedandleadstounityofthefaithamongthe brethren in this particular. Especiallydowehopethatnowanyfogoconfusionhasbeenlifted,thereaderssee the direct and present application

    of the prophecy tothemselves,as individual members of Gods remnanchurch.

    Heidi Heiks, editor oOur Firm Foundationmagazine , has been college educator, an au-thor, and a radio speak-er forThePeopleoftheBookradio program. He

    continues to write and is currently ateacher and speaker for Hope Interna-tional throughout the United States.

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    Terror from theNorth?

    CatastrophicTerrorism at the

    Border:TheCaseof the Canada-United StatesBorder is thetitle of an articlei n Homeland

    Security Affairs, Supplement no.1 (2007). Dr. Todd Hataley of the[Canadian] Royal Military Collegewrote of the 4,000-mile largelyunguarded border with Canada [that]may pose the biggest threat to

    to Congress noted that there is anundisputedpresenceinCanadaofknownterroristaffiliatesandextremistgroups,including Hezbollah, Hamas, and theArmed Islamic Group of Algeria. The U.S. and Canada have mademuch of the fact that their common

    borderisthelongestundefendedborderintheworld.Canadaacceptsnearlyeveryone that wants in. And sincetheresbeennoterrorisminCanada. Weve lefta tattered, 4,000-milescreen door unlocked at the top ofour country. While 90 percent ofCanadas population lives within 100miles of the U.S. border, the states

    borderingCanadaareamongtheleastpopulated in our country. Surely aborderfenceisntarealisticsolution.W.C.Douglass,,April28,2008.End-time perspective: Thou shaltnot be afraid for the terror by night;norforthearrowthatfliethbyday.Ps.91:5.

    US to take DNA after arrests Federal lawenforcementin the USplans to begin taking cheek-swabDNAsamplesfromanyonetheyarrest,andfromforeignerswhoaredetained,whether charged or not. Right now,suchsamplesarelimitedtoconvictedfelons only. This expanded database,saidtobeintendedtopreventviolent


    personal information, such as familyties and genetic conditions. The

    justicedepartmentsaysthatsuchusewouldbeagainstthelaw. There are dozens of federal lawenforcementagencies,rangingfromtheFBItotheLibraryofCongressPolice,makingabout140,000arrestsannually.Justice officials estimate the newcollecting parameters would add DNAfrom 1.2 million more people. EileenSullivan,Asso.Press,April17,2008.End-time perspective:Inourworriesabout the future, remember that the


    Food Price Rise IsGlobal Crisis

    A shar p r ise in foodpriceshasbecomeaglobal

    crisis, said the US Secretary-Generacalling for immediate internationaaction in a statement made whilemeeting with top leaders onhow theUNandtheEuropeanUnioncanforgecloserties.WorldFoodProgramhaappealedforalmostabilliondollars. He urged international leaders tomeet onan urgent basis todiscusshowtoimproveeconomicdistribution

    systems and the production oagricultural products. VeronikaOleksyn,Asso.Press,April25,2008.End-time perspective: Parentsshouldcalmlyconsiderwhatprovisioncanbe made for their children. Theyhave no right to bring children intothe world to be a burden to othersHavetheyabusinessthattheycanrelyupon tosustain a family sothattheyneed not become a burden toothers?Iftheyhavenot,theycommitacrimeinbringingchildrenintotheworldto

    suffer for want of proper care, foodandclothing.AH164.

    Bypasses andMental Decline

    In 2001, anarticle in the New Engla Journal M e d i c i n ereported tha5 years afte

    bypass surgery

    42% ofpatientshowed declinei n m e n t a

    function of approximately 20 percenor more. A study published this yea(2008)intheAnnals of Thoracic Surgeryusing MRI testing just after bypasssurgery found brain damage in51% o


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    stroke here; but these patients cantremember names or numbers as theyonce did, experience sleep disturbances(including nightmares), suffer moodswings, and lose intellectual acuity.Approximately 30 percent of peoplesuffer persistent depression and someeven contemplate suicide. Dr. JohnMcDougall:, April 12,2008.

    End-time perspective: True religionand the laws of health go hand inhand. It is impossible to work for thesalvation of men and women withoutpresenting to them the need of breakingaway from sinful gratifications, whichdestroy the health, debase the soul, and prevent divine truth from impressingthe mind. CH 445.

    The Word according to OprahThat local newspapers headline

    indicates the extent to which OprahsTV church and her online coursein spiritual power are attractinghypeand interest. The graphic withthe article showed a standing Oprahin stained glass, holding a globe inher right hand (see illustrated GreatControversy, center section).

    Oprah has hosted a 10-week onlineclass with spiritualist teacherEckhart Tolle, whom she calls aprophet of our time. Viewers can askquestions of him via video streaming.

    Oprah, raised Baptist and thehighest-rated talk-show host inAmerican history, suggested thatmany people move toward confidencein their own inner sense of what worksin their lives and decide they no longer

    need hierarchies to tell them whatto believe. She considers herself aChristian who is open to all sorts ofspiritual traditions.

    One interviewee called Oprah avisionary. Oprah has given us all agreat gift, said another. I dont haveas much mind chatter. Gary Soulsman,News Journal(DE), April 12, 2008.End-time perspective: Oprahs gift

    vs. Gods: The gift of God is eternallife.

    FDICs Death WatchOn January 14, 2008, the FDIC

    web site began posting the rules forreimbursing depositors in the eventof a bank failure. The Federal DepositInsurance Corporation (FDIC) isrequired to determine the totalinsured amount for each of the day of the failure and returntheir money as quickly as possible.

    The agency is modernizing its current business processes and proceduresfor determining deposit insurancecoverage in the event of a failure ofone of the largest insured depositoryinstitutions. (

    The implication is clear; the FDIChas begun the death watch on the manybanks which are currently drowning intheir own red ink. The problem for theFDIC is that it has never supervised abank failure which exceeded 175,000

    accounts. So the impending financialtsunami is likely to be a crash-coursein crisis management. Today some ofthe larger banks have more than 50million depositors, which will makethe FDICs job nearly impossible.

    FDIC Chairman Shiela Bairwarned that as of Sept. 30, therewere 65 institutions with assets of$18.5 billion on its list of probleminstitutions; although she wouldntgive names.

    It means theres going to be anunprecedented wave of bank closuresin the US and that people who wanto hold on to their life savings aregoing have to be extra vigilant as thesituation continues to deteriorate. Andit is deteriorating very quickly. MikeWhitney, The Market Oracle, February7, 2008.End-time perspective: In the day a

    man shall cast his idols of silver, andhis idols of gold, which they madeeach one for himself to worship, tothe moles and to the bats; To go intothe clefs of the ragged rocks, for fearof the LORD, and for the glory of hismajesty, when he ariseth to shake theterrible the earth. Isa 2:20-21.

    MankindsGreatest Need

    Iranian PresidentAhmadinejad said

    mankinds gravestneed today is a globalg o v e r n m e n t , expla in ing therule of single lawin the entire world is a bare necessityfor mankind. The existence of athousand laws in the world, and thenexpecting that the global societywould reach a status of equilibrium justice, and tranquility is wishinfor the impossible. It is not possibleto observe global justice under such

    conditions that each country is ruled[by] a different set of laws. IslamicRepublic News Agency, Jan. 22, 2008.

    In another speech, he said thaAmerica has turned into a large prisonwhere the media are keeping the truthfrom Americans. 30, 2008.End-time perspective: I was shownthat if the true Sabbath had been keptthere would never have been an infideor an atheist. CET 86.

    Jesus aState of Mind In his latest book

    Deepak Chopra, abest-selling new ageauthor, challengesChristian doctrinewhile presenting an

    alternative: Jesus as a state of mind,rather than the historical Jesus orSon of God. I said to myself, Whynot write a book that takes Jesusteachingsand it doesnt matter ifyoure Christian or notand learnfrom this and improve your life?Tania Fuentez, Asso. Press, April 12,

    2008. (Contributed by Irene Judd.)End-time perspective: Rejecting theBible for a book containing some of theBibles teachings through spiritualiseyes: Ye fools and blind: for whetheris greater, the gold, or the temple thatsanctifieth the gold? Mat 23:17.

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    Fanaticism In Diet

    Health GemKevin Paulson

    PART 2PART 2

    Last month the author cautioned about

    extreme or inflexible views regardinghealth reform. He wrote about the vary-ing opinions about the use of vegetableoils in the diet. He now continues hiscoverage of disputed interpretations ofEllen Whites dietary counsel.

    Meat Alternatives Again we need to separate real is-sues from false issues. The questionhere is not whether some of the veg-etarian meat products manufacturedby the church and others have at times

    contained harmful ingredients or anexcessively high content of fat and salt.Rather, the question some have raisedis whether the manufacture of suchproducts is in any case the productionof unnatural food, and whether suchfoods were intended by Ellen White to be only transitional for those hith-erto accustomed to eating meat. Onefriend of mine, a health lecturer nowwell-known on the historic Adventistspeaking circuit, recently stated at ameeting I attended that manufactured

    meat substitutes were transitionalfood, not translation food. He wenton to say, not entirely in jest, that suchproducts were an image to the beast.

    But to claim that all processed foodsare unnatural, and thus to be avoidedby those preparing for translation, is toflatly contradict Ellen Whites strongsupport of the Adventist health-food in-dustry. She writes, By many the healthfoods are looked upon as of mans de-vising, but they are of Gods originat-

    ing, as a blessing to His people.1

    She goes on to say that it is Gods purpose that health foods shall bemanufactured in many places.2 Lighton the food question is to be to Hispeople today as the manna was to thechildren of Israel.3 No Ellen Whitestatement that I am aware of says thatthese foods were intended by God tobe only transitional. Regardless of howmany times I have heard people saythis, no one has everto my knowl-edgebacked up this claim with in-spired support. Unless such support

    can be found, it is quite inappropriatefor anyone to say that such productsshould be excluded from the diet ofthose preparing for translation.

    We cannot force Ellen Whitesstatements about returning to

    the original diet to teach more thanwhat the context indicates.

    We need to give our Adventist healthfood manufacturers credit for their re-cent efforts to reduce the amount of

    fat, salt, and other controversial ingre-dients in some of their products. It isessential that the true health reformersamong us do their part to encouragesuch changes.

    No one has the right to make anydietary standard normative for Godspeople in the absence of a plain thussaith the Lord. We all have the rightto express our opinions based on avail-able research, but opinions they mustremain, unless inspired writings indi-

    cate a specific stand.

    Missing the PointSome have tried to discourage the

    use of meat substitutes because, in theirwords, there were no Vega-Links orFriChik in the Garden of Eden. Buneither did the Garden of Eden includewheat mills, blenders or pots in whichto cook legumesappliances used byevery natural-foods cook with whomI am familiar. The earths climate be-fore the Fall was doubtless such thano cooking of any kind was necessary

    But since the earth today is not the perfect environment Eden was, more food preparation is essential, particularlwith grains and legumes. As we notedbefore, we cannot force Ellen Whitestatements about returning to the orig-inal diet to teach more than what thecontext indicates.

    There are those who claim that to evenimitate the appearance or flavor of un-healthful foods is undesirable, perhapsan encouragement to try or to go backto the real thing. Such persons tend to

    view these imitations as yet anotherexample of church members getting asclose as possible to the borderline be-tween good and evil without crossingover. One friend of mine stated to methat true health reformers should noteven seek to simulate the appearance ortaste of Satans products.

    Such extreme piety misses the pointof what the health message is all aboutFoods such as meat and ice cream arenot bad because they taste good, but

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    because they contain physically de-structive ingredients. If such foodscan be simulated with good flavor butwithout the harmful ingredients, theobject of health reform is achieved, atleast in the physical sense. To thinkthat sanctity is achieved by subtractinganything that tastes or feels good fromones lifestyle is a mark of medieval

    monasticism, not historic Adventism.

    Giving Up Dairy ProductsEllen White is clear that the time

    will come when the use of any animalproducts will be unsafe due to the in-crease of disease in the animalcreation.4 Many historic Ad-ventists are now convinced,and with good scientific reason,that this time has come. Somesay it came at least forty yearsago. But it should be noted that

    Ellen Whites statements in thisregard are nearly always com- bined with warnings againstextremism on this particularissue. Examples inclu