Dr. Mohammed S. Al-Zahrani, Dean of Information Technology Prepared & Presented by M. Shahul Hameed, MBA, M.Sc.IT, CMA, CIA, PMP, CGEIT, CISA, CISM, ITSM(ITIL), ISO27001LA, Head of Quality Management Office, Deanship of Information Technology Assisted by Ahmed Samir Morsy, BEng, PGSD CS, MCTS, MCT, MCSD, MCAD, MOS Assistant Head of Quality Management Office, Deanship of IT On the Tuesday, 17 th April 2012 King Faisal University Deanship of IT Strategic IT Plan 2011 – 2015

King Faisal University

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Page 1: King Faisal University

Dr. Mohammed S. Al-Zahrani, Dean of Information Technology

Prepared & Presented by


Head of Quality Management Office, Deanship of Information Technology

Assisted by

Ahmed Samir Morsy, BEng, PGSD CS, MCTS, MCT, MCSD, MCAD, MOS

Assistant Head of Quality Management Office, Deanship of IT

On the Tuesday, 17th April 2012

King Faisal UniversityDeanship of IT

Strategic IT Plan

2011 – 2015

Page 2: King Faisal University

Business Vision

IT Vision

IT Today

IT Strategy

IT Roadmap

Outlines the University’s goals, objectives and

strategies that IT must support

Describes the characteristics of the University’s future IT

environment and the guiding principles for achieving it

An assessment of the current state of the University’s IT

and the gaps between the current state and the IT vision

Identifies the key directions to implement the University’s

IT vision and strategies for the key initiatives needed

Identifies and time-phases the initiatives into IT projects

IntroductionProvides an overview of the strategic IT Plan and its

structure to be in alignment with the KFU plan

Page 3: King Faisal University

IT Vision

IT Today

IT Strategy

IT Roadmap

Describes the characteristics of the University’s future IT environment and the guiding

principles for achieving it

An assessment of the current state of the University’s IT and the gaps between the

current state and the IT vision

Identifies the key directions to implement the University’s IT vision and strategies for

the key initiatives needed

Identifies and time-phases the initiatives into IT projects

Business VisionOutlines the University’s goals, objectives and strategies that IT must support

Page 4: King Faisal University

in Faith, Discipline, Knowledge, Research, Giving, and Going across the Globe !


Page 5: King Faisal University

�TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More

* ‘The hand of Allah is with the group’ (Hadeeth)

�Best Practices & Operational Excellence

*both means and ends must satisfy the stated standards

�Systems approach and Full integration

* solid changes are done delicately and nicely!

�Secure and accurate information available on demand

* right information to the right hand at the right time

�Customer Focused IT Service Management

*Business relationship & Service catalogue

*Responsiveness with Creativity & Integrity

*Self Help tools and Online Request forms


Page 6: King Faisal University

From This

*Data Rich

*Good managers

*Reactive remediation

*Vague presentations looking for decisions

*IT driven

*Financial Data

*Inconsistent project management

To This !

*Information Rich

*Excellent Leaders

*Proactive Avoidance

*Specific presentations

with recommendations

*University Service Driven

*Management information

*Repeatable processes


Page 7: King Faisal University

The Structure and process of our Strategic IT Plan

KFU Vision, Mission & Overarching Goals

Broad statements of what the University hopes to achieve


Provide overall guidance and focus


Imperative Description of


services themes

IT TodayDescription of

the current IT


Strategies Statement of major approaches used

to achieve University & IT objectives


StateDescription of

the desired




ic IT



KFU Strategy & Operational Plan (2011-2013) has been

received. IT Master plan is prepared, based on the IT strategy

and roadmap, and is constantly reviewed and updated

depending on other deanship’s needs.

Page 8: King Faisal University

IT Vision

IT Today

IT Strategy

IT Roadmap

Describes the characteristics of the University’s future IT environment and the guiding

principles for achieving it

An assessment of the current state of the University’s IT and the gaps between the

current state and the IT vision

Identifies the key directions to implement the University’s IT vision and strategies for

the key initiatives needed

Identifies and time-phases the initiatives into IT projects


Provides an overview of the strategic IT Plan and its structure to be in alignment

with the KFU plan

Page 9: King Faisal University

Business Vision

Page 10: King Faisal University

The Vision of KFU is to be among outstanding universities recognized for community engagement through excellence in education, research and leadership.

The mission of KFU is to serve community through th e following six goals with associated objectives:

1. Excellent Teaching and Learning 2. Relevant and Respected Research3. Lifelong learning opportunities4. Effective and efficient administration5. Leadership service and development6. Community engagement for mutual enrichment

Business Vision

Page 11: King Faisal University

To achieve the Strategic Plan, it is critical to dr aw the connections between the goals and make annual plans beginning i n Year 2011 (year 1), with creating the necessary infrastructur e and organizational capabilities. Therefore, the follow ing Strategic Projects weave through the six goals.

1. Planning Infrastructure2. Learning Excellence3. Community Engagement4. Human Capital Development5. NCAAA Accreditation6. Lifelong Learning

Business Vision

Page 12: King Faisal University

Goals & Key Objectives Owner DIT Resp. NCAAA std.

Goal 1: To provide excellent education in a wide spectrum of academic disciplines

1.1.5. Teaching, information and communications technologies and internet access that are more than adequate, equitable and appropriately managed.

VP for Development/ Dean of IT

Delivery & Support

5 & 6

1.2.1 Faculty members with skills for learner-focused teaching and assessment

VP for Development

Participate 4

1.3.7. Access to IT and electronic information systems that is adequate and appropriately managed.

VP for Development/ Dean of IT

Delivery & Support


1.4.2. Systematic and accurate student record keeping and communications.

VP for Development/ Dean of IT

Delivery & Support


Goal 2: To conduct scholarly and applied research that is respected and relevant

VP for Research

Participate 10

Business Vision

Page 13: King Faisal University

Goals & Key Objectives Owner DIT Resp. NCAAA std.

Goal 3: To create lifelong learning opportunities

3.1. Flexible and open learning opportunities are available to adult learners3.2 Faculty members that actively model lifelong learning

VP for Development/Deanship of eLearning

Consultancy 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11

Goal 4: To demonstrate effective and efficient administration & upgraded facilities

4.1.3. Necessary internal and external community support for leadership, organizational change and community engagement

VP for Development

Participate 1, 2, 3

4.2.5. Services from IT that positively support organizational success

Dean of IT Strategic alignment


4.3. Human capital systems that provide sufficient numbers of appropriate faculty and staff members and ensure excellence.

VP (HR) & VP for Development/ Dean of IT

Propose & Follow-up


Business Vision

Page 14: King Faisal University

Goals & Key Objectives Owner DIT Resp. NCAAA std.

4.4. Efficient plans and effective quality assurance mechanisms

VP for Development/DQAAA & DIT

Support & Establish QMO within DIT

1, 2, 3

4.5. Internal and external communications are effective and efficient

VP for Development/Dean of IT & Deanship of QAAA

Consultancy, Delivery and Support of reliable website & Email services

2, 7

Goal 5: To provide exemplary community leadership and develop future leaders

VP for Development

Participate 2, 11

Goal 6: To motivate university and community engagement for mutual enrichment

President / Vice Presidents

Participate 1, 2, 11

Business Vision

Page 15: King Faisal University

Business Vision

IT Today

IT Strategy

IT Roadmap

Outlines the University’s goals, objectives and

strategies that IT must support

An assessment of the current state of the University’s IT

and the gaps between the current state and the IT vision

Identifies the key directions to implement the University’s

IT vision and strategies for the key initiatives needed

Identifies and time-phases the initiatives into IT projects

IntroductionProvides an overview of the strategic IT Plan and its

structure to be in alignment with the KFU plan

Page 16: King Faisal University




To be recognized and respected as one of the premier organization in the region providing leadership & enabling

IT Resources & Capabilities

Vision of Deanship of Information Technology, KFU

Service Excellence Operational Efficiency

Organized Optimized Energized

People Management

Information Applications

Processes Knowledge

Infrastructure Technology


Internal &




IT Vision

Page 17: King Faisal University

Business Vision

IT Vision

IT Strategy

IT Roadmap

Outlines the University’s goals, objectives and

strategies that IT must support

Describes the characteristics of the University’s future IT

environment and the guiding principles for achieving it

Identifies the key directions to implement the University’s

IT vision and strategies for the key initiatives needed

Identifies and time-phases the initiatives into IT projects

IntroductionProvides an overview of the strategic IT Plan and its

structure to be in alignment with the KFU plan

Page 18: King Faisal University

• Continued growth

• Innovation

• New Territory

• New Educational Services/Programs

• New R&D and support to Industrial best practices

• Talk with Top Management

• Talk with Peers

• Talk with Users

• Is robust

• Has industrial strengthprocesses & frameworks

• That works in partnership with University Admin

• That works with key resources to optimise & secure our investments

• Has infrastructure that meets the needs going forward

• Has a testing system that can enable error free implementations

• That has the requisite skill and capability to support the services

• Has an application architecture that is scalable

• We have made significant advances in IT in the last ? …

• Our IT skills base is at risk and needs additional capability to deliver on this plan ?

• Our operational processes are not yet industrial strength ?

• Some of our applications will require re-architecting to meet growth forecasts ?

• Our Enterprise systems are not where they need to be in terms of functionality and maturity ?

1. Redefine organisational capability needs

2. Reduce Incidents end to end with key partners

3. Develop Relationships

1. Work with key partners to optimise and secure investments

2. Process Improvement using best practices

3. Project and Program Governance

1. Architecture review and Technological direction

2. Visibility of value of IT to the university and society

3. Growth proof our existing applications and develop plan for renewal

4. Continuous professional education for TEAM


Satisfied Staff





The University has

significant goals …

To enable these goals

we need IT that …The current reality

of our IT is …

In 2010-2013 we will

develop our journey in 3

core strategies

IT Today

Page 19: King Faisal University

Domain Today’s State

2010 Target Desired Mature


Levels Scorecard

Planning & Organization


• Level ? • Level 4 Managed and Measurable processes.

• Exceeding Level 4 Managed and Measurable & Good practices (COBIT, ITIL and PMBOK standards are followed and automated

Delivery & Support


• Level ? • Level 4 Managed and Measurable ITIL based processes that are continuously monitored and improved

• Level 5 - ITIL V3 based Continuous Improvement process is fully optimized and business value of IT is measured and visible

Enterprise Architecture&

Integration Maturity

• Level ? • Level 3 Well defined Enterprise Architecture and established process for maintenance and continuous improvement

• Level 5 Optimized,Best and becomea Model Architecture for Industry to follow

1 2 3 4 5

1 Initial/Ad Hoc2 Repeatable but


Defined4 Managed 5 Optimized

1 2 3 4 5

IT Today

1 2 3 4 5

IT Today

Page 20: King Faisal University

Business Vision

IT Vision

IT Today

IT Roadmap

Outlines the University’s goals, objectives and

strategies that IT must support

Describes the characteristics of the University’s future IT

environment and the guiding principles for achieving it

An assessment of the current state of the University’s IT

and the gaps between the current state and the IT vision

Identifies and time-phases the initiatives into IT projects

IntroductionProvides an overview of the strategic IT Plan and its

structure to be in alignment with the KFU plan

Page 21: King Faisal University

A gradual effort to re-engineer, improve IT Structure, Polices and


A continuous effort to enhance the effectiveness of IT services to

accommodate KFU growth

New IT initiatives and solutions that enable our KFU goals and create new





IntroductionBusiness Vision

IT Vision

IT Today

IT Strategy

IT Roadmap

IT Strategy

IT Strategy

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IT Strategy

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IT Strategy

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IT Strategy

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IT Strategy

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IT Strategy

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IT Strategy

Page 28: King Faisal University

Establish a Foundation

Design & Execute

Assess & Report

• Tone at the Top & Involvement of key stakeholders

• Organizational Structure & Repeatable Processes• Baseline of effective internal controls & best practices

• Prioritize projects and risks

• Identify key objectives, deliverables and controls• Identify suppliers (internal/external), products and services (existing/new) and users (students/staff)• Identify information security requirements and implement monitoring procedures (KRI, KPI …)

• Prioritize findings

• Report results to the appropriate level • Follow up corrective actions

Model for Monitoring and Support Conclusions

regarding control effectiveness

Operating statistics

• Key risk indicators (KRI)

• Key performance indicators (KPI)

• Comparative industry metrics (Benchmark)


Operations Projects Changes Incidents Risks

Right thing? Benefitted?

Right way? Done Well?

IT Strategy

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IT Strategy

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IT Strategy

Page 31: King Faisal University

IT Strategy

Page 32: King Faisal University

Business Vision

IT Vision

IT Today

IT Strategy

Outlines the University’s goals, objectives and

strategies that IT must support

Describes the characteristics of the University’s future IT

environment and the guiding principles for achieving it

An assessment of the current state of the University’s IT

and the gaps between the current state and the IT vision

Identifies the key directions to implement the University’s

IT vision and strategies for the key initiatives needed

IntroductionProvides an overview of the strategic IT Plan and its

structure to be in alignment with the KFU plan

Page 33: King Faisal University

Milestones Initial Phase

Next Phase

Target Completion

Align, Plan and Organize IT resources and capabilities:

Organize Energize Optimize

• IT organization and relationships & Human Resources (Hiring, leadership assessment, team building and roles and responsibilities)

2011 2012 2012

• IT Process improvement in light of ITIL like best practices & Control Framework

2011 Automate 2013

• IT Strategy review and tactical plans, IT Service Portfolio & Business Relationship

2011 2013

• Enterprise Architecture & Technological direction

2012 2015

• IT Governance, Information Security, Quality and IT Policies Establishment

2011 2012 2012

• IT Finance & Investments & Supplier Management

2011 2012

IT Roadmap

Page 34: King Faisal University

Milestones Initial Phase

Next Phase

Target Completion

Build, Acquire and Implement Academic Technology products to support KFU strategy

Organize Energize Optimize

• University wide programe and projects management solutions to support the quality projects deliverable on time.

2011 2013

• Identify and implement Knowledge Management solutions to support services process owners as well as learning community & enhance eLearning products

2012 2014

• Upgrade BANNER systems with enhanced features as well as web presence with quality presentations

2012 2015

• Complete remaining products of Oracle ERP solutions

2011 2012 2015

• Miscellaneous on-demand products and services by other deanships/departments

2011 2012 2015

IT Roadmap

Page 35: King Faisal University

Milestones Initial Phase

Next Phase

Target Completion

Build, Acquire, Deploy and Maintain robust infrastructure

Organize Energize Optimize

• Coordinate with the civil project management for the new premises and ensure timely installation of IT and related technology infrastructures

2011 2012 2015

• Ensure, upon shifting to new Data Center, that the current center is maintained as DRC (Disaster Recovery Centre) with corresponding configuration upgrades.

2012 2013 2015

• Ensure Internet and Intranet communication facilities are improved with latest technology, capacity and quality of service. This includes wireless and mobile technology also. At new premises.

2012 2015

• Implement robust security architecture and continuous monitoring for performance and conformance

2012 2015

IT Roadmap

Page 36: King Faisal University

Responsibility Current Maturity

Target Maturity

Schedule & Status

Acquire and Implement Solutions

Manage Projects

Define Requirements & Identify Solutions

Enable Change

Manage Change

Acceptance & Transition of Change

Build Business Capability












IT Roadmap

Page 37: King Faisal University

Responsibility Current Maturity

Target Maturity

Schedule & Status

Manage Infrastructure

Manage Operations

Manage 3rd Party Services

Manage Service Desk & Incidents

Manage Business Continuity & Security

Manage Problems

Manage and Operate Business Process (internal controls)












IT Roadmap

Page 38: King Faisal University

Responsibility Current Maturity

Target Maturity

Schedule & Status

Monitor Performance

Monitor Compliance

Monitor Risk & Controls

Provide Third-Party AssuranceBusi











IT Roadmap

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IT Roadmap

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IT Roadmap

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IT Roadmap

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IT Roadmap

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IT Roadmap

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