43 Hibiscus Avenue Gladstone QLD 4680 Subscribe: Subscribe: https://kinkorass.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe Email: Email: [email protected] Phone: Phone: 07 4971 5111 Absentee Email: Absentee Email: [email protected] Term 4 - Week 4 – Tuesday 26 October 2021 Term 4 - Week 4 – Tuesday 26 October 2021 Principal News Congratulations This week we received news that Mrs Kay Kirkman, previous Principal at Kin Kora, was appointed to the role of Regional Director of Central Queensland Region. Having been a great leader at a fantastic school such as Kin Kora, we are not surprised! On behalf of the KKSS community I would like to offer Mrs Kirkman a well-deserved congratulations. Class Planning 2022 2022 planning is already in progress and we ask that you contact the office as soon as possible if you intend leaving Gladstone at the end of the year OR if you wish to enrol a student for next year. We need this information to determine class structures and staffing requirements. Please contact the office if you require additional information. Please note, the more accurate our information here, the less likely we are to have any possible class changes after the year starts. Important Message for Kin Kora Parents All parents will be expected to access their child’s Report Card through Q-Parents. Don’t stress - if you still want paper copies, all you need to do is call or email the office and request it BEFORE WEDNESDAY 24th NOVEMBER 2021. Paper copies will be distributed on Thursday 9th December 2021. It’s not too late to register for QParents – just contact the school Administration to request an invitation. This week we have sent a survey to families to get a feel for how they access the Report Card. Please note - responding to this survey does not constitute a request for paper copy. They are two distinct processes. World Teachers’ Day celebrations Our teachers are very special people. On World Teachers’ Day Friday 29th October we encourage the whole school community to say thank you in recognition of their dedication and important work. Every day they educate and inspire our students. Get involved and visit World Teachers’ Day for information, printable decorations and cards, posters and certificates. Use #ThankQldTeachers to tag your thanks. At our school, the P&C are graciously catering lunch for the teaching staff. Be Kind Online – Preventing Cyberbullying for Queensland State Schools The Department has launched animations to encourage students to block content, report it, and support each other if they see or experience bullying online. The animations show common scenarios that occur and remind students to Be Kind Online. Primary students can find out how bullying in gaming and sharing mean content can impact others and what actions they can take. Secondary students

Kin Kora State School eNewsletter

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43 Hibiscus AvenueGladstone QLD 4680Subscribe:Subscribe: https://kinkorass.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email:Email: [email protected]:Phone: 07 4971 5111

Absentee Email:Absentee Email: [email protected]

Term 4 - Week 4 – Tuesday 26 October 2021Term 4 - Week 4 – Tuesday 26 October 2021

Principal News


This week we received news that Mrs Kay Kirkman, previousPrincipal at Kin Kora, was appointed to the role of RegionalDirector of Central Queensland Region. Having been a greatleader at a fantastic school such as Kin Kora, we are notsurprised! On behalf of the KKSS community I would like tooffer Mrs Kirkman a well-deserved congratulations.

Class Planning 2022

2022 planning is already in progress and we ask that youcontact the office as soon as possible if you intend leavingGladstone at the end of the year OR if you wish to enrol astudent for next year. We need this information to determineclass structures and staffing requirements. Please contact theoffice if you require additional information. Please note, themore accurate our information here, the less likely we are tohave any possible class changes after the year starts.

Important Message for Kin Kora Parents

All parents will be expected to access their child’s Report Cardthrough Q-Parents. Don’t stress - if you still want paper copies,all you need to do is call or email the office and request itBEFORE WEDNESDAY 24th NOVEMBER 2021. Paper copieswill be distributed on Thursday 9th December 2021.

It’s not too late to register for QParents – just contact the schoolAdministration to request an invitation. This week we have senta survey to families to get a feel for how they access the ReportCard. Please note - responding to this survey does notconstitute a request for paper copy. They are two distinctprocesses.

World Teachers’ Day celebrations

Our teachers are very special people. OnWorld Teachers’ Day Friday 29th Octoberwe encourage the whole school communityto say thank you in recognition of theirdedication and important work. Every daythey educate and inspire our students. Getinvolved and visit World Teachers’ Day for information, printabledecorations and cards, posters and certificates. Use#ThankQldTeachers to tag your thanks. At our school, the P&Care graciously catering lunch for the teaching staff.

Be Kind Online – Preventing Cyberbullying forQueensland State Schools

The Department has launched animations to encouragestudents to block content, report it, and support each other ifthey see or experience bullying online.

The animations show common scenarios that occur and remindstudents to Be Kind Online. Primary students can find outhow bullying in gaming and sharing mean content can impactothers and what actions they can take. Secondary students

Prince - Non-commercial License
This document was created with Prince, a great way of getting web content onto paper.

can explore the impact of sharing intimate photos and negativeanonymous accounts.

It is important that students know they are not alone and thereare ways to prevent cyberbullying. Share the videos with yourchildren and start the conversation today.

Jorgen NeilsonPrincipal

Deputy Principal (Prep to Year 3)

Student Code of Conduct

As part of our process of ensuring our Student Code ofConduct is up to date, each year we complete a review. We areseeking Kin Kora families and asking for your feedback throughthis survey to provide insight to guide our school’s program andpolicy within the Student Code of Conduct for 2022. Thank youfor taking the time to complete the survey and provide yourperspective. Survey Link



We are thrilled about having our 2022 Prep Families join us forour transition days! Please see the attached flyer for additionalinformation.

Mitch TaylorP – 3 Deputy Principal

Deputy Principal (Year 4 to Year 6)

Day for Daniel - Friday 29th October

Students are encouraged to wear something red (sun safe) onFriday and bring along a gold coin donation. Students will take

part in a child safety lesson and other activities throughout theweek.

School Facebook

If you haven’t already, Like and follow our School’s Facebooksite to stay up to date with news and events. We encourageyou to Like and Share the posts to show our community howgreat Kin Kora is!

10 Reading Tips for Parents and Guardians

Reading is our school focus in 2021 and here are some handytips:

Andrew Shonhan4 – 6 Deputy Principal

Musical Notes

News from the


Starts back up again this Term with the following rehearsaltimes:

Mondays - 2nd Break - 1 2 ChoirTuesdays - 1st Break - Christmas Choir

The Christmas Choir consists of students from Grades 3 4 5and 6. These students will go on to perform at the Mayor'sChristmas Carols held at the Marina Stage - Friday, 3rdDecember. Thanks to Emily A we are learning the SouthernHemisphere version “Walking in a SUMMER Wonderland”.

1. Set a routine

2. Read at home

3. Make a special reading spot

4. Be a great reading partner!

5. Surround your child with books

6. Bring books everywhere

7. Set a good example; be caught in the act!

8. Communicate with teachers

9. Set learning goals

10. Be enthusiastic!



Recording and rehearsals are still on-going. Students havebeen in the Music Room every Tuesday and Thursday. HUGEthanks to Mrs Reardon for her tireless energy and endlesshours splicing and putting this amazing clip together.

Concert Band

Concert Band and Instrumental Music students with Mr Allenare combined to rehearse every Friday in Term 4. We all lovedhearing and watching your amazing pieces last week on theschool Facebook page.

String Orchestra

String Orchestra and IM lessons with Ms Clarke are on-goingevery Wednesday. Keep up the consistent practise every day.

Dance Kin Kora

Dance Kin Kora has begun recording! Students from Year 3 45 and 6 will soon start watching and voting for their favouritedance group/solo/duo. We certainly have some talentedperformers in this field!

Instrumental Recruiting

Instrumental recruiting is now in its final weeks. Students willsoon be receiving notifications regarding their instrument by theend of this week. It is expected that these students will have thenecessary equipment ready for the start of 2022 – Week 2.

There is an information and Tradeshow evening on Wednesday24th November from 5:30pm if you would like the opportunityto learn more about the program and look at some instrumentsand the accessories required. It is being held at Toolooa StateHigh School.

Maree MaitlandMusic Specialist

Guidance Gossip

Boys – 7 Must Knows About Boys

Raising and educating boys is still a hot topic in Australia andother parts of the world. It appears that those adults who dobest raising and teaching boys have a significant understandingand appreciation of what makes boys tick.

Here are seven keys to successfully raising well-adjusted boys,regardless of whether you are a mother of father, sole parent orin a dual parent relationship:

1: You must like them

Approval is at the heart of working successfully with boys. Theywill walk over broken glass or hot coals if they sense you likethem. In a sense this notion holds many of them back as manyboys will only work for a teacher if they like them and closedown on learning if they sense the teacher doesn’t like them.

Take the time to nurture a relationship with your sons or theboys that you interact with. Some boys like to talk, others liketo share an activity, some like you as an adult to do somethingfor them, others are very kinaesthetic and love to be touched,cuddled and hugged, while some just love gifts andmementoes. Work out the relational preferences of the males inyour life and make sure you match these.

2: Most boys just want to blend in

Boys are group-oriented by nature. They want to fit in. Theytend to play group games and form themselves into structuredfriendship groups. Boys generally don’t want to stand out fromtheir crowd.

Don’t put them down in front of their friends and understandthat they may make poor friendship choices rather than be in agroup of one – by themselves. They prefer the ‘wrong friends’rather than no friends at all.

3: They are hierarchical and they like to know who isin charge

Boys like limits and boundaries as they make them feel safe andsecure. They also like to know that someone is going to enforcethose rules so don’t be afraid to be ‘in charge’, although you


don’t have to use the same authoritarian methods as perhapsyour own parents used.

4: Many boys hide behind a mask

Some boys, eight years of age and older, wear a mask toprotect themselves from being hurt or to portray a tough guyimage. This mask can take many guises including ‘tough nut’,‘cool guy’ and ‘class clown’. They will attempt to communicatewith that mask.

Refuse to communicate with a mask. Make them feelcomfortable, joke with them, even tickle them, but get them todrop the mask if you really want to get through to them.

5: Loyalty is an incredibly strong driver for boys

Understanding that a boy’s loyalty to friends, family, teachersand cause are key male drivers and you go a long way tounderstanding the male psyche. They are incredibly influencedby their peers, which can hold many of them back. It takes abrave boy to get too far ahead of the pack, so they often holdeach other back when it comes to achieving.

Loyalty to others can get boys into trouble. Call a boy’s sisteran insulting name and you are in for fight. Insult his friends andyou are asking for trouble.

6: Use short-term goals to motivate them

Want to know how to motivate a boy to learn? Just make surehe can see some type of benefit in the task and he will workhard to get it. You need to make sure the benefit is tangible andshort-term though for many as they are less likely, compared togirls, to work when there is no foreseeable gain for them.

7: A boy’s brain matures differently than a girl’s brain

In the first five years of life a girl’s brain is busy developing finemotor skills, verbal skills and social skills, which are all highlyvalued by parents and teachers. Meanwhile, a boy’s brain isbusy developing gross motor skills, spatial skills and visualskills. These are all handy hunting skills. So boys often startschool with a distinct disadvantage when it comes to learningand fitting in.

From Michael Grose Presentations Pty Ltd Parentingideas

Luke JacksonGuidance Officer

P&C Operations


We will be having a TREAT DAY on Wednesday 3rdNovember with lots of yummy treats!! Available on

Flexischools and over the counter. Keep an eye on ourFacebook page for updates.

Our Tuckshop is a very busy place in the morning to ensure alllunches are freshly prepared and bagged up ready for Breaktime. For this reason, Flexischools cut-off is at 8:45am and wesuggest ordering the evening before, especially for a Friday!

The Tuckshop ladies have to deal with many students whothink that they have Tuckshop, but it has been forgotten tobe ordered for various reasons. Unfortunately, due to the largenumber of still outstanding IOU’s to be paid to the Tuckshop,we can no longer offer this late-order service. If you receive aphone call from the school office that your child does not haveTuckshop, then we will require parents to come to the schoolto drop money off or, alternatively, bring some lunch in for yourchild.

A reminder that if your child goes home early or does not cometo school and you have pre-ordered Tuckshop, please let theTuckshop know. Unfortunately we cannot provide a credit forfood that has been prepared and the staff not notified that thestudent is not at school.

We thank you for your understanding and for any queries orquestions please feel free to send an email [email protected]

Uniform Shop:

Open TUESDAY’S 8:30am – 10:30am Cash / Eftpos /Flexischools available

With the end of year fast approaching, why not purchaseuniforms for the start of 2022 now and beat the rush! Ouruniform shop is fully stocked and purchases can be made viaFlexischools or come into the Uniform Shop on a Tuesdaymorning between 8:30am to 10:30am.

Email [email protected] with any uniform shoprelated queries.

Brenda RawOperations ManagerKKSS P & C Association

Positive Behaviour

Term 4 - Week 4 Term 4 – Week 5

Be Safe Be Responsible

Safe Student Respectful students

• Chairs will always be flat on thefloor.

• Eat in the correcteating area fortheir grade.


Term 4 - Week 4 Term 4 – Week 5

Be Safe Be Safe

Safe Student Safe Student

School Calendar – Term 4 – 2021



Monday 25thOctober


Prep toYear 3


Year 4 toYear 6


Monday 1stNovember


Year 4 toYear 6


Prep toYear 3


Monday 25thto Thursday28th October





Prep E, 2A,2B, 2C, 2Dand 2E

(Session 4of 5)


Wednesday27th October


Prep E, 2A,2B, 2C, 2Dand 2E


Friday 5thNovember


Prep A,Prep B,Prep C andPrep D


(Session 3of 5)

(Session 5of 5)


Friday 29thOctober


Prep A,Prep B,Prep C andPrep D

(Session 4of 5)


Friday 29thOctober



Friday 29thOctober


Wear Red

Gold CoinDonation

GRC Australia Day Awards 2022Nominations

Do you know someone who continually goes above andbeyond for our community? Maybe it’s a member of the localfooty club, or a friend or family member.

The Gladstone Regional Council Australia Day Awardsacknowledge and celebrate the contributions and success ofindividuals and groups within the Gladstone Region. HelpCouncil recognise those who go above and beyond for ourregion and nominate them for a Gladstone Region Australia DayAward 2022 today.

Categories for the 2022 awards include:

• Sit with their feet flat on the floorand back up straight.

• Always put yourrubbish in the bin.

• Eat only their ownfood.

• Do not leave theeating area untilthe teacher onduty has given youpermission.

• Make sure youclose your lunchbox and put it inthe correct place.

• Play safe! – Sometimes gamesin the playground get morecompetitive than they need tobe. Remember it is reallyimportant not to get rough whenplaying games.

• Play as a team member in teamgames.Play by the rules.

• Always use thetoilet properly.

• Leave the toiletpaper in the rollholder and keepwater in the basin– people may slipand hurtthemselves.

• Go to the toiletand leaveimmediately.

• Use inside voicesin the toilets.

• Citizen of the Year

• Young Citizen of the Year

• Sports Official of the Year

• Senior Sportsperson of the Year

• Young Sportsperson of the Year

• Arts and Culture Award

• Community Volunteer Award

• Community Event or Initiative Award


Nominations close midnight Sunday 7 November 2021. Formore information and to nominate, visit the link below:


Philip Street Precinct Community FunDay