Kids’ Fruits & Veggies Recipe Contest Cookbook 2007-2008

Kids’ Fruits & Veggies Recipe Contest Cookbookimg.ksl.com/slc/439/43911/4391178.pdfi ABout The Contest The 2007-2008 school year marks the 6th successful year of the Kids’ Fruits

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Page 1: Kids’ Fruits & Veggies Recipe Contest Cookbookimg.ksl.com/slc/439/43911/4391178.pdfi ABout The Contest The 2007-2008 school year marks the 6th successful year of the Kids’ Fruits

Kids’ Fruits & Veggies Recipe Contest



Page 2: Kids’ Fruits & Veggies Recipe Contest Cookbookimg.ksl.com/slc/439/43911/4391178.pdfi ABout The Contest The 2007-2008 school year marks the 6th successful year of the Kids’ Fruits


ABout The ContestThe 2007-2008 school year marks the 6th successful year of the Kids’ Fruits & Veggies Recipe Contest. The contest is hosted by the Utah Depart-ment of Health and our Utah Fruits & Veggies–More Matters® Association partners.

Our cookbook has a new name this year, with 5 A Day replaced by Fruits & Veggies–More Matters®.

We received 77 entries this year! Winners were selected in each of the seven categories: Breakfast Item, Snack, Salad, Smoothie, Creative, Des-sert, and Main Dish.

Recipes were judged by members of the Fruits & Veggies–More MattersAssociation who put their taste buds to the test scoring recipes for ease of preparation, creativity, and taste! All recipes were judged for health benefi t by dietetic interns from Brigham Young University. Winning recipes had to be healthy, tasty, contain no more than 12 readily available ingredients, and be easy to prepare in about 20 minutes.

Our winners receive some great prizes and a certifi cate presented to them at school. They also get the chance to be on TV and on the Web.

The idea behind the contest is that kids will discover the fun of cooking with fruits and vegetables early on. You will fi nd all of the 2007-2008 entries in this cookbook. We hope you enjoy!

*Special thanks to all of our judges, partici-pants and their parents, and contest organiz-ers, including the Utah Fruits & Veggies–More Matters Association.

Kate with Casey Scott, making her Creamy Dreamy Fruit Cup.

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Table of Contents


Breakfast Items

Strawberry & Banana Breakfast Sandwich ........................ 1Rebekah’s Whole Wheat PancakesTopped with Yogurt and Strawberries ................................... 2Oat n’ Berry Waffl es ....................... 3Chadwin’s Island ............................ 4Fruity Muffi n .................................. 5


Super Nova .................................... 6The Fuzzy Caterpillar Salad ............. 7Colorful Salad ................................ 8Sensational Strawberry Salad .......... 9Pasta Salad ................................... 10Mary Kathryn’s Christmas Salad .... 11Fruit Salad .................................... 12Joseph’s Famous Popping Rice Salad ....................... 13Alylah’s Salad ............................... 14The Best Beets .............................. 15Puddinged Fruit ............................ 16


Vegetable Pinwheels ..................... 17Salsa ............................................ 18Grazing Sheep .............................. 19The Monkey with Black Teeth ....... 20The Apple, Peanut Butter,Honey Snack ................................ 21Banaberry Delight ......................... 22Alison’s Banana Sandwich ............ 23The Planet .................................... 24Ants On A Boat ............................ 25The Healthy Veggie Garden .......... 26Popcorn Fruit Ball ......................... 27Banana Cookies ........................... 28

Main Dishes

Spaghetti Squash Super ................ 29Anea’s Amazing Tacos .................. 30Veggie Butter-squash .................... 31Lexy’s Creamy Tomato Soup ......... 32


Sierra’s Smoothie .......................... 33Fruit Smoothie .............................. 34The Sweetheart Smoothie ............ 35Shaelee’s Smothie Extreme ........... 36Grace’s Super Fruit Smoothie ........ 37Hodge Podge Smoothies .............. 38Banana Delight ............................. 39Noah’s Fruity Smoothie ................. 40Strawberry Delight ....................... 41Banana Berry Smoothie ................ 42Colorful Smoothie ........................ 43Rainbow Smoothie ....................... 44Bryce’s Smoothie .......................... 45Austin’s Smoothie ......................... 46Hunter’s Smoothie ........................ 47Brennon’s Fruity Smoothie ............ 48Berry Smoothie ............................. 49Banana and Blueberry Soothing Smoothie ....................... 50Cinaberry Smoothie ...................... 51Delight Surprise Smoothie ............ 52Animal Cracker Smoothie ............. 53Chris’ Fruity Creation .................... 54Orange/Pineapple Smoothie ......... 55Super Fruit Smoothie .................... 56Splendid Yogurt Smoothie ............ 57Apple Smoothie ........................... 58

Continued on the next page...



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Table of Contents



Creamy Dreamy Fruit Cup ............ 59Pumpkin Cookies ......................... 60Keven’s Dessert ............................ 61Banana Puffs ................................ 62Fruity Tuity Goodie Cake .............. 63Creamy Fruit ................................ 64Monkey Rolls ................................ 65Miriam’s Mini Pies ......................... 66The Butterfl y in its Nest ................ 67Fruity Float ................................... 68

Creative Items

Fruit Frog ..................................... 69My Beach ..................................... 70Mouse Recipe ............................... 71Fruit and Veggie Delux ................. 72Battle Ship, BLAST! ....................... 73Emily’s Edible Ladybug .................. 74Carrot House ................................ 75Creative Recipe ............................ 76Yummy Sweet Potatoes With Apples ................................. 77

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Breakfast Items

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Strawberry & Banana Breakfast Sandwich

By: Sabrina Greenwood, 3rd Grade, Country View Elementary


English muffi nStrawberry Yogurt BananasStrawberries

Put an English muffi n on a plate. Spread yogurt on the English muffi n. Slice and put on bananas and strawberries. Spread yogurt on your other English muffi n, put on top. Pick up and enjoy!

1st Place

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Breakfast Items


Rebekah’s Whole Wheat PancakesTopped with yogurt and strawberries

By: Rebekah Cannon, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


2 cups whole wheat fl our6 almonds½ cup sugar2 tsp honey1 tsp salt2 tsp baking powder¼ cup oil¾ cup milk3 eggs

Top with yogurt and strawberries.

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Breakfast Items


OAT n’ Berry Waffl es

By: Cameron Milne, 4th Grade, Uintah Elementary, Ogden

Prep time: 10 minutesCook time: 12 minutes


In fi rst bowl combine:1. 2-whole omega 3 eggs2. 1 ¾ cups of skim milk3. ¼ cup of cooking oil4. ¼ cup of natural applesauce

In a second bowl combine:5. 1 ½ cups of whole wheat fl our6. 1 Tbsp of Splenda (or granulated sugar)7. ¼ tsp of light salt (or regular salt)8. 1 Tbsp of baking powder9. ½ cup of rolled oats10. 1 Tbsp of ground fl ax seed11. pinch of “cinnamon plus” (a cinnamon/nutmeg spice blend)

Combine wet ingredients into dry ingredients until just blended. Pour 1 cup at a time into Belgian waffl e maker. Makes 4 waffl es.

12. Fruit Topping Mixture:12 oz. of light strawberry yogurt1 pt. of chopped strawberries1 lb. of chopped bananas1 cup of blueberries

Top the waffl es with the fruit mixture and enjoy a quick, healthy, breakfast.

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Breakfast Items


Chadwin’s Island

By: Chadwin Wright, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


2 eggs1 potato½ inch of cheese1 can of corn

First, fry the eggs, chop and skin the 1. potato, and cook it. Second, when they are done put them 2. on a plate. Third, mash them up so they are a mass 3. of yellow and white. Fourth, let them cool. Then shred 4. cheese up over the mass. Next, cook it for forty-fi ve seconds. Finally, take it out and put the corn on.5.

Yield: Makes one island

Note: Battleship, Blast is this recipe’s side dish

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Breakfast Items


Fruity Muffi n

By: Sierra Christensen, 4th Grade, Jennie P. Stewart Elementary


1 egg½ c. milk¼ c. vegetable oil1 ½ c. fl our1 c. sugar2 tsp. baking powder½ tsp. Salt1 banana mashed1 c. chopped strawberries

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1st Place



1 can of mandarin oranges1 pear9 raisins1 can of pineapples

DirectionsFirst, get a three in wide bowl and skin the pear. Second, cut the pear up and put it in the bowl. Also dump the mandarins in. Finally drop the raisins in and the pineapples. Dig in!!!

Note: this is the planet’s side dish.

Super Nova

By: Chadwin Wright, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


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The Fuzzy Caterpillar Salad

By: Halle Weaver, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


4 plump fi rm red grapesMedium leaf of green leaf lettuce1 tsp sesame seeds1 Tbsp grated broccoli fl oret tips1-2 tsp prepared cream poppy seed dressing1/8 cup French’s fried onions

Wash and dry lettuce.1. Wash and dry grapes and cut in half.2. Put dressing and grapes in small mixing 3. bowl. Gently toss together. Add sesame seeds and the grated broccoli fl oret tips. Toss until coated to liking.Place lettuce on salad plate. Add grapes, 4. cut side down in the shape of an “S” (use ½ tsp dressing under grapes as glue if needed)Pick two onions and insert into front 5. grape to form antennas.Put extra onion in side dish.6.

To eat: Wrap caterpillar up in lettuce and add extra onions inside to taste.

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Colorful Salad

By: Jessica Reilly, 4th Grade, Brookwood Elementary


1 head Romaine lettuce, chopped½ red onion, chopped6 tomatoes, chopped8-10 olives, chopped¼ cup olive juice1 avocado, chopped1 cup shredded carrots1 cup garbanzo beans¼ cup light Caesar dressing, I recommend Ken’s dressing

Chop up the tomatoes, red onions, olives and the avocado. Then, mix everything together and add the Ken’s dressing. Enjoy!

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Sensational Strawberry Salad

By: Erin Tapahe, 6th Grade, Edgemont Elementary, Provo

Ingredients (Makes four servings)

1 bunch Romaine lettuce8 fresh strawberries1 Tbsp sunfl ower seeds (the kernel part with shells removed)2 Tbsp Ranch dressing

Rinse lettuce leaves and strawberries under water. Cut lettuce leaves into bite-size pieces. Cut off strawberry stems and slice strawber-ries. Put lettuce in bowl and mix in sliced strawberries. Lightly drizzle salad dressing on salad mix. Next, sprinkle sunfl ower kernels on top of the dressing so that kernels don’t all fall to the bottom of the bowl.


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Pasta Salad

By: Jason Drew Barlow, 5th Grade, Foothill Elementary


2 chicken breasts2 roma tomatoes1 cucumber2 Stalks celery¼ - ½ cup Newman’s’ Own Balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing – to tasteCurly or bowtie pasta

Cook and drain pasta. Brown chicken in olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Cut into bite size pieces. Dice all vegetables and toss all ingredients together in a big bowl. Enjoy!

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Mary Kathryn’s Christmas Salad

By: Mary Mangum, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary

Recipe for 8Prep time: 20 minutes


1 bunch Romaine lettuce, chopped5 strips of cooked and chopped bacon½ cup pomegranate seeds½ cup slivered almonds (if you can fi nd the seasoned ones, I like those best!)

Lightly toss with Brianna’s Poppyseed dress-ing.

Combine all ingredients and serve immedi-ately.

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Fruit Salad

By: Jazmin James, 4th Grade, Lynn Elementary


Salad:1 medium fresh pineapple3 medium apples cubed (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green)1 large fi rm banana, sliced1 pint strawberries1 pint blueberries4 cups seedless red and green grapes3 kiwi fruits, peeled and sliced

Dressing:1 package (3 oz) cream cheese softened½ cup confectioner’s sugar2 tsp lemon juice1 carton (8 oz) frozen whipped topping, thawedAdditional berries for garnish (optional)

Peel and core pineapple; cut in to cubes and place in a 3 or 4 qt glass serving bowl. Add remaining fruit and stir to mix. In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Gradually add sugar and lemon juice; mix well. Fold in whipped topping. Spread over fruit. Garnish with additional berries if desired. Store leftovers in the refrigerator.

Yields 16-20 servings.

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Joseph’s Famous Popping Rice Salad

By: Joseph Price, 4th Grade, Valley View Elementary


1 cup leftover cooked rice1 handful leftover turkey or chicken(Use canned if you don’t have leftovers)¼ cup chopped celery1 Tbsp butter1 tsp balsamic vinegarOne pinch oreganoOne pinch garlic saltOne pinch pepperShredded lettuce2 big leaves of romaine lettuceA few chopped cucumber slices

Melt the butter in a frying pan on medium heat. Add rice, celery, and meat. Cook and watch the rice “pop”. Add vinegar and spices. Remove from heat. Place shredded lettuce in the middle of a plate. Put the romaine lettuce and cucumbers around the outside. Pour the rice mixture on top of the lettuce.

(If desired, drizzle with raspberry vinaigrette.)


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Alylah’s Salad

By: Alylah Rose Pulser, 4th Grade, Crest View Elementary


½ cup chopped carrots1 bag spinach1 large bowl1 full cup of olivesSome grape tomatoesIdea: add your favorite dressing to make it good.

Put 1 bag of spinach in the large bowl. Then put in the olives, then the grape tomatoes. Now add the chopped up carrots. Now you can mix it (not a cookie mixer, use just spoons and mix it without squashing anything). Now you have your salad.

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Best Beets

By: Kort Gaenssle, 2nd Grade, Emerson Elementary


2 Tbsp olive oil½ lg yellow onion, diced1 bunch beets with greens (about 3)2 oranges, segmented2 oranges, juiced3 Tbsp horseradish cream style

Wash and coarsely grate beets. Sauté onion in olive oil on high until onion is soft. Add grated beets. Reduce heat to medium high. Cook 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Rinse and chop greens. Add to pan. Cover and reduce heat to low. Cook 15 minutes. Mix juice and horseradish to taste. When beets are done put in serving bowl toss in orange segments and mix in juice and horseradish mixture. Best served warm.

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Puddinged Fruit

By: Elizabeth Pace, 4th Grade, Jennie P. Stewart Elementary


1 apple1 banana1 cup marshmallowsPudding of your choice (2 cups of milk)

Follow four easy steps, and then end up with great food!

Cut banana and apple into bite size 1. pieces.Pour into large bowl with 1 cup 2. marshmallowsStir in pudding with mixture.3. Serve and enjoy!4.

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1st Place


Vegetable Pinwheels

By: Callie Peterson, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


1 cup chopped broccoli1 cup chopped caulifl ower1 cup chopped carrots½ cup chopped olives1 cup diced cucumber8 oz fat free cream cheese1 packet powdered ranch dressingTomato or spinach tortillas

First, you put the cream cheese and powdered ranch dressing in a bowl. Second, you blend it together. Third, fi nely chop the vegetables. Fourth, put the vegetables in the bowl and stir them into the cream cheese mixture. Fifth, chill it for 30-60 minutes. Sixth, spread it on a tortilla. Seventh, roll it up. Then cut into thick pieces. Finally you serve it.


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By: Alex Alspaugh, 4th Grade, Uintah Elementary


1 can Hunts diced roasted garlic tomatoes1 can mild rotel tomatoes½ tsp sugar1 tsp fresh lime juice½ tsp cumin¼ tsp chili powder2 heaping Tbsp of fresh cilantro1-2 Tbsp chopped onion2-3 dashes of Cholula Hot SauceOne pinch of salt and pepper

How to: put all ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth. Serve with corn chips.

Approximate time: 15 minutes

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Grazing Sheep

By: Broderick Olson, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


Caulifl ower (1/6 of head)4 mini peeled carrotsCelery or lettuce1 peanut1 Tbsp peanut butter1 Tbsp ranch dressing

Shred celery or lettuce and place in center of dinner plate. Then take each carrot, dip end in peanut butter and stick in 4 corners of underside of caulifl ower piece. Set caulifl ower sheep on ‘all fours’ (carrot ends) on top of shredded greens. Then dip ½ of each peanut in peanut butter and stick on as eye for sheep. Spoon ranch dressing in front of sheep to make it look like the watering hole in the middle of the fi eld. Eat and enjoy!

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The Monkey with Black Teeth

By: Cameron Christensen, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


4 apple slices1 carrot stick11 raisins

First place the apples in an upside down “u” shape on a plate. Have the slices turned so they look like ears and eyebrows. Put the carrot stick in place like a mouth. Put 2 raisins on the apple slices and 2 raisins as a nose and 7 on the carrot stick for black teeth.

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The Apple, Peanut Butter, Honey Snack

By: Ethan Simmons, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


8 slices of apple from fridge1 tsp of peanut butter on each slice of apple½ tsp of honey on top of the apple and pea-nut butter

First, you go to the fridge and get an apple. Second, slice the apple into 8 little pieces. Third, go get 1 tsp of peanut butter out of the pantry. Fourth, get ½ tsp of honey out of the pantry. Fifth, spread the peanut butter on all of the slices of apple. Then squeeze out the honey on top of the peanut butter. Next, put the slices of apple on a plate. Finally, eat it up.

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Banaberry Delight

By: Erin Tapahe, 6th Grade, Edgemont Elementary

Ingredients (makes one serving)

½ banana4 fresh strawberries1 cup vanilla yogurt (plain)1 tsp Grape Nuts cereal or crunchy granola (optional)

Rinse strawberries under water and cut off stems. Peel banana. Slice bananas into coin-shaped slices and dice up three fresh straw-berries into bite-size pieces, being careful not to squish them. Put aside one slice of banana and one whole strawberry (this will be used for garnishing the snack). Put yogurt in a dish and mix with cup fruit. Sprinkle Grape Nuts or granola on the top of yogurt mix, if desired.

To garnish, cut a slit into the slice of banana from the center outward so that it can be placed on the lip of the dish. Cut a slit into the whole strawberry by cutting halfway through starting at the tip of the strawberry. Then place both banana and strawberry on the lip of the dish.


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Alison’s Banana Sandwich

By: Alison Fillmore, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


2 pieces of bread plain2 scoops of peanut butter and jamSix thin slices of bananaKnife

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The Planet

By: Chadwin Wright, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


1 slice of bread1 raisin2 pieces of celery1 Tbsp of peanut butter

First roll the slice of bread into a ball with the raisin inside and then stick the toothpick in the ball of bread. The raisin is the core. Second, smear peanut butter on the ball of bread. Third, break the celery pieces up and stick them on.

Note: this tends to get messy so you might want to eat over a plate.

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Ants On A Boat

By: Elijah Button, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


applecelerypeanut butterraisinscheesetoothpicks

First, cut the apple in half and the 1. core out. Second, break the celery in half and put 2. a half in the cores spot. Third, paste the peanut butter on the 3. apple. Next, you sprinkle the raisins on the 4. peanut butter. Then stick the toothpick in the celery 5. and put the cheese on the toothpick!!! Yum. Yum.

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The Healthy Veggie Garden

By: Coby Goudy, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


1 package of Oreo cookies (crunched up)1 stock celery (cut into 1-2 inch pieces)1 small bundle of broccoli (cut into small trees)6-8 radishes10-12 cherry tomatoes1 pepper (any color, cut off top and clean off centers)1 container (your favorite) vegetable dip

First, in a glass container spread cookies all over to resemble dirt. Second, place each kind of vegetable in rows lengthwise. Third, put your vegetable dip into your pepper and place in the middle of your garden. Finally, eat cookie crumbs for a tasty dessert after.

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Popcorn Fruit Ball

By: Frank Phillipsen, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


3 cups popped popcorn1 cup peanuts½ cup dried banana chips½ cup dried apples½ cup dried apricotsSmall jar of Jiffy Mellow

First, air pop popcorn. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Second, form into balls and eat.

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Banana Cookies

By: Smith Nielson, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


1 box of spice cake mix2 cups of mashed bananas1 cup chocolate chips1 cup oatmeal

First, preheat oven at 350 degrees. 1. Second, mix in a bowl for 2 minutes. 2. Third, scoop cookies on greased pan. 3. Then put in oven for 15 minutes. 4. Finally, get a glass of milk and enjoy5.

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Main Dishes

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1st Place




2 to 3 pound spaghetti squash1 jar, 16 oz. Pasta sauce12 olives plus juice4 Tbsp parmesan cheese1 tsp Italian spice

Peirce squash with fork about 10 times. Microwave on high for about 8 minutes, turn over halfway, when you hear a hissing or bubbling sound it is done. Let cool. This can be done up to a day ahead. Slice squash in half lengthwise. Scoop out seeds.

FUN PART: Use a fork to scrape out strands of squash into a large bowl. It looks like yellow spaghetti. Add your favorite pasta sauce, Italian spice mix and olive juice. Heat mixture in a pan or in microwave oven. Divide it evenly on four plates, sprinkle with cheese and garnish with olives. Easy, healthy and best of all yummy.

Spaghetti Squash Super

By: Drew Reilly, 6th Grade, Brookwood Elementary

Main Dishes

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Main Dishes


Anea’s Amazing Tacos

By: Anea Ferrario, 4th Grade, Unitah Elementary


1 ½ pounds chicken breast sliced thinly1 T extra virgin olive oil1 small onion diced1 clove garlic mincedPepper1 t chili powder½ t cumin groundHandful of diced olivesHandful cilantro leaves8-10 low fast fl our tortillas Iceberg lettuce shredded with a few spinach leaves*Monterey Jack or Smoked cheddar cheese*1 diced tomatoBroccoli-Carrot Coleslaw Mix (get in a bag in grocery store)This really makes it crunchy!Low-fat cooking spray*optional

In a saucepan, brown chicken with olive oil. Add onion and garlic to soften onion. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add tomato puree, chili powder, cumin, olives and salt to taste. Bring to bubble and reduce heat. Keep warm until ready to serve.

Warm fl our tortillas in skillet with cooking spray. Scoop fi lling into tortillas and add toppings. Enjoy!

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Main Dishes


Veggie Butter-squash

By: Kurt Bach, 2nd Grade, Arcadia Elementary


1 butter-squashButter1 chopped onion2 chopped tomatoes½ chopped green pepperOlive oilSalt – pepperParmesan cheeseChopped nuts

Wash the butter-squash and cut it in half lengthwise and take out all the seeds. Put it in an oven safe dish, cover with lost of but-ter and bake at 350 degrees for about 30-45 minutes. In the meantime, cut and sauté the onion, tomatoes and green pepper in olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and mix in a handful of chopped nuts. Once the butter-squash is ready, take it out of the oven and fi ll it with the vegetables, cover with parmesan cheese and put in the oven for 2 or 3 minutes until the cheese is melted. Serve and enjoy!!!

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Main Dishes


Lexy’s Creamy Tomato Soup

By: Alexys Lund, 2nd Grade, Tolman Elementary


1 ½ cups water1-14 oz can diced tomatoes (do not drain)2 cubes chicken bouillon1 tsp dried onions¼ tsp dried basil¼ tsp pepper¼ tsp garlic salt1 cup heavy cream

Combine all ingredients except cream in a medium saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add cream and bring up to temperature. Serve.

Makes 4 servings.

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1st Place




1 banana6 strawberries without stems1 handful of blueberries1 (6 oz) container of blueberry yogurt2 cups milk½ ripe avocado1 Tbsp honey

Blend for 20 seconds and enjoy.

Sierra’s Smoothie

By: Sierra Conrad, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


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Fruit Smoothie

By: David Hopper, 1st Grade, Sprucewood Elementary


3 cups frozen strawberries2 cups 100% apple juice½ cup yogurt1 banana

Mix in blender, yummy!

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The Sweetheart Smoothie

By: Morgan Valentine, 5th Grade, Bella Vista Elementary


1 ½ cup frozen mango1 ½ cup frozen pineapple1 cup frozen blueberries1 tub pineapple-orange crystal light powder3 ½ cups milk

Blend until smooth. Please enjoy.

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Shaelee’s Smothie Extreme

By: Shaelee Deeben, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


1 cup of strawberries1 cup of bananas½ cup of yogurt½ cup of milk

First you cut the strawberries and 1. bananas. Second, you put the strawberries and 2. bananas into the cups. Third, you put the yogurt and the milk 3. into cups with the bananas and strawberries. Fourth, you put it in an even bigger cup. 4. Fifth, you get the mixer into your hands 5. and mix up the fruit, yogurt, and milk.

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Grace’s Super Fruit Smoothie

By: Grace Laughlin, 2nd Grade, Emerson Elementary


1 ½ cups orange juice5 cups grapefruit juice2 peeled kiwis2 bananas1 cup frozen blueberries1 cup frozen strawberries1 cup pineapple1 cup organic vanilla yogurt

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until smooth.

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Hodge Podge Smoothies

By: Sariah Watchalotone, 2nd Grade, Emerson Elementary


1 or 1 ½ cups milk or water (my mom puts water because she has milk allergies)10 strawberries (frozen or fresh)1 banana½ or 1 apple (cut into small pieces)1 kale leaf½ or 1 orange (cut into small pieces)1 celery stick (cut into small pieces)2 Tbsp honey½ cup cottage cheese

Put everything in a blender. Grind 30 seconds to 1 minute. Pour into cups (serves 4-5 people). Enjoy.

Ingredients can be changed depend on season fruit, personal preference. You can add anything you omit or add avocado, other berries, watermelon, honeydew cantaloupe, pineapples and yogurt.

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Banana Delight

By: Danielle Bucio, 2nd Grade, Antelope Elementary


1 banana1 cup of frozen mango chunks1 cup of orange juice1 cup of skim milk1 Tbsp of honey

Put all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!

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Noah’s Fruity Smoothie

By: Noah Potter, 2nd Grade, Jennie P. Stewart Elementary


1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)¼ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)1 banana (fresh)½ can of peaches (include juice)¼ tsp vanilla

**If you prefer smoothie runny, add ½ cup milk or vanilla soy milk**If you prefer smoothie thicker, add ½ cup raspberry yogurt

Place all listed ingredients in a blender and blend until desired texture.

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Strawberry Delight

By: Tyler Blake, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


1 cup strawberries½ banana8 grapes2 large spoonfuls frozen orange mango peach juice concentrate1 cup Nature’s Three Berries (blueberries, raspberries, marion berries)¼ cup honeydew melon½ banana5 ice cubes

Mix in blender. Add ingredients while mixing. Pour into glass and enjoy. Makes 5 servings.

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Banana Berry Smoothie

By: Emma Hollock, 4th Grade, River Heights Elementary


½ cup frozen orange juice concentrate1 1/3 cup of milk¾ cup of frozen berries (raspberries, blackber-ries and blueberries)1 banana6 ice cubes

Put ½ cup frozen orange juice in blender, add 1 1/3 cup milk, ¾ cup frozen berries, 1 sliced banana and 6 ice cubes. Blend well and enjoy.

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Colorful Smoothie

By: Keilani Fifi ta, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


2 cups strawberries1 cup yogurt10 ice cubes¼ cup powder sugar¼ cup solid orange juice½ cup of milk

First, you get the machine out. 1. Second, if you don’t have the stuff go 2. and buy them. Third, once you have all of the stuff you 3. start putting in the blender. Fourth, make sure everything is in so it 4. will not taste disgusting. Fifth, once everything is done press go 5. and blend it together. Finally, once it is all blended together, 6. pour it in some cups and enjoy it.

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Rainbow Smoothie

By: Elisabeth Oldham, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary

Ingredients1 ½ cups raspberry1 ½ cups blueberry1 ½ cups strawberry2 bananas¼ cup milk3 scoops of vanilla ice cream1 carton of milk cubes (an ice cube tray fi lled with milk and frozen)1 carton ice cubes¼ cup sugar

First, you add all the ingredients and put 1. them in a blender. Second, you blend for 3 to 4 minutes. 2. Third, you serve in small cups. 3. Finally, you and enjoy!4.

Note: if it is too thick, add more milk.

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Bryce’s Smoothie

By: Bryce Pugh, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


1 cup grapes10 strawberries1 banana½ of an orange1 cup of orange juice

Blend and enjoy!

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Austin’s Smoothie

By: Austin Faulkner, 3rd Grade Country View Elementary


10 ice cubes½ cup Tropical Fruit mix (frozen package/ w.f.)6 oz Yoplait Strawberry Mango yogurt1 yogurt container of 2% milk½ cup cantaloupe½ ripened banana1 tsp vanilla

Blend together (1 minute).

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Hunter’s Smoothie

By: Hunter Erickson, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


5 Strawberries1 Banana2 scoops of vanilla ice cream¼ cup milk½ cup strawberry yogurt

Mix ingredients in blender.

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Brennon’s Fruity Smoothie

By: Brennon Peterson, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


6 oz raspberry yogurt6 oz blackberry yogurt1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)1 whole banana½ cup of orange juice

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

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Berry Smoothie

By: Kimberly Starkweather, 3rd Grade, Blanding Elementary


1 measuring cup of frozen strawberries1 measuring cup of frozen raspberries½ cup vanilla ice cream, and1 measuring cup of ice cubes

Put all ingredients into a blender, mix together until smooth. Pour into glasses. Enjoy!!!

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Banana and Blueberry Soothing Smoothie

By: Paige Wadley, 2nd Grade, Jenny P Stewart Elementary


6 oz blueberry yogurt1 banana½ cup of orange juice½ cup of milk3 ice cubes

Put the ingredients into the blender and mix. Makes 2 ½ cups.

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Cinaberry Smoothie

By: Sabrina Greenwood, 3rd Grade, Country View Elementary


1 cup of milk1 cup of frozen strawberries¼ cup of raspberries5 ice cubes1 cut banana1/8 oz strawberry and banana yogurt1 tsp ground cinnamon1 blender

How to make itPour in milk into blender 1. Add frozen strawberries, raspberries, ice 2. cubes, banana, yogurt and cinnamonBlend until smooth3. Pour into glasses4. Garnish: make a slice in a banana slice 5. or strawberry and place on edge of cupEnjoy!6.

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Delight Surprise Smoothie

By: Lauren Smith, 4th Grade, Snowsprings Elementary


About 1 cup of blended strawberry banana yogurtAbout 1 cup of frozen orange juice made from concentrate1 banana cut up into small slices30 frozen raspberries2 cups of crushed ice1 and half cups of water

Mix all ingredients together turn blender onto high until all bumps and chunks are gone. Then serve into small cups, then fi nally…..ENJOY!!!

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Animal Cracker Smoothie

By: Derek Gleason, 3rd Grade, Deerfi eld Elementary


2 cut up bananas15 strawberries6 ice cubes1 cup strawberry yogurt½ cup milk8 animal crackers

Blend for 1 minute. When done pour into a cup and put one animal cracker on top.

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Chris’ Fruity Creation

By: Christopher A. Bell, 2nd Grade, Antelope Elementary


1 6 oz vanilla yogurt5 ice cubes10 frozen strawberries12 frozen blueberries½ medium orange1 medium banana

Blend in a smoothie blender until thoroughly mixed. Drink and enjoy!

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Orange/Pineapple Smoothie

By: Logan Clay Rasmussen, 4th Grade, River Heights Elementary


2 peeled naval oranges½ can pineapple with juice½ cup sugar (white)2 cups milk1 tray ice cubes

Combine all ingredients in a blender or smoothie machine. Blend until smooth. Serve in a cup and enjoy the cool treat.

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Super Fruit Smoothie

By: Jenna Rhodes, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


4 strawberry ice cubes¼ cup orange juice concentrate2 Tbsp sugar3 fl uid oz water½ cup frozen raspberries1 heaping Tbsp regular strawberry yogurt

First, add the ingredients into the 1. blender, the order they were listed. Second, pulse several times until 2. blended (we use ‘Kitchen Champ’ on speed 2).

Yields: approx 1 ½ cups

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Splendid Yogurt Smoothie

By: Sophie McAllister, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


1 thing of strawberry, banana yogurt1 banana¼ tsp vanilla½ cup of milk10 cubes of ice

First, you get the yogurt from the fridge. 1. Second, you get the banana off of the 2. counter. Third, you put the vanilla in. Fourth, 3. you put the milk in. Fifth, you start mixing it. Then you start 4. putting in the ice cubes one by one. Finally, you drink it. Mmm, mm good.5.

Yield: makes 2 drinking cups

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Apple Smoothie

By: Zach Thompson, 4th Grade, Lynn Elementary


2 apples, cut up1 cup sugar3 scoops of ice cream2 cups of milk

Mix it all up in a blender.

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1st Place




Strawberries (slices or left whole)Peaches (pealed and sliced)Pineapple (chunks)Honeydew Melon (chunks)Blueberries(or any other favorite item)Lite Cool WhipDessert dishes

Line dessert dishes with Cool Whip. Arrange 5-6 pieces of fruit in the dish. Put in refrigerator for about 10 minutes. Enjoy!!

Creamy Dreamy Fruit Cup

By: Kate Clifford, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


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Pumpkin Cookies

By: Chelsea Jenkins, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


1 small can of pumpkins1 box of spice cake½ back of chocolate chips

First, put one small can of pumpkins. 1. Second, put one box of spice cake. 2. Third, put half a bag of chocolate chips. Fourth, mix them together. 3. Fifth, put oven at 400 degrees. 4. Sixth, spray cookie sheet with Pam. 5. Seventh, put cookies on pan. 6. Next, bake for 14 minutes. 7. Then, let cookies cool for 30 seconds. 8. Finally, you eat them!9.

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Keven’s Dessert

By: Keven Balser, 3rd Grade, Foothill Elementary, Orem


3 bananas2 apples1 c. colored mini marshmallows2 c. whipped cream

Slice bananas, cut 2 apples into bite size pieces, add one cup of colored mini marshmallows. Add two cups of whipped cream and stir.

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Banana Puffs

By: Amy Cannon, 3rd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


1 banana½ c. shortening½ c. honey1 egg1 tsp. VanillaBeat together.Add:1 ½ c. wheat fl our (add more fl our if needed)¼ tsp. Salt½ tsp. Baking powder

Mix well. Roll into balls, place on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Makes 12 puffs.

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Fruity Tuity Goodie Cake

By: Jaylee Jarrett, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


1 white cake mix1 canned pineapple tidbits, drained2 small cans of mandarin oranges, drained2 peeled and sliced bananas1 pint sour cream1 9X13 pan

First, be sure to follow the directions on the back of the cake mix using a nine by thirteen pan. Second, stir the sour cream until smooth. Third, combine fruit and sour cream together. Fourth, spread fruit mix on top of cake. Finally, it’s ready to serve!

Note: If you have any leftovers keep refrigerated. Ingredients above make about fi fteen servings.

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Creamy Fruit

By: Brian Patino, 4th Grade, South Summit Elementary


2 cups strawberries1 cup of raisins and cranberries 1 cup of lite whip cream 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese

Stir with spoon, put in a plate and use 5 cranberries to make a circle. Put 5 slices of lettuce and put a little of lite whip cream in every leaf and put 1 cranberry per leaf and you’re done! Makes 5 servings.

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Monkey Rolls

By: Mallory Jones, 6th Grade, Edgemont Elementary


2 cans crescent roll dough (8 count, reduced fat)3 oz cream cheese (Neufchatel Cheese, 1/3 fat)¼ c. powdered sugar1/8 tsp vanilla 1 large, ripe banana cut into 8 equal pieces

Open both cans of crescent roll dough. Divide into 16 triangular pieces. Set aside while you make the fi lling. Combine the cream cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla into a mixing bowl and beat until creamy. Lay one triangle crescent on a cookie sheet and spread 1 teaspoon of the fi lling on the middle of the triangle. Take one piece of the cut banana and cut it into 8 smaller pieces. Lay the small banana pieces onto the fi lling. Next you need to top with one more piece of crescent dough and then you pinch the edges to seal in the fi ll-ing. Repeat until you have eight fi lled triangles.

Bake for 13 minutes, or until golden brown.

Serve warm.

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Miriam’s Mini Pies

By: Miriam Price, 5th Grade, Valley View Elementary


4 crunchy granola bars12 sections of graham crackers6 Tbsp of melted butter1 banana½ to 1 cup of frozen berries½ cup of plain yogurt2 Tbsp of sugar

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Then break the granola bars & Graham crackers until the mixture looks like sand. Put the melted butter in the bowl with the graham cracker mixture. Stir until combined. Press the mixture into 7 custard cups, around the sides and bottom. Put in the oven for 7 minutes. While cooking get another bowl and chop the banana and put it into the bowl. Thaw the berries a little and put them in the bowl too. Add the yogurt and sugar then mash with a potato masher until combined. If there is still time left over put the plastic wrap over it and put in the fridge. When the cups are done and cooled, fi ll the middle with the fi lling. You can put it in the fridge to eat later or you can eat it right now. Makes 7 servings.

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The Butterfl y in its Nest

By: Chloe Caussat, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


Pancakes:2 cups of fl our (we prefer the whole wheat one as it’s healthier)1 ½ cup of milk2 Tbsp of melted butter2 ½ tsp of baking powder½ tsp of salt2 Tbsp of orange or lemon zest1 egg

1 package of Pepperidge Farm Puff pastry shells (thawed)3 bananas1 kiwiSome blueberries, strawberries, raspberries…depending on the season1 can of light whipped cream (optional)

Prepare the pancakes sifting together fl our, baking powder and salt. In a separate bow, combine egg and milk. Add this to the fl our mixture stirring until smooth. Finally add the orange or lemon zest and the melted butter. Cook on a greased griddle on both sides. Cut 6 pancakes into 1 inch-diameter circles, than cut them in 2. These 12 half circles will be the butterfl y wings.

Cook the shells for about 20 minutes in the oven pre-heated at 360 (until they’re puffed and slightly golden) and let them cool down.

In each nest, put a half banana, the thinnerextremity being outside the nest and fi guring the butterfl y’s head. Using a toothpick, pierce the banana from side to side and attach a piece of pancake on each side of the banana. The butterfl y now has wings! Use some kiwi slices to decorate the wings, make the mouth, the antlers and the eyes. We had some melted chocolate when we made the one on the picture, so we just used two drops of it for the eyes…Fill the rest of the nest with the berries and decorate with some touches of whipped cream. Sprinkle the butterfl y’s body with some cinnamon and that’s it!!

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Fruity Float

By: Annika Dean, 3rd Grade, Grandview Elementary


1 Pomegranate (2 cups of seeds)2 TangerinesSherbet (lime, orange or pineapple)

Juice pomegranate and tangerines in a juicer. Pour fresh juice over a scoop of sherbet. Garnish with extra pomegranate seeds.

Note: If you do not have a juicer you can use frozen or bottled juice

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Creative Items

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1st Place




8 grapes1 carrot6 blueberries3 raisins1 orange1 orange slice

SuppliesKnifeToothpicksPaper towel or plate

AssemblyTake the orange and cut a notch big enough for the carrot to get stuck in near where the stem was. Then get your two toothpicks and put two grapes on each. Then grab two more toothpicks and put three blueberries on each. Stick the blueberry toothpicks in the sides under the mouth just like legs. Now put the grape toothpicks behind the front legs until they look like back legs. Next put a toothpick through a grape and put a raisin in the grape, you will make two of them. Then stick the newly made eyes on top of the frog’s mouth. Finally stick the carrot in the notch and put a raisin on the carrots end. For some extra fun put the orange slice under the frog!

Fruit Frog

By: John Michael Lewis, 6th Grade, Valley Elementary, Eden Utah

Creative Items

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Creative Items


My Beach

By: Meg Peterson, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


½ coconut5 lettuce leafs1 sliced up pickle1 slice of pineapple½ banana sliced up3 sticks of celery1 Tbsp of coconut shavings1 cup of smashed blueberries

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Creative Items


Mouse Recipe

By: Isabella Thompson, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


1 tangerine2 dried apricots1 apple peel1 bamboo skewer3 pepper corns

Stick the peppercorns deep in the tangerine for the eyes and mouth. Use the apricots for the mouse ears. Use the apple peel for a puffy tail. Break the bamboo skewer into pieces and use for legs and to put in the ears and tail.

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Creative Items


Fruit and Veggie Delux

By: Jackson Hawkins, 2nd Grade, Canyon Crest Elementary


1 pizza crust (pre-cooked)8 oz. cream cheese1 tsp. honey¼ cup shredded carrots1 tomato sliced¼ cup pineapple tidbits, drained¼ cup raisins2 Tbsp shredded coconut

Preheat oven 350 degrees. Mix together cream cheese and honey, spread evenly over pizza crust. Sprinkle carrots over cream cheese and lay tomato slices on top. Next sprinkle pineapple and raisins over tomatoes. Top with shredded coconut. Bake at 350 degrees for 7-10 minutes until coconut is slightly browned.

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Creative Items


Battle Ship, BLAST!

By: Chadwin Wright, 4th Grade, Salem Elementary


2 pieces of celery2 slices of cheese1 jar of peanut butter2 grapes

First, get the two slices of cheese and 1. put them together. Second, take the butter knife, cover the 2. tops of the celery with peanut butter and set the celery with the peanut but-ter on it on top of the cheese. Third, get two toothpicks and stick them 3. in two grapes. Finally, stick the toothpicks in the cheese 4. and make them look like cannon balls shooting at the two celery ships.

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Creative Items


Emily’s Edible Ladybug

By: Emily Bramwell, Kindergarten, Whitesides Elementary


applecarrotstrawberry cream cheeseraisins or craisins

Get an apple, a carrot, strawberry cream 1. cheese and raisins and/or craisinsWash the apple and have an adult cut it 2. into wedges.Peel the carrot and have and adult cut it 3. into sticksTake a carrot stick and put it in the 4. middle of two apple wedgesPut about one teaspoon of strawberry 5. cream cheese on each apple wedge (wing), and spread it out.Put the raisins and/or craisins on the 6. wings.Add smaller carrot sticks as antennae.7. Enjoy!8.

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Creative Items


Carrot House

By: Rachael Rich, 4th Grade, River Heights Elementary


Peanut butter7 carrot sticks1 celery stick

Cut celery stick in half. Slice the chunks vertically into thin strips. Place a carrotvertically in the center of a plate, using peanut butter to make it stick to the plate. Place more carrot sticks vertically in a circle around the central carrot stick, securing them together with peanut butter. Place the celery strips on top of your frame, securing them with peanut butter as well. This is your thatched roof. You have completed your Carrot House.

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Creative Items


Creative Recipe

By: Bill McKowen, 5th Grade, West Bountiful Elementary


1 banana2 grapes1 Tbsp of peanut butter

Cut the banana in half; cut one half into fi ve pieces. Peanut butter glue some slices to the bottom and eat the rest. Also peanut butter glues the grapes to the front.

Page 88: Kids’ Fruits & Veggies Recipe Contest Cookbookimg.ksl.com/slc/439/43911/4391178.pdfi ABout The Contest The 2007-2008 school year marks the 6th successful year of the Kids’ Fruits


Creative Items


Yummy Sweet Potatoes with Apples

By: Heather Morgan, 4th Grade, River Heights Elementary


2 large sweet potatoes3 medium apples¼ cup honey¼ tsp. brown sugarcinnamon sugar (optional)

Boil sweet potatoes until fork goes in 1. easily. (can be done the night before)Peel the sweet potatoes2. Cut into ½ inch slices3. Peel apples and cut into slices. Put 4. apples around edges of sweet potato.Fill the middle of the sweet potato with 5. ¼ tsp. brown sugar and dribble ¼ tsp honey on top.Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar if desired.6.