K>fI*LOVM£NT AUENCILS. Enipinjuirat Agcnrlea t'er line, each la- sertiun. IS unu, onu monia. 10 c«nis p«r line. COOK and WAITRESS.— Swedish: threw years' sa>SSßßjsaS| v«ry competent cook: waitress «n taxe tuner's piace. H^- T. V.\U Dl-ftCAU. «OUi:r,-» 3 -av«.. COACHMAN—Married; experfenced city c!rl\-r. fcest references, *r,tten and per- sonal; soißlety. honesty, <.apao:l:iy. wiiiing. L.i country urmfrrrt.i. UAK. care janitor. *8T \V*ft 525-M. WOlm WANTED. \u25a0tgllss^ W— \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Hsil and Ft male- thr«Mn,^? 1 U '?J "AceeUlng 24 r.-crds). ai. »t? v-° :i< ' 16 ecnl »- aevcn .a»«rt!ons. «o »«rS'. ,s CC * eU . ln * Z4 . wortf> and »*»• than \u2666f*"™ 1 ; J. hr «« inserUons. 30 cents; seven yistrticns, co cents. COACHMAN.—MiddIe . axed, slngl-. thor- oughly competent, reliable, respectful; highly :»comrae.-.cved by well kn.v»n city family for latt eight years, who can te »**n. Poa «»T. Putnam Hnu*. MISS GNRISTiSA ilia First clans hilp, references tavsslisai.sd. 824 Bth-ave. Tel. 4411— IHh. Male. BOY. In ofllce; public school graduate hav- ln*v •xperieact. a. BitACKfK. jh^ COACHMAN. Thoroughly competent and srsiod. earaM r.rlvsr anJ sm-irt appear- ana*; :ir»t class writ ton cr personal rw»m- mtndaitcts; city or country. P. D.. Bo» M. Cedarr.urst. I.ons Island. BOY, is. wants ofltas position; experienced; t>est references- salary «T TVI'E- WRITER. 1.152 3d-9ve. COCK.—English rmtestar.;; tn.ititution or t c «. ; {tt T it <laiS lh * V<T > particular. 1.. Hrfrrraje.-'a nurea.i. 133 West *J.l-»U ltlcphcn» mc-l—Chglsea. COOK.—Gooj young German: arlrl- city cr country; private family; gr«d wftiww M i?» "Aiff Aynty - lM **- COOK, Ac. -By two neat '3»rma:i girls- on« COOI 4ana Uundresa. other at ifer.^ral hooa^woraer. t«:creaces. Mrs. fl >—\u25a0 Agency, l.i;a 3d-ave. Tel. 11l J - risssV M§t§ ( 5,1 iSM^fSPTvf Beat ma:- ana U^ll»^)j If lWAlJiit&ini ii li a female help. *-« Columbus- near 83d-st. T?l.. T4IJ Ulver. ST. iAiT^LKt'S © ii . lataklit) !) hlibiHy/iriyji&ra @ EiIPLOIfMt.VT UL'UKAU. 211 Eaiit 42d-«t.— First class domentlca ars suj piled; alao managing houseKeepcra. raur- truns, governesses, tutors, etc. COACHMAN. U«Jy r«eosnm*itfis » bar. s;cudy. single man. 2l>; care tine lior&es. carrtag<s: had charge- of lady's stable; country; reliable; peraonal Interview; use- ful. ApplyIst intt.. COACHMAN. 383 atn- av*. ' , COOK Neat. <in;f young w man; ex- cellent reference*; understands her fiutie* thoroughly; city or country; UU> r, *>>. A. IV.. Mrs Col!Ur. 122 West 234-st. " CLERK.— and entry clerk- knowledge of bookkeeping; sir. years' experience; no agencies. Address GOIiFRET. 564 Lcxlng- ton-ave., Brooklyn. COACHMAN.—Protestant; thoroughly ex- perienced; certtf yin S capability, \u25a0obrinty. honesty and careful \u25a0 city driver; r-liy or country. Address MARSIIELU 24« East 45th- st. COUr*.— Flrat c'jbi young German woman- beat r*/*r«Bces; city or country; wa*ea $•\u25a0». Call at UA^Ci v EOECHEItSR CO 13 West 2Tth st. CHAIFFELT. —Young man with lor.g ex- perience with electric carriage* with pri- vate family; best of references- well ac- quainted la city. A. C. ADAMS 582 West ISM-St DRIVER.— Young, '.villinn and smart ac<y; went through school. J. O'BRIEN 17 Marion-iit. AT CARPEXTEK'S Emolcyment ilou.iJ, 164 «th-ave. Established I*l7. We hay« best coachmen, gardeners, grooms, married couples, farm foremen, farm hands. Ail nations, well recommended. SCHLESIER'3 SELECT AOBNCY—AII nationalities wanted now. girl*; many vacancies; also lodging for unemployed gir!s. 113 Copper Square; a 3d-ave. Ci tAOHMAX.— English wal.vtcl. experi^ncaa city driver an.i horseman; sober an i wll!- ing; city references from last and former employers, who can be'accn. H. 8.. 128 West 4Uth-st. DAV9 WORK.— atroa* woman to r.i out 50« Ean and cleaning. Urs PAUL.L'- GIRI. \u25a0 would* like to mind a chIM ater schooL Address R. M.. ><*2 Colunibua- WORK WANTED. DRA i OHTSMAN.- electrical engineer, with shop experience; perma- nent position. Address X., «6 2abrlsklc-st Jersey City, N J. " COACHMAN.— Single; uoderstatnds thor- oughly care horaea. haroaa*. rarriagas and belunjlcgs; careful driver; city or country; sober, trustworthy . and reliable; wittt&s. obliging; references. FOSTEI.. care L-uan. Ml Sd-ave. GENERAL HOUSEWORK.— B- neat tl<Sy *iri; beat references; city of country. A J'"'- \u25a0• « »ur-d .. 485 Columbua-ave. Tsl. *41 J River. Female. COMPANION—Vassar graduats as oom- panion to young girl; will also act as secretory. Adc'ress Mrs. LYMAN, 1,744 Broadway. DRAUGHTSMAN. Mechanical. electri- cal engineer, \u25a0with shop experience; per- manent position. Address X.. «0 Zabrlskls- »t., Jersey City. N. J. EU3VATOR RUNNER or PORTER.— By young West Indian; quick, willing, oblig- ing. WATERMAN, care Kane. 2«i» West 63d at. HorSEKEEPEn.— By American woman- prrvate family or bachelo» apartments: thoroughly understands catering In all Its late employer may seen. M . A. U. 2XO West 14ti>-st. COMPANION or GOVERNESS.—Accota- pllshed, e.\per!en.ea, speaking perfectly French, Gorman. Ui:g!i?h; musical; excel- lent certified teacher; experienced \u25a0with children; accustomed to travelling: highest references. S. M.. 42 Wesl sstk-aL COACHMAN or USEFT'I* MAX.— \u25a0 ged- Englishman; single; thoroughly -in- derstands care hors«9. small gar ten. milk; good references. E. G. Vi.. care Mctluah. 1.073 park-are. EXPERTEtCCED ranaa man, wtUlag te work at anything; city or country." A H . Box 45. Trisua* OAc«. COACHiL\N.—Married ; slty or country: goo<l references. BI'LU, Mason's stable, 78th st. and Park-ay*. HOrsBW«>RXFiH By aeai « girl- Kood couk: escrilent laundress; can ba^e-. has friend ciamb<"rma!d; jpK>i! seam-trtsj- ltitea children; no obj*eUon country MOIi- BOy* BUREAU 20» East .TSth-at. ENGINEER.— Sober. reliable. on high si-efl e.isine", dynamo!), elevators: hotel ...".I .- '.ull.liitK or factory; excellent refer- ence. V. CUNNINGHAM, 210 Kast 123d-st COMPANION and MAID (travelling)— By capable young (Jernwn thrown upon her own resources. Address F., <Kfs Clinton- ave. iftrst floor). West Hoboken. N. J. HOCSSWORK -SftnMgl— <irl. UtelT la:***!, to .lo g~n;;ral houwvrnrk. Call Monoay. ENOBIRTCaON 33U OOKTRAI/TO SOLOIST In church choir; fine sight render. Addcc&s Mrs. it. *• SCUUUCK, 1.140 Lafayett9-ave.. Brooklyn. COACHMAN—Family golne abroad wishes t> find position for their coachman: can re<""Timena him in every way; thoroughly exj,jrt«rce>l; first class man. Call Monday or Tuesday. 01 Cast' 74tll-al. CASHIER.— -Competent; best references \u25a0TOUT. I*B W«st 113tli-9t. EVENING WORK.— By young man. 25. college graduate; cl.rtoal bookkeeping or salesman; al>*» tutoring. ROBERTS. 31 Hamilton-aye.. Xew-Brlghton Statin Isl- and. COACHMAN. Colored; five years' personal reference*, las.t emol'fyer can t«e. ae<n. Address A. SI. S.. 234 West lOfith-at. IIOCSKKEEFEH. Thoroi: c h:y competent ami experlenc«.l: city or country; gocxt caterer: ffve years' refrrenc* rrom last em- pU>y^r.. Adrtr«.ss iIOtViIKEEIPER Su Ea«t ltth-st.. .ui\vrtlsin« offlc* COACHMAN .— First class man to take en- tire charge of nent'»man"r. private «abie: 13 years last employer, city o* country. Addrers or can. T. I*. 1*» Wairerley 1'1a..-e. GOVERNESS. &c— A young college woman, having also stud!**! in French University. siH-akii'R Parisian French. Hanoverian Her- man. with highest testimonials as teacher, desires position as resident or visiting gov- erness. Address K. H. L.. Box IOC. 017 6th-ave. 3)degatss to International Railroad Congress Which Meets at Washington This Week. •n* Fr«><"h liner Ia Lorraine arrived yesterday luji a :aree de legation representing French sr.d gpßTiii* transpoitation and railway interests. In the party were seventy-five Frenchmen and sis Span' B^B - The delegates are hera- to attend tlrf ?ess.on of the International Itailroad Congress rntcts in Washington on May 4. j^jorjf c most Prominent of those who compose rts ddcxati 071 «r* M. Zaru^zouls, ex-Minister of puttie Work* in Franc«, and representing the j»rc<\-ltip* c* Avlcnon. and president of the General Coupril 0 » Railways, who is going to make a dose -tuijy cf th* railway systems of this country- M At PeD* lll laiouch. director of the P. L. m. Rail. mVi 04 fll£o a director of the« French line of ft*»»er»; M invert, general manager of the yorth ot Sral " Railway; M. BoelU of the South of France ISailway: M Rrlsse. representing the East- ,^. B*l:v»y of France; M. Coliot. the Pari» Girdle nsCirar; M. Taul Dubcir. the Parts-Orleans Rail- wK .. v Charles Dubols. the n*>l|rlum Railway; jj T>r.rl JXiohtal, the French Midland Railway; >[. Le Grain, tn* South of France Railway; Beftor BJ u iJ< Lorrt. the Spanish government: M. Hutx the E£*tera Railway of France; M. Mosfre. m Frerxh Northern Hallway; M. Perouae. the lYftich IVpartmcnt of Public Works; M. Randt. -jtt French Western Railway; M. Ttttrrislisluni. fba Sitte Ka ;«ay. M. Lowey. the Madrid and Portof*J Railway, and M. Tbblodosh, the South 0f gpaia Baiiway. y^ol^M a dinner will be given at Sherry's by the y>tac!» Chamber of Commerce for the delegates M4 to-morT.>"^ afternoon a reception will be given r<r M Jules Charles-Roux. the new president of the French L!r.\ aboard La Lorraine, to be followed a the. evening by a dinner on the 1teamer to which jltvorItX'kllan and other city officials and proxni- r.sr.t civilian* will be invited. On Tuesday the dele- gate ""\u25a0:!! he la Washington, where they will be jr-frt* tt * dinner given by M. Juaserand. the f*»nchi Aixiba*sartor, at the embassy. The p'w of the French Une was gayly decorated in v.onoi cf the French delegates. •^je entire deieFation has received for themselves •ad their families Invitations from the Pennsyl- aanii Railroad Company to travel to Washington tr that line. A completely equipped special train •111 fsrt with them at 6:55 a. m.. on Tuesday. Th* -art- will stop In Philadelphia about four fc'-uirs as the guests of the local fDN-rtainmrnt com- t- I ' tee and wilt then proceed to Washington. Hctar M- Snow, the general agent in the United Kinrdora for the International Sleeping Car Com- aaa ' arrived yesterday on the Campania, which £*• kept in the Lower Bay by the fog. ftis cor- MMd« occupies the position in Europe held here by tte Pul!ma.n Company. \rhea Mr. Snow lands this morning ho will be —a. i, v L, J Oarefcjr. the American agent of the I' r »"iA«y Mr. Garcey faid yesterday, concernlnff railway conditions in Burope: Th'.ny years ago meals had to l>e carried in bags Vy the'trjAclier. penned la a stuffy or dusty oom- jiartTnent. In most instances no provision was mad,« lor beating the carriages, and even to-day many l>rriw=ar. countries still stick to the oldtirae foot- a-anaers. which are more or lees regularly <-h«u»g*d. [ TRADE IN CHICAGO. IBT TILJSOR APH TO THE TUIECXE.I Part !?% A ? " a *- The BUnshln « Ptayed a large market, ? t. " BhapinS the CCUrBe of the *™ in ™?«!1 IU lnnu^"^ was bearish, and shorts The? confident of their stand in the market that lard made little effort tO CaSt an anchor : " wind- wh!,..'*" ° f accld^ *»•*•\u25a0• next MBa i,m. May occ-,* Lit 1 '!!" 0 ' 1 l 8 tO aU intentS over ' bu « th " c occasionally dropped in an order on one. side or the m.mh. and the fluctuations were a* frequent as the mTnr ii , trans * - The closing price was also £ ?W? We X f ° r the day - Ju!>' was weak - as 2Tk S«Pt"nber. Th« former closed l%c down, and the latter I %C i owcr . Cor n lost for May fnd July. and He to c for a , ptemt £ Oats lost £c- V" ovl8loni » alone of the larger speculative markets raVe any sign of Btrensth. and the ad- vance there was only moderate except in pork, which gained !oc. Lower prices in the Liverpool and Paris markets were factors aiding the bearish feeling in wheat", JESm "T I**1 ** Northweßt * m receipts helped the decline. Local receipt, were SI cars. against 6 the corresponding day last year. May sold from 88U0 to 880. closing at 87^c. July closed at 82c The highest was 83 to 83* c. and the lowest 81* B e to 81=ic' Corn lobt at the opening on account of the bear- .ah Influence of the fine weather. Receipts were again light, but ample for all requirements Of- ferings were In excess of buying orders, but were not pressed heavily, In view of the talk of the bulls taking on Monday all corn that ml^ht bo ten- dered on their May purchases. Local receipts were G2 care, compared with 56 estimated. Shipment* hence were 361,000 bushels. Estimate of MondaYs receipts we* 65 cars. After selling as high as 46*^c and as low as 43«4c. May closed at «%c. July sold from «140 down to iii\c. closing at iho latter price. The oats market was active through the ses- sion. A large business was transacted, with gen- eral selling and some liquidation. Prices gradually yielded until May reached 2S^c. where offerings became light and the market more steady. Re- ceipts were 69 cars. with. 72 estimated for Monday. Shipments were 59.000 bushels. May closed at 28«ic. SruL i*fl ? ,* "CorapanlaMat of noise, draughts ana •ri^. d fMt * a t certain stations. .'?„"' r th « conditions when a young Belgian tedhnlETl f S ? W1 leßl e8 Nagelraackem. fresh from the technical school crossed th.- American Continent. raflro?dJ ?££&}\u25a0? the «uperiorlty of the. American tcrnTt!nn ai St hod . - and - returning, formed the In- \u25a0SEfl J^mL *' Cilr Company, which from a own. T«S P J, y> runnln « a few dining cars, to-day \u25a0wSjii^ operates about fourtwn hundred dining. fS Rnni .K ParlOr CarS «U OVer th » Old World •t«mif»^V) hh T |h the heart of Europe, over tho fv£lK?- liSJlfifr •• VUMiiVMtok. Port Arthur and and %reH2^LS he . Ni i" tO UJXor: through Tunis nonle. to lhe east as far ** tTonstanti- truck rlrlnoir!?" J: he American four or " ix wheel nearly nn •»Pl?» Pl ? have lately bfen Introduced by Continent. ltn Portant roads of lCngland and the #». Am thCr P* enßf»-j. on the Campania are the official delegates of the Great Western Railway del «• n^ ci ?.* tlonal railroad convention. T. H. Ren- AldinSoJ rlßht * "• C King. G. B. Ut * and C. CIJXTIJMAN, one, two or three hours a cay. M. STL'AUT, 2sti Living* Brooklyn. HOUSEWORK or bachelor ararttnentj- foJ«r»-fJ: =iwp him». Apply WASHING"! TON. .54.. West 44th-st. A.-.111.N1— KLCVATOR MAN or MESSENGER.— ny young colored man in New- York houae; understands Urooklyn and N*w-Vork. JAMES A. HBKDERT. 431^ Wav^rly-avc- . Brooklyn. Agencies Jo not answer. HOUSEKEEPER.— By younr woman •„ . amall family. Airlress Bex 243 Tarn- san's A(l7*rtisins Offlce. 1.164 Sd-arr ~ COACHMAN.— Oonraa. CO. on country place, as coach.-nan. do cardeninr an-! ire r. orally useful: handy with tools, traasa $23. W. KELLAR. fti Gr««nw!ch-st. Contracts for Heavier Goods Accepted. En- tailing Many Changes. IBT TELrGRAP » TO THE TnißrNl.'.] 1 nil River, 'Mass.. April 2?.— lt is estimated that the 8al Ps of Cl ° th of the last week were in excess or loO.COO pieces, some brokers believing that at least i <a,ooo pieces were disposed of. The price of »-lnch M:C?OS| Jrop td to 22 l5«-.l 5«-. but the 27-inch goods or me same texture are KUins at the same figure. regulars were not sold and the quotation remains nominally at 2 n.Mc. Wide good- are firm and in fair demand. The feature of the trading in this market for the last two weeks haa been the acceptance of con- tracts for heavier goods than the mills usually produce. Not leas than 40.CW pieces of goods made irom yarns ranging from J}s - to 2ts were sold with- in a few days and the disposition is strong to ac- cept more orders, if offered on the basis of about ISe a pound. The manufacture of these goods en- tails many changes, but in most local mills the elasticity of production has Income so great that it is not impracticable to make fabrics from 203 to Ma yarns In mills supposed commonly to be wound up strictly for printing cloths. In the absence of a profitable demand for the common printers' poods made from an average of 28a and 30s yarns manufacturers have taken advantage of the strong demand fVr export products and the inability or many Southern mills to meet prices on domestic coarse goods to accept some orders for delivery extending through the summer. The mills are being helped out in ways other than the disposal of goods. The carding facilities are not great enough to permit print cloth mills to keep product enough ahead to supply all the looms and all the spinning. But, as there is an ac- knowledged scarcity of operatives in these depart- ments, the new goods otter the mills opportunity to turn out a Cull product from the preparatory departments. Tfee local mills v.,11 not tillall their looms with orders for those goods, 1 it several con- cerns are willing to put a few hundred looms on to them tor the present. Another notabie feature of the trading has been the freedom with which local mills nave accented orders for shirtings in the gray. They are not handling the fancy colored fabrics save in the case of the Barnaby Mills, but fully 1,000 looms are making wide varieties of dobby product! to be finished later, and the tend- ency to Increase the business in this line Is shown in many ways. Quotations" are as follows: Twenty-eight-inch SI xMs. 2 11-16 C. nominal; 28-inch, MxGte, %c; 27-inch ECxaGs. 2.20 c; 38^-inch. ?4x6-is, 4c; 30-!nch CBx72s. "4".' JJ nn l £ * iKhrr>t was Wle and the lowest »'*<-. July "J? f m 2S - to B%c. d(M! B g at U*c. 1 rovlMons ' were quiet an.l firm. Buying of ribs a. 1 ft* ahys was the most prominent feature, ana the demar.d from this source helped to sustain tne market from the weakening Influence of the lower coarse grains. May pork acid from $11 72', *ÜB-V«and July from Jl2 05 to Jl2 07^ to $12 13. -"ay la rd SOld f rom (768H to $7 65 up to $7 05. and July from $7 C2ii up to $7 22^ and J7 25. May ribs sold rrom $6 77«, to 82.U and July from $7 10 to $7 12%. °* re '!"-\u25a0 were : •\u25a0•••. head and prices at the Vi>T<is Wrr ,. strong, THE PRINT CLOTH MARKET. HELP WANTED. HOUSEWORIC or Kftc&narsid m prlvara family; or second laundress: stron* Fin- ni<ih p.. very neat and .. \u25a0;;• a? FINLAND BI'REAV. «H> L-xinrt. n ' '- A - N:> GAS LAMPS AM) HE.*TEnS. JANITOR. By young colored couple; pri- vate apartment or office tuliainij; live years' good reference; strictly sober and obliging; last employer can be seen. Call or address J. SCHUUOS. *>4 West 4Uth-st. COACHMAN—efH">K.— By married coupic, Beotca; oxcept tonally neat and ttaasV- worthy; aaaa coacaman, gardener-, usefal; wife lifted conk and, laundress; excellent references. IRWIN'9 BUREAI'. 77 West lltß-M. HOUSEWORK.— By neat. thorr,u S^!y com- petent elderly woman: can (Jo plain cock- ing, washing and Ironing: Hit monthly country preferred. IRVYI.VS BUREAU. 77 West Jlth-st. LITERARY or educati-.mil work d'sired by Oxford man; manuscripts edited and typewritten; froofs corrected; booklets and praapectuaes prepared. HAN'KIN. 23» 17th- ave., i'atrrs. 11. N J. Male-. WANTED.— man «:>out 16 years of &6», or \u0084:\u25a0;,... worK In large metal con- cern: must be «\u25a0>.,! writer; come well rec- ommended; exj T.- not . easary; publl" school graduate preferred. Address wltti r.-fc-rer.ce. V. O. Box 1.J77. New-York City. GARDEN&R.-rSlngie. 35: private family: cempetent; good vegetable grower any) Cowers under (lass or outdoors; can take care of stock and fowl; 5 years In last place; best personal reference; can be seen «ny time. Address Boa 76. CedewtHife*. Long Island. INSTRU(>TION. German lady, brilliant pianist-, graduate Lelpslc Conservatory, having taught In Germany, Russia, Ruma- nia, desires position to. grown children or with single lady; innate. German. French. Address INSTRUCTION. Tribune Uptown OHce. 1,384 Bro?"i»ay. AGENTS WANTED. #N OrPoliTl'MTY cf a lifetime Is offered jpu to estal.'.lsh a trar.ch of our busincee In"yo-jr own llwaTHj with agencies in the -.'.-' -!\u25a0 ..'.'S counties; rew plan, new meth— oil. r.o ciir.pttitlrn exclusive tenitory; a rtph pra<se. jermanpnt, gentlemanly and very profitable husiness, (juick'.y estab- l'?h«c!; no capital re(iu'.re3; ccnireiesions raid oufflrlent to net jou from *10 000 to f2rt.(X>(> per annum; stste pact experience tnd c:*y or lown in which you are located c- wish tr. locate. Addres* TREASURER. T O. i<rx S.ir». - - »\u25a0» \u25a0 -~! rtc •\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0 t^ "^ "^^— —— B^>l^^>i^ CHLINCES. »VAVTED— Lady of weaJth with HUsi Is) in\*est In i-rcfTred 6 per oer.t etock; also art us cUreo'or in Ne»-Yi>rk corporation; lrtcrvte* d.*irf.l H3N^^•T PURIXJSE, l'.?x *2. Tribune Office. WAXTEI>.— Yo-jr.g nan cf jwl tablts to trier well established, very profitable. iijildly ring manutarturisf business, T.-ttL'.c Bftjf mil«s ot Troy, N. V. . can secure «-cr.irti»;S££ interest; j.resent capital fS.".OfH). .•.d*Tes3 until May lv. Lock U.ix IS, Troy, M. Y. ' ' CXOTRS. LPTArtLISHEn IWJO. Buy troru maker taj sue money. Marble, Onyx and Goid t'ltrn. A bis !lne to ecltct from. Big bar- UIM CL-Mllv A- .<')N, 42 Maiden Lh.ne. \ __^~^—^_^__^_ -^_ ( _^__ - \u25a0 co yy H y_ poAKD i VCRtSXESTKIt CCirr.'TY FARMS Coun- try seau. hair to C'JO acre*, Hudaoß. Put- :.is, ;i».-k-m roais; (daoea f*.-t:t class; sea i:n l.oriri locatlxiK; stew »!t!i currlag".-. - PAUIEA WAfc'jiDURN CO.. I.ISI Broad- way. >th-st. \u25a0MMssVsl AND UILIJ.\EK\. a:TI:.\TIuN!— Mrr.e. HENNIfi. 1S» West U'..;ii-st.. nr.e GigM up*, uext »0 Acker, Bfcnan. O«i<S)t <""0.. corner 7th-ave.. \u25a0Yencn trettrijikitig ana lad.es' Utlloruts. is n.akiug essuislle waltirj;. evening, vifltlng COSr- lautes. fancy ual J -. fancy an- plain tallcr- l-if; suns, cjets. Rton Jacket*, fj.fciallyfor siwit, also fur otl.er Isdlee; penoct fit and ait;»:!c desljinu guaranteed; I fit the hard to St. the work we show will sapasxe with aiy j.!kb prtc4 house; moderate juices. iJP.LSSMAKIZIt A lady with mcry veers' \u2666ri'erience, an <iLpen at Btifag .rd af- 'erairmt. would like to engage with .•..rt-.f-s tt '.heir hornet; refereact. Address FIT- TEB. Tribune Office. DRESPMAKEH Colored; out. daily, $2; n-ourtion rii<?e Imp.>net3 mcidels. Ad- &<-.;\u25a0 DRESSMAKER. Tribune Uptown Of- U". ' :;<A Hroa<iway. Ron sale. FOP. £AI_E. Family rtfriawrator. platform itckle. 22 f»-Jt bJiiiier ladder, preserve Jar». 7)!ARL}-:S. \u25a0»\u25a0• \u25a0 --.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -• m;v n i.%Nr.<u VAMnNGTON roil KjFTY CENTS K"uver.!r ami euiC:-; completely, hand- scirelj- iilusttatt-c; vaj-iable reference book; K-au dtaney onier. NATIONAL CO- C'I'gRATIYE CO.. Washlrtgton. D. C. oi^rcE I I HMTIBE. OFTICE Kuir.'.ture. Roll IK-«k«. Cablretn lor typswritcra; i'ariltlojit, Kullings; t.ioap. HAKlil UHKR. 4T.4 Canal-st. office rniNni'RE l>xhaxge.- «'ill furnish your ortice en «-asy wm«, 2% \u25a0I S«.ianc-e on llrr*. 11. H. FINN. 113 St-.ti.-A) tl . fh,. nf . 7<t.<3 <>rt. M <.<»1 1> AND ULVEM. v> "\u25a0 y^vr r 7iUU : T~A N?> VILVKI? Iwught by n. Longmans suns. *oi,i and BU- :" r "' > - * John -' HEAL ESTATE. A. U J>f.rHi:.SThit OOUXTY: one hour out; lun:s«i_e<2 cotts^e f<-r summer. «v»d- eni jjlutublng; wl'.l also tuilrt u> cult tenant; Hw Net «>l»-vatiou: lv minuses Horn station. \u25a0T'Jli.V QJX. Jr.. ire Clh aye. A liANJ)S<jJJE 7 rcM.'aiii and bath; facing <J.yUiit Morns I'aric; outside rtome; all ")nif;!tr.(.»t; furnished or unfurnibhed. <XJHSKt. S Weat l»tt»l-«t, AT rL'JSHINO.— Four minutes' walk from Murruy JiiU•tatlon; <-n hish ground; ojj«n BOtttrr; a fully furni&hod l:ouse. rot,ms. Jam Jaundry; o^*3 attic; electric ligbts; yjafu litur, f75 jj^r month: for teaeon, {J'* per month; for Kal«". $l2.Ot*K W. K. MCI:ItAY. SU Rroadway. Flushing, N. T. JjLltOE LOrT, 50x100. light on three sl<leß. with or without Hteam power and »l«vator «f>'i.e. Al*!y to WILLIAM Y. UAKIZR CO.. corner Hark a»a. aa 131s:-st. 71IS COLE. STOai WKST 128TH-ST.— Choice t;jrtn.r:.!», conveniently iated; •s*e>a 7 and 8 roome; all light; all con- vt£!»r.«e»; clf-vator. telephone, steam heat, c*tr. r.!umfc!r.g; ha!l attendance; :.ts $45 to $io. Apply premises. OOOZ* fruit, vegetable, dairy and pouUry tferan to rent. 150 acres; Farni.ogvtUe. ifr-t islAnti O'BRIEN. 121 East mk Two acret; Urge house. , bam, w«tgun hou»e. chicken house; pießty JnjJt; nod water U. M. BARNEjs. »6 wan Broadway. •TH-AVE. opposite Park. btJow 7yth-«t.— L--k»..- private r««tderiCe bargain: •f«««r prottcttd. W. H. MALCOLM. 8 Ctot 4la-#t " ii .1 ii ..-\u25a0»-.. *i«T-rr.. 11$ EA6T —Parlor floor, base- rr.ent. *.•_•. large. extension* , modem tni- emccts, suitable business or private •BTH-er.. 113 EAST.—Four «iorles; new jP.uml-.M: ln-.meilate p^aseeslon; 51,700. OWNER. >.2i Wasi I6tfa-«t. j 12T EAST S4TH ST. £l.«o<> A TEAR ..Very d«rtrab!e, comfortably furnished raur etory r?«ideare. Just put Jn good con^ eition: \u25a0 r.va-r family oniy. Keys et E. IE POSfyT FTMM«VNfi'f. 2 fan »th-»it. I KCMhl'lr>, "VACUUrfCAPiFOR BALDNESS «nd ralllnir Mali <\u25a0!:\u25a0\u25a0 »>_,.\u25a0\u25a0•« - .'vi method. KwiHet and /seroonttr»tion tr<* VACUUM rAP-APi'LIANOR CO.. __*<* Tulton-Bt.. Futte mt, N. T. City. *"• TOUNO glvrs «leptric treatment for rbaaaiailase and rervvusßeM; manlc.:rlnic. * ftattmab-^iv*.. Bruu«i:ii. c|>pusite depot* WANTED.— Experienced dranghtsmeg In electrical a!:«iuutus, switciihuard motors an.l gttaeratouk; only first c)as» men need apply; state experience uni salary expected Address P. A. C. Tribune Otllce. HOUSEWORK or DAY'S WORK.— Br I neat colored girl;, private family, hotel or apart.-!;. house; good references. Apply to l t;T^ JLt£r. XCV - * *«« &Z st. Tel 41U3 I MACHlNlST.— Experienced lathe, vise hand; assembling, repairing gasulune. osene oil engines and experimental work: steady position; city or out of town. W. A.. Trib- une Otnce, Harlem branch. 263 West 125th. MFDICAL BTUDBNT desires work, pre- ferably as attendant or travelling com- : for Invalid. SOI Bergen-ave., Jer- s-y CItJT. N. J. HOUSEWORK.— YoungSwedish woman fog- general housework: j^ood cook; ref»j- GARDENER.— Single. 3«; private tamilx: understands buslneaa In all Its branches; stock and chickens: 8 years tn last place; beat personal reference; can be seen at any time. Address ME9KILL. 1.131 IntarvaW- ava. The Bronx. GROOM. COACHMAN— SingIe; best of |*jf- erenee; countrj preferred. SULLIVAN, care Dwyer, 112 East 3ad-sv. HOSPITAL graduate: capable o » txk!n« full charge of latant: understands artl- netal filing. M. C. 81a Sn-ave^ tost Female. Mrs. Dickinson's Co-operative Employment Bureau, 331 Madlson-ave. Tele. 3.734 SSth. Sup- plies high class household servants, male anil female; references personally investi- gated; governesses, aoaipanious, bousekeep *r«. ail r.r.'iunulltlee; opening, closing, cleaning houses, full und spriug; houses cared for dm.. fummcr. MEDICAL BTUDEJW, on vacation, in Hit natariass or doctor's olnV* ; can speak .1 and .Spanish. Address A. CEN- TENO. (!2M PuItOB-at, Biook;>n. FARMER-Married: as manager of small farm or works as gardener: wife would help. If needed; excellent reference. Ad- dress A.. Box 42. Tribune Office. INFANTS NURSEw-rßy young German \u25a0trl; _ctty referer.^. 0.. Hcfmaver's Bu- reau 153 West 23d-st. Telephone 1S&- cr.ej?ea.- . ... MIDDLE AGED man; Inside or out; no canvassing; or look after manufactory or act as salesman. FELLOWS, 133 Welrfleld- st., Brooklyn. JAMTRES9—Experienced: tj take oara of ona or mure bouse*. Mr» LINDEP South 4th-st.. Brr^klyn PHOTOGRAPHER. Experienced operator; understands developing papers, artistic retouching; photograph and gelatine proc- ess; wishes place with largo concern; su- pervisor, etc. P. O. Box bo£ Sprlnjiieia, Macs. ©011\!7ILDCBIKnr Ey the simple move- ment of the thumb the exact proportion of gas and air and the high- est possible Illumina- tion is Instantly ob- tained. Adapted for ali kind* of, lamps, mantles, and any vary of gas pressure. Save* S(.» per cent In gl*. never blackens the mantle. Fills long- felt v.-ant In private and business houses. Name and patent number on each burner. Introductory price. Complete Lamp. 73c. $1, 81.23, $1.50 Si!© MEAT I LIGHT ©a iQT!> 3d Aye—40 W. B'way. cc.r. Park PI HANDY MAN on gentleman's place, or would take a place as coachman: under- stands the care of hdrses. cattle; also lawns hedges; good hand at vegetables or light farming. BARNEY MALONE, Red Bank. N. J. J.VNITRKSS.— Gsrman: s<-n plumber no baaeaMtnt room. MAYER. 170 St. Ann's- JANITOR. By reliable colored man, mar- ried; understands steam beat, hot water supply; handy with tools; reference. Ad- dress JOSEPH. 12» Crafcao-a*.. Brooklyn. KITCHENMAID— Eight years In last plaoo doln* housework; $1* to 120. S.. Hof- »!'!»»*'., «\u25a0 **m 23d-.t. Tele- Phone ISM Chelsea. MRS. R. STR3CKER AND NEPHEW, _ Trained Servants' Employment Bureau, NOW REMOVED TO 40 EAST 28TJ-J ST., bet. Madison and Fourth Avenues. JANITOR— By man and wife. T. J. W., 1.473 Amsterdam-aye. PAINTER, PAPERHANQER. PLASTER- ER.— Best reference; work for landlords, estates: first claps work reasonably done; write for estimate. SACHS. OS East lloth. 4SS Columbua-ave. Tel. 741 J—River CHAMBERMAIDS.attrr.daT.s. nurses, cooks. laun.irf.lae3. wsi!ri-t». booaeworki .. . i.>- sitlonj waiiins: good wages. Mrs. Ot>L- UEK'S, 122 West -3d-st. JAPANESE as nrat cJasa cook; has excel- lent references. K. KASHIWAMURA. IT Concord-st.. Brooklyn. PACKER and SHIPPER.— By young maa; eight yean' eajj'-ricnce. Address P. W.. Box 31. Tribune Otnce. PAINTING. Interior and exterior paint- ing and decorating of every description; first o'hss work for little, money; references. G. SEKLIR. 18 il.inhittan-st.. near Wast l&lth-st. EHRICH BROS, require permanently a Capable an.l thoroughly experlenucd young wornnn as he_ul of •tock In china anil glass- ware. Apply In to 11 a. m.. 5 to 0 p. m., or by mall. MAN and wl/e In country house for sum- mer; wife «ood laundress. Mr. FERRIS, care Mrs. Higgins. 10 WllletN-st. I^tNDRT WORK by the day or we*k- TJA^ C 4 ab is, Co!orwl w<Jn >""- RE. WASH- INGTON. 733 rulton^t. Brooklyn. second USEFUL MAN— Middle aged srngle maa: experienced all axoundi work la care of small country place; steady yearly employ- ment; handy with tools, etc.; reference. W. T.. 312 id-st.. Jersey City. N. J. PAINTER and PAPERHANGER.— By a general all mound man in office building or for landlord cr estate. GORMAN. 127 East 1loth EHRICH BROS, require permanently sev- eral thoroughly experienced saleswomen for their ccualln underwear d*partmt-nt. Apply Superintendent'! Offlce, »:.;>• a. m. to B:S<) a. m EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES*. Apply tea room, Utii floui, :u.»niiay a. m. t SIMP- SON-CRAVS FORD CO. POP.TEH. Young man in mercantile housa or factory; sober, wllllnfc; references. FRAMBACK. 410 East 23.1-st. USEFUL MAN.— By young Englishman: or would go as second coachman: un- derstand* horse* and driving: country pre- ferred : wages $25. Address JOHN DUFFY, care of Woods. 335 3d-&ve. RESTAURANTS. Private Rooms for Parties. Mutic a to 0. 11 to 1. ' It! f? fill V'S n « 88 aurant. Junction B'w*y in!l£«ILU © and Col. aye., CBth. Music l) lllil^iJStillWS Gerl!ia Restaurant. 108. B,^U?inj\yiW © 114 E. 14th. Importer of VYUnburser Hofbniu. Planer Ger.o«stn- 1 schaftsbrau. . -™»»» Tin! f? WfiTiUfPfPiTT 31st -«- «"»a sth- II'JiJii, W Wi, l^!^ II !i i aye. Ala carte. Just opened. J. H. BRKSLIN. naria'S^^^^erlv at i ? th 46c. Dinner. 60c.. with music. nOTKING STONE RESTAURANT New- Tork ZaolocleaJ Park; 2i or 3d aye. "L" to West Farms; service a !a carte. BOARD WANTED. WANTED by two gentlemen. large7"ntce furnished room, ali conveniences with board; private family preferred ; state full particulars. Address CLYDE. Tribune Up- town Office, 1,364 Broadway. WANTED -Bright boy. I<s years r,M in 1 «5°S C 't^ °, lars t m «nu^<'turln X concern; , $3&0 to start; chance for advancement for yr^neTmo; MAXt:FACTLREH ' *°' CARPET CLEANING. HANDSOME reversible fluffy rugs macie from your old carpets; any" Elaades™"' wVdS- 1 " ,. lle for fuli Information. NEW- IORK RIG .-Q, 4^l Wn.r ll'4th-Bt. lIELP WANTED. A r^ S g^,^ I {S re $las^S-1 as^S-- Madison Square. N. Y. IJ ** AGKNTS WANTED to sell on -•..,» the most complete and ui--"-/al "7i "r:i10" r:i10 househulj ncctsjlties; salary an! t i, . uf jtoo^C F. ADAM.SCO.. % gJe-STSfc Q. NBTTLESHIP. v Bowery. c - *•• A rM LN | TELI '"!OT" !OT I'E'iKON may earn **?* income eorrespondin*- for news- Pavers; exj.eri<-nre unneceasary Sen.! fr.- particulara, PRESS SYNDICATE. Lock- po*x, jw, \ . AUTOMOBILE. Private road le^song- 11- iKiK^_ alto **«*> DON'T GRIND your life away. JMg nay an.l permanent employment \u0084rfir.. t hoe« wh. \u25a0Un give us all or part time renresent- !n X Kometblns eatlrr>/ .-,.\u25a0» in our line 'of Patented household pweawltlem. nig s. her*; l'Mt per '\u25a0• ni profit Full particulars on re SKJHiJ??S* t °- dav - COLONIAL SUP- PLY CO.. Madison at.. Wellsville. N. Y. EHRICH BROS, require the services of an experiencc-ii elevator startei one wltii some knov.-Wae of hydraulic elevators, who is cnjj&ble of i!' it. a elevator repairs, such us kiae elevators, etc. Apply Superintendent's Office. 8:30 a m. to 10 a. m. MEN AND WOMEN to sell Living Spring Kilter; it fits and gives pure water from any faucet: patent*..! 1905: quick *<•:: big terms; send for tree booklet. WILLARD MANUFACTURING CO., Uswistoa, Me. OFFiCE BOY.—By a large manufacturing concern; state nationality, age. experi- ence arus salary expected. Address J. M, P. O. Box No. £37, New-York City. OUH MAN EXCHANGE ~ helps capable men to tetter positions with- out danger to their riretiersi connections; op- portunities paying from Sl.oco to .\u2666'.("tin a year now open far Salesmen, Executive. Cleric*! and Technical men. Write or call I HAPGOOpS (Inc.), Suite 30&, StW Brcai- vay. N. Y. POULTBTMAN wanted for !arge plant with some year*' practical exi«rlenc* on chickens, ducks, jjlijecr. - goc.J dresser, fa- mtltar with Cypher's lncutators and hot vruter brooders; mat.- full particulars where employed last few years, a*«. wages ex- pected, ste. JAS. L. REYNOLDS. Mount Verne 11. K. Y. II 11. MACY& Co. want shipping jisckrrs for china and glassware. AJsa sjßpcaaa ani aausaCurnlahing packers. Alto eeversi bright, well recommended boys over 17 yearn of ngo .''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 lnjldo worl; In their delivery- Als^i neat end tMy boys for tbclr delivery waaoo satvlce. Apply to Hu;>t. Delivery. :)*ih entrance if art vs way. li. H. MACY & <""O want Hvcral neat, tidy ca»h bo \u25a0 ! TWO MEN WANTED V> UJUTB »h«- nut.imo- Ml« huslne»«. Apply to Mr. PULSIF£R, I »3T West 4»th-tt. FIRST CLASS EXAMINER for Alteration Depart cent, ladles' garments; none other need apply; liberal salary. Apply before 10 a. m.. Superintendent. >X-CRAW- Fonu CO- PROFEB6ORS and others desiring manu- scripts copied on the typewriter will be perfectly satisfied with my work; have had some years' experlrn-e in printing business &i\4 In revision of New-York English record*. W. D. KEEP. 331 Carlton-ave. , Brooklyn. HOUSEKEEPER (working); experienced in kitchen detail and manageioenl of sor- vants; positively temperate; good refer- ences; at mountain resort. E. B. M Woodland. N. Y. TSEFCL MAN— HOVBEWORK— By youna German couple, speaking English: man useful en gentleman's place; wire for housework In country-. SMITH, 772 Jeraey- ave.. Jersey City. N. J. WAITER and BUTLER*— COOK.— By col- ored man and wife; man waiter and sut- ler: wife first claw cook: best of refer- ences : city or country. ATKINS. IK West I3d-sjt. . . .. \u25a0 9TBNOOBAPHKR.— Yotmsj man. 1»: 3 years' experience; understands br.okkeep- ing; bt-st references. A. COHEN. 161 Mld- dleton-st.. Brooklyn. Wtmmim. CARET AKE»— By reliable woman; good family cook; care of city housa du«n« summer. J. J.. Tribune Uptown Ofllce. 1.3 M Broadway. HOUSEWORK.— A woman wanted to do general housework for private family liv- ing In the country. For particulars write to Mrs. J B. LAKOE, Sugar L^f, Oranae County. N. Y. STENOGRAPHER and TYPKWRITER.-- Expert, experieaeed, Inteillgtnt young ir.&;:. 00. employed in prominent law omoe, extra work after 5 o'clock evenings. dictation or copying: If desired can handle ndrncc- wlthcut dictation RE- SOURi'KFn., Box :IZ. Tribune Office. 11 K. MACY At CO. want serersJ experl- encod for grocery dep't. CARETAKER-— Respectable English wom- an private house; first class cook: hus- band «ap*oy«d.; oxcelWot «tty- re«erenee» COOK*. 11l East 73t!>-at. R. H. MACT & CO. «ant several neat, tidy CVRHP?AKER.— Cara of housa for the suav- mer; reliable person; good references. J. FRAN.KUN. 33S Maaaattan-ave. R. H. MACT ,* CO, want several Beat tidy RlrU ..f good address, uUmi 17 years or ay. (or stock siris; good opportunity for advancement. P.. H. MACY cV CO. want several \u25a0 i sateawomen for their veiling dep't. OH\MBE»MAID and SEAMSTRESS-— By Swedish Protestant: understands dress- making-; neat." competent ml refined- four vaafa 1 refe»enc« present employer; city or country J. a. Mrs. Collier. Is 2 West 28d-s». THREE callable women to represenl dement; attractive terms, a :i\> v\\ ° °3 Park Row. Ro >m :V. TRWELLING COMPANION or TUTOn.— By graduate- student. M. A.; elvicentary or college subjects: mathematics, languages and science; references. C. A. TOUSSAINT. Columbia College, New-York. TUTOR. Student at General Theolog- ical y<*:>;ij'ary desires to be tutor or com- panion, or both, for snmiiier mosths; would take charge «if one or two boys of good family: will travel; college graduate: :,o£t references. Address Be* 108, Chelsea Square. STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER.— By young married man, 24; experienced: understands bookkeeping; not afraid of hard work: salary 520 to *28 per week. Address CONFIDENTIAL. Boa 25. Tribune Office. CHAMBBnMAItt— Refined eoloreel girl, aa chambermaid or waitress; also general hou"=eworker; city or country; good r«f«r- eactd. Address LINDSAY'S AGENCY. 263 Weat 47th-st. Tel. 411* J— S*th. TUTOR to young boy over the summer, l>y Columbia University man ami college graduate. COLUMBIA. 263 West 128th-st. WANTEIX— Experienced alteration hands on ladles' skin.-,, permanent positions Apply i. Superintendent before 10 a m SIMPSON CRAWFORD CO, CII \MBERMAID. Ac—Tw» neat Swedish *irl» char.\bermaid an.l laundress: other charaoermald an-l waitress; references; country for summer. Mrs- MASS'S Agency. I.OUB ay*. Tel. 111J— Plaaa. TAILOR.- Bushelman wants steady pas#- tioa, to start on Monday. Addvasa H. HEKMEB, T-'-i East lc?th -st. UOita; WANTED. Situations Wanted— Male and Female^ Four lines (not exceeding II wor.li) three Insertions. li cents; seven Inser- tions. 30 cents. Exceeding :i words and less than 4') words, three insertions. 39 cents: seven Insertions. 60 cents. TRUCK DiRIVER or anything, by married man P. SCHUADEBBCK. »M Paoinc- klyn. CH\MBKRWORK and SEAMSTRE33.— By Sweillsh girl: first clas» references; neat, competent; $»- KATHEWSO.VS BU- REAU 1.003 3d-ave . opposite Blooming- dale's. Tel. IBMJ—W—\u25a0 Male AOCOUNTAXT— Evening work, keeping a sat ol books, assisting bookkeeper, or tnal balances, bataneu sneetn etc- \u25a0 terms ite. Address ACCOUNTANT Trl- bune c'ttlce. CHAMBERMAID or Nl'RSE.— Neat Irish girls; $2»: good references: private fam- ily city it country MATHEAV3OV3 BU- IIRAU"opposite P.loomlngdale's, 1.008 3d- ave. Tel 131W.J— flaxa. AMERICAN, ."7. strong, 8,>..,i writer cor re,i at Bgxires. wishes place at anything that * j week. QKORGE -v «th aye.. Brooklyn. (.•HAMBURyAin.-^-Toußß girl as cham- bermaid and assist with cltlUiten or wall; ing; willing and obliging. KEILLY. -ill East 74;h-st. WANTED. Situation for my son. aRe 17. resides In Brooklyn; recently from sohoo!; rigorous anil athletic; ha? had some busi- ness exp< rtaaee in my ofllce (stock brok<^^ iij-.-i; my work Is of such a naturo that I cannot utilize his services permanently, consisting principally of «tenoi;raphy, boou— keeping, etc. ;sclary not s.. much of an ..t>- jfci k start with future prospects. Ad- dress his father. K. ELLSWORTH VAIL. 42 Broadway, New— WATCHMAN,— MiddIe aged man as watch- man: long experience; give security K. SCHMIDT. :»£1 Kast 7»th-st. AN ELDKIU.Y .MAN. in any capacity \u0084: 1".1 ".j I,'.1 ,'. K^'' rF V orU : moderate terms! PA\MC. «\u25a0 Ter.sdale t'lace. CHAMBERMAID. L*Jy going abroad «l!«>i».» to find pUm for Tier chamber- sualil first atasa servant: wages $25. Call Monday or Tuesday. «1 East 74th-st. !:\u25a0'< >KKEEPER -i;> . v.i lIX mail. *iih fair knowledge "f bookkeeping VOCNO MAN 22. experienced, eeaspeteat; 4!i mercantile house; thorough knowledge . routine ar.d mercantile .-r.-<iit; ref- CHICHESTEK, 57 West 12th-st. CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS.— Best references: wages |3> per monto. M . riahertv's Bureau. 480 Columbus- aye. Tel 741 J— River. . \u25a0 ' \u25a0 ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER.— voun? man. Swe.ie. ?J; salary *12 per week a- Kct.nl. C. A. S., 347 West 34tn-st. BARTENDER.— -By «i—man. »\u25a0 reliable sober; rencec iIAt'HMUJSTEP. 33 East hth-fct. YOUNG MAN. 17. In wholesale house; pub- 11 \u25a0 school graduate; gcnxl references. NATHAN 11. BIRN. 123 Pltt-st. COMPANION or HOUSKXEEPER-— ny a competent elderly widow as c«nt»*ntan to lady: any position of trust: t*est reference*, cltv or of unity. COMPANION, Box 43. Trtfcuive Ofllce. YOUNG MAN (21). Russian. Intelllgtnt and strong, sires to work at anything: mod- erate wagei. Address M. GORDON, car* Mr. Ossood. -0 Dcfcevoise-Jt.. Brooktyß. COOK or LAUNDRES3.-.B* ».-. Ut»? Irish rlrl- excel reference. p.. Hofmayer*^ P.u.rra\j 133 West 2*l-st Telephca* IM«— Chelsea. BOOKKEEPER ar.d GENERAL OFFICE MANAGER. Af.<? Sr.; IhorouKhly ?xp«.-rl- er.ceJ; excei'ent .'- reai ts furnished. M. LEHMAN. •"\u25a0• E^ist I^-nh-st. BOOKKUUI'ER. ACCOUNTANT, 29. Je- Elrcs i-.v.jj. accounting work; opening, ci'jfir.iv. iy»tenlatl«lng books; iim«. to suit; moderate rate. >>\u0084 US East Jsth-st. YOUNG MAN. 21. office clerk; advance- ment; best references. JOHN LYNCH, 14« East 97th-»t. COOTt &c. By >oun« woman; experienced, eonoetent cock and l»undresa or cooking alone In small private, family; also Kun- ,:r.'«s would like la go vt:h coo* or sep«- v*t» shvrl distance eoyntry. M. 8.. «• WfM 31st-st , vasewect. YOUNG MAN. 1«. as elevator runner, or at anything; $7 weekly. CHARLES OERDAU. 2.lt'. Eatt eth-st. Yr>--.\— . MAN. 18. at enytMnr. «iu> ad- \u25a0• ni«nt. A. LEVINSON. 23« East 32d-ot BCOICKIifPER and quAIUWd C. p. A. sat:ior requires work; thoruughgotng in way: caieful; can ckeak u ver anc «xai.:lne boofc^ on fair basil city refer- etteea STEADS 94 itouta lst-st.. Brook- lyn. BARTENDER.— By Ge.-inan; t^oro>igbly firs: cjess can; city cr out o* to*:i; lintit rerpiencf". t'AKU SS2 Kait .*«i'.!i-»t. (Viok r lnt class. co!or«4. lt» private: *Vl'«J tt» oo«"try, p*r«in»l refereece*. t.OW» n<}ulcv»td-av».. Bawmne. N. J. YOUNG MAN wishes place for If" hours dally, or work home. CHARLES JAt»- HNICEK. 1.33<:. lst-ave. TOITNO MAN. strong at anythlns. QEO. rs< S 71 en ith r .t: -.-t . ;!:.'. kjyn. COOK _«^iapat«a». undcr»t»nua *U kind* it o*ki»)»; <«*c*U.n» balitr; cKtc» wn tr»- be in f,-r»n> -«s O. a. Trth!i»» U9-. tjwr. Oftlo.-. 1.W4 Broo.lway. BARKEEPER -Bj ind'-striau? yeacg fitr- nirfii: city or cewntry. Ad.l.eiE* HAIt- KEKPER, corf German-American League 313 West ?4th-rt. Tel. Itm— Chelsea YOUNG MAN. unier!>t«!i,ls manufac:urlr.« •-f phonograph reccr-is. rounj nn.l .Uses. A. L., P2fl Lexington -aye.. . Brooklyn. rspaper \u25a0 KK.>..-.~ M r'ieJeiJct-31.. Kvergi •• .. i- laad. COOK.— First c^»»s. for city or \-ountry", where ktKhcnraatd la k«P> I le(t on ».^ couat «f family 5010* to .«? u i ( ' t^ : ,w, w ? t<: * •40 to IS" Calt M^n«'ay. I*lEa.s: 4.Hh-i;. l!i iV 'A AS' I PetnitM. A LADY, F^akinsr »;ii»h. French and C.'rmnn. with wimc knowledße of Italian nn.l ?p-\nlnh. having Travelled extensively, tlviroughiy convonant with history of art en.l architecture, desires poalHoa I*travel «ith family; would teach. A^^.lr»^B V . T. H.. V.nx KM".. «17 Hth aye. COOK- By yauaa \u25a0«»<» with bahy. 7 months. In country, with private f^miiv. eaceliant: nnall wash; best references. A,<- ,ira»» COOK, Tribune l'H>w« (MBre, 1,3 Dread way. ' \u0084.. . ia. i S Mil \V lisith \u25a0 i COOK. mal-l. seamstress or laundress. ttaak rrf«-r^n.-*s. st M««a LARSONS £im>lt>y- m*nt Office. 33 West 24th st Tel. S,«M4— MaJUon Ev*w»re. sMIAJIO AND KOOMS. »5?? eU ia'ertiuns 5 cents per liae. Sixteen W ,°," J \u25a0•**" times consecutively. $1, which I ??: H,t* * Jv « rU ** r to have rooms entered la jne Tribune's Ulreclory of Desirable ltoomv c2rcaia I>ert of fourteen days. Write for Full information concerning these rooms Jvi "• h "4 free °* charge, at the Uptown Office of The New-York Tribune. 1.304 Broadway, between 2Cth and »7th sis. •*•--*.. ATTRACTIVE floors and cultes^ with private Lath, single rooms, with or without beard; apartments, doctors' olnces; ail desirable locations; highest references; Ja/armation free. S. O. ICELAND & CO., a West aaa-et. ELEGANTLY furslsned apartments; pri- vate baths; Inciuaing meals, *15 weekly: two, $a> weekly VAJS RENSSULAER. W Last llth~ct., near Sth-ave. HANDSOME ROOMS, en suite or single, with bawd; all conveniences; reference exchanged. 22 Wcct Ooth-st. NEATLY FURNISHED: good meals; pri- vate bath; g^-1 location. 430 \V«et 124th- •t., Mrs. UUFir iT. PRIVATE American family offers respon- sible parties, large, cheerful, elegantly furnished front room; large closets; south- ern uxposure; connecting bathroom; modern house; telephone; convenient subway, ele- vated express, select residential neighbor- hood; choice table; sunnier concessions. Ml West i:«ith-st. \u25a0 12TH-ST.. 43 WEST. Large front room; ample cloKuts; superior board; references. 14 WEST MST-ST.— Desirable large rooms, second floor, with board; references re- quired. - 30TH-ST.. 40 WEST.— board- desirable raaaat; house and appointments first class; references •xchangtd. 20 W£3ST i2l>-tT.. near Hotel Imperial. Handsome rooms, newly furnUhed; pri- vat*- baths; parlor dining room; trßiisients. 41»TH-.«T.. 9 EAST— Largo rooms, with board, on second floor; references. 20TH-ST.. 40 WEST.— With board, hand- some rooms; house &nd appointments first rises; references oxchHiiged. *'•'. :\u25a0: ; T., 13 EAST.- -Large room, second floor, with board; table board; telephone; references. 7CTH-ST.. 230 WEST.— Sunny front room, corner apartment: with or without board: referenoes Mrs. R. E. CROWN. ; U73. 6iM. CM MADISON-AV 7 ;:. iG:.=T).-Dou- hie and slngl- rooms; high class board; r^.'.uoefl <\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0' prices. r'UIXIsHU) ROOMS. Single insertions 5 centr. per line. Sixteen worcis. seven limes vniserntlvelT $1. which \u25a0 entitles advertiser to have rooms entered in The Tribune's Directory of Desirable Rooms 1 Jur a period of fourteen days. Write for circular. Full Information concerning these rooms may be had. free of charge, at the Uptown OSc« of The New- York Tribune. 1.364 Broadway, between 3<Uh and 37th Ets. S®CMffi"EI^S?SiST. Block trots grand entrance to Central Park. 'One of the world's finest Parks.*- Interesting to the students of economy. SINULE ROOMS. WITH PRIVATE BATHROOM. $1 PER DAY Ul 1 . Parlor. Dressing Room. Bedroom and Private Uathroora *3- Jio Maximum of Luxury at Minimum of Coal. HOUni-IICE COMFORT ABLE. LEXINGTON-AVK.. 1.33S (corner B»th-6t. Large light room; hot. cold water; pit- vate house. NEAR SHARON, CONN.—Three thoroughly furnished neighboring re*ldenc*ii; one columal. antique furniturr. ti\.- <,pen nre- place#- ure fi.ur; all modern lmprov«m*B»*S j,,, 12. 15 roiiuir large grounds, gardens. sx*rii:« water. Apply L»r. AVERT. 10 Han- ciA-k-nt.. flrooklyn. 103D-ST.. 1M WEST.— -Newly furnished baf-H parlor for rent, all conveniences; •jihone; ground floor. KAIiKX. 1074 MADISON-AVE-. l-'Sth-st. Choice 'fcecond floor; single, «n suite; also bac* parlor; select people. 02D-ST. 121 EAST. Lurge front and rear loams.' furnished; . clean, p.ivate house; Dlesces: board optional. NO Cl EAST »IST-BT.— narl.r; gen- * tlemen: private house: fin«- K-callty. ICTH-3T.. 124 EAST.—Ph>>iclan rents elt- iini'.y furnished rocm; running water. privnte bath; telephone; references. AitT ST 12» WEPT, next door Hotel Ven- domt- lJSlrable lar K e ai-1 B!I1 ali rooms; superior accommodation* ; gentlemen onl>- .„ eT 13 KA("T. opyoslte Hotel Manhat- tSn -DMirable large ro^m adjoining bath; reasonable to an acceptable tenant. _ A'-rti «T 45 WEST (between Bth and 6th aveß.*j Largo rooms; s entlrm«i oolyj ref- erences requlreo. . .„-„ c T ii" EAtiT.— Neatest rooms IP 49 X" withtoard: «P^clal spring rates, Tin TTEST 74TH-ST.— Well famished large saeoff iteiy room. with private extension ba S thro C om: "aar sub-ay and elevated. -\u25a0-... t 7^o~\VE^T— Large, well fur- 12CTU-S i ii* t v roam; all Improvements; ne3?^o/^S« 'subway, ««tlemen pre- ferrei. "n 'wit tBTII-ST— Private house; fine rolm. to let ror gent, only; reference rt^iirfi- -_ ~^ gIBCKBAS- WATE^ r J p. MO k rroodf ood **rvaats olm^st impxs'ble. "**"**• *"^ .. w n; be far -heajjer to i!'" n L«-i> # piag a w^ n a% t(> t,e i\ rr ri a, vie 'mirau where are t'.e -\u0084 ulnni-d*"'-'" for the reOajd; jj M 1 Uall ™* entertainmenu akt A.VTIU«>- *W» fccMoa. 1 ? : ? ; rrrr^^TNTlQl'tiJ c *' i - 113 West 42-J-st. ; U)i»nl'MlUoM mahc*«ny. «llv*r. Jew- elr}. CoW»i*l chin*. ATTF:.\I>aNT.— A refintd ln.lv «' attend Bnt in diKtor's olBce; best reference. 207 <'"!nmlms~ave.. rniar Ctnh-st. Hlng gores llus'h bell. COOK. Thoroughly expeiien.-^!: bi*st.r«»r- crence; city or country. )<a E«&t JTtn- «.. first floor. COOK sad LAUNDHES*.— MMdte aged English ««n»»; small fa.oi)\ of a«iuits: country. J. W.. -are McGra.tl>. 130 Wt« 17th-« . fosrta aaor. back. LADT-S MAID.— By refined French girt- O^l^ E ast h^St C{ty " °™°°: LADrs MAIDor nurse to grown children, by French Parisian, go to Europe- sma'l j wages. J. EARRAT. 341 West 50th'-st. LAUNDRESS.— Competent Finnish '.am- dress; can do shirts, collars, fine linen- ha» city reference; wages $22. FINLaniJ BfREAV. 680 Lexlnaton-ave Tel call 4453 R— Plaza j \u25a0 _- . j | LAUNDRESS.— With best lefweaM. fan,- East waahtng; ° Ben air ocylng. Address 215 | ii.ast %»«rd-st. j LAUNDRESS.— By colored woman; go our 3 days each wok to do laundry work. : 6N.OWDEN. 18» West 43d-st. MAID— By refined, competent. German- r«!sp.>ißlble placa .with American fair.i grown up children: Invalid lady preferred references. Zuj 10th-»Te.. care of ii:s.' JLachenwerth. MEDICAL BODY MASSAGE to la; .-a . given by masseuse, returned from a course In Germany. JTHiUUXX. lUS Bleec kw-st.. Broo^yn. NLTtSE.— German; newly laadM- willing to assist chaiaberwork and sew- Ing: cityor country: wages Jl»-$a> t"a.;i UNO & BOECHERER CO.. 13 West 27th -st. NURSE Toung G-rman girl as experience nurse; good seamstresa; baa friend l.iun- dress city or country; reference. iIOR- ROW'S R'-RBAl' 201 Bus- t***- 10» 3— Plaaa. NURSE.— English; would take charge of tnv&lid lady or gentleman; no objection <?ountry. SNVDER. cms Mengle. 2-»» West 112th-it. \u25a0 -— . NURSE,— refined English Protestant- thoroushly experienced with bottle fee.l- ins from birth; city or country. Cai: cr a-l<!re*a EUsAM, cara of Seery 606 Lex- ington- aye. NURSERY GOVERNESS.— Cy Swiss , ir:> saeakdna) German. French an. l E:u{i:.?h' couM ah) r.*!p out In music. Call Jlomiay and Tuesday, froaa 10 a. m. to 3p m. 731 3th-avu. NURSERY GOVERNESS to children fron* 3 to » vear».oM. by French P»rt?lan; go to Europa or country: six years' city ref- erence. L GVrFRI.N", 341 West 30U»-S*, NUIiPE an.l SEASHTRES^ Prot- estant: will a.-«al!<r chamtYnrork; n«it. re— fine<J. . obMsinjr y^unt; woman' iri>o<l ri-fer- e»eee>: city <>- country. A. P.. Mrs. CoHicr. 123 West =!a-st. NURSKRT KOVETtNiCSS.— I»y Irish slrT. lately landed: Ensllnh. Frnnch an.! riJI- ' mental music I*., tv. -ant W. Lvneh 2ST (tnai»i»vl-av».. Ulchmoad UIU. L. i.' , NURSR icr chtWreni by North «>rma.-» Protestant : «r«ak3 p»rfe.n German- n^at. *H\ir*>.e<t., yotntar: N-.» n>r->r«>r.ces. Mr^. KKRNAOHAN'S BI'REAU. W-2 6th-ave. SKAMSTRESS.— Ovt hy the .lay: fimllr meixUtiic: vary pooil at •lre^maklr*: n»V- \u2666r»t# wag«>*: references. SBAMSTRSS3. l.*> 4 West teth-st. , \u25a0 . > SVVVVU T»KFORT«a SI*PPT.TTBr» WITH TION F.XTTNr>Kr» APPT.TCMXTS IP.VTX^ BUREAU. T7 WTJ3T UTH-*T. WAITRESS— First class: yoviisr Irish eir!: i ••itt r«>r»i»ces. el»» .->» oa>iair«- wiuce ira~r?!v ohu «t lano & Bosciirirnn CO . 13 West Z7t !»-«*. WAITREP? —Py wl'.i'w* "\i"erl<an I'rVt- estant. In *e!t<-t -rim* >\u0084:.i.i; *nip?r»- eTiraJ. K. l^. U3 «tS-av* , IWIMtm C«!wl iv-sin Trjuthitw- to m. rmmtrtist. »v» tt-*? Thk^k '•=••* : i»or«nrKT!CP j Kn f^r .ia« r•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»- t'.fraja: y-'tns ;:^»!Wi P»o;#stant; r>«>«?. ; gvxi.| o.u.'.- vr>:r*w>.l m^n^s^r. " A., llof- pivrt Rur«m. I". 1 * \T««». :\i-t - . ; 1 wopkix^ uor^n-c^rFVt.— r^v* r»ni?^t 1 yonn? TPir<« •» ••>• s»»ir» «h«r«t;; no WKs^'ntc «JUMl*e»cH l ti» o.'r~ «f <<>i|>i»r'r>, wwlnt, m«. v ,*V» «o «jrt .»-*t»r»*».Cf>sTPr- TEXT Oei*n»» r»UYtrj-. N;wr.r!t Pcs;or- C.^». N'Trsr™. X. T. •«.<» YOt'NO GI^T. n\~"t^. t^:-' .'".re «; ,-,-» »hl'.» In I T^**^ycn- »iw»Xj ''"^iin a^a T-JWlt*H HILDA GSTEOI. Jti VttXMt, KnN»hen. , .r. r v AnVERTTSFJtKNTS in.] sufc*or!prt->n«*for Th« Trlhur,» revelred a; rh^r Vnt«wn !OB>?*. Nix. l.»V» ,P\p.>nJ-«^v. BstrreTn s«th I »nd S?th »:».. n-.-il:V c.'v».-ira i>. t»> Vlver- tln»x«rist-» r«-»iv»rt »^ the . t r,ew;?ie hrenrh i rtwi at r»s:':!Tr ' «>-? rates ijr.rtt S*rt*ctocli r. m.. vl* : .14 Ht!>-!»-.-«,. s c . er» - "ru<- st i isa tHh-av^.. car. t^te -rt. ; f»j E.-.,» vu£ " J IWtKjL'S*! -*\u25a0: l^a 3.-.VO. Ris?K*! ft- J.TAB n^ar ?otl> »t - is? Ks rt 13.»th-st, : TSft Tv*>m->nt-sive. : »"&• rvt-afo st. X3 Blrcckaf aY CHAUFFEUR. Uy g-ouiig colored man, «vlih ex.HiiU'nc-fc una liceaxe; fur doctor, private fa«ally >„• broker. DHATTON, car^> Jarkson. ">* W««t -llsi-st. COL.LK' TOi".. in 2tii.> uzfi. Mp«rlcn<e4 \u25a0KC^Wful, uslnj Hv •, Jitdgmcat. ilesires bllla to *wto*U 'I'Hiittli t,r «usv. in any line on variola iKrc«titcg»ji. cOL/J3nron, Vflbune Uptowu Otiv.-e. I,BW i)roaJw»y. lUADT, expea-ienced traveller, would chap- eron party abroad, or act as companion; cheerful; good sailer; good reader; musical; references exchanged. JEWELL* Tribune Uptown Office. 1,364 Broadway. LIGHT colored girl In nalrdressln* or manicuring place: neat, willing. Adtress HAIRDRESSER. 794 Broad St.. Newark. N. J. MANICURING, halrdressing, facial mas- sage; young: lady would like private cus- tonwr3. Miss FITZPATRICK. «i East OUth-r.t. OFFICE A3SI3TANT.— By young girl. IS; knowledge of typewriting and stenogra- phy; two years' experience; best references; salary $S-SIU. Address H. E.. 1.028 3-i-ave. STENOQRAPnER and TYPEWRITER Three year - experience; neat worker- ac- curat« and has (rood speed, desires perma- nent position; salary $10. Miss L. HANS- LKR. t»l West 7«th-st. ' " A '^ SECRETARY, clerical work, managing housokeeper. chaperon or any position o! trust ar.d responsibility by a lady of culture and refinement, with ability and"«xperienc»- reference* exchanß-d. Address CO4IPE- TENT. Box 31. Tribune Office. w **" STYLISHDRESSES, shirt waists and linen «m£s S t at horn*. Mm*. KRiOER. 12» M BUMMER tutoring, coaching. French lan- guaue. literature; also Elementary Tnd lnt«rmedlat» courses exchange-} f Or home by experienced native Parisian PROT- KSTAXT. Dept. 8.. BS2 Columbus-aye. TEACHER, younir. wants afternoon and evening work. -VARSITY. 2.101 Sia-av«. WORK HOUSEKEEPER.— By Amert- can woman; Protestant; middle aued- no washing; Balary »19; referecce. Address AMERICAN. 104 East 14th-st. Aaare TfOUNO LADY, 10. would like a Place ad- n^st 1 " 5 envelopes. L. X - West TOUXG GIRL. 18. Danish, wishes place, to learn drcssmaklnj; or millinery: good reference. 3. PETERSEN. 190 32d-st Brooklyn. ' TOl'N'G LADY, experienced on FJsher bill- ing macaine. desires permanent position- accurate. Address K. LOWBXSOHN/ 1 9TT 7th-ave. J»OMMTIO_SITrATiqxs WAXTEO. MatoT "" ~~~" *~~ ATTENDANT to nervous gentleman- c i t or country; » years in last Dkee v Tribune Uptown Office. 1.364 Bruauway. ' We"t e^d4 VV t ddre£3 JOHN BfAs&^ 'Ho COOK. Dy man ana wife (co>! or-.tl>. or man would do caching- refer £, preaoat employer. ;:iy \\> at iij^-'i r*° BUTLER.—Kugllsh. with best personal city B "; i"-, r^r S; sHe^T^r7cily noO - i BITLER. 852 Columbu^e. Adll «s s BLTLER and COOK.—By French _-«). wayT" Trli>une L Ptown Offlce. 1.3« Broad- CAR&TAKBR —By hi * hly reco-nmended M. 1.. T.D.ui-c T I1« "'«"«. i.sm H-wav M. i .. T.lbane I- .-town Oiace. 1.31H B"wav. C ls i T A i! l .? R -- ny > 0«"*0 «"* 3*««»h caupl.; MA&ffm^ EISEKmXn. CAUETAKERS.-By ™rp*v-tahle young couplo t^care for « house while the folks are fa the country; . no children and. Al ref- ThXfT ro:iX i; ' Iy JJ - lj - *•«* «£££. prl.ate residence {or summer; man em- ployed during U«* .Jay; personal ciTy refer- 3st c hi et no •""*\u25a0 MULDOO - v - «S CARETAKER.—By respectabla rrotes'act man and wire; care or gentleman's private bouse for Hummer; fcc?t references tar tak- lng care of homes. rOTT*. &11 West IB*.h. TAI^ En '~By coxpnt celored man «•- caretaker of a private houM \u0084r buliuin*; references fr.tn present «irii!ov«r I Call or a-lirttas CHARLES. 40 Ea.'tSst-»t! | COACHMAN. GARDENER cr U^EFl'l. ! MAN.—Hy y-m. man. »nUh' r«f.- I ences. MEL3 HA.Vaa.V 138 ff«|; :»t*-^ j COACHMAN.—Slnjie; tHorcughly fI i- ! tnced with uars««. o*»ria«ea aod !n::u"« ' careful driver; care towns, flowcra cencr- ally useful: coo 4 personal re'ettace*. 'ViLLIAM. Boa la. Tribune Office: ' j COACHMAN. Ccmjpewnt; medium aizo- ! e:ier««ue: total abttalner; iruneoTful. I trustworthy; 13 years' city references rr\-ra , Cth-av n ' '''")'- r * V ll 0* »Cdrc»s "• X - «•» COACHMAN.— |W; best personal refer- ' "\u25a0''\u25a0es; di.vr.<aged en account of farn'ty -"\u25a0: k to Eurupe: can take oar» at anti- i mobiles. COACHMAN. !2 ' "'-it S3d-st. '•'^yfIMA.V«nd USEFUL WAIT I KEdS.— i'Y man and wife; .-'.*• U«b; both I noncst and reltable. MARTINSON, lit c.a«t Httth *t. '"^\u25a0ailAX.-A lady going to Europe wishes to secure rlare fi>r '..*•: ooacn- ""«\u25a0 " Qln "he can hltMy r ;i>op*:iJ as a "r?t etnsa city driver end capable, In IS" U!l< . and one who understand* all ! lift * l ;i )ur « •'miners of a gentleman's stab!*- t MAPfc, Ufl l-«rk sve. CHMCHMAN.— By Kr>-:!-«riiT.an; first la.» ».,,™. v **'***''\u25a0** I present employer giving up »wAji"'* rilt ' L w< v " *• ">'— "*" •*• COMPANION. By lady. «-xp.r!enred snd rrfiinJ. 4r useful fautpanlci- ; a*»Ut with h<m-»ehcld duti>«. citrc for children "•' an Invalid; h»j'4*«t oily ir.tr <-):\u25a0•<*. small •«!- •eß> U. U.. 48 Irving PUc*. KEW-VQKK DAILY TKLBIIJSK. JSUiSJJAV. Al iUL 30. 1905. KMn.OYMK.iT jicwnni rOEEION RAILWAY MEN HERE. EMPLOYMENT MMtßft DO2IESXXO SSTCVHOXS TTAyrEU. SUantian* Wunic-ii 1»*m» and Female— Four linen m. i. exceeding 3+ v. .>r-:»>. tb;e* InaemuiM. l.> ecai*; w.to ..>»«•. .jcn*. \u26660 word*. t.V«% ii-»c::lor.». -a «at». «•>«» lm»i^».ms> \u25a0\u2666*» euu*. »o.Mi>Tfc rauvnoss v.wrkD. Mtsasflßsss* WaasaaW-Mala .r.J Tamil*—. \u25a0 Four »•»• (i >t •*c«~dtng 34 words >. three tnssrttoas. 13 cents; seven Inser- tion*. 30 cents. Kzxeedlag 24 words »mO less than 40 word*, three taserttoaa> 3D tests: ren la—ltis— , «• •eat*. ©DELI, [FeiiiO^e & CGOreR. Consolidated. A Nationalities. EMPUItMKNT AUKNTS. Mai* an* Female. Manhattan Bmidjn- \u25a0» Sixth avel>t «<lth and *Vth. Ronir.. ii_-ls-14~l»—1& Telephone. 4«x>—3Sth St. ' ' FEMALE HELP. nr-TT pp .Mali: HEI.F. COOK— *30; reference for aMiity Ml eha*- ™i,At'J~i " •-ec&mai*nJo.l. city or actor; no objection to country: ace S3- S4O Sln le handed place; wages. > .. " * Uala. COACHMAN.—Excellent reference in car* Ha* hor*e» and carrtasas, married; 15 rears In last place; Uit employer can be seen. Address aLArCERY. 1.11 K. i>th-et. remain COOK,—First c:&3». J23-T33:-rOTr.try: art- va*e. .famu*; **ry hem reiitn.is- Uac- Cartan. j4A»KEWSO.VS A(>4ACi 1 o^M a<i-ave.. opvosife iiioteungualc's. X«i. 1. 33 J :-la»a. COACHMAN.— Sinn*. 2S; just .i:s-..*:iit<M on account oX family «i.i.;« up h..i=-.». ghly recouiniesucti as nr-t «Ua*. {QMC m»n. H. «... iftx r.nst 40t.. m. - . . . 2rtSsssj"«' : L'SEFTL MAX.-Under ref^ncV--* S> flower " « nd Plants : best "'hS^i" 00 * 1 milker; understands all farm machinery. °^2Slifi2? and GROOM—Expert nni careful driver; city or country. **£.•?_ and ,, WlFE.— Wife cook, laundress; n.g.i waiter and useful; wanes $\u25a0:\u25a0>. WAITRESS.— Swede; good; reference; will also do chamber-work; wag?* SIS. CHAMBERMAID an.t gEAM.STRE3S.— Uooil sewer; can alter ami make over garments. HOUSEWOHKER for apartment; good rook ami laundress; wag«s $2 i; reference. LAUNDRESS.— Ccn do collars ami shirts; t;ocd uorker: well recommended; 125. COACHMAN; 38; strictly »ob»r; 14 >eavs' best written and person*) reterrncta; thoroughly understands tin- care --i ge.u.e- \u25a0 \u25a0a;»'» »ta lea. city or country; ejjor en. .M rider and driver. A>lt'.r?*s CO.WiIMAN. 421 East 6-tth-at., Uox 34. COOK—CHAMISSUMAID.-Ey two glrlj; O|V o<i«r-'i. Nt c .. : kc. t.l ba.';er; excs;u-.-.i !»tiri'!r*s3; other cha.Tibe-.maia a=<i w*tt- Tf.ut: iik»s cttUctrca; no objections country; private or public. JIOKHtHVM CLRiiAL; -01 Cast sStn-st. COOlt—First class Swedish, cook. wit* kltchenmaLl or alone; has excellent r«B- T»ncf. FINLAND ULKEAf, tsu L-xin«- ton «vf. -—• id

KEW-VQKK DAILY TKLBIIJSK. JSUiSJJAV. Al …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1905-04-30/ed...»t., Jersey City. N. J. EU3VATOR RUNNER or PORTER.— By young West Indian; quick,

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Page 1: KEW-VQKK DAILY TKLBIIJSK. JSUiSJJAV. Al …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1905-04-30/ed...»t., Jersey City. N. J. EU3VATOR RUNNER or PORTER.— By young West Indian; quick,


Enipinjuirat Agcnrlea—

t'er line, each la-sertiun. IS unu, onu monia. 10 c«nis

p«r line.

COOK and WAITRESS.— Swedish: threwyears' sa>SSßßjsaS| v«ry competent cook:waitress «n taxe tuner's piace. H^-T. V.\UDl-ftCAU. «OUi:r,-»3-av«..

COACHMAN—Married; experfenced cityc!rl\-r. fcest references, *r,tten and per-

sonal; soißlety. honesty, <.apao:l:iy. wiiiing.L.i country urmfrrrt.i. UAK. care janitor.*8T \V*ft 525-M.


\u25a0tgllss^ W—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Hsil and Ftmale-thr«Mn,^?1U'?J "AceeUlng 24 r.-crds).ai. »t? v-°:i<' 16 ecnl»- aevcn .a»«rt!ons.«o »«rS'. ,sCC *eU.ln* Z4.wortf> and »*»• than\u2666f*"™1;J.hr«« inserUons. 30 cents; sevenyistrticns, co cents.

COACHMAN.—MiddIe . axed, slngl-. thor-oughly competent, reliable, respectful;

highly :»comrae.-.cved by well kn.v»n cityfamily for latt eight years, who can te»**n. Poa «»T. Putnam Hnu*.

MISS GNRISTiSA iliaFirst clans hilp, references tavsslisai.sd.824 Bth-ave. Tel. 4411—IHh.

Male.BOY. Inofllce; public school graduate hav-

ln*v •xperieact. a. BitACKfK.jh^ COACHMAN.—

Thoroughly competent andsrsiod. earaM r.rlvsr anJ sm-irt appear-

ana*; :ir»t class writton cr personal rw»m-mtndaitcts; city or country. P. D.. Bo»M. Cedarr.urst. I.ons Island.

BOY, is. wants ofltas position; experienced;t>est references- salary «T TVI'E-

WRITER. 1.152 3d-9ve.

COCK.—English rmtestar.;; tn.ititution ort

c«.; {ttTit <laiS lh *V<T> particular.

1.. Hrfrrraje.-'a nurea.i. 133 West *J.l-»Ultlcphcn» mc-l—Chglsea.

COOK.—Gooj young German: arlrl- city crcountry; private family;gr«d wftiwwMi?» "AiffAynty-

lM **-

COOK, Ac. -By two neat '3»rma:i girls-on« COOI4ana Uundresa. other at ifer.^ralhooa^woraer. t«:creaces. Mrs. fl>—\u25a0Agency, l.i;a 3d-ave. Tel. 11lJ-


M§t§ (5,1 iSM^fSPTvf Beat ma:- anaU^ll»^)jIflWAlJiit&iniii lia female help.*-« Columbus- near 83d-st. T?l.. T4IJ—


ST. iAiT^LKt'S© ii. lataklit) !) hlibiHy/iriyji&ra @EiIPLOIfMt.VTUL'UKAU.

211 Eaiit 42d-«t.— First class domentlca arssujpiled; alao managing houseKeepcra. raur-truns, governesses, tutors, etc.


U«Jy r«eosnm*itfis » bar.s;cudy. single man. 2l>; care tine lior&es.carrtag<s: had charge- of lady's stable;

country; reliable; peraonal Interview; use-ful. ApplyIst intt.. COACHMAN. 383 atn-av*.


—Neat. <in;f young w man; ex-cellent reference*; understands her fiutie*thoroughly; city or country; UU> r, *>>. A.IV.. Mrs Col!Ur. 122 West 234-st. "

CLERK.— and entry clerk- knowledgeof bookkeeping; sir. years' experience; noagencies. Address GOIiFRET. 564 Lcxlng-

ton-ave., Brooklyn.

COACHMAN.—Protestant; thoroughly ex-perienced; certtf yinS capability, \u25a0obrinty.honesty and careful \u25a0 city driver; r-liy orcountry. Address MARSIIELU 24« East45th- st.

COUr*.—Flrat c'jbi young German woman-beat r*/*r«Bces; city or country; wa*ea$•\u25a0». Call at UA^Ci v EOECHEItSR CO13 West 2Tth st.

CHAIFFELT. —Young man with lor.g ex-perience with electric carriage* with pri-vate family; best of references- well ac-quainted la city. A. C. ADAMS 582 WestISM-St

DRIVER.—Young, '.villinn and smart ac<y;went through school. J. O'BRIEN 17Marion-iit.

AT CARPEXTEK'S Emolcyment ilou.iJ,164 «th-ave. Established I*l7. We hay«

best coachmen, gardeners, grooms, marriedcouples, farm foremen, farm hands. Ailnations, well recommended.

SCHLESIER'3 SELECT AOBNCY—AIInationalities wanted now. girl*; many

vacancies; also lodging for unemployedgir!s. 113 Copper Square; a 3d-ave.

CitAOHMAX.—English wal.vtcl. experi^ncaacity driver an.i horseman; sober aniwll!-

ing; city references from last and formeremployers, who can be'accn. H. 8.. 128West 4Uth-st.

DAV9 WORK.—atroa* woman to r.iout

50« Eanand cleaning. Urs PAUL.L'-

GIRI. \u25a0 would* like to mind a chIM aterschooL Address R. M.. ><*2 Colunibua-WORK WANTED.DRAiOHTSMAN.- electricalengineer, with shop experience; perma-

nent position. Address X., «6 2abrlsklc-stJersey City, N J." COACHMAN.— Single; uoderstatnds thor-

oughly care horaea. haroaa*. rarriagas andbelunjlcgs; careful driver; city or country;sober, trustworthy . and reliable; wittt&s.obliging; references. FOSTEI.. care L-uan.MlSd-ave.

GENERAL HOUSEWORK.— B- neat tl<Sy*iri;beat references; city of country. AJ'"'- \u25a0• « »ur-d .. 485 Columbua-ave. Tsl.*41J



COMPANION—Vassar graduats as oom-panion to young girl; will also act assecretory. Adc'ress Mrs. LYMAN, 1,744Broadway.

DRAUGHTSMAN. Mechanical. electri-cal engineer, \u25a0with shop experience; per-

manent position. Address X.. «0 Zabrlskls-»t., Jersey City. N. J.

EU3VATOR RUNNER or PORTER.— Byyoung West Indian; quick, willing,oblig-ing. WATERMAN, care Kane. 2«i» West63d at.

HorSEKEEPEn.— By American woman-prrvate family or bachelo» apartments:thoroughly understands catering In all Its

late employer may t« seen. M.A. U. 2XO West 14ti>-st.

COMPANION or GOVERNESS.—Accota-pllshed, e.\per!en.ea, speaking perfectly

French, Gorman. Ui:g!i?h; musical; excel-lent certified teacher; experienced \u25a0withchildren; accustomed to travelling: highestreferences. S. M.. 42 Wesl sstk-aL

COACHMAN or USEFT'I* MAX.—\u25a0ged- Englishman; single; thoroughly -in-

derstands care hors«9. small gar ten. milk;good references. E. G. Vi.. care Mctluah.1.073 park-are.

EXPERTEtCCED ranaa man, wtUlag tework at anything; city or country." AH . Box 45. Trisua* OAc«.

COACHiL\N.—Married; slty or country:goo<l references. BI'LU, Mason's stable,

78th st. and Park-ay*.

HOrsBW«>RXFiH By aeai « girl-Kood couk: escrilent laundress; can ba^e-.has friend ciamb<"rma!d; jpK>i! seam-trtsj-

ltitea children; no obj*eUon country MOIi-BOy*BUREAU 20» East .TSth-at.ENGINEER.— Sober. reliable. on highsi-efl e.isine", dynamo!), elevators: hotel...".I .- '.ull.liitK or factory; excellent refer-ence. V. CUNNINGHAM,210 Kast 123d-st

COMPANION and MAID (travelling)—Bycapable young (Jernwn thrown upon her

own resources. Address F., <Kfs Clinton-ave. iftrst floor). West Hoboken. N. J.HOCSSWORK -SftnMgl— <irl. UtelTla:***!, to .lo g~n;;ral houwvrnrk. CallMonoay. ENOBIRTCaON 33U

OOKTRAI/TO SOLOIST In church choir;fine sight render. Addcc&s Mrs. it. *•

SCUUUCK, 1.140 Lafayett9-ave.. Brooklyn.

COACHMAN—Family golne abroad wishest> find position for their coachman: can

re<""Timena him in every way; thoroughlyexj,jrt«rce>l; first class man. Call Mondayor Tuesday. 01 Cast' 74tll-al.

CASHIER.— -Competent; best references\u25a0TOUT. I*B W«st 113tli-9t.

EVENING WORK.—By young man. 25.college graduate; cl.rtoal bookkeeping orsalesman; al>*» tutoring. ROBERTS. 31Hamilton-aye.. Xew-Brlghton Statin Isl-and.


Colored; five years' personalreference*, las.t emol'fyer can t«e. ae<n.

Address A. SI. S.. 234 West lOfith-at.


Thoroi:ch:y competentami experlenc«.l: city or country; gocxt

caterer: ffve years' refrrenc* rrom last em-pU>y^r.. Adrtr«.ss iIOtViIKEEIPER Su Ea«tltth-st.. .ui\vrtlsin« offlc*COACHMAN.—First class man to take en-tire charge of nent'»man"r. private «abie:

13 years last employer, city o* country.Addrers or can. T. I*.1*» Wairerley 1'1a..-e.

GOVERNESS. &c—A young college woman,having also stud!**! in French University.

siH-akii'R Parisian French. Hanoverian Her-man. with highest testimonials as teacher,desires position as resident or visiting gov-erness. Address K. H. L.. Box IOC. 0176th-ave.

3)degatss toInternational Railroad CongressWhich Meets at Washington This Week.•n* Fr«><"h liner Ia Lorraine arrived yesterday

luji a :aree de legation representing French sr.dgpßTiii* transpoitation and railway interests.In the party were seventy-five Frenchmen andsis Span'B^B- The delegates are hera- to attendtlrf ?ess.on of the International Itailroad Congress

rntcts in Washington on May 4.j^jorjf c most Prominent of those who compose

rts ddcxati071 «r* M. Zaru^zouls, ex-Minister ofputtie Work* in Franc«, and representing thej»rc<\-ltip* c* Avlcnon. and president of the GeneralCoupril 0» Railways, who is going to make a dose-tuijy cf th* railway systems of this country- MAtPeD*llllaiouch. director of the P. L. m. Rail.mVi 04 fll£o a director of the« French line offt*»»er»; M invert, general manager of theyorth ot Sral"Railway; M. BoelU of the South ofFrance ISailway: M Rrlsse. representing the East-,^.B*l:v»y of France; M.Coliot. the Pari» GirdlensCirar; M. Taul Dubcir. the Parts-Orleans Rail-wK.. v Charles Dubols. the n*>l|rlum Railway;jjT>r.rl JXiohtal, the French Midland Railway;>[. Le Grain, tn*South of France Railway; Beftor

BJuiJ< Lorrt. the Spanish government: M.Hutx the E£*tera Railway of France; M. Mosfre.m Frerxh Northern Hallway; M. Perouae. thelYftichIVpartmcnt of Public Works; M. Randt.-jtt French Western Railway; M. Ttttrrislisluni.fba Sitte Ka ;«ay. M. Lowey. the Madrid andPortof*J Railway, and M. Tbblodosh, the South0f gpaia Baiiway.

y^ol^M a dinner willbe given at Sherry's by they>tac!» Chamber of Commerce for the delegates

M4to-morT.>"^ afternoon a reception will be given

r<r M Jules Charles-Roux. the new president of the

French L!r.\ aboard La Lorraine, to be followeda the. evening by a dinner on the 1teamer to whichjltvorItX'kllan and other city officials and proxni-

r.sr.t civilian* willbe invited. On Tuesday the dele-gate ""\u25a0:!! he la Washington, where they will bejr-frt*tt * dinner given by M. Juaserand. thef*»nchi Aixiba*sartor, at the embassy.

The p'w of the French Une was gayly decoratedin v.onoi cf the French delegates.

•^je entire deieFation has received for themselves•ad their families Invitations from the Pennsyl-aanii Railroad Company to travel to Washingtontr that line. A completely equipped special train•111 fsrt with them at 6:55 a. m.. on Tuesday.Th* -art- will stop In Philadelphia about fourfc'-uirs as the guests of the local fDN-rtainmrnt com-t-I'tee and wilt then proceed to Washington.

Hctar M- Snow, the general agent in the UnitedKinrdora for the International Sleeping Car Com-aaa

'arrived yesterday on the Campania, which£*• kept in the Lower Bay by the fog. ftis cor-

MMd« occupies the position in Europe held hereby tte Pul!ma.n Company.

\rhea Mr. Snow lands this morning ho will be—a. i,v L, J Oarefcjr. the American agent of theI'r»"iA«y Mr. Garcey faid yesterday, concernlnffrailway conditions in Burope:

Th'.ny years ago meals had to l>e carried in bagsVy the'trjAclier. penned la a stuffy or dusty oom-jiartTnent. Inmost instances no provision was mad,«

lor beating the carriages, and even to-day many

l>rriw=ar. countries still stick to the oldtirae foot-a-anaers. which are more or lees regularly <-h«u»g*d. [


Part !?% A?" a*-The BUnshln« Ptayed a large

market,? t.

" BhapinS the CCUrBe of the *™in™?«!1 IU lnnu^"^ was bearish, and shortsThe? ™ confident of their stand in the market that

lardmade little effort tO CaSt an anchor :" wind-wh!,..'*"°faccld^ *»•*•\u25a0• next MBai,m. Mayocc-,*Lit1'!!"0'1l8tO aU intentS over ' bu« th"coccasionally dropped in an order on one. side or them.mh.

and the fluctuations were a* frequent as the

mTnr ii ,trans * >»-

The closing price wasalso *» £ ?W? We

Xf°r the day-

Ju!>' was weak - as2Tk S«Pt"nber. Th« former closed l%c down,and the latter I%C iowcr. Corn lost for Mayfnd July. and He to c for a,ptemt£ Oats lost£c- V"ovl8loni» alone of the larger speculativemarkets raVe any sign of Btrensth. and the ad-vance there was only moderate except in pork,which gained !oc.

Lower prices in the Liverpool and Paris marketswere factors aiding the bearish feeling in wheat",JESm "TI**1

**Northweßt *m receipts helped thedecline. Local receipt, were SI cars. against 6 thecorresponding day last year. May sold from 88U0to 880. closing at 87^c. July closed at 82c Thehighest was 83 to 83*c. and the lowest 81*Be to 81=ic'Corn lobt at the opening on account of the bear-.ah Influence of the fine weather. Receipts wereagain light, but ample for all requirements Of-ferings were In excess of buying orders, but were

not pressed heavily, In view of the talk of thebulls taking on Monday all corn that ml^ht bo ten-dered on their May purchases. Local receipts wereG2 care, compared with 56 estimated. Shipment*hence were 361,000 bushels. Estimate of MondaYsreceipts we* 65 cars. After selling as high as 46*^cand as low as 43«4c. May closed at «%c. July soldfrom «140 down to iii\c. closing at iho latter price.

The oats market was active through the ses-sion. A large business was transacted, with gen-eral selling and some liquidation. Prices graduallyyielded until May reached 2S^c. where offeringsbecame light and the market more steady. Re-ceipts were 69 cars. with. 72 estimated for Monday.Shipments were 59.000 bushels. May closed at 28«ic.

SruL i*fl? ,* "CorapanlaMat of noise, draughts ana•ri^.d fMt* at certain stations..'?„"' *£r th« conditions when a young BelgiantedhnlETl fS?W1leßle8 Nagelraackem. fresh from thetechnical school crossed th.- American Continent.raflro?dJ ?££&}\u25a0? the «uperiorlty of the. AmericantcrnTt!nnai Sthod. -

and- returning, formed the In-\u25a0SEfl J^mL

*' Cilr Company, which from aown. T«S PJ, y> runnln« a few dining cars, to-day\u25a0wSjii^ operates about fourtwn hundred dining.fS Rnni .K

ParlOr CarS «U OVer th» Old World•t«mif»^V)hhT|h the heart of Europe, over thofv£lK?- liSJlfifr

••VUMiiVMtok.Port Arthur and

and %reH2^LShe. Nii" tO UJXor: through Tunisnonle. to lhe east as far **tTonstanti-

truck rlrlnoir!?" J:he American four or "ix wheelnearly nn •»Pl?» Pl? have lately bfen Introduced by

Continent. ltnPortant roads of lCngland and the

#».Am thCr P* enßf»-j. on the Campania arethe official delegates of the Great Western Railway

del «• n^ci?.*tlonal railroad convention. T. H. Ren-

AldinSoJ rlßht* "•C King.G. B. Ut* and C.

CIJXTIJMAN, one, two or three hours acay. M. STL'AUT, 2sti Living*Brooklyn.

HOUSEWORK or bachelor ararttnentj-foJ«r»-fJ: =iwp him». Apply WASHING"!

TON. .54.. West 44th-st.A.-.111.N1—

KLCVATOR MAN or MESSENGER.— nyyoung colored man in New- York houae;

understands Urooklyn and N*w-Vork.JAMES A. HBKDERT. 431^ Wav^rly-avc- .Brooklyn. Agencies Jo not answer.

HOUSEKEEPER.— By younr woman •„. amall family. Airlress Bex 243 Tarn-san's A(l7*rtisins Offlce. 1.164 Sd-arr

~COACHMAN.—Oonraa. CO. on country

place, as coach.-nan. do cardeninr an-! b«ire r.orally useful: handy with tools, traasa$23. W. KELLAR. ftiGr««nw!ch-st.

Contracts for Heavier Goods Accepted. En-tailing Many Changes.

IBT TELrGRAP » TO THE TnißrNl.'.]1nil River, 'Mass.. April 2?.—lt is estimated that

the 8alPs of Cl°th of the last week were in excessor loO.COO pieces, some brokers believing that atleast i<a,ooo pieces were disposed of. The price of»-lnch M:C?OS| Jrop td to 22l5«-.l 5«-. but the 27-inch goodsor me same texture are KUins at the same figure.regulars were not sold and the quotation remainsnominally at 2 n.Mc. Wide good- are firm and infair demand.

The feature of the trading in this market for thelast two weeks haa been the acceptance of con-tracts for heavier goods than the mills usuallyproduce. Not leas than 40.CW pieces of goods madeirom yarns ranging from J}s

-to 2ts were sold with-

in a few days and the disposition is strong to ac-cept more orders, if offered on the basis of aboutISe a pound. The manufacture of these goods en-tails many changes, but in most local mills theelasticity of production has Income so great thatit is not impracticable to make fabrics from 203 toMa yarns In mills supposed commonly to be woundup strictly for printing cloths. In the absence ofa profitable demand for the common printers'poods made from an average of 28a and 30s yarnsmanufacturers have taken advantage of the strongdemand fVr export products and the inability ormany Southern mills to meet prices on domesticcoarse goods to accept some orders for deliveryextending through the summer.

The mills are being helped out in ways other thanthe disposal of goods. The carding facilities arenot great enough to permit print cloth mills tokeep product enough ahead to supply all the loomsand all the spinning. But, as there is an ac-knowledged scarcity of operatives in these depart-ments, the new goods otter the mills opportunityto turn out a Cull product from the preparatorydepartments. Tfee local mills v.,11 not tillall theirlooms with orders for those goods, 1 it several con-cerns are willing to put a few hundred looms onto them tor the present. Another notabie featureof the trading has been the freedom with whichlocal mills nave accented orders for shirtings inthe gray. They are not handling the fancy coloredfabrics save in the case of the Barnaby Mills,butfully 1,000 looms are making wide varieties ofdobby product! to be finished later, and the tend-ency to Increase the business in this line Is shownin many ways.

Quotations" are as follows: Twenty-eight-inch SIxMs. 2 11-16 C. nominal; 28-inch, MxGte, %c; 27-inchECxaGs. 2.20c; 38^-inch. ?4x6-is, 4c; 30-!nch CBx72s. "4".'


*iKhrr>t was Wle and the lowest »'*<-. July

"J? f"»m 2S-

to B%c. d(M!Bg at U*c.1rovlMons 'were quiet an.l firm. Buying of ribs

a. 1 ft* ahys was the most prominent feature,ana the demar.d from this source helped to sustaintne market from the weakening Influence of thelower coarse grains. May pork acid from $11 72',]° *ÜB-V«and July from Jl2 05 to Jl2 07^ to $12 13.-"ay lard SOld from (768H to $7 65 up to $7 05. andJuly from $7 C2ii up to $7 22^ and J7 25. Mayribs soldrrom $6 77«, to 82.U and July from $7 10 to $7 12%.°* re '!"-\u25a0 were :•\u25a0•••. head and prices at theVi>T<is Wrr,. strong,


HELP WANTED. HOUSEWORIC or Kftc&narsid m prlvarafamily; or second laundress: stron* Fin-ni<ih p.. very neat and .. \u25a0;;• a? FINLAND

BI'REAV. «H> L-xinrt.n' '-A


GAS LAMPS AM) HE.*TEnS.JANITOR. By young colored couple; pri-

vate apartment or office tuliainij; liveyears' good reference; strictly sober andobliging; last employer can be seen. Callor address J. SCHUUOS. *>4 West 4Uth-st.

COACHMAN—efH">K.—By married coupic,Beotca; oxcept tonally neat and ttaasV-worthy; aaaa coacaman, gardener-, usefal;

wife lifted conk and, laundress; excellentreferences. IRWIN'9 BUREAI'. 77 Westlltß-M. HOUSEWORK.— By neat. thorr,uS^!y com-petent elderly woman: can (Jo plain cock-ing, washing and Ironing: Hit monthly

country preferred. IRVYI.VS BUREAU. 77West Jlth-st.

LITERARY or educati-.mil work d'sired byOxford man; manuscripts edited and

typewritten; froofs corrected; booklets andpraapectuaes prepared. HAN'KIN. 23» 17th-ave., i'atrrs. 11. N J.

Male-.WANTED.— man «:>out 16 years of

&6», or \u0084:\u25a0;,... worK In large metal con-cern: must be «\u25a0>.,! writer; come well rec-ommended; exj T.- not . easary; publl"school graduate preferred. Address wlttir.-fc-rer.ce. V. O. Box 1.J77. New-York City.

GARDEN&R.-rSlngie. 35: private family:cempetent; good vegetable grower any)

Cowers under (lass or outdoors; can takecare of stock and fowl; 5 years In lastplace; best personal reference; can be seen«ny time. Address Boa 76. CedewtHife*.Long Island.


German lady, brilliantpianist-, graduate Lelpslc Conservatory,having taught In Germany, Russia, Ruma-nia, desires position to. grown children orwith single lady; innate. German. French.Address INSTRUCTION. Tribune UptownOHce. 1,384 Bro?"i»ay.

AGENTS WANTED.#N OrPoliTl'MTYcf a lifetime Is offered

jpu to estal.'.lsh a trar.ch of our businceeIn"yo-jr own llwaTHj with agencies in the•

-.'.-' -!\u25a0 ..'.'S counties; rew plan, new meth—oil. r.o ciir.pttitlrn exclusive tenitory; artph pra<se. jermanpnt, gentlemanly andvery profitable husiness, (juick'.y estab-l'?h«c!; no capital re(iu'.re3; ccnireiesionsraid oufflrlent to net jou from *10 000 tof2rt.(X>(> per annum; stste pact experiencetnd c:*y or lown in which you are locatedc- wish tr. locate. Addres* TREASURER.T O. i<rx S.ir».

- -»\u25a0» \u25a0 -~! rtc •\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0

t^" "^^—

————B^>l^^>i^ CHLINCES.

»VAVTED—Lady of weaJth withHUsi Is)in\*est In i-rcfTred 6 per oer.t etock; also

art us cUreo'or in Ne»-Yi>rk corporation;lrtcrvte* d.*irf.l H3N^^•T PURIXJSE,l'.?x *2. Tribune Office.

WAXTEI>.— Yo-jr.gnan cf jwltablts totrier well established, very profitable.

iijildly ring manutarturisf business,T.-ttL'.cBftjf mil«s ot Troy, N.V..can secure«-cr.irti»;S££ interest; j.resent capital fS.".OfH)..•.d*Tes3 until May lv. Lock U.ix IS, Troy,M. Y.

' '


LPTArtLISHEn IWJO. Buy troru makertaj sue money. Marble, Onyx and Goid

t'ltrn. A bis !lne to ecltct from. Bigbar-UIM CL-Mllv A- .<')N, 42 Maiden Lh.ne.


__^~^—^_^__^_ -^_




coyyHy_ poAKDi


Coun-try seau. hair to C'JO acre*, Hudaoß. Put-:.is, ;i».-k-m roais; (daoea f*.-t:t class; sea

i:n l.oriri locatlxiK; stew »!t!i currlag".-.-

PAUIEA WAfc'jiDURN CO.. I.ISI Broad-way. >th-st.

\u25a0MMssVsl AND UILIJ.\EK\.a:TI:.\TIuN!—Mrr.e. HENNIfi. 1S» West

U'..;ii-st.. nr.e GigM up*, uext »0 Acker,Bfcnan. O«i<S)t <""0.. corner 7th-ave.. \u25a0Yencntrettrijikitigana lad.es' Utlloruts. is n.akiugessuislle waltirj;. evening, vifltlng COSr-lautes. fancy ualJ -. fancy an- plain tallcr-l-if;suns, cjets. Rton Jacket*, fj.fciallyforsiwit, also fur otl.er Isdlee; penoct fit andait;»:!c desljinu guaranteed; Ifit the hardto St. the work we show will sapasxe withaiy j.!kbprtc4 house; moderate juices.


A lady with mcry veers'\u2666ri'erience, an <iLpen at Btifag .rd af-

'erairmt. would like to engage with .•..rt-.f-stt '.heir hornet; refereact. Address FIT-TEB. Tribune Office.


Colored; out. daily, $2;n-ourtion rii<?e Imp.>net3 mcidels. Ad-

&<-.;\u25a0 DRESSMAKER. Tribune Uptown Of-U". ':;<A Hroa<iway.

Ron sale.

FOP. £AI_E.—

Family rtfriawrator. platformitckle. 22 f»-Jt bJiiiier ladder, preserve Jar».7)!ARL}-:S. \u25a0»\u25a0• \u25a0 --.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -•

m;vn i.%Nr.<u


K"uver.!r ami euiC:-; completely, hand-scirelj- iilusttatt-c; vaj-iable reference book;K-au dtaney onier. NATIONAL CO-C'I'gRATIYE CO.. Washlrtgton. D. C.


OFTICE Kuir.'.ture. Roll IK-«k«. Cablretnlor typswritcra; i'ariltlojit, Kullings;t.ioap. HAKlilUHKR. 4T.4 Canal-st.

office rniNni'RE l>xhaxge.-«'ill furnish your ortice en «-asy wm«, 2%

\u25a0I S«.ianc-e on llrr*. 11. H. FINN. 113St-.ti.-A) tl. fh,.nf. 7<t.<3—


M <.<»1 1> AND ULVEM.v> "\u25a0 y^vrr7iUU:T~AN?> VILVKI?Iwught

by n. Longmans suns. *oi,i and BU-:"r"' >

- *John -'

HEAL ESTATE.A.—U J>f.rHi:.SThit OOUXTY: one hour

out; lun:s«i_e<2 cotts^e f<-r summer. «v»d-eni jjlutublng;wl'.l also tuilrt u> cult tenant;HwNet «>l»-vatiou: lv minuses Horn station.\u25a0T'Jli.V QJX. Jr.. ire Clh aye.


liANJ)S<jJJE 7 rcM.'aiiiand bath; facing<J.yUiit Morns I'aric; outside rtome; all")nif;!tr.(.»t; furnished or unfurnibhed.<XJHSKt. S Weat l»tt»l-«t,

AT rL'JSHINO.—Four minutes' walk fromMurruy JiiU•tatlon; <-n hish ground; ojj«n

BOtttrr; a fully furni&hod l:ouse. 1« rot,ms.

Jam Jaundry; o^*3 attic; electric ligbts;yjafu litur, f75 jj^rmonth: for teaeon,{J'* per month; for Kal«". $l2.Ot*K W. K.MCI:ItAY.SU Rroadway. Flushing, N. T.JjLltOE LOrT, 50x100. light on three sl<leß.

with or without Hteam power and »l«vator«f>'i.e. Al*!y to WILLIAM Y. UAKIZRCO.. corner Hark a»a. aa 131s:-st.71IS COLE. STOai WKST 128TH-ST.—

Choice t;jrtn.r:.!», conveniently iated;•s*e>a 7 and 8 roome; all light;all con-vt£!»r.«e»; clf-vator. telephone, steam heat,c*tr. r.!umfc!r.g; ha!l attendance; :.ts $45to $io. Apply premises.

OOOZ* fruit, vegetable, dairy and pouUrytferan to rent. 150 acres; Farni.ogvtUe.

ifr-t islAnti O'BRIEN. 121 East mk—Two acret; Urge house.

,bam, w«tgun hou»e. chicken house; pießtyJnjJt; nod water U. M. BARNEjs. »6wan Broadway.

•TH-AVE. opposite Park. btJow 7yth-«t.—L--k»..- private r««tderiCe bargain:

•f«««r prottcttd. W. H. MALCOLM. 8Ctot 4la-#t—"

ii .1 ii..-\u25a0»-..

*i«T-rr.. 11$ EA6T —Parlor floor, base-rr.ent. *.•_•. large. extension* ,modem tni-

emccts, suitable business or private

•BTH-er.. 113 EAST.—Four «iorles; newjP.uml-.M: ln-.meilate p^aseeslon; 51,700.

OWNER. >.2i Wasi I6tfa-«t. j12T EAST S4TH ST. £l.«o<> A TEAR..Very d«rtrab!e, comfortably furnishedraur etory r?«ideare. Just put Jn good con^eition: \u25a0 r.va-r family oniy. Keys et E.IE POSfyT FTMM«VNfi'f. 2 fan »th-»it. I



«nd ralllnir Mali <\u25a0!:\u25a0\u25a0 »>_,.\u25a0\u25a0•«

-.'vi method.

KwiHet and /seroonttr»tion tr<*VACUUM rAP-APi'LIANOR CO..

__*<* Tulton-Bt.. Futte mt, N. T. City.*"• TOUNO glvrs «leptric treatment for

rbaaaiailase and rervvusßeM; manlc.:rlnic.*

ftattmab-^iv*.. Bruu«i:ii. c|>pusite depot*

WANTED.—Experienced dranghtsmeg Inelectrical a!:«iuutus, switciihuard motorsan.l gttaeratouk; only first c)as» men need

apply; state experience unisalary expectedAddress P. A. C. Tribune Otllce.

HOUSEWORK or DAY'S WORK.—Br Ineat colored girl;,private family, hotel orapart.-!;. house; good references. Applyto lt;T JLt£r.XCV

- **«« &Zst. Tel 41U3 I

MACHlNlST.—Experienced lathe, vise hand;assembling, repairing gasulune. osene

oil engines and experimental work: steadyposition; city or out of town. W. A.. Trib-une Otnce, Harlem branch. 263 West 125th.

MFDICAL BTUDBNT desires work, pre-ferably as attendant or travelling com-

: for Invalid. SOI Bergen-ave., Jer-s-y CItJT. N. J.

HOUSEWORK.— YoungSwedish woman fog-general housework: j^ood cook; ref»j-

GARDENER.— Single. 3«; private tamilx:understands buslneaa In all Its branches;

stock and chickens: 8 years tn last place;beat personal reference; can be seen at anytime. Address ME9KILL. 1.131 IntarvaW-ava. The Bronx.

GROOM. COACHMAN—SingIe; best of |*jf-erenee; countrj preferred. SULLIVAN,

care Dwyer, 112 East 3ad-sv.

HOSPITAL graduate: capable o» txk!n«fullcharge of latant: understands artl-netal filing. M. C. 81a Sn-ave^ tost

Female.Mrs. Dickinson's

Co-operativeEmployment Bureau,

331 Madlson-ave. Tele. 3.734—

SSth. Sup-plies high class household servants, maleanil female; references personally investi-gated; governesses, aoaipanious, bousekeep*r«. ail r.r.'iunulltlee; opening, closing,cleaning houses, full und spriug; housescared for dm.. fummcr.

MEDICAL BTUDEJW, on vacation, inHitnatariass or doctor's olnV*; can speak

.1 and .Spanish. Address A. CEN-TENO. (!2M PuItOB-at, Biook;>n. FARMER-Married: as manager of small

farm or works as gardener: wife wouldhelp. If needed; excellent reference. Ad-dress A.. Box 42. Tribune Office.

INFANTS NURSEw-rßy young German\u25a0trl; _ctty referer.^. 0.. Hcfmaver's Bu-reau 153 West 23d-st. Telephone 1S&-cr.ej?ea.- . ...MIDDLE AGED man; Inside or out; nocanvassing; or look after manufactory or

act as salesman. FELLOWS, 133 Welrfleld-st., Brooklyn. JAMTRES9—Experienced: tj take oaraof ona or mure bouse*. Mr» LINDEP3» South 4th-st.. Brr^klynPHOTOGRAPHER.

—Experienced operator;

understands developing papers, artisticretouching; photograph and gelatine proc-ess; wishes place with largo concern; su-pervisor, etc. P. O. Box bo£ Sprlnjiieia,Macs.


Ey the simple move-ment of the thumb theexact proportion of gasand air and the high-est possible Illumina-tion is Instantly ob-tained. Adapted forali kind* of, lamps,mantles, and any varyof gas pressure. Save*S(.» per cent In gl*.never blackens themantle. Fills long-felt v.-ant In privateand business houses.Name and patentnumber on each burner.

Introductory price.Complete Lamp.

73c. $1, 81.23, $1.50

Si!© MEATILIGHT ©aiQT!> 3d Aye—40 W. B'way. cc.r. Park PI

HANDY MAN on gentleman's place, orwould take a place as coachman: under-

stands the care of hdrses. cattle; alsolawns hedges; good hand at vegetables orlight farming. BARNEY MALONE, RedBank. N. J. J.VNITRKSS.— Gsrman: s<-n plumber no

baaeaMtnt room. MAYER. 170 St. Ann's-JANITOR.

—By reliable colored man, mar-

ried; understands steam beat, hot watersupply; handy with tools; reference. Ad-dress JOSEPH. 12» Crafcao-a*.. Brooklyn.

KITCHENMAID—Eight years In last plaoodoln* housework; $1* to 120. S.. Hof-»!'!»»*'., «\u25a0 **m 23d-.t. Tele-Phone ISM—


MRS. R. STR3CKERAND NEPHEW,_ Trained Servants'

Employment Bureau,NOW REMOVED TO

40 EAST 28TJ-J ST.,bet. Madison and Fourth Avenues. JANITOR—By man and wife. T. J. W.,

1.473 Amsterdam-aye.

PAINTER, PAPERHANQER. PLASTER-ER.— Best reference; work for landlords,

estates: first claps work reasonably done;write for estimate. SACHS. OS East lloth.

4SS Columbua-ave. Tel. 741 J—River

CHAMBERMAIDS.attrr.daT.s. nurses, cooks.laun.irf.lae3. wsi!ri-t». booaeworki .. . i.>-

sitlonj waiiins: good wages. Mrs. Ot>L-UEK'S, 122 West -3d-st.

JAPANESE as nrat cJasa cook; has excel-lent references. K. KASHIWAMURA. IT

Concord-st.. Brooklyn.PACKER and SHIPPER.— By young maa;

eight yean' eajj'-ricnce. Address P. W..Box 31. Tribune Otnce.

PAINTING. Interior and exterior paint-ing and decorating of every description;

first o'hss work for little, money; references.G. SEKLIR. 18 il.inhittan-st.. near Wastl&lth-st.

EHRICH BROS, require permanently aCapable an.l thoroughly experlenucd young

wornnn as he_ul of •tock In china anilglass-ware. Apply In to 11 a. m.. 5 to 0 p. m.,or by mall.

MAN and wl/e In country house for sum-mer; wife «ood laundress. Mr. FERRIS,

care Mrs. Higgins. 10 WllletN-st.

I^tNDRT WORK by the day or we*k-TJA^C4abis,Co!orwl w<Jn>""- RE. WASH-INGTON. 733 rulton^t. Brooklyn. second

USEFUL MAN—Middle aged srngle maa:experienced all axoundi work la care of

small country place; steady yearly employ-ment; handy with tools, etc.; reference.W. T.. 312 id-st.. Jersey City. N. J.

PAINTER and PAPERHANGER.— By ageneral all mound man in office buildingor for landlord cr estate. GORMAN. 127East 1loth

EHRICH BROS, require permanently sev-eral thoroughly experienced saleswomen

for their ccualln underwear d*partmt-nt.Apply Superintendent'! Offlce, »:.;>• a. m.to B:S<) a. m

EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES*. Applytea room, Utii floui, :u.»niiay a. m.t SIMP-SON-CRAVS FORD CO.


Young man in mercantile housaor factory; sober, wllllnfc; references.

FRAMBACK. 410 East 23.1-st.

USEFUL MAN.—By young Englishman:or would go as second coachman: un-

derstand* horse* and driving: country pre-ferred : wages $25. Address JOHN DUFFY,care of Woods. 335 3d-&ve.


Private Rooms for Parties.Mutic a to 0. 11 to 1.


It!f? fillV'S n«88 aurant. Junction B'w*yin!l£«ILU © and Col. aye., CBth. Musicl) lllil^iJStillWS Gerl!ia '» Restaurant. 108.B,^U?inj\yiW © 114 E. 14th. Importer ofVYUnburser Hofbniu. Planer Ger.o«stn-1schaftsbrau. . -™»»»

Tin!f? WfiTiUfPfPiTT 31st -«- «"»a sth-II'JiJii, W Wi,l^!^ II!iiaye. Ala carte.Just opened. J. H. BRKSLIN.

naria'S^^^^erlv at i? th46c. Dinner. 60c.. with music.

nOTKING STONE RESTAURANT New-Tork ZaolocleaJ Park; 2i or 3d aye. "L"to West Farms; service a !a carte.

BOARD WANTED.WANTED by two gentlemen. large7"ntce

furnished room, ali conveniences withboard; private family preferred ;state fullparticulars. Address CLYDE. Tribune Up-town Office, 1,364 Broadway.

WANTED -Bright boy. I<s years r,M in1«5°SC't^ °, lars t m«nu^<'turln X concern;,$3&0 to start; chance for advancement foryr^neTmo;MAXt:FACTLREH' *°'

CARPET CLEANING.HANDSOME reversible fluffy rugs maciefrom your old carpets; any" Elaades™"'wVdS-1" ,.lle for fuli Information. NEW-IORK RIG .-Q, 4^l Wn.r ll'4th-Bt.


Ar^Sg^,^I{Sre$las^S-1 as^S--

Madison Square. N. Y. IJ**AGKNTS WANTED to sell on -•..,»

the most complete and ui--"-/al"7i"r:i10" r:i10househulj ncctsjlties; salary an! t i, .uf

jtoo^C F. ADAM.SCO.. % gJe-STSfc

Q. NBTTLESHIP. vBowery. • c- *••


LN|TELI'"!OT"!OT I'E'iKON may earn**?* income eorrespondin*- for news-Pavers; exj.eri<-nre unneceasary Sen.! fr.-particulara, PRESS SYNDICATE. Lock-po*x, jw, \.


Private road le^song- 11-

iKiK^_alto **«*>

DON'T GRIND your life away. JMg nayan.l permanent employment \u0084rfir.. thoe«wh. \u25a0Un give us all or part time renresent-!nX Kometblns eatlrr>/ .-,.\u25a0» in our line 'of

Patented household pweawltlem. nig s. her*;l'Mt per '\u25a0• ni profit Full particulars on reSKJHiJ??S* t°-dav- COLONIAL SUP-PLY CO.. Madison at.. Wellsville. N. Y.

EHRICH BROS, require the services of anexperiencc-ii elevator startei one wltiisome knov.-Wae of hydraulic elevators,who is cnjj&ble of i!' it.a elevator repairs,such us kiae elevators, etc. ApplySuperintendent's Office. 8:30 a m. to 10a. m.MEN AND WOMEN to sell LivingSpring

Kilter; it fits and gives pure water fromany faucet: patent*..! 1905: quick *<•:: bigterms; send for tree booklet. WILLARDMANUFACTURING CO., Uswistoa, Me.

OFFiCE BOY.—By a large manufacturingconcern; state nationality, age. experi-

ence arus salary expected. Address J. M,P. O. Box No. £37, New-York City.


helps capable men to tetter positions with-out danger to their riretiersi connections; op-portunities paying from Sl.oco to .\u2666'.("tin ayear now open far Salesmen, Executive.Cleric*! and Technical men. Write or call

IHAPGOOpS (Inc.), Suite 30&, StW Brcai-vay. N. Y.

POULTBTMAN wanted for !arge plantwith some year*' practical exi«rlenc* on

chickens, ducks, jjlijecr.-

goc.J dresser, fa-mtltar with Cypher's lncutators and hotvruter brooders; mat.- full particulars whereemployed last few years, a*«. wages ex-pected, ste. JAS. L. REYNOLDS. MountVerne11. K. Y.

II 11. MACY& Co. want shipping jisckrrsfor china and glassware.

AJsa sjßpcaaa ani aausaCurnlahing packers.

Alto eeversi bright, well recommendedboys over 17 yearn of ngo .''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 lnjldo worl;

In their delivery-

Als^i neat end tMy boys for tbclr deliverywaaoo satvlce. Apply to Hu;>t. Delivery.:)*ih entrance if art vsway.

li. H. MACY & <""O want Hvcral neat, tidyca»h bo \u25a0

!TWO MEN WANTED V> UJUTB »h«- nut.imo-Ml« huslne»«. Apply to Mr. PULSIF£R,

I»3T West 4»th-tt.

FIRST CLASS EXAMINER for AlterationDepart cent, ladles' garments; none otherneed apply; liberal salary. Apply before 10a. m.. Superintendent. >X-CRAW-Fonu CO-

PROFEB6ORS and others desiring manu-scripts copied on the typewriter willbe

perfectly satisfied with my work; have hadsome years' experlrn-e in printing business&i\4 In revision of New-York Englishrecord*. W. D. KEEP. 331 Carlton-ave. ,Brooklyn.

HOUSEKEEPER (working); experienced inkitchen detail and manageioenl of sor-

vants; positively temperate; good refer-ences; at mountain resort. E. B. MWoodland. N. Y.

TSEFCL MAN—HOVBEWORK— By younaGerman couple, speaking English: man

useful en gentleman's place; wire forhousework In country-. SMITH, 772 Jeraey-ave.. Jersey City.N. J.WAITER and BUTLER*—COOK.—By col-

ored man and wife; man waiter and sut-ler: wife first claw cook: best of refer-ences :city or country. ATKINS. IKWestI3d-sjt. . . .. \u25a0

9TBNOOBAPHKR.— Yotmsj man. 1»: 3years' experience; understands br.okkeep-

ing; bt-st references. A. COHEN. 161 Mld-dleton-st.. Brooklyn.

Wtmmim.CARET AKE»—By reliable woman; good

family cook; care of city housa du«n«summer. J. J.. Tribune Uptown Ofllce. 1.3MBroadway.

HOUSEWORK.— A woman wanted to dogeneral housework for private family liv-

ing In the country. For particulars writeto Mrs. J B. LAKOE, Sugar L^f,OranaeCounty. N. Y.

STENOGRAPHER and TYPKWRITER.--Expert, experieaeed, Inteillgtnt young

ir.&;:. 00. employed in prominent law omoe,extra work after 5 o'clock evenings.

dictation or copying: If desired can handlendrncc- wlthcut dictation RE-

SOURi'KFn., Box :IZ. Tribune Office.11 K. MACY At CO. want serersJ experl-encod • for grocery dep't. CARETAKER-— Respectable English wom-

an private house; first class cook: hus-

band «ap*oy«d.; oxcelWot «tty- re«erenee»COOK*. 11l East 73t!>-at.

R. H. MACT &CO. «ant several neat, tidy

CVRHP?AKER.— Cara of housa for the suav-mer; reliable person; good references. J.

FRAN.KUN. 33S Maaaattan-ave.

R. H. MACT ,* CO, want several Beat tidyRlrU ..f good address, uUmi 17 years oray. (or stock siris; good opportunity foradvancement.

P.. H. MACY cV CO. want several \u25a0

i sateawomen for their veiling dep't.


Swedish Protestant: understands dress-

making-; neat." competent ml refined- four

vaafa1 refe»enc« present employer; city orcountry J. a.Mrs. Collier.Is2West 28d-s».THREE callable women to represenl

dement; attractive terms, a :i\> v\\°

°3Park Row. Ro >m :V.

TRWELLING COMPANION or TUTOn.—By graduate- student. M. A.; elvicentary

or college subjects: mathematics, languagesand science; references. C. A. TOUSSAINT.Columbia College, New-York.


Student at General Theolog-ical y<*:>;ij'ary desires to be tutor or com-

panion, or both, for snmiiier mosths; wouldtake charge «if one or two boys of goodfamily: will travel; college graduate: :,o£t

references. Address Be* 108, ChelseaSquare.

STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER.—By young married man, 24; experienced:

understands bookkeeping; not afraid ofhard work: salary 520 to *28 per week.Address CONFIDENTIAL. Boa 25. TribuneOffice.

CHAMBBnMAItt—Refined eoloreel girl, aachambermaid or waitress; also general

hou"=eworker; city or country; good r«f«r-

eactd. Address LINDSAY'S AGENCY. 263Weat 47th-st. Tel. 411* J—S*th.

TUTOR to young boy over the summer, l>yColumbia University man ami college

graduate. COLUMBIA. 263 West 128th-st.

WANTEIX—Experienced alteration handson ladles' skin.-,, permanent positionsApply i. Superintendent before 10 a mSIMPSON CRAWFORD CO,

CII\MBERMAID. Ac—Tw» neat Swedish*irl» char.\bermaid an.l laundress: other

charaoermald an-l waitress; references;country for summer. Mrs- MASS'S Agency.I.OUB ay*. Tel. 111J— Plaaa.TAILOR.- Bushelman wants steady pas#-

tioa, to start on Monday. Addvasa H.HEKMEB, T-'-i East lc?th -st.

UOita; WANTED.Situations Wanted— Male and Female^Four lines (not exceeding II wor.li)three Insertions. licents; seven Inser-tions. 30 cents. Exceeding :iwords andless than 4') words, three insertions. 39cents: seven Insertions. 60 cents.

TRUCK DiRIVER or anything, by marriedman P. SCHUADEBBCK. »M Paoinc-


CH\MBKRWORK and SEAMSTRE33.— BySweillsh girl: first clas» references; neat,

competent; $»- KATHEWSO.VS BU-REAU 1.003 3d-ave . opposite Blooming-dale's. Tel. IBMJ—W—\u25a0Male

AOCOUNTAXT—Evening work, keeping asat ol books, assisting bookkeeper, ortnal balances, bataneu sneetn etc- \u25a0 termsite. Address ACCOUNTANT Trl-bune c'ttlce.

CHAMBERMAID or Nl'RSE.— Neat Irishgirls; $2»: good references: private fam-

ily city it country MATHEAV3OV3BU-IIRAU"opposite P.loomlngdale's, 1.008 3d-ave. Tel 131W.J— flaxa.

AMERICAN, ."7. strong, 8,>..,i writer corre,i at Bgxires. wishes place at anythingthat * j week. QKORGE -v«th aye.. Brooklyn.(.•HAMBURyAin.-^-Toußß girl as cham-

bermaid and assist with cltlUiten or wall;ing; willing and obliging. KEILLY. -illEast 74;h-st.


Situation for my son. aRe 17.resides In Brooklyn; recently from sohoo!;

rigorous anil athletic; ha? had some busi-ness exp< rtaaee in my ofllce (stock brok<^^iij-.-i; my work Is of such a naturo that Icannot utilize his services permanently,consisting principally of «tenoi;raphy, boou—keeping, etc. ;sclary not s.. much of an ..t>-jfci a» k start with future prospects. Ad-dress his father. K. ELLSWORTH VAIL.42 Broadway, New—WATCHMAN,—MiddIe aged man as watch-

man: long experience; give security K.SCHMIDT. :»£1 Kast 7»th-st.

AN ELDKIU.Y .MAN. in any capacity

\u0084: 1".1".jI,'.1,'. K^'' rFVorU: moderate terms!PA\MC. «\u25a0 Ter.sdale t'lace. CHAMBERMAID.

—L*Jy going abroad

«l!«>i».» to find pUm for Tier chamber-sualil first atasa servant: wages $25. CallMonday or Tuesday. «1 East 74th-st.

!:\u25a0'< >KKEEPER -i;> . v.ilIXmail. *iihfair knowledge "f bookkeeping VOCNO MAN 22. experienced, eeaspeteat;4!i mercantile house; thorough knowledge. routine ar.d mercantile .-r.-<iit; ref-

CHICHESTEK, 57 West12th-st.

CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS.— Bestreferences: wages |3> per monto. M.

riahertv's Bureau. 480 Columbus- aye. Tel741 J— River. . \u25a0


ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER.— voun?man. Swe.ie. ?J; salary *12 per week a-Kct.nl. C. A. S., 347 West 34tn-st.

BARTENDER.—-By «i— man. »\u25a0 reliablesober; rencec iIAt'HMUJSTEP. 33East hth-fct.

YOUNG MAN. 17. In wholesale house; pub-11 \u25a0 school graduate; gcnxl references.


competent elderly widow as c«nt»*ntan tolady: any position of trust: t*est reference*,cltv or ofunity. COMPANION, Box 43.Trtfcuive Ofllce.YOUNG MAN (21). Russian. Intelllgtnt and

strong, sires to work at anything: mod-erate wagei. Address M. GORDON, car*Mr. Ossood. -0 Dcfcevoise-Jt.. Brooktyß. COOK or LAUNDRES3.-.B* ».-. Ut»? Irish

rlrl- excel reference. p.. Hofmayer*^P.u.rra\j 133 West 2*l-st Telephca* IM«—Chelsea.


Af.<? Sr.; IhorouKhly ?xp«.-rl-er.ceJ; excei'ent .'-reai ts furnished. M.LEHMAN. •"\u25a0• E^ist I^-nh-st.

BOOKKUUI'ER. ACCOUNTANT, 29. Je-Elrcs i-.v.jj.accounting work; opening,

ci'jfir.iv. iy»tenlatl«lng books; iim«. to suit;moderate rate. >>\u0084 US East Jsth-st.

YOUNG MAN. 21. a« office clerk; advance-ment; best references. JOHN LYNCH,

14« East 97th-»t.COOTt &c.

—By >oun« woman; experienced,

eonoetent cock and l»undresa or cooking

alone In small private, family; also Kun-,:r.'«s would like la go vt:h coo* or sep«-

v*t» shvrl distance '» eoyntry. M. 8.. «•WfM 31st-st ,vasewect.

YOUNG MAN. 1«. as elevator runner, orat anything; $7 weekly. CHARLES

OERDAU. 2.lt'. Eatt eth-st.Yr>--.\—. MAN. 18. at enytMnr. «iu> ad-

\u25a0• ni«nt. A. LEVINSON. 23« East32d-ot

BCOICKIifPER and quAIUWd C. p. A.sat:ior requires work; thoruughgotng inway: caieful; can ckeak uver anc

«xai.:lne boofc^ on fair basil city refer-etteea STEADS 94 itouta lst-st.. Brook-lyn.

BARTENDER.— By Ge.-inan; t^oro>igblyfirs: cjess can; city cr out o* to*:i;

lintit rerpiencf". t'AKU SS2 Kait .*«i'.!i-»t.

(Viok—rlnt class. co!or«4. lt» private:

*Vl'«J tt» oo«"try, p*r«in»l refereece*.t.OW» n<}ulcv»td-av».. Bawmne. N. J.YOUNG MAN wishes place for If" hours

dally, or work home. CHARLES JAt»-HNICEK. 1.33<:. lst-ave.

TOITNO MAN. strong at anythlns. QEO.rs< S 71 en ith r.t: -.-t . ;!:.'. kjyn.

COOK _«^iapat«a». undcr»t»nua *U kind*it o*ki»)»; <«*c*U.n» balitr; cKtc» wn

tr»- be in f,-r»n> -«s O. a. Trth!i»» U9-.tjwr. Oftlo.-. 1.W4 Broo.lway.BARKEEPER -Bj ind'-striau? yeacg fitr-

nirfii: city or cewntry. Ad.l.eiE* HAIt-KEKPER, corf German-American League313 West ?4th-rt. Tel. Itm—Chelsea YOUNG MAN. unier!>t«!i,ls manufac:urlr.«•-f phonograph reccr-is. rounj nn.l .Uses.

A. L., P2fl Lexington -aye...Brooklyn.rspaper


KK.>..-.~ M r'ieJeiJct-31.. Kvergi ••.. i-laad.

COOK.—First c^»»s. for city or \-ountry",where ktKhcnraatd la k«P>Ile(t on ».^

couat «f family 5010* to.«?ui('t^: ,w,

w? t<:*•40 to IS" Calt M^n«'ay. I*lEa.s: 4.Hh-i;.

l!iiV 'A AS' I

PetnitM.A LADY, F^akinsr »;ii»h. French andC.'rmnn. with wimc knowledße of Italian

nn.l ?p-\nlnh. having Travelled extensively,tlviroughiy convonant with history of arten.l architecture, desires poalHoa I*travel«ith family; would teach. A^^.lr»^B V. T.H.. V.nx KM".. «17 Hth aye.


By yauaa \u25a0«»<» with bahy. 7months. In country, with private f^miiv.

eaceliant: nnall wash; best references. A,<-

,ira»» COOK, Tribune l'H>w« (MBre, 1,3C»Dread way. '

\u0084... ia. iS Mil \V lisith \u25a0 i COOK. mal-l. seamstress or laundress. ttaak

rrf«-r^n.-*s. st M««a LARSONS £im>lt>y-m*nt Office. 33 West 24th st Tel. S,«M4—MaJUon Ev*w»re.


»5?? eU ia'ertiuns 5 cents per liae. SixteenW,°,"J \u25a0•**" times consecutively. $1, whichI??: H,t* *Jv«rU**r to have rooms entered lajne Tribune's Ulreclory of Desirable ltoomvc2rcaia I>ert of fourteen days. Write for

Full information concerning these roomsJvi "•h"4 free °* charge, at the UptownOffice of The New-York Tribune. 1.304Broadway, between 2Cth and »7th sis.


ATTRACTIVE floors and cultes^with private Lath, single rooms, with orwithout beard; apartments, doctors' olnces;ail desirable locations; highest references;Ja/armation free. S. O. ICELAND & CO.,a West aaa-et.

ELEGANTLY furslsned apartments; pri-vate baths; Inciuaing meals, *15 weekly:

two, $a> weekly VAJS RENSSULAER. WLast llth~ct., near Sth-ave.

HANDSOME ROOMS, en suite or single,with bawd; all conveniences; referenceexchanged. 22 Wcct Ooth-st.

NEATLY FURNISHED: good meals; pri-vate bath; g^-1 location. 430 \V«et 124th-

•t., Mrs. UUFir iT.

PRIVATE American family offers respon-sible parties, large, cheerful, elegantly

furnished front room; large closets; south-ern uxposure; connecting bathroom; modernhouse; telephone; convenient subway, ele-vated express, select residential neighbor-hood; choice table; sunnier concessions.Ml West i:«ith-st. \u25a0

12TH-ST.. 43 WEST.—

Large front room;ample cloKuts; superior board; references.

14 WEST MST-ST.—Desirable large rooms,second floor, with board; references re-

quired. -30TH-ST.. 40 WEST.— board- desirable

raaaat; house and appointments first class;references •xchangtd.

20 W£3ST i2l>-tT.. near Hotel Imperial.—

Handsome rooms, newly furnUhed; pri-vat*- baths; parlor dining room; trßiisients.

41»TH-.«T.. 9 EAST—Largo rooms, withboard, on second floor; references.

20TH-ST.. 40 WEST.— With board, hand-some rooms; house &nd appointments

first rises; references oxchHiiged.

*'•'. :\u25a0: ;T., 13 EAST.- -Large room, secondfloor, with board; table board; telephone;


7CTH-ST.. 230 WEST.— Sunny front room,corner apartment: with or without board:

referenoes Mrs. R. E. CROWN. ;

U73. 6iM. CM MADISON-AV7;:. iG:.=T).-Dou-hie and slngl- rooms; high class board;

r^.'.uoefl <\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0' prices.

r'UIXIsHU) ROOMS.Single insertions 5 centr. per line. Sixteen

worcis. seven limes vniserntlvelT $1. which \u25a0

entitles advertiser to have rooms entered inThe Tribune's Directory of Desirable Rooms

1 Jur a period of fourteen days. Write forcircular.

Full Information concerning these roomsmay be had. free of charge, at the UptownOSc« of The New-York Tribune. 1.364Broadway, between 3<Uh and 37th Ets.

S®CMffi"EI^S?SiST.Block trots grand entrance to Central Park.

'One of the world's finest Parks.*-Interesting to the students of economy.


Parlor. Dressing Room. Bedroom and

Private Uathroora *3-Jio

Maximum of Luxury at Minimum of Coal.


LEXINGTON-AVK.. 1.33S (corner B»th-6t.—Large light room; hot. cold water; pit-

vate house.

NEAR SHARON, CONN.—Three thoroughlyfurnished neighboring re*ldenc*ii; one

columal. antique furniturr. ti\.- <,pen nre-place#- ure fi.ur;allmodern lmprov«m*B»*Sj,,, 12. 15 roiiuir large grounds, gardens.sx*rii:« water. Apply L»r. AVERT. 10 Han-

ciA-k-nt.. flrooklyn.

103D-ST.. 1M WEST.— -Newly furnishedbaf-H parlor for rent, all conveniences;

•jihone; ground floor. KAIiKX.

1074 MADISON-AVE-. l-'Sth-st.—

Choice'fcecond floor; single, «n suite; also bac*

parlor; select people.

02D-ST. 121 EAST.—

Lurge front and rearloams.' furnished; .clean, p.ivate

house; Dlesces: board optional.

NO Cl EAST »IST-BT.— narl.r; gen-*tlemen: private house: fin«- K-callty.

ICTH-3T.. 124 EAST.—Ph>>iclan rents elt-iini'.y furnished rocm; running water.

privnte bath; telephone; references.

AitT ST 12» WEPT, next door Hotel Ven-

domt- lJSlrable larKe ai-1 B!I1ali rooms;

superior accommodation* ;gentlemen onl>-.„eT 13 KA("T. opyoslte Hotel Manhat-

tSn -DMirable large ro^m adjoining

bath; reasonable to an acceptable tenant. _A'-rti «T 45 WEST (between Bth and 6th


Largo rooms; sentlrm«i oolyjref-

erences requlreo. ..„-„cT ii"EAtiT.—Neatest rooms IP49X" withtoard: «P^clal spring rates,

Tin TTEST 74TH-ST.— Well famished large

saeoff iteiy room. with private extensionba


Com:"aar sub-ay and elevated.

-\u25a0-... t 7^o~\VE^T—Large, well fur-12CTU-S iii*t

vroam; all Improvements;

ne3?^o/^S« 'subway, ««tlemen pre-


•"n'wit tBTII-ST—Private house; fine

rolm. to let ror gent, only;

reference rt^iirfi- -_~^ gIBCKBAS-


k rroodfood **rvaats olm^st impxs'ble."**"**•*" .. wn; be far -heajjer toi!'" n L«-i># piag aw^na%t(>

t,ei\rrri a, vie 'mirau where are t'.e

-\u0084 ulnni-d*"'-'" for the reOajd;

jjM1Uall ™*entertainmenu

akt A.VTIU«>- *W» fccMoa.1?:? ;

rrrr^^TNTlQl'tiJ c*'i

-113 West 42-J-st. ;

U)i»nl'MlUoM mahc*«ny. «llv*r.Jew-elr}. CoW»i*l chin*.

ATTF:.\I>aNT.— A refintd ln.lv «' attendBnt in diKtor's olBce; best reference. 207

<'"!nmlms~ave.. rniar Ctnh-st. Hlng goresllus'h bell. COOK.

—Thoroughly expeiien.-^!: bi*st.r«»r-

crence; city or country. )<a E«&t JTtn-«.. first floor.

COOK sad LAUNDHES*.—MMdte agedEnglish ««n»»; small fa.oi)\ of a«iuits:

country. J. W.. -are McGra.tl>. 130 Wt«17th-« . fosrta aaor. back.

LADT-S MAID.—By refined French girt-

O^l Easth^StC{ty "°™°°:

LADrsMAIDor nurse to grown children,by French Parisian, go to Europe- sma'lj wages. J. EARRAT. 341 West 50th'-st.LAUNDRESS.— Competent Finnish '.am-dress; can do shirts, collars, fine linen-ha» city reference; wages $22. FINLaniJBfREAV. 680 Lexlnaton-ave Tel call4453 R—Plaza

j \u25a0 _- . j

| LAUNDRESS.— With best lefweaM. fan,-

Eastwaahtng; °Ben air ocylng. Address 215| ii.ast %»«rd-st.

j LAUNDRESS.— By colored woman; go our 3days each wok to do laundry work.:6N.OWDEN. 18» West 43d-st.

MAID—By refined, competent. German-r«!sp.>ißlble placa .with American fair.i •

grown up children: Invalid lady preferredreferences. Zuj 10th-»Te.. care of ii:s.'JLachenwerth.

MEDICAL BODY MASSAGE to la;.-a. given by masseuse, returned from acourse In Germany. JTHiUUXX. lUSBleec kw-st.. Broo^yn.

NLTtSE.— German; newly laadM-willing to assist chaiaberwork and sew-Ing: cityor country: wages Jl»-$a> t"a.;iUNO & BOECHERER CO.. 13 West27th -st.


Toung G-rman girl as experiencenurse; good seamstresa; baa friend l.iun-dress city or country; reference. iIOR-ROW'S R'-RBAl' 201 Bus- t***-™10» 3—Plaaa.

NURSE.— English; would take charge oftnv&lid lady or gentleman; no objection

t£ <?ountry. SNVDER. cms Mengle. 2-»»West 112th-it.


—-—.NURSE,— refined English Protestant-thoroushly experienced with bottle fee.l-ins from birth; city or country. Cai: cra-l<!re*a EUsAM, cara of Seery 606 Lex-ington-aye.

NURSERY GOVERNESS.— Cy Swiss ,ir:>saeakdna) German. French an.l E:u{i:.?h'couM ah) r.*!p out In music. Call Jlomiayand Tuesday, froaa 10 a. m. to 3 p m.731 3th-avu.

NURSERY GOVERNESS to children fron*3 to » vear».oM. by French P»rt?lan; go

to Europa or country: six years' city ref-erence. LGVrFRI.N", 341 West 30U»-S*,

NUIiPE an.l SEASHTRES^ Prot-estant: willa.-«al!<r chamtYnrork; n«it. re—

fine<J. . obMsinjr y^unt; woman' iri>o<l ri-fer-e»eee>: city <>- country. A. P.. Mrs. CoHicr.123 West =!a-st.

NURSKRT KOVETtNiCSS.— I»y Irish slrT.lately landed: Ensllnh. Frnnch an.! riJI-'mental music I*., tv. -ant W. Lvneh 2ST(tnai»i»vl-av».. Ulchmoad UIU. L. i.',NURSR icr chtWreni by North «>rma.-»Protestant : «r«ak3 p»rfe.n German- n^at.*H\ir*>.e<t., yotntar: N-.» n>r->r«>r.ces. Mr^.KKRNAOHAN'S BI'REAU. W-2 6th-ave.SKAMSTRESS.— Ovt hy the .lay: fimllr

meixUtiic: vary pooil at •lre^maklr*: n»V-\u2666r»t# wag«>*: references. SBAMSTRSS3.l.*>4 West teth-st. , \u25a0 . >



WAITRESS— First class: yoviisr Irish eir!:i ••itt r«>r»i»ces. el»» .->» oa>iair«- wiuceira~r?!v ohu «t lano & BosciirirnnCO. 13 West Z7t!»-«*.WAITREP? —Py wl'.i'w*"\i"erl<an I'rVt-

estant. In *e!t<-t -rim* >\u0084:.i.i; *nip?r»-eTiraJ. K. l^. U3 «tS-av* ,IWIMtm

—C«!wl iv-sin Trjuthitw- to

m. rmmtrtist. »v» tt-*? Thk^k '•=••*: i»or«nrKT!CP jKn f^r.ia« r•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»-

t'.fraja: y-'tns ;:^»!Wi P»o;#stant; r>«>«?.;gvxi.| o.u.'.- vr>:r*w>.l m^n^s^r." A., llof-pivrt Rur«m. I".1* \T««». :\i-t

- . ;1wopkix^ uor^n-c^rFVt.— r^v* r»ni?^t1 yonn? TPir<« •» ••>• s»»ir» «h«r«t;; noWKs^'ntc «JUMl*e»cHl ti» o.'r~ «f <<>i|>i»r'r>,wwlnt,m«. v ,*V»«o «jrt .»-*t»r»*».Cf>sTPr-TEXT Oei*n»» r»UYtrj-. N;wr.r!t Pcs;or-C.^». N'Trsr™. X. T.


YOt'NO GI^T. n\~"t^. t^:-' .'".re «; ,-,-»»hl'.» In IT^**^ycn- »iw»Xj ''"^iin a^a

T-JWlt*H HILDA GSTEOI. Jti VttXMt,KnN»hen. , .r.r v

AnVERTTSFJtKNTS in.] sufc*or!prt->n«*forTh« Trlhur,» revelred a; rh^r Vnt«wn

!OB>?*. Nix. l.»V» ,P\p.>nJ-«^v. BstrreTn s«thI»nd S?th »:».. n-.-il:V c.'v».-ira i>. t»> Vlver-tln»x«rist-» r«-»iv»rt »^ the .t r,ew;?ie hrenrhirtwiat r»s:':!Tr '«>-? rates ijr.rtt S*rt*ctoclir. m.. vl*:.14 Ht!>-!»-.-«,. s c.er»


•iisa tHh-av^.. car. t^te -rt.;f»j E.-.,» vu£


IWtKjL'S*! -*\u25a0: l^a 3.-.VO.Ris?K*!ft-J.TAB n^ar ?otl> »t-

is? Ks rt13.»th-st, : TSft Tv*>m->nt-sive. :»"&•rvt-afost. X3Blrcckaf aY


Uy g-ouiig colored man,«vlih ex.HiiU'nc-fc una liceaxe; fur doctor,

private fa«ally >„• broker. DHATTON, car^>Jarkson. ">*W««t -llsi-st.


in2tii.> uzfi. Mp«rlcn<e4\u25a0KC^Wful, uslnj Hv•, Jitdgmcat. ilesires

bllla to *wto*U 'I'Hiittlit,r «usv. in any lineon variola iKrc«titcg»ji. cOL/J3nron,Vflbune Uptowu Otiv.-e. I,BW i)roaJw»y.

lUADT, expea-ienced traveller, would chap-eron party abroad, or act as companion;

cheerful; good sailer; good reader; musical;references exchanged. JEWELL* TribuneUptown Office. 1,364 Broadway.

LIGHT colored girl In nalrdressln* ormanicuring place: neat, willing. Adtress

HAIRDRESSER. 794 Broad St..• Newark.N.J.

MANICURING, halrdressing, facial mas-sage; young: lady would likeprivate cus-tonwr3. Miss FITZPATRICK. «i EastOUth-r.t.OFFICE A3SI3TANT.—By young girl. IS;

knowledge of typewriting and stenogra-phy; two years' experience; best references;salary $S-SIU. Address H. E.. 1.028 3-i-ave.


Three year-

experience; neat worker- ac-curat« and has (rood speed, desires perma-nent position; salary $10. Miss L.HANS-LKR. t»l West 7«th-st.

'"A'^SECRETARY, clerical work, managing

housokeeper. chaperon or any position o!trust ar.d responsibility by a lady of cultureand refinement, with abilityand"«xperienc»-reference* exchanß-d. Address CO4IPE-TENT. Box 31. Tribune Office.

w**"STYLISHDRESSES, shirt waists and linen«m£sS

tat horn*. Mm*. KRiOER. 12»M

BUMMER tutoring, coaching. French lan-guaue. literature; also Elementary Tndlnt«rmedlat» courses exchange-} fOr homeby experienced native Parisian PROT-KSTAXT. Dept. 8.. BS2 Columbus-aye.

TEACHER, younir. wants afternoon andevening work. -VARSITY. 2.101 Sia-av«.WORK HOUSEKEEPER.— By Amert-can woman; Protestant; middle aued- nowashing; Balary »19; referecce. AddressAMERICAN. 104 East 14th-st.


TfOUNO LADY, 10. would like a Place ad-n^st 1"5 envelopes. L. X

-*» West

TOUXG GIRL. 18. Danish, wishes place,to learn drcssmaklnj; or millinery: goodreference. 3. PETERSEN. 190 32d-stBrooklyn.


TOl'N'G LADY, experienced on FJsher bill-ing macaine. desires permanent position-accurate. Address K. LOWBXSOHN/ 19TT7th-ave.


""~~~" *~~

ATTENDANT to nervous gentleman- citor country; » years in last Dkee vTribune Uptown Office. 1.364 Bruauway.'

We"te^d4VVtddre£3 JOHN BfAs&^ 'Ho—COOK.

—Dy man ana wife (co>!or-.tl>. or man would do caching- refer £,

preaoat employer. ;:iy \\>at iij^-'i r*°

BUTLER.—Kugllsh. with best personal city

B";L£i"-, r^rS; sHe^T^r7cily noO-i

BITLER. 852 Columbu^e. Adll«ss

BLTLER and COOK.—By French _-«).

wayT" Trli>une LPtown Offlce. 1.3« Broad-

CAR&TAKBR —By hi*hly reco-nmended

M. 1.. T.D.ui-c TI1« "'«"«.i.sm H-wavM. i.. T.lbane I-.-town Oiace. 1.31H B"wav.


ny>0«"*0«"*3*««»h caupl.;

MA&ffm^ EISEKmXn.CAUETAKERS.-By ™rp*v-tahle youngcouplo t^care for « house while the folksare fa the country;.no children and. Alref-ThXfTro:iX

i;'IyJJ -


*•«*«£££.prl.ate residence {or summer; man em-ployed during U«* .Jay; personal ciTy refer-

3stchietno •""*\u25a0 MULDOO-v -

*« «SCARETAKER.—By respectabla rrotes'actman and wire;care or gentleman's privatebouse for Hummer; fcc?t references tar tak-lng care of homes. rOTT*. &11 West IB*.h.

TAIEn'~By •coxpnt celoredman «•- caretaker of a private houM \u0084rbuliuin*; references fr.tn present «irii!ov«r ICall or a-lirttas CHARLES. 40 Ea.'tSst-»t! |

COACHMAN. GARDENER cr U^EFl'l.!MAN.—Hy y-m. man. »nUh' r«f.- Iences. MEL3 HA.Vaa.V 138 ff«|;:»t*-^ jCOACHMAN.—Slnjie; tHorcughly fI i-!tnced with uars««. o*»ria«ea aod !n::u"« 'careful driver; care towns, flowcra cencr-ally useful: coo 4 personal re'ettace*.'ViLLIAM.Boa la. Tribune Office:



Ccmjpewnt; medium aizo- !e:ier««ue: total abttalner; iruneoTful. Itrustworthy; 13 years' city references rr\-ra ,

Cth-avn''''")'-r* V ll0* »Cdrc»s "• X

- «•»COACHMAN.— |W; best personal refer- '

"\u25a0''\u25a0es; di.vr.<aged en account of farn'ty-"\u25a0: k to Eurupe: can take oar» at anti- imobiles. COACHMAN. !2 ' "'-it S3d-st.'•'^yfIMA.V«nd USEFUL

—WAIT IKEdS.— i'Y man and wife; .-'.*• U«b; both I

noncst and reltable. MARTINSON, litc.a«t Httth *t.

'"^\u25a0ailAX.-A lady going to Europewishes to secure rlare fi>r '..*•: ooacn-

""«\u25a0 "Qln "he can hltMy r ;i>op*:iJ asa "r?t etnsa city driver end capable, InIS"• U!l<. and one who understand* all!lift*l;i)ur« •'miners of a gentleman's stab!*- tMAPfc, Ufll-«rk sve.CHMCHMAN.—By Kr>-:!-«riiT.an; first la.»».,,™.

v **'***''\u25a0**Ipresent employer giving up»wAji"'*rilt'L w< v"*•">'—"*"•*•

COMPANION.—By lady. «-xp.r!enred sndrrfiinJ. 4r useful fautpanlci-;a*»Ut with

h<m-»ehcld duti>«. citrc for children "•' anInvalid; h»j'4*«t oily ir.tr<-):\u25a0•<*. small •«!-•eß> U. U.. 48 Irving PUc*.



SUantian* Wunic-ii—

1»*m» and Female—Four linen m. i. exceeding 3+ v..>r-:»>.tb;e* InaemuiM. l.> ecai*; w.to ..>»«•. .jcn*.

\u26660 word*. t.V«% ii-»c::lor.». -a «at». «•>«»lm»i^».ms> \u25a0\u2666*» euu*.

»o.Mi>Tfc rauvnoss v.wrkD.

Mtsasflßsss* WaasaaW-Mala .r.J Tamil*—.\u25a0 Four »•»• (i >t •*c«~dtng 34 words >.

three tnssrttoas. 13 cents; seven Inser-tion*. 30 cents. Kzxeedlag 24 words »mOless than 40 word*, three taserttoaa> 3Dtests: ren la—ltis—, «• •eat*.

©DELI, [FeiiiO^e & CGOreR. Consolidated.A,» Nationalities. EMPUItMKNT AUKNTS. Mai*an* Female.Manhattan Bmidjn- \u25a0» Sixth avel>t «<lth and *Vth. Ronir.. ii_-ls-14~l»—1&

Telephone. 4«x>—3Sth St.' '

FEMALE HELP.nr-TT pp .Mali: HEI.F. COOK—*30;reference for aMiityMleha*-


•-ec&mai*nJo.l. city or actor; no objection to country: ace S3-S4O

• Sln le handed place; wages. > .." *

Uala.COACHMAN.—Excellent reference in car*

Ha* hor*e» and carrtasas, married; 15rears In last place; Uit employer can beseen. Address aLArCERY. 1.11 K. i>th-et.

remainCOOK,—First c:&3». J23-T33:-rOTr.try: art-

va*e. .famu*; **ry hem reiitn.is- Uac-Cartan. j4A»KEWSO.VS A(>4ACi 1o^Ma<i-ave.. opvosife iiioteungualc's. X«i.1. 33 J—

:-la»a.COACHMAN.—Sinn*. 2S; just .i:s-..*:iit<Mon account oX family «i.i.;« up h..i=-.».

ghly recouiniesucti as nr-t «Ua*. {QMCm»n. H. «... iftx r.nst 40t.. m.

- .. .

2rtSsssj"«' :L'SEFTL MAX.-Underref^ncV--* S> flower" «nd Plants :best

"'hS^i"00*1 milker; understands allfarm machinery.

°^2Slifi2? and GROOM—Expert nnicareful driver; city or country.

**£.•?_ and,, WlFE.— Wife cook, laundress;n.g.i waiter and useful; wanes $\u25a0:\u25a0>.

WAITRESS.— Swede; good; reference; willalso do chamber-work; wag?* SIS.

CHAMBERMAID an.t gEAM.STRE3S.—Uooil sewer; can alter ami make over


HOUSEWOHKER for apartment; goodrook ami laundress; wag«s $2 i;reference.

LAUNDRESS.— Ccn do collars ami shirts;

t;ocd uorker: well recommended; 125.

COACHMAN; 38; strictly »ob»r; 14 >eavs'best written and person*) reterrncta;thoroughly understands tin- care --i ge.u.e-\u25a0 \u25a0a;»'» »ta lea. city or country; ejjor en. .Mrider and driver. A>lt'.r?*s CO.WiIMAN.421 East 6-tth-at., Uox 34.

COOK—CHAMISSUMAID.-Ey two glrlj;O|V o<i«r-'i. Nt c .. :kc. t.l ba.';er; excs;u-.-.i!»tiri'!r*s3; other cha.Tibe-.maia a=<i w*tt-Tf.ut: iik»s cttUctrca; no objections country;

private or public. JIOKHtHVM CLRiiAL;-01 Cast sStn-st.

COOlt—First class Swedish, cook. wit*kltchenmaLl or alone; has excellent r«B-T»ncf. FINLANDULKEAf,tsu L-xin«-ton «vf.

