Any ono wanting Groceries and druin, to call on in«: I bavo scoured tbo services of Mr. J. : my warehouse, at all timos. He will ba tom or s call on kim. Ko» SINCE tbo partnership horoioforo oxistl in tho olton sood moni and bull busi has soourod my sorvioos. I will bo found I rospootfully invite all my old ouetomori Moat, Hulls, Hay and Qraiu. Call and soe mo. Stocal nub *$matvd. -For any kind of stook food oall on C. VY. Hauknigbt. -Mr, Goo. L. Wilson returned to G -convido last Friday. -Mrs. Grnco Board loft Tuesday morn¬ ing to visit relatives in Greenville -For Cotton Seed Moal and Hulls call on C. W. Bauknigbt. -Mrs. J. B. Hughes spout Saturday at Pendleton with rolntivos and friends. -Three frosh milk cows for salo. Ap¬ ply to J. H. Harnett at his homo. -Judge J. JN. Hook, of donison Col- logo, was in Walhalla yesterday on busi¬ ness. -Hov. D. 1». Boardon will proaob at Corinth church on tho second Sunday in April at tl o'clock A. M. -Misses Liz/.io Harper and Flcda Honry, accompanied by Mr. Thurston Henry, visited f ionds in Wa 111 all a. Munday. -Health for ton cents. Casonrots make tho bowels and kidneys act natur¬ ally, destroy miorobos, euro headache, biliousness and constipation. All drug¬ gists. -.Mr. David Hollams, of Monntvillo, Laurena, county, ls visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Tarrant, near Seneca, who has boon quito ill. Hor mauy frionds hopo oho may SOOU bo restored to heall h. -If you want cheap goods go to J. «fc J. S Carter, Westminster. Don't forgot that thoy will pay highest market prico for your chickens and other produce. A nico lot of pants just rocoivod. -Last Saturday afternoon tho Clomson and Wofford baso ball teams played a beautiful gamo of baso ball (%*\ tho Wofford diamond, in Spartanburg. Tho score stood: Wofford, 0; Clomson, 5. -Easter Sunday was appropriately colobratod by tho Walhalla churches with special music and sorvicos. Tho d»y was warm, but bracing, and Easter o, spring garments woro not much in evidence. -Miss Lottio Patterson, of Asheville, N. C., who has been visiting her uncle, Hov. J. G. Sobald, and family, returned to hor homo Monday morning. She was accompanied as far as Soncca by Miss Paulino Scbaid. -Hov. Arthur Craino loft Walhalla for Anderson Monday. Ho will proaob in Westminster and Gaffney City and other places, rotan ning to Walhalla and preach¬ ing in tho Baptist church on tho fifth Sunday in April. -Go to J. & J. S. Carter's to got your now suit. Tho have thom now and moro coming. Your wants shall bo supplied, for you want a largo stock to select from and you want prices right. So go now and got first choice -All niombors of Walhalla Lodge, Knights of Pythias, aro urgently re¬ quested to bo prompt in attendance at tho regular meeting next Monday night, 8.:i0 o'clock, at Pitchford's Hall. Full attoudanco specially desired. -A gentleman was heard to remark on tho streets a fow days ago that as long as tho Lord had charge of tho wea¬ ther it was all right, but since Mr. Hicks (tho weather prophet) started to manago it bo didn't know what to expect. -Nico brick store room-good location -to rent. Apply at CouniRR ofllco. .-Anderson Advocate, April .'5: "Mr. Bob Mason, of Westminster, bas been through this community buying cotton. Wo don't know why, but by somo moans ho is giving a hotter prico than tho An¬ derson market." -Spring is bore and our spring goods aro boro. Do not foil to soo our now linos, for wo can suit you; besides, that thing you aro so anxious about (prices), will suit yon. Como now. J. it J. S. CAUTKK, Westminster, S. C. -Miss Nora Holder, who bas hoon teaching tho Picket Post school for gomo time past, returned to hor homo in Pick- ens county Monday morning. Sho con¬ ducted a successful school, and tho patrons are highly pleased with the work of tho torin. -Mr. O.T. Grove wont to Hartwoll, Ga., on Monday last and roturncd Tues¬ day afternoon with Thomas Bright, who waB arrested by Sheriff Johnson, of Hart county, and hold for tho Oconco oflicors. Bright was lodged in jail on tho charge of larceny. -Ladies, bo your own judgo of mil¬ linery bargains. Miss lb Phillips. -Tho annual State Sunday School con¬ vention l ill bo hold in Spartunburg April 20-22. Tho distinguished worker, B. F. Jacobs, chairman of tho interna¬ tional committee, will bo present, Ro- duccd rates will bo given dolicatos and visitors by the railways. -Mrs. T. A. Norton has rccontly en¬ closed her front yea d with a neat and vory protty wicket wiro fonco. (»nod taste has been displayed in solccting this special pattern for a fonco. Mrs. Norton bas now a beautiful and comfortable homo, Hinco tho improvements which she lias added have been finished. -Clerk Chas. T. Issertol, of the nth Massachusetts Regiment, wbioh was mustered out of service at Greenville, on the 1st instant, spent a few days in Walhalla this week visiting his aunt, Mrs. N. Norman. After visiting several points he will return to Waltham, Mass., to losumo bis duties with tho Thompson Manufacturing Co. This placo was once "(marlie's" homo and bo IIIIH many frionds hero who aro always glad to see bim. -Rev. Arthur Craino, tho evangelist, closed a week's sorvicos in tho Walhalla Baptist church on last Sunday night. Mr. Craino only preached at night during tho week days and at each servie tho attoudanco was good. Closo and undi¬ vided attontlon was given to tho preach¬ er's eloqiiont and impressive sonnons, and no doubt al reams of Influence bavo boon pul in motion by this mooting which will result in bringing somo poor sinner to Christ, lt is probable thal Mr, ('raino may bo called to tho pastorate of tho Baptist church at this place. Wo understand that lie is pleased with Wal¬ halla and ber people. Wo shall bo glad to woleomo him and bis family an eil zeus among us. Cotton Seed Kcal »nd Hulls will dc well N. RUTHERFORD, who will bo found at Riad to have »ll of hi a friends and ous- peotfully, Cv G. J.A.YNES. ing botweon Mr. A. C. Burton and myself ness has boon dissolved, Mr. C. G. Jaynos at his wnrohouso st tho railroad, whero t. You will find on hand a full supply of Very respectfully, -E. IJ. Ilorndon, Esq., was in Groon- villo thlB woek on busiuoBS. -Kaufmnnn's Opera. IIOUBO Friday night. A good and oloan »how. -Rov. J. It, Karlo, of Andorson, is visit¬ ing rotativos In Walhalla this wook. -Corn, Bran, Hay, Cotton Sood Moal and Hulls a spooialty at C. W.Bauknlght's. -Mr. John Roso, of Abbovillo, spont a few days laat wook in Walhalla with bis family. -Mrs. M. II. Loo, of Long Crook, is roportod to bo convalescent from a sorl- OXIS illnoss. -..Grand Spring Oponing" April 17th, loin, linn, 2öüi, Iii si-, 22u. lilias R. 'Phil¬ lips, Soneos, S. C. -Mr. ¡3. P. Coates, roprosontiug tho Chattanooga Stoolo Rooting Co., is iu Walhalla to-day. -Eastland's Kntortainors at Kauf- maun's Opora IIOUBO Friday night. Gol Popular prices. -Dr. J. J. Thodo has boon quito sick for th roo wooks. His friends hopo for his speedy recovery. -Mr. N. 0. Pylos, of Columbia, has our thanks for a copy of tho South Caro¬ lina Legislativo Dircotoiy. -Don't fail to soo mo when you want food of any kind. I will mako it to your interest. C. W. BAUKNICHT. -Goorgo Itidloy, who was ohot by Charlio Lay a month ago, is gotting woll. It is said ho does not intond to prosecute Lily for tho nhnnUnfr.. -Mr. J. J. Smith roturnod to his homo in Unrtwoll, Ga., this morning, after spending sovoral wooka in Walhalla among rotativos and friends. -Mr. W. K. Seaborn, of Atlanta, Ga., spent Sunday in Walhalla with his parents. "Ton's" frionds aro always glad to seo him at his old homo. -Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Craig, of Seneca, woro in Walhall» Wednesday aftornoon. -Mr. A. FischesBor has our thanks for a bottlo of oxccllont grape vinegar. Ho made a quantity of wino two yoars ago, and it bas turned to vinegar of a deep rod hue. - Mail matter is again taken twico daily from tho boxes on Court Mouse Squaro, Reid's corner, dopot and tho Walhalla Hotol at 7.45 A. M. and ¡1 P. M. This adds much to tho convenience of tho Borvico. -Mr. Robert Stewart, of Alexander, Piokons county, S. C., requests us to stato that tho price of tho book which ho and others aro canvassing for in this county, of which womado mention in lastweok's paper, is $2.00 instead of $2.00, as stated by us. -Mr. H. I. Wcavor, of ROBWOII, Ga., arrived in Walhalla Wednesday on a briof visit, lie will lomain a wook or ton days on business. Mr. Woavor bas a warm placo in tho hearts of our people, and IUB permanent return would bo wol- corao newB. -Largo assortment of ladies' dress skirts at Miss R. Phillips', Soncca, S. C. -Seo important chango in advortiso- mont of M. W. Coleman «fc Co., of Soneon. They carry a mammoth stock of goods, and tins spring finds thom with a variod assortment for their many customers. Bo suro to road their announcement and givo thom a call. -Mrs. Fannie lludgcns, of Atlanta, (Ja., arrived in Walhalla last Friday night, and «ill spond sovoral wooks visit¬ ing hor father, Mr. W. P. Nash, and fi.mily. Mrs. Iludgons has been quito ill for somo time, hut is improving since coming to Walhalla. -Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Floyd wont to Atlanta Sunday. Mr. Floyd will undergo an operation for tho removal of a cata¬ ract from hiB loft oyo. They oxpect to bo in Atlanta about tinco wooks. Wo hopo Mr. Floyd will return ni un early dato, and that bis cyosight may ho com¬ pletely rostorod. -Ncwbony Obsorvor, March :iOth : "Mr. R. T. Jaynos, of Walhalla, was in tho city yesterday on professional busi¬ ness. Besides being a prominent mom- bor of tho legal fraternity, Mr. Jaynes is a graceful writer and ono of tho editors of tho KKOWKB COU limn, which is ono of the best conducted nowspapors in tho up country." -Pattern hats and bonnets, children's hats, infanta1 caps. Miss R. Phillips. -Newberry Herald and Nows, March 31st: " Mr. lt. T. Jaynos, ono of tho able editors of tho K KO WK ic CoultlBIt, of Wal¬ halla, was in tho city this wcok on pro fessioual business and paid us a pleasant, visit. Hosnies hoing ono of tho most ablo editors in tho Stato, Mr. " ynes stands in tho front ranks in th. logal fraternity." -Mr. .loci Smith died suddenly from heart fail uro Tuesday evening, 4th in¬ stant, at eight o'clock. Ho was living on thc farm of Mr. W. O. Alexander, near Comieross. Ho was about forty- iivo years old, and leaves a wife and sovo¬ ral small children to mourn his death. His body was buried Wednesday after¬ noon nt thoOonneross Baptist chm ch. -Columbia Record, April 3: "Mr.W. B. Smoltzor was painfully hurt Saturday evening by being struck on tho hoad by a boso no/./lo at tho lire in Lady stroot. Ho was knocked insensible, and it was feared that bo bad boen killed, lie rc vived ¡Mid was taken to tho hospital. Ho is gotting along very v/oll to-day." Mr. Smeltsor is an old Walhalla boy, and his frionds will rogrot to learn of his unfor¬ tunate accldont. -Full lino of dress goods with now trimmings to match. Miss R. Phillips. -Janio Owens, a young colored wo¬ man, aged £i yoars, daughtor of Thomas Owens, living noar Walhalla, diod on Saturday, April 1st, aftor a protracted illness. Hor funeral services woro con¬ ducted in Trinity Mothodist church on Sunday aftornoon by Rev. J. D. Mitoholl, assisted by Rov. S. II. Oglesby, after which her body was laid away to rest in Flat JJook comotory. Tho family of this deceased young colored woman ile. ia vc. tho sympathy of .all good pooplo. -Wo call n im ion to tho now adver¬ tisement in this issue of Mr. .Jamos If, Adams, of Soneoa, 8.0, "Littlo Jimmie" has a well solootod stock of groeorios and dry goods whloh it will pay tho trading publlo to inspect boforo purohnn- ing. Novor boforo in tho history of nco nco has thom boon such a di upi ay of pretty goods. Hi» store and warohonso aro chuck full of raro bargains. Mr. Adams ls an accommodating morohant and will certainly treat all hts oiistomoru royally. Call on him. -^.- Mr. Clam'? P, Veil 1* lu W?4fc*Mft'&ÍS week with tte Bastian Entertainers. Thoy expect to »hov» how Friday uiglit. -Orato, tho olovou, y oar old BOU of Mr. and Mrs. O. Ii. Whltmiro, who ro- Bldo near Wost Union, i H seriously ill with pneumonia. ! -nov. Arthur Cralne in conducting a| fow days mooting at Westminster. It bogan Wednesday evening. Tho last of this week ho goo» to Gaffuoy City to con¬ duct a ten days' meeting. -There was frost and toe Wednesday morning. Snow /oil in tho mountains Tuesday afternoon, and at Taw assoc it was reported to bo throe inohes deop. Winterlingers in the lap of spring« -Mr. A. P. Crisp pald^ a short visit last woek to his li ti lo daughter and niooo, MÍB808 Annie Crisp and Katie Robins, at tho Cedar Springs Instituto. Ho found thom contented and advancing well in their studies. -On tho 6th instant Doputy Collootor N. H. Rico and Doputy Marshals Corbin and McKinney made a raid in Chattuga township and captured ono hundred and sixty gallons of oom whiskey. The whiskey waa shipped to-day to Collootor E. A. Webster iu Columbia. NEW ARRIVAL ! SEED. Fine lot Watormolon, Corn, To¬ mato and Roans. Gorman Millot. Onion Sots. . Ail Burpee's Soed warran tod ami sold at cataloguo prices. Remember, wo glvo you three to four timos moro send-and bOG- lm-than j'Oii KOb iii paünñguo. NORMAN'S. Lott for Washington. Mr. Jeff D. Oroth sw, of Wost Union, loft on Monday ovoning for Washington, D. C., where ho goes to accopt a position as conductor on an elect rio railway. "Fatty" ls a prosperous follow and our best wishos 30 with him. .-. Moved to Georgia. Mr..L. N. Robina and family, of Whet-1 stone, have recent ly moved to Kahlin county, Georgia. Wo aro loath to givo up these good people as citizens of Oco- noo. Wo wish him and his success and prosperity ill their now homo. Moro Moonshine Distilleries Dostroyed. In company with Doputy Collootor N. H. Rico, Doputy Marshals W. K. F. Cor- bin and J. T. MoKinney destroyed a largo distillery on Monday in Piokona county, and on Tuesday they mado a raid m Oconco county, near Whetstone, and destroyed a largo distillery and cap¬ tured W. W. and Henry King. They were brought bofoi'o Commissioner J. W. Sholoi íosday about 0 o'clock and com¬ mitted «o jail to await trial. Lands Sojd by tho Master. In tho cases montionod bolow J. W. Holloman, Mastor, Bold real OBtnto on last Monday as follows: C. W. Pitchford vs. John J. Smith, 581 noros. bought by C. W. Pitchford for $100. G. W. Gignilliat vs. Anno Pitts ot. al. 160 acres, bought by G. W. Gignilliat for $200. Julia R. Wonzol, as Executrix, vs. Gor¬ man-American Trust and Saving Hank ot al., 00J acres, bought by R. T. Jaynos for $470. A Courier Compositor Going North. Mr. Dresden A. Smith, Jr., bas boon offered an important position in a largo job printing ofllco in Washington, I). C. Ho has concluded to accopt and will leave for Washington to-morrow. Wo rogrot exceedingly to givo him up. Ho is a first-rate compositor and a young mau of steady, exemplary habits. Dresden is a good boy and tho ont ire COURIKJI force join iii wishing him tho greatest success. Wo shall watch his future course with intorest and hopo to bear tho best reports from bim. To Lecture in Walhalla and Sonocn. Hov. A. P. Montague, LX. D., Fresh dont of Furman University, will deliver an addreso on "Christian Education" in tho Walhalla Baptist church at ll o'clock A. M., on Sunday, tho 2.'kl instant. Dr. Montague is an interesting speaker. Ho novor fai's to interest and instruct his hearers.' Everybody ÍB cordially in¬ vited to attend. Dr. Montaguo will go from Walhalla to Sonoca whoro ho will deliver an address on tho same subject Sunday night. Wo boapoak for him largo and interested audiences nt both placos. --< . »? . List of Loltors. Tho following is a list of lcttorfl re¬ maining uncalled for in Walhalla post| ofllco for tho month ending March .'hst: Lula Turnor, Misses Deleey Miller, Had- dio Thomas, .Mary Rrown, Maudy Brown, Mesdames T. G. Millor, Linnie Thomson, Gnogiana Ferguson, Maggio Calhoun, .loaner Chapman, and W. B. Dilwortb E. Day, Andy Lovinggood, M. I.. Swcc/.y, Fil Wilson, Allon Mooro, John Bateman, C. E. Gambroll and J. O. Adams. Por-| sons calling for any of tho above lottors will ploaso say that thoy aro advertised. J. M. MKHIUCK, P. M. Gcorgo Downy and Manilla Bay. Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. It. !.. Ches¬ hire, of Anderson, was blessed somo timo ago with tho arrival of a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. Thoy have at last decided to givo thom tho popular names of our recont war with Spnin. Tho boy's namo is George Dowoy Ches- Jvtr" and tho girl's namo Manilla Bay Cheshire. They will be known as Dowoy and Manilla. Wo only hopo thoy will provo as big beroos as haB Goorgo Dowey at Manilla Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Cheshire onco rosidcd near Walhalla, whoro they havo many friends, who join in tho high hopes entertained of tho In¬ fant hero and heroine tinley-Sowoll. An important, and happy ovont took placo in Lavonia, Ga., on Wednesday ovoning, April Stn, 1800. It was tho marriago, at tho residence of tho brido' mother, Mrs. Rebecca Sowoll, of Mr. W S. Haley, a prosperous young morohnn of Oak way, S. C., of tho firm of J Haley Sc Co., and Miss Dolla Sewell, ono of Georgia's fair and lovoly daughters. Mr. J. P. Kooso, of Walhalla, Oconco' popular Auditor, was prosont to d honors to tho occasion SB "host man Tho bridal party will rcaoh Oakwr.y thi (Thursday) morning whoro thoy will bo served with an elegant and sumptuous dinner by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Haley. Wo oxtond our warmest congratulations to tho brido and groom in their now rc lations. Ltilhor Wilbanks Shot. Luther Wilbankn was shot by John M. Gentry last Sunday, Tho shooting oc¬ curred at tho homo of Wilbanks, bolow Seneca. Goutry had como homo from Greonvillo on Saturday ovoning and learned of insulting treatment of bis wifo by Wilbanks during bis absonco. G on try wont to Book redress whon tho shooting occurred. Wilbanks rccolvod ono ball in tho back from a 82-callbro pistol. Gentry carno to Walhalla Sun¬ day ovoning to surrender to Shoriff Moss, but on Monday morning it was IC M ned that tho wound was not dangerous, and Gentry roturnod to his homo near Seneca. A warrant was sworn out Monday after¬ noon before Magistrate T. E. Stribling, of Sonoca, charging (¡entry with assault and battery with Intent to kill. Gentry wa« givon a preliminary lioaring before Magistrate Hook, at Clemson College, and was lodged in tail at this plnoo on Tuesday afternoon in défailli of bond. lt Glvos Warning that thoro's trouble ahead-if you'ro get¬ ting loin, li shows that your blood is impoverished, and your organs deranged, so that whatovor you c at fail» to proporly nourish you. Just so long as you romain in thia condition, consumption, pneumo¬ nia and other dangorous disoiiBos aro likely to fasten upon you. You should build yourself up with Dr. Pierce's Gol¬ den Medical Discovery. Purify and on- rich tho blood, rouse every organ into natural action, and build up healthy, wholesome flesh, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fourtf r?«¿ in a F!sî^ '.A On lHst irdday.^Mareh Slat, Houry Goodwin waa found dead,iu tho field of Mr. John W. Abbott, near Walhalla, tío waa last soon alive o.i Tuesday after¬ noon, Mardi 28th. Magistrate Vi'. C. Wb Ito wont to view tho doad body Fri¬ day afternoon. No marks of violence wore found and it appeared that he had died a natural death. He was old and thinly clad and it ls probable ho had, frozen to death. Ho had been an inmuto of the poor houae a few weeks,'but loft there Tuoaday morning aud oarao to Walhalla, He was quito an old man, having Boon some ninety Yean» come and go. Ilia remains were buried Friday afternoon at Novllle'a school houao. After viewing the body Maglatroto White decided it was not noooaaary to hold on impíost. , -t-, Painfully Bumed by an Explosion. On last Saturday afternoon Mrs. Ma¬ linda Verm . was painfully burned by an explosion of gun powder. She was put¬ ting somo powder in the cobb of sn oar of corn to bo glvon to a oow. Tho pith hud boon burned out and tho ear dippod in water to extinguish tho f ro, ; A charge of powder had boon puMu the cobb and Mis. Vorner was tamping when it exploded. Her loft band and faoe were badly burned. It io thought that tho oyesight is not in jr.-jd. A doctor was summoned immediately, and her wounda woro dressed. Hor burns aro painful, but not dangerous. Mrs. Vor- nor ie Bovonty-sovon years old, and on account of hor advanced ago hor wounda aro moro serious. Sho is resting easy thia (Thursday) morning, and is improv¬ ing. It ia thought that tho burna aro not vory doop, and abo will soon bo woll again. Samuol Wllbanks Pardoned. On Thursday, Mardi 80th, Govornoi Kllorbo pardoned Samuol Wllbanks, who was conviotod of manslaughter at thc Inst «lilly term of court, and sontoncod to throo years on tho di|du gang, foi killing Honry Speed at Doublo Springe ohuroh on Christmas ovo in 1807. Thc petition for bia,pardon wao. numorouBlj signed by the citizens of thc county, in¬ cluding oight of tho jurors'who tried tho ease, Tl ie pet i! ion sot forth that bia punishment had boon aitfllciout aud Mt health was failing by reason of exposure. Mr. Wilbanka waa roloasod from ons tody on Friday aftornoon and ÍB HOW at tho borne of bia father. Mr. Goo. Wit bankB. Ho was in Walhalla Tuesday and mot many frionds who woro pleated tc soo him. lt ia apparent that bis health bas BufTorod from confinement, but it if hoped ho may soon rooovor his loss ot flesh and si ningi b. Doath ol Mrs. Rioppo. Mrs. Anna A. Rioppo, rollet of th« lato Wm. Hioppo, died at ber homo ii Charleston, S. C., on Saturday, April 1st, at 0.30 A. M., and was burled from St Matthew's Gorman Lutheran church or Easter Sunday at 4 P. M. Mrs. Rioppo neo Sohumaofior, waa boru at Hollen Germany, February 25th, 1881* sud wai married to Wm. Rioppo afc Charleston S. C., on March 27th, 1858* Mr. one M TB. Rionpo lived to celebrate tboii Bilvor wending togotbor, which occurroe on March 27th, 1878. Mra. Rioppo was f good and truo woman and loaves man] relativos and fi louds to mourn hor death Sho will bo kindly romomborcd by man] of our Walhalla people, aa elie frequent 1; visited her daughters, Mrs. II. D. A Riemann and Mrs. O. IL Schmaohor, nm heir families at thia point. Miss Anuh Riemann and Mrs. O. H. Schumacher am little daughter Raf ie a,'t ended the funei a aorvicc8 at Charleston and will protrao their visit for a wbilo in tho city. Some Good Shooting. Mr. G. X. Maxwell ia tho champiot hunter in this part of tho country for tin Bonson just ended. During tho season h< killed 203 ps rt ridges. Ho did not koo] any record of rabbits and othor game On March IK ho made a abort oxcursioi for birds. From 3.10 P. M. to Ö.30 F. M ho shot thirty times and brought bael twenty-four partridges and ono rabbit This was his best shoot ing his season but his avorago is always good, generali ranging between two-thirds and three fourths-that is, lil» avorago shootinj would havo civou bim from twenty t twonty-thrco birds as a result of thirt shots. Despite his Hf ty odd years, "Uncl Keels" holds tho championship undh puted over tho younger Nimrods. II IB tho possessor of ono of tho best full blooded pointers in tho Stato. Mr. Ma> woll places unbounded confidence i "Hon's" ability as a hunter, and, thoug several handsome oilers have been mad for bim, nono could induce bim to sovc tho pleasant relations oxiating bctwoo himself and his faithful hunting cou pallion; Doath ot Mrs. W. wT Moss. On last Sunday morning, April 2d, 1801 at 0 o'clock, Mrs. Aretha Saphrou Moss, tho bolovcd wife of Sheriff Warro W. MOBB, died at their homo in Walhall; after a lingering illness. Sho had bec in declining health for a year, and sn fered intensely for tho last live months She was born on tho 2()th di of January, 1837, and was slxty-tvi ^oiim, two months and nix days old wh» abo dopartcd this lifo. Her father ai mother, tho lato James and Hostor Robertson, lived on Koowoo river, twob miles above old Pickcns, and there lu girlhood days woro spurn On September 5th, 1805, she was ba pily married to Mr. Warron W. Mos and for over 33 years they pursued t gotbor thc journey of lifo, rejoicing in tl sunshine and sorrowing in tho shad Unto thom niuo children, live sons ai four daughtors, woro born. Ono B< diod in infancy. Mr. and MIB. Moss rosldod in tho Ric land neighborhood, whoro thoy had comfortable homo, and reared and cd oatod their children, until 1888, when M MOBB was first olectod Sheriff of Ocon county. In thc fall of 1888 thoy i moved to Walhalla, and havo contiiiui to resido boro ovor si nco. In all tho relations of lifo Mia. Mo was a truo and noble woman. AB wil mother, nolghbor, friend, she shod gentío, olovating. ennobling intlnonco all who carno to know hor. In oarly lifo sho joined tho Mothodi church, and ber daily walk and convert tion has always exemplified tho faith s' piolo: sed. In tho home ch els ber doti asadovotcd wifo and affectionate moth woro ovor discharged from tho nobb impulses. Sho was indeed a helpme to iiim with whom sho walked tho pa of IHe, ber wiso .?oui.sad and wi lng band directing ovor into t waya of pleasantness, ponce and rigl corniness. Ker sons and daughters rise to call hor momory blessed, and In a through thom, she hoing doad, yot spca otb. Tho sufferings of her long and woa illness were borne with Christian for tudu and resignation. In hor last hoi «ho beckoned to those "near and dear moot hor in tho haven of otornal rost. Sho loaves ono brother and ll Bisters, ber husband and childre to whom IB oxtouded tho since condolence of many fl iel ids, both 111 and olsowboro. On Tuesday morning at cloven o'e!o the .uncial sorvicos woro conduot in tho Walhalla Mothoelist chm by hor pastor, Hov. J. L. Dani and attonelod by a largo coucou; of Borrowing frionds. At tho conclus! hor bier was followed to Westvi comotory, whoro hor body waa laiel reat to await tho resurrection of tho ju --i-.-~40*--¡-. Perfect Health. Keep thc system in perfect o der by the occasional use Tutt's Liver Pills. They re; ulate the bowels and produt A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malana, b iousness, constipation and ki dred diseases, an absolute cu TUTT'S Liver PILL M HEWS \H AND ARÖ'JMO wfia^iasti fi Tho Local Now« ïtTBHai In and About Our 8M«r Town« WJEBTMINÖTK». April C.-Mra. &? 3S. Manon ou H vloU lo relativ*? and fricad» lu Fair Flay. i Prof, W. A. Bagnall, who hae been bobing echool at ValdoaU/Oft., tho pant six. months, oame home on Saturday evening, APrll lat. ; < ' ; Tho RCBsfon of tho Presbyterian ohurob baa elected Mr. W. P. Anderson dologate to the spring mooting of tho Routh Caro¬ lina r.-onby tory at Lebanon, fie will go down ?Fflday, Mr. (¡co. a. Ogg wont to Columbia Woduiifldfty oil business. william Adams caught a cat-fish In Tufcftloo river last week weighing «iv aud a bo\t pounds. He sold lt to Mr. W. D. Lbaly. * Mrs. I). M. England, of Haborsbam county. Georgia, has beon visiting rela¬ tives in Westminster. She returned homo Wednesday aooompanlod by her Bister, Minn Emma Zimmerman, Rev. P. J. Virmillion Is having lumbor hauled on his lot, preparatory to build. Thoro was a bigger frost Woduosday morning than wo commonly seo in April. Mr. W. A. Diokson has ooinmenoed tho orootlon of a nix-io o m rosi don o o. Mr. J. W. Simpson bas the contract to build it. Mr. II. E. Mason, Jr., ft student lu tho Modioal oollogo of Augusta, tia., spont from Friday until Tuesday with homo folks in Westminster. Ho has only ono more term ia Collège. Mr. J. W. JJoardcn, of Oakway, is going to try sugar cane on Ooonoo soil. Hts Bon, Mr. L. D. Uoardon, of Mississippi. sbippod him a quantity of tho oano last wook. Thoro will not bo any proaohiug sor- vicos in tho Prosbytor;r.r. church next oitubuiu, owing to ino absonco ot Hov. S. L. Wilson. Ho will attend tho South Carolina Presbytery, whiob moota at Lobanon on April 7th. Tho Indios of tho Baptist churoh 10- contly obsorvOd tho wook of solf-donial. Thoy appropriated thoir ofllorings that wook to tho e,au80 of homo missions. Tho Sabbath Sohool and tho sooiotioB of this church aro now in a nourishing con¬ dition. Sovornl olnssos of tho Baptist Sunday School mot at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Stribling on last Saturday after¬ noon and bad au enjoyable timo hunting Enator oggs. Messrs. John Hanynn and-Foator, from noar Bolton, aro in Westminster with a viow of purchasing land. On' Baster Sunday services woro hold in tinco ohurohos of Wcstminstor. Tho pnstors of tho Presbyterian and Chris¬ tian churohoB proaohod nblo sermons ap¬ propriate to tho occasion. At tho Uap- tist oh arch t ho pulpit was filled by Hov. Henry S. Hurt/.OR, jrrosidont of donison Collcgo, who dolivored an oxcollont dh;- course otytho bealiug of tho Jamo mon by Fetorvcoorded in Aots. Hov. P. J. Virmillion conduotod tho ovoning sor^ vicos and presented his hearers with nn encouraging sermon on "Imaginary Didi-1 CUltÍ08. A. L. GOSBKTT. A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks Uko it, but thoro is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lamo hook and weak kid- noys, malaria or uorvous troubles. Wo mean ho can euro hiniBolf right away by taking Klootrio Hittors. This medicino tones up tho whole system, acts aa a h imulunt to tho livor and kidneys, io a blood purifier ami nerve tonio. It euros constipation, hoadacho, fainting spolia, sleoplossncss and molnnoholy. It is purely vogotablo, a mild laxativo, and re¬ stores tho ByBtom to its natural vigor. Try Klootrio Hittors cud ho convinced that thoy aro a miraclo worker. Kvory lim ! le guaranteed. Only 50o. a bottle at W. J. Lunacy's, Soneca; J. W. Holt's, Walhalla; il. H. Zimmerman's, Westmin¬ ster, Drug Stores. THE NEWS^FROM SENECA. Tho Rev. Phillips Vorner to Visit This County] -A Cold Easter. SKNHCA, April 4.-Kastor Sunday war. i at ber cold, and comparatively fow Kas¬ tor hats and gowns woro Boon. An Kastor ogg hunt for tho bonoilt of tho Baptist Orphanage at Greenwood was givon in tho yard of Mrs. lt. M. Rich¬ ardson Saturday afternoon. Rov. Phillips Vernor, of tho Southern Presbyterian Mission, in Congo Froo State, Africa, will vteit this county during thc month of April. This lining his nativo county his coming is lock'ju forward to with great intorest. Ho will mako an address on tho missionary work in Africa at tho Presbyterian ohurob hero, hut bas not been abhp as yot to in¬ form Hov. W. S. Hamltor, tho pastor boro, as to tho dato. Mr. Vernor has spout tinco years in Africa. Hov. W. S. Hamitor attends tho spring mooting of tho South Carolina Prosby tory, hold near Abbeville, this wook Tho Presbyterian church boro is ropro sontod by Dr, K. A. Dinoa. Mr. anil Mrs. J. M. Strothor spout Sun¬ day at Walhalla. Major A. H. Hroyles and Master Whit McAuloy canto from Anderson ono day hist wook. Miss Mary Duncan, of Union, visited Mrs. M. W. Co!oman this wook. Master Henry Bryan wont to Atlanta last week, returning with his grand¬ mother, Mrs. J. H. Brown. Mr. M. S. Hastings has roturnod to Harnwoll, after sponding sovoral wooks .in MIC. up-country. Ho was accompanied by Hr. Hack Ramsey, who took with him his saw mill equipments. Mesdanios S. L. Wilson, William An¬ derson and W. C. Peden spont Monday night boro, tho guests of Miss Hossio Wilson. Thoy woro going to Anderson. Mr. Hon Roebcstor, of Warrior, Ala., was in town Tuesday. Miss Klla Hichardson, a student of tho Georgia Female Seminary, Gaincsvillo, spent Sunday and Monday at homo. Tho Sominary ir, ono of tho institutions which idvo Monday instoad of Saturday as a holiday. Mr. D. A. Smith, Jr., of Walhalla, was in Soneca Sunday. Mr. Ti. W. Jordan and Master John Jordan wont to Grconvillo Monday. Mr. tuber I Mason, Jr., was in town a short while ono dav last wook, returning from Augusta to his homo at Wcstmin¬ stor. Owing to tho absonca of tho pnstor, thoro was no preaching ROI vico at tho Presbyterian ohurob last Sunday ovoning Tho hour was devoted to a sacred con cert, given by tho choir. Dr. E. A. Hines wns in charge of tho oxercisos. Some Gypsies havo boon camping near tho raco track. Thoy havo a number of horses. A fortuno is told for flfty cont« , MARY E. SWANN. MlLLIONS^GIVKN AWAY. It is certainly {{ratifying to tho public to know of ono concern in tko lana who aro not afraid to ho sonorous to tho noody and suffering. Ino proprietors of Dr. King's Now Discovery for consump¬ tion, coughs and colds havo givon away over ton million trial bottles of this great mod ici no. and havo tho satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely curod thou¬ sands of hopeless enses. Asthma, bron¬ chitis, hoarsouoss and all disonsos of tho throat, chost and lungs aro nuroly cured by it. Call on J. W. Holl, W. J. Lumioy and H. H. Zimmorman, druggists, and get a trial bottlo froo. Regular si/.o fíOo. and tl. Kvory bottlo guarantood or price rofundod. What Nowry lins io Say. NKWUV, S. C., April 4.-Mr. I. L. Bur¬ ley and Miss Irene Jamos took a Hying trip to Fort Hill Sunday oftornoon. Miss ) i aft io Loo, ono of our host dress¬ makers of Nowry, has hoon on tho sick Hst, but ia Improving, Mrs. Dr. Ash in oro wont a dook hnnt- lng h st wcok and shot ono duok. She] thinks sho will go ngain. Mrs. M. G. CallftB, of Nowry, wont to Seneca on Monday ovoning. Mr. H. F. Whitmlro, of Nowry, is go¬ ing to Nashvillo, Tomi., in a short whim. Miss Ida Callas govo nor Sunday school jcDss an Kastor hunt Saturday ovoning. Miss M. G. Hammel! Anent Saturday and Sunday with homo fol la; at Sonooa. K. M. n. II. If thc supromo court decides in favor of tho trust« tho dooroo will moan tho enforced pauperization of tho maosoB of tho nation. Tho noxt war in this coun¬ try ought to bo for tho annihilation of trusts If tho courts aro to afford no vollof, A tëj^ÇOYTOIt'THE Éfffoctfi'of Tobacco. TUM oxeofc>ivo URO of tobacco, especially by young tuen la alway« Injurious and undoubtedly ehortoba lifo materially. Ur. Ed. O. Elvan, compositor on tho Contra¬ costa JYewff, Martines, Oat,, writes | "I hare used Dr. Milos' Beatoratlve Nervine and re¬ ceived much benefit from it. X waa trbnbled with nervousness, dlúsy «polla and sleepless¬ ness, caused by tho ww of tobacco and stim¬ ulante. I took Dr. Miles' Nervino with mar¬ velously good results, allaying the diEsluess, quieting tho servos, aad enabling me to sloop and tort, proving In my coso a very beuoflctal remedy." Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervino la especially adapted to rostering tho nervous ayntom to its normal condition under auch circumstances. It eootUos, boals Dr. Miles' Komcclhvi l^ytW ol/'Vv. j aro eold by. all drug- fc^^fUM^ttf^^M glota under a positivo Bp'g|¿^^^?^ ai Rimiftutco, first bottlo K.Pl?}i*VinQ 4H bonoDts or rnouoy to- Bp* n&&+nmm JSH fuuded. Dook on dis- Wyr. ttAgMU ysjB oases of tba heart and HBfeJ/ofriT^HH nor foaf roo. Address, BHMMHBHWWHB ^ Utk MILES MEDICAL OO.. Elkhart. Ind. Cross Roads Roms. Cito ss ROAOS, S. C., April 8, 1800,- After an nbsonco of quite a while wo will again glvo tho Counztsn a few dots from our vicinity. Tho farmers aro ablo to bo at work agalti to day. Some aro planting corn. Sevoral from our community attondod thooloaingexoiolsos of Clearmont school last Friday ovoning. MÍ80 Hattie Duflio hos had charge of tho sohool this winter. Tho entertainment waa quito a success. Mr. and Mrs. Ulakoly Klug, Oak- way, vlaltod tho family of Mr. J. II. Fin- loy last Sunday. Messrs. Wado and Paul Armatroug vlaltod relatives in Piokona tho Drat of lost wi eh. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steno, from noar Sonecn, spout Sunday with Mr. A. P. Tannery's family. Misses Luoy Harris, of TOY, nville, and Anna Bearden, of Oakway, visited Miss Minino Finloy Inst week. Mr. Homy McDonald, for tho present, is making bia homo noar Hartwell, Qa. Wondor if "some ono" doesn't fool sad and lonoly ? Tho writor bad tho ploasuro of attend¬ ing tho Singloton-Dickaon wedding. All present enjoyed tho ovoning. Guess it waa tho- most important wedding "Ma- lissie Ann" baa attondod. v. Buoklon's Arnioa Salve. Tho best salvo In tho world for outs, bruises, BOrao, ulcors, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, chapped banda, chilblains, coma and nil akin emptions, and posl- tivoly eures piles, or no pay required. It ia guarani ced to give pei feet sal inf aol ion, or monoy rofundod. Prico 25 conta por üox. For salo by D. B. Darby, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneoa, and H.. B, Zim¬ merman. Westminister. Farmers' Alliauco to Moot. Tho noxt re;; ul ar quarterly mooting of tho Goonoo County Farmors' Allhmco will bo hold at Fairview Academy on Friday, April 14th, at ll o'elook a. m. JOHN L. SMITH, Prcsidont. It is SoJ SOME KINDS OF GOODS GAN BK BOUGHT IN ANY STOB und as choaply in ono ns anothoi ; but thoro aro goods that you cannot get ovorywhoro. Th's is tho lino wo want to show. Wo havo many dainty now thinga for Spring that aro now and beautiful in Wash Goods, Silks and Woolons, and our " Silvor Star " Madras for Shirt Waiata at 121o. is unoqualed. Thoy aro as protty as silk. Send for aamplos. Om now lino of Ladies' Shoos, just] In, Black and Tan Oxfords and Sandale, and thoy havo tho Btylo and lit, you can depend UpOll lt. Our Mon's Furnishing Dopartmont was novar hotter-Neckwear, Hosiery, Col¬ lars and Guffs, Shirt«, white and colored. Soo our now Silk Bosom Shirts at $1.00. You can't match thom. Wo havo a fall stock of Mon's Straw Hats, all new shapes and up to dato. Wo have a "Nobby Hat" for only 50o. Wo can and will soil you if you wi'.l only look boforo you buy. I OOLEMM CO, SENECA, S. C. «irMMiMi-i'inil»».i uiifjn i»mu mi j iii II itu Mu' ¡ ^-Í-'^B I wish to announce'to my friends that I am »Uti soiling FCÏMUZÔÏS, aijitl othor Brand« oíf «SKiano» aa obe*p as any oui in tho market. Koduood ratos on big lots-cash or on' tiú Chit my prices botare you buy. B3^You oan always flud mo olthor at thc Warehouse or at tite Coin t House »ny timo during tho day. Yours truly, W. H. BARROff, Walhall; "ÖÄRTER &Tcd7sT IS THE PLACE TO SELECT Thoy havó tho Largest Assort tn ont ami Prettiest Lino over shown in town, suoh as Wash Silks, Dotted Swiss, Fronoh, Paoiíio, Follólaand Mulhouse Organ¬ dies, Seotob and Marquita Lawns, Skirt codo, Suitings, Drcso Linons, Duok», Piques, Foroalos aud Dimitios. You look and bogia to want-^-woj>rioo and you begin to buy.. The most fas¬ tidious can ploaso thomsolves in our LOCÓB and Embroideries. Our stook is Jareo and boautiful. ' . . . SHOES! SHOES! SHOES ! ... Wo aro always up on this lino. Can flt both your foot and pookot book with stylos that oro s uro to ploaso. Wolli our largo dtonk of Spring Clothing is just going so f«,st wo fear to men¬ tion lt, for it may nosily oil bo gono when you got boro unless you como soou. Pr^sh Groeorios and a full lino of Hardwaro always on hand. Tbankiug all our oustomors for past patronage, and soliciting moro for tho futuro, wo aro, Vory respectfully, O .A. JSL KV J25 H. &, COMPANY, ' i; . , Walhalla, ®. «J. . . 2r^~lT. Jj.-Wo alBO bavo plenty of tho Highest Grado Fortllt/.ors on hand.^gS , ' T, E. Alexander; Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Fertilizers. My FERTILIZERS aro BETTER und CHEAPER than ovor boforo. Ï bavo tho boBt on tho market. Two Cold Feet Aro common afTHotioüf. So common, in faot, that I bavo laid in an ovtra supply of- HOT WATER BOTTLES . * . " . Prico of throo-quart bottlos $1 oach. Also a largo and frosh stock o. Drugs and Druggist's Sundries:, nt prices to moot tho timos. .T», XI. DARBY, r>x'iier^i»t. 03T*"Full stook of Garden Seed*. JUST ARRIVED AT N I ELD'S, A LC" OF MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING. iii Also all kinds of Farm and Implements to swap for Cash or Co try Produce. OWL BRAND AND OTHER FER TILIZERS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Respectfully, B Ul DENTIST, Walhalla, S. C. Office two Doors East of Bank, Second Floor. IIOUllH : 8.80 A. If. TO 1 P. M. AND 2 TO 0 Pa M. Mnroh 24, 1808. 111. D, E N T I S T , Seneoa, S. G. -- OFKICK DAYS - MONDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF KACII WEEK. May 10, 1808.-ly W. H. II ESTIO R, Manager Popular Summer and Winter Resort Spoefal attontlon to tho comfort of guosts Commodious Rooms. Elogant Faro 4-21-08-ly Oh, that Pain! Call in at Dr. J. W. Roll's Drug Storo, toll him "whoro it is nt" and let him glvo you what you need. You may not know what you want, hut ho can tell you. TURK, FRESH DRU OS ALWAYS ON HAND. Proscriptions csrofully and accurately compounded, day or night. FULL LINK FANCY GOODS, CIGARS, TORACCOS, CANDIES, ETC. j. WTBELL, I WAU(AI<T,A, S, G\ Look Almanac A ND it will toll you that, wo will liavo an oarly Spring. Good Friday comes in March thia year. Wo havo just rcooivod a now stook of GAUDION SEEDS of all kinds. Wo aro solo ngonts for May's colo- bratod SEEDS AND FLOWERS. Como and look at thom. Wo have a largo supply and want to soil you what you want. Como oarly Imforo thoy arfla picked ovor. .?' BETO." SENECA, S.. C. .V'; " ,,v. Toiopbonc oall, i long. Palmetto Livery anil Sale Mite, SENECA, S. C. I. D. FINOANNON, Pnovmr.voit. Fanny toams and vobicles at all ti» day or night. Prices voasonnblo. 4-21-08-ly. EH J. J. ANSELL -DEALEU IN- Furniture of nil KirulH, OofDns und {!n«ket«. ftjf" Prices to snit tlio timos. 4-21-08~-ly S.W.' GENEUAL BANKING BUSINESS. Doposits rocoived, Exohango s<dd, Col¬ lections promptly mado, 4-21-08-ly . ^ J^TÍÍE^T GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE. Exohango sold. ColleoliouH iirviniiwy marlo. J. W. STMIULING, 4-21-08-ty Cushier.

Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) 1899-04-06. · "(marlie's" homo and bo IIIIH many frionds hero whoaro always glad to see bim.-Rev. Arthur Craino, tho evangelist, closed aweek'ssorvicos

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Page 1: Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) 1899-04-06. · "(marlie's" homo and bo IIIIH many frionds hero whoaro always glad to see bim.-Rev. Arthur Craino, tho evangelist, closed aweek'ssorvicos

Any ono wanting Groceries and druin,to call on in«:

I bavo scoured tbo services of Mr. J. :my warehouse, at all timos. He will batom or s call on kim. Ko»

SINCE tbo partnership horoioforo oxistlin tho olton sood moni and bull busi

has soourod my sorvioos. I will bo foundI rospootfully invite all my old ouetomoriMoat, Hulls, Hay and Qraiu.

Call and soe mo.

Stocal nub *$matvd.-For any kind of stook food oall on

C. VY. Hauknigbt.-Mr, Goo. L. Wilson returned to

G -convido last Friday.-Mrs. Grnco Board loft Tuesday morn¬

ing to visit relatives in Greenville-For Cotton Seed Moal and Hulls call

on C. W. Bauknigbt.-Mrs. J. B. Hughes spout Saturday at

Pendleton with rolntivos and friends.-Three frosh milk cows for salo. Ap¬

ply to J. H. Harnett at his homo.-Judge J. JN. Hook, of donison Col-

logo, was in Walhalla yesterday on busi¬ness.-Hov. D. 1». Boardon will proaob at

Corinth church on tho second Sunday inApril at tl o'clock A. M.-Misses Liz/.io Harper and Flcda

Honry, accompanied by Mr. ThurstonHenry, visited f ionds in Wa 111 all a. Munday.-Health for ton cents. Casonrots

make tho bowels and kidneys act natur¬ally, destroy miorobos, euro headache,biliousness and constipation. All drug¬gists.-.Mr. David Hollams, of Monntvillo,

Laurena, county, ls visiting his daughter,Mrs. J. B. Tarrant, near Seneca, who hasboon quito ill. Hor mauy frionds hopooho may SOOU bo restored to heall h.-If you want cheap goods go to J. «fc

J. S Carter, Westminster. Don't forgotthat thoy will pay highest market pricofor your chickens and other produce. Anico lot of pants just rocoivod.-Last Saturday afternoon tho Clomson

and Wofford baso ball teams played abeautiful gamo of baso ball (%*\ thoWofford diamond, in Spartanburg. Thoscore stood: Wofford, 0; Clomson, 5.-Easter Sunday was appropriately

colobratod by tho Walhalla churcheswith special music and sorvicos. Thod»y was warm, but bracing, and Eastero, spring garments woro not much inevidence.-Miss Lottio Patterson, of Asheville,

N. C., who has been visiting her uncle,Hov. J. G. Sobald, and family, returnedto hor homo Monday morning. She was

accompanied as far as Soncca by MissPaulino Scbaid.-Hov. Arthur Craino loft Walhalla for

Anderson Monday. Ho will proaob inWestminster and Gaffney City and otherplaces, rotan ning to Walhalla and preach¬ing in tho Baptist church on tho fifthSunday in April.-Go to J. & J. S. Carter's to got your

now suit. Tho have thom now and moro

coming. Your wants shall bo supplied,for you want a largo stock to select fromand you want prices right. So go nowand got first choice-All niombors of Walhalla Lodge,

Knights of Pythias, aro urgently re¬

quested to bo prompt in attendance attho regular meeting next Monday night,8.:i0 o'clock, at Pitchford's Hall. Fullattoudanco specially desired.-A gentleman was heard to remark

on tho streets a fow days ago that as

long as tho Lord had charge of tho wea¬ther it was all right, but since Mr. Hicks(tho weather prophet) started to managoit bo didn't know what to expect.-Nico brick store room-good location

-to rent. Apply at CouniRR ofllco..-Anderson Advocate, April .'5: "Mr.

Bob Mason, of Westminster, bas beenthrough this community buying cotton.Wo don't know why, but by somo moansho is giving a hotter prico than tho An¬derson market."-Spring is bore and our spring goods

aro boro. Do not foil to soo our now

linos, for wo can suit you; besides, thatthing you aro so anxious about (prices),will suit yon. Como now.

J. it J. S. CAUTKK, Westminster, S. C.-Miss Nora Holder, who bas hoon

teaching tho Picket Post school for gomotime past, returned to hor homo in Pick-ens county Monday morning. Sho con¬ducted a successful school, and thopatrons are highly pleased with the workof tho torin.-Mr. O.T. Grove wont to Hartwoll,

Ga., on Monday last and roturncd Tues¬day afternoon with Thomas Bright, whowaB arrested by Sheriff Johnson, of Hartcounty, and hold for tho Oconco oflicors.Bright was lodged in jail on tho chargeof larceny.-Ladies, bo your own judgo of mil¬

linery bargains. Miss lb Phillips.-Tho annual State Sunday School con¬

vention l ill bo hold in SpartunburgApril 20-22. Tho distinguished worker,B. F. Jacobs, chairman of tho interna¬tional committee, will bo present, Ro-duccd rates will bo given dolicatos andvisitors by the railways.-Mrs. T. A. Norton has rccontly en¬

closed her front yea d with a neat andvory protty wicket wiro fonco. (»nodtaste has been displayed in solccting thisspecial pattern for a fonco. Mrs. Nortonbas now a beautiful and comfortablehomo, Hinco tho improvements which shelias added have been finished.-Clerk Chas. T. Issertol, of the nth

Massachusetts Regiment, wbioh was

mustered out of service at Greenville,on the 1st instant, spent a few days inWalhalla this week visiting his aunt,Mrs. N. Norman. After visiting severalpoints he will return to Waltham, Mass.,to losumo bis duties with tho ThompsonManufacturing Co. This placo was once"(marlie's" homo and bo IIIIH manyfrionds hero who aro always glad to see

bim.-Rev. Arthur Craino, tho evangelist,

closed a week's sorvicos in tho WalhallaBaptist church on last Sunday night.Mr. Craino only preached at night duringtho week days and at each servie thoattoudanco was good. Closo and undi¬vided attontlon was given to tho preach¬er's eloqiiont and impressive sonnons,and no doubt al reams of Influence bavoboon pul in motion by this mootingwhich will result in bringing somo poorsinner to Christ, lt is probable thal Mr,('raino may bo called to tho pastorate oftho Baptist church at this place. Wounderstand that lie is pleased with Wal¬halla and ber people. Wo shall bo gladto woleomo him and bis family an eilzeus among us.

Cotton Seed Kcal »nd Hulls will dc well

N. RUTHERFORD, who will bo found atRiad to have »ll of hi a friends and ous-peotfully,Cv G. J.A.YNES.

ing botweon Mr. A. C. Burton and myselfness has boon dissolved, Mr. C. G. Jaynosat his wnrohouso st tho railroad, wherot. You will find on hand a full supply of

Very respectfully,

-E. IJ. Ilorndon, Esq., was in Groon-villo thlB woek on busiuoBS.-Kaufmnnn's Opera. IIOUBO Friday

night. A good and oloan »how.-Rov. J. It, Karlo, of Andorson, is visit¬

ing rotativos In Walhalla this wook.-Corn, Bran, Hay, Cotton Sood Moal

and Hulls a spooialty at C.W.Bauknlght's.-Mr. John Roso, of Abbovillo, spont a

few days laat wook in Walhalla with bisfamily.-Mrs. M. II. Loo, of Long Crook, is

roportod to bo convalescent from a sorl-OXIS illnoss.-..Grand Spring Oponing" April 17th,

loin, linn, 2öüi, Iii si-, 22u. lilias R. 'Phil¬lips, Soneos, S. C.-Mr. ¡3. P. Coates, roprosontiug tho

Chattanooga Stoolo Rooting Co., is iuWalhalla to-day.-Eastland's Kntortainors at Kauf-

maun's Opora IIOUBO Friday night. GolPopular prices.-Dr. J. J. Thodo has boon quito sick

for th roo wooks. His friends hopo forhis speedy recovery.-Mr. N. 0. Pylos, of Columbia, has

our thanks for a copy of tho South Caro¬lina Legislativo Dircotoiy.-Don't fail to soo mo when you want

food of any kind. I will mako it to yourinterest. C. W. BAUKNICHT.-Goorgo Itidloy, who was ohot by

Charlio Lay a month ago, is gotting woll.It is said ho does not intond to prosecuteLily for tho nhnnUnfr..-Mr. J. J. Smith roturnod to his homo

in Unrtwoll, Ga., this morning, afterspending sovoral wooka in Walhallaamong rotativos and friends.-Mr. W. K. Seaborn, of Atlanta, Ga.,

spent Sunday in Walhalla with hisparents. "Ton's" frionds aro alwaysglad to seo him at his old homo.-Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Craig, of Seneca,

woro in Walhall» Wednesday aftornoon.-Mr. A. FischesBor has our thanks for

a bottlo of oxccllont grape vinegar. Homade a quantity of wino two yoars ago,and it bas turned to vinegar of a deeprod hue.- Mail matter is again taken twico

daily from tho boxes on Court MouseSquaro, Reid's corner, dopot and thoWalhalla Hotol at 7.45 A. M. and ¡1 P. M.This adds much to tho convenience oftho Borvico.-Mr. Robert Stewart, of Alexander,

Piokons county, S. C., requests us to statothat tho price of tho book which ho andothers aro canvassing for in this county,of which womado mention in lastweok'spaper, is $2.00 instead of $2.00, as statedby us.-Mr. H. I. Wcavor, of ROBWOII, Ga.,

arrived in Walhalla Wednesday on abriof visit, lie will lomain a wook orton days on business. Mr. Woavor bas awarm placo in tho hearts of our people,and IUB permanent return would bo wol-corao newB.

-Largo assortment of ladies' dressskirts at Miss R. Phillips', Soncca, S. C.-Seo important chango in advortiso-

mont of M. W. Coleman «fc Co., of Soneon.They carry a mammoth stock of goods,and tins spring finds thom with a variodassortment for their many customers.Bo suro to road their announcement andgivo thom a call.-Mrs. Fannie lludgcns, of Atlanta,

(Ja., arrived in Walhalla last Fridaynight, and «ill spond sovoral wooks visit¬ing hor father, Mr. W. P. Nash, andfi.mily. Mrs. Iludgons has been quito illfor somo time, hut is improving sincecoming to Walhalla.-Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Floyd wont to

Atlanta Sunday. Mr. Floyd will undergoan operation for tho removal of a cata¬ract from hiB loft oyo. They oxpect tobo in Atlanta about tinco wooks. Wohopo Mr. Floyd will return ni un earlydato, and that bis cyosight may ho com¬pletely rostorod.-Ncwbony Obsorvor, March :iOth :

"Mr. R. T. Jaynos, of Walhalla, was intho city yesterday on professional busi¬ness. Besides being a prominent mom-bor of tho legal fraternity, Mr. Jaynes isa graceful writer and ono of tho editorsof tho KKOWKB COUlimn, which is onoof the best conducted nowspapors in thoup country."-Pattern hats and bonnets, children's

hats, infanta1 caps. Miss R. Phillips.-Newberry Herald and Nows, March

31st: " Mr. lt. T. Jaynos, ono of tho ableeditors of tho K KOWK ic CoultlBIt, of Wal¬halla, was in tho city this wcok on professioual business and paid us a pleasant,visit. Hosnies hoing ono of tho mostablo editors in tho Stato, Mr. "

ynesstands in tho front ranks in th. logalfraternity."-Mr. .loci Smith died suddenly from

heart fail uro Tuesday evening, 4th in¬stant, at eight o'clock. Ho was livingon thc farm of Mr. W. O. Alexander,near Comieross. Ho was about forty-iivo years old, and leaves a wife and sovo¬ral small children to mourn his death.His body was buried Wednesday after¬noon nt thoOonneross Baptist chm ch.-Columbia Record, April 3: "Mr.W. B.

Smoltzor was painfully hurt Saturdayevening by being struck on tho hoad bya boso no/./lo at tho lire in Lady stroot.Ho was knocked insensible, and it wasfeared that bo bad boen killed, lie rcvived ¡Mid was taken to tho hospital. Hois gotting along very v/oll to-day." Mr.Smeltsor is an old Walhalla boy, and hisfrionds will rogrot to learn of his unfor¬tunate accldont.-Full lino of dress goods with now

trimmings to match. Miss R. Phillips.-Janio Owens, a young colored wo¬

man, aged £i yoars, daughtor of ThomasOwens, living noar Walhalla, diod onSaturday, April 1st, aftor a protractedillness. Hor funeral services woro con¬ducted in Trinity Mothodist church onSunday aftornoon by Rev. J. D. Mitoholl,assisted by Rov. S. II. Oglesby, afterwhich her body was laid away to rest inFlat JJook comotory. Tho family of thisdeceased young colored woman ile. ia vc.tho sympathy of .all good pooplo.-Wo call n im ion to tho now adver¬

tisement in this issue of Mr. .Jamos If,Adams, of Soneoa, 8.0, "Littlo Jimmie"has a well solootod stock of groeoriosand dry goods whloh it will pay thotrading publlo to inspect boforo purohnn-ing. Novor boforo in tho history of nconco has thom boon such a diupiay ofpretty goods. Hi» store and warohonsoaro chuck full of raro bargains. Mr.Adams ls an accommodating morohantand will certainly treat all hts oiistomoruroyally. Call on him.-^.-

Mr. Clam'? P, Veil 1* lu W?4fc*Mft'&ÍSweek with tte Bastian Entertainers.Thoy expect to »hov» how Friday uiglit.-Orato, tho olovou, yoar old BOU of

Mr. and Mrs. O. Ii. Whltmiro, who ro-Bldo near Wost Union, i H seriously illwith pneumonia. !-nov. Arthur Cralne in conducting a|fow days mooting at Westminster. It

bogan Wednesday evening. Tho last ofthis week ho goo» to Gaffuoy City to con¬duct a ten days' meeting.-There was frost and toe Wednesday

morning. Snow /oil in tho mountainsTuesday afternoon, and at Tawassoc itwas reported to bo throe inohes deop.Winterlingers in the lap of spring«-Mr. A. P. Crisp pald^ a short visit

last woek to his li ti lo daughter and niooo,MÍB808 Annie Crisp and Katie Robins,at tho Cedar Springs Instituto. Ho foundthom contented and advancing well intheir studies.-On tho 6th instant Doputy Collootor

N. H. Rico and Doputy Marshals Corbinand McKinney made a raid in Chattugatownship and captured ono hundred andsixty gallons of oom whiskey. Thewhiskey waa shipped to-day to CollootorE. A. Webster iu Columbia.

NEW ARRIVAL ! SEED.Fine lot Watormolon, Corn, To¬

mato and Roans. Gorman Millot.Onion Sots. .

Ail Burpee's Soed warran todami sold at cataloguo prices.Remember, wo glvo you three to

four timos moro send-and bOG-lm-than j'Oii KOb iii paünñguo.

NORMAN'S.Lott for Washington.Mr. Jeff D. Orothsw, of Wost Union,loft on Monday ovoning for Washington,D. C., where ho goes to accopt a position

as conductor on an electrio railway."Fatty" ls a prosperous follow and ourbest wishos 30 with him.


Moved to Georgia.Mr..L. N. Robina and family, of Whet-1

stone, have recent ly moved to Kahlincounty, Georgia. Wo aro loath to givoup these good people as citizens of Oco-noo. Wo wish him and his success andprosperity ill their now homo.

Moro Moonshine Distilleries Dostroyed.In company with Doputy Collootor N.

H. Rico, Doputy Marshals W. K. F. Cor-bin and J. T. MoKinney destroyed alargo distillery on Monday in Piokonacounty, and on Tuesday they mado araid m Oconco county, near Whetstone,and destroyed a largo distillery and cap¬tured W. W. and Henry King. Theywere brought bofoi'o Commissioner J. W.Sholoi íosday about 0 o'clock and com¬mitted «o jail to await trial.

Lands Sojd by tho Master.In tho cases montionod bolow J. W.

Holloman, Mastor, Bold real OBtnto onlast Monday as follows:

C. W. Pitchford vs. John J. Smith, 581noros. bought by C. W. Pitchford for $100.G. W. Gignilliat vs. Anno Pitts ot. al.

160 acres, bought by G. W. Gignilliat for$200.Julia R. Wonzol, as Executrix, vs. Gor¬

man-American Trust and Saving Hankot al., 00J acres, bought by R. T. Jaynosfor $470.A Courier Compositor Going North.Mr. Dresden A. Smith, Jr., bas boon

offered an important position in a largojob printing ofllco in Washington, I). C.Ho has concluded to accopt and willleave for Washington to-morrow. Worogrot exceedingly to givo him up. Hois a first-rate compositor and a youngmau of steady, exemplary habits.Dresden is a good boy and tho ont ireCOURIKJI force join iii wishing him thogreatest success. Wo shall watch hisfuture course with intorest and hopo tobear tho best reports from bim.

To Lecture in Walhalla and Sonocn.Hov. A. P. Montague, LX. D., Fresh

dont of Furman University, will deliveran addreso on "Christian Education" intho Walhalla Baptist church at llo'clock A. M., on Sunday, tho 2.'kl instant.Dr. Montague is an interesting speaker.Ho novor fai's to interest and instructhis hearers.' Everybody ÍB cordially in¬vited to attend. Dr. Montaguo will gofrom Walhalla to Sonoca whoro ho willdeliver an address on tho same subjectSunday night. Wo boapoak for himlargo and interested audiences nt bothplacos.

--< . »? .

List of Loltors.Tho following is a list of lcttorfl re¬

maining uncalled for in Walhalla post|ofllco for tho month ending March .'hst:Lula Turnor, Misses Deleey Miller, Had-dio Thomas, .Mary Rrown, Maudy Brown,Mesdames T. G. Millor, Linnie Thomson,Gnogiana Ferguson, Maggio Calhoun,.loaner Chapman, and W. B. DilwortbE. Day, Andy Lovinggood, M. I.. Swcc/.y,Fil Wilson, Allon Mooro, John Bateman,C. E. Gambroll and J. O. Adams. Por-|sons calling for any of tho above lottorswill ploaso say that thoy aro advertised.


Gcorgo Downy and Manilla Bay.Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. It. !.. Ches¬

hire, of Anderson, was blessed somotimo ago with tho arrival of a pair oftwins, a boy and a girl. Thoy have atlast decided to givo thom tho popularnames of our recont war with Spnin.Tho boy's namo is George Dowoy Ches-Jvtr" and tho girl's namo Manilla BayCheshire. They will be known asDowoy and Manilla. Wo only hopo thoywill provo as big beroos as haB GoorgoDowey at Manilla Bay. Mr. and Mrs.Cheshire onco rosidcd near Walhalla,whoro they havo many friends, who joinin tho high hopes entertained of tho In¬fant hero and heroine

tinley-Sowoll.An important, and happy ovont took

placo in Lavonia, Ga., on Wednesdayovoning, April Stn, 1800. It was thomarriago, at tho residence of tho brido'mother, Mrs. Rebecca Sowoll, of Mr. WS. Haley, a prosperous young morohnnof Oakway, S. C., of tho firm of JHaley Sc Co., and Miss Dolla Sewell, onoof Georgia's fair and lovoly daughters.Mr. J. P. Kooso, of Walhalla, Oconco'popular Auditor, was prosont to dhonors to tho occasion SB "host manTho bridal party will rcaoh Oakwr.y thi(Thursday) morning whoro thoy will boserved with an elegant and sumptuousdinner by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Haley. Wooxtond our warmest congratulations totho brido and groom in their now rclations.

Ltilhor Wilbanks Shot.Luther Wilbankn was shot by John M.

Gentry last Sunday, Tho shooting oc¬curred at tho homo of Wilbanks, bolowSeneca. Goutry had como homo fromGreonvillo on Saturday ovoning andlearned of insulting treatment of biswifo by Wilbanks during bis absonco.Gon try wont to Book redress whon thoshooting occurred. Wilbanks rccolvodono ball in tho back from a 82-callbropistol. Gentry carno to Walhalla Sun¬day ovoning to surrender to Shoriff Moss,but on Monday morning it was IC M nedthat tho wound was not dangerous, andGentry roturnod to his homo near Seneca.A warrant was sworn out Monday after¬noon before Magistrate T. E. Stribling,of Sonoca, charging (¡entry with assaultand battery with Intent to kill. Gentrywa« givon a preliminary lioaring beforeMagistrate Hook, at Clemson College,and was lodged in tail at this plnoo onTuesday afternoon in défailli of bond.

lt Glvos Warningthat thoro's trouble ahead-if you'ro get¬ting loin, li shows that your blood isimpoverished, and your organs deranged,so that whatovor you c at fail» to proporlynourish you. Just so long as you romainin thia condition, consumption, pneumo¬nia and other dangorous disoiiBos arolikely to fasten upon you. You shouldbuild yourself up with Dr. Pierce's Gol¬den Medical Discovery. Purify and on-rich tho blood, rouse every organ intonatural action, and build up healthy,wholesome flesh,

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Fourtf r?«¿ in a F!sî^ '.AOn lHst irdday.^Mareh Slat, Houry

Goodwin waa found dead,iu tho field ofMr. John W. Abbott, near Walhalla, tíowaa last soon alive o.i Tuesday after¬noon, Mardi 28th. Magistrate Vi'. C.WbIto wont to view tho doad body Fri¬day afternoon. No marks of violencewore found and it appeared that he haddied a natural death. He was old andthinly clad and it ls probable ho had,frozen to death. Ho had been an inmutoof the poor houae a few weeks,'but loftthere Tuoaday morning aud oarao toWalhalla, He was quito an old man,having Boon some ninety Yean» come andgo. Ilia remains were buried Fridayafternoon at Novllle'a school houao.After viewing the body MaglatrotoWhite decided it was not noooaaary tohold on impíost. ,


Painfully Bumed by an Explosion.On last Saturday afternoon Mrs. Ma¬

linda Verm . was painfully burned by anexplosion of gun powder. She was put¬ting somo powder in the cobb of sn oarof corn to bo glvon to a oow. Tho pithhud boon burned out and tho ear dippodin water to extinguish tho f ro, ; Acharge of powder had boon puMu thecobb and Mis. Vorner was tamping whenit exploded. Her loft band and faoewere badly burned. It io thought thattho oyesight is not injr.-jd. A doctorwas summoned immediately, and herwounda woro dressed. Hor burns aropainful, but not dangerous. Mrs. Vor-nor ie Bovonty-sovon years old, and onaccount of hor advanced ago hor woundaaro moro serious. Sho is resting easythia (Thursday) morning, and is improv¬ing. It ia thought that tho burna aro notvory doop, and abo will soon bo wollagain.Samuol Wllbanks Pardoned.On Thursday, Mardi 80th, Govornoi

Kllorbo pardoned Samuol Wllbanks, whowas conviotod of manslaughter at thcInst «lilly term of court, and sontoncodto throo years on tho di|du gang, foikilling Honry Speed at Doublo Springeohuroh on Christmas ovo in 1807. Thcpetition for bia,pardon wao. numorouBljsigned by the citizens of thc county, in¬cluding oight of tho jurors'who triedtho ease, Tl ie pet i! ion sot forth that biapunishment had boon aitfllciout aud Mthealth was failing by reason of exposure.Mr. Wilbanka waa roloasod from onstody on Friday aftornoon and ÍB HOW attho borne of bia father. Mr. Goo. WitbankB. Ho was in Walhalla Tuesday andmot many frionds who woro pleated tcsoo him. lt ia apparent that bis healthbas BufTorod from confinement, but it ifhoped ho may soon rooovor his loss otflesh and si ningi b.

Doath ol Mrs. Rioppo.Mrs. Anna A. Rioppo, rollet of th«

lato Wm. Hioppo, died at ber homo iiCharleston, S. C., on Saturday, April 1st,at 0.30 A. M., and was burled from StMatthew's Gorman Lutheran church orEaster Sunday at 4 P. M. Mrs. Riopponeo Sohumaofior, waa boru at HollenGermany, February 25th, 1881* sud waimarried to Wm. Rioppo afc CharlestonS. C., on March 27th, 1858* Mr. oneM TB. Rionpo lived to celebrate tboiiBilvor wending togotbor, which occurroeon March 27th, 1878. Mra. Rioppo was fgood and truo woman and loaves man]relativos and fi louds to mourn hor deathSho will bo kindly romomborcd by man]of our Walhalla people, aa elie frequent 1;visited her daughters, Mrs. II. D. ARiemann and Mrs. O. IL Schmaohor, nmheir families at thia point. Miss AnuhRiemann and Mrs. O. H. Schumacher amlittle daughter Raf ie a,'t ended the funei aaorvicc8 at Charleston and will protraotheir visit for a wbilo in tho city.Some Good Shooting.Mr. G. X. Maxwell ia tho champiot

hunter in this part of tho country for tinBonson just ended. During tho season h<killed 203 ps rt ridges. Ho did not koo]any record of rabbits and othor gameOn March IK ho made a abort oxcursioifor birds. From 3.10 P. M. to Ö.30 F. Mho shot thirty times and brought baeltwenty-four partridges and ono rabbitThis was his best shoot ing his seasonbut his avorago is always good, generaliranging between two-thirds and threefourths-that is, lil» avorago shootinjwould havo civou bim from twenty ttwonty-thrco birds as a result of thirtshots. Despite his Hfty odd years, "UnclKeels" holds tho championship undhputed over tho younger Nimrods. IIIB tho possessor of ono of tho best fullblooded pointers in tho Stato. Mr. Ma>woll places unbounded confidence i"Hon's" ability as a hunter, and, thougseveral handsome oilers have been madfor bim, nono could induce bim to sovctho pleasant relations oxiating bctwoohimself and his faithful hunting coupallion;Doath ot Mrs. W. wT Moss.On last Sunday morning, April 2d, 1801

at 0 o'clock, Mrs. Aretha SaphrouMoss, tho bolovcd wife of Sheriff WarroW. MOBB, died at their homo in Walhall;after a lingering illness. Sho had becin declining health for a year, and snfered intensely for tho last live monthsShe was born on tho 2()th di

of January, 1837, and was slxty-tvi^oiim, two months and nix days old wh»abo dopartcd this lifo. Her father aimother, tho lato James and HostorRobertson, lived on Koowoo river, twobmiles above old Pickcns, and there lugirlhood days woro spurnOn September 5th, 1805, she was ba

pily married to Mr. Warron W. Mosand for over 33 years they pursued tgotbor thc journey of lifo, rejoicing in tlsunshine and sorrowing in tho shadUnto thom niuo children, live sons aifour daughtors, woro born. Ono B<diod in infancy.Mr. and MIB. Moss rosldod in tho Ric

land neighborhood, whoro thoy hadcomfortable homo, and reared and cdoatod their children, until 1888, when MMOBB was first olectod Sheriff of Oconcounty. In thc fall of 1888 thoy imoved to Walhalla, and havo contiiiuito resido boro ovor si nco.

In all tho relations of lifo Mia. Mowas a truo and noble woman. AB wilmother, nolghbor, friend, she shodgentío, olovating. ennobling intlnoncoall who carno to know hor.

In oarly lifo sho joined tho Mothodichurch, and ber daily walk and converttion has always exemplified tho faith s'piolo: sed. In tho home ch els ber dotiasadovotcd wifo and affectionate mothworo ovor discharged from tho nobbimpulses. Sho was indeed a helpmeto iiim with whom sho walked tho paof IHe, ber wiso .?oui.sad and wilng band directing ovor into twaya of pleasantness, ponce and riglcorniness. Ker sons and daughters riseto call hor momory blessed, and In athrough thom, she hoing doad, yot spcaotb.Tho sufferings of her long and woa

illness were borne with Christian fortudu and resignation. In hor last hoi«ho beckoned to those "near and dearmoot hor in tho haven of otornal rost.Sho loaves ono brother and ll

Bisters, ber husband and childreto whom IB oxtouded tho sincecondolence of many fl iel ids, both 111and olsowboro.On Tuesday morning at cloven o'e!o

the .uncial sorvicos woro conduotin tho Walhalla Mothoelist chmby hor pastor, Hov. J. L. Daniand attonelod by a largo coucou;of Borrowing frionds. At tho conclus!hor bier was followed to Westvicomotory, whoro hor body waa laielreat to await tho resurrection of tho ju


Perfect Health.Keep thc system in perfect oder by the occasional useTutt's Liver Pills. They re;ulate the bowels and produtA Vigorous Body.

For sick headache, malana, biousness, constipation and kidred diseases, an absolute cu



HEWS \H AND ARÖ'JMO wfia^iastifiTho Local Now« ïtTBHai In and About Our

8M«r Town«

WJEBTMINÖTK». April C.-Mra. &? 3S.Manon ou H vloU lo relativ*? and fricad»lu Fair Flay.i Prof, W. A. Bagnall, who hae beenbobing echool at ValdoaU/Oft., thopant six. months, oame home on Saturdayevening, APrll lat. ; < '

;Tho RCBsfon of tho Presbyterian ohurobbaa elected Mr. W. P. Anderson dologateto the spring mooting of tho Routh Caro¬lina r.-onby tory at Lebanon, fie will godown ?Fflday,

Mr. (¡co. a. Ogg wont to ColumbiaWoduiifldfty oil business.

william Adams caught a cat-fish InTufcftloo river last week weighing «iv auda bo\t pounds. He sold lt to Mr. W. D.Lbaly.* Mrs. I). M. England, of Haborsbamcounty. Georgia, has beon visiting rela¬tives in Westminster. She returnedhomo Wednesday aooompanlod by herBister, Minn Emma Zimmerman,Rev. P. J. Virmillion Is having lumbor

hauled on his lot, preparatory to build.Thoro was a bigger frost Woduosday

morning than wo commonly seo in April.Mr. W. A. Diokson has ooinmenoed thoorootlon of a nix-io om rosi don o o. Mr. J.W. Simpson bas the contract to build it.Mr. II. E. Mason, Jr., ft student lu tho

Modioal oollogo of Augusta, tia., spontfrom Friday until Tuesday with homofolks in Westminster. Ho has only onomore term ia Collège.Mr. J. W. JJoardcn, of Oakway, is goingto try sugar cane on Ooonoo soil. HtsBon, Mr. L. D. Uoardon, of Mississippi.sbippod him a quantity of tho oano lastwook.Thoro will not bo any proaohiug sor-

vicos in tho Prosbytor;r.r. church nextoitubuiu, owing to ino absonco ot Hov. S.L. Wilson. Ho will attend tho SouthCarolina Presbytery, whiob moota atLobanon on April 7th.Tho Indios of tho Baptist churoh 10-

contly obsorvOd tho wook of solf-donial.Thoy appropriated thoir ofllorings thatwook to tho e,au80 of homo missions.Tho Sabbath Sohool and tho sooiotioB ofthis church aro now in a nourishing con¬dition.

Sovornl olnssos of tho Baptist SundaySchool mot at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.Wm. J. Stribling on last Saturday after¬noon and bad au enjoyable timo huntingEnator oggs.Messrs. John Hanynn and-Foator,from noar Bolton, aro in Westminster

with a viow of purchasing land.On' Baster Sunday services woro hold

in tinco ohurohos of Wcstminstor. Thopnstors of tho Presbyterian and Chris¬tian churohoB proaohod nblo sermons ap¬propriate to tho occasion. At tho Uap-tist oh arch tho pulpit was filled by Hov.Henry S. Hurt/.OR, jrrosidont of donisonCollcgo, who dolivored an oxcollont dh;-course otytho bealiug of tho Jamo monby Fetorvcoorded in Aots. Hov. P. J.Virmillion conduotod tho ovoning sor^vicos and presented his hearers with nnencouraging sermon on "Imaginary Didi-1CUltÍ08. A. L. GOSBKTT.

A CLEVER TRICK.It certainly looks Uko it, but thoro is

really no trick about it. Anybody cantry it who has lamo hook and weak kid-noys, malaria or uorvous troubles. Womean ho can euro hiniBolf right away bytaking Klootrio Hittors. This medicinotones up tho whole system, acts aa ah imulunt to tho livor and kidneys, io ablood purifier ami nerve tonio. It eurosconstipation, hoadacho, fainting spolia,sleoplossncss and molnnoholy. It ispurely vogotablo, a mild laxativo, and re¬stores tho ByBtom to its natural vigor.Try Klootrio Hittors cud ho convincedthat thoy aro a miraclo worker. Kvorylim ! le guaranteed. Only 50o. a bottle atW. J. Lunacy's, Soneca; J. W. Holt's,Walhalla; il. H. Zimmerman's, Westmin¬ster, Drug Stores.

THE NEWS^FROM SENECA.Tho Rev. Phillips Vorner to Visit This County]

-A Cold Easter.

SKNHCA, April 4.-Kastor Sunday war.i at ber cold, and comparatively fow Kas¬tor hats and gowns woro Boon.An Kastor ogg hunt for tho bonoilt of

tho Baptist Orphanage at Greenwoodwas givon in tho yard of Mrs. lt. M. Rich¬ardson Saturday afternoon.

Rov. Phillips Vernor, of tho SouthernPresbyterian Mission, in Congo FrooState, Africa, will vteit this countyduring thc month of April. This lininghis nativo county his coming is lock'juforward to with great intorest. Ho willmako an address on tho missionary workin Africa at tho Presbyterian ohurobhero, hut bas not been abhp as yot to in¬form Hov. W. S. Hamltor, tho pastorboro, as to tho dato. Mr. Vernor hasspout tinco years in Africa.

Hov. W. S. Hamitor attends tho springmooting of tho South Carolina Prosbytory, hold near Abbeville, this wookTho Presbyterian church boro is roprosontod by Dr, K. A. Dinoa.Mr. anil Mrs. J. M. Strothor spout Sun¬

day at Walhalla.Major A. H. Hroyles and Master Whit

McAuloy canto from Anderson ono dayhist wook.Miss Mary Duncan, of Union, visited

Mrs. M. W. Co!oman this wook.Master Henry Bryan wont to Atlantalast week, returning with his grand¬mother, Mrs. J. H. Brown.Mr. M. S. Hastings has roturnod to

Harnwoll, after sponding sovoral wooks.in MIC. up-country. Ho was accompaniedby Hr. Hack Ramsey, who took with himhis saw mill equipments.Mesdanios S. L. Wilson, William An¬derson and W. C. Peden spont Mondaynight boro, tho guests of Miss Hossio

Wilson. Thoy woro going to Anderson.Mr. Hon Roebcstor, of Warrior, Ala.,was in town Tuesday.Miss Klla Hichardson, a student of thoGeorgia Female Seminary, Gaincsvillo,spent Sunday and Monday at homo. ThoSominary ir, ono of tho institutions whichidvo Monday instoad of Saturday as aholiday.Mr. D. A. Smith, Jr., of Walhalla, wasin Soneca Sunday.Mr. Ti. W. Jordan and Master John

Jordan wont to Grconvillo Monday.Mr. tuber I Mason, Jr., was in town ashort while ono dav last wook, returningfrom Augusta to his homo at Wcstmin¬stor.Owing to tho absonca of tho pnstor,thoro was no preaching ROI vico at tho

Presbyterian ohurob last Sunday ovoningTho hour was devoted to a sacred concert, given by tho choir. Dr. E. A. Hineswns in charge of tho oxercisos.Some Gypsies havo boon camping near

tho raco track. Thoy havo a number ofhorses. A fortuno is told for flfty cont«


MlLLIONS^GIVKN AWAY.It is certainly {{ratifying to tho publicto know of ono concern in tko lana who

aro not afraid to ho sonorous to thonoody and suffering. Ino proprietors ofDr. King's Now Discovery for consump¬tion, coughs and colds havo givon awayover ton million trial bottles of thisgreat mod ici no. and havo tho satisfactionof knowing it has absolutely curod thou¬sands of hopeless enses. Asthma, bron¬chitis, hoarsouoss and all disonsos of thothroat, chost and lungs aro nuroly curedby it. Call on J. W. Holl, W. J. Lumioyand H. H. Zimmorman, druggists, andget a trial bottlo froo. Regular si/.o fíOo.and tl. Kvory bottlo guarantood orprice rofundod.

What Nowry lins io Say.NKWUV, S. C., April 4.-Mr. I. L. Bur¬ley and Miss Irene Jamos took a Hyingtrip to Fort Hill Sunday oftornoon.Miss ) i aft io Loo, ono of our host dress¬

makers of Nowry, has hoon on tho sickHst, but ia Improving,Mrs. Dr. Ash in oro wont a dook hnnt-

lng h st wcok and shot ono duok. She]thinks sho will go ngain.Mrs. M. G. CallftB, of Nowry, wont to

Seneca on Monday ovoning.Mr. H. F. Whitmlro, of Nowry, is go¬ing to Nashvillo, Tomi., in a short whim.Miss Ida Callas govo nor Sunday school

jcDss an Kastor hunt Saturday ovoning.Miss M. G. Hammel! Anent Saturdayand Sunday with homo fol la; at Sonooa.K. M. n. II.

If thc supromo court decides in favorof tho trust« tho dooroo will moan thoenforced pauperization of tho maosoB oftho nation. Tho noxt war in this coun¬try ought to bo for tho annihilation oftrusts If tho courts aro to afford no vollof,

A tëj^ÇOYTOIt'THEÉfffoctfi'of Tobacco.

TUM oxeofc>ivo URO of tobacco, especiallyby young tuen la alway« Injurious andundoubtedly ehortoba lifo materially.Ur. Ed. O. Elvan, compositor on tho Contra¬

costa JYewff, Martines, Oat,, writes | "I hareused Dr. Milos' Beatoratlve Nervine and re¬ceived much benefit from it. X waa trbnbledwith nervousness, dlúsy «polla and sleepless¬ness, caused by tho ww of tobacco and stim¬ulante. I took Dr. Miles' Nervino with mar¬velously good results, allaying the diEsluess,quieting tho servos, aad enabling me tosloop and tort, proving In my coso a verybeuoflctal remedy." Dr. Miles' RestorativeNervino la especially adapted to rosteringtho nervous ayntom to its normal conditionunder auch circumstances. It eootUos, boalsDr. Miles' Komcclhvi l^ytW ol/'Vv. jaro eold by. all drug- fc^^fUM^ttf^^Mglota under a positivo Bp'g|¿^^^?^ aiRimiftutco, first bottlo K.Pl?}i*VinQ 4HbonoDts or rnouoy to- Bp* n&&+nmm JSHfuuded. Dook on dis- Wyr. ttAgMU ysjBoases of tba heart and HBfeJ/ofriT^HHnorfoafroo. Address, BHMMHBHWWHB

^Utk MILES MEDICAL OO.. Elkhart. Ind.

Cross Roads Roms.Cito ss ROAOS, S. C., April 8, 1800,-

After an nbsonco of quite a while wo willagain glvo tho Counztsn a few dots fromour vicinity.Tho farmers aro ablo to bo at work

agalti to day. Some aro planting corn.Sevoral from our community attondodthooloaingexoiolsos of Clearmont schoollast Friday ovoning. MÍ80 Hattie Dufliohos had charge of tho sohool this winter.Tho entertainment waa quito a success.Mr. and Mrs. Ulakoly Klug, oí Oak-

way, vlaltod tho family of Mr. J. II. Fin-loy last Sunday.Messrs. Wado and Paul Armatrougvlaltod relatives in Piokona tho Drat oflost wi eh.Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steno, from noar

Sonecn, spout Sunday with Mr. A. P.Tannery's family.Misses Luoy Harris, of TOY, nville, andAnna Bearden, of Oakway, visited MissMinino Finloy Inst week.Mr. Homy McDonald, for tho present,is making bia homo noar Hartwell, Qa.Wondor if "some ono" doesn't fool sadand lonoly ?Tho writor bad tho ploasuro of attend¬ing tho Singloton-Dickaon wedding. All

present enjoyed tho ovoning. Guess itwaa tho- most important wedding "Ma-lissie Ann" baa attondod. v.

Buoklon's Arnioa Salve.Tho best salvo In tho world for outs,bruises, BOrao, ulcors, salt rheum, fever

sores, totter, chapped banda, chilblains,coma and nil akin emptions, and posl-tivoly eures piles, or no pay required. Itia guarani ced to give pei feet sal infaol ion,or monoy rofundod. Prico 25 conta porüox. For salo by D. B. Darby, Walhalla;W. J. Lunney, Seneoa, and H.. B, Zim¬merman. Westminister.

Farmers' Alliauco to Moot.Tho noxt re;; ul ar quarterly mooting oftho Goonoo County Farmors' Allhmcowill bo hold at Fairview Academy on

Friday, April 14th, at ll o'elook a. m.JOHN L. SMITH, Prcsidont.






und as choaply in ono ns anothoi ; but

thoro aro goods that you cannot get

ovorywhoro. Th's is tho lino wo want to

show. Wo havo many dainty now thingafor Spring that aro now and beautiful in

Wash Goods, Silks and Woolons, and

our " Silvor Star " Madras for Shirt

Waiata at 121o. is unoqualed. Thoy aro

as protty as silk. Send for aamplos.Om now lino of Ladies' Shoos, just]

In, Black and Tan Oxfords and Sandale,and thoy havo tho Btylo and lit, you can

depend UpOll lt.

Our Mon's Furnishing Dopartmont was

novar hotter-Neckwear, Hosiery, Col¬

lars and Guffs, Shirt«, white and colored.

Soo our now Silk Bosom Shirts at $1.00.

You can't match thom.

Wo havo a fall stock of Mon's Straw

Hats, all new shapes and up to dato.

Wo have a "Nobby Hat" for only 50o.

Wo can and will soil you if you wi'.l

only look boforo you buy.


«irMMiMi-i'inil»».i uiifjn i»mu mi j iii II itu Mu'¡ ^-Í-'^B

I wish to announce'to my friends that I am »Uti soiling FCÏMUZÔÏS,

aijitl othor Brand« oíf «SKiano»aa obe*p as any oui in tho market. Koduood ratos on big lots-cash or on' tiúChit my prices botare you buy.B3^You oan always flud mo olthor at thc Warehouse or at tite Coin t House»ny timo during tho day. Yours truly,

W. H. BARROff, Walhall;


Thoy havó tho Largest Assorttnont ami Prettiest Lino over shown in town,suoh as Wash Silks, Dotted Swiss, Fronoh, Paoiíio, Follólaand Mulhouse Organ¬dies, Seotob and Marquita Lawns, Skirt tí codo, Suitings, Drcso Linons, Duok»,Piques, Foroalos aud Dimitios.You look and bogia to want-^-woj>rioo and you begin to buy.. The most fas¬tidious can ploaso thomsolves in our LOCÓB and Embroideries. Our stook is Jareoand boautiful. '

. . . SHOES! SHOES! SHOES ! ...Wo aro always up on this lino. Can flt both your foot and pookot book withstylos that oro suro to ploaso.Wolli our largo dtonk of Spring Clothing is just going so f«,st wo fear to men¬tion lt, for it may nosily oil bo gono when you got boro unless you como soou.Pr^sh Groeorios and a full lino of Hardwaro always on hand.Tbankiug all our oustomors for past patronage, and soliciting moro for thofuturo, wo aro, Vory respectfully,O .A. JSL KV J25 H. &, COMPANY, ' i;

. , Walhalla, ®. «J. . .

2r^~lT. Jj.-Wo alBO bavo plenty of tho Highest Grado Fortllt/.ors on hand.^gS , '

T, E. Alexander;Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.

Fertilizers.My FERTILIZERS aro BETTER und CHEAPER than ovor boforo.Ï bavo tho boBt on tho market.

Two Cold FeetAro common afTHotioüf. So common, in faot, that I bavo laid in

an ovtra supply of-HOT WATER BOTTLES . * .



Prico of throo-quart bottlos $1 oach.Also a largo and frosh stock o. Drugs and Druggist's Sundries:,nt prices to moot tho timos.

.T», XI. DARBY, r>x'iier^i»t.03T*"Full stook of Garden Seed*.





Also all kinds of Farm andImplements to swap for Cash or Cotry Produce.OWL BRAND AND OTHER FERTILIZERS ALWAYS ON HANDAT THE LOWEST PRICES.



Walhalla, S. C.Office two Doors East of Bank,

Second Floor.IIOUllH : 8.80 A. If. TO 1 P. M. AND 2 TO 0

Pa M.Mnroh 24, 1808.

111.D, E N T I S T ,

Seneoa, S. G.-- OFKICK DAYS-


May 10, 1808.-ly

W. H. II ESTIO R, ManagerPopular Summer and Winter ResortSpoefal attontlon to tho comfort of guostsCommodious Rooms. Elogant Faro4-21-08-ly

Oh, that Pain!Call in at Dr. J. W. Roll's Drug Storo,

toll him "whoro it is nt" and let himglvo you what you need.You may not know what you want, hut

ho can tell you.


Proscriptions csrofully and accuratelycompounded, day or night.




AlmanacA ND it will toll you that, wo willliavo an oarly Spring.Good Friday comes in March thiayear.Wo havo just rcooivod a now stook ofGAUDION SEEDS of all kinds.Wo aro solo ngonts for May's colo-bratod SEEDS AND FLOWERS.Como and look at thom. Wo have alargo supply and want to soil you what

you want. Como oarly Imforo thoy arflapicked ovor. .?'

BETO."SENECA, S.. C. .V'; "

,,v.Toiopbonc oall, i long.

Palmetto Livery anil Sale Mite,SENECA, S. C.

I. D. FINOANNON, Pnovmr.voit.Fanny toams and vobicles at all ti»day or night. Prices voasonnblo.4-21-08-ly.



Furniture of nil KirulH,OofDns und {!n«ket«.

ftjf" Prices to snit tlio timos.4-21-08~-ly

S.W.'GENEUAL BANKING BUSINESS.Doposits rocoived, Exohango s<dd, Col¬lections promptly mado,4-21-08-ly . ^J^TÍÍE^T


Exohango sold. ColleoliouH iirviniiwymarlo. J. W. STMIULING,4-21-08-ty Cushier.