PUBLISHKO CVCnV WCÙNCIDAY MORNING. -»V- JAYNB«, SHILOH, SMIT:I A STECK %USSCRIPTION. »LOO PER ANNUM. _ ADVSRTISINO RATS* RlCASONABLC JHF~ Communications of a personal Oliainotm charged for as advortisomont*. Wr* Obituary notices and tributes ol rcsi.oot, of not over one hundred words, win be printed freo os? oharge. Allover that number must be paid for at the rate or one oent a word. Cash to accompany tuanusoript. WALHALLA, 8. C. I ITBDNGHDAV, ©»T. 14. 1903. TESTIMONY IN THE TILLMAN TRIAL. Some Reflections of One Who Has Closely Followed tho Case Day by Day. IW. W. «all, in Tho State. J With the testimony all hoard in the caso of JamoB H. Tillman it may bo in¬ teresting to emphasize somo of tho poiuts that have made theraBolvos con¬ spicuously plain iu the proceedings. In spite of th© injootion of politios into tho trial, iu spite of the dragging in of Sonator B. It. Tillman's name, it has beon demonstrated suflioiontly that many men of tho former Reform or Till- manite faction hnvo had no more sym¬ pathy with the shooting of Mr. Gonzalos than membors of tho faotion that ho was formerly idoutifled with. Look at tho oxample of Talblrd-a reformer and a State Senator. It was to bo expected that ho would toll tho truth to the best of his ability, to tho host of his recol¬ lection, and that is what, without doubt, he did. Adams and Dowliug, too, wero Tillman's frionds-oloHo fi ic m i.s. They aro among tho strongest witnesses for tho State, This is no matter for sur¬ prise. Politics doos uot affeet tho sanctity of au honest man's oath. What tho political views of Mr. Wtl- BOU, chief clork in tho oftioe of Comp¬ troller General Jones, may bo, I do not know. He was a witness sworn for the defonso. Ho was the only eye witness sworn for tho dofense whoso testimony was not attacked. His testimony was valuable and only valuable in corrobo¬ rating tho theory of tho State; it ßtrougthoued tho dying declaration of Mr. Gonzales-it placed Tillman from two to two and a half foot only from tho outsido of the sidowalk ami made tho direction of his aimed woapon transverse, aorosB the sidowalk, towards the wall of the traiiBfor station. At ibo bail heai inc ono W. H. Hall made an nQldavit, olairoiug tbat he was an oyo wituess to tho shooting and cor¬ roborating in "overy particular" tho ao- couut gi von by Richard Holapnbaok. Such tho record shows. Hall was pros- out at tho trial last wook. Ho was pres¬ ent whon Lörick was on tho stand or immediately after. Tho dofonso did not swoar him. Why? Was tho hurd lesson of I,(trick's testimony onougb? And yot llolsonback aud Lörick aro tho only eye witnesses, oxcopt tho prisoner, who in any degree support tho defense. Hol- aoubaok's character has boon attacked. Lörick was not allowed to answer ques¬ tions imputing that moro than onco he had been charged with larceny. Tho witness Hyatt, for tho dofouso, sume that he saw a pistol iu Mr. Gon¬ zalos' hip pocket the day beforo tho Bhooting and the one thing about tho appearance of Mr. Gonzales that ho was emphatically sure of was that ho did not wear glasses. Tho defonso admits as rue that Mr. Gonzales without glassos could not seo sufficiently "to walk tho streets." Hyatt saw tho pistol when Mr. Gonzales was loaning over to spit iu a cuspidor-not woariug glasses. At somo d isl ance tho prisoner saw Mr. Gonzales approaching and "oyoing him intently." How far away can you tell that a man woariug glasses is "oyoing" you? Senators Brown, Talblrd, Mrs. Melton, Mr. Lido, August Schiodman aud others testify that Mr. Gonzales was almoBt abreast of the two Senators and Tillman whon tho shot was bred. Tho course of tho bullet proves it. Tillman told Spann Dowling at the jail that thu bullet would shoot straight. Clark and others swear that Holson- back gavo to thom statements about tho shooting that conilict with his bail alli davit and statement on tho witness stand, llolsonback declares that whon Tillman was about at Gorvias street he was at the Stato 11 ouse stops and over¬ took Tillman by tho timo of tho shoot¬ ing, while Tillman was crossing the street I Witness White did not kuow Mr. Gon ?/ales; bin testimony as to tho "white feather" threat is wbolly dependent on that of llolsonback. Tillman sworo in his testimony that he wrote an article to tho Winnsboro Nows and Herald ir 1890, and acknowl¬ edged a moment later bis own letter of 18U2 saying that ho did not writo it. Tillman sworo that W. H. Nowbold told bim that he might oxpoct Mr. Gon¬ zales, if ho drew his pistol to draw it from his side coat pookot. Newbold was at tho trial, but was not sworn. In his bail aflidavit Tillman sworo that ho knew nothing of Mr. Gonzales* habit of carrying his bands in his coat pockets. Tho case for tho defense substantially is that Tillman bad board of threats by Mr. Gonzales; that ho was oxpocting an attack; that ho believed from Tho State's editoriala ita editor was in a framo of mind to kill him; that ho saw Mr. Gon¬ zales on tho outside of tho sidowalk ; that Mr. Con/ales t urned to tho inside and thrust his hands dooper into his pockota in a way that bo interpreted au offensive movement; that ho placed bis band on his pistol whon ho first saw Mr. Gonzalos; that tho turn by Mr. Gonzales brought him towards Tillman ; that Mr. Gonzales' thumbs wore out when Tillman ti st saw him, and that ho plunged his whole hand into his pocket; that ho fired because bo holiovod ho waa about to bo shot. Why should Editor Gonzalos wish to have killed Tillman ? Tillman was not in his way. As a candidate for oflieo ho had been defeated and discredited. Ho was in nobody's way. His term of ofllco as Lieutenant Governor was about to ex¬ pire. To kill a man would have meant supremo troublo and sacrifice on thu part of the editor of Tho State. It would have meant, speaking from a puroly Bolfish point of view, at least serious if not permauont interruption to his carce, as a newspaper editor. Eivo months previous Tillman's delea.! had boon effected. Tillman's personality had boen dismissed from bis paper and from lu., mind. Tillman's attack on Gonzales had been wholly harmless. His donun- ciation from tho stump bad counted for nothing. Everybody in South Carolina knows thia. If Mr. Gonzales had shot Tillman; if ho wero in the dock to-day instead of Tillman, bis defense might havo boen in¬ sanity, for any jury would have said that an act so fooliah on tho part of Mr. Gon- zalea could not have proceeded from a sound mind. Mr. Gonzales had no pistol when ho was shot, ls it probable that a man of his intelligence would havo behaved as a man wearing one ? Would he havo thought to bluff Tillman? No, an unarmed man was shot down in tho JUT! of Columbia. Tho witness so close to Mr. Gonzales that almost BIIO could have touched bim testilica that his faco "was placid, perfectly calm, and that ho aeemed absorbed in thought when tho shot was fired." Was Mr. Gonzales looking towards Tillman when the ball struck him ? Do Good-lt Pays. A Chicago man has observed that "Good deeds are bettor than real estate docds-somo of tho latter aro worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a holping hand. You cannot possibly loso by it." Most mon appreci¬ ate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help. Tbero nro por- sons in thia community who might truthfully say : "My good friends, ohoer up. A fow doses of Chamberlain's Cough Romody will rid you of your cold, and Un ie it« no danger whatever from Fneumonía when you uso that modicino. t al wa;, s cnn. I know it, tor it baa helped mo out many a time." Sold by J. W. Boll, druggist, Walhalla. Officers captured one hundrod half- pints of whiskey recently in the dry towu of Greenwood, shipped in a crate as eggs, to a restaurant keeper named Bolton. They will havo their liquor in such towns, revenue or i > revenue. Bolton seems to have been a dealer in eggnog, so to speak.-Orangoburg Pa¬ triot. _ A $6 Carpet Art Square $4.50. $8 Carpet Art Square $5.60 at Norman's. NEWS IN AND AROUND WESTMINSTER. Westmiustor, October 14.-Tb« Wo¬ man's Ko i elgu Minnitinni y Sooiety of the Methodist church propose to K¡VU an i> ni cr supper at the residonce of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Haley next Friday utgbt, Ootober loth, at 7 o'clock. The publio are oordially liuvited to attend and assist these Rood ladies iu an ex¬ cellent cause. Kev. Jas. Southerland, a baptist ralu- ister died iu tho Oheswell Mill village last Friday night from paralysis. He leaves a wife and several children and grandchildren. He was perhaps 70 years of age. His remains wore laid to rest in the cemetery of the old West¬ minster ohuroh ou Saturday afternoon. Miss Hattie Mullikin, of Uainosvillo, returued homo Saturday after, spending a few days with her cousin, J. R. Orr. Mrs. H. E. Wilson and child reu have returned from a visit to relatives at Austolle, Ua. Paul P. Sullivan, of roi Madison, WSB lu town Monday. C. B. Vaughan went to Atlanta last Thursday to outer the Southern Short¬ hand and business University. Misses Christine and Myrtle MoConnell and their little brother, Carter, left last Friday for Atlanta. After spending a few days in Atlanta thoy will continue their journey to Kansas City, Mo., where their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mc¬ Connell, have recently movod. Thoir many Westminster friouds rogrotted their departure very muob. Johnnie Durham, of Liberty, was in town last Monday. Mesdames F. W. Cannon and W. It. Leathers havo boou visiting relatives at Tiger, Qa. The president or secretary of ovory missionary society of th. benverdam Association is requested to send to Mrs. W. 8. Stribling, Westmiustor, number of members of each sooioty and also name of dolegato to baptist Ladies' Conven¬ tion, which meets at Spartanburg tho 28th and 20th of Ootobor. Seo tho bap¬ tist Courier for reduced ratos to Con¬ vention. Mr. Minter, of bowersville, Ga., vis¬ ited his sister, Mrs. J. P. MoDonald, last wook. J. H. Ronny and Miss Miunio Ronney. of Walhalla, worshipped in the Methodist church hero last Sunday. Little Miss bessie barron lost hor necklace on the streots of Westmiustor one an ennuin last week. It is a small gold-ohainod nooklaco with a heart bauglo with the monogram, "M. b. b." Finder will ploaso leavo it at tho atoro of Mrs. Nauuio barron's nnd reooivo toward. Miss beulah Pooro spent last Monday ill Seneca. Wo havo been requested to call our Supervisor's attention to tho condition of tho Roguo's Ford road near Jacob Kot hell's residonce. Our informant says a portion of the road is almost equal to a shoal in a crook, ami ho would like to seo it worked. J. W. Gantt, Ira S. Pitts, J. & J. S. Carter and Haley & Cross aro buying cot¬ ton hero this season. Miss Sarah Rogers and Joseph Rogers, of Williams! on, ; ct m neil home Monday, aftor a visit of sevoral days with Mr. and Mrs. T. Ü. Pooro. 0. E. Gray, proprietor of tho Oconoo Marble and Granito Works, will ship tho first car load of finished marblo from Westminster to-morrow. Tho car will ho consigned to Washington, Ga., and will bo distributed in th roo difToront counties near Washington. F. T. broazoalo -left this morning for Russoll, Ky., to accept a railroad position. While workiug at the new graded school building on last Thursday L. H. V. Hobson was painfully injured by a scaffold falling on him. At tho com¬ mand of Levi Prathor, ono of tho con¬ tractors, Mr. Hobson knocked looso Bomo braces that wove in tho way of othor work and tho scaffold and tho brick on it came dowu without a mo¬ ment's warning. When tho debris was removed and Mr. Hobson extricated it was found t hat one bono of bis auclo was brokon and another dislocated, caused by a piece of scantling falling across his foot aud log. Ho was taken homo im¬ mediately and tho limb waa sot by Drs. Walker and Rossor. Mr. Hobson had just commonccd work at thc Behool houso and as ho did not havo anything to do iu building tho sdaffold ho WOB not aware of tho unsafe condition in which it had been orected. Subscription lists to aid tho storm suf¬ ferers were circulated about two weoks ago. One copy can bo found at tho st .nc of Dickson brothors in Westmin¬ ster and another copy has boon for¬ warded to J. J. Haley, at Oak way. No mistake can bo mado by anyone con¬ tributing as liberally ns possible to this cause. 'Tis truo all crops are short and tho prico of cotton so far below what was anticipated sovoral months ago, that every farmer will fool tho effect and is not able to respond as liberally as he would liko to. Tho niels collected in this community, together with tho con¬ tributions of Governor Hnyward aud Congressman Aiken, havo boen dopositod with tho Pedon & Anderson banking Company for tho storm sufferers. J. M. Hull and J. Wade Dickson aro members of the committco appointed to seo to tho distribution of the funds. Tho stores of L. A. Edwards aro going up rapidly. They aro neat brick build¬ ings and will add groatly to tho business portion of Westmiustor. Rev. R. M. DuBose will preach at Rock Springs on the fourth Sunday, October 25th, at ll a. m., instead of 4 p. m. Tho chango is made in order for Mr. Dubose to havo moro timo to reach his Center congregation on Sunday evening, whoro a missionary rally servico is to bo hold. Tho farmois aro couvinccd that not over a half crop of cotton and every¬ thing else will bo gathered this year. Even tho "goober" and forage orops aro short. Mrs. G. W. Loathers and little Bon Otto and Frank W. Cannon loft for a short visit with relatives and friends at Tiger, Ga. Rov. J. E. McManaway, of Greonvillo, was hero yesterday. A. L. QoBSott. He Learned a Great Truth. It is said of John WOBIOV that ho once Raid to Mrs. Wesley: "Why do you tell that child tho same bing over and ovor »gain?" "John Wesley, because onco telling is not enough." It is for this -ame reason that you are told again and »gain that Chamberlain's Cough Remody cures colds and grip; that it counteracts Wy elide ney of these diseases to lOSlllt il. pneumonia, and that it ÍB pleasant »nd safo to take. For salo by J. W. Bell, Druggist, Walhalla. Johnson Given 15 Years. Crawfordvillo, Ga., October, 10.-At Warronton tho negro preacher, Sam Johnson, who robbed tho Missos battle, jf bar nott, about two yoars ago, was placed on trial to-day. Ho pleaded guilty and implicated two whito mon, Kuben Dozier and Starling Chapman, as licceBBorioB. The grand jury failod to ro¬ turo a truo bill against Dozior and Chap¬ man. No ono bolioves thoy assisted Johnson. Ilia honor, Judge II. G. Lewis, who is presiding for Judge H. M. Holden, Bontonced Johnson to a term of 15 yoars in tho penitentiary. Just after sontenco was pasaod Johnson mado a leap through a window from tho upper »tory of tho court houso. Ho bit tho ground running, but was soon ovortakon by tho town marshal, who landed him in jail. Tho Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronio disenso experiences great difficulty in having thoir caso intelligently treated by the average physician. Theso diseases can only bo cured by a specialist who understands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway, of Atlanta, is ac¬ knowledged the most skillful specialist in tho United States. Write him for his export opinion of your caso, for which ho niakos no oh argo. Card of Thanks. Wo desire to express our thanks for the kindness shone us in tho death and burial of our dear son and husband, I.ouis Elliott. May heaven's richest blessings rest upon timm. G. A. and Mattio Elliott. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis¬ eases. FOLEY'S 8uaumt ead1 Hemed* or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi¬ nent physicians as the best tor Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 60c ana $1.00. '.'b""" J.W.Bell,Walhalla. THE NEWS FROM SENECA. Seneca, Ootober ia.-Tho corner-stone of the now Methodist ehuroh will be laid this afteroouu with Impressive cero- moules. The hour will be 4 o'olook. Ha. Maggie AdVni*, Knrtweii, Ü»., vlfiited the family of J. W. Stribling last Saturday, remaiuing over Suuday. She was accompanied by Dr. Turner of the same place. T. J. Hopkins, now of Tooooa, (ia., is visiting bis homefolks hore. Fred. MoCarloy, who baa boeu visiting his mut h. i here for some days, returned yesterday to his post of duty in Louisi¬ ana. He was aooompaniod by his sister, MIHB Macy, as far as Atlanta, Miss Annie Reid, of Walhalla, was here a short whilo last Sunday. Norman Bacon ls in Atlanta this week. We are glad to report our »lok as beiug hotter this woek. Miss Emma Stribling left last Thurs¬ day for Calhoun and Reeves' Statlou, Oa., whore she will visit rotativos for some weeks. Rev. W. F. 8trlokland filled the pulpit of tho Baptist ohuroh here last 8abbath in the absence of the pastor. Reproached a beautiful sermon from the text, "And all the people said amen," First Chroui- oles 10-30. The music was a pleasant feature of tho worship also, there being spirited oongrogational Binging, with a strong choir leading. "Halleluiah for tho Cross" was used as voluntary, aud "I Will Sing tho Wondrous 3tory" as offora- tory, suug as solo and full chorus. Dr. J. R. Wilkerson, missionary to China, will leoture in the Presbyterian ohuroh here Thursday evening at eight o'olook. Ho IB woll known to our peo¬ ple, having rcoeived his education in Walhalla. He is considered one of the best speaker H in tho field, and a large orowd will hear him. H. R. Williams, of Furman Unlvorsity, filled tho »ptist. pulpit last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowery and obil- dren visited Russell's last Saturday and Suuday. Mrs. W. O. Hamilton is among tho vis¬ itors from .Neurea to Atlanta this week. The handsome rosidouoo of Beuj. Low¬ ery will be oomploted this week. It is a striking spooimou of beautiful work, the lumber hoing specially selooted, and t here is not such to he found in this country. The wainscoting, moldings, window aud door facings, grilles, ote., are made of most beautiful ourled pine, and is polished exquisitely. Tho house givoB a flue sotting to the handsome lot aud whon tho grounds aro improvod there will not be a handsomer home in tho county. Rev. G. K. Fiulay will hold services in the Kpiscopal ohuroh noxt Sabbath even¬ ing at 8 o'olook. Tho following is tho school report for tho past month : Grades. 1. 2. 8. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8. Roys ..21 8 0 10 14 ll 0 5 Girls ..25 3 0 ll 13 ll 0 0 Totals..40 ll 15 30 27 22 15 ll Total enrollment, 177. Attendance, 04.20%. In addition to scholarships previously announced, tho Behool has boon awarded ono at Erskine Collogo, Duo West, $200 worth of scholarships, eligiblo to any of tho pupils who proparo for a oollogo course. M. V. S. Gained Forty Pounds in Thirty Days. For several months our youngor brother had been troubled with indices) ion. Ho tried Bovoral romodies, but got no beno- flt from thom. Wo purchased somo of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab¬ lets and ho commenced taking thom. Inside of thirty dayB ho had gained forty pounds in llosh. Ho ÍB now fully recov¬ ered. Wo havo a good trado on tho Tablets.-Holley Bros., M crehan ls, Long Branch. Mo. For salo by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunnoy, Sonooa. Murdered His Sweetheart. Blackville, October ll.-A negro cre¬ ated quito a sensation hero last night by shooting his sweet heart. His name was Jim Walker and ho Bhot und killed in¬ stantly Minnie Williams, she was talk¬ ing to another dnikoy and Jim walked up and shot her d..wn without a mo¬ ment's warning. Ho thon skipped and has not been caught up to this timo. Jealousy seems to havo boon at tho bot¬ tom of it all. Human lifo seems to bo worth but little when ono is shot, down so ruthlessly. Ran Ten Penny Nail Through His Hand. Whilo opening a box, J. C. Mount, of Tbrco Milo Ray, N. Y., ran a ton penny nail through tho fleshy part of his hand. "I thought at once of all tho pain and .soreness this would cause mo," ho says, "and immediately applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it romovod all pain and soreness and tho injured parts wero soon healed." For salo by J. W. Boll, druggist. Train wreckers piled the track of the Southern Railway near Danville, Va., with crossties, on last Monday, but tho train was running at a low rate of spcod and this averted a disastrous wreck. COUNTY CJLAI At tho regular monthly meeting of tl on Friday, October 2, 1003, tho following c In Whose Favor and of tho Claim. 05 474 685 .045 OOH (104 71» 714 715 710 717 718 710 *721 .722 723 724 720 727 728 720 7:io 731 .732 .7:i:i 734 735 730 737 738 .7»0 740 741 742 .748 744 745 740 747 748 740 750 751 752 75U 754 755 750 .757 758 750 700 701 703 704 705 700 707 .708 700 770 771 772 .77H 774 775 770 777 778 780 781 782 783 784 II M ï indloy, work on bridgo near C J L Mosor, building dry bridgo in Di E A Hines, examining lunatics and i J R Phillips, rebuilding Newry bridj T II Roach, work on loads in Distric O L Thrasher, work on loads in Sent S L Richardson, lunibor for bridges. W T Dodd, work on roads in Distric W Z Rlanchott, timber for Houdrick' Edward Gantt, work on roads in Dis M N Konnedy, supplies to road hand J S Rutledgo, oxcess commutation tn M L Cox, supplies to road hands-Sc J T Rogers, work on ford at Burnt ' A II Land, building bridgos in Tugal P A Brown, work on roads in Koowc J W McClain, work on roads in Distt J II Cannon, tools and dynamite to \ W T Mills, work on roads in Distriot W II Loo, work on roads in District John P Bethell, work or roads in Pi Joseph Kerr, work on roads in Disti Elias Woodall, work on roads iu Pul A L Rowlaud, lumber for bridgos... J II Holt, rebuilding Chocstoo creok J F Hunnicutt, work on now road in J F Hunnicutt, work on roads in Ko< Wm Rurgess, summoning Coroner's J B Hill, work on roads in Kooweo t C II Jenkins, work on road at Jonkii W C Grogan, rebuilding MoKinnoy t J II Addis, work on roadB in Distric J W McClain, work on roads In Dist J N Hopkins, summoning Coroner's J J Dickens, rebuilding Horseshoe h J N Fitzgerald, fees as constable ... J C Simpson, work on roads in Distr T II Stribling, foes as oonstablo. .. . T E Stribling, Magistrate, salary thii Mack Barron, work on bridgo in Dis B F Dllworth, work on poor farm. .. W R Cobb. Steward, salary for third A M Drown, supplies furnished soldi Jas. Thompson, Magistrate, Balary tl Kooweo Courior, stationery and job | Kooweo Courior, advortiBing. F A II Sob rod or, Clerk of Board, salt L A B Mo s work on roads In Distrii S II Orr, timber for the Wondolkln ti J M Kolloy ot al., work on poor farm Norton Coy, work on roads in Dlstr G W GigmUint, ono ditching shovol- B F Burkott, running Maxwoll's For .loo Dickson, building new road in T E C Doyle, examining dead bodies.. J L Alexander, work Oil roads in Dh I S Aloxandor, work on roads in Dist J B Grant, Magistrate, Balary third Í E li Stone, rebuilding Aloxandor bri J F Knox, work on now road in Dist J W Lylns, work on roads in Distelöl W B Gwinn, work on roads in Distri J B RurgoBB, work on roads In Distr J L Moser, building bridgos In Wage J L Mosor, work on roads in Distric J II Hunnicutt, work on roads in W J H Hunnicutt, work on roads in Dil W S Lylo, lumber for poor farm..... C W <fc J K Kauknight, Biipplies for < Crisp A Rusch, supplies for poor far C W & J K Bauknight, supplies for C L Craig, Supt. F.d., salary and stat lt R Moss, SborilT, salary for Septem B R Moss, Shoriff, dioting prisoners 7851 J R Kay, Treasurer, salary for Sopto Total audit for October mooting.... Total audits for first eight mooting» Total audits hy now Board to A i.n contracted by Pool Board. Net total audit to Ootober 2 by New EXPLANATION.-Claims marked wit Hood of JunoO. Pool Board contracts t< amount, except ?2,403.17, has hoon paid o out of 1003 funds, which makes tho audit funds H20.3e7.83. From tho total $20,307 Court I louse and jail purposos, which lea' Is a missing numbor same was laid over fr F. A. H. SchrooYr, Clerk of Board. Resume ot Tillman Testimony. Lexington, Ootober 10.-The partisan spirit willoh form« now, aa it baa formed from the very iueeptiou of the Tillman trial, ao large au element in general con¬ sideration of iii« testimony that has been given, b#a at no time been mors ap- ireut ihau it has ??.."eu lo the vary lug es M Jiates which people in Lexington place upon tbs results achieved in the court house yesterday morning, writes John Marshall in his correspondence to tho New« and Courier* The friends of Mr. Tillman, and they are .a majority of the aotual spectators, would tell you that his presence on the wituesS stand was a triumph rather than an ordeal. They think that he acquitted himself to the utmost desire of his and their own hearts. J BÍB accusers are equally as jubilant and emphatic In their estimation of lt Mr. Bellenger waa tho' victor of the hour. The more ardent friends of the prosecution believe that the oioss-exami- nation left the prisoner's theory of his inuocence with soaroely tho semblance of its former self. On the stand Mr. Tillman was an able advooate of hia own oause, but in the oonfliot with Mr. Bellingor he did not come off unsoathed by any means. Viv¬ idly consoious of the import and signifi¬ cance of evory word he uttered the pris¬ oner was not to be led readily into words of admissions of fact or motive that did not well comport with tho sequenoe of thought which ended in vindication, but in time, in deed, in co id not the record rangod a wide field, and the man who wrestled with him was SS confident of his ground as waa ho himself; and so they strove together, insistent, vigilant and keenly conscious of the stako for whtuh thoy fought. Constables iu Columbia Friday seized OOO gallons of whiskey believed to have been intended for W. H. Sellers, who runa a placo on Gervais street, iu that oity. Tue whiskey was in twelve barrels and was oousignod to a prominent gro- ceryman of Columbia. It was takon at tbe Blaudiug street depot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE TO STOCK RAISERS. NED, tho Morgan and Black Mawk Bay Stallion, will stand at my stnhles, near Westminster. Sorvioo guar¬ ani ced. Feo $10. His woight Is 1,0001 pounds. R. H. SMITHSON, 80 44 Westminster, S. C. Notice of Registration. THE Registration Books will bo opon at C. W. Pitchford Co.'a store from October 21et, 1003, to January 13th, 1004, for tho municipal election to bo held January 18th, 100L Bring your county registration certificate and tax lecclpt. S. N. Pitchford, Supervisor Qf Registration. Ootober 14, 1003._ 41- CONTRACT FOR STEWARD.- The County Commissioners' will lot, on Friday, November 0, 1003, at thoir office in the Court House, at Walhalla, S. C. tho contract for Steward of Poor1 Fat ni for 1004. St ess ard will he tpqqirod, if SO desired by the Board, to raoeive aud work tho county chain gang. Board ro- serves the right to rojoot auy or all bids. Nono but sealed bids will bo rocoivod, which may bo banded in any .imo by day of lotting. Applicants must givo num¬ ber in family and their ages. D. F. MCALISTER, supervisor. Ootober 14, 1003. 41-43 Notice to Physicians. NOTICE is horoby given that wo will lot, to tho lowest responsible bid¬ der, at our offloo, at Walhalla Court louse, ou Friday, Novombor 0th, 1003, at 12 o'clock noon, ihe contract for a physi¬ cian to attend the County Jail and Alms House for tho year 1004. Physioiau to furnish all necessary medicines and al¬ ien.! when notified. Successful bidder will bo required to give boud double tho amount ot bid. Right rosorved to rojoot any and all bids. None but scaled bids will be received. D. F. MCALISTER, County Supervisor. Ootober 14, 1003. 41-43 I Notice to Physicians. NOTICE is hereby gi von that wo will lot, to tho lowest responsible bid¬ der, ut our office, at Walhalla Court House, on Friday, Novombor 0th, 1003, at 12 o clock neon, .contraot for examina tiou of lunatics by physicians for tho your 1004. None but sealed bids consid¬ ered. Right rosorved to reject any and all bids. Tho successful bidder will bo roquired to givo bond in a sum doublo tho amount of bid. D. F. MCALISTER, County Supervisor. Ootober 14, 1003. 41-43 MS AUDITED. io Board of County Commissioners, hold laims wore audited: Nature a a § 3 a © § J «¡4 berry's.. strict 27 niloago.. it 57. ea township. t 81. a Mill bridgo., trict 87. . ls-Center township., moca township. Tanyard. loo township. ie township. riot 18., vork roads in Pulaski.., 20. 22. ílaski township. lot 25. aski and fees as constable bridgo. Keowee township. >woo township .... jury. ownship. ns' bridgo. ireok bridgo. b72. rict 18. jury. ... ridgo. ?ict 24. .d quarter and jury foes, triot 84. quarter, door bingos, otc lird quartor printing .... firy and conting't expenses nt 42. tridgo. ict 4. -Pool Board. ry for Soptembor. ii".doo township. itriot 43. .riot 43. plaiter and jury foos.. tige, s.e. n ec a township. rict 07. t 14. ct 42. ict 41.. »nor towr.sbip. ts 27 and 04. agener township. strict 38. }hrt'mgang. m aud road hands. poor farm and n<lcliors. mps for Soptomber... . ber. for Soptombor. m bor . .$ 1,760 07 of 1003.rJ^ji04 PJ_ October 2.$24,001 88 . 7,087 22 Board. 8 50 1 00 7 40 8 71 0 00 32 52 08 38 10 45 2 40 53 85 7 00 1 00 [ 55 8 00 4 40 16 25 7 40 10 15 5 00 8 80 21 55 8 00 40 55 7 22 5 08 53 75 02 50 2 00 12 00 50 23 75 2 80 11 00 2 00 210 00 57 05 17 65 14 80 20 25 fl 50 7 00 67 50 4 00 81 25 15 30 112 50 26 65 36 35 10 00 41 62 5 oo 00 12 00 23 50 10 00 00 20 20 10 25 28 58 22 00 10 20 13 10 3 80 11 60 20 85 23 46 3 50 12 62 7 65 82 20 71 lr 44 18 02 60 12 40 25 00 50 8 00 7 70 fl 00 32 52 OS 38 10 45 2 401 53 35 7 00 1 00 55 3 00 4 401 10 25 7 40 8 65 5 00 3 80 21 55 8 001 88 55 7 22 5 08 53 75 «2 50 2 00 12 00 50 23 75 2 80 11 00 2 00 210 00 57 05 17 65 14 80 20 25 0 50 7 00 07 60 4 00 SI 25 15 30 112 50 26 65 86 35 10 00 41 62 5 00 00 12 00 23 50 10 00 S 00 20 20 10 25 28 58 22 00 10 20 13 10 3 80 11 00 20 85 23 45 8 50 12 52 7 65 82 20 71 12 44 18 62 50 12 401 25 00 $17.874 60 .b an aatorlsk (.) wore nooesBitatod by tho > dato amount to $7,087 22. All of this ut of 1002 funds; the balauco to bo paid to date to bo paid out of this year's 88 must be deducted tbe $2,423.55 for ves the total at $17,044.28. Whore t here >r Investigation. . F. MCALISTER, County Supervisor. THE (The CJ Cotton Si Tiff lill lilli lill THE BIGGEST SHOES, MILLII IN THE COUNT At Price Have Just Received from New YorR Ono of tho larges! OBBortmonts of Goods over shown in Walhalla. Dross Patterns in Zibolinos, Camel's Hair, Mohair and Brilliantine. A beautiful, lino of Shirt Waist Suit Goods. Waist Patterns iu Damask, Mer¬ cerized Damask, Embroidorod Cham¬ brays and Mohair. Fifteen shades of Granite Poplins, from KM couta to 45 couts por yard. DroBB Flannels, Plaids and Novelty Goods from 15 couts to 45 couta por yard. Special lino of Black Skirt Goods; prices from 15 cents to $2 por yard. At li active and exclusive novelties in Kelts, Combs, Wrist Bagfl, Dress Buttons, Neckwear, Gloves, Lace Jet Collars, Ornaments and other now goods. Lucile Underskirts, 75 coots to $2.50. ^Specials. Ladios' Embroidorod Lisio lioso. Cents' Embroidorod Lisle Half Hose. Umbrellas, 75 cents to $L25 oaob. ^Linens.# Napkins and Table Cloths wo aren't afraid for you to wash and iron. Linen Fancy Hemstitched TOWOIB, Turkish Bath, otc. Ladios* All Linen, good quality, lem Btitcbed and Embroidered Handkerchiefs MCU'B Handkerchiefs from 5 cents to All-Linen 35 couts, oaob. ^Underwear.^ Ladies' Undorsuits from 50 conta to $'2 por suit. Men's Undorsuits from 70 conts to $4 por suit. .^Mattings..*? .1 apáñese Mattings and Smyrna Rugs- all sizes. Prices to suit the pooplo. Curtains and Poles. ShadoB-light and dark greon, om- broidored and gilt trimmings, plain and fancy stripod. Hogulnr price 45o. por pair, our price 85o. Rogular prico 75o. per pair, our price 05o. Regular price $1 por pair, our price 75c. Rogular prico"$2 por pair, our prico $1.50. Lace. Curtains and Curtain Poles. Embroideries, Edgings and Insertions. -»7Dry Goods.^ Wo bnvo in stock Outings from 5 conts to 12} conts por yard. Froncb Percales, Calicoes, Chambrays, Choviots nud Piquo. Wo can furnish yon with blankets-all now-from 75 couta to $5 por pair. ^Stationery.^ A big lot of Tablets-ponoil and ink- to go at 5 and 10 conts. Box Papor-something now-from 10 conts to 50 couts por box. Pencils, Penoil Bozos and Slates. ^Shoos.i? We have a fow U. >) 0 pails of Men's $1.50 Shoes to go nt $1 per pair. A fow Ladies' Shoes, worth $1.25, to go at 75 cents por pair. Also a largo, now stock that lt will pay you to seo. Got our prlcca. KV;.peet tully, CARTE ANO co=, WALHALLA, S. C. R NEWI ourtenay Manufaotar WANTS A led & Homi WILL Pi GUM 1 COME A AND BEST LINE IÎERY, FURNTTTJE Y. WE HAVE A is to Su Fact^ i i on Guns. Hard Dollars are Hard to Earn. Why pay $5.00 for a Gun when you can sot tho samo Gun from UR for (14.50 ? Or $10.00 for a Doublo Barrel whun wo sell the same for $7.50 ? Also Guus at $0.50, $12.50, $14.50 and up. Buck Stoves. Canvas Belting. Seneca ? Hardware fl Company Seneca, lilli. Our Millinery Ifs "The Thing." / Ifs New, Ifs Stylish, Ifs the Best, Ifs What You Wanto* Ladioa' and Children's Undervosta and Hosiery all Stylos and pricer. HANDSOME LINE OF FASCINATORS. ^Children's Caps.ja? Splendid line to select, from. SEABORN BROTHERS Walhalla, S. C. Fresh Fall Medicines. I Wo havo a splendid fresh stock of all tho drugs and medioineB that are being prescribed and usod at this season of tho yoar. Tho fresh is better than tho stale-and oosts no more. Right prices. Seneca Pharmacy, Seneca, S. C. Next Door to Bacon's. NORMAN'S 5c. BARGAINS. 1,000 Matohes. 6 Papers Pi OB. 1 dozen Steel Pons. 5 Cakes Toilot Soap. A big lOo. Box of Blacking. 1 dozen Collar Buttons. 1 dozen Pearl Buttons. 20 Clothes Pins. All kinds Dress Patterns. A lOo. Tooth Brush. Big Tin Spoons, Dippers, Curry Combs, Tinware, Glassware, Stationery, Dry Goods, Hats and Shoess, Going oheap at NORMAN CO., WALHALLA, S. 0. IY STORE! Aiißf Company, Proprietors,)-- LL YOUR ¡?Made Molasses IY YOU HARKET PRICE. JVD SEE ^ OF DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING; LE, STOVES, ETC., TO BE SEEN STOCK THAT CAN'T BE BEAT it the Customer. CLOTH.-" Most every store sells Cloth, but (Vu-J soil the proper styles. If you want Quilt Lining, we have it; all you wish at 5 couts por yard. If you want a Cook Apron, wo have tho bost stylos in town. If you want Sheeting or Drills, wo have them in abundance. If your wife wants an Cuting Dross, we can surely please her. If your husband wants a pair of Jeans rants, we have all prices and colors. If you waut anything in tho lino of Calico you oan't afford to miss us. * If you want anything in Wool Dross Goods, we have all colors, ranging in prico from 10 cents to $1 per yard. We don't oaro what you want in tho way of Cloth-wo can ploaso the most fastidious. JOHN F. CRAIG; Walhalla, S. C. I* li one No. 63. T. S.-ASK FOR TICKETS. Something to Interest You Next Week. Watch this Space. J. & J. S. CARTER, WESTMINSTER, S. O. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. - Notice is horoby giyen that tho undersigned will make application to D. A. Smith, Esq., Judgo of Probate for Oooneo county, in the State of South Carolina, on TUESDAY, the 10th day of Novombor, 1003, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, or as soon tberoaftor as said appli¬ cation oan be heard, for leave to make Anal sottlemont of tho estate of John R. M. Rruoke, minor, and obtain final discharge as Guardian of said estato. WM. J. STRIHLING, Guardian of the Estate of John R. M. Brucko, minor. Ootober 7,1003. 40-44 VALUABLE UND FOB Sill THE UNDERSIGNED is authorized to make sale of the Connors land nenr Walhalla, S. C., to wit: One tract or lot of ten acres, fronting wost on the publio road from Walhalla out by Col. It. A. Thompson's to Oconeo Station; adjoins Wm. F. Ervin, Mrs, Honry Riemr.nn and othors. Also ono traot of 107 acres on Cane Creek ; adjoins Wm. F. Ervin, W. A. Strother, J. W. Holloroan and others. Prioe and tor m s reasonable. S. P. DENDY, Attorney, 40-62 Walhalla, 8. C. Notice to Trespassers. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons not to trespass on any of the lands belonging to the Kuhtraann estate in any way whatsoever-by hunting, dig¬ ging roots, (utting timber, setting out Oro, hauling pine, making paths ortrails, or trespassing in any manner whatso¬ ever. Parties entering said lands after this notice will be dealt with, to the fullest extent of the law. (MISS) L. G. KU HTM ANN. November 80, 1003. 80 42 MILLINERY! I have just returned from Atlanta with a full line of j& Fall Millinery J& including all the latest styles in HATS, BIRDS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, BELTS. BABY CAPS, and everything to be found in a flrst-olass Millinory Establishment. PATTERN HATS A SPECIALTY. All my old oustomers and friends are cordially Invited to call and inspeet ray stook before buying-and don't forget THE AMERICAN BEAUTY COR8KTS -AT COST.- COME ONE 1 COME ALL 1 Mrs. Nannie Barron, Westminster. Valuable Farm for Sale. T OFFER FOR SALE t»v plaoe, con- I taiuiug 126 acres of good farming land, four miles from Westminster, ad¬ joining lands of Mr. Gaines. Tho farm is well watered and timberod. Two ten¬ ant houses; about il vf «.ores branch bot¬ tom and about 80 acres of cotton land in oultivation. I will take pleasure in showing any ono the place. For term« and prices apply to H. WRIGHT OR M. C. WRIGHT, 89-42«_ Seneca, S. C. Muk«« Kidneys «nd Bladder Right

Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) 1903-10-14. · 2017-12-17 · necklaceon the streots of Westmiustor oneanennuin last week. It is a small gold-ohainodbauglo nooklaco with a heart Finderwith

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Page 1: Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) 1903-10-14. · 2017-12-17 · necklaceon the streots of Westmiustor oneanennuin last week. It is a small gold-ohainodbauglo nooklaco with a heart Finderwith





JHF~ Communications of a personalOliainotm charged for as advortisomont*.Wr* Obituary notices and tributes olrcsi.oot, of not over one hundred words,win be printed freo os? oharge. Alloverthat number must be paid for at the rate

or one oent a word. Cash to accompanytuanusoript.


ITBDNGHDAV, ©»T. 14. 1903.


Some Reflections of One Who Has CloselyFollowed tho Case Day by Day.

IW. W. «all, in Tho State. JWith the testimony all hoard in the

caso of JamoB H. Tillman it may bo in¬teresting to emphasize somo of thopoiuts that have made theraBolvos con¬spicuously plain iu the proceedings.In spite of th© injootion of politiosinto tho trial, iu spite of the dragging inof Sonator B. It. Tillman's name, it hasbeon demonstrated suflioiontly thatmany men of tho former Reform or Till-manite faction hnvo had no more sym¬pathy with the shooting of Mr. Gonzalosthan membors of tho faotion that ho wasformerly idoutifled with. Look at thooxample of Talblrd-a reformer and aState Senator. It was to bo expectedthat ho would toll tho truth to the bestof his ability, to tho host of his recol¬lection, and that is what, without doubt,he did. Adams and Dowliug, too, weroTillman's frionds-oloHo fi icm i.s. Theyaro among tho strongest witnesses fortho State, This is no matter for sur¬prise. Politics doos uot affeet thosanctity of au honest man's oath.What tho political views of Mr. Wtl-

BOU, chief clork in tho oftioe of Comp¬troller General Jones, may bo, I do notknow. He was a witness sworn for thedefonso. Ho was the only eye witnesssworn for tho dofense whoso testimonywas not attacked. His testimony wasvaluable and only valuable in corrobo¬rating tho theory of tho State; itßtrougthoued tho dying declaration ofMr. Gonzales-it placed Tillman fromtwo to two and a half foot only from thooutsido of the sidowalk ami made thodirection of his aimed woapon transverse,aorosB the sidowalk, towards the wall ofthe traiiBfor station.At ibo bail heai inc ono W. H. Hall

made an nQldavit, olairoiug tbat he wasan oyo wituess to tho shooting and cor¬roborating in "overy particular" tho ao-couut gi von by Richard Holapnbaok.Such tho record shows. Hall was pros-out at tho trial last wook. Ho was pres¬ent whon Lörick was on tho stand orimmediately after. Tho dofonso did notswoar him. Why? Was tho hurd lessonof I,(trick's testimony onougb? And yotllolsonback aud Lörick aro tho only eyewitnesses, oxcopt tho prisoner, who inany degree support tho defense. Hol-aoubaok's character has boon attacked.Lörick was not allowed to answer ques¬tions imputing that moro than onco hehad been charged with larceny.Tho witness Hyatt, for tho dofouso,

sume that he saw a pistol iu Mr. Gon¬zalos' hip pocket the day beforo thoBhooting and the one thing about thoappearance of Mr. Gonzales that ho wasemphatically sure of was that ho didnot wear glasses. Tho defonso admits asrue that Mr. Gonzales without glassoscould not seo sufficiently "to walk thostreets." Hyatt saw tho pistol when Mr.Gonzales was loaning over to spit iu acuspidor-not woariug glasses.At somo d isl ance tho prisoner saw Mr.

Gonzales approaching and "oyoing himintently." How far away can you tellthat a man woariug glasses is "oyoing"you?Senators Brown, Talblrd, Mrs. Melton,

Mr. Lido, August Schiodman aud otherstestify that Mr. Gonzales was almoBtabreast of the two Senators and Tillmanwhon tho shot was bred. Tho course oftho bullet proves it. Tillman told SpannDowling at the jail that thu bullet wouldshoot straight.Clark and others swear that Holson-back gavo to thom statements about thoshooting that conilict with his bail allidavit and statement on tho witnessstand, llolsonback declares that whonTillman was about at Gorvias street hewas at the Stato 11 ouse stops and over¬took Tillman by tho timo of tho shoot¬ing, while Tillman was crossing thestreet I

Witness White did not kuow Mr. Gon?/ales; bin testimony as to tho "whitefeather" threat is wbolly dependent onthat of llolsonback.Tillman sworo in his testimony that

he wrote an article to tho WinnsboroNows and Herald ir 1890, and acknowl¬edged a moment later bis own letter of18U2 saying that ho did not writo it.Tillman sworo that W. H. Nowbold

told bim that he might oxpoct Mr. Gon¬zales, if ho drew his pistol to draw itfrom his side coat pookot. Newboldwas at tho trial, but was not sworn. Inhis bail aflidavit Tillman sworo that hoknew nothing of Mr. Gonzales* habit ofcarrying his bands in his coat pockets.Tho case for tho defense substantially

is that Tillman bad board of threats byMr. Gonzales; that ho was oxpocting an

attack; that ho believed from Tho State'seditoriala ita editor was in a framo ofmind to kill him; that ho saw Mr. Gon¬zales on tho outside of tho sidowalk ; thatMr. Con/ales t urned to tho inside andthrust his hands dooper into his pockotain a way that bo interpreted au offensivemovement; that ho placed bis band onhis pistol whon ho first saw Mr. Gonzalos;that tho turn by Mr. Gonzales broughthim towards Tillman ; that Mr. Gonzales'thumbs wore out when Tillman ti st sawhim, and that ho plunged his wholehand into his pocket; that ho firedbecause bo holiovod ho waa about to boshot.Why should Editor Gonzalos wish to

have killed Tillman ? Tillman was notin his way. As a candidate for oflieo hohad been defeated and discredited. Howas in nobody's way. His term of ofllcoas Lieutenant Governor was about to ex¬

pire. To kill a man would have meantsupremo troublo and sacrifice on thupart of the editor of Tho State. Itwould have meant, speaking from apuroly Bolfish point of view, at leastserious if not permauont interruption tohis carce, as a newspaper editor. Eivomonths previous Tillman's delea.! hadboon effected. Tillman's personality hadboen dismissed from bis paper and fromlu., mind. Tillman's attack on Gonzaleshad been wholly harmless. His donun-ciation from tho stump bad counted fornothing. Everybody in South Carolinaknows thia.

If Mr. Gonzales had shot Tillman; ifho wero in the dock to-day instead ofTillman, bis defense might havo boen in¬sanity, for any jury would have said thatan act so fooliah on tho part of Mr. Gon-zalea could not have proceeded from asound mind.Mr. Gonzales had no pistol when ho

was shot, ls it probable that a man ofhis intelligence would havo behaved as aman wearing one ? Would he havothought to bluff Tillman?No, an unarmed man was shot down

in tho JUT! of Columbia. Tho witnessso close to Mr. Gonzales that almost BIIOcould have touched bim testilica that hisfaco "was placid, perfectly calm, andthat ho aeemed absorbed in thoughtwhen tho shot was fired." Was Mr.Gonzales looking towards Tillman whenthe ball struck him ?

Do Good-lt Pays.A Chicago man has observed that

"Good deeds are bettor than real estatedocds-somo of tho latter aro worthless.Act kindly and gently, show sympathyand lend a holping hand. You cannotpossibly loso by it." Most mon appreci¬ate a kind word and encouragement morethan substantial help. Tbero nro por-sons in thia community who mighttruthfully say : "My good friends, ohoerup. A fow doses of Chamberlain'sCough Romody will rid you of your cold,and Un ie it« no danger whatever from

Fneumonía when you uso that modicino.t al wa;, s cnn. I know it, tor it baa

helped mo out many a time." Sold byJ. W. Boll, druggist, Walhalla.

Officers captured one hundrod half-pints of whiskey recently in the drytowu of Greenwood, shipped in a crateas eggs, to a restaurant keeper namedBolton. They will havo their liquor insuch towns, revenue or i > revenue.Bolton seems to have been a dealer ineggnog, so to speak.-Orangoburg Pa¬triot.


A $6 Carpet Art Square $4.50.$8 Carpet Art Square $5.60 at Norman's.


Westmiustor, October 14.-Tb« Wo¬man's Ko i elgu Minnitinni y Sooiety of theMethodist church propose to K¡VU ani> ni cr supper at the residonce of Mr.and Mrs. W. S. Haley next Fridayutgbt, Ootober loth, at 7 o'clock. Thepublio are oordially liuvited to attendand assist these Rood ladies iu an ex¬cellent cause.

Kev. Jas. Southerland, a baptist ralu-ister died iu tho Oheswell Mill villagelast Friday night from paralysis. Heleaves a wife and several children andgrandchildren. He was perhaps 70years of age. His remains wore laid torest in the cemetery of the old West¬minster ohuroh ou Saturday afternoon.Miss Hattie Mullikin, of Uainosvillo,returued homo Saturday after, spendinga few days with her cousin, J. R. Orr.Mrs. H. E. Wilson and childreu havereturned from a visit to relatives atAustolle, Ua.Paul P. Sullivan, of roi Madison, WSBlu town Monday.C. B. Vaughan went to Atlanta last

Thursday to outer the Southern Short¬hand and business University.Misses Christine and Myrtle MoConnelland their little brother, Carter, left lastFriday for Atlanta. After spending afew days in Atlanta thoy will continuetheir journey to Kansas City, Mo., wheretheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mc¬Connell, have recently movod. Thoirmany Westminster friouds rogrottedtheir departure very muob.Johnnie Durham, of Liberty, was in

town last Monday.Mesdames F. W. Cannon and W. It.

Leathers havo boou visiting relatives atTiger, Qa.The president or secretary of ovorymissionary society of th. benverdam

Association is requested to send to Mrs.W. 8. Stribling, Westmiustor, number ofmembers of each sooioty and also nameof dolegato to baptist Ladies' Conven¬tion, which meets at Spartanburg tho28th and 20th of Ootobor. Seo tho bap¬tist Courier for reduced ratos to Con¬vention.Mr. Minter, of bowersville, Ga., vis¬ited his sister, Mrs. J. P. MoDonald, lastwook.J. H. Ronny and Miss Miunio Ronney.of Walhalla, worshipped in the Methodist

church hero last Sunday.Little Miss bessie barron lost hornecklace on the streots of Westmiustorone an ennuin last week. It is a smallgold-ohainod nooklaco with a heartbauglo with the monogram, "M. b. b."Finder will ploaso leavo it at tho atoro ofMrs. Nauuio barron's nnd reooivotoward.Miss beulah Pooro spent last Mondayill Seneca.Wo havo been requested to call our

Supervisor's attention to tho conditionof tho Roguo's Ford road near JacobKot hell's residonce. Our informant saysa portion of the road is almost equal toa shoal in a crook, ami ho would like toseo it worked.

J. W. Gantt, Ira S. Pitts, J. & J. S.Carter and Haley & Cross aro buying cot¬ton hero this season.Miss Sarah Rogers and Joseph Rogers,of Williams! on, ; ct m neil home Monday,aftor a visit of sevoral days with Mr.

and Mrs. T. Ü. Pooro.0. E. Gray, proprietor of tho Oconoo

Marble and Granito Works, will ship thofirst car load of finished marblo fromWestminster to-morrow. Tho car willho consigned to Washington, Ga., andwill bo distributed in throo difTorontcounties near Washington.F. T. broazoalo -left this morning forRussoll, Ky., to accept a railroad position.While workiug at the new gradedschool building on last Thursday L. H.V. Hobson was painfully injured by ascaffold falling on him. At tho com¬mand of Levi Prathor, ono of tho con¬tractors, Mr. Hobson knocked loosoBomo braces that wove in tho way ofothor work and tho scaffold and thobrick on it came dowu without a mo¬ment's warning. When tho debris wasremoved and Mr. Hobson extricated itwas found t hat one bono of bis auclo wasbrokon and another dislocated, causedby a piece of scantling falling across hisfoot aud log. Ho was taken homo im¬mediately and tho limb waa sot by Drs.Walker and Rossor. Mr. Hobson hadjust commonccd work at thc Behool housoand as ho did not havo anything to do iubuilding tho sdaffold ho WOB not awareof tho unsafe condition in which it hadbeen orected.Subscription lists to aid tho storm suf¬

ferers were circulated about two weoksago. One copy can bo found at thost .nc of Dickson brothors in Westmin¬ster and another copy has boon for¬warded to J. J. Haley, at Oak way. Nomistake can bo mado by anyone con¬tributing as liberally ns possible to thiscause. 'Tis truo all crops are short andtho prico of cotton so far below whatwas anticipated sovoral months ago, thatevery farmer will fool tho effect and isnot able to respond as liberally as hewould liko to. Tho niels collected inthis community, together with tho con¬tributions of Governor Hnyward audCongressman Aiken, havo boen dopositodwith tho Pedon & Anderson bankingCompany for tho storm sufferers. J. M.Hull and J. Wade Dickson aro membersof the committco appointed to seo totho distribution of the funds.Tho stores of L. A. Edwards aro going

up rapidly. They aro neat brick build¬ings and will add groatly to tho businessportion of Westmiustor.

Rev. R. M. DuBose will preach at RockSprings on the fourth Sunday, October25th, at ll a. m., instead of 4 p. m. Thochango is made in order for Mr. Duboseto havo moro timo to reach his Centercongregation on Sunday evening, whoroa missionary rally servico is to bo hold.Tho farmois aro couvinccd that not

over a half crop of cotton and every¬thing else will bo gathered this year.Even tho "goober" and forage orops aroshort.Mrs. G. W. Loathers and little Bon

Otto and Frank W. Cannon loft for ashort visit with relatives and friends atTiger, Ga.Rov. J. E. McManaway, of Greonvillo,

was hero yesterday. A. L. QoBSott.

He Learned a Great Truth.It is said of John WOBIOV that ho once

Raid to Mrs. Wesley: "Why do you tellthat child tho same bing over and ovor»gain?" "John Wesley, because oncotelling is not enough." It is for this-ame reason that you are told again and»gain that Chamberlain's Cough Remodycures colds and grip; that it counteractsWy elide ney of these diseases to lOSllltil. pneumonia, and that it ÍB pleasant»nd safo to take. For salo by J. W.Bell, Druggist, Walhalla.

Johnson Given 15 Years.

Crawfordvillo, Ga., October, 10.-AtWarronton tho negro preacher, SamJohnson, who robbed tho Missos battle,jf barnott, about two yoars ago, wasplaced on trial to-day. Ho pleadedguilty and implicated two whito mon,Kuben Dozier and Starling Chapman, aslicceBBorioB. The grand jury failod to ro¬turo a truo bill against Dozior and Chap¬man. No ono bolioves thoy assistedJohnson. Ilia honor, Judge II. G.Lewis, who is presiding for Judge H. M.Holden, Bontonced Johnson to a term of15 yoars in tho penitentiary. Just aftersontenco was pasaod Johnson mado aleap through a window from tho upper»tory of tho court houso. Ho bit thoground running, but was soon ovortakonby tho town marshal, who landed him injail.

Tho Value of Expert Treatment.Everyone who is afflicted with a chronio

disenso experiences great difficulty inhaving thoir caso intelligently treated bythe average physician. Theso diseasescan only bo cured by a specialist whounderstands them thoroughly. Dr. J.Newton Hathaway, of Atlanta, is ac¬knowledged the most skillful specialist intho United States. Write him for hisexport opinion of your caso, for whichho niakos no oh argo.

Card of Thanks.

Wo desire to express our thanks forthe kindness shone us in tho death andburial of our dear son and husband, I.ouisElliott. May heaven's richest blessingsrest upon timm.

G. A. and Mattio Elliott.

KIDNEY DISEASESare the most fatal of all dis¬eases.

FOLEY'S 8uaumtead1Hemed*or money refunded. Containsremedies recognized by emi¬nent physicians as the best tor

Kidney and Bladder troubles.PRICE 60c ana $1.00.

'.'b""" J.W.Bell,Walhalla.


Seneca, Ootober ia.-Tho corner-stoneof the now Methodist ehuroh will be laidthis afteroouu with Impressive cero-moules. The hour will be 4 o'olook.Ha. Maggie AdVni*, oí Knrtweii, Ü».,vlfiited the family of J. W. Stribling lastSaturday, remaiuing over Suuday. Shewas accompanied by Dr. Turner of thesame place.

T. J. Hopkins, now of Tooooa, (ia., isvisiting bis homefolks hore.Fred. MoCarloy, who baa boeu visitinghis mut h. i here for some days, returnedyesterday to his post of duty in Louisi¬

ana. He was aooompaniod by his sister,MIHB Macy, as far as Atlanta,Miss Annie Reid, of Walhalla, was herea short whilo last Sunday.Norman Bacon ls in Atlanta this week.We are glad to report our »lok as beiughotter this woek.Miss Emma Stribling left last Thurs¬day for Calhoun and Reeves' Statlou,Oa., whore she will visit rotativos forsome weeks.Rev. W. F. 8trlokland filled the pulpitof tho Baptist ohuroh here last 8abbathin the absence of the pastor. Reproacheda beautiful sermon from the text, "Andall the people said amen," First Chroui-oles 10-30. The music was a pleasantfeature of tho worship also, there beingspirited oongrogational Binging, with astrong choir leading. "Halleluiah fortho Cross" was used as voluntary, aud "IWill Sing tho Wondrous 3tory" as offora-tory, suug as solo and full chorus.Dr. J. R. Wilkerson, missionary toChina, will leoture in the Presbyterianohuroh here Thursday evening at eighto'olook. Ho IB woll known to our peo¬ple, having rcoeived his education inWalhalla. He is considered one of thebest speaker H in tho field, and a largeorowd will hear him.H. R. Williams, of Furman Unlvorsity,filled tho »ptist. pulpit last Sundayevening.Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowery and obil-dren visited Russell's last Saturday andSuuday.Mrs. W. O. Hamilton is among tho vis¬itors from .Neurea to Atlanta this week.The handsome rosidouoo of Beuj. Low¬

ery will be oomploted this week. It is astriking spooimou of beautiful work, thelumber hoing specially selooted, andt here is not such to he found in thiscountry. The wainscoting, moldings,window aud door facings, grilles, ote.,are made of most beautiful ourled pine,and is polished exquisitely. Tho housegivoB a flue sotting to the handsome lotaud whon tho grounds aro improvodthere will not be a handsomer home intho county.

Rev. G. K. Fiulay will hold services inthe Kpiscopal ohuroh noxt Sabbath even¬ing at 8 o'olook.Tho following is tho school report fortho past month :

Grades. 1. 2. 8. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8.Roys ..21 8 0 10 14 ll 0 5Girls ..25 3 0 ll 13 ll 0 0

Totals..40 ll 15 30 27 22 15 llTotal enrollment, 177. Attendance,04.20%.In addition to scholarships previouslyannounced, tho Behool has boon awarded

ono at Erskine Collogo, Duo West, $200worth of scholarships, eligiblo to any oftho pupils who proparo for a oollogocourse. M. V. S.

Gained Forty Pounds in Thirty Days.For several months our youngor brotherhad been troubled with indices) ion. Hotried Bovoral romodies, but got no beno-flt from thom. Wo purchased somo of

Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab¬lets and ho commenced taking thom.Inside of thirty dayB ho had gained fortypounds in llosh. Ho ÍB now fully recov¬ered. Wo havo a good trado on thoTablets.-Holley Bros., M crehan ls, LongBranch. Mo. For salo by J. W. Boll,Walhalla; W. J. Lunnoy, Sonooa.

Murdered His Sweetheart.

Blackville, October ll.-A negro cre¬ated quito a sensation hero last night byshooting his sweet heart. His name wasJim Walker and ho Bhot und killed in¬stantly Minnie Williams, she was talk¬ing to another dnikoy and Jim walkedup and shot her d..wn without a mo¬ment's warning. Ho thon skipped andhas not been caught up to this timo.Jealousy seems to havo boon at tho bot¬tom of it all. Human lifo seems to boworth but little when ono is shot, downso ruthlessly.

Ran Ten Penny Nail Through His Hand.Whilo opening a box, J. C. Mount, of

Tbrco Milo Ray, N. Y., ran a ton pennynail through tho fleshy part of his hand."I thought at once of all tho pain and.soreness this would cause mo," ho says,"and immediately applied Chamberlain'sPain Balm and occasionally afterwards.To my surprise it romovod all pain andsoreness and tho injured parts wero soonhealed." For salo by J. W. Boll, druggist.Train wreckers piled the track of the

Southern Railway near Danville, Va.,with crossties, on last Monday, but thotrain was running at a low rate of spcodand this averted a disastrous wreck.


At tho regular monthly meeting of tlon Friday, October 2, 1003, tho following c

In Whose Favor and

of tho Claim.





II M ï indloy, work on bridgo near CJ L Mosor, building dry bridgo in DiE A Hines, examining lunatics and iJ R Phillips, rebuilding Newry bridjT II Roach, work on loads in DistricO L Thrasher, work on loads in SentS L Richardson, lunibor for bridges.W T Dodd, work on roads in DistricW Z Rlanchott, timber for Houdrick'Edward Gantt, work on roads in DisM N Konnedy, supplies to road handJ S Rutledgo, oxcess commutation tnM L Cox, supplies to road hands-ScJ T Rogers, work on ford at Burnt '

A II Land, building bridgos in TugalP A Brown, work on roads in KoowcJ W McClain, work on roads in DisttJ II Cannon, tools and dynamite to \

W T Mills, work on roads in DistriotW II Loo, work on roads in DistrictJohn P Bethell, work or roads in PiJoseph Kerr, work on roads in DistiElias Woodall, work on roads iu PulA L Rowlaud, lumber for bridgos...J II Holt, rebuilding Chocstoo creokJ F Hunnicutt, work on now road inJ F Hunnicutt, work on roads in Ko<Wm Rurgess, summoning Coroner'sJ B Hill, work on roads in Kooweo tC II Jenkins, work on road at JonkiiW C Grogan, rebuilding MoKinnoy tJ II Addis, work on roadB in DistricJ W McClain, work on roads In DistJ N Hopkins, summoning Coroner'sJ J Dickens, rebuilding Horseshoe hJ N Fitzgerald, fees as constable ...

J C Simpson, work on roads in DistrT II Stribling, foes as oonstablo. .. .

T E Stribling, Magistrate, salary thiiMack Barron, work on bridgo in DisB F Dllworth, work on poor farm. ..

W R Cobb. Steward, salary for thirdA M Drown, supplies furnished soldiJas. Thompson, Magistrate, Balary tlKooweo Courior, stationery and job |Kooweo Courior, advortiBing.F A II Sobrod or, Clerk of Board, saltL A B Mo s work on roads In DistriiS II Orr, timber for the Wondolkln tiJ M Kolloy ot al., work on poor farmNorton Coy, work on roads in DlstrG W GigmUint, ono ditching shovol-B F Burkott, running Maxwoll's For.loo Dickson, building new road in TE C Doyle, examining dead bodies..J L Alexander, work Oil roads in DhI S Aloxandor, work on roads in DistJ B Grant, Magistrate, Balary third ÍE li Stone, rebuilding Aloxandor briJ F Knox, work on now road in DistJ W Lylns, work on roads in DistelölW B Gwinn, work on roads in DistriJ B RurgoBB, work on roads In DistrJ L Moser, building bridgos In WageJ L Mosor, work on roads in DistricJ II Hunnicutt, work on roads in WJ H Hunnicutt, work on roads in DilW S Lylo, lumber for poor farm.....C W <fc J K Kauknight, Biipplies for <Crisp A Rusch, supplies for poor farC W & J K Bauknight, supplies forC L Craig, Supt. F.d., salary and statlt R Moss, SborilT, salary for SeptemB R Moss, Shoriff, dioting prisoners7851 J R Kay, Treasurer, salary for SoptoTotal audit for October mooting....Total audits for first eight mooting»

Total audits hy now Board toA i.n contracted by Pool Board.Net total audit to Ootober 2 by NewEXPLANATION.-Claims marked wit

Hood of JunoO. Pool Board contracts t<amount, except ?2,403.17, has hoon paid oout of 1003 funds, which makes tho auditfunds H20.3e7.83. From tho total $20,307Court I louse and jail purposos, which lea'Is a missing numbor same was laid over fr

F. A. H. SchrooYr, Clerk of Board.

Resume ot Tillman Testimony.

Lexington, Ootober 10.-The partisanspirit willoh form« now, aa it baa formedfrom the very iueeptiou of the Tillmantrial, ao large au element in general con¬sideration of iii« testimony that hasbeen given, b#a at no time been mors ap-ireut ihau it has ??.."eu lo the vary lugesM Jiates which people in Lexingtonplace upon tbs results achieved in thecourt house yesterday morning, writesJohn Marshall in his correspondence totho New« and Courier* The friends ofMr. Tillman, and they are .a majority ofthe aotual spectators, would tell youthat his presence on the wituesS standwas a triumph rather than an ordeal.They think that he acquitted himself tothe utmost desire of his and their ownhearts. JBÍB accusers are equally as jubilantand emphatic In their estimation of ltMr. Bellenger waa tho' victor of thehour. The more ardent friends of theprosecution believe that the oioss-exami-nation left the prisoner's theory of hisinuocence with soaroely tho semblanceof its former self.On the stand Mr. Tillman was an able

advooate of hia own oause, but in theoonfliot with Mr. Bellingor he did notcome off unsoathed by any means. Viv¬idly consoious of the import and signifi¬cance of evory word he uttered the pris¬oner was not to be led readily into wordsof admissions of fact or motive that didnot well comport with tho sequenoe ofthought which ended in vindication, butin time, in deed, in co id not the recordrangod a wide field, and the man whowrestled with him was SS confident ofhis ground as waa ho himself; and sothey strove together, insistent, vigilantand keenly conscious of the stako forwhtuh thoy fought.

Constables iu Columbia Friday seizedOOO gallons of whiskey believed to havebeen intended for W. H. Sellers, whoruna a placo on Gervais street, iu thatoity. Tue whiskey was in twelve barrelsand was oousignod to a prominent gro-ceryman of Columbia. It was takon attbe Blaudiug street depot.


Bay Stallion, will stand at mystnhles, near Westminster. Sorvioo guar¬ani ced. Feo $10. His woight Is 1,0001pounds. R. H. SMITHSON,80 44Westminster, S. C.

Notice of Registration.THE Registration Books will bo oponat C. W. Pitchford Co.'a store fromOctober 21et, 1003, to January 13th, 1004,for tho municipal election to bo heldJanuary 18th, 100L Bring your countyregistration certificate and tax lecclpt.

S. N. Pitchford,Supervisor Qf Registration.Ootober 14, 1003._ 41-

CONTRACT FOR STEWARD.- TheCounty Commissioners' will lot, on

Friday, November 0, 1003, at thoir officein the Court House, at Walhalla, S. C.tho contract for Steward of Poor1 Fat nifor 1004. St ess ard will he tpqqirod, if SOdesired by the Board, to raoeive audwork tho county chain gang. Board ro-serves the right to rojoot auy or all bids.Nono but sealed bids will bo rocoivod,which may bo banded in any .imo by dayof lotting. Applicants must givo num¬ber in family and their ages.D. F. MCALISTER, supervisor.Ootober 14, 1003. 41-43

Notice to Physicians.NOTICE is horoby given that wo will

lot, to tho lowest responsible bid¬der, at our offloo, at Walhalla Courtlouse, ou Friday, Novombor 0th, 1003, at

12 o'clock noon, ihe contract for a physi¬cian to attend the County Jail and AlmsHouse for tho year 1004. Physioiau tofurnish all necessary medicines and al¬ien.! when notified. Successful bidderwill bo required to give boud double thoamount ot bid. Right rosorved to rojootany and all bids. None but scaled bidswill be received.D. F. MCALISTER, County Supervisor.Ootober 14, 1003. 41-43

INotice to Physicians.

NOTICE is hereby givon that wo willlot, to tho lowest responsible bid¬

der, ut our office, at Walhalla CourtHouse, on Friday, Novombor 0th, 1003,at 12 o clock neon, .contraot for examinatiou of lunatics by physicians for thoyour 1004. None but sealed bids consid¬ered. Right rosorved to reject any andall bids. Tho successful bidder will boroquired to givo bond in a sum doublotho amount of bid.D. F. MCALISTER, County Supervisor.Ootober 14, 1003. 41-43


io Board of County Commissioners, holdlaims wore audited:

Naturea a§ 3a © § J


berry's..strict 27niloago..it 57.ea township.

t 81.a Mill bridgo.,trict 87..ls-Center township.,moca township.Tanyard.loo township.ie township.riot 18.,vork roads in Pulaski..,20.22.ílaski township.lot 25.aski and fees as constable

bridgo.Keowee township.>woo township ....

jury.ownship.ns' bridgo.ireok bridgo.b72.rict 18.jury. ...ridgo.?ict 24.

.d quarter and jury foes,triot 84.

quarter, door bingos, otc

lird quartorprinting ....

firy and conting't expensesnt 42.tridgo.ict 4.-Pool Board.ry for Soptembor.ii".doo township.itriot 43..riot 43.plaiter and jury foos..tige, s.e. n ec a township.rict 07.t 14.ct 42.ict 41..»nor towr.sbip.ts 27 and 04.agener township.strict 38.

}hrt'mgang.m aud road hands.poor farm and n<lcliors.mps for Soptomber... .

ber.for Soptombor.m bor .

.$ 1,760 07of 1003.rJ^ji04 PJ_October 2.$24,001 88

. 7,087 22Board.

8 501 007 408 710 00

32 5208 3810 452 40

53 857 001 00[ 558 004 4016 257 4010 155 008 80

21 558 0040 557 225 08

53 7502 502 0012 00

5023 752 80

11 002 00

210 0057 0517 6514 8020 25fl 507 00

67 504 00

81 2515 30

112 5026 6536 3510 0041 625 oo00

12 0023 5010 00

0020 2010 2528 5822 0010 2013 103 80

11 6020 8523 463 5012 627 65

82 2071 lr44 1802 6012 4025 00

508 007 70fl 00

32 52OS 3810 452 40153 357 001 0055

3 004 40110 257 408 655 003 80

21 558 001

88 557 225 0853 75«2 502 0012 00

5023 752 80

11 002 00

210 0057 0517 6514 8020 250 507 00

07 604 00

SI 2515 30

112 5026 6586 3510 0041 625 00

0012 0023 5010 00S 00

20 2010 2528 5822 0010 2013 103 80

11 0020 8523 458 5012 527 65

82 2071 1244 1862 5012 40125 00

$17.874 60

.b an aatorlsk (.) wore nooesBitatod by tho> dato amount to $7,087 22. All of thisut of 1002 funds; the balauco to bo paidto date to bo paid out of this year's88 must be deducted tbe $2,423.55 forves the total at $17,044.28. Whore t here>r Investigation.. F. MCALISTER, County Supervisor.


Cotton Si


At Price

Have Just Received

from New YorR

Ono of tho larges! OBBortmonts ofGoods over shown in Walhalla.Dross Patterns in Zibolinos, Camel's

Hair, Mohair and Brilliantine.A beautiful, lino of Shirt Waist Suit

Goods. Waist Patterns iu Damask, Mer¬cerized Damask, Embroidorod Cham¬brays and Mohair.

Fifteen shades of Granite Poplins,from KM couta to 45 couts por yard.DroBB Flannels, Plaids and Novelty

Goods from 15 couts to 45 couta por yard.Special lino of Black Skirt Goods;

prices from 15 cents to $2 por yard.At li active and exclusive novelties in

Kelts, Combs, Wrist Bagfl, Dress Buttons,Neckwear, Gloves, Lace Jet Collars,Ornaments and other now goods.Lucile Underskirts, 75 coots to $2.50.

^Specials.Ladios' Embroidorod Lisio lioso.Cents' Embroidorod Lisle Half Hose.Umbrellas, 75 cents to $L25 oaob.


Napkins and Table Cloths wo aren'tafraid for you to wash and iron.

Linen Fancy Hemstitched TOWOIB,Turkish Bath, otc.

Ladios* All Linen, good quality, lemBtitcbed and Embroidered HandkerchiefsMCU'B Handkerchiefs from 5 cents to

All-Linen 35 couts, oaob.

^Underwear.^Ladies' Undorsuits from 50 conta to $'2

por suit.Men's Undorsuits from 70 conts to $4

por suit.

.^Mattings..*?.1 apáñese Mattings and Smyrna Rugs-

all sizes. Prices to suit the pooplo.

Curtains and Poles.

ShadoB-light and dark greon, om-broidored and gilt trimmings, plain andfancy stripod.Hogulnr price 45o. por pair, our price 85o.Rogular prico 75o. per pair, our price 05o.Regular price $1 por pair, our price 75c.Rogular prico"$2 por pair, our prico $1.50.

Lace. Curtains and Curtain Poles.

Embroideries,Edgings and Insertions.

-»7Dry Goods.^Wo bnvo in stock Outings from 5 conts

to 12} conts por yard.Froncb Percales, Calicoes, Chambrays,

Choviots nud Piquo.Wo can furnish yon with blankets-all

now-from 75 couta to $5 por pair.

^Stationery.^A big lot of Tablets-ponoil and ink-

to go at 5 and 10 conts.Box Papor-something now-from 10

conts to 50 couts por box.Pencils, Penoil Bozos and Slates.


We have a fow U. >) 0 pails of Men's$1.50 Shoes to go nt $1 per pair.A fow Ladies' Shoes, worth $1.25, to

go at 75 cents por pair.Also a largo, now stock that lt will pay

you to seo.Got our prlcca.

KV;.peet tully,




NEWIourtenay Manufaotar


led &HomiWILL PiGUM 1


is to Su

Fact^ i ion Guns.

Hard Dollars areHard to Earn.Why pay $5.00 for a Gun when

you can sot tho samo Gun from URfor (14.50 ? Or $10.00 for a DoubloBarrel whun wo sell the same for$7.50 ? Also Guus at $0.50, $12.50,$14.50 and up.

Buck Stoves.Canvas Belting.

Seneca? Hardware

fl CompanySeneca,lilli.

Our MillineryIfs "The Thing."

/Ifs New,

Ifs Stylish,Ifs the Best,

Ifs What You Wanto*

Ladioa' and Children's Undervosta andHosiery all Stylos and pricer.



^Children's Caps.ja?Splendid line to select, from.


Fresh FallMedicines.

IWo havo a splendid fresh stock

of all tho drugs and medioineB thatare being prescribed and usod atthis season of tho yoar. Tho freshis better than tho stale-and oostsno more. Right prices.

Seneca Pharmacy,Seneca, S. C.

Next Door to Bacon's.


1,000 Matohes.6 Papers PiOB.1 dozen Steel Pons.5 Cakes Toilot Soap.A big lOo. Box of Blacking.1 dozen Collar Buttons.1 dozen Pearl Buttons.20 Clothes Pins.All kinds Dress Patterns.A lOo. Tooth Brush.Big Tin Spoons, Dippers, Curry Combs,Tinware, Glassware, Stationery,Dry Goods, Hats and Shoess,Going oheap at


IY STORE!Aiißf Company, Proprietors,)--



it the Customer.

CLOTH.-"Most every store sells Cloth, but (Vu-J soil the proper styles.If you want Quilt Lining, we have it; all you wish at 5 couts

por yard.If you want a Cook Apron, wo have tho bost stylos in town.If you want Sheeting or Drills, wo have them in abundance.If your wife wants an Cuting Dross, we can surely please her.If your husband wants a pair of Jeans rants, we have all prices

and colors.If you waut anything in tho lino of Calico you oan't afford to

miss us. *

If you want anything in Wool Dross Goods, we have all colors,ranging in prico from 10 cents to $1 per yard. We don't oaro what youwant in tho way of Cloth-wo can ploaso the most fastidious.

JOHN F. CRAIG;Walhalla, S. C.

I*lione No. 63.T. S.-ASK FOR TICKETS.

Something to Interest YouNext Week.

Watch this Space.



horoby giyen that tho undersigned willmake application to D. A. Smith, Esq.,Judgo of Probate for Oooneo county,in the State of South Carolina, onTUESDAY, the 10th day of Novombor,1003, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon,or as soon tberoaftor as said appli¬cation oan be heard, for leave to makeAnal sottlemont of tho estate of JohnR. M. Rruoke, minor, and obtain finaldischarge as Guardian of said estato.

WM. J. STRIHLING,Guardian of the Estate of John R. M.

Brucko, minor.Ootober 7,1003. 40-44


make sale of the Connors land nenrWalhalla, S. C., to wit: One tract or lotof ten acres, fronting wost on the publioroad from Walhalla out by Col. It. A.Thompson's to Oconeo Station; adjoinsWm. F. Ervin, Mrs, Honry Riemr.nn andothors. Also ono traot of 107 acres onCane Creek ; adjoins Wm. F. Ervin, W.A. Strother, J. W. Holloroan and others.Prioe and torm s reasonable.

S. P. DENDY, Attorney,40-62Walhalla, 8. C.

Notice to Trespassers.

NOTICE is hereby given to all personsnot to trespass on any of the lands

belonging to the Kuhtraann estatein any way whatsoever-by hunting, dig¬ging roots, (utting timber, setting outOro, hauling pine, making paths ortrails,or trespassing in any manner whatso¬ever. Parties entering said lands afterthis notice will be dealt with, to thefullest extent of the law.

(MISS) L. G. KU HTMANN.November 80, 1003. 80 42

MILLINERY!I have just returned from Atlanta

with a full line ofj& Fall Millinery J&

including all the latest styles in HATS,BIRDS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, BELTS.BABY CAPS, and everything to be foundin a flrst-olass Millinory Establishment.PATTERN HATS A SPECIALTY.All my old oustomers and friends are

cordially Invited to call and inspeet raystook before buying-and don't forgetTHE AMERICAN BEAUTY COR8KTS


Mrs. Nannie Barron, Westminster.

Valuable Farm for Sale.T OFFER FOR SALE t»v plaoe, con-I taiuiug 126 acres of good farmingland, four miles from Westminster, ad¬joining lands of Mr. Gaines. Tho farmis well watered and timberod. Two ten¬ant houses; about il vf «.ores branch bot¬tom and about 80 acres of cotton land inoultivation. I will take pleasure inshowing any ono the place. For term«and prices apply to

H. WRIGHT ORM. C. WRIGHT,89-42«_ Seneca, S. C.

Muk«« Kidneys «nd Bladder Right