SUPPLEMENT TO tui: Kentucky Gazette. L l s'"V, .M1VCH8. 1S16. PlIiLYD 'LPHIA, Malt-- 19. Ext t.f a letter .in olticer on board tr IT 5 ingi'e Unted States, to his fnend ni una city, da' 1 ' Slililt'iads, Tan. l,18l(i. I have just Iieaidof an instance of huvm i taurn'1 v ivhici oiuht forever cauj .it toilii'ik God that I have been pi i Tin " 'o i ie u'ldora fia wli.rt, l as never t .! siai td b v a fl itjran i t of Na lO'nl I' i vis e The name of Gen. Cis'a.is ,ius' lie fim liar to you. It was Iir biawly defended Sai igossa trip fiench, and against whom lie oi t orlur occasions crovvnttd the ar i his ri ' icaited country with su s. ift ' ras,auos l- -ft this pott yst id iv, wni r number of other pri-s- o' rs, rn lined xri ui i'"ons, to serve as a priv us soldier for ten years on the coast jfB.ii tun Mas, how unforeseen are tf events of this transitory life.! ! " 1 is re is much talk ot a Spanish frar, it is said that Spain has demanded money from our government war is a great evil, the cause of great misery, put is preferable to a tame submission to the mandates of injustice " I E.ir ct ofa lett r from an American Gentle man in Cid", to his brother in Boston, da'e 1 J 11 " T ic Spaniel 90 gun ship San Fcr- - nan Ij i., com'n ; down, the Streiglrs un do o ivoy of me Constellation luxate, met w h violent gale and was l&s near A' ,i s. She had on board 2 Lituten- - trv i id 6 me i, meil-ans- " 1" t mepens on board the above 'i p btlo rpd to the frigate U. Sii'us, in sailed in co. with the frigate f'om Pi VI'ioi fjr Caithagena,on tlic 4th f ') " fiber. 1 he next day slw lost her mz n topmast in a gale, and parted from ' ' ;vc. Thi mericans had taken par fhi to oblige the Spanish authori ties aid will iisulIi regret the jjulty y n a p c uas attc iJeJ their well meant el- - L k C'j .'11, f, i n Gibraltar ant! Cadiz Ins' us that tl San Fernando it ent cri-- " p ores s nn aster she struck. 'Is 1 lot hear that any person perished, V 1 rrom ti is circumstance it is prpbable 3or"du. Cat. C. lest Gibraltar Dec. 29.. A pvt 'lavs before, the frieate U. States Raaded from that place up the Mediterra nean. It was supposed Com. Shaw would despatch a vessel to look aster the A ti ricans, and would require the release Qf tip Snaniards, who otherwise, it was stared, would be retained as prisoners. Roe TnllatlmTtvr r t e Z.oa s rai Courier. T,- , le puo'is'ied in the newspapers of tbi cxtrac J ti ' ""l a letter wruten by M B ''lertsn, di 1 not excite my surprise T T - i ml 1 I) brought m'o nubl.c view b V, i'-- 0 in, and selected as a con- -' ' t1"! i to tue hatrel and vengeance J u 'jb s; v.T.ime.it, will not appaar . J ry to th a uli my J. '" ail I i -- "er I 1 "' l h ii .r ' ) Sr ; 1jt- t'.e ti . ,' rs of die r i' ps : c z .i c a' . ited Wi h at for ' ie ' n ,. ' - ou; rn n anl. s nu-- it '. n1 rott--r- al i 1m:; itt ir m li , .vhitli to- - a es I ' aA flisriaced the Sp'i sli c irnc r It Tnose e ii ins at i m.iinurftble ppuch, nt m sir -- .'ui olipmrues have b"i onip ,l U x us t thed s; . h 'iiandandlusunatic c lielbrs The same I'., u nnd.w1o owes li r? an 1 his throne ti tlu- - pitri i'is'TI of a tr v n'li') i;of ih" corto, du n, I'sa m nt s is sa9on of the revolution ; tins same F i i ir' .ce 1.13 return to the tiin ne, Ins al .1. iirni)' itc 1 on die altars of reienge and inTa :ude, aim it every individual i I 'he cores tna th aiht, spoke, or acted as have don", and had I not Liken the resolution of de a mi f om. that land ot dejspotism at the pend I did, the-- e is no drtubt that mv name long ere this would have been added to the Ca do rue of sacrifice I ci'ne (' merica with a determination to nse all mv pftirts to effect its separation from a TovririMt that for three had hlled tlie new world with chains, with ro.ins, a'id tVth tears. When I under-iO'- k lu, enterprise, I knew the sate that aw ite.l me in cise I did nit succeed ; but th , v'i-- i i e nupired witli a loiaJif country, wh o 1 tint their actions are groiuv'r'd on th - ' ce 1 m and lunpiness of their sell v jiti-i- P h. it is not likely they are to be deterred trn-- pursuing those pitriotic views, me'ely Ui'c iu"- - th?v are expo ed to death an'l perse--ut- i n It Washington and Wis associates hid at 'he menaces of despotisrn, the U ijtatcs would never have become ind-p- e ilent As.assln have been '.ired to murder meJ as can up pr ived by authentic do"umciit in my posiession. At'empts on my life have L"en made more than orce in the U States i id.m '1 VII it abp-j.- -i lus demj'idedme of .' s Amer.ran g t npnt, m irdr to t'i vist number ,tvi2umR a.h-id- immolated n lunar of his leturn to lh Spanish throne ; ar J 1 Mippose the next thmj' ,vc shall 'leatis abullfi.im the RoptC hurh g 'he. thunders of I.e al e in a;'aiii$4 ,he fiuhiirt "is the United . S'aies for granted m? the eights of V n iv It dries not become roe to anticipate the conduct ' f the American government on this occasi n, further than to remark. T feel per- fectly tranquil under the guardianships of the laws of nations as well as those of the United States ; !uid much do I wish .(hat I had nothing else to disturb my serenity than the Quixotic menaces ofifanatic monarch During the campaign against the British in Louisiana. I had the honor to act as a soldier, and F should he proud of any suture occasion to manifest m zeal in the service of the U. States : and is during my residence in this country, I should be so fortunate as to inspire this government of the people with a disposi- tion to aid mv fellow citizens of Mexico, in their.struggles for liberty, I shall not, I hope, on this account be considered criminal either by this nation or in the eyes of the universe Is I am not mistaken we are fast approach-ingnh- epoch when the legitimate monarchs of Europe will openly avow their hostility to the American republic Already are they maturing a futuie crusade against the liber- ties of the human race in the western hemis- phere, and the first step in this My enterprize lias been taken by the pious and magnanimous Ferdinand The progress of liberty ip the new world is filling the potentates of Europe with dis- may. The vicinage of the United States to the Mexican empire, excites not only ihefern of Spain but Great Britain Is six million of Mexicans become identified in interest and feeling witithe citizens of the U. States, we might then hid defiance to the machinations of the old world. The vast and prowing po- pulation of the western parts of the U States would find the internal provinces of Mexico a vSbt and permanent vent for their surplus industry The gold and silver of Mexico in place of slowing direct to Great Britain and Spain, and furnishing the sinews of ambitious wars, would find a channel to and thro' the United States , a npv and powerful .stimulus would be thus given to the industry and enterprise of this countr, and the period is perhaps not remote when the United States could supply all that Mexico requires as cheap as can at present be done from Europe To promote these objects may be deemed criminal by despots, and by those who affect to think the Mexican population are unworthy the blessings of fieedom but by those who have been berti and bred in the land of libprty, my views and motives I hope will' be appre-ciate- d and supported It'hai been said by some politicians hat the Mexicans are not yet suffinently advanced in civil zition to be susceptible of rational freedom Alas' hiv littl&are these people knownor und-rsto- There is not a people under the sun of mire mental aptitude than the Mexicans. This homage lias Ken pai 1 tti them by every libpi-.i- l travellei that lias visited them. Mi the pi esenl state cit'th revolution speaks mQr.e decisively in their savor : With- out foreign assistance, without sc.vcelv a sin- gle musbef, and in fact with orl1v stones jind clubs they begkn the revwiUion asaiosUr' cruel oppressors They hanoJfefTast Vijar feucceeded as to make the cwwCpfJVeedoin. felt and circulate fnim thejMexiqaji gQlf to the5 'extremities of California Organization has succeeded tumult, and a c.onstitution'founde on republican principles has been formed , arid notwithstanding a train of difficulties more serious and numerous than evqr before a people had to encounter, they hae attainciLa strength that insures their emancipation fi dm Spain The final accomplishment of their in- dependence may be retarded weeks, rooJUJir years, but-tJ"- 1 as the rising ot sun. Spain may perhapc bg enabled to keep pos- session of the city of fjlexico and some sew strong places for a little while linger, because the republican forces have n it as yet trains of artillery or the means of assaulting f.rtified places, but the omnipotence of Spainer the affections and On the sears of the Mexican people, is forever lost. There isfoot a creo'.e mother throughout this vast emplaithat does nourishing her ofFspririg,. secretly or opeplv chaunt to the lnf.nnt.ear th,asong'bf liberty; nor is there among six ,pijiH ions of people of all classes and col ts, one hundred thousand sincerely opp sed to the c- - of Mexico. It may be asked, is this is the fact, why has not the republican partv alipady fixed the destinv of their coun- try ' The answer is plain it is because tlffey hive not yet been supplied with a"y muni-ton- s of war essential for the ope-atio- of a Almost everv musket nil pound iif powder in their possession has bepn taken from irmed men bv an unarmed multi- tude. Shut out from all m'erci'nrse by sea with anv of die nations ofthe world, amr de- prived of any trade (until'fery ice n(ly) ei- ther b land or water, even with th United States, liit not surprising that the revolution has not long ere this be.ei crushed ' and is it has reached, the point I have stated, is there not g'lodgroujid to believe in its speedy and eventual triumph ? For the developement of these facts and my opinion, I am indebted to the chevalte.r Onis, for most surely I should not have intruded myself on public notice, is that cavalier had not marked me out as a victim to Spamsh vengeance Among the insciutable operations of the Deity, it appears he c uld not have seltcted a more suitable instrument to promote the sr of merica from Spun, than in permit-tin- g to d the Spanish throne Everv act of this imb-cil- t- mortal when the breach b 'ween Ins. imerick i aubfcta and the -- nanish nenm-ul- a : and it .nioi his othepfollieshe will only p- - rsist in his Qiixotc demands on the Uni.ed Stat, s, it il' oc die happiest event that ever occured to co or South America. These demands have excited in me no won- der, for I recollect that when I was in the cortes, the Spanish governrgen" then intended to declare wir against the United States, and was only preven'fd fiom so doing bv an ex- hausted tre'aSurv, and bv suhs, vency the British cabinet, who d d not Miink it politic, at that time, to promote the i uptu'-- e Exl-a- i rdinary vicissitudes havetaken place since tl.attniK- - among 'he nations ofEui, pe, and c nfoKnibl 'o the legitimate a V-- , evt rv bm ner mon i'ch is to cuopott v of each other, more especially when such pretensions accord witu the views oi the Brit, sh government The questions brought forward by Spain re- lating to AVest Florida, did not originate in trfe cabinet of Ferdinand its source springs frpm a higher and deeper authority ; it may be traced t the Councils and policy of Great Britain That Spain has ceded her rights to the Floridasto Great Britain, no doubt exists in my mind, and that the great .marine port of Havmma may likewise be required by and ceded to i'ngland, is highly probable. Ergland in possession of the I'loridas and the port of llavanua, would hold in her hand the keys of the commerce of the Mississippi and the Mexico gulf, and would be ready in case of necessity or policy to take the empire of Mexico into her safe keeping. All this and more maybe'atlempied in this age of political miracles n To check the daring progress of the repub. licof the United States, has been openly avow- ed by British statesmen, and is now openly in- culcated by the British writers of the present times. Is the girdle tint was proposed at Ghent to encircle tins country, could not be accomplished that is no reason nhy Great Britain will hesitate now to planther sceptre in the vicinage of the United States. AmencansTteon guard. Be assured that the coalition off(gititr.alea in l'uiope are disposed for a crusade aga,inst whatever peo- ple or country that have hoisted the banners of liberty. Mexico, free and indspendent, and allied to the United States by interest and gratitude, as well as by the laws of nature, would' be ot more importance to .the human rtice and the civilized world than any event that has occur- red since the 4th day of July 1776. Jose Alvauez be Toledo. SPAIN. --An American-travelle- in Spain, wriiea from Madrid, that the restraints of law and mora! obligations sre scarcely known; the people think only of obeying the king and ihe Inquisition. Fanners col- lect together in lmlc ullages for saf ty, not daring ;o live in detached houses, lor sear df mui derers and robbei s People tra. vcj.ing i Cadiz di id, go without arms so t:.at is they meet robbeis on the wjy, their lives may be spared for submit- ting without resistance. Not an inclosure or sorest tiee was to be been for 300 miles, except 40 o" 50 ti ccs on the Sierre RIo-ren- a, (Brown Mountain) and a fence be- longing to ihe king ! Thcic were a sew olive orchards without hedge oi fence. " As far as the eye rajf extend, nothing is to be seen but .cleat fields, at.d grass and s'ubblc on them completely dry." The moral dc.as'ation of the mind equals the dreariness of the land.; the monk and the monarch having completed what mis- chance began. Such a picture as this ought to teach some wisdom to the wise- acres who scoff at the idea ot" the rights of man," and preach up hereditaiy right.' Columbian. -- j. ' IRELAND' Thedukcof Rutland, loid Powis, and tl& marquis of Wellcsley have declined sutcessivcy the lord lieutenancy of Ire- land. Inde.d, says the Morning Chroni- cle, fiom the situation to which that un- fortunate country has been reduced, we are not surprised that i's administration should go a begging, and he vcs'ed sub- stantially in the hands of half a dozt-- clerks. A new survey of the royal buildings wa's ordered in England, and there was muoh animadversion on the supposed in- tention of building a most magnificent patofe' for th- - prince regent lie Ion the a'lfHinistra'ion set about so p.reat an ex- penditure of money, the opposcion pa- pers entreat them to look at the num- ber of poor, the parish rxi-j- , a d the unprecedented taxes. Columbian GOLDSjSILVKR. '.!. VLJLWII.illri II S JUST UECEIVrOA T.V Gold latent Lever Watches Of THE BEST aUAHTr ALSO-- i TEW .o;.d ti us;a ti.rs, Which he offers for sale at reduced prices, at his shop opposite ihe Lex.ngton Branch Bank. Has on hand a large assortment of GOLD & SILVIl WORK, Coffee, Tea. Sugar, and Cream POTS PITCHERS, CANS, and Sauce TUREEN'S TUMBLEKS, I.DLELS, SPOONS &c &c. the silver of which warranted to be as puie as dollais The above articles will be sold on'the low. est terms for Cash. The Watches will not re, mam long on hand. ONE BOX OF JEWELRY, Consisting ot Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, to the value of about six hundred dollars to be sold at vvholexale Lexington, Ky .March 27. I , 14 tf TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BlUDEIi FOK UEAUY CASH, Before the n e doorof the comt-hoire- c Lexington, on MONDY the 13th day of MAY next, (Being Fa'iclic Comity Court,) A LIKELY NEGRO ilAN, I'o t) one j ears of age, of good constitution and un- der in evcellent character lie has followed wag. sebninp the greater pai t 6l Ins life is a pretti good fan ie di iver, and unrlcrsf nils the fanning busi-r.i- !s JOHN HUNNECCTT. Fajette countv, March 29, Id's 14--9 . CASH FOB WOOL. Wasted at the Lexington Manufactory , Sheep's Wool of all qmhties for which the following prices will be paid, viz. Forcommon wool - - 2s.to2s.3d. Half blood Merino . - 4s. Three quarter do. - - 6s .Full blood do. - - 8s. per pound. The wool must be washed clean, and free of burrs at the above prices, or is in the fleece a deduction will be made equal to what it vvdl loose in washing. In purchasing merino wool no regard will be paid to or particular grade thereof, unless, it will compare with fair samples of same grade from the subscribers flocks, sam- ples ot which may be seen at the said Facfry ortheir store, winch aiekept for the inspec. tionof those uho wish to become acquainted with the qualities and value of their wool In washing wool great care should be used nbt to mix the course part of the fleece and lad. Ibcks with the sine qualities. G. PRENTISS Lexington, Jlarch26. n tf State of Kentucky : ' MEtlCEB CIRCUIT, sct.-M- aich Term, 1816. William Scott, Compt.-"- ) agamst I ( - James Turner and ) In Chancery. Charles Blake, defen- - " dants J - , THIS DAY came the complainant by his counsel, and it appearing that the defendant Blake is not an inhabitant of this common, wealth, and he hav;ng. sailed to answer the complainanVbill herein on motion of the complainant therefore, by his counsel, it n, or- dered that unless said defendant appear on oc before the first day of the next term of this court; and answer the complainah's bill, that the same will be taken prb cbnfcsso And it is further ordered, that a copy of tfns order be forthwith inserted eight in some public nens-pipe- r in, tb'is common- wealth, authorised b law to make iuch ' A Copy Teste, i- -8 IHOMAS ALIEN.c.c. Storage sc Commission Jiusibess. S1IULTZU ClLlLFJUtr, Beg leave to inform ihe Me: chants of Ken-tuck- y, that they have commenced the Storage and Commission Business, in Maysville Ky. where they will constantly attend 'to tue ami forwarding all goods, Wares, &c. commuted to their care They also car ry on the Copper and Tinning Business, And intend keeping always on hand, a general supply of Tin Ware, which tht) will sell at the 'ittsburg prices, without the addition of freight t N.B. Orders Will be strictly attended to. February 10- - 7, 2m E. B, PEARSON, Having pm chased out tliq dim oi E B. Pearson. anIA. hasfoi sle at his store, lluec doors above the Ktmucly Insurance Office, and neit door to J. P. Sehatzell h Co a general assortment of MERCHANDIZE, Of the latest importations, whicl'i he Mill sell at prices, February 12 8- -tf Just Imported, AND FOR SALE, AT W. MENTELLE'S COMMISSION STORE, Main Sucet, next dooi lo Mr Win Ltavy FRESH GAKDKIS SEEDS OF l KINIIS r-l- ) , Will ; AnL, Evgluh IVulnuts, Sfiannh Filberts and Ground A'u:s Also, A arii-t- y of Choice TOYS, FOR THE APPROACHING CHRISTMAS & XEW-YKMV- S GIFTS, SUCH AS HOLES, Whole tie am! Retail, J0Ei, Omss ml PaSniid, I'U-'i- iil I'kimUiI fcv Quein'sv ii SNIirFBONES MIU'.S, LUP cv .JALL, TLTO rtj M, and oUV ere loo ii iineiouifoi- - iU.sciipt.on. REHNKi) LKiUOItlCE, m bocs, Ic- cold., and Co'lJ S, niui in sticks, DOR YRLE 1'K, R lij ih box,oi-b- ih. pound. An .ml ilieap Del of CHIN A, An tm i.t 01 QUEENS' ARE FIDDLES, and FIDDLE STRINGS, supeno qml'lv, BOSS CO I' PON, Ditto SPUN, ot alt size3, BOMU ZET i'S, and oilier Dn Coods, COMMON WARE, ty Wholesale and Retail, RAPPEE SNUFF. Orders from the country, attended to, punctually. 47 November 20. Partnership Dissolved. THE PARTNERSHIP OF Jlshton, Beach and NeiVe, "IS this daj dissolved by mutual consent ll tli03e having demands on the firm, are requested lo applj to Ashtou ahd Beach for the same- - all in- debted to the-fir- are to make payment to Ashtou and Beach, who arc authorised toreceiie Uk same R ASHTON, JOSEPH ISEACII, HIGH NEILLE Levington, March 2d, lSlO. ig The Coach Making Business, In all us various branches, isstill .camnd on it the old stand bv ASHTON & BEACH, wiiere tirn-age- s, Gig?, &c Sec. mil be made Oy repaired on the shortest notice, and neatest manner, and On the most reasonable terms, NOTICE. TMIE subscribers willmakeapplicationto the county couit of Nicholas, for leave to lav offa town on their lands on Somerset in said county, at the May term of Slid court, agreeable to an act of assembly in such cases made and provided ROBERT BERRY, JOHN LOPKRinGE.Sen. WILLIAM LOCKRIDGE 10'hMir-h,J81- nn.

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bg7371b5v/data/1466.pdf · SUPPLEMENT TO tui: Kentucky Gazette. L l s'"V,.M1VCH8. 1S16. PlIiLYD 'LPHIA,

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bg7371b5v/data/1466.pdf · SUPPLEMENT TO tui: Kentucky Gazette. L l s'"V,.M1VCH8. 1S16. PlIiLYD 'LPHIA,


Kentucky Gazette.L l s'"V, .M1VCH8. 1S16.

PlIiLYD 'LPHIA, Malt-- 19.

Ext t.f a letter .in olticer on boardt r IT 5 ingi'e Unted States, to his fnendni una city, da' 1

' Slililt'iads, Tan. l,18l(i.I have just Iieaidof an instance of

huvm i taurn'1 v ivhici oiuht forevercauj .it toilii'ik God that I have beenpi i Tin " 'o i ie u'ldora fia wli.rt, l asnever t .! siai td b v a fl itjran i t ofNa lO'nl I' i vis e The name of Gen.Cis'a.is ,ius' lie fim liar to you. It wasIir biawly defended Sai igossatrip fiench, and against whom lieoi t orlur occasions crovvnttd thear i his ri ' icaited country withsu s. ift ' ras,auos l- -ft this pottyst id iv, wni r number of other pri-s- o'

rs, rn lined xri ui i'"ons, to serve asa priv us soldier for ten years on thecoast jfB.ii tun Mas, how unforeseenare tf events of this transitory life.! !

" 1 is re is much talk ot a Spanishfrar, it is said that Spain has demandedmoney from our government war is agreat evil, the cause of great misery, putis preferable to a tame submission to themandates of injustice "


E.ir ct ofa lett r from an American Gentleman in Cid", to his brother in Boston,da'e 1 J 11

" T ic Spaniel 90 gun ship San Fcr- -

nan Ij i., com'n ; down, the Streiglrs undo o ivoy of me Constellation luxate,met w h violent gale and was l&s nearA' ,i s. She had on board 2 Lituten- -

trv i id 6 me i, meil-ans- "

1" t mepens on board the above'i p btlo rpd to the frigate U. Sii'us,

in sailed in co. with the frigate f'omPi VI'ioi fjr Caithagena,on tlic 4thf ') " fiber. 1 he next day slw lost her

m z n topmast in a gale, and parted from' ' ;vc. Thi mericans had taken

par fhi to oblige the Spanish authorities aid will iisulIi regret the jjulty





cuas attc iJeJ their well meant el- -


C'j .'11, f, i n Gibraltar ant! CadizIns' us that tl San Fernando it ent cri--"

p ores s nn aster she struck.'Is 1 lot hear that any person perished,V 1 rrom ti is circumstance it is prpbable3or"du.

Cat. C. lest Gibraltar Dec. 29.. Apvt 'lavs before, the frieate U. States

Raaded from that place up the Mediterranean. It was supposed Com. Shawwould despatch a vessel to look aster theA ti ricans, and would require the releaseQf tip Snaniards, who otherwise, it wasstared, would be retained as prisoners.

Roe TnllatlmTtvr

r t e Z.oa s rai Courier.

T,- , le puo'is'ied in the newspapers oftbi cxtrac J ti ' ""l a letter wruten byM B ''lertsn, di 1 not excite my surprise

T T - i ml 1 I) brought m'o nubl.c viewb V, i'-- 0 in, and selected as a con- -'

' t1"! i to tue hatrel and vengeanceJ u 'jb s; v.T.ime.it, will not appaar

. J ry to th a uli myJ. '" ail I i

-- "erI 1 "' l h ii .r ' ) Sr ; 1jt- t'.e ti . ,' rs

of die r i' ps : c z .i c a' . itedWi h at for ' ie ' n ,. ' - ou;r n n anl. s nu-- it '. n1 rott--r-

al i 1m:; itt ir m li , .vhitli to- - a esI ' a A flisriaced the Sp'i sli c irnc rIt Tnose e ii ins at i m.iinurftble ppuch,nt m sir --.'ui olipmrues have b"i onip ,l

U x us t thed s; . h 'iiandandlusunaticc lielbrs The same I'., u nnd.w1o owesli r? an 1 his throne ti tlu-- pitri i'is'TI of atr v n'li') i;of ih" corto, du n, I'sa m nts is sa9on of the revolution ; tins sameF i i ir' .ce 1.13 return to the tiin ne, Insal .1. iirni)' itc 1 on die altars of reienge andinTa :ude, aim it every individual i I 'hecores tna th aiht, spoke, or acted as havedon", and had I not Liken the resolution ofde a mi f om. that land ot dejspotism at thepend I did, the-- e is no drtubt that mv namelong ere this would have been added to theCa do rue of sacrifice

I ci'ne (' merica with a determination tonse all mv pftirts to effect its separation froma TovririMt that for three hadhlled tlie new world with chains, with

ro.ins, a'id tVth tears. When I under-iO'- k

lu, enterprise, I knew the sate thataw ite.l me in cise I did nit succeed ; butth , v'i-- i i e nupired witli a loiaJif country,wh o 1 tint their actions are groiuv'r'd onth - ' ce 1 m and lunpiness of their sell v jiti-i- P

h. it is not likely they are to be deterredtrn-- pursuing those pitriotic views, me'elyUi'c iu"- - th?v are expo ed to death an'l perse--ut- i

n It Washington and Wis associates hidat 'he menaces of despotisrn, the U

ijtatcs would never have become ind-p- e ilentAs.assln have been '.ired to murder meJ

as can up pr ived by authentic do"umciit inmy posiession. At'empts on my life haveL"en made more than orce in the U Statesi id.m '1 VII it abp-j.- -i lus demj'idedme of.' s Amer.ran g t npnt, m irdr tot'i vist number ,tvi2umR a.h-id- immolatedn lunar of his leturn to lh Spanish throne ;

ar J 1 Mippose the next thmj' ,vc shall 'leatisabullfi.im the RoptC hurh g 'he. thunders ofI.e al e in a;'aiii$4 ,he fiuhiirt "is the United .

S'aies for granted m? the eights ofV n iv

It dries not become roe to anticipate theconduct ' f the American government on thisoccasi n, further than to remark. T feel per-fectly tranquil under the guardianships of thelaws of nations as well as those of the UnitedStates ; !uid much do I wish .(hat I had nothingelse to disturb my serenity than the Quixoticmenaces ofifanatic monarch

During the campaign against the British inLouisiana. I had the honor to act as a soldier,and F should he proud of any suture occasionto manifest m zeal in the service of the U.States : and is during my residence in thiscountry, I should be so fortunate as to inspirethis government of the people with a disposi-tion to aid mv fellow citizens of Mexico, intheir.struggles for liberty, I shall not, I hope,on this account be considered criminal eitherby this nation or in the eyes of the universe

Is I am not mistaken we are fast approach-ingnh-

epoch when the legitimate monarchsof Europe will openly avow their hostility tothe American republic Already are theymaturing a futuie crusade against the liber-ties of the human race in the western hemis-phere, and the first step in this My enterprizelias been taken by the pious and magnanimousFerdinand

The progress of liberty ip the new worldis filling the potentates of Europe with dis-may. The vicinage of the United States tothe Mexican empire, excites not only ihefernof Spain but Great Britain Is six million ofMexicans become identified in interest andfeeling witithe citizens of the U. States, wemight then hid defiance to the machinationsof the old world. The vast and prowing po-

pulation of the western parts of the U Stateswould find the internal provinces of Mexicoa vSbt and permanent vent for their surplusindustry

The gold and silver of Mexico in place ofslowing direct to Great Britain and Spain, andfurnishing the sinews of ambitious wars,would find a channel to and thro' the UnitedStates , a npv and powerful .stimulus wouldbe thus given to the industry and enterpriseof this countr, and the period is perhaps notremote when the United States could supplyall that Mexico requires as cheap as can atpresent be done from Europe

To promote these objects may be deemedcriminal by despots, and by those who affectto think the Mexican population are unworthythe blessings of fieedom but by those whohave been berti and bred in the land of libprty,my views and motives I hope will' be appre-ciate- d

and supportedIt'hai been said by some politicians hat

the Mexicans are not yet suffinently advancedin civil zition to be susceptible of rationalfreedom Alas' hiv littl&are these peopleknownor und-rsto- There is not a peopleunder the sun of mire mental aptitude thanthe Mexicans. This homage lias Ken pai 1 ttithem by every libpi-.i- l travellei that lias visitedthem. Mi the pi esenl state cit'th revolutionspeaks mQr.e decisively in their savor : With-out foreign assistance, without sc.vcelv a sin-gle musbef, and in fact with orl1v stones jindclubs they begkn the revwiUion asaiosUr'cruel oppressors They hanoJfefTast Vijarfeucceeded as to make the cwwCpfJVeedoin.felt and circulate fnim thejMexiqaji gQlf to the5

'extremities of California Organization hassucceeded tumult, and a c.onstitution'foundeon republican principles has been formed , aridnotwithstanding a train of difficulties moreserious and numerous than evqr before a peoplehad to encounter, they hae attainciLastrength that insures their emancipation fi dmSpain The final accomplishment of their in-

dependence may be retarded weeks, rooJUJiryears, but-tJ"-

1 as the risingot sun.

Spain may perhapc bg enabled to keep pos-session of the city of fjlexico and some sewstrong places for a little while linger, becausethe republican forces have n it as yet trains ofartillery or the means of assaulting f.rtifiedplaces, but the omnipotence of Spainer theaffections and On the sears of the Mexicanpeople, is forever lost. There isfoot a creo'.emother throughout this vast emplaithat does

nourishing her ofFspririg,. secretlyor opeplv chaunt to the lnf.nnt.ear th,asong'bfliberty; nor is there among six ,pijiH ions ofpeople of all classes and col ts, one hundredthousand sincerely opp sed to the

c-- of Mexico. It may be asked, isthis is the fact, why has not the republicanpartv alipady fixed the destinv of their coun-try ' The answer is plain it is because tlffeyhive not yet been supplied with a"y muni-ton- s

of war essential for the ope-atio- of aAlmost everv musket nil

pound iif powder in their possession has bepntaken from irmed men bv an unarmed multi-tude. Shut out from all m'erci'nrse by seawith anv of die nations ofthe world, amr de-prived of any trade (until'fery ice n(ly) ei-

ther b land or water, even with th UnitedStates, liit not surprising that the revolutionhas not long ere this be.ei crushed ' and is ithas reached, the point I have stated, is therenot g'lodgroujid to believe in its speedy andeventual triumph ? For the developement ofthese facts and my opinion, I am indebted tothe chevalte.r Onis, for most surely I should nothave intruded myself on public notice, is thatcavalier had not marked me out as a victim toSpamsh vengeance

Among the insciutable operations of theDeity, it appears he c uld not have seltcted amore suitable instrument to promote the sr

of merica from Spun, than in permit-tin- g

to d the Spanish throneEverv act of this imb-cil- t- mortalwhen the breach b 'ween Ins.imerick i aubfctaand the -- nanish nenm-ul- a : and it .nioi hisothepfollieshe will only p- - rsist in his Qiixotcdemands on the Uni.ed Stat, s, it il' oc diehappiest event that ever occured to co orSouth America.

These demands have excited in me no won-der, for I recollect that when I was in thecortes, the Spanish governrgen" then intendedto declare wir against the United States, andwas only preven'fd fiom so doing bv an ex-hausted tre'aSurv, and bv suhs, vency theBritish cabinet, who d d not Miink it politic, atthat time, to promote the i uptu'-- e

Exl-a- i rdinary vicissitudes havetaken placesince tl.attniK- - among 'he nations ofEui, pe,and c nfoKnibl 'o the legitimate

a V-- , evt rv bm ner mon i'ch is tocuopott v of each other, more

especially when such pretensions accord wituthe views oi the Brit, sh government

The questions brought forward by Spain re-lating to AVest Florida, did not originate intrfe cabinet of Ferdinand its source springsfrpm a higher and deeper authority ; it maybe traced t the Councils and policy of GreatBritain That Spain has ceded her rights tothe Floridasto Great Britain, no doubt existsin my mind, and that the great .marine port ofHavmma may likewise be required by andceded to i'ngland, is highly probable.

Ergland in possession of the I'loridas andthe port of llavanua, would hold in her handthe keys of the commerce of the Mississippiand the Mexico gulf, and would be ready incase of necessity or policy to take the empireof Mexico into her safe keeping. All this andmore maybe'atlempied in this age of politicalmiracles n

To check the daring progress of the repub.licof the United States, has been openly avow-ed by British statesmen, and is now openly in-culcated by the British writers of the presenttimes. Is the girdle tint was proposed atGhent to encircle tins country, could not beaccomplished that is no reason nhy GreatBritain will hesitate now to planther sceptrein the vicinage of the United States.

AmencansTteon guard. Be assuredthat the coalition off(gititr.alea in l'uiope aredisposed for a crusade aga,inst whatever peo-ple or country that have hoisted the bannersof liberty.

Mexico, free and indspendent, and allied tothe United States by interest and gratitude,as well as by the laws of nature, would' be otmore importance to .the human rtice and thecivilized world than any event that has occur-red since the 4th day of July 1776.

Jose Alvauez be Toledo.

SPAIN.--An American-travelle- in Spain, wriiea

from Madrid, that the restraints of lawand mora! obligations sre scarcely known;the people think only of obeying theking and ihe Inquisition. Fanners col-

lect together in lmlc ullages for saf ty,not daring ;o live in detached houses, lorsear df mui derers and robbei s People tra.vcj.ing i Cadiz di id, go withoutarms so t:.at is they meet robbeis on thewjy, their lives may be spared for submit-ting without resistance. Not an inclosureor sorest tiee was to be been for 300 miles,except 40 o" 50 ti ccs on the Sierre RIo-ren- a,

(Brown Mountain) and a fence be-longing to ihe king ! Thcic were a sewolive orchards without hedge oi fence." As far as the eye rajf extend, nothing isto be seen but .cleat fields, at.d grass ands'ubblc on them completely dry." Themoral dc.as'ation of the mind equals thedreariness of the land.; the monk andthe monarch having completed what mis-chance began. Such a picture as thisought to teach some wisdom to the wise-acres who scoff at the idea ot" the rightsof man," and preach up hereditaiy right.'




Thedukcof Rutland, loid Powis, andtl& marquis of Wellcsley have declinedsutcessivcy the lord lieutenancy of Ire-land. Inde.d, says the Morning Chroni-cle, fiom the situation to which that un-

fortunate country has been reduced, weare not surprised that i's administrationshould go a begging, and he vcs'ed sub-stantially in the hands of half a dozt--

clerks.A new survey of the royal buildings

wa's ordered in England, and there wasmuoh animadversion on the supposed in-

tention of building a most magnificentpatofe' for th- - prince regent lie Ion thea'lfHinistra'ion set about so p.reat an ex-

penditure of money, the opposcion pa-

pers entreat them to look at the num-ber of poor, the parish rxi-j- , a d theunprecedented taxes. Columbian



Gold latent Lever WatchesOf THE BEST aUAHTr ALSO-- i TEW

.o;.d ti us;a ti.rs,Which he offers for sale at reduced prices, athis shop opposite ihe Lex.ngton Branch Bank.

Has on hand a large assortment ofGOLD & SILVIl WORK,

Coffee, Tea. Sugar, and Cream POTSPITCHERS, CANS, and Sauce TUREEN'STUMBLEKS, I.DLELS, SPOONS &c &c.

the silver of which warranted to be as puieas dollaisThe above articles will be sold on'the low.

est terms for Cash. The Watches will not re,mam long on hand.

ONE BOX OF JEWELRY,Consisting ot Watch Chains, Seals and Keys,

to the value of about six hundred dollars to besold at vvholexale

Lexington, Ky .March 27. I , 14 tfTO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BlUDEIi

FOK UEAUY CASH,Before the n e doorof the comt-hoire- c Lexington,

on MONDY the 13th day of MAY next,

(Being Fa'iclic Comity Court,)A LIKELY NEGRO ilAN,

I'o t) one j ears of age, of good constitution and un-der in evcellent character lie has followed wag.sebninp the greater pai t 6l Ins life is a pretti goodfan ie di iver, and unrlcrsf nils the fanning busi-r.i- !s

JOHN HUNNECCTT.Fajette countv, March 29, Id's 14--9

. CASH FOB WOOL.Wasted at the Lexington Manufactory

, Sheep's Wool of all qmhties for which thefollowing prices will be paid, viz.

Forcommon wool - - 2s.to2s.3d.Half blood Merino . - 4s.Three quarter do. - - 6s

.Full blood do. - - 8s. per pound.The wool must be washed clean, and free of

burrs at the above prices, or is in the fleece adeduction will be made equal to what it vvdlloose in washing.

In purchasing merino wool no regard will bepaid to or particular grade thereof,unless, it will compare with fair samples ofsame grade from the subscribers flocks, sam-ples ot which may be seen at the said Facfryortheir store, winch aiekept for the inspec.tionof those uho wish to become acquaintedwith the qualities and value of their woolIn washing wool great care should be used nbtto mix the course part of the fleece and lad.Ibcks with the sine qualities.

G. PRENTISSLexington, Jlarch26. n tf

State of Kentucky :' MEtlCEB CIRCUIT, sct.-M- aich Term, 1816.

William Scott, Compt.-"-)

agamst I ( -

James Turner and ) In Chancery.Charles Blake, defen- - "

dants J - ,

THIS DAY came the complainant by hiscounsel, and it appearing that the defendantBlake is not an inhabitant of this common,wealth, and he hav;ng. sailed to answer thecomplainanVbill herein on motion of thecomplainant therefore, by his counsel, it n, or-dered that unless said defendant appear on ocbefore the first day of the next term of thiscourt; and answer the complainah's bill, thatthe same will be taken prb cbnfcsso And itis further ordered, that a copy of tfns orderbe forthwith inserted eightin some public nens-pipe- r in, tb'is common-wealth, authorised b law to make iuch

' A Copy Teste,i- -8 IHOMAS ALIEN.c.c.

Storage sc Commission Jiusibess.S1IULTZU ClLlLFJUtr,

Beg leave to inform ihe Me: chants of Ken-tuck- y,

that they have commenced the Storageand Commission Business, in Maysville Ky.where they will constantly attend 'to tue

ami forwarding all goods, Wares, &c.commuted to their care

They also car ry on theCopper and Tinning Business,

And intend keeping always on hand, a generalsupply of Tin Ware, which tht) will sell atthe 'ittsburg prices, without the addition offreight tN.B. Orders Will be strictly attended to.February 10- - 7, 2m

E. B, PEARSON,Having pm chased out tliq dim oi E B. Pearson.

anIA. hasfoi sle at his store, lluec doors abovethe Ktmucly Insurance Office, and neit door to J.P. Sehatzell h Co a general assortment of

MERCHANDIZE,Of the latest importations, whicl'i he Mill sell at

prices, February 12 8- -tf

Just Imported,AND FOR SALE,


Main Sucet, next dooi lo Mr Win LtavyFRESH GAKDKIS SEEDS

OF l KINIIS r-l- ) , Will ; AnL,Evgluh IVulnuts, Sfiannh Filberts and

Ground A'u:s Also,A arii-t- y of Choice TOYS,


SUCH ASHOLES, Whole tie am! Retail,J0Ei, Omss ml PaSniid,I'U-'i- iil I'kimUiI fcv Quein'sv ii SNIirFBONESMIU'.S, LUP cv .JALL, TLTO rtj M, and oUV

ere loo ii iineiouifoi- - iU.sciipt.on.REHNKi) LKiUOItlCE, m bocs, Ic- cold., and

Co'lJ S,

niui in sticks,DOR YRLE 1'K,R lij ih box,oi-b- ih. pound.An .ml ilieap Del of CHIN A,An tm i.t 01 QUEENS' AREFIDDLES, and FIDDLE STRINGS, supeno

qml'lv,BOSS CO I' PON,Ditto SPUN, ot alt size3,BOMU ZET i'S, and oilier Dn Coods,COMMON WARE, ty Wholesale and Retail,RAPPEE SNUFF.

Orders from the country, attended to, punctually.47 November 20.

Partnership Dissolved.THE PARTNERSHIP OF

Jlshton, Beach and NeiVe,"IS this daj dissolved by mutual consent ll

tli03e having demands on the firm, are requested loapplj to Ashtou ahd Beach for the same- - all in-debted to the-fir- are to make payment to Ashtouand Beach, who arc authorised toreceiie Uk same


Levington, March 2d, lSlO. ig

The Coach Making Business,In all us various branches, isstill .camnd on it the

old stand bv ASHTON & BEACH, wiiere tirn-age- s,

Gig?, &c Sec. mil be made Oy repaired on theshortest notice, and neatest manner, and On themost reasonable terms,

NOTICE.TMIE subscribers willmakeapplicationto the

county couit of Nicholas, for leave to lav offatown on their lands on Somerset in said county, atthe May term of Slid court, agreeable to an act ofassembly in such cases made and provided


10'hMir-h,J81- nn.