THIRD" CONGRESS. O H n Unit: I Stales : AT T'lE rtn.ST SCSSIOV, Benm ana hcl i at the ci y of Phi-l- a 'clp..ia, ia the flatc of on Vo idav the feiond of December, one rhoul'and le-v- hund c 1 ad ninery-thie- e. "p SOLVED by the Senate ancj X. FT()iFe of Rep efeiratives of the t nited states of America, in Conj els all' .nblo 1, I hit the Se- cretary' foF the War be, anJ fie h hereby directed to make out an txatt Jilt of the names of e uh p rlo'i returned to him as ijiv li 1 penmen- - s, by the j idges o hf circuit coirfsof the Oni-e- J b'l es (fignm themTelves as co.n-m".uo- s) ruder the act of . on g esc pi'ied the t venty-tliii- d of Jv'arih one thou&ud seven huu-d.e- d ai.d ni ie intitiled, " n ret to p.o.ilc for the fbttle-nif-- n of c'.ai us of widow and or jiliam, hatred by rh: limraiions he otofore ci'abliihcd, arid to re- gulate the claims to invalid penfi-vns- ," and return to the jude of each difti icl, one copy of fucii list, flati.ig pirticularly, tlie diftilct from win. h each person was re- fit ned, an I that all arc by Con-gre- fs directed nqt to be enfei ed on the peiificnhft. And the laid fe4-c- rt t ii y is further directed to ic-tii- rn to each diftri5t judge, a list of the names of all such poifoin, ds have een returned as invalid pen-stone- rs by the dilti'ict judges under The Hi(fl of Coiigrefs prilled "the twenty eighth of February, one t ioufand seven hundred and nine, t ' three, intituled ''AiifccT-t- o re- gulate claims to invalid pen'i-in- s ;' difire;nifhing' thole who hae been placed on the penii-0'i-l- if ; and those who hive not teen pi iced on the fstnic, by re?f h 'of thei- - tefHmnny being inco'ii-p1re- , slating pa. tienlarly, the le-- f 1 'cqnif.te or requisites Marv- in , in t ie evidence of each ; and Tu i.ing fVwh of them whose evi- dence ofleaving lei vice is notlc-1-g?li- n hiso"'ce And the judges of he several difcrict courts, upon jre-fi- of the abive described lists and ftateme-'t- s froin the secretary so-th- e 'jfap-- i tment of War, are Ji? rby i. cited so thwith to pub-'Li-li the same in one o mo-- e of tlie rewfpapeis p'ibliikcd in their rcC-pp-'- diflricts, adding to such publication, the time y hen the" act; regulating the claims to invalid pe.i'ions expires. Freds; itk Auuflvs Muhlenbctg, Speaker of the House of Rep' efentatives-- . 'Ralph Izard, Prefidenr KB ks z$m. -- DSJSf&E 3ypji of rheSenatepro tempore. Ivafbhurtoii. Freudent tl June Uo of the da'rong - the ninth 1 794, ltmeut offtake. Edui : Randolph. LJST of ail the perbis 'Jiho were returned to the War Offce of the Uut-te- d States as Invalid Pe.jfonerj by t' ' Ji'f'ief of th Circuit Cou-- is of t'" United States, filling themfches Cor vitfponei s under the atl of Cost-r'- p the fjjefit) -- tl"i iTof March 1792, tntitLd " A,i 4& t0 provide for th: f tt ement of claims' of W.i-do-- us and Orphem hprrcd by the heretofore efiablifhcd, and to regulate the c asms to Invalil'l en-- J 'os," and wo are all by Congress directed not to be place-dupo- the Pen-so- n Itft. New-HampJ!ri- ref AV"V. Pant. Jmies 'CionVTe Lieutenant; rric7er C o p Sc-gean- t T'hnflo',,vh Eriva.e hoivas Faaman do FbT.czer ifldil)g do Jnin (551r-a- n do' Thomas V im1 all do ln'iim Kiinball do T'rpiniahR" itcbard Lieut &Adjr.t Pniyaje , "W illiam Taggart ' ITnfigrr ' United States. the rolls in the. FdwarJ v aids reyi(i6t(tlr allts Lieurtnant Majjauujltts. May 71792. Thonias Alexander Captain ' Natliautel Ijainejri Coipoial Caleb Chd'ujck v Pnvate Potcr Charlout Lei Karnfworth '1 hotr.as Oleafoil Jofppli Gopdridger Jonas Green J0I111 Giacc John Heath Peter Henunenway Daniel Lollar Jolia Manley Alaftlenett Aai on Xafon Simeon Nojes Job Piieft Amos Piei son Benjamin P.elfey Aber j'ier Jofcph Peabody Patuek Shanley Ca:far Spragues William an en Rani. Piivatc do do do Corpo-a- l do Captain Piivate Otitic Tens, 1752. Spaiford Ames 'Private Lemuel Barnes do Jiifbph Bates Dragoon Bement Biig fttaj. Sampson Brown Private Bainabas Cliapman do "i honias Cook do ' Jofepli do ? James Easton Colonel William Eaton Seigeant Benjamin Farnum - Captain Jvolcs Fitch P,iiate Gate3 do Uriah Goodwin do VVa-dwe- ll vreene, Seigeant He:;ry ks Private $amnel Joy do CziasJudd Sergeant Kent 1 n'ign Job Lane Private Thomas Lilley do Jacob Loonies riser fareph Lorine Lientcrr'nt John Nixon Jonah icovel John Taj lor iamuel Vaner llobert yley Lbenezer Learned. iiineatcu. Afaj Term, 1792 Samuel Andrews Brown kaaiuel ienniett Ena.s, lil ickdey Silas Baldvin "Beuben chapman- B,llrjv.Glbcit Thrufton Milliard Isaac Hrggips William Leeds Elnat,han roitpn Ebeuezer Patchin David 1 cnleton Samuel Perker Isaac Rich aids Thaddens' BeecT John Slnith ' 'i'oney Turney '"Yale Todd Endch Turner James Way land Richard Watious OCtober Tefnr, 1 792 William Andeifon Theodore Andrus Clement Ahdrnfs Afa Bunce Ebenezer Bevins Francis Baxter S'alinon Burr Isaac Bucll Elijah BoarJiri.ia iiai tvTellBaf ns Amos Barns .MofesBonrdman Da vid. B lacJcm art Eiiiel Bams Jbb' Bam am -- James Beers iaiah Bi,nce! Kathaniel Beach 'Jondtlian Bowers Thaddeus Bcebe WiMiom Case ' Simon Crqlby James Campb'ell 'Jb'li'T-a'Clar- 1 Fbenezer Qurtis Abgnh Cady Ptiva'e Lieutenant Pin ate (Maiine) do Sergeant Enngn i,benenc?er Cox Hav. Ebegezer Jedediah . ernt-an- t Private do do do do Lieutenant Brin-adie- Pnvate Seigeant Pria e I n'ign Colonel Cb'poral Sergeant V h ifer Piivate do do Sergea' t Artificer V ifer Licirtnaht' Piivatc do do do do do do do do HO do do Corporal Private do Corporal Private do do do ,SeigQant Fnvate ' 1 do v Captajn do Erlvate do do Ccporal Private Sergeant Diajjofln Piiva-- c ,4itificfcn Priv'ate ' do Names. Jofiali ( ool.e Aaroi Co(.c aGjR'" .do John Chandler ' Colour! John Chappie Rnvatje Joli-p- h Dunbar ' Corporal Jonn Down" Sergcaiit hhphalet Gallon Piivafe isa,nuc,l Last on Sergeant Muses Lvins Priac Jonathan rlagg .Artificer Joel r ox Private .Lbenezer Gilbcrj do Joel Gillet Enlig'n Amos Gray . Pnvate David Hall Seigeant Abijah Kuhbcl Corpotal Thomas Hobby 'V'.ijo.- - Cornelias IJraiiliu Coipo al Robert aron hifer Lyman Kinne Private A'lhbel kilbounie do William Leech do 'Samuel Lqrmis Co poral Joiiah Lacey Captain jabez Lewis Private Nathaniel Lewis do Joieph Lorijig Artificer Oeoige Lord Private John ftl'Kmfey do -- John M'hinfey do David Morehoufe dD Stephen Miner Said. &qr, gunner Jofiali Mer.'inian Corpoial tiideon Noble Fifcrfc Corpoial Nicln-Ko- Sergeaijt Jeremiah Ofborne tlo Levi P ivate David pi alt Drum majur Ifac Pslmer Seigeant llijahllice Prisate John Roberts Trumpeter 1 avid Raniiy Piivate JediriJah Smith tlihu Sabin 7acharih Sanfonl Hcber iinith Moses Smith Isa'luniel Sciibner John Charles Webb Joel Wilcox W illiam W oodrufF Philip White Azol Woodworth Wi'liam Wcare Bajze Wells camnel Whiting Josiah W iiter Rhode Clarke Alura James Bio in. John ulge David Lewis Moore Tofenh Bines-- Samuel Elijah Bennet David Jaed Dixon Eyers Gates, Jonathan Elijah Tray Nierrifielkl killer it Ephraim Wilmarth illiam New t, f a;:i...i..t:i. x Coates c!t do Strgeaijt do Private Pi .el e" Coij.orjl Piivate Watrofs Private Lieutenant Lieutenant IJland. Private mailer Seigeant Drummer Private So do do do ' Haggs Daniel ijldridge-Edwar- Vo-- e Aid ton Briggi Nahan Jaqnays William Lunt Ch'.iftopher spencer Taylor Conimillary of Vermont. Samuel Bardett Brydia Samuel Stephen tHaynes Zimn Rill Abraham Richard JohrrSarge.il Isaac? Webster Yates tThouiasTorrejice, oilvcilcj jilujjv: John Rani., Francis Pierce" Waifon Captain ivate Colo Piiva Colonel Forage Private Serjitant At Afliftant RoLeit Carr Efek Bui Ball t Piivate ' CapraTh Private do do do j Sergeant Private do Sergeant Pihaje Seigeapt Corpo-- pl Seigeapt do Private 3o Jetjly T). :. .i uu Captain Maryland. Virginia. Jacob Valen'ine .Captain J61I11 a Davidson Diagoon "V illiam Dalby Corporal Ch illopher M'Cannon Serg. maj. John Bdll Lieutenant Davicl Welch Sergeant William M'lntoflv Piivate John Burton Sergeant N. B. Thofc markedthus have renewed their applications under the act offiong-i'cf- s of the' "iu . H. KNOX, Sc. J j W. The preceding lif1 isprMiiTied in pnrrua'TLe, of a R sell ti n of the Congiefsof the united Bates, of the 9th of June 1794, which further directs me as Judge of the Kentuc- ky diflrict to give notise that the "Act to regulate the clamis to in- valid pensions" will expire on the; 2?th day of Feruary 1795. HARRY INNES. Ffir Lajb and Negroes, A Good bargain may be had ia atiaiit of LilrD Ijing upon Siinpon's cicek in the county of ISclibn. containing io acies, 70 of which are cleaied and under good, fences ,sixteen are in good meadow, an apple orchaid of i,otiees half grown, and 250 beai ing peach ti ces a grist inill,adwtlling house 40 feet by 20 uiiJi a cellar under the whole divided into two rooms, in one of which is n sire place, aU finifiied oif in a neat manner, to-gtt- hei with many other convenient: and necefihry huufes. The teriiis mny be known by application t Richaul Terrell athisodicein Lex- ington, or the iubferiber on tle piemifcs. December 10 jnjiuaF(.rz-fon- . for Stllc PLinratioir wIieYeon T novr THE containing' l hundred cs, abef t fiftcert of which is cleard and under good fence, a to- lerable dwelling house, kitchen, &c. For teims apply to JohnW ag-gon- er Hurrocjlbi.rgh, or the l'ub. fcribcr on ihe premises Jos. Fleming Mi'chcll. Farrodfburgh, Nov. 30. SCtp . The Highesl: Price Civ en for all kinds cf FURS, BY the fubferiber at his'Hat-Ma-nufacto- ry in Lexington. Montgomery Bell. December 16. tf Hereby forewai.n all persons fiom taking an allignnient on a bond, given by me to a ceitaiit Frd. flume, for eighty five pounds, as it was given in confidc-ano- n of a tract of land which laid lTume cannot make me a iitle to, and he having lest this com. try, the efors I shall not pay ic unless compclied, by law- - - James Tlmbalds. Decembar 1 1 - 1. 2wR7tp the ftihlrnli.-- . "oil HP AKEN ud py the fubferibef, in i Fayette county nrar ton, a yellow bay Horse, has a liar and snip, b.'dfh hind feet white, is slit in the right ear, eight years old, thii teen and a half hands high, appraised,to ol. Alio a black hoifo colt, tw o years old, same height appraised to 61. John Cleveland. Noy t.;. t ot Sale. ' A youngrhcahhy, likely, neg-- Q -- fellow. Enquire of Robert Mar-hal,Sc- ott Qount, near Johnfan' mill. R Ptp S AK&N up by the iu'bitiiu'r i in Madison, a fo-rc- l. ftonc .Colt, one year old last fp'-ing- i nei- ther docked, lfbr branded, is has a " small ftreali of white in his face, 3, white feet - Appraised to 61. Owen Herrendoi. October 1 8. 1 1 .AKEN" tin bv .. , .. r V y 1 I I I 'I I . Chejrj's-un- , a dark bay filiy; fl fnppofed to be two years old neither fj docked nor branded, black mane and tail; appraiffid to seven 7L ' Moses Cb.i rcy. , Augrilfcfi,

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7sf7664s89/data/0839.pdf · James Wayland Richard Watious OCtober Tefnr, 1 792 William Andeifon Theodore

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7sf7664s89/data/0839.pdf · James Wayland Richard Watious OCtober Tefnr, 1 792 William Andeifon Theodore


Unit: I Stales :AT T'lE rtn.ST SCSSIOV,

Benm ana hcl i at the ci y of Phi-l- a

'clp..ia, ia the flatc ofon Vo idav the feiond

of December, one rhoul'and le-v-

hund c 1 ad ninery-thie- e.

"p SOLVED by the Senate ancj

X. FT()iFe of Rep efeiratives ofthe t nited states of America, inConj els all' .nblo 1, I hit the Se-

cretary' foF the Warbe, anJ fie h hereby directed tomake out an txatt Jilt of the namesof e uh p rlo'i returned to him asijiv li 1 penmen- - s, by the j idgeso hf circuit coirfsof the Oni-e- J

b'l es (fignm themTelves as co.n-m".uo-

s) ruder the act of . ong esc pi'ied the t venty-tliii- d ofJv'arih one thou&ud seven huu-d.e- d

ai.d ni ie intitiled," n ret to p.o.ilc for the fbttle-nif-- n

of c'.ai us of widow and orjiliam, hatred by rh: limraiionshe otofore ci'abliihcd, arid to re-

gulate the claims to invalid penfi-vns- ,"

and return to the jude ofeach difti icl, one copy of fucii list,flati.ig pirticularly, tlie diftilctfrom win. h each person was re-

fit ned, an I that all arc by Con-gre- fs

directed nqt to be enfei ed onthe peiificnhft. And the laid fe4-c- rt

t ii y is further directed to ic-tii- rn

to each diftri5t judge, a listof the names of all such poifoin, dshave een returned as invalid pen-stone- rs

by the dilti'ict judges underThe Hi(fl of Coiigrefs prilled "thetwenty eighth of February, onet ioufand seven hundred and nine,t ' three, intituled ''AiifccT-t- o re-

gulate claims to invalid pen'i-in- s

;' difire;nifhing' thole whohae been placed on the penii-0'i-l- if

; and those who hive notteen pi iced on the fstnic, by re?f h

'of thei- - tefHmnny being inco'ii-p1re- ,

slating pa. tienlarly, the le-- f1 'cqnif.te or requisites Marv-

in , in t ie evidence of each ; andTu i.ing fVwh of them whose evi-

dence ofleaving lei vice is notlc-1-g?li- n

hiso"'ce And the judgesof he several difcrict courts, upon

jre-fi- of the abive described listsand ftateme-'t- s froin the secretaryso-th- e 'jfap-- i tment of War, areJi? rby i. cited so thwith to pub-'Li-li

the same in one o mo-- e of tlierewfpapeis p'ibliikcd in their rcC-pp-'-

diflricts, adding to suchpublication, the time yhen the" act;regulating the claims to invalidpe.i'ions expires.

Freds; itk Auuflvs Muhlenbctg,Speaker of the House

of Rep' efentatives-- .

'Ralph Izard, Prefidenr




of rheSenatepro tempore.

Ivafbhurtoii. Freudenttl June


of theda'rong -

the ninth 1 794,

ltmeut offtake.Edui : Randolph.

LJST of ail the perbis 'Jiho werereturned to the War Offce of the Uut-te- d

States as Invalid Pe.jfonerj by

t' ' Ji'f'ief of th Circuit Cou-- is oft'" United States, filling themfchesCor vitfponei s under the atl of Cost-r'- p

the fjjefit) -- tl"i iTof March1792, tntitLd " A,i 4& t0 provide

for th: f tt ement of claims' of W.i-do-- us

and Orphem hprrcd by theheretofore efiablifhcd, and

to regulate the c asms to Invalil'l en-- J

'os," and wo are all by Congressdirected not to be place-dupo- the Pen-so- n

Itft.New-HampJ!ri- ref

AV"V. Pant.Jmies 'CionVTe Lieutenant;rric7er C o p Sc-gean- t

T'hnflo',,vh Eriva.ehoivas Faaman do

FbT.czer ifldil)g do

Jnin (551r-a- n do'Thomas V im1 all do

ln'iim Kiinball doT'rpiniahR" itcbard Lieut &Adjr.t

Pniyaje ,

"W illiam Taggart ' ITnfigrr '

United States.the rolls in the.

FdwarJ v aidsreyi(i6t(tlr allts


Majjauujltts.May 71792.

Thonias Alexander Captain' Natliautel Ijainejri Coipoial

Caleb Chd'ujck v PnvatePotcr CharloutLei Karnfworth'1 hotr.as OleafoilJofppli GopdridgerJonas GreenJ0I111 GiaccJohn HeathPeter HenunenwayDaniel LollarJolia ManleyAlaftlenettAai on XafonSimeon NojesJob PiieftAmos Piei sonBenjamin P.elfeyAber j'ierJofcph PeabodyPatuek ShanleyCa:far SpraguesWilliam an en



Corpo-a- l



Otitic Tens, 1752.Spaiford Ames 'PrivateLemuel Barnes doJiifbph Bates Dragoon

Bement Biig fttaj.Sampson Brown PrivateBainabas Cliapman do"i honias Cook do '

Jofepli do ?

James Easton ColonelWilliam Eaton SeigeantBenjamin Farnum - CaptainJvolcs Fitch P,iiate

Gate3 doUriah Goodwin doVVa-dwe- ll vreene, SeigeantHe:;ry ks Private$amnel Joy doCziasJudd Sergeant

Kent 1 n'ignJob Lane PrivateThomas Lilley doJacob Loonies riserfareph Lorine Lientcrr'ntJohn NixonJonah icovelJohn Taj loriamuel Vanerllobert yleyLbenezer Learned.

iiineatcu.Afaj Term, 1792

Samuel AndrewsBrown

kaaiuel ienniettEna.s, lil ickdeySilas Baldvin

"Beuben chapman-B,llrjv.GlbcitThrufton MilliardIsaac HrggipsWilliam LeedsElnat,han roitpnEbeuezer PatchinDavid 1 cnletonSamuel PerkerIsaac Rich aidsThaddens' BeecTJohn Slnith

' 'i'oney Turney'"Yale ToddEndch TurnerJames WaylandRichard Watious

OCtober Tefnr, 1 792William AndeifonTheodore AndrusClement AhdrnfsAfa BunceEbenezer BevinsFrancis BaxterS'alinon BurrIsaac BucllElijah BoarJiri.iaiiai tvTellBaf nsAmos Barns.MofesBonrdmanDa vid. B lacJcm artEiiiel BamsJbb' Bam am

--James Beersiaiah Bi,nce!Kathaniel Beach

'Jondtlian BowersThaddeus BcebeWiMiom Case '

Simon CrqlbyJames Campb'ell


Fbenezer QurtisAbgnh Cady



Pin ate








. ernt-an-t





Pria eI n'ign


Cb'poralSergeant V

h iferPiivate


Sergea' tArtificer

V iferLicirtnaht'








do vCaptajndo



Piiva-- c


' do

Names.Jofiali ( ool.eAaroi Co(.c


John Chandler ' Colour!John Chappie RnvatjeJoli-p-h Dunbar ' CorporalJonn Down" Sergcaiithhphalet Gallon Piivafeisa,nuc,l Last on SergeantMuses Lvins PriacJonathan rlagg .ArtificerJoel r ox Private.Lbenezer Gilbcrj doJoel Gillet Enlig'nAmos Gray . PnvateDavid Hall SeigeantAbijah Kuhbcl CorpotalThomas Hobby 'V'.ijo.--

Cornelias IJraiiliu Coipo alRobert aron hiferLyman Kinne PrivateA'lhbel kilbounie doWilliam Leech do'Samuel Lqrmis Co poralJoiiah Lacey Captainjabez Lewis PrivateNathaniel Lewis doJoieph Lorijig ArtificerOeoige Lord PrivateJohn ftl'Kmfey do

-- John M'hinfey doDavid Morehoufe dDStephen Miner Said. &qr, gunnerJofiali Mer.'inian Corpoialtiideon Noble Fifcrfc Corpoial

Nicln-Ko- SergeaijtJeremiah Ofborne tloLevi P ivateDavid pi alt Drum majurIfac Pslmer Seigeantllijahllice PrisateJohn Roberts Trumpeter1 avid Raniiy PiivateJediriJah Smithtlihu Sabin7acharih SanfonlHcber iinithMoses SmithIsa'luniel SciibnerJohnCharles WebbJoel WilcoxW illiam W oodrufFPhilip WhiteAzol WoodworthWi'liam WcareBajze Wellscamnel WhitingJosiah W iiter

RhodeClarke AluraJames Bio in.John


David LewisMoore


SamuelElijah BennetDavidJaed Dixon



Elijah TrayNierrifielkl


Ephraim Wilmarthilliam

Newt, f













DrummerPrivateSodododo '


Daniel ijldridge-Edwar-

Vo-- e

Aidton Briggi

Nahan JaqnaysWilliam Lunt

Ch'.iftopherspencer Taylor

Conimillary ofVermont.




tHaynesZimn Rill

AbrahamRichardJohrrSarge.ilIsaac? Webster


oilvcilcj jilujjv:












RoLeit Carr


Ball t Piivate' CapraTh


j SergeantPrivatedo


SeigeaptCorpo-- pl



JetjlyT). :..iuu


Virginia.Jacob Valen'ine .CaptainJ61I11 a Davidson Diagoon"V illiam Dalby CorporalCh illopher M'Cannon Serg. maj.John Bdll LieutenantDavicl Welch SergeantWilliam M'lntoflv PiivateJohn Burton Sergeant

N. B. Thofc markedthus haverenewed their applications under

the act offiong-i'cf- s of the' "iu

. H. KNOX,Sc. J j W.

The preceding lif1 isprMiiTied inpnrrua'TLe, of a R sell ti n of theCongiefsof the united Bates, ofthe 9th of June 1794, which furtherdirects me as Judge of the Kentuc-ky diflrict to give notise that the"Act to regulate the clamis to in-

valid pensions" will expire on the;2?th day of Feruary 1795.


Ffir Lajb and Negroes,

A Good bargain may be had iaatiaiit of LilrD Ijing upon

Siinpon's cicek in the county ofISclibn. containing io acies, 70 ofwhich are cleaied and under good,fences ,sixteen are in good meadow,an apple orchaid of i,otiees halfgrown, and 250 beai ing peach ti cesa grist inill,adwtlling house 40 feetby 20 uiiJi a cellar under thewhole divided into two rooms, inone of which is n sire place, aUfinifiied oif in a neat manner, to-gtt- hei

with many other convenient:and necefihry huufes. The teriiismny be known by application tRichaul Terrell athisodicein Lex-ington, or the iubferiber on tlepiemifcs.

December 10jnjiuaF(.rz-fon- .

for StllcPLinratioir wIieYeon T novrTHE containing' l hundred cs,

abef t fiftcert of which iscleard and under good fence, a to-

lerable dwelling house, kitchen,&c. For teims apply to JohnW ag-gon- er

Hurrocjlbi.rgh, or the l'ub.fcribcr on ihe premises

Jos. Fleming Mi'chcll.Farrodfburgh, Nov. 30. SCtp

. The Highesl: PriceCiv en for all kinds cfFURS,BY the fubferiber at his'Hat-Ma-nufacto- ry

in Lexington.Montgomery Bell.

December 16. tfHereby forewai.n all personsfiom taking an allignnient on a

bond, given by me to a ceitaiitFrd. flume, for eighty five pounds,as it was given in confidc-ano- n ofa tract of land which laid lTumecannot make me a iitle to, and hehaving lest this com. try, the eforsI shall not pay ic unless compclied,by law- - -

James Tlmbalds.Decembar 1 1 - 1.


the ftihlrnli.-- . "oil

HP AKEN ud py the fubferibef, ini Fayette county nrar

ton, a yellow bay Horse, has a liarand snip, b.'dfh hind feet white, isslit in the right ear, eight yearsold, thii teen and a half hands high,appraised,to ol. Alio a black hoifocolt, tw o years old, same heightappraised to 61.

John Cleveland.Noy t.;.

t ot Sale. '

A youngrhcahhy, likely, neg-- Q

--fellow. Enquire of Robert Mar-hal,Sc- ott

Qount, near Johnfan'mill. R Ptp

S AK&N up by the iu'bitiiu'ri in Madison, a fo-rc- l. ftonc

.Colt, one year old last fp'-ing- i nei-

ther docked, lfbr branded, is has a" small ftreali of white in his face, 3,

white feet - Appraised to 61.

Owen Herrendoi.October 1 8.1 1 .AKEN" tin bv.. , ..








I . Chejrj's-un- , a dark bay filiy; flfnppofed to be two years old neither fjdocked nor branded, black maneand tail; appraiffid to seven 7L

'Moses Cb.i rcy.

, Augrilfcfi,