w JL -- &' f X lo FOIl ONE 1H0U5 AKD BUSHELS $w-- Wanted Contract STONE COALS, at this place, apply to Lex. Nov. sSiScS- - Cuthbert Hanks, FOS. SALE Between three and sour thousand Acres of L A N D, Lv mg : Knox enmity, on both sides of mtr and Minklng creek, ami on the main Hate i .ul, leading tliro'i.h 'he Wilderness. Tiler. i in this tiact a gre- -t diversity of soil, the bottoiin benur witifil tj any i;i the state ; and there is :i considerable 'Hianlity of level highland cl 'v'l-'.'-ii- : quality. .'A gieut bargain maybe bad ') t person wiio ill purchase the whole ..nd a good title ms-.l-e to the same, aster vuiiiiimr oil'soir.e inconsidei abL proportidn vv hich is now in dispute. Tj suit purchasers the said bind would bi3 laid oft'into srna'ler tracts, one'of wbuli ta contain from three to sour hundred a J crcs, and ti include the plantation and improve- ments on the road, vh ch is considered ajan ex- cellent stind for a tavern. There is a good mill scat on (his tract, anil a very eligible situation for a" distilltrj . A small tract of land in the neigh- bourhood of Lexington or Versailles, would ha n in part payment s 'and for terms and other particulars, application must be made to the sub- scriber, l'r. ing on tfie premises. WADE N. WOODSON. Knox county, 7th May, 1808. tf A REQUES'I 1808. nurchafed the the quotation a Lord Late Col. George Nicholas, and being in the Britiili Parliament, is to books that have thy attention ; " he'had seen three-com- out will' thank per-iinen- upon (orders in one ions who have any of them, to;uy ur. riooimon, one return them to me in Lexington, or inform me, where they can be had. T. BARRY December 17th, 1S07. . FOR SALE BY Messrs. Scott, Trotter &. Co. Meichants, Lexington, Ky. LEES' Genuine Patent and Family Medi- cines, Which are celebrate !fnr the Cut e rf most disea- ses to Jiu-- the Human Bjdy h Lable, viz Lees' Worm Destroying Lozenges, Which effectually eipcli all kinds of worms from p. rsons of every age. Lees' E!i:;ir, cert '.t remedy sot colds, coughs, asthmas, u.ul particularly the hooping cough, so uuctive to cliililren. Lees' Essence is Mustard, well known for the cure of rheumatism, gout, pilsy, sprains, kc. &c. Lees Grand Restorative. Proved by long experience to be unequalled in t'e cure 01 nervous disorders, consumptions, ' lovvness of spirits, inward weakness, &c. Lees' Anti-Bilio- Pil's, For the prevention and cure of bilious and rea- lign ml levers. Lees' Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, "Which is rendered an infallible remedy by one application without mercury. Ague and Fever Drips, For the cure of agues, remittent and levei s. Persian I.ction, Celeb"at'd for the cure of ringworms, tetters and all riuj lions of the zkii., renderinjr it soft and sTiooth. k An tor M 01 tne eves. f Z'tV Genuine Eye Water, eiiectual lTineily a.seasc3 Tuoth-Aih- e Drt,ps, Vliich rive immediate relies. Lees' Coin Plnister. Demasi Lip Salve. Restorative PoviJer, For the teeth and gums. The Anod.ne Elixir, For the cure of every kind qf head ache. idian Vegetable Speerf.c, J certain cure for vencnl complaints. Thousands of our fellow citizens liae received benefit from the above jMei-ciss- s when reduced to the List fiape of disease, and majiy families ot the fifft have given publick teflmiony tne aitonnning cures periormea ivitn ne above preparations.- - 1 he proprietors are Y?ell allured, that a lingle trial ot any arti- cle here enumerated, will convince the mod prejudiced perfqn of its utility. Pamphlets Containing cases of cures, Stc. n?y be had at the above place of file, sufficient to confirm our alTeition. Were we inclined to publish all the ceiti-f.caie- 3 which aie in our poffeffion, we Clla folio 'volume ; but we never mention tre names ot any per.ons but those canpot of any parson but tneir 'lyTjjrou uioii. Thcfe medicineshave beeif for a number of to the cuMick.fe 110- - in their 12lh, tne rpid les ; to aetect counterfeits it is net.fucy to inform the that they must be particular in applying as above, ana observe that none can be geuine with the lignature ot Richard t.ee Son. N. 13, Jiach and every Mtdicine above enumerated, have got theii directions, de sending their mgde ot ule in the molt lect marner. Public Auction. WILL BE SOLD on the first day of March next, in the ol Lexington, to highest bidder, tor re.-.d- thq Hpufe now occupi- ed by the Kentucky Company, refer-vlu- g the rif,lit oi laid company to occupy the same unt.l'he ift of Apiil, sold by 2 the Fajette circujf court, wherein Lewis Saunders and James Morrifi.n are complainants and John jr. and the aj'd of said company are de- fendants. sale to commence at 1 2 o'clock, at the door of the Insurance office. Estill C wi? . '" I John IV. Hunt, J o Pnstlethviait, 1 nomas Hart. ir. Commis sioners. Lexington,- - Joth. Janft-iry- , 1809. 1 Tsbtn cp bjf" Benjimin' Alcxundcr, on the lOutfTTork of Sfation Mare, r iwo years oaiast spnns?. Wrflrand Perceivable. hd on about a fn e sfiilRi b'ell with of an """"pld horse shoe for clapper, about 13 hnds ugiii kppraisea to twenty-hv- e dollars. yames White, j. p. December 1st, 1808. f Taken by Thompson, living in Mercer county, on the waters of Brush creek, J fbur miles from Wm. Adams's mill, on Salt sc river, one b y about thiiteen hands and nein '1 high, six years oH, no percei- vable . ap'iriised to thiity-fiv- c dfi before SM:, th.s i8.ii f Muvcmber, 1808. IF M'Gtiire, j.p. rHE SUBSCRIBER ust received Philadel- - and Baltimore, a large and general at meitt of MERCHANDIZE, purchased for. i....-- , i i 'Ji' ... i. -- l. i :i.i rcauy money, anil ojniieu ill ins new unojv uuiiu-ine- r, at the corner of Mill street, which he sell for cash. No credit can be expect-- i ed. All those uidebted to him either by Bond, Note or Book accountjarc requested to pay off or settle their? respective accounts as no turther indulgence rjll be given. William Leavy. Lexington, October 20, . MACCON, tilford &. c-- . HAVE revived from Philadelphia New- - York, the following valuable Books, a contiderable proportiorjjtffwhich are of late publications. ReS's Medical Guide, or a complete Practical Svfiem of Modern1 domestic Me- - drcine, for the tile of families and young practitioners or fludents in medicine' and forgery. The Britilh Reviewers conflder this 'work much more estimable than Buc-han- 's Domellic Me'dicine & "as calculated entirely to fopercede it.' An enquiry into the caufesand confequen-ce- s of the orders in council and an ex- amination of the conduct of Great Bri- tain towards theneutral commerce of by iraficflMer Baring sq. M. p. s& In regard to this pamphlet following HAVING Library of from lpeech delivered by rd receiveall been of ,oaned of it. I those them council) borrowed oy a writer on pon A So intermit- tent A gratis inigi.r public Insurance Jordan, Direi5lois a up Laurence from hereby tical economy, ana a third winch con tained more information upon the fubfect of commerce than any work he had'evcr seen, by a moll rel'pectable merthant, Mr( Uaring. Corinua, or Italy, a celebrated new No- vel by the Baronets de Stael .Holfteili, daucliter of the famous Meeker: WalkrVs kev the claffical pronunciations of Greek, Latin, and Scripture propter mines, C 'I'M... I? TT. I....J'..I I1 ix.c. 1 lie iLuropean auu. uuiveriai ioyrt- - ; 1 he Monthly Mirror and Ladle's Muleum tor lOao ; Kolcoe's iro 10th ; Madoc, a celebrated new poem ; 'Original anecdotes of Frederick the ,Great, bv Uieudonne Thiebault ; Murray's Materia Medica'; Chaptal's Chemistry, improved bj- - Doct. Woodhoufe ; Qudervood ontbe chfeafes of children ; Townfesd's Guide to health; Parkinlbn's Medical Admonitions; Default's Surgery ; Bell's ao. Lavoirier"s Chemistry ; Cuvier's Lectures on Anato- my ; Denman's Midw'fery ; Sturve on Animation; Bates-'- s Kural Philofoghy ; FefTenden's Poe.ms; Ainfworth's Latin and Englilli Dictionary ; Ramfay's Life of VV jtr.ington ; Spalwzanrs travels in the tvvo Sicilies- - arid part of the Apenines ; Selfridges Trial, ;aken in shorthand by T. Lloyd, sq, reporter of the debates of Congress, and GeorCaines, sq. reporter to the Hate ot Mew-Yor- k, and lanctioned by the 'the to the state ot waluchuietts ; . wittmans travels through Tuikey, Asia Minor, Svrja and Egypt ; Radclrff's Tour through Holland and Germairv: Youiic's Travels in France: Moody's Jketchesof the hiftary of France, Meare's oyages to Cbina and the K. West Cpift of Arherica j St. Pierre's Voy- age to the Ille of France, the IiTe of Bour aiicl Uape 01 Uood Wope; IVlacart, ney'sEmbafl'y to China j Stevens's Hifto rv othe Wars in France cTuriug the Rev, oluion ; Dupaty's Travels in Italy Birauiour's Hilioiy of the Commerce of reece ; Denoir's Egypt ; Reynler's do. Villon's do. Vallant'sTravels in Africa : Barrow's do. Burgh's Dignity of Human Nature ; Catteau''s Hitlory of Sweden ; Wood's Switzerland; Briftod's Tour through the Highlands ol Scotland ; Sft-- mervilles ' Political 1 raniaaions: Lat? Montague's Works. In about three weeks they expect to re ceive froniN. York, a much larger col- lection ; a catalogue of them fliall succeed this advertisement. Lexington, July 12th, 1808. WAS loll on Friday night, the 1 1th infl. at Mr- - John JJavis's, oneund a half miles iigton, on Henry's mill road, Blue Surtout Coat, 3 ingle breast, brown stuff pockets j contai A Tfarl Mnfrtfin. - Ah lrt.l i liv-- -- uui vv-v- 2. ue,iv-t- , jjvjutvr With a spring steel clisp, and papers who are well known to be citizens which he use to the of (trict, veracity, arid tnen not vitIioutlowner" Whoever will deliver the above made known vears out the virtue of decree of CaihWilM'Brovvn James ar$ tb sundry to llie subscriber, or at the office of the Ken. ttickv shall receive Dollars. H. iM'Ilvain thii K0-'"- fpe'ik more favoui than November 1808. and per town 1818 I'reflilent The jw, hart mare, will low and the zincs bon Gazeue, Five RICHARD rAYLOR,. T5 ESPECTFULLY informs his ahd 1. . tne pjiicx, mat 11c lias opened a ij 4 m.. niW articles money, brands Court friends Entertainment, , commodious brick house lately r. John Instone, Frankfort ; ltd with the best of liquoiand provisioair ofrrrwjtind. His stable is rell lurmsiRd with foraee, and an attentive ostlei-- . From the arrangements made to accommodate hit visitants, and attention that will be itid them, he flatters himself he will share the'pub' tavour. Frankfort, October 24, i80S. Prime Manufactured Tobacico. JACOBT.AUDEMAN, takes thelibertyof 1IIIOI lillll thatjfc tf in and fourn north of Lexington, whsre he has fur-- j nie.fjimself with a Tobacco, so as to enable him to keer, a twelve month's enrm1 belorehand always by him Thequality is war-rente- d equal, to any ever manufactured in this state, and sold on I1hrr.1l iwmc w.a -- n.t-. ,..:n j- - - .v....... .lu vuarva will ail.le branded with the innltials of his iume, preve'ntraposilions. flj" A constant sflpnly of the shore Tnhnrl in casks can always be had at the stores of Saml. oeo. 1 rotter, and Joseph Hudson. Lexington. - Best Twist Tobacco st 9d. per pound retail, at my shop. om. T3.-- . tne Lexington A". Uov. 5th, 1808. nccojSt, note, or otherwise, to seltlrtthe rbfse who have claims on him. nw toorinir them forward, ilifYn,,, i.j. kV,:.i,,i .1: , . 1 ,, r.;..V. ' ' v ..uiujwiui aujusieu. aiT.n'uitam. Macbean authorised ,to act as t for the assimn.. By order of the assignees. L5ington,Septcmbcr 19, 1808. M REMOVAL. E. WARFIELD has removed his Apothi'-n'- Shop to a house in the range of new brick buildings fronting the south-eas- t side of the court house, second door above the corner house lately occupied bv Mr. John Jor dan. He has now on hand a largf quantity of - v tttt7 7? iff n Tmijv ...l.:i. i. n iv oi iui.xit,jyji, wiueii jic win veil cheap. (Q" Practitiont r- - of Medieine can be supplied on term more advantageous than thej could at any of the shops ill the Eastern states. Surgeons' Instruments of all kinds, and a complete assortment of Paten" t Medicines. Lexington, Sept. 19, 1808. Danl. SfCharles Bradford, HAVING entered'into partnership in Bobk Prirjtintrjprespectfully inform their friends, and thejpubRSKrencrally, that theyintend carryinir on tliTiusnxss extensively, on Main strce!. They fyfcit oTHers for Book or yob Printing, which shall be executed with neatness and dispateh, and on the most moderate terms. Lexington, April 12 Notice. AFTER about three years' anxious pursuit and meditation, I have at length made a com plete difco'very ot the Perpetual Motion in The ory, and have .reduced it to praftice. I" will only observe that it moves by its own weight f trut is to say, the more you load a waggon, the moVe the power is encreafed so as to move the waggon and its burthen. I expect to write a fiiOTt treatise on the fubjefr, which will more lully explain th's melt grand and lmpoitant I am anxious that it mould be put in practice as soon as poflible, so that the public may rcecive uic ucneuis ieiuKing irom tnis no. ble principle, so long vtifid for by them. ffi Henry Fenk. October 29th, t&oftf i2mioo' Notice TO Officers of the additional Peghnents residing within the states of Kentucky and Ohio, THAT I am authorised by the pa) master 2fi me United States to advance lo each commis sioned officer residing as aforesaid two month's pay aiwl subsistence, to be computed from the rates ol tneir respective acceptances. The second payments will be made to tire 31st inst. and wilHuchule as well the pay of ofli-cer- s as recruits ; th;it is 'o sv the officers from thetime to winch the afores iid two ad. t. tut i ii 1. vance snail anu me recruits Horn is mvinn- - nrti.-,hl- the mis orvnlistmtnts- Ttc sitond payments are to be sounded on duplSatemusterrolls to bt exhibited by each 'Sap. tarn ; ana tne tirst ceipt; place. by re- -. f.ari, ,1,,, the me at this ' lhe soon New Port, X. 1 3A August, 1 ".J.U A JiJ..KJJ.X, TT f'he Editors of n the.states of Keutucky and Ohio will please' to givethe foregoing a lew insertions their respective pa ers. T. STRAYED or stolen on the 4th of July last, trom Andrew Harbison s, nine miles from Danville, upon'the road leading lo Bairdstown, a BROWN MARE, six cr seven years old, near fourteen hands three high, has a JKVail, - a small white spot on riirht and branded Br. on her near shoulder off from a boy about tvvo miles from the month of Hickman, in Jessamine county.on ije 3rd of July last, a light BAY MARE, fiveorsix old, about fifteen hands high, one footwjiite and branded Br. onMiernear shoulder. Whoever will deliver both or either ofthem to me in Bairds town, Dennis Brashear in Danville or T. & R. ficrr in Lexington, will give information wheie one or both are to be had, shall receive a liberal reward from ' " Walter Brasbedr, Bairdstown, August, 1808. FLOUR, PORK, AND'WHISKEY. I WISH to contract for a quan- - ily ef thewibpve mentioned articles, to be deli-erc- o at NJtchez, Fort Adjms, &c. as early as' pi act i cable, rf fj James Morrison.. Ocfofier loth. 1803 FIVr: DOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED away from Georgetown, n the first inft. one a IRON GRAY HORSE-si- x or seven years old, very much crest fallen, white skin around the eves and nose, and ander the tail, the of ronrf-ou- the pattern joint. Also, ABROWN HORSE, fevenor sight years old, branded . C. bob tail, and dish face. person deli- - vering laid hortes to me, or giving 1r. Bradford notice wheie they are, so that get them again, fhali receive the above JOB STEVENSON. Geotgetovvn, Sept. 12, 1808. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE", that on the second Mon- - day of March next, at nine o clock, P. D. H. will with lhe commissioners appointed bv the county court of Montgomery county, at the house of Philip Hamman, on Sycamore toiicot Slate, 111 Montgomery county, and from thence proceed to the beginning comer of a sur- - veynj nvKi of JaiaA &rgkjiT-jf- l dredVhd veyu arWp totake , entered on the twenty-thir- d day one thousand seven hundred and iree, lor Charles Morrrun. nine hun seventy-fiv- e acres of which was sur- - attntcd for the ; llien and there thefleposilions of sundry witnesses to perpetuate testimony to establish the beginning and calls of said entry, or the .v hole ef the cor- ners and lines of the said survey, and to do anv other act or thing which I may deem necessary and the law doth authorise and require , and is not completed on that day, to adjourn from day to day iintil the business is finished. Benjamin Hensley. January 30th, io. 3W T A f AXTri ttr A 1 r T friends the public ill general UiNa V Ai 1 JilJ. stockof is month's I 11,1. give a generous price to waggoners II haul salt for me from the Little Sarfty Salt Woiks. For further information apply to jcreuiiau mcaveiu L.exuigiuu. ' FrriHinrvi 1 ROO yTHIS is to forewarn any person oCperpons from buying a note given, by me to Daniel Norris, bearing soSne time in December, 1807 : as this in nart is a dp fraud i and I having bonds against said Norris, i do not intendto pay the note. it Zecbariah B. Thomas. THE Assignees of John Jordan, Jun. hereby Mrn'gomery County, Sc( . call unoit indebted to binj, wh other is aken up by Peter Helms, living in Mont- - . quested that 03 vears same gohery county, on creek, near Morcan's Km, a sorrel Filley, tvvo years old. no brands perceivable, some white on her face, an iron grey tvvo years old, with a blaze face, no brands perceivable ;' appraised to thirty dollars each 1 8th December, 1S08. 1( Francis Tnprlett, D. C, n Three Thousand Dollars for Ten ! fl LOTTEHY fortlie purpose of enabling the .Trustees of the town of Lexington to improve JVlain-strte- t, between Wilson's tavern and Ma gowan's bridge. scheme: 1 Prize, (a capital Brick Housed on Main.sueet) 3 k 1 Ditto tin cash) '.T Ditto (ditto) 1 Ditto (ditto) 1 Ditto fdittol 4 Ditto (ditto) S 25 each, 100 Ditto (ditto) S10cach 5' o 50 109 Prizes, all floating, amounting to J 391 500 Tickets at 10g amoun- - tiner to i,000 10O 1,000 5,000 Blanks. seach S The prizes will be subject to a deduction of ten pei- - cent, only, which together, with sis per cent given by the proprietor", ob the amount of the house, will nroduces'x hundred and eiirhtv subscriber on dav Hadonwl dollars, tobepaid to the of the low nfdft shciHvent a striped lirscj dress the abovementioned purpose The capital prize, value Three Thousand Dollars, is a good, substantial, well built, Brick House, pleasantly situated on Main-stict- t, be- tween the Kev. Adam Rafikin's and Mr. Mad- - dos Fisher's, consisting of a kitchen and cellar in the basement story, tvvo good parlours with passage 'and staiy.case in the principal story. vitUtvo chambers and ahanusome drawing room above, and will be completely finished by the first of November, in a neat manner, inside ana outside, ana will nave handsome Venetian shutters to all the front windows. The out buildings will consit of a good brick spring-hous- e and smokehouse, a well and pump, with other necessary conveniences. The footway in front, and the back yard in part, will be paved with brick. The lot and jrardern is under post and rail fence, and may be viewedany time to the drawing. Immediate possession will be given to Jhepropiietor of the fortunate ticket whfch may draw this prize, together with a good title, by deed, vv ith ireneral vv arrantv. The other pr.zes, will paid in fortv idays aster the drawing is finished. Any person taking two tickets will be entitled to. twenty days three tickets, forty days sour tickets(sixty days five tickets', ninety days and sis tickets, one hundred and twenty days credit, to be computed from the time the draw- - rceextenaea, :nr fin;s,-- d. their ni inches on Any Also, ;J J &'& o .., with an approved endorser. The lottery will be drawn in tvfo days, (both in one week) viz. two hundred and fifty tickets payments duplicate nrn, by tespectivc officers to and lrllstees ofthe ,,' as 808 m her or mark attend whole note l. as the ets are.so'.d, of which notice will be given in the Lex.ngtbn papers. Tickets to be of the managers, and at the Kentath Gazette and Reporter offices. Jno. Wrigglesworth,! . Jno . Wyatt, IjUrn-'- s Ben. Parish, , f David Sutton, Lexington, September 1, 180s- - Lexington, August si, 1808. the subscribers,- - have been called on bv the proprietor of the above nanied house and improvements, to value the same and we be- lieve it will cost hiiti the sum of three thousand dollars at least, lo complete it in the above ' manner. , David Sutton, Maddox Fisher, JFiUitfn Hansoft. NOTIGE The citizens of. Lexineton. and all bthersthatmayfeelthtmselvcsMnterested in llie above mentioned arelequested to come, described in the above mentioned scheme, as! they nearly completed atid will finished in here there stull the Lottery will drawn. ft is eriven. that next, jonn aigiur:. evAToIe n lor me, will attend with cummi.s. nacery ofi tick had Wc by the County Court of Jes. county, and proceed to take depositions rto for establish- - y"" entry rules bill, of bis hind feet, thus sill Kllf wuniMinj iianu will deliver said niisfviijg be well icwardtd, "50 TAKE managers, des- cribed Nelson rtuiuut house occupied Red Noyember C'nK county of datefrom persons previous Lottery, Uiv,jiev,iliu,.iijui j,ert to wit eeruncate, waters west side thereof, three irom the leading include the ot IThen and .i..i vue sundry persons calls said entry contin- ue from to day, fpleted. February 1809. MEDICINE. Jbst arrived and be sold by the subscriber, at his Apothecary Shop, at corner of Shots and Market streets, Lciington. Andw. MlCalla. Within or month's past, we have lent to some person in this Bed Pan, and Clyster Syringe It is hoped, that those vho in possession, will, on seeing this vertisement, them. tf A. M'C. Five Dollars Reward. WILL given for spprthendirg Negi Woman named Mary, who ran from Christmas List. Trustees away cash, and" other cloathing not lecoller about feet five or six iiiil.es fl wJf hs bum welt on her bv snpposed she is between ill's pi. ce and Frark sort, somewhere the neighbourhood of Mr Ashbv's, Mrs. Lee's, Judge M" Hamilton's or Dailey's tavern. Coyle. January So, Madison circuit, set. term, 180S Benjamin Milncr, against Robert Deen and John Crooke, defendants. IN It appearing to the satisfaction the court that the defendant Robert bilant this to enter his appear virtue the five 4f not m'.ia wealth, and haviie herein to law and rules this court therefore the motion ofthe said comnlainai tbv his counsel is ordered that the said absent U!ei,d..ntRo'jei Deen, do appear on the day 011 next March term, and le conipUiiir.i,t bill, on Mure thereof, the same ken forconfessedagainsthim. Anditis furtlitr ordered, copy th.s be inserted authoiised of this commonwealth, vecks, to the assembly in such cj.5e n.-- Je and provi- ded. A copy teste, B. d. M STA CLAT Set. October Term, 1803. JameS'ah'd Hugh Wtiite, complt against C Chanceiy James Pogue and James This day caniethecomnlainnts bv thcirccin- - sel, and appearing to the satisfaction Court, the defendant lame-- l'otue. ;s "f an mliaoitant ot this On tion the complainant, it is ordered, that lu icss tiiesam ocienuant do appear heie, the third day ol the frrxt tetm this court,-an- answer the bill, the same shall conlesstd, tliat copy this order inserted in some paper eight weeks, agreeable to law (A copy,) atteste, A November 1808. ClkCUlf,Sc7. September Term, 1808. 1'i.tseT Woodruffcomplainanl") against Woo Irufi" defendant It to the that the defendant Coinmorivveahh, and Deen third J ofthe Cm A of ibis fl sailed en'er his appearance law and the and view the buildings and prcmiseSVules of ibis Court. the motion ot are be inesaiu cempiamanc that unless the said sew weeks. Those who wish on the first dav ofthe next march teim will apply soon, area sew on!fh's coutt, and answer the complainant's bill, hand unsold and soon they of. or on fail.irc the same betafctnfor be Notice hereby Commonwealth, February at thehoSseof mnn"is agreeaole assembly in Jessamine I or provuitu. POT lTKmne 1UV nti be Appointed perpetuate testimony 12 18 ad be igretable against mm, anu turther ordered that copy On this for tvvo the 27th day of loan act tue4 mnoeanu some copv, Richd. -- ., ,. he of be of of be he Clianctr satisLetion an inhabitant havii'g herein, to forward Therefore ner couiko:, cd iM'endait ap- - to purchase tick-'pea- r ets please as so as are disposed theieof, of be inserted in au Iborised of i.ovvery, county, A agrteabi to in such Holder d.c.m.e.c. calls an the 24th 1808. vlU. 1780. in the name of lohn Smit JrePh DouSh"ty. complainant, thousand acres; and also one of five' -- ru ..?Ea'l! .. lundred acres, adioininir the above on the south u ' ?""'?' .?Xny y'. J."""' HuET' side, and proceed 'from aid Lowery's house, to ' ives "tZ, ,' ,'"" W the spring called for in the above thousand "5 T2 riel m2 V ll"ft", acres entry, and continue from day to day is ne- -' nd.n S' de"dant cessary until the business is finished estab-- 1 LliailCei')". lishing the calls of said entries, do what may T1,c defendants John, Thomas, Unity, Pnllv, propel' for the above purposes. James, Hugh, Hannah and Willijm Carland, SAM.UEL M'DOVVELL. hel" prefentativcs of Thomai Cailand, Dec. 31st, 8vv not ''aviug entered their appearance, herein according to law, the of STRAYED court ,nd !t appearing to the fatisfaaion ol ibe. ON the 24th from the sub- - CUU they inhabitants of com- - scriber, living en Sinking creek, Jeisamine nonwca't .On motion the complainant by county,, BRIGHT HORSE, about 16 co""reI " 's ordered that the said difen- - hands hin-h- aiwpara n'H. rnn. ... do "PPearJieirftin the third day of out nexi 'A trotter, small star in his sorehead, shaped Apf, te',m' ,an'd a,,rer tlle mplainant's im. J. ",a- - se be taken as i.nc anu :,, OI nr.s. .. ps both IllC tllttlll) tin. roil in nAnn.. . - ..j tun uiiacuutrucc lo ia Whosoeser horse to me shall is l;io lame will ,uuu .... Turner. have ronfclTed iuiiiiL,iiciii.uLiLiT.ir branded authorifed paper copy II. Woodson, jlk". strayed A U1LXN LiJiiYl Ol gOOCl lnEton VVednefda) evening 16th inft, . racter, qualififd teach tfte Enclish Gram 1rc' near 'sndi high, her ears foxe mBjf Heading, Writing and Arithmetic, Ho. ,"','' "ranos reco with encouragement the school "'ewaruoi uonars will given ttland late Colonel Kobert Sanders, dec. aPPlel;endi"g lhe tine, dollars deliver Scott county, eight miles, from Lexington, tsenjamin Moore's tavern the road leading Georgetown. lubicriber 1809. JJeni. TOlx!. NOTICE, auaii will uay iviarrn u...i imre.!.-!- ,.' next, the commissioners appointed bvtbe' ullT.ur'ole' i)..li:. v,uuuu xujini, iciin, ALFRED Wm. GRAYSON. J1800, lhe lately by John 18O8. in tie sad Bullitt, perpetuate Slate Filley, both cood iJltllH 7, 111 lIUillL" Ul Shanklin, the follovying words, is till: .111, ,n to "a mc on be on to uy ine 400 acres the the 01 a the ejazetie. folk Salt river, the -- O about sour miles lick, and mile roact from Beargrass said his 21st February, 1780. there pfoceed-t- o the c,':.. in ciiuv, tu eieposi. day imtiVthe' com- - Robert Sbaitklin. town, a a large them return a away tl -- j wore, s ,, bl ut It breast occasioned a . Wallace's, C. Septeinler complainant CHANCERY. sailed is an the . here answer or shall l.i that a ,r some an .ict 2 HOLDER, c. r. CIRCUIT, Kincaid.j it 1 tl e mat on before April ' th; and a autli jr ized MADISON David appearinir not agieeabie on ii absent a comesseu it is this some C. tTIJt I fnt,f ,, .. - - . " . . . J x ' r ' S and and dece.afed : u and this ' December, ' a this a dants a c. 1, .:-, ,....! .1 "' per- - ,!, A kn Uie T rp 111 j J t it tl " . copy ui u. lit lrt '" (ome Dews accordir.f A tsfle, Sand. or trom Mr. . v rm - , . . . . i. I Cll.f- - a and y, ' 5 will J ars no at house 20 for ofthe or five to to on j , February Nov. ;8th, lying lick, prove law, igh, 1809. order paper cider, order paper teste, made f 18&8. thf PAT .,..........,....... ftolcn Tavh AJN 1S08. N. The mare Lad a halF worn TII1T. .1..11 .!. ,r. .. . ' inii on uic OI vv th Pad nirrvmc .ml meet r ' """ "'" -- .,., rtf i.:- - v. - - Jo. r ai men at 8, to UIC JL in : Journeyman Bookbinder, Who sober and industrious, and well acquainted with butinefs, Will meet with good waoes and cohflant Robert Shanklin enters in Kentucky, laPplyig to Editor Kentucky- - uy kc. on Floyd's of on or Bullitt's one cut of to to improverhent. Entered to improvement .1,'.. 1 . .11, "'"uiui me oaiu muc tionsof to special in .agreeably, to to business ' , 9, FRESH. to eo in of of of ; of C I In commonvveahh. complainant;, takenas Baker, !, .. ' , UC f'lile n .. , . .. B. on saddle, T C . nut no of c c. c. c. 2d In he 1 oy do of of t..i. one of be of not of ni ""t":" t'u iuau 4, ...... An..f of ..:.! be r, A is his emnlov. hi . of TAKEN up by Francis Preston, near thd Burnt Station, ,011 Strode's road, one Black Filley, tvvo years old next spring, sore see t white, twelve and a half hands bigbrsrtar in her sore, head i appraised to ten ilijAB Given undec my hand, this 12th day ofUember, i8cS. i. "I fiT. Harrison. Clarke Count, October i&th. TAKEN up nI.C Cljl.fl.'o lite... Ull VU(. 3 thirieen and .1 1808 lump on her .1 P. lv 1. i ( s y by Maximillian lioram, livinj; w3 m Station, one Bay Mare, aboni J half har.ds higlv with a smal t jT- - back seven or eight.years old, n brand, perceivable ; appraised to twenty dolh.r. r yim.et liullock, a. c. ( I

Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY) 1809-02 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c862b930v/data/1119.pdf · 2012. 6. 2. · and Germairv: Youiic's Travels in France: Moody'sJketchesof

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY) 1809-02 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c862b930v/data/1119.pdf · 2012. 6. 2. · and Germairv: Youiic's Travels in France: Moody'sJketchesof



-- &'





Wanted Contract

STONE COALS,at this place, apply to

Lex. Nov. sSiScS- -

Cuthbert Hanks,

FOS. SALE Between three andsour thousand Acres of L A N D,Lv mg : Knox enmity, on both sides of

mtr and Minklng creek, ami on the main

Hate i .ul, leading tliro'i.h 'he Wilderness.Tiler. i in this tiact a gre- -t diversity of soil, thebottoiin benur witifil tj any i;i the state ; andthere is :i considerable 'Hianlity of level highlandcl 'v'l-'.'-ii- : quality. .'A gieut bargain maybebad ') t person wiio ill purchase the whole

..nd a good title ms-.l-e to the same, astervuiiiiimr oil'soir.e inconsidei abL proportidn vv hichis now in dispute. Tj suit purchasers the saidbind would bi3 laid oft'into srna'ler tracts, one'ofwbuli ta contain from three to sour hundred aJcrcs, and ti include the plantation and improve-ments on the road, vh ch is considered ajan ex-

cellent stind for a tavern. There is a good millscat on (his tract, anil a very eligible situation fora" distilltrj . A small tract of land in the neigh-bourhood of Lexington or Versailles, would ha n

in part payment s 'and for terms and otherparticulars, application must be made to the sub-

scriber, l'r. ing on tfie premises.WADE N. WOODSON.

Knox county, 7th May, 1808. tfA REQUES'I


nurchafed the the quotation a Lord

Late Col. George Nicholas, and being in the Britiili Parliament, is

to books that have thy attention ; " he'had seen three-com-

out will' thank per-iinen- upon (orders in one

ions who have any of them, to;uy ur. riooimon, one

return them to me in Lexington, or informme, where they can be had.

T. BARRYDecember 17th, 1S07. .


Messrs. Scott, Trotter &. Co.Meichants, Lexington, Ky.

LEES'Genuine Patent and Family Medi-

cines,Which are celebrate !fnr the Cut e rf most disea-

ses to Jiu-- the Human Bjdy h Lable, viz

Lees' Worm Destroying Lozenges,Which effectually eipcli all kinds of worms

from p. rsons of every age.Lees' E!i:;ir,

cert '.t remedy sot colds, coughs, asthmas,u.ul particularly the hooping cough, souuctive to cliililren.

Lees' Essence is Mustard,well known for the cure of rheumatism,

gout, pilsy, sprains, kc. &c.Lees Grand Restorative.

Proved by long experience to be unequalled int'e cure 01 nervous disorders, consumptions,

' lovvness of spirits, inward weakness, &c.Lees' Anti-Bilio- Pil's,

For the prevention and cure of bilious and rea-

lign ml levers.Lees' Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,

"Which is rendered an infallible remedy by oneapplication without mercury.

Ague and Fever Drips,For the cure of agues, remittent and

levei s.

Persian I.ction,Celeb"at'd for the cure of ringworms, tetters

and all riuj lions of the zkii., renderinjr itsoft and sTiooth.

k An tor M 01 tne eves.

fZ'tV Genuine Eye Water,

eiiectual lTineily a.seasc3Tuoth-Aih- e Drt,ps,

Vliich rive immediate relies.Lees' Coin Plnister.Demasi Lip Salve.

Restorative PoviJer,For the teeth and gums.

The Anod.ne Elixir,For the cure of every kind qf head ache.

idian Vegetable Speerf.c, Jcertain cure for vencnl complaints.

Thousands of our fellow citizens liaereceived benefit from the above jMei-ciss- s

when reduced to the List fiape ofdisease, and majiy families ot the fifft

have given publick teflmionytne aitonnning cures periormea ivitn ne

above preparations.- - 1 he proprietors areY?ell allured, that a lingle trial ot any arti-cle here enumerated, will convince themod prejudiced perfqn of its utility.

Pamphlets Containing cases of cures, Stc.n?y be had at the above place of

file, sufficient to confirm our alTeition.Were we inclined to publish all the ceiti-f.caie- 3

which aie in our poffeffion, weClla folio 'volume ; but we never

mention tre names ot any per.ons butthose canpot of any parson but

tneir 'lyTjjrou uioii.Thcfe medicineshave beeif

for a number of to the cuMick.fe 110- -in their 12lh,

tne rpid les ; to aetect counterfeits it isnet.fucy to inform the that theymust be particular in applying as above,ana observe that none can be geuine with

the lignature ot Richard t.ee Son.N. 13, Jiach and every Mtdicine above

enumerated, have got theii directions, desending their mgde ot ule in the moltlect marner.

Public Auction.WILL BE SOLD on the first day of March

next, in the ol Lexington, to highestbidder, tor re.-.d- thq Hpufe now occupi-ed by the Kentucky Company, refer-vlu- g

the rif,lit oi laid company to occupy thesame unt.l'he ift of Apiil, sold by

2 the Fajette circujf court,wherein Lewis Saunders and James Morrifi.nare complainants and John jr. and the

aj'd of said company are de-

fendants. sale to commence at 1 2 o'clock,at the door of the Insurance office.

Estill C wi? .



John IV. Hunt,J o Pnstlethviait,1 nomas Hart. ir.


Lexington,- - Joth. Janft-iry- ,1809. 1

Tsbtn cp bjf" Benjimin' Alcxundcr, on thelOutfTTork of Sfation Mare,

r iwo years oaiast spnns?. Wrflrand Perceivable.hd on about a fn e sfiilRi b'ell with of an

""""pld horse shoe for clapper, about 13 hndsugiii kppraisea to twenty-hv- e dollars.

yames White, j. p.December 1st, 1808. fTaken by Thompson, living in

Mercer county, on the waters of Brush creek,

J fbur miles from Wm. Adams's mill, on Saltsc river, one b y about thiiteen hands and

nein '1 high, six years oH, no percei-vable . ap'iriised to thiity-fiv- c dfi beforeSM:, th.s i8.ii f Muvcmber, 1808.

IF M'Gtiire, j.p.

rHE SUBSCRIBERust received Philadel- -

and Baltimore, a large and general atmeitt of MERCHANDIZE, purchased for.i....-- , i i 'Ji' ... i. -- l. i :i.ircauy money, anil ojniieu ill ins new unojv uuiiu-ine- r,

at the corner of Mill street, which hesell for cash. No credit can be expect-- ied. All those uidebted to him either by Bond,Note or Book accountjarc requested topay offor settle their? respective accounts as noturther indulgence rjll be given.

William Leavy.Lexington, October 20,

. MACCON, tilford &. c-- .

HAVE revived from PhiladelphiaNew- - York, the following valuable Books,a contiderable proportiorjjtffwhich are oflate publications.

ReS's Medical Guide, or a completePractical Svfiem of Modern1 domestic Me- -

drcine, for the tile of families and youngpractitioners or fludents in medicine' andforgery. The Britilh Reviewers conflderthis 'work much more estimable than Buc-han- 's

Domellic Me'dicine & "as calculatedentirely to fopercede it.'An enquiry into the caufesand confequen-ce- s

of the orders in council and an ex-

amination of the conduct of Great Bri-

tain towards theneutral commerce ofby iraficflMer Baring sq.

M. p. s&In regard to this pamphlet following

HAVING Library of from lpeech delivered byrd

receiveall been of,oaned of it. I those them council)

borrowed oy a writer on pon















tical economy, ana a third winch contained more information upon the fubfectof commerce than any work he had'evcrseen, by a moll rel'pectable merthant, Mr(Uaring.

Corinua, or Italy, a celebrated new No-

vel by the Baronets de Stael .Holfteili,daucliter of the famous Meeker: WalkrVskev the claffical pronunciations ofGreek, Latin, and Scripture propter mines,C 'I'M... I? TT. I....J'..I I1ix.c. 1 lie iLuropean auu. uuiveriai ioyrt- -

; 1 he Monthly Mirror and Ladle'sMuleum tor lOao ; Kolcoe's iro 10th ;

Madoc, a celebrated new poem ; 'Originalanecdotes of Frederick the ,Great, bvUieudonne Thiebault ; Murray's MateriaMedica'; Chaptal's Chemistry, improvedbj- - Doct. Woodhoufe ; Qudervood ontbechfeafes of children ; Townfesd's Guide tohealth; Parkinlbn's Medical Admonitions;Default's Surgery ; Bell's ao. Lavoirier"sChemistry ; Cuvier's Lectures on Anato-my ; Denman's Midw'fery ; Sturve onAnimation; Bates-'- s Kural Philofoghy ;

FefTenden's Poe.ms; Ainfworth's Latin andEnglilli Dictionary ; Ramfay's Life ofVV jtr.ington ; Spalwzanrs travels in thetvvo Sicilies- - arid part of the Apenines ;

Selfridges Trial, ;aken in shorthand byT. Lloyd, sq, reporter of the debates ofCongress, and GeorCaines, sq. reporterto the Hate ot Mew-Yor- k, and lanctionedby the 'the to the stateot waluchuietts ; . wittmans travelsthrough Tuikey, Asia Minor, Svrja andEgypt ; Radclrff's Tour through Hollandand Germairv: Youiic's Travels in France:Moody's Jketchesof the hiftary of France,Meare's oyages to Cbina and the K.West Cpift of Arherica j St. Pierre's Voy-age to the Ille of France, the IiTe of Bour

aiicl Uape 01 Uood Wope; IVlacart,ney'sEmbafl'y to China j Stevens's Hiftorv othe Wars in France cTuriug the Rev,oluion ; Dupaty's Travels in ItalyBirauiour's Hilioiy of the Commerce of

reece ; Denoir's Egypt ; Reynler's do.Villon's do. Vallant'sTravels in Africa :

Barrow's do. Burgh's Dignity of HumanNature ; Catteau''s Hitlory of Sweden ;

Wood's Switzerland; Briftod's Tourthrough the Highlands ol Scotland ; Sft- -

mervilles ' Political 1 raniaaions: Lat?Montague's Works.

In about three weeks they expect to receive froniN. York, a much larger col-

lection ; a catalogue of them fliall succeedthis advertisement.Lexington, July 12th, 1808.

WAS loll on Friday night, the 1 1th infl.at Mr- - John JJavis's, oneund a half miles

iigton, on Henry's mill road,Blue Surtout Coat,

3 ingle breast, brown stuff pockets j contaiA Tfarl Mnfrtfin. - Ah lrt.li liv-- -- uui vv-v- 2. ue,iv-t- , jjvjutvr

With a spring steel clisp, and paperswho are well known to be citizens which he use to the

of (trict, veracity, arid tnen not vitIioutlowner" Whoever will deliver the above

made knownvears



virtue of decree of






to llie subscriber, or at the office of the Ken.ttickv shall receive Dollars.

H. iM'Ilvainthii K0-'"- fpe'ik more favoui than November 1808.














Gazeue, Five

RICHARD rAYLOR,.T5 ESPECTFULLY informs his ahd1. . tne pjiicx, mat 11c lias opened a










Entertainment, ,

commodious brick house latelyr. John Instone, Frankfort ;

ltd with the best of liquoiandprovisioair ofrrrwjtind. His stable is relllurmsiRd with foraee, and an attentive ostlei--.

From the arrangements made to accommodatehit visitants, and attention that will be itidthem, he flatters himself he will share the'pub'tavour.

Frankfort, October 24, i80S.

Prime Manufactured Tobacico.JACOBT.AUDEMAN, takes thelibertyof

1IIIOI lillllthatjfc




fourn north of Lexington, whsre he has fur-- jnie.fjimself with a Tobacco, so asto enable him to keer, a twelve month's enrm1belorehand always by him Thequality is war-rente- d

equal, to any ever manufactured in thisstate, and sold on I1hrr.1l iwmc w.a -- n.t-. ,..:n

j-- - .v....... .lu vuarva willail.le branded with the innltials of his iume,preve'ntraposilions.

flj" A constant sflpnly of the shore Tnhnrlin casks can always be had at the stores of Saml.

oeo. 1 rotter, and Joseph Hudson. Lexington.- Best Twist Tobacco st 9d. per pound retail,at my shop.om.

T3.-- .


Lexington A". Uov. 5th, 1808.

nccojSt, note, or otherwise, to seltlrttherbfse who have claims on him. nw

toorinir them forward, ilifYn,,, i.j.kV,:.i,,i .1: , . 1 ,, r.;..V. ' ' v..uiujwiui aujusieu. aiT.n'uitam. Macbean

authorised ,to act as t for the assimn..By order of the assignees.

L5ington,Septcmbcr 19, 1808.


his Apothi'-n'- Shop to a house in the rangeof new brick buildings fronting the south-eas- t

side of the court house, second door above thecorner house lately occupied bv Mr. John Jordan. He has now on hand a largf quantity of

- v tttt7 7? iff n Tmijv ...l.:i. i. n ivoi iui.xit,jyji, wiueii jic win veil

cheap. (Q" Practitiont r- - of Medieine can besupplied on term more advantageous than thejcould at any of the shops ill the Eastern states.

Surgeons' Instruments of all kinds, and acomplete assortment of Paten" t Medicines.

Lexington, Sept. 19, 1808.

Danl. SfCharles Bradford,HAVING entered'into partnership in Bobk

Prirjtintrjprespectfully inform their friends, andthejpubRSKrencrally, that theyintend carryinir ontliTiusnxss extensively, on Main strce!. Theyfyfcit oTHers for Book or yob Printing, whichshall be executed with neatness and dispateh, andon the most moderate terms.

Lexington, April 12

Notice.AFTER about three years' anxious pursuit

and meditation, I have at length made a complete difco'very ot the Perpetual Motion in Theory, and have .reduced it to praftice. I" willonly observe that it moves by its own weight ftrut is to say, the more you load a waggon, themoVe the power is encreafed so as to move thewaggon and its burthen. I expect to write afiiOTt treatise on the fubjefr, which will morelully explain th's melt grand and lmpoitant

I am anxious that it mould be put inpractice as soon as poflible, so that the publicmay rcecive uic ucneuis ieiuKing irom tnis no.ble principle, so long vtifid for by them.

ffi Henry Fenk.October 29th, t&oftf i2mioo'

NoticeTO Officers of the additional Peghnents residing

within the states ofKentucky and Ohio,THAT I am authorised by the pa) master 2fi

me United States to advance lo each commissioned officer residing as aforesaid two month'spay aiwl subsistence, to be computed from therates ol tneir respective acceptances.

The second payments will be made to tire31st inst. and wilHuchule as well the pay of ofli-cer- s

as recruits ; th;it is 'o sv the officers fromthetime to winch the afores iid two ad.t. tut i ii 1.vance snail anu me recruits Horn is mvinn- - nrti.-,hl-the mis orvnlistmtnts-

Ttc sitond payments are to be sounded onduplSatemusterrolls to bt exhibited by each 'Sap.tarn ; ana tne tirstceipt;place.

by re--. f.ari, ,1,,,the me at this ' lhe soon

New Port, X. 1 3A August, 1".J.U A JiJ..KJJ.X,

TT f'he Editors of n the.statesof Keutucky and Ohio will please' to givetheforegoing a lew insertions their respective paers. T.

STRAYED or stolen on the 4th of Julylast, trom Andrew Harbison s, nine miles fromDanville, upon'the road leading lo Bairdstown,a BROWN MARE, six cr seven years old,near fourteen hands three high, hasa JKVail, - a small white spot on riirht

and branded Br. on her near shoulderoff from a boy about tvvo miles from the

month of Hickman, in Jessamine county.on ije3rd of July last, a light BAY MARE, fiveorsix

old, about fifteen hands high, one footwjiiteand branded Br. onMiernear shoulder. Whoeverwill deliver both or either ofthem to me in Bairdstown, Dennis Brashear in Danville or T. & R.ficrr in Lexington, will give informationwheie one or both are to be had, shall receivea liberal reward from ' "

Walter Brasbedr,Bairdstown, August, 1808.

FLOUR, PORK, AND'WHISKEY.I WISH to contract for a quan- -

ily ef thewibpve mentioned articles, to be deli-erc- o

at NJtchez, Fort Adjms, &c. as early as'pi act i cable, rf

fj James Morrison..Ocfofier loth. 1803

FIVr: DOLLARS REWARD.STRAYED away from Georgetown,

n the first inft. one aIRON GRAY HORSE-si- x

or seven years old, very much crestfallen, white skin around the eves andnose, and ander the tail, the ofronrf-ou- the pattern joint. Also,

ABROWN HORSE,fevenor sight years old, branded . C.bob tail, and dish face. person deli- -

vering laid hortes to me, or giving 1r.Bradford notice wheie they are, so thatget them again, fhali receive the above

JOB STEVENSON.Geotgetovvn, Sept. 12, 1808.

TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,TAKE NOTICE", that on the second Mon- -

day of March next, at nine o clock, P. D. H.will with lhe commissioners appointed bvthe county court of Montgomery county, atthe house of Philip Hamman, on Sycamoretoiicot Slate, 111 Montgomery county, and fromthence proceed to the beginning comer of a sur- -

veynj nvKiof JaiaA&rgkjiT-jf- l

dredVhdveyu arWptotake

, entered on the twenty-thir- d dayone thousand seven hundred and

iree, lor Charles Morrrun. nine hunseventy-fiv- e acres of which was sur- -

attntcd for the ; llien and therethefleposilions of sundry witnesses to

perpetuate testimony to establish the beginningand calls of said entry, or the .v hole ef the cor-ners and lines of the said survey, and to do anvother act or thing which I may deem necessaryand the law doth authorise and require , and isnot completed on that day, to adjourn from dayto day iintil the business is finished.

Benjamin Hensley.January 30th, io. 3W

T A f AXTri ttr A 1 r T

friends the public ill general UiNa V Ai 1 JilJ.





11,1. give a generous price to waggonersII haul salt for me from the Little Sarfty

Salt Woiks. For further information apply tojcreuiiau mcaveiu L.exuigiuu.

' FrriHinrvi 1 ROO

yTHIS is to forewarn any personoCperpons from buying a note given, by me toDaniel Norris, bearing soSne time inDecember, 1807 : as this in nart is a dpfraud i and I having bonds against said Norris,i do not intendto pay the note.

it Zecbariah B. Thomas.THE Assignees of John Jordan, Jun. hereby Mrn'gomery County, Sc( .

call unoit indebted to binj, wh other isaken up by Peter Helms, living in Mont- -


quested that




gohery county, on creek, near Morcan'sKm, a sorrel Filley, tvvo years old. no

brands perceivable, some white on her face,an iron grey tvvo years old, with

a blaze face, no brands perceivable ;' appraisedto thirty dollars each 1 8th December, 1S08.

1( Francis Tnprlett, D. C,


Three Thousand Dollars for Ten ! flLOTTEHY fortlie purpose of enabling the

.Trustees of the town of Lexington to improveJVlain-strte- t, between Wilson's tavern and Magowan's bridge.

scheme:1 Prize, (a capital Brick Housed

on Main.sueet) 3k 1 Ditto tin cash)'.T Ditto (ditto)

1 Ditto (ditto)1 Ditto fdittol4 Ditto (ditto) S 25 each,

100 Ditto (ditto) S10cach



109 Prizes, all floating, amounting to J


500 Tickets at 10g amoun- -

tiner to




seach SThe prizes will be subject to a deduction of

ten pei-- cent, only, which together, with sis percent given by the proprietor", ob the amount ofthe house, will nroduces'x hundred and eiirhtv subscriber on dav Hadonwldollars, tobepaid to the of the low nfdft shciHvent a striped lirscj dressthe abovementioned purpose

The capital prize, value Three ThousandDollars, is a good, substantial, well built, BrickHouse, pleasantly situated on Main-stict- t, be-

tween the Kev. Adam Rafikin's and Mr. Mad- -

dos Fisher's, consisting of a kitchen and cellarin the basement story, tvvo good parlours withpassage 'and staiy.case in the principal story.vitUtvo chambers and ahanusome drawing roomabove, and will be completely finished by thefirst of November, in a neat manner, insideana outside, ana will nave handsome Venetianshutters to all the front windows. The outbuildings will consit of a good brick spring-hous- e

and smokehouse, a well and pump, withother necessary conveniences. The footway infront, and the back yard in part, will be pavedwith brick. The lot and jrardern is underpost and rail fence, and may be viewedany time

to the drawing. Immediate possessionwill be given to Jhepropiietor of the fortunateticket whfch may draw this prize, together witha good title, by deed, vv ith ireneral vv arrantv.

The other pr.zes, will paid in fortvidays aster the drawing is finished.

Any person taking two tickets will be entitledto. twenty days three tickets, forty days sourtickets(sixty days five tickets', ninety daysand sis tickets, one hundred and twenty dayscredit, to be computed from the time the draw- -

rceextenaea, :nr fin;s,-- d. their ni





;J J &'& o ..,with an approved endorser.

The lottery will be drawn in tvfo days, (bothin one week) viz. two hundred and fifty tickets

payments duplicate nrn,by tespectivc officers to and lrllstees ofthe,,' as










as theets are.so'.d, of which notice will be given in theLex.ngtbn papers.

Tickets to be of the managers, and at theKentath Gazette and Reporter offices.

Jno. Wrigglesworth,!.

Jno . Wyatt, IjUrn-'-s

Ben. Parish, , fDavid Sutton,

Lexington, September 1, 180s- -

Lexington, August si, 1808.the subscribers,- - have been called on bv

the proprietor of the above nanied house andimprovements, to value the same and we be-

lieve it will cost hiiti the sum of three thousanddollars at least, lo complete it in the above'manner.


David Sutton,Maddox Fisher,JFiUitfn Hansoft.

NOTIGE The citizens of. Lexineton. and allbthersthatmayfeelthtmselvcsMnterested in llieabove mentioned arelequested to come,

described in the above mentioned scheme, as!they nearly completed atid will finished in


stullthe Lottery will drawn.


is eriven. thatnext,



n lor me, will attend with cummi.s.nacery





by the County Court of Jes.county, and proceed to take depositionsrto for establish- - y""




of bis hind feet, thussill KllfwuniMinj iianu

will deliver saidniisfviijgbe well icwardtd,






rtuiuuthouse occupied Red

Noyember C'nK county of





Uiv,jiev,iliu,.iijuij,ert to wit

eeruncate,waterswest side thereof, threeiromthe leading

includethe ot

IThen and.i..ivue

sundry personscalls said entry contin-ue from to day,


February 1809.

MEDICINE.Jbst arrived and be sold by the subscriber,

at his Apothecary Shop, at corner of Shotsand Market streets, Lciington.

Andw. MlCalla.Within or month's past, we have lent to

some person in this Bed Pan, andClyster Syringe It is hoped, that those vho

in possession, will, on seeing thisvertisement, them.

tf A. M'C.Five Dollars Reward.

WILL given for spprthendirg NegiWoman named Mary, who ran from

Christmas List.Trustees away


and" other cloathing not lecollerabout feet five or six iiiil.es

flwJfhsbumwelt on her bv

snpposed she is between ill's pi. ce and Frarksort, somewhere the neighbourhood of MrAshbv's, Mrs. Lee's, Judge M"Hamilton's or Dailey's tavern.

Coyle.January So,

Madison circuit, set.term, 180S

Benjamin Milncr,against

Robert Deen and John Crooke, defendants.IN

It appearing to the satisfaction the courtthat the defendant Robertbilant this

to enter his appear




4fnot m'.iawealth, and haviie

hereinto law and rules this court thereforethe motion ofthe said comnlainai tbv his counselis ordered that the said absent U!ei,d..ntRo'jeiDeen, do appear on the day 011

next March term, and le conipUiiir.i,tbill, on Mure thereof, the sameken forconfessedagainsthim. Anditis furtlitrordered, copy th.s be inserted

authoiised of this commonwealth,vecks, to the

assembly in such cj.5e n.-- Je and provi-ded.

A copy teste,B. d. M


October Term, 1803.JameS'ah'd Hugh Wtiite, complt

against C ChanceiyJames Pogue and James

This day caniethecomnlainnts bv thcirccin- -

sel, and appearing to the satisfactionCourt, the defendant lame-- l'otue. ;s "fan mliaoitant ot this Ontion the complainant, it is ordered, that luicss tiiesam ocienuant do appear heie,

the third day ol the frrxt tetmthis court,-an- answer the bill,the same shall conlesstd, tliat

copy this order inserted in somepaper eight weeks, agreeable to law

(A copy,) atteste,A

November 1808.

ClkCUlf,Sc7.September Term, 1808.

1'i.tseT Woodruffcomplainanl")against

Woo Irufi" defendantIt to the

that the defendantCoinmorivveahh, and



Jofthe Cm A

of ibis flsailed en'erhis appearance law and the

and view the buildings and prcmiseSVules of ibis Court. the motion ot

are beinesaiu cempiamanc

that unless the saidsew weeks. Those who wish on the first dav ofthe next march teim

will apply soon, area sew on!fh's coutt, and answer the complainant's bill,hand unsold and soon they of. or on fail.irc the same betafctnfor


Notice hereby Commonwealth,February at thehoSseof mnn"is agreeaole assembly

in Jessamine I or provuitu.POT





perpetuate testimony

12 18




against mm, anu turther orderedthat copy

On this for tvvothe 27th day of loan act

tue4 mnoeanusomecopv,Richd.

-- ., ,.








satisLetionan inhabitant

havii'gherein, to

forward Thereforener couiko:,

cd iM'endait ap--

to purchase tick-'pea- r

ets please asso as are disposed theieof,

of be inserted in auIborised

ofi.ovvery, county,




in such

Holder d.c.m.e.c.

calls an the 24th 1808.vlU. 1780. in the name of lohn Smit JrePh DouSh"ty. complainant,thousand acres; and also one of five' --ru ..?Ea'l! ..

lundred acres, adioininir the above on the south u ' ?""'?' .?Xny y'. J."""' HuET'

side, and proceed 'from aid Lowery's house, to 'ives "tZ, ,' ,'"" Wthe spring called for in the above thousand "5 T2 riel m2 V ll"ft",

acres entry, and continue from day to day is ne- -' nd.n S' de"dantcessary until the business is finished estab-- 1 LliailCei')".lishing the calls of said entries, do what may T1,c defendants John, Thomas, Unity, Pnllv,

propel' for the above purposes. James, Hugh, Hannah and Willijm Carland,SAM.UEL M'DOVVELL. hel" prefentativcs of Thomai Cailand,

Dec. 31st, 8vv not ''aviug entered their appearance,herein according to law, the of

STRAYED court ,nd !t appearing to the fatisfaaion ol ibe.ON the 24th from the sub- -

CUU they inhabitants of com- -

scriber, living en Sinking creek, Jeisamine nonwca't .On motion the complainant bycounty,, BRIGHT HORSE, about 16 co""reI " 's ordered that the said difen- -

hands hin-h- aiwpara n'H. rnn. ... do "PPearJieirftin the third day of out nexi'A trotter, small star in his sorehead, shaped Apf, te',m' ,an'd a,,rer tlle mplainant'sim. J. ",a- - se be taken asi.nc anu :,,

OI nr.s. ..ps bothIllC tllttlll) tin. roil in nAnn.. . -..j tun uiiacuutrucc lo iaWhosoeser horse tome shall


l;io lame will,uuu ....




authorifed paper


II. Woodson, jlk".strayed

A U1LXN LiJiiYl Ol gOOCl lnEton VVednefda) evening 16th inft, .

racter, qualififd teach tfte Enclish Gram 1rc' near 'sndi high, her ears foxemBjf Heading, Writing and Arithmetic, Ho. ,"','' "ranos reco

with encouragement the school "'ewaruoi uonars will giventtland late Colonel Kobert Sanders, dec. aPPlel;endi"g lhe tine, dollars deliverScott county, eight miles, from Lexington, tsenjamin Moore's tavernthe road leading Georgetown. lubicriber

1809. JJeni. TOlx!.

NOTICE,auaii will uay iviarrn u...i imre.!.-!- ,.'

next, the commissioners appointed bvtbe' ullT.ur'ole'i)..li:.v,uuuu xujini, iciin,

ALFRED Wm. GRAYSON. J1800, lhe lately by John18O8. in tie sad Bullitt, perpetuate





iJltllH 7, 111 lIUillL" UlShanklin, the follovying words,






mc on be

onto uy ine

400 acres the the01 a the ejazetie.

folk Salt river, the--Oabout sour miles

lick, and mileroact from Beargrass said

his21st February, 1780.

there pfoceed-t- o thec,':..in ciiuv, tu eieposi.

day imtiVthe' com- -

Robert Sbaitklin.

town, a a large


aaway tl --j


,, bl ut

Itbreast occasioned a.






is an



answeror shall l.i

that a ,rsome

an .ict

2 HOLDER, c. r.



it 1 tl emat

onbefore April '


a autli jrized







comesseu it isthis some

C.tTIJt I fnt,f ,,..





.. .

J x





: u and this'

December, ' a this


a c.1, .:-, ,....! .1 "'per- - ,!,

A kn


T rp







" . copy ui u. lit

lrt'" (ome Dews accordir.f

A tsfle,Sand.or trom Mr.. v rm - , . . . . i.I Cll.f- - a

and y, ' 5

will J ars noat house 20 for

ofthe or five toto on

j ,

FebruaryNov. ;8th,
















ftolcn TavhAJN

1S08.N. The mare Lad a halF wornTII1T. .1..11 .!. ,r. .. . 'inii on uic OI vv th Pad nirrvmc .ml

meet r '""" "'"-- .,., rtf i.:- - v. - - Jo. r

ai menat

8, toUIC JL

in :

Journeyman Bookbinder,Who sober and industrious, and well

acquainted with butinefs, Will meetwith good waoes and cohflant

Robert Shanklin enters in Kentucky, laPplyig to Editor Kentucky- -

uy kc. onFloyd's of on

orBullitt's one cut of

toto improverhent. Entered

to improvement.1,'.. 1 . .11,"'"uiui me oaiu muc

tionsof to specialin .agreeably, to to








of ;











n .., .

.. B. on saddle,T C .



c c. c. c.2d


he 1








of notof












hisemnlov. hi .


TAKEN up by Francis Preston, near thdBurnt Station, ,011 Strode's road, one BlackFilley, tvvo years old next spring, sore see t white,twelve and a half hands bigbrsrtar in her sore,head i appraised to ten ilijAB Given undecmy hand, this 12th day ofUember, i8cS.

i. "I fiT. Harrison.Clarke Count, October i&th.

TAKEN upnI.C Cljl.fl.'olite... Ull VU(. 3

thirieen and .1


lump on her









by Maximillian lioram, livinj; w3 m

Station, one Bay Mare, aboni Jhalf har.ds higlv with a smal t jT- -

back seven or eight.years old, nbrand, perceivable ; appraised to twenty dolh.r.

r yim.et liullock, a. c. (