Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Te chnology Grid working group meeting Jan. 26 th , 2005 Bangkok

Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Grid working group meeting Jan. 26 th, 2005 Bangkok

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Page 1: Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Grid working group meeting Jan. 26 th, 2005 Bangkok

Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Grid working group meeting

Jan. 26th, 2005Bangkok

Page 2: Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Grid working group meeting Jan. 26 th, 2005 Bangkok

Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology


1. Status Report1. collaboration between APAN and Grid


2. Grid workshop in the APAN Bangkok Meeting

2. Organization of the (new) Grid Committee

3. Future Plan

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Status Report

Page 4: Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology Grid working group meeting Jan. 26 th, 2005 Bangkok

Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Collaboration with PRAGMAPartnership

PRAGMA and APAN signed MOU for synergistic partnership for grid activities in 2003.

Collaborationapplication development running the production grid

APAN Grid WGinterface between APAN and Grid


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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

PRAGMA Ecoinformatics ProjectA Web Services Architecture for Ecological and Agricultural Data

Collaboration between SDSC, NPACI, the LTER Network, PRAGMA, APAN, NCHC

Scalable and extensible approach to integrated data management and analysis for computational ecology

Current prototype links the SDSC Spatial Data Workbench (sdw.sdsc.edu) with MetBroker system (www.agmodel.net/MetBroker)

at Japan National Agricultural Research Center (NARC)

Prototype working with NCHC/TERN

Developing additional Asian partnerships





BT Servers




Flat File

Model pool

BT Network Director





Switch 1

Switch 2

BT Switches



Load B






SOAP & WSDL Java Web Services

MetBrokerWeather DBs






SDSC Blue Titan FabricLTER

Climate Databases

NARC Weather Database System. Japan

PRAGMA: Eco-informatics WS System



Taiwan EcoGrid

Source: Tony Fountain, Longjiang Ding

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Network Weather Maphttp://mrtg.koganei.itrc.net/mmap/grid.html

Thanks: Dr. Hirabaru and APAN Tokyo NOC team

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Grid Workshop

2005.1.25 (tue) 14:00-17:30Tutorial session:

Yoshio Tanaka (AIST)"Programming on the Grid using GridRPC"      

Technical session J.G. Wang (NARC) , "New Implementations of Agricult

ural Models Using Mediate Architecture“Jedsada Phengsuwan (NECTEC), "Development of Dis

tributed MetBroker toward Information Grid“Vara Varavithya (KMITNB), "Thailand National Grid Pr

oject" Kiyoshi Honda (AIT), "Cluster Computing for SWAP Cr

op Model Parameter Identification using Remote Sensing"

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Organization of the (New) Grid Committee

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Proposal for the Grid Comm.

Discussion about APAN’s efforts for Grid activities ad hoc Grid Activities Comm. + Grid WGposition paper

ProposalThe New Committee for grid activities, which

plays:coordination of groups involved in grid activities i

n APANan interface between APAN and grid communitie

s, e.g. PRAGAMA, ApGrid, APEC-TEL ApGrid, and more, as a representative of APAN)

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Why we need the new committee? Grid WG

organizing workshop, tutorial, publishing document

partially playing an interface between APAN and Grid communities

NR application development on the Grid development of the Sensor Grid collaboration with PRAGMA

Network Tech., NOC Team collaboration with Grid communities:

operation of Grid testbeds, e.g. SC demos.

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

An expert group which plays an interface between APAN and Grid communities is required.

Grid WG partially plays the interface, but the activity is limited because of organization structure.Grid WG is under the Appl. Tech. Area.Grid activities in APAN extends beyond the A

ppl. Tech. Area.NR, Network Tech., NOC team

Why we need the new committee? (cont’d)

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Grid Activities Committee

Role:1. To collaborate with the Grid communities

outside of APAN to enhance grid activities in Asia Pacific:

1. running the production grid2. supporting application groups of APAN to

implement their applications on the Grid

2. To publish documents about grid technology3. To plan sessions/workshops/training

activities related to grid technology in APAN meeting or others

4. To archive knowledge obtained by the above activities

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

How to Organize?

Merging Grid WG and the ad hoc Grid Activities CommitteeGrid WG has know-how to run missions, e.g.

collaboration with grid communities, organizing sessions/workshops, and more

Players of grid communities, e.g. PRAGMA, ApGrid, APEC-TEL and more, are involved in Grid WG/Committee.

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

MilestoneAug. 2003 (Busan)

kick-off meetingorganizing the ad hoc Grid Activities Committe

e Jul. 2004 (Cairns)

publishing the position paperhttp://apan.net/meetings/cairns2004/wg-comm/grid.

htm closing the ad hoc committeeproposing the new committee

not approved (re-proposing in the next meeting)

Jan. 2005 (Bangkok)re-proposing the new committee

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Future Plan

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Next Meeting

APAN Taipei Meeting (2005.8.23-27) Grid activities committee meeting (if

approved) session/workshop?

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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Upcoming Related Events

PRAGMA8May 2-4, 2005, Singapore

conjunction with Grid Asia 2005(May 2-6, 2005)


April 25-29, 2005, Taipei


GGF13March 13-16, 2005, Seoul


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Kento Aida, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Thank you.