Kennedy Johnson

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  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


    Kennedy and His New


  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


    The Election of 1960 

    Richard MilhouseNixon ran againstJohn F. Kennedy.

    These twocandidates wereabout as differentas any two peoplecould be.

  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


    Richard Nixon 

    Nixon was a youngcandidate.

    He came from a poorfamily.

    Believed communism wasAmerica’s worst enemy. 

    Nixon was a very goodradio debater, but peoplewho watched the debates

    on T.V. thought Kennedywon because he wasattractive.

  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


    John F. Kennedy 

    A very young candidate. Came from a very rich


    Believed communism wasAmerica’s worst enemy.  Good television speaker

    and due to his good looksmany believed he would winthe election.

    Kennedy won the electionby one of the smallestmargins in history.

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    Kennedy’s “New Frontier” 

    This was an extensionof FDR’s New Deal andTruman’s Fair Deal. 

    Kennedy will quickly beat odds with businessleaders in the UnitedStates, especially in


  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


    Other “New Frontier” Ideas 

    Kennedy went to work onfunding public schools bypassing new bills.

    He tried fighting povertyin the South and in bigcities.

    He supported the AreaDevelopment Act whichencouraged businesses to

    move into economicallydepressed areas. The Housing Act asked for

    $5 billion for urbanrenewal

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    One of Kennedy’sbiggestaccomplishments was

    the NationalAeronautics and SpaceAdministration(NASA).

    Part of this reason was

    to compete with theSoviets in the ColdWar. 

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    Kennedy at Odds 

    Kennedy wasfrequently at oddswith the legislative

    branch. Southern senators and

    representativesblocked many of themeasures that he tried

    to pass partly becausehe was for civil rights. 

  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


    Kennedy’s Death 

    When Kennedy went toDallas to try and stir upsupport for his programs,he was assassinated on

    November 22, 1963. When he was killed, it

    seemed as if time stoppedin this country.

    This also affected people

    around the globespecifically allies thatKennedy had made in manythird world countries.

  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


    Lyndon B. Johnson 

    Lyndon B. Johnson wouldtake over for Kennedy.

    Only 5 days afterKennedy’s death, Johnson

    made a speech to theAmerican public saying hewould continue on withJFK’s plans. 

    He came up with a new

    term for the new Americacalled the Great Society. 

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    The Great Society 

    Johnson tried to fightpoverty, pollution,unemployment,

    discrimination, andeverything else thatwas wrong with thiscountry.

    To fight poverty and

    unemployment,Johnson launched theOffice of EconomicOpportunity

  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


    Office of Economic Opportunity 

    This organization sent workers to poor

    neighborhoods to help people get back on their

    feet. Job Corps, Project Head Start, and the Elementary

    and Secondary Education Act were all examples

    of Johnson’s war on poverty. 

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    More Johnson Programs 

    Johnson passed the Medicare Act throughCongress.

    He responded to immigration by passingthe Immigration Act which allowed morepeople from the far east and deleted thenational quota system. 

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    Government Spending 

    Even with all the goodthings Johnson wasattempting to do, his

    government spendingwas out of hand.

    The Vietnam War waspart of the problem

    because it was eatingup $20 billion a year.

  • 8/13/2019 Kennedy Johnson


    1960’s: An Important Time 

    During Johnson presidency, the American publichad become deeply divided.

    We had seen the emergence of the youth during

    this time, but we also saw three of the mostimportant young people killed (JFK, Martin LutherKing Jr., and Robert Kennedy)

    Division would continue into Nixon’s presidency.