Apartheid and Prejudice in South Africa by Ken

Ken Apartheid/Prejudice in Africa

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Page 1: Ken Apartheid/Prejudice in Africa

Apartheid and Prejudice in South Africaby Ken

Page 2: Ken Apartheid/Prejudice in Africa

What is Prejudice?

• Prejudice is judging someone by something that is not true.

• Prejudice can occur from frustration/aggression

• Example: All Mexican eat burritos, All Asians are nerd, etc.

• Prejudice Stages: Antilocution-Avoidance-Discrimination-Violence-Genocide

Page 3: Ken Apartheid/Prejudice in Africa

South Africa 16th CenturyDuring the 16th century, the Dutch travelled to South Africa. They became the first settler and called themselves the Boers. A few years later, British followed and they had a few wars. During that time, many of the natives became slave.

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South Africa 20th Century

During the 20th century, South Africa was ruled by Boers. Many of the natives/black people were servants or slave to the whites. They did not have that much freedom and they always had to work . The reason for this was because of the law created by the government called, “The Apartheid Law.”

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Apartheid Apartheid law was created by the government to ensure black will have no power while the whites will have power. They were many types of Apartheid law. Some were Group Area Acts where blacks are banned in this and that area. Other were this law where Black needed to carry a passbook everywhere they went. It was unfair to the blacks. This was a case of prejudice where whites were treating blacks badly

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Why? For What did they do this?

The governments and the white people were being prejudice and believed that all the blacks are not as equal as white. Therefore, they do not get the right/same treatment as the whites.

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Black’s ReactionSome of the blacks had no choice but just to sit down. But some of the blacks also stand up against prejudice and the apartheid law. Steve Biko, Desmond Tutu, and Nelson Mandela are some of the famous anti-apartheid activists. With these activists, many people stood up and start protesting.

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But from peaceful protests came destruction. In 1960, a group of 19,000 locals went to the police offering themselves up for arrest for not carrying their pass books. But then, 130 police reinforcement came in armed and killed 70 people with more than 100 injured.

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Change of Plan

After many Africans get killed, Nelson Mandela and his ANC (African National Congress) decided instead of peaceful protests, they’ll start having violence. The ANC then are marked terrorists.

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A couple of years later, Nelson Mandela got arrested and was sent to jail. In a meanwhile, Steve Biko got arrested and was killed by the police. According to the police, they said he died from starvation but that was not true.

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Beginning of Freedom

In 1974, Portugal withdraws from to encourage resistance to Apartheid. Mozambique and Angola becomes Independent.

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Another Destruction

In 1976, a big number of students in Soweto starts protesting for freedom. But then same as Sharpville, they got destroyed again. More than 100 students were killed.

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Gaining Independence

2 years after the Soweto incident, the UN demanded Nambia’s independence. A couple of years later, Zimbabwe also gained independence.

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Frederik Van Zyl Shalbert Resigns

In 1986, the president of South Africa reesigned because he felt like he couldn’t control it anymore. The resignation is followed by the vice president.

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Freedom at Last

On 1994, Nelson Mandela becomes the president. He became the first African to be the president after apartheid. The apartheid ended and the prejudice ended. Everyone is free at last.

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End of Prejudice/Apartheid

It was a long way to end prejudice. The blacks had to face a lot of problems and it was a hard time for them. But then at the end, the justice is served.

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Credits: • https://qu301southafrica.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/baha-apartheid-signage.jpg• http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/318/c/5/sad_african_boys_by_awsomesauce72-

d4g5itd.jpg• http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_F_Kb6EcX0u4/SD2DFQWXZNI/AAAAAAAAAKc/uha62YwWP60/s320/


• http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-daztlHKtKUA/TyFgk2Mt-nI/AAAAAAAAB2I/fV45l0U2jmw/s1600/Arrival+of+the+Dutch+in+South+Africa.jpg

• http://www.sofreshandsogreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Nelson_Mandela_2000.jpg• http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1861xkSd61qi7ivmo1_1280.jpg• http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_Emq1_QyUpA/UHKal0Vs2kI• http://multimedia.timeslive.co.za/photostory/Madiba-arrest/600_450/000_par2004060713154.


• http://4strugglemag.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/4sm130.jpg• http://thenowherelandcatalogue.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/soweto-uprising.jpg• http://www.globalwealthprotection.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/personal-freedom.jpg• http://africasheartbeat.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/
