Kelly Reid Kounin Model of Classroom Behavior (1)

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  • 7/22/2019 Kelly Reid Kounin Model of Classroom Behavior (1)


    Kounin Model 1

    Kounin Model of Classroom Management

    Lesson Movement

    Kelly Reid

    EDUC 561

    Summer 1

    rofessor Rosemary armigiani


  • 7/22/2019 Kelly Reid Kounin Model of Classroom Behavior (1)


    Kounin Model "

    &ou are t'e tea('er of a 5t'grade (lass) *+o students finis'ed t'eir assignment

    early, one student arrived late, and one student is not attem-ting t'e assignment) .eing

    a/le to 'ave t'e s0ills to 'andle situations li0e t'is ta0es -ra(ti(e and e-erien(e) *'e

    s0ills t'at are re2uired are t'e ones t'at (om-lete 3a(o/ Kounin4s Classroom

    Management Model, Lesson Movement)

    Kounin4s t'eory on (lassroom management +as t'e first to integrate instru(tional

    and dis(i-linary as-e(ts of t'e (lassroom) *'e /asis of t'e model is for tea('ers to /e

    organied, -re-ared, and use -roa(tive /e'avioral management (om/ined +it' 'ig'

    student involvement +it' t'e goal of leading to a more effe(tive (lassroom +'ile

    minimiing disru-tive /e'avior) Kounin (oins 'is t'eory as Lesson Movement,

    (om-rised of te('ni2ues (alled +it'itness, overla--ing, momentum, smoot'ness, and

    grou- fo(us 7Classroom Management *'eorist and *'eories!3a(o/ Kounin, "$$%8)

    9it'itness is t'e a/ility of a tea('er to 0no+ everyt'ing t'at is going on in 'is!'er

    (lassroom at all times to -revent dis(i-line -ro/lems /efore t'ey o((urred) :o+ever, as

    im-ortant as it is for tea('ers to a('ieve t'is s0ill, it is ;ust as im-ortant for students to

    /elieve t'ey t'eir tea('er is +it'it) Students +ill still a(t disru-tively if t'ey feel t'e

    tea('er does not noti(e t'em) Some +ays t'at tea('ers (an dis-lay t'is te('ni2ue are

    (onsistently su--ress mis/e'aviors of ea(tly t'ose students +'o /egan t'e -ro/lems a

    tea('er, A +ould in(or-orate Kounin4s t'eory in my tea('ing -lanning and -ra(ti(es,

    t'oug' remem/ering t'at ea(' student may re2uire different a((ommodations)

  • 7/22/2019 Kelly Reid Kounin Model of Classroom Behavior (1)


    Kounin Model 5


    C'arles, C)M) 71%?%8 .uilding Classroom dis(i-line from models to -ra(ti(e) e+ &or0

    City, e+ &or0 Longmans An())

    *ea('er Matters, 7"$$?8) The Kounin Model) Retrieved May #1, "$$% *ea('er Matters




    9i0i.oo0s, 9i0imedia @oundation, An() 7"$$%8) Overview/History of Jacob Kounins

    Work. Retrieved May "?, "$$%, from



    9i0iEd) 7"$$?8) Whom are we talkin about! Jacob Kounin. Retrieved 3une ?, "$$% from
