Late News 'By Telegraph FOURTEENTH YEAR, NO. 135. \SBUHY PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1900-SIX PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT" FOR SALE A splendid property on Asbury Avenue, . second block 'from : ocean; ' A decided bargain for some- body. Call and get particulars. D. C. COVERT 208 Bond Street, .✓ . / 'v. Asbury Park, N..J. KEITH’S EXPRESS - . "■ '■ ' •/ ABBDHY PARK and OCBAtf GROVB I Hotel Brunswick, • O m o n {Railroad Depot and {1214 Bangs Avenue. Principal Ofllce SOfi MAIN BTRKBT Goods stored at ireasonable rates,- :•: » Telephoneconnection.. • ■ P .O . R o iflG 7, - - - - A sb u r y P ahs YOU A'OTj* tacles of eyogla»seB. But the pa- - tier*, helprul i ose if barbarously j j nod the French name for ’ L U v ll i eyeglasses, pinco-ncz (plnch-noso) Was well selected,* For otherwise I could not help your fa ling eyesight with; spec- TO Let nio show you tv new tii'ng In HAVE ...EYEGLASSES... , A ' . ■» w* i h was contrived for nose comfort. When you wear a pair tvtV vQ 'C ' of n»y nyeglftssus your nose will - AN be as lucky a# your'eyee. CLAUDE J. WISEMAN. \ 1 . ’ • . . i^ T Jeweler and Optician , 645 Cookman Ave. Glasses, watches n.rul jewelry repaired with promptness nnd skill. ATTENTION! If you take care .’of vour eyes they will take care of you Many lives are made miserable through the neglect of not hav- ing the eyes at rest. .If yousuffer —yith-dizzinesypaiirlfrthe^head “oTblurred vision-calf and have . your eyes examined free of charge. We repair your frames promptly and make a specialty of accurate optical work., Willard C. Wiseman C1RAD.UATB OPTICIAN Astary Park Optical Parlor, 003 Cookman Avenue. Cor.-Kmory.Btroef. Good General Growth Shown, But Membership Decreases. NEW OFFICERS SELECTED. President Johnson Nriines Standing..Coin- in IttecB— M em orial “iF r o w r : t l i o —Woman -SufrragiBtH Provokes X a lig h t e r a n il I h HeferreiWStato of. the jChurch. Report . Excites Considerable Interest. ‘Thi) General Synod of fchir Reformed Cliurch Iii "America: convened. Iii its if 4th animal . session and. its* eighth session in tills city yesterday afternoon In the lie* formed church* Tiie church was crowded with delegates and visitors from all parts .of the Uiiion, and the attendance is con- sidered-unusually large for the opening Mission'.' r , . ' “ •* “- t *- . Vt *-— . . The on ly business transacted. yesterday was the election pf> officers. The. result was as foTlows: ^ •. . President, Kev. IMward P. .Johnson, D.TJ'.of Albany, N .Y . V loe.ProsU liint, Rev. P, IX . M ilAkon.br Philadelphia; v . * Temporary Clerks, Tiov. John Vaiider Muelleti of Grand Rapids, - Mich., and Key. James Stout of St. George,\S..I...,, Permanent Clerk, Key.W. II; Ten ^Cyok,• n.I>. of Xew York. Stated Clerk, Kov. W. 11.. DeHart of Raritan, X. J. j The new president, Kov. ISdwanV P. Johnson, is pastor of the First .Reformed church in Albany, nnd is *donsldcred_one of the brightest timl ablest divines in the Reformed ministry. Kev. W. 11.. Ten Kyek.'who holds over as permanent clerk, has held . the position for Hi) years ami has made an enviable record. The symnlical sermon was delivered last, night }>y Uev. ,UeorgTs S. JJisJiop,-- !)»!).• ofH Grange, X. J., • the retiring president. The subjpct of his discourse-Was “.Sov- ereignty Ihe Keynote of, Sublimost Praise,” Romans xi,.3i>.- It “was a doc- trinal dlseoiir&J, dealing principally with the tenets of the chureh. Referring to the extension of the church, he s a id T h e extension of the church, as well us her existence, depends upon the white heat of her conviction.^. What .men call On M m ism (say rather Christian doctrine*) has, b;*on at the forefront of all evangelization from the days of Paul to those of j uilson. It is not Liberalism which has projected the great missionary enterprises. The Electric cara pass door, • Telephone No. 188 Will buy a .splendid'property worth $20,000 located close to the ocean at .. ALLENHUI^ST. . 2 lots, house of 20 rooms, 2 baths, handsomely furn- ished, large barn, etc. ' A Splendid Bargain WM. H. BEEGLE, 1 226 MAIN STREET, r Asbury Park. 8ur&S'u."-W5,000 Askry Park andOcean Grove Corner Mattison Aye. and Main St., ., ASBURY PARK. N. J. Corner Mala Avenue aud Pilgrim Pathway : .OCEAN OROVE. UEHItY O. WINBOlt; PrMlilmt,, «EO. W. KVANH, 'Vlce-l’reoiloat KDMU M D JU -i) A MOK,-Cannier JEHHU MINOT, AKalatant CMhljr. V. riUNC APPLKBf N. C. HUCUANOM c. aciavTOH 6 KO . W . KVAH« i. 8.tincnouB0H DIUEQTORS: pn, j . a . w. nrnnoK. JOflK UUBQAHD LRWifl-UAlNBAR OIO; W . Ta*AT jli -.,*. j, AM<f9^ntJroH< nwar c. wmaoa • *. Accounts Hospootfully Solicited. Safe Doposlt Boxes to Rent.' We Issue ForolRn Drafts and L«et^ ers of Crodit.1-. conception, the energy,, the libre have. Iieeii witli- thusD-uwho—jncratr’SWFTIlyTia^ lieWI the docirlne.of gmee. Fn*ar much ill these days of ‘ad vaiiceil thought 1 and a We 'are . told of faith and^tlntr 1110113 liberal teaching.’ philpsopiiUuil divines are still improving their theology. . They have ^one on ml-- vancIUg until Heaven knows where they Will stop, bnt who would die, as martyrs dieil for anything they-;suggest)" Men cannot speculate; they must see Clod.” .This ScsaUm* ' , The session this morning was principal- ly devoted to the receiving of committee reports and tiie appointment of liew com- mittees. The routine wort: was' preceded by devotional exercises led by ReyJJImrles "Hr_Cllapin of the 1InmiXtoTT- Ci rove RtF fornVeif'Trtiurch, 2^iV¥r York, which lasted from il.JiO to 10 o’clock. At the la tier hour Vhfc-President. Mllllken called the session to order. The Ilrst import to be received was that of the devotionai committee. It stated that the; s:icrani»iit: of the Lord’ty supiK*r would be administeitMl tonight, Rev. P. II; Mil liken,' of Philadelphia, pre- si d I n g.—Iie\-rPvi_»opt! 1 tnfc-ofiYAl ton,-Xowa;- will serve the bread, and Key. James Stout of fc>t. George, S. I., will distribute the wine. . . • ' * Tlie report of the standing committet»’on the seminary grounds aiul property at N^v<* Rrunswlck prestmted Its annual statement. It states that $:250,tKX) w ill bo hetnled to raise and maintain the seminary to the place it should occupy,.and suggests a plan of yearly chureh contributions to mise, tjie needed funds. .During the year ending May I lust, $U,U1« was received, and slrtco tho beginning, three years ago, #lo,78S has been collected. . -Tlie actual committee expenses havo beon $2,71)2. Of the amount raised Ralph Voorhei*s, a rela- ftw Voorheiffi, contributed Tfi’ij iisp’ufrtof Chairman Ii,’.A..Collier, of the commltteo’on-Sni’rilay-sohool books, that the SundJiy-school.hymnal be. used In tlie SiMibafch-school, was accepted and ap- proved.;. ' ; PrcKldeu’t Appoints CommittuoB.. • AfU>r tlie iv.bove report President John- son took the chaU’ and amiuiHiced his ap- :iiointinents-'Of— tho-sfciUHlIng-Coininlttees.- The inost important follows: - ‘ Overtures: Ministers—Rev. A. G. .Yer- •mllye, D.D., Knglowood, N;,,T.; Rev. An- son liubols, Atlienia, N. J.; Rev. Isuvc Messle^ Aharon Centrii' N. Y.; el- devs, A. I*. AJaker and S. joldersma. Uofiltl of Direetois: Elders—William li. M. Phelps, Albany; John S. Bussing,'frow York; L. lingers# A. W. GIvln, Philadel- phia, aiul'Klias \V. llendrlclfson, Brooklyn. - Foreign' M.ltfH-lonS’-Mlnisters—Rev. lIeiv- nian Van tier Wart, Haekenwiek; Rev. P. ^1. Boollitle, Nortli llmnehj N. J.; Ilov. George 1). Hulst^Ph.I)., Brooklyn;, John Huizinga, Rock Yalloy, Io^va; elders, Arthur Waul, M.D., K.. J. Urusse and Jerome Urowii7p_~ ■' . - ‘ Kdiication, Academies and .Colleges: ^Ministers-—Roy; 13. T. Corwin, New Brunswick; Rev. -Charlas W. -Burrowes Coeyinans,f*N. Y.; Rev. Peter Lopeltnk, Alton, Iowa; elders; J. W. 13arrow and Gi-T. To Belle, Hollands Neb. -r * Home Missions; Ministei*s—Rxjv ; Charles B. Chapin, 1>.R, Now York;“R o v r ^ V n r WUliamson^ Philadelphia; . Hes\ W. .1. Dnlkeijj^uUon, III.; eldorspJohu Laucas ter and George Carragan. ^ • [Continued on page ii.]< "* TWO MEN CLAIM DOG Will Iain Murray BayH lIe. Ital^ed the Anl- mal—Nlglit’Watclinmn I^orrls I)c- sw clares |Io I h Uio Owhar, "Thp ownership of a setter dog was in dis- pute in Pbiice Justice Borden'S court, yes-, terday afternoon. The animal in question was supposed to be tlie property of Night Watchman Norris and was known to the police'anil business men around town. .. Yesterday afternoon OUlcer'Van Wickle saw VilUam‘Murray coax the dog away. About an hour later tliCj officer arrested Murray for stealing the animal. Before the police justico Murray,ciaimed’ that the dog„belongetL_to_ihini,_aijjiLtold-the-court- tiiat he had -raised it. Night Watchman Norris wassenfc for and he testified that he had had tlie <tyg since; last Jail. . Murray claimed that ho lost the dog this spring and‘could prove that the animal was his. Justice Borden giive Murray three quar- ters of ah hour to produce the dog and Witnesses to prove tiiat it .belonged to him. A t the appointed time the dog appeared in the cimrt room,'but Murray was’ not with him.. After waiting for a brief time the j ustiee turncid tha an lu ial.o>;er..’t.o.'. Norris, believing that- Murriiy was not coining, back. ?>' Boon after, the dog and Norris had left- the court room Murray put iy an appear- ance with a witness, but he was too late, lti order to regain possession of .the ani- mal ISlurray niust sue for the value of it and theiPproye to the court that tho dog is the oiie he lost this spring. Norris claims that he can prove by numerous witnesses that he has owned the dog since Ja^fe fall. If this be the.ease the court feels that Mur- ray must lie mistaken in the dog. The night/watchman says be will retain possession of the dog until he is convinced thTifc Murray is the owiier. The^animal. Is considered .valuable. AMBUSHED BY SOLICITORS Practice H ob Orown Such an Extent That tiicmiu (irovo Streets Are fioiiietlincH . lilo cked. The. . butchers, fwikers, candlestick jnakers, coal ineii, niilk men, grocers aiul. almost, every other merchant under-the>■ sun that; trail inaprocessitni several blocks long after every stageload of arrivals in. Ocean Grove,havc received a needed yet-' back. As liigh as 20 wagons, with a pro- portionat«?ly largo number of bieyclors^ol- low each cottager with the unswerving, scmit of a bloodhound, eager for the |>at- ronngo: of the Sumnier visitor. It has growii to sucli'an extent that the streets have been blocked and travel greatly in- terfered with. It was the ’ habit. ot‘ the tradesmen to lie in wait along Main ave- nue and trail each arriving Stage. It is bewihlijring,—tO-S.ay—tho-JwtstT-t^-this-now- comers to have a^ct^wd „of .jjn or more vociferating, gesticulating agents each in- sisting, and insisting.loudly, that lie only Is worthy of ijjitronagei h^ked doors are of no avail. There lt?one case oir WOMAN’S NARROW ESCAPE Flying millet From * C'oiiHta1>le IfaiumeU*B Kovolver Nearly St ruck ller la IIo r'O tV H Ilo n ie . . Constable HaiuineU’s rather indiscrimi- nate use of his,revolver On Tuesday even- ing while in pursuit of James Kobottom, who was endeavoring, to make his escape, came near ending with serious results. -Omj-of—tlm-bal Is— jkisS wI— t hrough~tlH?-see- !iluLsi:in'y-_wjiHlQW-_of.ia.-i:oLtagi): <)n W est, record—where—the—enterprisi ng—sol icitor climbetl through the window'. Now thu association' has ruled tlmt the streets must not be blocked and tlmt the iinibushing--tradesineih-r:inusb~sUvy - OIT the main stri,M*ts and keep moving. It Is the desire to tivat them with every con- siderath>n, but th« presen t s.vstem i s an evil apparent even to the merchants them- selves. * - BATH HOUSES TGKH>£fl- K v e r y t h i n pHReatly—for^Stirf—IIjithluK—to liogln Saturday—Former Kmi>loye«a Have Itocii Iteen^aKOd. The Asbury nvemie group of bathhouses will ojk!!i for business on Sat unlay next, a ml the ot her'iuit hing eslabjishnieiits >vill bo opened as ne4»ded> ;William.'Wells, last year’s suit dispenser, will be temporarily- in charge. Suiierlhtondent P.! G. 8 ned- ek»uyla«t~yeas-a ble-miina^errwi 11 - be:1n charge.' He Was busy yesterday, in un- packing bathing robes and towels and getting everything in readiness for the opening. As far as possible, the old corps of employees will be again engaged. The ba Ui ing grounds are in excellent condition. Probably a little deeper than Iasi year, but better on that account, as the bathers do, not need to go so far from shore to 11ml deep water. • *' MUST iUAItK C O N S IIflll» T lV E S . l*hynIcIanB W ill lib Punlslieil for* F a ilu re to Koport. Cases. •. ___ .Ti’tmton’s board of luwilth has adopted an amendment ttrt^hoheal.th code placing con- sumption in the same category as small- pox , •dlpht heria, .yellow fever and other contagious aiul infectious diseases. It pro- vides lines and imprisonment for physi- cians who fail to report cases of oonsUmp=. tion within 250 days after they so diagnose them. It is*also made a, misdemeanor for any porson/to hide a caso of tulwrculosis, the penalties being the mine as in the ease Tirmiyo tlier in fee tious_d lfu‘jjse ~ l l ‘»spltitls are not exempted from the generar pro- visions. •’ vlt Is understood that the Trenton .board' liaA tiie Ixickiug of the state board iii tiikT iii'g^ this act lout and that the latter body will urge other boiirds of liwilth to follow, the example of Trenton. ^ L- -J Ji’eRtlyal on 1 tho Triangle* Tonight’ .the festival -managed solely by[ the inen of the AVesfc G rove M, 10. church will liogiii on the triangle at the Broadway eiitmncn to Ocean Grove. In addition to tlm siile of i-efreshiiiTihts will bo the added attraction of *a sorit)s^f^tcfeopticoirpic* tunes xleiiujtin^th^iuiMV^tjujlr' cduntry, their ways, tliolr nelghbois and % the war. lOyerybodx invitetl.“tT / Free liOKHons In A rt Kinhroldery. A t tho-Ocoiin-Pa.lace, thls\vcek, freolos- sonu will ItiiTglvon :In art work to those nui’chaslng embroidery materials .Tho deinonstriitor Is airexport froilrthe clLji. X ^ / r- i O. x. g. Itonieinade hmid. Knough s:\ld. . iLor-a-quict. restful hot or cold sea water bath In a largeTsolld ptiroelaln ‘tub, go to ltos3’. • f *1 •130 POIiliUTION MUST STOI*. M unicipalities' AlOiig~l*aBBaIo"ltiver W ill A)ter §ew.cr SyMteaiB. The New Jersey.'.-qjtiito Hew«»rage com- mission has jtakcn a definite 'step toward causiirg tfi'eiMjl 1ution of i her Passaic rivi *by sewage, from the municipalities afong its banks to cease, by adopting a resolution requiring all pollution of the river to cease beforeJufto 1,1904. . ■*-. This gives the olTonding. municipalities four yeai’s in which to alter their systems of disposing of sewage matter. Four years was the maximum time asked^ for by the municipalities at tho conference between thi? ropresontatlven of 6lu* cities which* em pty ^BewagirlHtTr7tiro_^IJass.^ic rIv<;r and tiio commission last w.eek. Some of the municipalities decided; that tiiey required biili three ywvrs. ‘ : • Tho resolution mentions the municipal- ities of Paterson, Paswijc, Rutherford, Newark, Orange, East Orange, Montclair-* Bloom field,'Glori.Ridge, Kearney, Ilam - sonand East Newark. . . : “ " ‘ - THEY SAW THE SIGHTS l!ut--Mr.-and"Mrfl.-:€Jbfctrelt-Waiit-to'Km>w' . . •Ahout- It tho Next TI.iuC. NurHo Goes on ail Jix«uMlo6V' tr ,‘ • Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cofcti'cll were consid- erably’ worried. yosfcerdjly over, the disjip-* pijaranco.of their 0-year-old'son, Ralph Cottrell, .together-with a nurse who is( in Jtiio employ, of? the• family. , All ef- forts to locate tiiem proved without avail,’ and the supposition -was that the nurse had kidnappeil the child, - ^ ^ - T.. .. About 8 o’ciock last .'night Mr. Cottrell receivml a telegram from t he nurse stating that slio^ancl-the child were in Jersey City and had missctl tho la st. train . home. 1 lo telegraphed the station master to take care of them for the night and" they arrived home on the early train this morning. „.It seems 'that while the father and mother were away from home the girl de- cided that it would ho nice to go oil for a little.picnic. She decided to take the child to Central park, No vv York, and show him the sights.. She carried out her plans, but missed {ho train and was compelled to- re- main away over night. She has besn cau- tioned not to “malio another,.trip of that kind without giving notice to the parents of tho child. MUnroe avenue niid eml>cdded itself in the wall of the room. One of the occujiants of the hou.w had been sitting at the \yln- dow inst a -few moments hefom.'and her escapo.-f rom—bei ii g~stHiolc~b y~the—Ilyin g- bulJet Is^consideredTortunato. . _resldenc(»Of Aliss Julia Host*, on Asbury THE ROSS BATHS Entire Establishment Will Open fin* I5nsi- liCHH Saturday -H ot Water ltathB *! Have Iteen Opel) Somo Time. Tlie entire plant at; the Ross bathing es- tablishment will be thrown opeir for busi- ness next Saturday*. The hot water bat its. have been (JjienJOr some tinie^ but on Sat- urday every department-hot, anil cold salt water, baths., son bathing and the big swimming pool wHMill bo ready for pa- trons..* Nearly all the business enterprises Oil tlio pavilion will also b(^open. ^ The tithing uiasters and other attend- ants will be on duty as lu ‘former seasonsi Most of the former employees, have been reengaged. The sun parlor is open- every, weekday.. lli^ilinlng with* Saturday the hot watcFba'-ths" wiiT'ije open 'evenings. STIIUCK 1IV NKWS1»Ai»EU TKA1N. . I>ick*H llorscs W^re K ille d , hut* lie W a s Only SIIffhtly Hurt.- ,J Joseph Dick of South Eatontown-nar - rowly, escai>eil losing his life early “yester- day' morning. * lie was driving to Long' Branch with two horse-? and a wagim. As ho drove over the‘'Morris avenue crossing at Loifg Branch, the newspaper tmin from Cumuiuiiipaw on tho New. Jersey .Central railroad came along, cutting tins horses loose fronl tjie‘wagon, instantly, killing*both animals. IJlck only^receIved slight injuries. . r Short Terms In iJhil.- Richard ffarrison, William^ Mason and Thomas Wilson waived indictment * al Freehold and plead guilty to tresspassini Upon tho cars of thIT-5,'jlw^JYork^aml Long Bmnch railroad, at Deal, on- May^jijt.. They \vei*c each glyeii toil days in jail. Enoch ChrlstlnsoiTTTlso waived indict*, nicht ahvl plojvd guilty to the larceny of a box-of^chcosoTrs'alueit7!itr^Vf»U7Mayi30rat Deal, the property of the New York anil Long Branch Railroad company.' iie was sentenced to.twro weeks in jail. . Both tho above cases were reported in the PiiKSS >afc .the time tlio anvsts were made. , .. Sent, to this ltt-rornt School;— . : Harry Bennett of A von,‘‘.aged lu.yOars, who-was Indicted for committing, ah as- auUt. and battery some time agoon Adella Paliueiyaged 11 years, also of Avon, whilo on her \yay_homo -from - school;-retractod his fornior plea of iipt. guilty In court and. pleaded’ non; vuIt to the Indictment, judgo Heisley sentenced him to tho He* form ‘school at Jaiiiesbid’gl r k -Shirt Walst^SpoelalH. - Whafe po comfoi'taidttt what so neat, _ so tasty as a shjrt walstv Our lino Was never (in {iiiji ii Hillnl, v/ui iiiiu mm sittftfcraefcivo,- never cheaper. ^Vbundiinco t ’coIoTs or phiin white; tako your.choie“ t Tnjr S ticinhacfi C om pany . •A Few Clibico Flats- —- —Sti ih for nmfc In Keator block', Mattison avenue, and in hmv, Cuokmaii, avenue block. All. modern conveniences!, - Rent $10 to $20. Apply-to owiior or agents. X Ronnet-ino for saio'at.KinmontH’s. ,t M’KUNE’S STORE ROBBED Iliirjylar Gains Entrance Tlirougli KCar Wiiulow-^Clgars and Hilliard Ualln v , Taltcu—Police Artcr Thief. V jSneak. thi eves eiitei*ed the.store of Rob', ert McKiuie,7 on MatflsiOn avenm*, some” time last,night and carritnl away a con- siderable amount of plunder^ Entrance Was gained by forcing open a rear window leading’ in t(i_Jthe pool and ^billiard rooiii; Exit was made by the ix*ar door, which was left.ojjen. The robbery was not dis- covered until ’the store was opened for business this morning. / / Besides aiiout jMK) cigars, the thief car* rhal j w ay—the,-pool-anti-bill iardlialls and some otiier small;articles. A kit of Imi*- ber*^’tools iMdoi'iglng to Charles Davenport had been'taken from their usual place by /h e Intruder, who. Iifjii evidently expected, to add them to his booty, but for some un- known reason they were )oft in*’another' part of the stoito. ' .The Indicatioiis pyint'to t lie fact that the robber .was.*thoroughly acquainted with- the interior of the place; for he experienced nodillicuity in - flmjiug the,-articles which Ju: ai mleiLaway. ^lr._31 c Ivu iuv-is-posi 11 ve- that he knows t-iio guilty parl.y. • He Was seen at 1 .-JI 0 o’clock this inoriiing, . ahd statod that he wits going to leave town on tjii) first train. This same individual* had been forbidden ‘to enter the place by the proprietor.' Tho politic have been notified of the rob- bery ami the chief hopes to jie alxle to .capture the thief. NOW WILL WE BE’GOOD?' Oqenn Oroyer Threatens to Start Paper to I’uhliHli Ashury Park N e w s — * T Is . Only a False Alarm . One Of thi? gen Iii 1 public oflicials of our sister city, well known and well-lilted by numerous residents of both Asliury Park and Ocean Grove, has contrived a project which, if carried out, w ill greatly affect local newspaperdom. The scheme wafj suggested by the prominence given O^ean Grove matters in ihe coliimns of the local papers,, and is neirher more or less .than the publishing in Ocean Grovo of, a paper do* voted.to. Asbury-park news... ‘‘II’ you fellows can’t find news in As- bui-y Park, we’ll find it for you,” said the promoter of the idea recently. “Although wo arc glad to furnish you with material, wo jfeel that yolu are slighting- Asbury Park.” . v,• li cannot lie said thiifc there is any im- imHliatc.hope of sucha publication, Init the citizens of this city can rest assured their plight is noticcfl and 'the promised relief ina j'-come at any timi>;.‘. .. Troops ,of Various Powers and Cruiser Reach Taku. KRUGER TRYING TO ESCAPE ? OIL STOVE CAUSES FIRE lilaie. aL JFome-oC: Miss iloHS Was Ex- tinguished Without Summoning. 4li« FireDepnrtment. An old-fashioned oil stove is ru<ppusihle for an exciting time which occurred at the a venue, near Kmory"'street, about noon to- day. ; The stove, which had been laid aside for the winter,' was gotten but and pre- parxalJoiLservicc^lMv;iHin lell-to. thobrim with oil and lighted, but the operator evi- dently. did not understand how to. manipu- late It, and in a few minutes it was on fire. ^ Old carpets and blankets W'oro heaped upOn the stove in an elTort to extinguish -i.-he—bla z e b u t to ntrimtHT—H-r-B.- LcRo^ anil Ira Stricklin, who live ih that vicin- "afiir answin’Cd" tlnrcairfor assistance after sonie hard* work succeeded In put- ting the fire out without the necessity of ringing au alarm.* GRASSJ | | THE LAKE Cut From I^iwns and l)umpe<T Knto'^Water in Great’ OaantItles — Should ISe ^ --T .--4»i,ov«iitoil=if=i?oH8iblor^“ ^ = - - l Wesley lake is being polluted and disflg- uriuUby tho habit'of certain of the prop- erty owners along its liorders of throwing grass upon its surface. I tjirobaidy is the tisiest but cortiiinly the mealiest way to dispose of the refuse. It collects at the beach and at the head of the lake.;as. well, and also about the bridges, not only mar- ring the beauty of a pretty sheet of water, but hi its decayed stato-isa-menancc;to health. (i '■ In the shallow parts of the lake a wml- isii growth has sprung uji whjcli also is very unsightly. Whether it is a growth nat- ural to fresh wiU mm * <ir whether it -has spiting from seeds of the grass Hung into tlie v.water is not kiiowh. it is thought, however, that the latter is likely, the case. Wedding InvilutionH Issued.-. Invitations have been issued for the Wiulding on J tine. L - LofJd a n y Wiin pfhciiner and-J\Liss.A. Leoiiimi'~Chivvls^. IPlio, ceiy^. niony will take place in the Ca I vary Me.tho- dist church, S.evcnth avenue and 120th street, New York, and will bo witnes^eti :Irv^rlargo-'iiulll 1ieJ,'ol society people^-Tjie bride-to-be is a daughter of Mrs, A. E. Chivvis ami.the late i^erdinaml W. .Chiv'- vis, of the large dry goods firm of Conklin &; Chlvvis. Tho prospective groom was a former resident, of this Ijbity and was hold in high esteem, by the young society people hero^ A niimlior >if Asbury Park peoplo willhttend the wedding, - ——* Keyp»rt .G.uard«inen.,l>jshantleiU . Orders wore Issued.yesterday.-by Acting Ciov. Johnson of Now Jersey disbanding Company B.of the Second reginient,l)ocauwj it - was. unable Jo‘maintiiiu tho minimum; quota of mem burs. The company has been locatudat Keyport. *The disbanded com- l»any’s place will lie taken by a now .Tren- ton company which is being organized. ’'Arrived for tlio SeaBon. Our expert embroidery.and laco .teacher has*just, a'rrived. Fi*eu lessons, in. courses until Oc toiler. Those desifjiig good hours apply atrt>ncJ\.at’ -..v- ....... .... ,' } ^ ; ^TKINDAOII’S MAMMOTH .7 r •.'*• "* O i X C O . ■.'V - / » ; ’• Z Homemade.bread is 10 ceiits aloaf, Bui?. ' Tho Ross luvthlng establishment will be ojMjn In all departments for tho season; JuuoO. : ' ' .'•lU0ea7 ..- Said to Have Decided. to Take ltCf«ge_*m . H o lla n d ciriilBer—dapan W ill kesist ItiisBia—CoiigrcBS Is Keady to A iljo itn n Elepliant to .he Hanged at Baltim ore Empress Could Stop Itchellion. Tion-Tsip," Thursday.—Last night 1 J {0 British lnarines, H5 Russians, ’II Germans, ,r >0 French' _spldh*rs a ml , A» Ita liarjs. ar- rived here from Taku. II. M. Si :Bar- fleur arrivctftoday and-tho Britisii cruiser Terrible Is expected soon. The tot^i.l mine her of foreign troop’s now in-Pekin Is TAX )'. ■T)i(‘y - h a v e - t e r i - g u n s r ~ - - . — ------ ; ‘ There is little pupspeet, ofj-trafllc,between Pekin and t,liis jilace being resumed un- less the' foreign powers secure, control of the ra i1 road.- Flags liave I )o:jii- seeu a long the railroad bearing the inscription, “Kill all,foreigners.” U lLntK OF A HATTI^E.- Catholics--Said ;to Have Captured. Nine —Cauitoii.aud Knied-Several “ IlOxerH.’*— Ti(*n-Tsin, Thursday.— It is rumored that a battle has occurred at Tang-Lu be- tween the “boxers’” "ATid Catholics. The latter, it is said, have captuml nine can- non and killed three “boxers.'’, A train which’ left here yesterday-got within 11 m iles Of thii place and was coin pel led to' return, Villages, along the litUMvere in (lames anil telegraph poles have boon clit down; f • . ’ . . JAPAN VS. IttlSSlA. The Czar’s Dlo.v<*8W ill Ite Vlgorounly ICe- sisteii iu CiiineKu Crisis. London, Thursday.^A dcspatch^from Yokohama says'the Marquis Jto’s succer- siqn to power ft»reshadows vigormfs action on the part of Japan in the Chinese crisis, ahd im^insjthat .ltussia’s moves will be met with firni resistance. - CONCERNING Pit ESI DENT KRUG EK. ilollaud May Aid Him to Eydapt; on OiYe of Its Cruisers. Biriuiiiglianii Thursday. — The Post claims to have ollicial information from The Hague that serious quesUons concern- ing President Kruger are now occupying Uiouithintioii-of—tiuj—Nethm;lands-govern- ment. Accordimg to a desnatidi froni The Hague, Kriigcr had-dcciiled, up to ftI ay 111, to tako refuge on the duties cruiser Fries- land, now at Lorenzo Marque/,. Tho des- patcli adds that instructions are, believed THE ACCIDENT ' To the Central . Railroad- train serves as a reminder of the value di accident insur- ance. An "accident policy ■of the- Travelers’ -Insurance Company costing but $25 per annum to preferred risks pays $50 a week, in- demnity for a total disability or $10,000 for death by ac- cident while riding as.a pas- senger in any railway pas- senger car. Let us give YOU " ..further particulars. • ; MILAN ROSS AGENCY i...-.208:.Main. Street.■, r ' -L.- .... Trast • Am> - it l o n p i y Honmonlh Building, Asbury Paris. N. J. _ CAPITAL, SURPLUS,./..; .$ 100 ,000 . ... 85, 000. Kxecutea all trtiBts known to the law. . Lobijh mouey on fcond aud morteai;e. Kecelvcs deposits subject to check and allow* interest qu. daily balances. Acts ns Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent, Pays coupons, f , Makes demand nnd time loam oa approved .collateral; Safe deposit vaults. A. C. TWINING, President. - G. B. M. HARVHY, Vice President. . . *. K. A. TUSTINO, Secretary. _ D. C. C O R N Ii^, Treasurer. DIRECTORS:' o. n.nrown, R. A. Tustlnflf, h 5uchanon, ■ Henry Mllcliell, M. D. D. C. Cornell, , John P. O'Brien. Perry RrSmith, Col. G. Bi M. Harvey, S. A. Patterson, George K. Kroehl A. O. Twlnlnor. Bruce S. Keator. M. D.. II. II. Vreeland. G, D. W. Vroom. H igh Grade Fishing Tackle Repairing on Rods and Reels. CICARSIAND TOBACCO Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars and all ’ t Sniwkers’ Articles. The best ciRar that 5 cents c&n bay. to have been sent to tlie commamlcii-uf-tliei: Friesland as to. his future course.of action'. SAY EM PRESS IS CA|>AI^LE O f OuellliTg ItehellToii in China if She W ill Exercise .the I*o\ver. London,* Thursday.—The Chinese em- bassy bore has authorized t’he correspond- ent of thjs association to say Hhiit it 'is their opinion that the dowager empress is upahie of quelling the “boxers” rebel- lion- if she desires to do so, but nobody knows wliat shix_\v-i 11-do.—IX—MoArthui- to can spar^j troops froniqhi; Phillipines they siiy the ollieials.of the United States will undoubtedly have great influence' on the empress and her future course. ; ELEPHANT TO HANG. A u lm al Stricken Wlt'h Paralj’sls to lie Ex- ecuted Italtiinorc. - Ba 1 t i morei -AI tl ir~T1 1u m l ay r--'l!! ie ri‘ -w 111- shurtljube an execution in Baltimore,, the like of which has never been seen here.. Sport, the.J|n*t elephant of Bostick’s zoo, who is suffering fromji sti’oke of paraiystis,‘ will he hanged by the neCU till dead.. The unique gallows chosen*for the .lianglng Is a huge derrick. * prices, LET us interest you. O.UR prices are popular. * OtJR line is up-to-date. blank - book S—law - books RUBBER STAMPS-made order. . ~' HOTEL REGISTERS, &c. DAILY PAPERS delivered. HARRY fl. BORDEN CONGRESS'It.EADY TO ADJOI^RN. Naval Hill 1’iwHi‘H in 'Form Submitted hy Seiiatu C*mferees I.dst. NJ^ht. Washington, Thursday.—The naval bill W ' jis passed; in * the form subiuitted: last night and is a .victory for the senate con- ferees jiml defeat for Cannon. Congress is ready to adjourn. ^ . 1JOERS M AKE A STAND. * iturghers Halt 12 Miles.'East of Pretoria to Gain Time. — lit>i't‘nzi>-JIari i ucz, TJilU’si.La j%—Tht^BLH:j!s are rejiorted to- be funking a stand near Hatherly, 12 miles east of Pretorfa, on the Delagoa railway,for tho purpose of gaining time. : • ■ . . ._____ ' -. • Italian M urders ItritlHh Soldiers. London, Thiirsday.'^A. CajVe Town ile's- patclv -siiys' trvvo Britisii soldiers wore stabbed to death by “ah Italian there on Tuesday in a streat light. - A mob wrecked the house of the murderer, who, however, nwulciiis escape ------ -- —- — Vandereook -Received by President. Washington, Tlttirsday.—John A’ander- cookj: the -Jrfoijdon^rcpresentativ.ir of* tlie Publisiier’s^Press associatii iii,;was. received by the president today, - ' —. .* Fair and Cooler Wonther. ' Washington, Thursday.— Showers jo- night aiid Friday, followed liy fair and etntlor l;>li high southerly and soq thwesterly winds. W e Xead in 'd o 'iE iiiiijr. . _ We rec^gnizo no couipctition In.the Fell- ing-Of, elotliing;-sAVtValwViys havts iuul al* AYaysJiitniiLto.-acilic lotii i iig’at-lu Wer-j unices than saiuu quality and equai srylos cnti 1 h> bought elsewiroi'CV-' .' ; ... . ; , t : Tn kStkinbach C ompany . '♦ r ~ 11 } •• . <K X. O. • -• IloniLMiiade bread. Don’t wait for it. X Rpnnot-lne,curt»3 indlgesthmk .1 m Cookman Avenue W E HAVE IT -YQU-afe-looking-about-for—vour~ STATIONERY SUPPLIES. YOU want the best goods made and want to buy.them.at reasonable Stationer ^ Newsdealer Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Aye. . HEADACHE Many thousand people suffer from ulirohle HoaJncho,1 llndlnjr no roller oitlior in medicino, moderation o( work.or otlier reroodies. » In many cases tlio trouble la caisod In I defective oyes, wbloli.oan be remodlod by skilled adjustment of proper lensos. We examine the eyed for every possible defect and guarantpe our work. Ex-, amlnatlon free. ' STILES & CO. / _ 1 Eye Specialists At-222 Main Street every Fridny. Hours: II to 1 p. m ., 2 to B p. m .’ -- OF A5 BCIRTPARK Mattison-Avenue -and Bond Street; . Between Fostoffice'and Depot . 01^3AN1ZED FEBRUARY, 1 flat OFFICERS: - •QEORQE F, KROEHL, Presidont ’ O-I f.-l UtOWN^latrAfJoo-Prealdent M. L. BAliMAN, 2nd VIoeTresidont- M. V. DAGER, Cashier M. H. SCOTT, Assistant Cashle Patrons' valuables received for safo - keeping fre.e of charge. i Foreign exchange bought and {Bold C ollections prom ptly acknow ledged YQUR BUSINESS FAVORS' BE- SPEOTFULI.Y SOLIOITBO.


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Late News 'B y Telegraph

F O U R T E E N T H Y E A R , NO. 135. \S B U H Y P A R K , N E W JE R S E Y , T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 7, 1900- S I X PA G E S. PR IC E ONE C E N T "

F O R S A L EA s p l e n d i d p r o p e r t y

o n A s b u r y A v e n u e ,

. s e c o n d b l o c k ' f r o m

: o c e a n ; ' A d e c i d e d

b a r g a i n f o r s o m e ­

b o d y . C a l l a n d g e t

p a r t i c u l a r s .

D . C . C O V E R T

208 Bond Street, .✓ . /'v. Asbury Park, N..J.


I Hotel Brunswick,• O m on {Railroad Depot and

{1214 Bangs Avenue.Principal Ofllce SOfi MAIN BTRKBT

Goods stored at i reasonable rates,- :•: » Telephone connection.. • ■

P . O . R o i f l G 7 , - - - - A s b u r y P a h s

Y O UA 'O T j* ta c le s o f eyogla»seB. B u t th e p a -

- t ie r* , h e lp ru l i o se if b a rb a ro u s lyj j nod th e F re n c h n a m e fo r

’ L U v l l i ey eg la sses , p inco-ncz (p lnch-noso) Was w ell selected,*

F o r o th e rw is e I c o u ld n o t h e lp y o u r f a ling e y e s ig h t w ith ; sp e c -

T O L e t n io show y o u tv n e w t i i 'n g In

H A V E . . . EY EG LA SSES...

, A ' . ■» w* i h w as c o n tr iv e d fo r n o se c o m fo r t. W hen you w e a r a p a ir

tvtV vQ 'C ' o f n»y nyeglftssus y o u r n o se will - AN be a s lu ck y a# y o u r 'e y e e .


. . i ^ T Jeweler and Optician, 645 Cookman Ave.Glasses, watches n.rul jewelry repaired

with promptness nnd skill.

A T T E N T I O N !If you take care .’of vour eyesthey will take care of you Many lives are made miserable through the neglect of not hav­ing the eyes at rest. .If you suffer

—yith-dizzinesypaiirlfrthe head “oTblurred vision-calf and have . your eyes examined free of

charge. We repair your frames promptly and make a specialty of accurate optical work.,

W i l l a r d C . W is e m a nC1RAD.UATB OPTICIAN

A s ta r y P a rk O p tica l P a r lo r ,0 0 3 C oo k m a n A v e n u e .

Cor.-Kmory .Btroef.

Good General Growth Shown, But Membership Decreases.

NEW OFFICERS SELECTED.P r e s i d e n t J o h n s o n N r i i n e s S t a n d i n g . . C o i n -

— i n I t t e c B — M e m o r i a l “ i F r o w r : t l i o — W o m a n

- S u f r r a g i B t H P r o v o k e s X a l i g h t e r a n i l I h

H e f e r r e i W S t a t o o f . t h e j C h u r c h . R e p o r t

. E x c i t e s C o n s i d e r a b l e I n t e r e s t .

‘Thi) General Synod of fchir Reformed Cliurch Iii "America: convened. Iii its if 4th animal . session and. its* eighth session in tills city yesterday afternoon In the lie* formed church* Tiie church was crowded with delegates and visitors from all parts

.of the Uiiion, and the attendance is con­sidered-unusually large for the opening Mission'.' r , . ' “ •* “-t*- . Vt*-—. .

The on ly business transacted. yesterday was the election pf> officers. The. result was as foTlows: •.. President, Kev. IMward P . .Johnson,

D.TJ'.of Albany, N .Y .Vloe.ProsUliint, Rev. P, IX. MilAkon.br

Philadelphia; v . *Temporary Clerks, Tiov. John Vaiider

Muelleti of Grand Rapids, - Mich., and Key. James Stout of St. George,\S..I...,,

Permanent Clerk, Key.W. II; Ten Cyok,• n.I>. of Xew York. ‘

Stated Clerk, Kov. W . 11.. DeHart of Raritan, X. J. j

The new president, Kov. ISdwanV P. Johnson, is pastor of the First .Reformed church in Albany, nnd is *donsldcred_one of the brightest timl ablest divines in the Reformed ministry. Kev. W . 11.. Ten Kyek.'who holds over as permanent clerk, has held . the position for Hi) years ami has made an enviable record.

The symnlical sermon was delivered last, night }>y Uev. ,UeorgTs S. JJisJiop,-- !)»!).• ofH Grange, X . J ., • the retiring president. The subjpct of h is discourse-Was “.Sov­ereignty Ihe Keynote o f , Sublimost Praise,” Romans xi,.3i>.- I t “was a doc­trinal dlseoiir&J, dealing principally with the tenets of the chureh. Referring to the extension of the church, he s a i d T h e extension of the church, as well us her existence, depends upon the white heat of her conviction.^. W hat .men call On M m ism (say rather Christian doctrine*) has, b;*on at the forefront of all evangelization from the days of Paul to those of j uilson. It is not Liberalism which has projected the great missionary enterprises. The

E le c tr ic c a ra p a ss d o o r , • T e lep h o n e N o. 188

Will buy a .splendid'propertyworth $20,000 located close to the ocean at

. . A L L E N H U I ^ S T . .

2 lots, house of 20 rooms, 2 baths, handsomely furn­ished, large barn, etc.

' A S p l e n d i d B a r g a i n

W M . H . B E E G L E , 1

226 MAIN STREET, r Asbury Park.


Askry Park and Ocean Grove

Corner M attison Aye. and Main S t., ., ASBURY PARK. N. J .

Corner Mala Avenue aud Pilgrim Pathway : .OCEAN OROVE.

U E H ItY O. W IN B O lt; P rM lilm t,, ■« E O . W . KVANH, 'V lce-l’r e o i lo a t

KDMU M D JU -i) A M O K ,-C an n ie rJEHHU MINOT, AKalatant CMhljr.

V. riUNC APPLKBfN . C. HUCUANOM c. aciavTOH 6 KO. W. KVAH«i. 8.tincnouB0H

DIUEQTORS:pn, j. a. w. nrnnoK.JOflK UUBQAHD LRWifl-UAlNBAR OIO; W. Ta*AT jli -.,*.j,AM<f9 ntJroH<

nw ar c. wmaoa • *.

A c c o u n ts H o s p o o tfu l ly S o l i c i t e d . S a f e D o p o s lt B o x e s t o R e n t . 'W e I s s u e F o ro lR n D r a f t s a n d L«et^

e r s o f C r o d i t .1-.

conception, the energy,, the libre have. Iieeii witli- thusD-uwho—jncratr’SWFTIlyTia^ lieWI the docirlne.of gmee. Fn*ar much ill these days o f ‘ad vaiiceil thought1 and a

• We 'are . told of faith and^tlntr

1110113 liberal teaching.’

philpsopiiUuil divines are still improving their theology. . They have ^one on ml-- vancIUg until Heaven knows where they Will stop, bnt who would die, as martyrs dieil for anything they-;suggest)" Men cannot speculate; they m ust see Clod.”

.This ScsaUm* ' ,The session this morning was principal­

ly devoted to the receiving of committee reports and tiie appointm ent of liew com­mittees. The routine wort: was' preceded by devotional exercises led by ReyJJImrles

"Hr_Cllapin of the 1 InmiXtoTT- Ci rove RtF fornVeif'Trtiurch, 2 iV¥r York, which lasted from il.JiO to 10 o’clock. A t the la tier hour Vhfc-President. Mllllken called the session to order. The Ilrst import to be received was that of the devotionai committee. It stated that the; s:icrani»iit: of the Lord’ty supiK*r would be administeitMl tonight, Rev. P. II; Mil liken,' of Philadelphia, pre- si d I n g.—Iie\-rPvi_»opt! 1 tnfc-ofiYAl ton,-Xowa;- will serve the bread, and Key. James Stout of fc>t. George, S. I., w ill distribute the wine. . . • ' *

Tlie report of the standing committet»’on the seminary grounds aiul property at N^v<* Rrunswlck prestmted Its annual statement. It states that $:250,tKX) w ill bo hetnled to raise and maintain the seminary to the place it should occupy,.and suggests a plan of yearly chureh contributions to mise, tjie needed funds. .During the year ending May I lust, $U,U1« w as received, and slrtco tho beginning, three years ago, #lo,78S has been collected. . -Tlie actual committee expenses havo beon $2,71)2. Of the amount raised Ralph Voorhei*s, a rela- ftw Voorheiffi, contributed

Tfi’ij iisp’ufrtof Chairman Ii,’. A..Collier, of the com m ltteo’on-Sni’rilay-sohool books, that the SundJiy-school.hymnal be. used In tlie SiMibafch-school, was accepted and ap­proved.;. • ' ;

PrcKldeu’t Appoints CommittuoB..• AfU>r tlie iv.bove report President J ohn- son took the chaU’ and amiuiHiced his ap- :iiointinents-'Of—tho-sfciUHlIng-Coininlttees.- The inost important follows:- ‘ Overtures: Ministers—Rev. A . G. .Yer- •mllye, D.D., Knglowood, N;,,T.; Rev. A n - son liubols, Atlienia, N. J.; Rev.Isuvc Messle^ Aharon Centrii' N. Y .; el- devs, A. I*. AJaker and S. joldersma.

Uofiltl of Direetois: Elders—W illiam li. M. Phelps, Albany; John S. Bussing,'frow York; L. lingers# A. W . GIvln, Philadel­phia, aiul'Klias \V. llendrlclfson, Brooklyn. - Foreign' M.ltfH-lonS’-M lnisters—Rev. lIeiv- nian Van tier Wart, Haekenwiek; Rev. P. ^1. Boollitle, Nortli llm nehj N . J .; Ilov. George 1). H ulst^Ph.I)., Brooklyn;, John Huizinga, Rock Yalloy, Io^va; elders, Arthur W aul, M.D., K.. J . Urusse and Jerome Urowii7p_~ ■ ' . - ‘

Kdiication, Academies and .Colleges: ^Ministers-—Roy; 13. T. Corwin, NewBrunswick; Rev. -Charlas W . -Burrowes Coeyinans,f*N. Y.; Rev. Peter Lopeltnk, Alton, Iowa; elders; J . W. 13arrow and Gi-T. To Belle, Hollands Neb. - r * •

Home Missions; Ministei*s—Rxjv; CharlesB. Chapin, 1>.R, Now York;“R o v r ^ V n r WUliamson^ Philadelphia; . Hes\ W . .1. Dnlkeijj^uUon, III.; eldorspJohu Laucas ter and George Carragan. ^

• [Continued on page ii.]< "*

TWO MEN CLAIM DOGW ill Iain Murray BayH lIe . Ital^ed the Anl-

m al—Nlglit’Watclinmn I^orrls I)c- sw clares |Io Ih Uio Owhar,

"Thp ownership of a setter dog was in dis­pute in Pbiice Justice Borden'S court, yes-, terday afternoon. The animal in question was supposed to be tlie property of Night Watchman Norris and was known to the police'anil business men around town. ..

Yesterday afternoon O Ulcer'Van Wickle saw V ilU am ‘Murray coax the dog away. About an hour later tliCj officer arrested Murray for stealing the animal. Before the police justico Murray,ciaimed’ that the dog„belongetL_to_ihini,_aijjiLtold-the-court- tiiat he had -raised it. N ight Watchman Norris wassenfc for and he testified that he had had tlie <tyg since; last Jail. . Murray claimed that ho lost the dog this spring and‘could prove that the animal w as his.

Justice Borden giive Murray three quar­ters of ah hour to produce the dog and Witnesses to prove tiiat it .belonged to him. A t the appointed time the dog appeared in the cimrt room,'but Murray w as’ not with him.. After waiting for a brief time the j ustiee turncid tha an lu ia l. o>;er..’t.o.'. Norris, believing that- Murriiy was not coining, back. ?>'

Boon after, the dog and Norris had left- the court room Murray put iy an appear- ance with a witness, but he was too late, lti order to regain possession of .the ani­mal ISlurray niust sue for the value of it and theiPproye to the court that tho dog is the oiie he lost this spring. Norris claims that he can prove by numerous witnesses that he has owned the dog since Ja fe fall. If this be the.ease the court feels that Mur­ray must lie mistaken in the dog.

The night/watchman says be w ill retain possession of the dog until he is convinced thTifc Murray is the owiier. The^animal. Is considered .valuable.

AMBUSHED BY SOLICITORSP r a c t i c e H o b O r o w n t « S u c h a n E x t e n t

T h a t t i ic m iu ( i r o v o S t r e e t s A r e

f i o i i i e t l i n c H . l i l o c k e d .

The. . butchers, fwikers, candlestick jnakers, coal ineii, niilk men, grocers aiul. almost, every other merchant under- the>■ sun that; trail inaprocessitni several blocks long after every stageload of arrivals in. Ocean Grove,havc received a needed yet-' back. A s liigh as 20 wagons, with a pro- portionat«?ly largo number of bieyclors^ol- low each cottager w ith the unswerving, scmit of a bloodhound, eager for the |>at- ronngo: of the Sumnier visitor. I t has growii to sucli'an extent that the streets have been blocked and travel greatly in­terfered with. It w as the ’ habit. ot‘ the tradesmen to lie in wait along Main ave­nue and trail each arriving Stage. It is bewihlijring,—tO-S.ay—tho-JwtstT-t^-this-now- comers to have a^ct^wd „of .jjn or more vociferating, gesticulating agents each in­sisting, and insisting.loudly, that lie only Is worthy of ijjitronagei h ^ k ed doors are of no avail. There lt?one case oir

WOMAN’S NARROW ESCAPEFlying m illet From * C'oiiHta1>le IfaiumeU*B

Kovolver Nearly St ruck ller laI I o r ' O t V H I l o n i e . .

Constable HaiuineU’s rather indiscrimi­nate use of his,revolver On Tuesday even­ing while in pursuit of James Kobottom, who was endeavoring, to make his escape, came near ending with serious results. -Omj-of—tlm-bal Is—jkisSwI—t hrough~tlH?-see- !iluLsi:in'y-_wjiHlQW-_of.ia.-i:oLtagi): <)n West,

record—where—the—enterprisi ng—sol icitor climbetl through the window'.

Now thu association' has ruled tlmt the streets must not be blocked and tlmt the iinibushing--tradesineih-r:inusb~sUvy - OIT the main stri,M*ts and keep moving. It Is the desire to tivat them with every con- siderath>n, but th« presen t s.v stem i s an evil apparent even to the merchants them­selves. * • -

BATH HOUSES TGKH>£fl-K v e r y t h i n p H R e a t l y — f o r ^ S t i r f — I I j i t h l u K — t o

l i o g l n S a t u r d a y — F o r m e r K m i > lo y e « a

H a v e Itocii I te e n ^ a K O d .The Asbury nvemie group of bathhouses

w ill ojk!!i for business on Sat unlay next, a ml the ot her'iuit hing eslabjishnieiits >vill bo opened as ne4»ded> ;William.'Wells, last year’s suit dispenser, w ill be temporarily- in charge. Suiierlhtondent P.! G. 8 ned- ek»u y la « t~ y ea s-a ble-miina^errwi 11 - be: 1 n charge.' He Was busy yesterday, in un­packing bathing robes and towels and getting everything in readiness for the opening. As far as possible, the old corps of employees w ill be again engaged.

The ba Ui ing grounds are in excellent condition. Probably a little deeper than Iasi year, but better on that account, as the bathers do, not need to go so far from shore to 11ml deep water. ■ • *'

MUST iUAItK C O N S I I f l l l » T l V E S .

l* h y n Ic I a n B W i l l l i b P u n l s l i e i l f o r * F a i l u r e

t o K o p o r t . C a s e s . •.___

.Ti’tm ton’s board of luwilth has adopted an amendment ttrt^hoheal.th code placing con­sumption in the same category as small­pox , • dlpht heria, .yellow fever and other contagious aiul infectious diseases. I t pro­vides lines and imprisonment for physi­cians who fail to report cases of oonsUmp=. tion within 250 days after they so diagnose them. I t is* also made a, misdemeanor for any porson/to hide a caso of tulwrculosis, the penalties being the mine as in the ease Tirmiyo tlier i n fee tious_d lfu‘j j s e ~ l l ‘»spl ti tls are not exempted from the generar pro­visions. •’v l t Is understood that the Trenton .board'

liaA tiie Ixickiug of the state board iii tiikT iii'g this act lout and that the latter body w ill urge other boiirds of liwilth to follow, the example of Trenton. L- -J

J i ’e R t l y a l o n 1 t h o T r i a n g l e *

Tonight’.the festival -managed solely by[ the inen of the AVesfc G rove M, 10. church w ill liogiii on the triangle at the Broadway eiitmncn to Ocean Grove. In addition to tlm siile of i-efreshiiiTihts will bo the added attraction of *a sorit)s^f^tcfeopticoirpic* tunes xleiiujtin^th^iuiMV^tjujlr' cduntry, their ways, tliolr nelghbois and % the war. lOyerybodx invitetl.“tT /

’ F r e e liO K H o n s I n A r t K i n h r o l d e r y .

A t t h o - O c o i in - P a . la c e , t h l s \ v c e k , f r e o l o s -sonu will ItiiTglvon : In art work to thosenui’chaslng embroidery materials .Thodeinonstriitor Is airexport froilrthe clLji. X •^ / r-“ i O. x . g .

Itonieinade hm id. Knough s:\ld.

. iLor-a-quict. restful hot or cold sea water bath In a largeTsolld ptiroelaln ‘ tub, go to ltos3’. • f • • *1•130


M u n i c i p a l i t i e s ' A l O i i g ~ l * a B B a I o " l t i v e r W i l l A ) t e r § e w . c r S y M te a iB .

The New Jersey.'.-qjtiito Hew«»rage com­mission has jtakcn a definite 'step toward causiirg tfi'eiMjl 1 ution of i her Passaic rivi *by sewage, from the municipalities afong its banks to cease, by adopting a resolution requiring all pollution of the river to cease beforeJufto 1,1904. . ■*-.

This gives the olTonding. municipalities four yeai’s in which to alter their systems of disposing of sewage matter. Four years was the m axim um time asked for by the municipalities at tho conference between thi? ropresontatlven o f 6lu* cities which* empty BewagirlHtTr7tiro_ IJass.^ic rIv<;r and tiio commission last w.eek. Some of the municipalities decided; that tiiey required biili three ywvrs. ‘ : •

Tho resolution mentions the municipal­ities of Paterson, Paswijc, Rutherford, Newark, Orange, East Orange, Montclair-* Bloom field,'Glori.Ridge, Kearney, Ilam - sonand East Newark. . . : “ " ‘ - •

THEY SAW THE SIGHTSl ! u t - - M r . - a n d " M r f l . - :€ J b f c t r e l t - W a i i t - t o 'K m > w '

. . • A h o u t - I t t h o N e x t TI.iuC. N u r H o

Goes on ail Jix«uMlo6V' tr ,‘ • Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cofcti'cll were consid­

erably’ worried. yosfcerdjly over, the disjip-* pijaranco.of their 0-year-old'son, Ralph Cottrell, .together-w ith a nurse who is( in Jtiio employ, of? th e • family. , A ll ef­forts to locate tiiem proved without avail,’ and the supposition -was that the nursehad kidnappeil the c h ild , - - T.. ..

About 8 o ’ciock last .'night Mr. Cottrell receivml a telegram from t he nurse stating that slio^ancl-the child were in Jersey City and had missctl tho la s t . train . home. 1 lo telegraphed the station master to take care of them for the night and" they arrived home on the early train this morning.„.It seems 'th a t while the father and mother were away from home the girl de­cided that it would ho nice to go oil for a little.picnic. She decided to take the child to Central park, No vv York, and show him the sights.. She carried out her plans, but missed {ho train and was compelled to- re­main away over night. She has besn cau­tioned not to “malio another,.trip of that kind without g iv in g notice to the parents of tho child.

MUnroe avenue niid eml>cdded itself in the wall of the room. One of the occujiants of the hou.w had been sitting at the \yln- dow inst a -few moments hefom.'and herescapo.-f rom—bei ii g~stHiolc~b y~the—Ilyin g- bulJet Is^consideredTortunato. .

_resldenc(»Of Aliss Julia Host*, on Asbury

THE ROSS BATHSEntire Establishment W ill Open fin* I5nsi-

liCHH Saturday -H ot Water ltathB *! Have Iteen Opel) Somo Time.

Tlie entire plant at; the Ross bathing es­tablishment w ill be thrown opeir for busi- ness next Saturday*. The hot water bat its.have been (JjienJOr some tinie^ but on Sat­urday every department-hot, anil cold saltwater, baths., son bathing and the big swimming pool wHMill bo ready for pa­trons..* Nearly all the business enterprises Oil tlio pavilion w ill also b(^open.^ The t ith in g uiasters and other attend­ants w ill be on duty as lu ‘former seasonsi Most of the former employees, have been reengaged. The sun parlor is open- every, weekday.. lli^ ilinlng with* Saturday thehot watcFba'-ths" wiiT'ije open 'evenings.


I> ic k * H l l o r s c s W ^ r e K i l l e d , h u t* l i e W a s

O n l y S I I f f h t l y H u r t . - , J

Joseph Dick of South Eatontown-nar­rowly, escai>eil losing his life early “yester­day' morning. * lie was driving to Long' Branch with two horse-? and a wagim. As ho drove over th e‘'Morris avenue crossing at Loifg Branch, the newspaper tmin from Cumuiuiiipaw on tho N ew . Jersey .Central railroad came along, cutting tins horses loose fronl tjie‘wagon, instantly, killing*both animals. ►

IJlck only^receIved slight injuries. •

. r S h o r t T e r m s I n iJ h i l . -

Richard ffarrison, William^ Mason and Thomas Wilson waived indictment * al Freehold and plead guilty to tresspassini Upon tho cars of thIT-5,'jlw^JYork^aml Long Bmnch railroad, at Deal, on- May^jijt.. They \vei*c each glyeii toil days in jail.

Enoch ChrlstlnsoiTTTlso waived indict*, nicht ahvl plojvd guilty to the larceny of a box-of^chcosoTrs'alueit7!itr^Vf»U7Mayi30rat Deal, the property of the New York anil Long Branch Railroad company.' i ie was sentenced to.twro weeks in jail. .

Both tho above cases were reported in the PiiKSS >afc .the time tlio anvsts were made. ,

.. S e n t , t o t h is l t t - r o r n t S c h o o l ; — .

: Harry Bennett of A von,‘‘.aged lu.yOars, who-was Indicted for committing, ah as- auUt. and battery some time agoon Adella Paliueiyaged 11 years, also of Avon, whilo on her \yay_homo -from - school;-retractod his fornior plea of iipt. guilty In court and. pleaded’ non; vuIt to the Indictment, jud go Heisley sentenced him to tho He* form ‘school a t Jaiiiesbid’gl r k

-Shirt Walst^SpoelalH. -Whafe po comfoi'taidttt w hat so neat, _ so

tasty as a shjrt walstv Our lino Was never(in {iiiji ii Hillnl, v/ui iiiiu mmsittftfcraefcivo,- never cheaper. ^Vbundiinco

t ’coIoTs or phiin white; tako your.choie“ t T n j r S t i c i n h a c f i C o m p a n y .

•A Few Clibico Flats- —-—Sti ih for nmfc In Keator block', Mattison avenue, and in hmv, Cuokmaii, avenue block. A ll. modern conveniences!, - Rent $10 to $20. A pply-to owiior or agents. X

Ronnet-ino for saio'at.KinmontH’s. , t

M’KUNE’S STORE ROBBEDIliirjylar Gains Entrance Tlirougli KCar

Wiiulow-^Clgars and Hilliard Ualln v , Taltcu—Police Artcr Thief. V

jSneak. thi eves eiitei*ed the.store o f Rob', ert McKiuie,7 on MatflsiOn avenm*, some” time last,n igh t and carritnl away a con­siderable amount of plunder^ Entrance Was gained by forcing open a rear window leading’ in t(i_Jthe pool and billiard rooiii; Exit was made by the ix*ar door, which was left.ojjen. The robbery was not dis­covered until ’the store was opened for business this morning. / /

Besides aiiout jMK) cigars, the thief car* rhal j w ay—the,-pool-anti-bill iardlialls and some otiier small;articles. A kit of Imi*- ber* ’tools iMdoi'iglng to Charles Davenport had been'taken from their usual place by /h e Intruder, who. Iifjii evidently expected, to add them to his booty, but for some un­known reason they were )oft in*’another' part of the stoito. '

.The Indicatioiis pyint'to t lie fact that the robber .was.*thoroughly acquainted with- the interior of the place; for he experienced nodillicuity in - flmjiug the,-articles which Ju: a i mleiLaway. ^lr._31 c I vu iuv-is-posi 11 ve- that he knows t-iio guilty parl.y. • He Was seen at 1 .-JI0 o’clock this inoriiing, . ahd statod that he wits going to leave town on tjii) first train. This same individual* had been forbidden ‘to enter the place by the proprietor.'

Tho politic have been notified of the rob­bery ami the chief hopes to j ie alxle to .capture the thief.

NOW WILL WE BE’GOOD?'O q e n n O r o y e r T h r e a t e n s t o S t a r t P a p e r

t o I ’ u h l i H l i A s h u r y P a r k N e w s — * T Is ‘

. O n l y a F a l s e A l a r m .

One Of thi? gen Iii 1 public oflicials of our sister city, well known and well-lilted by numerous residents of both Asliury Park and Ocean Grove, has contrived a project which, if carried out, w i l l greatly affect local newspaperdom. The scheme wafj suggested by the prominence given O^ean Grove matters in ihe coliimns of the local papers,, and is neirher more or less .than the publishing in Ocean Grovo of, a paper do* voted.to. Asbury-park news...

‘‘II’ you fellows can’t find news in As- bui-y Park, we’ll find it for you,” said the promoter of the idea recently. “Although wo arc glad to furnish you with material, wo jfeel that yolu are slighting- Asbury Park.” . ■ v,•

l i cannot lie said thiifc there is any im- imHliatc.hope of sucha publication, Init the citizens of this city can rest assured their plight is noticcfl and 'th e promised relief ina j'-come at any timi>;.‘. ..

Troops ,of Various Powers and Cruiser Reach Taku.


OIL STOVE CAUSES FIRElilaie. aL JFome-oC: Miss iloHS Was Ex­

tinguished W ithout Summoning. 4li« FireDepnrtment.

An old-fashioned oil stove is ru<ppusihle for an exciting time which occurred at the

a venue, near Kmory "'street, about noon to­day. ; The stove, which had been laid aside for the winter,' was gotten but and pre- parxalJoiLservicc^lMv;iHin lell-to. thobrimwith oil and lighted, but the operator evi­dently. did not understand how to. manipu­late It, and in a few minutes it w as on fire. ’ •

Old carpets and blankets W'oro heaped upOn the stove in an elTort to extinguish -i.-he—bla z e b u t to ntrimtHT—H-r-B.- LcRo^a n i l I r a S t r i c k l i n , w h o l i v e i h t h a t v i c i n -

"afiiranswin’Cd" tlnrcairfor assistance after sonie hard* work succeeded In put­ting the fire out without the necessity of ringing au alarm.*

GRASS J || THE LAKEC u t F r o m I ^ i w n s a n d l) u m p e < T K n t o '^ W a t e r

i n G r e a t ’ O a a n t I t l e s — S h o u l d I S e

--T.--4»i,ov«iitoil=if=i?oH8iblor^“ ^ = - - lWesley lake is being polluted and disflg-

uriuUby tho habit'of certain of the prop­erty owners along its liorders of throwing grass upon its surface. I tjirobaidy is the

tisiest but cortiiinly the mealiest way to dispose of the refuse. I t collects at the beach and at the head of the lake.;as. well, and also about the bridges, not only mar­ring the beauty of a pretty sheet of water, but hi its decayed stato-isa-menancc;to health. (i '■

In the shallow parts of the lake a w m l- isii growth has sprung uji whjcli also is very unsightly. Whether it is a growth nat­ural to fresh wiUmm* <ir whether it -has spiting from seeds of the grass Hung into tlie v.water is not kiiowh. it is thought, however, that the latter is likely, the case.

Wedding InvilutionH Issued.-. Invitations have been issued for the

Wi ulding on J tine. L- LofJd a n y Wiin pfhciiner and-J\Liss.A. Leoiiimi'~Chivvls^. IPlio, ceiy^. niony will take place in the Ca I vary Me.tho- dist church, S.evcnth avenue and 120th street, New York, and w ill bo witnes^eti :Irv^rlargo-'iiulll 1 ieJ,'ol society people^-Tjie bride-to-be is a daughter of Mrs, A. E. Chivvis ami.the late i^erdinaml W. .Chiv'- vis, of the large dry goods firm of Conklin &; Chlvvis. Tho prospective groom was a former resident, of this Ijbity and was hold in high esteem, by the young society people hero^ A niimlior >if Asbury Park peoplo w illhttend the wedding, -

—— * Keyp»rt .G.uard«inen.,l>jshantleiU .Orders wore Issued.yesterday.-by Acting

Ciov. Johnson of Now Jersey disbanding Company B.of the Second reginient,l)ocauwj it - was. unable J o ‘maintiiiu tho minimum; quota of mem burs. The company has been locatudat Keyport. *The disbanded com- l»any’s place will lie taken by a now .Tren- ton company which is being organized.

’'Arrived for tlio SeaBon.Our expert embroidery.and laco .teacher

has*just, a'rrived. Fi*eu lessons, in. courses until Oc toiler. Those desifjiig good hoursapply atrt>ncJ\.at’ -..v- ...........,' } ^ ; ^TKINDAOII’S MAMMOTH. 7

r • . ' * • "* O i X C O . ■.'V - / » ; ’• ZHomemade.bread is 10 ceiits a loaf, Bui?.

' Tho Ross luvthlng establishment will be ojMjn In all departments for tho season; JuuoO. : ’ ' ' .'•lU0ea7 ..-

S a i d t o H a v e D e c id e d . t o T a k e lt C f « g e _ * m

. H o l l a n d c i r i i l B e r — d a p a n W i l l k e s i s t

I t i i s B i a — C o i i g r c B S I s K e a d y t o A i l j o i t n n

E l e p l i a n t t o . h e H a n g e d a t B a l t i m o r e

E m p r e s s C o u l d S t o p I t c h e l l i o n .

Tion-Tsip," Thursday.—Last night 1J{0

British lnarines, H5 Russians, ’II Germans, ,r>0 French' _spldh*rs a ml , A» Ita liarjs. ar­rived here from Taku. II. M. Si :Bar- fleur arrivctftoday and-tho Britisii cruiser Terrible Is expected soon. The tot i.l mine her of foreign troop’s now in-Pekin Is TAX)'.

■T)i(‘y - h a v e - t e r i - g u n s r ~ - - . — ------; ‘ There is little pupspeet, ofj-trafllc,between Pekin and t,liis jilace being resumed un­less the' foreign powers secure, control of the ra i 1 road.- F lags liave I )o:jii- seeu a long the railroad bearing the inscription, “Kill all,foreigners.”

U l L n t K O F A H A T T I ^ E . -

Catholics--Said ;to Have Captured. Nine —Cauitoii.aud Knied-Several “ IlOxerH.’* —

Ti(*n-Tsin, Thursday.— It is rumored that a battle has occurred at Tang-Lu be­tween the “boxers’” "ATid Catholics. The latter, it is said, have captum l nine can­non and killed three “boxers.'’, A train which’ left here yesterday-got within 11

m iles Of thii place and was coin pel led to' return, Villages, along the litUMvere in (lames anil telegraph poles have boon clit down; f • . ’ . .


T h e C z a r ’s Dlo.v<*8 W i l l I te V lg o r o u n ly ICe- s is te i i iu C iiin eK u C r is is .

London, Thursday.^A dcspatch^from Yokohama says'the Marquis Jto’s succer- siqn to power ft»reshadows vigormfs action on the part of Japan in the Chinese crisis, ahd im^insjthat .ltussia’s moves will be met with firni resistance. -

C O N C E R N IN G P i t E S I D E N T K R U G E K .

i l o l l a u d M a y A id H i m t o E y d a p t; o n OiYe o f I t s C r u i s e r s .

Biriuiiiglianii Thursday. — The Post claims to have ollicial information from The Hague that serious quesUons concern- ing President Kruger are now occupying Uiouithintioii-of—tiuj—Nethm;lands-govern- ment. Accordimg to a desnatidi froni The Hague, Kriigcr had-dcciiled, up to ft I ay 111, to tako refuge on the duties cruiser Fries­land, now at Lorenzo Marque/,. Tho des- patcli adds that instructions are, believed


A C C I D E N T '

To the Central . Railroad- train serves as a reminder of the value di accident insur­ance. An "accident policy ■of the- Travelers’ -Insurance Company costing but $25 per annum to preferred risks pays $50 a week, in­demnity for a total disability or $10,000 for death by ac­cident while riding as.a pas­senger in any railway pas­senger car. Let us give YOU

" ..further particulars. • ;

MILAN ROSS AGENCYi...-.208:.Main. Street.■, r ■ ■' -L.-....

Trast• Am> -

it l o n p i yHonmonlh Building, Asbury Paris. N. J . _

CAPITAL, S U R P L U S , . / . . ;

. $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .

. . . 85,000.K xecutea a ll trtiB ts k n o w n to th e law . .Lobijh m o u ey o n fcond a u d m o rte a i ;e .K ecelvcs d e p o s its s u b je c t to c h eck a n d allow *

in te r e s t qu . d a i ly b a la n c e s .A cts n s T ru s te e , R e g is tr a r a n d T r a n s f e r A g e n t, P a y s co u p o n s, f ,M ak es d e m a n d n n d t im e lo a m o a a p p ro v e d

.co lla teral;S afe d e p o s it v a u lts .

A. C . T W IN IN G , P re sid e n t. -G . B. M . H A R V H Y , V ice P re s id e n t. . .

* . K . A. T U S T IN O , S e c re ta ry ._ D . C. C O R N I i ^ , T re a s u re r .

D IR E C T O R S : 'o . n . n r o w n , R . A. Tustlnflf,h 5 u c h a n o n , ■ H e n ry M llc lie ll, M . D.D. C. C o rn e ll, , J o h n P . O 'B rie n .

P e r ry R rS m ith ,Col. G . Bi M. H a rv e y , S. A . P a tte r so n ,G eorge K. K ro e h l A. O. T w ln lnor.Bruce S . K e a to r . M. D .. I I . I I . V re e la n d .

G, D . W . V room .

High Grade Fishing TackleR e p a irin g o n R o d s a n d Reels.

C I C A R S I A N D T O B A C C OIm p o rte d K ey W e st a n d D om estic C ig a rs and all ’

t Sniw kers’ A rtic les .T h e b e s t c iR ar t h a t 5 c e n ts c&n b a y .

to have been sent to tlie commamlcii-uf-tliei:Friesland as to. his future course.of action'.

S A Y E M P R E S S I S C A |> A I^ L E

O f O u e llliT g I te h e llT o i i in C h i n a i f S h e W il l E x e r c i s e . t h e I* o \v e r.

London,* Thursday.—The Chinese em­bassy bore has authorized t’he correspond­ent of thjs association to say Hhiit it 'is their opinion that the dowager empress is

upahie of quelling the “boxers” rebel-lion- if she desires to do so, but nobody knows wliat shix_\v-i 11-do.—IX—MoArthui- tocan spar j troops froniqhi; Phillipines they siiy the ollieials.of the United States will undoubtedly have great influence' on the empress and her future course.

; E L E P H A N T T O H A N G .

A u l m a l S t r i c k e n W l t ' h P a r a l j ’s l s t o l i e E x ­

e c u t e d I t a l t i i n o r c .

- Ba 1 t i morei -AI tl ir~T 11 u m l a y r--'l!! i e ri‘ - w 111- shurtljube an execution in Baltimore,, the like of which has never been seen here.. Sport, the.J|n*t elephant of Bostick’s zoo, who is suffering fromji sti’oke of paraiystis,‘ w ill he hanged by the neCU till dead.. The unique gallows chosen*for the .lianglng Is a huge derrick. *

prices,LET us interest you.O.UR prices are popular. * •OtJR line is up-to-date.

b la n k - bookS —la w -booksRUBBER STAMPS-made

order. . ~'HOTEL REGISTERS, &c. DAILY PAPERS delivered.


C O N G R E S S 'I t .E A D Y T O A D J O I^ R N .

N a v a l H i l l 1’iwHi‘H in 'F o r m S u b m i t t e d h y S e i ia tu C * m fe re e s I .d st. N J ^ h t .

Washington, Thursday.—The naval bill W'jis passed; in * the form subiuitted: last night and is a .victory for the senate con­ferees jiml defeat for Cannon. Congress is ready to adjourn. ^ .

1 J O E R S M A K E A S T A N D . *

i t u r g h e r s H a l t 1 2 M i l e s . ' E a s t o f P r e t o r i a

t o G a i n T i m e .

—lit>i't‘nzi>-JIa ri i ucz, TJilU’si.La j%—Tht BLH:j!s are rejiorted to- be funking a stand near Hatherly, 12 miles east of Pretorfa, on the Delagoa railway,for tho purpose of gaining time. : • ■ . . ._____ ' -. •

I t a l i a n M u r d e r s I tr it lH h S o ld ie r s .London, Thiirsday.'^A. CajVe Town ile's-

patclv -siiys' trvvo Britisii soldiers wore stabbed to death by “ah Italian there on Tuesday in a streat light. - A mob wrecked the house of the murderer, who, however, nwulciiis escape ■ --------— - —

V a n d e r e o o k -R e c e iv e d b y P r e s i d e n t .W a s h i n g t o n , T l t t i r s d a y .— J o h n A ’a n d e r -

cookj: the -J rfoijdon^rcpresentativ.ir of* tliePublisiier’s^Press associatii iii,;was. receivedby the president today, - '

— ..* F a i r a n d C o o l e r W o n t h e r .

' Washington, Thursday.— Showers jo- night aiid Friday, followed liy fair and etntlor l;>li high southerly and soq th westerly winds.

• W e X e a d i n ' d o ' i E i i i i i j r . . _ •

We rec^gnizo no couipctition In.the Fell- ing-Of, elotliing;-sAVtValwViys havts iuul al*

AYays JiitniiL to.-acilic lotii i i ig’at-lu We r-j unices than saiuu quality and equai srylos cnti 1h> bought elsewiroi'CV-' .' ; . . . . ;, t : Tn kStkinbach C o m p a n y .

“ '♦ r ~ 11 }•• . <K X. O. • -•

IloniLMiiade bread. Don’t wait for it. X

Rpnnot-lne,curt»3 indlgesthmk .1

m C o o k ma n A v e n u e


-YQU-afe-looking-about-for—vour~STATIONERY SUPPLIES.

YOU want the best goods made and want to buy.them.at reasonable

S t a t i o n e r ^ N e w s d e a l e r

Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Aye. .

HEADACHEMany thousand people suffer from ulirohle HoaJncho, 1 llndlnjr no roller oitlior in medicino, moderation o( work.or otlier reroodies. »In many cases tlio trouble la caisod In

I defective oyes, wbloli.oan be remodlod by skilled adjustment of proper lensos. We examine the eyed for every possible defect and guarantpe our work. Ex-, amlnatlon free. '

STILES & CO./ _ 1 E y e S p e c i a l i s t s

A t- 2 2 2 M ain S t r e e t e v e r y F r id n y . H o u rs : II t o 1 p . m ., 2 t o B p . m . ’ --

OF A5 BCIRTPARKM attison-Avenue -and Bond Street;

. Between Fostoffice'and Depot .

0 1 ^ 3 AN1ZED F E B R U A R Y , 1 f l a t

OFFICERS: - „•QEORQE F , KROEHL, Presidont ’O-I f.-l UtOWN^latrAfJoo-Prealdent M. L. BAliMAN, 2nd VIoeTresidont-

M. V. DAGER, Cashier M. H. SCOTT, Assistant Cashle

P a t r o n s ' v a lu a b le s r e c e iv e d f o r s a fo - k e e p in g f re .e o f c h a r g e . i

F o re ig n e x c h a n g e b o u g h t a n d {Bold C o l le c t io n s p r o m p t ly a c k n o w le d g e d




A S B U R Y P A R K D A IL Y PRESS, TH U R SD A Y , JU NE 7, 1900. / T

R E A L E S T A T E T R A N S F E R S .


^_.lQ eorgeT. Morris to .Frank Woolley; piucio f u ro jH ir ty , $41)0.80.• Obmliah E. Davis, starlit, to Caroline

, frlatt: two lots at Asbury Pork,B e l le I t . W h i t e a n d h u s b a n d t y A l m i r a

P i t t e n m n : ; l o t , W e s t A s b u r y P a r k , $ 1.IM>0,. - .II. K U w ilw ith S w e z e y a n t i h u s b a n d to

L a u r a T.Jless; lot a t O c e a n G ro v e ,. '•(, Joseph Dunlop and others, exoeu(:c>M, to

Wural»-,liopkins; lot at Bradley Beacli,. $77i). TL ~ ■ "

>- _ WALL JOWNSH1P. \•Nathan C. Klujr- to (Suorgiuiim King;

piece of property, §1 . \.. Charlotte Longstivut to Mary 1C. Vielder;. pieceof property; Sl.oOO.; i

Charles K. Glimmered mnstoi'y to A. 1).. Wickam; two lots a t Belniaiv^H).« .o.Iowmh T. Jackson t<>'.'.Mary E. .Dolaml;

I0 t,afc* Bel lira r, ‘ •■ Elizabeth- 0\Vcn to Job S. Barkulow;•; lot at Beliuar, $<50tl. , '

: . ,Iol)j_j . Barkalo\v ‘to M. iCHzabiHIt J)o- ]and; loVut Belmar.

.[ John H. Scptt.to Jeane S. P . Ripley; lot a t B e l iu a r , $550.:

• Rolxsrt-N. Caisoiv to Oliver H. Brown; two la u a t .Spring Lake, $<U>0U. • * • .

OCl’fAN .TOWnIsH 1 P~ ' '7 ~Mary K, Throckmorton nmlhiKbaml to

. llarry* \V. Chveii; lots at Long Branch. $!.- Willlain li. Smith to Georgia A . Wool­

ley; ’lot at J^ong Branch. §151).Carrie K..Grech •aiul/ otners . to Cleorgiti

A. Wor»iU.*y;;< lot at Long. Branch, $-150.' JjUetta A. Preble and nusband to Spphia Personptte; fouriots at Deal’,,$100.

., Frederick S. Battershall iii Sou Bright Ice ajnl l'lsh company.; lot at .Sea Bright,

" $1 . . V •- William 11. Borden' t»WSea B right Ico aiul I'ish company; lot at North Sea

...:j*right..^ 000. • " -Jessie Beasloy. ex«;cutin*, lo CiiVolfnt! .117

Given aiul others.; two lots at Monmouth ■Beach, Si; .*• •- .

Hugh. If. Iluiinll, special guaiilitm. -to ,luliaLo0\y; two lots at Monmouth Beach;

• $1 ,IWS.8S. - ..................... "Charlotte II. Green and others to Julia

F. Loew; two lots a t Monmouth* S3eu-h»&y111 . w, . v • • • ; . , - .


. G e n e r a l Grccin* V eracity of/ Certain‘ Washington, .June 7. — Tlu* president

■ " sent to the tenate u reply •,!*>• tln> state-'m ea ts nuule by. Aguinahlo in his “true

- version of. the tiiilippiin? revolution.”* In 'that stntement, AguinaldowBaid, junong other things, tlult the Spaniards^ had captured six guns froni . the'American-, soldiers in front, of Manila, before; the surrender of t hat. city to .the American, forces and that tliey were recaptured by the Filipinos aud returned to-the Ameri­cans.• This .statement was referred to General

i f - , F . V. Greene, who was in charge of the• American troops, with the request for an

• : ; rexp 1 nirntinnf 'v tieiirnTri ,M:J reeae—re t\*i»nn 1= the matter to the battalion and battery commitnders who wore, cirgrrgml .against the Spaniards at. the ti nre relVrroil to, und In* forwarded 'their renlies/in refuta*. tion of the charge: V . '

(ieueral C.’reemV himself -says: • 1‘Tlie “ statements, made, by-Aguinahlo are abso­

lutely without. foundation. Kaeh and . every one Of them is untrue.’ Tlie United States did not I’aH buck*, did.nut abaiuloir. a .single HtJe or a>Wgh*‘iield guii, did*not make a precipitate retreat, the Filipinos did not rush to uhrassistaneivdid n*»l re­capture the ri lies, a nd lield giuis- and did not return .them to the Americans, i ’he

-— Fill pi i inis—4 nnlc_iui—pa i:L.r-i n_=-LIujl_ ehga"g‘’ i \ iui Us lielAveen tiie Si»ani s !\ and Ameri-

can 'troops.4, ;Kv(?r? single statement, m the extract quoted in your letter is false.’

J J o r i 'T r o u l i I t !.Jim'

at Hlin*tlol«la,r rn r r f r lr*\ew- :."Orb*aas, ..J tine —TlT

. W.hich'.iias huig been luywuig lienveea tlie Amerieaii; nierehaius. nf BluHiehls and the gov'eriiiueut''Of- Nieai?ajrua- is rapidly

'eoihitig' t<>. a head..'aecor.ding-to’a h-tt^r re-• • FeT vet I f n *i i i; a-- r.ej»FT sswi t:»i t.i v.t?rol TTIuHZicaH

yum?. Thure has ’:brM*n“ .ho aiUustiiu'nL of* the. 'arbitrary and prohibitive . customs laws i»f the eouii t r>v si tid toilav 1 11ere a rc*

..by aetuiil <iouiit ^iuti.olHM.wnrih of goods rotting on Fduefields l*!niT whirh. the .mer­chants will n«ft toaoii, under exist itii: reg* illation^. Coiisid Sorsby .is expi,*-lj.,d. tn rea ell New 'Or lea i\ s " a liy' \1 a f oi i D i is'Av a >■ .to Washington, when*,he \v41l use hH.ef* forts iu seciunng a.settlement. iTf~if.vi>riitB conditiims. As an example of >?ie j>VohU>- itive ..duties the7, following tai'ilT rat«‘*s liiav lie eited.: iiu* 'dHt.i1? oii ati fnanifled bedstead • worth; iu this count ry ;-Sid-i $ 1 iiO. iir Niea raguan ntoiiey 'or in g<d. 1 'On an iei.'box wiirth $7 th e‘duty is .>‘4S in Xtcnragpan money, and the duty.oh win's*, .kv is .$ 1 1 j if gallon. There haViriu-i-n. n

“ devcb'*pmeuts:in tin* pr»st.*»trn;e".robbWy -at —SaTr foM*— \Yhe tr-H^im;d ^ l 4 t T i « t f * r *

Merry’s, box. Wa>; i eliuved of M‘Ver/d colli- m unica t ions of d iploimt i ic ' Vniportane*.

. P t « « t t I t f . t t t s T r o .-• Wat(‘rjm ry,.(’unu.i'.'tne 7.*^T!ii*?'first

signi lien nT pn •d.Ret • oF the ‘ iieli 1 na n tiujis of the delegates; to the 'l>eui<fcratie statu con ventliuT."\vl»i»'*fi wil! !»■ hold 'iTTtius cjty

‘ today' eairse in t in* victor.^ .o f ex-iVoir- gressman .lames P igoit:of over Alexander. Trtitip of that eity also, w hen in tlie Second' eon gres»; i i»j fa 1 '■_> 1 i s- trict.fjiuciis Mr, J*igi»rt; was nominaii.;i!,a>

..delegate at large. In rli<».-First:'cohgn*s- Hfolial district f ’olonel K. M. V!raves «•! H art ford . was elntsi-n, and in -the'.'Fourth, district Homer S. < 'um.niitigs ift iauif.*>i:d receive!I \ l ie niuninatTon.- .The ii i ir d ciin-.

' gr.essfoiuil • 'dfstriet euiiOus was •pi>st'puu>*d uut-il-todiiy. The only eont**stiug di-lega* tions that appeared lte/n^e.- J.ho''state ecfi-

' tni 1 epinnlit tee last. nighf were f i;otn Xe w : lytiudon, JJ Hit L. a fte r k u ig—ib.dii na":a.tinn ft w as dei;idi*d lo adniit’ but}) tfnlegioions fo the convention, giving 'ea«*h. nicuii»er a huff v..r*. if •/


■W -H -W -H -W -H -I-I-H -W -H -W -H -

We can Clothe Men, Women and Children from Head to Foot, and Furnish Any, ’

Building from Cellar to Attic* ( .

■— j Cottage, Lawn and Veranda

Furniture, Sw ings, Para--

, SOls,, M e n ’s ;F u r n i s h-

ings. ,

fRocjr uCoyerings, Upholsteries.

r Mosquito^ Canopies,5,’A w n -.

iitgSj Screen jDoors' and -

Windows. ,


Refrigerators, ;Oil and - Gas

Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers

W ater Coolers, Hammocks

Sporting Goods.

Bicycles, Go-Garts, "Baby Carriages,

Velocipedes, Croquet,- '

Golf 'dnd Baseball Sets


' Outing Hats,-' — ,

Suits. Skirts.

Waists, Shoes,

- In Great Variety.• ' * • ■ .. v


Goods-Delivered a t Any Railroad S tation in New Jersey Free of Charge.' No Extra Charge for Packing.

IIA FIX H d CO.. Newark, N.

6 2 9 C O O K M A N A V E M U E

S h o u l d e r o f V e a l , , b o n e l e s s

L e g o f V e a l ’ " ^ >

Prime Roast Beef. Sirloin Steak . . . . .Porterhouse Steak , Cross R i b i . . . . . . - .Top Sirloin. . .

-GHuck Steak. . . .Pot Roast . . . . . . . . .

Always the Cheapest and, Best the M rket-Affords

1 2 l - 2 c i b 1 2 l - 2 c l b

.L o i n o f V e a l

\ S t e w i n g V e a l

. . . . . . } 2 ^ c lb. . . . . ' 15c lb ... i6-x8c lb. a a . . . ' . . l i l fC lb

12c lb. .^3 lbs.for 25c . . . . 5 to 8c lb

j s o f L a m b . . . Forequarter of Lamb. . . v'. Shoulder Lamb Chops.. . . Stew L a mb . . . . . . . . . > . . . . . . .Shoulder o f Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . _Frankfort ;Sausage . ......... ..B ologna . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . .

1 2 i - 2 c l b

8 c l b

. . : . v i s e . . . . i o c lb . . . . i o c lb'

.5c to7c lb

. . . . . 8c a lb . . 10c lb. .3 lb’s 25c-

■/. :■We still handle Pork and Sausage. >" We are the only strictly cash meSt market on the coast. ’ • , You don't pay others’ bad debts

when you trade, with us, consequently we can sell you good goods, cheap for cash. ; .; .'P H O N E 61 a . ' • • . ' : = • . . . . ' • ‘ • '

: B J D W A . R U B .

N O T I C E . . . .1 ** . “ ■ . . . ... v ' ■ i *

New Shuffleboard, Billiard and Pool, Parlor.now openCOOPER HALL, Cor, Asbury and Cookman Aves. *

6 Shuffleboards, 17 Pool and Billiard Tables and 2 L — Cue Bowling Alleys. Something new MR. LA-

VEIGENE will give special- attention to teaching ladies thow to play Billiards and Shuffleboard. Tables reserved for ladies. Without exception this iS/the finest amuse-

. ment.hall along the coast/’ Open day and evenings.M . M . L A V E IG E N E .

_W .fi_wnnt to co^ er. th is to w n , and w ea r e —p rep a reel—to_do_it_ sa t is fa c t io n .-

W e w a n t to fu r n is h C ra in ,a tid F e e d fo r y o u and y o u r n e ig h b o r s .

• ~1 f~y ou~w t ll * pp-v e^ u s a rr•: o fyp u 1 1 u rrityrwe- w i li .p r o v e t o y o u t h a t • no vv h e re e l s e c a n y o u g e t su c h s a t is fa c to r y * g r a in a t su c h low p r ic e s . " .

In o rd er to b r in g o u r g o o d s c lo s e r to o u r c u s to m e r s w e h a v e o p e n e d a .N e w B ranch S to r e a t

812 m m avepe, H y Painw h fire w e w ill 'b e p le a d e d to s e e b u y e r s Iri th a t v ic in ity . “

^ o _ e v e r y b o d y ’s

Mi'xedM lkfd Uiipt'.... ......U* White Oats .I te g ie n r C lip s ..........X u.;cii0s.Knr CVt i i . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ye low C e ra .C rack ed C o rn ............OoarseMea'.........• i ro a u d K tied .. . . U ru ti. .

. .T ic p e r b a g, . . . . . .T l ie p e r b a g .........77e p e r b a g .............. TSie p e r h a g '. .- .s ic p e r b u g

SUe n e r lhd ....silt; per uni, . . ...........illc p e r K«l. . . . . . *..HIe i>er

!>Ic ])er Kilpe r lull

Oat Feed.. . . . . . . . . . . i ... TSc per IW.Cotton Seed Sleal.. . . ............... . Sl.tO per HKlOil M e a l.................. $1.a0per UK)Klw.ator B. Rereeniugs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . TOoperHK)'Oar Poult-v Food SI i’ll per UK)Barley (IN) Ih.s). ...... $1 per bagWheat'.................................. . i ..................»1 Hi per UX).•No. 1. Grain ?Iixttire.... . . . . . . . . {I -’Oiiwr 100Cut. Hoy. ...................... per 100No. I Timothy Hay..... . . . . . . . . . . J 1,00per. I|K) ---- — . ....JtJc-per balleShavingH.

The‘ab^verprices are‘fdii“s:poecaslrat"otii- stores.iirIf=d!;livered-add'!ic._cording to q u antity-as fo llow s: .; •' -

b a g s or r>vi»r .Le.hS th au 5 I J U f f - H . .

r,Q por bag ll)i per bag

THE, P A U L TV N O R T O N C O M P A N Y‘.’..".pli/abeth l-li/aheihport Rahway "Red Bupk Asbury Park Plainfield Somerville jfP. I). WIKOFF, iianager Asbury Park and Red Bank Stores

J. Proposals must ho mada upon tlia blank forms which will ho furnished with tho specillcations. En-ili proposal nuisr. bo ac­companied with tho bidder’s bond, with sureties satisfactory to tlio Bpard of Ohosen Freeholders and mado payable to their order in the gum of one thousand dol- lara, nnd conditioned that if the contract is awarded to him. he will whon required by tho board oxecuto Ills agreement in writ­ing, to faithfully perform tho work accord­ing to ther plans and specifier.tions. Tlio right to reject nny and all bids is hereby reserved. ■ . .

Dated Judo 5,1900. - -, JOHNGUIRE,

Director of Board of Chosen Freeholders,133-145. Long 111 ancli, N. J.

PROPOSALSS e a le d P r o p o sa ls fo r th e C o n s tr u c ­

tio n o f a G ravel R oad In t h e T o w n ­sh ip o f H o w e ll.;

Runninc from Yellaw-Broolt westerly (0 -t.lio vlllugo of Turkey and tho Freehold township line 3 and twenty-two one hundredths miles, will bo received by the Committee of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of tho

-L'omilv_nf Mnmiiimtli at the court house InFreehold on Wednesday, JuneUO,11KHI, untif 13 o’cloclc-noon ot—eaid-dn>vand_then_pult liuly opened The road to he constructed is section uumbei t il two named I n tho speclllea- tknifl. which mav lie procnreil al t.liHeovnU-collector’s olllco 111 Freehold or of Peter For. tiian;' e'n(rlneei‘,' Maiinlapi(U,. N. ^lT—Ei«:h- proposnl must Do accompanied with tlm bidder’s bond with sureties satisfactory to tlie Board of Chosen Freeholders, made nayablo to their order in the sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned that if the contract is awarded to him he will when re- qulred by the hoard, oxecuto an agreement In writing to faithfully perform the work according to the .plmis and specillcations. Proposals must be mado on tlio blank foFRIs~whlch~will—bn-ftirnlshed-wlth-lhe- specldcatlons.. The rlcht to reject any and all bids is reserved..

Dated June ii, 1000.: JOHN GUlltE,

Dlrector of Board of Cliosou,Freeholders,133-145. ' ■ Long43ranch, N. J.

h u ila a IN nvniov In Camiilu.\ Toi*ont«

an'slH'ifi’ .21 Hi bra v

.iu tn*powwr

<nu* Ht.UVgifnrmr

liiilr*n r oiTujrrsy.Ttii

ft:<un I Viwi\ya 11 isliiin! and tlie Ufigid'oriiig Auif*ri<;au ■r»'r<i*rVa-ti»ti'i A i't- i.*il a Ifittor disvussiun; it wa.vdooided m»t

. (o, allow tlu*. I>«nnijiii»n g'(vi.*runu*nt lu .build a I«> < ■ k 11 j». * ji i l l hv i •* * ?:'*Tv. a t j i. n.. ’.Ninny pi* tlu* . Indians’ i-jjihn^il. tli^t,, sti;i( tly gpohking; lhi»y not ritSzVmis oi" fho

-^p:)otuituou. .and.-kIiunlU-Uiwt- -ia«—rut\\iTtthI- i.ti ‘gi 'VuiJ'tf foV" tip* .bitihiniif; .anil sVuin* <»fthe tiiore viidoui. advisod the use of force to" prevent ils LTootitui. ' ^

U r o tlu * r S I hV n D r u t l f t v r . ‘• ' lift ft fo r d T'lt 11 fo .7:—M a r t i t«.* i i n i .

. llungariau; til)' yoars o}i!, was kilted aiid Philip . Stoihor, ‘ his ' brother, . seriously woiinded iu a quarrel between the two in Kocl;y H ill. Philip Steiner is at tin*

-Hartford- host>i.tah:aii(1 it is'thought I bar' ^ • “hV injuries will iuit pnjvt? fatal.

W. S. Whedon. cashier o f the First • .National Bank of Winterset,-Idwa, In a re­

cast letter give? sorao exporien^w jth a carpenter ia hiy' eftrplpy; that wlu be or valuo td othfcr liteohaniaar-' He suy'y: *‘I liad i l carpenter, working for me * who was obliged to stop w ork for s eve ml days on

f nm m nt of boiner troubled with diarrhoea. 1 mentlonetVto him that 1 - had beem slm-

r^-ilarly troubled and., that Chriiriberlain’s ^tjollc,. Cholera and Diarrhoea He/pedy, had cured me. ITe ITbttght. a' bottlo of it frorh. tl^e drug-g-Ist here anjl informed me that

• one d >R6 cured hint, and he is again at hie work.” Kor aale by Thomas M. Stewait, corner Cookmau avetluo andCoud street.

E L E C T R I C F A N SUse Them and Keep Cool

I ’he 'Atlantic Coast Electric -Light Ootn- .pany-announees.tliat. Hot Infer than. July IHt, and as tnueh earlier;as ntay li« found tieccttsiiry. it. wUlyprovjrie KOIl Tftl^ SIJM *M.KU ONLY* aii all day current for both'in* caucleseent llirhts and fiin motors; iso ex­tra wiring will life require,d, as the current ,will nbe the present lighting: current used by all our customer.®,- and a fan motor can he iUtaehed .any socket in place of *rhe hiinp. .In this way the current need will be recorded by our regular electric light meter'. In cases where motors are to 4ie hircroly 'used, ‘ It will pay to wire a _special motor cl nui it fol* a separate meter,as a lower rate win be maue tor tins elasd • or Wtisiness. . . .

Parties having ceiling fans operated by gas oi- steam can reauily olmnge to, a «mall tnotor jind •thus secure ;ii reliable-service with no.ulrt.or snvell and with*a greatly diminished tiro hazard., ^

Several parlies.liave already contracted for curH*nt for charging-hutoniobiles. ;i;;A-w0rdas to. mot.orsvprospect.ivo custom­ers may biiy where they please anil What •they please. We shall selljuorors, but as it has hi ways been our policy to'sfill only i he BEST •JnoandeFcent la nips, and a f a' f rice which ls practically COST, so ir, is not our

.purpose, to ihake any considerable prollt ■from tlio.a«Ue pf motors. Consult us before buying, .v . 4.-

P R O P O S A L S "F o r C o n str u c t in g a M a ca d a m R oad

w ith G ravel. W in g s in M on m outh C o u n ty , N .J . : ^ ’ ‘Sealed proposals addressed to JohnGulre,

chairman of roadccmmitiee, Long Branch, N. J., aVi11 lie deceived iit the court house in FreQhphi, N. J., oi}. Wednesday, JunelK), 1000 until o’clock noon, and r,hen publicly opened by .the road committee, for the con- struction o f ' 1 JUJdf) miles o f Macadam road with gravel wiugs on Westwood and Cedar Uvenues in Long Branch, Monmouth c-mnty, N. Ji, iiiider the provision s., of the State Aid Road Law. :Kach proposal roust be accompanied by a bidder’s bond, with sureties satisfactory to ;the Board, made payable to 'tl o Board of Chosen Freeholders of said.couuty in the sum of one thousand

-Cl,lM)}_iiQllars, conditioned that if the con-_ tr;ict shall be awarded to him, ho wiirwlien r^julred by tbe board, execute an agree­ment in writing to faithfully- perform the wot k accord lug to tho plans and speciflca-- t»ons. All proposals must be made on the blank forms-furnished for that purpose.

For spocifications, blank forms of pro­posals and Qther information, apply to John G.uire, clutirman of road- committed, Long* Branch.r N. J , or \V. H. DeNyse, engineer, IK# Branchport - avenue, Long Branch city, N. J.

The right fxxreject any or all bids I? re­served. ■ . JOHN GUIltE,

Director o^Board of Choaen Freeholders.of Monmouth County, N. j .

Dated Jurih.5, i m . 33S-145. -

C o l o m b i a n . H e b e i a "V V In A g a i n .

Cai'aT*a*s,Mrneziiehi, .Tune .T.-^A dis* pa cTT irom .uucuia, department of tander, says'that after .Ul days o£ light­ing the Colombian revolutionists have routed th'u_go.vorninent forces near Bu- caraniaiiga^eapturiiig’ many prisoners, ihtdudiiiKfXfunei:fli.Jjlt*nnso!imo*; l ^ l ^

PROPOSALSf-'or- th e -C p n a tr u c tio n o f n S to n p

R o ad (M a c a d a m ) . In • M o n m o u thC o u n t y , N. J .Sealed proposals will bo. received by a

committee of the Board of Chosen Free­holders of tlie county nt Monmouth, at the court house lu Freehold,.N.J.,on AV ednesday, JunoUO.liHKI.'untll 12 o’clock noon and then publicly opened, for tho construction of the following stone road in the township of Middletown in Bald county, viz.: Ih e road known aa-tho- FirsM item ie nnd Valley Drive road running from'tho pier at the foot of First avenue In Atlantic BlghlaudB to tho north end of the Navesinjrhrldge, being2 85-10(1 miles in length and 14 feet in width.

Each proposal must be accompanied with a.bldder’s bond, with. sureHes salisfactory to the board, made payable to tho Board of Chosen Freeholders of said- county, in tiie sum of one thousand ( 1.000) dollars, condi­tioned that it the contract tlmll be awarded to him, he will whon required by the board, execute an agreement, in writing, to'falthfnlly perform the work according to tlie plans and specillcations. All pro posals must he made in tho blank forms furnished for that purpose. Hans can be seen at tlio odlceof the engineer." Frank Osborn, Middletown, N. J. Specifications and blank forms of proposals can be ob­tained from tlm County collector. Freohold, N._J„_orof tho engineer.-... The right to re­ject any or all bids is reserved." J -

JOHN GlflRE, Director Board of Chosen Freeholders,

— — Long Branch, N. J.Dated Juno 5,1000 lUS-MB.

PROPOSALSS e a le d P r o p o sa ls fo r th e C o n str u c -

" W e a t l i e r l . ' u r c e a » t .Showers and iiroliably thnnderstorras;

'lirixk.lw high sliiith Id- southeast wiiuUij.

All who H\ifTtir fronl piles will bo glad to learn t,Imt. DeWltt’s Witch. IJazol, Kalvo will give instant and permanent .relief. It will euro eczema And ajl skin diseases. Be- waro of counterfeits. W. 11. Ham, Hit- Malnstreot. --

't io n q f a ytfone M a c a a a m hoa:ct~ln" . thQ T o ’ /n.3 h ip s 'o f H o lm d el and M a rlb o ro , In th e C o u n ty o f M on­m o u th ; • ’ i . •Running from the -village of Holmdel

westerly; -ov«r-the>> prosont rand--by way of Hillsdale to Bradevelt and the County road ihat leads from Freehold to MatawaD,. 3 52- loo miles,-will bo received hy tbe commit­te e of the Board or Chostn Freeholders of said county at.tlieCourt House in Freehold on Wednesday, Juno20, l!K)0.imtlll2 o’clook (noon) of said day and thorvpubllcly opened. Plans and speciflcationB for thd;construe-. lion of sqld road mav ho!procured at the olllco ot tho county collector in Freehold or of Petor Forman, engineer, Manalapan, N

PROPOSALSS e a le d P r S p o sa ls fo r tho C o n - tr u c - . t lo n o f a s t o n e M a'oadam R oad in - .th e T o w n s h lp -o f R aritan In th e ' C ou n ty o f M o n m o u th .Known as the Keansbttrg road, from the Iroit bridge over Chlnporora Creek to the centre of tlie Tanner’s landing rond, a dis­tance of ass miles, will bo received by the committee of tlie Board of Choseii Froo- hnldors at tlio court hQiise in Freehold on Wednesday, June 20, 1000, at 12 o’clock, noon, nnd then and thoro publicly opened. 3pecllleations-»nd-iniojTOatlou-ro!xardlii; the sjiid construction may bo 'had by ap­plying at-. I ho county collector’s ofllco In freehold or to Henry'S Ppronl, Engineer, Koyport, N. .1. All bids must bo nccofh- panled by t[ip bidder’s bond ’in tho sum of ono thousand dollars,.with necurlty Piitls- fnctory to tlio board,conditioned that ir tbo contract is awarded-to him, ho will \yhon required by the board, exocuto his agriic- ment In writing to perform all tho work according to tlio plans and specifications. Tho right to reject any ahd ull bids Is here­by roserved. •

Dated Juno 5, 1900..- JOHN QUIRE,

Director, of Board or Chosen Freeholders, 133 145 . . Long Branch, N. J,

tim e tnbies

PENNSYLYAMRAILROADT h o S ta n d a r d R a ilro a d o f A m e r ic a

O n a n d nfte r. M ay - 7 , 11KK).TnAINS MCAVK AMHURY l’ARK—WEKK PAYS.

F o r Nnw Y o rk a n d N e w a rk , 7 IW, 7 ■!?», 8 20; JI 20 a

For Elizabeth, 7 » L’Oa. in, 2 25, il and 5 JW pm.- - - . . . .

F o r U a liw a y , 0 2 0 a m an d H i t tn m .F o r M ataw an 0 20 a in , 2 25 an<l 5 ;il p m .F o e I.onp: B ra n c b . 7 20. 7 15 S 20. il 20, 10 2*. 10 55.

11 50 a in-, 2 20 2 25. :c» 5 :M; 5 III a n d 7 07 p i n .F o r Bed U flnk , 7 20, 7 J5, S 20,0 20 a in ,’ 2 25,

a n d ■> IW p m .F o ,‘ P liila d e lo h la . B rood St.. a n d T re n to n , 7 27,

7 «V> a m , 12 IS, -I O ' a iu t5F o r »ta m d e n . v « a .T re n to n a m i B o rd e n to w n , 727,

7 55 a m . 12 -IS a n d 1 07 p m .F o r C a a n len a n d B ld .a d e ip b ia . v ia T o m s l llv e r , 2:W p m .For Toms River, Island HelKhtRnnd intermediate

btatlons. 10 50 a m. 2 and 5 15 p.ln,F o r - P o in t -P le a s a n t a m t- 'n te rn ^e rlla fo a ta t lo n s ' 0 0 0 ,1 0 5 0 t t n i, 2 **, 253, 1 2 3 ,5 15, 0 00 a n d O il

P n i.F o r New. B ru n m v lek , v ia M o n m o iith J u a c l lo a ,

55 a n i, 12 IS, 4 07 u n d ,5 2:5 p i n . -■TnAINS LEAVE NKW YOltK FOli .ARIllfaV PAUK.

F ro m W eiiK T w enty -th ird S t r e e t tS ta tion . S <>> a m •12 10, 2 25, II25. 4 10 an ti -1 55 p m S u n d ay s, ir im m, uM4.v) p m,

Fi o»n D^iiros^^s fcjtreet Rtat ion at Ji J50, II00.a in, I2 50,; 2110, :t -10. 4 20 and 5 to p m. Sundays

^Ubl5.a.m.and515.pt,m.From CorUandt Street Stntinn, at 3110. i) 00 a m. - -J2-50f 2 J?0. .l-;t0;«t 20. and/> I On tu, Hundays ‘.145

a'in, anti 51."i p 111V On Sun<lay vjll BtDp at tin- teiiaWen and Avon■ In pine of North Anbu-5’'

T Park and Asburj* Park tp let oft passengers.TUAINS I.EAVK I’BM.ADKLPlIIi (Uroad^t) KOlt

ASIItJIlY PAUK.At 050. «22. II -ti a m, :i .‘50 and 102 p m. week

days. MarketMroet WIiarf,vi< Catnden and . Trenton, 0 10,. 7 10. 10 :j0 a m, 2150 and JI 20 p m week-days. T eaveJMarket btroet Wii'arf, via Jainesourg, 7 10 a in, 4 00 p in .week-diys.


F o r B a ltim o re a n d W a sh ln p rS h , 3 50 7 20, H 32 0 12, 10 20. 11 a r , 11 33a*tn 1230 lim ite d (D lu ln g C a r) . 1 13 (D in in g C a r ) . 3 13. 4 41 <525 C o ngressiona l Mm lied .(D in in g C a r ) ,0 0 5 ,0 2v,0 55 (D ininfe C a r), 731 (D ia lo g C a r) n m . e n d 1220 n ft^ h tw tek - d ay s . S u n d ay s , 3 50 .720.0 12. 11 23, 11 3;) a in. 1 13 (J->lnInff*Car), 3 J.", 4 JI fa’2i>C W g essJo in ) ia m lte d , Din In i' C a r) , 0 05 0 55 . (D in in g C a r ) , ? ;U- (-DIniui;.(Jai>) p nji. a n d .12 20 nluhfc 1 line ta b le s o f a ll o th e r ’ t ra in s o f th e pysU*m

m a y be o b ta in e d a n th e t ic k e t o ftlces o r . s t i tions IC W O O D , GeuT P a s s 'A g t : " "

J. B. HUTCHINSON, (lea. Manager.

CENTRAL R. R; OF HEW JERSEYA nthracite Coal tl&ed Excinslyely, In su r­

ing- Cleanliness and Comiort

T im e t a b le I n e f f e c t M a y 2 7 , 1WX?.!Fon N<j\v York via fiandy Hook rouU», 0 40, -7 40*

11;50 a m, 1 35,5 05 p in. Sundays froin Inter­laken Station, 10 08 a ni, 5.13 p in.

TaAINa LKAVK AJ33UHY PARE. i'or New Yorir, Newark and Elizabeth via ntt rail .* t jute, 0 17, 7 (X) (7- 30 New York'only) (7155 ex­

cept New York) S (XI, 10 50 a in, 4 00, 7 02 p in. Sundays from Interlaken station, 7 37 a oti,4 18

p m . ,For PhlladfVlplila and Trenton via EHrabethport,

0 17, \7 IX) except Trenton) 8 00,10 50 a m, 4 00 p m. Sundays Irom Interlaken station, * 7 87 a. m, 416 p m. . ;•

For Baltimore and Washington, ?«(X), 8 00, 10 50 • a m; 4 00 pm. Sundays from Interlaken Btn-

tionr? 37-a in, 418 p m,.For Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown a n d Mancb

Chunk,’0 17,8 00,10 50, a m, (4 00 to Easton), p in. Sundays from Interlaken station 4 18 p nt,

ForWilkesbarreand Scranton, 800,1050a in. ForBufTn»o and OhlcaRO v ia I>.i L». « B. B.,

8 00, lO 50 a in, 400 p m.J. H; OLHAU8EN, Gen’l Bapt.

fit. I* Baldwin, Qen. Pa«« Agt '



aiianilc Coast EiGGiric B. B. Go.V ia P L E A S U R E B A Y

LEAVE PLEASURE BAY Week days.. ..7.20 a." m., 2.10, 4.10, 5.10 p.m.

HKTURNINQ LEAVE NEW Y ORK Fodt W est 13th Bt. 8.00, 9.00, *11.00 a. m.,

2.40 p. in. •Battery Park 8.40, ft.SO, *11.30 a. m., 3.10 p.up.

SUNDAYS I^ayo.?loasure Bay'., , , . . , 4 .16 1 .4 .8 0 p.m.

“ .N. Y„ foot 3\f.' 13th et. 8.40, 0.00 a.m.Battery Park __ 0.10,0.80

"On Saturdays only 11,00 o’clock boat loaves Wast 13th st. 12 .4 5 aud Battory Park 1,15 p. iii, Instead of 11.30 a. m.

naffgage carried freo lth,pflSKengors. .Take car which haves Asbury. Park not later

than 0.20 a. in. for7.20a. ni. boat. >’or afternoon boat, taku car not later than 2.20 p . ni. Sundays t lio same. *

O n D o o H n t e , A s b u r j P a r J c

J V o w O p e n . , ; ,

A strictly flrstclaas. family reaort. Everything new bIdco last season• - * •

T e le p h o n e 120 n ■ -• . ■




C O T T A G E T B A D B S O L I C I T E D '

P o s t o f p i c e BOX 9 0 5 A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .


B d i l l f l n t i r i G ’ S EXPORT andTLACER B G G T— — B o t t l e d b y S t o a m P r o c o a s a n d G u a r a n t B e d t o k e o p J n a n v _ C l l m a t n

W IN E S , LIQ U O R S A N D F O R E IG N A N D P 0 M E S T IC A L E S A N D P O R T ER SI G o o d s d e l i v e r e d o n l y o n o r d e r —f r e e o f c h a r g e .

T e l e p h o n e c a l l 6 7 a . S P R I N G LAKE, N . J.

Jteftury-ParR fiotcis Hs&ury ParK-ljoteis

The VictoriaThird and Ocet^n Avenues ~

NOW OPEN. Twentieth eeasoii.'~v

MISS 8 . KJSMPJ5, Proprietor

Laurel House..... . O pen j u n e 15.

S e c o n d A v e n u e a n d K in g s le y S t r e e t "

Undfrsamo management.

FA M ILY H O T E L Grand and Sewall -Avenues

Ol’KN ALL-THE YEAR. ___Btoamheat. Eleotrlo llgkie.

All modern lmiirovomenta Run parlor. Rwisonable prices.

■1 The StaffordCorner' F ilthA venue IfB d H eck S trM t

O pposite S uniS t i i lc bOpen All Tins Yesr

7Special sccom modattonc-for bicyclesFor terms address M S B . A . I ., U C Y .

Norwood HallC orner F o u r th Avtiimo an ti K ingsley S tre e t

Ruporior table snrvlco. Special terms for. the sprint: and fall months. House thor­oughly equipped wjtli Harris patent lire escape and alarms.

■ ’ 1 TRAVERS & TRUMFliOim. ‘

Hotel ClarendonNow Open ' '302 Fifth Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J.

Two blocks from llie ocean. Ono of tho finest views of tlie Park and ocean to be liad. N tar Hunset'Ijake,.boating and bathing grounds. F.rHtclass hotel in every respect. r - n n \ u i*/.GEO. W. W A TE R B U R Y ,

T h e A d r i a n Corner First avenpe and Kmory strfcf t. All modern Improvements. Open all the year. Special terms for tlio “spring and f II xnontli1!. • .*• • * . ’ - ■ J. 8 . AD11IAN..

H o l l y T e r r a c e Sixth avenue, near ocean. Special sprint; terms.. .

All modern Improvements.' HOFFMAN it CO. •

T h e M a d i s o n Bunset avenue, one block from oceau'; all moilern improve- monts; baths, electric lights,.electric bells. Table Hrwiclags. fcvehing-dlnners, - V -‘ J. 1C. IiODMAN..

T h e W a r w i c k 200 Third avenue. Now-open Large, cheerful rocpu, /... — — :----■— Tecnm-reusonablo,- ------— ...MRS. 8 ,- F. SA.VIDQE,

T h e O r a n g e 618 M u n ro e a v e n u e . O p eu a ll th o y e a r . T h e m o s t honie*llke b o a rt l in g h o u se In to w u . A ll m o d e rn Im p ro v e m e n ts . Term s

— moderate. M. J.QEHptiQ.

T h e R o y a l fi!o On»nd a v e n u e . H o m elik e h o t* l. O p en » h e a t ; p le a s a n t ro o m s. E x c e lle n t.ta b le . B a te s

Open all the year, “ ‘ moderate.

Steam a ! HARVEY.

(F o rm e r ly S t . J a m e s ) ; C o m e r C o o k m au c u e a n d Webb s t r e e t . O p e n a ll t h p y e a r . Com

... . _ m a n d ln g ’fu ll v iew of - th e sea. B ro a d p o rc h e sla rg e , airy* comfortable.rooms, B toam h e a te d th r o u g h o u t . S e rv ice m itTculalna ^C o m m e r c ia l H o t e l

G r a n d A v e n u e H o t e l fonein riot blo!‘v <Ba£aE n la rg e d a n a Im- *. B un p a r- l ’ro p rlo v jr .

Ocean Grove fiotsis Oseatt 6 rw t hotels• /" - 3 a n d 5 lU t n io n B T « n n »,-4 a n d 6 M c C lb it o o li i t r e e t . T h la h o w l 1.

r y i i a i . o p e n a ll t ' j e y w ir . Sun p a r lo rs a n d w ell u e a te d ro o m s f o r th q coo 'I h e ~ A i a « I C a i n 6n t h .“ T h e o n l y » o t « l I n :0 « a n O r o r e . u p n l l e d w i t h - » a w a t « j - * r a l U O I 1. U D a th B . T h e lo c a t io n la o f t h o l c e t , l C O fo t ’t f r o m b o a r d w a lk a n d

ctofu* t a a iK lh o r iu m a n .l o^«t. o fflw .. F . H : K I L M R H . P r o p r i e t y .

, • • . . . * .• 't*

Read The Daily Press


A S B U R Y PA E K D A I L Y PRESS, T H U U S D A Y , J U N E 7, 1000.

1 0 0 C A R P E T S W E E P E R S ^ A - G O O D -O N E . . . . . . . . . ...........

. -. •'.THE T H E — / ' J - ' T H E. . .T U T T L E . . . . . .TU TTLE . . . > ..... TUTTLE . . .

-S T O R E , , - ! * STO R E ^ STO R E

C H E A P E S T K I T C H E N F U K Nm a t t i s o n a v e n u e b y t h e p o s t o f f i c e

• | r ■ - V ■- OIL STOVES, 2 burner^. .................... 79c!—7— »—- ^ —-— -BLUE-FLAME OIL STOVES, now selling fast Out

LITTLE THINGS FOR THE GASOLENE STOVES, always the cheapest - . ' " theKITCHEN. ■ (StOtHES BASKETS, willow ones ...........................39c int0

■ GARBAGE CANS, Covered ..................... .49c’ . ,jyASH BOILERS, large size, long ones",'.........’................ ...49c Trj


S T O R EPrices from May 3 0 to June 7

;[Continued froni page 1 ,1

Depends a great deal upon the i’ttle things you buy from a grocery. We give just .as much atiention-tolhe small lines as we do to our butter, , teas, coffees and canned goods. Nothing is of “ little importance.”


Ono-lmlf tyirrol sacks. , ^

i f - - J e n n i s o n ’s J e r s e y L i l y , s m a l l s a c k s , 3 0 c s a e k ) fJ f ,w B e s t N . V . S t a t e C o r u . . . . . . .X G o o d S a l m o n . . . . . . . . .. v .‘T t a r g e lio ttlc b e st M a p le S y ru p T C a l. F r n n e s ' • . *

B e s t W h i t e B e a n s . . . . . .^ E a r l y J u n e P e a s . . . . . • • • • •

iB c s t X a l» le S y r u p . . . . . '. .w F i n e C r e a m e r y B u t t e r . . . '.X B e s t M i x e d C a k e s . . .................. .X B e a u F o r k . . . . . . i . \ . . . .


E l e c t r i c G a s L lffh tln ff. E le c t r ic B e l ls a n d A n n u n c ia to r s ;

B u r g la r A la r m s , E t c . ’


N e w K o a to r i l lo c k . . ~

. . . . 8 e c a n . . , . x o c c a n -. . . . . aoc

4 lb s lo r 2 5 c . . . . . . 8 C (jt. . 4 c a n s 2 5 c . . 'xoc. q t c a n

rv a<jc; ll* . . . ,. . xo c lb

... 5 i - a c l b

SanitariumA s b u i y

A s s o c i a t i o n H t f t


7 p a c k a g e s o l C o rn S ta rc h fo r i j c ; ..-

T c n o n u n nncccco Wemakeas ‘ rof*I L H u H N U U U f f L L O l you havea particular­

ly fastidious taste, we wish you would try bur Teas. Our Cof­fee is always fresh.and crisp. Oflr purchases are arranged to give the customer fresh roasted Coffee always.

D ., President __E. /£. GODDARD,-Treasurer.

V. C. HAGEMAN, E. M. HERRING, Secretary. :..

Keep track of what is going on nbout you.. IC you expect to amount to any­thing it will never do not to, know what is happening. Do yon know, about our furnishings '■ If not como In ami lot us show you our new lino of shirts and neckwear. ' , :


F lftb A v e n u e M o c lia a n d J a v a C o ffe e 3 2 c lb ,’ P rln c c sS ColTec 2 5 c lb

A R e a lly G o o d ColTee fo r 1 5 c.

W . Wo guarantee ovorythlng: wo sell to give satisfaction or.your money refunded, j j d Our apeclalB are sold for CASH ONLY and will .not be-charged at these prices.......


622 COOKnAN AVE.O N E P R I C E . „ M o n e y B a c k


T H E NEW STORE604, 606, 608 Cookman Avenue Cor. Main S treet u d Lake Avenue, "


Other Stores :Mannanimn Jjlltlo Kalla

17 South riain Street.

COOPERS! I C E - l c r e a m

BARGAINS on SATURDAYHost Oat Meal ..2 lbs for 5 oontsWhite iloar.B.............. ....................... 9c per qt

Cat. I Io ms spouialt.y for Saturday Fresh Eggs

Do not forget our lUo coileo’ B U T T 1 5 R I N B ..........

l)o uot forgot that wo liavo ButtcrinoHeat flreamery............... ...,20c, 5 lbs forUScHeat Dairy..................:........................ .17c lb.

lUU-Biltlltltoy. .tifat. Umuuery-Jiut HiiySlallt.lscat Creamery Print lldttor.......... ,,,.250 lb

.. CANNED GOODS.Toi-sey Paekod Tomatoes.. . .v.Oc' or 3 formicCan C o rn .......................... !>o or S.for 25cCan Iieets; . . ? . . . . . . . . !ic or 3 for 25cUakeU B e a n s 'Ju or 3 for 25a

DlUEl) FllU IT.r.argo fancy Cal. I’runoo 9c 3 lbs for 25cFancy whiio'evap. Apples...fe, 3 lba for 25c Try our Cal. evap. Peaches. life lb

Ou Saturday only."Niuo Fat Maokerol... . . . ..........5c oach



ProVcssionaiJ: L. T H O M P S O N

O p p . O c e a n G ro v e O a te s

W h y n o t p l e a s e y o u r

f e e t ? D r e s s t h e m

s t y l i s h l y a n d g i v e

t h e m " c o m f o r t i n o u r

Jfew^styles-of- _ “— —


y O h o m e



(liven to every purchaser of ONE DOLLAR’S -WORTH OP GOODS during our Alteration Sale.

will give 20. trading stamps for one dollar. * ,

All firstclass grocers will have it for ° . sale soon.

B a k e r y 4 1 4 B o n d S t P cttlK rcw Indorsed.C hnm bi'tln in , S . 1>„ T.—T hn Doni

ocrntic stiitc* <*oiivolition for tlu* seloetion of ei^ht d H w tt f s to tin* lynnsas City ^iliivoiilibii coitcliuliMl'its In'hors lust night., ri’bu dch‘K»U‘s wor« iiis'triieUitd for Bry-

adoptioit of tlio report o f Dio fWfii'mittee .011 rosolutions. w as oi^pejsod; owinpt to paragraphs oulogisljc of Cliarlcs 'A, Toxvno, the P 6 p.it11st noitii 1100 for vice prcsidiMit; coniniruding tlio comso of. Sen­ator. IVttifirow in tlm.soiiiito and ri*c.*oiu- inonding that tlio I>t»nioVratic convention to. bo' hcld at Yankton July 11 for tho nonjination of n-«tate*'tiokut indorse him for ro*i‘k*ction, thus binding vvcr.t Demo­cratic member of tlie legislature to his support. After a prolonged debate, lunv- ever, the resolutions as. reported bys the committee ^ere adopted. Sympathy was extiVii'dcd. to 'the. Boers,' and imperialism and trusts wore denounced.

L a w n 1 M o w e r sHay, Grain nnd I'eod Dealers.A ttention is .,diivctc.il to the advert isb-

liient of tlio Palil T. Norton comjMijty,. which appears In another ooluiim of V->i<y I51’Ess. JTlieir place of business iiujrlUs- city is at HltT Cookman nvenue, amUthey have other stores at Klizabeth, Elizabetli- porfc, Rahway, lied. Hank, Plainfield and Bomorville? Tlio advertisement^yiIt prove of special interost to t he owners of horses, as the company handles hay, grain ^niid feed. They invito an' inspection of . their stock and prices.

. W h e e l e r 4 o ' n c ‘ llptlrt'd S o o n . •

Wnshinifton, June is said iit thewar department Unit- General W,Ueelcr' will be given no iutlil 1 iry irssiinmieiit iiu; diu* his commission as brigatiici* general of regulars, but' tlmt lie will be placed ot) tbe rctirciriisf^withiu tiie next fewMlays!' This plan of action, it is said, is in accord­ance with ah understand ing/'reached be*,

'tween tho president and General Wheel* er. The retirement' Vvilt be made upoii G eneral ^Vliei51er’s~^Tipp.Iieatit)ii a nd is iii conformity with the statute authorising the president to retire oliicers of the ar­my upon tjieir own application after tjiey reach the agd of 02 years.. .General Wheeler was born Sept; 10| 1830, and; hi the natural course of events would be r e - tircd fpr^Be yept. 1 0 npxt,;Svhen he wjll reach ‘thb .age-of^(M .years,'the statutory limit of active service in the army.

W e a r e o f f e r i n g s o m e

s p e c i a l s lf o r t h i s w e e k

• in m e n ’ s a n d W o m e n ’ s

O X F O R D T I E S .

F ra n k H . W a lk e r If you want.to liave a neat lawn It reiiuires frequent cutting, and wo iiavo just the machine that will do

-tliftwork to perfection. Wo liavo' live diiroront kinds to aeloct from, nnduiiB

_we have handled these 'machines rdr tlie past ten years wo aro suro tboy will give satisfaction. ■ The price starts ut 12 50 and runs up to'$12.50.

• P ra c tic a l- Paper Hanggr

1112 Uunrot Avenue, West Asbury Park., A Q EN T FOIL

DIOCORATOUS’ PAPKK CO? ul’Nnw V nrlt and K VSKlt & Atili- MAN ol’.PnilMliiliiliih, ;Wall Paper from loo por'double roll and up­wards. Hanging 23c perdoublo roll and up'-' wards. Some stoma advortise cboapur, but they mean siriirle rolls. Don’t bo deceived. Let nje isliow you my samplos ant1 thon.com- paro prces with others^.— ............. —>

Green Wire ClothWhilo the price was low wo secured a

... largo quantity of the cloth and are going to give oiistoniorK some bar­gains. We. have It la galvanized and

. coppor as well. Wo havo chicken wiro tlmt wo aro selling by tho roll or loss at rock bottom prices; . j

Field and Garden Utensils, Stool; wood nnd wiro rakes, hoes, grass edgers, pruning shears, hand jilows, seed drills, cultivators, plows, wheelbarrows and othor gooua too numerous to montion. ■

Butchers’ ArticlesScales, cleavnrs, stools, knlvos, saws. All articles are guarantceil U> bo us roprosouted.

Men’s Oxfords in Russia cali, vici kid, plain and bull, dog ■ toe, a very- stylish shoe and readily re­tails at $3:. Special for the week - - .- $2 Did I t E v e r O ccur to You

~i-!------- -------------- -— th a tg o o d - ro a te r ia land ,w o rk m an B h ip a re n e c essa ry to goo d b icyc le r e p a ir in g V We ime Jlioth* a n d b y hav ing-x a s m a ll i-lace .and low cxnenae«i a r e aW h to tu rn o u t fP.s^ela-w w o rk a t a lo w figu re . T h e THOU* H K l'/K O Y GAB M A C H IN ES a re a uploodtd su c ­cess . W e h a v e th e m f« r sa le . C om e see o u rs In o p e ra t io n H y d ra u lic seal3 ; ho ru b b e r o r l e a th e r g a s k e ts u sed .

^ D o c k e r y F o r G o v e r n o r . *

Kansas City, June 7.—fo r governor, Alexander M. pocker-y of Gallatin! for lieutenant goverfior, John A. Tice of Wt. Louis; for secretary of state, 15. Cook of- Mexico; for state auditor, Albert O. Allen of ,Ne\v Madrid; for attorney gen­eral, 1C. C. Crow, of Webb City; ’ for state treasury, I J. P. Williams o f Fa-, yette; for railway and warehouse eom- mis itHieV, Joseph Perringtou f of JnfT(*r- ,Hon City; - for presidential electors at hirge, James A .; Itm l of Kansas City and William A. Uothwell o f Mlilrerly. The platform.-routliyms allrgiimciS.to the Chfra?o pintfoi*in--of —1SJ)f|r“iiarticu 1 aTly"t specifying “tti tb 1;—indorses -Bryaji, de-' nounccs trpsts atid declares emphatically against ‘*imp,«.ialisni.” . ' . ... .

Ri F . D O R A N , D .D .S .’D E N TIST , S u ccesso r to th e B o sto n D en tists;

715 M attison a v e n u e , W in c k le f D u U d ln g ._______

C LA U D E V . G U ER INtA W O PFJCK B . l-m m iM ta iten p ra l l e » l bturi-

n ees. Aoknow letU ;niontB L»k£n fo e «IT ( to te s , i lo o n u B->0 A p p ln b y Hulldln»t.~: ■ ' - =s~ ~

W IL L IA M C . B YR AM'A T T O B N E Y A T I ^ W . -

M A ST E R IN ClfA N O EK Y , 28 A p p leb y B u lia in n , A aliu ry T a fk . K . J .

W M . C . C O T T R E ltAUOHITlfiOT. P in an o n l flpeclfloatlofflflfur*

n lsh ed a t f t h o r t n o tic e . H o t« l w o rk a -sp e c ia l ty , 41M iak e a v en u e. • - . _____________ ___________

S amuel A . DnouoK E r n s s t A , A rkno

, BR O U S E &.SAREND'-A n ililt« c tf l.— fl3t-*O hefltnutr-strefltrPhlladetphla: F orflfrR lchey IT j lld ln g , T re n to n , N . J . A pp leby A sb u ry X^ark, N. J . " n

^ Oft. V.TTHEiQHT,V E T E ltlN A itY 8U H Q EO N . T r e a t s a l l anl*

m ats . O ffice508S ew aU av en u e . T e lep h o n eH p .fl. A tb u ry I 'a r k i N . J . r - ------------------ — •—

La'dies’ ■ Oxfqrd Ties, black- or russet, vesting or leather tops,,light or heavysoles; shoes that sell regularly for $2 and some samples among them worth $2.50, all !go .at. - - - - - -;$1 .S0

D re n c h S ta t i o n of t h e A s b u r y P a r k


T H E SH O PG P R E S SF o r th o con v en ien ce n L o u r . p a tro n s a -b ra n c h

s ta t io n hfts been e s ta t ‘Ufibc<l a t thA JtR A D L H V H E ACM NO TIO N S T O R E , S lain s tr e o t, botw ooa M cC abe a n d Cook av en iies.

P a p e rs r e g u la r ly on sale a n d su p p lie d to n ew s­b o y s a t o fllce ra te . I

A d v e r t i s e m e n t s rece iv ed , an d in o rd o r to re- < c e lv e Insertion sa m e d ay m u s t be h a n d e d in at th is s ta t io n n o t la t* r t h a n 10.30.

512 1-2 Cookman Ave.Opp. Partridge £ Iilchardson’s1,

P R O P O S A L S J . D . M E W L t I N

1 7 3 Main Street '. r “ ^ “ A S B U R Y P A R K

D t a U c o f I V o r f o l k R a d i y H a r t .London,'JuneJT.-rTlie Ojiko of Norfolk,

tflm Is l ionlfiiant nihinel of the’ Si’c.unl battalion of Ihe Ho.vnl Sussex- ,vi>oninnry, flow in South Africa. Im s'irot with a 'somewhat serious, accident by falling from his -horse. His hip was ilsiocnted,'nnd lie"received other injuries.. . ., . . . !. . . . . . . . — ._

1 Rmall In size and great tn results are no- » itt’s Tjll.Mn Early itl'-i'nt, the famous little jiltls Mint.uU'iu’.bii tiie liver and bowels; They do not i-Efpo. W. 11. Ham,- W7;Jlaiii street.

Bids will bo rccolved by the mayor [nnd council of tho borough of Avon-by-tno-Boa forthfe removai-of-(;arbacre-ttnd-o(fal from Juno. 15 to October J, 1U00, In accordance with an ordinance passed relating to same. Said proposals to he lu not later than Juuo1 1 . Htservo the right to reject nny and ail bids. l

1S3.88... 1 LEROY SOFlELD„Clerlr.

. Htarvatlon never yet cured- dyspepsia. Persou8 with indigestion are ulready halt sturved. Thsy need p len tyof’ ■wholesome food. Kodol Dyspopsta Curo digests what you oat-so tiie body can be nourished whilo tbo worn out organs aro belna reconstruct­ed. It Is the only preparation known tliat. will Instantly relievo and completely, cum nil stoiuaeti t roubles. Try Jr If you are suf­fering Crom lmttgestion. It will certainly do you good. W. U. 11am, HIT Main street


708 Mattlaon AvonuoC oilluB a n j U u r la l C a a k o ta on h a n d or

f u rn ls t io d t c o r d e r . ' '


C U R E P (1 L C 9

A nd a ll. r e c ta l .d is o rd e rs o r m o h ey re fu n d e d . P leasan t.. N o t a ph y sic . A rad ica l c o re . f»0q a t C has. J . D la c k fT . ftf. S te w a rt , L. O. Hrt*nello, o r o f E t t ’u D f'ug Co., P h lla . P a . P loese t r y it.

D R . H . G . M IL L A RV E T R IU N M U A K 70S A shttry ftvomto. Tolo-

p h o o e N o . 80 f . D ogs » s p e c ia lty . • READ THE PRESSThe Pnnsa costs- cents por week,


QQQ^ySiOQQ^^QQQQQQOOOQCOOO § ' t m ‘n pN vaii DNon • . ’ ■•; 8; S A V M a v o a a ou... ./...■H

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..•ibjpO.tUjOOp UOI lUO.VlU/O oqj, *iii:otun*_. It pjoq. im|iuoAUoooiiu.tomuo(ti aqi-J^ s‘av*jii HutStii.iq - o.ioq •' pT>AU4« snq a u.i ) oau.jprj .touiuo)S oqj,—*2. 0UU|_* ‘qs’u vv

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HONVaa ONOT -CoMfBojg ggi^oajjqaJV

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>.»].! UUI l.JJ 111 UOJ 1 JOS '“ ..‘••PiAV.,

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lias a/a jnq ‘jo n e id paneo: o s ‘sssjijuom Xpin{osqB

‘dEsqo s'm 3 0 A m l.usA Bq ' S 3 N I V H P UB

.L L 3A Y 3r ‘H a D N I N O H S 'N O S ^ H N H ' a N O a 3? . s a a A i ‘i n / H d o w ‘n a a s M — ■.s o n p o r f -B3 U3 UIV }Bqi ssiiBtn jsaq uoass sq ) D[pusq o/A * • . • ■ ■ ■ . ’ ■ 1 /A jo io e j

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Xub 3 0 XiijBnb o q i ;noqE iq n o p Xue i .u s i 3J3qX

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batijoipollt p-'JI’liflllUjjHI IplM J’MOAOri Sui’stt •|;,VJ V,. Mr\ i\rrftuuj--nr\\ ’ puVj) oq j jojnupo ‘X.IU') ’7.J O jonjj K.V’i:s t, .IJJJU1! oq i ]«r U|i:.i<l:i- a-jOAJH..it:;.tuojj pn4«Ul,l>. l.. oiuji pun jy M

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p o o 3 Xnq'.UBO n o ^ -s}3Bj pqj Xq jno ou joq Xjjnj s t ’ 1 ; puE ‘u o ip n p n p p s j t p /[3 in |o s q c ub si iB q x

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• ---------------==~: -joX s3[bs s s o u i M oqs [(!A'— PnB J3d pajpnnq ouo oi jboX b soirpid

jnoj uiojj ssautsnq jno poseaJoui oABq syvv li inoqu inoppoB Xub i ,usi ajoqj, -op ‘ -ois , , ‘ [E3p01 33E[d lUBSBSjd,, 'XlIJiqBipj ‘SSSlEqO OlBJOpOtU

— uosedj p o o 3 o tu o s joj o s so u io so q ssouisnq' ” SiqrB^iEqi uouBD.bpBJi e . sb uM op pjBj aq isnu i'H '

J.ittttt?: * fi a\j • it A*i! q sj * » 1:111 A.\! •; J \ \ \ ) ;>ti«J- •Uliipi;i avOs- :ii|io>j -vj J.orq.tiiv: .;i:.l.*q, q«•Ml I ,i.*aVO.*-j. !qiitp;-'l\' M -irj iv uq:.i..*i -Jj.-on tuuiv Vtitq

U«i‘rr *uo.;i!V • imuuaiamoim: I »o i<i ;• m 1

-tlu Uooq OAUIJ v.i.ii<t:tui>* «l s>ujo qvuu.j r.ttiA\«»ij«»j ••qj.-'-'i oiiiij- (uoi»U!qsi!(\v

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•astioji ojjatqiy oqi m dois M A O U f ) N V 5 I 3 0 N I N 5 IH A V

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■Hum oq |<|p>Vav ti:o.iomj >jg oj s>-i:a(i»m J; • {/.ij | (Trnj~iKTTTj.i:»v Toxj.vp^nijr'jo-A'uiijt-^pti^nf-Frq*—in—i~ri;irntnir-nqi j„ >nojr •011 .to.q 14uj niijjoioii lUotrioOApi:..lojuili .toj’

*-luui oqj' qouj. oif. ip.j •A’uptutfj l ttj tutq .m. ujuj‘1 v*j'Uiit ?* 1-ai siq j( ••joijonji v.iiTTmio T jn .loji.tiuw. ,*qi tii A'ltoijiltimo qq.vv mit| r,ti(>.4 iMjo ittopiiojptii .oqi no ptj.ii spmti'j putt SII.TllloJ «'>l| ss.ijuu .tl*1140A1 »J* ju ijnjiuut *U»oU..»}(l w.Uloos- tt( pi 11(01J tf tt i o|<(I.S{(l P»||#

-V t—11—l a t j - i —j i - » o i t j - a ip * .» —• m i ........ » q - * i t q - j * m t a 'h |*

ouis; jsuj o.toq o.niojojitno oqi .touts sttitoq •qtnlo)j •a’JJoSiilloNJ ^Itlptsij Uto.lj s.lojl.q-jo .toll1lt!iU 1: 110 A {0004 suq *o4.HJ .*0 11.104 U A\* II {tiq. *A*'JoH |U.i\| pi 4i.tt40A*>n A||.mt.luJ

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qiou.mq uooq suq ‘ tipjoj iuo.ij s?0 |tttt o.uqi . t.ihioii.’a iu mqiitis oqj •sotjioq oqi p.qoAvpgtirosqi puu^vrnujiitiui 0OUJS OAUIJ •ltutll.tr»x putt tlOstfiqojI S.|SS0J\J ‘sot.iininjssjut qsij^lt'.j oq}| p.i.tojunui iitqi sqotti oqj# ’sopts 1|p>q tt<> pojl(>j 040AV rcnTrf^^rrt pj n - j—«n—, 1 <r 1 jtt-i «r» trmiTt uVj-uu;. 11121UM;.0AUj|>4i!i.\i!siJu^Hanuu ••i.p.iqoiuil.-sip s.totjqos v»HJ4—m . .itini* quijsiiuq^

•ua.ivoji iqj<jt.i saojpjos— ‘ •qnso.i '.v’jq

•Ult.VOIII IIJAV 'It mill I* tjll.vv Ipqstjjoo UUHI4J oqi oj od.toj .v’.iuitjpu j" o.uiu.iiqut«Mio4il t: qons tfmj'iios ut isis.ioil ut^spji j>ju«itjs luqj o.iotj JioAoijoq jj ;p.nii|o|> uooij oauij 01 jionoijtt^sT itquj, iu oo'.inj iUi:js -sti)i o«,iiq p jg ^utjiittq ^»qi.uuilup jo sttuji -UlUoso.ulo.l oqi JO 00U0Jll>J*UP*d uj ‘loojj osouuifup oqi jo unijir/i|pjntu oqi'jn m*ti •ophipu poi.t.Itiq otji ju 04011 1U.I.14U.I ,14u, A?4.totlo.i rJiHUi.tiqv—*! 'otnt|* •ttnj^mtq^

'>ooj^i Htitiiir

irr.ict *C 01 n KJiioq ,V>UI0 •fijaiivim s?a«tKnn jpi uu .i .jApv ROApj ojtunj puu. iu«y,*Jd ‘isitdoqi an poquwaon oij unp «wiu>|oo.') Jttou ‘oiiuoaw aojanK (»► *.o>i Kjojjud uon«| «uq ‘uitqpaiu h . j u u j j u j o i 8 9 av p a iv A q a jo .* ) n q j ' j j o j j * o u i ) t

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• f iV O 'I o x

s jo q i^ jo M J p i x

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•tuoqi01 ojijtssoj st: fMij.qijoAlUmu 1 ojujl S,J qq-'V juiis 'j>usV»4oiui .>jt:tiptAij)iit oqi’.'m juitq auu |o'.Vuo;1no ittiiqij.vt siutoqjn .to<li».ul. oq)^q-p !-VI^Trt1l?'-n«» 'Viq-,\‘4OA0 -UoqAV.oui.no IIIM-Opqi oqj,... ‘luoqi. lliuiqo 04 IJI.UIAV 04U .<tq.oj.f Jjq titrqi o.k,iuc AtxJ uj p.i|[o<huoo Jitii

*.Ctq»utv] 1x011 a‘«j Ipqiuttjisop .joq qois.u I^JUJ ^U. jqny.qs pqs •j.i>juj4 .toj 0 010 i,u si.titjs utiojoipoqi j j . q»osp(i|;v4 nq'j|y;tt -xojf oqi litqj jjoj st lqtuqi oil UUo|o;j j oiji -A*q p0.>.tnjtl0-04 oq a’IJ.V Oljl Jt ‘lUq ‘P0>|.JUV -lit- oq HIAV tttsi-uot.f, 11M[i S4UOJ 0»l litqi ,so.»ia|>u s,j|diti.»\] iit.iniipv fiio.ij 'jio.iuij jtrri^ l~ l[ 1 •OJ4 AIXU1 •.ninqii.u tns i-llol j f_q.QM.ioi ojqi! oq illAv 'oiJs lllljT‘IS *1JU4J' llj tj A*40A suq pint umt|f) jo Srt»t 11! AV Oljl III 0.MA40S .IOJ potlJttSOJ) a’JJUJO.hIso S1tAV JOS -Soa SMJ.r, ‘UJSl-liloj O| jjcliuo>l JIMIIilpV -4 i!Qi[~A‘ri-iun5rmi-uiA\^tr;;n r. oi pnooo.t<l-t>i-

'wait pi iijatuuiug g(j«; .\jddv 'uUMav* •?s>5jiMuivji.piaiOdai6p-u pri jjdon ua'iaduiiji.TV'--.

' . ^ a X M V A V ' ; ' ' 'V* * j: T,\ • r 1 ‘ja.uiB pitog '.laujoo ‘oiiiiaAU siiuttq

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*ii: r4:r ‘ ’ iio jijoa *«a;i x°noiiiuuisoj ‘vj \ \ \ \q swajppv vsnoq ijtupjsoq, quuiB jo- Apuiuj oiBAt.id- tajaiiuosw j Hiuiiai :q.nwq otji Jiraii tkqqm p‘.,oif.{pp> Bqjuoui.ui PIPia :puu_OjdiMu .-5Juuu.C-.4uj:. pJtIoq„pil«,_UI!ifini_

'.CllJUOtq lltqi UI pOdojOAOj! suq 04U05 oittnuo^ 1: oououUosuuj nrrptn? ''.ypiuvso**- -Artjlltuo JJllU otji JJU O.IOtJAV ,-iojs uoiju.iod -40.1 oqi oAoqt: st q itjAV osttutj ittiutiouoi u tit podoj.iAo’p js.uj osuostp tiijjJ Mstioijisod 4«>.vjll ip?,.l oqi 01 spi.qiud aqt jju o?jui ■iVj 111 »-i t^qi uuKvi «>av j nouios i» ti4.t^2_^oT}: -t.toqiuu oqi jo tiotiuoiiu oqi 01 iq^uo.iq iido*| o.vuq xoiIjjuuis jo sosua Jttuot} -tnpu xtff—*.».• otttip - s su ^ ‘.ioaiji jju t

. MOA-m IJU.-I Ut .MU3S xodjpnus~ *uoi»iimoD

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up Moistuuuji uqop SiAiitqo.i A'qquoAv u .jo qiuop oqj,—:J. oitnj* -Mojsoqocqi

*ounMOjI pot»;> ((K.£oii aoj.sa»iooji

n n M 3 A - Y - N V 'W X ( ) c y j t z i ) — — — —

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■S-IlVncTYHO rllj.l. JIO:r AD9 O.L DNIHJ.-3W OS SI 3H 3IU s n SQNIW3H A n V M tlN gD

— S I O O H D S 3 H I

-0«J jii.oqiiANITHTpttn FTTf i-ijJ. i»T A‘l(1) II 14<>llllll Oljl OAUIJ jqiuujs iti.-iu aUoa'.| ‘luujqAjpui oqi o| .qqissod su dUolj.) su ojumij oij jqiimjs .loiisnp 'po^iiinf.i oq_ 0 1 iq^uo suji \ \ y '—r— • — i-r — ^V*o±l M q j u I •^srxi^LVAV III IS •sosttoilso ■ l.llplO A’uil OJ 14110.) Dl AVUO rr oa 14ji P(H«»qs ,iq “ijvo u irtiHj u AViq oj sourfuum" u ji juqi-roitAiN ppi o q j; .. \i|iu lsjp.uj tuns iJ.:ui",iiVoqi uuqi .uoiu ui sjunom u llllSAViq It UI Slljrl|4 ‘*/ )UO,^tl1lH.U|U|tMU. jn isoo oqi luqi. suoilduq A*i!iioiil>.ujU! lou li ;AVot| S| ij s.\- o.u:jioav .iipiud oqi qii.w 040J404UJ P»ll jqitOAV 4J uoq.vv puu ‘os np 04 siui.-rijiq oqj. oi-ooii.ijnoAuoo.u oq pjttOAV i( uoq.vv a’iuiuk) oqi uj UAVnl .v.iOAO ut ploq*oq ^^m js^aitc»r)^v44,iis.u»uuci04.ujiusq.ii.sj-tuiij.l- oouuistp aoriuoj ii JOAU.M 01 u iiq ^utjl*»l -Um;VA‘q\tuoq i ^U|SP040UI moqijav qffuouA opjiio.n suq pu'uq uo .'iiitSAviq u suq oq.w until oqi *5j.mAV U104J otuti asoj aioqi .ioj iiu f '*ud^soiujl otuos jiuu v.iouuip .rtoqj .roj xiut-Attcl .‘SO>S..jUl 1JAV J«” 04Uj.IU0 Oij J XfUl^qd IJ |IAVjiujAV :sos^ou4fvv a'uuiu 04u aioqi uoq.vv StHUOllO soiuoooq Jt put: ’OUO o.vissooxo uu st *»ioa004oiu ‘0.1'uj oqjj ;suijMj^riujtiun.i jo 40))uui oqi uj stmtnqmiutimoou auuos p jo j ■ju spuaijtiM oqi putr*ji:o.tif sj o.mqs rituqt: swAVopoq 1 tuo.tj ’pp«qoo.u£ of ooiuqstp oq j4 *

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•II.UOX .V.I,lA:|.ll!:|4l,rt,> IMPH

♦jj: 5.1. J ’ taOHJO Be*04,X"r.'j X05T'Ev?.-*Ijtpv’b .Tjnqsv 'ROA\ M! Ulsn l,l,u j.ipjAV'jqau !J J;,aio ‘{Jut: qij.w oSupoa utoojy v/ h o j

si:n:i . 'Xauorfv Bsou.u'aHK 01 Xjdqv*utiu«>Ati uBiniiooo no sit n oppujsap .Cjoa OAVJ,':•! 1 U K H H H O J

#st: sa: I / 'oaiyrt ?s*j^ *(y? xo&'stMjppy ‘jfa'flAV 4ad q5 • .t^qdejaopM pooav oh| h ri •jaqjAoxI.vi'paw jaqrlujaou.ijHSB UGJ1 -*vnii8-u-(papldjja-xipti)jvd)-u»iu auuo^ tj Aa—b,*-' * a J I X M V A i |

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t,a:im -qowan Xaipwa -wojib ujoie o.iu o.t oq sioo’ijp. 'moutu-io.vo oqj juqi ojo‘.tojAirj,- jf •'/& -‘pioB puu iqauoq sjaaq.w puuq -uttjv* IU oJq(pi{>nd.oq! ill osiitqoud suoj.toi •puo.^M-puo A»au jpajjudoj op.f.*»iq jjio.C ioy .SA-m u S| o .to ijj,;^ -otmp ‘stjodcutffpui

i-jjl. • f*iBJnqua| | 7 ‘KOtiUOAao/|UT pua jaodgjatijoa ’PjajJAV *X‘ *n ° l P«’ojui •OJ Ji PJU.WOJ otq^lpts qajuud^ JOJioua JlOVW

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• ________ ra a x M V A i* JU<I ^Jiiq^v ‘190418 Jfaouq.i

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Roberts Making Pretoria Base of Supplies. ,

Reliable Furniture. .

House Furnishing HintsBeautiful-Enamel Iron^nd Brass. Beds, $2,90,

$3.44, $5.25 and up. —


Vnrrow I’jihhi'h. iltr tw een Ram pnrtu o f “ 1 Pr«*t?|j>itotiN H ook Loud lo to f e r t i l e

V n l l o j H — A r m i K t i i i c v A t ^ l 4 i i i i K x i i C ‘ k ,

. I I o it m .liny Mpke ilurd FIktIiJ Thcrf-VLoudon, J mu* 7.—Military operations

iti South Al'iicn nro' apparently nt a standstill. For n day pr tw o'tho tired I root of Lorjl I to belts are resting, nnd In* is tilling the magazines and ware­houses at liis new base, Pretoria, prepar­atory to a;ch«st*,iinor the retiring Doers in tlu* direction of Lydenburg. H is cav­alry ulti'ady are. probably seeking to in- 1 tcreei.it Commandant (»enoral Holha.;*• Aj'Jlispajclr which left Pretoria Monday while tlu; Oglu ing wns going on outside the eity says; ’ . . . . . . . .

“All day .armed burghers .have been leaving Pretoria, going east. The greater ■part o f the* railway rolling stock has been removed. General Uo tlm-was fighting an essentially, .rear guard action, his object not being to defend Pretoria, but to delay Lordy Roberts until the' railway /’SWitell had been clean'd and the main part of the Koor army had starred to withdraw.

The Kritish advance appears-to have left.open to the Uoors the best line of rc- t relit, along the railway. ’

•Possibly Lord Roberts.juiiy have been1: -abltrrircn r 7 ho railwny jii-r«»ve ir full-re-• tl foment was effected. ’ That. Pretoria would bo.Oefen.ded was npparcmly given ;mt after (he council of war, with a view r»C misleading the Kritish.

“In thi* Lydenburg district, where Kru­ger is. supposed to.Jit*,.a' cartridge factory lias been erected.- The place, is described ns a vulcanic region of fertile valleys, in*, closed by great ramparts^ff precipitous- rock, pellet ruled by •narrow, winding passes. The?:* are herds of .cattle iii-the valleys, ami there is much native labor available for fortifying. *

“What is supposed to have -been the last train out of Pretoria ar'rived*at Lou- m ieo Marques Sunday evening. The pas­sengers included a nUmherof foreign vid un.teers, who described Pretoria us dcsti- tute of food aud clothing.”

. ; C o n s i d e r i n g t h e w a y i t h a s b e i e n w e l c o m e d b y . p e o p l e w h o

b e l i e v e i n ^ e c o n o m y , c l e a n l i n e s s a n d e x c e l l e n p e .

N O W i s a g o o d t i m e t o g e t o n e . ,

W e w i l l b e g l a d t o s h o w y o u t h e n e w e s t m e t h o d s i f y o u w i l l

c a l f a t o u r o f f i c e , " o r w e c a n s e n d a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e t o d i s c u s s t h e

m a t t e r a t y o u l r o w n h o m e . ' "

Mattresses in all grades, each one made to order in our own factory. Our prices'are the lowest of any reliable maker. •

Mattings, both Chinese and Japahese, fine ,se­lection of patterns and colorings. Matting and fitter rugs in all siz;es; All varieties of fabric rugs.

• Willow and wicker furniture for porch or‘ house use in greatest variety. I

• • Exquisite wall-papers' selected from the choicest 'imported lines. Beautiful color effects at minimum cost. ' :

■ Choice China for all purposes, Cut Glass, Bric- a-brac, .Statuary, &c. _

ASBURY PARK, N. JFurnishing done-.to-or,der from original designs.

'Fine work a specialty.. r


Grand and Cookman Aycnu'es, Asbury P ark , N. J .

had hoped long before this (to have told you many •• liV , things about our ntvv store but we did not properly

estimate the time it would take to get settled, and.we really are not entirely fixed; yet but you are just as welcome. We ■\vish to impress this fact upon your mind; “It is your store" for you to feel at home in; to come to whenever you wish, not always to buy but sometimes just to look.around. We are always glad to see you. Your attention today is called to the following three items :

A S P A R A G U SFresh Asparagus just now is high and you know not extra fine. If you w in try a can of our fancy extra large at 35c

\\ you will get the flavor of pew and it will be tender.B A K IN G PO W D ER

• Why pay 45c for Royal when you can buy Gantz's Sea Foam for 30c, not that it’s any better than Royal, but we assure you it's justf as good or your money back.

C O F F E EUnequalled. Our private blend at 35c..

FIN E PROPERTY on Asbury avenue, 1 1-2.block from beach. Hou&e con tains, 14 rooms— to-bed­rooms. N o price given. Simply wpnt offer. For particulars, address;

I l t i l l c r C l e t s a n A r m i s t i c e *

Pretoria, .Tune X via Louretieo, Mar­ques, June 0 .—At the request of General Bailor a three Mays* urmistice has been agreed to by (ieueral Christian Botha, the Koer commander at Laingsuck. Itoih commanders met and hehi a eonversa* tion. rtreeht has again been evacuated by ihe British, who refircd on- tin*'main force.nt Mount Prospect. It te ollicially reported by President Steyn thut in a battle on May ,*10 near Wiuhurg tienoraf de Wet surrounded, bombarded and cap- -.furi’d r»0 t) meirof-the-imperfal yeomanry. Four ollicers were also captured,.

M O O N ' Scr 1:« 8O a. m .

1 n 10;88 l/j p.m.

PHASES,• a Third

y . Q uarterF i r s t

Q u u i l j rF u l lM0011'

ROO M S i a -13 1 M O N M O U T H B U I L D I N G


N o r th w e s t Cornier M a ttiso n A v e n u e an d B ond S tr e e t

D t i k e o f N o r f o l k I n j u r e d . *

London. June-T .-T he-'w ar otlici*'an­nounces that llie Duke of Norfolk, the former postmaster general who resign­ed to go to South Africa with the Sus­sex regiment, was thro>vu from his Iforse and dislocated his hip. Among ihe otli- eors captured with the Thirteenth bat­talion of ye.omanry near Lindley. were Lord* Longford, Sir .T. Power, Lord Bn-, uismore aud_the"Harl of Leitrim:— 7 ------

D e w e y I n C o I u J n l i t i * . 1Columblis,. ()., .Ittna 7.—The cnmpfire

ot tUo Auditorium iasVJiight w as n fit-


Telephone 9 1 a

mouse building was packed .witli ..people, 'tlio—timwtl iininberiiur_J!ully 10.0t)0. Ad-' mini! Dewey was escorted from the hotel to the Auditorium by the Qolumbps rilles and.a]mut 500 veterans of the civil war. The ‘admiral, received a trememhms ova-' tion when introduced by Governor. Nash* l ie said he would rather sail into Manila bay again.-as lie did on that memorable first day of May than face stieh an audi­ence. The late war was but a 1 skirmish, he declared,* compared with the conflict between the north aiid the south. Short addresses by distinguished citizens, apiong -wl ii un-wert^Goii era l-JrAVs-Iveif eiv^ * etierr- al S. II. IItirst, General' H. Ii. P»rown and - Colonel James KillaUirne*, were made.. Admiral Dewey retired from the campfire shortly, after speaking .and was the guest for a few minutes of ihti-XHiWS paper men at a bohemian smoker/*.'

IT'S NOT A BITLJ00 EARLY TO ORDER YOURCor. Cookman and Kingsley

Asbury Park, N. J.

TTN-ixtraordinary-offeripgof J1 high grade,full glazed, Jar­

dinieres, comprising- at feast one hundred different patterns aiid sizes, “scarcely any two^pieces^alilce. All the way from the 5 inch size at 15 cents each to the elegant 12 inch size with pedestal at $6.

Most of these goods were samples from the largest Ohio pottery— in—the^ ling.— -They were shipped east to assist the salesman in taking orders and in respect to pattern,, style, coloring arid manufacture are the very latest tilings out. W e bought the lot as a “spap” and are thus able to offer them at-better prices than the same goods would cost after they come from the factory later on.

It will cost nothing to look at themr "

Our styles are all in; have ‘ been, in fjjet, for a week or more. A more complete line it wpuld be bard to find. Small checks"and narrow stripes wiil Be the prevailing styles this spring.



Ito Form lni; n C abinet. 'London, June 7.—Advices received from

.«Ta pa i i.. say _.tli e ca biuet , pres KeiL o ver } the' Marquis Ynumgata has resigned and that the -emperor, -invited, tin* minister of finance. Count Mabjukata Masayoshi, to form a uow cabinet, but he declined; and the Marquis I to is now endeav.oriiig to form.u'.coalition ministry, r

W e d n e s d a y ; j u n e t j

\ ' I P . M . S H A R P , A T

9 1 2 M u n r o e A v e n u e


B ent and Alodt E co n o m ica l F u rn a c e s Mado

642 MATTISON AVENDEI S B T R Y T A R K . K . J . Consisting of Household Furniture,

Bed Room Suits, Stoves, Chairs Tables, Dishes, etc. GRAVEL FOR SALESufferers From Kidney Trouble

Cured This Yerir bys t . L o u i s s t r i k e

Cltlvscnn W ill Ask (iovern or to Call Out .Militia.- .

-Lotlisi June 7.—Judging. from all s7a ml points, 'yesterday was the inost uu; eventful.aince.the strike on the St. Louis Transit compaijy?s ’ system was * iuau-; gurated ii' niontii ago. Negotiations'be- •tween tho’strikers.and the company have reached the deadlock stage, and no one dares .prophesy what the ultimate result' will be.

The citizens*' nunmittee met to con­sider, a statement. given out liy ex-tiov- ertmr Stone; ■ in which lit*, blames the transit company fi-»r the. breaking off of negotiations. On adjournment it was an*.

•noiineiMl“ tlinr"”tlie—eomiuittce- had vimt formulated jl hew proposition, but that it considered.the one prosontod.to the strik­ers on Saturday fair and equitable. If ox-Gdvernor Stone returns tt> tlie city today, a coufi'reneo between him and Judge . II," .&L Priest, attorney Of llie transit comphny, probably will be heh'l, when the proposition drawn up. by the citizens’ committee and approved, by the transit compaip^will be gone over iu the hope of effecting*, a. settlement.Suit AkiiIiihI Stnmlurrt Oil Coiiiiinny:

Anilersoti, -Ills.. June 7.—^ suit Inis' ljecn brought against the Standard (HI

-eoinpaiiy/for'the waste of ualunil gas, damages •being placed at $120,0 0 0 . The legislature pa>.-ed a law 'aga’iust the waste of natural gas.- with a pehally of

ll.Oir'i 1 a y^as1 oi i g-as-t 111»—1w a* t 'on ti li­ned. Sev.eral companies were made de­fend a tils, and a t-ase ^yas carried lo the supreme court lo test tlu*- consti|utinnali- ly o f the law. Tlie court sustained lhef 1j \w , and ail the parties interested- ac­quiesced. except 1 !'ii\. t?t audit iiL..<ii_l. cenn- patiy,-wli|eh, it 'Is; ciuirgeil, paiil no a l­ien t ion. to/ the. division. ,, Tho CtdnesG astc “how is >our liver?*. In- tteau of ‘ bow do you do?11 for whan the ilv.* r U active the health Is goot!.. UnWlti.’s U ttle Early Ulscrs an\ famous little pH1* ror tlio liver and bowels. W. U. Ham, H57 Main struet. '

R e s p o n s ib le “A u c t io n e e r> - ' v - ' ' ----------

Best quality of Allcnwood and Shark River gravel for sale. Delivered in carload lots to all points along1 the coast At lowest rates. •

THE MANASQUAN GRAVEL CO. W ilbur A. Heisley, p re s id e n t.

S. A. Pat t e iis o n , , $ £ as. and sec.

Offices:— Monmoutlf Building, Asbury Park, N. J. (— -

Dr D avid K en n ed y ’s F a v o r i te R em e d y . S am p le B o tt le F re e .JTrojp a ll th e le a d in g m a n u f a c tu r e rs .

F ro m 5 c ROLL u p w a rd s

P A P E R H A N G I N G ,l"Xo per roll aml up.

W A L L M O U L D I N G STo match all papors, 2c a foot and up. .

J A C Q b I T o I X , J r . i l — -P R A C T IC A L —--------

Tliopsatid.s,who' havo written for one of tho- free trial bottles of Dr. David ICen nedy’s FaVorito kemedy.liavo literally had their lives saved by-a -postal card. They got t he ‘trial hottlCj and 11 proved to tliem tiiat Dr. David ICen nedV’s Favor I to llehi-: edy was tho only real ; cure for diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, - Iliadder iind BJoq 1, Kheiiniatism, Dyspepsia, Chronic Cons’.ipa- tion a ml the sicknesses peculiar to women rTho.V I ibii ght-jL largo- sized bo - t in - t it- MVei r* druggists .and it benelVto'il o r . tsured them, (tho above is not an idle state^ijont, but the- result of eaveful Ifoif^igat.ion). #

You can do the sanio lliing. If you are in doubt ns .to whether you have trouble witli your Kidneys or Bhidder, put some i t your'urjne in a glassVtumbler: ani^ let, it stand 2-1 hours?. ir in iias irsudlment., or.a milky, cloudv appraranee, if It is ropy or stringy* pale or dlscoloren*, you should lose Uo time in talcing Dr. David' Kennedy’s Favorite Ueinedy; it can be had of rall drug-' glsttf a t $1.00 a lai'KC bottle, or six bottles for $5 DO, It is without question the sure ivd*.medicine of ttie ago to put a atop to such, dangerous sy pip toms as pain in tho hack* a frt tpient. desiro to urinate, espcc- I illy a l night, sc ibling. burning pain Ip p»psiug!water, inability »to hold uflne and all tbo unplea?ant- and dangerous effects produced on - 1 ho system by tho \ise. of whlsl ey atld^l*eer.% _• Sciul your full _»inino_ and addross•fn*11i0

. Dr. T^fvld Keiiuody Corporal ion, UcfmlquH N.-Ym and lie su.e. to mention this paper, when a trlaj bottle, with pamphlet of valu­able inedltal advicev will bo mailed to. you. absolutely freo. . The publisher of this paper guarantees tlie gemilneues" of this

! liberal offer, ‘ " • •'

Stylidli aiui perfectly nttlDg costuiues. . r1M R S - M . H . J O R D A N

P a r l o r s 6 0 3 M a t t i s o n A v e n u oNext Poor to Postoffice.

Tailor mtulo units; PiiTte; aocordloa plaiting; alterations inn nkirts icbouud, etc.

S i l v e r S e r v i c e G i v e n to*l):ittU*Nliip,-Norfolk, June T.-^The pre.-entalion of

a siiyer _st»rvice to tin' batlleshit* Kon- tneky by ihe citizens of that state drew many.people lo Old Point ( ’mufort. Tin* eerehiouy occurred oh the upper dock of tjie- Vessel, where Colonel llarry Weis- souger oP Louisville, aihH;essing Captain C. II . 1 (Miester, commander of tin*-Ken­tucky, in eloquent words proseuted iu the name of tlu* people of Kentucky the sil­ver service to tlie battleship. Captain Ciicsici; replied lin. a happy .nuiunor‘anil said,—“The..Kentucky, whi.ch is tlie- p(*cr a»f any batlleshii> in the World, will al­ways uphold the fiomir of the state whose name it bears nud our llag.*’ As i ’aptaju Chester c\)fieluded the ship’s band broke ;out* with tho..^iir, * “My Old Kentucky Home.” This-concluded llie formal t*xer- cises. The KeiilMt«ky delegation \viis then ( iitertainrd at ah elaborate , junehcon.

Jpbo—ovunt -cliised—with- -a - - hall—at - th i- Chamberlin

A Good Cougti Modlclne.'J t spoaks w ell for Clnitnherla.ln’s Cough

llemeey*wlien druggists use It in.thelr own fjiniilirs III preJVienco. to* any othsr. -‘-‘I tuive Hold Chuinborlalu’s--Couu;li Knuetly for tho past five yea^s with complete yath- faotloa to m* self and customers,” says hrugglst ,T. Ootdsmltli, Van Ktten, N. Y. ‘Thavo always ufwtl it in niy own family both for ordinary couglis and colds and for the cough following la grippe, amMind it very eniciiolons.” Kor sale l>y Thotras M. Stowart, corner Coukfiian avenue atid Bond HtrepU , ' .

“ C H I N A H A L L ,- ’S to v e s a n d ^ H o u se fa rn lsh in g Goods.

No« 163-164 f la in StreetA S B U R Y B A R K

S ee the exhibit of summer, stoves for oil and gasolene.

541-543 C ookm an Ave,


All this, spring’s designs F.ipor Hangins and P.slntlngr a specialty. IJapur teiught from' us will bo .trimmed fran of cliargo ..,H x -A m a (e u r C h u m p lo n R ,ld<r I l c a t . S ta y t n s

, . .In W o n d e r fu l B u r s t of S p e e d .

Frnnk Konnof. tlin erstwhijo amateur Silyyele fliamiilon, pruvuil pruM.y .oonotu- -Iv.'iy i,m tho VniUlmrir. track, Nuwark, re- oimtly thut im tt) tlm ureati-Ht npi fiitur hi Atmsrica. Hn als6 fhowert himself aa uaiue a rlclor as bv«v straildle<l a.wliful.

Ho won tlin (inarlpr-inlln dnali frnni Or- r.inda Bteveim hy i.ichcs ami was tlrsr. lu all

' (Urea jioats of tlie .biz twm ihateli mco.


Hew Jersey^ Pceoraiing Co. 616 Cookms.6 Avenu?Prar’ch,,Nowark N, J,

1 Onr aim i b to rcach tho anpoi-In tivoinour bicycle rcpniring. W< hotiove our ellorta aro appreciated, ns our bnain'eds is heavier unr heavier each vcar. Satislirfd ciisto ■jiers bring their friends and thut

. Wo ftrow.- .[.'..May wo not serve yon ?

^ A C M A M I A S & € 0 .I ' 7 2 3 B la ttlB o n A v e .

.U p h o ls te r in g ■ a n d D o c o ra tln a -

S a n f o r d ’ s.647 Mattison Avenue THE PRESSrCOItfTAliMS’ ALL THE NEWS


A s b u r y p a r k d a i l y p r e s s , Th u r s d a y , j u n e r, i m

CO M PLETELY BARGAINSIs the story of our spring offerings in every department. We’ve all that’s new and de

; sirable inD R B S S G O O D S

' fancies of the season, i 'h e demand for wash fabrics will be enormous, ChalJ.ies, dimities and mousselines will prevail for mid-summer use. To seiect here means buying right.

Our is ever ’ a t : the front and leading com­petition. It’s perhaps useless to dwell

Millinery on the completeness of bur stock or the

ability of our designers and trimmers. ,■' ‘ * .■ S ' '

Ready to wear garments for ladies misses and children,

f r o m the common house wrapper to the most desirable tailormade suits and skirts in all cloths and finish.

i t we pride ourselves on the stock and stylesH we' have to offer in mens’ a'iTdboys,~cloth

S ta irs « ing and hats. They are easier shown than

told of; besides the impression ism ore lasting.

i There’s a comfort in our shoe room. Comfort in select-ng, comfort in the price and a comfort in the wearing which

can only come from proper fitting, which depends on experi

ence and care o f selection. 1

C O O K 'S BEE HIVEDrop Us, a L ine by f la i l

Ami we will call aiid ijnt your gasolono stova and r stum it ta Jon in firsts i;l,mH comUtimi. Wu will ilso lopiiir.your roof while you w ait—for othersto ilo lt.

W O O D W O R T H & H A B E R G A H NTinsmiths, 712 Cookman Avenue

G IF F O R D & S O N P l a i n a n d O r n a m e n t a l P l a s t e r e r s ~

Hrlekliiylng, B etting of M antels, Ranges nnd lim iters. A lso Boiler S e ttin g and F oundations livid. T ile S etting . 1

E s t i m a t e s F u r n i s h e d f o h A b o v e , w r r i i ItBFK BESbK S,

P o a to T T lo e B o x 4 3 , X S r n d l e y B e a o J i , N . «7.

n e w e n c i l a n d

B R E A DOur New England Bread is acknowledged to be —

ihe-nearest-to the old/ I

fashioned home made bread you ralways

praised s o highly X X X X

T. J. W IN C K L E R7 J 7 M A T T I S O N AVIS.

■ ASUUliY t’Altlt

$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0AT . ■


W e have the above sum to place In area or small amounts on first mortgage

'loans on Asbury I’ark, Loeli Arbour, Allenhurat anil Deal business or d u e l­ing property.

J . W . H e t r i c k & S o n ,

- 6 2 5 Mattlson Avenue.

K e a t o r E lo c k .

JAMES. H. SEXTON F u n e ra l D ire c to r

139 m ST.. PSBOBY PARKA fine lin e «>t oaMketx on h a n d to no-

feet froui. F lo w er \jesigiiH a Hjiiicialty.Open df»y und niglil..• T e lep h o n u , 21 a . '

J tasidan 'ce , 410 Sew al! avem m .

PRHS3 Special Adyertwemnnta brlnR Im- modiato results.

S C O R E S .

f l o a n l t M o f Y o H t i T t l n y V ( i n i n e n I n t h eD i l t V i ' f i i t I . e t i i ; u i ‘ N.

N ATI ON A l. * 1.E AO L’ E.At New V o tk — ‘ n , » . G.

NVw \t-rl;..* -J II ti i) I 1 1 0, .0— .r» U ifi.iiu iiuiiiti u.. S...u _JJ. l. .4 - .fi-ll- II

I t j i l «*i I | j l)o)it>ny nt.d W u iiu t ; Hn-i*It-nst.in iiml I’oiz. * • • O

At IM iilu .M phia—: ♦ • n. ir. \V0 --0 -« I—fl—0 - S--1 —l-l.o — :i— =S-.-1-

l ' i l t * S i : u . . . . II n I) ‘ii U ij 2 1 0— fi lu 1ButU-ricS—O tll i u ;n j D ouqlasa ; Wacidt-i! am i Z ii’i

im -i. ' _ . # ’ ■' «At I!r<».il;lyn— *- r. h. e

....... 1 OTi.A O i l ' o’. •— * S 1i In. .... .... II ii (t 11 1 IJ I) n— :i,

H .ill. l i i- j—Kciit)i cl\ an d 1 ' j i i c l l ; C u r t in a n d Dim- ..Imr. . .

At H u ^ o n * - n. I f . B.Hiiit .ii 2 '~ l , 0 0 0 0 D M i r - H 1>J 4

Lillis.. . , 1 l‘ 1 o i n 1 — 12 l ii>uti' i ics-** Wililn.' Cujifiy nnd Iin ln->

an d l iu b ji is o t i^ .S T A N tiJN C O F TW i; f 'L C U S . ,

v.’. I., r . r . iv . I.. P .cM iil.i W u . . 21 l.i .fipi <- 'h iea m i..* , it* .5*1l ln » .l : l> n .. . 21 l'. .;'»•* I Ili .s to ii... 13 )•» .I I I

. . ::J mi ..V'.T < im im ia ti. . U "22S i. I . . .u is . . . IU Jrt .f i l l N .u - Y o r k ., l .i 22 .liTl

A M K ltlCA N LKA liUK .At K..ii:.»i Cii> — Kiin a t ( i iy , H; Ih ilta ln . fi.A t ^ liiiiii- .i|.» l;r—Mi ii in U; lu d n iu | iu ! i s 4 5.A t ..Mil« ,iuJvn.-- M i h * ; j n : J : ( i . l t c i t , 0. .-

! ; a s t k u n . h K A o r i : . ' 7.. A t. P rcii;id i:n i;iv„ l* i\'t.i 'lr i(if. ii; S j»ii!i«Ji.dd, 2 .

A t'.'Il:it I f i 'i i l - - I to r l io id . i-.t*-i, 2. .A t T i.i- .n l.. Tmi.«ii |.». l ; .(S \in i » m-, .*».-Ai M i.n :t. u l . M. i i iu . i l . ti; !J.,< l.i;>i.-r, .1,

,is .* to iid tjim .i1- .M.»nii<:d. >ti.i , 1»., • . A f(.A N T IC LKACl.'K. ; *

A t S :: .in tm : •• >inv1Viiis. U. a ^ in y , 0.’- ■ k 1 ■■nd ,i;:h iha NV;tJli>ii. H ‘: ({■•adiii^:. :i. . .JA‘t“ U iliii -'|p;iri VV ilk>vl.ni^i-- ,1.: AH. n t.iw ii. 8.

J nan ji - U illu-.rli.il li .. II; AlU-ntViwu, it.

^ 2 « * K ln l< * y n l I h e * *.a j » l C o i .

Wnshiii^iuii, .iuno T.- l'tfsiili-nt. Me Kii;_l»-y |.sii.|‘ ji visk yrsrcnljiy 't.» Itis. uld ijiuiri«*i*m in |||<» ivtiys' tiiiil mi'iriis ( nimuil lee I'i.oin and urriipiiMl (hi* sent in which as 4,li:iinn«n nl* ilinl.'fominilti-f he sll;tjhm! ihcM rK inlt'y I*iI{. 'I’ll!* v.i. it uciMirmlitliout -I:lUi i4. in. mui wns quin* liiioxjHTt t'lfr r?ln?*»linl-,?*iil<>nt mui itu*:nln*is ol‘ his culiillrt Inn I lu-i'ii nt tin* st-nalfnlti-inlinu t<< lln*_ siKiiinj; of liclnti>il Inlls, nlnl.tln*n hi*;" |rn*siiir*nt t;sk«>il his iissririiitfs . to

juin him in a-w alk ovi-r lir tin* Inmsi 'J'lii* •)M«‘Sii|i*nt swiiiiu* t!iPiu^!i t-h<» ln.iiit i.un iiltir. iirlinnwlfilirimc fri'unnnt saluta- ti<)i|s,*fiiii| wpiiI dinM*l to his nl«j. r.nnnut- tt-f ixtuin. ( luiImimL. TtMyn<V~ Mr. (ii-nK-


W E D E L ’ S 1

Sp e c ia l B a r g a in s i n* ■. >. • • ■ • ■ * *

Shades, Tinware, Enamel Ware, Tubs, Wrlngersj Oil Cloth, Wash Boards, Baskets and general moving time necessities.

F r e s h . G a r d e n S e e d sA\


CC" W e T X rL c L ex 'se U DO

ALL t h e l a t e s t s t y l e s in. j. MRS. E. D1LTS1

W h i f f f l u t e ! 7 0 6TT l i i l v l l i l W I COOKMAN AVENUE

THE NATION’S EXPENSESNearly a Billipn Appropriated

by Fifty-sixth Congress.


C h n t r m n n o f J l o u t i f C o m m i t t e e E x *

p i n I u n A V h o r e t h e G o v e r n m e n t * *

. M o n e y C o e n — C o * t o f t h e S p a n l * h -

A m erican W ar,W ash in g to n , .Time 7.—A chroriflly pfo-

p a m l titu tcn ifiit on tin* a p p ro p ria tio n s of tin* suss ion .w as nisnlu la s t n ijjh t by SSun- a to r A llison ,.chairm an o f th e sen a te com­m it tuu on ap p ro p ria tio n s , n yd ' CU airm an C annon o f tin; lnm se co ium itteo ou a p p ro ­p ria tions . T h e s ta tem e n t sa y s :

“ Thu ap p ro p ria tio n s ninth* Ijy tlio lirst sossitin o f th e F if ty -s ix th congress am o u n t to .*57(1!1,72! 1,4Tfi. T ills sum inchnles $131,- 1M7,!.“,*> ustitim ted to he oft acco u n t o f o r ineiilcnt to t he In to w a r w itli Spain , and Ue<Iiu-t,iiiK i t nTiTTuniaining am oun t,4 8 2 , re p re sen ts .th e o n lin u ry ap p ro p ri­a tions jn.ml^X«ll_U[il_511PP.‘i.VJ_ .?.. t»r° v'e rnm unt d u rin g th is session.

“ I t will he observed th a t a f te r d educt­ing the am o u n ts e stim ated to have been nppTnpriat(’d n n 'a rc rn in t'O f o r incident to- the w a r w ith S pain fo r tin* ensu ing , the. c u rreu t and tho. l a s t . liscal y e a rs (w hich coyer th e period since th e beg inn ing of the . S p an ish -w ar), th e a p p ro p ria tio n s fortin* live lineal years, including tlie two im uifdiiitely -preceding tbe war, are: 1SD7, .'?5iri.Sir»,Hl4; *r>2S,7:r>.07!l;


tinr tiiqiropnnitons ror in:>n. xftts in- crease is* ou account o t the Spanish war loan of $2 0 0 ,0 0 0 ;0 (i!>.

“The approximate amounts*, ns nearly ad 'they eirt 1»P arrivuij. at. appropriated on account of or incident to th^Mvar with Spain during oafli of the three sessions of congress held since the beginning of that war are set forth in detail. . T,hc amounts thus apprnpriajted during the two sessions of the last congress, covering tlie period nt the close of the liseal year 1 0 0 0 , aggregate .$4 H2 ,5 ti2 .0S;{. Of- this' whole sum it is estimated by the treasury de­partment that to June .’>0 inst. the total expunditures will not exceed $35*2,0(KI,- OUO. leaving a surplus of $1)0,000,000 aft- er meeting outstanding .obligations to be covered into the treasury. Thus for tbe conduct of that momentous war and tbe resultant effects congress amply made appropriations, ami the administration has wisely'and prudently made expendi­tures from the liberal sums thus placed at its disposal.**

’ X'nnlc -nt n Clre^.«,• Chicago, June 7.—The reserved seat section of scats collapsed last night at 9 perfornimice of tlu* K. P. Du v is . show and menngerte in soutii Chicago. Tbi**au- dience .was transformed into a bowling, striiggiiug niob. Inuring tlTe*"cxcitenienr tlie animals o f the show became unman­ageable, and ..for a time it wns feared tlult nisi iiy"o f t bein’won Id'breftk'fronrt hcr cages into the crowd. Nine persons‘were badly hurt. Several other persons receiv­ed minor bruises. Manager Samuel Me- Fl.vnn says tbe accident was due to tbe

"?n:i2^:7T?wsriy00r‘§yri4f278;SU0;.$578,1 S2.321. .- . . f ,\....~.Tfiis ihtnw. art apparent excess in the ordinary appropriations at this session for the fiscal year It 101 of .'jf40,747.24^ over the appropriations for tbe liseal year ISOS, which immediately preceded . tlie Spanish war. The chief increases in ordi­nary expenses for 2 ! 101 over those* for 1808 ure: Increase o f th<> navy. $7.0S1,* !)1<»: pensions, i<3.1 I S p o s t a l service, exclusive of newly acquired 'territory; *17.7S2,!lOt»: lwelfth Census, . lU)0();n(M1—

•‘I’ernmiient appropriations lincluding $2 ,0011.000 for reipiireincuts, of. sinking fniitl, $4.0*Hi,0 0 0 fin* redemption of na­tional bank notes), i?l5.034.000. The total of these increasrs is"$.1 0 ,2 0 2 ,S2 0 ."■ “TIii'rUiMiiereases in federal-appropria­tions need no defense ami but a word of explanation.... “Tlu*.amount, .for.-the. department o f ag:. rieulture is only a ‘proper compliance witli tin* natural demands of tho agricultural interests of the country. .F or pensions the amount simply represents the natural increase of the pension roll.

IriorenNe o f .Nnvy,“For the increase of the navy the ex­

cess over the appropriations of 1808 is 'hecessary for the .construction, armor, armament-ami equipment o f battleships, cruisers, gunboats ami torpedo boat* here.tofore authorized nnd is.^no more than is absolutely necessary toward plac­ing the navy expeditiously in*the propel condition universally demanded by the people for the natioual defense.

••‘Much of the actual increase'is. attrib­utable to /the increased volume of busi­ness in the treasury, war and navy de- pnrjmeht£* incident vto the war \yitlf Spain, although no parUof it is uiclu’dcd in the \ able, wliieh is submitted o1f In­creased appropriations yti account o f the war. ’ . »

‘i nder permanent appropriatiqns, aside from $0 ,00 11,000 fur- interest im the war loan, two coiisitierable increases appear, one for !s4 ,noil,0 0 0 for the redemption of cimdalin;r_notos ot* u;ltiniial banks out offuiais 'di*piuiitrd~ with tlie treasury for. that purpose, the transaction-behig pure* ly one of bind;keeping and in ny way af­fecting the public funds. The ainount of eslimated redemption out o f hank fundt} is simply $4 ,0 0 0 .0(10 renter tha 11 #in 1S!IS, and by process o f bookkeeping that amount Is added to the' uppropriatioiM+* for 1 0 0 1 .. • ; • *“

“An increase of $£000,000 is made in the amount estiiunted to meet tlu* re iiuiremeiits o f the sinking fund for- 10 0 1 ovOr tbe s*~*i.estimated ;iml jncluded in

act of some malicious-person, who had knocked out one o f th e rear props of the stand. Nine hundred persons were In the tent, nnd* ofTins number ;UH)~verF"s('ivtrd- iu the reserved section. Muny were wonir en .atul childrciu-.aiid all were intent oft the performance when, tiiere was a sud­den crash and the stand collapsed iu a heap. Statements' that the. stand had l»j*e 11 defective in construction Were de­nied by Alunager McFlynn.

M U R i c T e t t e r r * p i i« » e n u u f K u i i K ,

Lowell. Mass.. June 7.—George K. Kit tredge, aged 2 2 , a well known aud re- Fpncted^musie- teaohorr—wus-arrestcd—in (lie aet of breaking into a store. At tbo station a burglar’s jimmy, chisel aud a very large bunch of keys -were found ou him. Later at his home articles said to have been stolen from residences«in the -fashionable Iliglibuids-district- were..diSi •.covered. Burglaries at the Highlands have occurred almost every Sunday w en- |ng since Apnil 15 while the occupants were .u t , «*h u rcb. I n j'igbt brea lis uiore than $ 1,(10 0 worth of.property was taken. Tile friends o f the arrested mail maintainthat lie.is insane.• ' • ■ - • - • • 1 .


vciior and. Mr. McCall "wen* there, am.l the distingubhed visitors were cordially ] greeted. Word was sent to Speaker Henderson, .ami In* joined. . Ihu party along with blnny other pnmiineut mem-; b**l’S, V •• •

t Unless food la digested quickly it will.fer­ment awl irritate-1 Uo stomnch. After oach meal tako teaspoonfi4^of.Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, * It dicfiHts whatyoif eat^nd will al­low you to eat all you need of what you like. It, never falls to cure.tho worst cases nf dyspepsia. It Is pleapant to take; W. K. liam, 107 Main street. '_.


io-cent packages of John­son's Kidney. Pills have been Bold*—-IHivas thefirstReliable Kidney Remedy 'public nt Jp o p u la r p r ic e , the ONLY -----

. . . nnd. . . . O N # t h a t - lf lGUARANTHKD to c u rc a ll diseases o f the KIDNRYS, BLADDIJR and URINARY ORGAN& W h a t-b e tte r testim onials could we give. 3 5 P ill* 10 c e n ts . By w a il £or five a-cent stainjia.

Made at * ' fbtUbaun UbonlodM, Ioo.,



Plans have been completed for the in­auguration of (toveruor Dole of Hawaii on .I line 14.

Medals have been awarded nt the Parisexposition to .l.:iines_ McNeil Whistlerand .John. Singer Urgent, the American painters.

'i’he ijhl building at Kast Iladdamr Coiin.l- in" wliieh Nathan IIale taught school has been dedieujed as a' lueniorinl to the martyr. s ..

Promiueht negroes nt a meeting in i!Jiiladcli>hia decided 0 ) organise a 'n o ­tion a J negro-party and put.allegro |il*esi- dential.ticket iu tbe field,

Captaiu I, T / Jobe, late of the United States volunteer service, luis been' sen* teiu;ed to two years in the penitentiary. Jobe was charged With having forged transportation orders on the govern: ment and personating otlieers. ..

<Joveruor Itoosevelt has issued nn or­der, .dismissing - from service..in..t he. na­tional guard Major Clinton' II.-Smith of the Seventy-first regiment,..;*Ufhis action was taken on / reeoiiunendutioii of the board of inquiry which exalnined uMajor Smith to determine his.- fitness- to con­tinue as an ollicer in the guard. It is thi1 outgrowth of the participation of the regiment iii\thc battle at San Juan Hill, Santiago, Cuba, a t which time Stuitb was lieutenant colonel.

A dispytch. from*. Camion* Luzon, dated June 4, says that Major* I \ ( ’. March’s men of the Thirty-third regiment return ed to (.’nndoii tlyit dyy by steamer from A pa rr i. A majority o f ijie Ueii a re

*reaily for the hospital. - They jire--itiin aud weak, having traveled 2 .10 miles iu 11;»* mountains, during wliirti they suffer* etl greatly from, hunger. Of the HO

-horst+r*-Vi4Heli-*HU!t<Hl—w-ith. the -battalion 13 survived.' The remainder died on-thu

'mareh-or fell into canyons'. The birt •'talion practically collapsed- at Pint, 30 .miles from *1 1^11 ear no, as tlie result o| fevers and c.xhaustioui

Neglec.t Is tlio short s»ep so many tnfco froqi ;i cough or. cold to (‘onpumptlon. The ertrlyrTTSoof Oi\e Mlnm e C’eugh Curo t>re- vuiitM cnn-iimptlon, Jf* fs tlieonly harmless remedy that, gives immediate results. It cures all throat, find lung troubles. Children all like It and mothers indorse It. W« R.

Fw'Bftle by W. B. Ham and all leading drugffBtu IIiimt 107 Mulu street.. -




: -• Twb o fth e 23 departments in our modern establishments are devoted exclusively to the displaying and selling of V

Tailor Made Suits Separate Skirts • jackets and Wraps

for women and misses and \. *1 ' *.




' for men, youths and boys.

W e have been selling clothing.for both sexes for .the p a s t: 18 years “ W e know, therefore,

"— something -about the clothing- business^ -W e know, too, just what sort ofclothing our patrons want and just wliat kind they do not want. -

The Sort they want is now ready for summed buying and wearing. N o other, ,store in Mon­mouth County provides its patrons with, such a

- large or more varied stock to select from aiid the ' famous stores in the.large cities do not sell the

sai^e quality of wardrobe essentials cheaper than we do. ■

The season for wearing liylit-weight * Gowns and Clothing is now here. W hy not dfess ’ com-

• forlably ahd modishly ? When you are reacly to buy come in and look our stock of Clothing over. W e feel sure you will be satisfied with the gar­ments and the pricing.




From $2,000 to $5,000 of the As­bury Park School Bonds.

r.s .

T. FRANK APPLEBY,Cor. rta la S tree t and M attlson Avenuo

f i l C Y C L E S * .Dayton Orient • •. Cleveland

Yale 1 ~ Spalding WhiteB athes.. E agle ' . C ranford... Tribune Quaker Sterling

Tisosn are somo or tho wlioola 1 am Bfllllng tblsy<;ar.


Mr. TSiail. VnnOorvoer Is lu charge of rflpnlr shop, Thla lmmrca prompt an<l ro- liable ropafrlna:. •U ibsm Given iinxl Wheels lor Renting

626 COOKMAN AVE. ^A cup of our liellolcua coffoo iu tlm A

moriilm; will l;oop you lu gooil hu- T nior all duy. . rf

f n*•• Reduccd Rates to Hotels and *!•

Boarding Houses. I)-.c Always fresh roaotcil ami uround as A | you want It.- ' /V * • ' Aj Klgln Creamory Buttnrat Co9t 3;■ Glvousail orderumlboconvlncoil Ij.-I-f-H-l-H-H-H-FW-W-I-l-W-W-KW*


Has movod Its main ofllce from 813 Ooolr- mnn avonuo to 021 Mattlson avopuo—Koator Illoclr. ..'

P a tr o n a g e Solicited,

m u m wobk r n n m n m mTelophono 8St>.

M , L. F 131U U SCentral Hall 714 AUMI.on Avenue

. Tho circalatlon of tho Daily Press goes forward Hteiujlly and raplilly.

f D o n . t E n c o u r a g e ^ *

Dut got your paintinpr ilono by mois •»•>,<> aro hen* to stay and tain bo hold rPHP'iBHlhlo If ftnytlilntr koos wronn,W« lilro liomo lahor. If you employ iih to <lo your work, you’ll i'lvo lia n rlmnco In f pi'iul mom monoy iu town; Yi.u’ll Ret iho best labor anil m.'i torlala mid honest vuluo for ovory clollar you spouil. ■ ,

-V iS . J . S T R O U DPainter and DccoratOr.

t' P. O. POS OOT ^

T O L O A N$ 8 0 6 , $ i ,5o o , $ 2 ,0 0 0 , $ 2 , 500 , $ 1 , 2 0 0 j

A t 6 P e r C e n t.

$ 5 ,0 0 0 , $ 3 ,0 0 0 , : $ 2 ,0 0 0 ;A t 5 P e r C e n |:f

WILLIAM 6 IFFARD2 3 a r i a l n S t r e e t

Real Estate 1 (Insurance

Awnings,‘ . . Flags,TeHts, Burgees

Canvas Coversmade of boat material aud workinftimhlp at lov/ eet prlctji.


Flag Foies PalQ(ed and Haigards iitacdedE le v a t o r nnU D u t n b W s lt e i ’ ,

Rlgslns, 8 pllolti8> &o~. 1 ’HJSMMJBN W A Y 'S

6 1 7 Co6 k m a n , 6 1 8 n a ttlso n '-A v e s . ASBURY P A R K ..