C M Y K KASHMIR 22 nd Maximum : 31 O Minmum : 17 O Humidity : 59% SUNSET Today 07:46 PM SUNRISE Tommrow 05:24 AM 17 Zulqadah | 1440 Hijri | Vol:22 | Issue: 163 | Pages:12 | Price: `3 SUNDAY JULY - 2019 SRINAGAR : SUNSHINE 21 www.kashmirobserver.net twitter.com / kashmirobserver facebook.com/kashmirobserver Postal Regn: L/159/KO/SK/2014-2016 Monday 01 July 2019 khyenchyen.net World’s Food Guide To Kashmir Vol: 02 | Issue: 05 FREE with Kashmir Observer Where Food Meets Hospitality Blooming Flavours Kashmir’s unique weather and vibrant seasons make it home to a variety of edible flowers The Bund, Barbarshah Srinagar JULY ISSUE On Stands. Grab Your Copy For Further Information And Subscriptions Contact 0194-250-2327 P7/Panorama ....... P6/World P11 | News In Brief We all have ability. The difference is how we use it. --Charlotte Whitton Police Books Tak JAMMU: Police has booked for- mer member legislative council and a senior leader of People's Democratic Party Firdous Ahmed Tak for his remarks. Local news agency said that a protest demonstration at Kishtwar on Friday against strengthening village defence committee. The protesters had also demand rolling back of the decision whereas slogans against admin- istration were also raised, the agency said. The police filed a case in FIR 163/2019 under More On P8 New Bill On Cyber Security Soon NEW DELHI: The Centre would bring new bills on cyber security, cyber terrorism and also to check crimes against women and girls, Union Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy said Saturday. "There is a provision to give capital punishment for rape of girls below 12 years. We are changing that. We are contem- plating whether (it should be) 18 or 20 years, he said. The government would make tough amendments to the POCSO Act, he said in an informal inter- action with mediapersons here. "Similarly, we are More On P8 Police Website Launched SRINAGAR: DGP J&K Dilbagh Singh Saturday launched website of Kashmir Police Zone here. The website can be accessed via www.kashmirpolice.jk.gov.in “The website is an initiative by J&K Police to provide updates to the citizens about various policing related activities by incorporating advanced level of technology for better & effective communication,” a police spokes- person said. (FULL REPORT P5) 6 Charged For Financial Fraud JAMMU: The Jammu and Kashmir Police's Crime Branch Saturday filed a chargesheet against six persons arrested in connection with alleged huge financial fraud in Poonch district of the state, police said. The chargesheet was filed in a lo- cal court against Tariq Mehmood, his wife Shazia Kousar, Zaffar Iqbal, Zaheer Abbas, Imtiaz Ahmad and Murtaza Ahmad -- all residents of Mendhar tehsil, a police spokesman said. He said all the six accused are presently in judicial custody. More On P8 FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS & YOUR COPY OF Contact : -0194-2502327 YOU ARE UNDER WATCH Silicon Valley’s biggest companies are always watching you — even when you’re browsing pornography websites in incognito mode. LIFE & TIMES US TROOPS IN HOLY LAND Saudi King has approved hosting of hundreds of US troops in the kingdom amid rising tensions with Iran. INTERNET ADDICTION DISORDER Internet addiction can gradually isolate you. You may develop an aversion to meeting with people in real life. Kashmir Resolution On Cards: Rajnath Singh Says 'No Power On Earth Can Stop It' Agencies KATHUA: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh asserted on Saturday that the Kashmir issue will be resolved and no power on the earth can stop it. Singh said Kashmir is in his heart and the government wants it to be- come not only paradise of India but tourist paradise of the world. He said that militancy in Kash- mir will be wiped out soon and that Kashmir solution was on cards and no power on earth can stop it. Defence Minister was talking on the sidelines of a function More On P8 2 Vital Bridges Near IB Inaugurated JAMMU: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Saturday inaugurated two strategically important bridges in Kathua and Samba districts of Jammu and Kashmir that will help in smooth mobility of security forces in the border areas. The bridges, near the Interna- tional Border, have been built under Project Sampark, braving Pakistani shelling and weather vagaries during the monsoon season, officials said. The 1,000-metre Ujh bridge in Kathua is the longest constructed by the Border Roads Organisation and it uses the precast segment technology, a defence More On P8 DM’s Statement Evokes Hope For Forward Movement On Kashmir Special Correspondent SRINAGAR: On his visit to Kargil War Memorial in Drass sector on Saturday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh once again said that resolution of Kashmir issue is on the cards and that “no power on the earth can stop it”. The resolution, he added, is bound to take place and that he is saying it with "full responsibility". Singh slammed Hurriyat for not talk- ing to New Delhi and recalled that how Hurriyat leaders did not open their doors for visiting members of the all-party delegation once led by him to the Valley. The Defence Minister's statement follows a series of similar noises made by senior BJP leaders including the home minister Amit Shah. They have been talking about resolving Kashmir by executing the BJP's long-standing ideological agenda on J&K. More On P8 KO ANALYSIS Hari Singh’s Birthday To Be Holiday? JMC Passes Resolution, Sends It To Governor For Consent Army, ISI Chiefs Accompany IK On Maiden US Visit 3 Of Family Killed In Highway Mishap Observer News Service SRINAGAR: A week after 'Mar- tyrs Day' which commemorates massacre of 22 unarmed civil- ians by the forces of autocratic ruler Maharaja Hari Singh in 1931, the Jammu Municipal Cor- poration (JMC) has passed a res- olution to declare the birth anni- versary of the Dogra monarch on September 23 as State holiday. BJP corporator Narotam Shar- ma had moved the resolution on Thursday and it was passed without any opposition from the Congress or independent candi- dates in the general house meet- ing, where out of 75 corporators BJP has 43 members. “The sentiments of people of Jammu are associated with Maharaja Hari Singh and the Governor must declare (a State) holiday on his birth anniversary,” Sharma was quoting as saying by a National daily—The Hindu. The resolution has been sent to Governor Satya Pal Malik for his consent. Several right-wing parties in the past made similar demands but was rejected by the previous regimes in the State. The JMC’s move comes days after the State observed a holi- day and paid tributes to 22 mar- tyrs who fell to the bullets in Srinagar on July 13, 1931 to the Maharaja’s forces. Congress leader Vikramaditya Singh was first to More On P8 JAMMU; Four persons including three members of a family were killed and two others critically injured on Satur- day after their SUV skidded off the road and plunged into a 500-ft-deep gorge in Ramban district of Jammu and Kash- mir, police said. The accident occurred near Binjoni area of Senabati when the SUV occupants were returning from Sharvadhar Yatra (Pogal Paristan), a police official said. While Surjeet Singh (50) and his wife Koshalia Devi died on the spot, their daughter Neelam Devi (20) and another person succumbed to injuries in a hospital, he said. The condition of two others is stated to be critical and they are undergoing treatment at the hospital, he added. A mud house also suffered exten- sive damages after the SUV hit it while rolling down, but the inmates escaped unhurt, the official said. Meanwhile, a 19-year-old scooty rider was killed af- ter an oil tanker hit him in South Kash- mir’s Shopian district. More On P8 Scraping Art 370, 35-A Will Be Constitutional Coup: Farooq Observer New Service SRINAGAR: National Confer- ence president Farooq Abdullah Saturday said annulling Articles 370 and 35-A will tantamount to a constitutional coup. He asserted that Article 370 is essential and unassailable until a final resolution of the issue of Jammu and Kashmir is reached. "Keeping in view the special circumstances (at the time of ac- cession of J&K to India), Article 370 was added to the Constitu- tion of India. The Article will remain as it is until the final resolution of the issue of Jammu and Kashmir is not reached to," Abdullah said addressing a party convention in Handwara area of Kupwara district. "So until the issue is solved, no power on earth can touch the article 370. The uneducated rants of those More On P8 419 KP Families Yearn To Resettle In Muslim Neighbourhoods Delegation Meets MoS Home G K Reddy, BJP Leader Avinash Khanna Agencies ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, accom- panied by a high ranking dele- gation that includes Army and Spy agency chiefs, on Saturday began his 3-day visit to the United States. Khan chose to fly to the US via Qatar Airways in a bid to "save taxpayer money," said Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Naeemul Haq. Foreign Minister Shah Mehm- ood Qureshi confirmed that Chief of the Army Staff Gen Qa- mar Javed Bajwa will accompa- ny Prime Minister Imran Khan. Media reports said the visit has been made possible by the role played by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. According to the Express Tri- bune, Saudi Crown Prince Mo- hammed bin Salman has used his personal contacts with Jared Kushner, son-in-law of Presi- dent Donald Trump, to arrange the invitation for the prime minister to the White House. Kushner is also a senior ad- viser to Trump. Briefing the Pakistani me- dia on the visit, Qureshi said the director general of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) would also come to Wash- ington with the prime minis- ter. The two military leaders would also have "separate meetings with their counter- parts" at the US department of defence, he added. Apparently, this will be the first time that More On P8 Observer News Service JAMMU: A Kashmiri Pandit del- egation pursuing return of 419 families to the Valley has demand- ed their settlement in six districts across Kashmir. The seven-member delegation led by Kashmiri Pandit activist Satish Mahaldar met Union Min- ister of State for Home G K Reddy and also the BJP’s national vice- president and incharge Kashmir affairs, Avinash Rai Khanna. The delegation submitted a detailed memorandum to Reddy and Khanna with a primary focus on allowing the families to settle down in six districts of Kashmir instead of in proposed separate colonies. “We met MoS Home in New Delhi and discussed our proposal for the safe return to Kashmir. The meeting lasted for almost an hour and we told him that Kashmiri Pandits yearn to return to their homeland after almost three de- cades,” said Satish Mahaldar said. “We also apprised the MoS Home about our detailed meet- ings with the Hurriyat Conference (M) chairman Mirwaiz Umar Fa- rooq and his support to facilitate smooth return of KPs,” he added. Mahaldar who is resides in Delhi for the past almost three decades, said that the delega- tion conveyed to the MoS Home that 419 families are willing to return to Kashmir and live again alongside their Muslim brethren. He said the delegation “opposed separate townships and colonies as part of the return package.” “We made it clear that we are not ready to live in separate colo- nies,” Mahaldar said. He said in the detailed memorandum sub- mitted by them it has been made clear that the families that would return would like to settle down in districts of Kashmir that includes Srinagar, Anantnag, More On P8

Kashmir Resolution On Hari Singh’s Birthday To Be Holiday ... · Iqbal, Zaheer Abbas, Imtiaz Ahmad and Murtaza Ahmad -- all residents of Mendhar tehsil, a police spokesman said

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K A S H M I R22nd

Maximum : 31O

Minmum : 17O Humidity : 59%

SUNSETToday 07:46 PMSUNRISE Tommrow 05:24 AM 17 Zulqadah | 1440 Hijri | Vol:22 | Issue: 163 | Pages:12 | Price: `3


www.kashmirobserver.net twitter.com / kashmirobserver facebook.com/kashmirobserver Postal Regn: L/159/KO/SK/2014-2016

Monday01 July 2019


World’s Food Guide To Kashmir

Vol: 02 | Issue: 05

FREE withKashmir Observer

Where Food Meets Hospitality

Blooming Flavours

Kashmir’s unique weather and vibrant seasons make it home to

a variety of edible flowers

The Bund, Barbarshah Srinagar

JULY ISSUE On Stands. Grab Your Copy

For Further Information And

Subscriptions Contact


P7/Panorama....... P6/World




News In Brief

We all have ability. The difference is how

we use it. --Charlotte Whitton

Police Books TakJAMMU: Police has booked for-mer member legislative council and a senior leader of People's Democratic Party Firdous Ahmed Tak for his remarks.Local news agency said that a protest demonstration at Kishtwar on Friday against strengthening village defence committee.The protesters had also demand rolling back of the decision whereas slogans against admin-istration were also raised, the agency said.The police filed a case in FIR 163/2019 under More On P8

New Bill On Cyber Security SoonNEW DELHI: The Centre would bring new bills on cyber security, cyber terrorism and also to check crimes against women and girls, Union Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy said Saturday."There is a provision to give capital punishment for rape of girls below 12 years. We are changing that. We are contem-plating whether (it should be) 18 or 20 years, he said.The government would make tough amendments to the POCSO Act, he said in an informal inter-action with mediapersons here."Similarly, we are More On P8

Police Website Launched SRINAGAR: DGP J&K Dilbagh Singh Saturday launched website of Kashmir Police Zone here. The website can be accessed via www.kashmirpolice.jk.gov.in “The website is an initiative by J&K Police to provide updates to the citizens about various policing related activities by incorporating advanced level of technology for better & effective communication,” a police spokes-person said. (FULL REPORT P5)

6 Charged For Financial Fraud JAMMU: The Jammu and Kashmir Police's Crime Branch Saturday filed a chargesheet against six persons arrested in connection with alleged huge financial fraud in Poonch district of the state, police said.The chargesheet was filed in a lo-cal court against Tariq Mehmood, his wife Shazia Kousar, Zaffar Iqbal, Zaheer Abbas, Imtiaz Ahmad and Murtaza Ahmad -- all residents of Mendhar tehsil, a police spokesman said. He said all the six accused are presently in judicial custody. More On P8


Contact : -0194-2502327

YOU ARE UNDER WATCHSilicon Valley’s biggest companies are always watching you — even when you’re browsing pornography websites in incognito mode.


& T


US TROOPS IN HOLY LANDSaudi King has approved hosting of hundreds of US troops in the kingdom amid rising tensions with Iran.

INTERNET ADDICTION DISORDERInternet addiction can gradually isolate you. You may develop an aversion to meeting with people in real life.

Kashmir Resolution On Cards: Rajnath SinghSays 'No Power On Earth Can Stop It'


KATHUA: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh asserted on Saturday that the Kashmir issue will be resolved and no power on the earth can stop it.

Singh said Kashmir is in his heart and the government wants it to be-

come not only paradise of India but tourist paradise of the world.

He said that militancy in Kash-mir will be wiped out soon and that Kashmir solution was on cards and no power on earth can stop it.

Defence Minister was talking on the sidelines of a function More On P8

2 Vital Bridges Near IB InauguratedJAMMU: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Saturday inaugurated two strategically important bridges in Kathua and Samba districts of Jammu and Kashmir that will help in smooth mobility of security forces in the border areas.The bridges, near the Interna-tional Border, have been built under Project Sampark, braving Pakistani shelling and weather vagaries during the monsoon season, officials said.The 1,000-metre Ujh bridge in Kathua is the longest constructed by the Border Roads Organisation and it uses the precast segment technology, a defence More On P8

DM’s Statement Evokes Hope For Forward Movement On KashmirSpecial Correspondent

SRINAGAR: On his visit to Kargil War Memorial in Drass sector on Saturday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh once again said that resolution of Kashmir issue is on the cards and that “no power on the earth can stop it”. The

resolution, he added, is bound to take place and that he is saying it with "full responsibility".Singh slammed Hurriyat for not talk-ing to New Delhi and recalled that how Hurriyat leaders did not open their doors for visiting members of the all-party delegation once led by

him to the Valley. The Defence Minister's statement follows a series of similar noises made by senior BJP leaders including the home minister Amit Shah. They have been talking about resolving Kashmir by executing the BJP's long-standing ideological agenda on J&K. More On P8


Hari Singh’s Birthday To Be Holiday? JMC Passes Resolution, Sends It To Governor For Consent

Army, ISI Chiefs Accompany IK On Maiden US Visit

3 Of Family Killed In Highway Mishap

Observer News Service

SRINAGAR: A week after 'Mar-tyrs Day' which commemorates massacre of 22 unarmed civil-ians by the forces of autocratic ruler Maharaja Hari Singh in 1931, the Jammu Municipal Cor-poration (JMC) has passed a res-olution to declare the birth anni-versary of the Dogra monarch on September 23 as State holiday.

BJP corporator Narotam Shar-ma had moved the resolution on Thursday and it was passed without any opposition from the Congress or independent candi-dates in the general house meet-ing, where out of 75 corporators BJP has 43 members.

“The sentiments of people

of Jammu are associated with Maharaja Hari Singh and the Governor must declare (a State) holiday on his birth anniversary,” Sharma was quoting as saying by a National daily—The Hindu.

The resolution has been sent to Governor Satya Pal Malik for his consent.

Several right-wing parties in the past made similar demands but was rejected by the previous regimes in the State.

The JMC’s move comes days after the State observed a holi-day and paid tributes to 22 mar-tyrs who fell to the bullets in Srinagar on July 13, 1931 to the Maharaja’s forces.

Congress leader Vikramaditya Singh was first to More On P8

JAMMU; Four persons including three members of a family were killed and two others critically injured on Satur-day after their SUV skidded off the road and plunged into a 500-ft-deep gorge in Ramban district of Jammu and Kash-mir, police said.

The accident occurred near Binjoni area of Senabati when the SUV occupants were returning from Sharvadhar Yatra (Pogal Paristan), a police official said.

While Surjeet Singh (50) and his wife Koshalia Devi died on the spot,

their daughter Neelam Devi (20) and another person succumbed to injuries in a hospital, he said.

The condition of two others is stated to be critical and they are undergoing treatment at the hospital, he added.

A mud house also suffered exten-sive damages after the SUV hit it while rolling down, but the inmates escaped unhurt, the official said. Meanwhile, a 19-year-old scooty rider was killed af-ter an oil tanker hit him in South Kash-mir’s Shopian district. More On P8

Scraping Art 370, 35-A Will Be Constitutional Coup: Farooq

Observer New Service

SRINAGAR: National Confer-ence president Farooq Abdullah Saturday said annulling Articles 370 and 35-A will tantamount to a constitutional coup.

He asserted that Article 370 is essential and unassailable until a final resolution of the issue of Jammu and Kashmir is reached.

"Keeping in view the special circumstances (at the time of ac-cession of J&K to India), Article 370 was added to the Constitu-tion of India. The Article will remain as it is until the final resolution of the issue of Jammu and Kashmir is not reached to," Abdullah said addressing a party convention in Handwara area of Kupwara district.

"So until the issue is solved, no power on earth can touch the article 370. The uneducated rants of those More On P8

419 KP Families Yearn To Resettle In Muslim NeighbourhoodsDelegation Meets MoS Home G K Reddy, BJP Leader Avinash Khanna


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, accom-panied by a high ranking dele-gation that includes Army and Spy agency chiefs, on Saturday began his 3-day visit to the United States.

Khan chose to fly to the US via Qatar Airways in a bid to "save taxpayer money," said Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Naeemul Haq.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehm-ood Qureshi confirmed that Chief of the Army Staff Gen Qa-mar Javed Bajwa will accompa-ny Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Media reports said the visit has been made possible by the role played by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

According to the Express Tri-bune, Saudi Crown Prince Mo-hammed bin Salman has used his personal contacts with Jared Kushner, son-in-law of Presi-dent Donald Trump, to arrange

the invitation for the prime minister to the White House.

Kushner is also a senior ad-viser to Trump.

Briefing the Pakistani me-dia on the visit, Qureshi said the director general of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) would also come to Wash-ington with the prime minis-ter. The two military leaders would also have "separate meetings with their counter-parts" at the US department of defence, he added.

Apparently, this will be the first time that More On P8

Observer News Service

JAMMU: A Kashmiri Pandit del-egation pursuing return of 419 families to the Valley has demand-ed their settlement in six districts across Kashmir.

The seven-member delegation led by Kashmiri Pandit activist Satish Mahaldar met Union Min-ister of State for Home G K Reddy and also the BJP’s national vice-president and incharge Kashmir affairs, Avinash Rai Khanna.

The delegation submitted a detailed memorandum to Reddy and Khanna with a primary focus on allowing the families to settle down in six districts of Kashmir instead of in proposed separate

colonies. “We met MoS Home in New

Delhi and discussed our proposal for the safe return to Kashmir. The meeting lasted for almost an hour and we told him that Kashmiri Pandits yearn to return to their

homeland after almost three de-cades,” said Satish Mahaldar said.

“We also apprised the MoS Home about our detailed meet-ings with the Hurriyat Conference (M) chairman Mirwaiz Umar Fa-rooq and his support to facilitate

smooth return of KPs,” he added.Mahaldar who is resides in

Delhi for the past almost three decades, said that the delega-tion conveyed to the MoS Home that 419 families are willing to return to Kashmir and live again alongside their Muslim brethren. He said the delegation “opposed separate townships and colonies as part of the return package.”

“We made it clear that we are not ready to live in separate colo-nies,” Mahaldar said. He said in the detailed memorandum sub-mitted by them it has been made clear that the families that would return would like to settle down in districts of Kashmir that includes Srinagar, Anantnag, More On P8