_ ___._ -y>~.~--. - -- ,;,- •--- •·-• -- --- ' ... - k ~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' (; .. . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER.COMPANY, RICHMOND, ViR-G)::!)IIA C~_wv@J)_9.J December 31, 1975 ~__;__Q__Q.QJ Mr. Norman C. Moseley, Director Office of lnspectiori and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I I - Suite 818 Serial No. 773/110375A LQA/JDL:vhe Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 DPR-32 DPR-37 230 Peachtree Street, Northwest Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Moseley: License Nos. This is a supplement to our initial report dated December 4, 1975, which was submitted in reiponse to IE Bulletin 75-04B. This supplemental information was requested by Mr. M. V. Sinkule of your staff and is provided as Attachment l to this letter and in the following comments relative to recomnendations 73-2 and 73-4 appearing in the attachment. Recommendation 73-2 73-4 Comment Electronic tamper switches will be provided for outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) valves on the deluge headers and the OS&Y valves on the riser in the· boiler room with remote indication in the control room. This work is eipected to be completed by March l, 1976. We do not accept this recommendation for the automatic Cardox CO2 system in the 4160V switch-. gear rooms at the 9'6' level. Installation of this system would make safe and orderly shutdown of the reactor from the·emergency shutdown panel impossible under conditions wherein the Cardox CO 2 system had initiated. As stated in our initial report it is our position that this Attachment 1, The Nuclear Energy Liability - Property Insurance Association (NEL-PIA) inspection report is proprietary information and should be excluded from the public document room. It should be noted that the details of this inspection do not appear in the NEL-PIA report sheet but were forwarded to you a~ Attachment 5 to our letter of December 4, 1975. . cc: Very truly yours, ZP. 2Y?. '0/d£t J ·r p/ C. M. Stallings Vice President Director, Division of Reactor Power Supply & Production Operations Inspection Programs f'!Q,1'.i1T' I, T7 ·;.r:: ,, :',i'1'~ C: ",Ir·.,~ ·,,:; ,~ ·r~r;,n.r A. T. M ~~J..~.J-.!.\:-J .:..,.J \,..,·_ ........ I.., -.,. I LI'\.. I .... ,--:=l.J . ..

k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

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Page 1: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

_ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • -- ,;,- •--- •·-• -- ---

' ... ~ - k

~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' (; ..

. \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~



C~_wv@J)_9.J December 31, 1975 ~__;__Q__Q.QJ

Mr. Norman C. Moseley, Director Office of lnspectiori and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I I - Suite 818

Serial No. 773/110375A LQA/JDL:vhe Docket Nos. 50-280

50-281 DPR-32 DPR-37

230 Peachtree Street, Northwest Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. Moseley:

License Nos.

This is a supplement to our initial report dated December 4, 1975, which was submitted in reiponse to IE Bulletin 75-04B. This supplemental information was requested by Mr. M. V. Sinkule of your staff and is provided as Attachment l to this letter and in the following comments relative to recomnendations 73-2 and 73-4 appearing in the attachment.





Electronic tamper switches will be provided for outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) valves on the deluge headers and the OS&Y valves on the riser in the· boiler room with remote indication in the control room. This work is eipected to be completed by March l, 1976.

We do not accept this recommendation for the automatic Cardox CO2 system in the 4160V switch-. gear rooms at the 9'6' level. Installation of this system would make safe and orderly shutdown of the reactor from the·emergency shutdown panel impossible under conditions wherein the Cardox CO2 system had initiated.

As stated in our initial report it is our position that this Attachment 1, The Nuclear Energy Liability - Property Insurance Association (NEL-PIA) inspection report is proprietary information and should be excluded from the public document room.

It should be noted that the details of this inspection do not appear in the NEL-PIA report sheet but were forwarded to you a~ Attachment 5 to our letter of December 4, 1975.

. cc:

Very truly yours,

ZP. 2Y?. '0/d£t J ·r p/ C. M. Stallings Vice President

Director, Division of Reactor Power Supply & Production Operations Inspection Programs f'!Q,1'.i1T' I, T7 ·;.r:: ~ ,, :',i'1'~ C: ",Ir·.,~ ·,,:; ,~ ·r~r;,n.r A. T.

M ~~J..~.J-.!.\:-J .:..,.J \,..,·_ ........ I.., -.,. I LI'\.. I .... ,--:=l.J . -~~ ..


Page 2: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

-···--;-.,.---.. ~-·-·· ,--,- __ , __________ .

\\~:\~i1 :- . · ~ ....... - '

I. . F.O!''.:HTY Jf;::i~GE


I> El -D \':,:j!'"' G DD~ - -

"l'I 1·· •• - I ··t 1 Dl I 3, ~t•,'tt" .• J'_J_,·3·· _ 1e -~xr.· ··ngc, .<)J ,, :·cg. "' " F~irmingt~ , /we., Fnnnington, Conn. 06Q:- _

Proj'crty of VIRGIXIA ELECTRIC- & POHEK CO. , ..... SURRY 'i-'m-:E!l STATIC!{ SURRY CO., VA, 23883

U-1 g·l(}j~1 P~~tfir,,.3fi~-OHi.\L ti .H-.-: t!rt~~.~ .)')01.' 1.it.'\H: Oi\ldo .J\tr~,

Po\V~rcnmpanyi r~,~ons.

File No. N-171 (7<;--Q) Key Fi!~ No. M-·171 By H.J. Huclson/FGC

S:1ECT IO!l f{EPOl"<T :,nfort.:!L1 •.,;i th Led~ord,I~s.D~pt. I

_:}_J!:.is h, l n s. flcE.!-,.. ____ -----------~-D t \ 'l 2 '>l ~l 1i I . oo,,pn \Yl~L··,:.";

............... ; .•.••••••.••••. 5;,r:1r-lKLERS:

•••••.• _. ............................. VALVES:

................ Vtr-,-rE.H;7l.O\"i J\Lr"'·Hl".1~~­

in Ccn tr ... )l Room.

Are Arc Local



& annunci2.tcr

................ 5u~t.:~Vl£OR'{ COVERS: ~fate-.:flow, pur:ips & pert valves&carbon di~xide

................... pu:.r,rr o:0EK.".,10N: 7 days, 24 hours

l ................. •.vATS:Hc\·1PSI S;;".~\.'ICE: Is satl~factory ............................ ········ROUNDS, Hourly recorded idle

periods ..... !JORTA3LE FIRE E.r.:UlP:J:ENT: Is .. RECCRDZD SELF-INSPf:CT,':JNS: Fair ············PF:1·1,,-;-1:: Fli'E 8R:GADE: Fair ···················-·f-'°JGL:c FIRE DEPT: Poor-Vol • ................. ·--··· \'/ATER suP:>'.-:c:s, Good

i!deq ua te •

•••. IMPAIRMENT NOTIFICATION: G:t.ve.n RED Tl\G~ use.:., .to,:£

............... WELDING & CUTTli'IG: Is •••••••• ELECTRICAL EQUifl1\1ENT: Good • ....................... MAINTENAr.cE: Good .......................... CLEJ\NLINESS: Geo cl


............. : ................... SMOJ<I NG: IS contro!lcd •

..................... NA_TURE OF RISK: N;,,iclear pcwer plant

................................. prwoucT: Electrical power


....................... CONS,RUCTION: 1-4 s to. 3l1% fire resis­tive, 32% noncomb., 34~{ co.r.bustible, .i:ietal de( root ········NUCI_EAR CONTAINl\lENT: Good .................. SPECl/~L H/\ZAFWS: 1lell cared for. S tc2!n

t{irbines, hydrogca cooled generators.


.r,o,cr-.CTIVE \'/A$TE HAl'-1.:::LJNG: Good ............. cr;.1T:CA,.lT~° CONTROL: Good

j ........................ REACTOR TYP!::: Pressurized ~-;ate:r ~eact

.-L=TH~RMAL POWER RATING:. 24l1l ::1ega..:at:..: e,;ch --

;r th~!'e c(~ cny cucstions cc.~1cr:rnin9 ihe recommcndot-ion~ on this. lf)port or you hove olt~rr,atc :solu1ion~ f\.r 11.ern, p!c:·1~~ C(.1nfo(:I t.1_~. -----------------


-------------.. . ---

Ou ,',prii ~, 197 5, during this :Lns9cctioa, sE:cttonal control valve [i65 i·Ja.s ~c..-~1,;ci f 1J1._ • , =1 . . ' . . . . ' t J d ' d · 1 ~ " t • c.to~eci. 1 as is a very serious conctit:Lcn as 1 cou. nave c1.1.1sc accJ_cen'-ai !.;.1uc--c

of fin~ watf!?: durir,g an emerr,e:ncy co:1c~i tion. The v~Jv-2 -wes i:.1r::ed.iate.ly opcne.i ar:d it uas c.etcrmined Lhro•.:gh w2t2r£J._cw loo? tests on April 21 t:iat tile f::re 1.lr,e ,.;as unobst1:-ucte.d. It is e::-..-pected that thi:::; valve had been closed since the·syst.-::m impairBent en Octo~er,1974. This cocdition pointed out-the fact that self-iusp2cti. program, as I!li:!intnined, is not acco1'.lplishin8 its obviosuly necess<'l'i.")' fu:1ction. It · understood that a new se.lf-ins?ection progra~, which was written at the jlant anrl c=

bef:n revie::ed· and co.nme.ited u-;JOn by this Association, is to be instituted iT_<:1ediately. It is further understood that during the. first in:pl2:,1cntaticr. cf th:.s progr&m, a representative of this iiss·cciation will accmr:p~1!!:1 the participating person:iel.

Page 3: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

;------· '. -..

r;wmt~Hh• iirgmia Electric and •

Power Company Virginia Elcc::ric & Power Co. Surry Power Station - 2 -

File No. N-171 Key File No. N-171

ReceP.t Changes and Comments Cont'd

The wooci fr&me plastic covered work room in the No. 1 containment has been d.lsr.13.ntled, and recorrir::endation 7l1-l is, therefore, removed. It· is noted, however, that the materials for this structt;re :=i.re being kept L-1. the Auxiliary Building. It is unc.erstood. that this plastic material must be used for contairr,ination puq:ioses. Fire treated, noncor:!bt1sti.ble wood sho1_;ld be used in lieu of the co111bus tible wood being used now. No hot ,-lark, such· as burning or welding, should be done near the plastic mater:Lal.

It was noted <lur-ing this inspection that security at this plant has been greatly upgraded. This has included training of guards, along with the addition or fence surrou;.1di~g tl1~ 12ntire pl:1:1c v:ith all gc.tes r:1onitored 011. cam2ras. locetcd in a cent~al guard buiJ.ding .wr~.ich has been built approximr.tely 50' · cast of the e:~isting office building. This office is of metal deck on steel construction with insulated r;:e::-:!l ~.::-.ne.::. w~l.ls and par1:itions 'Lns:ie2.- All ac.:.ess tn l:he plant: grcm:.ds 1;-1..ist '"'' Pit-h.:>-r tin:01J3h th::..s b1.1i.Lding or approved by tl1e gua.rds mann:L.1g it.

r"le\1 Recorc..:~e11ciation.s None

. ~~(j}~··J:::.;-DATIOXS cmnrmnrn FROH PREVIOUS REPORT

7.1.-15 A prh·ate fire br:i.gade shr)111 ~ be org,3nized, trained and drilled at regul:~r intervals. ( In process)

·-----···· .... ----···'·--- .•."-------- ··--·--------- .. -·-- -~-- ---· ..

73-1 '!'hC' val'.•es ccntr.o:i.ling fire protectin:1 such ~-s post indicators outsicie ar:d OS&Y ;v;:ilv'"s insid?. shqulq h.e checked .c•~ a ~-1eekly bas:i.s and should ~2 keiit sealed. (New program being initiated)

73-2 Electronic valve tarapcr switches should be pro·.0 icled for the vaJ_ves at t!i.e


main he.:iders t:iat · do riot !)rescatly have st~perv1.s1on. This •.-rnuld invclv.:! four secticna] valves and two OS&Yyalves for the ~-!~t systems in the tuxbine buildings. The other valves are supervise:d and with. ttte.se n 0 t being super­vised, it is p0ssible to have 2 large s:::ale i1r;~1air.:1ent. This will ne::essitate ?rovidi!1g 12 valve. t.:>.m~er switches, 6 for e.~ch hea<ler, with a signaJ.. ~,cr.t to i:.he control room. ( Cn order.)

Page 4: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

.. •. ..~ '""'"-~--- - ---~------···· ·-A


December 4, 1975

Mr. Norman C. Moseley, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Re~ion II - Suite 818 230 Peachtree Str.eet, Nort,hwest Atlanta, Georgia 30303 -

Dear Mr. Moseley:

Serial No. 773/110375 LQA/JDL:cjd

Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281

License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37

We have reviewed IE Bulletin 75-048 forwarded by your letter of November 3, 1975.

Enclosed as Attachments 1 through 6 are copies of all fire protection inspections since March 22, 1975, and documentation relating to these inspections. Attachment 1 i~ the most recent follow-up audit of this area by the quality assurance staff. Attachment 2 is an inspec­tion report from the Nuclear Energy Liability Property lnsurance_Associa­tion (NEL-PIA) documenting an in.spection conducted by their staff. Attach­ment 3 is the station response _to the initial audit conducted by the qu~l ity assurance staff in this area and a memo to file regarding station response. Attachment 4 is the initial quality assurance staff audit. Attachment 5 is a 1 ist of discrepancies prepared by the Vepco Insurance Department immediately after an NEL-PIA inspection in April 1975 and forwarded to Surry Power Stqt ion. ·Attachment 6 is a Periodic Test of firef_ighting equipment. Thi-s test is now in use at the station.

Actions taken or planned can be extracted from the initial audit, audit response, and follow-up audit. For purposes of clarity, however, they are listed as follows~

1. A person has been designated for the fire protection area havi_ng this as his prime r_esponsibil ity.

2. Station personnel have been and are being formally trained in firefighting (22 at present).

3. A fire b~igade has been established.

4. Approximately 80% of previously discovered fire equipment deficiencies had been repaired and repairs are continui_ng.

5. Repair of ventilation louvers at the top of the turbine building to provide automatic closure has been completed.

Page 5: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

. - e . . . · VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPAMY TO Mr. Norman C. Moseley e . SHEET NO, 2

fo 1 lows:·

6. The station has established a·monthly fire prevention inspection program with.daily visual walkdown inspec­tions in selected areas, and a monthly Periodic Test

. (PT 24.4) for fire protection systems.

7. A maintenance procedure for repair of fire-stops (EMP-C-FP-23) has been developed.

8. A Periodic Test for checking the continuing integrity of fire-stops is being dev.eloped. It is ·expected that.· this test will be i~plemented by 15 January 1976.

9. Preparations. for flammabi 1 ity testing of fire-stops and materials are being implemented. The test is scheduled to be conducted a·t the North Anna Power Station prior to the end of this year.

10 •. Engineering Study 75-21, Fire System Louver Inspection,· h·as been ·1 nit i ated by the Station e_ng i neer i_ng staff.

Vepco's position relative to the ~esults of these inspections is as

1. We believe that the results of these inspections were ~ignificant in pointing.out an area which required corrective action.

2 .. We believe that we have demonstrated effective·cor­rective action and have established measures which will aid in. preventing a recurrence of these dis­crepancies-.

3. We believe that this illustrates the effectiveness of our internal quality assurance program and that this has been corroborated by an objectiv·e third party, NEL-PIA, as set forth in Attachment 2. ·

4. We believe we have an adequate fire protection program in effect at our Surry Power Station and that it is ~ode­signed that there is reasonable assurance the health and s~fety of the public will be protected at all times.

It is our position that the results of these inspections (Attachments 1 through 6) are proprietary since insurance liability can be adversely affected by exiraction of this information out of context and without reference to asso­ciated corrective action programs. It is th~refore requested that the Attach­ments to this report be excluded from the public document room. Vepco has no objection to generalized statements such as "NEL-PIA and internal Vepco in­spections discovered deficiencies in the firefighting and fire protection pr_ogram at their operating nuclear power s:tati'on" and 11corrective action

Page 6: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

,,,. :• ·.·. ·.· e


was taken to correct these deficiencies, and i·nspection and survei 1 lance pr_ograms established to prevent their recurrence. 11

cc: Director, Division of Reactor Inspection Pr_ograms

Very truly yours,

l{}. JI?? ~aL6n-1o/ _rr I

· Stanley Ragone ·senior Vic~ President

Page 7: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

,JF(~t-~t{]~F ~.t,f\~t¥ · ' 1;11m PJWTECTI ON INSPECT! ON .. ~~~ • - ~.cl·. sunny POlv'E-1'/\TION-J\J>JUL 2, 1975 a iigtnia Ele_ctnG · and ~

¥fi1:6N£~1rigv1ng is a partiDl list' of deficiencies in the fire • protection and prevention program which is suh1:1i ttcd as a

1 rcsul t of a.n inspection by Ku.clear Encr·gy Property Insurance . . Association on April z, 1975:

1. The reaso·n for the use of cyclohcxane sho1.1ld be deteTr.1ined. If. it'· is necessary th~t cycloJicxane be use<l, it should all

· be kept in a single area outside of the building· at least SO feet from all buildings and pertinent structures. If its use is not.required, it should be removed from the ·site.

2. _ Three gas cylinders ·were found against the northeast .. corner of the Boiler House in a non-permanent arrangement.

If these cylinders are necessary and if they are to be ··used, a permanent arrangement should be made in an area· .· ·not' exposed to truck traffic. Also, the hydrostatic

tests of the cylinders 1,:.ere found to be outdated. Properly dated cylinders should be used ••

. .

There was an excess number of people in the Control Room. During operation it should require onJ.y three. to· four people in this room; however Jo there 1,;rere thirteen· during


.. 4.

. this visit.

Several gas bottles· were found to be propped against the· transformers in the switchgear y~rd. Thcs e shoulo. b c -removed. . . . . . . .

5. ·, The arrangement for the filling of ni trogcn bottles in the area beth·ccn the No. 0 2 Containment ancl th.e Service Building is unso.tisfactory. The trailer bringing the

·µitrogen should have ·its wheels chocked, and the lines .running from the trailer. to .the bottles should qe made. a permanent arrm1gment. As is, trailer is not chocked and the feed lines from the trailer to -the bottles is strung around ladders 7 over s tai r1,rays, etc •. . .

60 Guards· shou1c1· be inst.1llcd around the ··piping leaving the base of tho suction tank to the fire pump. This should be done as heavy equipment· is now being parked beside these Jines nnd it is-quite possible tho..t this equipment COl;l,ld des troy the lin cs •

. 7. Heat collccto1·s for the automatic sprinkler heads at the first level in the No. 2 Turbine Building should be provided. As is, no heat ·collector is on the head aside :from the _typical clc:fJ cctor. . ..

. . . .

·. =-

" ...

. ~'_-


- ' .-

' . . ·• ·-i' .... ..::.

• 1

..... -

'­. .;

Page 8: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

... e •, ' ..... '

·-· .. e. .. 2 -s.· Trash should be removed £Tom the Turbine Oil Room.

It was found <luring the inspection that the .room had been swept, b.ut that all trash 0ad. been placed in plastic bags ancl the plastic bags left ·in the room. Anytime this room is cleanc:cl and swept, it sl.iould be immediately -cleared of all· trash.· ·:. :· ·,:;

JI ............ ;.~ .... • ......... .

9. Plastic was found dr1·~~,/,f;~-~\.h.e ~e0

iling in the Switch­gear Room beside the Cable Room.·. This plastic seemed to serve no function and should be temovcd.

"'" . . - ,.·,.

10. - A 1'• .•

Several barrels of plastic rods ,.;ere found on the floor of the basement of Building 2. These rocls shoU'ld be removed. .··~ c-, ·

-·· .. ·11. Several of the pump header valves were cracked. These

sh-0uld be replaced.

12. An oil spray film had accumulated on the wall of b"oth t.µrbine bu_il din gs. It is understood tha-t this situation ;is to be immediately cleaned and corrected.


. 14.

Post indicator valv54l; 42, 69, 71, 80, 91, 92 had broken seals and had not b cen rep laced with. w11i te seals.

Poit iidicator valv~ 6~ found in.closed position-valve was opened during course of inspection-further comment w~ll ~e made by NEPIA's Hartford Office. •

. . . . ... . . . lSo Post indicitor valve 57 was·b~nt a~d inoperative- .

apparently hit by truck-maintenance work order MR52002708 . has been assigned foJ:'. repair.·

_16 • . Post indicator valve 80- ·£oui1d bent- and loose in ground._ Val vc should be repaired· immcdia tcly.

17. Hose Haus c in #1 Safeguard Aiea broken up beyond rcpair­imposs·iblc to opera_tc hydrant. · .·

. .. . . 18., A nwnhcr of _hos·e houses were not properly stocked,

or cont,1i~1ed hose with no couplings~

19. Unsecured compressed gas cylinders were found in several areas of tl~c plant. Some were with out v·a1 ve caps.

20,.. 15ft carbon dioxide extinguisher found behind Control Room panel for #2 Unit. Had not been.inspected since March, 19 7 3.

. .. ·- .. . . . .

. . . . .

, I

Page 9: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

' ---- - ··-·- ·- .. - ~--. :· r. ·,) ,

,• ·• G 'l ·e.· ..

.. 3· .. . e· .. . . . . .. .q,

21. A 15// carbon dioxide· cxtin,euishcr "(tt42) found with horn· removed, and an adapter attached to end of hose-safety . pin hacl been remove cl-We were informed _this unit had been used by General Electric to purge a piece of cquiprncint .

. 22. Hose Rack (FlI//11) should be relocated and nm./ pin rack instaJJcd-p


rcscrnt rack is in position to get acid sp.1lls-hos e has be en destroyed s ev_eral times. . .

23. Cigarette but ts were found behind Control Room panel £or 112 Unit.· Smoking should not be permitted in. this area.

24. Post indicator valves (4) o~ 1·rnst side of Fire P~mp Hous c (numbered I11T-313, etc) should be painted a color

. other than red, if they are not a part of main fire water. loop. ·


25. Was tc oil dru1ns blocking 1/2 of east gate .. should be moved to a more suitable location.

26. Dry chemical extinguisher ( If I) need. recharging. - . . . . . . .. .... _.} . .

·: .. . • .... ,. .·

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Page 10: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

··-·------.-- r q f~ V'l• lfj\ P(i- ~\ vn·{w ---------- --- --- - - - - . -- -- ... --- --·-- - - - --· -~ ·-··-·· --· -

• eeo.as lht!!: lj !! i'.J·.-·:tii!j 1-.~ fr·.f ' . PERIODIC TEST CRITIQUE .... .. ,•. t ·~\:Jitl tl\;~bs b U~\i _ 41· SURRY POWER STATION e VirrrH!"l E1 fl r~rl" and VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPAt~Y

& t,HUU. l:..~l ,\; . ERIODIC TEST lt;·i:::--r p,-..-,,pnnJ 1 TO BE .PERFORMEO BY: Operation 2 UNIT NO: 3 ., . ~ . ' ' uu:.:~::i: (..:\,'l'~'

24.4 Electricians with Technicians 1 HP cha.I, i r ~ ·-













I -------· I - I






. - DATE:



- - - - - - -- - - 1 OM~!E.NT ISi OF PERFOf.;MANCE ENGINEER· 11 STAMP. 1 ;:' j



I - ,;-- .. --- --------

Page 11: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

1 .O Purpose


SURRY PO~::=: P. STI\T Io:~ UH ITS l Arrn 2



1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to assure monthly that all fire

protection hose houses, hose stations, doors, _extinquishers,

~nd hydrants are properly installed.and operational as required


· 2.0 Initial Conditions

2.1 None as stated.

3,0 Precautions and Limitations

3,1 The Shift Supervisor _shall be informad of any event that may cause

· alarms in the control room or that may disable _any equipment and

should be notified when test is finished.

3.2 An~ valve, with a red or white seal through the handle that must be

moved, should be returned to its normal position as soo~ as possible

and·a white seal placed on it~

4.0 instructions

4.1 Inspect all fire doors (Figures 1, ?, 3, 4).

11.1.1 Verify that CO2 blm,1 -a\·1ay or·-fusiblc links or hydraulic

dampers are properly installed.

4.1.2 . Door is closed.

4~1.3 Verify that open doors are able to close automatically should

the need arise (i.e. - no pipe~, blocks, tr2sh, etc are blocking

their closure, and door is not wired open)

4.-t.4 lnitiul fire door checklist as each door is ·checked verifying

proper insrcction.

Page 12: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

1··----- . .-··- 0

.. : T ·- • ,· .... "' ···.,,

-4.0 Instructions (continued)

Fi re

1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 111. 15. 16. 17. 18.

.19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 31. 32, 33,

4.2 Inspect all hose racks (Figures 5, 6)..

. . .


4.2.1 Refer to_ diagram and 1 isting for all locations •

Assure that each station has clean, dry hose with no signs of

·holes or wear.

4.2.3 Verify the presence of a hose wrench and nozzle for each station.

4.2.4 Initial listing after each station is checked verifying proper


Hose Rack Checklist

Location Initials

Col. c-6 Turbine Floor Co 1. C-3· Turbine Floor Col. B-3 Turbine Floor

· Co 1. B-6 Turbine Floor Col. B-9 Tu rb !le Floor· Col. B-11 Turb ne Floor Col. B-14 Turb ne Floor-Col. B-17 Turb ne Floor Co 1. Z-17 Turb ne Floor Col. C-14 Turb ne Floor Col. C-12 Turb ne Floor Col. c-7 Mez. Level Col. B-8 Me.z. Level Col. C-15 Mez. Level Col. B-16 Mez. Level Col. C-10 Turbine Basement ---Col. B-13 Turbine Basement Col. B-15 Turbine Basement Col. Y-17 Turbine Basement Col. -C-16 Turbine Ba ser.1en t Co 1. C-13 Turbine Basement Col. c-8 Turbine Basement Col. Y-9 Turbine [3ascrnent Col. B-7 Turbine Basement Col. B-5 Turbine Basement Col • X-1 Turbine B.:isement Col. C-2 Turbine Basement ----Col. C-5 Turbine Basement Rear Door of Main t. Shop Store Rm. Corridor Ent. Main Office Corridor South. End ~bin .Office Corridor Turbine !31 d g_. Near Col. c-n


Page 13: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

Fi re Hose

34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

39. 40. 41. 42.



45. 46.

47. 48. 49.

so.· 51. 52. 53.


' J ··-···' -- . .•

e Hose Rack Checklist (Cont'd)


Corridor Turbine Bldg. Near Col. C-13 Corridor to H.P. Lab. East ~/al 1 Boiler Rm. Corridor from H.P. to Aux. Bldg.


Aux. Bldg. Elev. 2 1 011 behind barrier at foot of stairs North East Aux. Bldg. Elev. 2 1 0 11 near Boron Liquid Evap. Aux. Bldg. Elev. 2 1 011 near HOV 1867A Aux. Bldg. Elev 13'0 11 near Elevator Aux. Bldg. Elev 13 1 011 :forth \.Jest near steps to 2 1 011 Elev. Aux. Bldg. Elev. 13 1 011 North East near steps to 2 1 011 Elev. .


Beyond M.C.C. Ent. to Aux. Bldg. 27 1 611 Elev. East Ha 11 East Wa 11 Aux. Bldg. 27 1 611 Elev. West \fa 11 Aux. Bldg. 27 1 6' 1 near #1 Steam Gen. B 101·1do1dn Tank Aux. Bldg. Elev. 27 1 611 near Co 1. ·near Elev. Aux. Bldg. Elev. 45 1 1011 at El ei.1ator. AllX, Bldg. Efov. 45 I 1 QII Sccuri ty Door Ent. to #1 Containr.1ent Aux. Bldg. Elev 45'1011 near· Entrance to #2 Containment Aux. Bldg. Elev. 45 1 10 11 -on Enst Wall Storage Area Fuel Bldg. Rear Service Door Fuel Bldg. foot of stairs near M.C.C. 181-1.

. . . . -------- --- --- - --

···--·· l~.,,.~Y};


Page 14: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA


' . It e "

7-2)-75 ' -----·-- --·. , fbr .. _.,_. ..

4.0 lnstructions (continued)

4.3 Inspect all co2

and Dry Chemical Bottle Stations (Figures 5, 6). ·

4. 3. 1


. 4.3.3

Refer to diagram and listing for all locations.

Visually inspect each station and verify presence of a

properly charged e~tinquisher. Be sure wire seal around

handle and pin is intact.

Record.serial number and initial lisJing,following check

o~each station verifying-proper inspection

Fire Extinquisher

Fire~Extinquisher Checklist

Location In it i a 1 s

1. 2. 3. 11 • 5, 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 • 22. 23. 24. 25, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

Col~ C-9 Turbine Floor Col. C-8 Turbine Floor Col. C-6 Turbine F1oor Col. C-3 Turbine Floor #1 Tu~bine Crane Col. B-3 Turbine Floor Col. B-6 Turbine Flooc Col. B-9 Turbine Floor tol.·B-11 Turbine Floor Col. 8~14 Turbine Floor

. #2 Turbine c~~ne Col. B-17 Turbine Floor

. Col. C-14 Turbine Floor Col. C-11 Turbine Floor Col. C-7 Mez. Turbine Bldg. Col._ C-} Mez. ·Turbine Bldg. Near Col. B-4 Mez. Turbine Bldg. Col. B-8 Me~. Turbine Bldg. Betv:een Col. C-11 & C-10 Mez:·. Turbine Col. C-15 Hez. Turbine Bldg. ·. · Col. B-16 Mez~ Turbine Bldg. Near Col. B-12 Mez. Turbine Bldg .. Col. C-9 Basement Tuibine ~ldg. Col. Y-10 Basement Turbine Bldg. Near Co1. g.:.)2 Basement Turbine Bldg •. Near Col .. B-15 Basement Turbine Bldg. Near Col. Y-17 Basement Turbine Bldg. Ne a r Co 1 • Z - 1 7 8 .J s e rne n t Tu r b i n e B 1 Jg . Col. 2-15 Basement Turbin~ Bldg. Near Col. Z-9 Basement Turbine Bldg. Near Col. Z-9 Basement Turbine Bldg. Near Col, Y-9 Basement Turbine Bldg.

I N ca r Co l. B - 6 B i:l s e men t Tu r b i n c B 1 d g • Near Col. B-4 B~scmcnt Turbine.Bldg.

. .I·.


Page 15: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

., ,> . -- 7-21-75 -

Fire Extinquisher Checklist (Cont 1 d)

Fire Extinquisher Location_ Initials

36. . . . ··· ·. Co 1 • C-1 Basement Turbine Bldg . 37. Col. c-5 Basement Turbine Bldg. 38. Near Col. c-7 Basement Turbine Bldg. 39. . #1 Unit Turbine Oil S_torage . 40. Ent·. Relay Rm. 41. Ent. To Mai nt. Shop

I 42. Ent. To Store Rm. I 1 43. Outside Welding Shop· 44. ll5. \·la 11 of Store Rm. Office 46. Rear Ent. To Store Rm. 47. Corridor near Ent. Main Office 48. Corridor South End Ma in Office ~9- South \.!all Cont ro 1 Rrn. so. West \.!a 11 Control Rm. 51. East Wa 11 Contro 1 Rr,. 52. Ent. //1 Computer Rm. 53. Ent. #2·Computer Rm •. 51,. Ent. To Instrument Shop 55. . H. p. Count Rm, 56. H.P. Env i rorn~1enta 1 L3b. 57. H. p. Chemical Lab~ 58. H.P. Chemical Lab. 59. . H.P. Environmental Lab . 60. H.P. Env i ronn~en ta 1 Lab. 61. H.P. Lab. Store Rm. 62. Ent. To #1 Diesel 63. Outside Exit #1 Diesel 61•, ·Ent. To #2 Diesel 65. Outside Exit f/2 Diesel 66. Outside Exit t3 Diesel 67. Ent. To #3 Diesel 68. Bo i 1 er Rm. Door 69. Au.x. Bldg. Elev. 13 1 O'' West Wa 11 70. Rear Ent. Aux. Bldg. 71.. Aux •. Bldg. Elev. 27 1 611 near MCC 1 A2-1 72, Ent. To Aux. B 1 clg. 73. Aux. Bldg. Elev ~5 1 1 O". near .Elevator 711. Ent. To # l Containr.ient 75, Ent. To //1 Con ta i nr.1en t 76, Ent. To #1 Containment 77, Aux. B 1 dg •· Elev. 45 1 1 O'' Ent. To Spent Fue 1 Bldg. 78, Ent. To //2 Containment 79, Ent. To #2 Con t c1 i n r;1e n t 80. Ent. ·To #2 Cont a i ni;;cn t 81. Fuc 1 Bldg. Door.To i\ux. Bldg. 82. Fuc 1 ntdg. By R. S. Door 83. Fuc 1 Bldg. 27' Level 8'• ~ Fue 1 Bldg. By MCC l 6.1 -1

Page 16: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

·' . ,

Fire Extinguisher

85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 101;. 105, 106. 107. 108. 109. 11 O 111. 112. 113. 114. l l 5. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 1211. 125, 126. 127. 128. 129, 130. 131. . 132.

.• · - -- -·- ·- ... , ... rl-i...--. .-...,. -.. · -----· ----i:-~-... ,,. ... ,

-Fire Extinquisher Checklist (Cont'd)


· ....... Fuel" Bldg. 'By· MCC lB1.:.·1 Ent. To #1 Cc1ble Vault Top of Stairs Above #1 Ent. To Refrig. Rm. Ent. To #2 Cable Vault

·Ent.To #1 Safeguard Top of Stairs Above #2 Safeguard #l Safeguard South Wall Ent. #1 Valve Pit· None West Gate Guard House #1 Valve Pit #1 Vac. Prime House Boron Recovery House Decon. Bldg. Decon. Bldg. #2 Vac. Prime House

Cable Vault

Cable Vault

Fire & Domestic Water Pump House · Fire & Domestic Water Pump House Fire & uo,,-1t':stic \toter Pump House Lovt Leve 1 S;-.,. Rm •

. Erner. Ser. Wt~ PPS Low level Intake Low Level Vac. Prime House 500 KV House·sw. YD 230 KV ·House SW. YD 230 KV House SW. YD

.· G. T. 251 Gas Turbine 251 Gas Turbine 251 Gas Turbine 191 Gas Turbine 191 Gas Turbine 1~1 Gas Turbine 191

.Training Bldg. Temp. Fuel Bldg. Storage Temp. Fuel Bldg. Storage Temp. ·Fuel Bldg. Storage Fuel Oil Pump House (Pilot Bottle)

.9·.: -· . . . ....

Emcrg. Serv. Water P.P. House (Pilot Bottle) 251 G.T. . 9 1 Level Aux. Bldg. 191 G.T. Fixtd Dry Chemical #2 S~feguards Valve Pit #2 Safeguards Valve Pit #2 Safeguards V~lvc Pit #2 Safciuards Valve Pit #2 Safeguards Valve Plt



Page 17: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

l -

e --· ... ... . ... 4.0 Instructions (conti~ued)

4.4 Inspect al 1 Hose Houses (Figure 7).

. .

4.4.1 Refer to diagram for locations of all ho~e. houses.

4.4.2 Verify that each hose house has, as a minimum, the fol lowing

equipment. 1-2-1/2 to lal/2 11 Adapter 2- Underwriters• play pipes & brackets 1- Underwriters• play pipe holder 1- fire axe and brackets 1- crowbar and brackets 1- extra hydrant wr~nch (in addition to wrench

on hydrant) · 4- coupling spanners 2- hose and ladder straps

. 2- 2.5 inch hose washers (spares) tOO Ft of 1-1 /2 11 Fi re Hose with Co lip 1 i ngs 400 Ft of 2-1 /2 11 ~ 11 11 11 •

4.4,3 ·- Initial listing as each station is checked verifying proper inspection~

Hose House

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

-- ________ L_____o,!_

All Equipment Present Initials


Page 18: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

,, ~s


'. -- -e· 7-21-75

5.0 Acceptance Criteria· ..........

5. 1 Any abnormalities in any of the systems should be reported to the

Sh_ift ·supervisor immediately and the critique sheet utilized to

no"te the· ··abnorma f" cond it i ori ;·

5.2 Follow1ng a general housekeeping inspection, any fire hazard

should be reported to the Shift Supeivisor and the critique sheet

utilized to note the hazardous condition.

5_~3 The Station Fire Marshall sliould be notified ir~mediately of any

abnormal conditions or fire hazards with a written rnernorandum.

Comp 1 e te d By ;_. ___ ___


. . .

Page 19: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

'' --


TE : 7 - I 'Z' - 2 ) .



1.0 7-21-75

2.0 5-30-75

3.0 5-30-75

.4.o 7-21-75

5.0 7-21-75

~igure 7-21-75

F_i gure 2 7-21-75

Figure 3 7-21-75

Figure li 7-21-75 ·

~igure 5 7-21-75

· ~igure 6 7-21-75

Figure 7 7-2f-75

e ·'



APPROVED BY: - ,_/l---Z-------=-

S ta ~n Manag~r & Chairman Station Nu ear Safety & Operating Committee

MTE:~~~.~~~~~~-~~~5~~~. ~

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Page 20: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

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OSE· ·J-l0USE5 & ou·rs1 J)L- PO~ l · · · 1No=1-CA~R .vAlv.Es ,-, ~. · -

................. ,. ..... •·

~--""""'---...... ------·--------------...-------------,



RES. Sl"f,. TRfd~~. . HI LEV.


l r

~~~~:-:'":::-""':-='~':::'==========----,------· -·-------·-----'

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CONFIDENTIAL This rcporl ~!ic,uld '.,~ r,1adQ c:voiloi:,: only. 1o autl-,orizod p~rsons.

File N<?. N-.17_1 (75-0) Key File No. N-171 B}' H.J.Hudson Dote Sept.2,li,1975 Hrs.21


1-:·······················Sl>RINKLERS: A.re 1···--······-................... VALv:::s: Are

·••••••••• WATERFLOW AU\IU,/\S: Local & in Control Room.




-·······SLJ?ERVISORY COVERS: Waterflow, pumps & part valvest:,carbon dioxide

.............. PLAN"I" OPERATION: 7 days, 24 lwurs

·:····:····WA"fCHMAN SERVICE: Js s.:tlsfactory

·······························Rou~os, HourJ.y recorded idle petiods

PORTAB!..E FIRE E::QUIP!t.ENT: 'Is :coP.D:::o SELF-INSPSCTIC1~S: Good ······Pr<1v i'.\,E. Fl RE rn;i c.r..tlE: Fair •••••••••..••.• f"usuc FIRE oc::PT: Poor-Vol.

•••••••·••••·•·•· 'NATER SUPPLIES: Goo cl MERGENCY CRC'ANIZATION: Good 0/'.CTIVE \"/ASTE HANDLIN(,: Good •••.••• (;c{ITJCf,UTY C:ONT::l.OL: Good


•••• IMPAIRMENT NOTIFICA,!ON: Gi"ven •••••••••••••••\'/ELDING & CUTTING:

••••••.• E::LCC1"HICAL EQUIPl.1E!"T: G:::iod

•••••••••••••••••••••.••• MP.INTENl'.r~cE: Good ··························CLEANLINESS: Good

RED 1 AGS l.lSED? Yes TAGS USED? }~c,

••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : ••••• SMOKING: Is conlrollt-d • ·····················NATURC OF Rlr-1<: Nuclear pcFer plant •••••••·•·•••••·•••.••• .. ·:·:··-~·-PRODUCT: Electrical powe~

··················••'-·CONSTRUCT'Oi-l: 1-t, s to. 3lf% fire rc~d.s­ti ve, 32% ·nonco:nb., 34% combustible, 1:ietal dcd-­roof · ~, ·····:··NUCLE.l\H CONTAli~MEl·~T: Goo::l "'.

0 ············-··SPECI/.\L HAZI\R::)S: Well Cc:red for. Ste.am turbines, hydrogen cooled generators .

·AREA 1/iONITOfUNG RECORDS: Good· ····:·RADIOISOTOPE HAr~DLli-/G: Gocd ·······················"REACTOR TYPE: Pressurized ,,~at.er reactor ·······THERM:~L POV/EH RATING: 21;4 l ,,;egawatt each

. . .. ·-----

..... : - ·-·· ----- - .

. A s2tisfc.ctory program on self-inspe::ctioo of fi:ce cqulpme~1t }ws no~-; be?.n initiated. Fire protection equip::1ent wns found to be in good working order, ,dth necessary equipHent fou!1<l in all areas. Housekeeping throur;hou!: the pl2nt site was found to be good. Reco1;:1:·:endation 7 3-1 is thr,refore rer:-,oved frOI!l this. report.

Regardiag R<;com::1e.11d2ti.ca 73-4, it is understood that the locations of the el"lergency shut<lo:rn panels for both Units 1 and 2 are in the romns referred, thereby precluding provision of total flooding CO2. It is further understood that desiga changes uiJ.l be

· requested which will make possible the installation of adequate auto;~atic fire protecti.01: . in tl1ese rooms.

During the testing of the deluge systetis, it was found that ·the alarm annunciator ·on t.hc·main control pane]s for bot:1 Units 1 & 2 which signals a fire to.the pl.mt operator, is wired on a parallel circuit. Thus, once a fire signal is received at the main control panel, no other fire signals cnn be re.ceived. As the pa.nel whic:h does

TEST RE SUL TS WATER SUPPLIES ---·-,----·-----~-~--- --·-·-----.,---- ---·---

G.P.H. Flow Location S1ctic Resid. Pres. Locoli\ln Teated: ----------------------------1----+----·--·----+--4---

No public wa tcr

··-··-········· Fire, DLpl. Cc.nn. ·N.onc

rT IH:J\.D I ORI\'!: , AUTO ... 1---- SUCTIO~ 1 Shv!oH _ ~~~~i-~ MAil; ·i SOURCE . _l


_ P,c,.

106 Elec, !Auto. 12- 300,000 g,il.w/ 150 106 Diesel

1Aut.o. (:J3,CiQO [.'.il. i:Cser-1 lli2

_ L ___ jved.w:i.Lh'l1ClO gpm j


266P 2560

Disc. Pros.

132 120

l •c··T I -R.P,.M. ~~ Cc-nc!. Tcolr<l:

-;-~O t=;:·p I Good ] 11/21/75 :-!.fo

l 7 t,O ! i 3 n 1 · I . ... I • ' :,c, •.

Page 29: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

' . .. e •

Virginia EJ.ectric & Pov:er. Co, Surry Power Station

2 - File No. N-171 Key File No. N-171

pinpoint activation or used for activation of fire protection equipment is behind the main control panel, it would now be possible for the spread of fire to go unchecked after the initial alarm is received. This presentsa hazardous situation since three of the deluge syst~ms on each unit do not activate automatically, but rather by a control room button. It is understood that a procedure charge will be made whereby a co.npetent ernployee wiJ.l be assigned to stay b:· the smaller fire annunerator panel to iusU!:e i1r.mediate. discovery of s_ubse.quenr. fire signals after an initial signal has alarmed.

A 20 1 x 20' Office has been erected on the turbine operatirig floor. The office is of completely noncombustible construction,. but occupancy is to be plans and draw.i.ngs during shutdm-ms. Sprinklers are not to be provided~ but extinguishers arE:.. This is acceptable.

N~,·, Reco"T.:-nendati.ons - None ~--'-.,{,---

. /'' ·Re.c~~~cndat:~ons Continued from Previous Report

7i-J 5


/>, vr.1v-:1te fiT.c 'ft; ',.>;.;.. 81s. (In .· .'' ' ( .

bri;a<le_s~ould be organized: trained 2nd diilled at process~ formal ~lasses to begin 9/22/75)


(Revj_G/.:.'. 9/8/75) followLng valves:

Electronic tamper switches shoul·d be provided for the

a - All OS&Y valves on the deluge hec!ders which are not now supervised.

b - The two OS&Y valves on the riser in n;e boiler room.

At present, it would be possible to complete shutoff water to either dclu[;e header without receiving an alarm. This is true of boiler house sprinklers and hose also (Engineering design change requested)

73-l, Extend· the Cardox CO2 system to automatical"J.y cover the 4160 v. Switchge2.r ·· Rooms at the 9 '6" level .adjacent to the cable tunnels for Units 1 and 2. 0

(D_esign change request to be made; emergency shutdown pa;nel in room at present.)

Page 30: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

- ·- ·--·-··-· .. ··-----· ----------------- ---- ··--···-~----·-···· -· . ----- ·····-· ··-·- .··· -. .

·- ... ·:_. ··-·-··: -- ·-- ... _ ... _- ---·_ .--·-···-·.---·-..... -·- .. - . -- .-- __ . ·- -- ..... - . ---:·--·- ---- --- .. - I) -n .. . .... 1t•;,;;,p··: t!/'7 ___ J:l#//;f-P/,}//.'/j;?_? - .. ·;,.ty · . -1,y-_,17hf;;

........ . l! . •

. - - ~_,;,,,,~$ f;?·---,7'--(//~ .. ···-· .. 7"v~ ,, ~ .... --··· - -·· ··-- ... - .... ·- •.. ·-·------------- - -·---~·-·-··-··-····-··-··---·· ··---·--··-···--· ·-·-···--··.····- -~----····· ·---·

-~?./r.~ ........... 7?/j??' ·-·"-----···7 ~,~- ..... 7/ .... tt'~f/ - '

" . , J: "---- -· .· -·.-- - .. - - -- . - ------- ···-··-·· ··-··· .. ·---·· - ---·. ·- . ---··- . . ·-·-·-- --- -- ---

Page 31: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA



AUDIT REPLY FORM •• 8-21-75 Supervisor Qu.:ility Assurance, Operations and Maintenance

Senior Member - Station Quality Assurance Staff . . . . .. . ....

R. E. Ni cho 11 s Title: Electrical Maintenance S~pervisor

f NUMBER: 75-18 : SUBJECT: Fi~e Prqtection and Prevention Practices· ------------~commendations not accepted requiring rcsolutlon by Corporate Hariagement:

lumber Reason

~ A 11(- C"\ .•• ,.-,-·r· f II< ;~

~-~--~--------~~-----~---~~-·-·,n~.~~,T_t;_.,_,.._.··~·-~'.~''c-...''-··._I ~~:. .. :.:

Recommendations· Accepted and Implemented:




--- ...

Date lrnolc-mcntcd ----· ~~-8-21-z~5"---~-


8-18-75 --- ----




. 9 . -

D~tc lmrlcmcnted

8-25-75. __ _H::..ill:J.-i: __ _

8-:n -zs


Page 32: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

VI,_,,, It I Vitt,.._ '(.-' •a... I I I ,-. ___ ... ,- .. , .... _

.• IT REPLY FORM e PAGE 2 OF 2 Rccom.11cndcJtions Accepted and Scheduled For Future lmplc."T,cntation:

Number Scheduled DQte Number . Scheduled OQte

4 9-22-75

5 9-22-75 -·-.------6 9-22-75


If additional sp~ce is needcdJ use a blank ~heet follo~ing the same format as used in this form.


l. When comj).letcd the inspection pack2ge wi 11 be sent to the Supervisor f!ual ity Assurance Surry Power Station.·

2. Operations Department to update AP-20 and repair procedure holaers.

3. All deficiencies as noted by E.B. Rhodes memo June 13,' 1975, have been assigned to appropriate department heads for action.

4. A system to correct any noted descrepancies and to assure ·equipment reliability is being fonn:;;d and prepared for implementation. ;

5. Station Emergency Plan will be up-dated to reflect future changes.

6. ·Formal training will start September 22, 1975, assisted by the State Fire Training Services Department.

·7. A study is being conducted on the flamnability of Scotch 27 which includes a n1ock-test. :

8. A study to modify existing louvers is in progress. ·,

9. Turbine Building ventilation louvers will automatically close when the fans

... ,, •,;·.·

are shut off. It has been found thot the louver syster:i needs repair. Mciintcrwnce Report Sl--~883 has been issued to sec that the necessary repairs arc m<ldc .

Page 33: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

1..>-~i·rnr l'qn,n~nu 1dit Ld&t•rtJrY....:lil!s0t:try Pov,cr StcJtion .

1d!t Subject: Fire Protection & Prevention Followup on Audit 75-18

:ferenced Dccumcnts:


Audit Report 75-18 and Station Replies

1miiltlry of Audit Procedures:


.Date: 150ct. 197~

Audit Number:75-lBA

Discussions 0ere held W. F. 11 Chuck11 Conner,

:ems \·1ere spot checked. ·. W. F. Conner, nnd Mr.

with Mr. Bob Nicholls, Station Fire Marshall, and with Ass 1 t Fire Marshall using the guideline of ACL-27. Selected An exit critique was held with Mr. Bob Nicholls, R. E. Horton (System Supervisor of E1ec. Maintenance).

· I I

= ======================================== -=~1 )nclusions:

The station has made significant improvement in this area. The asiignment of \.!. F. Conner as f-ss 1 t Fire Marshall, along with increased management attention,

is contributed to this effort .

. ecom;ncndc1 ti ons:

Continue efforts to train station personnel in fire protection and cst~blish formal fire brigade.

Continue efforts to develop a PT for firestop· inspection. Provide washclm·m hoses at se l cct_ed locc:1 ti ons fo~ everyday· use so that fire hoses

~c reserved for, their "intended function.

ndlvldual (s) Responsibl~ For·correctivc Act1on(s) and Date For Com~letibn:


. lfo reply required to this follo~·1up audit. Resi;ons1ole individuals should continue: I r1rrective action cJ5 incliC,itCd in ACL-27. This_~re~ Nill 29...:iin b~ c:h~cl~cd after rcftr;~_u.i.:.~J

ii STR i BUT I C11-l: St.::tion /J,an,:ger Supervi sor-Quci 1 i ty Assur,:ncc, Oper.:i t ions 0nd M,ii rite113ncc S.:!nior Mcmbc:r- St<1tion Qu1l i ty /\ssL:rancc Stc1ff Station Q11ulily t,ssurar1ce File Supcrv i so:- of the a-rca .:wd i tcd . Sccrct.::•ry- St,:1tior1 t-lu:::lcar Si.lfc.ty and Orcratin9 Cornrnittcc Siipcrvi~or- lluch·~1r Op:!ratio.ns (Systcr,1 /1u..li ts CJ.-dy) ·

·-- /P-/S--7:--._\ __ Date

Page 34: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

--·----- .. . ~· -- .


.-_ ·-·----.--- .... ----.

.e P/\GE _L OF _l_ · AUDIT CHECf~LI ST ACL- 27

LOC;\T I Otl: Surry Power Station ..

· /\UDIT SUBJ[CT.: Fire Protection and Prevention Practices Followup on Audit 75-18

- I

r..r.Hr:El~CE D~lClW,Et!T(S): Aud'1 t 8 ' - Report 75-1 and Station Replies S. B. Foulke, Jr. Memo of Sept. 29, 1975 to D.R. Arter . . rL l.1

I -------------·-------------?j.,-.~O-~ ~--'.!f / ,_ {. • , i-- .__:-. ,. I I :/

APPROVED:_ '-..-.-c:/v-t '-; I .· ,; ' 1::.:'·' U 1_ ,..-.__ '. - . ....... ·1 ' AUD: i"or{{s):

D. R. Arter l.:,upe1\.'i 5or-,-::.:..., 0 ,. i·: , ;; \- ' ! ·• ---------------------------------------....... -:-..::::::~.,--------·J.~~··.

1. o scor:E: ~~- This document sets forth the minimum requirements for a quality

audit on Fire Protection and Prevention Practices Re-audit

2.0 Response to Audit 75-18 rcco~mendations:

2.1 llas the insp~ction of firestops undertaken to sc:itisfy rmc co:m!:it1:ients been propedy docui:,entcd: (I ten; #1, Audit 75-:i8) Remarks:




The inspection itself v1as not documented; hm·1ever, resulting corrective actio·n \·1as documented on EHP-C-FP-23 for sleeve or hole lios. C-3(9-5-75), C-4 (9-5-75), D-·13 (9-8-75), D-15 (9-8-75), and N-3 (9-9-75). See Aitached Exhibit A.

lfos procE:du·re f...P:-20 at the: <1uxilicJI")' shutdoi-:n p<lnels been updotcd to reference l\P-17 vice [P-ll? Unit 2-yes, Unit 1-no Have the p~ocedure holders been repaired? Yes Remarks: ··

Unit 1 had an outdated copy of-AP-20 in the holder. Operations Supervisor notified.

Hos a system been developed fire-fighting eciuipmcnt and ( 1-t cm ,~ Ii , · fill d i t 7 5- l 8) Remarks: Yes

. .. to assure the co;-1tinuir~g i-eliabi.lity of the pro:npC'rcsoll!tion of discrerancics?

Mr. \J. F. 11Chuck.11 Conner l1<1$ been designated Ass 1 t Fire l·la1·shall. PT 2~.4 (7-21-75) has been developed to.cover inspection of fire doors, hose houses, hose stations, extinguishers, and hydrants~ A weekly fire-prevention inspection progrum has been dcvclo;)cd to locate ilnd identify discrepancies .. Mainten<1nte Reports ure gcncrutcd from these cl i sc rcpanc i cs und s i"gncd by tlic Station· l·lc:inc1ge r.

Sec Att.ichcd Exhibit B.


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,• l,.1t Arc existing practices on fire-fighting in agreement \·dth the Surry" Stution Em-ency Plan? (Item f/5, Aud_}t.9182.:_ · Remarks: .

\'es · ·

The Emergency Plan sti 11 refers to 11Emergency Operating Procedures" vice AP's; however, the intent is not aff~cted.

2.5 Has a forr.1.:il truining progr·a'll been developed and imple:nented for fire-fighting pe::rsonnel? (Item #6, Audit 75-18) Remarks:

Yes An initial group of 22 station individuals attended a five day course c,onducted by the State Dept. of Educatio~ .. See Attached Exhibit C. __,,---­No official fire b_ci_gade has as yet been established; hm·1ever, this I""' will be acco~plished within the next four weeks. . . '

2.6 Has a study been conducted on the fl~mmability of Scotch 27 electrical tape? (Item _/17, Audit 75-18) Remarks: No

This material will be tested at the NAPS prototype firestop·test ·to be acco~plished by year's end.

2.7 Have studies been initiated to raodify existing louvers in fire boundaries? (ltc!'":l (/8, Audit 75-18) Remarks:

Yes Mr. Jerry 01 in presently hc'ls this under study.

2.8 Have 1urbinc,: Cuildin9 ventilt1tion louvers been repQircd to provide autwwtic closure? (MR Sl-_4B83; Item /!9, /\udit 75-18) Rem<Jrks:

lfot yet This item is on the Plan-a-log .schedule (Item #3188) for accomplish­ment during the current refueling outage.

3.0 Has ncccssc1ry corrective action been taken or initiated to correct the dd i c i enc i es noted in E. B. Rhodes me;no· of June 13, 1975? ( I tern //3, Auclit 75;18) Remarks:


Hr. W. R. "Chuck" Conner has personally verified corrective action td(en or initiated ~e-quired corrective action through the pro9rarns detailed in item 2.3.

Page 36: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

' ' ·,LO Other Items:· .e .e ~- 1 Has a Periodic Test been developed to provide a scheduled review of

fircstops? (lte.m 2.d, ACL-21, Audit 75~18) Remarks: This test is under development by Mr. Jerry Olin in three phases:

A. Locate and identify all firestops B •. Restore integrity - EMP-C-FP-23 refers C. Develop a PT to check continuing intcgrjty

The PT should be developed within the next four weeks. 4.2 Are Uuc.lear Energy Liabi 1 ity - ~1 roperty Insurance Assn (NEL-PIA)

imp~irment cards being used at the Station? (S.B. Foulke> Jr., memo. of Sept. 29, 197 5) Remarks:



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\,...- 1·-.. • ' • -- • •

1.0 furp:lse



SU?.r;':' pc· .. :c:R STATIO:•l

p;:JC(DU~E ---(6I-

SEALltlG ELECTrtlCr'\L PE!!ET~f\TIOns OF -------~ Pf:::SSU?.~ 8C!:~:iu,;~IES i':/ID/0:{ Fl RE \./ALLS


l'U~ii ------


1.1 To provide a guide in sealing off electrical cable sleeves and core

dtilled holes for pressure boundary and/or fire ~top purposes.

2.0 References

· 2.1 SK-0310G9A,R and C (Attached)

· 2, 2 J1e;-;·,orandum clc1ted February l O, 1972. (/\ttachec;i)

J.O lnitic:l Conditions

3.1 Adhere to applicable radiation protection measures, and if necessary

· 3.2

obtain a· rc:idiation work permit.

Notify the Quality Assurance Department at start of job, giving the

nur:1ber ·and location of sleeve or hole and th is p1-occdurc nur.1ber.


11. l Prior to the encl of each \·1ork cby tcr:1porarly seal up th~ core dri 1 lc_d

holes 1 pipe sleeves thru fire Willls aod pressure bound~rlcs that were

4.1.l Fire ,,.,all sleeves a1·c sccJlcd·by filling the sleeve \·lith asbe;stos

cloth stips to a depth of at least 2 inches •.

11.1.2. PressLire bo:.rndc1t'ics arc scvlcd by filling the sleeves \·Jith J,_:x~.::::J1

f IS G re c.l , 0 r c q u i v ,, I c: 11 t , c.1 b o u t inch Lh i cl~.


Page 38: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA


.- fvj;:: iv10 RAND LJ i'vj

.e To. -Scation M3nngcr

FROM Fire Marshall's Office Surry I'ower StaUon

WEEi(LY :FIRE-PI:.EVr:tnro:; I:•:.3?i:.CTIO:~

PLM;T DATE --------------- ----'-----------~-Instructions to Inspector: 1. Fill out fora uhile conducting inspection. 2. Notify I?ire lbrshall i1:~-:1ediatcly of any safety related discrepancies. 3. Fill out Maintenance Report to correct acy discrepancies and turn in

to Fire Marshall for review and diHposition with Station Hanagcr.

General Order and Neatness: Good Areas of Fire Hazards ---- -----

Fla;:imable Liquids: Safety cans used? Yes __ _ No --- Areas needing


Electrical Equipment: Defects rioted --------------------

Smoking Regulations: Locations where violat.ioas noted ------------

CutUnr, & Helding: Listed precautions J.:al~en? . Yes --- Violations not~<l

Fire Doors: Condition -------------

Page 39: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

-- --· .. - .

\.:~!(~~;!)')'ir:.-Prev~nti.u~ Ins.t ion (Con It.~ e BlQcked Open? Yes~~~~· NO Obstruction? _______ ~---~---

E:-;tinguishcrs: Hissing? lfo Attention needed (Give location) ------ ----

lnsiJc Hose Stations: In good coniition? Yes No ----- -~--- Noted dis--

crep2ncies ---.----------------------------------

Yar.d Hydrants l, Ou,.side Hose Stations: Condition GoQd? Yes _____ No ___ _

Rc.'.:a:rks: ----------------------,---

ADDJTIO:"~A.L FJ.:!f..\RKS: ---------------------------

INSPECTOR'S SIG:L'\Tlllrn: ----------.,...-----

DATE: ----------~---

Page 40: k •·· · _ ___._ -y>~.~--. - • --,;,-•---•·-• -----~-,.._~:t..:.:-·t"' ' ... ~ - k . \\i~. · fV:1ff"a,f\\ ~· ~;;'>F1.JJ~~ Lfl •·· VIRGINIA

< • I\/JEi'v'lORANDUM

e 0 A·11 Dcpartr.1ent llcads

:e ·. Surry Power Station

'rWhl Stc3t ion l-lan.:igcr SQptcmbcr 18, 1975

Tho?.· fo1lo:·Jing personnel wi11 attend a Fire Fighting Course during the week of Septe~ber 22 - September 26, 1975, The course will be held ~t the Training Center.

A schedule of the Fire Fighting Course 'is ilttache~.

ET cc tr i c i ans

P. Kubler H. Griffin J. Nesbitt


G. Edward R. !(err P. Horne

Hf·.alth Physics-

P. Huntley C. Fo 1 z


A. Penco1a

· L l\n:-.~ntrout W. Kiblc:r

W. Robinson

W. Co,rncrs·

. .

Instrument Technicians

None .

. .

fl. Miller W. /1,d kins S. Lane J. Fisher

77· 73cttl6'17-E. M. S\'ieeney, Jr.

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e. General Fircmanship Course

·. . Sl.limY tll!CLE1\R PO~!ER· STAT I O!J FI P.E BP; I GADE

. . = .

(c.o~T) ~- ..

FcrtJ ho:.Jrs··of·.~;')prov~d firc:-r1?.nship trc:iining presented in cooperation with. Fire Scrvice-Trc1i1iin9, Stale Department of Education~

Classes: s·: 00 ,/\I{ - 5: 00 ·P:t Place: Trciining Center . ~ :·· .

. . . . .

7:30 1'l'1 - 8:00 Id-\ 8:00 /d1 - 10:00 f\M. · - · l O: 00 1".J·\ - 1200 noon 12.:00 neon - 1:00 Pli 1:00 PH 2:00 Pl'i 2:00 PM.- 5:00 PH

Rcgistratioi1 Organization and Operations Ch~mistry 0f Fire; Fire HazcJrcls and Causes

- Lunch .. Sprinkler Systems Portable Fire Extingu;shers

. . Tucc;d.1y 1 Septe:nber 23 .:.·tnstructors - Lt. I. D. Ge~rg_e, \.J.. II. 1_loycl, Va.

8:00 N-~ - 12:00 Hoon 12:00 noon - l :00 PM 1 :O~ Pl\ - 5:00 PM

8:00 /I!·\ - 10:00 /\f·\ 10:00 NI .:.. ·12:00 noon 12:00 noon - 1:00 PH l :OD PM - 5,:00 PH ·

Protective Clothing; BrecJthin:! /,pparatus · Lunch Fire Hose PrcJcticcs

Instructors - Sai:1(! as for Tuesday

Small Tools; Forcible Entry Ror,cs. Lunch Rescue

Thur.sd;1)', ·sr·ptcr.r.!).er 2~ - I r'c t rltctor l t n l ' S ·' 1· \' n J \I , - .., , ., - . • "on :-i G· ''1 r t: 1 , · il • .> cc:1 :: 1 , a •

8:00 /;1\ ~ 10:00 HI 10: 00 N! - 12: 00 noon 1 2 : 0 0 11 oo n - 1 : 0 0 PI\ l :00 !'/-\ - 5:00 PM

8: (J(I fd\ .- 9: 00 1'.11 . '9:0() /,j\ - 12:00 J"iOC>n

12:00 noon - 1 :no PM l , on 1'1·1 - c; · nn P/1

Salvage Qnd Overh0ul Fire Streara Pr~cticcs Lunch LP Gas llazardi;; rl.ir.1::1able Liquids

rorc:.t rircs Fire Stren~ Practices l.unch ~1r1r:-1"11r;,1 f"irr,c:

n,,:.,r;, \!-. • _.r:;.._~--· ,_u_

[;,·,!CI,, \',r.


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1rd it

~dit Subject:

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Fire Protection and Prevention Practices

Date: 5 Au~. 1975 Audit. Number :75-18

~erenced Documents: NRC lnsp. Report Nos. 50-280/75-7 Vcpco repiy to IE Bulletin 75-04 E. B. Rhodes Memo of 13 June 1975 Surry Station Emergency Plan

and 50-281/75-6

to E. M. Sweeney

leek List Required~ X YES, rwj

tmmary of Audit Procedures:

The audit \·Jas conducted per ACL-21 (attached). Discussions were held with the Supervisor - Electrical Maintenance (Acting), and visual inspections were performed. Audit members \vere Messrs; D. R. Arter, S. B. Eisenhart and E. B. Rhodes. An exit critique was held with· Mr. W. L. _Ste\·Jart, Operating Supervisor.

V-- --=-==============================-:.;,

:me l us ions:

1. Fire prevention practices at the Surry Power Station are marginally satisfactory; actions are being taken in so~e specific areas to irn?rove this situ3tion.

2~ The fire protection system and the pre-planning for fighting a fire is gener~lly unsatisfactory. This must be given priority attention.

:ecomrncnda ti ons:

See attached ·sheet


~dividual (s) Rcsponsilllc For ·co~re~tive Action(s) and Date For Completion:

E. M. Sweeney, Jr. - Replies are requested by 22 Aug. 1975

~TRIHUTlOH: Station VianeJgcr . Supervisor-Quality Assui"ancc, Operations and Mainten;:incev' Senior Hcmb~r- Stotion Qu;:ility Assuran~e St~ff Station Quillity :'\~;slir,1ncc File Supervisor of the art~il .Juditc:d Sccretnry- Station Nuclcilr S;:ifcty .:•nd Orer.:itin9 Co11irnittcc Sur,ervi'.",or- !luclcar Operations {Systc:ril l\uJits Only)

I ~£ ·1 . ·,/ -~-

. ~: ,,,.. , .·· ~ ..... ~~. _/,(:e,:~ .... -;~ l~- ...... "\..,.- 1,.---~--S i g nature of Audit Lc~d~r

. f_::7~ 7.\ -- . -· Date

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\>1V/CL1-~- nv vu,,,..,,'"''-OPERAT JON$ AND MAINTENANCE

PAGE ·_1_ 0


)CATIOU: S ur~y Power Station AUDIT 0/\TE: 5 Au~ 1975

UDIT SUBJECT: Fire Prevention, Work Practices, Haterial and Procedures

'f FERENCE DOCUMEtH (S): l\TRC Insp. Report Nos. 50-280/75-7 and 50-281/7 5-6

Vepco reply to IE Bulletin 75-04 E. B. Rhodes Hemo of 13 June 75 to E. M. Sweeney

UDITOR(S): D.R. Arter E. B. Rhodes . . /11 ~fJ..--/"J . //(/'\ APPROVED. /'-::../_.._·-~--<-<--·~~ , S. B. Eisenhart _ . (Sypcrvisor-QA, O'-& M

1.0 SCOPE: , This document sets forth the mini~um requirements-for a quality

audit on Fire Prevention 2nd Procedures



Have the types of fire stops used at Surry been tested t~ ins~re that they will effectively stop a fire? NO Remarks: -

The testing of the fire stops will be performed by constructing a prototype of the firestops uscd·at Surry and subjecting it. to heat vs time tests. The tests arc to be performed at North Anna ih the near future.

• I

llave original material and inspection records of fire stops been obtained to verify original construction? Yes Remarks: · ·

The records were initially unavailable when the NRC Inspector was at Surry, but have been located since that time. .

If these records are not available, have tests been conducted on saoples of inst~lled materials to qualify the materials to specified tests? Remarks:

Even though the records·arc now available, the tests specified in 2.0 (a) are still going to be perform~d.

c. Have station cable pulling procedures been updated to include fire stop and repair and inspection? Yes Remarks:

The general cable pulling procedure in use at the site has been updated and approved to include fire stop repair and inspection. This procedure is presently being used for the c~ble pulling associated with the inst.:il lation of the Security Co;nputcr.


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.... Has an inspection Remarks:

of lrestops been completed? Yes 4I. All fircstops were inspected by station personnel. Presently,

repairs are under way io extend the length of the fire-proofing from the penetration. This about 60% completed. This inspection was not documented. (See recomr.iendations)

Has a repair program been established to upgrade firestops to specified standards? .Yes •. Remarks:

A periodic Test is being develo~ed to provide a scheduled review of firestops. Repairs required as a result of these inspections will be in accordance with section 16 of the Nuclear Power Station QA l'.anual.


a. I.s there adequate control of all co::ibustihle material· such as wood, paper, solvents, and cherr>.icals, in accordance with rules and reg_ula tions in the Vepco Accident Prevention Hanual? Yes Remarks:

A visual inspection of general area control of combustible material revealed only minor infractions .. These were brought to the attention of the Operating Supervisor. No further action is considered necessary.

b. Is cm:-.. '!ltmication equ:i.p2ent avaiJ~l,J.e and ·in working order. in spac.es cr:i.ticc:l to the proper functioning of safety-related systerns a_nd cor:1ponents? Yes Remarks:

A ~isual inspection ·was made of the physic~l l6cation of communicution systems in the various switchgear rooms, cable vaults and ·contain~ent penetration areas. The present equipment and location appears to be adequate.

c. Are procedures available at the auxiliary p·anel qutside the control room for orderly shutdown to the hot shutdowi1 condition? Yes· Remarks:

The procedures at both auxiliary sh8tdown panels appear to be out of date. They reference EP 11 for fir~ fighting which is no longer in existance. The fire fighting procedu~e is.how AP-17 which was promulgated 12-19-73. The procedure holders are falling apart.

4,0 E. B. RHODES HEMO OF JUNE 13, 1975

a. Has necC'ssary corrective action been taken or initiated to correct the deficiencies noted in this memo? No Remarks:

No form.:il action has been initiated to correct those deficiencies noted. A copy of the subject memo is atU1ched and bcco:ne·s a part of this Audit Repoi-t.

5. 0 Arc portable fire e>xtinguishcrs. ava:i.labl c in arc.1s th~ t arc suscP.ptable to fire (L c. lt1hc oil storage tanks, paint and solvent stor.:igc nrc.-is, or \,'l)Ou,

pn1wr ctnd r.1i:; ~;Lo1·;igc :ire.:1~:.) Yes Rem~rks: _ Onlv nn,~_nort_.")b]e fi1·P. ext inouish~r ~-1.-is locat.cd_at the cntra11cc to Unit


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.... e·· 5.0 Cont'd

2 containment; there should be at least three. ·behind a portable fire extinguisher bright red a good practice. See memo of 13 June 1975 (E. for further discrepancies. ·

a. Painting the wall area

to identify it is considered B. Rhodes to E. M. Sweeney, Jr.)

6.0. Is the Surry Emergency Procedure for Fire Fighting adequate? No Remarks: ·

The emergency procedure on firefighting has been changed to AP-17;. however, the actions of the fire team are not specified, nor is this team identified. The station emergency plan references emergency 0perating procedures for firefighting details.

7.0 Is there an adequate training program for instructing sta. persorinel· 1n fire prevention, reporting, and emergency actioris?. No Remarks:

Station p~rsonnel are not trained in the operation of firefighting equipment, nor are firefighting teams specified by name and/or position. The philosophy of using firefighting equipment only for emergency situations has obviously· not been stressed to station personnel.

Additional observations noted during the audit:

a. Cable bundles in the back of the main control room. panels and at the . containment penetrations are wrapped in Scotch 27 (fiberglass) electrical tape. This tape is extremely fL:immable and burns vigorously when ignited.

b. Although the rece1v1ng door to the lube oil storage area (afire protected area) shuts automaiically in case of fire, the louv~rs ·of that area have no such feature and


remain open. In addition, the personnel door .to the lube oil storage area was· blocked open by several electrical cables.

c. The automatic closure feature of the v~ntilation fan exhausts on the roof of the turbine building has been deacti~ated for seve~al:fans.

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E. H. Sweeney, Jr.

E. B. Rhodes



e.· June 13, 1975

Surry Power Station

The following discrepancies were noted on a routine walkdown. Many of these items were noted in my previous memo and are still outstanding.

1. Station #22 has no fire hose and was signed off on 6-4-74 as being O.K •. The hose has been missing for 3 months.

2. Fire house #9 was signed off on 6-4-74 ~s being ok. The door


is ripped off, one of the 2-!-11 hoses has the coupling. cut off and there isn't any nozzle for the 2,!-11 hose~ The fire ax looks as if someone has been cutting sod with it.

The fir~ house in the alley by the machine shop of rubbish: the hoses are laying all coiled in ground. There isn't any other equipment there spanner wrenches or nozzl~s).

. . .

is just a pile a pi 1 e on the ( i • e. ax,

4. The main fire station has a dual six hose connection manifold which is not usab1e because one of the valves hcis been laying ' on the ground for m<::inths. This is a com-non 1 i ne with the other hydrant making both inoperative.

5. Fire hoses are being ~sed ·for 2ny job th~t- needs water (i.~: screens bei_ng \·Jashed dm·m, clean_ing the condenser, etc.)

6. Two fire valves are damaged; one being broken off at the ground level \·thich has been that way for months. I pointed this out in my last letter.

7. Two fire extinguishers \·,ere empty in the Turbine Building and the ·inspection of the extinguisher at locationJ'l is past due ...

. 8. One extinguisher was in the containment for weeks which need

to be recharged. I brought this to the attention of the proper people three times; to my knowledge it was~'t remo~ed unt•l the workman cleared the contuinmcnt., ...

9. Cups on the various fire hydrants are missing or laying on. the ground.

-Edited Copy-


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-- .... ~ . ...

.. 0

Hydrogen tanks are .ng fi 1 led from a tanktruck an~o foam or '

10. _ CO2 is available. If a fire started the only way you could fight

it is with a stream of water; there isn't even a fog nozzle avail-. able. There should be at least a fire extinguisher at the bottle storage area.

11. The Training Building and both trailers outside the gate do not have any fire extinguishers or not enough in the right places. The area where the prints are made has two copyir:g machines and no fire extinguishers in the room or even· on that floor. If we have a fire in that area we would loose ai 1 our microfi tm cards.

12. Two fire extinguishers in the Environmental Building have not been checked since March.

13. There is no designated area for a fire extinguisher in either Safeguard Building. We have extinguishers in there but if you want one you. have to go looking for it.

14. We should have a fog nozzle at all fire stations where oil or chemical fires might breakout. A straight nozzle vlill only spread the fire. This will make it worse than if we didn't have any fire hose at all.

E. · B. Rhodes

cc: T. L. Baucom R. E. Nicholls J. ·Leonard

-- QA Fi 1 e J. M. Ma.rtin, Jr •.

-Edited Copy-. .

···-·-··-······-···· -~----1

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.. C



• 1. Document the inspection of firestops undertaken to satisfy NRC

commitments. It is requested that the Supervisor, Quality Assurance (O&M) be provided a copy of this documentation.

2. Update AP-20 at the auxiliary shutdown panels and fepair the procedure holders.

3. Initiate formal action to correct deficiencies noted in E. B. Rhodes memo of June 13, 1975.

4. Develop a system for assuring continuing reliability of fire-fighting equipment and the prompt resolution of discrepancies.

5. Revise the existing practice~ to reflect those described in the Surry Station Emergency Plan Section 1.11-E and IV-D.

6. D~velop formal training for fire-fighting personnel. Advise all station personne) on the philosophy for the use of fire-fighting equipment.

7, Modify existing cable bundles wrapped in Scotch 27 (fiberglass) electrical tape to limit flam.11ability.

· 8. Modify existing louvers in fire bound~ries (i.e. lube oil storage area) to provide automatic c16sure in· case of fire •

. 9. Activate the automatic closure feature on a 11 ventilation exhcJusts on the roof of the turbine building.