MT.- VERNON. K«»rK< Af'l i > ; <-C)tj'NTS. KY . FRIDAY. MARCH 10 1916 1RNON, KY. I o.rdl.jj. to his will, among his be possible that tbr Legislature t t children Besides his widow be .will re district the state again and -Is iurvived hv a number of child- if they do perhaps they will move rent-all of whom were with him at us back home — D. B. Rambo was- tha time of bis death.—Dr. W.F. at May wood Saturday visiting Carter, and little SOD, Master relatives. Chprles Hicks, were in Shejbv | Rd>rar Herd is working a few • vi le last wee*.—B..rn (o tbo wife days 'n l-aris this week.—W. A. of Ot'i»-Hr th » Thnr-dnyof '«H£ a'ar'»n ha •• ved ' U amp ra-« wi- k' 1*11 y l»» | X, l'a e -i .• to .< E """ i s h >• h.-b-j elected j^'d recmr f the Ciliz-n-, tarjj,- j -b i.f ci-ncrrilng Hahk at a recent m eting of thejGeorgia vic.'clure and 'lies* eor directors to fill the va--anoy gla MoD.niels w. re in London BUY EARLY "THE effect of the great war on Men's Clothing will be felt this spring —still more next fell., We have had to buy with greater care and discrimination ihan ever, to protect our customer against poor-fabrics. That's why we appreciate having a line of medium- priced clothes for men and young men 4 that is absolutely de- pendable Qothcraft. Every piece of cloth that enters the factory is tested me- chanically to determine its strength and chemically to prove its ingredients. This is but the first of a long series ofsafe- guards that protect Qothcraft values. But don't wait too long, there'll be greater demand this spring for nationally known value like Clothcraft. Buy early Clothcraft Clothes $10 to $20 »s±z SUTTON M c B E .<) UP.tt caused by ihe death of T S frith —ji. M Uiatt and John Robins :w0fe in Louisville last week on j business Brooks Montgomery, of lElizabeihtown.cwas here last wqftk looking oveijtha timber of Frith Bros Joh£ Rabins sold a house ant! lot on 'the,corner of M^n and Church streets to Mi^s Clyde Watson This }* the prop erw Where Mr. and Mrs. J. F Wftaon have lived for- the past " rtl years.—Miss fiila Carson, has been in Detfoit, Mich., several months,rbtuifned home Sunday. Miss Kila speaks very highly of the northern city.—L.N. lhook sold 18 acrejrpf laud to rgan Helton last week for (200. rank Ward, of I unction City, ' with home folks Here . Son- da|.—Be < du)e *nd !OttU H.|l •fI Sunday fur Detroit, Mich. uSgiog from the nunibei- Of our ilks that have recently taken up tb&r abode in Detroit, that in a h^ft time a great number of their population will be Brodbead peo- ple.—The Rev. H. T Young and J O Moore, of Mt. Vernon, wen in town Monday.— Coulity Aitor ae* Gentry was in our city Tues day on business.— Born to the bote of Mr. and Mr*. Tiiden Frtth last Monday, a tine baby bo).—Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Pike, of |DanvjJle, are visiting his par b. Rev. and Mrs A. (, Pike, ihij week—Jesse i>imp-on,of Gar ra|d connty, w-s with Mr. anc Mrs Larkin .Hicks, during th- weSk ~ A. M Hiatt and Johi Robins W' re in Stafford, Tiiuta .... daf~»-^- - - J«r5» hea.rty eo • p-ranpn FISH SW£SPECIAL SUITS ANDOVERCOATS AND Y O U WILL WEAR THE BEST C L O T H E S IN AMERICA AT THE PRICE. SENDUSYOUP WE GUARANTEE CHECK OP A H B R S A T I S F A C T I O N OR MONEY ORDER AND VOURMONEr BACK WEWILLDELIVER ISHVLFISH <5 S O N ^ ^ SELLING GOOD Br PARCEL POST CLOTHES SINCE'87 • MT. VERNON, KENTUCKY. JSr©Glk@si(sl T J. Pain er was in- Memphis ' Teun., a few dojs ago on -John Evans f. 3PQ*PC&-*: s I JONAS McKEJMZIE I $ THE OLD RELIABLE ) A good line of General Merchandise Farm Implements from Chicago' a few days ay where he. I.ndcd a good iraveli g p -sition. vl r Evous *»s with Colgate & Co. of N w York, at the time he went to v. Iiicag», ut was lo- king lor a better place, -nd from what we are able to learn be got a better position and some boot.—Herbert Painter, son oi J. J. Painter, whe hag been in Mis sissippi for several years, return ed home last week.— Mrs. Bettie harp received a message from i>oalgate, Okla., a few days ago au uouncing the death of her son, lohn Thafp, who died Suddenly at his home there. Mr. ; Thaip had a good nosition, and weunder stand bad accumulated quite a lit tie fortune. His mother, and oie sister lives in Oklahoma.—Br. W. J. E(tola ton, of Crab Orchard was'lij town one day last week or business. — Mr. and Mrs.- Brack Durham, of Spark's On&rry, have ..)«en Spending- peveml day* with relatives here.—Dewey Sow derand Lerpy-Aliirigiit left last *J*fc;they bare podflonii -si). Jirqnnt,- of Danville, W^with hTs alster.rtre, E^^naeHioni berate* Week' ^NatfcW ^ m b ^ ' e o l d •small farm tQiJohn' Hum for 1500.00 — ' Clirentte Shtfer'aoH hia f.rm of fifty acres ib S. fcabwman for Who.,want to live ttbrpogh/wpe-bad- tie's b«st Cltiaens, died at ; . w —'W> UANUB..3 OK DRA^T. Draltn ie< I best when we are ho a >d perspiring, just wben they art most dangerous and the result is Neuralgia, Stiff Neck,'Sore M us cles or sometimes an attack ol Rheumatism. In such cases ap ply Sloan's Liniment It stimu iatrs circulation to the sore and paioiul part The blood Hons ireely and in a short time the stiff ne«s and pain leaves Tho-e sul leiini; from Nenralgieor Neuralgic eturned I Headache will find one or two ap lica 1 ions of Sloan's Lininient rateful re ief The ag-.niz in? p<iti gives way to a ingim ns itinn of comfort and warmth and vniet rest and sleep i-> pos^i Good for Neuritis t.io, Pric t your Druggist. Saturday Mr a d V'ra J K man nave moved lo Louisvu and Will Brady will s et Ml. Cole- man's place as fireman here, and will move bis family from Lebanon Junotion back to Uving ston.—F- E. Woodall, the r sales man, of London, was here Wed nesday shaking bands with our merchants.—J. P. E. Drotnmond Is spending a few days with rela tives in Kooxville.—Mrs. "Jamei Neal, was in Mt. Vernon Monday. —Rev. Baker, of London, filled his regular appointment at the Christian chuich Saturday and Sunday —Oar old friend W. .VI Hicks was in Mt. Vernon .feaiur day. We hive heard thatba par chased bis license on that 'date, hut this We tnn » li- £ . «' this be wue t .- u j imv the anuouncemxnt public before now, yet we believe if Mart ooald find one of Mother Bve'» daughters that he ;cou!d love, or rattier that conldj love htm, he would enter the matrimo- nial field. We will let the readers of tha StoHAL know If it be i true, for we have done ail in our : pow- er to help him find a better half . fCrioxville's First Trade Trip The Knoxville Board of Com merce is receiving enthusiastic letters daily from the different Boards ot Com merce of the tu »nd cities to be visited oil their First.Trade Trip, ass'unngitni THE UNIVERSAL CAR. C«Nt l-i 'iperate n —ability to stani sort of nae. tiirapl motor in a wonderfi car. easy for any on The Ford car-—yo' bont $390; Tonnhf Town Car $6 % rst cost an>i small iin»ajp Streni^th nndi'r the hardest ity—a plain sturdy strong and light frno and carsfor. necessity. Rna». Oar |440; Coopelet Sedan 27 Detroit, ror Sale I r BRYAN T 'Phone 64 : IT; 3XZ XXI WA SPLIT Aiito TED iCKORY LiviFl^Sl€)Fl Died, March 6th, Uncle Pete yant. 83 years old and a mem ber of the Christian churct. He leaves a wife, two sous and two daughters and a host of friends to mourn bis death. Be was.laid to rest in the Ward Cemefcry to await the resurrection. Peace to his ashes, glory w his immortal soul.—We see that your Brodhead correspondent Sailed- to have otierin the SIGNAL last; week and{we misaed that letter very much it is always full oi. good news. i ,Mr. Cor., please! cotne aoross withtbe news fronj your neck of the woods and we ^rilltr^ our best to d<> likewise. ..Mra.Nora Hughes has ireturn' edfrom Louisville after a (week's visit with relatives.—Miss' Kthyl Haves has been.-on the 4ick lUt for the p*«t week, bat W;njuch, TD iking tSis trip itie ileoidrifsiiic e s ' t h e Kuoivill. orgamUtiou 1 sired it to be. While this is U be the first trip ihut Knoxvilli lus ever made of tbis kind aeither pains nor expense are be mg spared to make it a success in jvery way. The purpise 3f th's trip is not iltogether for business purposes, •r for selling goods, Lul rather to iit-et the people of the variuu t >wns from whom they buy in t to whom th«y sell goods, and tioring them i t. a closer rela tionship with each »tber- 1 ii several of ihe larger towns t d cities where the "Special ' is c - stop for some length of time, prnpnration is being made to en l >rtain tli>' visitors in many nays; while in th<- smaller towns where t>ie length of stajr will not permit >f extensive entertainment. Other forms will be provided. The "Special" will consist oi e<glit-all steel Pullman cars, in eluding two dining cars and one combination baggage aud refresh luentcar.. The train will carry over 100 oi Knoxvillc's leading business and professional men and mauufactur ars on board, Beside* these,th-src •will be a large brass band to .help make merry when the visitors ar rive 'in the various towns and cities. Each member of the party-will wear .ajwhlre hat and <prry a striped' umbrella in addition to 'WOaring the regolar badge. j COtDS QUIC£t*5f RKLlfiVBD. M4i>y. people Cotwh and cough -tfom tfc beginning of Fall right through to spring. Others ,*' cold after cold. Take Dr.|Kin New ; Discovery and von Wil almort"imm«diaierelief. 1(d) your cold; EITHER I RED Ot WHITE TIMBER Delivered3AI6ng the L. 6L N. s IZ E s: J4 x 2a, 16 in, long,p $5.00 per 1000 pieces 21 x 3, IS in. Iongl $3.00 per 1000 pieces 3 x 3 ' , 16 in. long^ $6.00 pc 1000 pieces Timber must be claar of all defects. Our Mr. O. V. Jarrett|will make inspections wheiij notified. Yours ^ery ruly, STANDARD WHEEL CO. By John E. Fisher, Mgr. CE zx , All signs indicate and justify us to predict that 1916 will be the * greatest year of prosperity in the history of old Rockcastle county. Work plentiful, labor scarce. Ask us for " Booster Tickets." Get on board while the Going's p Good and get your share of the profits. Our line is Drugs. Call and see us. Y o n r s • R e 8 p e'e t f n 11 y, CHAS. C. DAVIS LEADING DHUGQIST No. 39. . TOILET lAftfcles luive delig hted d wiir iitisVy you. NO NN^LLY4S Chocolates TICKETS WtGUt yonr cold;: stops the tacking, jng, tisane-tearing coughj ,b« the inflammttion, soothes jhe i tubes. Easy to t»ke, Aritisei and Healing. Oei a 50p-&>ttli Ort; Kfeg'8:.New Discdv^rv Jge^ftcin tbe,bowe^ f i t is ^ * bottle 6f it contlnuallj i£ h* Writes W C 'Je«i«»man JPripc •: weak with Jonslli - U " Weabe been^ittdgTelatlVM; Caiketi kne_of Conch is unexcel Id „0an5-ttade njwtlut Money ba.-li >i moved into earse w«ak e Promptly-Filled Pioneer STORE cote-ap muob for ihe g«r den i w . iwt jwme bowj we rhOne 94 S S'-*- » weJl«.iisU*d here nw.e A. " zsmm ^ m . ::•••• sranaB ..... VOLUME XXIX ITUMBtta - i mto K - a ; Published Every Fridav Established 1887

K - a - Rockcastle County Public · PDF fileMONEY ORDER AND VOURMONEr BACK ... the r sales man, of London, ... LiviFl^Sl€)Fl whil,March 6th Uncl ePet yant. 83 years ol dan a mem

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MT.- VERNON. K«»rK< Af'l i > ; <-C)tj'NTS. KY . FRIDAY. MARCH 10 1916


I o.rdl.jj. to his will, among his be possible that tbr Legislature t t children Besides his widow be .will re district the state again and

-Is iurvived hv a number of child- if they do perhaps they will move rent-all of whom were with him at us back home — D. B. Rambo was-tha time of bis death.—Dr. W.F. at May wood Saturday visiting Carter, and little SOD, Master relatives. Chprles Hicks, were in Shejbv | Rd>rar Herd is working a few

• vi le last wee*.—B..rn (o tbo wife days 'n l-aris this week.—W. A. of Ot'i»-Hr th » Thnr-dnyof '«H£ a'ar'»n ha •• ved ' U amp ra-« wi- k' 1*11 y l»» | X, l'a e -i .• to .< E """ i s h >• h.-b-j elected j 'd recmr f the Ciliz-n-, tarjj,- j -b i.f ci-ncrrilng r« Hahk at a recent m eting of thejGeorgia vic.'clure and 'lies* eor directors to fill the va--anoy gla MoD.niels w. re in London

BUY EARLY "THE effect of the great war on

Men's Clothing will be felt this spring —still more next fell.,

We have had to buy with greater care and discrimination ihan ever, to protect our customer against poor-fabrics.

That's why we appreciate having a line of medium-priced clothes for men and young men4that is absolutely de-pendable — Qothcraft.

Every piece of cloth that enters the factory is tested me-chanically to determine its strength and chemically to prove its ingredients. This is but the first of a long series of safe-guards that protect Qothcraft values.

But don't wait too long, there'll be greater demand this spring for nationally known value like Clothcraft. Buy early

Clothcraft Clothes $10 to $20


S U T T O N M c B E .<)


caused by ihe death of T S f r i th —ji. M Uiatt and John Robins

:w0fe in Louisville last week on j business — Brooks Montgomery, of lElizabeihtown.cwas here last wqftk looking oveijtha timber of Frith Bros — Joh£ Rabins sold a house ant! lot on 'the,corner of M^n and Church streets to Mi s Clyde Watson This }* the prop erw Where Mr. and Mrs. J. F Wftaon have lived for- the past " r t l years.—Miss fiila Carson,

has been in Detfoit, Mich., several months,rbtuifned home

Sunday. Miss Kila speaks very highly of the northern city.—L.N.

lhook sold 18 acrejrpf laud to rgan Helton last week for (200. rank Ward, of I unction City, ' with home folks Here . Son-

da|.—Be < du)e *nd !OttU H.|l •fI Sunday fur Detroit, Mich. uSgiog from the nunibei- Of our ilks that have recently taken up

tb&r abode in Detroit, that in a h^f t time a great number of their

population will be Brodbead peo-ple.—The Rev. H. T Young and J O Moore, of Mt. Vernon, w e n in town Monday.— Coulity Aitor ae* Gentry was in our city Tues day on business.— Born to the bo te of Mr. and Mr*. Tiiden Frtth last Monday, a tine baby bo).—Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Pike, of |DanvjJle, are visiting his par

b. Rev. and Mrs A. (, Pike, ihij week—Jesse i>imp-on,of Gar ra |d connty, w-s with Mr. anc Mrs Larkin .Hicks, during th-weSk ~ A. M Hiatt and Johi Robins W' re in Stafford, Tiiuta . . . . daf~»-^- - - J«r5» hea.rty eo • p-ranpn





T J. Pain er was in- Memphis ' Teun., a few dojs ago on

-John Evans

f. 3PQ*PC&-* : s


A good line of General


Farm Implements

from Chicago' a few days ay where he. I.ndcd a good iraveli g p -sition. vl r Evous *»s with Colgate & Co. of N w York, at the time he went to v. Iiicag», ut was lo- king lor a better place, -nd from what we are able to learn be got a better position and some boot.—Herbert Painter, son oi J. J . Painter, whe hag been in Mis sissippi for several years, return ed home last week.— Mrs. Bettie

harp received a message from i>oalgate, Okla., a few days ago au uouncing the death of her son, lohn Thafp, who died Suddenly at his home there. Mr. ; Thaip had a good nosition, and weunder stand bad accumulated quite a lit tie fortune. His mother, and oie sister lives in Oklahoma.—Br. W. J. E(tola ton, of Crab Orchard was'lij town one day last week or business. — Mr. and Mrs.- Brack Durham, of Spark's On&rry, have ..)«en Spending- peveml day* with relatives here.—Dewey Sow derand Lerpy-Aliirigiit left last

*J*fc;they bare podflonii - s i ) . Jirqnnt,- of Danville, W^with hTs alster.rtre,

E^^naeHioni b e r a t e * Week' ^NatfcW ^ m b ^ ' e o l d •small farm tQiJohn' Hum for 1500.00 — ' Clirentte Shtfer'aoH hia f.rm of fifty acres ib S. fcabwman for

Who.,want to live ttbrpogh/wpe-bad-

tie's b«st Cltiaens, died at ; .w —'W>

UANUB..3 OK DRA^T. Draltn ie< I best when we are ho

a >d perspiring, just wben they art most dangerous and the result is Neuralgia, Stiff Neck,'Sore M us cles or sometimes an attack ol Rheumatism. In such cases ap ply Sloan's Liniment It stimu iatrs circulation to the sore and paioiul part The blood Hons ireely and in a short time the stiff ne«s and pain leaves Tho-e sul leiini; from Nenralgieor Neuralgic

eturned I Headache will find one or two ap lica1 ions of Sloan's Lininient

rateful re ief The ag-.niz in? p<iti gives way to a ingim

ns itinn of comfort and warmth and vniet rest and sleep i-> pos^i

Good for Neuritis t.io, Pric t your Druggist.

Saturday Mr a d V'ra J K man nave moved lo Louisvu •

and Will Brady will s e t Ml. Cole-man's place as fireman here, and will move bis family from Lebanon Junotion back to Uving ston.—F- E. Woodall, the r sales man, of London, was here Wed nesday shaking bands with our merchants.—J. P. E. Drotnmond Is spending a few days with rela tives in Kooxville.—Mrs. "Jamei Neal, was in Mt. Vernon Monday. —Rev. Baker, of London, filled his regular appointment at the Christian chuich Saturday and Sunday —Oar old friend W. .VI Hicks was in Mt. Vernon .feaiur day. We hive heard thatba par chased bis license on that 'date, hut this We tnn » li- £ . «' this be wue • t .- u j imv

the anuouncemxnt public before now, yet we believe if Mart ooald find one of Mother Bve'» daughters that he ;cou!d love, or rattier that conldj love htm, he would enter the matrimo-nial field. We will let the readers of tha StoHAL know If it be i true, for we have done ail in our : pow-er to help him find a better half .

fCrioxville's First Trade Trip

The Knoxville Board of Com merce is receiving enthusiastic letters daily from the different Boards ot Com merce of the tu »nd cities to be visited oil their First.Trade Trip, ass'unngitni


C«Nt l-i 'iperate n —ability to stani

sort of nae. tiirapl motor in a wonderfi car. easy for any on The Ford car-—yo' bont $390; Tonnhf

Town Car $6 %

rst cost an>i small iin»ajp Streni^th nndi'r the hardest

ity—a plain sturdy strong and light frno and carsfor.

necessity. Rna». Oar |440; Coopelet

Sedan 27 Detroit, r o r Sale I r

BRYAN T 'Phone 64 : IT;




LiviFl^Sl€)Fl Died, March 6th, Uncle Pete yant. 83 years old and a mem

ber of the Christian churct. He leaves a wife, two sous and two daughters and a host of friends to mourn bis death. Be was.laid to rest in the Ward Cemefcry to await the resurrection. Peace to his ashes, glory w his immortal soul.—We see that your Brodhead correspondent Sailed- to have otierin the SIGNAL last; week

and{we misaed that letter very much it is always full oi. good news.i ,Mr. Cor., please! cotne aoross withtbe news fronj your neck of the woods and we ^rilltr^ our best to d<> likewise. ..Mra.Nora Hughes has ireturn'

edfrom Louisville after a (week's visit with relatives.—Miss' Kthyl Haves has been.-on the 4ick lUt for the p*«t week, bat W ;njuch,

TD iking tSis trip itie ileoidrifsiiic e s ' t h e Kuoivill. orgamUtiou

1 sired it to be. While this is U be the first trip ihut Knoxvilli lus ever made of tbis kind aeither pains nor expense are be mg spared to make it a success in jvery way.

The purpise 3f th's trip is not iltogether for business purposes, •r for selling goods, Lul rather to iit-et the people of the variuu

t >wns from whom they buy in t to whom th«y sell goods, and tioring them i t . a closer rela tionship with each »tber-

1 ii several of ihe larger towns t d cities where the "Special ' is c - stop for some length of time, prnpnration is being made to en l >rtain tli>' visitors in many nays; while in th<- smaller towns where t>ie length of stajr will not permit >f extensive entertainment. Other forms will be provided.

The "Special" will consist oi e<glit-all steel Pullman cars, in eluding two dining cars and one combination baggage aud refresh luentcar..

The train will carry over 100 oi Knoxvillc's leading business and professional men and mauufactur ars on board, Beside* these,th-src •will be a large brass band to .help make merry when the visitors ar rive 'in the various towns and cities.

Each member of the party-will wear .ajwhlre hat and <prry a striped' umbrella in addition to 'WOaring the regolar badge. j

COtDS QUIC£t*5f RKLlfiVBD. M4i>y. people Cotwh and cough

- t fom tfc beginning of Fall right through to spring. Others ,* ' cold after cold. Take Dr.|Kin New; Discovery and von Wil almort"imm«diaierelief. 1(d) your cold;

EITHER I RED Ot WHITE TIMBER Delivered3AI6ng the L. 6L N.

s IZ E s: J4 x 2a, 16 in, long,p $5.00 per 1000 pieces 21 x 3, IS in. Iongl $3.00 per 1000 pieces 3 x 3 ' , 16 in. long^ $6.00 pc 1000 pieces Timber must be claar of all defects. Our

Mr. O. V. Jarrett|will make inspections wheiij notified.

Yours ^ery ruly, S T A N D A R D W H E E L CO.

By John E. Fisher, Mgr.

CE zx

, All signs indicate and justify us to predict that 1916 will be the

* greatest year of prosperity in the history of old Rockcastle county. Work plentiful, labor scarce. Ask us for " Booster Tickets." Get on board while the Going's

p Good and get your share of the profits. Our line is D r u g s .

Call and see us. Y o n r s • R e 8 p e 'e t f n 11 y,


N o . 39. .

TOILET lAftfcles

luive delig hted d wiir iitisVy you.

NO NN^LLY4S Chocolates


yonr cold;: stops the tacking, r« jng, tisane-tearing coughj ,b« the inflammttion, soothes jhe i tubes. Easy to t»ke, Aritisei and Healing. Oei a 50p-&>ttli Ort; Kfeg'8:.New Discdv^rv Jge^ftcin tbe,bowe^ f i t is ^

* bottle 6f it contlnuallj i £ h* Writes W C 'Je«i«»man JPripc •:

weak with Jonslli -U" Weabe been^ittdgTelatlVM;

Caiketi kne_of Conch is unexcel Id

„0an5- t tade njwt lut Money ba.-li >i moved into earse w«ak

e Promptly-Filled Pioneer STORE cote-ap muob for ihe g«r

den i w . iwt jwme bowj we rhOne 94SS'-*- » weJl«.iisU*d here nw.e

A. "

zsmm ^ m . ::•••• sranaB .....


K - a ; Published Every

Fridav Established