A Publication of Saint Andrews United Methodist Church June 2013 Heart to Heart Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ; There are so many voices telling us what to do, where to go, and how to live. What is the way to live? What are we to be doing to find happiness in life? Is it true that things will make you happy? Jesus has the answer. The Holy Spirit is the Source to Life, with a capital “L”. It was the last conversation, the final message in the Upper Room to His disciples before His death upon the Cross. It must be important because don’t we say the most important “stuff” as we are leaving the family reunion, or the holiday cook out? The way to life and to happiness and to fulfilling relationships is “glorify Jesus.” That is the ultimate job of the Holy Spirit. “And He, when he comes, will glorify Me, said Jesus.” John 16:14 But what glorifies Jesus? When you express Jesus, reveal Jesus, exemplify Jesus, and demonstrate Jesus, you are glorifying Jesus. When your words are His words, your actions are His actions and your attitudes are His attitudes, you are glorifying Jesus. This can happen only when you live by the fruit of the Spirit, operate in the gifts of the Spirit and build the kingdom of the Spirit of Christ. Remember your last “encounter” at work, or in the neighborhood, or at your club’s monthly meeting or with a family member? Were your actions, words, and attitudes the fruit of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control”? If they were, you were glorifying Jesus. When you were feeding the hungry, or repairing a house for the impoverished, or sewing clothes for children across the oceans, did you do it in faith, in mercy, in liberality, in cheerfulness, and in wisdom, if you were then you were glorifying Jesus. My friends in Christ, if we live by the Spirit, then let us practically, daily walk by the Spirit. Thus we will find life for our self and be a source of life to others. Pastor Wayne (This article is taken from a portion of the sermon on May 26, 2013) “For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Son, So That Everyone Who Believes In Him May Not Perish But May Have Eternal Life.” JOHN 3:16

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Page 1: June Newsletter 2013assets.sugarmapleinteractive.com/documents/497/June_Newsletter_… · oceans, did you do it in faith, in mercy, in liberality, in cheerfulness, and in wisdom,

A Publication of Saint Andrews

United Methodist Church June 2013

Heart to Heart Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ;

There are so many voices telling us what to do, where to go, and how to live. What is the way to live? What are we to be doing to find happiness in life? Is it true that things will make you happy? Jesus has the answer. The Holy Spirit is the Source to Life, with a capital “L”. It was the last conversation, the final message in the Upper Room to His disciples before His death upon the Cross. It must be important because don’t we say the most important “stuff” as we are leaving the family reunion, or the holiday cook out? The way to life and to happiness and to fulfilling relationships is “glorify Jesus.” That is the ultimate job of the Holy Spirit. “And He, when he comes, will glorify Me, said Jesus.” John 16:14 But what glorifies Jesus? When you express Jesus, reveal Jesus, exemplify Jesus, and demonstrate Jesus, you are glorifying Jesus. When your words are His words, your actions are His actions and your attitudes are His attitudes, you are glorifying Jesus. This can happen only when you live by the fruit of the Spirit, operate in the gifts of the Spirit and build the kingdom of the Spirit of Christ.

Remember your last “encounter” at work, or in the neighborhood, or at your club’s monthly meeting or with a family member? Were your actions, words, and attitudes the fruit of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control”? If they were, you were glorifying Jesus. When you were feeding the hungry, or repairing a house for the impoverished, or sewing clothes for children across the oceans, did you do it in faith, in mercy, in liberality, in cheerfulness, and in wisdom, if you were then you were glorifying Jesus. My friends in Christ, if we live by the Spirit, then let us practically, daily walk by the Spirit. Thus we will find life for our self and be a source of life to others. Pastor Wayne (This article is taken from a portion of the sermon on May 26, 2013)

“For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Son, So That Everyone

Who Believes In Him May Not Perish But May Have Eternal Life.”

JOHN 3:16

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The Following Memorial Gifts Have Been

Received In Memory Of:

Norma Collins by: Walter & Debra Upchurch

Gene & Gloria English

Kenneth Davis by: Gene & Gloria Englsih

Dee Yates by:

Mary Ann Yates

We offer heartfelt Christian sympathy to Mose & Karin Stocks on the death of their friend, Layton


We offer heartfelt Christian sympathy to Kenny & Lorrinda Janik on the death of Kenny’s

stepfather, Charlie Bock.

We celebrate with Justin & Tabitha Jordan on

the birth of their son, Jason Wyatt born on March 4th. Cole is the proud big brother.

We celebrate with Bryan & Courtney Hickman on

the birth of their son, Ethan Daniel Hickman born on April 24th. Merlin & Sally Young are the

proud grandparents.

We will begin Square Dancing Lessons on Friday, June 7th and it will run each Friday until August 23rd. There are two Fridays that we will

not meet, Friday July 5th and Friday August 16th. The cost is $40.00 per couple per month. The time will be from 7:00-9:00 p.m. If there is

interest in making Friday night square dancing a regular continuing event here at Saint Andrews,

how would this impact any of your future ministry events? Please send the specifics to the church office. Thank you for your input.


During the upcoming vacation season, please remember to keep your pledge current. Summer is a very active time for our missions and ministries with VBS, ASP, Lake Junaluska, and El Salvador which result in increased expenses. A very special thank you for supporting God’s work at St. Andrews UMC!


June 2 Jeff & Cathy Olson June 9 Mose & Karin Stocks June 16 Doug & Tiffany Harwood June 23 Carey & Courtney Denning June 30 Dave & Nancy Woodward


The JOY Club will cookout at 12 noon on Tuesday, June 18, at the Lake Benson White Deer Park. Look

for the Homestead shelter on the right after you enter. Hamburgers/hot dogs will be furnished, bring a

side/desert. Also, bring your favorite game to play, and let's have fun!

Jack Matthews

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VOLUNTEERS WHO SERVE Acolyte June 2 TBD June 9 Caroline Stocks June 16 Ashlee Canavin June 23 Hannah Canavin June 30 Christi Golian Greeters June 2 Vince & Kathy Revels June 9 Mary Ann Yates, Pat Smith June 16 Dock & Sara Rogers June 23 Richard & Nancy Jo Stone June 30 Ken & Rita Sumner Ushers Vince Revels, Brady Moore, Don Stranad, Paul Holbrook, Dock Rogers Nursery Workers June 2 8:30 a.m. Trisha Brothers, Jackie Sheffield Infants Dawn Woody Toddlers TBD 2-3 yr olds Nancy Goff, TBD June 9 8:30 a.m. Trisha Brothers, Jackie Sheffield Infants Betsy Youngblood Toddlers TBD 2-3 yr olds TBD June 16 8:30 a.m. Trisha Brothers, TBD Infants Rhonda Hall Toddlers TBD 2-3 yr olds TBD June 23 8:30 a.m. Rebecca Lovegreen, TBD Infants TBD Toddlers TBD 2-3 yr olds TBD June 30 8:30 a.m. Rebecca Lovegreen, TBD Infants Dawn Woody Toddlers TBD 2-3 yr olds Jim & Teresa Hunt


01 Zachary Lemley, Martha Robertson 02 Craig Revels, Luke Tingler 03 Doris Green, Colton Lehew 04 Jared Mauk, Caroline Shaffer 05 Dan Cochrane, Monica Mauk,

Rick Stone 06 Patti Hendrickson 07 Joshua Reinhard, Rhonda Arnold,

Marilyn Aldridge, Paul Leeland 08 Art Aneretsky, Joseph Schoonover 09 Bobby Duncan 10 Ernie Parker, Michael Hood 11 Jeff Cope 12 Anslee Ross 14 Stan Buol, Cindy Wieland 15 Alexis Hood 16 Chloe Schutte 17 Christian Reed 18 Justine Gile, Meredith McGee 19 Renate Shang 20 Sarah Cope 21 Ed Sheffield, Marva Whittington 22 Shay Creech 23 Lisa Anthony, Claire Lehew 24 Ricky Gormon, Ben McGilvray 27 Joan Buol 28 Grady Harwood 29 Janie Robertson 30 Rick Lemley, Candace Lehew, Brenda Pearce, Addisyn Herring


01 Richard & Frances Wagner 03 Ken & Patti Hendrickson 03 Wayne & April Hicks 05 Don & Marilyn Aldridge

06 Coy & Clennis Stephenson 08 Mose & Karin Stocks 10 Phil & Lisa Anthony 13 Doug & Tiffany Harwood 13 Eric & Ashley Hale 14 Harrison & Megan Foster 14 Claude & Elaine Jenkins 19 Jack & Serena Matthews 19 Chris & Tracey Green 21 Mel & Merle Crocker 21 Allen & Tammy West 22 Carey & Courtney Denning 24 Vernon & June Branton 24 Matt & Krisan Matthews 26 Walt & Debra Upchurch 26 Ernie & Emily Ratcliff 28 Will & Cara Herring 28 Delane & Megan Hayes 29 Bobby & Carol Duncan 29 Toby & Becky McNeill

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There is a quote that I think of several times as I watch SAUMC's Mission Team (the whole congregation) in action: "Missions is not the 'ministry of choice' for a few hyperactive Christians in the church. Missions is the purpose of the church." Whether it is parents working with or "herding" the kids during Guppies and Tweens, the youth picking up trash, people bringing food to share for any occasion, teams reaching out to the community, walkers at the Garner Relay and so many other activities of outreach. For the past few years that I have been Missions Chair my definition of what a mission is has changed: it is not giving everything away and going to foreign countries to live in abject poverty and discomfort in order to show your passion for Christ, it is reaching out to be the light that helps guide someone to Christ. Missions are an integral part of the Great Commission. There are people in need of many things: repairs to their homes, food for themselves and their families, clothes, funds, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to hear their words, or needs that are leaving a hole in their being. Each of us has the capability to reach out, each of us has a gift to share, each of us has a responsibility to our fellow men and women to be there, to hear their (sometimes) silent cry for help. The reaction to those cries start as early as our Guppies who help raise funds to feed people they will never meet, to raise funds to cure cancer, to play with another child who needs a friend. Then we see our Youth, working with the homeless, raising funds for the community, going to areas in need of strong hands and willing spirits, helping their Church when called. And the cries are heard by the congregation as a whole, families who do without to help others, men and women who silently work to make life for others better, safer, healthier and share their love of Christ as they live a life of missions. "The history of missions is the history of answered prayer." — Samuel Zwemer Thank you for being a very important part of SAUMC's Mission Team.


“What happens to those who have never heard of Jesus?” There are three main opinions about this: Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Pluralism. Exclusivism holds that only faith in the Jesus Christ of the Bible leads to salvation or heaven; the teachings of other sects or religions will not lead to eternal life. In other words, Jesus Christ is the only true way to God. However, many exclusivists would nevertheless agree with R. C. Sproul, who has said, "If a person in a remote area has never heard of Christ, they will not be punished for that. What they will be punished for is the rejection of the Father of whom they have heard and for the disobedience to the law that is written in their heart." Inclusivism agrees with exclusivism in affirming salvation in Jesus Christ. But unlike exclusivism, inclusivism holds that an implicit faith response to general revelation (not the specific revelation of Christ himself) can be salvific. Bill Graham put it this way: "And that's what God is doing today, He's calling people out of the world for His name, whether they come from the Muslim world, or the Buddhist world, or the Christian world or the non-believing world, they are members of the Body of Christ because they've been called by God. They may not even know the name of Jesus but they know in their hearts that they need something that they don't have, and they turn to the only light that they have, and I think that they are saved, and that they're going to be with us in heaven." Inclusivists do not believe that all religions are equally valid, or that everyone will be saved, but that God sees people’s hearts, and, as with Abraham, “credits it to them as righteousness.” Pluralists, on the other hand, see all religions as legitimate and valid when viewed from within their own cultural background and tradition. The general conception is that no one religion has an exclusive claim on the truth, but all constitute varying conceptions of the Ultimate Reality. John Hick, a theologian and philosopher, holds that all religions are equal in the sense that all religions accomplish the same end; creating good moral people. He viewed all religions as being different responses to the divine reality, and therefore all religious paths lead to the same reality. Rick Rood has said, “Differences among the religions are superficial; they all lead to the same goal. This is the epitome of tolerance and relativism."

Where do you stand? Go to a library or on-line and check these positions out in detail.

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LOADS OF LOVE will meet on Monday, June 3 at 10:00 a.m. to prepare meals for our shut-ins. Please let us know if you know of someone who should be on our list for a meal or a card. We always need more hands to share the love of Christ with this ministry. If you are free on the first Monday of any month, come join us … you WILL be blessed! For more information, contact Gloria English at 919/772-4285 or [email protected] The FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE sends a big THANK YOU to those who participated in DINE WITH UMW! We just received an email from Ruby Tuesday that we will be getting a check for $216.59. This will enable us to do more mission work within our church! We appreciate your continuing support of the Food-of-the-Month for Garner Area ministries, collection of small soaps and shampoo for HOPE Ministries, UPC codes from Campbell's soup and coupons for the American Legion Auxiliary. Smith Elementary School was most appreciative for the almost 300 Box Tops for Education that you brought!!! There will be a meeting on August 21 to talk about planning funerals and what our families need to know. We will have a speaker from Bryan Lee Funeral Home and a lot of very helpful information. More details will be forthcoming. If you are free at 10:00 a.m. on the third Wednesday of the month, come give us a try! For more information, contact Gloria English at 919/772-4285 or [email protected] The Evening Circle Of UMW at our May meeting, we welcomed Donna Tate from the Methodist Home from Children back to our circle. She shared that MHC has experienced drastic budget reductions and is making some very difficult choices about programs and services. We ask that each member of the congregation prayerfully consider supporting this ministry during this difficult economic time. We have rescheduled our Ladies' Tea for Saturday, September 21 from noon until 2:00 p.m. We will begin accepting reservations in August, but you can start planning your table theme now! We invite all the ladies of the congregation to join us for this fun-filled fellowship event. Our June meeting will be Tuesday, June 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the CHURCH LIBRARY. Childcare and refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Thursday morning Bible study continues with accountability discussions and breakfast at 6:00 a.m. Several new books are being reviewed for future study.

UMM monthly meeting June 20th at 6:00 p.m. Bring a piece of meat and a friend to grill. We are planning a pool party for July!

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What Is Children's Sunday School? Children are brought to St. Andrews by their parents. All of us have made a covenant with them to nurture their children in the faith of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Children's Sunday School is all about keeping our covenant to bring up the children we have baptized in the faith. Our dedicated teachers are making a Christ lead effort to make disciples of our youngest members. We are a family and the parents are important in this ministry. Without parents children do not get to Sunday School. Rarely does a child have the ability to decide to come to Sunday School on their own. The first step in raising children in the faith is the step parents take in bringing them to Christ at home and then at church and Sunday School. Sunday School is where a deeper understanding of the Bible and Christ's teachings takes place. Here at St. Andrews we start in the Nursery. Babies and their young parents are the most important people to our future. Without them the church dies! Let's make it a priority to make the Nursery a first class, best in the world nursery for our babies. From the nursery the children graduate to the toddlers class where their faith will be fed and nurtured for two more years. Currently we are looking for another teacher for this class, as Wendy Dunn is going to minister in a new home in Upstate New York. From the Toddlers your children graduate to the fours and fives preschool class. Currently this class is being led by Pat and Ed Sheffield. The children move up to first and second grade class and then up to third through fifth grade class. In each class age appropriate curricula is provided and teachers are assisted with professionally written manuals as well as multimedia kits to give each child the opportunity to grow through play and interaction into a fuller knowledge of God. In the early history of Sunday School there were nearly no competing activities for children with the exception of labor. Now with child labor laws and the proliferation of activities for children we find Sunday School to be a choice of one of many good things parents can take their children to on Sunday morning. It is our goal to make our Sunday School so attractive and inspiring that kids will have more fun here than they will at one of the other events. We do not want to be just another activity. We want to be the best activity and the most fun! To offend one of these little ones is a sin. Christ said of, "It were better such a one had a millstone tied around their head." Are we ready for our Lord? Bob Alexander [email protected]

June 2013 Building Committee Update

Heavy rains delayed the completion of our site improvement plan. The building pad is complete. Top soil has been spread over the area and seeding has begun. Final inspection may be completed after the grass has sprouted. A giant church-wide yard sale is scheduled for June 1. Everyone is encouraged to clean out attics, garages and other storage spaces to secure items for the yard sale. All proceeds from the yard sale will go to the Building Fund. Thank you for helping to make this a successful event. A sub-committee has interviewed two architects, five design/builders and the conference general contractor. This group plans to visit several facilities that have been constructed under the supervision of the conference general contractor. Within the next several weeks the sub-committee will recommend a designer and builder to the Building Committee for their approval. That recommendation is expected to go to the Administrative Board for consideration in July. As soon as the designer has been employed, we can move forward with the development of plans for the building and obtain the necessary approvals so that construction can begin when funds become available. As of May 12 we have received $599,459.75 or 58.5% of the $1,025,310 pledged in May 2010 for the new building. We have also received $81,839.92 in non pledged gifts. Minutes of the Building Committee are on file in the church office and are available for review by Saint Andrews members. Thank you for your support, patience, understanding and encouragement in working through the Building Plan Process. Please share your thoughts and concerns about the work of the Building Committee with Vince Revels, Chair of the Building Committee.

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Congratulations To Our 2013 Graduates!

Myla Anne Anderson, Ainsley Andrews, Brooke Brown, Gabriel Cobos, Logan Herndon, Madison Hollingsworth, Beth Jones, Wesley Jones,

Zoe Kieft, Hannah McKinney, Cassie Rabiega, Latham Stone

Thank You To Our Dedicated Staff

Beth Anderson, Krista Bader, Trisha Brothers, Barbara Burton, Julie Canavin, Kathy Gleason, Lisa Gormon, Kim Miller, Lori Sawyer, Pat Sheffield

A Special Thank You

Thanks to Pastor Wayne for Chapel Time each month, Kim Tingler for any assistance we needed, Don Dorman (Trustees) for keeping our facilities welcoming for our families, and Sarah Cope and

the Preschool Board for your support.

The Tuesday Morning Bible Study will finish

our current study book, The Thirteen Apostles on June 25, 2013. We will not meet during July and August. The class will resume on Tuesday, September 3rd at 10 am. Please

plan to join us at that time.

Betsy Youngblood

Church Office Hours

The summer church office hours will begin on

June 10th and are as follows:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday

Office Closed

***On Tuesday and Thursday the voicemails and emails will be checked regularly. If you need to get in to the church on a Tuesday or Thursday,

and don’t have a key, please call the office ahead of time to make arrangements.

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Our Wake Interfaith Families will be joining us starting Sunday, June 30th through Saturday, July 6th. Please be looking for the sign-up board in the Narthex in the next few weeks. Thank you in advance for

your support of this vital ministry to the homeless.

ANNUAL CONFERENCE… The North Carolina United Methodist Annual Conference will be held at the Greenville Convention Center from June 12-June 15. Everyone is invited to attend but only elected delegates may vote. Saint Andrews will have three elected delegates, Gene English, Matt Matthews, Cathy Olson and also Pastor Wayne. If you would like for any of these delegates to bring something before the Annual Conference please contact them. Please be in prayer for this upcoming conference. For more information about Annual Conference please see Pastor Wayne, Gene, Matt or Cathy Olson.


There will be a Spiritual Gifts Workshop held on Saturday morning, July 13th starting at 9:00 a.m. In this workshop you will find out how God has fashioned you for the journey. You will discover what gifts and graces Gods Holy Spirit has poured within you. You will discover the Biblical character you are like and you will learn what ministries you are God gifted to perform at Saint Andrews UMC. The workshop is open to you and all your friends. Material for the workshop is $20 to $25 to be picked up at the church office before the workshop. Please be looking for more information to come in upcoming June bulletins.

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*(Serving, Praising And Growing In Christ)


WOW Assistant 8:30 11:00 Guppies/Tweens June 2 No WOW Golian Martin 1/Perez 2 June 9 No WOW McNeill McNeill/Hare 2 June 16 No WOW Gile VBS June 23 No WOW VBS Sunday Gile/Tripp June 30 No WOW Martin/Tripp Sally’s VACAY!

First of all, let me thank each of you for your prayers and your patience over the past month. The arrival of Ethan Daniel Hickman on April 24 has kept me unusually busy and away from the job that I

love at St. Andrews. Both mommy and baby are doing really well now and I am able to focus my attention on Children’s Ministry…now I just have a wedding to plan!!! At least this can be done within

the confines of Wake County ☺ SonWest Roundup VBS is just around the corner!!. We will meet June16-20 and the children will

present their music to the congregation on June 23. Please either email or text me to let me know if YOU can help and if YOUR CHILDREN will be

attending. I need to place my final order next week! There are registration forms in the Narthex-please complete a form for your children.

Volunteers will meet on Sunday, June 2 at 4:00. PLEASE BE THERE-WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you have questions, please let me know.

Thank you for your support as we look forward to a blessed 2013 as these young Christians seek to grow in their walk with Christ.

May God continue to bless each of you - the family of God worshipping as the family of St. Andrews. What are Guppies and Tweens???

As part of our Children’s Ministry program, St. Andrews has two groups for fellowship. Guppies are children between the ages of 4 and First

Grade and Tweens are in Second through Fifth Grade. In addition, the 45s are our fourth and fifth graders who will meet for special events and extended Tweens sessions. We meet on Sunday

evenings for fellowship and music, and supper is provided by parent volunteers. We also have a children’s worship time during morning worship which we call W.O.W.

(Worship-Our Way) We look forward to welcoming new members to these groups and hope that children who are in this

age range will join us as we work together to Serve Praise And Grow In Christ!

We continue to covet the prayers of our church family, as these youngest Christians seek to grow in their relationship with Christ through

fellowship, service and worship.

Peace, in Christ, Sally

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Counselor’s blahba …

We are fast approaching the end to another school year and that means that we will be graduating more youth! Catherine Root and Cameron Foster will be leaving the fold this year. My, how they grow so fast! We have been blessed to have them as a part the UMYF since the sixth grade and will miss them terribly. They have changed the lives of many people through their dedication to mission work, charitable societies & events and most importantly, their faith in God. We are all on pins and needles in anticipation of our trips to ASP and LAKE J. Several of our youth will be working in the hills of Tennessee with ASP during the last week of June and then spending the 1st week of July at Lake J. Keep them and all of us in your prayers! June 2 Regular meeting 9 Noon…Senior UMYF luncheon

9 No UMYF 16 Father’s Day No Youth Meeting 23 4:00 -5:00 Lake J counselor meetings 5:00 – 7:00 Gearing up for Lake J meeting. This is a mandatory meeting for all parents / youth.

To our graduating seniors!!!

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

Yard Sale for Building Fund 7:00 to Noon Hope Ministries at Garner UMC 12:30-3:00 pm

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Holy Communion at both worship services

Prayer Ministry 9:00 am 6:00 pm Loads of Love 10 am

Morning Bible Study 10:00 am Sonrise Practice 7:00 pm

STP Service 6:15-6:45 pm Choir Practice 6:45 pm

UMM Bible Study 6:00 am

Square Dancing 7:00 pm

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Graduation Sunday with luncheon Staff Meeting 12:15 pm Trustees Meeting 5:00 pm SPRC 6:30 pm

Prayer Ministry 9:00 am 6:00 pm

Morning Bible Study 10:00 am Sonrise Practice 7:00 pm UMW Evening Circle 7:00 pm

STP Service 6:15-6:45 pm Annual Conference

UMM Bible Study 6:00 am Annual Conference

Square Dancing 7:00 pm Annual Conference

VBS Set-up Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary Annual Conference

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Vacation Bible School

Prayer Ministry 9:00 am 6:00 pm Vacation Bible School

Morning Bible Study 10:00 am JOY Club Noon Vacation Bible School

UMW Friendship Circle 10:00 am Vacation Bible School

UMM Bible Study 6:00 am UMM Monthly Meeting 6:00 pm Vacation Bible School

Square Dancing 7:00 pm

_______23 ASP

_______24 Prayer Ministry 9:00 am 6:00 pm ASP

_______25 Morning Bible Study 10:00 am Sonrise Practice 7:00 pm ASP

_______26 STP Service 6:15-6:45 pm ASP

_______27 UMM Bible Study 6:00 am ASP

_______28 Square Dancing 7:00 pm ASP

_______29 ASP

_______30 Lake Junaluska Special Hymn Sing Service

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Saint Andrews United Methodist Church 1201 Maxwell Dr Raleigh, NC 27603

SAINT ANDREWS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Telephone: (919) 772-4410 Fax: (919) 772-1256 Pastor Wayne’s Cell (919) 628-3658 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.saintandrewsumc.org Wayne Hicks, Pastor Marilyn Aldridge, Pianist Emily Turner, Director of Music Ministries Greg & Lisa Reinhard, Co-Youth Directors Sally Young, Director of Children’s Ministries Harriette Finch, Parish Nurse Pat Sheffield, Preschool Director Kim Tingler, Administrative Assistant Worship: 8:30 a.m. Sunday – Contemporary 11:00 a.m. Sunday – Traditional Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #2 Return Service Requested

Please mark this date on your calendar: Sunday, September 29th at 6:00 p.m. for Masters Men coming to SAUMC.