JUNE 2010

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St. Mary's June 2010 Parish Magazine

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Page 3: JUNE 2010

From the Church wardens.

The Afghanistan War, miners trapped underground in Russia, political

turmoil in England and Volcanic ash causing chaos across the airways in

Europe, having our flood lights stolen seems insignificant compared to

those events. It is important to Neil and I. It is important to our

congregation. It is important to many people in Finedon. You can be

assured that the people who stole the flood lights did not need them to

grow their tomato plants.

Some very kind people worked hard to raise money to buy those lights,

others gave their free time to install and other people gave money keep

them alight which has given much pleasure to Finedon folks.

A few days after the lights disappeared it was my turn to take assembly

in our Church School. The theme for the assembly was ‘feelings and

forgiveness’. I told the children that some very kind people had worked

hard to raise money to buy the flood lights for our Church. That the

lights made our Parish Church, the Church that belongs to all of us in

Finedon, look pretty special when the flood lights were on at night. That it

made lots of folks very happy in our town. Then on Tuesday morning I had

driven to Church feeling very cheerful on a lovely sunny warm April day

and discovered the flood lights had been stolen. I asked the children how

they thought I felt. Angry they replied. What would make me feel

better I then asked. If the naughty people came and said sorry then you

could forgive them and feel better.

The children then put their hands together, closed their eyes and each

prayed in absolute silence for 2 minutes asking God to help us to forgive

those people who had stolen the lights, to ask God to make the thieves

feel sorry one day for what they had done and to pray that God may help

us find a way to replace the stolen lights.

Thank you children for your prayers. Thank you to all those wonderfully

kind people who have since donated money to help buy the new lights. Neil

has a cunning plan to replace the lights. We hope that they will be back in

action in the very near future so everyone can enjoy the Church floodlit

once again.

Thieves beware. Jane & NeilJane & NeilJane & NeilJane & Neil

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Floodlight update

Work is underway to reinstall the floodlights in a more secure way. Thank you for all the support and gifts from very kind people to buy more lights. Those people who have missed out on their dedication will get another week when we are operating once again. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Jane and NeilJane and NeilJane and NeilJane and Neil

Floodlighting Sponsorship

Week commencing:

7th March Nancy Bollard - In memory of her son Michael

2nd May Joyce Ayres - in memory of Leslie Ayres Muriel Brooks - In memory of Robert Curtis. The Minney Family - In memory of Ken Minney. Mary Shipton & Jean Wills - In memory of Nora Moisey. Connie Piggott - In memory of Arthur Piggott. Martin & Mark Robson - In memory of Doris & Fred Robson. Brian Ager - In memory of Ronald Ager Nancy Bollard - In memory of Raymond Bollard. An anonymous member of the church’s congregation - to celebrate her mother’s 90th birthday.

23rd May Debbie & Peter Grinrod - In celebration of their grandchildren, Daniel’s safe arrival & Sophie’s birthday. Martin & Mark Robson - In memory of Kathleen May Robson.

30th May Garry West - In memory of Peter West. Her mum, dad & sister - In memory of Ruth Turner.

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Andrew Beaumont

Members of the congregation have been inquiring after the health of Andrew Beaumont who is on our sick list in Church. For those of you who do not know Andrew he is the son of Canon John and Dr Alison Beaumont. Canon John Beaumont was the Vicar of Finedon pre John Humphries. Andrew is a Headmaster in a London Secondary school and he was knocked off his bike whilst riding to work. His injuries were quite serious having a broken leg, arm and ribs etc. He was in theatre about 6 hours being put back together again. However the good news is that Andrew is on the mend and able to get out of the house. He is managing on one crutch but it will be a while until he is fit to tackle going back to school. We all wish him a speedy recovery.

Church Monthly Draw

Results of the May Draw Total Receipts £284.00 Restoration Fund £142.00 1st Prize £71.00 Winning No. 25 2nd Prize £42.60 Winning No 159 3rd Prize £28.40 Winning No. 2

The draw takes place on the first Sunday of the month. If you would like to join the draw, please contact Kathy Hobbs

on 01933 398794;

Your New Parochial Church Council

Jane Read - Church Warden, PCC Chair, Lesson Reader, Fund Raising Committee

Neil Forster - Church Warden, PCC vice Chair, Deanery Synod, Lesson Reader

Janet Harris - Secretary, Standing Committee, Guild of Our Lady, Governor

Andrew Weatherill - Treasurer, Lesson Reader

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Janet Millington - Deanery Synod, Magazine editor, fund raising committee, sidesperson, reserve Sunday children organiser, Guild of Our Lady.

Denise Pruden - Deanery Synod, Fund raiding committee, sidesperson, lesson reader, magazine distributor.

Bryan Chapman - Standing committee, Choir Master, Tower Captain, secret gardener.

Joanne Weatherill - Electoral Roll officer, child protection officer, magazine distributor.

Malcolm Peet - Chair of the Mission Room committee, sidesperson.

Christine Chapman - Choir, Chair of the Flower Festival Committee, Thursday Club leader, lesson reader.

Colin Needle - Eucharist assistant, Choir, Crucifer, Christmas Draw organiser, Governor

Jacqueline Minchinton - Eucharist assistant, Communion for the sick, choir, lesson reader, Fund Raising Committee.

Mary Shipton - Mother’s Union Enrolling member, Guild of our Lady.

Bett Cheney - Fund Raising Committee, Guild of Our Lady.

Chris Allen - Bingo Assistant.

Joyce Williams - Sunday Envelopes, Guild of Our Lady.

Bryan Williams - Sidesperson

Philip Powis - Choir

Carole Heywood - Stewardship, Floodlight secretary.

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‘Come Dine with Us’

Just a reminder, if you have a favourite recipe and would like it to be included in a Cookery Book, please contact Pat Peet (01933 680773) It is hoped to launch the book at the Summer Fete on 26th June. Proceeds are for Church Funds and Christian Aid.

Church of St Mary the Virgin

Afternoon High Tea

Sunday 6th June 4.30 - 5.30 pm


Transport available ring Neil on 682117

6.00 pm Evensong

(for those wishing to stay)

Light refreshments will be served after the service.

Finedon Local History Society

The next meeting of the History Society will be held on Monday 28th June in the Mission Room, Well Street at 7.30pm. The speaker will be Peter Smith who will give a talk on ‘The Black Death 1348.’ Admission is £2.00 for members and £3.00 for non-members including light refreshments. A raffle will also be held.



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Rebuilding shattered lives Lebanese humanitarian association Beit-al-Nour.

This is not the cosy side of charity. Drug addiction, sexual exploitation, homelessness, gang membership and domestic violence do not discriminate according to race or religion, and neither does Beit-el-Nour. Through a variety of social projects in and around Beirut, it helps damaged teenagers to escape the past and make the right choices for the future. The association, whose name translates as the House of Light and Hope, is an impressive new overseas partner for BibleLands. Beit-el-Nour began in 1986, when Lebanon was in the grip of a devastating civil war. Since then, it has sheltered thousands of young people, giving them hope, education and the chance of acceptance in a society that has failed them. It operates through a range of outreach programmes, under the committed Christian leadership of Dr Robert Caracache.

Prayer Points - Please pray: for teenagers vulnerable to exploitation or people in prison who, with support, might have the chance of a better life for Dr Robert Caracache and his staff, who don’t judge people on what they’ve done, but for who they might become.

Townswomen’s Guild

This month’s meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd June at 7.30 pm in the Town Hall. Our speaker will be Susannah Marshall who will talk about Georgeana ‘The Phenominal Duchess’. The competitions will be for a fan and there will also be a bring and buy stall. All visitors will be very welcome at a small charge o £3.00.

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Finedon WI

This month’s meeting will take place in the Mission Room on Monday the 14th at 7.30 p.m. The Speaker is Margaret Smith and her subject will be Ice Palace Hotel As usual there will be a bring and buy stall, refreshments and a raffle. Guests £2.50 each, Members free. Guests and prospective new members are always welcome so if you want to find out more about your local WI please come along on the 14th and ask any Committee member.

Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Finedon

Summer Fete

Saturday 26th June at

The Green, High Street 12.00- 4.00 pm


2.oo pm arrival of the May Queen

2.30 pm Tug of War competition

3.00 pm Dancing Display by the Barbara Hooton School of Dancing

3.30 pm Maypole Dancing

Stalls include: Tombola, cakes, books, bric-a-brac, children’s henna tattoos,

nails by Kim, greetings cards, bottle stall and raffle.

Refreshments served in the Mission Room

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60th Wedding anniversary celebrations

Hello St. Mary’s church Finedon My parents Jean (nee Mason) and Terry (Terence) Giles were married in your church on June 3, 1950. They immigrated to Canada in 1954 and lived in Toronto for many years and then moved to Oshawa, Ontario (about 30 miles east of Toronto in 1968) where they still live. They had two daughters, myself and my sister Karen and two granddaughters, Samantha and Sarah. My mother lived in Finedon all her life until she married and my dad was from Wellingborough. My aunt Winnie Campion, my mothers sister, (one of nine siblings born to Joseph and Ada Mason in Finedon) and her four daughters, Margaret, Pat, Pauline and Jennifer also came from Finedon and moved to Canada in 1958 and live in various cities in Ontario. My cousins will be attending a family celebration at my house on June 6 (their anniversary as I said is June 3) I was looking for a website to get a congrats from the Queen and discovered your website. My cousin Peter Childs still lives in Finedon with his wife Janice. I believe their children were also married in your church.

Lynn GilesLynn GilesLynn GilesLynn Giles Brechin, Ontario

Finedon Independent Wesleyan Church

Is holding a Flower Festival entitled ‘Celebration of Life’ from Wednesday 23rd - Sunday 27th June. The programme is as follows:

Wednesday 23rd Opening Service 7.00 pm

Thurdsay 24th Flower Festival 11.30am-5.00pm Songs of Praise 2.00 pm

Friday 25th Flower Festival 10.00am - 5.00pm Craft displays and demonstrations 11.00am - 4pm

Saturday 26th Flower Festival 10.00am-5.00pm High Tea 5.00pm, Concert 7.00 pm

Sunday 27th Morning Worship 10.30am Flower Festival 11.30am-5.00pm Band Concert 2.30pm, Strawberry Tea 4.00pm, Songs of Praise 6.00pm

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Church of St Mary the Virgin Finedon

Meat Bingo

on Friday

11th June

at the Mulso School,

Wellingborough Road


7.30 pm

Admission Free

Refreshments available, Raffle

Everyone Welcome

Transport available.

For details please telephone

Andrew Weatherill 682212

How to know that you are growing older

Everything hurts and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work; The gleam in your eye is from the sun hitting your bifocals; You feel like the night before and you haven't been anywhere; Your little black book contains only names beginning with "Dr." You get winded playing cards; Your children begin to look middle-aged; You join a health club and don't go; A dripping tap causes an uncontrollable bladder urge; You know all the answers, but nobody asks you the questions; You look forward to a dull evening; You need spectacles to find your spectacles; You turn out the light for economic rather than romantic reasons; You sit in a rocking-chair and can't get it going; Your knees buckle, but your belt won't: Your back goes out more than you do; You have too much room in the house but not enough in the medicine cabinet; You sink your teeth into a steak and they stay there;

You keep wondering why more publishers aren't using this size print!

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Flattered Minister

A vicar was leaving his area and was saying farewell to his congregation at the

Church doors for the last time. He shook the hand of an elderly lady as she

walked out. She said "Your successor won't be as good as you." "Nonsense",

said the vicar, in a flattered tone. "No, really", said the old lady, "I've been

here under five different ministers, and each new one has been worse than the


In My DayIn My DayIn My DayIn My Day the ramblings of Hubert James

In my day it was about this time of year that, from time to time we used to have a general election.

Finedon folk always used to look forward to an exciting contest. And what contests we had. Alright maybe we didn’t ever get a Hung Parliament but there was the year when

we had a debate about treating smokers on the NHS that led to a Lung Parliament. Oh and that kafuffle about the Fire Service equipment budget. They needed new ladders so we ended up with a Rung Parliament. Anyway, you get the idea. Now the main parties had a sort of geographical split here in Finedon. If you lived on the East side of the A6 you was Tory and if you were on the west you were Labour. The Liberals were sprinkled all over the place. Some reckon that was how we ended up calling Labour the Left and Conservative the Right. In Finedon the two parties used to be run by two families. The Sharpes and the Jedds. They hated each other. So it caused quite a stir when true blue; Ron Sharpe fell in love with Socialist Julie Jedd. They met at a Beetle Drive in the Mission Room. There eyes met when Ron dropped his dice in Julie’s shaker and it was love at first sight. For a while they met in secret, but then as that year’s general election loomed Ron proposed and Julie accepted. They went to the vicar Father Lawrence for help. He intervened on their behalf and after a lot of argument their families agreed to the marriage. Ron moved from East to West, Right to Left, from Oxford Street to Orchard Road and they lived happily ever after. Their story was immortalised by local writer; Lenny Bernstein, who made it into a musical; West Side Tory.

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The Pastor, the Vicar, and the Atheist

One day a Pastor, a Vicar and an Atheist go on a fishing trip together. They are in the boat and the Pastor says, " Oh! No! I left the paddles on shore!" So he proceeds to get out of the boat and walk on the water to the shore to get them. Once he had got back into the boat the Vicar says, " Oh! No! I left the bait on shore too!" And like the Pastor the Vicar exits the boat and walks on the water to get the bait. When the Vicar climbs back into the boat the atheist yells, " Well if you guys can do it so can I!!!" and proceeds to climb out of the boat, but he falls into the water. At this point the Pastor says," Do you think we should have told him where the

rocks are?"

June 1st 9.45 coffee morning, Bowls Club 3rd 7.30 TG Town Hall ‘The Phenomenal Duchess 6th 4.30-5.30 Afternoon Tea at St Mary’s Church 6.00pm Evensong St Mary’s Church

7th 7.30 BL Bob Martin, Glass blowing 8th 9.30 Coffee morning, Football Club 11th 7.30pm Church Meat Bingo, Mulso School 12th 10-12 noon St Mary’s church Tower open day 14th 7.30 WI Mission Room, the Ice Palace 15th 9.45 Coffee Morning, Bowls club 22nd Coffee morning, Football Club 23rd 7pmFIWC Flower Festival Service 24th 11.30-5pm FIWC Flower Festival 2pm FIWC songs of praise

25th 10-5pm FIWC Flower Festival 26th 12-4.00pm St Mary’s Church Summer Fete on the Green 10-5pm FIWC Flower Festival

27th FIWC Flower Festival, Band concert, & High Tea 29th Coffee morning, Bowls Club

July 1st 7.30 TG Town Hall, 62nd Birthday Party 5th 7.30 BL Mike Leonard - School Holiday Fiascos 10th Infant School Summer Fair 12th 7.30 WI Mission Room, Around the World with teaspoons

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August 2nd 7.30 BL Angie Cooksley - Upstairs Downstairs 5th 7.30 TG Town Hall, Aches and pains 9th 7.30 WI Garden Party

September 2nd 7.30 TC Town Hall - A 40yr old dream comes true 6th 7.30 BL TBA 13th 7.30 WI Mission Room, Origins of Festival and Food 17th- 19th St Mary’s Church, Flower Festival 18th FIWC Harvest Sale

October 9th FIWC Table top sale 10th FIWC Thank Offering

December 4th FIWC Christmas Bazaar