Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Daily Mass Times Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 PM Welcome visitors and friends! We invite you to join us in worship PARISH Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Friday Phone: 816-436-0880 Fax: 816-436-0103 www.stcharleskc.com ACADEMY & EARLY LEARNING CENTER Summer Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Monday - Thursday Phone: 816-436-1009 Fax: 816-436-6293 Principal: Ann Lachowitzer stcharleskcschool.weconnect.com “St. Charles Borromeo Parish is a Catholic faith community called by baptism to witness and live the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Gathered at Table, nourished by Eucharist and guided by scripture, we share our gifts as we minister through worship, faith formation, education, and service.” June 10, 2018 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: www.stcharleskc.com

June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

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Page 1: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM

Daily Mass Times Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM

Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 PM

Welcome visitors and friends! We invite you to join us in worship


Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Friday

Phone: 816-436-0880 Fax: 816-436-0103



Summer Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Monday - Thursday

Phone: 816-436-1009 Fax: 816-436-6293

Principal: Ann Lachowitzer stcharleskcschool.weconnect.com

“St. Charles Borromeo Parish is a Catholic faith community called by baptism to witness and live the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Gathered at Table, nourished by Eucharist and guided by scripture, we share our gifts as we minister through worship, faith formation, education, and service.”

June 10, 2018

900 NE Shady Lane Drive

Kansas City, Missouri 64118

Bulletin online at: www.stcharleskc.com

Page 2: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

John J. Olshefski

PASTOR’S PEN ...a word from the heart

In late July, Bishop Johnston

will host listening sessions

throughout the Kansas City-

St. Joseph Diocese. Three of

these sessions will be held in

our area: July 20 at Holy

Cross in Northeast KC, July 23

at St. Therese in Parkville,

and July 31 at St. James in

Liberty; each begins at 7PM

and concludes at 8:30. As he seeks to set a vision for

our diocese a!er hearing the insights of others, so

will we imitate the process on a smaller scale here at

Saint Charles.

Using similar ques"ons as those of the diocesan

process, our pastoral staff, school staff, and lay

leadership groups have offered their ini"al thoughts

for us to consider as we clarify our own vision and

make plans for the future of Saint Charles Parish and

Borromeo Academy. As you consider where you’d

like us to direct our energies, I’ll share a snapshot of

what I am hearing so far from them.

What people seem to appreciate most about SCB is

the strong sense of community whereby visitors and

guests are welcomed, where a lot of volunteers offer

hands-on assistance, and where people overcome

tough "mes by trus"ng that the divine and human

spirits combine to let us rise and return to a place of

strength so that we can serve those in greater need,

especially by educa"ng children and feeding hungry

neighbors. People are grateful for community events

that strengthen our friendships and even for

circumstances that challenge us to be be$er people.

The most men"oned area of importance as we

envision the years ahead, by far, has to do with being

financially stable and debt-free. As we dream about

the future, people also hope that we can grow the

parish, fill the pews, a$ract young families, develop

talent in kids, and have a school that thrives with a

reputa"on for excellence. They want us to lead the

way within our diocese to offer be$er educa"on and

for our parish to regain a level of prominence within

the northland as a place filled with energy that brings

abundant joy to our worship, work, life-long learning,

and social outreach. They want us to be crea"ve as

we put forth the works of our Creator through our

own hands and words, as we become inten"onal

disciples and apostles who make a difference in the

world by knowing Jesus and carrying inside us the

enlivening and courageous Spirit of His divine love.

Respondents note that we should emphasize

certain areas if we want to advance this vision.

Among them are small parish-based communi"es,

maintaining a stronger, more visible presence in our

civic community, and enhanced marke"ng. They

suggest we emphasize each person’s responsibility to

increase school enrollment to a fiscally sustainable

level, promote stewardship as the way of living that

Christ intended, con"nue cu&ng spending while

increasing fundraising, develop legacy gi!s and non-

tradi"onal contribu"ons, develop the retreat house,

deepen faith forma"on programs for adults, involve

kids/youth in liturgy, keep revitalizing and, as always,

strengthen communica"ons and over-communicate.

The bold outcomes these respondents believe we

can accomplish if we harness our energies and focus

our objec"ves include: launch a broad stewardship

effort at the heart of our annual appeal, complete

and pay for new construc"on, match people’s gi!s

and talents with parish needs within a structured

volunteer system, reach and maintain a balanced

budget while preserving our property and assets, and

move from sustainability to profitability as a Christ-

centered ins"tute. People warn that as the school

goes so will the parish follow—so they suggest we

make the school’s success our number one priority.

Several men"oned that the school’s leadership style

with its strong buy-in from stakeholders along with its

business plan, community outreach, marke"ng, and

visibility beyond our grounds, is a good model for us

to follow. There was a recurring message to be the

vine and branches that reach out in new and crea"ve

ways to revitalize. Sugges"ons include opera"ng as a

true sister parish with Holy Family, establishing a

scholarship fund to assist every teen of SCB to a$end

Catholic high school, expanding our food pantry to

assist the growing popula"on of needy households,

having a weekly Sunday assignment to take from

church to our weekly interac"ons and rou"nes, and

expanding student sponsorship so we can assist more

kids and their families at the academy.

Though we can’t accomplish all these tasks, help us

brainstorm and priori"ze as we create a clearer vision

for our parish’s future. Thank you.

Page 3: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer


Visit our website at www.stcharleskc.com

Donating Securities and Mutual Funds Are some of your shares of stock or mutual funds higher than when you bought them? This provides you a wise method of giving to St. Charles Borromeo Parish. Donating appreciated stock or mutual fund shares is a strategic gift-planning method. In most cases, the donor receives an itemized deduction in the full amount of the fair market value (FMV) of the shares donated as of the date of the gift. This value is deductible up to 30% of the donor’s adjusted gross income and can be carried over for up to five years after the year of the gift. Please consult your financial or legal adviser.

June $3,789 Year to Date $(66,952)

*Includes Holy Family contributions

Memorials and honor/tribute gifts are a beautiful way of giving. These types of gifts are an expression of love and remembrance that can be made any time after a loved one has passed. One of the components of the overall Memorial Gifting program is the Perpetual Endowment where friends, family and parishioners can establish an Endowed Fund in the name of your loved one. Brochures are available in the back of church for more information about memorial gifting. Please, consider Memorial Giving this year to provide a legacy in memory of your loved ones.

In today’s second reading Saint Paul argues that a community’s journey of faith culminates in the thanksgiving expressed in the Eucharistic meal, when the bread is broken, the cup of salvation is lifted up and the covenant with Christ is affirmed. In fact, he maintains that the entire community’s “inner nature” is constantly being renewed in hope through this thanksgiving meal. Good stewards understand that the weekly celebration of the Eucharist is a communal gesture by which the gathered community reveals its faith and hope in the risen Lord. Moreover, that it is a profound communal act of faith that Christ is present and active in the world at this moment. Given that understanding, what responsibilities do we take on to lift up the faith of our community? What part do we play in giving it hope?


IRA DISTRIBUTION GIFTS: $76,377.07 (21 families) STOCK/MUTUAL FUND GIFTS: $65,041.03 (6 families)


Communications: June 16-17, 2018

Next week, our second collection is for the Catholic Communication Campaign. This campaign connects people with Christ, here and around the world in developing countries, through the internet, television, radio, and print media. And fifty percent of funds collected remain in our diocese to fund local communications efforts. Your support helps spread the gospel message! To learn more, visit www.usccb.org/ccc.

“Discipleship: meeting people where they are, aiding relationships with Christ”


Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph Mutually Shared Vision Development Process


Listening Sessions Locations a

Wednesday, July 18, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – St. Joseph, Our Lady of Guadalupe Thursday, July 19, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Kansas City, St. Elizabeth Friday, July 20, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Kansas City, Holy Cross Monday, July 23, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Parkville, St. Therese North Wednesday, July 25, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Belton, St. Sabina Thursday, July 26, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Lee’s Summit, Our Lady of the Presentation Saturday, July 28, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM – Clinton, Holy Rosary Saturday, July 28, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM – Warrensburg, Sacred Heart Monday, July 30, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Maryville, St. Gregory Barbarigo Tuesday, July 31, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Liberty, St. James a

*Several of these locations will hold the listening session in English and Spanish. The locations are still to be determined. Future communications of this schedule will include this information once it is confirmed.

Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministry Training a

· July 28, 2018: 8:30 am -12:30 pm, Our Lady of Lourdes Harrisonville: www.surveymomkey.com/r/OLL2018 aa

Password: hailmaryjmj

Page 4: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

WEEKLY CALENDAR Please visit www.stcharleskc.com

Monday, June 11

9:00 am Mass

9:30 am Rosary

9:30 am Scripture Study (BW) 6:30 pm Troop 180 Scout Meeting (CO & Gym)

Tuesday, June 12

9:00 am Mass 9:30 am Rosary

Wednesday, June 13

St. Charles Garage Sale 8am-5pm

9:00 am Mass 9:30 am Rosary

3:00 pm Adoration

Thursday, June 14

St. Charles Garage Sale 8am-5pm

9:00 am Mass 9:30 am Rosary

Friday, June 15

St. Charles Garage Sale 8am-5pm

9:00 am Mass

9:30 am Rosary

Saturday, June 16

St. Charles Garage Sale 8am-2pm

6:00 am That Man is You! (Borromeo Hall) 3:00 pm Reconciliation 4:00 pm Mass

5:00 pm Respect Life Movie Night (BH)

Sunday, June 17•Scout Sunday 8:30 am Mass

11:00 am Mass

Readings for the Week of June 10, 2018


Sunday: Gn 3:9-15/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [7bc]/2 Cor 4:13--5:1/Mk 3:20-35

Monday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-

4, 5-6 [cf. 2b]/Mt 5:1-12

Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16/Ps 4:2-3, 4-5, 7b-8 [7a]/Mt 5:13-16

Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39/Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab and 8, 11 [1b]/Mt 5:17-19

Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46/Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13 [2a]/Mt 5:20-26

Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16/Ps 27:7-8a, 8b-9abc, 13-

14 [8b]/Mt 5:27-32

Saturday: 1 Kgs 19:19-21/Ps 16:1b-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-

10 [cf. 5a]/Mt 5:33-37

Next Sunday: Ez 17:22-24/Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34

Caring Conversations Regarding your Advanced

Healthcare Directives

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 7– 8:30 PM

St. Charles Commons

Join Andrew Pileggi, St. Charles Borromeo parishioner and seasoned administrative healthcare professional, as he provides you with a structure aimed at helping loved ones plan for the end of life, using an effective workbook tool entitled: Caring Conversations. Engaging in this proactive workshop now will help you and your loved ones find peace of mind in the future while considering advanced health care directives, career and work decisions during times of illness, legal documents, financial matters, spiritual and religious care, and more. a This workshop is intended to help you and your family think about these issues now, while you’re able to respond to specific questions and make your needs known. We hope you’ll join us.(workbook materials are included, free of charge.)


Our team is in need of help

on the following dates:

Setup June 9, Saturday: 9am-12pm

June 10, Sunday: 8am-6pm

June 11, Monday: 8am-6pm

Setup and Sale June 12, Tuesday: 8am-8pm

Sale June 13, Wednesday: 8am-6pm

June 14, Thursday: 8am-6pmJune 15, Friday: 8am-6pm

June 16, Saturday: 8am-2pm

If you are able to help, please contact Cynthia Tomes at 816-805-9189


The June 16th Mourning Has Broken

bereavement group session

has been cancelled.

For more information, or if you would like to talk with someone, feel free to call Peg Walter at 816-452-7972

Page 5: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

Felicisima Quiason, Mother of Vic Quaison

Our family and friends in the military...

Saturday, June 9•Immaculate Heart of Mary

4:00 PM Sharon Piontek

Sunday, June 10

8:30 AM McKnight Family 11:00 AM Community of St. Charles

Monday, June 11•Barnabas 9:00 AM Maxwell Dean Kolich Tuesday, June 12 9:00 AM John T. Vaughan

Wednesday, June 13•Anthony of Padua 9 :00 AM Fr. Charles Jones & Father Robert Stewart Thursday, June 14

9:00 AM Ed Whiston

Friday, June 15

9:00 AM Jim Hendrickson

Saturday, June 16•BVM

4:00 PM Community of St. Charles

Sunday, June 17

8:30 AM Buddy Wilk 11:00 AM Sandra & Joann Caravella

Please remember in your prayers

Our family and friends who protect and serve... Major Greg Volker Sgt. Shelly Volker (Ret.) Sgt. Howard Scott, III


If you are alienated or upset, we welcome you lovingly…

If you are in need of forgiveness, Jesus awaits you to grant complete reconciliation…

If you have been hurt by the leaders of the Church,

we are truly sorry…

If you are angry, Jesus offers you peace…

If life has become burdensome, we are here to support you…

We are happy you are here… and invite you to stay with us…

We would like to share our lives with you…

Come join us each week so we can worship together

Jesus Christ our Lord!


Please check your ministry schedule to con!irm assignments for next week. If you cannot keep your scheduled assignment,

please notify your coordinator at your earliest convenience, so they may !ind a replacement. Weekly Schedules are now

available on our website at www.stcharleskc.com. Please see the “Liturgical Ministers Schedule” under the Worship Tab.

Those who are… homeless, jobless, addicted, imprisoned, physically & emo!onally ill, homebound, hospitalized, and sick, including:

Cynthia Allinder Jacob Allinder Justin Allinder Patrick Amato

Anthony Berls

Skip Bollinger Stephanie Cain

Margaret Caravella

Joshua Caylor William Cowper

Jackie Cullen

Alicia Darnell Josie Devine

Carmen Ellis

Charles Englund

Kevin Englund

Don Fisher Beverly Gicinto

Judy Gladbach

John Glenski

EiIleen Grebner Jane & Melvin Grossman

M. Hackney

Filamena Heier Ginnie Hiler Bob Hockstatter Jerum Hollows

Mike Kelly

Lillian Kenney

Meghan Kimani

Elaine King

Paula Lee

Mark LeGault Antonio Luna

Wanda Mackey

Vera Mamie

Teri Mahoney

Jack Medlin

Bob Meller Virginia Mitchell

Walter Mitchell Lorene Mixon

Lynda Morris

Donna Najar Geraldine Norris

Charles Perea

Marvin Pfannenstiel Jule Pitts

Carmeline Plas

Anthony Pollina

Janet Pryor Sandra Ragan

Christopher Ray

Marie Robinson Josephine Ross

Mary Helen Sorrentino Jacob Sparks

David Stark

Wayne Walker Madelyn Whiston

Major John J. Olshefski, M.D. Captain Michelle Bannick Mendoza Major Gilbert Mendoza


· JUNE 10 - Youth Summer Gathering, 5pm


· JUNE 13, 14, 15 - SCB GARAGE SALE

· JUNE 17 *SPECIAL DONUT SUNDAY* sponsored by the Palmisano Family celebration of Barb’s 80th birth date anniversary!

· July 8-13 - Totus Tuus


featuring The Elders!

Page 6: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

Gardens are being planted in hopes of a good harvest. If you would like to explore how to enjoy more of the fruits of your relationships, consider counseling. Fr. Garry Richmeier is a Licensed, Professional Marriage and Family Therapist, providing family, marital, and individual counseling, as well as Spiritual Direction. He has offices in Liberty and in midtown Kansas City, and takes donations in lieu of set fees. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Fr. Garry at 816.415.2998 or [email protected]

Visit our website at www.stcharleskc.com

Baptismal Preparation Infant - 6 Years: Parents of children under 6 years of age, or expectant parents who are registered parishioners and actively participating in the practice of Catholic faith and desire to have their child baptized need to attend one Baptism Preparation Class. Classes are offered every other month. 7 - 17 Years: Participate in a special process, the Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted for Children. Adults: Rite of Christian Initiation or Adults (RCIA), a faith journey that includes the teaching of the Catholic Church while focusing on each individual’s formation in a life of discipleship and commitment to Jesus Christ. For more information , contact the parish office at 816-436-0880

Marriage Preparation Please contact Fr. Don Farnan at 816-436-0880 or [email protected] when you become engaged. We prefer at least nine month’s notice. For more information, please call the parish office or visit our website: http://www.stcharleskc.com/matrimony

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of preparation primarily intended for those who are unbap-tized and wish to become full members of the Catholic Church through the celebration of the sacraments of Bap-tism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. It is also open to those who previously were validly baptized in another Christian denomination and now seek to be in full communion with the Catholic Church. For more information or if you would like to help, contact Benjamin Darnell at 816-436-0880 x214 [email protected]

Individuals experiencing serious illness, or anticipating sur-gery may request celebrating this sacrament of healing. Please contact the Parish Office at 816-436-0880 and ar-rangements will be made for administering the sacrament.

School of religion supports parents in the faith formation of their children from grades 1 - 8. Any child in the parish is welcome to participate in this method of supplemental reli-gious formation. For more information regarding First Rec-onciliation, First Communion, and School of Religion, please contact Benjamin Darnell at 816-436-0880 x214 [email protected]

Counseling and Spiritual Direction

RCIA: Become Catholic

School of Religion

Anointing of the Sick

Did You Know?

18 Days A baby’s heart begins to beat 43 Days Brain coordinates movement 8 Weeks All organs are functioning

9 Weeks Has permanent, individual fingerprints

10 Weeks Sense of touch (comfort/pain) 12 Weeks A baby can smile, suck his/her thumb, and make a fist A

Adoption: Over 2 million couples wait to adopt - and that includes children of all races and those with special needs. Textbooks will confirm what every doctor knows: LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION A


Don’t forget to pick up your bottles in the back of the church. This campaign helps raise funds for the SCB

Respect Life Team so we can provide events and sponsor students to attend March For Life.

Thank you for your support!

St. Charles Borromeo Respect Life


Saturday, June 16, 2018

5:10 PM ~ Borromeo Hall snacks & drinks provided!


Free Admission

Donations are appreciated

That Man Is You! Bishop Barron’s:

Jesus Christ, Priest, Prophet and King

Saturday mornings: June 16, 23, 30 July 14, 21, 28 6:30 a.m. Borromeo Hall

Join us for an interactive men's program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of a man fully alive. That Man is You! seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society. For additional information, please

Page 7: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer


Ann Lachowitzer, Principal

[email protected]

816-436-1009 x302 stcharleskcschool.weconnect.com



Coming to St. Charles Borromeo July 8-13

Grade School Mission 1st-5th grades

Monday, July 9 – Friday, July 13

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Please pack a sack lunch)

Middle & High School Mission 6th -12th grades

Sunday, July 8 – Thursday, July 12

7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

$45.00 per student / $85.00 per family ($50 per student at door)

Parish wide Totus Tuus Potluck: Wednesday, July 11, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Parishioners are asked to bring a dish to feed 10 people. This gathering gives the team an opportunity to meet families and other parish members. Be prepared to meet the team and receive a jovial presentation by the youth! Please RSVP by Monday, July 9 to Benjamin: 816-436-0880 or [email protected] or Brenda: [email protected]

Volunteers needed for daytime and evening programs: Contact Benjamin at [email protected]

or Jenifer at [email protected]


We are very grateful to the anonymous

donor who gifted us with a beautiful,

vintage 1965 Red Mustang Convertible.

Our heart-felt thanks to all who have

purchased tickets for the car raffle.

Our goal is to sell 5,000 tickets, which

will yield $50,000 for St. Charles

Borromeo Academy. The car will be

featured at Masses and other events

on campus and around the town. a

We need your help to sell tickets

to family and friends

Raffle tickets are available for purchase online! https://stcharleskc.weshareonline.org/ClassicCarRaffle

You may e-mail the link to family and friends where they are able to use a credit card to purchase multiple tickets at once. Please feel free to take a picture of the car to promote via social media.

AND don’t forget to invite friends and family to the 3rd Annual St. Charles Friendraiser on September 22, where the winner will be announced. Thank you for your continued support as we work to make

Borromeo Academy fiscally sound!

Page 8: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

Eucharistic Adoration

July 6 (first Friday) 9:30 AM - 12 PM


3 PM - 7 PM Benediction at 6:50pma



Benjamin Darnell, Director

816-436-0880 x214

[email protected]


RSVP to Benjamin Darnell at [email protected]

Log on to www.stcharleskc.formed.org and use our parish code: JZ3NJD

Small Group Discipleship Training

“Go and make disciples of all the nations…” (Mt. 28:19) a

Join us this summer for a remarkable spiritual journey! We invite eight volunteers to make a six week journey of faith and be trained to make and form disciples. Learn to make disciples of your children, fellow Catholics; invite others into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ

through prayer and spiritual mentorship; encourage, direct and form other Christians using the Catholic Christian Outreach program and method! a

Join Session One: Sundays in the School Conference Room 9:40-10:50am, July 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, and August 5th

OR Join Session Two: Wednesdays in Borromeo West 7-8:30pm, July 18th, 25th, August 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd


$10 cost for materials Contact Benjamin to preregister: [email protected]

“Life grows by being given away, and it weakens in isolation and comfort. Indeed, those who enjoy life most are those who leave security on the shore and become excited by the mission of communicating life to others. When the Church summons Christians to take up

the task of evangelization, she is simply pointing to the source of authentic personal fulfilment.” (Evangelii Gaudium, Joy of the Gospel. Pope Francis, N. 10)

June: FORMED Kids’ Korner

The Eucharist for Little Children a

“Let the children come to me” –Mark 10:14


In this 20 minute video, kids encounter Jesus in the solemnity of the Mass, the quiet of Adoration, and the splendor of a Corpus Christi Procession. They also experience the Lord in the beauty of the Church and through inspiring music.

Remember that everyone in our parish boundaries now has free 24/7 access to FORMED.org on any internet-capable

device. a

If you’re not registered on FORMED yet go to our FORMED custom registration URL: stcharleskc.formed.org OR go to www.formed.org and click on the ‘Enter Code’ box and type in our parish code JZ3NJD and set up a username and password. Once registered, you are set to use all the great resources anytime by simply logging in with your username and password. Be sure to let us know what your favorites are.

More Kids’ Content: (Also in Spanish!)

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Coming - Fall, 2018

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) returns to St. Charles Borromeo Parish and Borromeo Academy in the Fall of 2018! Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a highly effective method of religious formation for children ages 3-12, which draws children into a profound religious experience. CGS is based on Montessori principles of education and was developed in Rome in the 1950’s by a Catholic Hebrew and Scripture scholar named Sofia Cavaletti. Children learn in a specially prepared environment called the atrium, a sacred, “hands on” space. In the atrium, catechists and children pray, listen for God’s voice, ponder and celebrate the most essential mysteries of our faith as revealed in Sacred Scripture and Liturgy. Catechists in the atrium receive specific training in this Montessori method of religious formation. Thousands of materials are carefully prepared to foster in children the inherent longing for a relationship with God and curiosity about the elements of our Catholic faith. For more information and to be involved contact Mrs. Jo Thronley Cox in the parish office: [email protected] or via phone at: 816-285-4281. Registration materials coming soon! Keep checking the parish web site for more updates!


Begins Sunday, June 24 (5-7pm) here at St. Charles! For all the information and to pre-register on-line visit:


Contact Jennifer Harris for more information : [email protected] or 816-436-0880

Page 9: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

Homemade Italian Cookies a


Contact: Carmela Pollina (816) 436-1271

Support us when you shop. Go to smile.amazon.com/ch/44-0567258

and Amazon donates to St Charles Borromeo Parish.

Visit our website at www.stcharleskc.com

Looking for inspiration? Come and See

Wednesday, June 13, 2018 The Retreat House

7:00 to 8:00 PM no charge, please register

at: www.ignatiancenterkc.org

The Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life are based on the conversion experience of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The Spiritual Exercises, made in a nine-month prayer program, are a framework and a dynamic to experience spiritual growth, interior freedom, a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and to find God in all things. The program includes praying with Scripture, journaling, and meeting weekly with a trained Ignatian prayer guide. Join representatives from the Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City for an overview of the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life, hear stories and ask questions of two people who have completed the Spiritual Exercises and experience God through a short, guided prayer experience. Can’t come on that date? Check our web site for other dates and locations. Questions? c o n t a c t J i m C a c c a m o , I S C - K C E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r at [email protected]

Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel Construction is complete! Visit your local Catholic radio station located in the parking lot of St. Puis X High School and spend an hour with our Lord! The chapel is open on Friday’s from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Perpetual Adoration is coming soon!

To sign up for Adoration times, please visit the sign up genius link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0a4ba5af2ba3fd0-march

Page 10: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer


Rev. Donald Farnan, Pastor.….(816) 436-0880 x212

[email protected]

Deacon Joe Whiston…………......…..(816) 214-5086

[email protected]

Deacon Jim Olshefski...……………...(816) 769-2917

[email protected]

Dennis Altschul, Director of Music & Worship....x213

[email protected]

Jim Cleary, Accountant………………...………….x205

[email protected]

Benjamin Darnell, Director of Faith Formation....x214

[email protected]

Brenda Koskovich, Administrative Assistant.…..x201

[email protected]

Tony Lehr, Facilities Manager..……………...…...x215

[email protected]

Mike McDaniel, Operations/Finance……………..x211

[email protected]

Gina Rupnow, Director of Communications….....x202

[email protected]



John Glenski [email protected]

Marius Hubbell [email protected]

Anne Hueca [email protected]

Eileen Hutchinson [email protected]

Jack Medlin [email protected]

Anna Miceli [email protected]

Louis Pollina [email protected]

Dave Stark [email protected]

Mark Trujillo [email protected]

804 NE Shady Lane Drive, Kansas City, MO 64118

Hours …….……..7:30 AM - 3:30 PM, Monday - Friday

Office ……….…………………………..(816) 436-1009

Fax ………………………………………(816) 436-6293

Ann Lachowitzer, Principal.……………………..x302

[email protected]

Linda Krickle, Secretary.………..………………...x301

[email protected]

Leanora DiCapo, Bookkeeping.………....……….x305

[email protected]

Jennifer Harris, Development & Youth Ministry..x313

[email protected]


Weekends: Saturday 4 PM; Sunday 8:30 AM, 11 AM

Daily: 9 AM, Monday - Friday


Saturday: 3 PM

By Appointment: (816) 436-0880

Communal services offered seasonally


Wednesday: 3 PM - 7 PM

First Friday of the Month: 9:30 AM - 12 PM


Monday - Friday: 9:30 AM


If you or a family member is hospitalized or homebound and would like a visit from our parish visitors, please call the parish office at (816) 436-0880


Devices are available and may be checked out for use during Mass. Please see a Hospitality Minister prior to the start of Mass.


Bulletin items are due by 10 AM on Mondays

for the following weekend’s bulletin. Please submit to [email protected]

Food Pantry........................................(816) 468-5153

Hours: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM, M/W/F

St. Pius X High School.......................(816) 453-3450

The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18) 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911 3. After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or [email protected] if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate, Kathleen Chastain, at 816.392.0011 or [email protected] for more information



For requests for the Prayer Chain, or to join our email Prayer Chain, please email:

a [email protected]



Page 11: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

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Page 12: June 10, 2018 · 900 NE Shady Lane Drive Kansas City, Missouri 64118 Bulletin online at: . John J. Olshefski PASTOR’S PEN...a word from the heart ... way within our diocese to offer

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