Sunday Mornings: 10 a.m. Live stream on the Olivet website & on WDAY 970 AM Wednesday Evenings: 5:45 p.m. Live stream on the Olivet website Phone: 701.235.6603 Email: [email protected] Web: www.Olivet.org App: download the MyChurch app or text "Olivet App" to 77977 Facebook.com/olivetlutheran Instagram.com/olivet_fargo Senior Pastor Pastor Pastor Lay Minister Deacon Music Kris Gorden Bill Boelter Tiffany Sundeen Grant Vanderford Brenda Bauer Marlys Herring JULY 5-11, 2020 WEEKLY EMBLEM On Sunday, June 21, we kicked off phase 1 of our re-gathering plan by welcoming you back (physically) to Olivet with outdoor worship. Since our decision to resume in-person worship, we continue to see a downward trajectory of active cases without resurgence and a continued low daily positivity average for newly identified cases statewide. As a result of these trends, we have set a date of July 12 for our Phase 2 re-opening plan. This date is subject to change if there is a resurgence of active cases in the state. Phase 2 will continue worship services outdoors (on a new night!) with the addition of Sunday morning worship in the sanctuary with strict physical distancing protocols in place. Outdoor worship will be moved from Sunday evenings to Wednesday evenings at 5:45 p.m. beginning Wednesday, July 15. In addition to indoor worship, we will open the church to internal group meetings of up to 50 people maximum per group during this phase. The intention of limiting our groups is to ensure we have time and resources to properly sanitize between events / groups. Baptisms, weddings, and funerals of 150 or fewer may resume indoors at Olivet. Guests will continue to follow physical distancing protocols. Please see the physical distancing guidelines for indoor worship on the back of this Emblem. Sunday, july 5 Wednesday, July 8 Sunday, july 12 Wednesday, July 15 Sunday, July 19 Wednesday, July 22 Sunday, July 26 Wednesday, July 29

July 5-11, 2020 Email & Web · 7/7/2020  · This is true Love of Neighbor. Additionally, we will be moving our outdoor worship experience to Wednesday evenings, 5:45 p.m., beginning

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Page 1: July 5-11, 2020 Email & Web · 7/7/2020  · This is true Love of Neighbor. Additionally, we will be moving our outdoor worship experience to Wednesday evenings, 5:45 p.m., beginning


Sunday Mornings: 10 a.m.Live stream on the Olivet website& on WDAY 970 AM

Wednesday Evenings: 5:45 p.m.Live stream on the Olivet website


Phone: 701.235.6603Email: [email protected]: www.Olivet.orgApp: download the MyChurch appor text "Olivet App" to 77977Facebook.com/olivetlutheranInstagram.com/olivet_fargo


Senior Pastor PastorPastorLay MinisterDeaconMusic

Kris Gorden Bill BoelterTiffany SundeenGrant VanderfordBrenda BauerMarlys Herring



On Sunday, June 21, we kicked off phase 1 of our re-gathering plan by welcoming you back (physically) to Olivet with outdoorworship. Since our decision to resume in-person worship, we continue to see a downward trajectory of active cases withoutresurgence and a continued low daily positivity average for newly identified cases statewide. As a result of these trends, wehave set a date of July 12 for our Phase 2 re-opening plan. This date is subject to change if there is a resurgence of activecases in the state.

Phase 2 will continue worship services outdoors (on a new night!) with the addition of Sunday morning worship in thesanctuary with strict physical distancing protocols in place. Outdoor worship will be moved from Sunday evenings toWednesday evenings at 5:45 p.m. beginning Wednesday, July 15. In addition to indoor worship, we will open the church tointernal group meetings of up to 50 people maximum per group during this phase. The intention of limiting our groups is toensure we have time and resources to properly sanitize between events / groups. Baptisms, weddings, and funerals of 150 orfewer may resume indoors at Olivet. Guests will continue to follow physical distancing protocols.

Please see the physical distancing guidelines for indoor worship on the back of this Emblem.


worship with us!Ju l y oppor tun i t ies to jo in us fo r worsh ip

Sunday,july 5

1 0 a . m .

l i v e s t r e a m a n d

r a d i o b r o a d c a s t

Wednesday,July 85 : 4 5 p . m .

c o m p l i n e n i g h t

p r a y e r o n l i n e

Sunday,july 12

1 0 a . m .

i n d o o r i n - p e r s o n ,

l i v e s t r e a m , a n d

r a d i o b r o a d c a s t

Wednesday,July 155 : 4 5 p . m .

o u t d o o r i n - p e r s o n

s e r v i c e o f

r e m e m b r a n c e

Sunday,July 19

1 0 a . m .

i n d o o r i n - p e r s o n ,

l i v e s t r e a m , a n d

r a d i o b r o a d c a s t

Wednesday,July 22

5 : 4 5 p . m .

o u t d o o r i n - p e r s o n

w o r s h i p

Sunday,July 26

1 0 a . m .

i n d o o r i n - p e r s o n ,

l i v e s t r e a m , a n d

r a d i o b r o a d c a s t

Wednesday,July 29

5 : 4 5 p . m .

o u t d o o r i n - p e r s o n

w o r s h i p

Page 2: July 5-11, 2020 Email & Web · 7/7/2020  · This is true Love of Neighbor. Additionally, we will be moving our outdoor worship experience to Wednesday evenings, 5:45 p.m., beginning

Join us on Wednesday, July 15 at 5:45 p.m.in the outdoor worship area at Olivet forour "Signs of Hope" service. We willgather to hear scripture, to hear music,join in prayer, and take part in a “Releaseof Butterflies”.  We ask that you wear amask if attending and practice physicallydistancing from other households.  

This service is intended for all who havehad a loss of a loved one.  It is a reminderof the Hope of a Resurrection throughJesus Christ.

*In the event of wind or rain we willgather by the East door (door #1)


News & Events

Dear Beloved Olivet Community,

We hope this letter finds you safe and well. These past few months bring about feelings of weariness and fatigue, and our soulsyearn for Good News. Health concerns dominate the news and conversation. As we traverse through this pandemic, as theChurch we, too, focus on the health of our whole being, physical, emotional, and spiritual.

It is with both joy and a bit of caution that we announce the regathering for worship in our sanctuary on Sunday, July 12, 10 a.m.Our last two Sunday evening outdoor services brought a much-needed sense of community for worshipers. It will be good tofeed our souls together in Olivet’s sanctuary. Although the Church has been, and will always be, deployed throughout the world,the worship space has felt lonely. For our emotional and spiritual health, gathering together is a much-desired experience.

For a time, worship in the sanctuary will feel different. Masks will be required. The service includes hymns, but we will not besinging. No fellowship time will happen, no coffee and donuts yet. As we enter for worship there will be a few screeningprotocols employed for your safety. This is a time to remind ourselves and each other that taking a few simple precautions arenot only for our own good, but for the good of those around us. This is true Love of Neighbor.

Additionally, we will be moving our outdoor worship experience to Wednesday evenings, 5:45 p.m., beginning on July 15. A mid-week opportunity provides everyone a chance to gather in-person regardless of schedule. Livestreaming and the radiobroadcast of our Sunday worship will continue.

Gathering together will be a blessing, even if a bit strange for a while. We’d love to hear your feedback and learn your spiritualneeds.

Stay safe. Be well. Keep the faith.

Peace, Pastor Kris Gorden

PASTOR'S PENWritten by Senior Pastor, Kris Gorden

Page 3: July 5-11, 2020 Email & Web · 7/7/2020  · This is true Love of Neighbor. Additionally, we will be moving our outdoor worship experience to Wednesday evenings, 5:45 p.m., beginning

News & Events

OUTDOOR WORSHIP We are moving our Sunday evening outdoor worship service to Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m. The Wednesday evening service willtake place in the outdoor worship area (weather permitting) around the stage. Seating will not be provided so please bringyour own chair or blanket. Seating areas will be highlighted on the ground. We ask that you please remain at least six feetapart from other households. If you would prefer to stay in your vehicle with the windows down, you are welcome to do so, wesimply ask that you turn off your engine to allow others to hear. The church building will remain closed, with the exception ofdoor 7, providing access to the restroom. Masks will not be required, but are highly encouraged. Additional details regardingreturning to in-person gatherings at Olivet can be found in theis Emblem or at olivet.org.


What’s your favorite thing God created? (Creation Story)How do you know what God wants you to do?  (Wise and foolish builder)What is God doing in your life right now? (Peter says Jesus is the Messiah)When do you pray to God?  (The Lord’s Prayer)How do you focus on others? (The Greatest Commandment) 

VBS looked a little different this year as we were unable to gather in-person. However, everything from kit pick-up to the dailyvideos and activities sent to participants were met with energy and excitement. FOCUS VBS & Virtual Experience helped Olivetkids dive deeper into their faith by putting the FOCUS on God and His amazing plan for us. Our preschoolers through preteenshad a blast as they discovered how to trust in what they CAN’T see because of what they CAN see. VBS taught kids to exploredifferent ways we can FOCUS on God: Our themes and questions of the day: 

We had 65 students participate this summer. We look forward to a big celebration next year when we can be together doingour VBS in person. 

Page 4: July 5-11, 2020 Email & Web · 7/7/2020  · This is true Love of Neighbor. Additionally, we will be moving our outdoor worship experience to Wednesday evenings, 5:45 p.m., beginning

Staff will transition to working from the church in larger teams. We will open the church to internal group meetings of up to 50 people maximum per group during this phase. Theintention of limiting our groups is to ensure we have time and resources to properly sanitize between events / groups. Baptisms, weddings, and funerals of 150 or fewer may resume indoors at Olivet. Guests will continue to follow physicaldistancing protocols.

Entrance to the building will be limited to the East entrance (door 1) & the new North entrance (door 7). There will be greeters outside doors 1 & 7, wearing masks & maintaining physical distance, welcoming people andanswering any questions that guests might have.Screening protocols will be in place when you enter the church, including temperature checks and screening questions. Masks will be required for those attending indoor worship. Masks are not required but are highly encouraged for thoseattending outdoor worship. We will have hand sanitizer available in all common areas.Traffic flow into and out of the sanctuary will be regulated by the Ushers.

You will be asked to enter the sanctuary from the South (the entrances from the Narthex) and will receive instructionon seating arrangements at that time. An usher will direct your household to your seat, following pre-set criteria regarding spacing of individuals/families(seating on ends of every other pew) Bulletins will be placed in the pews available for seating for your use during the worship service. Following the worship service please remain seated until the usher indicates it is time for your row to exit. This willallow us to control the flow out of the sanctuary, eliminating a bottleneck at the exit.

We will not pass an offering plate, instead the offering plate will be near the door as you exit the Sanctuary for indoorworship and located on the stage for outdoor worship. We will not be singing when indoors. Worship bags for children will be removed from the Sanctuary until phase 3.The nursery will be closed until we reach phase 3. Fellowship Hall will be open with limited seating available to those whoneed to step out of the Sanctuary with small children who may get restless during the service.To avoid accidental contact, children should remain seated with their family during the children’s service. Greetings will be “no contact” including when we share the peace during worship and exit the Sanctuary at the conclusionof worship. The upper level, lower level, lounge, kitchen, and library will remain closed until phase 3. All common areas will be sanitized between services.

Phase 2 will continue worship services outdoors and will allow us the option to worship in the sanctuary with strict physicaldistancing protocols in place.

How will Olivet follow physical distancing guidelines before, during, and after worship in Phase 2?

Thank you for following these guidelines and helping us to worship as safely as possible.


News & Events


Welcoming you backS L O W L Y & S A F E L Y