28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 Phone (239) 992-0901 www.stleocatholicchurch.org Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm Daily Mass: Monday-Saturday: 8 am Confessions: Saturday 2-3pm Saturday Vigil Masses: 3:30 & 5:30 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am & 5 pm Misa en español Domingo - 7 pm y las confesiones antes de la misa Mass in Polish: 3rd Sunday of the month - 1:30 pm We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. July 25, 2021 The Annunciation to Joachim and Anne / Absolon Stumme / circa 1510 / Feast Day July 26th

July 25, 2021

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Page 1: July 25, 2021

28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 • Phone (239) 992-0901 www.stleocatholicchurch.org • Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm

Daily Mass: Monday-Saturday: 8 am • Confessions: Saturday 2-3pm Saturday Vigil Masses: 3:30 & 5:30 pm • Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am & 5 pm

Misa en español Domingo - 7 pm y las confesiones antes de la misa Mass in Polish: 3rd Sunday of the month - 1:30 pm

We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people.

July 25, 2021

The Annunciation to Joachim and Anne / Absolon Stumme / circa 1510 / Feast Day July 26th

Page 2: July 25, 2021

BAPTISM OF INFANTS Baptisms of children under 7 years old are offered every fourth Sunday of each month in Spanish and every second Sunday of the month in English. Please visit our website or contact our office for details and requirements. CONFIRMATION At confirmation we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and confirm and renew our baptismal promises committing to a life of maturity in the Christian faith. Uncon-firmed Catholics wishing to receive the Sacrament should contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for suitable instruction. Unbaptized or non-Catholics can be confirmed at the Easter Vigil when they are baptized or received into the Church as a part of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult. To enroll in RCIA, please call Griselda Cisneros at 992-0901. EUCHARIST Parishioners who wish to bring communion to their spouses should contact the parish office to pick up a pyx with the St. Leo’s inscription on it. Please use this pyx when approaching to receive a host for your spouse or a family member in the Communion procession during Mass. If you need to receive a gluten free host due to a medical condition please arrive 15 minutes before Mass begins and inform the Sacristan. RECONCILIATION Individual confession with a priest is the principal means of absolution and reconcil-iation of grave sins within the Church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation frees us from sinful patterns of behavior and calls us to complete conversion to Christ. Confessions are heard at 2pm on Saturday in English and 6pm on Sunday in Spanish in the Church. You may also approach any of our parish priests to hear your confession at another suitable time. THE RITE OF ANOINTING A person does not need to wait until the point of death to receive this sacrament. A careful judgment about the serious nature of the illness is sufficient. The Sacrament may be repeated if the sick person recovers after the anointing but becomes ill once again, or if, during the same illness, the person's condition becomes more serious. For those who are about to depart from this life, the Church offers the person Pen-ance, Anointing of the Sick, and the Eucharist as Viaticum (food for the journey) given at the end of life. Contact the Parish Office at 992-0901 to be connected with the priest on duty. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE If you are a registered parishioner of St. Leo and plan to marry in our parish please contact our office at least six months prior to the tentative wedding date. Weddings cannot be scheduled until the marriage preparation process is complete and it is determined that the parties are free to marry. ANNULMENT - Reestablishing the freedom to marry. An annulment is more accurately described as a declaration of matrimonial invalidi-ty. It is an official determination made by an ecclesiastical court that at the time of the marital consent exchanged by the parties a specific component of the marriage was lacking or defective. Hence, the marriage failed to be a marriage as defined by the Catholic Church. If you wish to reestablish your freedom to marry in the Church, please contact a parish priest to be your advocate in presenting your case to the Tribunal. VOCATION If you think that you have a vocation to the priesthood or religious life please speak with one of our priests, or contact the Diocesan Director of Vocations at 941-484-9548, visit www.dioceseofvenice.org/vocations

Rev. Jarek (Jaroslaw) Sniosek ............................. Pastor Rev. Pablo Ruani ................................................ Parochial Vicar Rev. Luis Albarracin ............................................. Parochial Vicar Anne Bellows......................................................... Assistant to the Pastor Hermilo Calderon .................................................. Lead Maintenance Griselda Cisneros .................................................. Receptionist Rogelio Delgado .................................................... Maintenance Daniel Gonzalez .................................................... Maintenance Elsy Hernandez ..................................................... Graphics Designer Annemarie Jardon ................................................. Director of Religious Education Lauryn Kay ............................................................ Cantor Marcin Malewski .................................................... Director of Music Martha Mercado .................................................... Maintenance Frank Murray ........................................................ Youth Ministry Gisela Saldana ...................................................... Religious Education Assistant Henry Soto ............................................................ Accountant Milana Strezeva .................................................... Musician

Celebrating our Faith

Parish Staff

July 17 & 18 $17,211

St. Leo

Through your generosity we have completed another successful Catholic Faith Appeal campaign! Because of your donations we have maximized the amount of funds which we can collect assessment free from the campaign, and over $115,000 will now be returned to St. Leo. Thank you for your support again this year.

If you have made a pledge please continue making your payments.

2021 CFA

Parish Church Support Thank you for your continued generosity!

If you are looking for a Mass

with fewer people in

attendance, based on

last weekend’s

numbers we suggest

5:30 pm on Saturday

or 7:30am or

5 pm on Sunday.

Page 3: July 25, 2021

Sunday, Jul 25, 2021 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Celebrate mom-and-pop operations However few dollars there are, parents make them stretch until payday. However uncertain the way ahead, they shoulder the decision-making for their brood. However dark the night and scary the storm, parents hug their little ones through it. Today our nation celebrates Parents' Day, honoring the grownups who make children's lives safer, happier, and healthier. While they may not multiply loaves and fishes quite like Jesus, parents do perform minor miracles of sufficiency every day across this country. They take imperfect human love and weave a blanket of protection and possibility for their tribe. Support your local parents!

TODAY'S READINGS: 2 Kings 4:42-44; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 6:1-15 (110). "Gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted."

Monday, Jul 26, 2021 MEMORIAL OF JOACHIM AND ANNE, PARENTS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Family ties Jesus’ ancestry through Joseph is extensively traced in two of the gospels, but there’s nothing there about his maternal line. The names of his grandparents—Mary’s parents—aren’t mentioned in scripture, but tradition has dubbed them Joachim and Anne. Whatever their names were, they had to have been remarkable people to have raised the mother of God. The courage and faith they passed on to Mary is a precious gift all parents can pass to their children. Treasure your own intergenerational bonds.

TODAY'S READINGS: Exodus 32:15-24, 30-34; Matthew 13:31-35 (401). “The birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.”

Tuesday, Jul 27, 2021 Parables of trying and trust Jesus favored parables—short allegories featuring people, places, and things familiar to ordinary listeners—to get his point across. Typically, they were about the kingdom of God, standing in stark contrast to the current world. “The kingdom of God, even if it requires our cooperation, is firstly a gift of the Lord,” Pope Benedict XVI reminded pilgrims in 2012. Not that humans shouldn’t lift a finger. Such parables, Benedict said, echo a famous saying from Ignatius of Loyola: “Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God.” Where do you need to trust God more and where, perhaps, do you need to act?

TODAY'S READINGS: Exodus 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Matthew 13:36-43 (402). “Whoever has ears ought to hear.”

Wednesday, Jul 28, 2021 Stay the course Father Stanley Rother is one step away from canonization and being named publicly as a saint of the Catholic Church. Born in Oklahoma in 1935, ordained a priest in 1963, missioned to Guatemala in 1968, Rother immersed himself among the Tz’ufujil Mayan communities. When civil war broke out and his name appeared on a death list, after briefly departing he decided to return, saying, the “shepherd cannot run." On July 28, 1981, three men entered the rectory where he lived and killed him. Now recognized as a martyr for the faith, Rother was beatified by the Vatican in 2016. As we await the canonization of this first American martyr, pray that you, too, might be a sign of Christ’s love to the people close to you, even when it comes at a cost.

TODAY'S READINGS: Exodus 34:29-35; Matthew 13:44-46 (403). “When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”

Thursday, Jul 29, 2021 MEMORIAL OF MARTHA, MARY, AND LAZARUS Lesson learned Any memorial honoring Saint Martha, along with her sister and brother, includes a well-deserved nod to those who quietly serve. But Martha's role in salvation history goes well beyond her hospitality to Jesus and lies in the example of her maturing faith. When Jesus admonished her about her anxiety, Martha listened. She grew in wisdom and understanding, so much so that when her brother Lazarus dies, she runs to meet Jesus and declares: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.” Martha provides an inspiration to all of us to persevere in knowing God, loving Christ, and serving others.

TODAY'S READINGS: Exodus 40:16-21, 34-38 (404); John 11:19-27 or Luke 10:38-42 (607). “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing.”

Friday, Jul 30, 2021 Open the door to your own ministry Do you ever think about your daily activities as a ministry? No activity is outside the realm of a possible ministry. Take Blessed Solanus Casey, for example. One of Solanus’ jobs was as a porter, that is, a door keeper. Open/shut case, right? Not at all! Solanus understood his simple job as being a true ministry, service of God through service of others. He did not merely answer the door; he opened his heart to everyone who entered. In doing so, Solanus was able to reflect God’s love and healing to others in a way that truly made a difference. How do you open your heart to others during your daily routine?

TODAY'S READINGS: Leviticus 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Matthew 13:54-58 (405). “Is he not the carpenter’s son?”

Saturday, Jul 31, 2021 MEMORIAL OF IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, PRIEST Book your biblical excursion Never underestimate the power of a book to change lives or history. Ignatius of Loyola was a young Spanish soldier from a prominent military family. While recovering from a serious war injury, he came upon Vita Christi, a spiritual biography of the life of Christ by 14th-century German Catholic monk Ludolph of Saxony. In the book he found the meditative technique of immersing oneself in a biblical scene from the life of Jesus. The book changed Ignatius’ life, and the technique became foundational to the development of Ignatian spirituality and the famed Spiritual Exercises. Try the technique: Open a gospel, read a story, and place yourself at the scene. Really be there. See what happens.

TODAY'S READINGS: Leviticus 25:1, 8-17; Matthew 14:1-12 (406). “This fiftieth year you shall make sacred by proclaiming liberty in the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you.”

Page 4: July 25, 2021

Today is the first

World Day for


and the Elderly!

“It is important for grandparents to meet

their grandchildren and for grandchildren

to meet their grandparents, because —

as the prophet Joel says — grandparents,

before their grandchildren, will dream,

and have illusions [great desires], and

young people, taking strength from their

grandparents, will go forward and


– Pope Francis, January 31, 2021


I thank You, Lord, for the comfort of Your presence:

even in times of loneliness, You are my hope and my confidence,

You have been my rock and my fortress since my youth!

I thank You for having given me a family and for having blessed me with a long life.

I thank You for moments of joy and difficulty, for the dreams that have already come true in my life

and for those that are still ahead of me. I thank You for this time of renewed fruitfulness

to which You call me.

Increase, O Lord, my faith, make me a channel of your peace, teach me to embrace those who suffer more than me, to never stop dreaming, and to tell of your wonders

to new generations.

Protect and guide Pope Francis and the Church, that the light of the Gospel might reach the ends of the earth. Send Your Spirit, O Lord, to renew the world, that the

storm of the pandemic might be calmed, the poor consoled and wars ended.

Sustain me in weakness and help me to live life to the full

in each moment that You give me, in the certainty that you are with me every day, even until the end of the age. Amen.

Page 5: July 25, 2021

The First World Day for

Grandparents & the Elderly Pope Francis has instituted the Church-wide celebration of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Starting this year, it will be held on the fourth Sunday of July, close to the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. Cardinal Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, pointed out that “this is the first fruits of the Amoris Laetitia Family Year, a gift to the whole Church that is destined to continue into the future. The pastoral care of the elderly is a priority that can no longer be postponed by any Christian community. In the encyclical Fratelli Tutti, the Holy Father reminds us that no one is saved alone. With this in mind, we must treasure the spiritual and human wealth that has been handed down from generation to generation”.

Page 6: July 25, 2021

O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed Your order and returned to its former quietude. You are still the Master of land and sea. We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control: the Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant, can awake from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land, and spread chaos and disaster.

During this hurricane season we turn to You, O loving Father. Spare us from tragedies like those whose memories are still vivid.

O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our beloved Mother, we ask you to plead with your Son on our behalf, so that spared from the calamities common to this area and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, we may walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son to reach the heavenly Jerusalem, where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen.

Prayer for Safety in Hurricane Season



Registration is still open if:

• You moved into the parish over

the summer or,

• Your child is between the ages of

7-17 and needs to be Baptized


• Your child will be in High School

and is in need of Confirmation or

First Communion

Parents, if you missed the general

registration, please call the

Religious Education office at

992-0901 to have your child

placed on the class wait list.

Adults desiring to partake in the journey into full communion with the Roman

Catholic Church are invited to take the all-important next step: Rite of

Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). The RCIA is a gradual, communal process

of formal initiation into the Catholic Church. It was developed in the first and second centuries of the Church for those

seeking Jesus Christ. Our next session will begin in the fall and will culminate with

the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil in 2022. Please contact the Parish

Office at 992-0901 if you would like more information. You may read more about RCIA on our website at


Are you Considering

Joining the

Catholic Church?

Page 7: July 25, 2021

The St. Leo Food Bank is always in need of supplies to share with local food pantries. These listed items are suggested but all unopened, non-perishable foods are welcomed. You may continue to drop your donations when you come to Mass or at our office front door Monday - Friday from 8am-3pm. Our staff will remove these donations regularly.


Also welcome are: breakfast cereals • canned fruit & vegetables • canned pasta & soup • canned tuna & chicken • pasta & spaghetti • peanut butter & jelly • powdered milk • toothbrushes & toothpastes • laundry soap, bar soap • baby wipes, diapers, especially sizes 4-5-6

The St. Leo Food Bank supports Catholic Charities on our campus as well as the food pantries at the parishes of Jesus the Worker (Ft. Myers), St. Margaret (Clewiston) and Our Lady Queen of Heaven (LaBelle).


Pope Francis noted that amid so many penultimate and passing realities, what is ultimate and will remain forever is love, “for God is love,” and he reiterated that “the poor person who begs for my love leads me straight to God”. “The poor facilitate our access to heaven,” he said, “they are our treasure, the treasure of the Church. For the poor reveal to us the riches that never grow old, that unite heaven and earth, the riches for which life is truly worth living: the riches of love”.

to donate household items and clothing bring them to:

Our Lady of Light Thrift Shop 24600 S. Tamiami Tr. Ste. 600A (992-1576)

St. Vincent de Paul Resale Shop 3725 Bonita Beach Road (992-1899)

If you need assistance from Catholic Charities for food, financial assistance, or tele-mental health counseling, please call 239-390-2928 between the hours of 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.

Please remember all the infants who are in need of diapers (especially sizes 4-5-6 ) and new clothes for the season. Their toddler brothers and sisters grow so fast and need clothes also. The Ladies of St. Leo Guild thank all of you for your past support. Contributions may be left in the donation boxes at the doors of the church or taken to the parish office.

Page 8: July 25, 2021



A $1,000 scholarship for a student who is planning to attend a trade or technical school is now available. Applications may be obtained in the office. If you are a recent graduate, or any individual interested in furthering your education at a trade or technical school you may be considered.

For more information call Annette Smith at 287-6214.

We are pleased to provide for all our of parishioner the ability to access this wonderful website filled with thousands of wide ranging

movies, programs, audios, such as the Lives of Saints of History and Modern Day,

The Sacraments, Bible Study, Children’s Entertainment, Praying at Home, and

Movie Night selections.

To access FORMED choose the link on our website, search “St Leo Bonita” to find us in the

drop box, and sign up for your own account.

Page 9: July 25, 2021
Page 10: July 25, 2021

PARISH DIRECTORY Altar Servers - Adults Griselda Cisneros ............. 992-0901

Altar Servers - Youth Griselda Cisneros ............. 992-0901

Arimatheans Parish Office .................... 992-0901

Bereavement Support Group Cate Staid ......................... 992-0901

Bible Study Marge Salow…………734-243-5233

Bulletin Anne Bellows ................... 992-0901

Catholic Charities at St. Leo ......................................... 390-2928

Cenacle Legal Services (Low Income) ………………………..941-244-0308

Counseling Services Catholic Charities ............. 455-2655

Extraordinary Minister Coordinators:

Daily Mass Amy Campanile……...563-650-6442

Weekend Masses Parish Office .................... 992-0901

Homebound Parish Office .................... 992-0901

Hospice - Hope Hospice Parish Office ................... 992-0901

Hospitals/Nursing Homes Parish Office .................... 992-0901

Finance Council Henry Soto ....................... 992-0901

Greeters Ministry John Bonney..................... 221-8170

Human Trafficking Hotline ………………………..888-373-7888

Landings Parish Office .................... 992-0901

Lector Ministry Coordinator David Froelke………..646-831-9733

Lector Coordinator for Weekdays Amy Campanile……...563-650-6442

Mass in Polish Coordinator Maryla Basara .................. 405-2151

Money Counters Henry Soto ....................... 992-0901

Perpetual Baby Shower Mary Ellen French .......... 405-0215

Polish Classes Renata Dabrowska-Klimczak 384-9726

Prison Ministry Robert Hiniker………863-558-0407

Project Gabriel Carol Dangler ................... 793-0826

Project Rachel Sylvia Jimenez………..941-412-5860

Respect Life Diane Corcelli .................. 992-6723

Respite Bonnie Dunne-Martin ...... 992-0901

Retrouvaille Doug & Jeanne Lindberg..800-470-2230

Rite of Christian Initiation Griselda Cisneros ............. 992-0901

Sacristan Ministry Annette Smith .................. 948-1640

Sewing-Knitting-Crocheting Bernice Romano .............. 601-5877

Sing a Long Penny Kelly…………...314-412-4022

St. Leo the Great Ladies Guild Amy Campanile……...563-650-6442

Usher Ministry Parish Office .................... 992-0901

Youth Ministry Frank Murray .................. 992-0901

Gary McCarthy Mary Janice Suppe

We Pray for the Recently Deceased of Our Parish




Seniors and/or their caregivers can

sign up to receive a COVID-19

vaccine in their home by sending

their request by email to [email protected].

Page 11: July 25, 2021

Please Pray for Our Troops Lt. Marco Colabecchia Michael DeSantis Lt. Connor Flynn Lt. Thomas A. Flynn C. Sean Flynn Thomas Geanuracos Carlos Gonzales Brian Howlett Lt. Com. Matthew Kleine Maj. Nickolas LoRusso

Daniel McDonald Kyle Martin Michael Oliveira Sgt. Thomas Pauls Nick Parrorzio Sean Michael Perry Maj. Frank D. Razzano Jr. Lt. Evan Razzano All serving in the military, especially those in combat.

We pray today for…

Names remain on our prayer list for 30 days & troop list for 6 months.

To add names or update information call the Parish Office at 992-0901 or email: [email protected]

Shelly Allette Ellie Augevich Jackie Baker Peggy Behrakis Karen Baglini Dave Bowezs Neal Bonner Connie Bozzi Isabelle Marie Caiola Patrick Cain Scott Cochell Lourdes Coll Marie Corrao Mike Clukey Ruth Davis Lucy DonMoyer Kathy Elliman Thomas Hayes George Faccone Brad Fairfield Matthew Fairfield Frank & Harriet Forlizzi Gissette Lupita Garcia Gerald Gerber Quinn Gorman Pauline Graziano Karen Grimshaw Luke Hass Raymond Hasselo Larry Hickman Barbara Holdt Bob Holloran Robbin Holcomb Matthew Hough Stephen Scott Hughes Jerry Kaehle Madeline Kennedy Mary Kobel Karen Kugelman Emily Lienesch

Michael McDonald John McGray Misaela Mendiola Sandoval Jose Manuel Meraz Gary Miller Jay Miller Conrad Molter Jay Morgan John Moses Roger Nedoba Howie Nero Audrey Grace Neeley Alex Ogozaly Larry Parvin Joseph Peluso Connie Phillips Merlin Psenicka Aiden Putnam Cal Raugh Margaret Ridarelli Andrew Robinson Maria Rodriguez Kenneth Roy Tessa Santagate Ginienne Santoro Pat Sauce Sheryl Southerd Jim Stokes Charlie Sweeney Jr. Father Mathais Thelen Karen Thies Peggy Turri Fran Viglione George Witkowsky Lucille Zannino Christie Zdzinski Amy, Anthony, Faith N., Gary, Joanne, Pat P., Pat S., Tom. Present & past parish priests.



8:00 am +Allan Krippener Elle & Jolianne


8:00 am +Bernie & Regina Bubb Loving Children


8:00 am +Jane Baker Herren Love, J.P., Nicky, Marie & Huguete


8:00 am +Manuela Perez Loving Granddaughter


8:00 am +Patricia Myers Loving Husband, Jerry


8:00 am +Susan & John Healy Louis M Perry

3:30 pm +Richard Audieru

5:30 pm +Thomas G Hughes William Purcell


7:30 am +Janina Drabek Peggy Bischoff

9:30 am The Parishioners of St. Leo

11:30 am +Linda Bradley Margaret Wuerstle

5:00 pm +Maureen Harrington Charlie & Bitsy Smith

7:00 pm Special Cumulative Intentions

Hearing Loops are installed around the pews adjacent to the north and south entrances of the church and in the new auditorium. Hearing Loops transmit sound directly into a hearing aid or cochlear implant. To receive the Loop signal, manually activate the T-coil or telephone setting on your device. Consult your audiologist or hearing aid professional with problems.


If you would like a personal copy

of the Missalette to use during the

pandemic we have a new supply

available in the parish office for a

requested donation of two

dollars. This issue covers the

readings through July 31.

Flowers this week are dedicated to Parishioners of St. Leo

Candles this week are dedicated to † Deceased Parishioners of St. Leo

Eucharistic Adoration

Experiencing the marvelous presence of Christ through Eucharistic Adoration is available in our Chapel from

9am to 3pm Monday through Saturday.

If you are looking for someone to adopt your once loved golf cart, please consider donating it to St. Leo. Our campus is large and golf carts save us time and energy. We promise to enjoy it like you once did!

Page 12: July 25, 2021


VACUNAS PARA HOGAR MAYORES Las personas mayores y / o sus cuidadores pueden inscribirse para recibir un COVID-19 vacuna en su domicilio enviando su solicitud por correo electrónico a [email protected].


La inscripción aún está abierta si:

• Te mudaste a la parroquia durante el verano ó,

• Su hijo tiene entre 7 y 17 años y necesita ser bautizado ó,

• Su hijo estará en la escuela secundaria y necesita confirmación

o primera comunión

Padres, si no han registrado a su hijo/s, por favor llame a la oficina

de Educación Religiosa para que su hijo/s sea colocado en la lista

de espera de la clase.


Te doy las gracias, Señor, por el consuelo de tu presencia: También en la soledad, eres mi esperanza, mi confianza; ¡Desde mi juventud, eres mi roca y mi fortaleza! Gracias por haberme dado una familia y por la bendición de una larga vida. Te agradezco los momentos de alegría y de dificultad, por los sueños cumplidos y por los que aún tengo por delante. Te agradezco este tiempo de renovada fecundidad al que me llamas.

Aumenta, Señor, mi fe, hazme un instrumento de tu paz; enséñame a acoger a quien sufre más que yo, a no dejar de soñar y a narrar tus maravillas a las nuevas generaciones. Protege y guía al papa Francisco y a la Iglesia, para que la luz del Evangelio llegue hasta los confines de la tierra. Envía tu Espíritu, Señor, a renovar el mundo, para que la tormenta de la pandemia se apacigüe, los pobres sean consolados y toda guerra termine. Sostenme en la debilidad, y concédeme vivir plenamente cada momento que me das, con la certeza de que estás conmigo cada día hasta el fin del mundo. Amén

Page 13: July 25, 2021

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Page 14: July 25, 2021

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Phone: (239) 947-4497 Fax: (239) 947-8072 Email: [email protected]

38410 Bonita Crossing Blvd., Ste. 9Bonita Springs, FL 34135

AttorneysTasha Warnock, Esq. LLMScott A. Cummings, Esq.

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4513 Executive Drive • Naples, FL 3411926741 Dublin Woods Circle, Bonita Springs, FL 34135

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239-344-235211921 Saradrienne Lane, Ste. 8

Bonita Springs, FL 34134(English & Spanish Spoken)

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Laritza BaezRDH

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COLLIER PODIATRY, P.A.Michael J. Petrocelli, D.P.M.


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NCH Countryside Commons1715 Heritage Trail, Suite 204 • Naples

239-775-0019 • www.CollierPodiatry.com

The Mendieta Law Firm, PLLC Abogado de Inmigración Ana S. Mendieta, Esq. Construyendo una América Mejor Un INMIGRANTE a la Vez. ™ 239-770-7910 11983 Tamiami Trail Ste. #134 Naples, FL 34110

1350 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 204Naples, FL 34102

239-430-8346 | www.theveinpro.comLocal Parishioner

Mary V. PaluMboYour Friendly and Caring Attorney

Wills and TrusTs

30+ Years Experience

239-768-6898 7370 College Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33907

free initial consultation

Rita A Sokol, LLC ParishionerREALTOR®, GRI, SRES®, AHWD®, CNE, RDH

[email protected]

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808 Wiggins Pass Rd. Naples Fl. 34110(239)250-3310



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Scott Fuchs, D.O.Board Certified in Physical Medicine & Rehab and in Pain Medicine by ABPMR

8340 Collier Blvd. 8340 Collier Blvd. Ste 205,Ste 205,Naples , FL 34114Naples , FL 34114

Ravi Mirpuri, D.O. Board Certified in Physical Medicine & Rehab and Pain Medicine by ABPMR

661 Goodlette Rd. N, 661 Goodlette Rd. N, Ste 103, Naples 34102 Ste 103, Naples 34102

Zdenko Korunda, M.D. Board Certified in Pain Medicineby ABPMR

4513 Executive Dr4513 Executive DrNaples, FL 34119Naples, FL 34119

Nicolas Perez, M.D.Board Certified in Physical Medicineand Rehab and Pain Medicine by ABPMR

26741 Dublin Woods 26741 Dublin Woods Circle, Circle, Bonita Springs 34135 Bonita Springs 34135

Michael Silva, M.D.Board Certified in Pain Medicineand Anesthesiology by ABA

4513 Executive Dr4513 Executive DrNaples, FL 34119Naples, FL 34119

Store Hours: Mon-Sun 10am-6pm Outdoor Kitchen(239) 236-5554 | [email protected]

27245 S Tamiami Tr #100 • Bonita Springs, FL 34134


Owner/Stylist • Parishioner518-339-3314

14700 Tamiami Trail North, Ste 118 • Naples, FL

Kerry Hartmanrealtor

[email protected]

10200 Arcos Ave, Suite 201, Estero5100 Tamiami Trail N., Suite 102, Naples

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GREGORY M. HOUCK, DO, FAAD, FAOCDBoard Certified Dermatologist