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howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

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Page 1: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

1-5, 10-14 What are the truths given about God in these verses?

How can this give you confidence in who God is?

What surprised you as you read?

6-9, 15-28 Talks about John’s role in life. What is his role? What was his focus?

What did John believe about Jesus?

If you were in John’s role, what would you want to tell people about Jesus?

How do you feel about sharing Christ with your friends? What is scary? What is exciting? What holds you back?

How does John seem to be able to handle the pressure?

Pray for your heart to be transformed during the next 40 days!

Page 2: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

JOHN 1:1-28 Day 1 February 3

Read through the passage all the way through and go back and write down the who, what, where, and when.

John 2:5 What does this verse tell us about Jesus’ relationship with his mother Mary?

John 2:4 What does Jesus mean by His time has not come?

Jesus is on day three of an incredible mission, why do you think He decided to attend a wedding and take part of the festivities?

Do you think its possible to combine your mission with the activities of your life? How?

In the ordinary things...Jesus is there. He’s with you wherever you go and He can make a difference. Write down a few places, events where you can acknowledge Jesus is with you. And then pray and ask Him to strengthen you in the midst of your social world!!

John 12:20-505:17

JOHN 1:29-51 Day 2 February 4

List all the possible ways you can think of to reach your friends for Jesus Christ?

Now list the best way you can think of:

Read: John 1:29-51 Focus on verses 35-51. There are 5 people who meet Jesus Christ in these verses. How did each of them do it?Two disciples of John the Baptist (one of them being Andrew):

Simon Peter:



Besides how Philip started to follow Christ in this passage, in summary, how did all the others come to know about Him?

What role does the Lord have for you to play in the lives of your friends, family, and acquaintances?

Point to Remember: Though knowledge of God is extremely important, ultimately, It is not how much you know, having all the right answers, and trying to persuade people through clever arguments, rather it is inviting people to ‘come and see’ for themselves who Jesus Christ is. As we have experienced ourselves, when we meet Jesus Christ for who He really is, we find Him irresistibly attractive and want to follow Him with our lives just as those early disciples did.

Action: Today, who in your circle of friends can you invite to “come and see” Jesus? Maybe you can invite them to YL Club, Campaigners, Church, small group Bible Study, etc. where Jesus will be proclaimed. Or, sit down over a coke or cup of coffee and share your

Page 3: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

own story with a friend or someone close to you about how Jesus Christ has changed your life. He is

powerfully seen through you!

JOHN 3:1-21 Day 5 February 7

Read John 3:1-15What are some things we know about Nicodemus?

What does it mean to be born again?

Why is it important?

Read John 3:16-21Who is Jesus and what is his purpose?

What does a person’s life look like if they truly believe in Jesus and follow Him?

Make a list of the things about you that show you are a follower of Christ.

What things could you improve on.

JOHN 2:12-25 Day 4 February 6

The Passover was a Jewish holiday remembering how God had provided for them in the past (Moses and Pharaoh). But instead of it being full of people worshipping God it was filled with businesses and money-handlers.

Why do you think Jesus went through the trouble of making a whip to drive the businesses to leave? What might he have been doing during that time?

How do you think the people reacted?

Worship is when we profess truths about God while recognizing our own brokenness and our hearts become aligned with Jesus. Our hearts become filled as we give Christ our time and attention. Romans 12:1 describes worship as an act of the whole body! In other words, worship is thanking God for this new life even though we were covered in sin. How have you been doing in finding time to worship God?

Vs 23-25 Why do you think Jesus was hesitant to trust the people and what they were saying about him? (hint– saw miracles and believed)

Spend some time reviewing the past 24 hours. Have you found time to worship God? Have you trusted in Him, even when you can’t see what’s around the next bend? Write down a few thoughts on how you can worship God in the next 24 hours.

Page 4: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

JOHN 3:22-36 Day 6 February 8

Notice how quickly John’s disciples worry about the popularity of Jesus. How does John diffuse the situation? Write out his rebuttal to his disciples.

Vs 27

Vs 28

Vs 29

Vs 30-33

Vs 34

Vs 35

And now, we are the ‘friend’ waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom. We testify to Christ and point others to him.

Rewrite verse 36 in your own words.

Spend some time thanking God today for the gift of eternal life. Make it a goal to share with someone this week about your eternal life.

In the beginning of this passage, in verse 9, we learn that the Samaritan woman does not recognize Jesus. If Jesus asked you for a drink at Starbucks, would you recognize Him? How?

In verses 16-18, Jesus reveals to the Samaritan woman that He knows her; and not only does He know her, but He knows the things she is most ashamed of- her past. Having multiple marriages was not acceptable as it is today, and she was most likely an outcast in her town because of this. Consider what this shows us about Jesus and his love for us. List a few ideas of what these few scriptures reveal to you below.

In verse 28, the woman leaves the well to gather people from the town. How do you imagine she was feeling? (Remember, how people felt about her)

Skipping ahead, to verses 39-42, we learn of the results from the brief interaction between Jesus and the woman. What are those results? How does this relate to your life?

Take a moment to talk to God. Ask God to give you the confidence and the tools you need to share your story for Him.

God, thank You for loving me, regardless of my past. Thank You for knowing every detail, even those I am most ashamed of. Help me become confident in sharing my story in a way that will lead others to You. Allow me to be a light and a guide for You and open my eyes so that I may recognize You in my life. Amen.

JOHN 4:43-54 Day 8 February 10

Non-Christians and Christians alike often times want to see miraculous acts and big things from God to firmly believe in Him. But those rarely happen, even if we really want them to. We are called to believe even when God hasn't shown himself in a while.

This official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed.

What about you? Are there things that have bolstered your believe in God’s word? Write down a few examples of how you have seen God fulfill His promises/word to you.

Page 5: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

How can your prayers reflect a trust that is founded on His plans, not yours?

What struggles have you had where you had to rely on God when it was hard to envision a good outcome?

In this section, we read about a man who had been seriously ill for thirty-eight years and looking for abundant life by sitting next to a pool thinking it will heal him.

What is the mans response to Jesus’ question, “Do you want to get well?”

By his answer, we can figure out that the man is putting his trust in what?

What are some things that you've put your trust in other than God in the past?

How can you rely more on God to help you rather than earthly things? Take some time this morning to list some things you’re struggling with and need God’s help with.

Why doesn't Jesus put the man into the pool and have him be healed that way?

Why do you think the Jewish religious leaders were angry to find out the man had been healed on a Sabbath?

End your time today thanking God for the way He has healed you. And remember it the next time you want to go sit by a pool and wait for someone else to help you….Go to God first!!

JOHN 6:25-59 Day 12 February 14

JOHN 6:60-70 Day 13 February 15

Jesus speaks truth about Himself here. He tells his followers that He is the only way to eternal life with God. Our actions, our lives here on Earth, and our personalities are no help when it comes to us inheriting eternal life from Jesus. In the passage before, Jesus describes himself as the “bread of life”.

Why do you think so many of Jesus followers left after He had said this?

The twelve men that were left all stayed with Jesus because they believed in Him and in His words. Simon Peter further shows that with what he says to Jesus. Write out verses 68-69 in your own words.

How can I be faithful like the twelve in my own life?

What parts of my life am I hiding from God? What parts are easy for you to trust Him with?

JOHN 7:25-53 Day 15

Page 6: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

February 17It seems like people in Jesus day were confused about who He was. Is it the same today? If so, what are some of the things people in our culture today think about Jesus? Who do they say He is?

Focus on verse 37-39. What do you think Jesus is saying?

Point to Remember: When I first read the Bible as a kid, it was hard to understand. I didn’t know anything about the Bible and it didn’t make sense. All I knew is that was was a big, scary book and I really didn’t think it had much meaning to my life. Furthermore, it talked about Jesus and I was confused about who He was. I couldn’t make sense of who He was just like many of the people in today passage.

All that changed when I met Jesus Christ on a Young Life weekend and placed my faith in Him. What changed is that I now knew the author of the Bible personally. Even more than that, the author was now living IN me! One of the coolest passages in the whole Bible is John 7:38-39 where Jesus proclaims that when someone places their faith in Him, “streams

of living water will flow from within him” or as He clarifies, The Holy Spirit comes to reside in your life. God Himself, in the person of the Holy Spirit, comes to reside in you! Exciting! You will always be confused about someone when you don’t know them personally, just like all the people we read about in today’s passage. Many of your friends, family members, and acquaintances may have a lot of confusion about who Christ is, but when someone places their faith in Christ and He comes to live in them, they get a crystal clear picture of who He actually is.

Action: Read John 14:17 and John 16:12-15. There are times in your life when you may feel lonely, but remember today that it is bad theology and just plain wrong to believe that you are alone! As you walk around today, remember that as a Christ follower, God Himself through the person of the Holy Spirit lives IN you! You are one of His kids and you have the wonderful privilege of knowing Him personally for who He really is.

JOHN 7:1-24 Day 14 February 16

How were some people’s negative talk and doubts influencing what other people thought about Jesus?

Ask the Lord to continue to give you a joyful, serving, hopeful attitude toward each others and remove any negative and selfish thinking and speaking from us!

What are some things that make you doubt Jesus?

What are some things that might be making your friends doubt Jesus?

Ask the Lord to bring light and truth to our doubts and those of our friends.

Read vs 37-39 againJesus said whoever is thirsty come to me and drink. He meant the Holy Spirit. Does it feel like the living water is flowing through you right now?

Ask for more sensitivity to hear and feel the Holy Spirit and what He is trying to do in you and through you.

JOHN 8:31-59 Day 17 February 19

Vs. 31-41 Martin Luther King used verse 36 to talk about freedom in the fight for racial equality. Christ

used this verse to show us we are slaves to sin, but in Christ we can be set free.

Page 7: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

Spend a few moments thanking God for the things he has freed you from. And then ask him to set you free from the sins that are still controlling you. He can set you free! Pray. Repent, Walk by Faith!!

Vs 47 brings up an interesting point. There are times when we share Christ with our friends and they just don’t get it! Who are those people? Write them down and pray through the list today!

Vs. 48-59 Write down a list of all the claims Jesus makes in this section. There are at least 8.

What claims can you make about you—are your relationship with Christ? Are they claims others can see? If not, work at sharing one of them with a friend today!

JOHN 8:1-30 Day 16 February 18

What did you feel when the teachers and Pharisees challenged Jesus? Did you feel more connected to the woman or to the crowd around her?

Now, focus on not only Jesus’ words but his actions as well. With the woman who was an adulterer, Jesus showed his immense mercy, compassion and love and convicted the others in the crowd to do the same by saying “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Put yourself in the woman’s place. What do you think she was feeling, how do you think she responded to Jesus’ mercy?

Vs.12-30 Have you ever questioned the Lord’s work, like the people here? Why do you think that it is easier to be skeptical rather than to fully believe?

Jesus goes on to say we will forever be separated from Him and to know Him, we also must know the Father. Because of the cross and His sacrifice, we are able to spend eternity with Him and our Heavenly Father.

How can you interact with God and bring Him more into your daily life today. Write down at least 3 things you can do.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us draw ourselves closer to you today. Whether we are the woman on the ground, or the crowd mocking her, give us insight on how to reflect You in all of our actions. Thank you for Your son and the ultimate sacrifice He gave. We love you, Amen.

JOHN 10:1-21 Day 19 February 21

Vs. 9-10—Who or what is an example of a thief today (the people or things that are trying to steal you away from Christ)

What are a few things you can do to stay alert to the thief/robber?

Make a list of the things the good shepherd does for the sheep.

Page 8: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

Which one of those traits is the most important to you today?

Vs. 17-18 What do we learn here about how and why Christ died for us?

JOHN 9:1-41 Day 18 February 20

Read John 9:1-17In verse 3, Jesus explains that God sometimes allows people to suffer so that they can experience his mercy and power to deliver them. Recall times in your life that God has shown mercy to you. It doesn’t have to be as dramatic as a blind man receiving his sight, but in little (or big) ways, how has God blessed you?

Read John 18-41Jesus did not just heal the man’s blindness and leave him. In verse 35, Jesus went looking for him later that day and asked him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” Is Jesus asking you this question today? How are you living that shows that you believe in him?

Reflect on the man’s statement, “I was blind, but now I see.” Are there areas of your life where you are still walking in darkness—not able to see Christ? How can you give Christ those areas so you can live for him?

Pray to God and thank Him for blessing you and for allowing you to have a relationship with Him. Ask God to help you to be excited about what He has done for you like the excitement of the formerly blind man so that you can be a light to others.

REFLECTIONWho has been the toughest person for you to explain your faith to? Why?

Have you ever been ridiculed for your faith? What has helped you deal with this?

The Pharisees obviously knew something had happened now that this man could see. Do people see a difference in the way you live your life?

JOHN 11:1-44 Day 21 February 23

Why did Jesus wait to go back and help Lazarus?

Why did the disciples not want to go back? If you were in their shoes, what would you have thought?

In verse 21 and 32 Mary and Martha both make a bold statement to Jesus. What are they trying to say? Have you ever said (or thought) this sort of thing to God?

Read vs. 11:33-35 – Why do you think Jesus reacted

this way?What does it mean for us that Jesus cried with Mary and Martha?

What do you think bothered Jesus about being at the tomb? (v. 38)

Put yourself in Lazarus’ shoes. What would it be like to hear your name called and then walk out of a tomb in grave clothes?

Page 9: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

What does this passage reveal about the character and power of Jesus?

JOHN 10:22-42 Day 20 February 22

In verses 25-30, Jesus calls out the Jews, saying that they are not His sheep. He goes on to make three promises to His sheep. What are those three promises? (Hint: vs. 28)

How do you feel knowing that no one can take you away from God?

Towards the end of the passage, from verse 34-39, Jesus has to defend that He is the Son of God, even after performing multiple miracles. In what ways do you ask Jesus to defend Himself to you? What has He done in your life to prove to you that He is the Son of God?

It is not easy to be a follower of Christ today. We often come in contact with individuals who want to know why we believe in God. Take a few moments to write a response to the question, “Why do you believe in Christ?”

God, You are watching over me and protecting me each day. I know that does not mean that I will not be challenged, but I do know I can overcome those challenges with the strength I find in You. I ask that you give me the words to say to defend You when I face that challenge, and I thank You for making yourself known in my life. Help me continue to grow in my faith and love for You. Amen.

JOHN 12:1-19 Day 23 February 25

Washing feet was a custom of the times, but Mary washes Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume and wipes his feet with her hair.

What risk did she take in doing this?

The perfume was very expensive, but she freely gave it to the Lord. It was a humble act and a costly one. (almost a year’s wages).

This is a great example for us. What have you done for Christ that was costly or humble?

Immediately after this Jesus does something very humble and rides a donkey into town. It wasn’t a parade, but people started worshipping him. Some of these people will show up in front of Pilate and yell for the release of Barabbas.

Why do some people waver?

Could it be they were just looking for a King not a Savior?

What are you looking for? Do you need a Savior? Are you willing to give everything to show your love for him, like Mary did? Are you willing to stay with him and fight for him even when the world urges you to flee Him?

JOHN 11:45-57 Day 22 February 24

Pharisees were people who strictly observed the traditional and written Jewish law. They were powerful people in their culture and were leaders of the temple. We see that they did not particularly like Jesus. They were jealous of how many people were following Jesus and were afraid that they would lose their power and influence.

What moments in your life have your experienced jealousy?

Page 10: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

What are some thoughts that run through the mind of someone who is jealous?

Write a list of what you have and are thankful for. Often times we forget what God has already provided for us and only look at what others have. Take some time in prayer to thank God for what is on your list.

JOHN 13:1-17 Day 25 February 27

In that time feet washing is usually done by servants, Why do you think Jesus washed his disciples' feet?

Why do you think Peter was confused at first?

How would you have felt in Peter’s position? Can you relate to his feelings?

What has Jesus taught his disciples?

Foot washing is a very humbling thing, but Jesus shows us we should be serving each other. You may not need to physically wash feet, but there should be things you do each day to go out of your comfort zone to serve others. Write down a few things you can do this week to serve your friends and your family.

JOHN 12:20-50 Day 24 February 26

John 12:23 Refer back to John 2:4. What has changed between now and then?

Read v. 24-26 a couple times. Why is death not the end? Can you explain the idea that whoever loves their life will lose it but if you hate it you gain eternal life?

Who is the prince in this world referenced in John 12:31?

John 12:34-36 The crowd was trying to mold Christ to fit what they wanted. Jesus’ words were not matching their idea of the Messiah. What kind of Messiah are you seeking?

John 12:37-43 Jesus performed miracles but most still didn’t believe. As Christians our job is not to force our belief on others but rather be Jesus’ image as an example to others. What would Jesus look like in school? At home? On your team?

How can we know the creator without seeing Him?

What was Jesus sent to do?

What will He come back to do?

JOHN 14:1-31 Day 27 March 1

In 1-7, Jesus talks about preparing a place for them. Why is it important for the disciples (and us) to know that Jesus is doing that? What do you think will be great about heaven?

Page 11: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

What questions do you have about it?

Jesus talks about his own relationship with the Father. What do you learn about this relationship?

Why is it important for us to understand?

12-14 talks about doing works. What is the motivation for doing good works?

How is this important to remember as you are working in your job, in class or on your team?

Take some time to think and rest on the fact that you have a place in heaven. Spend some time thanking God.

JOHN 13:18-38 Day 26 February 28

Reading verses 34-35, What is Jesus’s new commandment?

What are some ways we can honor this daily?

In this passage, the disciples had just finished eating with Jesus and were possibly tired. Jesus says that he will not be there much longer, and has one more piece of wisdom. If I was a disciple I would become a lot more interested, but Jesus simply says “love one another,” which is basically the same thing Jesus has been saying during his whole ministry. He clarifies, saying, “As I have loved you, so you are to love one another.”

What has Jesus done to show the extent of his love for us?

How does this make the command to love each other this way new?

Reflect on this past week, how have you shown Jesus’s love to others?

How have you been shown God’s love?

How can you apply this command to love another in a new way?

JOHN 15:18-27 Day 29 March 3

Being a follower of Jesus in today’s world is difficult. Jesus gives the reason why perfectly in verse 18-19. Jesus is so counter-cultural to this world that He is often hated. When we accepted Jesus into our hearts and gave our lives to Him, we were not only adopted into His loving family, but into His culture.

Why do you think Jesus says the world hates Him?

What has he done that created conflict with the world?

When in your life have you felt alienated because of your faith?

Jesus closes the section with a command and a promise. What are they?

How are you doing at following His command? Who can you talk to this week about your faith? Write their name down and pray for them today!

Page 12: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

Life simply is tough. Jesus was sent to us, God with skin on, so we could follow a God who understand our

pain. What we experience in our lives sometimes (loneliness, feeling mocked or looked down upon…) was felt by Jesus. Cling to Jesus in these moments of struggle and find other believers to walk through those moments with.

JOHN 15:1-17 Day 28 March 2

In this passage, who is:The Gardener: The Vine:The Branches:

Why must the branch remain in the vine?

What happens to those who remain?

What happens to those who do not remain?

How can you remain in Jesus’ Love?

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” How can we fulfill what Jesus tells us to do in v.12?

What is the difference between a ‘servant’ and a ‘friend’? According to verse 14, how can we be Jesus’ friend?

What has Jesus chosen/appointed us to do as His disciples?

What does the ‘fruit’ look like of those who remain? (read Gal 5:22-23)

Point to Remember: One of the most remarkable passages in all the New Testament is John 15:9 when Jesus says, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you…” I want you to think about this: how much do you think the Father loves Jesus His son? I imagine it is extremely immense and immeasurable. Jesus is saying here that the extreme love the Father has for Him, is exactly the same kind of love He is passing on to us…unbelievable! Today you need to remember that you are incredibly loved by Jesus Christ. Never forget it!

Action: Do all you can today to ‘remain’ in the love of Christ. Spend time in His word and time in prayer getting to know Him as your friend. Look out for ways today to lay down your life for your friends, just as He did for you. Out of love for Him today, listen to Him and obey what He is telling you to do in His word. As you remain, you get the privilege of “bearing fruit that will last.”

Page 13: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

JOHN 16:16-33 Day 31 March 5

Up until this point the disciples had prayer to the Father, what changes now, according to verses 23-24?

What does it mean to ask for things in Jesus’ name? How does praying for things in His name help us in our prayer life?

What do verses 27-28 mean to you?

If anyone is going to have ‘trouble’ it is going to be the disciples! But Jesus promises peace. That should be great news for us. What kind of troubles are you facing right now? Write down a few and then pray through the list remembering He has overcome the world. None of these problems can beat you! Jesus has already won!!

JOHN 16:1-15 Day 30 March 4

In the first part of John 16 Jesus warns his disciples about the persecution that they will bring against them. Who is the “they” he is talking about?

Where have you felt persecution from the world? Who has persecuted you in the past?

Jesus warns his disciples about the persecution that will come, “so that you will not go astray” and “so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you.” As we follow Christ persecution is to be expected. Our life should look different from the rest of the world. If it does not then we are not following the way Jesus described. Jesus does give us his truth and promises in scripture to help when persecution comes.

What are some promises and truths in scripture that you can go to when persecution comes?

JOHN 5:16-47 Day 10 February 12

Read John 6:1-15In verse 5-7, Jesus tests Phillip about what to do to feed the crowd. Why do you think Jesus did this? How does Jesus test you in your faith?

This passage is parallel to the Old Testament passage when Jesus sent bread from Heaven to feed the Israelites. Compare John 6:12-13 to Exodus 16:18-20 (you can even draw from the entire passages, John 6 and Exodus 16). The manna that rained down and appeared each morning with the dew foreshadowed Jesus Christ, who is the true bread of life.

Read John 6:16-21This passage is a powerful demonstration of Jesus’ control over nature. Note what Jesus says to his disciples in verse 20. “It is I” can be translated to “I AM.” This parallels God’s response to Moses in Exodus 3:14 when God says, “I am who I am.” The storm and this ‘ghost’ frightened the disciples. They were in need of the Great ‘I AM’. Write down the storms in your life right now—-and pray through that list, asking God to help you see Him in the midst of the storm.

Page 14: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

Jesus invites the disciples deeper into this extravagant adventure of following Him. Spend some time praying and asking Christ to take control of your life so you can trust him to provide for you in your times of need!

Be encouraged today! The disciples “stayed in it” in their exhausted place, and saw firsthand one of the greatest miracles of Jesus’ time on earth. Furthermore, the boy offered the little he had and Jesus used it to feed an “army.”

What do you have to give to God today? Whatever it is, He wants to use it. Take a few minutes to do a quick inventory—what are you going to give Him today?

You may have little to give, but Jesus is in the business of multiplying our measly offerings.

Read verses 16-23 and make a list of things God does and the things Jesus does.

Even with this great statement, the listeners do not believe. These men had a knowledge of Scripture, but why can’t they see who Jesus really is?

What are some obstacles you face in believing/knowing Jesus right now? Ask God to help you work through those doubts and concerns. He has given you ears to hear!!

Jesus declares here that He is the “bread of life”. Back then, bread was a staple part of the diet of the people. Jesus goes to the level of the people in Capernaum and equates himself with something as common as bread. He is saying he isessentialfor life.What are some things that you cannot live without?

How would your life be different if those didn’t exist?

Reread verse 51 and 58. Jesus calls himself the living bread and that those who eat will “live forever”What do you think Jesus meant by this?

While the Jewish people may be think of being immortal, Jesus is describing having eternal life in the spiritual sense. In other words, when we confess and believe in Jesus, we get to spend an eternity with Himafterwe die because of what He did on the cross. Jesus offers us eternal life with Him because of the greatest act of love performed on the cross.

Read Matthew 4:4 How can you work this year to get more ‘bread’ into your life?

The next time you take communion in your church, remember Jesus is the Bread of Life—eternal life!

You are embarking on a shared journey, an

Page 15: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

adventure in faith and community!

This month will bless you and perhaps, challenge you-in all the right ways. God may sharpen and change your heart. Welcome those moments. Listen to His voice. Pray for change in your heart.

The key to making all of this work is God in us! We cannot do it alone and each of us will need to rely on His strength, encouragement and wisdom. We need to rely on Him, be filled with Him, talk with Him and spend time in His Word every day.

We ask you to get up every morning and begin your day with Him. This devotional is to help you draw near to the ONE who makes it possible for us to get through each day.

THE PLAN Pray first—ask God to meet you each day.Read the selected passage for the day.Read through the commentary/questions and write

out your response.Record any insights, new things you learned or

applications in the back of the journal. Pray. Ask God to help you apply His Word today.Use the weekly prayer pages to write down your

prayer requests. You can also list needs you hear about from others and of course a list of friends you want to take to camp with you this summer.

During the day, share something you learned from the devotion. Ask other’s what they discovered.

Eternal Father of my soul, let my first thought today be of You.

Let my first impulse be to worship You, let my first speech be Your name,

let my first action be to kneel before You in prayer. AMEN

Accountability Team:

Page 16: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

JOHN 2:1-11 Day 3 February 5

JOHN 4:1-42 Day 7 February 9

JOHN 5:1-15 Day 9 February 11

JOHN 6:1-24 Day 11 February 13

JOHN 17:20-26 Day 33 March 7

Reread verses 20-21. Who does Jesus refer to when he says “they/them”?

Imagine what it would look like if God’s people became one. Jesus is praying for you that you would be a part of his body and a part of his plan. How are you living for Christ today and do you have people to turn to, to keep you accountable?

In verse 22, Jesus is praying that we can share in his glory as followers of Christ. Verse 23 is even more profound. Jesus is praying that God can love us with the same love that he has for him. This should knock you off your seat. That God can take the love that he has for Jesus who is perfect, sinless, all righteous, pure, and holy and then love us the same way, is unbelievable. How does that make you feel?

How have you seen God use your unity with your friends to show His love to others?

What happens when we are not a united group of believers? What would be some negative results?

Looking at the entire chapter, how can we pray for the world?

How can we be like Jesus and pray for God’s glory on Earth?

JOHN 17:1-19 Day 32 March 6

Do you feel encouraged knowing Jesus prayed about you? How does the way He prays compare to the way you pray?

In what ways does Jesus’ prayer challenge you?

What are some things you can do to make your prayers during the day more purposeful?

Throughout the passage, Jesus doesn’t solely pray to God about what He wishes or what He hopes to happen. He prays about the good things “For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them” and he prays about the difficult things “I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you.” Jesus is transparent in his prayers and is purposeful in what he talks about. Although God knows all, Jesus is still vulnerable and open about His life on Earth.

Go through the passage and write down the general things that Jesus prays about.

How does that list of topics compare to what your prayers looks like?

Becoming vulnerable in prayer is all about bettering your relationship with Christ and forming a bond between the two of you. As you pray, be sure to take time in silence and to listen to what The Lord is speaking into your heart, as well.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to become more in tune with you. Help me become vulnerable and transparent about my life. Give me direction in my thoughts and prayers that will lead me closer to You. Thank you for all you’ve done for us. We love you, Amen.

Page 17: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

JOHN 21:1-14 Day 39 March 13

What do you notice about the disciples disposition in verses 1-3?

Once they haul in the great number of fish, they immediately know it is their Lord and best friend who is behind the big catch. How do they express their joy when they discover it is Jesus? Describe their disposition now (verse 7)

What does this indicate about the friendship the disciples had with Jesus?

How did Jesus demonstrate his friendship with the guys.

How do you develop a friendship with Jesus Christ today that is as deep and exciting as it was for the disciples that day?

Point to Remember: Spend your life growing in your friendship with Jesus Christ., There is no higher calling in your life than being His disciple and following Him.

Action: If you want to know Jesus Christ like the disciples did and have that kind of deep exciting friendship with Him, remember :Simply spend a lot of time with Him. Be His disciple.Remember that He lives in you and loves you!Through prayer, constantly bring Him into every situation

and circumstance you find yourself inMake a decision today that you will consistently read

through the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) over and over again throughout your life. This is where you get to know Him firsthand and personally.

Always walk through life with a band of brothers (guys) or band of sisters (gals) who also have a passion to know and follow Jesus Christ, just like these disciples did

At every stage of your life, find someone that is older than you who is walking with Jesus Christ and learn from them.

Remember to step out on faith, trust what Jesus is telling you to do through His word, and do it. He knows what is best for you!

Remember He is your Lord, your Savior, and Friend!

Page 18: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

JOHN 20:1-30 Day 38 March 12

Mary tells the disciples that she had seen Jesus, but how do we find the disciples on the evening of the first day?

The disciples saw and believed. They heard his words and he gave them the Holy Spirit. But Thomas was not there. We also have not actually seen Jesus, yet we believe in Him. Skeptics of Christianity, such as those who only believe that what is true is what is verifiable through science, would say it is illogical to believe Jesus because you have not seen or heard him. But for us, just because we have not encountered Jesus does not mean it is illogical and unreasonable to believe him.

So, what would you say to someone who questioned why you believe in a God you have not seen? What evidence have you seen in your life, in the world around you that points towards God, that validates the truths of the Bible?

Why do you believe that Christianity is true?

Some books to help you establish a Christian worldview and strengthen your beliefs/faith are:Mere Christianity by CS LewisThe Reason for God by Tim KellerThe Case for Faith by Lee Strobel

Praying for…..Things to remember/apply

JOHN 18:28-40 Day 35 March 9

This is a perfect picture of inner conflict and giving in to the crowd.

Do you see any ways Pilate was trying to NOT give in?

Vs 38, Pilate questions Truth. He can’t believe that the One standing in front of him is TRUTH! What can you do to grow in your knowledge of the TRUTH? Write out a few goals/plans you can create to keep you walking/living in the TRUTH!

At the end, Pilate finds no reason to charge Jesus, but he turns Him over to the Jews...and releases Barabbas. And when we were guilty and deserving of death, Jesus stepped in to pay the penalty for us and like Barabbas, we were set free.

Spend some time today thanking God for releasing you from the prison you were in. Make a list of the things he saved you from.

JOHN 18:1-27 Day 34 March 8

Vs. 1-14 As you read this passage, write down a few observations on Jesus’ demeanor and the behavior of the disciples. How was Jesus able to maintain such composure?

Page 19: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

Vs 15-27 Put yourself in Peter’s place. He followed after Jesus, but was he afraid to stand by Jesus? Why?

Have you ever been in a place where you denied Christ? Maybe not so blatant as Peter but have you not stood up for Christ, given in to peers instead of sticking to your faith? Write down the whys and spend some time figuring out what you can do to NOT be in that place again!

God’s Word will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from God’s Word.

JOHN 19:28-42 Day 37 March 11

This is the pinnacle of our faith. Jesus dying on the cross for our salvation so that we may choose eternal life with Christ. At some point before He died, before the veil was torn in two, before He cried out it is finished, an awesome spiritual transaction took place. God the Father laid upon God the Son all the guilt and wrath our sin deserved, and He bore it in Himself perfectly, totally satisfying the wrath of God for us.

What are the last two things Jesus says?

The life of Jesus, fulfilling what the prophets had foretold (i.e. verses 36-37), is the key to eternal life and a deep sense of hope and joy. Christ didn’t die on the cross because of who we are, but despite who we are. We didn’t deserve anything, but out of love Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us. He paid the price I couldn’t pay myself—it is finished!

He paid the price for me! What if I lived like I believed it? What things do you hold on to, thinking God won’t forgive it, won’t be able to change? Write them down and in prayer, give them to the Lord!

What things can you do today to remember the cross and the nonstop love Jesus has for you?

Page 20: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

JOHN 19:1-27 Day 36 March 10

What does it mean to be flogged? What is used during a flogging?

Have you ever been wrongly accused of doing something? What was your reaction or what would you imagine your reaction to be like?

Jesus’ life is on the line and on display yet He remains composed and in control.

When you are questioned or ridiculed because of your faith remember that you may be on trial with your accusers, but they are on trial with God.

John 19:11 Who is guilty of a “greater sin”? Is Jesus saying that Pilate is free of responsibility then? Refer to James 4:17

John 19:20 Why do you think the sign was written in several languages? Why did John include that fact in scripture?

John 19:25-27 Even while dying on the cross, Jesus was concerned about his family. He instructed John to care for Mary, Jesus’ mother. Neither Christian work nor key responsibilities in any job or position excuse us from caring for our families. What can you do today to show you love your family?

Praying for…..Things to remember/apply

Day 41 March 15

We’ve reached the end of our 40 day journey. For some this could’ve been the first time you’ve spent 40 days in a row with the Lord. I hope it is a habit you never stop! For others, it may have been a continuation of what you were already doing. Either way, we do not want it to end. Can you make a covenant with the Lord to a life of consistent time in prayer and in the Word?

Today, start your new journey. You decide what to read. Get a new journal. Write out a prayer to the Lord, pour out your heart, respond to the passage you

read and make some application for the tomorrows to come!

Use the rest of this page to write out some new goals. Focus on the New You...the one God loves so very much. Decide to be a Kingdom builder. Give your life away to others. Share your faith. Make an impact on the world around you. Who knows maybe one day you will be part of the team writing a devotional for the campaigners in your club. May God fill you with His Spirit and call you to a new way of life, His way. Forever!

JOHN 21:15-25 Day 40 March 14

What question does Jesus ask 3 times?

What are Peter’s 3 responses?

What does Jesus ask Peter to do? What’s the relationship between loving Jesus and feeding his sheep?

Why do you think Peter is worried about ‘the other disciple’?

There s a lesson here for us also. We can’t compare ourselves to other friends in Christ!! Have you found yourself doing it? What are some things you can do to stop comparing/competing with others?

Page 21: howardcounty.younglife.org Journal …  · Web viewThis official took Jesus at His word and left, but after hearing the timing of his son’s recovery, he believed. ... Pharisees

Write out a few ways you can find and feed His sheep/lambs! You have a big job ahead of you– continuing the Kingdom, training others to grow in

Christ, sharing your faith with others. Come back to this page in a month and see if you have accomplished your goals.

Praying for…..

Things to remember/apply


Things to remember/apply