JOURNAL OF L A T E X CLASS FILES, VOL. 13, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2014 1 CO 2 -aware Adaptation Strategies for Cloud Applications Cinzia Cappiello, Nguyen Thi Thao Ho, Barbara Pernici, Pierluigi Plebani, Monica Vitali Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria Politecnico di Milano Abstract—The increasing utilization of cloud resources raises several issues related to their environmental impact and, more in general, sustainability. Recently, most of the contributions have focused on energy efficiency achieved through a better physical and virtual resource management. The present paper considers instead the application level, extending the focus to the reduction of CO 2 emissions related to the execution of applications. We aim to exploit adaptivity through the design of an Application Controller that, enacting the right adaptation strategy for a given context, allows the improvement of the trade off between QoS and CO 2 emission reduction. The effectiveness of the approach has been shown running an HPC application in a federated cloud infrastructure. Index Terms—cloud computing, Green IT, CO 2 emissions, adaptive systems 1 I NTRODUCTION I N recent years, an efficient usage of IT resources in data centers and cloud infrastructures is one of the main goals for organizations. Approaches to make data centers more energy efficient have been proposed [1] [2] [3] and the debate has been extended more recently to cloud infrastruc- tures. While on the one hand the debate in the cloud and data centers literature has focused mainly on an efficient use of physical resources (i.e., host dynamic management and server consolidation), on the other hand the issue of providing green applications and reducing their environ- mental impact has also been considered. An example is the analysis of business processes to lower their environmental impact considering the way they are executed [4] [5]. Goal of this paper is to discuss an additional opportunity for reducing the environmental impact of applications. At a glance, we propose an approach that controls the appli- cations during their entire life-cycle, i.e., from the design phase to the execution phase. At design time, the approach suggests the optimal set of Virtual Machines (VMs) to be deployed according to the application profile; at run time, adaptation strategies are enacted to reduce CO 2 emissions. These strategies are based on the information known at application level to further reduce the environmental impact of applications once deployed in a virtualized or cloud in- frastructure. As reported in the paper, potential for improve- ment is currently up to a 60% reduction of CO 2 emissions. Such a significant reduction has been obtained making the application aware of the characteristics of the cloud platform, providing useful information for dynamically ex- ploiting the VMs with the best characteristics out of the VMs assigned to it. The main idea is to exploit the different characteristics of VMs, even when they are requested with the same configuration. In fact, their performance depends on the host on which they are deployed and on the current status of the infrastructure (e.g., site and server loads). E-mail: [email protected] CO 2 emissions also depend on the site location and the available energy mix, which may vary in time. Moreover, among many VMs, which are supposed to be similar, one or more could be considered “golden machines”, i.e., more performant, or with less CO 2 emissions. This information is only available through monitoring after deployment and it should be used at run time to exploit these machines more than others. Yet, also the number of requested VMs can have a major impact on CO 2 emissions of an application or on its energy consumption: the best solution consists in selecting the right number of resources for the tasks to be handled, considering the requirements. For the moment, the approach presented in this paper has been validated for High Performance Computing (HPC) applications, but further types of applications are being investigated. The validity of the approach has been demon- strated using a real application running in the ECO 2 Clouds infrastructure 1 on top of BonFIRE 2 , which provides a so- phisticated monitoring environment including ecometrics to assess environmental impact and performance. This paper is organized as follows. Sect. 2 discusses the state of the art for improving energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of cloud infrastructures. Sect. 3 illustrates the overall approach motivated by the case study presented in Sect. 4. Sect. 5 presents the metrics on the basis of which we define the adaptation strategies introduced in Sect. 6. A technique for selecting the most suitable strategy is discussed in Sect. 7. Finally, Sect. 8 introduce the validation of the work and Sect. 9 outlines possible future work. 2 RELATED WORK Energy efficiency in data centers and clouds has been one of the mainstreams in research in recent years. According to the survey proposed by Vitali and Pernici [3], three main aspects have been considered in the literature under 1. http://eco2clouds.eu 2. http://www.bonfire-project.eu

JOURNAL OF LA CO -aware Adaptation Strategies for Cloud …plebani.faculty.polimi.it/wp-content/uploads/E2CPolimi.pdf · 2016-03-24 · JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 13, NO

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Page 1: JOURNAL OF LA CO -aware Adaptation Strategies for Cloud …plebani.faculty.polimi.it/wp-content/uploads/E2CPolimi.pdf · 2016-03-24 · JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 13, NO


CO2-aware Adaptation Strategies forCloud Applications

Cinzia Cappiello, Nguyen Thi Thao Ho, Barbara Pernici, Pierluigi Plebani, Monica VitaliDipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria

Politecnico di Milano

Abstract—The increasing utilization of cloud resources raises several issues related to their environmental impact and, more ingeneral, sustainability. Recently, most of the contributions have focused on energy efficiency achieved through a better physical andvirtual resource management. The present paper considers instead the application level, extending the focus to the reduction of CO2

emissions related to the execution of applications. We aim to exploit adaptivity through the design of an Application Controller that,enacting the right adaptation strategy for a given context, allows the improvement of the trade off between QoS and CO2 emissionreduction. The effectiveness of the approach has been shown running an HPC application in a federated cloud infrastructure.

Index Terms—cloud computing, Green IT, CO2 emissions, adaptive systems



IN recent years, an efficient usage of IT resources in datacenters and cloud infrastructures is one of the main goals

for organizations. Approaches to make data centers moreenergy efficient have been proposed [1] [2] [3] and thedebate has been extended more recently to cloud infrastruc-tures. While on the one hand the debate in the cloud anddata centers literature has focused mainly on an efficientuse of physical resources (i.e., host dynamic managementand server consolidation), on the other hand the issue ofproviding green applications and reducing their environ-mental impact has also been considered. An example is theanalysis of business processes to lower their environmentalimpact considering the way they are executed [4] [5].

Goal of this paper is to discuss an additional opportunityfor reducing the environmental impact of applications. Ata glance, we propose an approach that controls the appli-cations during their entire life-cycle, i.e., from the designphase to the execution phase. At design time, the approachsuggests the optimal set of Virtual Machines (VMs) to bedeployed according to the application profile; at run time,adaptation strategies are enacted to reduce CO2 emissions.These strategies are based on the information known atapplication level to further reduce the environmental impactof applications once deployed in a virtualized or cloud in-frastructure. As reported in the paper, potential for improve-ment is currently up to a 60% reduction of CO2 emissions.Such a significant reduction has been obtained makingthe application aware of the characteristics of the cloudplatform, providing useful information for dynamically ex-ploiting the VMs with the best characteristics out of theVMs assigned to it. The main idea is to exploit the differentcharacteristics of VMs, even when they are requested withthe same configuration. In fact, their performance dependson the host on which they are deployed and on the currentstatus of the infrastructure (e.g., site and server loads).

• E-mail: [email protected]

CO2 emissions also depend on the site location and theavailable energy mix, which may vary in time. Moreover,among many VMs, which are supposed to be similar, oneor more could be considered “golden machines”, i.e., moreperformant, or with less CO2 emissions. This information isonly available through monitoring after deployment and itshould be used at run time to exploit these machines morethan others. Yet, also the number of requested VMs can havea major impact on CO2 emissions of an application or on itsenergy consumption: the best solution consists in selectingthe right number of resources for the tasks to be handled,considering the requirements.

For the moment, the approach presented in this paperhas been validated for High Performance Computing (HPC)applications, but further types of applications are beinginvestigated. The validity of the approach has been demon-strated using a real application running in the ECO2Cloudsinfrastructure1 on top of BonFIRE 2, which provides a so-phisticated monitoring environment including ecometrics toassess environmental impact and performance.

This paper is organized as follows. Sect. 2 discusses thestate of the art for improving energy efficiency and reducingthe environmental impact of cloud infrastructures. Sect. 3illustrates the overall approach motivated by the case studypresented in Sect. 4. Sect. 5 presents the metrics on the basisof which we define the adaptation strategies introduced inSect. 6. A technique for selecting the most suitable strategy isdiscussed in Sect. 7. Finally, Sect. 8 introduce the validationof the work and Sect. 9 outlines possible future work.


Energy efficiency in data centers and clouds has been oneof the mainstreams in research in recent years. Accordingto the survey proposed by Vitali and Pernici [3], threemain aspects have been considered in the literature under

1. http://eco2clouds.eu2. http://www.bonfire-project.eu

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the umbrella of energy efficiency of Information Systems(IS): assessment, measurement, and improvement. The workproposed in this paper mainly focuses on the improvementof the sustainability in IS with some peculiar aspects. Infact, most of the literature concerns the infrastructural andvirtualization layers, aiming at reducing the energy con-sumed by the systems. We extend the area of investigationto the application layer; then, we propose an approach foradapting applications running on federated cloud environ-ments with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions instead ofenergy consumption. These aspects differentiate our workwith respect to the related literature. In fact, there are justfew contributions that provide some guidelines to quantifyand manage emissions in data centers (e.g., [6], [7]).

As the literature on the energy efficiency in IS is sig-nificant, we introduce only some approaches related to:(i) VM deployment decisions, (ii) run time adaptation andworkload rearrangement, and (iii) CO2-aware adaptation.

The first group focuses on VM placement. Allocationalgorithms are used to decide the best location of VMsinvolved in an application. The decision depends on thepolicies adopted to allocate the resources, also taking intoaccount the energy efficiency perspective. An example canbe found in [8], where resources are allocated using abin packing algorithm based on an energy-aware heuristic.Algorithms considering eco-metrics for the deployment ofVMs have been considered by eco4clouds [9], where atwo-layer algorithm has been proposed for multisite de-ployment. In our approach we are assuming that the VMallocation to a specific host is already given and can not beinfluenced. However, we exploit information coming fromthe monitoring infrastructure to take decisions about thebest configuration in terms of number of VMs needed toexecute the job and amount of resources that have to beallocated to each VM to reduce energy consumption whilerespecting quality of service (QoS) constraints.

The contributions related to the run-time adaptationmainly focus on how to adapt the system to maintain or fur-ther improve energy efficiency. In [10], authors suggest threemain adaptation strategies to improve energy efficiency inclouds, namely VM reconfiguration, VM migration, andphysical server powering off/on. The issue of an effectiveresource allocation algorithm is also considered in [11],where resources are allocated taking into account the totalenergy consumption, the number of violations of the ServiceLevel Agreement (SLA), and the number of migrations. Re-sources allocation is related to both new and old VMs, whichcan be moved to improve the system state. The approachuses bin packing for placing new VMs and an algorithmlead by CPU usage for deciding when to migrate a VM. Aframework for energy efficiency awareness and adaptationis proposed in [12]. Measuring power consumption at theserver level, authors propose models for assessing andpredicting energy consumption at server, VM, infrastruc-ture, and service level. Optimization is achieved consideringactions as consolidation and migration, trying to maximizethe efficiency of all nodes. In [13] the focus is in particularon improving energy efficiency with consolidation practicesfocusing also on the characteristics of the machines: an oldermachine is likely to consume more energy to perform atask rather than a more recent one. The paper focuses on

consolidation and dynamic server hibernation and resume.In the literature, particular emphasis has been given to theworkload consolidation [14] as a way to make the cloud sys-tems more efficient. In [15], the authors focus on CPU usageas a way for determining where to redirect the workload ofa task, based on the existing correlation between CPU usageand power consumption. Considering the application level,[16] proposes an approach based on the workload predictionto have a faster rearrangement of the system with the aimof reducing energy consumption. In this paper, we are notimplementing consolidation or migration, since we are con-sidering a system in which we are not in charge of decidingthe placement of VMs. We are instead implementing a logicto allocate the application tasks to the assigned VMs takinginto account their performance, power consumption, andenvironmental impact in terms of CO2 emissions. We arealso proposing a decision strategy able to detect inactiveVMs and to switch them off in order to reduce the powerconsumption of the application by avoiding idle time.

Finally, moving from energy-awareness adaptation tothe CO2-awareness adaptation, the source of energy be-comes an important aspect as it affects the amount ofCO2 emissions. Some contributions focus on how to useefficiently the renewable resources available while avoid-ing peak demand of energy from the electricity providers.In [17], authors propose the usage of Geographical LoadBalancing (GLB) to shift workloads and avoid peak powerdemands. This requires to predict both the incoming work-load and the peak demand to the network. The algorithmis implemented as a network flow optimization problem.A similar approach is discussed in [18], which uses bothworkload shifting and local power generation for avoidingpeak loads demands on the energy network. The impor-tance of considering the types of sources of energy hasbeen addressed also in [19] which proposes an integratedframework for sustainable clouds where data centers, com-munication networks and energy sources information areconsidered. Some approaches as [20] propose to compen-sate CO2 emissions of a Business Process using the GreenCompensation Pattern. This pattern does not modify theprocess nor the resources, but simply applies alternativeactions to balance the emissions of the service. The CO2impact of the process is estimated starting from the CPUusage of the VMs involved. Energy consumption of theVM is estimated from its CPU utilization as described in[21], dividing the energy of the physical server between allthe VMs deployed on it. Emissions are computed knowingthe energy mix of the specific site. An automated methodfor applying the pattern is proposed. In our work, weconsider the energy-mix from an application perspective,trying to manage the distribution of the workload betweenthe VMs assigned to the considered application which havethe lower environmental impact. Moreover, we propose atechnique to estimate future trends in emissions and/or tosuggest a different deployment time in order to improve thesustainability of the application.


The aim of this work is to make the application executionas efficient as possible considering the whole application

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Adaptation strategies

Application Profile




Application Controller

Fig. 1. Application life cycle

life cycle: i.e., taking into account the requirements of theapplication developers and users and, at the same time,adapting the execution to the dynamic environment. Asshown in Fig. 1, the first phase concerns the Configuration,i.e., the definition of the requested resources, as well asthe associated QoS requirements which also include con-straints on eco-metrics. The characteristics of applications,as resulting from the configuration phase, are representedin an Application Profile associated to the application, that isused as an input to the deployment and execution phases.Once the Application Profile is defined, we assume that theDeployment is performed on a cloud infrastructure assigningto the application the requested VMs. Finally, the Executionof the application starts. We propose a set of AdaptationStrategies, supervised by an Application Controller associatedto each running application, to enable the satisfaction ofrequirements with limited resources. Generally speaking, ajust-in-time approach can be applied during the executionof applications, in order to make their execution as efficientas possible according to the requested resources and thespecified requirements. In addition, if an application, onceterminated, needs to be executed again (as might occurin case of HPC applications), the cycle restarts and a newconfiguration can be requested to optimize the number andtype of resources to be deployed. Details on these adaptationstrategies are given in Sect. 6.

Fig. 2 shows the architecture of the Application Con-troller, whose objective is to support the execution of theapplication selecting and enacting the adaptation strategiesfor: i) satisfying requirements specified by the user and ii)using the resources efficiently according to the requested pa-rameters. The Application Controller is therefore composedof the following elements:

• a set of adaptation strategies enabling adaptation ofthe application execution; we distinguish betweenmechanisms that are used during the execution ofthe application (run-time adaptation), such as flowrearrangement and time shifting, and mechanismsthat are used to adapt the application configura-tion in repeated sequences of execution (design-timeadaptation), using an application profile refinementstrategy. For instance, a run-time action might release

Application Controller

Cloud (IaaS)

Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine


adaptation strategy selector

adaptation strategies





time shifting

Monitoring infrastructure

Fig. 2. Application controller

a VM, while a design-time adaptation might changethe number of requested VMs in future deploymentsof the application, based on the results from previoussimilar executions;

• an adaptation strategy selector that automatically se-lects among the available possible adaptation strate-gies, based on: i) an initial configuration of the appli-cation controller (e.g., specifying the time intervalsfor the control actions), ii) the defined strategies,and iii) the context of the execution. The context isdefined as the values assumed by the parametersdefined for the application, including QoS (e.g., re-sponse time) and eco-metrics (e.g., the CO2 emittedby the application during its execution or its forecastvalue). A monitoring infrastructure provides the val-ues of eco-metrics and parameters considered in ourCO2-aware strategies that are described in Sect. 5.

The Application Controller selects and enacts adaptationstrategies according to the rules defined in the adaptationstrategy selector. The Application Controller also controlsthe requests of the application to the underlying infras-tructure (e.g., releasing VMs, requesting additional VMs)getting monitored parameters from the cloud infrastructure(e.g., CPU usage within used VMs). The context parame-ters, the chosen metrics, and the strategies are applicationdependent and can vary depending on the considered ap-plication. Once the Application Controller is configured,several experiments can be launched using the same con-trol mechanisms and the same action selection logic. Theexperiments can have different characteristics according torequests of the users: for instance, a single run (instance)of the application may be launched, or a set of instancesmay be launched together in the same experiment; differentconstraints on the upper bound of emissions and durationcan be specified.

The Application Profile associated to each HPC exper-iment contains the result of the Configuration phase andspecifies the requested VMs, their configuration, and theconstraints on QoS and eco-metrics according to four mainset of metadata: (i) Resource metadata: provide informationregarding the type and characteristics of resources (i.e., VMsand storage) requested to execute the application; (ii) Flowmetadata: provide information regarding the list and thestructure of the tasks composing the application and the link

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Resource 3 VM (1 CPU, 4 GB RAM, 2GB disk) computationmetadata 1 VM (1 CPU, 1 GB RAM, 10GB disk) storage

Data Oceanographic Data (OD)metadata 3 GB size, binary files

Flow see Figure 3metadata One year simulation task reads OD

One year simulation task writes 1-year trajectories

Energy and response time < 3 hoursperformance CO2 emission < 10 grCO2eqrequirements

TABLE 1Eels case study Application Profile

between tasks and nodes specified in the resource metadata;(iii) QoS and eco-metric requirements: refer to energy andperformance conditions or constraints within process flows,including eco-metrics such as CO2 emissions and time con-straints; (iv) Data metadata: provide information regardingthe data used by the application and the dependency amongtasks and data. The Application Profile is the input for theApplication Controller that uses these metadata to evaluatewhich adaptation strategies has to be enacted during theexecution of the experiment.

In the following, we present an approach able to supportadaptation to reduce CO2 emissions of an application.


To better explain and motivate our approach, in this articlewe refer to a HPC application in the ecology domain [22].The application computes the trajectories followed by eelscohorts during their travel along the Atlantic Ocean toEuropean coasts. The application, based on a parametricprediction model, provides a description of the life cycleof eel larvae and the characteristic of the water they crossduring their travel to the European coasts in terms oftemperature and salinity. Although we are referring to aspecific application, the presented approach can be extendedto many other scenarios, as typical patterns adopted in HPCapplications are considered. For instance, the applicationstarts with a data loading phase followed by a computa-tional phase. Moreover, the involved activities can indiffer-ently run in sequence or in parallel. This leaves the freedomto organize them in a structure that can be adapted withthe final goal, in our case, to reduce the CO2 emissions.This flexibility can be feasible on a cloud infrastructure, aseach activity runs in its own VMs that can be easily addedand removed. Another set of applications that could fit tothis scenario includes applications using the MapReduceprogramming model where several nodes implementing thereduce activity can be dynamically created and removed torun the activities in parallel. Another field of applicabilityare business processes where some activities have multipleinstances and these instances are atomic and can be executedindependently.

Tab. 1 shows an example of Application Profile describ-ing the eels application. To run this application two typesof VMs are required: (i) one for storing the OceanographicData (expressed also as requirements in the Data metadatasection) about the characteristics of the Ocean in terms of

Initial setup

One year simulation task

Result aggregation

One instance for each year to simulate

Data loading TrajectoriesComputation

One year trajectories

Oceanographic Data

Number of years

Fig. 3. Eels application workflow.

temperature and salinity required to compute the trajec-tories; (ii) the other one for the computation of the eelstrajectories (in this case 3 VMs of this type are required). Forthe energy and performance requirements, we assume thatthe user asks that the execution of the application cannotlast for more than 3 hours and the total CO2 emissionsmust be lower than 10 grCO2eq for a single execution.About the flow metadata, as shown in Fig. 3, the applicationcan be represented as a process composed by a numberof separate steps, which can be executed independently indifferent computational nodes. The input of the applicationis a temporal interval expressed in years that indicates forhow long the eels cohort travels along the ocean, and theobjective of the application is to simulate which will bethe trajectories that each eel is estimated to follow. For thesake of simplicity, we assume that the size of the cohort is aconstant value (i.e., 5,000). This assumption does not affectthe generality of the approach since increasing the size ofthe cohort results only in a linear increase of the executiontime of the simulation task.

After an initial setup required to properly initializethe computation variables with respect to the number ofyears requested to be simulated, for each year an instanceof the simulation task is created and executed. This taskfirstly loads the Oceanographic Data, then it computes thetrajectories for each of the eels. Once all the simulationtasks terminate, the application aggregates all the valuesand returns the results. The simulation task is the core ofthe application and, due to the nature of the data and of theunderlying biological model, a simulation of a given yearis independent from the simulation of another year. Thismeans that when simulation of several years are requested,the simulation tasks can run in parallel (as shown in Fig. 3)or sequentially. It is also possible to have a mix, with somesimulations running in parallel followed by some othersimulations running sequentially.


In order to offer CO2-aware cloud environments, it is neces-sary to monitor the environmental impact of the executionof applications, i.e., their carbon footprint. Carbon emissionscan be assessed on the basis of two variables: power consump-tion and emission factor. The former can be gathered from theinfrastructure through external probes and/or computinghardware functionalities. The latter results from the energymix, that is the variety and quantity of the energy sourcesused by the analysed cloud site. These two parameters aresufficient for the assessment of the environmental impact,

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but they are not sufficient for its improvement. In orderto be proactive and improve the application greenness itis necessary to have details of all the variables that mighthave an impact on the quantity of power consumed by theapplication. A cloud infrastructure has three main layers tomonitor: (i) an infrastructural layer that considers the energymix and the characteristics of the cloud site together with itsresources; (ii) a virtualization layer that contains the VMs,on which applications run; (iii) an application layer thatincludes the applications running on one or more VMs. Foreach layer we identify the metrics that should be monitored.Such a model can be applied both in infrastructures with asingle site (i.e., a data center) or in federated cloud infras-tructures. Once data are collected, their analysis is partiallydependent on the application that is running, therefore welet the users specify thresholds for the given metrics in theapplication profile. Such thresholds drive the enactment ofadaptation techniques.

5.1 Infrastructure-layer metricsAt the infrastructure layer, it is important to consider thecharacteristics of the cloud site and of its hosts. At thecloud site level, the approach presented in this paper mainlyfocuses on the definition of the energy mix that measuresthe variety and amount (in percentage) of the differentenergy sources that feed the site. The energy mix providesthe information to assess the Carbon Emission Factor, i.e.the quantity of grams of carbon emissions per each KWhof energy produced. The energy mix can be retrieved indifferent ways. Some countries publish the real time energymix via public web sites (e.g., France publishes the energymix used at the national grid level on on the RTE website 3).In this case the emission is a weighted average of the sourcesemission factors on the basis of the percentage of powergenerated. The source emission factors can be found indifferent literature contributions. In particular, we considerthe carbon footprint of different production technologiesgiven by [23], since they include also the carbon footprintleft during the construction phase, maintenance, operation,and decommissioning of the energy source. Formally, if TEis the total energy generated in a country expressed in KWh,SEk is the energy generated by the k-th source, and efk isthe emission factor related to the k-th source expressed ing/KWh, the total emission factor ef of the cloud site in thatcountry can be calculated as follows:

ef =



TE· efk (1)

For countries in which the real time energy mix is notavailable it is possible to rely on electricity operators thatperiodically publish the average energy mix along with theassociated carbon emission factor of the country in a specificperiod. In this case, assuming to know the average powerconsumption (AP) for a specific site, the energy (kWh) con-sumed in a specific period can be estimated by multiplyingAP by the number of hours in the considered period. CO2emissions result by multiplying the energy consumed by theemission factor ef (that is a constant calculated considering

3. http://www.rte-france.com/fr/

the average energy mix in a certain period). These twoassessment approaches can be also used when the cloudsite does not depend on the national grid. In fact, the sitemight rely on its own energy sources and have a completeknowledge on the trend of its energy mix or it might befixed since the site has stipulated a specific contract with theenergy providers.

Beside the energy mix, traditional indexes for measuringthe site energy efficiency, such as PUE, are considered. Inaddition, we monitor also metrics able to provide infor-mation on the energy efficiency class of the machines: theCPU Utilization, the Disk IOPS (i.e., I/O operations of thedisk), and the power consumption of the machine (that can begathered through external probes).

5.2 Virtualization-layer metricsEnergy consumed by an application depends on the powerconsumption of its VMs. To calculate this value, we adoptedthe approach defined in the ECO2Clouds Project [24] [25]where the power of a VM depends on both the characteris-tics of the VM 4, how many VMs are deployed on the samephysical host (#VM ), and the measured power of the host(Phost). More precisely:

Pvm = P idlevm + Pworking

vm (2)


• P idlevm =

P idlehost

#VMrepresents the fraction of the idle

power of the host assigned to the VM. It depends onthe number of VMs deployed on the same host butit does not depend on the characteristics of the VMs.In fact, regardless of the size of a VM, each of themare equally responsible for the fixed cost of P idle

host.• Pworking

vm = (Phost − P idlehost) · CPUusagehostvm is the

fraction of the working power of the host assigned tothe VM, where CPUusagehostvm is the percentage ofCPU of the host currently used by the VM.

5.3 Application-layer metricsApplication layer metrics characterize the application. Thevalues of such metrics depend on the deployment of theapplication, i.e., on the way in which the different tasksare assigned to different VMs. In fact, the evaluation ofmetrics such as Application response time and Applicationpower consumption can be calculated only by aggregating thecorresponding values gathered from the different VMs. Inthis category, it is worth to highlight a metric, the ApplicationPUE (A PUE) (see [27]), able to detect energy inefficienciesthat can occur during the execution of the application. Itis defined as the ratio between the actual total amountof power required by all VMs of an application and theestimated power needed to execute the application tasks.Thus, in order to perform the assessment of A PUE, it isnecessary to provide an estimation of the power consumedby the different application tasks during their execution.Such estimation can be based on the theoretical analysis

4. As we are considering CPU intensive applications, as also statedin [26], contribution of disk usage and network usage in computingPvm are considered negligible.

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of the characteristics of the application or on empiricalknowledge gathered from previous experiments. A PUE isable to highlight energy waste. Once that the total amountof energy required for executing the application is known,it is possible to calculate other two important indexes: Ap-plication Energy Productivity and Application Green Efficiency.The former provides the energy consumed by the differentapplication tasks while the latter measures the amount ofgreen energy used to run an application on the basis ofthe percentage of green sources used to provide electricityinside the analysed site.


This section shows how adapting applications followingspecific strategies can have a significant impact on CO2emissions reduction. The solution proposed in our approachto support the adaptation is based on the usage of anApplication Controller that defines and manages adaptationstrategies for a running application. In particular, we inves-tigate three adaptation strategies: (i) flow rearrangement, (ii)time shifting, and (iii) application profile refinement.

The first one (Sect. 6.1) operates at run-time along thewhole duration of the application execution. It considersapplications already deployed, with the objective of find-ing a way to make them flexible enough to change theirbehavior in order to reduce CO2 emissions while main-taining satisfied the other non-functional requirements (e.g.,response time, throughput). It is executed automatically,mainly driven by the current status of the system. Thesecond one (Sect. 6.2) operates at run-time but only whenthe application is about to start, in order to check thepossibility to postpone the execution. Based on the currentenergy mix trend, the system identifies the starting timein which this mix reflects a greener status. Finally, the lastadaptation strategy (Sect. 6.3) operates at design time andgives to the developers a support to redefine the applica-tion profile, evaluating alternative configurations, in termsof number and size of requested VMs, that can providebetter performance with less CO2 emissions. The design-time adaptation strategy is driven by logs and monitoringdata obtained from previous executions. This strategy isparticularly suitable in the case of HPC applications wherethe same application can be repeatedly executed in differentmoments. By analyzing the behavior of previous executions,the developer is supported by our solution to find greeneralternatives to execute the same work.

All these strategies use as input the information con-tained in the Application Profile as described in Tab. 2.

6.1 Flow rearrangement

Flow rearrangement affects the structure of the applicationflow that can be modified by the Application Controller indifferent ways:

• Rearranging the workload assigned to the tasks com-posing the application and switching off a VM if nolonger needed.

• Skipping tasks if they are defined as ’optional’ in theApplication Profile under critical timing conditions.

resource data flow energy andmetadata metadata metadata perf. req.

flowrearrangement X X X

timeshifting X X

app. profilerefinement X X X X

TABLE 2Application Profile sections used by the adaptation strategies

This strategy can be applied to applications that can bedecomposed into atomic tasks, where several instances ofthe same task can run in parallel to improve the perfor-mance of the entire application. Referring to our case study,the eels application includes the simulation task that com-putes the trajectories of a cohort of eels towards the oceanalong a set of years. This simulation can be decomposed onseveral small simulation tasks, each of them considering themovement of the eels along a single year. Due to the natureof the application and the data used, these small tasks canbe executed in sequence or in parallel without affecting thefinal results. Moreover, some tasks, as for instance the resultaggregation, can be declared optional if the system realizesthat the constraint on the application response time is goingto be violated.

Concerning this strategy, the Application Controller im-plements mechanisms to support the workload rearrange-ment and the task skipping. Fig. 4 shows a BPMN rep-resentation of the Application Controller behavior whenmanaging one of the tasks of the application flow, wheresuch a task can be executed by several nodes in differ-ent Application VMs. At the beginning, the ApplicationController performs the initial workload distribution. If noinformation about the status and the performance of theapplication nodes is available, the Application Controllerevenly distributes the workload among the nodes. In casethe application has been previously executed (common situ-ation in HPC scenarios) the analysis of its previous behaviorcan be used for defining the initial distribution. Every timean assigned task completes, the Application Controller aimsto converge to the workload distribution that minimizeCO2 emissions, by revising the workload distribution onthe basis of the information on power, response time andenergy mix (using the technique discussed in Sect. 5) that arecollected in the meanwhile. Listing 1 details the algorithmof the workload rearrangement activity currently adopted.If the vmset is composed by only one VM then all thetasks are assigned to it. Otherwise, after computing theCO2 emissions for each of the running VMs (see line 9),which depend on both response time and the VM power,the tasks are inversely proportional distributed with respectto their emissions: the higher the emissions, the lesser thenumber of tasks to be included in the worklist (see lines 14–15). An additional assignment (see line 30) may be requiredin case the number of tasks assigned to the VMs does notcorrespond to the total number of tasks due to the rounding(see line 15).

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Send updated worklist

Initial workloaddistribution

no morework

Workload rearrangement

CO2 and Response Time


Read current assigned worklist

Notify task completion


no morework

for the node



















Execute first task in the



Switch off VM

Skip task

Fig. 4. Flow rearrangement overview.

Listing 1 Workload rearrangement algorithmInput: tasks[no tasks]: tasks to be executedInput: vmset[no vm]: list of vm nodesOutput: worklist[no vm]: tasks assigned to nodes

1: if no vm == 1 then2: addAll(worklist[0], tasks)3: exit4: end if5: for vm: vmset do6: p← ESTIMATE POWER(vm)7: rt← ESTIMATE RESPONSETIME(vm)8: em← ESTIMATE ENERGYMIX(vm)9: VMCO2[vm]← p ∗ rt ∗ em

10: end for11: tot CO2 ← SUM(VMCO2)12: j ← no tasks13: for vm: vmset do14: no assigned tasks← no tasks∗15: ∗round( 1

VMCO2[vm] ∗1∑

1/tot CO2)

16: if no assigned tasks > 0 then17: for i: no assigned tasks do18: j −−19: if j >= 0 then20: add(worklist[vm], tasks[no tasks− j])21: end if22: end for23: else24: SWITCHOFF(vm)25: no vm−−26: end if27: end for28: bestvm = indexOf(min(VMCO2))29: if j > 0 then30: add(worklist[bestvm], tasks[no tasks])31: end if

The Application Controller manages the nodes, wherethe application actually runs, communicating with the Ap-plication Local Agent. The agent gets informed about theworklist to be executed and informs about the tasks com-pletion. Moreover, the agent controls the execution of thetask and, if requested by the Application Controller, itswitches off the managed VM. A VM is switched off whenthe rearrangement algorithm realizes that no task will beassigned to it.

Time complexity of the proposed algorithm linearlydepends on the number of the VMs that the applicationcontroller has to manage and the number of tasks that haveto be distributed on them. Although in this work we did notelaborate a deeper analysis on how the increasing of VMscan affect the performance of the algorithm, the instructioncomposing the algorithm are so basic that its response timeis usually negligible with respect to the duration of the taskthat needs to be optimized. On the other hand, networkcan be the element that can have a significant impact onthe algorithm. As the decisions taken by the ApplicationController are also based on the data provided by theApplication Local Agents, network latency could reduce theperformance of the workload rearrangement.

6.2 Time shifting

As described in Sect. 5, the type of energy sources andthe percentage of green energy used to produce electricitydefine the energy mix that influences the quantity of CO2.Clearly, since different countries (or regional areas) use ina different way the energy sources, each country suppliesa different energy mix and cloud sites might execute thesame application by producing different quantities of carbonemissions. For this reason, in a cloud environment, the loaddistribution between VMs belonging to the same applicationshould be also driven by the analysis of the energy mix ofthe different sites available.

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0:00" 2:00" 4:00" 6:00" 8:00" 10:00"12:00"14:00"16:00"18:00"20:00"22:00"








Fig. 5. Energy mix factor patterns.

Analyzing energy mixes, we find out that they arecharacterized by seasonal patterns that describe the way inwhich the site emission factor varies during the day. Forinstance, we analyzed the data related to September 2014about the energy generation in France and UK, availablethrough the RTE 5 and Balancing Mechanism Reporting Sys-tem (BMRS)6 websites and we found out the trends depictedin Fig. 5. We registered these pattern by storing the absolutevariations in the different time period (i.e., half an hour). Inparticular, Fig. 5 highlights the periodical variations of theemission factors during week days and weekend days byconsidering, as starting points, the average values of theperiod. The France pattern shows that during weekdaysthe emission factor is slighty lower during the night. Thepattern of the weekend is similar but in average the emissionfactor is lower than during the weekdays. The differencebetween weekend and weekdays is similar in UK but in thiscase, it is also possible to notice more significant variationsof the emission factor during the days. In fact the emissionfactor in UK decreases in the night but between h4.00and h6.00 it starts increasing and after some fluctuationsit decreases around h21.00. As discussed in Sect. 6.2, theseregular trends are exploited to design the time shiftingstrategy. Such strategy can be applied if the users thatask for the deployment of their application do not specifytime constraints that imply the immediate execution of theapplication. In fact, the time shifting exploits the regularvariations of the emission factors to delay the executionof the application and reschedule it in time intervals inwhich the emission factors is expected to decrease and CO2emissions are lower. Details about the time shifting strategyare provided in Listing 2. For example, if users submit theirrequest during the afternoon, the Application Controller,considering the current site emission factor, variations de-fined in the pattern, the estimated energy consumption andresponse time of the application, can calculate the quantityof CO2 emissions at different times and decide to delayexecution to the most suitable time (e.g., in the night) forminimizing CO2 emissions.

6.3 Application profile refinementThe application profile refinement is an adaptation strategyapplied at design time. The amount of CO2 emission is

5. http://www.rte-france.com/fr/6. http://www.bmreports.com/

Listing 2 Time shifting algorithmInput: siteset[nosites]: emission factor profilesInput: efpattern[time, variations]: emission factor patternInput: app: application to be executedInput: site: site in which the application has to be executedOutput: starttime: proposed start time

1: rt← ESTIMATE RESPONSETIME(app)2: en← ESTIMATE ENERGY(app)3: starttime← CURRENTTIME4: efcurrent ← ESTIMATE EFAVG(site, starttime, rt)5: emissions← en ∗ ef6: for time:efpattern do7: efest ← ESTIMATE EFAVG(site, time, rt)8: emissionsest = en ∗ efest9: if emissionsest < emissions then

10: emissions← emissionsest11: starttime← time12: end if13: end for

closely related to the energy consumed by the applicationsas reducing energy consumption causes the reduction inCO2 emissions, provided that the energy mix is the same.In this section, we shift our focus to the achieving energyefficiency by modifying the application profile, in particularthe resource metadata.

We propose an analytical approach to compare severalconfigurations that differ in how the resources are used andhow the tasks are executed, particularly related to: (i) thenumber of used resources: it refers to the number of usedVMs and their size (e.g., number of CPU, allocated memoryand storage, etc.) to execute the tasks; (ii) the executionpolicy: it refers to the way the tasks are performed (e.g.,sequential vs. parallel execution); (iii) the storage accesspolicy: synchronous vs. asynchronous access.

We use queueing theory as a mean to model differ-ent configurations to execute a given set of tasks. In thequeueing model, computing resources (e.g., the VMs) arerepresented as a network of stations and the number ofexecuted tasks is presented as customers. The basic stationcan be either queue station (i.e., station has a queue to storewaiting jobs) or delay station (i.e., station has no queue)and is characterized by the service demand (i.e., the timerequired to serve one job at the station). Other stations per-form advanced operations such as Fork and Join to simulatesynchronous/asynchronous access. Each configuration hasa queueing model whose inputs include:

• The number of tasks to be executed, no tasks.• The number of stations and their type (queue or

delay station). The queue station is used in caseof having shared elements (e.g., the VM is sharedamong tasks) whereas the delay station is used forun-shared elements (e.g., the VM is dedicated to eachtask).

• The set of service demand D of the stations: it variesdepending on the size of the VM.

Some of these inputs can be extracted from the ApplicationProfile. For example from the selected case study, the Flowmetadata suggests two stations are present in the model,

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the Storage station to access stored data and the Applicationstation to run the computation phase. The Data metadataindicates that the Storage is a queue station because the datastorage is a shared element, while the Application can be aqueue or delay station depending on whether the config-uration shares the VMs among tasks or not. Other inputswill be given in the configurations, such as the number oftasks no tasks and the size of the VMs, thus determiningthe service demand.

The outputs of these queueing models consist of theexecution time T and the total energy consumption E ofthe configuration.

As the P idlevm (i.e, P idle


#VM ) depends strictly on the numberof running VMs (#VM ) on the host and this number cannotbe determined at design time, in this strategy, we use themaximum possible value of #VM to have the minimumvalue of P idle

vm associated to each VM. Concerning Pworkingvm ,

information on how Phost varies, with respect to the hostCPU usage, is required. To this aim, we assume that foreach available host, a power consumption profile, statingthe amount of power consumed with respect to the CPUusage, is available.

The pair < T,E > will drive the decision for thebest configuration, considering all the QoS and energy con-straints. The chosen configuration indicates the number ofused VMs and their size to be updated to the resource meta-data in the Application Profile by the Application Controller.For the subsequent runs of the application, the strategyselector module of the Application Controller comparesthe real monitored data to the previous data produced bythe models in order to decide whether the configurationshould be changed. This improvement step is necessaryas it exploits the runtime value of P idle

vm . Other techniquessuch as ERWS (Energy Response time Weighted Sum) tocombine the execution time and the consumed energy canalso be used to evaluate the configurations. Listing 3 showsthe algorithm to analyze possible configurations for a givenapplication.

Listing 3 Configuration analysis algorithmInput: no tasks: number of tasks to be executedInput: C < m, [stations, station types,D] >: the set of

configurations, each is characterized by its correspond-ing queueing model m, number of stations stations,types of stations station types, the set of required ser-vice demand at each station D

Output: < T,E >: the set of execution time and estimatedenergy consumption of the configurations

1: for c: configurations do2: compute execution time Tc from m3: compute consumed power Pvm (see Eq. 2)4: compute consumed energy Ec

5: if Tc and Ec satisfy constraints then6: insert < Tc, Ec > to < T,E >7: end if8: end for9: return < T,E >


In this section we propose a set of techniques that areemployed in the strategy selector module of the ApplicationController (see Fig. 2) to decide when to apply an adaptationstrategy and which strategy is the most suitable given acontext. We propose a technique based on the analysis ofthe correlations among eco-metrics starting from the datacollected by the monitoring infrastructure.

In a complex environment such as a cloud infrastruc-ture, it is important to explore possible relations existingamong the collected metrics. Knowing these relations yieldsseveral positive outcomes. Firstly, collected metrics can beconsidered as sentinels of the behaviour of the application.When the values of the metrics are outside the constraintsexpressed in the Application Profile, the performance orthe sustainability of the application has to be improved.Knowing relations among metrics enables an indirect fixingapproach since the value of a metric can be improved modi-fying the value of a related metric. Secondly, we can performwhat-if analysis. In fact, we can predict which metrics willbe affected by the modification of the value of one or moreother metrics and if this impact will be positive or negativefor our goals.

A Bayesian Network (BN) structure has been adoptedto represent relations among indicators, where nodes arethe metrics and links express relations between coupleof metrics. The probability table associated to each linkdescribes how the two metrics influence each other. TheBN can be manually created by an expert or can be au-tomatically built starting from the data collected by themonitoring system. To learn the structure of the BN wehave computed the correlations between all the monitoredmetrics and we have selected relevant links and orientedthem by using a modification of the Max-Min Hill Climbing(MMHC) Algorithm described in [28]. The algorithm usesthe correlations as an initial parent set and applies heuristicsto find the parent-children relations which better fit thetraining data set. The probability tables are computed usingMaximum a Priori Estimation. The algorithm is describedin [29]. In a dynamic environment, where the configurationand placement of machines could be changed over time andtheir behaviour can be influenced by external factors (e.g.,the deployment of other machines in the server belonging toa different application can decrease performance of a VM),the automatic learning and refinement is more suitable.

Using our case study, we have extracted relations be-tween metrics from the data collected by the monitoringinfrastructure during the execution of several experiments.A graphical representation is shown in Fig. 6. Collectedmetrics are only relative to physical and virtual machinesinvolved in the application. From the evidence emerged inthe correlation matrix, we have observed some interestingbehaviours. Firstly, the CPU usage of a server (CPUhost)is strongly related to the CPU usage of VMs deployed onit (CPUvm), and the power consumed by a server (Phost)is strongly related to its CPU usage. Similarly, a strongrelation exists between power (Pvm) and CPU usage ofa VM. This analysis confirms the strong relation existingamong the processor load and the power consumptionin CPU-intensive applications. Yet, an interesting relation

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Fig. 6. Correlations among metrics for the Eels application.











symptom of problems

adaptation actionenactment


Fig. 7. Turning off a VM when an increasement in A-PUE is observed.

exists among the power consumption of a VM and thethroughput of the task deployed on it (THvm). This is anindication that reducing power can result in a degradationof the QoS. For example, a negative influence has beendiscovered between the A PUE metric (A PUE) and theVMs throughput: A PUE gets worse when the throughputof a VM hosting a task of the application decreases. Asthe throughput is a metric that is usually hard to collect,unless the code of the application is modified, its behaviourcan be inferred from the A PUE (Sect. 5.3). The ideal valuefor A PUE is 1, meaning that all the power consumed bythe VMs goes to run the application. On the contrary, thehigher the value of A PUE, the worse the behaviour of theapplication due to VMs that are not running any usefulcomputation.

In order to allow the Application Controller to enactthe best strategy given a context, it is necessary to makeit aware of the effect of the available repair strategies overthe monitored metrics. As previously mentioned, this infor-mation can be encoded by an expert, or can be automat-ically learned/refined using machine learning techniques.To learn strategy-to-metrics relations we have implementedan algorithm, called Adaptive Strategy Selection (ASS) [29],that observes the outcome of an adaptation strategy over theobserved metrics and keeps track of the ability of the strat-egy of influencing their values. This information is savedin a quality matrix Q and updated after each application ofthe adaptation strategy, integrating information about themost recent execution and past executions in order to reducethe side-effects of the noise in the monitoring system. Thismakes the algorithm suitable for a dynamic environment.Knowing matrix Q and which are the metrics that need

to be improved, the AAS algorithm can select which is themost likely successful strategy for the given context. As anexample, if the A PUE is violated, the algorithm invokes theflow rearrangement strategy which can use the informationprovided by the strategy selector to decide to switch offthe VM that has terminated the computation by movingits workload to other VMs. Fig. 7 illustrates the value ofA PUE during the execution of an application, showinghow the decision of turning off a VM brings the valuesof A PUE inside the desired interval again. Similarly, aninefficient use of the resources allocated to the VMs canactivate the Application Profile refinement strategy to find abetter configuration for a future execution of the application,while the flow rearrangement strategy can also be activatedby the detection of a modification of the behaviour of a VMin terms of power consumption or response time, whichcan be an input for rearranging the workload between thedifferent active VMs. Finally, a high value for CO2 emissionsin a site where the application or one of its tasks is runningcan enact the time shifting strategy to detect a better startingtime. Given this knowledge, the awareness about the rela-tions between variables allows the selector to reason aboutindirect improvements: knowing how metrics interfere witheach other enables to enact strategies which can directlyimprove the violated metrics, or indirectly improve themby intervening over related metrics.

Listing 4 Adaptive Strategy SelectionInput: BN : the BN of relations among indicatorsInput: A set: the set of available adaptation strategiesInput: Q[no strategies, no indicators]: the quality matrixInput: C[no indicators]: the current state (context) of the

indicatorsOutput: a∗: the strategy to be enacted

1: if In is violated then2: wn = 1 . compute weights vector wn

3: else if In is near to be violated then4: wn = 0.55: else6: wn = 07: end if8: for a: A set do9: p(a|C)←

∑f(Q[a, In] ∗ wn) . the impact of strategy

a over indicator In10: end for11: for p: P do . select the parent set P of the violated

indicators from BN12: C ′ = C ∪ the state for p maximizing the probability

of improving violated indicators13: end for14: compute values for wn according to C ′

15: for a: A set do16: p(a|C ′)←

∑f(Q[a, In] ∗ wn)

17: end for18: select a∗ with the highest likelihood of success given

p(a|C) and p(a|C ′)

Exploiting both the strategy-to-metrics relations and themutual influences among metrics, the adaptation strategyselection logic allows the Application Controller to enactthe best strategy in a given context as briefly described in

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Listing 4. The algorithm is a simplification of the detailedalgorithm described in [29]. After the enactment of theselected strategy, its effect over the indicators is observedand matrix Q is updated accordingly.


The effectiveness of the adaptation strategies discussed inSect. 6 was validated on a federated cloud infrastructuredeveloped in the BonFIRE and ECO2Clouds EU projects.This platform allowed the deployment of VMs in threemain sites: EPCC in UK, HLRS in Germany, and INRIAin France. Involving three different countries gave us thepossibility to consider different variations of the energy mix.In particular, HLRS had a static energy mix value, whereasin INRIA and EPCC the energy mix varied every 30 minutesaccording to the data returned by their national electricitygrid administrators. In addition, each site provided a moni-toring infrastructure able to collect all the eco-metrics at thedifferent layers: i.e., infrastructural, virtual, and application.Concerning the computation of the eco-metrics, all the siteswere equipped with PDUs (Power Distributed Units) ableto periodically compute the amount of power consumed byall the hosts installed on the site [30]. Based on this value,the power consumed by each VM, the CO2 emission and allthe eco-metrics were computed as discussed in Sect. 5.

The application used to validate the approach refersto different configurations of the case study described inSect. 4. For the first two adaptation strategies we considered(i) a baseline configuration, and (ii) several optimized configu-rations defined to validate the introduced adaptation strate-gies. More in details, the baseline configuration concerns theexecution of the eels application using 4 VMs: (i) 3 VMs(2 CPUs, 2 GByte memory) for the actual execution of thesimulation tasks; (ii) 1 VM (1 CPU, 1 GByte) for collectingand computing the metrics.

Having 15 years to be simulated, the baseline configura-tion concerns the execution of these tasks evenly distributedamong the three VMs, i.e., 5 years each. In addition, thebaseline configuration has, as a constraint, the executionof the application on Sep, 1st 2014 (Monday) at midnightwhere postponement is not allowed.

As described in details in the related paragraphs, theconfigurations used to validate the flow rearrangement andthe time shifting strategies operates, respectively, on howthe workload is distributed and on when the applicationcan start. About the application profile refinement the vali-dation refers to the comparison among available applicationconfigurations.

To control and enact the run-time adaptation strate-gies we developed a Java-framework freely available onGitHub7. This framework provides two main classes, i.e.,the ApplicationController and the ApplicationLocalAgent (theapplication-independent part) and two interfaces that thedevelopers willing to make their application adaptive haveto implement (the application-dependent part). One inter-face, the ApplicationMetric, needs to be implemented to

7. The framework and its implementation for the case studydiscussed in this paper can be found at https://github.com/ECO2Clouds/r2/tree/master/application-controller








baseline# op2mized#





Fig. 8. Workload rearrangement validation results.

expose the application metrics that, in addition to the in-frastructure and virtual layer metrics, are relevant for theapplication. Implementation of this interface also requiresthe connection to the monitoring system as this dependson the infrastructure where the VMs will be deployed. Inour case, this has been implemented with a connector to theECO2Clouds Monitoring Infrastructure. The second inter-face is the StrategySelector that implements the adaptationstrategy selection policies discussed in Sect. 7. Once theApplication Controller has been customized, an instanceof it runs for each of the application instances, as the roleof the Application Controller, especially at run-time, is tomanage a single application instance. As a consequence,this configuration easily scales as the Application Controllerdoes not have to control an increasing number of applica-tion instances, but it might introduce an overhead, as alsodiscussed in the next paragraphs.

8.1 Flow rearrangement validation

The goal of this first validation is to verify that executing anapplication without (i.e., baseline configuration) and with(i.e., optimized configuration) the possibility to enable theflow rearrangement can reduce CO2 emissions. To makethe executions with the two configurations comparable, weconsidered the case where the application is deployed onlyon the site INRIA in France. This case is the worst onesince due to energy mix mainly based on nuclear, the spacefor reduction here is limited. Moreover, focusing only onone country, we can be sure that the possible resultingCO2 emissions reduction is not too biased by the differentenergy mix associated to the different countries. Finally,the INRIA site has a peculiar configuration as the installedhosts are very similar to each other, thus identifying andconsequently exploiting the differences in energy and CO2emissions to reduce them become more difficult. Finally,none of the tasks belonging to the application are declaredas optional. In this way, we cannot skip any task to reducethe response time and, thus, CO2 emissions.

With respect to the baseline configuration, the optimizedconfiguration enabling the enactment of this adaptationstrategy, requires an additional VM hosting the ApplicationController with 0.5 CPU and 256 MByte memory. The 15years to be simulated are dynamically distributed amongthe 3 VMs dedicated for executing the simulation accordingto the approach described in Sect. 6.1. Adding a new VM to

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host the Application Controller introduces additional CO2emissions considered as overhead.

As the VMs run in a cloud shared with other applica-tions, the baseline and the optimized configuration havebeen executed more than 50 times and the average of CO2emissions are considered to provide more reliable results.Fig. 8 reports the results of the validation trail. With thebaseline configuration, the average CO2 emissions for theeels application is 9.7 grCO2eq, whereas with the optimizedconfiguration, the total CO2 emission is 7.52 grCO2eq. Thus,enacting when necessary the workload rearrangement adap-tation, we can obtain a CO2 emission reduction of 22.4%,also considering the overhead of 2.52 grCO2eq (33% ofthe total) introduced by the Application Controller thatmanages the enactment of the adaptation strategy.

8.2 Time shifting

Concerning the second adaptation action, the goal of thisvalidation is twofold. On the one hand, we want to verifythat using the energy mix patterns gives a good estimationof the CO2 emissions. On the other hand, we want to quan-tify the reduction of CO2 emissions obtained by shifting theexecution of the application.

Concerning the first point, we focused on the energy mixfactor in UK, which is more variable than in other countries,and we assumed to run the application of our case studyonly on that site. Energy mix factor has been taken from theWeb site, and for the sake of simplicity, here we focus onlyon the information collected in September 2014. Based onabout 100 executions, the monitoring infrastructure reportsthat the average energy consumption of 3 VMs executing theeels simulation for 3 hours is 136.56Wh. Having the energyconsumed, CO2 emissions are obtained by multiplying thisvalue to the energy mix factor observed during the execu-tion. Considering the baseline configuration (i.e., applicationstarts at midnight on Sept. 1st 2014) resulting CO2 emissionsare 188.50 grCO2eq.

As we have two series of energy mix factors, i.e., the realone and the estimated one, Fig. 9 reports the comparison ofthe real and estimated CO2 emissions for our experiments incase the application is executed in different periods betweenSep 1st and Sep 30th 2014. As reported in the figure, wecan conclude that the proposed estimation of CO2 emissionsbased on the usage of the trends of energy mix factor can beconsidered reliable, as the average error of our estimation is1.01% with a worst case of 5.67%.

With the same result, we can also quantify the reductionof CO2 emissions in case of postponed execution withrespect to the baseline. For example, the optimized config-uration indicates the possibility to postpone the executiontill the end of the month. On this basis the ApplicationController asks for the current energy mix factor, then usesthe trends to estimate the factor for the whole month. Ifthe application has been already executed some times in thepast, the Application Controller can use monitored data toknow which is the energy consumed by the application toestimate its CO2 emission. Otherwise, without losing effec-tiveness, it uses only the energy mix values. As a result, theApplication Controller has a series of values as the dashedline in Fig. 9. Here, in the correspondence of the minimum













































Fig. 9. Real CO2 emissions vs. estimated CO2 emissions computedusing trends.

value, there is the time in which it is preferable to executethe application to have lower CO2 emissions. If the userdoes not impose any constraint on when the applicationshould start, the Application Controller realizes that thebest moment is on Sept. 26th at 4:00h where the applicationwill emit 172.75 grCO2eq instead of 188.50 grCO2eq, (7.97%less). As an alternative optimized configuration, we ask theexperiment to start in no more that one week (expressingthis constraint in the Application Controller), then the de-cision of the Application Controller is to run on Sept. 7th

at 23:30h when it is possible to save up to 3.55%. As inthis latter case, as the reduction is not so significant, theApplication Controller can be properly configured to notpostpone the execution if the CO2 reduction is lower that athreshold decided by the user.

Yet, looking at the figure is also possible to figure outwhich is the best scenario, i.e., the greater difference fromwhen the execution is requested and when it really happens.In this case, assuming that the user asks for executing the ap-plication on Sept. 18th at 08:00h, the Application Controllersuggests to shift the execution till Sept. 26th at 4:00h. In thiscase, the CO2 reduction is equal to 28.42% (172.75 grCO2eqinstead of 241.38 grCO2eq).

8.3 Application profile refinement validationThe goal of this section is to illustrate how the profilerefinement strategy helps in the selection of the optimalconfiguration for the considered case study. We assume theuser has to analyse N years of eels which can be dividedinto N tasks. Two basic configuration groups are compared:(i) (Group 1) One VM for All: only one VM is used to executethe N tasks; (ii) (Group 2) One VM for Each: one VM isdedicated to a specific task.

All the tasks in the two groups have synchronous accessto the storage. For simplicity, we also assume that all VMsare homogeneous. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show the correspond-ing queueing models. There are two stations in each model.The Storage station is modeled as a queue station since thedata source is shared among tasks. The Application station(to execute the tasks) is modeled as a queue station inGroup 1 because the VM is shared among tasks (see Fig. 10),and as a set of delay stations in Group 2 because the VMsare not shared (see Fig. 11) . The Fork and Join stations

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Fig. 10. Group 1: One VM for All.

Fig. 11. Group 2: One VM for Each.

perform synchronized access to the storage. Other possibleconfigurations have been investigated and the details can befound in [25].

The model inputs include: (i) the number of executedtasks N; (ii) the number of stations; (iii) the station types;(iv) the service demand D whose each element is a pair(Dstorage, Dapp) where Dstorage is the required time forloading data and Dapp is the required time for executinga task. Finally, for each involved host used in this val-idation, a power consumption profile has been obtainedexperimentally [25]. Based on the obtained results, for thesake of simplicity and without losing validity, we use ahost power consumption model approximated linearly tothe CPU usage.

We use the simulation tool JMT [31] to build the queue-ing models and analyse them to obtain analytical results.

The analysis result shows that, the Group 1 configurationis dominated by Group 2 in terms of execution time (see Fig.12). This is explained easily as the Group 1 uses one VM toexecute all tasks. In contrast, Group 1 seems more beneficialin terms of total energy consumption (see Fig. 13) sinceGroup 1 uses less resources in performing tasks. However,the increasing trend of the execution time and the consumedenergy is far different. As the number of tasks increases, theincrease of consumed energy in Group 2 is much larger thanthe increase of execution time in Group 1. For instance, in Fig.13, the consumed energy of Group 2 is seven times more thanGroup 1, while in Fig. 12, the execution time of Group 1 is lessthan double of Group 2. This suggests that a careful analysisof the two metrics is needed before choosing a configuration.Depending on which metric is more important, the user canprefer a configuration accordingly.

As a conclusion for this case study, assuming that anunlimited number of resources is available, Group 2 providesbetter results in term of the execution time while Group 1consumes less energy. Therefore, the optimal configurationis chosen based on the constraints of QoS and energyspecified in the Application Profile.


This paper presents an approach to reduce the environ-mental impact of HPC cloud-based applications consideringtheir whole life-cycle. An adaptation mechanism driven byan Application Controller provides a support to developersand users to better configure and execute applications withthe aim of reducing CO2 emissions without loosing in terms










0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20  

Energy  Con


on  (K


Number  of  Tasks  

Group  1:  One  VM  for  All   Group  2:  One  VM  for  Each  

Fig. 12. Comparison of execution time among configurations.








0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20  


on  Tim

e  (m


Number  of  Tasks  

Group  1:  One  VM  for  All   Group  2:  One  VM  for  Each  

Fig. 13. Comparison of energy consumption among configurations.

of performance. Three different adaptation strategies are au-tomatically enacted by the Application Controller driven bythe strategy selector module both at design-time and at run-time in order to improve the sustainability of the applicationwhile monitoring its performance. The feasibility and theeffectiveness of our approach has been validated on an HPCapplication deployed in a cloud environment and resultedin a significant reduction of CO2 emissions.

Further improvement of this work mainly goes in twodirections. On the one hand, the Application Controllerneeds to be improved in order to reduce its overhead and italso needs to implement the possibility to enact more thanone adaptation action at the same time, as now they aretaken separately. On the other hand, the approach can beextended to different kinds of applications (e.g., interactive)and applied to other cloud-specific applications (e.g., map-reduce) that are quite similar to the presented case study.


This work has been partially supported by the ECO2CloudsEU-FP7 Project (http://eco2clouds.eu) grant agreement no.318048. The authors would like to thank the ECO2Cloudsproject partners for their support in setting up the testingenvironment for the experimental work here described.


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Cinzia Cappiello is an Assistant Professor inComputer Engineering at the Politecnico di Mi-lano. Her research interests regard data andinformation quality aspects in service-based andWeb applications, Web services, sensor datamanagement and Green IT.

Nguyen Thi Thao Ho is a Ph.D. studentin Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione eBioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano. Her cur-rent research interests include queueing theory,stochastic modeling applied to Green IS andCloud computing.

Barbara Pernici is full professor of ComputerEngineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Herresearch interests include information systemsdesign, adaptive information systems, serviceengineering, data quality, and energy efficiencyin information systems. She has been electedchair of TC8 Information Systems of the IFIPWG 8.1 on Information Systems Design, andvice-chair of the IFIP WG on Services-OrientedSystems.

Pierluigi Plebani is Assistant Professor atDipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione eBioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano where healso received the Ph.D. degree in InformationEngineering. He currently belongs to the Infor-mation Systems group and his research inter-ests concern Green IS, Adaptive Process-awareInformation Systems, and Cloud-based applica-tions.

Monica Vitali received the Ph.D. in InformationTechnology from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy,in 2014. She is currently research assistant atthe Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione eBioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano. She is inter-ested in the topic of Energy Efficiency and sus-tainability in cloud and data center from an In-formation Systems perspective, in adaptive andself-adaptive systems and services, and in Ma-chine Learning techniques for adaptation.