OCTOBER 2017 NEWSLETTER Year of the School Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School Per Aspera Ad Astra – Through Hard Work We Can Reach The Stars A Thanksgiving Prayer O God, when I have food, Help me to remember the hungry; When I have work, Help me to remember the jobless; When I have a home, Help me to remember those who have No home at all; When I am without pain, Help me to remember those who suffer. And remembering, help me to destroy my complacency, bestir my compassion, and be concerned enough to help. By word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted. Amen Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School 35 West Deane Park Dr. Etobicoke, ON, M9B 2R5 Phone:416 393 5413 Fax: 416 397 6044 Principal A.Iwasykiw Vice Principal I.Mandarino Secretary M. Maglietta Clerk Typists S. Shanahan M. Wells Superintendent Doug Yack Trustee A.Andrachuk Parish St. Nicholas Catholic Church Pastor: Fr. Roman Lobay Fr. Kachur Entrance and Dismissal: Entry 8:30 am Recess 10:12am Lunch Hour 11:15 am Afternoon Entry 12:15 pm Recess 1:40 pm Dismissal: 3:30 pm

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Year of the School

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

Per Aspera Ad Astra – Through Hard Work We Can Reach The Stars

A Thanksgiving Prayer

O God, when I have food,

Help me to remember the hungry;

When I have work,

Help me to remember the jobless;

When I have a home,

Help me to remember those who have

No home at all;

When I am without pain,

Help me to remember those who suffer.

And remembering,

help me to destroy my complacency,

bestir my compassion,

and be concerned enough to help.

By word and deed,

those who cry out for what we take

for granted.


Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

35 West Deane Park Dr. Etobicoke, ON, M9B 2R5

Phone:416 393 5413 Fax: 416 397 6044



Vice Principal

I.Mandarino Secretary

M. Maglietta

Clerk Typists

S. Shanahan M. Wells


Doug Yack

Trustee A.Andrachuk


St. Nicholas Catholic Church Pastor: Fr. Roman Lobay

Fr. Kachur

Entrance and Dismissal: Entry 8:30 am

Recess 10:12am Lunch Hour 11:15 am

Afternoon Entry 12:15 pm Recess 1:40 pm

Dismissal: 3:30 pm

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Principal’s Message As hard as it is to believe, our first month back at school is already behind us. September has been quite the hot month, with scorching temperatures and humidity. But now the weather is more seasonal, and both teachers and students are well into their routines, working hard and actively participating in school life. We celebrated the beginning of our school year with a Moleben on Thursday, September 7, with our Most Reverend Bishop Chmilar, our Pastor Father Lobay, and Father Kachur. It was a lovely service with the choir singing, the blessing of our new school year, and the welcoming of new students and staff. On September 19th, parents elected a new CSPC Executive. At this time, we would like to congratulate Ms. Stephanie Soltys and Ms. Liijanna Shklar as our new co-chairs. We wish them all the best and look forward to working collaboratively with the new JCS CSPC. Curriculum BBQ was a great success! It was quite the hot evening and families enjoyed BBQ hotdogs and hamburgers. We hope to continue on with this BBQ next year, with a possibility of more additions to the BBQ. We are very busy practicing school safety at JCS. To date we have had 2 very successful fire drills, and one practice lockdown drill. Students were very well prepared for all 3 drills. We are so very proud of the JCS students and their families who helped raise over $6000.00 for Terry Fox/Cancer Research. We all have known or know someone with cancer, someone who fought and won, and someone who fought and did not win the battle. Last Thursday, as we were walking and running, we had an opportunity to remember many of the people who have been affected by cancer. Our prayers are with them always. Finally, although it is most fitting to thank God in our daily prayers for all that we have, allow me this opportunity to wish all Josyf Cardinal Slipyj families a very Happy Thanksgiving Day! A.Iwasykiw

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Слово від Директора

Тяжко повірити, але наш перший шкільний місяць вже позаду. Вересень видався спекотним з високою температурою і вологістю. Тепер погода повернулася до звичайної, що відповідає цій порі року. І вчителі, і діти наполегливо працюючи і приймаючи активну участь в шкільному житті, повернулись до щоденного життя та обов’язків. Ми відсвяткували початок нового шкільного року Молебнем в четвер, 7 вересня за участі преосвященнішого владики Хміляра і наших капеланів, отця Лобая та отця Качура. Це був чудовий Молебень з хоровим співом, де отці благословили новий шкільний рік і привітали нових учнів та вчителів. 19 вересня батьки обирали Управу нового Батьківського комітету (CSPC). Ми вітаємо пані Стефанію Солтис та пані Ліліяну Шкляр з тим, що вони стали новими співголовами комітету. Бажаємо їм всього найкращого і сподіваємося на плідну співпрацю з новим Батьківським комітетом нашої школи. Запрошуємо також всіх батьків до активної участі в діяльності комітету. Зальношкільні збори - знайомство з програмами – барбек’ю (BBQ) були дуже успішними. Незважаючи на гарячу погоду, нам всім було приємно спілкуватися при гарячих ковбасках та гамбурґерах. Сподіваємось продовжити цю традицію наступного року.

Ми активно тренуємо правила безпеки в нашій школі. Від початку року ми вже мали 2 навчальних пожежних тривоги і 1 навчальну тривогу, як діяти в ситуації, коли небезпека всередині школи. Учні продемонстрували свою обізнаність.

Ми дуже пишаємось нашими учнями і їхніми родинами, котрі допомогли зібрати $6000.00 у рамках Ходотону Тері Фокса для Досліджень та лікування раку. У нас усіх є друзі або знайомі, або родичі, котрі боролися з раком і перемогли а також ті, котрі на жаль, не виграли у цій боротьбі. Минулий четвер був днем, коли ми ходили або бігали і мали нагоду згадати і цим підтримати всіх, в чиє життя втрутилася ця хвороба. Наші молитви завжди з ними. На завершення, хочу скористатися цією нагодою і побажати всім родинам школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого дуже щасливого і приємного Дня подяки! Хай Бог благословляє вас у всіх добрих починаннях.

З повагою,


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INVICTUS UKRAINIAN SOLDIERS VISIT JCS on Monday, Sept. 25th On Monday, September 25th, the students at JCS had the extreme pleasure of hosting the Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport of Ukraine, Mykola Movchan, and some of the Ukrainian athletes that participated in the Invictus Games in Toronto. It was very interesting to hear their inspiring stories, their courage, their intense training, and their love for Ukraine. They are our heroes.

Візит Українських Воїнів до JCS

В понеділок 25 вересня учні нашої школи мали надзвичайну приємність вітати у нас замісника Міністра Молоді та Спорту в Україні пана Миколу Мовчана і українських ветеранів бойових дій, котрі брали участь в Іграх Нескорених, що відбувалися в Торонто. Діти з великою цікавістю слухали їхні надихаючі історії і були дуже зворушені їхньою мужністю, силою духу і любов'ю до України. Вони - наші Герої.

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Inclement Weather Fall has finally arrived and with this season comes the cooler temperatures. It is time to

dust off the fall and winter jackets tights, hats, mitts and may be even boots to keep the little feet warm. Students are reminded to dress appropriately for the cold weather as ALL students will be outdoors during these cool temperatures, especially before the morning school bell. Once the extreme weather conditions are upon us (approximately -17/-20C), recess and outdoor play will be shortened and/or held inside.

DRESS CODE in the Elementary Grades A report on the Dress Code in elementary schools was presented to the Board in February 2009. An Appropriate Dress Code initiative continues to be fully implemented at JCS. The expectation is that all students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 will comply with this initiative. This is new to the Junior Kindergarten classes. Students are expected to wear any combination of white and navy blue garments on top and navy on the bottom. Students will have the opportunity to dress down once a month on our Civvies Day. These dates will be communicated in the monthly calendar.

Reporting An elementary “Progress Report Card” will be directed home to you in mid-November providing checklist and anecdotal information detailing your child’s progress to that time. Parent/teacher interviews will be held on:

Thursday, November 16th 5:00 – 8:00 pm

Friday, November 17th 8:30 – 11:15 am

Two “Provincial Report Cards” will complete the year. The first will be sent home in the new year. The second and final “Provincial Report Card” will be directed home to you at the end of the school year (June, 2018). DONATIONS for JCS classrooms and library There have been some requests for particular items. In particular, the school librarian is looking to beautify parts of the library by adding a sitting area for students to enjoy reading their books. Mrs. Daciuk is looking to purchase some Ikea couches, end tables and comfy chairs for the students. If you are able to assist in this matter, please contact Mrs. Daciuk at the school. In addition, the junior and senior kindergarten classes welcome donations of toys, books, blocks, paper, dress up clothes, etc. for their classrooms. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

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This is the day, the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad. (Psalm 118:24)

The virtue for the month of October is GRATITUDE. Whenever we gather as a faith community to worship, we offer thanks to our God. The blessings of food, friends, family and freedom are all gifts from our Creator God. As we prepare for the celebration of Thanksgiving, we are urged to take some time to remember our blessings and give thanks. This month at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj we will express our gratitude through prayer, and our daily action and words, always taking examples from the actions and words taught to us by our Lord, Jesus. At Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School we are all very thankful for our blessings. This month, we are collecting canned food and soap supplies for the St. Francis Table. We are so very blessed and we are called to help others. Let’s continue to be generous in our efforts. Let us return thanks for what God has bestowed on us.

JCS SCHOOL REGISTRATION is underway. All Registrations require the following documents: A. Birth Certificate B. Catholic Baptismal Certificate C. Student Health Card, Doctor’s Name and Telephone Number D. Student’s Immunization Record E. Proof of Permanent Address F. Passport (if born outside Canada) G. Telephone numbers for home, work and emergency contact. Application to register must be completed on www.soar.tcdsb.org. For more information, call 416-393-5367 or the TCDSB Admissions Department at 416-222-8282, ext. 5320. For general information about the Toronto Catholic District School Board, please visit the website at www.tcdsb.org

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UPCOMING EVENTS October 2nd – National Custodial Worker’s Day October 3rd – Grade 7’s and 8’s off to “Taste of the Arts” at Father Redmond School October 5th – World Teachers’ Day October 6th – PA Day – Provincial Education Priorities (No school) October 9th – Thanksgiving (No School) October 11th – Divisional Cross Country Meet at Centennial Park October 12th – Grade 4’s off to Kortright Centre October 12th – Grade 6’s off to Ripleys Aquarium October 17th – Mr. Lego coming to visit the primary and junior grades October 17th – CSPC Meeting @ 7:00 pm in School Library. All Parents Welcome!!! October 19th – Regional Cross Country Meet at Centennial Park October 23rd – Photo day (students to come in school uniform) October 24th – City Cross Country Meet at Earl Bales Park October 25th – Early Childhood Educators’ and childcare Worker’s Appreciation Day October 27th – Dress Down Day $2.00 October 31st – Halloween Dance

Events to Mark on your Calendar December 12th – Christmas Concert (details to follow) December 18th – Mass at St. Nicholas Church at 10:00am December 19th – Sviatey Mykolay is coming to visit JCS students


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Catholic School Parent Council Page

On behalf of the 2017-2018 CSPC (Catholic Schools Parent Council) we wanted to take a moment to say hello to all of you! At our September 19th General Meeting we elected a new executive as follows: Co-chairs: Liijanna Shklar & Stephanie Soltys Secretary: Marianna Kaminska Treasurer: Larysa Zubach-Kuzmycz We look forward to working together with parents, teachers and administration to ensure JCS is a wonderful place for our children to grow and learn. We encourage all of you to get involved at JCS! Every bit of help counts and there are many ways to get involved at JCS. Some examples include:

Mykolay Committee Easter Sviachene Committee


Teacher Appreciation

Play day

Volunteering (ie. Pizza lunch, other events)

Gym Expansion Initiatives

Ukrainian Heritage in the School Initiatives

Online/Web Strategy

Greening Committee

Everyone is welcome! Our next CSPC meeting is Tuesday October 17th at 7pm. If you cannot attend our meetings, please consider volunteering in other ways – some things can even be done at home. For more information on volunteer opportunities please contact the CSPC Executive or the school office.

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JOSYF CARDINAL SLIPYJ – Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC)

Class Parent Distribution List

The JCS CSPC Class Parent initiative allows parents to stay informed and up-to-

date with relevant information within their child’s class through a designated Class


Please fill out the form and return to your child’s teacher by Thursday, October 5.

First Name_______________________________________________________

Last Name________________________________________________________

Child’s Full Name__________________________________________________

Child’s Teacher_____________________________________________________


□ Yes, I wish to receive communication through the JCS CSPC Class Parent


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If you have not done so or forgot…. Please join our School Email Distribution List



Dear Parents/Guardians

Please consider receiving correspondence from the school via email. It is an

effective way to know what is happening at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj and our goal is to

eventually print only Calendars for families and send information and Newsletters

electronically. This is to save paper and funds.

If you would like to be on the JCS email list, please print your name, child’s name

and your email address below and send this form to school with your child.

All emails are sent using blind carbon copies (Bcc) for your privacy by the

principal/vice principal/secretary.

Thank you.



Please print legibly and carefully

Parent Name (print):_________________________________________________

Child: ___________________________Gr. ___ Teacher ___________________

Child: ___________________________Gr. ___ Teacher____________________

Child: ___________________________ Gr. ___ Teacher____________________

Email Address:


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Date __________ Parent Signature_____________________________________

October Message from Trustee Ann Andrachuk

Now that October is upon us and we’ve begun to settle in to another school year it is a good time to highlight some changes, additions and programs across the Board. The TCDSB is pleased to introduce School Cash Online, an easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents and guardians to pay for their children’s school fees including agendas, yearbooks and class trips. For more information visit https://www.tcdsb.org/forparents/schoolcashonline.

September also saw the adoption of the Parent and Student Charters of Principles. The two documents, which underwent extensive

consultation with parent and student groups, outline expectations parents and students can have when dealing with the School Board. The TCDSB is the first school board in Ontario to adopt such a document. To view the charters, please visit https://www.tcdsb.org/forparents/charterofprinciples. Also of interest for parents is the Spelling Bee of Canada which will hold its 31st Annual Spelling Bee, with regional spelling bees taking place from March 24 to April 8, 2018. The 1st place finishers in each age category will represent their school and community at the Championship Final on May 6, 2018. Visit http://www.spellingbeeofcanada.ca/ for more information.

Now that school is well underway, it is a good time for a quick reminder about school safety zones. In addition to the 40 km/h many schools have designated pick up and drop off zones as well as bus loading areas. Also important to remember, the shorter days and reduced visibility in autumn increases the risk of accidents around schools. Please be extra vigilant on your way to and from school. Finally, Canadian Walk to School Day is October 4th. Walking or riding a bike to school helps children meet the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Physical activity also supports healthy brain development, which can lead to improved learning and academic outcomes. Many schools have walking school bus programs which allow groups of students to walk to school under parent supervision. For more information on how to start such a program in your school, and to learn more about the benefits of active transportation, please visit http://www.saferoutestoschool.ca. Have a safe and pleasant October, a fantastic Halloween and a wonderful Thanksgiving! Sincerely,

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Monthly Update from the Board

October 2017

TCDSB Digital Store As our students continue to learn and adapt to the rapid advances in technology, the Toronto Catholic

District School Board is committed to providing to all of our students and their families, equal access to

the latest technology. We recognize the importance of promoting the 21st Century Competencies by

supporting digital literacy, creativity, innovation, collaboration, and the overall needs and aspirations of

all students. To that end, the TCDSB continues to be on the leading edge of providing technical upgrades

and assistance by providing you with a very special opportunity: the TCDSB Digital Store. Visit our

website for more information: https://www.tcdsb.org/FORSTUDENTS/DigitalStore/Pages/default.aspx

TCDSB Adopts Parent Charter of Principles and Student Charter of

Principles In support of its vision of transforming the world through innovation, the Toronto Catholic District

School Board is the first school board to formally adopt guiding sets of principles outlining parent and

student rights. The TCDSB is taking the lead in establishing principles designed to address the basic

rights elements of a sound Catholic education to which parents and students are entitled during a period

when individual rights is a major topic of discussion in other sectors such as the airline travel industry.

The Student Charter of Principles starts: “A student is entitled to reasonably participate in decisions that

affect his/her education and school life. The Board will pursue equity and inclusion for all students of the

Board. A student is entitled to a spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically safe, and positive, school

environment, where he/she is respected and treated in a manner consistent with our Catholic values and


The Parent Charter of Principles begins with: “The Board will provide a faith-based publicly funded

school with education grounded in Catholic doctrine, traditions and teachings for your child. A parent or

guardian will have opportunities for involvement in his/her child’s education. A parent or guardian is

entitled to a reasonable expectation that his/her child is learning in a safe, healthy, caring and accessible

school, free of discrimination, prejudice, bullying and harassment.”

Both documents can be found on the TCDSB website at


TCDSB Continues to Focus on Improving Results The Toronto Catholic District School Board continues to report improvements over time. Literacy results

are high, with improvements evident over the past five years. Mathematics results are less impressive and

mirror province-wide results in that area.

Reading and writing results are strong in both Grade 3 and Grade 6, either approaching or exceeding 80%

at or above the Provincial Standard. In Primary and Junior, mathematics results remain low both in the

Board and Province. At the secondary level, Grade 9 applied mathematics scores have shown

improvement but continue to be low. In both Grade 9 academic mathematics and OSSLT, the Board

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mirrors the Province and maintains strong results with 80% or more meeting high standards. The EQAO

results continue to point to mathematics and the applied level as an area of focus.

CSPC Workshop All Catholic School Parent Council members are invited and encouraged to attend the fall workshop to be

held October 23rd, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Catholic Education Centre. This will be a wonderful

opportunity to learn about the roles and responsibilities of CSPCs, network with your colleagues from

other schools and share best practices. Dinner will be provided.

OAPCE-Toronto Conference All parents are welcome to attend the annual Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education

Conference October 13th and 14th

Mental Wellness: Developing Your God-Given Potential

Conference $40, Gala Dinner $40 (Networking Reception included)

Keynote speaker: Sara Westbrook

Conference, AGM, Mass and Commissioning Ceremony (Saturday 8-4) St. Joan of Arc CHS, 1

St. Joan of Arc Rd., Maple, ON L6A 1W9

Networking Reception (Friday 6-10)

Gala Awards Dinner (Saturday 7-10)

Hilton Garden Inn, 3201 Highway 7, Vaughan, ON L4K 5Z7

For more information and registration: www.oapce.org

TCDSB Celebrates Canada150 and Our Own History 150 Heritage Moments being shared via Twitter.


Important Dates to Note

October is…

Autism Awareness Month https://www.tcdsb.org/Pages/October-is-Autism-Awareness-


Child Abuse Prevention Month

Dress Purple Day October 24th


Hispanic Canadian Heritage Month



Learning Disabilities Month http://www.ldao.ca/about/october-is-learning-disabilities-


Walk to School Month


Walk to School Day October 4th

October 2—National Custodial Workers Day


October 4--Walk to School Day: an opportunity for all of us—students, staff, families—

to focus on improved health and well-being, active lifestyles and building safer

communities for everyone. Register your school for Walk to School Day and receive a

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Certificate of Participation from Canada Walks. For more information, visit


October 5—World Teachers’ Day


October 6—Rosary Day https://www.tcdsb.org/Board/NurturingOurCatholicCommunity/Pages/Rosary-Day.aspx

October 10—World Mental Health Day


October 11--International Day of the Girl https://www.tcdsb.org/pages/international-day-


October 16-20--School Bus Safety Week

October 16-20 Waste Reduction Week

Take the Waste-Free Lunch Challenge Oct. 20 as part of Food Waste Friday Waste Reduction Week in Canada is a national environmental campaign that builds

awareness around issues of resource efficiency, responsible consumption and production, and

promotes actions that recover more discards for recycling and conserve natural resources. We

encourage TCDSB elementary schools to take the Waste-Free Lunch Challenge during Waste

Reduction Week to kick-off environmental awareness all year long. To register for The

Waste Free Lunch Challenge or for more information, visit:


October 17--International Day for the Eradication of Poverty


October 17—A Catholic Call To Serve (ACCTs) https://www.tcdsb.org/pages/catholic-


October 25—Early Childhood Educator and Childcare Worker Appreciation Day



TCDSB Celebrates The Year of the School in 2017-2018 https://www.tcdsb.org/Board/NurturingOurCatholicCommunity/Year%20of%20the%20School/Pages/defa


Find resources and information online, including the Spotlight on Your School initiative to celebrate the

people who make our school communities welcoming and caring places of learning.



Improving Access to School Bus Information for Toronto Parents

Toronto Student Transportation Group and Boards Launch Transportation Portal

Toronto District School Board and Toronto Catholic District School Board parents are now able

to access their children’s transportation information online and receive email notifications if there

are any school bus cancellations or delays, thanks to the launch of a new online transportation

portal. www.torontoschoolbus.org.

High School Open House Dates TCDSB Secondary schools welcome grade 8 students and their families to explore programs and

services https://www.tcdsb.org/school/OpenHouses/Pages/Default.aspx

CPIC Elections October 2 and 4

Monday, October 2--Odd Numbered Wards—2 Parent Member Representatives per Ward

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Odd Numbered Wards Voting Locations

1 St. Benedict

2202 Kipling Avenue (Kipling/North of Rexdale Boulevard)

3 St. Bernard

12 Duckworth St. (Lawrence/one block east of Jane)

5 Blessed Sacrament

24 Bedford Park Ave. (Yonge and Lawrence)

7 Holy Spirit

3530 Sheppard Ave. E. (Sheppard and Birchmount)

9 Our Lady of Lourdes

444 Sherbourne St. (Sherbourne/South of Wellesley)

11 Senator O’Connor

60 Rowena Drive (Victoria Park/south of Ellesmere)

Wednesday October 4, 2017--Even Numbered Wards

Ward 6- 2 Parent Member Representative

Ward 10-1 Parent Member Representative

Even Numbered Wards Voting Locations


St. Clare

124 Northcliffe Blvd. (Dufferin/St. Clair)

10 St. Mary (Secondary)

66 Dufferin Park Ave. (Dufferin/south of Bloor)

Election of 2 Parent Members At Large Monday, October 16th, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.

Location: Catholic Education Centre

(80 Sheppard Ave. E (Sheppard/Yonge)

Nomination forms available at all TCDSB school offices

Never Miss Out on the Latest News and Information: Follow @TCDSB on Twitter, Toronto Catholic DSB on Instagram, subscribe to ENews, visit our

website www.tcdsb.org to receive a weekly update via email:
