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Portfolio of work performed at University of Cincinnati (Masters of Architecture) and University of Kentucky (Bachelors of Fine Arts)

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southard6632 Chestnut St.Cincinnati OH, [email protected]

contents:site study elevated train station 3

agricultural research center white water shaker site 7

cincinnati school for environmental learning the civic realm and the context of public space 11

structure.environment.construction cranbrook academy of arts 15

facilitating architectural participation collage.assemblage.montage 19

b.f.a. thesis show university of kentuky 23

site study chicago, illinois e. wabash st and n. randolph elevated train station



analyzing and document-ing this vital connection of chicago’s mass transit system to the pedestri-ans below illustrated as a spacial joint. a threshhold between the the train, ve-hicular, and pediestrian traffic are linked by the station.


site analysis:


spacial joint diagram


agriculturalresearch center

south family dwelling house white water shaker site

our site, white water shaker village, was documented with tectonics in mind. mass, plain, frame and hearth will be represented in an analytical site model.

techtonic analysis:

13 greenhouse, laboratory/barn models and palns, sections

the program of the agricultural center includes laboratory space, greenhouse, workspace, auditorium, administrative offices, scholar’s residence, outdoor pubic space, and research fields.



the greenhouse is joined to the barn which houses the labritory space for the site. the labritory space connects to the existing barn structure and is elevated in order to create circulation space underneath.

barn joint models

cincinnati school of environmental learningthe civic realm and the context of public space


a site model shows the context of surrounding city blocks with three proposed schemes including greenroof (green) and educational based bioswells and gardens (yellow).

schematic design:


a bay model illustrates the entry and spatial sequence of public indoor/outdoor space and building envelope design expression.

at cranbrook academy of the artsstructures.environment.construction


at cranbrook academy of the arts

s.e.c. ,structure, environ-ment, and construction, three co-dependent forc-es that encompass all aspects of architecture. “the intent of the studio is to join the practical with the poetic through the development of ar-chitectural research, an understanding of the practical forces at work on and within architec-ture, and an awareness and comprehension of multiple-scale design strategies.” (t.bowling)


the primary walls, which lack any structural impact on the project, houses all mechanical and supporting equipment for all the unique needs of the spa and wellness center. These pri-mary walls are divorced from the structure and roof to allow them to act as the infrastruc-ture to facilitate subdivision of space, circulation, and integra-tion with mechanical systems . these keeps any and all heat registers, supply vents, or any other visually undesirable system from intruding on the guests experience.

integrated system:


a bay model demonstrates material and assembly strategies through construction of the juxtaposed program areas of the therapy rooms and the sauna/steam rooms of the proposed wellness center. the section drawing illustrates the relationships of the building to it’s environmental context; the building steps down to meet the lake in order to reduce the buildings scale as seen from campus.

stepping section:

facilitating architectural participation collage.assemblage.montage


facilitating architectural participation collage.assemblage.montagefacilitating architectural participation requires the planning and placement of an armature in a functioning program and building. this allows for the inhabitants of the structure to re purpose space to best fit their needs with a minimal amount of expense and expertise required.

designing an armature:section:1

21to further facilitate the participa-tion of the building’s inhabitants, a “how to” diagram or dialogue was designed to articulate the in-tentions, guild lines, and parame-ters for the growth of the building.



b.f.a.thesis showbachelor of fine artsuniversity of kentucky


from right to left “ralph series #2” “endangered dirigibles” “bad robot, in-flight” “natural selection”

“marriage of excess”


the “Explorim” of Lexing-ton KY. is one of the oldest children’s museums in the country. the “Explorium” provides interactive exhibits designed to inspire imagina-tion and curiosity, in an edu-cational environment. the museum was searching for a temporary instillation of art-work in an entry space. the anticipated audience of the “Explorium” was the focus of the work leading to my b.f.a. thesis exhibition. the show was entitled “Natural Selection” and plays on the notion of natural flight ver-sus manned flight, and tech-nology opposed with nature.


“marriage of excess”

fear of flying series. natural selection (left) indangered dirigible (right)