Wednesday, JULY 6 GOVERNOR GENERAL DESPUJOL Rizal has incriminatory leaflets titled: POBRES FRAILES (Poor Friars) under the authorship of Fr. Jacinto printed by the Imprenta de los Amigos del Pais, Manila Rizal was placed under arrest and and escorted to FORT SANTIAGO by Ramon Despujol and aide of Gov. General Despujol.

Jose Rizal in Fort Santiago

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Jose Rizal in Fort Santiago

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  • Wednesday, JULY 6


    Rizal has incriminatory leaflets titled: POBRES FRAILES (Poor Friars)

    under the authorship of Fr. Jacinto

    printed by the Imprenta de los Amigos del Pais,


    Rizal was placed under arrest and and escorted to FORT


    Ramon Despujol and aide of Gov. General Despujol.


    Gaceta de ManilaThursday, JULY 7

  • Thursday, JULY 7

    (1) Rizal wrote books and articles which were against Spain;(2) A bundle of leaflets entitled "Pobres Frailes" was discovered in Lucia's pillowcase; and(3) Rizal dedicated his El Filibusterismo to traitors Fathers Gomez, Burgos and Zamora (who were garroted on Feb. 17, 1872 on Bagumbayan Field, Manila, falsely charged of complicity in the mutiny at the Cavite Arsenal in 1872).

    Governor General Despujol

    deported Rizal to one of the

    islands in the South (isolated town

    in Mindanao)

  • JULY 15, 1892 (12:30 am) Rizal was brought under heavy guards to the steamer Cebu

    Under captain: Delgras

    -departed 1:00AM

    -sailing South passing Mindoro

    and Panay

    Reached Dapitan on Sunday, July

    17 (7:00pm)

    Capitan Delgras went ashore and handed Rizal over to Captain

    Ricardo Carnicero, Spanish commandant of Dapitan.

    Rizal began his exile in lonely Dapitan which would last until July 31,

    1896 for (4 years)