Misses Ditmars and West Entertai n Fri ends at Bridge Party W. E. ^ Sunday School Childre n Earn Money for Motion Picture Machine. Little Ella Meeves Undergoes Operation in a City Hospital. }. . " t William Squires , Former J Sayport ' Resident , Visits Here. * Tbrefsocdal given In the lecture room ot tne ' Methodis t "C hurch last Friday evening was a very successful affair. .At this time the children and teach- ers , were to bring in the dollar they . bad earned during the past two ) months ' to help pay for a moving pic- ture camera. Sixty dollars was taken/in' during the evening. After "numerous reels of pictures , ice cream and coke were served by the Supt., fTheo. Snyder and the teachers. . Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Zigrosser . entertained at dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Foley and two children; Roy and Gloria , and Miss Ruth Havl- land , of Mamaroneck , N. Y. Mrs. Ida ' ¦ Guinee , aun t of Mrs. Zigrosser , return- ed to her home in Worcester , Mass., on Sunday after a visit of three weeks at the Zigrosser home. There have been complete changes In the inspectors of election lero in both parties. The Democratic inspec- tors , ' .George E. Smith and Prank Ar- pold, 1 have been replaced by George Weber and Mrs. Byron Moger , and •the Republican Inspectors , Mrs. Fay Wines and Miss Anna Smith , have peed replaced by Emlle Stoll and Miss Delia Hogerson. - ' The Rev. A. L. Hubbard attended the meetin g in Bay Shore on Monday evening when Mrs. E. Raymond Hii- dreth , was hostess to the youn g people 's movement. There was a ban- quet given to the £uests. _ The pastor of the - Bayport church will preach on Sunda y concerning "True Riches. " The evenin g theme will be "The True Servant. " The William L>. Mantha Com pany las sold Reo cars to the following people: a coupe to D. A. Mac Queen , of Sayville, sedan to Charles Bogel of Bayport , seda n to Mrs. Kat herine Lord of Patchogue , and a speedwagon to the Cosmos Towel & Apron Com- pany of Lindenhurst. William Squires , of Schenectady, JK. Y-, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. W. D. Overto n. ' Mr. Squires is well known here , having spen t his boyhood with his grand- parents , Mr. and Mrs. William Squires on Bayport avenue. ; Miss Sara h Morgan , of New York , Is spendin g two weeks at tho home * of Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Del Castillo. Mr s, Del Castillo , who has been sufferin g for several weeks with a broken arm is steadil y Improving. Alfred Monsell , who was transfer- red to the Roulston store in Central Isllp, after being a clerk here for some time , has returned to the Bay- port store where he is employed ns n clerk. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rasmusscn and Samuel Chnttawa y, of Brookl yn , spent last week-end with Mrs. Rasmussen 's paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, of Oak Road. Archie MacLean came out from Brooklyn on Wednesda y and will re- main until tomorrow nt tho home ot his parents , Mr. and Mrs. . George Mac Lean. Little Ella Moovos , daughter of Mr. and Mrs , Ernest Meeves , was operat- ed upon on Monday in n Now York Hospital for deformed foot. On Sunday ovonln g, O ctober 2«tli tho children of tlio Methodist Church School will havo Rall y Duy exercises in tho church. Mrs. Katherine Vogel and her son, - Fran k , spent last week-end at the homo ot Mr , and Mrs. Raymon d Stry- kor. Mrs. Kennet h Purdy and hor Infant daughter , Pamela, . have returned . homo from tlio Southsldo Hospital. William Clovor , tho Bnyport Bar- ber , Is on a motor trip to Niagara Fa lls and Washington , D. C. . . - , . ' Mraf, Potor Frankonbaclc nnd hor ? ' ' ¦! ideughtor , M inn Anna , spent last veolc- ¦; ' ;: . ' '6n4 ' Mr Now York , . .. - . ftfrfl. Lovl Martin entertained tlio - , ';. .Wednesda y brldgo club on Wednos- Y\,fay afternoon. fj . Hd wnrd Frloman Is now employed ;. ' y/n,thb greenhouse of Maynard Nlolio- ]l 't:iu. . . - ¦ ' ' .;. ' ¦ ii . jiinf, John Fron t Bohr has return- ' lid from a visit to hor homo In .Now ' : prloann , 1 *. ' , J ud" ga *-andI Mrs. Martin T, Mnnton ' ' ' tavo' rdlur 'nod to Brookl yn for tlio , ' : ^rlri tor. J v Clinrl on Tremper has piirchatocl nno ,'. ot tho flow Imn gaiowB on Oakwood ' ( wentO) . _ , ' ¦ . ' ' ¦ ' . < MJH« ; faabotlo dro tit ' v/o nt to Now ' ' Vorlc oti' i/ undn y to tfoonti a woo ' k ' with ¦/. ' .rol nt ' l yoa.;. ' ,. ,, ' : ' . <i M r */, Ifrank yaycrjtp, hue boon III i ,y &>r. . two or , th ret ydnya ! tills wook. , irj . Tlio hoi np of fioorg o Q. Luldlaw . Ii w^djlii^'^kfivtjcrt .^v^" ' **?^ .^; ' ; / , , :- . ' ,;.;. ., .f$,[& !^ : dri«iur ; ' a/ ^^m^m^m^m^ ' ^ mmmm^m The , Misses Mary West and Doris Ditmars " entertained at . bridge at Miss Ditmars ' . bom-e last Friday, e vening. The invited guests were the , Misses Josephine Fuhrman , Beryl Newcombe , Audrey Gill , and Velma Steams, of Patchogue , Natali e . Chevaliey of Blue Point , Jessie Delan o of . Amity vllle, Aleen Smith ot Isllp, Batty Koek ot West Sayville, Alice Emteon of Say- ville, and Elizabeth Dahl , Helen Smith , Rita Kelly, Frances Kelly, Orietta Gil- lette, Marion Snedecor , : Jean MacLean , Jean McKee , "Dorothy Nolan and Nina Mal ' l-ng. Miss Frances ' Pratt , who has been away from home since) early in Jun e, travelling In China , Japan , and Man- churia; is oh her way home now aboard the S. S. Homeric which is due to dock next Wednesday. Miss Pratt was in- tending to return horns- acr oss the Pacific, but changed her plans on short notice and decided to proc eed on around the world. She made the trip across India and the Holy Land , \ and through Northern Africa. On Tuesday evening the Epwo rth League of the Methodist Church had a business meeting and social hour. The following officers wore elected for the year: president , Burnell Wheeler; first rice- presiden t , Jean MacLean , second vice-president , John Ren-ner; third vice-president , Nina Maling, fourth vice-president , Carleton L'Hom- medlcu; treasurer , Miss Mary Wes t , and secretary, Stanley Davis. Dr. and Mrs . F. Warner Bishop and their daughter , Dorothy, and Mrs. John Bi shop, will return to New York on Sunday for the winter. Dr. Bishop and his mother have been in town for some time coming out only for the week ends. The Ladies ' Aid Society will have a cove red luncheon in the lecture room ot the church on Wed nesday, October ICth. at one o'clock. At this time the annual election of officers will take place. A good attend ance is desired. Presiden t James H. Snedecor , Fred D. Smith and Mrs. Geor ge N. West , of tho local Board of Educ ation , are leaving on Sunday to attend a meeting of Associate School Boards to be held In Troy on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edlward F. Gundrum have this week returned to their home In Brooklyn for the winter , after spending the past season at their sum- mer residenc e on Connetq uot road. Mrs , Samuel Frost and her daugh- ter. Mrs. Theodore Snyder , spent yes- terday and today in Richmond 11111 with .Mrs. Frost' s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs . Nichola s Laul , Van Wyen & Boogertma n , builders have hroken ground for a bungalow on upper Gillette avenue for Samuel Perlow of the Roseb ank Development. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rutk owskl nre enjoying a moto r trip through New England. Mr. Rutkowskl is employ- ed by Eugene Amnnn . George Strykor , Charles Fish and I\ n. Abrams returne d on Monday ov- onlng trom a ino ' tor trip throug h New York State. . * George C. A. Smith, of Newar k, N. J spent tlio weok-end lit tho liomo of his parents , Mr. and Mrs, Goorgo E, Smith, Mrs , Fred Schn.lt, who underwent nn operation last Saturday at tho Southsldo Hospital , la Improving n icely, Mr. nnd Mrs. Murcus L. Osk havo closed tholr home on Sonman .nvonuo nnd returned to Now York for tlio winter. Wllmot Overton has ' boo n painting tli o house ot his son, Lloyd K. Over- ton on Academy street this week. Mrs , >Vl!ll»m Walker , of Crostwooil , N. Y„ In spendin g today with hor sis- ter , Mrs , James J, Mnclnorny. Mrs. Theresa Johnson , of llnldwln, spent Inst week-end at tho homo of hor alitor , Mrs. Ernost Moovos. . Marlit C. L'llommoij lou Js having a now porch built ot tlio, sldo entrance of Ills homo on Main street. William Patomnn , of lrvlngton-on- tJio-JIuduon, Is to a n0)1 d thin wook-ond at tli o guaat ' ot Jaiiiofi Pratt , Mr. am! Mrs. llkary Wn rnlio and daughter, John, spoilt last Wook-ond In Bfooltlyn with ' relatives , M Ihs Jm j oIo Delano, 6t Arnlt yyllloJ wnu tlio Iiouj io eu4et ovor hmi ivook- , onrt of Mini Mary O, Wont. Konnotli .Jlohr ,. of Now Verif y kni t , boon spending aovoral ooy» with his " . iiio llmr, Mra. John A. Bohr. Clnvolnnd V. Pratt spent Inat wooV- «tid on a motor ^trlp to nutln ml, Vor- iv.nn t. ,.,; , !i"ii'if r , anil Mr« , . Wllb ' u ' r.ty/lbynan *»p«n ' t yNterd wy. Jn {^>w -tftrjjj, wjiii tt ^Uvir SiMlBMMiM^ii^i ^. ' Mrs. Norman Benjamin entertained very pleasan tly at bridge on Tuesda y afternoon. The . Invited guests .were Mrs. J " , ft. Anderson , Mrs. Bertram G^ Smith , Mrs. Wilniot D. Overton , Mrs. Gustave Johnson, Mrs. Levi Martin , Mrs. Samuel Frost , Mrs. Car- rie Huston an d Mrs. Carman Seaman. Former Bayport Man Wanted by Police Emll Olrardia , age d 38. a former resident ot Bayport but more recently ot Bellmore , is being sougtit by Nas- sau County police to answer to a ser-, ibus charge pi evidence furnished by his 12-y«ar-o!d dau ghter. Glrardin , wlien he fled from Bellmore , th e police say, drove an old tourin g car and was armed. J^ort ipses Climes hi Board ;: Of Electionis. New Inspectors BLUE POINT Edward Butler , the local mall car Her , left on Monday morning in his car for Geneva , N. Y., where he ex- pects to remain for about a month. The property in the Blue Point Farms development has been laid put in building plots and it is believed that the wo . rk of erectin g one or two houses there will soon begin. MUton Oakley met with a painful accident a few days ago when one of his fingers was caugh t in an emery wheel which he was using in his garage and It was necessary to have the injury treated by a physician. The dedication of the new school building, which had to be postponed becaus 'o the Board of Edu cation was unable to secure a speaker trom the State Department of Edu cation , is scheduled to take place on October 29th. At the regular monthl y meeting ot the Fire Department it was voted to accept the invitation to attend the celebration nnd parade to bo held in Patchogue ' on Columbus Day under the auspices of the Italian-American Society of that village. At the meetin g of the Business Men 's and Tax payers Association last Thursday evening it was voted to have the secretar y write to the Brook- haven Town Board , re questing the re- appointment of Special Constable Ar- nold in rcognitlon of the good work he is doing in this villa ge. There was another accid ent on the South Road , at the corner ot the Suy- dam property on Sunda y when a car struck a tree with such force that the rumble seat closed up and its occupant , a colored man , was caught in it and painfully injured , ft was found necessaray to summ on ' a doctor to treat his injuries am! those of the other occupants of the car . This Is certain ly the age of ndver , Using and It seems that there Is some- body remly to tiiUe 'advantage of every possibility oi securing publicity tor his wu res. there ' Is now a proposi tion bein g ugihiied In, Great Br itain to brighten up the landscape by pnintiiu- ' "ii ds" of va rious kinds on the sldw» oi freight ca rs There nrb 700.0W) frei ght cii ' rs of vari ous kinds moving around in that country and nearl y 1(K).0(H» of these ' are of the covered type which will permit of use for , this , purpose , The " rnllroii d companies are endeavor- ing to work up public sentimen t In ' ¦ favor of the " sch eme on the . ground that the enrs will be maintai ned In bette r shape and their nppearnme made mare uttrnct . lve l»y the brilliant .cards Impressed upon them , From . thj advertisers ' stand point thi s offers nr attractive Held , but whether the pub lie will stand for It is anot her mutter New Advertisin g FieW > ,. ' ¦ _ . . . . P«..nd bv: Eniliat nian ll. S. Snedecor ' s Sons , liic , I , * i, ' - ' y ti -v-' ¦' ¦' ¦*" ¦ - TI&Bapd tt Feed - Stor e Coal -:- leM FERTILIZERS Tel. Baypo iHt " 10^ J W>t —______^— S AMUEL S . GER ARD Contracti ng Mason - Builder Mason work in all its branches a specialt y Estimates Cheerfu lly Given Tel. Bayport 310 Bayport OSymp ia CONFEC TIONERY AND LUNC HEONETTE Candee Ave. and Main St. The store with the best quality and " service , where delicious lunches are served. Special This Week Our Famous Home Made Fud ge 49c & Also Delicious Horne-Ma de I Candies Bayport Coal Co* INCORPORATED Ya rd " at Kensington Ave., Baypo rt, N. Y. < HIGH GRADE COAL -:- WftiJ lS QUALITY AND COURT ESY Yard Phone Bayport 613 or Bayport 28 nvi ^B^-ara-MB-«oiHinH innnMa _g d uiiiaiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiTttiiiiiiiilii a^ II De Paye & Glenn | ii I ii . I | | Real Estate ' f if I is Telephones 490-491 . s = BOHACK bld g. sayville : iiiiiHiiiiii!::iiiriiiiii iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiu —»¦¦"¦— '¦—— ¦ i- i ¦— ¦ ¦••¦ ¦ ¦ 4 in—.. > >>_. .- -'¦< . ¦ « i in ¦» ¦ mm,,. . " '" ^i—^ ..^— ¦¦. ,,.—U^U^M^W Au tomatic wm g fc I ste iRiiraPiPPMH ' - *& Vl \ mSEuMM!iS ^tJmmX ^SaMilml i Site: SmWTOWoWwBmWHM ^El ectric liittia ^-Maaa The ' Electric Purriaco Man Is constanil y on demonstration In our show room. Re sure to see It. Automatic Coal Burner Co. 18 Candee Avenue Pnoh e 1334 SAYVILLE , N.Y. •^MMtawaW-MMkMMM ^^ i ' . -— : , ' , ' , ' , 'Vj lL ' ¦ ' ... . ' i :.. " ; ::i. " NOW IS THE TIME TO SOW YOUR LAWN ^^yM/ 0F W4 fW ' Choi de Central Park Lawn Seed WHEELBARROWS, PJAKES AND LAWN . : :.: ' ; EoOiMJENT . :-; ;; v ¦ I Aiii6« : ' Bro»ii(f III ¦ ¦ ' :; GENERAL MER CHANts ' ;*:? : , .AjSv i; . '' ' . , ¦ , , . ¦ . ¦ -- ¦ ' , ¦ - , . ' ;.,\i> '<;"" \. <I- ' , ' , <V , -;/.v; ¦ ,.'¦/ ¦;¦ . . ' .. * ¦ Wf~ n.ll..«i> " DL_^_ tiltt •¦ " " ' - ! --'ii 'i, ' '- '(. '' Hli' «i^i.iiA' 'i' I i ' ' .>: i ti; ' 1 1 . ¦ We Ueliv or ,, rnono. .ai o 1 x, ',,T^!iff ' .lll»ypwi * Jn ' m i ni l i „,>i, ' , ¦; ¦,, Iff i i,J i^n i J 1 ,r^rm iii i T4f . ^,^ t j tteB<aa ,^i« r -:M ^trntiM^kktwi^m^ IfflfflK " I DON ' T LIKE Mlf JOB! It is just the same thing over and over , day after day, I want a change. " Have you ever felt that way? The only cure is in prep- aration for promotion to more responsible work . The preparation is interesting arid the result inspiring. It can all be done Mon- days and Thursdays at Ev- ening School. South Shore Secretarial School 126 South Ocean Avenue Patchogue Phono Patchogue 2018 Mary A. Townsend-Flske , Principal Kj 8K9H-- r | i i | l ' l n " i I i _ 1 _ J wMj Cj ] ! eoJ Loiii yiBiicS < ' . CAT CAP *! C>V SI'MVT.MS 4 : ? Chocolate Cream © rops vrft. ,,0. ' S p icM ,Pound X" c cVM-a CDtlk Cliocolate Cocoatiut 'R oyals vlfi. 75. Sprcliil Poun d 34'C Supcr fuit Cr eamer y Caramels ^.no. Special Pound o4'C Trench Chocolate s ' \ rr.n i .50 Sp lint Paunit t zrc ^o m& g;. , IT 1 lb. Homo Mode Assortment 1 lb. Iliffh Grade Smooth Almonds 1 lb. Chocolate d |J ^ Niift cdPlariCotlorV o ¦;¦ Alt Tttnti! ron Q^^c FRE B«bPPE 141 Railro ad Avenue ^ P hono SttyytUe P99 .Miiwiiiii iiiiiiii i iimii iiiiii ' iiiVjMi l J mwmmMmii ^ tiiM Miss A. Krou pa spent the week-end in the city. Mrs. John Koopman spent yesterday In New York. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ripak and son were guests oa Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ripak. Joseph Zeman is spen ding his vaca- tion with his family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Houdek. William Frede rick , who has been confined to his bed with a severe cold , is able to be about again. Joseph Zeman , Jr., lias a new Ford sport coupe which he received from his parents for his birthda y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dinkel were guests over the week-end of Mrs. Din- k el's Cither , Frank Tmay, Sr. Mrs. Charles Kovarlk , who has been visiting her parents in Syracuse , has returned to her home on Union street. The J. P. C. held Its weekly meeting at the hom e of Miss Otylie Melzer. The club has recently purchased new rings. The Misses Katherine and Theresa Quailey were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ru th , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cralv came out on Sunday to see F. Tittmann , who ac- companied them when they returned to tholr home. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Mer gel and son, Richard , and Mr. and Mrs . Emll Choura of Astoria , were guests on Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zohradka. Mr. and ^ Mrs. William Potucek , Sr., Mr . and Mrs. William Potueok , Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. Fous and Mrs. E. Titt- mann and daughter motored to Sag Harbor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kroupa motored to Riverhead on Sunday to visit Mrs. Kroupa ' s cousins , Mr . and Mrs . VoJ- voda. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benedict. Don't forget the bis show and dance in the C.S.PjS. Hall tomorrow , Satur- day evening, for the benefit of St. John ' s Episcopal Church. Those who come are assured of three hours of laughter. At the close of their meeting on Monday afternoon tho local Girl Scout troop, under the leailcislilp of Miss Evelyn Giroux , hcl ! a frankfurter roast , to which they Invited tholr mothers and friends. The seml-ammial hall of the Theo- dore Roosevelt Republican Club will ho held en Saturday evening, Novem- ber 2nd, in the G.S.P.S. Hall , Bohemia. Music will bo furnished by Wcola ' s Orc h estra. Tickets 50 cents. SOU Mr. and Mrs. A. IlnbaT celebrated their 50th wedding annive rsary very pleasantly on Sunday by entertaining about 50 of thol r relatives and friends nt ii dinner party nt tholr homo. The day was mi unusually warm and plans . ant ono and dinner was served oh the lawn . The noteworthy occasion was gre atly enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs , IluVml and their guests, Mrs , W, Hourtolc nrrmigeil a plonannt surprise for hor husband when she pre sented him with n flagpole for his blrlhdny. Mrs, Houilok' s grea test dif- ficulty In making this unusual gift a complete surprise to hor husband was In (tottin g; the polo erected without his Knowle dge , hut Henry Meiiok , who un- derto ok tlio Job , assume d the. respon - sibility and carried It out with groat success, At tlio mooting of tlio Altar Society , of St. John Noponniccno ' fl R, O. Church f the following officers woro re-elected: Mrs , W, P, Rut h, Jr. , president; Miss i A.nnn Kurlra , treasurer ! Mrs. Potueok , i corres ponding Jioero tary; Mr«. J. J fialn, secretary. Plans ware iiiodn for a , Hallowe 'en party on November Bnil , iiiMl tlioro won also a discussio n con- cerning t he an nual entertainment , and daneo to bo given on Than losBlvlnB Evo , for which all homo talont lion hoo ii sol ocicd, J Otto Kutkii , who Is know n the ! "JWylug Cop, " a f ornvo ' r mirmuor of ttoaotio Squnrt No . 1, of Mr Rboknway, but now of l iroblrtyn , ntado a trip from. RooaoTOl t Flolil to Ilo- homln , where ho hindoil lila plane on 111 a bnso lmll Hold on Saturday, i Mr. Kaflm . cama td visit rtl a iioronin ' who havo a summer liomo in this vil- lage. Mr. JCafltn , who roMdoa ip As. . toirtal ; " !irjw ¦ ' ¦ nooowpanlo d by 'Jji friend,. ' .^^ ^i^i^ ^^^ Mt s^ ' IMMM^M S^Mm^S^k Thinking that the piano was tr ying to land because . . ot ^engine trouble , a large crowd ojulcklj: ' , assembled In th e field in the rear of the ; Hartmann property on, Smithlown avenue , and needless to say, all of his friends wer e greatly surprised: when they discover- ed that the aviator was Mr. Kafka. BOHE MIA POOR ENGLISH , BUT MUCH TO THE POINT Writing to the Lon don Times , nn Englishman ' s custom , tnkes root in RrKish territory, us evidenced b . v ii l etter, quoted by the Livin g Age from the Singapore Strut 's l' .udi :et. It Is vouched In n Chinese En glish and fol- lows . In part : '1 wish my companion went Wllkie ronil hills seen a couple of Conton;;ese Lover to whisper nnd kiss In . a shnde of n tree. Looltins Mils pers on is very sweetheart. First Mine I seen, today very nice. I.Ike lust night saw the cln mm." He goes on to descri be what lie saw In :he cl nunui , then to , p rotest nt nn unfeeling pnllriMmni' s Interrupt i on oi the lovers ' I n the purl:. "1 think very poorly against It. Any tlmj ever neon, can sec kiss nt purl ; , dunce hull mul clncmn. I thought tliln tiling Is comiiionl . v mutter , not third person mutter to do. Tontrlbutlon re- sults. Excuse me, air. " Bayport Methodlat Episcopal Church Alfred U Hubbard , pastor. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a, m. Epworth League at 7. p. m. Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. W " rtnnHday evouln g—Prayer meet' Ing, 7:30 p. m. , ,.. - , , Thursday evening—Choir rehearsal MONUMENT S Memorials of every type. Mau soleums , Statuary, Fence s, etc. W. N , RAYN0R ESTATE Under manh gomont of Mrs , Racliol To rry 89 East Main Street Telephone Sayville 1469 Fast HANqi OAP . F urlouo AUTO RACES DEER PARK SPEEDWAY OECR PARK, L. I. n otwoon iruntlngtoii and Haliylbn Columbus t)ay Saturda y, p^t; A 12 , at 2 p,m. ****~»fmm mmMm) iimmmimimmMmmmmMmd: ill, iiWAWfeio i' vJf. -l.v !-• ;, " ,! .**. »< :< :. ' . '. ! . ••Frl tf., ha ve . . veil , ever seen Sir. Smith kiss sister Annie?" . _ , ¦ ' : - , " -Dn d. I won 't tell a lie. That Is ho.v I got my lovely new box of mec- cano. "—Buen Hum or , Madr id. Dau ghte r ' s Ha ndica p •i your dau ghter , takes after her - mother , doesn 't she?" - ¦ ¦¦ "res -tb.it Is. if there ' s anythin g left In my pocket. " I Profita ble Knowled ge , , J. W. Thompson ;.;•Roofin g Co; ; "" Cor. Main St. and Greene Ave. Sayville Tel. 984

J^ort ipses Climes hi Board - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031477/1929-10-11/ed...Misses Ditmars and West Entertai n Friends at Bridge Party W. E. ^ Sunday

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Page 1: J^ort ipses Climes hi Board - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031477/1929-10-11/ed...Misses Ditmars and West Entertai n Friends at Bridge Party W. E. ^ Sunday

Misses Ditmars and West Entertai n Friends at Bridge PartyW. E.

Sunday School Childre n Earn Money for Motion Picture Machine.Little Ella Meeves Undergoes Operation in a City Hospital.

}. ." t William Squires , Former J Sayport ' Resident , Visits Here.* Tbrefsocdal given In the lecture roomot tne 'Methodis t"C hurch last Fridayevening was a very successful affair..At this time the children and teach-ers , were to bring in the dollar they .bad earned during the past two )months ' to help pay for a moving pic-ture camera. Sixty dollars wastaken/in' during the evening. After"numerous reels of pictures , ice creamand coke were served by the Supt.,fTheo. Snyder and the teachers.

. Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Zigrosser. entertained at dinner on Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. Foley and two children;Roy and Gloria , and Miss Ruth Havl-land , of Mamaroneck , N. Y. Mrs. Ida

•' ¦ Guinee , aunt of Mrs. Zigrosser , return-ed to her home in Worcester , Mass.,on Sunday after a visit of three weeksat the Zigrosser home.

There have been complete changesIn the inspectors of election lero inboth parties. The Democratic inspec-tors , ' .George E. Smith and Prank Ar-pold,1 have been replaced by GeorgeWeber and Mrs. Byron Moger , and•the Republican Inspectors , Mrs. Fay

• Wines and Miss Anna Smith , havepeed replaced by Emlle Stoll and MissDelia Hogerson.

- ' The Rev. A. L. Hubbard attendedthe meetin g in Bay Shore on Mondayevening when Mrs. E. Raymond Hii-dreth , was hostess to the youngpeople 's movement. There was a ban-quet given to the £uests. _ The pastorof the - Bayport church will preachon Sunda y concerning "True Riches."The evening theme will be "The TrueServant. "

The William L>. Mantha Companylas sold Reo cars to the followingpeople: a coupe to D. A. Mac Queen ,of Sayville, sedan to Charles Bogel ofBayport , sedan to Mrs. Kat herineLord of Patchogue , and a speedwagonto the Cosmos Towel & Apron Com-pany of Lindenhurst.

William Squires , of Schenectady,JK. Y-, spent Sunday at the home ofMr. and . Mrs. W. D. Overto n. ' Mr.Squires is well known here , havingspen t his boyhood with his grand-parents , Mr. and Mrs. William Squireson Bayport avenue.; Miss Sara h Morgan , of New York ,Is spendin g two weeks at tho home* ofMr. and Mrs. Rafael Del Castillo. Mr s,Del Castillo , who has been sufferin gfor several weeks with a broken armis steadil y Improving.

Alfred Monsell , who was transfer-red to the Roulston store in CentralIsllp, after being a clerk here forsome time , has returned to the Bay-port store where he is employed ns nclerk.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Rasmusscn andSamuel Chnttawa y, of Brookl yn , spentlast week-end with Mrs. Rasmussen 'sparen ts, Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson,of Oak Road.

Archie MacLean came out fromBrooklyn on Wednesda y and will re-main until tomorrow nt tho home othis parents , Mr. and Mrs. . GeorgeMac Lean.

Little Ella Moovos , daughter of Mr.and Mrs , Ernest Meeves , was operat-ed upon on Monday in n Now YorkHospital for deformed foot.

On Sunday ovonln g, October 2«tlitho children of tlio Methodist ChurchSchool will havo Rall y Duy exercisesin tho church.

Mrs. Katherine Vogel and her son,- Fran k, spent last week-end at the

homo ot Mr , and Mrs. Raymon d Stry-kor.

Mrs. Kennet h Purdy and hor Infantdaughter , Pamela, . have returned

. homo from tlio Southsldo Hospital.William Clovor , tho Bnyport Bar-

ber , Is on a motor trip to NiagaraFalls and Washington , D. C.

.. - , .' Mraf, Potor Frankonbaclc nnd hor? ''¦! ideughtor , M inn Anna , spent last veolc-¦;';: .' '6n4 ' Mr Now York ,. .. - . ftfrfl. Lovl Martin entertained tlio

-,';. .Wednesday brldgo club on Wednos-Y\,fay afternoon.fj .v« Hd wnrd Frloman Is now employed;.' y/n ,thb greenhouse of Maynard Nlolio-] l 't:iu. . . - ¦''.;. ' ¦ ii . jiinf, John Fron t Bohr has return-' lid from a visit to hor homo In .Now' : prloann , 1*.

' , J ud"ga *-andI Mrs. Martin T, Mnnton•''• ' tavo' rdlur 'nod to Brookl yn for tlio,': ^rlri tor.J v Clinrl on Tremper has piirchatocl nno,'. ot tho flow Imn gaiowB on Oakwood'( wentO) . _ , ' ¦ . ' ' ¦

' . < MJH« ; faabotlo dro tit ' v/ont to Now'' Vorlc oti' i/undn y to tfoonti a woo'k' with¦/.' .rol nt 'lyoa.;. ' , . ,, ' • : ' .< i M r */ , Ifrank y aycrjtp, hue boon IIIi,y &>r. . two or , thret ydnya ! tills wook. ,irj . Tlio hoinp of fioorgo Q. Luldlaw . Iiw^djlii^ '^kfivtjcrt . v^"

'**?^.^;'; / , , :- . ' ,; .;. . ,.f$,[&! : dr i«iur ;'a/^^m^m^m^m'mmmm m

The, Misses Mary West and DorisDitmars "entertained at. bridge at MissDitmars ' . bom-e last Friday, evening.The invited guests were the , MissesJosephine Fuhrman , Beryl Newcombe,Audrey Gill, and Velma Steams, ofPatchogue , Natali e. Chevaliey of BluePoint , Jessie Delan o of . Amity vllle,Aleen Smith ot Isllp, Batty Koek otWest Sayville, Alice Emteon of Say-ville, and Elizabeth Dahl, Helen Smith ,Rita Kelly, Frances Kelly, Orietta Gil-lette, Marion Snedecor ,: Jean MacLean ,Jean McKee , "Dorothy Nolan and NinaMal 'l-ng.

Miss Frances ' Pratt , who has beenaway from home since) early in Jun e,travelling In China , Japan , and Man-churia; is oh her way home now aboardthe S. S. Homeric which is due to docknext Wednesday. Miss Pratt was in-tending to return horns- acr oss thePacific, but changed her plans onshort notice and decided to proc eedon around the world. She made thetrip across India and the Holy Land ,

\ and through Northern Africa.On Tuesday evening the Epworth

League of the Methodist Church hada business meeting and social hour.The following officers wore elected forthe year: president , Burnell Wheeler;first rice- presiden t, Jean MacLean ,second vice-president , John Ren-ner;third vice-president , Nina Maling,fourth vice-president , Carleton L'Hom-medlcu; treasurer , Miss Mary Wes t,and secretary, Stanley Davis.

Dr. and Mrs . F. Warner Bishop andtheir daughter , Dorothy, and Mrs. JohnBishop, will return to New York onSunday for the winter. Dr. Bishopand his mother have been in town forsome time coming out only for theweek ends.

The Ladies ' Aid Society will havea covered luncheon in the lectureroom ot the church on Wednesday,October ICth. at one o'clock. At thistime the annual election of officerswill take place. A good attend ance isdesired.

Presiden t James H. Snedecor , FredD. Smith and Mrs. Geor ge N. West ,of tho local Board of Educ ation , areleaving on Sunday to attend a meetingof Associate School Boards to be heldIn Troy on Monday and Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edlward F. Gundrumhave this week returned to their homeIn Brooklyn for the winter , afterspending the past season at their sum-mer residenc e on Connetq uot road.

Mrs , Samuel Frost and her daugh-ter. Mrs. Theodore Snyder , spent yes-terday and today in Richmond 11111with .Mrs. Frost' s father and mother,Mr. and Mrs . Nichola s Laul ,

Van Wyen & Boogertma n , buildershave hroken ground for a bungalowon upper Gillette avenue for SamuelPerlow of the Rosebank Development.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rutk owskl nreenjoying a moto r trip through NewEngland. Mr. Rutkowskl is employ-ed by Eugene Amnnn .

George Strykor , Charles Fish andI\ n. Abrams returne d on Monday ov-onlng trom a ino'tor trip throug h NewYork State. . *

George C. A. Smith, of Newar k,N. J „ spent tlio weok-end lit tho liomoof his parents , Mr. and Mrs, GoorgoE, Smith,

Mrs , Fred Schn.lt, who underwentnn operation last Saturday at thoSouthsldo Hospital , la Improvingn icely,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Murcus L. Osk havoclosed tholr home on Sonman .nvonuonnd returned to Now York for tliowinter.

Wllmot Overton has ' boo n paintingtli o house ot his son, Lloyd K. Over-ton on Academy street this week.

Mrs , >Vl!ll»m Walker , of Crostwooil ,N. Y„ In spendin g today with hor sis-ter , Mrs , James J , Mnclnorny.

Mrs. Theresa Johnson , of llnldwln,spent Inst week-end at tho homo ofhor alitor , Mrs. Ernost Moovos.

. Marlit C. L'llommoij lou Js having anow porch built ot tlio, sldo entranceof Ills homo on Main street.

William Patomnn , of lrvlngton-on-tJio-JIuduon, Is to an0)1 d thin wook-ondat tli o guaat 'ot Jaiiiofi Pratt ,

Mr. am! Mrs. llkary Wn rnlio anddaughter, John, spoilt last Wook-ondIn Bfooltlyn with ' relatives ,

M Ihs Jmj oIo Delano, 6t ArnltyyllloJwnu tlio Iioujio eu4et ovor hmi ivook- ,onrt of Mini Mary O, Wont.

Konnotli .Jlohr ,. of Now Verify knit ,boon spending aovoral ooy» with his" .iiiollmr, Mra. John A. Bohr.

Clnvolnnd V. Pratt spent Inat wooV-«tid on a motor ^trlp to nutln ml, Vor-iv.nn t. , . , ; • ,

!i" ii' ifr , anil Mr« , .Wllb 'u'r .ty/lbynan *»p«n 'tyNterd wy. Jn { >w -tftrjj j, wjiiitt ^Uvir

SiMlBMMiM ii^i

^.' Mrs. Norman Benjamin entertained

very pleasan tly at bridge on Tuesda yafternoon. The . Invited guests .wereMrs. J", ft. Anderson , Mrs. BertramG^ Smith , Mrs. Wilniot D. Overton ,Mrs. Gustave Johnson, Mrs. LeviMartin , Mrs. Samuel Frost , Mrs. Car-rie Huston and Mrs. Carman Seaman.

Former Bayport Man Wanted by PoliceEmll Olrardia , aged 38. a former

resident ot Bayport but more recentlyot Bellmore, is being sougtit by Nas-sau County police to answer to a ser-,ibus charge pi evidence furnished byhis 12-y«ar-o!d dau ghter. Glrardin ,wlien he fled from Bellmore , the policesay, drove an old tourin g car and wasarmed.

J^ort ipses Climes hi Board; : Of Electionis. New Inspectors

BLUE POINTEdward Butler , the local mall car

Her , left on Monday morning in hiscar for Geneva , N. Y., where he ex-pects to remain for about a month.

The property in the Blue PointFarms development has been laid putin building plots and it is believedthat the wo.rk of erectin g one or twohouses there will soon begin.

MUton Oakley met with a painfulaccident a few days ago when one ofhis fingers was caugh t in an emerywheel which he was using in hisgarage and It was necessary to havethe injury treated by a physician.

The dedication of the new schoolbuilding, which had to be postponedbecaus 'o the Board of Edu cation wasunable to secure a speaker trom theState Department of Edu cation , isscheduled to take place on October29th.

At the regular monthl y meeting otthe Fire Department it was voted toaccept the invitation to attend thecelebration nnd parade to bo heldin Patchogue 'on Columbus Day underthe auspices of the Italian-AmericanSociety of that village.

At the meetin g of the BusinessMen 's and Taxpayers Association lastThursday evening it was voted tohave the secretar y write to the Brook-haven Town Board , re questing the re-appointment of Special Constable Ar-nold in rcognitlon of the good workhe is doing in this villa ge.

There was another accid ent on theSouth Road , at the corner ot the Suy-dam property on Sunda y when a carstruck a tree with such force thatthe rumble seat closed up and itsoccupant , a colored man , was caughtin it and painfully injured , ft wasfound necessaray to summ on' a doctorto treat his injuries am! those of theother occupants of the car .

• This Is certain ly the age of ndver ,Using and It seems that there Is some-body remly to tiiUe 'advantage of everypossibility oi securing publicit y torhis wu res. there ' Is now a proposi tionbeing ugihiied In, Great Br itain tobrighten up the landscape by pnintiiu- '"iids" of va rious kinds on the sldw» oifreight ca rs There nrb 700.0W) freightcii'rs of vari ous kinds moving aroundin that country and nearl y 1(K).0(H» ofthese ' are of the covered type whichwill permit of use for , t his , purpose ,The" rnllroii d companies are endeavor-ing to work up public sentimen t In

'¦ favor of the" scheme on the . groundthat the enrs will be maintai ned Inbette r shape and their nppearnmemade mare uttrnct .lve l»y the brilliant

.cards Impressed upon them , From .thjadvertisers ' stand point thi s offers nrattractive Held, but whether the publie will stand for It is anot her mutter

New Advertisin g FieW > ,.' ¦_ .. . . P«..nd bv: Eniliat nian

ll. S. Snedecor 's Sons, liic ,I ,* i,' - ' y ti -v-' ¦' ¦ ' ¦*" :¦ ¦ -

TI&Bapd ttFeed - Store


• Tel. BaypoiHt" 10 JW>t —______^—

SAMUEL S. GERARDContracti ng Mason - Builder

Mason work in all its branchesa specialt y

Estimates Cheerfu lly Given

Tel. Bayport 310 Bayport



Candee Ave. and Main St.The store with the best quality and

" service , where delicious lunches areserved.

Special This WeekOur Famous

Home Made Fud ge

49c &Also Delicious Horne-Ma de I



Yard "at Kensington Ave., Bayport, N. Y. <HIGH GRADE


Yard Phone Bayport 613 or Bayport 28nvi ^B^-ara-MB-«oiHinH innnMa _gd

uiiiaiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiTttiiiiiiiilii a ^

II De Paye & Glenn |ii Iii . I|| Real Estate ' f

if Iis Telephones 490-491 . s

= BOHACK bldg. sayville :

iiiiiHiiiiii!::iiiriiiiii iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiu—»¦¦"¦— '¦—— ¦ i- i — ¦— ¦ ¦••¦ ¦¦

4 i n — . . > > > _ . . - -'¦< . ¦ «

'¦i in ¦» ¦¦ mm,,. . " '" ^i—^ ..^—¦¦.,,.—U^U^M^W

Automatic wm g f c Iste iRiiraPiPPMH ' -*&Vl \mSEuMM!iS ^tJmmX ^SaMilmli


^Electric liittia ^-MaaaThe 'Electric Purriaco Man Is constanil y on demonstration In our

show room. Re sure to see It.

Automatic Coal Burner Co.18 Candee Avenue Pnoh e 1334


i' . -— : , „ ' , ' , ' , 'Vj lL— '¦'.. . .' i :..";::i."


^ yM/0F W4f W ' •Choide Central Park Lawn Seed


¦ I Aiii6«:' Bro»ii(f III¦ ¦ ' :; GENERAL MER CHANts ';*:? : ,.Aj Sv i;. ' ' ' . , ¦ , • , . ¦ . ¦ - - ¦ ', ¦ - , . ' ;.,\i> '< ;"" \ . < I- ' , ' , <V , -; / .v ; ¦,.'• ¦/ ¦;¦ . . ' .. *

• ¦ Wf ~ n.ll..«i> " • DL_^_ tiltt •¦" "' - !-- ' ii ' i, ' '-'(.'' Hli '«i^i.iiA' ' i' I i''.>: it i; '11. ¦ We Uelivor — ,, rnono. .aio1x, ',,T^!iff '.lll»ypwi*

J n ' m i n i l i „,>i, ',¦;¦,, If f ii,J i^n i J1,r^rmiii iT4f. , tj tteB<aa,^i«r-:M trntiM^kktwi m^ IfflfflK


It is just the same thing overand over, day after day,

I want a change. "

Have you ever felt thatway?

The only cure is in prep-aration for promotion tomore responsible work . Thepreparation is interestingarid the result inspiring.

It can all be done Mon-days and Thursdays at Ev-ening School.

South ShoreSecretarial School126 South Ocean Avenue

PatchoguePhono Patchogue 2018

Mary A. Townsend-Flske , Principal

Kj8K9H-- r |i i | l'l n " i I i _1 _JwMjCj]! eoJLoiiiyiBiicS < ' .



4 : ? •

Chocolate Cream©rops vrft. ,,0. • '

SpicM ,Pound X"ccVM-a

CDtlk CliocolateCocoatiut 'Royalsvlf i. 75. Sprcliil Poun d 34'C

Supcr fuit Creamer yCaramels ^.no.

Special Pound o4'C

Trench Chocolate s'\ rr.n • i .50 Sp lint Paunit t zrc

^o m& g;.,IT 1 lb. Homo Mode

Assortment1 lb. Iliffh Grade

Smooth Almonds1 lb. Chocolate d

|J Niift cdPlariCotlorV o ¦;¦

Alt Tttnti! ron Q^^c

FREB«bPPE141 Railro ad Avenue


Phono SttyytUe P99.Miiwiiiii iiiiiiii i iimii iiiiii' iiiVjMil J


Miss A. Krou pa spent the week-endin the city.

Mrs. John Koopman spent yesterdayIn New York.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Ripak and son wereguests oa Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. P.Ripak.

Joseph Zeman is spen ding his vaca-tion with his family at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Houdek.

William Frede rick , who has beenconfined to his bed with a severe cold,is able to be about again.

Joseph Zeman , Jr., lias a new Fordsport coupe which he received fromhis parents for his birthda y.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dinkel wereguests over the week-end of Mrs. Din-kel's Cither , Frank Tmay, Sr.

Mrs. Charles Kovarlk , who has beenvisiting her parents in Syracuse , hasreturned to her home on Union street.

The J. P. C. held Its weekly meetingat the hom e of Miss Otylie Melzer.The club has recently purchased newrings.

The Misses Katherine and TheresaQuailey were week-end guests at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. William F.Ruth , Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Cralv came out onSunday to see F. Tittmann , who ac-companied them when they returnedto tholr home.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Mer gel andson, Richard , and Mr. and Mrs . EmllChoura of Astoria , were guests onSunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.Frank Zohradka.

Mr. and Mrs. William Potucek , Sr.,Mr . and Mrs. William Potueok , Jr.,Mr. and Mrs. J. Fous and Mrs. E. Titt-mann and daughter motored to SagHarbor on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kroupa motoredto Riverhead on Sunday to visit Mrs.Kroupa 's cousins , Mr . and Mrs . VoJ-voda. They also called on Mr. andMrs. Frank Benedict.

Don't forget the bis show and dancein the C.S.PjS. Hall tomorrow , Satur-day evening, for the benefit of St.John 's Episcopal Church. Those whocome are assured of three hours oflaughter.

At the close of their meeting onMonday afternoon tho local Girl Scouttroop, under the leailcislilp of MissEvelyn Giroux , hcl ! a frankfurterroast , to which they Invited tholrmothers and friends.

The seml-ammial hall of the Theo-dore Roosevelt Republican Club willho held en Saturday evening, Novem-ber 2nd, in the G.S.P.S. Hall , Bohemia.Music will bo furnished by Wcola 'sOrc hestra. Tickets 50 cents. • SOU

Mr. and Mrs. A. IlnbaT celebratedtheir 50th wedding annive rsary verypleasantly on Sunday by entertainingabout 50 of thol r relatives and friendsnt ii dinner party nt tholr homo. Theday was mi unusually warm and plans .ant ono and dinner was served oh thelawn . The noteworthy occasion wasgreatly enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs , IluVmland their guests,

Mrs , W, Hourtolc nrrmigeil a plonanntsurprise for hor husband when shepre sented him with n flagpole for hisblrlhdny. Mrs, Houilok' s grea test dif-ficulty In making this unusual gift acomplete surprise to hor husband wasIn (tottin g; the polo erected without hisKnowle dge, hut Henry Meiiok , who un-derto ok tlio Job , assumed the. respon -sibility and carried It out with groatsuccess,

At tlio mooting of tlio Altar Society, of St. John Noponniccno 'fl R, O. Churchf the following officers woro re-elected:

Mrs , W, P, Rut h, Jr. , president; Missi A.nnn Kurlra , treasurer ! Mrs. Potueok ,i corres ponding Jioero tary; Mr«. J. J fialn,

secretary. Plans ware iiiodn for a, Hallowe 'en party on November Bnil ,

iiiMl tlioro won also a discussio n con-cerning the annual entertainment , anddaneo to bo given on Than losBlvlnBEvo, for which all homo talont lionhoo ii solocicd,

J Otto Kutkii , who Is know n a« the !"JWylug Cop, " a fornvo 'r mirmuor ofttoaotio Squnrt No. 1, of Mr Rboknway,but now of liroblrtyn , ntado atrip from. RooaoTOl t Flolil to Ilo-homln , where ho hindoil lila planeon 111 a bnso lmll Hold on Saturday, iMr. Kaflm . cama td visit rtl a iioronin 'who havo a summer liomo in this vil-lage. Mr. JCafltn , who roMdoa ip As. .toirtal ;"!irjw ¦ '¦ nooowpanlod by 'Jj i friend,.'. ^ ^i i ^^ Mts 'IMMM^MS^Mm^S^k

Thinking that the piano was tr ying toland because . . ot ^engine trouble , alarge crowd ojulcklj:', assembled In thefield in the rear of the ; Hartmannproperty on, Smithlown avenue , andneedless to say, all of his friends wer egreatly surprised: when they discover-ed that the aviator was Mr. Kafka.



Writing to the London Times, nnEnglishman 's custom , tnkes root inRrKish territory, us evidenced b.v iiletter, quoted by the Livin g Age fromthe Singapore Strut 's l'.udi :et. It Isvouched In n Chinese English and fol-lows. In part :

'1 wish my companion went Wllkieronil hills seen a couple of Conton;;eseLover to whisper nnd kiss In . a shndeof n tree. Looltins Mils pers on is verysweetheart. First Mine I seen, todayvery nice. I.Ike lust night saw thecln mm."

He goes on to descri be what lie sawIn :he clnunui , then to , p rotest nt nnunfeeling pnllriMmni' s Interrupt ion oithe lovers ' I n the purl:.

"1 think very poorly against It. Anytlmj ever neon, can sec kiss nt purl ; ,dunce hull mul clncmn. I thought tlilntiling Is comiiionl .v mutter , not thirdperson mutter to do. Tontrlbutlon re-sults. Excuse me, air. "

Bayport Methodlat Episcopal ChurchAlfred U Hubbard , pastor.

Sunday School at 10 a. m.Preaching service at 11 a, m.Epworth League at 7. p. m.Evening worship at 7:30 p. m.W " rtnnHday evouln g—Prayer meet '

Ing, 7:30 p. m. , , . . - , ,Thursday evening—Choir rehearsal

MONUMENT SMemorials of every type.

Mau soleums,

Statuary, Fences, etc.


Under manh gomont ofMrs , Racliol Torry

89 East Main Street

Telephone Sayville 1469

Fast HANqi OAP . Furlouo


OECR PARK, L. I.notwoon iruntlngtoii and Haliylbn

Columbus t)aySaturda y, p^t;A12, at 2 p,m.****~»fmm mmMm) iimmmimimmMmmmmMmd:

ill, iiWAWfeio i' vJf. -l.v !-• ;, ",! .**.»<:< :. '. '.!

.••Frl tf., have. .veil , ever seen Sir. Smithkiss sister Annie?" . _,

¦' : -," •-Dn d. I won 't tell a lie. That Is

ho.v I got my lovely new box of mec-cano."—Buen Hu mor, Madr id.

Daughte r's Ha ndica p•iyour dau ghter , takes after her -

mother , doesn't she?" - ¦• ¦¦"res -tb.it Is. if there 's anythin g

left In my pocket." I

Profita ble Knowled ge , , J. W. Thompson ;.;••Roofing Co; ; ""

Cor. Main St. and Greene Ave.Sayville Tel. 984