JOOMLA! TEMPLATE: JV ADVENTURE USER GUIDE INTRODUCTION – WHAT IS JV ADVENTURE? JV Adventure is a Theme-Template developed by team Joomlavi for Joomla! 2.5 Featuring a visual oriented design, this template was created for sites dealing with the touring business like travelling agencies and vacation spots promoting, but can also be applied for other uses with a little tweaking. Like other JV theme-templates, it runs on Joomlavi’s theme managing extension called JV Framework, which provide several tools to make customizing it easier. Joomla! Template: JV-Adventure User guide Page 1

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Joomla! TemplaTe: JV adVenTure user Guide

inTroducTion – WhaT is JV adVenTure?

JV Adventure is a Theme-Template developed by team Joomlavi for Joomla! 2.5

Featuring a visual oriented design, this template was created for sites dealing with the touring business like travelling agencies and vacation spots promoting, but can also be applied for other uses with a little tweaking.

Like other JV theme-templates, it runs on Joomlavi’s theme managing extension called JV Framework, which provide several tools to make customizing it easier.

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doWnloadinG JV adVenTure – Where To find iT?

To download JV Adventure, you need to register a username on http://Joomlavi.com and purchase a package for download privileges.

You can find JV Adventure within the ‘Joomla! Templates’ pages (which can be found in the ‘Joomla! Products’ sub-menu).

You can also go to JV Adventure’s page directly using this URL: http://www.joom-lavi.com/joomla-templates/10-joomla-templates/jv-adventure.html

Within JV Adventure’s page, you can find a set of buttons consists of the following:

Live Demo, Download, Position.Joomla! Template: JV-Adventure User guide

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Clicking on ‘Live Demo’ would redirect you to a demo-site of JV Adventure. This is also what your site will look like when using a Quick-start version of this template.

Clicking on ‘Position’ will open up the demo-site, with all the positions in this tem-plate visible.

Clicking on ‘Download’ will open the download page of JV Adventure

There will be multiple files in the download page. Before selecting which file(s) to download, please consider what you are planning to do.

-If you are setting up a new site, the Quick-Start version is the best choice, because it will in-stall an entire new site with all associated extensions and styled to look like the template’s live demo.

-If you already have a site and don’t want to replace it, or you only want the template without extensions and styling, the Extension-pack/Theme version will be your choice. Installing a theme will give you only a new template/theme without any extra extension or data loss.

After you have confirm the file(s) you need, select them by ticking the box(es) in front of said file(s), then click download.

If the file you downloaded has ‘unzip_first’ in its name, please extract it before con-tinuing with the installation.

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insTallinG JV adVenTure – hoW To insTall JV adVen-Ture WiTh a QuicksTarT or Theme Version

Installing JV Adventure template with Quick star version:To install a QuickStart version of JV Adventure, follow the following steps:

-Download the quick-start version of JV Adventure

-Extract the file with ‘unzip_first’ in its name.

-Extract the resulting file into a folder. For example, let name the folder ‘Sim-ple’.

-Copy or upload said folder onto your server’s.

-Open your browser and open the URL to the folder you copied. For example, on a local host, the URL would be: http://localhost/Simple/

-Install the quickstart template the same way you install a new Joomla! in-stance using browser. During the installation process, you must remember to install Sample Data by clicking on the Install Sample Data button.

-You can see our quick-start instruction and Joomla’s installation guide for more info.

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Installing JV Adventure template with Theme version:Using the extension pack:

- Download the extension pack “Extensions for JV Adventure” and extract the unzip_first file.

- Log into your joomla! back end, select extension manager (Joomla! 2.5) or Install/Uninstall (Joomla! 1.5) from extension manager menu.

- On install tab, in the ‘install from package’ section, browse the files you got from extracting the unzip_first file, select JV Framework’s ‘install file’.

- Click on ‘Upload & Install’.

- Now you can find ‘JV Framework” from the component menu. The component will have JV Adventure theme already install. To use it, click on ‘New’ in the “style” tab and select “jv-adventure” in the “theme” drop down.

Installing JV Adventure theme using the theme file.

- Download the JV Framework component from: http://www.joomlavi.com/joom-la-extensions/jv-framework.html and extract the unzip_first file.

- Install it the same way you installed JV Adventure using the extension pack download, minus the last step (create new style)

- Download JV Adventure theme from the JV Adventure download page, ex-tract the unzip_first file.

- In the “theme” tab, click on button install theme, use browse to find JV Adven-ture theme file, then click install.

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- Go to “style” tab and create a new style using “jv-adventure” for the “theme” drop down.

manaGinG JV adVenTure WiTh JV frameWork – JV adVenTure layouT

With JV Framework, you can edit the theme’s files (.css, .xml, etc) via “Edit Theme”, which can be opened by clicking on the theme’s name in “theme” tab.

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The Template layout can be modified in the “style” tab, by clicking on the style you are using.

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The main “style” difference between Theme-Templates is the position layout.

The following image will show the default position layout of JV Adventure:

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non-sTandard exTensions of JV adVenTure

The following are extensions that cannot be found or re-created with a default “Joomla!” installation.

If you used the Quick-start version of JV Adventure template, these will be installed along with the theme, including the styling. Otherwise, you will have to install them from our extension package or find and download them manually.

JV NewsAn article-displaying module that shows articles or categories in e-newspaper format

*Where to find:

- JV-Adventure Extensions pack (With styling)

- From URL: http://www.joomlavi.com/joomla-extensions/jv-news.html (without styling)

*Setting up JV News to make it similar to quick-start/demo:

We will only concentrate on how to set up menus and module

Create 5 or more article categories and the corresponding articles. The demo has a total of 6 categories: Travel News, Featured Tours, Travel Stories, Spe-cial Offer, Popular Destination and Uncategorized

In the back end, create 7 modules using the “JV News” Module type, name them: “popular destinations”, “latest news”, “special offers”, “travel stories”, “new tour”, “featured tours” and “travell news”

In Module config of the JV News modules, set the “Categories” parameter to:

- “Popular Destinations” in the module “popular destination”;

- “Travel News”, “Featured Tours”, “Special Offer” and “Popular Destinations” in the module “latest news”

- “Special Offer” in the module “special offer”

- “Travel Stories” in the module “travel stories”

- “Featured Tours”, “Special Offer” and “Popular Destinations” in the module “new tour”

- “Featured Tours” in the module “featured tours”

- “Travel News” in the module “travel news”

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Assign the JV News modules:

- “popular destination” to the position ‘right’ on all pages.

- “latest news” to the position ‘user9’ on all pages.

- “special offer” to the position ‘user2’ on “home” page.

- “travel stories” to the position ‘user1’ on “home” page.

- “new tour” to the position ‘right’ on all pages

- “featured tours” to the position ‘user16’ on “home” page.

- “travel news” to the position ‘user16’ on “home” page.

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JV SlideshowAn extension for joomla developed by team joomlavi, JV Slideshow allows the user to create a slideshow from uploaded photos or images.

*Where to find:

- JV-Adventure extensions package (styled version).

- http://www.joomlavi.com/joomla-extensions/jv-slideshow.html (without style)

*Setting up JV Slideshow to make your site similar to the quick-start/demo ver-sion:

-Prepare a folder where you store the images you wanted to use. If you wanted to display thumbnails for your slides, create a “thumbnails” folder within the im-age folder and store the resized images you want to use as thumbnails there.

-Within your site back end, go to Module Manager and create a JV Slideshow type module. You can also use the default module “JV Slideshow”

-Inside Module mod, set the location to your image folders, set your ‘source’ parameter as ‘List’. Select ‘list’ for the “Source” parameter, then set up the con-figuration to your liking. The demo-quickstart version default setting is:

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-Set the module to published/enable, assign it to position ‘slide’ on all pages.

Click on View site to check the result.

JV SocialAn extension for joomla developed by team joomlavi, JV Social allows the user to add social buttons linked to well-known social site like Facebook, Tweeter, etc.

*Where to find:

- JV-Adventure extensions package (styled version).

- http://www.joomlavi.com/joomla-extensions/jv-social-2.html (without style)

*Setting up JV Social to make your site similar to the quick-start/demo version:

Install the module version of JV Social to your site.

Within your site back end, go to Module Manager and create a JV Social type module. You can also use the default module “JV Social”

Configure the module according to what you need. The following screenshot shows the default setting of quick-start/demo version:

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Assign the module to position “user7” on all pages.

You can check how it will look by using the View Site button

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