* ITV/Ed2go Workshop Series * Multimedia Workshop Series * Blackboard BOOT CAMP Series * Blackboard Instructor Workshop Series W ORKSHOPS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

JOLT PD Workshop Series for Spring 2014

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Page 1: JOLT PD Workshop Series for Spring 2014

* ITV/Ed2go Workshop Series * Multimedia Workshop Series * Blackboard BOOT CAMP Series * Blackboard Instructor Workshop Series



Page 2: JOLT PD Workshop Series for Spring 2014

ITV/Ed2go Workshop Series Ed to What?— What is Ed2go? This will be a 30 minute informational session on ed2go. You will learn the dynamics of ed2go and how you can gain professional development units taking these online courses. You’ll also learn the registration process and whether you qualify to earn those units free. We offer over 300 courses in many different areas!

Feb. 5th @ 1-1:30 pm Mar. 12th @ 1-1:30 pm April 9th @ 1-1:30 pm May 7th @ 1-1:30 pm Searching with Pizzazz!— There’s more than just Google and Bing for search engines! This session will share other valuable and educational search engines such as Scirus [Science], Noodle tools [used widely among colleges], and many more. Feel free to share your valuable search engines also.

Feb. 19th @ 1-2 pm Mar. 26th @ 1-2 pm April 23rd @ 1-2 pm A New World – Beginner ITV Information Session This is a beginner/refresher session for those sharing, interested in sharing, or planning to share a class with other schools via our ITV video conferencing. We hope to help you feel comfortable and prepared with the ITV environment. We’ll cover navigating the equipment, interaction, and other helpful tips for videoconferencing classes. Come on over and let’s have fun with ITV classes!

Feb. 28th @ 1-2 pm Mar. 28th @ 1-2 pm April 25th @ 1-2 pm

Multimedia Workshop Series

POW!!!, Amazing Presentations with Powtoon— Captivate... engage... explain! Use the cloud-based software to create free, cool, and awesome animated presentations and videos. An excellent alternative to using PowerPoint.

Feb. 4th @ 3-4pm April 1st @ 3-4 pm April 29th @ 3-4pm What’s your Story? Tell Your Story with Storybird— A Collaborative Storytelling Tool! Students use collections of art to be inspired to write stories. One the art is chosen, students are able to build their story by dragging and dropping pictures and creating a story to match. It’s great for teachers because they’re able to easily create student accounts and assignments for students. Storybird is an extremely engaging site that allows students to focus more on the content of their writing rather than drawing pictures!

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Feb. 6th @ 3-4 pm April 3rd @ 3-4 pm May 1st @ 3-4 pm Padlet, Pad What? And Issuu— Create a virtual wall that will allow you and your students to express thoughts on a common topic! It works like an online sheet of paper where people can put any content (e.g. images, videos, documents, text) anywhere on the page, together with anyone, from any device.

Feb. 18th @ 2-3pm March 18th @ 2-3 pm April 15th @ 2-3 pm Time is on your Side with Capzles— Create beautiful, interactive, rich-media timelines online using videos, photos, text, music, audio and most documents.

Feb. 20th @ 2-3pm March 20th @ 2-3pm April 17th @ 2-3 pm

Blackboard BOOT CAMP Series

This series is intended to provide the new Blackboard user with all of the tools you will need to successfully use

Blackboard in your courses. While the new user is encouraged to attend all sessions, you may sign up for individual

topics as needed. Each topic builds on the previous topic, so you must have an understanding of the prior concepts

before attending a session.

Note: These workshops can be used to fulfill the requirements of the Blackboard Boot Camp. Participants will work directly with Boot Camp course materials during the sessions and will be expected to complete the course requirements if 8 Professional Development credit hours are desired.

Bb Boot Camp Pt. 1- Feb. 11th @ 2-4pm Part 1 introduces the new user to the concepts behind online classes, an overview of the features of JCC’s Course Management System (Blackboard) and an introduction to course design and customization tools covered in Modules 0, 1 and 2.

Bb Boot Camp Pt. 2- Feb. 13th @ 2-4pm Part 2 introduces the new user to the importance and methods of course organization, adding various types of assignments and methods for online class interaction covered in Modules 3 and 4.

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Bb Boot Camp Pt. 3- Feb. 25th @ 2-4pm Part 3 introduces the new user to the Global Navigation, managing Notifications and Tests covered in Modules 5 and 6. Bb Boot Camp Pt. 4- Feb. 27th @ 2-4pm Part 4 introduces the new user to the details and critical aspects of the Grade Center and reviews the course overview from the Student Perspective as covered in Modules 7 and 8.

Blackboard Instructor Workshop Series

Creating TESTS- March 11th @ 2-4 pm This workshop focuses on creating and deploying tests in Blackboard. You will learn about the various question types Blackboard has to offer as well as the types of questions Blackboard will automatically grade for you!

Safe Assign- March 13th @ 2-3 pm Create writing assignments using the plagiarism filter ‘Safe Assign”. This filter produces a report which denotes a percentage of original content and locations of copied material.

Video Everywhere!- March 25th @2-4 pm This workshop focuses on using videos stored in YouTube or created ‘on the spot’ and how to use them to your class.

Submission Assignments- March 27th @ 2-4 pm This workshop focuses on using videos which have been stored in YouTube or created ‘on the spot’ and how to use them to your class. Retention Center- April 8th @ 2-3 pm

Provides an easy way for you to discover which students in your course are at risk. Based on preconfigured rules and rules you create, students’ engagement and participation are visually displayed, quickly alerting you to potential risk. From the Retention Center, you can communicate with struggling students and help them take immediate action for improvement.

Rubrics- April 10th @ 2-3 pm

How to use a Rubric as an assessment tool listing evaluation criteria for an assignment, and provides a means to convey to students your expectations for the quality of completed assignments. Rubrics can help students organize their efforts to meet the requirements of an assignment, and you can use them to explain evaluations to students. Rubrics can help ensure consistent and impartial grading.

Grade Center- April 22 @ 2-4 pm

In this session, you will learn how to set up the Blackboard Grade Center to automatically calculate student grades and how to make the grades available for student view!

Interested?? Click here to REGISTER! We look forward to seeing you SOON!