Joint Subcommittee on Transportation in Military Communities (ADA20(2)) Annual Meeting Monday, January 13, 2014 1:30 – 3:15 Hilton, Morgan Room Agenda :05 Welcome :10 Introductions – Members, Friends, and Liaisons :10 Annual Meeting Highlights Sessions, committee meetings, other events of interest to the subcommittee :05 TRB Staff Updates (Flexible, based on when Kim is available) :45 Strategic Action Plan – Draft for Discussion In July, the Subcommittee identified an array of issues influencing transportation planning in military communities and activities that can be useful in promoting better coordination between Department of Defense and metropolitan transportation planning agencies. This agenda item will consider and refine a draft Strategic Action Plan developed from those ideas, and identify priority activities to move forward in 2014. :10 2014 Research Agenda Identify one or two priority needs to move forward with formal research proposals. :05 2014 Call for Papers A Call for Papers will be requested in the spring. One or two volunteers are sought to develop the Subcommittee’s notice. :10 Information Sharing Additional news or updates of potential interest to Subcommittee members. Transportation in Military Communities www.militarycommunitytransport.org

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Joint Subcommittee on Transportation in Military Communities (ADA20(2))

Annual Meeting

Monday, January 13, 2014 1:30 – 3:15

Hilton, Morgan Room


:05 Welcome


Introductions – Members, Friends, and Liaisons


Annual Meeting Highlights

Sessions, committee meetings, other events of interest to the subcommittee


TRB Staff Updates (Flexible, based on when Kim is available)


Strategic Action Plan – Draft for Discussion

In July, the Subcommittee identified an array of issues influencing transportation planning in

military communities and activities that can be useful in promoting better coordination

between Department of Defense and metropolitan transportation planning agencies. This

agenda item will consider and refine a draft Strategic Action Plan developed from those

ideas, and identify priority activities to move forward in 2014.


2014 Research Agenda Identify one or two priority needs to move forward with formal research proposals.


2014 Call for Papers

A Call for Papers will be requested in the spring. One or two volunteers are sought to develop

the Subcommittee’s notice.


Information Sharing Additional news or updates of potential interest to Subcommittee members.

Transportation in Military Communities


Page 2: Joint Subcommittee on Transportation in Military ...militarycommunitytransport.org/uploads/3/2/5/3/... · Joint Subcommittee on Transportation in Military Communities (ADA20) Annual

Joint Subcommittee on Transportation in Military Communities (ADA20) www.militarycommunitytransport.org

Annual Meeting Monday, January 13, 2014

Washington Hilton 1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW

Washington, District of Columbia, 20009 Morgan Room

Meeting started promptly at 1:30 p.m. Chair Welcome: Chair Ms. Thera Black welcomed everyone to the first annual Transportation in Military Communities Joint Subcommittee and discussed TRB conference ground rules, and passed out sign-in sheets.

Introduction – Members, Friends, and Liaisons: Ms. Black asked if everyone could go around the room and introduce themselves and describe their interest in the subcommittee.

Annual Meeting Highlights: Ms. Black discussed the ADA20 meeting on Tuesday and invited the subcommittee members to attend. Mr. Harrison discussed his committee meeting on Wednesday and invited everyone to attend the two sessions (military transportation issues) and (military transportation operations) and discussed the speakers who will be providing presentations for the meeting and overall topics to be addressed.

TRB Staff Updates: Ms. Kim Fisher requested that the committee take a group picture to mark the first annual committee meeting. Wanted to thank everyone for their attendance and complemented the subcommittee chairs. She stressed that TRB is willing to work with us and provide us with resources to be successful. The committee then took a group picture of everyone in attendance for the first annual subcommittee meeting.

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Question #1 by Co-Chair Mr. David Metcalf: Mr. Metcalf asked about research. Ms. Fisher stated that TCRP 164 is published and available and get it into the data base. Mr. Metcalf noted that one thing to think about is to get some CRP staff to review the statements before we get them into the data base. Ms. Wendy Vachet stated that she will take care of this since she is our research coordinator.

Association of Defense Communities: Ms. Black discussed an overview of the mid-summer meeting and reminded the group about the discussion we had about inviting the Association of Defense Communities (ADC) to attend the annual meeting and present this committee. Ms. Black introduced Mr. Tim Ford from the Association of Defense Communities (ADC). Mr. Ford started his presentation at 1:50 pm. Mr. Ford passed out copies of “Supporting Communities Through Change”. Mr. Ford provided a detailed background of his organization and past history. Mr. Ford discussed the main focus in the past for his agency was to assist communities and help military facilities adapt in the community. Mr. Ford discussed the past 15 years the agency had adjusted to focus on communities with active military installations but still work with communities that are transitioning. Mr. Ford has been involved with every BRAC round. Mr. Ford discussed three focus areas, which included redevelopment, active, and industry segment. Mr. Ford discussed that the goal of his agency is to have 100% community involvement and support for active military bases. Mr. Ford stated that ADC’s primary role is education. They have two base community events called the Installation Forum and the Defense Community Summit. Mr. Ford discussed active issues that his agency is working on with congress. Mr. Ford stated that approximately 250 military and defense members participated at last year’s event. Mr. Ford stated that during the 2005 BRAC his agency saw significant issues occurring and they were very supportive of transportation and education funding during this phase. BRAC taught the different agencies several issues and the different groups are adjusting. Mr. Ford stated that this is a new era and we are now heading into a downsizing in the Department of Defense. We have significant budget issues that we need to address. Mr. Ford discussed the different military branches and the impact the cuts will have on them. Mr. Ford stated that this upcoming BRAC will be about reduction. His agency is not only focusing on big events of base closing or opening but understanding everyday transportation needs and issues. Mr. Ford stated that his agency is really focusing on partnerships were the communities can work and make the bases efficient. Mr. Ford stated that the future will look beyond the fence line and address issues that will be on and off the facility. Mr. Ford described the definition of an active military base and the way it operates is changing and they are looking forward to addressing these issues. Question #1 by Ms. Vachet: Ms. Vachet asked Mr. Ford the following question: During BRAC alternatives, was transportation services one of those services?

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Mr. Ford Answer: Monterey was a great example of the base and community sharing one traffic engineer to address issues on and off the base. Question #2 by Mr. Marc Szyperski: Mr. Szyperski asked if the problem is reversible is billing? Mr. Ford Answer: Yes, sole source authority and has nothing to do with acquisition. Question #3 by Ms. Black: Ms. Black asked if this could this apply to other transportation needs like transit and TDM? Mr. Ford Answer: Yes, it includes all types of needs. We do not want to put limits on the opportunities. Mr. Cowin discussed the Oklahoma example and funds issues. Mr. Ford responded to Mr. Cowin by stating that the road maintenance is another issue we are seeing in Oklahoma. Mr. Hazlett discussed phoenix example with air quality issues with the F-35. Mr. Ford stated that some communities do it without a cost. Ms. Tadej discussed Quantico bus issues. Mr. Ford stated that his agency publishes daily issues on www.defensecommunities.org Action item: Ms. Black stated that the committee will push out a copy and link to his website. Ms. Black asked if the group had any additional questions and thanked Mr. Ford for his time and his excellent presentation.

Strategic Action Plan – Draft for Discussion: Ms. Black discussed her idea of the strategic plan and the conversations that took place at the mid-year meeting. Ms. Black discussed that the group had a brain storming session of ideas and she laid them out into a draft plan that she emailed out last week to the committee. Ms. Black asked the group for their ideas and asked for comments on the draft strategic plan. Ms. Black wants to make sure the group is totally committed to tasks going forward. Ms. Black asked if the group would like to have a summer meeting. Mr. Metcalf stated that this is great and we are finally bracketed. He highlighted and discussed paper highlights. Noted we are promoting discussions. Mr. Craig Casper stated that instead of exploring use research. Questions #1 by Mr. Jason Cowin: Mr. Cowin asked the following question: Why is this limited to the 2005 process? New BRAC will be different. Other states are preparing for an upcoming BRAC. Don’t just focus on BRAC 2005. Mr. Mark Berger stated that he does not see a specific problem addressed. This is a fire prevention group not focused on specific problems. This group needs to get together with other similar groups and document the impacts of all these issues.

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Mr. Ford stated that we attempted to work with Monterrey but there were some challenges in the house to be affective. Mr. Ford stated that we need to be able to show more of what is being impacted to be successful with working on these issues. Ms. Black stated that one of our goals is to attain better data and facilitate it. Provide reliable data. MPO’s need more. Communities need more and we need to highlight the gaps. Data will show the issues and opportunities and the disconnect between military facilities and surround communities. Question #2 by Ms. Peggy Tadej: Ms. Tadej asked Mr. Ford if it is an attitude change that needs to occur. Ms. Tadej stated that several guide books have been developed and we need to review and come up with a game plan. Ms. Vachet stated that we need to find out what is currently going on around the United States and find where the gaps are. We need to do a basic existing conditions assessment of military facilities and surround communities. Questions #3 by Mr. Plosky: Mr. Eric Plosky asked Ms. Vachet regarding parking at navy bases and the waste of land regarding parking. How can this group provide a guide book to assist facilities? Ms. Mindy Kimball stated that there is a cultural change occurring in the military and a lack of transportation options on base. Ms. Kimball is required to have her own transportation to move about the base. There is a need for social and behavior research for on base activities and provide options like TDM, telecommunications etc. Discussed greening the federal government executive order. There is a need to examine the individual transportation needs vs group needs (base needs). Mr. Metcalf agreed with Ms. Kimball’s statement. Mr. Craig Casper stated that the difference between the military bases is staggering. It changes by the leadership for each base. A lot of it is based on mission needs. The commander can’t tell the tenant not to use parking or carpool so there is limitations. That is why a guidebook would be a great tool. Mr. Mark Oliphant stated that defense master planning institute should be a resource to assist in developing our guide book or action items. Action Item: Mr. Jason Cowin to send defense master planning institute information to Ms. Black. Ms. Black commented that the MPO process needs to adjust to military activities especially when discussing secure facilities. The process needs to change. Action Item: Ms. Black asked the group to review the strategic plan and send comments in with edits. Ms. Black discussed that the committee goals and to identify the Synthesis of what is already out there and understand the gaps to identify another committee objective. The Committee needs to look at social and behavior needs and we have a need for reliable data on and off the base.

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Mr. Harrison discussed the fact that we need to find money to conduct research in the TRB process. Identify where the money is going to come from. A great resource is to set up an interface between community projects on the website. It would be free and very effective. Add data source and other links that would be relatively inexpensive. Question #4: Ms. Black asked the group, will OEA support or fund initiatives? DC might also be an alternative. Mr. Darryl Hampton stated that you need to present the issue and opportunity to the OEA and see what happens. Ms. Black stated that if the committee comes up with tools for the next BRAC, they could work for a much broader community/different organizations and they can take what we have completed and get ahead of the process. Question #5: Ms. Black asked the group, do we want to do a summer meeting? Or do it electronically or face to face at the next annual meeting. The committee stated that the first choice would be to meet June 4th-6th at Mr. Ford’s offices; second choice would be TRB Headquarters in D.C. Ms. Roxanne Bash provided a great description on how to work with other committee’s regarding similar data collections efforts to help reduce the costs and still be effective. Mr. Billy Terry discussed how transit agencies working with military facilities and identify opportunities and issues facing this mode and interaction. Mr. Metcalf stated that the group needs to take a look at the critical issues in the plan and make sure we have everything covered.

2014 Research Agenda: Ms. Vachet stated that she has enough direction on prior discussions to move ahead with a research agenda in the coming months.

2014 Call for papers Ms. Black asked the subcommittee if we want to put out a call for papers? Mr. Charlie Howard stated that the committee should highlight the activities would be better than random paper development. We can have this paper discussions weather to do it or not at the summer meeting. Posters of abstracts might be more appropriate instead of papers. Ms. Black discussed next steps. Mr. Jason Cowin stated the he will send out master planning curriculum, Ms. Wendy Vachet will conduct the research and Mr. Tim Ford will identify summer season conference information.

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Meeting ended at the scheduled time of 3:30 p.m. In Attendance: Thera Black (Co-Chair), Senior Planner, Thurston Regional Planning Council David Metcalf (Co-Chair), Traffic and Transportation Technical Manager, ATCSPIC Tim Strow, Senior Transportation Planner, Maricopa Association of Governments Bob Hazlett, Senior Transportation Engineer, Maricopa Association of Governments Sam Belfield, Senior Transportation Engineer, Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization Scott Bogren, Communications Director, Community transportation Association of America Craig Casper, Transportation Director, Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Jason Cowin, Senior Engineer, HND-SDDCTEA Darryl Hampton, Senior Engineer, SDDCTEA Corey Hull, Transportation planner / MPO Coordinator, Southern Georgia Regional Commission Shawn Leight, Vice President/COO, Crawford Bunte Brammeier Eric Plosky, Chief- Transportation Planning Division, VOLPE, U.S. Department of Transportation Whitney Shepard, Transportation Studio Elizabeth Robbins, Washington State Department of Transportation Bruce McDowell Mark Berger, Louis Berger Wendy Vachet Perry Schea, SCJ Alliance Roxanne Bash, Department of Transportation Billy Terry, American Public Transportation Authority Shawn Leight, CBB Traffic Engineers Glen Harrison, University of Kansas Andrew Wexler Peggy Tadej, Northern Virginia Regional Commission Shirley Loveless, Cornell University Mindy Kimball, Arizona State University Kristin Ferniter, Northern Virginia Regional Commission Dimitra Michalaka, The Citadel Marc Oliphant, Navy Ryan Emery, Navy Charlie Howard, Puget Sound Regional Council

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