John Earl Alvarez Caday

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  • 7/24/2019 John Earl Alvarez Caday


    John Earl Alvarez Caday3339G Harvard St., Brgy. Pinagkaisahan, Makati CityContact number: !393!"!3#$#%

    Seeking &osition 'here e(tensive e(&erience 'i)) be *urther deve)o&ed and uti)i+ed

    Can understand 'ritten and ora) communicationno')edgeab)e in various com&uter so*t'are such as MS -ord, MS (ce), MSPo'erPoint and other 'indo' based so*t'are inc)uding the internet

    -i))ing to gain more kno')edge by other idea and to 'ork under &ressure/esource*u) the com&)etion o* &ro0ects, e1ective at mu)ti2taskingHigh)y trust'orthy, discreet and ethica)

    ate o* Birth : 4ebruary 53, 599!Birth P)ace : Paete, 6agunaCivi) Status : Sing)e7ationa)ity : 4i)i&inoHeight : #85-eight : !# ki)ograms/e)igion : /oman Catho)ic

    Co))ege : ssociate in ;n*ormation

  • 7/24/2019 John Earl Alvarez Caday


    ?ua)ity Contro) Sta1 @ ncoder

    Cosmic niversity o* the Phi)i&&ines S. M. . Convention Centeri)iman, ?ue+on City Pasay City"5" "53

    On-Campus Training On-The-Job Training6. S. P. >. Sini)oan Cam&us Dce o* the )ection DcerC. B. M. . Dce Commission on )ection

    Mrs. Aean*e) Casino Mrs. 7inevetch . Cube"5=

    Mr. 4or2;an Sandova) Mr. Mark e(ter /eyesSS irector S&orts irector6aguna State Po)ytechnic >niversity 6aguna State Po)ytechnic >niversity

    ; hereby certi*y that the above in*ormation is true and correct 'ith the best o* mykno')edge.

    JOH EA!" A"#A!E$CA%AY

    &&)icant Signature