Date : November 16, 2014 (Sunday )John Deere Earthquake Msg! To: Dear John Tng and all FAITHFUL and Beloved Doves: Subject: Shortness of Time—Father’s Perfect CamOUFlageO.U. Red Flag down on FieldFinal Time Out Info & InstructionsA MUST READ! [Thank you John for posting this as a PDF and activating the URL Links throughout. John, if this doesn’t make you chuckle you’re asleep, JOHN DEERE!] Subject: Shortness of Time—Father’s Perfect CamOUFlageO.U. Red Flag down on the FieldFinal Time Out Info & InstructionsA MUST READ! It’s time for all Soonersto hitch and load your wagons now, as we wait for the Big Boomer Sound and off we go to Gloryland. Everyone, please use your best spiritual discernment in reading this post . John Deere 4030 Diesel Tractor

John Deere 4030 Diesel Tractor - Five Doves Post Shortness of Time_Father… · Look at the following John Deere 4030 Earthquake ... hidden secret warnings that point to an end point;

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Date: November 16, 2014 (Sunday)John Deere Earthquake Msg! To: Dear John Tng and all FAITHFUL and Beloved Doves: Subject: Shortness of Time—Father’s Perfect CamOUFlage—O.U. Red Flag down on Field—Final Time Out Info & Instructions—A MUST READ!

[Thank you John for posting this as a PDF and activating the URL Links throughout. John, if this doesn’t make you chuckle you’re asleep, JOHN DEERE!]

Subject: Shortness of Time—Father’s Perfect CamOUFlage—O.U. Red Flag down on the Field—Final Time Out Info & Instructions—A MUST READ! It’s time for all “Sooners” to hitch and load your wagons now, as we wait for the Big Boomer Sound and off we go to Gloryland.

Everyone, please use your best spiritual discernment in

reading this post.

John Deere 4030 Diesel Tractor


Look at the following John Deere 4030 Earthquake (Wow!) Because of the time difference of UTC to PST, this EQ actually happened before I even typed the above. You can imagine how shocked I was when I found it a little while later. It shows me that the LORD knows what I am going to do and write even before I do.

Friday November 14 2014, 15:24:35 UTC

22 hours ago

Gulf Of California

4.0 3.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Truly, Truly: the Stones (Rocks) have CRIED OUT TODAY 11.14.14--> + 10 days = 11.24.14 The Triumphal Entry (NIV--1984 Ed) Luke19: 28 --Eternal Life to 40 --Trials and Testing Period Over [Luke 19--(FAITH): 40 (Same as Isaiah 40) "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Isaiah 40:30(NIV--1984) Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31) but those who hope [Hope = 35 = Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13) = Rapture] in the LORD--[the LION of the Tribe of Judah] will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. Look at the following John Deere 4030 Earthquake (Wow!) Because of the time difference of UTC to PST, this EQ actually happened before I even typed the above. You can imagine how shocked I was when I found it a little while later. It shows me that the LORD knows what I am going to do and write even before I do.

Friday November

22 hours

Gulf Of California

4.0 3.0 CSEM-EMSC



14 2014, 15:24:35 UTC

ago Feed

[**Isaiah 40:30 Earthquake as Rapture Warning; perhaps a 10-day Warning to sunset Sunday November 23 = (Death), 2014 the start of Monday, Monday November 24 , 2014. Notice that on the Torah Calendar this sunset target hits precisely between the end of Cheshvan 28 (Eternal Life) and Cheshvan 29 (Departure), 5775. The date 14 = (Deliverance and Salvation) and the time 15:24:35 matches Rest; Priesthood; and Rapture! Can you believe this EQ information; and 11:14:14 is a "double 14" to boot? And please realize that the "3" is --Divine Completeness and Perfection; and, "30" is dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ! Now LOOK at the following amazing EQ's and watch the date patterns as potential warnings to sunset Sunday November 23, 2014 as it triggers Monday, Monday November 24, 2014. Thanksgiving and Black Friday are just three days (the Sign of Jonah) following! And the Charity/Angela Template Warnings are "in Synch"! The Torah Calendar overlay of this sunset time point is Cheshvan 28--Eternal Life linked to 29--Departure! There are Amazing warnings pointing to Desert Storm War 3 Isaiah 21:1 <--Gematria 262 and Isaiah 21:10 <--Gematria 263 and one double EQ falls perfectly on Isaiah 21:9 <--Babylon (America) has fallen, has fallen! Scan through the list with a view to find these not-so-hidden secret warnings that point to an end point; which I now believe could be November 24, 2014. HeBrides (Vanuatu) and all Brides get ready to fly at any moment; stay ready. Psalm 90:10 Seventy Years…for they quickly pass, and we FLY AWAY! Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom!] Question: is Nevada that ‘Neva Day’ that ‘Neva’, ‘Neva’ seems to get here to take us to ‘Neva’, ‘Neva Land’? You decide! Pasted from <http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/>

Friday November 14 2014, 20:20:14

17 hours ago

Nevada 2.9 1.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed




Friday November 14 2014, 20:09:46 UTC

17 hours ago


4.8 263.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


I will now take a short brake to give you the following News Flash

and then we will come back to this John Deere EQ.

Iranian general: Palestinians have longer-range missiles

A top Iranian military commander announced Wednesday that Palestinian terrorist groups and Hezbollah received Fateh-class missiles that are able to attack any target in

Israel Tehran has also provided Hezbollah and Hamas with advanced rocket training, Revolutionary Guard Brigadier General Sayed Majid Moussavi said according to the Fars News Agency.

If true, this would be the first public revelation by Iran that the Palestinians are in possession of Fateh missiles that have a range of 200 kilometers, according to the Israel Missile Defense Association.


“Considering the range of their missiles, they are able now to attack all targets from southern to northern parts of [Israel],” Moussavi said. Pasted from <http://watch.org/index.html?mcat=1>

Iran supreme leader touts 9-point plan to destroy Israel Ayatollah Khamenei says West Bank should be armed like Gaza, and Jewish population should return to countries it came from By Stuart Winer and Marissa NewmanNovember 10, 2014, 7:29 pm http://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-supreme-leader-touts-9-point-plan-to-destroy-israel/#! Iran supreme leader touts 9-point plan to destroy Israel Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called over the weekend for the destruction of Israel, stating that the “barbaric” Jewish state “has no cure but to be annihilated. A plan titled “9 key questions about the elimination of Israel” was posted on his Twitter account Saturday night, using the hashtag #handsoffalaqsa, in reference to the recent tensions on the Temple Mount. Posted 14 hours ago Read more at http://www.trunews.com/#xUukSBxvwv2cst4j.99 Pasted from <http://www.trunews.com/> [Ayatollah Ali Khamenei]--> Ali (Lia…h) Gematria 130 on the Bible Wheel Links to Isaiah 51:23<--"Purim Cup of the LORD's Wrath Go ask thatah Foxah Go tell that “Fox" (Luke 13:32) that I will keep on casting out demons… Mr Aliah Haman, K. Hamen (**Kaman**) "ei" <>;"i.e." who's your Dadda? Where's he atah?... "Mista Liah (liar) Funny Guyah


**(Gaia), why youa (your) name ah "I A Total Liyah"?... Am Iah Righta?...thinking thatah? It's youra Dadda…that you pray atah…also Known asah, "De Total Lyyah"…??? [**Gaia, says the liar, was the Primordial Goddess of the Earth whose consort was Uranus……Zeus, Pontus<--(where have you heard that name before in the Bible?) and Poseidon. If this ridiculous lie were true, what would humans be?] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_(mythology) A Very Powerful EQ Warning Just After Midnight Friday November 7, 2014 @ 00:01:30 (UTC) 01:30--> Shows 90 Seconds <--01:30 01:30 _______________ Palestinians are in possession of Fatah missiles that have a range of 200 kilometers, according to the Israel Missile Defense Association.

The Burning Bush(s) revisited:

Prescott, Arizona - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescott, Arizona

Wikipedia Loading...

In 1864 Prescott was designated as the capital of the Arizona Territory, replacing the temporary capital at Fort Whipple. The Territorial Capital

was moved to Tucson in 1867. Prescott again became the Territorial

Capital in 1877, until Phoenix became the Capital in 1889. [Satan's Shell Game w/Prescott]

Morals & Dogma on Lucifer - Crossbearer.net - Tripod

crossbearer-brian.tripod.com/id288.htm Cached Similar

Shown below are the scanned copies of Morals and Dogma concerning Lucifer ... to a council of very high level Freemasons in Paris France on

July 14, 1889.


Phoenix (the now Capital of Arizona (the Arid Zone or "Lo-debar" a place of "No Pasture") as presented to the

Free Masons and Illuminati is their idea of "The Rapture" believe it or not. Compare Nicole Poon Photo's (x2) and

Harvey Troyer's Photo (x1)

Go to next Page (below) and tell me: How Smart are these Illumined Ones?

Who are the “3” Star Pupils all of one Family of the Brotherhood of Death 322? They are named after something less than Trees

and Moses saw it burning in the wilderness without being consumed. What does that depict?

Zechariah 11:4-144(NIV—1984) Two Shepherds

4 This is what the LORD my God says: “Pasture the flock marked for slaughter. 5 Their buyers slaughter them and go unpunished. Those who sell them say, ‘Praise the LORD, I am rich!’ Their own shepherds do not spare them. 6 For I will no longer have pity on the people of the land,” declares the LORD. “I will hand everyone over to his neighbor and his king. They will oppress the land, and I will not rescue them from their hands.” 7 So I pastured the flock marked for slaughter, particularly the oppressed of the flock. Then I took two staffs and called one Favor and the other Union, and I pastured the flock. 8 In one month I got rid of the three shepherds. The flock detested me, and I grew weary of them 9 and said, “I will not be your shepherd. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish. Let those who are left eat one another’s flesh.” 10 Then I took my staff called Favor and broke it, revoking the covenant I had made with all the nations. 11 It was revoked on that day, and so the afflicted of the flock who were watching me knew it was the word of the LORD.


[*Rapture of Saints by Transformation Through the Fire*]

16th March 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Photo 12 or 31

I still prayed for the missing airplane and the lost, prayed for the conflict of this world, the battle of spiritual. We know that the coming tribulation will be much more worse than current suffering, and we shall disappear in the

air, be going with our Lord! God showed a Phoenix flying upward with the countless people in white robes along it among the falling fireballs. With words, "The

Phoenix is going from the fire!" When we saw this vision at first, we didn't understand why God showed

this Phoenix because we have never heard about there will be a Phoenix in the Rapture, even we didn't sure what appearance it was before. Then we searched the information about it. So surprised it means reborn in the

fire, and the image is very alike this that Mansen has drawn.

Pasted from <https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsMarch20



Nicole Poon Version

PORTRAIT OF THE RAPTURE 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (NIV) 16 For the Lord himself will

come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of

the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in

Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will

be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in

the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Emmaus Road Ministries, Harvey Troyer, Austin, Texas



[W/ “Stop off” in Phoenix, Arizona]

Emmaus Road Ministries, Harvey Troyer, Tacoma,

Washington 98405

PORTRAIT OF THE RAPTURE 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (NIV) 16 For the Lord himself

will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with

the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God,

and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are

still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in

the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with

the Lord forever. Emmaus Road Ministries, Harvey Troyer, Austin,

Texas 78748


Who caused all this confusion and Chaos in the first Place?

It's none other than SHAM -- Rider of the Black Horse telling these lies in his braggadocios manner. BTW, have you ever noticed that the Rider of the White Horse in Revelation 6:1-2 has "a Bow in his hand" yet has no Arrows mentioned for his "Bow" that he is holding in his hand in verse 2. However, he is given a crown as a conqueror bent on conquest. How bazaar! Have you ever considered that the wily serpent's "Real Terminal Plan" is to "Go a Boeing" -- "Compare with Bowing", using "Missing" and/or duplicate Boeing airplanes for his Arrows of Destruction, as well, as a whole armory full of not-so-guided to precisely Guided Missiles of every make, model and ID Number (and ordinance--TNT to CNB) from Muslims, to Goats, to Donkeys to Camels and Horses, etc as delivery vehicles. Isaiah 21:6-9(NIV--1984) Go, post a lookout and have him report what he sees. 7) When he sees chariots with teams of horses, riders on donkeys, or camels, let him be alert, FULLY ALERT! --> [IT'S TIME FOR THE BIG HORSES!]

8) And the lookout shouted, "Day after day, my lord, I stand on the watchtower; every night I stay at my post. 9) Look, here comes a man in a chariot with a team of horses. And he gives back the answer: 'Babylon has fallen, has fallen'! All the images of its gods lie shattered on the ground!'" 10) O my people, crushed on the threshing floor, I tell you what I have heard from the LORD Almighty, from the God of Israel.

Now tighten your seat belts and get ready for this one says Harvey Troyer the Rabbi T; adopted son of



"WHO" is driving the Chariot? "Guess Who" as sung about be the "Guess Who". Read my other Five Doves Post for Sunday November 16, 2014. Special Foot Note for Isaiah 21:8 Dead Sea Scrolls and Syriac; Masoretic Text declare it as "A LION" Revelation 5: 5(NIV—1984) Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” [And start the War Games!]

Again: Revelation 5:5 "The Scroll and the Lamb" Connect the Lion and the Lamb; it's time for the Bride "55" to leave (depart; get Bride snatched/Raptured) and the Great Wedding Supper is about to happen in our Real Time for us Earthlings. If you are weary; hear this:

Isaiah 21:8 And the lookout shouted, "A LION"

This old Farmer turned Pharm acist ("Farm assist" ant) is assisting the Great One to bring you this message. The extra "ant" is to let you know how small I often feel in comparison to the Greatness of my Awesome God. I have spent many hours under my earthly father in my younger days driving his 4020 and 4030 John Deere Diesel Tractors on our Oklahoma farm; these are great and magnificent machines.

Isaiah 40:30(NIV--1984) Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31) but those who hope [Hope = 35 = Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13) = Rapture] in the LORD--[the LION of the Tribe of Judah] will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.


Isaiah 21:8 And the lookout shouted, "A LION"

It certainly seems reasonable (IMHO) that it is non other than "the Real Lion of the Tribe of Judah" driving this Chariot! Do you

see that?

Consider this a warning that Desert Storm War 3 in now very, very near.

And here is a warning; within a warning! Stop all idol worship immediately and repent. Direct all your worship and esteem directly to the Lord Jesus Christ, not saints; not to Mother Mary; or and creature of created thing; and, especially your money and wealth. Remember Lot's wife and don't look back longingly at you fancy car, house, furniture, jewelry, bank accounts and holdings, retirement plans and on and on. Determine to let go now pursue the LORD's eternal riches that he has for us. ___________________________________________________________________________

Re: Following Powerful Illustration: Connect this to Luke 19:34-35(KJV) 34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! 35 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Change Jerusalem, Jerusalem to America, America…and realize that the very stones that so many are hurling at God's Ecclesia (the called out ones—the righteous), are crying out and testifying against them. Then click on the following URL LINK and know that the Father is about to call his chicks home. And, that they will not all be treated the same. Johnny Cash is "right on target". Then also realize that the "Golden Ladder Hanging Down" is portrayed masterfully in the above Nicole Poon Photos, which comes straight from the LORD. It's about to happen.


Johnny Cash "The Man Comes Around"

Pasted from <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgfWvwP6vHc> https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FgfWvwP6vHc#t=23


John Deere 4030 Diesel Tractor

Truly, Truly: the Stones (Rocks) have CRIED OUT

TODAY 11.14.14--> + 10 days = 11.24.14 The Triumphal Entry (NIV—1984 Ed) Luke19:28—Eternal Life to 40—Trials and Testing Period Over [Luke 19(FAITH): 40 (Same as Isaiah 40) "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Isaiah 40:30(NIV--1984) Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31) but those who hope [Hope = 35


= Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13) = Rapture] in the LORD--[the LION of the Tribe of Judah] will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. Look at the following John Deere 4030 Earthquake (Wow!) Because of the time difference of UTC to PST, this EQ actually happened before I even typed the above. You can imagine how shocked I was when I found it a little while later. It shows me that the LORD knows what I am going to do and write even before I do.

Friday November 14 2014, 15:24:35 UTC

22 hours ago

Gulf Of California

4.0 3.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


[**Isaiah 40:30 Earthquake as Rapture Warning; perhaps a 10-day Warning to sunset Sunday November 23 = (Death), 2014 the start of Monday, Monday November 24 , 2014. Notice that on the Torah Calendar this sunset target hits precisely between the end of Cheshvan 28 (Eternal Life) and Cheshvan 29 (Departure), 5775. The date 14 = (Deliverance and Salvation) and the time 15:24:35 matches Rest; Priesthood; and Rapture! Can you believe this EQ information; and 11:14:14 is a "double 14" to boot? And please realize that the "3" is --Divine Completeness and Perfection; and, "30" is dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ! Now LOOK at the following amazing EQ's and watch the date patterns as potential warnings to sunset Sunday November 23, 2014 as it triggers Monday, Monday November 24, 2014. Thanksgiving and Black Friday are just three days (the Sign of Jonah) following! And the Charity/Angela Template Warnings are "in Synch"! The Torah Calendar overlay of this sunset time point is Cheshvan 28--Eternal Life linked to 29--Departure! There are Amazing warnings pointing to Desert Storm War 3 Isaiah 21:1 <--Gematria 262 and Isaiah 21:10 <--Gematria 263 and one double EQ falls perfectly on Isaiah 21:9 <--Babylon (America) has fallen, has fallen! Scan through the list with a view to find these not-so-


hidden secret warnings that point to an end point; which I now believe could be November 24, 2014. HeBrides (Vanuatu) and all Brides get ready to fly at any moment; stay ready. Psalm 90:10 Seventy Years…for they quickly pass, and we FLY AWAY! Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom!] Question: is Nevada that Neva Day that Neva, Neva seems to get here to take us to Neva, Neva Land? You decide! Pasted from <http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/>

Friday November 14 2014, 20:20:14 UTC

17 hours ago

Nevada 2.9 1.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Friday November 14 2014, 20:09:46 UTC

17 hours ago


4.8 263.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


[**Below Gematria 323 = (17 x 19) and most importantly 323 is linked on the Bible Wheel to Israel's Covenant with Death being disannulled Isaiah 28:12 to 28:18. Also, as I have many time shown before in my posts: Gematria 130 is linked on the B.W. to Isaiah 51:23 showing the Isaiah 51:17-23 "The Cup of the LORD's Wrath" is about to be poured out on all of Israel's enemies in the greatest classic Purim Switch that you could ever imagine. I believe most know that 44 points to both POTUS 44 and Judgment of the World! Don't miss the love tucked in as 3:16 for both John 3:16 and Revelation 3:16! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Saturday November

10 hours

Molucca Sea

5.0 24.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



15 2014, 03:23:01 UTC


Saturday November 15 2014, 03:16:57 UTC

10 hours ago

Kuril Islands

4.4 130.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday November 15 2014, 03:15:07 UTC

10 hours ago

Ukraine 2.8 7.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday November 15 2014, 03:08:06 UTC

10 hours ago

Southern Molucca Sea.

6.2 102.0 GeoScience Australia


Saturday November 15 2014, 03:08:05 UTC

10 hours ago

Molucca Sea

5.8 100.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday November 15 2014, 02:46:47 UTC

10 hours ago

Valparaiso, Chile

3.6 106.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday November 15 2014, 02:31:43 UTC

11 hours ago

Molucca Sea

7.1 51.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday 11 Northern

7.3 35.0 GeoScience Detail


November 15 2014, 02:31:41 UTC

hours ago

Molucca Sea.


Saturday November 15 2014, 02:31:39 UTC

11 hours ago

Molucca Sea

7.3 10.0 USGS Feed Detail

Pasted from <http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/>

Friday November 14 2014, 16:33:08 UTC

21 hours ago

Turkey-syria-iraq Border Region

2.9 5.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Friday November 14 2014, 16:22:23 UTC

21 hours ago

Puerto Rico region

1.8 13.0 USGS Feed


Friday November 14 2014, 16:22:17 UTC

21 hours ago


2.1 55.0 Natural Resources Canada Feed


Friday November 14 2014, 21:19:41 UTC

16 hours ago

Nicobar Islands, India Region

4.5 35.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


John Deere Model 40:20 points to Isaiah 40:20 A man too poor to present such an offering selects wood that will not rot [Cedar


Shingles might even qualify and all kinds of Hardwood Flooring, etc, etc]. He looks for a skilled craftsman to set up an idol that will not topple. [Folks, this could be your house that "Jack and his Four Wind's Construction Company" built. Notice the stated concern that the Idol would not topple. If you are not aware of all the "idol houses" and cars, etc that have been destroyed here in America with every kind of Wind, Earthquake, Fire and Flood (and don't forget sink holes) then you really are asleep]. 21)Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the Earth was founded? 22)He sits enthroned above the circle of the Earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. (or ants) He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

Isaiah 40:23-29(NIV--1984) 23 He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing.


24 No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take root in the ground, than he blows on them and they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff. 25 “To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. 26 Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. 27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel, “My way is hidden from the LORD; my cause is disregarded by my God”? 28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

[ALERT! -- ALERT! -- ALERT! -- ALERT! -- ALERT! -- ALERT!] A 7- Day Warning to 11.11.7 [Nov 11, 2014] 1117 + 1 = 1118 ß261 points to 262(Isaiah 21:1) and 263 (Isaiah 21:10)

Monday November 3 2014, 11:02:07 UTC

3 hours ago

Antofagasta, Chile

4.7 261.0 CSEM-



Pasted from <http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/>

Monday November 3 2014, 10:46:10 UTC

20 hours ago

Western Turkey

2.8 7.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



Pasted from <http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/>

Monday November 3 2014, 11:02:03 UTC

20 hours ago

Jujuy, Argentina

4.5 177.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


177 = [100--The Elect/Ecclesia + 77--Vengeance on the Wicked Leftbehinders] 45 = Preservation verifying for us right now, that if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved. Also, I am your voice for the THE RABBI, THE GREATEST ONE EVER; SHOWING US RIGHT NOW, THROUGH HIS AMAZING UNDERSTANDING AND WISDOM, THAT HE HAS, INDEED, SHORTED THESE DAYS OF GREAT TRIBULATION AND HIS WRATH far beyond what you can imagine, comprehend and accept. But not to worry, very soon now; seeing will be believing fulfilled. But remember, even more blessed are those who have not seen; and, yet believe and get busy as you read this warning. Get busy and follow the instructions of St. Jude, the half Brother of Jesus Christ, who instructed prophetically for the PERSERVERANCE OF THE SAINTS, to our terminal generation as follows in his Epistle: "The Sin and Doom of Godless Men" is the NIV Title: 22) Be merciful to those who doubt; 23) Snatch other from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear--hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. And, now dear reader, I will pronounce on you the Blessed Doxology that I proclaimed loudly as my final prayer and blessing to those assembled for the funeral and burial of my very Godly Mother (who was then lying inside her coffin). It was a large crowd of friends and my blood relatives at my beloved mothers' grave site and I spoke this loudly (I wanted heaven to hear also) with tears: JUDE 24--PRIESTHOOD AND 25--REPENTANCE; THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS: (KJV) 24) NOW UNTO HIM THAT IS ABLE TO KEEP YOU FROM FALLING, AND TO PRESENT YOU FAULTLESS BEFORE THE PRESENCE OF HIS GLORY WITH EXCEEDING JOY, 25) TO THE ONLY WISE GOD OUR SAVIOUR, BE


GLORY AND MAJESTY, DOMINION AND POWER, BOTH NOW AND EVER. AMEN. ____________________________________________________

Timothy 1:17(KJV) Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and

ever. Amen. The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.

**By the way: Chile has by far the largest population of Palestinians outside of the Middle East. [**Gematria 36--Enemy coupled with 64--(8 x 8 is Obama's Missing "8" Sign) or 11-1 or 111] I see a Chiasmus of 11--Disorder and Judgment and a double 11 + 11 = 22--The Day of Light (in three (3) days? November4, 2014 Election Day. Will the Elect leave on Election Day (the Rapture) and this will enlighten the Foolish and Fooling Virgins (a bumper crop in America) who will be left behind? [Saturday (Day 7), Month (11), Day (1), Year (2014 subsums to (7) Gematria 1117 as a Chiasmus 71117 and Gematria 1117 in linked on the B.W. to 1 Timothy 1: 17 Read 1 Timothy 1:17 the Divine Number

of God 1118 = (1117 + 1) Satan's Antichrist 666 + his False Prophet 444 = 1110. Do you see the "Missing "8"? 1118 - 1110 = 8

Saturday November 1 2014, 09:27:24 UTC

13 hours ago

Offshore Atacama, Chile

3.6 64.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Look @ this time: 9--(FOTS; Divine Completeness from the Father); 27--(Preaching the Gospel); 24--(Priesthood) this signals what will happen right after the Rapture when the 144, 000 arrive to preach the Gospel (Revelation 7:1-8) Pasted from <http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/>


A 28-Day Prophetic Warning from a Mega EQ Swarm October 14, 2014 to Monday, Monday November 10 @

sunset, 2014 Gematria 28 = (Eternal Life))

The following Mega EQ's Show that we hit something

really big on October 14, 2014

1)--Connect John Lawler's Dream to this 10.23.14 Partial Solar Eclipse when the New Moons Peak coincides perfectly with this Partial Solar Eclipse this very evening October 23, 2014 making the 3 days of dark Moon the 23rd, 24th, and 25th, with the First Sliver of the new Waxing Moon appears on Sunday October 26, 2014 @ Sunset (which ushers in Monday, Monday October 27, 2014). [Final Post on this Series…Gematria 74 = (2 x 37--The Word of our Father); 22 = Light and Gematria 220 is Amazing on the Bible Wheel; 219 or 21:9 points to Isaiah 21:9 given x 2 for Double Destruction of America the Endtime Babylon; ]

Tuesday October 14 2014, 03:52:39 UTC

21 hours ago

offshore El Salvador

7.4 22.0 USGS Feed Detail

Tuesday October 14 2014, 03:51:37 UTC

21 hours ago

offshore El Salvador

7.4 21.9 USGS Feed Detail

Tuesday October 14 2014,

21 hours ago

offshore El Salvador

7.4 21.9 USGS Feed Detail


03:51:37 UTC

Tuesday October 14 2014, 03:51:36 UTC

21 hours ago

Near Coast Of Nicaraga

7.3 50.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Tuesday October 14 2014, 03:51:35 UTC

21 hours ago

WSW of Jiquilillo, Nicaragua.

7.3 40.0 GeoScience Australia


Tuesday October 14 2014, 03:51:35 UTC

21 hours ago

Off west coast of Nicaragua.

7.0 10.0 GeoScience Australia


Tuesday October 14 2014, 03:31:16 UTC

21 hours ago

Costa Rica 4.5 40.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Pasted from <http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/> [**Final Post on this Series… near Christchurch, NZ… The 65 is the Rapture Sign of Enoch coupled first with Gematria 9--Divine Completeness from the Father; FOTS; and 0.00--NO TIME LEFT; 61 is Isaiah Chapter 61 coupled with 30--Dedication of the blood of Jesus Christ]

Tuesday October 14 2014, 04:12:30 UTC

21 hours ago

South Of Kermadec Islands

6.1 30.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



Tuesday October 14 2014, 04:12:28 UTC

21 hours ago

S of Kermadec Islands.

6.5 0.0 GeoScience Australia


Tuesday October 14 2014, 04:12:28 UTC

21 hours ago

East of North Island,NZ. Christchurch, NZ

6.5 9.0 GeoScience Australia


This following warning has an extremely short fuse of only 90 Seconds; do you see that?

[This short time fuse in “seconds” is strong evidence that Monday, Monday November 24, 2014

could be finally be our final 2-Week Warning!] ____________________________________________________

A 3-Day Earthquake Warning to November 10, 2014 [Earthquake on November 7, 2014]

[**Gematria 130 (00:01:30 ) is linked on the B.W. to Isaiah 51:23 and November 7, 2014 + 3 days = Monday, Monday November 10, 2014. So will it happen @ Sunset on Sunday evening November 9, 2014 in Jerusalem just shortly after time on God's Clock and Calendar Changes to Monday, Monday 11-10-2014 (Cheshvan 17, 5775)? Or will the LORD wait till sunset Monday, Monday evening when to time on the Torah Calendar changes to 11:11:7 (2014 subsums to 7) and 1117 + 1 = 1118 . Either way his Mighty Signature will be as over it. Now notice in the following EQ 30--Dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ and also 3--Divine Completeness and Perfection.


Gematria 140 = [4--(Earth Door; Creative Works) x 35--(Rapture)]

Friday November 7 2014, 00:01:30 UTC

9 hours ago

Antofagasta, Chile

3.0 140.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Thursday November 6 2014, 23:53:20 UTC

10 hours ago

Nevada 3.1 1.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Thursday November 6 2014, 23:53:20 UTC

10 hours ago

Nevada 3.1 0.0 USGS Feed


Thursday November 6 2014, 23:53:20 UTC

10 hours ago

Nevada 3.1 0.0 USGS Feed


Pasted from <http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/>

[A 105-Day Earthquake Warning to November 10, 2014 (sunset to sunset) Gematria 130—Isaiah 51:23 (The

Cup of the LORD's Wrath)]

Saturday July 26 2014, 18:35:59

5 hours ago

Antofagasta, Chile

3.1 130.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed




[**Notice Gematria 130 (above) @ 18:35:59 on Saturday July 26, 2014<--Charity Day 7 and tomorrow is July 27, 2014 (Opening of the Gates of Hades per Siri on I-Phone)-->will a trigger event happen on Sunday (Jesus Day--Charity Count 1) at Sunset? Gematria 105 = (5--Grace x 21--the Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin)

A 35-Day or 5-Week Earthquake Warning to November 10, 2014

(sunset to sunset) Gematria 35--(Hope or Rapture) = (7 x 5)

6.6-magnitude quake hits China's Yunnan: CENC;CHINAS SEISMIC INSTRUMENTS TELL A DIFFERENT STORY THAN USGS Pasted from <http://www.stevequayle.com/>

Tuesday October 7 2014, 13:49:41 UTC

Yunnan, China

6.1 10.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Another major 234--Vincent Tan Terminal Number Sign 234/153 = 1.5294 (1.53) <--Time is over--Netted Out-- Pull in the Net Parable of the Great Fish Catch (153 Fish) 6.6-magnitude quake hits China's Yunnan: CENC

English.news.cn 2014-10-07 22:03:53

BEIJING, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- A 6.6-magnitude earthquake jolted Jinggu County in southwest China's Yunnan Province at 9:49 p.m. Tuesday


(Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). The epicenter was monitored at 23.4 degrees north latitude and 100.5 degrees east longitude, and the focus of the quake was 5 kilometers deep, the center said in a statement. The CENC says the epicenter is about 67 km away from Lincang city and 85 km away from Pu'er city. Strong tremor was also felt in the provincial capital Kunming. Pasted from <http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2014-10/07/c_133697753.htm> [**Gematria 138** = (2 x 3 x 23--Death) or (6--The Number of Man x 23--Death) or (2 x 69); linked verses include the following: Genesis 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Psalm 83:4 <--The time is now for the Psalm 83 War; Psalm 91:15(AKJV) He shall call upon me; and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. Isaiah 14:31 Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke; and non shall be alone in his appointed times. Isaiah 15:4; Isaiah 22:17; Isa 22:25; Isaiah 25:6 And in this mountain shall the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. Daniel 5:12; Dan 5:19; Dan 5:23; Hosea 6:4; Hab 1:9; 1 Cor 11:15; Heb 8:9, etc, etc

Tuesday October 7 2014, 22:34:15 UTC

Antofagasta, Chile

3.5 138.0** CSEM-EMSC Feed


Tuesday October 7 2014, 22:20:49 UTC

Virgin Islands Region

3.0 35.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



Tuesday October 7 2014, 22:20:49 UTC

Virgin Islands region

3.0 35.0 USGS Feed


Tuesday October 7 2014, 21:03:46 UTC

Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan

4.1 223.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Tuesday October 7 2014, 18:53:26 UTC

Offshore Valparaiso, Chile

2.9 28.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



With the New Target Date of Monday, Monday November 24, 2014; notice that the following prophecy against false

prophets now appears as a 25-Day Warning25 = Repentance; the Forgiveness of Sins for those with eyes

to see and ears to hear. It is also a 3-Week Warning (21 days) + a (3-days) Sign

of Jonah Warning attached at the end.

An 11-Day Prophetic Warning from Dr David Owuor to

November 10, 2014 [Gematria 11--(Disorder and Judgment)]

Prophecy Received October 30, 2014 -- (Published on November 1, 2014)


THE FEARFUL WRATH OF GOD COMING TO DESTROY FALSE PROPHETS GLOBALLY --Prophet Dr Owuor Pasted from <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEkdk_NAncw> [This Second Title is Inside the Video] THE WRATH OF GOD TO BEFALL THE FALSE PROPHETS GLOBALLY-- Prophet Dr Owuor

Repent and prepare the way

Pasted from <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEkdk_NAncw> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEkdk_NAncw&feature=player_detailpage#t=86 Published on Nov 1, 2014 Pasted from <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEkdk_NAncw> ____________________________________________________

A 12-Day Prophetic Warning from Dr David Owuor to November 10, 2014

Gematria 12(Governmental Perfection) Published on Oct 29, 2014 MAJOR DISTRESS INVOLVING MILITARY AIRCRAFTS COMING TO THE MIDDLE EAST - Prophet Dr. Owuor repentancechannel


Pasted from <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4giBEoREHo> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=t4giBEoREHo#t=4

Published on Oct 29, 2014 Kindly visit www.repentandpreparetheway.org & www.jesusislordradio.info for more information


Now let's look at Nicole Poon's famous vision picture of 74 and 96 given to her by the LORD.

[Notice that J.C. Year 5775 is a Chiasmus of 75 and 57 from inside-out and outside-in, making both numbers "double" meaning it will now happen. Do you see this? [J.C. Year 5773 or 57 + 73 = 130 and it takes two (2) Cheshvan 17th's (17 x 2 = 34) to connect "the portals" to the Midnight Rapture Train to Gloryland. So 130 - 34 = 96. The 34 = The Naming of Son] [J.C. Year 5774 is the connecting year of the "Trinity Reduction" 9 cubed = 729 (The Connecting Template for exactly two (2) years from November 1, 2012 (Cheshvan 17--5773) and November 10, 2014 (Cheshvan 17--5775)]. Please recall that Rosh Hashanah on the Torah Calendar was 9-6, 2013, the very first day of 5774 the connecting year. [See Nicole Poon's Photo below for 9>6, 2013 (Tishri 1, 5774) below. The two portals will now merge on Cheshvan 17, 5775. Updated to Monday, Monday November 24, 2014 is what I believe now.] There is a lot more solid evidence pointing the above date that does not fit into this post. Stay tuned.




Please pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the Jews. May Michael the great Prince of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to protect the Holy People of Israel from all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen and Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!) Harvey Troyer (YBIC) Emmaus Road Ministries