Johan Part # 1

Johan Part # 1

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Johan Part # 1

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to the Messages with Johan


'' The time will come, when the task of a doctor will not be

to treat the body,

but to heal the mind, which in turn

will heal the body. In other words, the right doctor

will be philosopher and teacher and it will be of his concern

to keep the person healthy and not

to start treating the body when it has become sick.

The true doctor will not only treat the body with medication,

but rather treat the mind with principles.

He will teach people that good humor, good will, noble deeds, love and

grace are just as beneficial for the body as for the mind.

And that a joyous heart is the best medicine.

Positive, pure thoughts are the premise

for purity of the body, for inner harmony and balanced serenity. ''

Using the text of WALDO TRINE, American Philosopher, 1899

This sums up my life's work for the last thirteen years now, since I came to the Caribbean. This could not describes me as person and interests and work done better. I always put emphasis on KNOWING, AND KNOWING TRUTH, or learning, AND THAT WILL ALWAYS BE MY WISH, but I also do realize that there comes a time when we have to start DOING, PRACTISING WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW, IN ORDER TO KNOW MORE BECAUSE OF IT. This brought me from running our own Spa, Health and Holistic Seawater Center towards Reiki practitioner, slowly opening up to personal spirituality and away from religion. After the move from Antigua to Saint Lucia, I concentrated more on massages and teaching thereof, a lot of Reiki work and investigating more and more time in organic living, learning, studying the many works and books, especially the Urantia Book I had received from many people during our Spa operation. Meditation became more regular and the conversations I heard or was put upon my heart became more and more intense, serious Guidance and drew me into express my hearts desires, connecting to my souls purpose etc...This lead to intense research on the internet, what brought me to seeing the webpage of AH, contacting Candace and becoming a member in October, November 2010. This clearly brought me HOME, this opened me up to so many teachings, messages, instructions, making friends and feeling like family amongst the forum members. A little

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over enthusiastic at first, what really and only reflected my joy and happiness and finding like minded people I could learn from and express my hearts desires and spiritual understandings with, it brought me to that moment when a voice said : '' Are you ready to take a message ? '' This lead to some tumult on the forum but eventually the truth prevailed and when the dust settled, I was in for more messages from more Celestial Ones and alot more fun and a new goal and work and destiny in my life. I also lead me to a great pleasure to see my wife/partner open up to all of this as she started her own meditations she did not do before. Now she knows all of the names of most of the regular members at the forum and all is evolving very nicely. Those messages have opened the door to more spiritual understanding, helping me to bridge the gap for myself and others between us, Divine Beings of ALL THE SAME ESSENCE, and our Celestial Brothers and Sisters and Leadership in CMAton and Papa Source. I dare to state I am in Love again, in Love with spirituality, with Life in general, in Love with Divinity, with CMAton and crew and Papa Source through getting to know them better each day, and IT FEELS SO GOOD. Recently more channels have opened up to me, not by my choosing or request at all, but just happening for good reasons I am sure. I feels most wonderful being able to be of Service of all and bringing a lot of Reiki Joy to all the members and participating meditating AH family as we have embarked on that road towards Blessing and Supporting mother Earth, or Gaia in her soon to be new name and status. I have to mention the tremendous help, teaching and advise I have received from Candace and a few other telepaths or channelers, the deep friendship I have enjoyed and still enjoy with others and could not ask for a better Divine Gift as to finding AH on my spiritual path : HOME. Johan.

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Table of Contents

Message Page Introduction to Messages with the Masters ........................................................... 1 Table of Content ........................................................................................................ 3 # 01 The Time is Now and will always be now! ........................................................... 5 # 02 How the grain will be separated from the dust .................................................... 7 # 03 The Sincere Desire to do Good unto Others ....................................................... 9 # 04 Welcome Home at the finish line ......................................................................... 11 # 05 PLEASE CHECK AGAIN YOUR SPIRITUAL ANCHORAGE BEFORE ..., ....... 13 # 06 THE DIVINE IS MARCHING IN, MY WARRIORS OF LIGHT. ............................ 15 # 07 CLOSE YOUR RANKS AND HOLD ON TIGHT:

LIGHT IS AGAIN SHINING AT THE HORIZON OF OUR FUTURE .................. 16 # 08 Life now for us is like being on a train. ................................................................ 17 # 09 SOUND THE DRUMS ; THEORY IS OVER, PRACTISE IS ON ! ...................... 19 # 10 MESSAGE FROM MOTHER EARTH, SHAN, GAIA :

WE HAVE REACHED THE POINT OF NO RETURN. ........................................ 21 # 11 The destination in sight and within reach as enough is enough ! ....................... 23 # 12 ASK WHY DURING THE MARATHON ............................................................... 24 # 13 THIS IS GAIA, MY WATER BROKE AND WHAT WAS HOLDING ME BACK

IS NO LONGER ................................................................................................... 28 # 14 INVITATION TO AH GROUPS MEDITATION SUNDAY MAY 29nd, 7PM ......... 29 # 15 Message from Adama, High Priest of Telos. ....................................................... 31 # 16 CROSSING THAT LINE TOGETHER = WELCOME HOME. ............................. 33 # 17 Johan Chats While He Waters the Garden ......................................................... 35 # 18 Prepare Seriously and no harm will find you, My Precious. ................................ 37 # 19 Maitreya addressing AH: It's time to prepare yourselves ' .................................. 38 # 20 Enjoy the Ride, as the Roller Coaster is set to plunge. ....................................... 39 # 21 How to grow up and step up towards 5D ............................................................ 40 END ............................................................................................................................. 41

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©2005-2011 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here

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The Time is Now and will always be now!

By CM thru Johan

# 01 Mar 8, 2011 Candace: Johan, a member of the forum, has been training to become a channel. His first two pieces are here in this first post, and then I will make another post of his latest one. The Time is Now and will always be now! CMAton, February 12th, 2011 Hi friends at AH. This morning during meditation, CMAton knocked on my door to take this message. Written in my simple words, He asked me to share that with you all today. Humbly and Sincerely, Johan. Dearly Beloveds, The time is now and will always be now. The Light has won and is working its last defences in order for the Ultimate to arrive in Glory, that all who had the chance to turn to the Light within our Teachings, Instructions and Guidance, took it in full consciousness and those who didn't will get their chance later, as Divine Mercy is always at work. For those of you who knew of the Light and made it shine brighter, great rewards are coming your way, even as we speak and write. For those of you who knew, but sat idle and merely conversed amongst each other, will also receive rewards, but of a different nature, those you deserve , as Divine Mercy is always at work. Look upon the changes around you, but not through the eyes of cameras who only show what is called sensation, but look through your Inner and Higher Inspired understanding, since Light brings only forth the Truth. Take your chances to co-create alot more serious if you want your Desires to manifest. Seek those Desires not upon your world for it is merely a world of apparences, as your Master Teacher already mentioned. As repeated many times, your Reality lays elsewhere and it will reveal itself by Learning OVer Emotions, what LOVE is all about. Love what is dear to you, Love what is near to you, but also Love what your Inner and Higher Self tells you to LOVE. This might bring your ship a little further in choppy waters and weather, but only trust and experience has brought many a captain HOME from far away destinations, that only his Guidance and Love made him undertake and reach. The time is now, and will always be now, my children. Set sail, follow your heart, undertake the voyage for the wind is favorable, the conditions are good, the Light will shine your path as strong as the destination is calling and We are all anticipating your calling, to meet

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again and rejoice together that you trusted your heart of hearts. I AM Within you and With You, no matter what journey, for we cannot be separate in Truth and Love. Ponder these words and put your findings onto the test. Then what you long for will show up unexpected and you, my dear ones, will once again be Home. The time is now, and will always be now. I AM CMATON, February 12th, 2011. ********************* This is a Battle Song for Warriors of the Light, My Children. Dearly Beloveds, I AM CMAton, through Johan. Its in Times like these that Choices need to be made. Enough Guidance has come your way. Now heed to the Call Within. This will be different for all of you who have chosen to Serve the Light you ARE, Yet, the same Drive and Force will strenghten your courage to BE and DO unto Others as We have demonstrated to You. Take up your positions, it all will become crystal clear when the floodgates will open and Mother Earth will shake and tremble to release the old and Reign in the New, as you can follow with great pride and stride. I salute you for your bravery, I welcome you into your new positions and KNOW WE ARE ONE, and can never be anything else or less. The Fight is ON, so balance Yourself in ONENESS, and FEAR NOT. As a Torch in the darkness, you will Shine for All Eternity and Many of You will look back and remember those Moments of Battle and be PROUD you stood TALL, nomatter what. This is a Battle Song for Warriors of the Light, My Children. I AM CMAton.

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How the grain will be separated from the dust

By CM thru Johan

# 02 Mar 8, 2011 How the grain will be separated from the dust CMAton Dearly Beloveds, I AM Christ Michael of Nebadon. As this chela was a little afraid of taking on another message, he surely does not know yet what he is in for in the near future (in positive sense), I will keep it short in as opposite to the amount of work that has been done now and that only a hand full of you are fully aware off. Go deep inside now and fine tune yourself with the fabric of Life, the Divine Life and Light and Love that is about to undergo a mayor transmutation never seen before on that scale. As you know, many are here from far distant places to witness and learn and take their experiences home. That, my Warriors of Light, is what you are awakening up to. Listen to the Internal Sound of Pure Living Consciousness and that what you hear, you will Become and realise YOU ARE. If what you see or shall see soon frightens you, GO WITHING and OBSERVE for that Inner Awareness will harness you at all times, and balance yourself. When that Flash of Light that rolls like a Wave will embark fully upon your shore, as it has begun, it will open every cell and every fiber of your Being to FULL AWARENESS, to never forget WHO YOU ARE and you will remember your purpose as clear as the Lightening that connects all of Creation with its Creator. This Divine Proces, has happened before, even many times AND WILL SEPARATE THE GRAINS FROM THE DUST ONCE MORE. Know that it takes grain AND fertile soil to get to harvest ! You my Children are High Vibrational Organisms of Light, my warriors of Light, ONLY IF AND WHEN YOU RADIATE THAT INNER LIGHT TO YOUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL, AS IS THAT RIVER OF LIFE MORE AND MOST ABUNDANT that will embrace and penetrate ALL that exists Within and Around you. This Flash of Lightening, issued by Creator Source, leaves no shadow,is pure- all good Light, absolve all polarity or duality, is Absolute, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, is the Consciousness of Creation, penetrates through ALL and this Gift of the Father, some have called the Wave, the Black Light, The Purple Celestial Waters, The Celestial Sea of Violet Healing and while you are moving into the Interdimensional Protection Dome or Golden Shield, (oh this chela remembers well ), the big transmutation will transpire. In this

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you will bathe and Know your Being. Cleanse yourself, purify your entire Being and this will Lift you unto a Celestial High and you will ride that Wave with pride! For those that choose their own superficial and concocted thrills, they will come crashing down underneight that Wave and beg for mercy and lick their wounds, somewhere else. May you reflect upont these words, more than merely giving them a glimps, and accept our Love and before your know, Celebration will be at hand. Cry, like this chela who does writes my words for tears of joy will be plenty AND cleanse and lift your Soul even more. Carry that joy and peace that surpasses all understanding, as many quote, but very few experienced. '' Love all I AM, Welcome Home to thy Heart '' as said before. Welcome Home for NOW IS THAT TIME. I AM Christ Michael of Nebadon. ps After taking this Message, I thanked and asked CMAton : '' Is there anything else you need me to know? '' Answer : '' After taking this message, is there anything you can possible be missing still ? '' I felt the humorous intent and witt and wisdom, laughed, felt a Fatherly Embrace that felt like a Heavenly Hug, and thanked again. '' Johan.

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The Sincere Desire to do Good unto Others

By CM thru Johan

# 03 Mar 13, 2011 The Sincere Desire to do Good unto Others Dearly Beloveds, I AM CMAton. It is in Times like these that your Heart will beat like a drum, like an echo-chamber within the drum, without percussion coming from the outside. It is you own Energy that will resonate with the Canvas of the drum and let the delicate membrane vibrate until a sound is heard Within. '' What You do unto Others, will be done unto You '' will always stand High ! Your Love and LIght you send to others, your care for each other, YOUR SINCERE DESIRE TO DO GOOD UNTO OTHERS, will come back to BLESS You, Uplift You, Reward You, but multiplied over and over. This is the simple message I want to bring you, my children. This is the Wave that comes ashore. THE ONE THAT YOU SEND OUT, COMING FROM SOURCE, THE ONE THAT YOU DESERVE TO COME BACK TO YOU, MAGNIFIED BY SOURCE. What you see on Mother Earth is just the beginning. There is no other way now. But when your Heart is full of Love, all you see around you WILL ONLY ASPIRE YOU to send more Love, to BE the Love Within each other, to Be the Light Within and for each other. And so the Love and Light will come back to you, over and over, but each time stronger. This most deserving Ascension of Mother Earth will come back to Bless Her, this most precious Soul, BECAUSE SHE WANTED IT FOR ALL OF YOU, HER CHILDREN. Those that understand, did the same already and will Reap the Same, only magnified many times over. This is the Love from Father Source and Me to all of Creation, including You, who's best interest We Always have at Heart. The devastation you will witness should not frighten nor panic you. Wave after wave will prove to you how strong Our Love realy is, how powerful the Elements will respond and demonstrate you that True Love only brings harmony and it sometimes takes a show of

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force to make one realise : it could have gone differently. For millions, ITS THE LAST BOARDING CALL! For you who understand, let it be the initiation unto a narrow Path, Back to Source. The Light always uses the dark to Highlight its true nature. The darkest moments, the most fearfull events will be utilised by Us to prove our Existence, our Force, our Goodwill, our Resolve to help, our SINCERE DESIRE TO DO GOOD UNTO OTHERS, so that this may remain THE BATTLE SONG OF YOUR HEART FOREVER. No Energy goes to waste, my children, since all Energy is Divine, and Energy in Motion, Emotions, will run high, will overwhelm, but will only return what your Heart has sent out in the first place. That is Divine Mercy always at work, there is no other way in true Oneness. The same words you hear again now from this scribe in and from previous messages make full circle and complete his and your lessons. Be strong, Stand tall, Look, Listen and Learn; as you already know now, some are about to go Home, others will be trained for the many tasks at hand, alot will start all over somewhere else but Divine Mercy will always shine, as our Love, as will your Love when We will be able to say to another son and daughter in whom We are well pleased : '' Welcome Home to Thy Heart, my Warrior of Light and Truth. '' And the applaus will last for many days on end. And so it is with Me, I AM Christ Michael Aton. ps I went through a night of receiving, receiving, receiving, and whatever Guidance, Teaching, Energy I received was uplifting, was very positive, very heart warming and all I could do was saying Thank you, thank you and face a new day, in a New Dawn. Johan.

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Welcome Home at the finish line

By CM, Nebadonia thru Johan

# 04 Mar 16, 2011 Message from CMAton and Nebadonia : Welcome Home at the finish line Dearly Beloveds, I AM Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon, and I also speak for Nebadonia at this time, Together with Nebadonia, WE made a decision to Bless All of You, our truly Beloved Children, together with the incoming Higher Divine Potential bestowed upon You by Source and Our Selves and Your Selves so that a perfect Union between Creation and Us, Your Creators and all of our Creation in Nebadon may Light up this Universe for all to see from far and away. Mother Earth is ready for birthing her New Self and without further delay, this proces has gone into the delivary status NOW. You have seen through Japan and other places before what birthpangs are about, but please realise this labor of Gaia will be a difficult and particular hard and painful one. Not to the detriment of This Beloved and Beautiful Soul, since only relief of pressure and polution and negative energy will be the result towards the Most Precious Gem She is about to become, BUT THE CONDITIONS UPON HER SURFACE WILL NOW QUICKLY DETERIORATE. Through the Waves and the peculiar settings of your solar system already under the Influx of the growing strenght of Divine Love and Light, both Nebadonia and Myself wish to address and inform you, my Precious Dear Little Ones, that ALSO YOU WILL BE BORN AGAIN into your deserved status of the Grand Cosmic Beings you have always been. This has been a step by step proces, but now there is no longer holding back. Like a wild river rafting, your graduation awaits you at the end of the trip that might rush you through many rapids and small waterfalls OR MIGHT BE RATHER SMOOTH SAILING according to the amount of Divine Love and Light you have practised with! All will travel the same river, but the experience might widely differ. This is THE TIME for complete TRUST, push off and enjoy the company, as the now famous Hopi Indian poem suggests, do not fear and hold on to the sides. The stream will be too powerful for your arms and legs to counter the mighty flow. But trust your Guidance and float with ease and your short journey will be a blessing beyond your wildest imagination. Finally I will be able to meet you, my Children, at the finish line and greet you and love you

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as no description can translate how much my Fatherly and Brotherly instinct and intuition has been longing for this moment. Even my heart is rejoicing and I share this with my beautiful Nebadonia who wishes you only the very best. No more words now, be prepared as good as you have received our instructions and given heed to our many calls. Welcome Home, Warriors of Light, the Mighty River of Love and Light is reaching you Now, push off, let go and go with the Flow, it will bring you Home where numerous numbers are rejoicing to meet you already. Great jubilation will follow great tribulation but it has been so much more worth the effort and waiting as you hardly can imagine. I am proud of you, my Beloved Children, and Give Yourselfs all the Reasons to be proud of Yourselfs. Welcome Home. I AM Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon, your Souvereign. To help your soul with the coming situation, I have been directed to a prayer from Mother Mary in order to prepare you better : Beloved Creator, I call upon your Sacred and Divine Light to flow into and through my entire being now. Let me accept a Higher Vibration of your Energy than I have previously experienced, bathe me in your True Qualities of Unconditional Love, Acceptance and Balance. Allow me to Love myself and Soul Unconditionally, accepting the Truth that exists Within and Around me. Assist me in achieving my Spiritual Illumination from a place of peace and balance at all time, promoting clarity within my heart, mind and reality. Encourage me through my deep and secure Connection and Eternal flowing of Unconditional Love, Balance and Acceptance to Love, to Accept and Cherish the aspects of the Creator all around me, while accepting my true Path and Mission on Earth and Beyond. I ask with pure and true intentions that the Unconditional Love, Acceptance and Balance of the Creator vibrates with power Within the Energy Vibration and Frequency of the Earth so that these Sacred Qualities may become the Realities of All. I ask that all unneeded energies, habits and false beliefs Within and Around me, as well as Within and Around the Earth and all of Humanity are now allowed to fall away, guided by the Will of the Creator. Let a Love that is a powerful Healer and Comfort to All penetrate the Earth, civilisation and my being now. Thank You and Let It Be. Johan.

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By CM/Aton thru Johan

# 05 Mar 30, 2011

Message from CMAton : PLEASE CHECK AGAIN YOUR SPIRITUAL ANCHORAGE BEFORE ... This is CMAton, Sovereign of Nebadon, This morning I would like to address all of you at AH. Even though you are ' in the knowing ' , or call yourself ' ready ', PLEASE CHECK AGAIN before the floodgates open, since you have no time left to waste. The waiting has given you ample opportunity to cleanse and purge yourself of all negative images, unhealthy beliefs and destructive cellular memory and all resulting physical consequences. PLEASE CHECK AGAIN! Forgive yourself, forgive all others you did not understand why they did to you the things that hurt, that caused alot of upset. If you can but come up with ONE positive reason in that and any particular drama, then you have plenty reason to forgive even faster. Reflect upon your journey, as far as you can remember and Bless All componants, all players on your stage of life, for they all brought you lessons, whether nice or hard ones. Let all known God characteristics speak to you, speak through you and bring forth what you know, it will bless you unabashed and with greater strenght to stand tall in the days ahead. CHECK AGAIN is my advise for the winds of change will be blowing hard and without propper anchorage, your vessel will float out of control. Even the well prepared might be taken for a ride of a life time, but with courage and deep Inner Connection, you will make it through unharmed. Secure your spiritual anchorage before all breaks loose and you have nothing to worry about. On the contrary. We don't want to catch you, licking your wounds, when we clearly told you so. For those who keep it ' business as usual ', think and check again; this is my dear advise from my bossom to yours, my children. We have come too far and crossed many eons for letting caution blow in the wind. I only have the best for you at heart, but a show of appreciation by words only will not do. Your actions and resolve will be needed! NOW! Give heed to my call and we meet at the finish line in great jubilation, as said before. All building blocks will be available for some of you to start a new chapter, a new season, a new SPIRITUAL dawn. If not, you will suffer while we are doing everything possible to prevent just that. Our

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instructions have come plenty,you most fortunate ones, but you are the captain of your vessel. So steer it with diligence, but also with great pride and courage in Service. Its no longer possible to hold back and mother Earth is ready to give birth to a long overdue New Self, with you in the balance. Your determination will catapult you in either direction. The choice is yours, the pleasure will be ours, together with you, if chosen wisely. I love you all, including my humble scribe who deserves his welcome HOME, so join in unison, in Love and Light and we welcome you Home as well, before you know. I AM CMAton of Nebadon.

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By CM thru Johan

# 06 Apr 25, 2011

THE DIVINE IS MARCHING IN, MY WARRIORS OF LIGHT. I am Christ Michael of Nebadon, your Sovereign, On this very day, only long time ago for you, a remarkable proces took place. My incarnation together with my Beloved Esu brought forth the end of the dark and the beginning of the dawn of Light and some of you stood by our side as you might and will remember now. These 2000 years came and went by as only an instant in our vivid memory. Promises were made, missions explained, intentions declared. Now is the time indeed to make good on all of those and come forth and stand tall in the Light. As other scribes declared, no new words need to be spoken, but examples must be set. The Light of Life that shines brighter than your eyes can take, that radiates through and from your entire being, already Enlightens evey cell and fiber. Your souls rejoice for they are coming Home as WE reunite again. Make way for the Divine Is Marching In. Those who listened heard the drumbeats of the battle song long time ago and are standing tall, not afraid to look up, to Live, to take a breath of fresh air and find themselves submerged in a bath of Light that encompasses All with Divinity. ' Be still and know that Yea are Gods . ' Come forth and share your memories, your experiences for indeed the time is now. Join hearts and minds and Spirits Within to the benefit and Highest Purpose of All involved, as said before. With your armor strong, you have nothing to fear. Fear not but TRUST the Inner Light, proclaim the TRUTH and usher in our Marching In and Through for Keep Marching in Service, WE shall do together forever. My Warriors of Light, I embrace you All with Love. I am CMAton of Nebadon. Candace: I am personally "watching", the edges of the wave is here. Not sure when or how it will be felt yet.

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By Christ Michael/Aton thru Johan

# 07 May 6, 2011 CMATON: CLOSE YOUR RANKS AND HOLD ON TIGHT: LIGHT IS AGAIN SHINING AT THE HORIZON OF OUR FUTURE This is CMAton of Nebadon, your Sovereign, Let me be short on this one: As the wheels are spinning OUT OF CONTROL for you dark ones, beyond your wildest imagination, WE of the Light ARE KEEPING IT TOGETHER. Save your last breath to save yourself and save alot of Eternity before you might see the Light again ! Even My Words might make very little difference to you, BUT OUR ACTIONS MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE, FOR THOSE THAT WOKE UP, THAT REMEMBERED, THAT CHOOSE THE LIGHT. So let me be clear once more: Warriors of the Light, VICTORY IS OURS. I would not put my Creation on the line if I was not absolutely sure of this. So Shine your Light, Spread the Truth, Share your Love and keep it together. I make no threats, I keep Promises, AS YOUR SOVEREIGN. Close your ranks and hold on tight, Light is Shining at the horizon of OUR FUTURE, STARTING NOW. Salu, CMAton of Nebadon, through Johan.

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Life now for us is like being on a train.

By Johan

# 08 May 7, 2011

Johan posted this on the forum in response to Rosie's message on the Celestial clearing house. (http://abundanthope.net/pages/Rosie/THE-CELESTIAL-CLEARING-HOUSE.shtml) I had a cute introduction planned to this and I completely cannot remember it now, but I wanted to post this today on Saturday, for a reason. Also a reminder of Johan's meditation tomorrow. http://abundanthope.net/pages/Announcements_4/INVITATION-TO-AH-GROUPS-MEDITATION-SUNDAY-MAY-THE-8TH-MOTHERS-DAY-7PM.shtml -C Splendid and magnificent, as usually Rosie, but his one tops the rest by far..... If you allow my humble opinion. Previous messages from Seraphin through you have come crescendo towards this one. SO IT CAN NOT BE TO LONG ANYMORE BEFORE THE OPEN SEA COMES IN SIGHT, IN REACH, INSIDE AND OUT. I hope that all of us at AH TAKE NOTE, GIVE HEED and DIGEST THIS ONE REALLY GOOD AND LONG, but not too long either...... This message has inspired me to make the following comparison or analogy and share it under your embrella, if permitted, Rosie; and as my spirit says Yes, I will proceed cautiously. Life now for us is like being on a train. We are all on the same train, it has never really stopped, just slowed down just enough for all of us to hop on board. That meant no heavy lugguage or baggage, since where the train takes us, we are in no need of earthly belongings. So those who thought to take THINGS on board, will have to leave it on the train station grounds, or wait untill the next available wagon can take them onboard. After boarding we choose seats in no particular order, no numbers are issued, you sit by feeling in harmony with your company, or you move on to the next carriage and feel and assess again, until you find that empty seat next to the person that reasonates the best. Along the ride, you see many sceneries that give you certain impressions, that leave you with rehashing memories, that make you access certain thoughts, or that make you wonder and make you long for more of the new horizon, as it keeps unfolding on the train. Some more slowing down allows more people to step on board and make the same process, as you did. Some search for that seat, some hesitate and remain standing, others rush forward, without thinking why, and are poised to miss their seat waiting for them.

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Before the destination is reached, the entire train passes through a ranging compound and slows down to be totally screened with spiritual ultra sound or MRI to see if you do not carry excessive baggage or thoughs and habits that do not serve you at the end of the trip. Some will feel the places and thoughts inside lighting up due to the scanning and have the choice to go to the private rooms, to release themselves of unnecessary loads, thoughts, ideas, wishes, beliefs, waste that serves not themselves, nor anybody else on board the train. After returning to their seats, they feel released, relieved, enlightened and full of joy to continue the journey. Others who cannot let go, who refuse to change or adapt or give heed to the feeling and call to cleanse and purify, will prefer to remain standing in the corridor, waiting for the next slowing down and even get off the train, not feeling in sinc or in harmony any longer. That process will be repeated as many times as necessary, until all are in the clear, in the right seat, in the right company, in the right spirit and mood. The atmosphere inside the train is getting electricutingly nice, happy, elated, funny and time flies by without notice, as there is no other time at all, as it is ALL IN THE NOW. Each enjoying the ride, the company, the drawing nearer of the destination fills each one with ectasy, with utter joy and makes them even nicer company for those near and dear. As the exitement is raising and rising, as it is up in the air, all are opened internal codes that prepare them for debarkation, soon to come. It will automatically show the different paths to follow, it will make them meet some who have been waiting for loved ones, who had made the journey before, it will bring some together, who came from far and beyond, who had worked and lived together in projects that earned them the ride on the next train, who now brought some in group, in abundant hope for a future that pulls so strong, too strong to be ignored, that makes all emotional beyond words, that brings an atmosphere of Love and Light, as never experienced soo alive and kicking, so real, that tears of joy flow freely, but happily upon getting nearer and nearer, as codes and packages have been decoded, opened at the right time. Some look back and see lightening and thunder, the ground is shaking, the rain is pooring, but looking ahead, in the direction the train is headed, the sun is shining, the air is bluer than blue, it even has a violet or purple glow, its is breathtaking, with a new sun in the air, with a fresh breese already in the cariages, it brings abundant hope to all on board, to all who made the journey and underwent the cleansing and purification according to required standards. On their way HOME.... sweet Home, sweet Home......... Johan.

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By CM/Aton thru Johan

# 09 May 15, 2011

CMATON: SOUND THE DRUMS ; THEORY IS OVER, PRACTISE IS ON ! This is CMAton of Nebadon, Your Sovereign, Sunday May 15th, 2011 As today you all have planned your groups meditation,what WE greatly appreciate for focussing your Inner Light, fused with the Higher Divine Charged Particles, you ones correctly call Waves, towards the core, the inner sun of Mother Earth, I also want to inform you of the following: We have steadfast worked to keep Mother Earth as liveable and comfortable in this entire end faze as possible. All of our teams are ready to combine your heartfelt efforts with theirs to give Mother Earth-Shan THE BOOST she needs to shake loose the Inner Pressure while we remove(d) what has been hindering to the whole process the most. Eventually, but unpredictable imminent, Mother Earth will reach the tipping point before she can reach her Stillness and find Balance towards her BIG SHIFT OF CONSCIOUSNESS. That means that all of you ON Earth willsee/feel/experience upheaval for which we have prepared you, Yet safeguarded you for long time as well. It is inevitable that great discomfort and unusual earth changes and strange noises and intensifying senses and parameters will accompany all of this since also the elements will step up their imbalance in all of this. Preparation time is over, from Spiritual to physical. This is IT and I will not come to give you notice each time we see or expect things to give way, while some of you will be Guided appropriately. Now your own preparation will prove you ready and steady or not. Take care of each other, nothing is impossible and when you finally start using your Divine Dormant Potentials, which should have been old new for all of you. Some of you will leave now, others will pull together, and some will come forward to help you. We find ourselves in those final moments WE ALL have been waiting for. Use every skill you have in you, be resourceful BUT PULL TOGETHER and WE will meet at the promised finish line. Make every day a Blessed One, since you all possess all the tools for GREATNESS and many of you will make me proud in mustering the courage and looking for solutions that will even surprise yourselves. Theory is over, PRACTISE IS ON. Follow your Inner Guidance and our coordination will bring HOME this great enterprise.

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The Phoenix is Rising. Our Blessed be with you and strength to ALL: SOUND THE DRUMS. I AM CMAton of Nebadon, your proud Sovereign

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By Gaia

# 10 May 18, 2011

It may only come as a surprise to himself, that I have choosen my Son and Brother Johan to take this urgent message after his initiative to Bless Me with all the support possible through AH for which I express my deepest appreciation and delight to all of you participating. WE HAVE REACHED THE POINT OF NO RETURN. New measures are in place to liberate my surface from all that will not resonate with my Higher Vibration at the moment of Stillness and Balance, during what you call Stasis, ahead of us now. Our Most Gracious CMATon has approaved long time ago to let me and those living on and in me ascend without total destruction as happened before. Unfortunately some holding on to the extreme negative, fear, power and deceit, world domination for profit only have proven to the extreme not willing to change as opportunity after opportunity was offered. That is coming to an end NOW, what will speed up the Divine Plan, the full potential and transformational power of the Wave to manifest for all that remains. This will bring closure to this run around the cosmic clock to perfection. Since the Supreme Divine Mercy of CMATo, our Creator of Nebadon, has always prevailed, now again has His Leadership proven an amazing endevour, nomatter the extra time nor effort from Him and His crew, what I like and need to bring to your attention! Urgency is aboded so new measures of very powerful magnitude, next to the Higher Potential of the next Wave coming in will shortly be applied to cause the birthpangs AND birth of a new ME to come about, what will cause significant earth changes that no longer can be withheld. Much of your preparations are finished when you gave heed to the many calls, but still many will be caught of guard and ill prepared. Your task at hand at AH will be to assist where possible and most needed. Your efforts will not go unnoticed and be rewarded and all support is available and ready to come forth. This announces a time of turmoil but at the same time a tremendous opportunity to shine your Light and Love. Although most of your every effort, decisions and Service have been accounted for, for some of you this means a final chance to Serve the Divine Light that is the Essence of You, Me, and All That Is. This will Guide you, Inspire you, Assist you according to the need at hand. When all external pillars falther, only Internal Links and Inspiration will remain, so follow your Souls Guidance very closely.

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As CMAton reported through this same scribe, some will leave, some will come forward and assist this tedious but most delightfully rewarding process, drawing to an end. Be a Blessing as I Bless You, many thanks to All and to thosw who leave, Thank you so much, but We will meet again for sure. I AM Gaia, Mother Earth, Shan. ps I asked CMAton and Esu Sananda for confirmation and got both their agreement to post this ASAP as I just saw Hazel her message from AAUriel, with the same urgency and content, as I felt Inspired to mention that. Thanks Hazel.

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The destination in sight and within reach as enough is enough !

By Christ Michael Aton

# 11 May 18, 2011

Message from CMAton : The destination in sight and within reach as enough is enough ! This is Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon, your Sovereign, May 18th, 2011 As messages came through to you all today, confirming the Good News Only, as I poke someone in the side, (ahw, hey ! = me, J. ), Inspired as usuall, Let me also join the same Victorious News Only: as mentioned before and at last : enough is enough, The Light is taking over again. Be proud as I AM for my entire crew and all of you, who showed the Sincere Desire to do Good to Others. As every bow need relaxing after being under strain for too long, So will all who are found deserving, being blessed with the appropriate rewards as such . We have received you pleas and calls, sometimes painfull to hear, But we had the overview and knowledge we could not share. Mother Earth deserves her balance, her peace, her Heavenly Realm, Now let the Light finish the Plan at work or OUR Light and Source Light and Your Light under ONE umbrella made the dark run dry. Maybe Patience and Divine Mercy might have been the best weapons after all, So let this be and important lesson for the rest of your journeys. Even though things might get rough, the whole atmosphere will feel completely different, as if you will be able to breathe and live to the fullest intensity and awakening of your dormant potential once more, wherever you will land and Serve. My Blessings as We now finish in style, still with serious bumps in the road, be not mistaken, but with the destination in sight and within reach. See you soon, My Warriors of the Light. This is CMAton of Nebadon, your proud Sovereign.

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By Rosie / Johan

# 12 May 25, 2011 First Rosie and Seraphin


Message 55: ASK WHY DURING THE MARATHON Seraphin through Rosie, 23rd May 2011

R: Dearest Seraphin: it is the middle of the night and I can’t sleep, so I imagine that you have something to tell me … S: Yes, Dearest, this is so. We know that you are not keen on taking factual messages with mention of time-lines or concrete details relating to current events, and that you prefer to transmit philosophical content which is universally applicable in the form of an allegory or comparison, so here is another one … The magnificence of the universe, from which your planet has been separated so long, can be seen in something comparatively small, like the beautiful spiral shell which has been attracting your attention for some time. It is perfect, complete in itself, and the curves and spirals of the form mean that nothing can escape that swirling movement of the universe.

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In this way, your earth is an inextricable part of the whole, as all planets are, however young or insignificant or not yet populated with intelligent life, and for the earth also IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ESCAPE THE MOVEMENT OR TO AVOID THE MAGNETIC ATTRACTION TOWARDS THE CENTRE OF THE SPIRAL, TO THE VORTEX, TO THE CORE OF DIVINITY. The pull towards paradise is irresistible for every fragment of divinity in the universe, and I say EVERY ONE OF YOU READING THIS CONTAINS THAT FRAGMENT OF DIVINITY inside their soul. If you resist this almost magnetic pull, you will find yourself feeling uncomfortable, in a position of resistance, on the sidelines of life, increasingly ASKING WHY you are there instead of living life to the full and in complete abundance. The solution to this is the ASKING WHY. Complacency and lethargy will keep you on the sidelines, as lame spectators, sometimes applauding feebly, sometimes feeling vicarious excitement, and sometimes turning away from the marathon runners on the way to their goal, to look at something else. The question is: HOW MUCH LONGER DO YOU PLAN TO LOOK AWAY? Now, more than any other time in your lives, it is time to ask WHY AM I ON THE SIDELINES AND HOW CAN I ENTER DIVINE SERVICE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE? And we say that this can happen from one moment to the next, that this decision is easy: enter your name on the dotted line of your heart, and then take your heart with you wherever you go. Then you will automatically find yourself on the track to the central pivot of universal love, of unconditional love, given by you and received from all sides in return. Thus you will see that everything – even if it appears otherwise, and even if it takes eternity – eventually spirals inwards to the heavenly core. Part 2: JOHAN and Seraphin: Dear Seraphin, thank you again, And Rosie of course, for bringing this beautiful message again what should make us stop in our tracks and see if we need to ask the WHY indeed? It surely inspired me to do so. Would you be so kind of also blessing me with your Inspiration, or should I leave it for now? '' Ser. The message is complete enough so it can stand on its own, but now that you opened the box I could however complement your hungry taste buds with more flavor to the next question: HOW? Joh. Now to be sure not to ignite any upset with Rosie, after all, She is the one who receives your messages on a regular basis, you think its a good idea? Ser. Chickening out already? Joh. Not exactly, merely wanting to keep the peace as I know my enthousiasm can be misinterpreted for alterior motives, although I merely aswer to the pull, the call to ask that question, as Rosie and yourself clearly Inspired me to do and she actually welcomed any kind of co-creation.

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Ser. Ok, I see your good spirit and welcome you to joint the club, however, are you up for the challenge? Joh. Well, Seraphin, I see the challenge in stepping in the footsteps of the legendary Rosie, if that is what you refer to? This can lead to utter humilation but then again, I have received some messages before, even yours, was looked upon and questioned about my motives before and I learned that when I followed my Inner and Higher Guidance in all honesty and pure intent, I did not fail me sofar. And if this lead to a mighty correction or kick in the butt from Rosie herself, isn't this how many apprentices learn from their master? You surely would not lead me in that direction now do you Seraphin? Ser. Ofcourse not, hmhm, where two or more together in my name ......... there we have an obligation to be serious you know. Joh. Are you pulling my leg or just leading me on, Seraphin. Ser. Neither my child, relax, now You were the one to open the box, remember? Joh. I agree, so lead the way, I will follow. Ser. It is known that you stepped into Divine Service some time ago, so the question Why would not serve you that much. I prefer to lead you to HOW, what would complement this message Rosie brought here. She talked about perfection, always leading to Home, to Source, WHEN and IF you choose that road. The shell Rosie looked upon showes the perfect Fibonacci Sequence that is the basis of so many applications in Sacred Geometry that most of you have not even touched nor heard about. Even the Golden Mean that stands for the Ideal, Divine, Perfection can be brought into this conversation/inspiration. Only hunger for Knowing brings that material to the surface, but all proves what has been created through Love, the Sincere Desire to do good unto others, and learn as much in the process, WHAT ALL STARTS FROM THE HEART, brings nothing but perfection, and brings all Home, Back to Source, like the Spiral Rosie talked about. The HOW starts from the start: Your Heart. By Loving and caring and accepting and forgiving, and the list goes on, as you know...., this unites you with the Essence of ALL THAT IS, and spirals you back towards its epicenter. Once you discovered that path through your experiences and practice, your Guidance will shine the Way. The marathon seems long, the road exhausting, the end not in sight asyet, but persistency spirals you back to the core, through the vortex as described this morning. Too many stand by the side, since they fear not to make it as the first, to be beaten by others, stronger and more determined, WHILE THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT SPEED OR BEING THE FIRST has never been the point at all. Making it to the finish is the goal. This marathon is not about time, but about the experiences along the road. Learning from your teammates, joining hands, reaching out, stopping to help out, assisting these in need or injured on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. It will slow you down at first, but your pure hearts intent will spiral you Home, to the finish line eventually. The more you assist and Serve along the road, the higher you will be lifted out of the mud, from your tired legs and feet, even with those you helped and showed gratefulness for your help. When you finally make it to the finish line, holding on to another, supporting your brother or sister with injury,

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it will catapult you through the vortex and make you land where you deserve, on the rest of the narrow path up and onwards, back to Source... Now, since I know you are hungry to know, let me even point out, as Rosie was inspired by her nautilus shell, all by herself, if she were to take two and hold them next to one another, like two teammates stand side by side, like left and right, she would discover that two perfect spirals, two mirroring Fibonacci spirals when joined at the right place, form the perfect representation of the male and female energy and both mirrored to the other side, would show a figure eight, never ending, always spiraling, almost showing Immortality and Infinty. The Egyptians found its meaning, so did Da Vinci and when Knowing and practising comes together, Divinity shows its perfection. And it leads back to your heart: where Love applied will connect you so much faster and easier to the perfect spiral, that vortex, that pull towards Divinity, that shows you the HOW after asking WHY. Does that connect the dots a little, my child? Does that satisfy your hunger for now? Joh. Eugghh, you thought me alot didn't you? How can I thank you, Seraphin? Ser. Well, you could start by thanking Rosie for waking up in the middle of the night and asking me what's up? Sounds like a start to me..... And You opened the box to ask WHY. Isn't that still your favorite question, as It always was ??? Joh. Honestly Seraphin, you know me that well ??? Ser. What is there not to know, in the ONENESS of it all ? Awareness, consciousness, as alot of you will experience it in its fullness, very soon. I would say, perfect point to end this transmission. Your both co-creational drive will spiral you Home, your Higher Consciousness, as mother Earth is readying herself now, as you will notice, and then you have reached the finish line of the marathon.... a little tired for most, but tremendously rewarding beyond your imagination. There will be plenty reason to celebrate. The fish swimming in the big ocean again, the train arrived at its destination, the spiral vortexted you to the core of your Essence and Existance, like the shell Rosie looked at so many times and brought both of your messages together and HOME. Joh. Thank you sooooo much Seraphin and Rosie in the first place for being such a source of inspiration to all of us and thank you for your open invitation and giving me the courage to ask your suggested question WHY. Now we also know HOW. And with plenty of tears in my eyes out of gratefulness for life that spirals me so fast now, that it has my head spinning at times, I thank your shell for bringing all of this together and Home, as Seraphin just explained. Johan, very humbled and happy again.

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By GAIA thru Johan

# 13 May 26, 2011

MESSAGE: THIS IS GAIA, MY WATER BROKE AND WHAT WAS HOLDING ME BACK IS NO LONGER This is Gaia speaking to all of my Beloved Children who offered me any help lately: May I express my deepest gratitude to all the extra Light and Love that you have directed to my core and Inner Sun, towards my Etherical body, my Astral, Mental and Causal Body as this scribe has been Guided and Advised this evening by CMAton to send his Reiki towards, allowing Source, CMAton and the Wave Energy to align with my physical body, so we can apply enough Divine Power to make shift what needs to give way, to let the Light break free from the bondage held against me for too long. This process will become very visible and experienced with great fear to many who have not aligned themselves with the Divine and much Higher Energy now in place. That after many calls and warnings, but for too many too little too late. I cannot withold from the inevitable anylonger and wish to Bless all of you, my truly Beloved Children and Warriors of Light, as CMAton is proud to call you, with Godspeed, Courage, Trust as I too had to collect over the last couple of days, much with your and Celestial Help. As mothers will understand, my water broke and what was holding me back is no longer, so know that out of my cries and hefty movements will come my new Self, ' Gaia ' in harmony and in full alignment with Divine Purpose, as alsy YOU shall experience for yourselves accordingly. Thank you my Children of all stature, Thank you my Most Gracious Great Leader CMAton and all of the countless Celestial Helpers in standby, Time To Give Birth Has Come. Take my hand as I hold yours and cry with me the tears of JOY! I AM Gaia, Your Earthly Mother.

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By Johan

# 14 May 29, 2011

Candace: We continue for tomorrow the same as last week! Any new readers may wish to click on the link to see what this is about! This is CMAton of Nebadon, your Sovereign, May 22th, 2011, 2:30 am This very early morning is as good a time as any to update you members of AH, before the groups meditation planned today. As we asked to give your mother Earth a rest in sending your Love and Light towards the core, this is the time We will renew that call and ask you to focus on her emotional body and give her all your support as She as you custodian and Loving Mother has demonstrated many many times. WE know what to do, are in full operation, but to prevent frustration, as this all takes efforts that clearly stretches all of our imagination and expectations, we prefer mother Earth to be in stable conditions to help bring that birthing process about. Gaia is in dire need of moral support as the last weights are the heaviest to pull. Show your resolve to stand by her side as you will not regret any effort as I call this scribe out of his bed to announce this ASAP. United we stand and upon request from this scribe what can be done today on this renewed AH Groups Meditation, so now you know what to focus on. This can start at any time, or keep your 7 pm as all Light and Love will be noticed and magnified from our side. Thank you for making me proud in seeing your full cooperation as this is taken to heart, that of mine and Gaia. CMAton of Nebadon, your Sovereign.

( Also PLEASE, besides participating in this Sunday, also consciously channel thru your bodies in the WAVE energy, earth is resisting it, matter still dense, several times a day, as convenient to you. You just open your crown, can be done anywhere and draw this thru your bodies and connect it to the core of earth, so it can work upwards thru the matter from there. -C) INVITATION TO AH GROUPS MEDITATION SUNDAY MAY THE 8TH, MOTHERS DAY 7PM

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http://youtu.be/r_YOG3jMlV4 So if we want to do something en group, why don't we all meditate, even for only fifteen minutes, pref. 20 to 30 minutes at 7 pm Sunday May the 8th, 7pm in each local time zones, concentrating on Peace, Light, Love, Health, AH, Wave Energy and magnifying it to mother Earth? I see that this video goes out from a group suggesting already doing meditation all over the world each first Sunday of the month, 7pm worldwide, so for those who care to join, feel free and welcome. Just to remind you of some of the most beautiful music to bring you in the mood. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvICzVHK1zk, shared by Rosie some time ago. I would also suggest concentrating on the starfleet, the Celestial Ones who are EXTREMELY HARD AT WORK CONSTANTLY to make the adjustments, bring on protection, getting us in readyness for the Wave and further planned actions along CMAton his Divine Plan at work so that Mother Earth can finally be her Heaven in 5D, that She deserves SOO much, with us along side, if we choose that way. Some advise that went out from CMAton: We have to respect the Divine Purpose of all places, things, situations, persons what we are focusing on, not to interfere with the Divine and karmic reason forbeing or manifesting. Half an hour before seven my time, Caribbean Eastern Standard Time = UTC or GMT -4, I will receive a common goal, if we wish to follow that, that needs most attention, but will only be for AH members. So I will post that immediately in the thread. Many thanks. In Divine Love, Light and Service, Johan

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Message from Adama, High Priest of Telos.

By Adama thru Johan

# 15 Jun 5, 2011 Message from Adama, High Priest of Telos. This is Adama, High Priest of Telos, and representing all Inner Earth People who join in this and many groups efforts of Divine Light toward our Beloved Gaia. It is my pleasure communicating with Zadun, who stood with me as priest in Lemuria, who is now Johan, and who remembered the healing energies and the use of Noni, what was brought with us to earth long time ago and still known as a Polynesian Healing Fruit. Finally we get to work together again and more who join in this great work of Divine Light with Source through CMAton, stem from the Golden Age of Lemuria and are incarnated now at the moment of great progress for Gaia towards her own leap of Ascension. As Surface and Inner Earth People all stand together as occupants of the same sacred globe, so do our Celestial Brothers and Sisters stand together with all of us as CMAton has returned to usher in this Great Moment of Divine Surge in Unity, Love and Light, Peace, Unconditional Service, as some of us in the Inner Earth have continued for long time now and know that the time has come to emerge from our sactuaries and live together with our ascending Brothers and Sisters presently on the Surface of Mother Earth that will be undergoing great changes for the better. With great pride we shall walk together on and amidst its renewed beauty and vigor with many who will come to visit and learn of the many battles of those who choose the dark with those of the Light that finally settled into and through the Divine Plan that our Great Creator Son, CMAton of Nebadon envisioned and is seeing through as we speak. For many, a time of suffering under oppression will be over. Others will get the chance to start all over and join the Light again when they wake up from a prolongued period of learning. All are loved, but great blessings can only be bestowed upon those who remembered or woke up from a long sleep to the Divine Essence of Who They Realy ARE. And Mother Earth is long overdue to give birth to her new Self, Gaia, the blue pearl of Nebadon, after too long a time of abuse, neglect, depletion and too many sacrifices. We from Inner Earth are glad to stand and walk together with you, Brothers and Sisters, as has been announced through this Brother that we would come forth to help and our joy and delight will be as great as yours to be united again. Even the cheers in the hearts and minds of our Galactic Brothers and Sisters, who can hardly wait to welcome ALL of Us back to Divine Service to ALL and lives full of abundance is encouraging us so much more to reach out to your cries for help and for the Light to be restored in full.

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All is in place, as you have been told my Brother Johan, WE stand at the finish line TOGETHER for true, and shall rejoice and celebrate when the moment finally arrives to cross it together with so many awaiting this sacred Home Coming, also the Secund Coming for One, and the Ascension of Gaia with many of her children along side who have gone through this before. As a thief in the night, it shall come, as mentioned by Brother Esu, so be ready at all time now, have you heart full of Love and reach out where necessary and possible, so it shall be a small step, crossing OVER the finish line. Let Mother Gaia do her part now, as we all stand united with her and usher in this new Golden Age of Pure Divine Love as our Great Leader, CMAton has always intended this to be the case for Her. Blessing to All, and by Heart, Adama of Telos.

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By PAPA Source thru Johan

# 16 Jun 8, 2011

Message from Papa Source: CROSSING THAT LINE TOGETHER = WELCOME HOME. This is Papa Source. As My Creator Son Michael Aton has worked with so many to come to this turning point, let me also thank those of you who relentlessly have stood tall, like a light house in the harbour, to welcome home the ships that were looking for a safe haven. I discover my Creation through All the ships, whether they find that safe haven, or stay outside the harbor in dire need of fresh supplies, whether they ran onto the rocks due to drunken leadership or who sank in the tempests they encountered. Only those that accepted and chose our Guidance, our Light houses although for all to see, were refreshed and fully stocked for long and difficult journeys to come. You now have such a brief but difficult journey and period ahead of you. The accounts have been closed, sheep from goat divided, yet ALL will land where they deserve to be. Your Gaia is now ready, Your Leadership is eager to go ahead as the Cosmic Winds are sweeping, the energies to do their work, for you to harvest or not. Its your labor that was taken into considertation, your efforts to stand tall, to let Us work through you and all, as is inevitable but can be ignored at YOUR expense. Those that worked in Service will now receive more than they earned, a vacation to begin with. Since most Light Workers are weary, tired and in need of repairs to your systems in overdrive for too long, all will be blessed with what your eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard, at least not for a very long time. Some will experience that peace that surpasses all understanding, most of you will simply enjoy meeting each other for the very first time, in those bodies at least, and the greetings from many Celestial Ones will bring many to tears. When crossing the finish line TOGETHER, as many of you promised to do so as in All for One and One for All, it might have costed blood, sweat and tears, but my Children, that crossing will erase all of that from memory, faster than you can think. Your mind will not know where to look first, who to greet first, who to thank first as heavens legions will rejoice with you. Seen as ' enfant terrible ' your society had a mind on its own

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but could not escape the Winds of the Cosmos. As many messages and warnings have passed the stage sofar, you who KNEW through that Inner and Secure Connection with Me through My Creator Son Michael, know the time has come to let go of the old and bring in the new, how painful that might be. Let your hearts rejoice as your souls stood by and encouraged you all the way, AS WE ARE CROSSING THAT LINE TOGETHER NOW, with all of you who choose the same in Light and Love. To you I say: '' WELCOME HOME '' Your Eternal Father.

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Johan Chats While He Waters the Garden

By Johan, and celestials

# 17 Jun 12, 2011 Goodevening to all, During watering the entire garden, I had my small outdoors talk with Gaia. When I asked her how She was feeling now, She told me: '' My son and brother who has showed me so much love and respect, my time has come. I feel heavy and have to let go, or I have no chance to survive. Tell my Children that I love them all, without exception. Tell then that those that loved me daily, I will love them daily when they return, those that loved me weekly, I will love them daily when they return, those that only loved me monthly, I will love them daily nevertheless. I mean no harm to none but know all will be in good hands since Our Beloved Father and his son Christ Michael Aton have not left one leaf unturned to show unconditional love to all involved, but all most go its course now. Fear not, but send Love and you will receive Love, as has always been. Go forth now my beloved, and go on doing what you were destined to do as your Light is shining brightly. '' I thanked Gaia on all of our behalf and went on to ask Papa Source if there was anything to mention on the thread tonight. His respons was : '' My dear Son, some of you have been asked if they are Ready merely because Mother Gaia is ready and now we must act. All decision have been made, the pieces of the puzzle do fit and that will activate the Divine Plan my Dearest Son Christ Michael Aton has defended for so long to the utmost amazement of most, that got Him the attention from all from far and near. We are there, action is under way so Gird yourself in Love as never before, and if you never learned to breath very deep to find your balance, yesterday was the best time to do so, as we have asked you to prepare many many times. All will be taken care off, don't worry, still ask yourself twice IF YOU ARE TRULY READY !!! Go now and share that news with yours you have worked with so that they too may ask for themselves what to do next as Inner Guidance will always show the way. '' As I truly enjoy taking care of the garden, the Celestial Ones must have liked it too, since Adama dropped in out of nowhere telling me : '' Hey my Brother, still caring for the babies, right? Its the only thing left doing, since We have reached the point of no return indeed. Thanks for your work as we have contributed from our side, in the advantage of being 5D already, but lifting you all through that unwaivering support and love for our Mother. That is why many of you now hear the voices that give them the assurance and confirmation that things are at hand. The most important moment, the start of the inevitable release of too much pressure has come. Although tremendous work has been done to release very gently all over the world, the cleansing must proceed and as seen from our Side, there is not time left anylonger since our Momma is at the end of her strenght and will already need all the support availbe. Say thanks to all your Brothers and Sisters who stood by in support

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and continue to do so for ALL involved in this glorious Event unfolding as we speak. See you. '' Now, surprised by the High Visits, I thought it most normally to at least ask CMAton and Esu Sananda for some final words before coming inside and typing this up. I never thought I would remember it all, but my Golden Angel, my Higher Self assured me of this. CMAton assured me that He could speak on behalf of Esu Sananda, who has his mind more than occupied these days. He said: '' My son in whom I am well pleased aswell, go tell your friends who participated in countless meditations, not to stop them now, as ALL Light and all of your Love will contribute to the wellbeing of Our Divine Plan that includes so much more then you can imagine. Therefore worry not, we are proceeding with what has been prepared for in methiculous fashion to carry out old time promisses and new time strategies as Constant Change is the term that captured these last years the best. But the cosmic clock must be respected and so We do. Do not stand by idle but use your heart that will lead your actions to better end of all and fear not indeed, since Love conquers ALL. Salu. '' This was my mirad of High Visitors, all in that little garden of ours, perhaps they visited my Mission Statement too, and saw the video to their liking !!! So let go ahead my friends, and work even more diligent and ask your Higher Selves and souls to lead the way, to pray and bless and send love and light to the benefit and highest purpose of ALL involved, knowing that without excuse, the time is at hand to proceed! in Divine Love, Light and Service, Johan.

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Prepare Seriously and no harm will find you, My Precious.

By CM thru Johan

# 18 Jun 15, 2011

Prepare Seriously and no harm will find you, My Precious. This is CMAton, Your Sovereign of Nebadon, 6/13/2011 I have come with some heartfelt thanks for all who joined yesterdays and other Groups and Individual Meditations and Reiki. Although the numbers are small, fortunately for and thanks to your Agartha, Inner Earth Brothers and Sisters, the combined effort that Esu had invited you for, is remarkable, taken all in consideration. It will take our Plan, all decided on, to finish this and help your Beloved Sister Gaia move forward, but all of the Light and Love combined only strengthened our resolve to push through what nearly seemed impossible. I take full responsibility for all delay but once all cards will be displayed on the table and the banner of Light will fly in the fresh and renewed wind on this old battlefield, all will rejoice beyond imagination. We are monitoring every move of Gaia as much controlled by us as possible, but again I say: You must be prepared for anything now, as things will surprise even those of you who thought very well ready; that is for things on Earth AND that is for things on board. Prepare yourself means also INTERNALLY, by your Inner and Higher Connection with us, as Maitreya opened another door and chance to do so. Take any opportunity and repeat since only a Divine solution will bring the only way out now, as you are all Divine by Nature. More time I cannot spend, only more Love for all of you, as tired as you are, look up and use common sense for you KNOW in your hearts of heart the beginning of the end and the rise of the new is at hand. Do not count in hours and days, as is however very well possible, but in blessings and lessons learned while striving towards OUR COMMON GOAL: The Reign of MyFathers Love and Light where darkness overstayed its welcome way too long. Any previous delay will melt like snow in the sun into the newwaters of Gaia for you all to enjoy. This may very well be my final update, I do not know for sure yet, so prepare seriously and no harm will find you. That,I, Your Sovereign and countless helpers are ready for. Bless those who did not listen for this will be goodbye to them en masse for a long time to come and Welcome Home to you, My Precious. Salu, and thank you my scribe.

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Maitreya addressing AH: It's time to prepare yourselves '

By Maitreya thru Johan

# 19 Jun 15, 2011

Maitreya addressing AH: ' It's time to prepare yourselves ' Maitreya addressing AH Monday June 13th,2011 My dear friends, The reason I have contacted a few of your membership did not come by accident. As spiritual teacher in your Elevated World soon, I will try to bring new expanded visions to the religious minds of many and build that into daily life. AH is an excellent platform to start from and your Beloved Candace has indeed done all she could to change the face of religion, but to little avail. Even the awakened ones are still half asleep. I will be an honour to work closely with my precious Sister in the near times just ahead. Those of you from AH that stay with Gaia will have many options, but I already ask you: If material concerning religion, philosophy based on Truth, Divine Love and Light, related to the UB, the One Source and CMAton interests you, please me know personally. If there is still time left, I can inform you etherically of the work to be done, if you ask me to. As things look now, time might be running out as serious changes on the earth’s surface are underway with everybody in charge on extreme alert as we speak. I preferred to explain my recent contacts with many of you that I know well and the pleasure will be likewise soon for some of you.When you feel an affinity to me and the material at hand, look into it, if you please. At the same time: It’s High time to prepare yourself as Action can start from everywhere, so go over your preparations physically, also prepare emotionally, mentally AND spiritually so you keep your balance in those events to come to pass. I am Maitreya, and you can call me your Friend. Through Johan, also Thanks Bella.

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Enjoy the Ride, as the Roller Coaster is set to plunge.

By PAPA Source thru Johan

# 20 Jun 18, 2011

Papa Source: Enjoy the Ride, as the Roller Coaster is set to plunge. This is Papa Source. My Beloved Children, Can you feel it? Does this resonate and vibrate in your heart? Do you see and sense what is going on? You are on top of the ramp that carries your carriages. You have continued to gain momentum untill this breaking point, but as Spiritual Gravity will pull you UP, your roller coaster ride will first hurdle you DOWN. Those who heard the call of Light and Love will scream and yell, but out of DELIGHT. Those who closed their hearts and only thought of themselves will scream and yell for help for the pain will be unbearable or perhaps fatal as a result. For in this Great Creation of My Beloved Son Michael, as everywhere else under My Care, only SERVICE and co-creation for the benefit and Highest Purpose of ALL involved and with the Sincere Desire to do Good onto Others, can survive and bring you Home to the River of Life more Abundant. Otherwise it will be long time to wait for another chance like this. The roller coaster is set to plunge, what a ride this will be. But when your carriage comes finally to a halt, the looks on your face and the feelings in your heart will be memories to treasure for the rest of your Eternal Lives with ME. The vibrations caught along the free fall will be Exhilarating when you prepared well Inside. Scream it out, Enjoy the Ride Together, My Precious Drops in My Ocean full of Love and Divine Light. ENJOY. Johan:This message came right after my morning meditation/Reiki and I must admit my heart has never felt this way, a little painful but so overjoyed and filled with anticipation and anxiety, Thanks Papa Source the way you just touched my heart and filled it to overflow... Wow and wow again, what a Joyride already !!! Johan. ( just checked and I still have both feet on the ground )

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How to grow up and step up towards 5D

By Johan / Adama

# 21 Jun 22, 2011

This is Adama, High Priest of Telos

As the subject came to the surface the other day, whether a channeling or text was genuine or not, at least if the person involved was honestly receiving them from me or not, I wanted to address that matter to avoid confusion and steer towards more responsability for all.

After years of gathering telepatic messages from me or anybody else and storing them on webpages that are called after us or the places we represent, it is easy to familiarise oneself with the style and content and reproduce similar material without being real.

It saddens me that humans prefer that glory and satisfaction of the ego before honestly trying to advance towards the road of real spirituality and Divinity. As we from Telos are observing, many of you at the surface prefer to choose deceit and lies to advance, mainly on the social ladder.

In the classes we organise and the 5D society we have developped in Telos, things could never have grown to this if we would have strayed from the Truth and temperal glorification of self without Serving our Father of All Creation, and our Sovereign of This Creation, Christ Michael, His Son, from Nebadon.

It takes VISION for the long run, planning and dreaming outloud to pave the road for a steady growth and sustained deveolpment for a nation or a civilisation to advance. Only being of Service to the leaders and followers and all life forms alike out of LOVE, can spiritualise and maintain this on a longer scale.

As we are on its way, with today being the longest day and the shortest night, Summer Solstice, that should not be seen as just a pagan ritual, but was revered by many people and groups that went before you, as a milestone in a calander of events, mapping the relationship between our Beloved and Sacred Planet Earth and her Brothers and Sisters in the heavens, to make a move towards a Higher Consciousness, a step closer to your Immortal and Eternal Life, All of you should take the time to THINK that what brought your surface society to its knees, will have to be done differently this time around, or you will land in the same abyss again.

Stop that hustle and bustle and running to and fro, since it clearly brings you nowhere but backwards and destruction of yourself and all that is Divine in Nature and necessary to survive.

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Knowing we are here, you should munster all courage and hunger to learn, if something is better and more advanced, to at least want to know and experience and move towards and forward for the sake of others and yourself and apply a vision for the future that at least can last.

If everything fast and instant and now, regardless of outcome or sustainability or respect for environment or quality for life for yourself and others, clearly leads to the path of annihilation as you see by looking around you, as ALL is ready to collapse, then STOP and THINK and CONNECT with the WISDOM WITHIN and all that have proven to know better.

That is what our classes are about, to try to help you to STOP your business as usual as even you, my friends who start to develop your own spirituality, do not take life serious enough to even turn your own life around, let alone for others and future generations. Talking about things wont change them. Saying you channeled from me, will not make it happen. Be honest and follow the path of Truth and Genuine Love and Service to Others and your Sustainable Future will start right there and then. I love you, and I am with you, all the time, if you choose so.

Blessings to All, and by Heart, Adama of Telos, through my Brother Zadun, Johan.