Jodo Shu Special Buddhsit Practice Goju Soden (The Five-fold Transmission Retreat) December 10 (Fri), 11 (Sat), 12 (Sun), 2010 One feels helpless and insecure, homeward bound in the darkness, when no light can be seen. However, no matter how dark the path ahead of us, we need to walk on by ourselves in order to reach our destination. When it comes to living our lives fully as human beings, it is necessary to find the light that guides us to walk the path alone. It is religious faith and practice that serves as the light that fuels our endeavor to keep walking. Faith and practice serve as wheels of a vehicle to make it go forward. The essence of the teachings of Honen Shonin, who founded Jodo Shu, is the continual practice of Nembutsu in our daily lives with acceptance of one’s weaknesses that may result in poor choices in verbal, physical, or mental behavior. Honen Shonin taught that the exclusive reliance on Nembutsu chanting, “Namu Amida Butsu,” enables one to be born in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha. In Jodo Shu, an intensive religious retreat called “Goju Soden,” has been traditionally observed by followers so that the teachings of Honen Shonin may be transmitted through a series of five sermons. In winter 2010, from Friday, December 10 to Sunday, December 12, this “Goju Soden” is scheduled to be observed in the Continental United States for the first time. The rituals will be hosted by Jodoshu North America. Understanding teachings in Buddhism is developed in three phases: 1) to listen to the teaching, 2) to internalize it, and 3) to put it into practice. Therefore, “Goju Soden” involves listening to sermons, practicing Nembutsu and participating in a religious rite to transmit the essence of Nembutsu. “Goju Soden” has been perpetuated from the time of Honen Shonin. In Japan, “Goju Soden” is generally observed over a period of five days. In Los Angeles, due to distance and transportation constraints, we will receive the teachings of Honen Shonin by observing “Goju Soden” in abbreviated form. Participants will listen to sermons and repeat Nembutsu over a period of three days. Please regard “Goju Soden” as a time for instruction and prayer which all Jodo Shu followers should experience at least once in their lifetime . As a token of completion, a Jodo Shu Buddhist title called “yo-go,” which recognizes each participant’s efforts, is presented to each individual . We firmly believe that this retreat will contribute greatly toward nurturing faith and practice of Nembutsu in followers. We wish to encourage you not to miss this rare opportunity to find the torch that brightens our Buddhist path. Attention: For those who wish to transfer the merit of participating in “Goju Soden” to the deceased, “Okuri Goju” (conferral of the Five-fold Transmission) can be arranged. And for those who desire but are unable to participate because of frail health, “Haori Goju” (‘Goju’ before a symbolic attire which serves as a substitute for the absent individual) can also be arranged. Jodoshu North America Buddhist Missions 442 EAST THIRD STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 Tel: (213) 346-9666 Email: [email protected] Fax: (213) 346-9668 http://jodoshuna.org/

Jodo Shu Special Buddhsit PracticeJodo Shu Special Buddhsit Practice Goju Soden (The Five-fold Transmission Retreat) December 10 (Fri), 11 (Sat), 12 (Sun), 2010 One feels helpless

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  • Jodo Shu Special Buddhsit PracticeGoju Soden (The Five-fold Transmission Retreat)

    December 10 (Fri), 11 (Sat), 12 (Sun), 2010One feels helpless and insecure, homeward bound in the darkness, when no light can be seen. However, no

    matter how dark the path ahead of us, we need to walk on by ourselves in order to reach our destination. When it comes to living our lives fully as human beings, it is necessary to find the light that guides us to walk the path alone. It is religious faith and practice that serves as the light that fuels our endeavor to keep walking. Faith and practice serve as wheels of a vehicle to make it go forward.

    The essence of the teachings of Honen Shonin, who founded Jodo Shu, is the continual practice of Nembutsu in our daily lives with acceptance of one’s weaknesses that may result in poor choices in verbal, physical, or mental behavior. Honen Shonin taught that the exclusive reliance on Nembutsu chanting, “Namu Amida Butsu,” enables one to be born in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha. In Jodo Shu, an intensive religious retreat called “Goju Soden,” has been traditionally observed by followers so that the teachings of Honen Shonin may be transmitted through a series of five sermons. In winter 2010, from Friday, December 10 to Sunday, December 12, this “Goju Soden” is scheduled to be observed in the Continental United States for the first time. The rituals will be hosted by Jodoshu North America.

    Understanding teachings in Buddhism is developed in three phases: 1) to listen to the teaching, 2) to internalize it, and 3) to put it into practice. Therefore, “Goju Soden” involves listening to sermons, practicing Nembutsu and participating in a religious rite to transmit the essence of Nembutsu. “Goju Soden” has been perpetuated from the time of Honen Shonin. In Japan, “Goju Soden” is generally observed over a period of five days. In Los Angeles, due to distance and transportation constraints, we will receive the teachings of Honen Shonin by observing “Goju Soden” in abbreviated form. Participants will listen to sermons and repeat Nembutsu over a period of three days.

    Please regard “Goju Soden” as a time for instruction and prayer which all Jodo Shu followers should experience at least once in their lifetime. As a token of completion, a Jodo Shu Buddhist title called “yo-go,” which recognizes each participant’s efforts, is presented to each individual. We firmly believe that this retreat will contribute greatly toward nurturing faith and practice of Nembutsu in followers. We wish to encourage you not to miss this rare opportunity to find the torch that brightens our Buddhist path.

    Attention: For those who wish to transfer the merit of participating in “Goju Soden” to the deceased, “Okuri Goju” (conferral of the Five-fold Transmission) can be arranged. And for those who desire but are unable to participate because of frail health, “Haori Goju” (‘Goju’ before a symbolic attire which serves as a substitute for the absent individual) can also be arranged.

    Jodoshu North America Buddhist Missions442 EAST THIRD STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90013

    Tel: (213) 346-9666 Email: [email protected]: (213) 346-9668 http://jodoshuna.org/

  • Preacher: The Reverend RYOKEI ARIMOTOMissionary-priest of Jodo ShuHead Minister of Daikyo-ji, Osaka Japan

    *Rev. Arimoto will deliver a series of sermons in nine (9) sessions. English translation of sermons will be printed in the text and provided for English readers.

    勧誡師(かんかいし): 9 席にわたりお説教をいただきます





    大阪 大鏡寺住職

    Instructor: The Reverend GYOKEN HONDA Missionary-priest of Jodo Shu Head Minister of Myoun-ji, Shimane Japan

    *Rev. Honda will provide instruction to participants about rituals and manners during this Buddhist retreat.

    教授師(きょうじゅし): 受者の心得・作法のご指導をいただきます





    石見 妙雲寺住職

    Prayer: The Reverend GYOKEI HONDAMissionary-priest of Jodo ShuHead Minister of Gokuraku-ji, Shimane Japan

    *Rev. Honda will extend a special prayer for the deceased in the conferral of Goju.

    回向師(えこうし): 亡き方へ五重相伝の功徳を捧げるご回向を いただきます





    石見 極楽寺住職

  • Daily Schedule of “Goju Soden” 五重相伝会日程表

    9:00 9:00 Reception 受付 9:00 Reception 受付 9:00 Reception 受付

    9:30 Orientation 入行式 9:30 Morning Service 晨朝法要 9:30 Morning Service 晨朝法要

    9:45 Sernmon 5 9:45 Sermon 8

    10:00 10:00 Initiation Ceremony 法話5 法話8


    10:30 Sermon 1

    法話1 10:45 Short Break 小憩 10:45 Short Break 小憩

    11:00 11:00 Sermon 6 11:00 Sermon 9

    法話6 法話9

    11:30 Short Break 小憩

    11:45 Sermon 2

    12:00 法話2 12:00 Service before Meals 半斉 12:00 Service before Meals 半斉

    12:15 Lunch 昼食 12:15 Commemorative Photo 記念撮影

    12:30 Lunch 昼食

    12:45 Service before Meals 半斉

    13:00 13:00 Lunch 昼食

    13:15 Conferral of Goju 13:15 Ritual of

    贈五重回向 Transmission 1

    13:45 Sermon 7 要偈道場

    14:00 14:00 Conferral of Goju 法話7 (ようげどうじょう)


    14:30 Sermon 3

    法話3 14:45 Short Break 小憩 14:45 Short Break 小憩


    15:15 Ritual of 15:15 Ritual of

    15:30 Short Break 小憩 Symbolic Hair-shaving Transmission 2

    15:45 Sermon 4 剃度式(ていどしき) 密室道場

    16:00 法話4 (みっしつどうじょう)

    16:30 Short Break 小憩 16:30 Celebration Dinner

    16:45 Conferral of Goju 16:45 Conferral of Goju 祝膳

    17:00 贈五重回向 贈五重開眼

    17:15 Service at Sunset 日没法要 17:15 Service at Sunset 日没法要 17:15 Completion Ceremony 御礼礼拝

    17:30 Adjournment 解散 17:30 Adjournment 解散 17:30 Adjournment 解散

    Day 1 初日 Day 2 中日 Day 3 満行

    Friday, December 10, 2010 Saturday, December 11, 2010 Sunday, December 12, 2010

  • 浄土宗 仏 教 修 行 会五重相伝会(ごじゅうそうでんえ)

    2010 年 12 月 10 日(金)・11 日(土)・12 日(日)三日間の修養道場







    宗北米開教区本院では、来る 2010 年 12 月 10 日(金)・11 日(土)・12 日(日)、その『五重相伝




    につくものです。『五重相伝会』は法話と念仏行の実践、そして宗祖法然上人より 800 年間代々伝










    Jodoshu North America Buddhist Missions442 EAST THIRD STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90013

    Tel: (213) 346-9666 Email: [email protected]: (213) 346-9668 http://jodoshuna.org/