J.H.E.F Space Station By: Hannah Power, Jersey Smith, Felicity Stead and Emily Power

J.H.E.F Space Station - Menihek Jr High Science floating off into oblivion

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Space Station

By: Hannah Power, Jersey Smith, Felicity Stead and

Emily Power

1. Zero Gravity: How is the space station

able to stay orbit around the earth?

•Due to inertia, a moving object

continues in a straight line

unless a force acts on it.

•The force of gravity pulls the

space station towards the core

of the planet (downwards).

•Gravity is the centripetal force

on the satellite, pulling it

towards the center of its orbit.

• Due to inertia and gravity the

space station is always staying

in orbit around the earth.

What effect will this have on

the astronauts body?

• Reduced muscular strength

• Reduced bone strength

• Reduced coordination

• Blood volume will decrease- blood flows down to the legs because

the baroreceptor signals used to control valves are ignored. This

results in a shortage of blood to the head and upper body.

• The brain has also gotten used to receiving little data from the

vestibular system. Once back in earth these sensors seem like a

harsh picture of sounds and can result in dizziness or vertigo as the

brain relearns the difference between up and down.


2. Solar Radiation: How does the space

station protect itself and the people

onboard from the suns heat?

• Space stations are designed with a

thermal control system that keeps the

astronauts cool and comfortable.

• In space there is no air for conduction

and convection- space is a radiation

dominated environment.

• The stations insulation is a highly

reflective blanket called a multi-layer

insulation made of Mylar and Dacron.

• This keeps solar radiation out and the

temperatures of space from penetrating

the stations metal.

3. Objects hitting the station: If an object hits the

space station ( space junk ) how are we going to

be able to repair any damage to the outside?

•Repairs in space happen all the time.

•Astronauts need the use of maneuvering units

for motion and tethers required to keep them

from floating off into oblivion.

•Special tools are designed for repairs in space

•There are systems in space to detect all debris

bigger than 5cm, so that the spacecraft can

avoid it.

•Repairs in space require planning. Due to

danger it often takes months to come up with

a safe practical plan for repair.

•With their space suits, planning and the

proper equipment they are able to perform

repairs on the outside of the space station as

safely as possible.

1. What roles will the astronauts need

to perform on your space station?

• Astronauts will need to perform repairs on the inside

and outside of the space station.

• Astronauts will need scientists to conduct a variety of

experiments inside the space station

• Astronauts will need doctors in space. Since there is no

nearby hospital there needs to be someone onboard

able to help with anyone who seeks medical attention.

• Astronauts will need pilots and engineers in space to

control and program the space station.

2. Where will you get your food, air

and water?

• Before the space station is sent to space all food will be

taken aboard, it is packed and stored in refrigerated


• The astronauts follow a strict meal plan so no food is


• There is extra food to last them a few weeks incase of an


• Most of the food is dehydrated so it will not spoil.

• The space shuttle gets its water supply from fuel cells and

it is recycled from the cabin air.

• Life support systems in the space station provide oxygen

and absorb carbon dioxide.

• Electrolysis of water is the main method to generate

oxygen on the space station. it is split oxygen and

hydrogen. The oxygen is vented to the cabin air system

and the other gas is vented externally.

3. Where are you going to

sleep/use the bathroom?•Astronauts use small closet like

spaces which act as rooms. Since

there is no gravity in space, its

irrelevant to which position you sleep

in. Upside down feels right side up.

•Personal objects are placed in bunk

like rooms, along with a computer

attached onto something and a

sleeping bag.

•To use the bathroom, there are small

cubicles that have holes, with a small

amount of suction. There is a tube

used only for urine as well.

•There are baby wipes, toilet paper and

disinfectant wipes located here too.





4. How are you going to

keep your body in shape?• In our space station there is special

workout equipment. This is because

exercise is the main priority in space.

• While in space we lose bone muscle so

it is important to keep as active and fit

as possible.

• Tasks on the space station will be

difficult if you are not fit, so it is a must.

• One of the common workout machines

is called a cycle ergometer. its very

similar to a stationary bike except you

need to use clip peddles, back support

and a handle because of lack of gravity

to insure that you get the proper


5. Where will you get


• Our space station will get

power from the sun. There

is solar panels located on

the outside of the space

station to power

everything needed on the


• The solar panels use

particles of light to knock

electrons free from atoms

which generate a flow of


6. What will you do if parts of

the space station break down?• If parts of our space station break down

all crew members will meet in a specific

enclosed area on the space station.

•Nobody knows the seriousness of the

damage. It may be punctured and we

could be loosing air or there could be a

leak which is causing toxic gas to enter

the space station. There is a variety of

possibilities in space.

•Everyone will come together with a plan

to repair the space station and once the

plan is formed they work together as fast

and efficiently as possible to fix any

damage to the station.

• In extreme cases of emergency there is a

shuttle located to take crew members

back to earth.

7. What will you do if you have

to go outside to fix the station?

• If any astronaut needs to go outside to fix the station

they’ll have to get into their space suits.

• Before this they must go through a procedure to

insure the suit is safe to go into space, They make

sure the battery is recharged and the oxygen is full.

• Astronauts are never to work alone outside the

space station, They will team up and go outside the

station together.

• The astronauts will then go into an enclosed are

where a door will be opened and they will be able to

enter space.

• They will stay attached to some kind of cord so they

dont wander to far from the station.

• When it is time to return inside the station the doors

will open and they will then be able to reenter the

enclosed area, then return inside the space station.