Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt, TAKEN IN THE YEAR 1619 BY JOHN PHILIPOTT, ROUGE DKAGON, Deputy and Assistant to Williqm Camden, Clarenoeux Kiiig-of-Arms. [From a copy in the handwriting of Sir Kdward Dering long preserved iu tho Surrenden Library, with additions, etc.] (Continued from Vol. V.p. 258.) Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 6 1866

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Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,TAKEN IN THE YEAR 1619



Deputy and Assistant to Williqm Camden, Clarenoeux Kiiig-of-Arms.

[From a copy in the handwriting of Sir Kdward Dering long preserved iu thoSurrenden Library, with additions, etc.]

(Continued from Vol. V.p. 258.)

Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 6 1866

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I all.


TO all and singuler, as well nobles as gentles, to whom these presentes shallcome, William Dethick al's Q-arter, principall King-of-Armes of England, andWill'm Oataden, Esquire, al's Olareneieulx, King-of-Armes of the East, West, andSouth partes of England, from the Byver of Trent southwarde, send their duecommendacons and greeting. Know yee, that whereas auntiently from the begin-ninge, in all Cuntryes and Oomon Wealthes well governed, the bearing of certen

markes or Tokens in shields, commonlycalled armes, have ben, and are most ao-costomably vsed by persons ever of thebest quallite and calling, and well de-serving the same, either for their prowisand valior in tyme of warre, or for theirTerteous endevours in Civill govern-ment in tymes of peace.

Emongst the which number for thatwe fynde John Hall, thelder, now ofWilsborough, in the County of Kent,gent., and that his Auncestors of hisname and kindred have borne and beneinvested with Coate of Armes accordingto their Degrees and Worthynes. Wehave thought good, as well at the ernestrequest of the said John Hall as also ofEdward Hall, of Ashford, gent., hiskynsman, to whom he is allied, and fora more perfect and perpetual! remem-brance therof, to conflrme, blaze, andexemplify vnto him 'and his posterityfor ever the said Coate of Armes andCreast of his kyndred, with such con-venient difference in cuUor as he mayelawfully vse and beare without preiu-dice to other of that name and family.That is to say, Gules, three pollaxes inpale or, and for his Creast, on a wreathof his eullors a horshead coupe sablesarmed with Shafferon, and bry deledargent, purfled or plumed gould andgoules, with mantles, according as in themargent are depicted.

All which Armes, Creast, or Cognizance, we, the said Garter and Clarentieux,Kinges of Armes, by the authority of our offices, do by theise p'ntes ratefy, allowe,and conflrme to the said John Hall and his posterity, to vse, beare, and shew-forth, in all lawful! and warlike manner or civill vse and exercise, such as by theLawes of Armes and Customes of Ountryes to gent' apperteyneth.

In witnesse wherof, we, the said Garter and Olarenceux, haue herevnto put ouvhands and seales of office. Dated in the office of Armes, the seven and twentithday of June, in the one and fortith yeare of the Baigne of our Sou'aigne LadyElizae 'Elizabeth, etc., anno d'ni 1599.

WM DETHICK, Garter,Principall Kinff-of-Armes.


" Edw: Hall, of Kennington, in the Countie of Kent, bare azm-' 3 poleaxes gould' con-trary collours to this Hall, and yt was geven by Clar: Oooke, 16827 The Creast in allpoyntes lyke to this, but the 2 fethers or and azur."

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Johannes Hall. = Johanna.Obijt 1526.

[Sepultus apudWillesborough.]

Obijt 1528.

Willielmus Hall, ==de Wfflesborough.

Johannes Hall, de Wilsborough = Johanna, filia Johannisin com. Kant, gener. Obijt 1605.[Sepultus apud Willesborough.]

Knell, de Apledore, generosi.[Obijt 1580. Addit. MSS. 5507.]



2 Johannes Hall, =de Wilsborough,films 2'K [Will1634. Addit..MS. 5507.]

= Gratia,filiaRobert!Master.

"William. Margaret. Ursula.

Henry. Elis. Joane.

1 Willielmus =Hall, deKennington,miles.

= Margareta, Elis. nuptafil. Authoij MichaeliNevill, de Master.Mottersey,in com. Nottingk.

1 Nevill 2 Johes 4 JacobusHall. Hall. Hall.Mb. 12. — —

3 Will'mus 5 SymonHall. Hall.





" On a Brass Plate in the South Isle [of Willesborough Church], under the Figureof a "Woman, On a Flat Stone near the Door:—' Of yo' Cheryte p'y for the Soulle ofJohne Haulle, the "Wodowe of John Halle, who deceasid ye mi Daye of July, in y« Yereof Our Lord God M.v°. xxviij." " (Faussett MS. 1758.)

Inscription on a brass in Willesborough Church:—"In obitvm Joannis Hall generosi et JoannseHall vxoris eius qvorvm primo obijt

hoec 9° die Maij anno salvtis 1680. deinde ille 7° die Octobris 1605 cvm nonagesimvmcirciter ageret anuvm.

" Hoc tvmvlo gelido reqviescvnt corpora bina,Tnvm qvse fverant per sacra vincla dei

Ferme nomen et vnvm Joannes ac JoannaHall qvos seivnxit mors trvcvlenter semel

Mitior ast solito nvnc hos conivnxit in vnvmEt_dedit his rvrsvs compare sorte frvi

Omnibvs luec eadem lex eat moriemvr & omnespmnibvs et letho dabitvr esse pares

Qvi legis hteo iwenis, vito memor esto fvtvrieQvi legis ista senex nil meditare priva."

The inscription is surmounted by the arms of the Hall family, viz. Three pole-axes inpale. Crest: a horse's head in armour, bridled and armed, on the head two feathers.

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Oct. 81, 1638. Barbara Hall.July 7, 1540. Mary Hall.Jan. 17, 1641. Reginald Hall.April 7, 1544. William Hall.July 26, 1544. Robert Hall.Aug. 30, 1546. Thomas Hall.Nov. 26, 1546. Elizabeth Hall.Jan. 1, 1547. Agnes Hall.Oct. 14, 1548. John, son of William Hall.Nov. 3, 1549. Joane, daughter of William

Hall.Nov. 28. 1549. John, son of Richard Hall.Feb. 21, 1649. William, son of Thomas Hall.Sept. 24, 1650. Agnes, daughter of Richard

Hall.Jan. 24, 1550. William, son of William Hall.Feb. 25, 1551. Fayth, daughter of Thomas

Hall.Nov. 25, 1551. Ursula, daughter of Kichard

Hall.1562. John, sou of Ursula and Wil-

liam Hall.1552. Thomas, son of Ursula and

William Hall.Jan. 29, 1662. Steven, eon of Richard Hall.Sept 6, 1653. Edward, son of Richard Hall.Sept 6, 1563. Mary, daughter of William

Hall.Oct. 19, 1553. Robert, son of William Hall.Oct. 7, 1565. Richard Hall.Dec. 9, 1655. Richard Hall.Jan. 27, 1555. Joane Hall.July 7, 1557. Joane, daughter of Richard

Hall.Feb. 20, 1557. Robert Hall.Mar. 1, 1661. Susan Hall.Sept. 13, 1562. Jane, daughter of Richard

Hall.Feb. 22, 1663. Sara, daughter of William

XL (ill.Mar. 6, 1564. Fayth, daughter of Richard

Hall.June 4, 1564. Fayth, daughter of Richard

Hall.July 21, 1666. Joane, daughter of William

June 22, 1567. Robert, son of Richard Hall.Oct. 7, 1673. William Hall, son of John

Hall.Nov. 12, 1673. Elizabeth, daughter of John

Hall.Mar. 13, 1574. Richard, son of John Hall the

younger.Feb. 25, 1576. Joane, daughter of younger

John.April 25, 1577. John, son of John Hall.Nov. 10, 1578. Ursula, daughter of John

Hall.May 8, 1580. Francis, son of John Hall the

elder.Aug. 28, 1580. Fayth, daughter of John Hall.July 8, 1582. John, son of John Hall the

younger.Mar. 3, 1584. Robert, son of Gregory Hall.Mar. 19, 1 584. Elizabeth, daughter of John

Hall.Jan. 29, 1585. Susan, daughter of Robert

Hall.Mar. 15, 1588. John Hall.Oct 3, 1592. Ursula Hall.Jan. 24, 1692. Jane Hall.Feb. 19, 1692. John Hall.Feb. 4, 1592. Thomas Hall.July 24, 1594. Elizabeth Hall.Mar. t9, 1697. Robert Hall.Nov. 19, 1698. John, son of John Hall the

younger.Jan. 4, 1598. Edward, son of Eichard Hall.Jan. 9, 1602. Edmond, son of John Hall.Aug. 12, 1604. Margaret, daughter of John

sin.Sept 9, 1604. Joane, daughter of Gregory

Hall.Mar. 2, 1605. William Hall, the son of John

Hall.Nov. 6, 1607. Ursula Hall, daughter of John

Hall.Aug. 16, 1612. Francis, son of John Hall.Sept. 24, 1615. Elizabeth Hall, daughter of

John Hall.Jan. 17, 1618, Edward Hall, son of John

Hall. Hall.MABBIAOffiS.

June 25, 1543. Thomas Hall and Annie hiswife.

Hall, widow.Sept 20, 1570. John Hall and Joane Bell.Oct. 28, 1582. Robert Hall and Elizabeth

Forster.Sept. 80, 1595. William Shurnall and Martha

Oct. 4, 1596. Michael Masters and Eliza-beth Hall.

July 10, 1598. John Hall and Rose Masters.May 19, 1606. Richard I/acy and Margareta

Hall.William Hall and Ursula Master were married

the 20th January, 1617.


Feb. 25, 1540. John Hall.Nov. 26, 1641. Robert Hall.Oct. 26, 1648. Jane Hall, daughter of Wil-

liam Hall.Nov. 1652. Ursula Hull.Oct. 1552. Thomas Hall, son of William

Hall.1656. Richard Hall, sonne of Ri-

chard Hall.Oct. 26, 1569. Anne Hall,Sept. 18, 1560. John Hall.Jan. 4, 1562. Joane Hall.Feb. 17, 1662. Steven Hall.Feb. 7, 1663. Richard Hall.April 12, 1564. Joane Hall.July 13, 1664. William Hall.March 9, 1585. Robert Hall.Jan. 14, 1672. George Hall.May 5, 1574. William Hall.Feb. 30, 1577. George Hall.

May 7, 1580. Joane, daughter of John Hall.Jan. 26, 1681. Joane Hall.May 10, 1582. Samuel Hall.April 12, 1684. John Hall, son of John Hall.April 24, 1684. Ursula Hall.May 24., 1684. Margaret Hall.June 30, 1584. Adryan Hall.June 13, 1584. Edward Hall.Aug. 12, 1586. Francis Hall.Jan. 30, 1587. Catherine Hall.Deo. 7, 1592. Jane Hall.Feb. 23, 1692. John Hall, junior.Oct. 27, 1595. Elizabeth Hall.Jan. 18, 1699. Mary, daughter of Robert

HoU.Dec. 20, 1611. Jane Hall.Robert Hall, of Mersham, was buried the 11th

of Dee. 1614.Catherine Hall, widow, was buried 30 Sept.


Page 5: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,


To all and singular p'sons to whome theis p'ntes shall come, Will'm Segar,Garter Principall King of Armes, sendeth his due comendaeons and greeting.Know yee, that aunciently from the begyning yt hath byn a Oustome in all Coun-tryes and Comonwelthes well governed, that the bearing of certeyn markes insheildes comonly called Armes, have byn and are the only markes and demon-sfcracons either of prowesse and valour acquired in tymes of warre, or of good life

and civill conversacon in tymes of peace,diversly distributed according to the de-sertes of the p'sons demeriting the same.Among the wch nomber I fynde Will'mTonge, of the Midle Temple, Esquire,James Tong, of Tunstall, John Tonge,of Bredgar, Nicholas Tonge, of Bredgar,Richard Tonge, of Borden, Bretheren,all five of the County of Kent, andthe lawfull sonnes of William Tonge,of Tunstall, in the said County, gent.,whoe beares asure a bend cottised be-tween six martlets or, and wanting fur-ther for an ornament unto their saidCoat of Armes [as dyvers very auncienteCoates are found to want] a convenientCreast or Cognisance fyt to be borne,they have requested mee, the said Gar-ter, to appoint them suche a one as theymaye lawfully beare w'howte wrongdoingor p'judice to any p'son or p'sons what-soeuer. Whiche, according to their duerequest, I have accomplished andgraunted in manner and forme follow-ing, viz. on a healme forfche of a wreathof their cullors a rock proper wth amartlett volant or sitting upon the topptherof mantled and dubled as in themargent are depicted.

All wc)l Armes and Creast I, the saidGarter, doe by theis p'ntes ratifye, con-flrme, and graunte vnto the said Will'm

Tonge, James, John, Bichard, and Nicholas, bretheren, and to theire issue for euer.And that yt shalbe lawfull for hym or them to vse, beare, and shewe forthe thesame, with their due difference in signett, sheild, ensigne, Coat arm', -or otherwiseat his and their free lib'ty and pleasure. In witnes, etc.

TUe above is transcribed from a draft of the original confirmation of arras, in theCollege of Arms. (E. 21, p. 278.) There is no record of the date.

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1604. On the 8th of Julye, Anne Tonge, daugh-ter of Eichard Tonge.

1606. On the llth of August, Susan Tong,daughter of William Tonge.

1607. On the 3rd of August, Symon Tonge,sonne of William Tonge.

1607. On the 6th of December, Sara Tonge,daughter of Rich rd Tonge.

1610. On the 9th of September, William,sonne of William Tonge.

1610. On the 24 of February, Mary Tonge,daughter of Eichard Tonge.

1611. On the 20 of February, James, sonne ofWilliam Tonge.

1614. On the 16 of January, Eichard, sonne ofWilliam Tonge.

1614. On the 5 of March, Francis, sonne ofEichard Tonge.

1614. . On the 1 of March, Martha, daughterof William Tonge.

1635. On the 3 of January, Gibbon, sonne ofWilliam and Alice Tong,

1637. On the 10 of January, Mary, daughterof William and Alice Tong.

1666. • On the 22 of July, Symon, sonno of Thoeand Elizabeth Tonge.

1667. On the 1 of November, Thomas, sonneof James and Sara Tonge.

1667. On the 19 of January, Elizabeth, daugh-ter of Thomas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1670. On the 13 of August, William, sonne ofThomas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1671. On the 3 of Dec., Elizabeth, daughterof Thomas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1674. On the 26 of July, Mary, daughter ofThomas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1675. On the 21 of January, Elizabeth, daugh-ter of Thomas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1676. On the 11 of February, James, sonne ofJames and Elizabeth Tonge.

1676. On the 24 of March, John, son of Tho-mas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1682. On the 26 of March, James, son of Tho-mas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1684. On the 18 of August, Anne, daughter ofThomas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1686. On the 26 of Aprill, Thomas, sonne ofThomas and Elizabeth Tongo.

1690. On the 13 of Aprill, Elizabeth, daughterof Thos. and Eliz. Tong.

1692. On the 25 of Aug., Martha, daughter ofThos. and Margaret Tonge.

1608. On the 5 of January, Elizabeth, daugh-ter of William Tong.

1633. On the 18 of March, Mary, the daughterof William Tong.

1634. On the 23 of December, William, thesonne of William and Alice Tong.

1G37. On the 26 of March, Gibbon, sonne ofWilliam Tonge.

1653. On the 1 of May, Mr. William Tonge.1C60. On the 7 of Jar.uary, Willyam Tonge,

son of Symon Tonge.1665. On the 23 of January, Alice, daughter

of Thomas Tonge.1666. On the 4 of December, Thomas, son of

James and Sara Tonge.1670 Symon, the son of Thomas and

Elizabeth Tonge.1071. On the 16 of January, Elizabeth, daugh-

ter of Thomaa and Elizabeth Tonge.1671. On the 23 of January, Symon, sonne of

Thomas and Elizabeth Tonge. ,1671. On the 24 of September, William, son

of Thomas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1673. On the 29 of July, William, son of JamesTonge.

1673. On the 18 of July, Sara, wife of JamesTonge (Housekeeper).

1676. On the 24 of January, Elizabeth, daugh-ter of Thos and Elizabeth Tonge'.

1C76. On the 28 of January, Symon, son ofThomas and Elizabeth Tonge.

1678. On the 11 of May, Elizabeth, wife ofThomas Tonge.

1678. On the 27 of May, Elizabeth, daughterof James Tonge.

1678. On the 19 of February, John, son ofThomas Tonge.

1678. On the 2 of October, Thomas, son ofThomas Tonge.

1678. On the 3 of October, Mary, daughter o fEdward Tonge.

1680. On the 3 of October, John, son of Tho-mas Tonge.

1685. On the 12 of November, Thos. Tonge(gent.), aged 91.

1688. On the 29 of March, Margaret, daugh-ter of Thos Tonge.

On a small stone in the south aisle of Borden Church is the following inscription :-

Edward Tonge, of this parish, malster, died April yc 17, 1727, aged 42.M atthew, son of Bd. Tonge, died June 1741, aged 49,

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James, sou of Wm. Tonge, bapt. Nov. 26, 37Hen. 8.

John, son of Win. Tonge, bapt. Ap. 6, 8 Ed. 6.Wm., son of Wm. Tonge, bapt. July 3, 8 Ed. 6.Mary, da. of Win. Tonge, bapt. March 16, 5

Ed. 6.Anne, da. of Wm. Touge, bapt. Dee. 26, 6 Ed. 6.

oane, da. of Win. Tonge, bapt. Aug. 3, 1555.Francis, son of Wm. Tonge, bapt. Sept. 15,

1556..Thomas, son of Win. Tonge, bapt. Jan. 20, 1568.

rancis, son of Symon Tonge, bapt.Aug.


Jeames, son of Symou Tonge, bur.March 23.

1 662. Agnes, da.of Symon Tonge, bapt. Jan. 6.1564. Robert, sou of Symon Tonge, bapt.

June 11 .1606. Willyam, son of Symon Tonge, bapt.

Jan. 13.1567. Jamefl, son of Symon Touge, bapt.

Sept. 3.1669. 8ymon,sonof SymonTon{*e,bapt. Ap.8.1570. Eobert Tonge & Anne Lake, mar. July

10.1671. Anne, da. of John Tonge, bapt. Deo, S3.1673. Nicholas, son of Symon Tonge, bant.

Oct. 4.1 67B. Wm., sou of John Tonge, bapt. Mar. 10.1579. Anne, da. of Jeames Tonge, gent., bapt.

July 15.1581. Elizabthe, da. of Jeames Tonge, gent.,

bapt. Oct. 8.1582. Elizabthe, da. of John Touge, geat.,

bapt. Dec. 28.1683. Jeane, da. of Jeames Tonge, gent., bapt.

Dec. 28.1585. Wm., son of Jeames Tonge, gent., bapt.

Jan. 6.'1588. Jeames, son of Jeftmes Tonge, gent.,

bap. Jan. 26.1688. Jeames, son of John Tonge, gent., bapt.

Nov. 2.1689. Anne, da. of Eobt. Tonge, bapt. the

same day.1690. Michael, son of Jeames Tonge, bapt.

Nov. 38.1592. Ales, da. of Eobert Tonge, bapt. May

1592. Eobt., son of Symon Tonge, bur. Jan.

* Buried in chancel, with this inscription:—" Hie jacet Johannes Tonge,q.ui obiit 7 die Septembris au'o. Dni. 1617." *

1695. Alice, da. of Wm. Tonge, bapt. March28.

1800. Wm. sonofWm. Tonse, bapt. May 2.Katherine, wife of Wm. Tonge, bur.

May 19.Elizabeth, da. of Mr. John Tonge, bur.

Aug. 15.1604. Anne, da. of Wm. Tonge, bapt. Sept.

23.1613. Simon Tonge, householder, bur. Nov.

12.1617. John longe, gent,, bur. Sept. 10.*

Dorotie, da. of Wm. Tonge, gent., bap.Feb. 17.

1620. Dorotie, da. of Wm. Tonge, gent., bur.Aug. 22.

1623. Alice, da. of Wm. Tonge, gent., bapt.Oct. 6.

1624. Wm. Tonge, gent., bur. NOT. 2.Charitie.da of Wm. Tonge, gent., bur.

NOT. 18.1624. Katheren, da. of Wm. Tonge, bur.

Jan. 3.1026. James, son of James Tonge, gent., bapt.

Jan. 31.1C28. Elizabeth, da. of James Tonge, gent.,

bapt. Aug. 17.1637. Hiilhs Tonge, wid., bur. March 1.1638. James, son of Wm. Tonge, decessyd,

bur. Sept. 0.1639. Wm. son of Simon Tonge & Francis his

wife, bapt. June 24.1642. Alice, da. of Simon Tonge by Francis

his wife, bapt. March 27.1643. Alice, da. of Simon Tonge & Francis

his wife, "bur. July 8.1646. Simon, son of Simon Tonge and Francis

his wife, bapt. Feb. 2.1848. Dorpthie, da. of Simon Tonge & Francis

his wife, bur. Ap. 8.1661. Dorpthie, da. of Simon Tonge & Francis

bis wife, baptMarie, da. of James Tonge, gent., the

younger, and Elenor his wife, bapt.Oct. 3.

1658. James Tonee, the elder, gent., house-holder, bur. Ai. 8.

1664. Joane, widdow of James Tonge, gent.,bur. Aug. 25.

1678. Mary, da. of James Tonge, gentleman,& tjna his wife, bapt. May 27.

i, de Baxton, generosus,





Eobert Tong, nat. et bapt. 26 Sept.Mary Tong, nat. et bapt. 3 April.Isaac Tong, bapt. 13 Bee. sep. 7 Feb.Eliz. Tong, nat. 22 Juiiij,bapt. 28 Junij.Eieh.Tong, nat. 25 Maij, bpt. 28 Maaij.Dorothy Tong, nat. 8 Mar., bapt. 10

Mar.Nich. Tong, nat. et bapt. 23 Sept.Sus., fil. Yms Tong, bapt. 30 Sept.Jno., ffl. Bimon Tong, bapt. 2 Fob.Eliz., ill. Wroi. Tong, nat. 10 April,

xten'd 12 Apr.Tho., fil. of M.r. Jamas Toug, capt. 2.

June,1602. Jno., fil. Nich. Tong, bapt. 26 Sept.

1622. Jamos, ill. AVmi. Tonge, bapt. 24 Jan.,sepult. 25.

1653. James, fil. Jam. Tong & Helen uxorisejus bapt. 3 NOT.

1050. John, ill. Jam. Tong & Hehe., bapt. 3Jan.

1657. Edward, fll. Jam. Toug et Helena),bapt. 22 Dee.

1659. Eliz., fll. Jam. Tong & Helenas, bapt.22 Dee.

1061. Eobert, fll. James Tong, bnpt. 12 Sept.,sep. 10 Oct.

1607. Symon, fll. ejusdem, nat. 13, bapt. 17Apr., sep. 30.

1670. Henry, ill. ejusdem, bapt. 15 Deo.

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Anne, da. of Bob. & Eliz. Tong, bapt.15 Jnl.

John Grove, fll. Hob. & Eliz. Tong,bapt. 15 Jul.

John, fit. ejusdem, bapt. 29 Maij.Eliz., da. of Rob. & Eliz. Tong, bapt. 7

Mart.Mary, da. of Kob. & Eliz. Tong, bapt.

18 Nov.

1720. Thomas, son of Willm. & JEliz. Toiig,bapt. 26 Jul.

1721. William, son of Will. & Eliz. Tong,bapt. 25 Oct.

1723. Eliz., da. of Will. & EHz. Tong, bapt.6 June.

1726. James, son of Will. & Eliz, Tong, bapt.Deo. 20.

MABBIAQES.James Tong and Agnes Henyter nupt.

18 Jan.Simeon Tong and Alice Bunker nupt.

26 Sept.Jno. Tong and Phillis Bull nupt. 10

Jan.Wm. Tylden, of Wormsel, and Eliz.

Tong mar. at Tunstall 16 Jul.Jno. Sharpe and Joan Tong nupt. 7 Jul.Anne Tong and Geo. Wanderton 1 Jul.Eob. Tong and Eliz. Genet nupt. 30


Alice Tons, a good householder, tat. 52,sep. 2 Feb.

James Tonge, a good howsholder, set.71, worthy of perpetual memory, sep.18 Got.

James Tonge sep. 19 Apr.Dorothy Tong sep. 14 May.Mr. Wm. Tong sep. 18 Jul.Mrs. Anne Tong, ux. Wmi., ob. 7 Deo.Margarett Tonge sep. 21 Ootob.Mr. Wm. Tong ob.MMaij, being Sa-

turday, and was buried on the 16thof the same month, being WhitsunMonday.

1591. Jamea Tong and Alice Clarice nupt. 1Feb.

1693. Wm. Edw'ds and Eliz. Tong, wid., nupt.17 Sept.

1598. Bobt. Bradstreete & Eliz. Tonge nupt.9 Apr.

1600. Wm. Gilford and Eliz. Tong mar. 16Sept.

1601. Nich. Tong and Eliz. Warrope, nupt.23 July.

1621. James Tong, junr., and Joan Chalkernupt. 1 Nov.

LLS.1619. Sus. ux. James Tong, junr., ob. Jnl. 9,

sep. 12.— Mrs. Jane Pastrich, widow, da. of James

Tong, senr., ob. July 30.1625. Mr. Wm. Tonge, sep. Sept. 13.1627. James Tong, gent., sep. 11 Sept.1631. Mrs. Eliz. Tonge sep. 2 Feb.1633. Mrs. Alice Tonge, ux. Tho. Tonge, sep.

9 Apr.1663. Thomas, fll. James Tong, & H., sep.

10 Oct.1692. Mrs. Eliz. Tong, widow, sep. 18 Oct.

Isaac Tonge and Luce Grege married 19 November, 1607.Gillingham Register.


" To the memory of Thomas Tonge, of Milton, in this county, gent., ob. 20 Maii, 1750,rot. 64.

"Also of Eleanor, wife of the above said Thornaa Tonge, ob. 22 Dee. 1755, set. 72." Here also lieth the body of Thomas Tonge, son of the said Thomas Tonge & Eleanor

his wife, who died June 17,1771, aged 49 years."Arms:—A bend coticed between six martlets, impaling, three bugle horns

stringed.Motto:—jEdificat in ceternum.

The two following inscriptions are preserved by Weever (Fun. Mon. 274-5),1. In Swingfield Church :—

" Orate pro anima Willelmi Tonge, et Johannis filii ejus, qui hane fenestram fierifeceruut."

[This was gone in Bryan Faussett's day.]2. In Feversham Church:—

" Hie probus et dignus, vir honestus amansque benignus,"ft vere scitur, Semanus Tong sepelitur.Hie vir. opovtuuus, Boro de portubus unus,In Thrughleigh natus, fuit in Fevershamque moratus.Mortuus ipse die celsa fuit Epiphanie,Anno milleno, e quater, quarto quoque deno.Hujus Semani fuerant quadraginta bis anniTempusiiihac vita; sibi eelica sit via scita. Amen."

s 2

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Sep. 19, 1542. William, the sonue of PeterGodfrey.

Oct. 15, 1543. Elyb., ye daughter of PeterGodfray.

Sep. 15, 1544. Catheryne, ye daught. of PeterGodfrey.

Dee. 3, 1548. The baptism of William God-fraye.

Jan. 16, 1548. The baptism of Ellyn Godfray.May 4, 1551. Susanna, ye daughter of Peter

Godfray.July 17, 1652. Peter Godfraye.Mar. 26, 1554. Thomas Godlraye.Sep. 16, 1566. Jeames, ye sonne of Thomas

Godfrey.Oct. 2, 1580. Peter, ye sonne of Thomas God-

fray, Jurat.Deo. 4, 1680. Elizabeth, the daughter of Pe-

ter Godfrey.Jan. 29, 1582. Suzan, ye daughter of Peter

Godfrey.June 7, 1584. Elizabeth, ye daugh. of Peter

Godfrey.Jan. 9, 1585. Thomas, ye sonne of Thomas

Godfrey.Feb. 27, 1586. William, ye sonne of Peter

Godfrey.Mar. 3, 1587. Elizabeth, ye daugh. of Thomas

Godfrey.Feb. 22, 1589. John.yesonneofPeterGodfrey.May 26, 1591. Catherine, ye daugh. of Thomas

Godfrey, Jun. Jurat.Oct. 29, 1592. Amy, ye daught. of Peter God-


NOT. 19, 1692.

June 22, 1595.

May 15, 1598.

Oct. 30, 1603.

Deo. 0, 1607.

Feb. 14, 1609.

Nov. 7, 1613.

May 16, 1618.

Aug. 20, 1610.

May 3, 1618.

May 28, 1620,

Deo. 21, 1620.

April 29, 1621.

April U, 1622.

NOT. 12, 1626.

June 7, 1036.

HABEIAGE3.April 29, 1547. Edward Godfrey & Elyb. Hum-

fray.Sop. 29, 1549. Thomas Godfrey (sic).

Feb. 4, 1554.

BURIALS.Sep. 20, 1542. William, ye sonne of Peter

Godfrey.Dec. 14, 1545. Margaret Godfrey.Nor. 13, 1550. Joane Godfrey.Jan. 25, 1551. Edward Godfrey.May 4, 1552. Elisabeth Godfrey, with John

her sonne.April 10, 1553. Ellen Godfrey.Jb eb. 9, 1553. John, ye sonne of Edward God-

frey.NOT. 12, 1554. Alice, ye wife of Thomas God-

frey.Deo, 7, 1557. George Godfrey.Dec, 8, 1558. Thomas, ye sjnne of Thomas

Godfrey.Jan. 28, 1558. Elizabeth Godfrey.Mar. 10, 1568. James Godfrey, infant.Mar. 31, 1559. Thomas Godfrey.Mar. 12, 1572. John Godfrey.Mar. 16, 1676. The wyile of Thomas Godfrey,

Jurate.Jan. 21, 1580. Marye, ye wyffe of Mr. Tho.

mas Godfrey, Jurat.

May 4, 1582.

Mar. 22, 1582,

Dec. 28, 1605.

Jan. 4, 1605.

July 27, 1613.Jan. 4, 1613.Jan. 31, 1616.May 16, 1620.

June 17, 1620.

Feb. 17, 1620.

May 28, 1021.

Job. 24, 1623.Mar. 30, 1025.

Eyohard, ye sonne of Mr. Tho-mas Godfrey, Jurat.

John, ye sonue of Thomas God-fray, Jurat,

Joane, ye daught. of Peter God-frey.

Edward, the sonne of PeterGodfrey, esquire, elder.

Thomas, the sonne of PeterGodfrey, junior.

Peter, ye sonne of Mr. PeterGodfrey.

Anne, the daught. of PeterGodfrey, Jurat.

John, the sonne of Mr. PeterGodfrey, bayliffe.

Eobert, the sonne of Mr. Eioh-yard Godfrey.

Anne, the daughter of EiohyardGodlrey, gent.

Eiohyard, the sonno of Mr.Peter Godfrey, Juratt.

Marye, the daughter of Eich-yard Godfrey, gent.

Eichyard, the sonne of WilliamGodfrey.

Marye, the daughter of WilliamGodfrey.

Jane, the daughter of WilliamGodfrey.

Marye, the daughter of WilliamGodfrey, Juratt., by Jane hiswife.

Thomas Godfrey to MargaretLyou.

Elizabeth Godfrey, tho dangh-of Peter.

Susan, ye daughter of PeterGodfrey.

Mildred, the daughter of PeterGodfrey,

Thomas, the Bonne of PeterGodfrey.

Peter Godfrey.Elizabeth Godfrey.

Godfrey, householder.Elizabeth, the daugh. of Mr.

Peter Godfrey, Jurat.John, the sonne of Mr. Peter

Godfrey, Jurate.Eiohyard, the sonno of Peter

Godfrey, gent., and Jurat ofthe towne of Lydd.

Eichyard, the sonne of WilliamGodfrey.

Thomas Godfrey, esquire.Amy Godfrey, wido.

EKOM NACKINGTON CHtTHCH.Aug. 13,1633. Edward Godfrey & Anne Bar-

ton, both of this parish, weremarried.

April 6, 1635. Austinne, the sonne of AustinneGodfrey & Alice his wife,was buried.

June 16,1043. Eobert, the son of 8r PeterGodfrey, Jtnight, and Eliza-beth his wife, was baptized.

Mar. 1, 1668. Esther, the daughter of 8' Tho-mas Godfrey, knight, & y"Lady Esther his wife, wasborn and baptized.

Jan. 8,1658. Mrs. Esther Godfrey, ye onlychilde of Sr Thon-.ag Godfrey,tt., aged a year and threequarters, was buried.

June 14,1663. Thomas Godfrey, Esqre, & lady

Page 11: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,

•To face p. 260.)

Tho: Godfrey [alias Fermor, Eaussett MS.] oujus tumba =f= Johanna fll: ... Tamworth.extat in eool: de Lyd ob. 1430. T[Thomas Godfrey alias Eermor de Lydd, gen. E. MS.] -T- .

Petrns Godfrey [fil: et h»r:] =f=.

reliota Benton [Bentyn. E. MS.] = Thomas Godfrey [films ethseres. ob. 1542.]^= TJxor prima.

Thomas Godfrey [of Lydd, 2nd son,= ...ob. 1610; bu. at Lydd. MS. J.Heard."Was of Cottinges in Lydd.]

Michael Pix = Emma, fil: etde Folke-stone.

[Katheryn, vide herhter: unica father's will; aliveEici: Strughill. 1542 unmar.]

Petrus Godfrey de Lyd. ob: 1566 = Johanna filia Johis Eposet sepultus estin eool: de Lyd. ob. 1556.

Petrus Godfrey [of Lydd, = Amia fil: Johisstyled the elder in his will,ob. July or Aug. 1613bu. at Lydd. Heard MS.]

Stroughill deLyd [ob. 1625.Heard MS.]

Wills Godfrey, ob. = Alicia fll:apud Seande-rome (?) [living1566. Heard MS.]


Clarke deStratfordBowe.

2 Elis: fil: et = Thomas Godfrey de Lyd, = 1 Maria fil: et h»r:hfor: MiohaelisPk.

IWillus.[living 1621.Hear

Edrus.[living 1621.]

Filia, [Elisa-beth, living1621.]

I[ Joane, living1621. HeardMS.]

ar. [nat. 1553. ob. 1623.et sep. apud Lydd, ubitumba extat. F. MS.]

Partriohe de Iden in co.Sussex ob. 1580 alibi deinsula Oxney.

== 3 Elis': fil: Katherina ux: Alicia ux: Tho: Susanna ux : [Peter Godfrey,Eici: Allard Johis Berry de Plumer de [Edwardi] Wiloocke, bo. 1552; ob.de Bidden- Lyd [bo. 1542 j New Eomney. renupta Johi 1566. F. MS.]den. ob. 1613, s. p.] [bo. 1543.] Eowler. [bo. 1551.]

[3 more sons.1 more daughter.See their father'smonument.]

Alicia uxorEoberti Leede LondonBridge.

1 Margareta^ 2 Thomas Godfrey = 2 Sara fll:' ~ "' Tho: lies

de Leedesin com:Ebor.

soror Mul-toni Lam-bard militis[ob. 29 Jun.1611. E.MS.]

de Sellinge arm.pro corpore EegisJacobi. [de Hodi-ford. ob. 10 Oct.1664, set. 79.F. MS.]

I Lambard = [Cath.Godfrey set. da. ofII (1619). Eobert[Eecorder of Scott, ofMaidstone.] Smeeth.]

1 Petrus Godfrey de Lyd.[nat. 1580. ob. 1624, Novi27, ut apparet ab Inquis :post mortem quo temporeEil: prim.: Thomas erat 'set. 16 an. 12 m. et 19 dies.Faussett MS.]

Dorothea fll: Tho:Wilde de Cantuar:renupta Tho : Hammonmilit: [ob. 1644 et sep.ap. Hardres mag: ubitumba mariti 2ndiadhuo extat. F. MS.]

Maria ux: Joh'isHonywood militis[ob. 1638.]

3 Eicardus Godfrey deEomney, [senator pronovo Eomney. temp.Caroli Imi. ob. 15Mar. 1641, »t. 50.F. MS.]

Maria fll: JohisMoyle de Buek-weU ar. [re-nupt. Bob.Scott, ob. 1654,sep. ap.Smeeth.]

[Thos.ob. inf.1610.]

2 Thomas. 3 Petrus. =f= [Amia

4 Eicardus.

[John,Thomas, andEdward,obb. juv.]

[bo. 1617;m. 1650].

fil: Tho:Brett deSnave.E. MS.]

[EdmundBerry,Knight,bo. 1621;murdered1678.]

[Michael,bo. 1624;mar. 1655 job. 1691.bu. at St.Swithin's,CannonStreet.]

=T=[MaryAnn,da. ofThos.Cham-brelan,of Lea-donhallStreet.]

[Benjamin. =? [Mary da.bo. 1632;ob. 1704.]

andh. ofBaptistPiggott,of NortonCourt, oo.Kent.]

[Jane, mar.Edm. Harrison,


Cath. mar.John Heaines.

Sarah, mar. Au-gustine Pluknett.]

1 Thomas Godfrey =f= [Hester fil: 2 Petrus. =p [Sara fil:11 (1619). [de

Lydd et Hepping-ton miles, equesfactns 21 July.1641. ob.1684.et sepult: in eool jde Nackington.

Joh'is Wildede St. Mar-tinis ppe.Cantuar. Mil:ob. 1699 etsep: ap :Naokington.F. MS.]

[Milesnat. 1609;eques fac-tus21Jul. 1641.]

[Thomas Godfrey = [Maria 3tia [Amye, mar. [Michaelis oo- [2 Petrus. =p [Cath: fll: [Hester ux:unicus filius Petri filia Johis to William cisus ooram Of Wood- Tho: Goddard, Hug: Smith-Godfrey de Hodi- Dallman de Courthope, Namur Jul. ford, Essex, de London. son.ford ob. s. p. Dunnistrope of Stodmarsh 17. 1695, coo- M.P. for ob. 1706. sep.F. MS. bu. at in co. Staff. Court; ob. lebs. F. MS. London in ap. St. Mary Eliz. ob.Sellinge, 1699, gen. E. MS.] 1742, at. 91, Bu. at St. two Parlia- Axe. F. MS.] 1691.]tet. 48.] leaving two Swithin's, Can- ments.]

daughters.] non Street.]

[3 Petrus Godfrey,ob. 1769, set. 74,coelebs. F. MS.]

[1 Thomas Godfreyadhuc yivens 1771.ob. s. p. E. MS.]

[2 Michael, ob. 1712,' [Joseph,coalebs. sep. ap. —Woodford.] Casar.


obb. s. p.]

[Baptist.ob. 1705.

Catherinaux. StephaniLushingtonde Sitting- .bourne.]

[Johannes = [(Anna) fil;Godfreyde NortonCourt ar.ob. 1737.8. p.]

. . . Goughde Camber-well, ob.1747.]

[Hester fil: unica.ob. infantula etsep : in concell :eccl: de Nacking-ton, Jan. 3. 165|.E. MS.]

Petri Hey-man deSomerfleldmil.]

3 Joh'es, [bo. Anna1616; ob. [nupta1620] Eieardo

— Hardres4 Willielmus. de Har-[bo. 1617; ob. dres mi-1621]. liti.]


Elisab.Godfreyfil: Ei-cardi7 aliiilii.

8 filiaj.F. MS.]

[JohannesGodfreyar: ob.1673, ret.45. sep.ap. Wye.]

[Thomas Godfrey =p [Maria fll: et co-arm. Of BoughtonAluph. mar.1663 ; ob. 1690 :bu. at Naoking-ton.]

hseres Nicolai Tokede Goddenton, re-liota Eob: Moylemil: Mater ejuserat Maria fil: Ant:Browne de Weld Hallin oo. Essex, milit. F. MS.]

[Johannes Godfrey :

arm. unicus superst:fll: ob. 1719, ret.52. sep : ap : Wye.F. MS.]

: [Maria fil:Tho: Goldde Can-tuar.,vidua...Knight,]

[Catherinaf i l : . . .Hcames.]

[Henricus Godfrey de Heppington et Lydd, =P [Catharina fil: Tho: Pittis S. T. P. Eectorisarm. hteres avunculi sui Tho: Godfrey mil. nat.1674. ob. 1718. sep : in eool: de Wackington.]

eocl: Sti. Botolphi ppe. Bishop's Gate, Lond.oh. 1726, et sep : in cane : eocl: de Nackington.]

[Thomas,ob. juv. 1688.sep : ap:Nackington.]

[Mary, mar. to. . . Whelerof Otterden.ob. 1688, s.p.]

[A dau. mar.to BrookBridges.]

[Bryanus Eaussett de civ. Eoffensi:

et postea de Heppington et Lyddarm. nat. 1690, ob. 1750. F. MS.]

[Maria filia unioa supersteset hfflres nata 1799. ob.1761. E.MS.]

[Catherina. ob.inf. 1702. sep.ap. Nackington.]

[ChambrelanGodfrey deSerjeant's Inn.ob. ccelebs,1766, tet. 67.F. MS.]

[JohannesGodfrey, ob.ccolebs, 1742.F. MS.]

[Bryan Faussett, of Hoppington and Lydd, Collector of " The =fEaussett Collection of Saxon Antiquities/' bo. 1720, ob. 1776.] xjx

Page 12: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,


Moile were married. (Thisentry interpolated.)

Feb. 13,1684. Sr Thomas Godfrey.Sep. 24,1688. Mr. Thomas Godfry was buried

in ye chauncell of the church.Mar. 30,1690. Thomas Godfrey, Esqe, of St.

Paul's parish, in Canterbury,was buried in the chauncell.

April 1,1699. Dame Hester Godfrey was bu-ried in the chauncell,

Feb. 10,1701. Catherine, daughter of HenryGodfry, Esqre, and Catherinehis wife, wus baptized.

Mar. 16, 1702.

Dec. 25, 1718.

Oct. 4, 1719.

Nov. 2, 1720.

Oct. SO, 1726.

Sep. 29, 1750.

Catherine Godfry was buriedin the chuuncell.

Henry Godfry, Esq., was buriedin the chauncell.

Bryan tfunssett, Esq., and MaryGodfry were married p. li-cence.

Bryan, son of Bryan Faussett,Esq., and Mary his wife, wasbaptized.

Catherine Godfry, widdow, wasburied in the chancel.

Bryan Faussett, Esq., was bu-ried in the chauncell.


John, the sonne of Mr. Richard Godfrey,gentleman, & Mary his wife. June ye 17th,

Susan, the daughter of Mr. Kichard Godfrey,gentleman, and Mnrie his wife. Oct. 16,1629.

Mary, daughter of Lambert Godfrey, gentle-man, and Katherine his wife. Mov. 8,1638.

Katherine, daughter of Lambert Godfrey.gent.,and Katherine his wife. April 9,1640.

MAttKIAGE.William Steele & Elizabeth Godfrey, maryed 15 May, 1638.

BURIAL.Michael Godfrey, 6 Aug. 1707.


Sarah, daughter of Richard and Mary Godfrey,29 Dec. 1635.

Thomas, son of Richard and Mary Godfrey,27 July, 1637.

Moyle, son of Richard and Mary Godfrey, Oct.21,1638.

William, son of Richard and Mary Godfrey,Jun. 28, 1640.

John, son of Humphry Godfrey, June 15,1643.William, son of Tho: Godfrey, 2 Feb. 1660.Edward, son of Tho: Godfrey, by Mary bis

wife, 16 July, 1605.MARHIAGTS.

John Borne & DprothyJJodfrey^Deo. 21,1641. | Tho. Whitehead and Mary Godfrey, Apr. iuuuu jjuj.il*1 ot( uvruiuy "jruunoj, x'ov. fit 11Tho. Godfrey & Mary Hixe, 29 Deo. 1659.

BDEIALS.Elizabeth Godfrey, Mr. Richard Godfrey's

mother, 12 May, 1636.Thomas, son of Richard Godfrey, 28 July,

1638.Moyle, son of Richard Godfrey, 2 NOT. 1638.Richard Godfrey, gent., 17 March, 1641.John Godfrey, son of Humphry Godfrey, Deo.


Anne Godfrey, 9 April, 1660.Thomas Godfrey, householder, 1 Jun. 1667.John Godfrey, of Canterbury, gentleman, 27

Feb.1673.John Godfrey, of London, Feb. 9,1719.Jane, wife of MatUew Godfrey, of Canterbury,

25 Feb. 1719.


Mary, daughter of Thomas Godfrey, Eaq., &the Lady Mary Moyle his wife. 20 April,1664.

Henry, the son of Thomas Godfrey, Esq., &the Lady Moyle his wife, bo. Sept. 24, bap-tised Oct. 1,1674.

BURIAL.The Lady Mary Moyle, May 2,1698.


MARRIAGE.1669. Benjamin Godfrey & Mary Piggott were married the ninth day of September.

1704. Mr. Benjnmin Godfrey was buried Marchthe 20th.

1705. Mr. Baptist Godfrey was buried Oct. the18th.

1730. Mrs. Mary Godfrey was buried Mayye 16th.

1747/8. Ann, Relict of John Godfrey, of Nor-ton Court, was buried Jauy 31st.

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On a Brass in the Nave.Peter for ffioo Bin ffrag Wjtlst tfjat ©oa life Ijim pile

i Jjis Soiolf ioitj) (Sotf ant( 33oog in 2°

Igetij feurgeo tfye 33aoges nf Peter ffiottfrge antt lone Ijt'sfargfe, ijiljiclr Peter SecessgB t|je itUBag of iffitardje in t};e gm of or

SLorle ©nfi m.cccrixiri: ano Hje sago 3fone oecessgB before Jjimin flje gete or ILotDe (Sou m.ccccdfci. Ijafettxs bg liex fa s. iiii o.

O» a Brass in the Chancel," Here lieth y° Body of John y« Fourth Sonne of Thomas Godfrey Gentleman, whoe

having been a Student in y» Schoole of Protestants near Eoane and in Harte's Hall inOxford, and having attained to y° Latino and French Tongue, departed this Life yc 2* ofFebruarye, in ye IS* Year of Ms Age. Anno Domini 1612. Hodie inihi, Cras tibi.''

Arms:—Godfrey, with a martlet of cadency.On a Brass, near the last.

" Arctus ad Ccelos aditus: DecoraArctior multo latet ipsa Porta.Solus h&c Altora repit in Quietem

Lacteus Infans.Eobertus, Primogenitus Kichardi Godfrey Gen1: natus xi Aug. hinc demigrans xxvii0-Octo. proximo oequentis. Hie nimis cito citi.s est.(?)"

Page 14: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,


On a Si-ass in the Nave.

Page 15: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,


The full inscription to the preceding, as -preserved byWeever, Faussett, and others is,—f§tc jacit SHjomas ©ofceftag quoitSam 1st fatal 3So«tnie qut abut qutnta SicJSlense &ujjustt &nna tint, milltma cccc-m. Cujus ®ie ppicietur BEUS &men.

O» a M.wal Monument against the North Wall of the Chancel, with a colouredBust, and a flat Stone below.

" To the Memory of Thomas Godfrey Esq. born at New Romney in ye Year of ourlord God 1553 Sonne and Heire of Peter Godfrey of lydd Gent, wheire he & hisAncestours have continued in good Esteem and Reputation for above Two HundredYears, as appears by their Funeral Monuments yet extant in ye said church and bytheir several Wills and Testaments proved in ye Register's Office at Canterbury andlondon. He was Captain of ye Horse for above 40 years together before his Death;Notwithstanding -which, hee Himself was charged with, and did find, at every Muster,5 light Horse and 20 Foot. Hee was a frank House-Keeper, Hospitable to strangersand charitable to ye needy: Hee liv'd beloved and died lamented especially by yePoor, in ye Three Score and Eleventh Year of his Age, being in y° Year of our lordGod 1623.

" The say d Thomas Godfrey, hereby interrd, left Issue by his 3 Several "Wives ThreeSons and 1 Daughter, viz. Peter, Thomas, Richard, and Mary; all which he liv'd to seewell disposed of in Marriadge into several worthy Families, and to be Parents of manyHopefutl Children, to his great Comfort. To whom, in Returne of Pious Gratitude, HisSecond Son Thomas and Sarah his "Wife have placed these Memorials."

Arms of Godfrey on both stones.

On a Srass in the North Chancel.

" Here lieth Mary sole Daughter and Heire ofThomas Partridge of Iden in ye County of SussexGent. First Wife of Thomas Godfrey of lyddEsq. by whom he had issue 1 Son Peter. Thesq. by whom he had issue 1 Son Peter. Thesaid Mary died on ye 19th of January, Ano. Dni.


" In yo ChureJiyard." On another Stone much broken ;"/Here lieth Joane Godfrey the wife of Peter sometimes of Old Romney.

which died the . . of June A.D. 1 . ..'" (Faussett MS.)


In ihe South GJianeol.

n regramTJt, nimio accep_to flumine, mersa perit.

Infcelix_iterum tristisque supervenit undaEt minor est aliis obrutua orbis aquis.

" Serva me, Deus, quia pervenerunt aqua? usque ad animam." Maria filia Thomas Godfrey de lid Armigeri nupsit Johanni Honeywood de Elmsted

militi, cui superstites tres filios et quatuor fihas. Obiit ETovemb. septimo,

—Arms:—Honeywood, impaling Godfrey as before., 1638."

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In the Chancel, on North Wall.

"Post spinas palma. Here lyeth interred the Bodie of Tho: Godfrey of Hoddifordin this Pariah Esq. Who had to his first wife Margaret daughter of "William Lambardof Greenwich, Esq. by whome he had issue 2 sonnes. And to his second wife Sarahthe daughter of Thomas lies of Hammersmith Esq. with whome he lived in wedlockeabove 53 yeares, and by her had issue 12 sonnes and 4 daughters. He was a greatLover of learning & all Ingenuity, which he shewed in y" generous education of hischildren. He served his Generation eminently and faithfully in several capacities, withChristian courage he overcame many infirmities of this life. Having lived beloved47 yeares in this parish he died lamented the 10"' day of October 1664, being the 79th

yeare of his Age. To whose memory his sorrowful widdow erected this monument ofher lasting affection."

Arms:—1. Quarterly; 1 and 4, Godfrey; 2, Az. a fess between three cross-crossletsfitchees or, for Pix; 3, Ar. a fess between six escallops gu., for Stroughill.

2. Godfrey, impaling Gu. a chevron vaire ar. and az. between 3 lambs of the second,for Lambard.

3. Godfrey, impaling Quarterly, 1 and 4, Ar. a fess dancettesa., in chief 3 fleurs-delis of the last, for lies; 2 and 3. Ar. on a chev. az. 3 crescents or, for .... (?)


In the Chancel.

"Here lieth the Body of Henry Godfrey ofHeppington Esq. Heir of Sr Thomas Godfrey ofthe same. He married Catherine ye Daughterof the Kevd Doctor Thomas Pittis Rector of StBotolph Bishop's Gate London, by whom he had2 Daughters: Catherine who died March 12,1702.—and Mary who survived. He died Dec. 24,1718.In the 43fd Year of his age."

" On the South side of this Stone lieth the above-mentioned Catherine, Eelict of Henry Godfrey ofHeppington Esq. She died Oct. 26, 1726, aged

years." And under this stone in the same Grave with

her Father, lieth the Body of the abovementioncdMary, Daughter and sole Heiress of Henry God-frey Esq. of Heppington in this Parish, and Relictof Bryan Faussett Esq. of the same. She diedMay 23,1761. in the 62d Year of her Age."

"Here lieth the Body of Dame Hester Godfrey one of the Daughters & Coheirs ofS John Wyld of this County and late wife of S* Thomas Godfrey of Lyd but late ofthis Parish in y° said County, Knight. She died the 27* day of March, 1699, in the77th Year of her Age."

Arms:—Godfrey; on an escutcheon of pretence, ar. a chev. sa., on chief of the second,two martlets of the field.

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"Here lieth the Body of BryanFaussett Esq. of Heppington. Hemarried Mary the Daughter andHeiress of Henry Godfrey Esq. ofHeppington, By whom he leftIssue 3 sons and 7 Daughters. Hedied the 19"1 day of September,1750. Aged 60 Years."


" Spe resurgendi. Wear this place lyeth buried the Body of Mr. Michael Godfrey ofLondon, Merchant, the eleventh son of Thomas Godfrey of Hoddiford in the County ofKent Esq. He married Ann Mary eldest daughter of Sr Thomas Chambrelan Km,after he had served him eight years' Apprenticeship, by whom he had five sons and threedaughters and having liv'd_with her 34 years in a most agreeable "Wedlock he died the3rd day of December 1691 in the 66"1 year of his age, leaving her & 4 children surviv-ing, Michael, Peter, Elisabeth, and Hester. Elisabeth deceased the first day of August1691, & lieth also interred near this place. Hester the other daughter of the saidMichael Godfrey was married the 20«> of April 1691, to Hugh Smithson, of Tottenham,in the county of Middx., Esq., by whom having had issue seven children (6 of which,viz. 3 sons and 2 daughters, survived her), She died in childbed the 30"1 of October,1698, and lies interred near this place by the Body of her Father."

Arms:—Godfrey, impaling Gu. an inesouoheon ar. within an orle of roses or, forChambrelan.

On a Pillar on tJie North Side." P. M. S. Near this place lies interr'd the Body of Mr. Michael Godfrey, Merchant, late

of this parish, son of Mr. Michael Godfrey, Merchant, & Anne Mary his wife. He was bornFeb. 22, A.D. 1658, being elected the first Deputy Governour of the Banck of Englandhe went for Flanders on some Important business relating to the service of His Ma-jesty; where attending his royal Person, then eucamp'd before Namur, he was slaynby a Cannon Ball from the works of the beseiged, July y° 17, 1696. He dyed a Bat-chelor, much lamented by all his Friends Relatives & Acquaintance, for his Integrityhis Enowlege and the sweetness of his manners. His body was brought over & liesburied near his Father's. His sorrowful mother & executrix caused this monument tobe erected to the pious memory of her beloved SOB. The abovenamed Mrs. Anne MaryGodfrey departed this life y° 25*1* March 1708, and lies also interred near this place."

["The God of Battel found in foreign partsThe son of Hermes form'd for peaceful! ArtsAnd thought it lawfull prize to take his BloodBecause so near a "Warriour King he stood.

" These verses were not to be found when I took the inscription, but I have copied themfrom Maitlaud's Hist, of London, vol. ii. p. 1184."—Bryan Faussett.]

Arms:—Godfrey, as before.

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East Ambulatory." "P. M. S. Edeardi Godfrey qui patri suo Thomas Godfrey de Hodiford in Sellinge in

agro Cantiauo Ar. filius erat 13«s proles verp 16a, Matri autem 11UB et 13°, quern primumex 16 natis mater lactabat, qui licet plus triennio lactebat, felici tamen evasit ingenio,puer optimse spei et iudolia, Dux et decus 5K classis hujus Scholse. Obiit 8 die JuniiAnno salutis 1640°. JEtatis 12°.

" Ei: Busby, Arehididascalus." Margareta Lambard. Lambardus . Thomas." Sarah lies . Filii gemini. Filius . Jana . Thomas . Petrus . *Bicardus . *Johannes •

*Edmuudus Berry . Eliza . Micuael. *Thomas. *Edwardus . Cathariua . Benjaminus .Sarah.

" subnotat mortuos. * adnotat electos in regies alumnos."Arms.—As on monument of Thomas Godfrey at Sellinge.

Under the preceding.

"Edmundus Berry Godfrey Equestri dignitate ob merifca sua in Eegem et Patriaraornatus, Justitiarii munere singulari fide et diligentia funetus, Demum ab oeulis suorumereptus, 4 Id. Oetob. 1678, Post quintum diem repertus est, llorte affectus nefaria etatroci. CtBteni Historia loquetur. Hoc monumentutn vetustate attritum reparavit,Addifco fratris Edmundi elogio, Benjaminus ex filiis Thomaa Godfrey preedicti Natu mi-nimus et nune solus superstes IV Nonas Aprilis 1696."


"P. M. S. Near this place lyeth interred the Body of Benjamin Godfrey of NortonCourt Esq. fourteenth and last surviving son of Thomas Godfrey of Hoddiford in thecounty of Kent Esq. He married Mary Sole Daughter and Heir of Baptist Piggott ofNorton Court aforesaid Gentn, by whom he had four sons and five daughters. Tie died13th March, 1704<; in the 73rd Year of his Age leaving her and two sons only, vizt John& Baptist. Baptist deceased Qctor 13,1705, and lies buried by_ his Father. In the samevault is deposited Mrs. Mary Godfrey "Widow of the said Benj" Godfrey Esq., who diedMay 7th, 1730, being Ascension Day."


Robert, son of John G-odifere, of Apeldore, grants to Henry de la Sirche a piece ofland called Le Ihrehornehamme, with right of way in Apeldore.

June, 1261. 45 Hen. III.Sciant . . . etc., quod ego EOBEETTJS nlius JOHA.KKIB GODIEEEE de parochia de

ApEiiDKE dedi,. . etc. HENBICO DE IA B:RCHE de dicta parochia et heredibus . . .etc., unam peciam terre mee que jacet pro dimidia acra et pro quarta parte unius acreterre sive habefcur majus sive minus cum omnibus suis pertinent!is que vocatur LE THBE-HOJSNEHAMME que jacet in parochia de Apeldre et de tenemento Ecclesie Christi Can-tuaviensis. Et jacetin uno capite ad terram propriam meam ex una parte versus Suth,et ex altera parte ad terram domini Prioris Novi Operis Dovorie et ejusdem loci Con-ventus versus North, collaterantem ad terram dicti Prioris et ejusdem loci Conventusex utraque parte versus Est et versus West. Videlicet cum boscis et aquis aepibus etfossatis^ut includitur, cum una racionabile via a strata regali ultra terram meam usquead predictam peoiam terre cum cartis et carrucis et aliis bestiis intrandi atque retrogre-diendi. Habendum . . . etc. in perpetuum reddendo inde annuatim mihi vel. .. etc.unum obolum redditus in die Sancti Martini in cimiterio Apostolorum Petri et Paulide Apeldre solveudum et recipiendum pro omnibus serviciis . . . etc. salvo tamen scr-vicio domini Eogis. Et ego predictus KOBEBTTTS et heredes .. • etc. worantizabimus... etc. Pro hac autem mea donacioue . . . etc. dedit mihi predictus Henricus novem-

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decim splidos sterlingorum in. gersumam scilicet anno regni Regis Henrici filii RegisJohannis quadragesimo quinto in mense Junii. Hiis testibus Wulelmo Hungman . . .etc., et multis aliis.

(E MSS. naper JEdv. Daring Barti.)[John Godifere =of Apeldore. j

Robert Godifere,1261.]

Witt of William Godfrey alias 'Farmer oflydd, 1456.In Dei nomine Amen. 'EgoWilUelmns Godfray alias dictiis Farmer HeWestbvooke,

inparochia de Lyde compos mentis penultimo die Novembris Anno Domini m°ccccmolvto

et anno regni Regis Henrici sexti xxxiiij'o condo teatamentum meum in liunc inpdum

Erptestans quod istud testamentum sit ultima voluntas mea nee aliud per ipsum intel-gi volo. Imprimis volo et lego animam meam Deo omnipotent! Beatoe Marite Virgin!

et omnibus sanetis Corpusque meum ad sepeliendum in ccemiterio Ecclesice omniumSanctorum de Lyde predicto. Item lego summo altari dictte ecclesite etfabricasejusdemecclesise unam vaccam equis portionibus dividendam. Item lego domino Thomte pres-bitero pai'oohiali ibidem vj8. Item lego cuilibet filiolo meo mjd. Quoad bona mea im-mobilia de quibus disponere possum tester et volo quod Johannes Godfray et JohannesKempe Feoffatorea mei de et in quindecim acris et dimidia terete sive magia sive minussint inde jacentibua in predicta parochia de Lidd et in pai'ochia de Midley, undo octoacroe et dimidia jacent in dicta parochia de Lyde et in feodo de Blecchurch (?) abbut-tautes versus orientem terris pertinentibus fratribus et sororibus domus Sancti Johannisvillse de Rompne, et alia? septem acrre inde jacentea in le Wewland et in dictis parochiiade Lyde et de Midley in Snyalese et Pykefolde feoffabunt sou feofiari faciant Jolumnemet PetrumfiUos meos in predictis quindecim acris cum suis pertinentiis prefatis Johanniet Petrp heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum sub conditione sequente, viz* quodpredict! Johannes et Petrus solvant seu solvi faciant Solle, Agnete, et Margarete, etcuiKbet illarum trium sororibus suis quinque marcas bone et legalis monetse Anglice adsua maritagia. Si contingat illas maritari vel non maritari quod habeant predictassummas pecunias cuilibet illarum solvendas. Modo simili solvent seu solvi faciant Johanneesorori suse triginta tres solidos et quatuor denarioa. Et si contingat aliquam illarummori antequam habeat partem suam illi superius assignatam deliberatam quod extunc. .. sua predicta pecunia remaneat predictis omnibus sororibus suis viventibus. _ Etsi predieti Johannes et Petrus heredes vel assignati sui noluerint solvere pecuniammodo et forma superius prescripts quod extune predict! feoffati heredes vel assignatisui feoffabunt prediotas filias predict! Willielmi in omnibus predictis quindecim acriset dimidia acra terra cum suis pertinentiis habendis et teuendis illis heredibus et assig-natis suis imperpetuum faciendo inde capitalibus dominis feodi illorum omnia servitiainde illis debita et de jure consueta. Residuum vero omnium bonorum meprum superiusnon legatum et dispositum debitis meis legitime persolutis volo quod dividatur in duaspartes de quarum una volo quod disponatur pro salute animse mese per discretionemexecutorum meorum. Alia pars inde remaneat filiis meis et filiabus equis porciouibusdividenda. Hujus autem testatnenti mei J~ohannem Q-odfray alias dictum Tfermor Ju-niorem, et Johannem Kempe feoffatores meos facio ordino et constituo executores meosad disponendum pro salute animte mete meliori modo quo sciverint seu potuerint. Incujus rei testimonium huic present! ordination! et voluntatiprefatusWillielmus sigillumsuum apposuit die et loco prescripts. Hiis testibus Henrico Alvyn, Jphanne _Bregis,JoJiawne Q-o&fray seniori alias divto Tfermor, Michaelo Swanne . .. et aliis multis.

In the Consistory Court of Canterbury.

[William Godi'ray, =alias Parmor, ofWestbrooke, inLid, -will dated1456.

John . Peter . Solla . Agnea . Margaret . Johanna

alive 1456.Mention of John Godfray als. Fermor, sen'. & jun'.]

Will of Thomas Godfrey ofLydd, 1642.In the name of God Amen. The first day of March in the year of our Lord God 1542.

I Thomas Godfrey of the parish of Alllialowne in Lidde in the County of Kentthelder in good and perfecte remembrance ordeine and make this my presente Testa-

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ment and last wille in forme followinge that is to say. First I commend my soule, &o.Item, I bequeath to the high alter here for tithes negligently forgotten and with-hplden iij» iiijd. Item, to the high alter in ye church of Midley xxd. Item, to thehigh alter in the church of Old Romney in like manner xsd. Item, to the re-parations of the church of Lidde foresaid xxd- Item, I will to be expended at mylurtho bering, to Prestes, Clarkes, and poore people xs, and iiis iiijd to be expended invittayles to refresh my poove nebors at home. Item, at my monethes mind in like mannerxs and iiis iiij11 in refreshing poore negbours. Item, at my yeares mind xiij8 iiij

d, and everyyeare by the space of v yeares then next following xiij» iiij11 for the health and comfortof my soule and all Christian soules. Item, I will and bequeath to Thomas G-oilfraymy sonne xvij1 of good and la\vfull monev of England, iiij kine, ij hafers, ij Budds, twosheepe, one wayne yoked that is to say iiij oxen, liij mares with a wayne, to be deliveredto the said Thomas when he shall come to the full age of xx yeares. And my mind isthat Peter Godfrey my sonne shall freely keepe all the said cattells to the said Thomasmy sonue above bequeathed till he shall come to the said age of xx yeares And alsomy will and mind is that Peter my sonne when the said Thomas shall come to the fullage of xx yeres shall deliver to the same Thomas with the said cattells as much foodeand fodder as shall keape and finde the same cattells to them of the same winter. . . .Item I will to ICatheryn my datighter xx marcs of lawful money, iiij kien, xx sheepe,all her mother's wearing gere, one girdle with a dimysin, a fether bed, abolster, a payerof blankets, a coverlet, lij payer of canvas sheetes, one payre of fine sheets, ij kettellspryce the peece ij", three candlestices, vj platters, iiij dishes, and ij sawsers of pewterone saltselfer, a chafing dish, and one oheste, to be delivered to the same Katheriue inthe day of her marriage. . ..

And as to my lands and Tenements, with thappertenances, This is the last will andentente of mee the said Thomas Godfrey thelder, made the day and yeare foresaid, thatis to say, First my will and mind is that Peter Godfrey my sonne shall have my prin-cipal) Tenement with xl acres of land thereto appertayuing with thappertenances setliving and being in I/idd foresaid and old Eomney in the county of Kent; And also allthat my lands lying at Goodrvng Lane, which I late purchased of George Buntinge,To be had to the same Peter his heirs and assignee for ever. Also my will and mind isthat Thomas Godfrey the yonger my sonne shall have, when he shall come to the fullage of xx yeres, my Tenemente called Cottinge,, with xj acres of land to the same an-nexed,1 with thappertenauces, And xix acres lying in the Sumpe (?), late purchased ofThomas Harlakynden gentleman, To be had to the same Thomas Go'dfrey his heires andassignes for ever. And my minde is that Peter my sonne shall take the profiites thereoftill the said Thomas shall come to the said age of "xx yeares. Also my will and mind isthat the said Thomas my sonne shall have all that my lands being in le Estfelde, lateStephine Ederickes, which I late purchased of Thomas Strpugle, To be had to him hisheires and assignes for ever. And over and besides this, my will and mind is that my barnecalled Cotinge3 shall be equally and indifferently divided and shifted betwixt Peter andThomas my sonnes, with the closses to the same appertayniug, when the said Thomasshall come to the full age of xx yeares, To be had to them their heires and assignes forover. And my mind is that in the meantime Peter my sone shall take the proffites andmaintayne the reparacions of his owne proper costes and charges, and also shall keep allthother lands above to the said Thomas bequeathed withoot streipe or waste, and parthe rentes thereof during his Interest therein.

Dated the day and yeare first above written.Proved 7th February, 1643, in the Consistory Court of Canterbury.

Crest of Godfrey, from Seal of Thomas Godfrey of Sellingo, attached to a Deeddated Oct. 2,1630.

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Jacobus Godfrey de Allington = Katharina.ubi sepultus est. j

Thomas Godfrey de Allington = Alicia,ubi sepultus est.


Humfridus G-odfreyob. apud Yarmouthtune eleetus MaiorDover viz: temp.Ed: 6.

Agnes soror et eoh:ux: Wml Blechendende Mersham qui ac-cepit maner. de Buf-flns HiU.

Babege soror et coh :ux : Joh'is Clark als.Woodehurch qui cumea accepit maner. deHurst.

Extract from Witt ofl/iomas Godfrey, of Aldyngton, dated 8 Oct. 1490.

" Sepeliend. in paroehiali ecclesia Sancti Martini de Aldyngton coram cruce domininostri Jhu xpi.... Do Alicie filie WUlielmi Blachynden ad maritafjium x marcks . . .lego Alioie uxori mee xl11 . . . Humfrido filio meo xx» .. . Thome iilio meo ... Alieieuxori mee unum equum coloris de gray, etc.

"Humfry and Thomas Ex'ors."William Blachyndeu and John Clerke supervisors."

(KTo probate.)

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immmg, (To face p. 271.)

[Simon Manning, dominus Oastelli et vilte de Bettreds, sub Bichardo primo Bege mih'tans, =crucem suscepit in expeditionem ad terram sanctam. ob. tempore H. III.]

[Bobert Manning, fraterseoundus Steph. Manning.]

[Steph us Manning, superstes =tempore H. 3, ob. a" 3 Edw. II.] I

[Eylmer Manning,filius tertius.]

[Bobertus Manning, a° 33 Edw. I.et 3 Edward II.]

Mie[G-ulielmua Maninge, = [. . . filia et haeres Bicardi de Chyrfoldob. 17 Edw. III.] et Johannte uxor: ejus.]

[Simon Manninge, de Oodham, superates46 Edw. III. et 5 Bio. II.]

: [Oatharina, soror Galfridi Chawcer militis,celeberrimi Poetse Anglicani,]

[Johannes Manninge, de Oodham, = [Alicia, filia . . . Walden, deob. a° 13 H. IV.] com. Cantii.]

Johannes Manninge [ob. a° 14 H. VI.], filius = Juliana filia et heres Bic'i Brokhill relictaJohannis Manning de Codham Wilh'elmi Wallis [de Cowdene].

[Willielmus Wallis, pater = [Oatarina, filia Johannis etWalteri Wallis.] soror Hugonis Manning.]

Hugo Manning de Cray [ob. = . . . filia Willielmi Brandon mil. amitaapud Cray, temp. H. VII.]. Caroli Brandon Ducis Suffolciee.

IBichardus Manning de S' Mary Cray =filius seoundus.

1 1 1Thomas. = Johannes Manning de eadem gen. = Willielmus.


[Bichard Edwardus =Manning, Manningof Man- juris peri-ning's tus.Hall, burd

at S' MaryCray.]

Bobertus_Manning [Thomasina Tracy, = Johannes Manning de — Agnes filia et coh. Joh'isalms tertius. uxor 1.] Downe. ob. 35 H. VIII. Petley de Downe.

[Johanna, filia et hteres = [G-eorgius Manning, de Downe, Henricus Manning [2 fil.] Marescallus Hospitii =Bi'ci Walhs.] filius primogemtus.] H. VIII., Ed. VI^ Marire et Elizab. [ob. 1593] .

= Anna filia [Eiohardus, = [Baohel, [Anna, [Thomas [Johanna, [Georgius [Catarina, [Dorothea, [Johannes [Elizab., [Petrus = [Elizabe- [Phoebe, TGulielmus Henricui -Thorn® s. p.] da. and uxor Manning, uxor Manning, uxor uxor Manning, uxor Manning, tha, filia uxor Mannhur ManningWillough- coh. of Thomas duxit Henrioi ob. apud Hugonis Joh is Margeriam, Griffini de Downe, Jacobi Jacobi occisus m utriusqueby Decani William Lambert.] Mariam Welsh.] Cane, in Under- Webb, de filiam Greene.] modo su- Verzelini, Waters 1 Hibernin, iuris Dor-Eoffensis. White. Botley, de Norman- hill.] com. Thomas perstes Itali.] s 13 1 ' tor iam

Hasted Surr.] dia, s.p.] Surr.] Johnson, a" 1607.] P'J sunSesMS. 5507.] deBrench- leCtfT


Oatarina filia et coheeres Erasmi [Johannes et Bichardus,Kerkener [relicta Boberti Waller], obierunt s. p.]

= Jocasa [Catherina, Mildreda [Anna, uxor Margaretafilia Jacobi uxor Joh'is uxor JosuseAyl- uxor Thome?Day de Ludlow.] Thomee mer, filii natu- Vicecomitiscom. Whitfield ralis Joh'is, Bindon [Bin-Buck.] de Mort- Marchioms ton, Faussett

lake. Wintonite. MS.], renup-— ta Edm.

Dorothea, Ludlow milit.

Edwardus Manning de eadem gener: [ob. Feb. = Anna filia G-alfridi Nightingale de Newport Pond11, 1640, sit. 64 ; burd at S' Mary Cray]. co. Essex ar. [ob. Aug. 14, 1659, set. 78.]

Henricusfilius ethseres 1607.


Anna. Bieardus Manning Thomas filius 2 [ob. Edwardus films 3 = [Elizab. Masters.]ret. 13 annor. 1620. Nov. 15,1704, s. p.] [married 1654].


2 Bichardus.

3 Johannes.

4 Franciseus.

5 Edwardus.

6 Carolus.

7 Grulielmus.

Catharina. Heydon.

Maria et Fortuna.]Marthagemellce.


[Edward Manning, ob. Dec. 23, = [Ann, da. of Sir H. Onslow, of co. Sussex, Knt.1703, eet. 49 ; burd at Cray.] he remarried Stephen Parker, Esq.]

[Elizabeth, [Edward, [Anne, [Mary, [Eichard Manning, of Kevington, Esq., [Thomas,ob. s. p.] s. p.] B. p.] s. p.] ob. April 24, 1753, cet. 54, s. p.] s. p.]

The descents within brackets are copied from the Manning Pedigree compiled byWilliam Segar, G-arter, and Nicholas Charles, Lancaster, thus headed :—" ProsapiaManingorum familice Nobilis et antiquse nomen et origmem ducentis a Maning oppidoSaxonice Angliam cum aliis Saxonibus ingressas ante adventum Normanorum yndeetiam familia Maningorum hi frisia quorum Insignia hie depinguuntur."

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To all and singuler as well nobles and gent. as others to whome these p'sentesshall come be seene heard read or understanded, I Sr Gilbert Dethick Knightal's Garter Prinoipall Kinge of Armes, send due and humble comendations &jretinge in our Lord God eu'lastinge. That for as much as auncientlie from the by-

gynninge the valyant& verfcuos aetes ofworthie p'sons havebene comended to theworlde and posterytiewith sundrie monu-mentes and remem-brances of their gooddesertes, emongi'st thewhich the chefest andmost usuall hath benethe bearinge of signesin shildes called armesbeynge demonstra-cons and tokens ofprowes and valourdyverslie distributednccordinge to thequallyties and desertesof the persons meryt-inge the same. Tothentent that such asby their vertues doeade & shevve furth tothe advauncement ofthe comen weale theshine of their goodlyfe and conversaconin daylie practice of

thinges worthie & comendable may therfore receare due honor in their lyres, &also derive and contynue the same sxiccessively to their posterytie for ever.Emongest the which number George Mannynge and Henry Mannynge of Downein the countie of Kent gentlemen, beeinge bearers of these tokens & armes of honorwhose auncestors also have of long tyme borne the same, and yet the said George& Henrye beinge uncerten of any crest or cognisance thervnto belonginge haveinstauntlie reqvired me the said Garter Principal! Kinge of Armes not onelie tomake searche for their said cote of armes but also to assigne & set forth vnto thesaid George Mannynge & Henry and to their posterytye a Crest or cognisance tobe annexed to their said cote of armes, so as they may lawfullie beare the samewithout prejudice or offence to any p'son. In consideracon whereof and for fur-ther deelaracon and worthines of the said George & Henrye, and at their especiallrequest-, instant sute & lawfull desire, I the said Garter Principall Kinge of Armeshaue dilligentlie sought in the registre & recordes of our office of armes kept &holden within the cytie of London, and by exact tryall thereof flndinge those tobe the true and p'feot auncient armes of the said George and Henry, and of thatname & famylie whereof they are descended I coulde not without the grete preju-dice of them and theyr posterytie, but accordinglie assigne & confirme vnto themand either of them these their said auncient armes, together wyth a Crest or cog-nisance thervnto annexed to be borne in manner & forme hearein declared & setforth. That is to say The field gules on a cross patonce betwene fowcr trefoylesor, a pellet. And to their Crest Vppon a healme yssuant of a crowne golde a Egles-hed sable meinbred or, betwene i.j Eistrnge fethers argent, mantled gules, dubledargent, as more plainle appereth depycted in this margent. All which said armeswith healme, mantles, & crest and eu'ie p'te & p'cell thereof, I the said Garter

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principall Kinge of Armes have by these p'sentes ratyfied and by power & auctho-rytie of my office to me oomytted by 1'res patentes vnder the greate seale of Eng-land, also confirmed & set furtli vnto the said George and Henrye, and to theyreposterytie for euer. And they & eu'ie of them the same to have holde vse beare& shewe forth in sheld cote armoure or otherwise at his & their owne libertye &pleasure without th" impedimt let challenge intemipcon contradiction or gayne.sayinga of any other p'son or p'sons whatsoever. In witnes, &c. Dated the xxthday of April, AO Elizab. xix°, 1577.

ffoet ffitnx.Names of Quartering,'!.

1. Manning. 7. Shelley.2. Chyrfold. 8. Eolfe.3. Broekhill. 9. Arden.4. Petley. 10. Philpot.5. Trowemer. 11. Wallis.6. Brampton.

Manning quarterings from the Manning pedigree compiled by Sir William Se-gar, Garter, and Nicholas Charles, Lancaster, Herald.—Sari. MSS. No. 1482,/c.158.

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1545. Oct. 22, Anne, da. of Mr. George Man-inge.

1545. Jan. 80, Joane, da. of Mr. George Man-ing.

1548. April 3, Katlierino, da. of Mr. GeorgeManing.

1649. Feb. 4, Hamfray, son of Mr. GeorgeManing.

1853. Aug. 6, Peter, son of Mr. George Man-ing.

1554. Aug. 6, Elizabeth, da. of Mr. GeorgeManing.

1556. June 20, John and John, sons of Mr.George Maning.

1550. March 28, Thomas, son of Mr. HenryManinge.

1557. May 29, Henry, son of Mr. Henry Man-ingo.

1558. Oct. 3, Doritio, da. of Mr. George Man-inge.

1668. Nov. 3, Anne, da. of Mr. Henry Man-

1659. No'vflb, Margaret, da. of Mr. HenryManiuge.

15GO. Juno 8, John, son of Mr. George Man-inge.

1561. Jan. 25, Thomas, son of Mr. GeorgeManiuge.

1664. May 3, Katherine, da. of Eiehard Man-inge.

1571. April 8, Anne, da. of Richard Maninge.1573. Dec, 2, Henry, son of Bichard Maninge.1686. Jan. 30, Nicholas, son of Mr. Pieter

Maninge.1587. Jan. 30, Bartholomew, son of Mr. Pieter

Maninge.1588. Feb. 2, Henrie, son of Mr. Pieter Man-

inge.1590. Oct. 26, Percivall, son of Mr. Pieter

Maninge.1591. Feb. 6, Peter, son of Mr. Peter Maninge.1593. June 29, Eliz., da. of Mr. Peter Maningo.1694. July 14, Ann, da. of Mr. Peter Maninge.

March 3, Katherine, da. of Mr. — Man-inge.

1695. Nov. 23, George, son of Mr. Peter Man-inge.

1696. Nov.1, Henry, son of Mr. — Maninge.1597. Sept. 15, Doritie, da. of Mr. Peter Man-

inge.1598. March 26, Eich., son of Mr. — Maninge.1598. Jan. 14, Kathorine, da. of Mr. Peter

Maninge.1602. Dec. 28, Edward, son of Mr. Peter Man-

inge.1613. Sept. 6, Jnmes, son of Mr. Bartholomew

Mannynge.1614. April 12, George, son of Mr. Bartholo-

mew Mannynge.

1640. Aug. 13, Mr. George Maninge nnd JoanWallis.

1560. Nov. 23, Thomas Lambert and AnneManninge.

1582. Nov. 26, Griffin Greene and ElizabethManinge.

1590. Sept. Z7, Thomas Butler als. Barton andKatherine Maninge.





June 11, Matthew Covill and AnneManinge.

July 29, Percivall Maninge and AnneWoode.

Feb. 21, Thomas Maning and MarieKnight.

1642. March 10, John Maninge the elder.1664. Aug. 6, Eose Maninge, da. of Mr. George

Maninge.1564. June 20, John and John, sons of Mr.

George Maninge.1667. Oct. 28, Nicholas, son of Mr. George

Maninge.1663. May 20, Henry, son of Mr. Henry Man-

inge.1682. May 8, Mr. George Maninge.1582. June 6, Joan Maninge, "his wyff."1696. June 30, Katherine, da. of Mr. George

Maninge.1697. Oct. 7, Dorithie, da. of Mr. Peter Man-








Oct. 6, Katherine, da. of Mr. Peter Man-inge.

Emma, the wife of Eiehard Man-inge.

July 9, Richard Maninge.July 13, George, son of Mr. Bartholo-

mew Maninge.Dec, 10, Mr. Peter Maninge.June 10, Edward Maninge, his son,April 27, Mr. Bartholomew Maninge.June 8, Maria, wife of Mr. Thomas

Maninge.Dec. 3, Phebe, da. of Henry Maninge.Feb. 5, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Peter



"Hie jacot Jolmues Maning et Agnes uxoreras filio ot coheres Joh'is Pctle do Trowemcr

qui_quidoiix Joh'es obiit A° ])"' MCCCCCxliij quor' aiabs ppieiet* Dous- Amen.

Anns:—Manning impaling Potloy.


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Aug. 4, Edward, son of Henry Man-ninge.

Oct. 8, John, son of James Manninge.April 21, Edmund, son of Henry Maa-

ninge.Jan. 3, Edmund, son of Hugh Manninge.May 9, Elizabeth, da. of James Man-

ninge.Oct. 25, Margaret, da. of Henry Man-

ninge,June 13, Jeremy son of Henry Mau-

ninge.Jan. 14, George, son of Mathewe Man-

ninge.May 12, Ann, da. of John Manninge.Nov. 29, William, son of John Manninge.Nov. 11, Henry, son of Mathew Man-

ninge.April -20, Margaret, da. of John Man-

ninge.Dec. 11, Anne, da. of Jeremy Manninge.Sept. 1, Margaret, da. of Jeremy Man-

ninge.March 30, Elizabeth, da. of Tobye Man-

ninge.Oct. 8, Elizabeth, da. of John Manninge.March 10, Edward, son of Edward Man-

ninge.Oct. as, Isaboll, da. of Jeremy Han-

ninse.Oct. 8, Richard, son of Tobye Manninge.Feb. 4, Jeremye, son of Jeremie Man-

ninge.March 14, Robert, son of Tobye Man-

ninge.Oct. 5, Tobias, son of Tobias Manninge.March 27, William son of Tobias Man-

ninge.May 6, Janet, da. of Tobias Manninge.Feb. 21, Mathew, son of Mathew Man-

ninge.Jan. 14, Jeremy, son of Jeremy Man-

ninge.Feb. 28, Benjamin, son of Mathew Man-

ninge.March 11, Anne, da. of Jeremy Man-

ninge, junyor, was borne.Feb. 16, Anne, da. of Mathew Manninge.June 26, Sarah Mannyng, da. of Jeremy

Mannyng, junyor, was borne.Feb. 11, Nicholas, son of Mathew Man-

ning.April 20, Edward, son of Edward Man-

nyng, Esq.

1657. Oct. i, Elizabeth, da. of Edward Man-nyng.

1658. March 15, Thomas, son df Edward Man-nyng.

1660. May 22, Anne, da. of Edward Mannyng.1661. Nov. 10, Charles, son of Edward Man-

nyng, Esq.1663. Got. 8, Katherine, da. of Edward Man-

nyng.1664. John, the son of Jeremy Mannyng, was

born the 23 day of November and wasbaptized the 14 day of December.

1668. Feb. 24, Jeremy Mannyng, son of Jere-my Mannyng, born.

1670. Anne Mannyng, the da. of Jeremy Man-nyng, was born the 26 day of Augustand was baptized the 22 day of De-cember.

1675. Nov. 1, flfary, da. of Jeremiah Mannyng.1675. Nov. 16, Mary, da. of Jeremiah Man-

nyng.1675. December 19, Ann, da. of Benjamin Man-

nyng.1678. Sept. 10, Frances, da. of Jeremyah Man-

nyng.1680. Nov. 26, Sarah, da. of Jeremiah Man-

nynge.1681. Nov. 29, John, son of Nicholas Man-

ny nge.1681. March 23, Katherine, da. of Jeremiah

Munnynge.1683. June 11, Mary, da. of Nicholas Man-

nyng.1685. July 9, Joanna, da. of Nicholas Man-

ByngO,1686. April 10, Edward, son of Mr. Edward

Mannyng, junior.1687. May 4, Anne, da. of Mr. Edward Man-

DYDir.1688. May 1, Richard, son of Mr. Edward

Mannyng.1689. July 5, Elizabeth, da. of Mr. Edward

Mannyng.1693. July 6, Edward, son of Mr. Edivard

Mannyng, born; baptized July 12th.1695. Nov. 18, Mary, da. of Mr. Edward

Mannyng. ,1697. April 9, Richard, son of Mr. Edward

Mannyng. .1702. July 10, Henry, son of Mr. Edward

Mannyng. . ,1703. Sept. 14, William, son of Mr. Edward



1680. Jan. 26, Henry Dunmole and OMyoManningc.

1584. May 17, Richard Manninge and SusannaWood.

1686. Dec. 22, John Botlyo and Ursula Man-ninge.

i611. May 24, Tobye Mannynge and MargaretMilles.

1613. Jan. 30, John Roise and Elizabeth Man-ninge.

1638. May 8, John Brooke and MargarettMunnyng.

1638. Nov. 13, Mathew Mannynge and AnneHalfpenny.

1670. June 19, Thomas Gawtone and AnnoManning.

nOS. Feb. 6, John Mannyng- and Ann Bean.1707. March 30, Mr. Stephen Parker and Mrs.

Anne Mannyng, widow.

1583. May 3, John, the son of William Man-ninge.

1583. May 25, Thomas Manninnin

. nninge.1683. July 9, Elinor, the wife of Thomas Man-

ninge.1684. Aug. 31, Edmund, son of Hugh Man-


1585. July 12, Margaret, wife of John Botlye.1603. June 22, Katherine, wife of Henry Man-

ninge.1603. Oct. 16, Thomas Manninge.1604. Jan. 22, Richard Mannynge, junior.1606. Sept. 26, Kiohard Mannynge the elder.

Page 27: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,


1008. July 10, Samuel! Mannynge, eon ofHenry.

1611. July 30, Henry, son of Mathew Man-ninge.

1614. June 16, Henry Maninge, gent.1617. March 25, Frances, wife of James Man-

ninge.1618. Nov. 1, Elizabeth, the da. of Tobye

Maningo.1631 Aug. 28, Elizabeth, the da. of Johu

Maning.1621. Sept. 12, Eieharde, the sonne of Tooby

JManinge.1624. Nov. 18, George Manninge.I(i28. June 20, Eiehard the son of Edward

Maning, gent.

1630. May 20, Elizabeth Boise.1631. Sept. 15, Katheriue Mannyng.1638. Sept. 7, Jane, the daughter of Tohiaa

Manning.1640. Feb. 11, Edward Mannynge, gent.1666. April 2, Tobias Mannynge, gent.1670. May 25, William Mannyug, gent.1671. Nov. 14, John Manning.1673. April 1, Thomas, the son of Jeremias

Manninge.1674. Oct. 6, Ann Manning, wife of Matthew

Manning.1676. Jan. 24, Sarah, the daughter of Jeremins

Manning.1678. Oct. 24, Mary, da. of Nicolas Maniug.1679. April 1, Mary, daughter of Ben. Mamng.



On Brass Plate." Here Richard Manning Jies, who sone of Tho. Mailing came

He dwelt & dyed at Manings Hall old Homestalle to y* nameZelovs of Gods trvth, hateing sin to honest men right kindeHovskeper good & joyed mvch to welcome frem & fryndGood wif a helper fit he had assisted with Gods graceIn fvl ripe yeres he died & hath a blessed placeHee departed Septemb. 22° A° 1605 the 72 yere of his age."

Arms:—On a cross patonce, between four trefoils a crescent.

On a Brass Plate." Here lyeth bvryed the body of Richard Manning sone of John Manning, Gent., who

tooke to wife Rachael one of ye davghters and coheyres of William White of Hamsteedin Middlesex with whome having happily lyved to the service of God and reliff of theppore 39 yeares in the 63 yeare of his age he dyed withovt issve the 18 of Janvory 1604bis wife yet svrviving pyrposeth by Gods permission to be here interred by him at hirdeath, in whose fellowship she enjoyed y<* comfort of her life."

" Here lyeth intered the body of Cap* Nicosius Russell Cittizen of London who mar-ried Ann y« Daughter of Jeremiah Manning of this Parish who had by her issue twosons and four daughters. He departed this life y° 12th No1"* Anno Dni 1701 aged 59yeares and 4 months."

" Under a stone in the chancel lyes buried the Body of Thomas Mannyng of CliffordsInn London Gent, and of y° exchequer office, second son of Edw. Mannyng Esq. of thisParish, he dyed unmarried the 16 day of November in the year of our Lord 1704."

Arms:—A cross pal once between four trefoils.

On a Black Marble Gravestone." Here lyelh Edward Mannyng son of Edward Mannyng Esq. & Ann his wife,

daughter to Gefrey Nightingale of Newport Pond in Essex Esq. He dyed Feb. llthAnno Domini 1640 being the 65th yeare of his age, and she August the 14th annodomini 1659 in the 79th year of her age. Richard Mannyng Esq. died April the 24th1753 aged 54 years."

Above the inscription are the following arms :—1 and 4, Manning; 2, Cherfold;3, Broekhill j and below, the arms of Manning impaling per pale ermine and —a rose.

North side of Communion fable, on a Boarded. Panel." This altar was erected by Stephen Parker Esq. and Ann his wife daughter of Sir

Henry Onslow, to the happy memory of her three children, Edward, Elizabeth, andAnn Manning, who all died single and are interred in the chancel by then1 father Ed-ward Manning Esq."


T 2

Page 28: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,


On a Black Sfarble Gravestone.

Quarterly, 1 and4, Manning; 2, Chirfold; 3, Broekhill;—impaling Onslow." Hero lycth interred tho body of Edward Mannyng the son of Edward Mannyng

Esqro. who married the only daughter of Sir Henry Onslow of Drungwick in the countyof Sussex Ent., who had issue by her 16 children 9 whereof are hero interred leavingElizabeth, Edward, Ann, Mary, itichard and Thomas Mannyng now liveing. He dyedthe 23d of December 1703 aged 49 years."

0)i a flat Stone, partly covered by Pews.

" In Mem . . . Mrs. Ann W . . . late of this Parish . .. this life the 20 ... aged 67years. She was granddaughter to Jeremiah Manning late of this parish Gent. AlsoMr. Jeremiah Abbott late of this Parish who departed this life March 23, 1782, aged 77years. Also of Mr. Jeremiah Abbot Child who died Sept. 6, 1868, aged 71 years.


In Middle Aisle,

" Here lyoth interred tho body of Henry Manning who departed this life tho 5th dayof October 1725 aged 72 years,"

" Iloro lioth the body of Sarah Manning wife of Honry Manning who departed thislife the 16th of October 1718 aged 58 years."

" Here lyeth the body o f . . . laun Mannyng who departed this lifo May 12th 1679 :ngoil 54 years."

Page 29: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,

[%* The additions hi brackets are mostly from a Genealogical Accountof the Oxendens, compiled about the middle of the seventeenth century, byHenry Oxenden, of Barbara, from charters, etc., in his possession.]

(Da-cnbim.[Solomon Oxinden "de Oxinden in Nunnington" =F [Jocosa, da. of Alexander Den, of Den.]temp. Edw. III. j bu. at Nonington. Oxenden MS.]

j. 277.)

[Allan Oxinden, alive 1336.] =j= [Eichard Oxinden (?), Prior of Canterbury, ob, Aug. 4, 1338 jbu. in St. Michael's Chapel, in Canterbury Cathedral.]

[Eichard Oxinden of Wingham, eldest son, alive 41 Edw. III.; bu. at Nonington.] T-

Richardus Oxenden de Wingham. [Alive? B. II-; bu.in =i= Isabella de Twitham [or Twiston, da. of TheobaldSt. John's Chapel in Wingham Church. Twiston of Godniston, by a da. of Septvans, " ex qua

«mi_* -n*-i j j'j i *„ \-i~ »™ r* T.nn~s«-»i3nr. «.nYM-iif All^vMiYv* f\oT^iviflin.TYi Rfmlt.pYYi wmMvt.Tiinn ""This Richard did beare in his arraes a Leopardesheade fulfaced gold issuing out of a coronet gules."]

genuit Allanum de TwithaOxenden MS.].


Johannes Oxenden de Wingham films ethceres [of Wool- =f Isabella fllia Retling de Nonington, alibi Ratling [da. of. * , -«-Tr Tr-r i > ,* t i i fir* i T T>I«1-(] J« T?r.J-?Jtt» T»«r 4-Vin fin on/1 liaiw rt-P ^/-tllj-inTwieh, temp. H. VI.; bu. in the same chapel at Wingham]. Rich"1 de Ratling, by the da. and heir, ].

Johannes Oxenden de Wingham [1431; ob. 1440; -p Jana filia . . . Dene,bu. in the same Chapel at Wingham], T

[Robertas filius natu minimus Johannis e =p [Jana Colkill decorpore Isabella Ratling, ob. circ. 1438.] Nunington.]

[John a Wode.] = [2 Alice . ..] T= Richardus Oxeuden de Wingham sine prole. = Jana filia . ..I [" filius unicus Johannis e corpore Janse Wenderton.

I I[Agnes.


Godneston eediflcabatur, obiit anno 1469"].

2 Thomas Oxenden de Reculver ["fuit filius = Jamafilia ... Orlestonnatu seeundus Johannis Oxenden de Wool- " " 'wich senioris e corpore Elizabethee Ratling,ob. 1430 "]. [1459. Faussett MS.]

vel Urleston nxordioti Thomto.

[Isabella m. NicholasSprakeling, of St.Lawrence in Tlumet.]

Johannes Brooker =rde co. Sussexiee.

Thomas Oxenden de Dene, ob. 1492. [" jacet in eecl. S. Mai™ =p Elizabetha filia . . . Rainscroft.Magd. ad veterem piscariam placeam Londini"]. [of London, fishmonger].

Edwardus Oxenden de Dene in == Alicia filia . . . Barton,parochia de Wingham. '

Willielmus Oxenden, = [Anna vidua Malketis.]s. p.

Johannes Brooker de =f= Dorothea filia Joh'is Sampson decivit. Cantuariensi. Spelmonden prope Goodhirst.

Henricus Brooker de = Elizabetha filia Joh'iscivit. p'diet. Warren de Dover.

Willielmus Oxenden de Wingham. [ob. = Elizabetha filia . . . Hills.p. 1576; bu. in the same oh. at Wingham.] [Elizabetha Hyles].

[2 Thomasine, daughter = Henriens Oxenden deDene. ["Hiereliquit Brooke = 1 Elizabetha filia . . . Young.of Vincent Sea.]

Richardus Oxenden = Mabilia Wright.I

Maria nx. Georgii Harlakenden.

et sedineavit Dene, anno 1582; nat. circ. 1513; ob.apud Dene, lmo Aug. 1597;" bur. in same eh. atWingham, 5 Aug.]

[vidua Johannis Sea, gen.].[Francisca Oxenden.Faussett MS.]

Maria nupta Tho. Hardresde Hardres, ar.

Jacobus Brooker de Mayde- =f= Cecilia filia Joh'is Alder-ken, [ob. 1593 ; ret. 60;bu. in Denton Church.Will dated 14 Jan. 1593].

ston de Littleborne. [ob.May, 1605. Will dated8 April and proved 2 July,1605].

3 Thomas, s. p.[ob. ceelebs.]

1 Edwardus Oxenden de Brooke in paroohia de = Alicia filia Edwardi Fowler de IseldonWingham ar. filius et h»res. [ob. Feb. 6,1615]. juxta London, [sister of Thomas Fowler,

of Islington, Esq.].

4 Christopherus, s. p.

5 Willielmus.

Maria, nupta BartholomreoSaunders, de Minster, inThanet.

2 [Mary Theobald] = 2 Henricus Oxenden de Dene filius seeundus Miles = Elizabetha filia unica et hseres Jacobi Brookerob. s. p. superstes 1619. [bo. at Dene, ciro. 1549 ; ob. May 25,

1620; bu. at Wingham. Knighted Feb. 17, 1606].de Maydeken in parochia de Barham. [obiitSept. 2,1588, jacet prope maritum suum].

I I1 Mercy nuptaRich'do Walton[Waltham, F. MS.],de London, mercatori.[bapt.Sept.17,1578],

2 Jana [bapt. Julii13,1580], nuptaWill'mo Wade [deBilson, in Suff.].

I I3 Katharina uxorAnthonii Saunders.[bapt.Sept.26,1582].

4 Prisoilla, uxorWillielmi Leonard[Lennard], de Dover,jurat ibid. [bapt. Jan.17,1584].

6 Margareta uup^aW'mo Brigham.[bapt.Sept.24,1587].

6 Elizabetha, uxorThomse Harflete[bapt. Maii 22,1586].

Willielmus Oxenden = Dorothea filiade Brooke, ar. [bapt. Rodolphi Grove,apud Wingham, Sept. [Ralph Grove,22, 1588; obiit 7 attorney of St. Gre-April, 1657, s. p.]. gory's, Canterbury].

2 Henrious Oxenden. = . . . . ignobilis.I

[baptiz. apudWingham, Sept. 22,1588 ; obiit Oct. 12,1647].

[Maria Fendall].1 Jacobus Oxenden de Dene Miles, hodie superstes1619. [" baptz. apud Wingham, Aug. 28, 1586,equestri honore exornatus apud Whitehall, Nov. 17,1608; ob. apud Dene, Sept. 24,1657 ;" bu. in hischapel at Wingham].

[Henricus Oxenden, = [Margareta, filia natude Broke, bapt. Sept. maxima Richardi9,1620; marr. Sept. Masters, armigeri.]28, 1653.]

[Gulielmus, bapt.May 27, 1623, ob.s.p.]

1 [Eatharina.

2 Maria, bapt. Jun.14,1626.]

[3 Anna, bapt. Apr.1630.]

I 1 21 Henrious Oxenden = [Maria, filia = [.miles et bar.; ob.1686. [bo. at Herne,Apr. 28,1614 ; kted.June 11,1660 ; cr.Bart. 8 May, 1678.]

Roberti Baker,de St. Martin'sin Fields, inco. Midd.]

[Maria, filia iiniea, vixit annosciro. 4; bap' Nov. 10,1643.]

[Elizabetha, filiaGulielmi Merideth,de Leedes, Baronetti;ob. Aug. 19, 1659,marr. at Leeds, Aug,14,1610.]

= [Elizabetha, filia etcoh. Gul. Read deFolkston et viduaMarci Dixwell deBrome armig'; ob.1691, s. p.; marr.Feb. 18,1661; willproved 1692.]

2 JacobusOxenden. [nat.apud Dene,Julii 6, 1615;bu. in chapel •at Wingham,Feb. 10, 1638,ob. c£el.].

[3 GeorgiusOxenden,bapt. atWingham,Apr. 6,1620;kted. 1660.Governor ofBombay.]

[4 Gulielmus, nat.Apr. 2,1625; dyedin France, aged about14 yeares.]

[5 Christopherus,bapt. apud Dene,anno 1626 ; ob. 1659,csel.]

6 SibyllaOxenden.[bapt. apudWingham,Junii 2,1612 job. at. 20].

I ! I1 Anna uxor Ric'i Masterde East Langden in com.Kant. [bapt. Aug. 23, 1607].

2 Maria uxor Hen. James,[bapt. Jan. 6, 1608].

3 Elisabetha uxor Will'iDalison. [bapt. Jan. 22,1610;obiit 1665; sep. apud Clerk-enwell, Mar. 21,1665].

Maria filia ThomseNevinson de Estreyar. [Margaret Nevin-son, jn. Sept. 27,1605. Sister to SirRoger Nevinson].

2 Richardus Oxenden de = Katharina filia AdoeHerne et postea de Barhamfil. 2. [nat. apud Dene, Jul.30, 1588 ; baptiz. Aug. 4sequent.; ob. apud GreatMaydeken, Maii 20, 1629 ;bu. at Denton; marr. Jan.11, 1607. Will dated 12May, 1629].

Sprackling, militis. [de par.S. Pauli, in civ. Cant.;bapt. Jul. 23, 1587; ob.Dec. 3, 1642. Will datedNov. 24,1642].

4 Margaretauxor Bromfieldde Iddymore.[bapt. Maii 27,1617].

5 Jana, [bapt.Aug. 12, 1618;m. Sir ThomasPiers, Bart., June4,1637].

[2 Catharina,:filia JacobiCulling, deSouth Bar-ham, marr,Sept. 15,1640.]

[1 Jacobus, nat. apudDene; bapt. Apr. 4,1641; m. 1st,Elizabeth, da. andheir, of EdwardChute, 2d, Arabella,sister of Lewis, Earlof Rockingham; ob.1785, s. p.]

[Sir Henry, Bart.,Deputy-Governor ofBombay, ob. s. p.1709.]

[3 Gulielmus, bapt.at Dene, Oct. 28,1650; bu:Jul. 9,1652.]

•• 1 Henricus =Oxenden, de

Barham. [bor.in St. Paul'sparish ofCanterbury,Jan. 18,1608; bapt.Jan. 22.

[4 Georgius Oxenden, LL.D., bo. at =Dene; bapt. Oct. 31,1651; Masterof Trinity Hall, Cambridge; ob.Feb. 21,1702. Hasted MS.]

[5 Richardus Oxenden, bo. at Dene,1652 ; m. Mary, da. and coh. ofHenry Oxenden, of Brooke. Eliz.,his heir., m. Strensham Master.]

[Elizabeth,da. of SirBasil Dixwell,of Broome,Bart., d. Sept.1704.]

[6 Christopherus,bapt. apud Dene,Nov. 2, 1665;died inB. Indies.]

7 Gulielmus,bapt. apud Dene,Julii 17,1659.

[1 Susanna,m. Sir RobertBrooke, ChiefJustice ofIreland.]

[2 Elizabetha,ob. Maii 10,1661.]

g! Margaret, sep.ct. 25,1650.]

[4 Jana, nata apudDene, bapt. Apr. 2,1654; marriedWilliam Penrice,and had four chil-dren.]

[Sir Henry Oxenden, Bart., = [Anne, da. of John Halloway;M.P. for Sandwich at his m. 2ndly, Richard, Earl ofdeath in 1720; ob. s. p.] Bellamont; ob. 1723.]

[Sir George Oxenden, Bart.,born 1694; ob. Jan. 9,1775.]

[5 Anna, bapt. Apr.2,1654; married toThomas Belk, D.D.,Preb. of Cant.]

[6 Maria, bapt. apudWingham, Martij 30,1658; marriedDr. John Battley,Archd. of Cant.]

1 Anna filia Sa-muelis PeytonBaronetti. ["nataapud Knolton, Maii26,1612; marr.Deo. 28, 1632; ob.apud Great. Mayde-ken, Aug. 28, 1640,jacet in saerario deDenton."]

2 Jacobus, [de Goodneston, bo. 1612 ; m. Maria,da. and h. of John Ridley, Rector of Preston,1642 ; ob. Sept. 5,1660].

3 Rieardus. [bapt. apud Barham, Dec. 12,1613].

[4 Adam, nat. 1612; ob. Oxon. 1643.]

1 Katharina. [bo. 1610; m. Thomas Barrow].

2 Elizabetha. [bo. 1616 ; m. Jacob Love],

[1 Catherina,nata apud Gt.Maydeken,Oct. 29,1644..]

[2 Maria,nata apud Gt.Maydeken,July 17,1648; ob. 1stMarch, 1649;bu. at Don-ton.]

[3 Anna, nataapud Gt.Maydeken,Feb. 4, 1649;ob. Mar. 1sequent.; bu.at Denton.]

[Elizabeth, da. and coh. of Edmund [James, diedDuneh, of Little Wittenhom, Berks, an infant."]ob. January 10,1779, at. 76.]

ThomasOxenden.[natus apudGt. Maydeken,1633;m,Eliz.,da. and h. ofFrancis Ed-wards, ofNowds, inLynsted,1652;ob. 1668 ;bu. in St.George's,Southwark],

Oxenden.[nata apudMaydeken,Apr. 17,1635;m. to JohnHobart, ofQuarrington,in Mersham].

ElisabethaOxenden.[nata apudBarham, Maii26, 1636; m.1st to ThomasWood, Rectorof Staple,Aug. 2,1655,2ndly, July 7,1666, to Mr.AndrewSmythet, ofBuckland].

[Henrieus,natus, bapt.and ob. April22, 1637.]

[Sir Henry Oxenden, Bart.,born Feb. 1,1725, and others.] [Richardus Oxonden, nat. apud Great Maydekeu,

in Bavham, Novemb. 6,1655.]

Page 30: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,


To all true Christen people these pre-sent letters seynt or hering humble re-comendation by mee, G-yan King atteArmes of the Duche of Gyan. It is soethat many persons been moued of nobleand gentile courage to exercise vertuousmanners and conditions by the which, withGoddes grace, shal come to the perfec-tion of great honour. Of which persons,and aforesaid one in especial, whose nameis John Oxinden, gentylman, tenderly pray-ing and requiring mee the sayd Gyan Kingat Armes, to search for the armes of theseyde John. Wliereuppon I, the seydeG-yan King atte Armes, atte prayer, in-stance, and request of the seyde John, hauemade herein due search, and found theright armes of the seyde John as their pro-genitors tyme out of mynde have bornethem. That is to say, hee beareth Syluoriij Oxen salmi, armed with gooldys, acheueryn of the same. Which armes Iconferme to the seyde John Oxinden, andto the heires of his body lawfully begottenwithout impediment of any person for euer-more. In witnes whereof to these letters Ihaue sette the seale of myne armes and mysigne manual the sixt day of February, inthe xxiiij yeare of the raigne of KingHarry the Sixt.


Arms:—Quarterly; 1 and 4, Oxenden. 2 and 3, Brookor.

"This above written is a true copye of on antient original in the hands of ray cozin,Major Henry Oxiuden, of Brooke, in "Wingham. Witness mee Hen. Oxinden, ofDenton, olim de Barham.

"Memorandum that Elias Ashmole, Esq., Winsor herauld, and Sr Edward Walker,K', Garter King att Armes, when in the yeare 1664 I showed them the testimonialmentioned under Gyan King att Armos of the Duehe of Gyan, they were muchpleased at the sight thereof, and said the like was not easily to be seen.

" Jan. 12, 1642. My cozin Philpot, the herald, told meo that our ehrcst was giuen inthe tune of Henry the Sixt.

" Memorandum that S' James Oxinden, KS hath a will of one Richard Oxindcn, ofWingham (which hee showed mee), dated Sept. 16, anno regni rcgis Ed. 4 post con-questum none, viz. 1469, whereby it appeareth that John Oxinden was father ofliichard Oxinden, and had to wife one Agnes, and Ridmrrt to wife one Alice, upon thelabel ot which will the scale of the same coate of arines tho Oxindens now use is im-pressed."—' Oxenden Diary,' liy Henry Oxenden, of Barham.


Page 31: Jfisitatiott 0f % Coxmtg of fUnt,




157-|. Feb. 17, Mercy Oxenden, daughter ofEdward Oxenden.

1680. July 13, Jane Oxenden, daughter of Ed-ward Oxenden.

1682. Sept. 26, Katherine Oxenden, daughterto Edward Oxenden.

168-J-. Jan. 17, Priscilla Oxenden, daughter toEdward Oxenden.

1585. April 4, Elizabeth Oxenden, daughter ofHenry Oxenden.

1586. May 22, Elizabeth Oxenden, daughter ofEdward Oxenden.

1686. Aug. 28, James Oxenden, son of HenryOxenden.

1587. Sept. 24', Margaret Oxenden, daughterof Edward Oxenden.

1588. Aug. 4, Eiehard Oxenden, son of HenryOxenden.

Sept. 22, William Oxenden and HenryOxenden, twin sons of Edward Oxen-den.

1607. Aug. 23, Anna, daughter of Mr. JamesOxenden, " and buried in Feb. 1704."[This is a subsequent addition to ori-ginal entry J

160J. Jan. 6, Mary Oxenden, daughter of SirJames Oxenden, Knight.

16J-5-. Jan. 22, Elizabeth Oxenden, daughter ofSir James Oxenden, Knight.

1612. June 2, Sibilla Oxenden, daughter of SirJames Oxenden, Knight.

1615. July 6, James Oxinden, son of Sir JamesOxinden, Kt.

1617. May 27, Margaret Oxenden, daughter ofSir James Oxenden, Knt.

1618. Aug. 2, Jane Oxenden, daughter of SirJames Oxenden, Knt.

1620. April 6, George Oxinden, son of SirJames Oxinden, Knt.

1620. Sept. 9, Henry Oxinden, son of HenryOxinden.

1623. May 27, William Oxinden, son of HenryOxinden.

1625. April 26, William Oxinden, son of SirJames Oxinden.

1626. June 14, Mary, daughter of Mr. HenryOxiuden.

162-?. Feb. 4, Christopher, son of Sir JamesOxinden, Knight.

1630. April 1, Anne Oxinden, daughter ofHenry Oxinden, gentleman.

1641. Aprils, James Oxinden, sonof Henry Ox-inden, Esquire, andElizabeth his wife.

1649. Aug. 6, Jane Oxenden.1650. Oct. 28, William Oxinden, SOB of Mr.

Henry Oxinden, Esquire.1651. Oct. 31, George Oxinden.165§. March 16, Richard Oxinden, son of Mr.

Henry Oxinden, Esquire.1654. April 2, Anne Oxinden.1655. Nov. 22, Christopher Oxinden, son of

Mr. Henry Oxinden, Esquire.1668. March 30, Mary Oxinden, daughter of

Mr. Henry Oxinden, Esquire.1658. August 17> Mary Oxendeu, daughter of

Henry Oxendeu, of Brooke.1659. July 25, William Oxenden.1659. Dee. 24, Elizabeth Oxenden, daughter of

Henry Oxenden, of Brooke.166J. Mar. 20, Henrietta, daughter of Mr.

HenryOxenden, of Brooks, gentleman.1663. Nov. 20, Henry Oxinden, son of Mr.

Henry pxinden, gentleman.1665. Deo. 22, Richard Oxinden, son of Captain

Henry Oxtnden.166J. Feb. 16, Sibilla Oxinden.1674. June 29, Mistress Elizabeth, daughter of

Sir James Oxinden, Knight, and theLady Elizabeth his wife.

1691. Sept. 18, Elizabeth, daughter of RichardOxinden, of Brooke, Esquire, andMary his wife.

1585. Jan- 9, William Brooker, son of PaulBrooker.

1613. July 11, Alice Brooker, daughter of Wil-liam Brooker.

1616. Oct. 22, Dorothea Brooker, daughter ofWilliam Brooker.

161-J. March 14, George Broker, son of WilliamBroker.

162°-. Feb. 27, Paul Brooker, son of WilliamBrooker.

1623. April 21, Ann, daughter of WilliamBrooker.

1625. Sept. 7, Dorothy, daughter of WilliamBroker.

1627. June 8, Alice, daughter of WilliamBrooker.

1628. Aug. 31, William, son of WilliamBrooker.

1631. May 8, Elizabeth Broker, daughter ofWilliam Brooker.

1641. Sept. 19, Edward, son of Henry and Ka-therine Brooker.


157y. Jan. 20, Edward Oxenden, gentleman,and Alice Fowler.

1598. April 24, Edward Brooke [of Barham,yeoman] and Mary Oxenden.

1605. Sept. 27, Mr. James Oxenden and Mrs.Margaret Nevinsonn.

1620. April 27, Mr. Henry Oxinden and Mary[blank].

162$. Jan. 2, Bichard Masters, gentleman, andAnn Oxinden.

1636. July 24, Mr. Thomas Barrow and Mrs.Katherine Oxinden.

163J. June 4, Mr. James Piers and Mrs. JaneOxinden, by licence.

1687. Sept. 21, Mr. Kichard Oxinden, of Deane,and Mrs. Mary Oxinden, of Brooke.

1(509. Nov. 16, Thomas Tanner and Dorothy Brookor.

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April 10, William Oxenden, Esquire.July 2, Christopher Oxenden, son of

Henry Oxenden.May 2, Elizabeth Oxenden, daughter of

Henry Oxenden.Sept. 2, Elizabeth Oxenden, wife of

Henry Oxenden.Aug. 5, Mr. Henry Oxenden the elder,

Esquire.Feb. 6, Alice Oxinden, wife of Edward

Oxinden, Esquire.May 27, Sybill Oxenden, daughter of Sir

James Oxenden, Knight.Dee. 8, Edward Oxenden, gentleman.S-- Henry Oxinden, E'.Nov. 12, Mr. William Oxinden.Dec. 27, Lady Mary Oxinden.Feb. 10, Mr. James Oxinden.Oct. 24, Mary, daughter of Henry Oxin-

den, gentleman.Nov. 10, Mrs. Mary Oxinden, daughter

of Mr. Henry Oxinden, Esquire.Oct. 12, Henry Oxinden, gentleman.Sept. 23, Anne Oxinden.Oct. 25, Margaret Oxinden, daughter of

Mr. Henry Oxinden, Esquire.July 9, William Oxiuden.April 9, Mr. William Oxinden.

1657. Sept. 26, Sir James Oxinden, Knight.1669. Aug. 20, Mrs. Elizabeth Oxenden, wife

of Sir Henry Oxenden, Knight.166J. Jan. 20, William Oxinden, son of Sir

Henry Oxinden, Knight.167§. Jan. 5, Mrs. Oxinden, widow.1676. Aug. 19, Mrs. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir

James Oxinden, Knight, and the LadyElizabeth his wife.

1676. Sept. 11, Henrietta, daughter of Lieut.-Col. Oxinden and Mrs. Margaret hiswife.

1684. Dec. 4, Mistress Anne Oxinden, daughterof Lieut.-Col. Henry Oxinden.

168J-. Feb. 8, William Oxiuden, gentleman,eldest son of Henry Oxinden, ofBrooke, Esquire.

1680. Aug. 28, Sir Henry Oxinden, of Deane,Knight and Baronet.

169J. Jan. 23, The Lady Elizabeth Oxinden,widow and relict of the HonourableSir Henry Oxinden, Knight and Baro-net, deceased.

1694. Dec. 31, Lieut.-Col. Henry Oxinden, ofBrook.

1696. Lady Elizabeth Oxenden, wife of SirJames Oxenden, Knight and baronet,deceased. Died Nov. 1, buried Nov. 7.

1689. Nov. 13, Josias Brooker, son of Paul• Brooker.1612. May 13, Paul Brooker.1622. Nov. 11, Dorothy Brooker, daughter of

William Brooker.162-J. March 21, Widow Broker.

1625. May 1, Alice Broker.1625. Sept. 25, Dorothy Broker.1627. June G, Alice Brooker.168}. Feb. 3, William Brooker,lesj. Feb. 10, Alice Brooker.

MAEDBIf BE0ISTEB.166-5. March, Abraham Broker, buried.166-5. April, Jane Broker, wife of John Broker,

buried.1670. March 11, James Broker, son of Eobert

Broker, bapt.167£. Nov. 17, Solomon Broker, son of Eobert

Broker, burd.Deo. 18, James Broker, son of Eobert

Brooker, buxd.157-1-. Oct. 5, Solomon Brooker, son of Eobert

Brooker, bapt.157-J. Nov. 2, Margery Brooker, da. of Eobert

Brooker, bapt.158J-. Feb. 17, Elizabeth Brooker, burd.1689. April 14, Thomas Brooker, burd.1689. Sept. 13,—Broker, da. of George Broker,

bapt.1693. June 3, Elizor, the da. of Solomon

Broker, bivpt.1696, April 4, Eobert Brooker, son of Solomon

Brooker, xd.

1599. Dec. 27, Eichard, sou of SolomonBrooker, xd,

160-J. Oct. 2, Solomon, sou of Eobert Brooker,xd.

160-J. July 1, Eichard, the son of SolomonBrooker, burd.

160J. March 12, Margaret, the da. of SolomonBrookor, xd.

1610. April 9, Mary, da. of Jonas Brooker,xd.

1611. Sept. 21, widdowe Brooker buried.1812. January 10, Anne, da. of Jonas Brooker,

xd.1612. Jan. 20, Abraham Harper & Catherine

Brooker, married.1612. Sept. 8, Marie, wife of Thomas Brooker,

burd.1613. Oct. 24, John Brooker & Jone Yeedis,

mar11.Wit. Jan. 16, John Woodgatt & Elizab.

Brooker married.

1629. May 23, Eichard Oxinden, gent., of theparish of Barbara, buried.

163£. April 23, Henry, son of Henry and AnnOxinden, buried.

163J. April 23, Henry, son of Henry and AnnOxinden, of Barham, buried.

1640. August 30, Ann Oxinden, the wife of

DENTON MQ-ISTEE.Henry Oxinden, of Barbara, buried.

167?. June 17, Mr Henry Oxinden (clarke)buried.

167-J. December 25, Mary, d aughter of MKatherine Oxinden, buried.

169g. September 18, Mr» Oxinden, widow,buried.

1593. February 7, was buried Jeames Broker,gentleman, as he required in his lastwill.

160-J. April 23, was buried M™Ceoiley Brookerwidow, of Barham,

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1011. June 15, Margaret, daughter of RichardOxenden, gentleman.

1612. Aug. 10, James, son of Richard Oxeuden,Rent.

1612. Dec. 12, Richard Oxenden, son of Rieh-ord Oxenden, gentleman.

162J. Feb. 4, Adam, son of M'Hichard Oxen-den, Esquire.

163 J. Feb. 27, Thomas, son of Henry Oxinden,gentleman.

1G35. April 16, Margaret, daughter of Henryand Elizabeth Oxinden.

1636. June 3, Elizabeth, daughter of Henryand Elizabeth Oxindon.

1G37. April 22, Henry, son of Henry and AnnOxinden.

1655. Nov. 6, Richard, son of M' ThomasOxinden.


1581. May 22, Henry Oxendon and ElizabethBroker.

1842, Sept. 16, Henry Oxinden, gentleman,and Katherine Cullen [aged 18].


1629. May 22, Mt. Richard Oxenden, carriedout of the pariah and buried at Donton.

1637. April 23, Henry, son of Henry Oxinden,gentleman, was carried out of the pa-rish and buried tit Denton.

BU RIALS.1830.


Feb. 18, Sir Henry Oxindon, widower, ofDeane, to Madam Elizabeth Dixwcll,widow of Barlium.

Aug. 30, Ann Oxinden was carried outof the parish and buried at Denton.

August 30, Ann Oxinden, gent., (sir)was carried out of this parish and bu-ried at DentJn.



1GOJ. Jan. 22, Henry, son of Richard Oxenden, I 1610. June 28, Catherine, daughter of Richardgentleman. | Oxendon.


160{. J»n. 11, Richard Oxenden, of Wingham, and Catherine Sprncilinge, of Canterbury, bylicence.


HAEKIAGES.1609. Margaret Oxenden, of Wingham, and

William Brigham, A.M.1613. Wm. Oxenden, of Wingham, gent., and

Dorothy Grove, of St. Gregories, Cant.1618. Prispilla Oxenden and William Leonard,

of Dover, Juratp.1620. Henry Oxenden, of Wingham, gent., rot.

30, married Mary Vmall, ret. 30, ofWinglmm.

1632. Henry Oxenden, of Barium, gent., mt.23, married Anno, da. of Sir Saml.Peyton, Knt. & Bart., rot. 20.

1037. Jane Oxendon married Thomas Vearse.1610. Henry Oxenden, of \Vingliam, widr.,

mar. Mrs. Elis. Meredith, of LeedsCastle, da. of Sir Wm., Knt. & Bart.,Sir James Oxonden, Knt., his father,living.





James Oxenden, of Goodneston, Kt. 29,mar. Mary, relict of John Pattison, ofPreston, deed.

Elis. Oxinden, of Barliam, lot. 29, mar-ried James Loue, of Preston, nr. Fe-versham, gent., rot. 40.

Elis. Oxinden, of Ospringe, rot. 21, da. ofMary, then the wife of Thomas Cutor,Vicar of Ospringo, married RobertCumberland, vicar of Ohilham.

Elis., widow of Thomas Oxiudon, of Os-pringe, gent., married Peter Green-street, of Ospringo, rot. 25.

Margaret Oxinden, of Wingliam, cet. 2(i,married John Bonaldn, of Woodnes.borough, gont., tot. 27-


[From tho Diary of Henry Oxenden, of Sarfiam.1

I layd tho 4 graue stones in Denton cnancol up on my ancestors, and sale" [1639-tip the armes in"fcb.oivindows.]

" ITic jacnt Jacobvs Broolcpv do Maydolccn in Barbara, Goncrosus, cui fait unica prolesl!lij;ab«t.iia <(uam Ilcnricva Osindon do Dene Miles in coii'ubiu' cluxit. idem Hcnl'ievspi Klinabotha jucenl in ucclcsia do Wiugliam. pruiilictus Jacobvs obiit an' dni 1693.Mi. circiler 60.

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" llio etiam jacet llichardvs Oxinden filius secundus Henrioi Oxinden militis, ethasres Jacob! Brooker, obiit 20 Maii, 1620. Vixit annos 40, menses 9, dies 5.

" Hie jacet Honricvs filius sccundus Ilenrici Oxinden et Anna? vxoris ejus ob. bap-tizatus 22 Ap. an» dni 1637.

"Hie jacet Katherina uxor Richard! Oxinden et filia dilectissima Adami Sprakelingmilitis ob. Dec. 3,1642. Vixit annos eireiter 56.

" Hie jacet Hemicvs Oxinden filius uatu maxixnus Eichordi Oxinden, natus Jan. 18,1608.

"Jfic jacet Anna uxor Henrici Oxinden filia natu maxima Somuelis Peyton doKnolton, militis et Baronetti, ob. 28 Aug. 1610. Vixit annos 28, menses 4, dies 12.

" Hie jacet Anna filia natu minima Henrici Oxinden do Maydeken in Barham,Armigen, natus Fob. 4,1649, obiit Martii 1,1649.

" Progenitoribus mini ot Posteris htee monumenta ego Henricvs Oxinden posui."

[From tlits Fanssett JSfSS.]" In y° wostmost window on ye south side (of the chancel) are these coats of arms

painted on very small pones, one on a pane.Oxenden, impaling sable, semee of crosses crosslct argent, three cinquefoils of the

last.—Oxenden fy Twitsliam.Oxondou, impaling ermine, three bars azure.—Oxendon S[ Barton.Oxundou, impaling gulos, semeo of. . . a lion rampant or.—Oxcnden and Hailing,Oxenden, impaling per saltire azure & gules, 2 flours do lis in pale argent.—Oxenden

$• Yonge.Oxeiuten, impaling azure, a fess between shovellers argent.—Oxendeu <f" Wenderton,Oxcnden, impaling gules on a chevron argent, 3 talbots passant sable.—Oxenden $


In the Dean C7iantry.

This Monvment was erected in ye year 1682, in memory of those of yt branch of thefamily of Oxmden seated at Deane, who ly iatorrd in this church, whose ancesters haveflourished in this County for severall ages.

Of this family was Henry Oxinden, who built Deono House, second son to EdwardOxinden, of Brook, Esqr. This Honry had issue two sous, ye first named Edward, whobecame heir of Brook, and the second Sr Henry, who became owner of Deane. ThisSr Henry, by Elizabath his wife, Daughter and heir of James Brooker, of Maydekin, inKent, Esqr, left issue Sr James Oxenden, K4, in memory of who more especially, his thirdson, S' George Oxmden, K' (who dyed at Surat, in East India, President for ye HonoWl!

East India Company there, and Governor of ye Iseland and Castle of Bombay) gave alegacy of £300 for ye erecting of this monvmcnt.

This Sir James dyed anno 1657, leaving Issue by his Lady, Margaret, daughter ofThomas Nevison, of Eastry, in this County, Esq1', Sir Henry Oxinden, K' and Baronet,now living.

Others of the family seated at Deano, who ly interr'd in this church, are Dame Eliza-beth, We of ye first Sr llonry, who dyed 2"* of Sept. 1688. Daino Margaret, wife ofSr James, who dyed anno 1671. Dame Elizabeth, daughter of Sr \Villiam Meredith, of

1 Leeds Abby, in this County, Baronet, and 2* wife to ye present Sr Henry Oxendon, K«and Baronet; she was buried ye 20 of August, Ki50. Dame Susanna, eldest daughterof ye said Sr Henry and Dame Elizabeth his wife, who was married to S* Kobert Booth,K', late Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, and dyed 27"' of Oetor, 1609.

Under this monument arc deposited the remains of Sir George Oxenden, Bar', late ofDean, in this parish, who, upon the death of his brother, Sr Henry Oxenden, Bart., was,in the year 1720, chosen member for the Port of Sandwich, and had the honour of repre-senting the same in every successive parliament till tho year 1753, when he voluntarilyresigned his scat, to tho general reluctance of tho Constituents. In tho year 1725 howas made ono of tho Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and in 1727 was advancedto tho board of treasury, both which honourable appointments he executed with dill-gence, Integrity, and Judgement. That strength of understanding and quickness ot"parts which nature had so liberally bestowed upon him were So improved by education,

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confirmed by habit, and refined by Taste, that he was qualified to shine in the mostexalted spheres of Life. Whilst ooupied in Parliamentary and Political Scenes, he pro-perly displayed the Talents most which are best suited to them; and after having retiredfrom public business, he was studious to cultivate the amiable duties of a private life asa Gentleman. He had all the accomplishments requisite to his Station as a magistrate:the whole country profited by his prudence, abilities, and activity. Thus was he formedin every view to captivate attention and to secure esteem: cheerful, without levity;generous, without profuseness; learned, but not pedantic; and tho' ever ready to com-municate his knowledge, by no means ambitious of displaying it. In his manners cour-teous and engaging, in his conversation brilliant and instructive, and in every qualityrequisite to adorn the Senatorial, the Social, or Domestic Character, There were but fewequal, and none superior, to George Oxinden. He married Elizabeth, daughter andcoheiress of Edmund Dunch, Esq., of Little Whittenham, Berks (Master of the House-hold to Queen Ann and King George I8*), by Elizabeth Godfrey, his wife, niece to John,Duke of Malborough. Sir Henry Oxinden, the eldest and only survivor of 6 children,viz. Three sons and 2 daughters, thro' a dutiful and filial regard to his deceased parent,caused this memorial to be inscribed, that future generations may know his merit andrespect his memory.

George Oxenden, LL.D., Dean of the Arches and Ticar Geuerall of the Province ofCanterbury, Begins Professor of the Civill Law & master of Trinity Hall, in the Vni-versity of Cambridge, third son of Sr Henry Oxenden, Knt. and Bart. Had issue byhis wife Elizabeth three sons, Henry, James, and George, and dyed February, 1702Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Sr Bazil Dixwell, of Broom, Bart., dyed September, 1704.

Sir Henry Oxenden, Baronet, son of the last named George, who is described at lengthon the south side of this monument, died the 15th of June, 1803, aged 81 years, atBroome, in the parish of Barham, the mansion house of the estate left to the family byhis great-uncle Sir Basil Dixwell, Baronet, and lies buried in the vault under thischancel, where also are deposited the remains of Dame Margaret, the wife of the saidSir Henry Oxeuden, Baronet. She was the daughter & co-heiress of Sir George Chud-leigh, Baronet, of the county of Devon, & Departed this life the 30th of March, 1803,aged 79 years.

Elizabeth, the only daughter of Sr James Oxeuden, by his wife Dame Elizabeth, whodyed an infant, August, 1675.

Jane Penrice, thir.d daughter of Sr James Oxenden, by Elizabeth his second wife,who dyed June, 1697, and hea interr'd by her mother.

Richard Oxenden, Esqr, fourth son of Sr Henry Oxenden, who by marrying Mary,the eldest daughter of Henry Oxenden, of Brook, Esq., became Proprietor of that seat,and dyed May, 1701, lying interr'd in the chancel belonging to this family.

Vndei- this monument lye interred Sr Henry Oxenden, K* & Bart., son. of Sr James,who married three wives; the first was Mary Baker, daughter of Robert Baker, ofS( Martin in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, by whom he had issueonly one daughter, who dyed an infant. His second wife was Elizabeth, the daughterof Sr William Meredith, of Leeds Abby, in this County, Bart., by whom he had a nu-merous issue. His third wife was Elizabeth, daughter of William Read, of Folkstone,Esq., and relict of Mark Dixwell, of Broom, Esqr, by whom he had no issue. He dyedAug', 1686, well belov'd by his Country, which he faithfully sevv'd in the chiefest ofiicesof Trust and Honour.

Dame Elizabeth, third wife of Sr Henry Oxenden above mentioned, who dyed Ja-nuary, 1691.

Dame Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Chute, of Bethersden, Esqr, by Elizabeth,daughter of Mark Dixwell, of Broom, Esq., wife of Sir James Oxenden, Kt & Bart.,now living, dyed the I'* of November, 1696.

In the Brooke Chantry.1684 M. S. In this Vpper part of this chancel lie buried the bodies of Sr James

Oxinden, Knt., buried Sepr 26, 1657; Elizabeth, wife of the present Sr Henry Oxiuden.Knt & Baron', buried Augt 20,1659; William, son of the said Sr Henry, buried Jan.20, 1661; Susanna Booth, wife of Sr Rob. Booth, daur of the said Sr Henry Oxinden,burd August 29, 1669; Margaret, relict of Sr James, Buried Oct. 18,1671; Elizabethdaur of the present Sr James Oxenden and Elizabeth his wife, died an Infant, and wasburied Aug. 19, 1675.

Arms:—Oxenden, quartering Brooker.

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Near this place lieth interred the body of Mary Battley, second wife of the late Rev.John Battlej, D.D., archdeacon of Canterbury, by whom she had no issue. She wasthe youngest daughter of S' Henry Oxenden, K' & Bart., of Dean, in this County, aLady of noble and excellent endowments both of mind and body, prudent, wise, gene-rous, and just, amiable in her manners and grae_efull in her person, which great perfec-tions conducted her through a long and happy life, not only without reproach, but withuniversal approbation, and procured her from the earliest youth the respect and bright-ness of character which she maintained with honour and dignity to the fulness of heryears, when, having arrived at the age of 85, she departed this life at Canterbury, Dec.25,1741, equally regretted by rich and poor, acquaintances, Friends, and Relations.This monument and Inscription, due to her memory, her niece and Executrix, JIrs Eli-zabeth Master, of Brooke, hath caused to be put up here, a testimony of her affection,having been herself a witness of her virtues.

"On a Flat Stone inlaid with The Effigies in Brass of a Person in a Shroud & 5 Sons& 5 Daughters. Another Fig. & a Coat have been torn off.

" Here lyeth buried the Bodye of Henrye Oxinden, Esquire, who builded that Housein Wingham called Deane, who departed this Life the 1st of August, 1597, and gave hisI/aads to Henry Oxinden, iis Sou. Disce quid es, et quid eris. Memento mori."(Arms: Oxenden, impaling a fish between two flaunches—for Sea.")

(Bryan jFcwssett, 1769.,)


(From the Oxenden MS.)" Riehardus Oxindeu (frater ?) natu minor Allani primus erat omnium Priorum (Wi-

berto excepto) cui ullum est monumentum sepultum in ecclesia Christ! in Cantuaria.jacet in sacello sancti Michaelis ad eandem ecclesiam pertinenti: obiit Aug. 4, 1338, utpatet ex inscriptione sequent! super laminam ajris orientali parto parietis inscriptam,quom ipse ego Henrieus Oxenden olim vidi

" Hie requiescit in gratia & misericordiaDn1 Richardus Oxinden quondamPrior hujus ecclesise qui ob. Aug. 4, 1338."


(From the case of a silver watch.)


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(Engraved on a flat silver plate.)

[It -would appear that the Parker arms -were impaled by Henry Oxondon in right, ofhis second wife, Katherino, daughter of James Culling. The following note from theGxendcn MSS. will explain the connection between the Culling and Parker families:—

" Mem: that Catherine the second wife of the said Honrie her mothar's name beforeshee marryed to James Culling of South Berham was Mario Allen daughter of LeahParker sister to the Archbishop of Canterbury."]


from Will of Richard Oxenden, of WyngJiam, dated 16 Sept., 9 E. IV".

Mention of " Joh'is Oxenden, patris mei." " Agues, mater mea." " Aliciam, uxorammoam modo pregnantem." "Agnetem et Isabellam, filias meas." " Thome Oxenden,cognato meo civ et piseenario civitatis lond'."

[This Will is preceded by the following deed:—

" Sciant presenters &e. quod ego Eicordus Oxenden de "Wyngham dedi Joh'i Digges,Joh'i Ysaake, Joh'i Grenford, Bogero Brent, Willielrao Toko, Willielmo Bertyn etThome atte Woode omnia terras etc. quelmbeo post mortem Joli'is Oxenden patris mei,&e. in parochiis de Wynghain, Adelsham, "Wilihaaj, Wodacston, Wonyngton, Wodo-

fioberto BrQ^vnyng, Johns Wymarke, Jacobo at "Well, Johno att Well, Joline Sharps,Thoma Cowper et aliis."]

From Will of " JoJiane Oxyndom ofy parislio of Seynt Laurens in tJteyle of Uianetc,"dated 6 June, 1491.

" My body to be buryed in y° body of y° church bofor yo hye cros. Unto IsabellKempe 1 cow and a gowue of wyolott. Unto Morkynnys wyfe a blacko kyrtyll. UntoJohn Kempe the spne of John Kempe an. ewe and a lambe and whan he comys to ye

age of xvi yer y will y° said John have vj8 viij*. Unto Alis Oxynden my beste gowno.To euery childe of John Lambyns, B-ieh'ard lambyns and Boliert Oxyndens a schepo.Unto John Lambyn aue hors and y° corne of an acre of wheto. Also y wyll he hove asyngneto of syluer y° whiche was hys graundefathyrs. Unto Eiehard tambyn ye cornoof an acre of whete. Unto .Robert Oxynden all my stuffe of my housholdo y' is tosaye the hall chambr and kechyn ij horsys, ij kene, a karte and a plowgh with there

viij'1. Also liobert Oxenden xl". Also Johano Sloo have xiij" Hi)"1. The residue of allmy goods &o. unto Eogei- Saunder and to Eobcrt Oxyndouthe which Koger, and RobertJordcyne I make myno executors, and liiehard Lambyn ovorsear & I bequotho himiijs iiij'1."

Proved 30 Sept. following.

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Will of John Oxenden of Nonyngton, dated 10 May, 1510.

"In the name of God Amen in theyere of or Lorde God MCOOCCX. thex daie ofthe moneth of Maie. I John Oxenden of the parish of Nonyngton beinge in goodmynde make my wille m this manor of wise. Krst I bequeth my soule to AlmightyGod and to or Lady and to all the blessed company of hevyn and my body to be buriedin the church yard of Nonyngton. Also I bequetli to the high awtuir there viijd. Itemto or Lady light there ij busshells of barley. Item to the rode light ij bu. of barley.Item I bequeth to the light of the brothered of Jhu there at Wonyngton for to be praiedfore a li' of wax and a quarter of barly. Item I willo at my bureing day v massys. Itematt my monthes day v massys. Item at my yores myud v massys. The residewe of mygoodes not bequeth I will it unto my wyfe Alice to her disposicon and her I makemyne executor and Symon Quylter, and I bequeth Symou for his labr xxd. p'nt at thiswill makinge Sir Roger Coins vicar, John Swandon, Thomas Preston and HarryBaron."

From Will of Edward Oaienden, of Wyngham, gentleman, dated June 4, 1621.

" Corpus meum sopeliond' in cancello parochiali ibidem juxta sepulchrum RicardiOxenden armig' . . . Residuum omnium honorum &c. do et lego Alicie uxori mee etliberis in equalibus porcionibus inter eos dividend' .. . Hujus testamenti predictamAlieiam uxorem meam et Willielmum Oxeuden filium meum meos voros executoresconstitup, etD'um Willielmum Cant' Archiepis' meum supervisorem."

Mention of Alice Wood, widow of the said Richard Oxenden; of Henry, his ownson; and Mary, his daughter. Devises lands to his wife for life with remainder toWilliam, his son.

From Will of Robert Oxenden, of the parish of St. Laurence in the Isle of Tlianot,dated 3 April, 1626.

" My body to bo buried in the churche yarde of the parishes at the west dore, yn thep'cession waye. To four of my godchildren that is hable to berc mo to churche toeuery of thaym xij*. to pray'for me and my fadro and modre John Oxcnden andJohane by name. Item I will that myne executors shall bye a stone of marbull theprice of iiij markes with a seript'n upon it to leye uppon me. I will that Koger Pawlyiimy sou yn lawo have my stokke of xl" for the space of xx yores and at the xx yeresende XXH parcel! of the said xl" to remayne to Alice my wife and her assigns and theother xxH to remayne to the said Koger Pawlyn for euer. Item I bequeath to NicholasHillos gent, Thomas Thaccher Robert Curlyng and Roger Hewlett my feoffees to eueryof thaym. xx11. Item I bequeath to Nicholas Spraklyng and his wiff xx11. The residueof my fjoodes I bequeath to Alice my wife whom I make and ordeyne myn cxecutrieowith K icholas Spraklyn myn executor. Also I make & ordeyne myn oversear RichardMarshall of Dovor & he to have for his labor a young cowe. If the said Koger Pawlynfortune to have by my daughter Johano an heiro male then I will the same heir malemale shall paye unto Robert Spraklyng the son of Nicholas Spraklyng vj11 xiijs iiijd andif it fortune the said Robert Spraklyng happen to dye without issue then I will that allmy lands & tenements shall remayn'o unto the next heir male of the body of my daugh-ter Elisabeth nowe the wife of Nicholas Spraklyng."

Proved 29th April following.

From Will of " William Oxenden, of Wyngam, esqwier," dated 26 March, 1676.

"My body to be buried in (he northeehauncel whore I use to solt within the parrisliochurche of Wingam. To William Lovelace esquier sergeant at lawe tho best, geldingthat I shall then have at his choice and likewise to him one ring of goldp with a blewsaphire being my best ring. To William Crispe of Dovor Castle tho secondoLost geldingthat I then shall have & likewyse to hym one other ring with a white saphire. To M'Cyryack Pettit one gowne grograine furred with black eonye, one jcrkyn of blak velvetlaido on with black lace & a sargoant ring. To Mr Vyncent Engoham ono gowne ofcloth faced withe martyns, one cote of blak veluet & an hoopo of goldo graven outwardwith certen frciiche wordeg. To my brother ITenrye Oxenden my bcste gowne furredwith martens & garded with veluet and my signet whiche I use to weare. To the wifeof my nephew Herdres one ring of goldo withe a dyamonde poyntcd. To M™ Crispewyf to the sayd Mi' William Crispe one ring with a turkys. To Mary^ Wyldgoosedaughter of my sonno in lawe Mr John Wildgooso one billament of gold, being my bestand the next b'illament I gevo to the wif of my sonne in lawe Mr Alexander Wildgoose.To my brothers John Robortes and William Robartes to either of them xl1. Myfeoffees to grant by lease my lands to my nephew Edward Oxendon if he be then alyve.

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To the fewer younger sonnes of my said brother Henrye Oxenden thre poundes vj» viijd

to be paid half yerely during said term of ten yeres. Of this my present testament &last -will I do ordeyn my nephew Richard Hardres esquier & I do geue hym for hispaines my great horse, my hawk and spannells. The other of my executors I do apointmy brother Henry Oxenden. The worshipfull M> William Lovelace sargeant of thelawe my overser."

Proved 23rd June following.

From Will of "Henry Oxenden the elder, of the parish of Wyngham, esquier," dated17 Dec., 37 Elizabeth.

"In performance of my promise made to my brother "William Oxenden in his lyfetime I gyve with Mary Oxenden late dwelling with the Lady Wilford £60 to be paidto her at the daye of her maryage, so as she will be ruled and ordered by my coseuRichard Hardes esquier and Henry Oxenden my sonne and the survivor of them in bestow-ing herselfe in maryage, desyring my eosen Richard Hardes esquier to paye other £50unto her ofc her daye of maryage according to his faithful! promise made to my brother"William Oxenden the elder. To Henry Oxenden my son for his naturall lyife all those6 acres of land in "Wingham which I purchased of Olyver Baker and after the deceaseof the said Henry I will all those fyve acres to James Oxenden the souno of the saidHenry Oxenden my sonne. But if it fortune that the said James dye without yssuemale then I will y * all the said fyve acres shall renmyne to Richard Oxenden son. ofHenry Oxenden my sonne and to his heirs males, and for default of such yssue to theheirs males of Henry Oxenden my sonne & in default to William Oxenden my sonne& to his heirs males. To William Oxenden my sonne yerely during his liffe £10. ToHenry Saunder my godsonne £5 yerely for four yeares for and towards his mayntenancein learning on condieon that his father do keepe him at schole. To Edward Oxendenray sonne the proffittes of all those landes which I holde by lease of the Qneenes Mat!e

called Upper Biackney on condicon y' the said Edward my sonne & his heires males dopaye unto the said Henry Oxenden my sonne daring his life the sum of £4 by even por-cons at the foredore of my said mancon house called Deane. If the said EdwardOxenden dye without issue male or make default of payment this devise to be utterlyvoid, and the said Kdward Oxendeu my sonne & his heires males to take no benefit bythis my will. I give the original lease and leases and the residue of the term of yeres,and landes called Upper Biackney, Wether Biackney and Medfield not bequeathed untoHenry Oxenden my son whom I make executor, and I request my cosen Richard Hardesesquier to be my overseer and I bequeth unto him for his paynes one of my best horsesor guyldinges."

Proved 27 Aug. 1597.

From Will of Katherine Onnden, 1642."I, Katherine Oxinden, widow, in the county of Kent & parish of Barbara, being in

health & being in perfect memory, I thanke God, do bequeath my spule to God myMaker and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer, & my body to be buried in the ohancellof Denton soe neare my husband as may be. I make my sonne Henrie Oxindeumy executor, and I give my daughter Barrow one ring enameld with blew, and to mysonne James Oxindeu a bedstead and all belonging to it, & I give him a little silversalt & half a dozen of pewter, and one great brasse pot, and a little one. I give jnygonne Richard Oxinden forty shillings to buy him a ring, which mony my daughterElizabeth shall pay a quarter of a yeare after my decease. I give my daughter Eliza-beth Oxenden my boxe of drawers & all that is in them. I give her my red cabanet &all that is in, except one ring enamelled with black. Item, I give her the trunk whichis at my sonnes Barrowes and all that is in it; there is a great gilt cup & otherthinges.... I give my sonne Adam one silver tanker, a silver sugar boxo, a little silver

Will of Senry Oxenden, 16J.3." To all Christian people to whom this p'nt writeing shall come. I Henry Oxinden of

Twitham in the parish of Wingham in the countie of Kent, gentleman, send'eth greetingin ovn Lord God everlasting. Know ye me the said Henrie Oxenden, out of the natu-

* Intended for Katherine, Lady Spralteling, mother of Katherine Oxonden.t She deceased, December 8, 1643.

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rail affection which I beare vnto my loveng brother William Oxinden of Brooke, in thesaid parish of Wingham gentleman and upon assured confidence that hee willperformethe trust reposed in him, doe giue, graunt, and conferme hy this p'nt writeing vnto himthe said William Oxeuden all my goods, ohattes (sic), and household stuffe and wholepersonall estate whatsoever, wheresoever the same shall bee, or in whose hands soever ittshalbe found. To haue and to hold the said goods, cattells, howsehold stuffe and wholep'sonall estate vnto him the said William Oxinden, his heires and assigues, for the vse andbehoofe of Henry Oxinden, William Oxinden, Katherine Oxindeu, Mary Oxinden, andAnn Oxinden the children of mee the said Henry Oxinden, to bee disposed of vnto them bythe said William Oxinden after my decease, when and hi such manner as hee shall thinkemost meete and conveniente. Provided alwayes that the said William Oxinden mybrother shall giue vnto Mary Oxinden, my loveing wife, out of the said household stuffe thebest bedd and the best bedsteeddle, one bolster, one pillow, two pillowe beeres, twopairoof sheetes, two blanketts and a rugg matt, bed rope, vallenee, curtaines anci curtaine rodsfor the vse of her the said Mary Oxinden for ever imediatly after my decease. Providedalsoe that hee the said William Oxinden or his heires shall and will paye vnto the saidMary Oxinden my wife, during the terme of her naturall life, the summe of twentypownds yearely, to bee paid vnto her quarterly, by live pounds of lawefull money ofEngland' every quarter out of the lands of the said William Oxinden, tfor the assuranceof which twenty pownds yearely to the said Mary my wife the said William Oxindenmy brother hath promised before the witnesses to this p'nt deede to make and seale tothe said Mary my wife an anuitie sufficient in lawe within one moneth after my decease.In wittnes wherof I the said Henry Oxinden vnto this my p'nt wr.itting haue put myhand and seale dated the seven and twentith day of May in the nineteeneth yeare ofthe raigne of our sou'aigne lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scot-land ffrance and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. Anno domini 1643. Signed, sealed,and deliuered in the p'nce of Edward ffillom, George Brices."

Nov. 9, 1650, eman'vit commissio Will'mo Oxinden, &c.

From Will of RicJtard Oxinden, of BarJiam, 1629.

"... First, I giue and bequeath unto my deare and beloued wife Katherine, and to HenryOxinden my sonne, all and singular my moueable goods, chattels, plate, & implementsof household equally to be diuided betweene them, which sayd Katharine, my wife andHenrie my sonne I make, constitute, & appoint exectuors of this my last Will andTestament. Item, I glue and bequeath all and singular my landes, tenements, & here-ditaments whatsoeuer lying and being-within the County of Kent or realm of Englandunto the aforesaid Bfenrie my eldest sonn, & to his heires for euer. Item, I giue &bequeath unto Katharine my eldest daughter the full summe of three hundred poundsof currant English money, to be paid her by my sayd executors at her full age ofeighteen yeares. Item, I giue and bequeath to Elizabeth my second daughter the likesume of three hundred pounds, to be paid unto her at her like ago of eighteen, or ather day of marriage, which shall first happen. Item, I giue and bequeath unto Jamesnvy second sonne the like summe of three hundred pounds, to be paid unto him at hisage of two and twenty yeares. Item, I giue unto Richard Oxinden my third sonne,& Adam my fourth sonne, to each of them three hundred pounds, to be paid seuerallyunto them the aayd Richard and Adam when they respectiuely attains & come untothe sayd age of two & twenty yeares.. . . Item, I desire that if my beloued wife Katha-rine shall happen to marry again, that then before her sayd marriage shee doe resignethe right of her sayd executorship unto my sayd sonne Henry. In witness whereof Ithe said Richard Oxinden, testator aforesaid, haue hereunto set my hand & seale theday & yeare first abouc written."

from the Oxenden Diary.

" August 4'i/j, 1668, Directions concerning some thinges after the death of meHen, Oxinden.

" First, that if I die in Denton, or within twentie mile of it, to be buried under thestone where my first wife lies buried, or where my father lies buried.

" That I have no sutchions of armes at my funerall." That no gloues nor ribbons be giuen at my funerall." That none moorne at my fuuerall." That my grandchild Richard Oxinden haue my senle ring which was made of part

of a gold peice of mony my grandfather, Sir Henry Oxinden, left me, and that he hauemy sword that is in layd with gold which my father bought; that he hnue the picture

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of my first wife, & of Sir Samuel Peyton & his ladle, & of old Sir Tho. Peyton, fatherof the said Sr Samuel Peyton, & of John Peyton, father of the said Sr ThomasPeyton.

" That there be frwentie shilling bestowed in bread and beere upon the pooro of Denton& Barham."

SEAL OP HEHEY OXENDEN OB HEENE.[Appended to an Indenture made 30 November, 1 & 2 Philip and Mary, between

Thomas Culpeper, of Bedgebury, in the county of Kent, and Henry Oxenden, of Herne,gentleman, and Isabella his wife.—Harl. Charters. 77 H. 19.]



" John Broker, of Sussex, gent., had issue John Broker, of Cantorburie, who marriedDqrotho, the daughter of John Sampson, of Horsomandcn, in Kent. Hee had alsoWilliami, a second sonne, & George, athirdsonne, which two last dyed without issue.

" Henry Broker, theheire & onely aonne of John, married Elizabeth, the daughter ofJohn Warren, of Dover, gent. (After the death of Henry Brooker his widow, Elizabethmarried William Jineux, of Huffam.) The said Henry had issue female Magdalin,married to John Best, of Feyersliam, gent.: Margaret, married to John Mackette, ofKeculver, gent.; Alice, married to John Cornelius, of Estrie, gent.

" Jamos Broker (eldest sonne of Henry), of Maydeken, at Barham in Kent, marriedCicello daughter of John Alderstone, oi' Littleborno. John, second sonne of Henry,died without issue.

" Elizabeth was the onely daughter of James Broker, & married to Henry Oxinden, ofDeane, second soune & heire to Henry Oxenden, of Denne, by whom h'ee had issueJames _& Richard, & one daughter by name Elizabeth, who dyed young.

" This above is extracted out of Greenhurst his booko of Armes, made at tho VisitationAugust the second, 1623."—Oxenden MSS.


Matilda Broker, of Hudlo, widow, 12 May, 1430.Matilda Broker, of Hadlo, widow. Will dated 12 May, 1430; mentions Alicia "my


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William Broker, of Sao, 5 January, 1478.Will of William Broker, of Brodestrete, in the parish of St. Werburgh in Hoo, dated

5 January, 1478, mentions Agnes " my wife."

Johanna Broker de Lydd, 6 Feb., 1485.Will of "Johanna relicta Willielmi Broker de Lyde facta 6 Febr. 1485, lego corpus

ad sepeliend' in cimiterio de Lyde." Residue to be divided between Agnes and Juliana" filias meas." Johannes Henry and Johannes Roper executors.

Will of "Johannes Broker de Eastry," dated 14 Jan., 1487, proved 10 March, 1487.Corpus meum sepeliend' in eimiterio beati Marie de Eastrie. Lego Alicie uxori mee.

Joh'i Broker filio meo. Alicie uxori mee et Thome at Welle guos faeio executores, etc.

Will of Richard Broker, of Lyd, dated 4 May, 1494, proved 17 July following.Desires to be buried in churchyard of All Saints, Lydd. Bequests to the wife and to

Margery the daughter of Thomas Godfray; to the wife of John Taylor; money arisingfrom sale of certain lands sold by him to Ralph Broker to be divided between Joan andMargery, his sisters; John Taylor and Thomas Godfrey executors.

Will of William Brolcer, senior, of Hoo, dated 1 March, 1507.Desires to be buried in Hoo Church; mentions "my wife," "my son" William Broker,

" my daughters " Agnes, John, and Margaret,

Will of John Broker, of St. Margaret the Virgin of the Cyte of Canterbury, dated23 July, 1522, pr. 16 December, 1524.

My body to be buried in the said church of S' Margaret byfore Saint John's Aulterther if I dye in Canterbury. To Alice my daughter x1 in money and one pece wythe acover of sylver and gylte, one of them I bought of Brokett. To Margaret mydaughter x11 in money and another pece with a cover of silver and gylt that I boughtof the seid Broket, they be bothe of like faschyon. .To Mawdlen my daughter x" ininoneye and my best pece with a coyer of sylver and gilt that I bought of MasterCrampe. If it happen that all my said daughters dye before that they be xv yers inage then I will that the seid money and plate remayne to Henry my spne. To eueryof my godsonnys and god-daughters lyving iiij'1. To Dorathy my wif xij sponys ofsyluer, my best salte with a cover of syluer and gylte, my nutt with a cover, ij masersand the one half of my household stuf. The residew of my plate to be soldo to theperforming of my wille and the other half my household stuff likewise to be solde,Dorathe my wife and William JTutte my executors and William Myles ove_rseer, he tohave x" for his labour. To my wife the house I nowe dwell in, in the said parish ofS> Margaret and S' Mary Bredyn, and also for her life all my lands I bought of JohnTong, William Crampe, and William Pargrove, and after her death to Henry Brokermy son.

Will of John Brolcer, of LenJmvi, dated S April, 1524, pr. 30 September, 1624,My body to be buried in the churchyard of Lenham. To Thomas Broker my father

my beste gowneand a buckskyne. To Margerie Broker my mother vj» viii}<i. To Wil-liam Broker my brother a brasse panne with all my shappe geir. To Johane Brokermy suster iijs iiij*. To Juliana Broker xls. To Juliane Broker my daughter xl» to bepaid when she comes to the age of xiiij yeris. To Alis Broker my doughter xl". Tothe child that my wyfe goeth with all xls. The residue I bequeath to Marion Brokermy wyfe. The which Marion I make and ordeyne my executrice. Thes witnessThorn8 Brooker, Thomas Dyve.

Will of Roger Broker, ofBrenchley, husbandman, dated 8 Sept., 1538, pr. 2 Dec., 1538.Mentions Margarit "my wife." "My sons" Thomas (exr.), George, Little John,

Great John, Richard. Alice " my daughter." Also Elizabeth " my goddaughter."

Will of Thomas Broolcer of Lenham, Taylor, dated 24 Jan. 1604, proved 22 Feb,following.

Mentions Mary my daughter, wife of Mathie Clifford; to Grace and Mary Clifford,. daughter of my sd daughter Mary Clifford; to Benjamin Brookor my son; to my

sister Marion wife of Thomas Salmon; to Anne Brooker, daughter of my brotherW"> Brooker; to Richard Graham my wife's brother; to Margaret my wife.

Will ofSamon Brooker, of Stone in the Isle of Oxney, dated I May, 1606, proved31 May following.

Desires to be buried at Stone. Bequests to " my son " Paul Brooker; " my daughter "


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lien Brooker; "mydaughter" Anne Lyddyor,wife of Nicholas Lyddy or; JohnLyddyorhis son; "my son" John Brooker; " my wife" Denys Brooker

Will of Jamea Broolcer, of BarJiam, 1693." In the name of God, Amen. I, James Broker, gent., of the parish of Barlmm in the

countie of Kent, being sick of bodie but of sound & perfect remembrance, (thanks beto God,) upon the fourteenth of Jan., 1693, & in the 36th yeare of the reign of ourSovereigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queene of England, France, & Ire-land, defender of the faith, doe make & ordeine this my last will & testament in ma-ner & forme following. Imprimis, I commende my soule to Almighty God, havingstedfast faith and hope of my salvation through the merits of the death and passionof Christ Jesus my Saviour, and my bodie to the earth reverently to be buried in thechancel or parish church of Denton. Item, I give to the poore of the parish of Bar-ham fortie shillings, halfe to be paid within one halfe yeare after my decease & theother halfe within one whole yeare after my decease. Item, I give to the poore of theparish of Deuton & Wootton to either of them thirtie shillings, to be paid at the timesaforesaid. Item, I give unto Richard Phineux, the sonne of Thomas Phineux mybrother, threescore pounds, to be paid unto him at his age of one & twentie yeares.Item, I give unto Thomas, John, "William, and Henrie, the sonncs of my said brotherThomas Phiueux, to either of them ten pounds, to be paid unto them at the age ofone & twentie yeares. Item, I give unto Elizabeth, Agnes, Catherine, & Rebecca, thedaughters of my said brother, to either of them ten pounds, to be paid unto them atthe dayes of their several marriages or when they shall accomplish the age of one &twentie yeares, whether of them shall first happen. Item, I give unto Cicely twohundred marks, to Toe paid her within one halfe yeare after my decease. Also mymeaning is that my wife shall in parte thereof the summe of thirty or twenty poundsat her choice of my household stuff indifferently prized, and the like sum of other mygoods, as horse, cattell, or other things indifferently prized as aforesaid. And mybrother Thomas Phineux,1 whom I rnako my executor, to enter into a bond obligatorywithin one and twentie dayes after my decease to perform the last recited legacy untomy said wife or her assignes. Item, I give twenty shillings toward the reparation ofthe church of Denton, the halfe thereof within halfe a yeare after my decease & theother halfe within one whole yeare. Item, I give unto Elizabeth Long, the daughterof Thomas Long of the citty of Canterbury, five pounds at the day of her marriage orwithin six months after. Item, I give unto Twisden, my godson, two ewes, to be de-livered unto him within two months after mv decease. Item, I give unto Robert Twis-den, Parson of Denton, two ewes, to be delivered unto him within two months aftermy decease. Item, I give unto Mistres Twine, my cosin, forty shilling, to be paid herwithin two months after my decease. Finally, my very will is that Thomas Phineux,my brother, shall be my executor, to whom I give & bequeath all my cattella, debts,and movable goods, hee paying my debts & legacies. Provided that my brewing ves-sels, copper, and other tonnes to remaine in the house to the use of the heire, anythingbefore sayde not with standing.

JAMES BROKER."Pr: 0 March, 1693.

Will of Cicely Broolcer, 1605."In the name of G-od, Amen. The eight day of Aprill in the yeere of our Lord God

one thousand six hundred and five, I, Cycilie Brooker, of the parish of Barham in thecountie of Kent, widow, being in perfect memory, praysed bo God, doe make this mylast will in manner & forme following. First, I commend my soule into the hands ofAlmighty God my Maker & Redeemer, hopeing to have my sins washed away by theblood of Jesus Christ mine only Saviour, & my boclie when it shall please God to takeme out of this world to be buried in the chancel of the parish church of Denton, neerunto my husband Brooker. Item, I give unto the poore of Denton xiij8 iiij11, and tothe poore of Bnrham xxs. Item, I give towards the making of a new pulpit in Bar-ham church xivj" iiij'J, and if it be not employed that ways within half'e a yeare aftermy decease, my will is that it shall remaine in the ministers hands that now is to be-stow as hee shall thinke convenient. Item, I give unto the minister of Barham churchxiij8 iiij11, and to the clerke of the parish of Barham all duties which belong unto himas though I had been buried there, All which legacies before mentioned I will to be paidby my executor within one month after my decease. Item, I give to James Oxendenthe summe of twentie pounds of current English money, to be paid by his brotherRichard, mine executor. Item, I give unto my cosin Thomas Denie his wife, my best

1 This Thomas Fineaux was the »on of William Kncux, of Hufflun, by Elizabeth, daughter ofJohn Warren, of Dover, gent.

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ring, and I give my wearing apparel both linnen & woollen unto my sister Halls twodaughters, & to my brother John Alderstones daughters, & to Amyes Alderstone mybrother Johns daughter, to be equally divided with mdiffereucy by my executors, exceptit be one goune and one taffaty kirtle which I give wholly unto my brother Alderstonesdaughter that is wife unto Biehard Dones, for which gowne I bought the stuffe ofthe said Eichard Dones. Item, I give unto his brother William Alderstone, prentice toMr. Samuel Dones, marryner, iij1 vj« riijd, to be payd by my executor within one monthafter my decease. Item, I give unto the foure children of John Alderstone, olerke,deceased mentioned, Elizabeth, Margaret, John, & Amyes ten pounds equally to bedivided among them by mine executor within one quarter of a yeare after my decease.Item, I give to be distributed for dole to the poore at my burial by my executor xx".Item, I give to them that carry mee to church viij», to be paid them by my executor.Item, all the rest of my goods & cattle I give unto Eichard Oxenden, my daughter'ssecond sonne, my debts and legacies being payd & my funerall discharged, whom Imake my^sole executor of this my last will & testament. Provided ollways and my willis that my sonne in lawe, Mr. Henry Oxenden, shall take all the charge of all mygoods untill his sonne my executor come to the age of one and twenty yeares, in con-sideration thereof hee my said sonne in law shall pay all my legacies & discharge allmatters that shall be due to be dischal'ged before his sonne Eichard, my executor, cometo age, & then when he is come to the age of one & twentie to be comptable unto himfor all my goods, cattle, or money, or household, or any of my goods. Item, I appointmy brother, Mr. Thomas Rneux, of Huffam, & Mr. John Wettwoode, of Kingston, toto be mine overseer, & I give to either of them for their paines twentie shillings. Inwitness whereof I have set my hand & seale the day and yeare first above written.

CICELY BEOKEE, her mark."Sealed & deliverd in the presence of John Jull, Henry Lusenton,

Probat i 2nd July, 1805,

Seal and Signature of James Broker, of Barham, ' generosus,' to a deed dated 6 January30 Elizabeth.—Oxenden Muniments.

u 2

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1688. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Turnerand Susan, his wife, was bapt. Juneye 3 day.

Susan, daughter of Thomas Turner andSusan, his wife, was bapt. June ye 3day.

1089. Thomas, son of Thomas Turner, Jan.,

and Hannah, his wife, baptized Aprilye 8 day.

1691. Bichard, son of Thomas Turner, Jun,.and Hannah, his wife, was baptizedNovember 22 day.

1694. John, son of Thomas Turner, Jun,, andHannah, his wife, baptized March 7thday.


1700. Robert Woolly, singleman, and AnneTurner, spinster, both of this Parish,were married (after publishing theBanns thrice) May y» 30th.

1700 Edward Turner, singleman, and SusanTurner, spinster, both of this Parish,were married (after publishing yeBanns thrice) February 18 day.


1697, Thomas Turner, yeoman, and Susanoh, his wife, were both buried May IB day.



1676. James, son of Henry Turner.1691. March 6, the son of Thomas Turner.1692. June 3, Elizabeth, da. of Henry Turner.1693. April 22, Matthew, son of Thomas Tur-

ner.1603. Sept. 4, Mary, da, of Isaac Turner.

1606. May 18, Henry, son of Isaac Turner.1608. June 26, Margaret, da. of Jacob Turner.1600. Anne, da. of Jacob Turner.1610. Feb. 24, John, son of Jacob Turner.1613, May 7, Isaac, sou of Abraham Turner.1613. Sept. 6, Jacob, son of Jacob Turner.


1582. Hester Turner and William Wilmington. | 1615. Judith Turner and Thomas Mills.

168B. Feb.16, Berthulia, da. of HenrieTurner.1692. Deo. 28, Henry Turner, householder.1699. Sept. 16, Matthew, son of Thomas Tur-

ner.1600. Feb. 16, Matthew, son of Thomas Tur-

ner.1607. July IS, William, son'of Jacob Turner.1626. Deo. 27, Thomas Turner.1676. Junes, Anne, wife of William Turner,

brought from Biddenden.

1681. April 26, Mary, da. of Percivall Turner,brought from Biddenden.

1681. Dec. 3, Anne, da. of Percivall Turner,brought from Cranbrooh.

1688. June 1, Anne, da. of Percivall Turner,brought from Crflnbroolc.

1688. Jan. 22, Elizabeth, da. of Percivall Tur-ner, brought from Cranbrook.

1689. Aug. 8, Mary, wife of Peroivall Turner,brought from Cranbrook,


1676. Feb. 9, Jamea Grinsted and Jeane Turner married.

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(To face p. 292.) Cimw.[Willielmus Turner Arm.,:in Hospitio Regis Hen. 7n",tenuit terras apud Buttonin com. Oantii.]

[Henricus Turner =pde Sutton, filiussecundus.]

Willielmus Turner =p • • • filia . . . Watton dede London filiusjunior.

Addington in com. Oantii.[soror Edmundi Watton,de Adclington, ar.]

[Thomas Turner;

de Sutton, filiuset hceres.]

[Willielmus =7= [Ann, da. ofTurner deSuttonValence.]

Masters, ofWilsborough.]

[Henry Turner, =j= [Faith, da.of Hothfield.Will dated May2, 1591.]

of. . . Weston.]Joh'es Turner1

de Londonfilius tertius.


3 I[Richard =p [Alice,Turner, ofLondon,draper.]

da. ofWilliamJefferies..]


[1 Joh'es.2 Abraham.3 Isaac.4 Thomas.7 Edward,s.p.]

[5 Jacob Turner,^ [Margaret,born at Hoth-field, but lived atEgerton; dieda" 1624.]

daughter ofAusten, ofWingham.]

[6 Henry Turner,:

of Bandon Bridge,in com. Cork, oh.1647 ; bu. in Bal-lymodan Church,in BandonBridge.]

Margaretafilia MeholaiWheler decom. Essex.

: [Mary, da. ofAnselm Lang-ton, of Somer-setshire.]

[Elizabetha uxorTho. Potman,et mater BieardiPotman, deSutton, militisji

[Agnes uxorOodd.]

BenjaminTurner decom. Somer-sett.

I ,Johannes = ElisabethaTurner de filia GeorgiiBudds iij Hasden deShirborne. com. Kantij.

WillielmusTurner medi-cine Doctor.

[Mary,wife toTempestMilner.]

I I[Richard = [Martha, [Samuel.]Turner, of da. of Alex*London, Preseott,draper.] Alderman

of London.]

[John Turner,of Egerton,s.p.]

[A da. marriedto HumphryWightwick,of Charing.]

[A da. mar.to Steed, ofEgerton.]

I[Jacob Turner, = [Anne, da.of Smarden, of Richard

Tway, ofBred-

ob. 1672, set.59.]


[Mary, da. = [Williamof . . . Turner,Nash, of of Canter-Good- bury, ob.neston.] June, 1684;

ret. 69.]

[A da. mar. toMulager, als.Domine, ofHedcom.] j

[A da. mar. toBui-den; 2Mr,to ... Dine.]

[Henry Turner, of = [Dorothy, da. ofBandon Bridge,Serjeant-Majorunder the LordIncquin, in Ire-land, 1653.]

Richard Boyle,Archbishopof Tuam, relict ofCaptain GreenvilHalse.]

[Mary, mar-ried to Cap-tain MatthewConstantino,of BandonBridge.]

[William [Thomas Turner, of S' Dunstan's inTurner, died the West, London, and of Ileden,unmu.] inKingston, 1688 ; born 4 Nov.,

1646; ob. 1715.]

: [Margaret, da. and coheir, of PeterTheobald, of Roderhith, nearLondon; oh. 1698, set. 45 ; bu. atKingston.]

John Turner, = [Anne, da.Rector of EdwardMidleton, in Cuberley, ofcom. Sussex.] Chichester.]

[Anne, married toRoger Newman,of Canterbury.]

[Henry Turner,Esq., Recorder ofLimerick, »t. 36,1688.]

[Elizab.j mar. toThomas Beeeher,of Aghaflown, incom. Coik.]

[Richard Turner, Bar- = [Elizab., da. to Tho-rister-at-Law, of theInner Temple, at. 34,1688.

[John, bo.1673; ob.1747, s. p.

[Thomas, bo.1675; ob.1758.]

I I I I I[William.





[Mary, bo.1674; m. toW. Hammond,Esq., of St.Alban's.] .

I I I I[Elizabeth.




mas Gkmldsborough,of Ongar Castle,Essex.]

[Martha, mar. to&eorge Daunt, ofQ-ortnegrenon,co. Cork.]

[Elizabeth. Boyle. Henry.


[In Hasted's copy of the Visitation of Kent, the arms of Turner are differencedwith a chef or, thereon a lion passant gardant between two roses gules. Thereis, however, no record of the date of grant of this augmentation.]

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16 J£.









Maria Turner, filia Geprgii Turner, bap-tizata erat primo die Februarii annopredioto.

Eogerus Turner, filius Georgii Turner,baptizatus erat 7° die Martii annopredieto.

Benett, uxor Thome Turner, sepultaerat deeimo die Novembris anno pre-dieto.

Georgius, filius Georgii Turner, baptiza-L^UB 6ra^ di° annoque predicto (i.e.

quarto die Septembris),GeorgiuB Turner, paterfamilias, sepultus

erat seeundo die Novembris anno pre-dioto.

Gulielmus Buoher, et Maria Turner,vidua, matrimomum contraxeruntxxvi die Febrnarii anno predicto.

Dorothea Turner, fllia Thome Turner,baptizata erat primo die Januarii annopredicto.

Thomas Turner, filius Thome Turner,baptizatus erat xo die Januarii annopredieto.

Ehzabeta Turner, fllia Thome Turner,baptizata erat xxii° die Februarii annopredioto.

Ehzabeta Turner, filia Thome Turner,sepulta erat xxiv° die Februarii annodomini predicto.

Willielmus Turner, filius Thome Turner,baptizatus erat die Aprilis xxv° annodomini predioto.

Anna, uxor Thome Turner, junioris; se-pulta fuit die Julii xxiiio anno pre-dicto.

Warham Turner, the sou of ThomasTurner, was baptized the xx of De-cember, 1607.

George Turner, the son of John Turner,was baptized the twelfth of May.

John, the son of John Turner, was bap-tized the 16th of January.

John, the son of John Turner, was buriedFebruary 18th.

March 3rd, baptized Dorothy, the daugh-ter of John Turner.

Aprilis xxio, baptized William, the sonof William Turner.

Februarii secundo. George, the son ofGeorge Turner, was baptized.

William Byahopenden, of Tenterden, &Dorothy Turner, of Button Valence,were married Maii vo,

William, the son of William Turner, wasburied Martii sexto.

Frances, the daughter of William Turner,was baptized Decembris vicesimoqninto.

Anne, the daughter of John Turner, wasbaptized Martii deoimo septimo.

James, the son of Edmunde Turner,was baptized Septembris secundo.

Edmnnde, the son of Edmunde Turner,was baptized Novembris vicesimotertio.

Catherine, the daughter of WilliamTurner, was baptized Junii sexto.

William, the son of William Turner, wasbaptized Augusti vioesimo primo.

Alexander, the son of Edmunde Turner,was baptized Augusti decimo quinto.

Joane, the widow or George Turner, wasburied Maii octavo.- , the wife of Edmunde Turner, was

buried Ootobris vicesimo sixto.

1634. Edmunde Turner & Mary Green weremarried the 10th of August.

1637. Mary Turner, the daughter of GeorgeTurner, late deceased, being a dumbomaiden, was buried Decembris vice-simo nono.

1647. Mary Turner, the daughter of ThomasTurner, baptized July 9th.

16}}. Knth, daughter of Thomas Turner andMary his wife, baptized March 24.

165J. Eobert, son of Kobert Turner • (thenchurchwarden) and Sarah, baptizedJanuary 17th, born the first day.

1654. October llth, James, the son of ThomasTurner and Mary his wife, borne (noentry of baptism).

1666. June 20. Susanna, daughter of EohertTurner & Sarah, baptized (borneShroveTuesday before February 19th).

1662. John, the son of Thomas Turner & Ca-therine his wife, buried Nov. 24th.)

167J. February 6. John Medhnrst, bachelor,& Ruth Turner, virgin, were married.

1672. William, son of Thomas Turner, andCatherine his wife, was bapt. April28.

1672. December27th. James Turner,bachelor,& Elizabeth Sharpe, widow, of Maid-stone, were married.

167$. March 14. Mary, the wife of ThomasTurner, senr., was buried.

1674. March 28. Thomas Turner, senr., theblacksmith, was buried.

1674. December 20. Thomas, son of ThomasTurner, blacksmith, & Catherine hiswife was buried.

167$. January 26. Catherine, the wife ofThomas Turner, hopman, was buried.

1676. October 26. James, sou of ThomasTurner, blacksmith, & Catherine hiswife was baptized.

1678. Cicely Turner, an ancient maid, wasburied November 26, sister of ThomasTurner, Clothier.

1680. Mary, daughter of Thomas & CatherineTurner, was baptized April 21.

1680. John, son of Thomas Turner, junr., bap.tized September 19th.

188$. Thomas Turner, the elder, householder,was buried March 12th.

1681. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & AnnoTurner, buried October 8tb.

168$. Thomas, son of Thomas & Anne Turner,baptized March 18.

1683. Euth & Simon, twin children of Thomas& Catherine Turner, baptized.

168J. Richard, son of Thomas & Anne Turner,baptized March 8.

168-J. Thomas Turner, blacksmith & house-holder, buried February 23rd.

108J. March 4. Isaac, son of T'homas & AnneTurner, was baptized.

1688. April 28. John, sou of Thomas Turner &Anne his wife, was buried.

1690. May 4. Anne, da. of Thomas & AnneTurner, bapt.

1690. June 21. Anne, wife of Eobert Turner,farmer, buried.

1690. Deo. 6. Eobert Turner, farmer & house-holder, was buried.

1695. June 30. Elizabeth, da. of ThomasTurner & Anne his wife, was bap-tized.

1696. March SO. W.idow Catherine Turner, apoor madwoman, was buried.

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Willielmua Norreys = Margeria Burstedde Presbury incom. Q-louoestrise.

uxor ejus.

Henricus Norreys = Agnes flh'a Bick'dide eadem. Stubbes.

Thomas Norreys =de Reynham incom. Kant.[Died 19 Decem-ber, 1624; buriedin RanehamChurch.]



3EdVs =»tat. 18.

= Elisabetha flliaThomte Elmestonde eadem.[Will 1637.Hasted MS.]

- 2 Henricus 1 Thomas == [Ralph.] [Ann.] Mariasetat. 14. setat. 20. Will'o


[Elizab. [Elizabeth.] [Anne.] [Thomas. [Elizab.] [Mary.Ralph. HastedMargaret. MS.]Hasted MS.]

In the Visitation the arms of Norreys are not given.


1593. Maty, filiaTho. Norris, bapt. Aug. 18.1595. Elizth., fllia Tho. Norris, bapt. May 28.1606. Henry,.filius Tho. Norris, bapt. Jan. 6.1623. Ann, filia Edw. Norria, bapt. Nov. 16.1623. Ann, fllia Stephen Norris, bapt. Oct.

81.1624. Tho. Norms, esquire, buried December

22.1626. Jo., fll. Edw. Norris, gent., bapt. Oct. 29.1627. Tho., fllius Stephen Norris, bapt. Jan. 28.1627. Edward Norreis, gen., buried Maie 19.1628. Eliz., fllia Tho. Norreis, gener., bapt.

Aug. 26.1628. Eliz., fllia Edw. Norreis, bapt. Decemb.

30.1628. Eliz., filia Tho. Norris, gener., buried,

Aug. 27.1629. Barbara, filia Edward Norreis, bapt.

Oct. 27.1631. Henricus Norris, generosus, buried No-

vemb. 1.1632. Margaretta, uxor Abraham! Norreis, bu-

ried Aug. 27.1632. Margaretta, fllia Abrahami Norreis,

bapt. Aug. 26.

1632. Maria, fllia Stephani Norreis, bapt, No-vemb. 4.

1634. Ann, fllia Tho. Norreis, cen., bapt.Feb. 4.

1634. Gulielmus, fllius Abraham! et AnnieNorreis, bapt. Oct. 12.

1634. Guliehnus, fil. Abrahami et Annco Nor-reis, buried.

1637. BlizabethaNorreis, vidua, buried Maij4.1640. Tho., fll. Tho. et Katherinos Norreis,

bapt. April 19.Hennous, fll. Abrahameo et Annas Nor-

reis, bapt. Sept. 6.1642. Elizabetha, filia Abrahami et Annie

Norreis, bapt. Peb. 19.Thomas Nprreis, generosus, paterfami-

lias, buried Apr. 22.1652. Eenoldus, fll. Abrahami et Annas Nor-

reis, sep. Mar. 30.1664, Thomas, fil. Abrahami et Gratia) Norris,

bapt. July 5.1667. Henry Norris, the sonne of Abraham,

was buried the 10 April.1670. Abraham Norris was buried the 17 of


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1593. Ann, filia Ralphe Elmestone, bapt.March 26.

1693. Mary, iilia Will. Elmeston, bapt. July 1.1596. Alice, filia Halph Blmeaton, buried July


1C04. William Elmestone, buried June 4.1626. Agnes Elmeston, vid. buried Septemb.

19.1656. James Elmeston was buried Feb. 20.


" Neere this place lyes bvried yc body of Tho. Norreys, Esq. who after many payn-fvll and dangerovs expeditions at sea atcliieved the charge & credit of a comavnder aM* of yB Tnnitye hovse; and a Comissioncr of the Navye lioyall etc. and dyed y° 19th ofDeer 1624 whose lovinge and loyal! wife Eliz. davgh' of Tho. Elmstone hath dedicatedto his memory this litle Monvmcnt & had issvo by her 4 sones & 3 davghr» viz. RalphoAnn Mary Eliz. Tho. Edward and Henry."

Under the Figure of a Sleeping Child, on two Blaulc Marble Slabs.

"Neere this place lyes y° body of John Koraeys sono of Edward & Berbara HoiTeys.Hee dyed Bei'g aged 7 Movnths.

" Hero slopes my babe in silence, hcauen's his rest,For God takes soonest those he loueth best."

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Ed'rs Kemp "7-Agnes filia

Williehnus =Haward deHart.y se-pultus apudGillingham.

[of London, mercer, 4thson of BartholomewKempe, of Gissing],

= Alicia filia Thomee Clyvogener. [Alicia sororXpoferi Cleve militia.She died 20 Dec., 1610,aged 50, buried in theGrench Chapel.]

EdmundiPage deShorne.

Willielmus =p HelenaLemon. filia


2 Thomas =Haward dela Granehein Gilling-ham [died28 April,1637, buriedin theGreuchChapel].

[Anne, daughterand coheir ofRowland Odell;died Oct. 5,1628, buried inthe GrenchChapel.]

Abigail [Barbarie,;uxor da: ofWillielmi JohnFrowde Castlocke,deShir- of Fever-land, sham,

gent. M. I.2nd wife.]


:1 Samuel =Haward deHarty et leGrange inGilling-ham[Mayor ofFaversham,ob:l7April, 1633,buried inFavershamChurch].

= 1 Elisab: filiaWillielmiLemon decom. Kanti[da: and soleheir of Wil-liam Lemon,of the Isle ofGrain, ob: 14April, 1610,buried inHartyChurch].

[Anna, :

unicafilia, ob:Nov. 17,1660,buried inDodding-tonChurch].

[Willielmus Alicia =Delaune, deSharsted,miles factus,Jan. 22,1661. Ob:30 June, 1667)buried inDoddingtonChurch.Born atThrowley,in 1629.1

[Anna, filia etunica heres.]

= [John Caslock,ofFaversham,ob. 22 Sept.,1651, wt. 78;buried inFavershamChurch.His first wifewas Bennet,one of thedaughtersand co-heirsof ThomasCole, ofFaversham,gent., bywhom he hadissue threesons and fourdaughters.]

2 Abigail =[Ob. 27April,1669;bur* inFaver-shamChurch].

= [ThomasSouthouse,gent., ofFaversham.Ob. 5 Oct.,1676, set.35 j bur11 inFavershamChurch.]

WillielmusHaward,»t. 9. [tet.19 et am-plius.FaussettMS. oopy.']

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^^—"i"̂The above arms and crest -were granted to Samuell Haward, son of William,

son of Stephen Haward, of the Isle of Harty, eo. Kent, by William Segar, Garter,25 May, 1612.

Augmentation of Amis granted 'by Sir Grilbert Dethick, Knt Garter, to Rowland,Sayward, dated 3 Elizabeth.

To all nobles and gentilles thies p'ntes 1'res redynge, hering, or seinge, Sr GilbertDethike, K', al's Garter princypall King of Armes, sendeth dew & haumble common -daoion & gretinge. Equitie wifleth & reasson ordeyneth that men vertieuse & of noblecourage be by there merytes & good renowme rewarded, not allonely their p'sones inthis mortall 'lyffe soe brieff & transitory, but also after (hem those that shalbe of thierbodies desended, to be in all places of honnor w"> other nobles & jenteles accepted &taken, by certayne ensignes & demonstrances of honnour & noblesse. That is to saye,blayson, helme, & tymber to thende that by their ensamples other may the more enforcethem selfes to vse t'heire dayes in feates of armes & werkes vertious to get the renowneof auncyent noblesse in thiere lignes and posteryties. And therefore I, the saide Garter,not allonely by the commune renoune, but also by the reporte & withies of dyuersworthye to be taken of word & credence, am playnely adv'tissed & enformed thatRowland Sayteard, of Acton roitnde, in the counde of Salopp, Esquere, is descendedof ahowse of long tyme beringe armes as appereth in my recordes; nevertheless, hebeiuge uncertayne vnder what sorte & manner his predecessors bare thier said armes &creaste, not willinge to doo anythinge that myght prejudice any gentilhnan of name &of armes hath desiered me the said Garter prmcypall King of Armes, to ordeyne, as-signo, & set fourth to his armes & creste an augmentacion. I therefore seinge his re-queste soe juste & reasonable by th'auctorytie and power annexed, attributed, geuen,and gi-aunted to me & to my office of Garter principal! Kinge of Armes, by espressowordes vnder the moste noble gt sealle, have ordeyned, eeuen, & graunted to his armoa& creaste the augmentaeion in manner as hereafter followeth. That is to saye, on achef sable, a lyonpassaunt hermyne, armed and lounged geules beiwene twoo crossecrosselettes fyehe gold, $• to the creaste being on a wretl'i, a bulles hed caboche sablehomed golde, two crosse crosslettes in sautre persynge the same ffold maittelledassuar dobled Miner, as more playnely apperoth depicted in this margent. To haue

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& to hold to the said Kowland Haward, Esquere, & to his posterytee, & they it tousse & enioye for euer more. In wittnes wherof I, the said Garter princypall Kingof Armes, haue signed thies p'ntes -with my hand, and sett there vnto the Sealle of myArmes. Yeven and graunted at London thexxv'1" of ffebruary, in the thirde yere of theEeigne of our Soveraugne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God queen of England,ffraunce, & Ireland, Defender of the ffayth, etc.


Win. Haywod, son of John Haywoode, bapt.9 April, 1609.

Joane, da. of John Hayward, bapt. 25 Aug.,1011.

John.'the son of John Haward,bapt. 2 January,1613.

Thomas, the son of John Heywood, bapt. 8Jan., 1614.

Guilford, son of John Heywood, bapt. 21 Jan.,1616.

Thomas, son of John Heywood, bapt. 14 Feb.,1618.

Susan, da. of JohnHeywood, bapt. 7 Apr.,1622.John, the sonne of Mr. John Harward, gent.,

bapt. 17 Aug., 1623.MAKBIACWS.

Anne, da. of Thomas Haward. esquire, bapt.8 Oct., 1628.

Eobert, son of Thomas Haywoode, bapt. 11Aug.., 1642.

John Hayward, eon of Gilford Hayward andElizabeth his -wife, was bapt. 14 Deo., 1654.

Henry, son of Guilford Hayward, bapt. Jan.10,1663.

James, eon of William Hayward, bapt. Oct. 16,1664.

William, son of William Hayward, bapt. Sept.8,1667.

Susanna, daughter of Henry Hayward, bapt.April 5,1608.

Vincent Twort and Elizabeth Haward, both ofGillingham, married 21 Oct., 1611.

Mr. Henry Fowles and Mrs. Ohrissogon Ha-ward, Domina de Granch, widdow, wearemarried the 18 January, 1637.

Gilford Hayward and Elizabeth Jesop, marriedSept. 29,1663.

Thomas Shaw and Jane Hayward were marriedNov. 26,1660.

Thomas Xiarlun and Elizabeth Hayward of thisparish, married Oct. 4,1666.

John Heiwood, son of John Heiwood, buried23 Aug., 1605.

Alice Haward, wife of Mr. Wm. Haward, burd.20 Deo., 1610.

Mr. William Haward, Dn's de Granche, burd.2 April, 1612.

John, son of John Haward, burd. 23 Jan.,1613.

Thomas, son of John Heywood, burd. 11March, 1614.

William, son of Mr. John Horewarde, burd. 28Sept., 1619.

Magdalen, da. of John Harewarde, gent., wasburd. in East Court Chapel, 20 Jan., 1621.

Joannes, fllius Mrl Joannis Hareward, generosi,sepult. est tricesimo die Septembris, 1623.

Susan, da. of John Hayward, burd. 18 Feby,

Joane, da. of John Hayward, burd. 16 March,

Mrs. Elizabeth Hareward, wife of Mr. John

Hareward, burd. 26 Feb., 1626, in the middlechancel.

Mrs. Anne Haward, wife of Thomas Haward,Esq., burd. in Granch Chapel, 8 Oct., 1C28.

William Haward, burd. 29 Aug., 1629.Alice, wife of John Haward, burd. 5 March,

1630.John Haward, bnrd. 14 Feb., 1636.Thomas Haward, Esq., Dn's de Granch, burd.

20 April, 1637.John Hayword, burd. June 12,1652.Thomas, son of Guilford Hayward, buried

NOT. 2, 1661.Guilford Hayward, buried May 16,1664.James, son of William Hayward, buried Nov.

17,1664.Hayward, buried Sept. 3rd, 1666.

William Hayward, buried March 29,1679.John Hayward, buried Dec. 18,1680.Samuel Day, a man who workt for Joshua

Hayward, buried 1688.



William Hayward, March y<= 16,1679.


BAPTISMS.1596. Dec. 22. George, son of Eichard Hay.

ward.1697. June 20. The daughter of Stephen

Haywardo, deceased, andMary his wife.

1601. Juno 7. Thomas, son of John Hay-ward,

1601. Sept. 19. Alice, daughter of JohnHayward.

1605. Deo, 16. Thomas, son of John Hay-ward.

1627. Nov. 14. John, son of a'homas Hay-ward and Jone.

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1613. May 6.

1619. June 24.

William Hayward and Tom-sin German,

Michael Hayward and AnneLoue.

1632. Oct. 5.

1639. May 2.

William Legge and TomsinHayward.

James Boorne and BarbaraHayward.






Sept. 29.

April 1.

May 20.

Oct. 16.

June 28.July 28.Sept. 5.Jan. 3.March 19.

Johane, wife of John Hay-ward, buried.

John Hayward, a poore old.man, buried.

An infant of widowe Hay-warde, buried.

Dorithe, daughter of JohnHayward.

Thomasin Haward.William Hayward.Mr. William Hayward.Thomas Haywarde.William Haywarde.

1621. March 22. Anne, wife of Michael Hai-ward.

1624. May 4. A bastard crisom of ElizabethHayward.

1624. May 11. Elizabeth Haiward.1626. Oct. 20. Thomas Hayward.1627. March 20. Steephen Hayward.1628. March 9. Thomas Hayward.1633. April 20. Samuell Hayward, one of the

Jurates.1635. Jan. 9. Robert Hayward.1641. March 20. Steephen Hayward.





[The arms of Kemp in the above inscription were adopted by Elizabeth Hay-ward, with the quarterings of Botevillein, Asho, and Bardolph, described as follows:—Kempe. gules three garls or, a bordure engrailed of the last; 2nd, Botevilleine, argentthree crescents gules; 3, Ashe, argent two chevrons azure; 4, Bardolph, azure threociuquefoils or.]

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1st shield, Haward. 2, Hayward impaling Clyve. 3, Clyve quartering Huxley,Stuche, "Wronkeslow, and Broughton. 4, as 1.

On a black stone with, these Arms. Hayward impaling three crescents, Odell." Here lyeth Captain Tho. Hayward, Lord of the Manor of Grranch, to which this

chancell appertayneth, who dyed the 28"> of Aprill, 1637."On the East wall is a monument of black and white marble, with this inscription:—" Death hath added to the ornaments of this place the blessed memorialls of Mrs

Anne Haward, the beloved wife of Tho. Haward of Granch, in this parish, esquire,daughter and coheire of Mr. Rowland Odell, descended from the ancient family of theOdells, of Odell, in Bedfordshire. She had issue only a daughter, and departed thismortall life the 6"> day of October, 1628, to whose remembrance her most affectionatehusband hath consecrated this monument."

Arms:—Haward impaling four coats quarterly:—1, or, three crescents gules, Odell; 2,argent, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure; 3, argent, fretty sable, a fessermine, on a chief gules, three leopards' heads or; 4, quarterly arg' and gules, fourcrosses forme countercharged.

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