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Jerraganda Vol 17 No 38 10 Apr 14

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The Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra Inc D9710

Volume 17 No 38

Music Festival Presentation

Meeting 787 - 10 Apr 14


Past Pres Chris Hunter welcomed everyone and welcomed our guest Kathleen

Grant and Govert Mellink

Past Pres Chris invited Liz Mulvaney to recite the Charge to Australia and Anne

Davis gave the toast to Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Juneau, the

second Rotary Club to be chartered in the State of Alaska.


Personally I think I should have received an apology from the Attendance Officer who

forgot to send me the apologies and attendance. However after a little prompting,

apologies were received from Chilli Chilman, Lynne McPherson, President Paul and

Sue, Glenn Wahlert and Jon Wells.



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Anton introduced our guest speakers Kathleen Grant and Govert Mellink whose aim is to explain

what the expectation for the catering of the Music Festival would entail and whether or not we our

Club was in a position to assist.

Background: The Festival will celebrate its 20th year in 2014 and has grown into what it is today.

The are approximately 5000 music lovers attending over the Festival, 500 musicians performing

and over 100 premiers. A group of people have joined with Kathleen who do this as a job.

Performers come from about 20 countries. The theme this year is music created around war.

There is a broad variety of music from Mozart, Brahms to Australian composers. One of the best

presentations to attend is the family concert, which this year is “Peter and the Wolf”.

Most of the concerts will be at the Fitters Workshop which has great acoustics.

It is a large empty space with lots of glass and high ceilings.

At previous Festivals the organisers asked patrons what they thought the Festival lacked. Many

felt that having something to eat in between concerts would be great as sometimes there wasn’t

enough time to go home or go out and get a meal in between music presentations.

The organisers are looking for ideas to feed the Festival goers without being extravagant. Take the

risk out of cooking by doing simple things and not a lot of variety.

There are a number of people who go to all the concerts. The Organisers are not interested in the

profits, just what the Club can provide. All profits will go to the club.

Discussion ensued among members and an attendance sheet was passed around to give an

indication of availability. The Board will discuss our commitment.

Jerraganda business:

From the Desk of the President:

Past Pres Chris attempted to provide Pres Paul's report but I must say struggled a little. I asked

Pres Paul to email me his report for the ease of getting it right. Not sure I succeeded, but here it is:

Hi Chris, we are having a very wet visit to the North Victoria wine districts this trip. Not looking

like improving much before the weekend either. Anyway still lots to do including an Italian cooking

class tomorrow followed by lunch and wine tasting!!

For the Presidents report tonight could you mention the Board meeting? Also mention that the

Renal Unit project is close to being finalised with Paul and I helping plant last Saturday and Sue

taking pics. I put the tree in on Tuesday and all that remains is a water dropper line which I will lay

next week. If anyone wants to help they can let me know.

The district is having a world's greatest meal in support of Polio eradication on Saturday 19th April.

Details have been circulated and registration can be done via the district website. Mention we will

be donating $1000 to the Foundation for Polio plus. This will be trebled as every dollar we give is

matched with another $2 from the Bill Gates foundation.

Lynne McPherson has been off sick and the club welfare officer sent chocolates and a card. Anne

Davis was also sick and required David to stay home and care for her, so the welfare officer also

sent her Hocks and a card. Now I am assuming that the Pres meant Choc's? or did we send Anne

some socks? Maybe parting with some fine money will assist to clarify this little mystery….

You will want to mention the Fair or let David report on it !! You are right Pres, David will report on

this one….

The other board stuff can be covered by the directors - Anzac Day, markets, music festival, Tonga

RAWCS trip, etc. Have a great night and thanks for standing in.

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Reports: Secretary

Glenn sent his apologies and had nothing to report.

Reports: Treasurer

David advised that he will provide the quarterly report …. At the quarter!

Reports: Community:

Anzac Day Breakfast. Jan advised that she needs all hands on deck. David Bailey

advised that he will bring the trailer. Jan asked for an indication of attendees and

plenty of people put their hands up so there will be no email requesting indication of

attendance, however once members were advised that the kick off is at 4am, there

was a little stunned silence!!

Reports: Club Service:

Paul Robey advised that following the cancellation of the Mystery Tour due to

bad weather, it has tentatively been booked for May 29; more to follow.

Mega Swim. Paul advised that the MOU has been written and there is more to


Reports: International

Chilly is losing more hair trying to deal with Tonga. Dates for the trip are

from 22 Sep for 2 weeks.

Chilly has sent out an email confirming those attendees and calling for any

further nominations prior to approaching other Clubs.

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Reports: Youth and New Generations

Lynne is still unwell and the Club members all wish her the very best and hope

to see her back at the Club soon.

General Business:

Tonga Costs: David Bailey cautioned that the email from Chilly providing the cost for

the Tonga Trip was incorrect and is closer to $1500.00

Renal Unit: An article in the local rag thanked the Rotary Club of QBN for work done

on the renal unit, however no mention of the other Clubs.

Tough Ask: Tonga Club was asked to measure the classroom to assist in the purchase of materials,

however they advised that they need to have a Board meeting first. How's the hairline going Chilly?

Fair: David Bailey briefed the meeting that P&C of the Jerrabomberra Primary School have advised

that their biannual fete will be held one week prior to the Fair. The Board discussed the feasibility

of holding two major events a week apart and have come to the decision to cancel the Fair for this

year. Mrs Hunter advised that we will continue with planning for the fun run. David Bailey also

suggested that we may consider holding our Fair Bi-annually to avoid any further clashes. This will

be discussed in detail at a later date.

Thankyou: Peter Jarvis thanked everyone for helping him celebrate his B’day and in particular

those people who stayed behind to help with the clean-up.

Megaswim 4-5 May. Peter Jarvis advised that he will be doing the roster for the Mega Swim on his

chalk board/white board next week. Peter is looking for young’un’s to do the midnight to 6am shift

as Mez and Dizz won’t be there, but Mrs Hunter, who has done the graveyard shift for the last

couple of years is still willing and able!

St Benedict's Roster: Jan asked for a volunteer to replace David Stevens on the roster for 28 Apr

14. Sue Jarvis advised Jan that she and Peter will do bbq on the day.

St Benedict's Update: Jan advised that at the last couple of BBQ's, there has been someone from

St Benedict's who has already cooked the meat and it may be an idea to scope the need for the

Club to continue with this duty. The payment of meat was also raised and amid huge conflicting

thoughts, an investigation into who is supplying the meat needs to be conducted.

Community Centre: Sue Jarvis advised the members that there were some issues with the new

Community Centre such as a need for Dimmers for the lighting, there are no outdoor lights, and an

air conditioner that doesn’t eat balloons needs to be investigate. In addition, the Bi fold doors don’t

lock against the wall and can be dangerous with little kids and the music cannot be heard around

the other side of the room. Given the additional cost to hire this facility, Sue asked for a united

approach to raise these problems from the Club.

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Thankyou!: Anne Davis thanked the Club members for the get well card and chocs whilst she was

home sick. Aha!! It was Choc’s!!

Rotary Rascals: Anne advised that she does not have a lot of swimmers for our team. If anyone is

interested in joining the team, even just to do the occasional lap, please let her know.

Request for Assistance: Neil Renfrey approached the Club and asked for some assistance with a

fundraising event on Tue 6 May for his disabled daughter. There would be approx 50-200 people

and unfortunately given it is straight after the Mega Swim, the Club will regrettably decline the


Pres Paul asked that I pass on the invitation below.

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Market Mistress:

Jan, Anton and Jon rostered. Need water. There will be no Markets the following

week due to the folk festival.



An Aussie truckie walks into an outback cafe' with a full-grown emu behind him.

The waitress asks them for their orders.

The truckie says, 'A hamburger, chips and a coke,' and turns to the

emu, 'What's yours?' 'I'll have the same,' says the emu.

A short time later the waitress returns with the order

'That will be $9.40 please,' and he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the

exact change for payment.

The next day, the man and the emu come again and he says, 'A hamburger, chips and a coke.' The

emu says, 'I'll have the same.'

Again the truckie reaches into his pocket and pays with exact change.

This becomes routine until the two enter again. 'The usual?' asks the waitress.

'No, it's Friday night, so I'll have a steak, baked potato and a salad,' says the man. 'Same,'

says the emu.

Shortly the waitress brings the order and says, 'That will be $32.62.' Once again the man pulls the

exact change out of his pocket and places it on the table.

The waitress cannot hold back her curiosity any longer. 'Excuse me, mate, how do you manage

to always come up with the exact change in your pocket every time?'

'Well, love' says the truckie, 'a few years ago, I was cleaning out the back shed, and found an old

lamp. When I rubbed it, a Genie appeared and offered

me two wishes. My first wish was that if I ever had

to pay for anything, I would just put my hand in my

pocket and the right amount of money would always

be there.'

'That's brilliant!' says the waitress. 'Most people

would ask for a million dollars or something, but you'll

always be as rich as you want for as long as you live!'

'That's right. Whether it's a gallon of milk or a Rolls

Royce, the exact money is always there,' says the

man. The waitress asks, 'What's with the emu?'

The truckie sighs, pauses, and answers, 'My second

wish was for a tall chick with a big arse and long legs,

who agrees with everything I say.'

Another week of reprieve: Purple ticket no 20 was drawn, Jan Pettigrew then drew the 4 of hearts

and we parted with $32.00.


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SGT Fines:

The SGT-At-Arms facilitated the cross fine session this week. Well done to those

members who came prepared, made it up, or used this opportunity to get back

at the SGT!!

I have to say I am very impressed my fellow Rotarians, we raised a princely sum

of $64.65. Good job my friends!

Heads and Tails:


Another apology Mr Attendance Officer?? Attendance was 70%.

Farmers Market Corner:

From the Pen of…Jan Pettigrew

Not a fantastic day - quite a few stallholders away. A couple of long lost items were picked up. One

person indicated an interest in coming along to a Rotary meeting. I got some figs and Anton bought

some flowers for Rosemary!

Thankyou, Jan!

Market Takings for last week:

22 Mar 14 Jan Pettigrew Jon Wells Anton Pemmer

Tables $70.00

Bags $66.00

Water $32.00

Total $168.00

Comments: Short and


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Markets this week – Jan Pettigrew, Jon Wells and Anton Pemmer.

Markets next week – None!! Folk Festival.

Past Pres Chris thanked our guests for their presentation on the Music Festival and advised that

we will be in contact ASAP.

Members Contributions:



17 Apr 14 Martin Fisk CEO Menslink

Social & Special Events

1-4 Jun 14 Rotary International Conf - Sydney

28 Jun 14 Changeover dinner.

Farmers Market

19 Apr 14 No Markets - Folk Festival

26 Apr 14 Kerry and Lynne McPherson & Paul Robey

3 May 14 Paul and Sue Roger & Terry Spencer

St Benedict's Roster

28 Apr 13 Sue and Peter Jarvis

Club Officers 2012-2013

President Paul Roger

President Elect Paul Robey

Vice President Chris Hunter

Secretary Glenn Wahlert

Treasurer David Bailey

Club Service Director Paul Robey

Community Service Director Sue Jarvis

International and Foundation Director Terry Spencer

Youth and New Generations Director Lynne McPherson

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Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra PO Box 8 Jerrabomberra NSW 2619

Email: [email protected] Chartered 18 Nov 1998 Meets Thursday 6.30 – 8.30

Jerrabomberra Public School Apologies David Stevens by 12 Noon Tue

T: 0413519894 E: [email protected]

Bulletin Contributions Mez Mulvaney 0419121128 [email protected]

Club Service Members

Director Paul Robey

Sergeant Mez Mulvaney

Welfare Sue Roger

Program & Fellowship Ian Wholohan

Attendance & Meals Officer David Stevens

Communications and PR Chris Hunter

Welfare & Historian Sue Roger

Jerraganda Editor Mez Mulvaney

Club Service Projects Colin Hobbs

Community Service Members

Director Sue Jarvis

BBQ’s Jan Pettigrew

Epic Markets Anne Davis

Fairs TBA

Ball Sue Jarvis & Jon Wells

Bowel Care Kerry McPherson

Projects Bruce Miller

International Members

Director Terry Spencer

Polio Plus Pam Spencer

RAWCS David Bailey

Foundation George McIver

GSE/Friendship Exchange Robert Chilman

Shelter Boxes Cathy Hobbs

Youth Service Members

Director Lynne McPherson

Local Programs Glenda Wahlert

District Programs TBA

National Programs Lynne McPherson

International Programs TBA

Vocational Service Peter Jarvis

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CURRENT CLUB MEMBERS Alex Alexander Lynne McPherson Sue Roger David Bailey, PP, PHF Kerry McPherson Pam Spencer, PHF, PP Robert Chilman Bruce Miller Terry Spencer, PHF, PP Anne Davis, PP Liz Mulvaney, PHF David Stevens, PHF, PP Cathy Hobbs Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF Glenda Wahlert, PP Colin Hobbs, PP Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP Glenn Wahlert Chris Hunter, OAM, PP Paul Robey Jon Wells Peter Jarvis, PHF,PP Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Ian Wholohan Sue Jarvis, PHF Paul Roger PHF, President

SUPPORTERS Vera Alexander Vickie Berry

HONORARY MEMBERS Alex Alexander Robert Cooke


In 1998 the Rotary Clubs of Queanbeyan and Queanbeyan West Rotary decided to sponsor a new Rotary Club based in Jerrabomberra. Bill Lilley, John Snedden and Peter Jarvis from Queanbeyan West took on the joint roll of mentor (Peter Jarvis went on to become our Charter President).

Advertising for potential members began in March 1998. After a successful campaign, the Club was chartered on 18 November 1998 with 20 members. We are an unusual club as we have a very high proportion of female Members.

Initial meetings were held at the Jerrabomberra General Store—the venue was very good until we grew in numbers. We then moved to the Jerrabomberra Community Centre for a few years. We now meet at the Jerrabomberra Public School Staff Room, on Thursdays (6.15 for 6.30 pm). As at 26 Jan 2014 the Club has 26 members — 11 female and 15 male. Included in this are seven married couples. We also have 4 supporters of the Rotary Club.

(Charter) President Peter Jarvis ran competitions to select a name for our Club bulletin and a design for the Club banner. There were some good and (very) bad suggestions. Pam Spencer suggested the winning bulletin name; Jerraganda. The banner design by David Stevens was eventually selected. The design incorporates a goose and the windmill associated with the original entrance to the estate.

To be an ideal guest, stay at home.