Japan’s Support for the Capacity-Building for the Biological Threat Reduction 2009 BTWC Meeting of Experts, Geneva, August 24-28, 2009 Katsuhisa Furukawa Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX) Japan Science and Technology Agency © Copyright. All rights reserved. Katsuhisa Furukawa * The views expressed here are those of the author and do not represent those of the Research Institute for Science and Technology for Society or its research sponsors.

Japan’s Support for the Capacity-Building for the …httpAssets)/FD...Japan’s Position on Support for Capacity Building • Assistance should be provided in accordance with the

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Page 1: Japan’s Support for the Capacity-Building for the …httpAssets)/FD...Japan’s Position on Support for Capacity Building • Assistance should be provided in accordance with the

Japan’s Support for the Capacity-Building for

the Biological Threat Reduction

2009 BTWC Meeting of Experts,Geneva, August 24-28, 2009

Katsuhisa Furukawa

Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX)

Japan Science and Technology Agency

© Copyright. All rights reserved. Katsuhisa Furukawa

* The views expressed here are those of the author and do not represent those of the Research Institute for Science and Technology for Society or its

research sponsors.

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Necessity to Meet with the Full Spectrum Biological Risks

• Environmental protection• Food safety, Water sanitation• Animal health• Plant health• Chronicle diseases• Naturally-occurring diseases and toxins• Accidental release of diseases, toxins, and chemical

agents• Intentional release of diseases, toxins, and chemical

agents• Misuse of life science technologies• Sustaining and strengthening public health infrastructure• Biological/chemical warfare

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Japan’s Position on Support for Capacity Building

• Assistance should be provided in accordance with the capacity of the recipient country.– Training of the human resources is essential!– Even if equipment or hardware may be provided, it would be

useless unless appropriate human resources could handle them.

• Encourage the ownership of the recipient country so that the provision of assistance could eventually lead to generating a self-sustainable mechanism in the recipient country.

• Some of the regulations related to the prevention of bioterrorism in Japan have generated constraints over the technical training for Asian experts.

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Japan’s Support for Infectious Disease Control Overseas

This section was produced jointly with Naoko Noro, Associate Fellow of the RISTEX.

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Japan's Contributions through WHO

• Through the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Japan has contributed to:– The establishment of an early warning system for emerging

infectious diseases– The improvement of laboratory capacities– The development of national preparedness plans for the

rapid response in 8 Asian countries (Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and Vietnam)

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Assistance by Government Fund

• Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund:– Assisted ASEAN member states in stockpiling 1

million courses of anti-virus medicine for early containment of pandemic influenza.

• African Union Peace Fund– A part of the funding from Japan has been used

for the activities such as organizing conferences on infectious disease prevention.

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Support for Capacity Building for Avian and Pandemic Influenza

• East Asia Summit Declaration on Avian Influenza Prevention, Control and Response (December 2005)

• Emergency Assistance in response to Avian Influenza Epidemic in Indonesia (October 2005)– Provided medical equipment (testing kits for laboratories, diagnostic

equipment and reagent) worth 25 million yen in total including the transportation cost.

• Assistance to Laos for Measures against Avian Influenza (March 2004)– Japan provided Laos with equipment for virus control and diagnosis

worth 50,000 US dollars to help the country to control avian influenza, within the framework of the Project of Japan-Thailand Technical Cooperation on Animal Disease Control in Thailand and Neighboring Countries, carried out by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).


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Japan's Contribution to Fight against Avian and Pandemic Influenza

• Japan's assistance to Asian countries related to avian influenza (2003-2005)– Japan provided equipments equivalent to approximately US$ 2.2

million to Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Lao Republic, Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia, trained 10 people and dispatched 24 experts and others.

• In January 2006, Japan pledged to provide approximately US$ 155 million to assist Asian countries with following measures. – Stockpiling of 500 thousand courses of antivirals.– Communication campaign in rural areas and enhancement of

surveillance through international organisations, promotion of research,etc.

• In December 2007, at the New Delhi International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, Japan pledged an additional 69 US million dollars as assistance for measures against avian and pandemic influenza, including those to be finalized by the Government.


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Japan's Contribution to Fight against Avian and Pandemic Influenza:

Early Response Capacity Building

• Japan co-hosted an international conference on early response with WHO on January 12-13 2006.– More than 130 participants, representatives and experts attended the

meeting from 14 Asian countries (including all those affected by the H5N1 virus), donor countries and agencies, and regional and international organizations. Some countries were represented at ministerial level.

– Recommendations to countries and WHO were made, respectively.(http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/health_c/poultry/meet0601.pdf)

• Japan trained more than 100 personnel from Asian countries per year in sectors related to avian and pandemic influenza between 2006 and 2008, and provided necessary equipments including test laboratory etc.


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Support for Capacity Building for Avian and Pandemic Influenza: PPE and Antiviral Drugs

• Provision of a Stockpile Comprising PPE and Antiviral Drugs in Southeast Asia:– In January 2004, Japan extended approximately 173,000

dollars worth of medicine (100,000 tablets of Tamiflu) to Viet Nam through JICA.

– At the Japan-ASEAN Summit Meeting in December 2005, Japan pledged to provide a stockpile comprising Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for 700,000 persons and antiviral drugs for 500,000 persons to contain pandemic influenza. Hence, PPE for 700,000 persons and antivirals for 500,000 persons to prepare against an outbreak of pandemic influenza have been stored in Singapore since then.


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Support for Capacity Building for Avian and Pandemic Influenza: PPE and Antiviral Drugs

• Exercise on Antiviral Stockpile for ASEAN Countries to Contain Outbreak of Pandemic Influenza (April 2007)

– In April 2007, the Government of Japan, together with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the ASEAN Secretariat, conducted an exercise on swiftly delivering stockpiled personal protective equipment (PPE) and antivirals provided from Japan to the ASEAN countries.

– Assumption: pandemic influenza broken out in Cambodia, and a simulation was carried out to see whether the stockpiles held in Singapore were delivered promptly.


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Support for Intra-Regional Seminars• Japan cosponsored the following initiatives with the host

countries:– Malaysia (Ministry of Agriculture): Workshop on Policy and

Strategy in Prevention, Control and Education of Avian Influenza” and “the Diagnosis of Avian Influenza” (March 2007 and November 2008)

– Vietnam: A Training Seminar on Prevention of Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases by JICA-ASEAN Regional Cooperation Meeting (June 2007): participants from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar.

– Singapore: Training course “Capacity Building in the Prevention of Contagious Diseases” (2007-2008): participants from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam, China and Brunei.

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Bilateral Assistance for Vietnam

• The Project for Capacity Development for National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) to Control Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases in Vietnam (2006-2010)

• Goal: Bio-safety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratories are fully functioned and maintained in NIHE– Human resource development (Technical aid)– Equipment provision: Laboratory facilities (Grant aid)

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Japan International Cooperation Agency: Technical Cooperation to Strengthen Capacity

for Measles Vaccine Production in Vietnam• Series of technical transfer

through experts assignments and training will be conducted such as bulk, freeze-drying, production, quality control as well as proper operation of mass production (7.5 million doses/year) of the measles vaccine. Besides, in order to ensure that production and quality management meet WHO-GMP standard, technical transfer on quality assurance of the product, preparation of necessary documents etc., are also planned to be implemented.

• Duration: March 2006 ~ March 2010

Instruction of Techniques of Formation

Instruction of Quality Management Test


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Bilateral Assistance for Indonesia• Improvement on the Vaccination Program for Avian Influenza (2007-

2009)– Enhance monitoring– Dispatch of Japanese experts– Equipment provision– Acceptance of trainees

• Project on Enhancement of Surveillance System for Avian Influenza (2008-2011)– South Slawesi– Dispatch of experts, acceptance of trainees, equipment provisions

• Project on Improvement of Livestock Diseases Laboratories (2007-): Grant aid - JPY 1.8 billion

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Human Resource Training

• Japan International Cooperation of Welfare Services (JICWELS) – Provided training of experts on infectious diseases: between 1987 and

2005, 124 experts from 20 countries participated in. – Also provided training on maternal health for doctors and nurses of

Asian countries.

• National Institute of Infectious Diseases– Regional training program “Biosafety Control for Emerging Infectious

Diseases for Asia”(2007-2009): participants from Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Mongolia, and Thailand.

– Country-focused training program “Molecular Epidemiology of Avian Influenza Antibody” (August 2008): participants from the Ministry of Health of Indonesia

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H1N1 Influenza• Emergency Assistance to the United Mexican States (May

2009)– Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods

worth approximately 21 million yen in response to a request from the Government of Mexico.

– Specifically, Japan provides 190,000 masks, 3,000 pairs of goggles, 3,000 disposable surgical clothes, 3,000 pairs of disposable gloves for medical use, and 1,370 bottles of antiseptic solution for washing hands.


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Support for Capacity Building for Animal Disease Prevention in Asia through FAO, OIE

• Program for Strengthening the System for Avian Influenza Control in Asia (by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) (2008-2012)

– Assistance for instituting the early warning system in Asia – Assistance for capacity enhancement of administration over veterinarian in Asia– Assistance for investigation of the virus transmission route in Asia – Budget: 1.381 million yen (2007-2009)

• Measures for Animal Health– Assistance for disease prevention planning– Early warning system– Dispatch of experts – Budget: 97 million yen (2008-2009)

• Emergency Comprehensive plan to Prevent the Further Spread of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Flu in Asia

– Assistance for shaping the disease prevention strategy in Asia– Emergency surveillance over farmers– Provision of equipment for culling – Budget: 1,979 million yen (2005)


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Support for Regional Cooperation for Animal Diseases Control

• Regional Cooperation Project on Prevention of Livestock diseases in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (2008-2011)

– Enhancement of surveillance for the cross-border livestock diseases

– Dispatch of Japanese experts, acceptance of trainees, equipment provisions

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• Emergency Assistance for Dengue Fever Epidemic in Bolivia (February 2009)

• Emergency Grant Aid to Tackle the Cholera Outbreak in the Republic of Zimbabwe (December 2008)

• International Tuberculosis Symposium "Toward Elimination of TB in the World - From Asia to Africa -" (July 2008)

• Emergency Grant Aid to Myanmar (Assistance for Vaccination against Polio) (September 2007)

• Assistance through the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the Republic of Colombia (April 2007)

• Emergency Grant Aid to Myanmar (Assistance for Vaccination against Polio) (July 2006)

• Grant Aid to UNICEF for the Project for Improving the Control of Infectious Diseases and the Nutritional Status of Palestinian Children and Preventing Inner-hospital Infection of Newborn Babies in the Palestinian Territories (July 2006)


Other Cases of Support for Infectious Diseases Control

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• Japan's Action Plan in Combating Infectious Diseases in Africa • Grant Aid to UNICEF for the Project for Improving the Control of Infectious

Diseases and the Nutritional Status of Palestinian Children of the Palestinian Authority (June 2005)

• Training of Doctors in Al-Muthanna Governorate, Iraq, to Fight Infectious Disease (November 2004)

• Grant Aid for the Project for Reinforcement of the Immunization Program in Haiti (October 2004)

• Emergency Grant Aid to Four Asian Countries (Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia and Viet Nam) through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (March 2004)

• Grant Aid to UNICEF for the Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Afghanistan (December 2003)

• Statement by H.E. Mr. Eisuke Hinode, Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Japan and Head of the Delegation of Japan, at the 59th Session (Phase2) of ESCAP (September 2003)


Other Cases of Assistance for Infectious Diseases

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Other Cases of Assistance for Infectious Diseases• Emergency Assistance to combat the Meningitis Epidemic in Nigeria

(March 2003)• Dispatch of Japan Disaster Relief Expert Team to Viet Nam for Epidemic

Outbreak of Non-specific Pneumonia (March 2003)• Grant Aid to UNICEF for the Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for

Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (February 2003)• Assistance for Malaria Control in Nigeria by the Trust Fund for Human

Security (January 2003)• Emergency Aid against the Epidemic of Meningitis in Rwanda (October

2002)• Emergency Medical Assistance to the Afghanistan Interim Administration

(March 2002)• Okinawa International Conference on Infectious Diseases (December



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Formation of Research Network for International Cooperation

This section was produced jointly with Naoko Noro, Associate Fellow of the RISTEX.

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• This program equips and outfits, with an emphasis on lab equipment, research institutions that can become centers for the study of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases. It promotes interdisciplinary research that crosses the traditional boundaries of fields such as medicine and veterinary medicine by establishing frameworks for joint utilization and joint research centered around key facilities.

• The project also prepares laboratories overseas to serve as centers for research on infectious diseases.

• In this way the program works to foster basic knowledge and train and retain personnel to enable rapid implementation of countermeasures to deal with emerging and reemerging infectious diseases.

Program of Funding Research Centers for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases (PFRC)

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Program of Funding Research Centers for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases

(PFRC)• Objectives:

– Better understanding of infectious diseases– Technologic innovation in diagnosis, therapy and

prevention– Training personnel with expertise in infectious diseases.

• Selected domestic universities / research institutions with high research potential on emerging and reemerging infections, and enhance their research infrastructures.

• Established research centers at overseas institutions in countries at high risk of emerging infections.

• As of April 2008, 8 universities and 2 research institutions in Japan have established 12 overseas research centers in 8 countries on a bilateral and collaborative basis


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PFRC Outline(1) Created a domestic research system that promotes the accumulation of

fundamental knowledge about emerging and reemerging infectious diseases by upgrading research facilities of selected institutions in Japan.

(2) Established overseas research collaboration centers in partnership with the overseas institutions in countries at high risk of emerging and reemerging infections, where Japanese researchers are stationed and conduct collaborative research with the researchers of the partner institutions.

(3) Promoted networking all domestic and overseas research centers in order to encourage active joint research and the shared use of research facilities, research resources and research information.

(4) Developed human resources through conducting research in these domestic and overseas research centers who have been able to take farsighted actions on occasions of disease outbreaks and make active contributions in the research field of infectious diseases over the long term.

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The Center for Research Network of Infectious Diseases (CRNID)

• CRNID was established at RIKEN on July 1, 2005 to support the execution of PFRC.

• CRNID aims to effectively promote the PFRC through networking the domestic and overseas research centers founded on the Program.

• Contents of the Mission1. Collection and Dissemination of Information and

Joint Research Coordination2. Operational Assistance to Overseas Research

Centers3. Others (administrative, hosting seminars, etc.)

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Research Centers under PFRC

(From RIKEN website: http://www.crnid.riken.jp/pfrc/eng/base/index.html)

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• "TOHOKU-RITM Collaborating Research Center on Emerging and Reemerging Diseases" was established in 2008 between Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and the Research Institute of Tropical Medicine (RITM), which is the national reference center on infectious diseases in the Philippines. The RITM was established in 1981 under the support from JICA.

• The main objectives of this center are;(1) To elucidate the causative agents and conduct epidemiological study of major infectious diseases in the Philippines;(2) To strengthen the laboratory capacity of the RITM as a national reference center; and (3) To establish the sustainable control programs for infectious disease in the Philippines.Aim of the research is to contribute to infectious disease control from public health perspectives. Therefore, the center focuses on the field researches which are being conducted together with local hospitals and other local level institutions. It is expected that the outcome from this center will contribute to establishing the sustainable control measures for infectious diseases, which can be applicable to other countries through international organizations.


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Universities, Research Institutions, andPrivate Foundation

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Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo• Holds a number of famous research

centers and departments, including the Research Center for Asian Infectious Diseases.

• Hosted the Japan-China Bilateral Symposium on Avian Influenza (2004, 2006, 2007, and 2008) (http://www.rcaid.jp/ai/)

http://www.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/imsut/jp/lab/microbiologyimmunology/Professor Yoshihiro Kawaoka

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Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University: Overseas Research Stations

• Kenya Branch– Infectious Diseases Research Program Nairobi Research Station,

Kenya (A Special Grant from the Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science and Technology, 2005-2009)

• Vietnamese Branch– Research Center: Clinical Epidemiology of Emerging and

Reemerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory in Hanoi, Viet Nam (A special research program of the Japanese Government for the establishment of a research center for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, 2005-2009)

• Fijian Branch– Japanese support to the Pacific Immunization Program

Strengthening (J-PIPS) Suva, Fiji


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Institute of Tropical Medicine,Nagasaki University: Cooperation with the

International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh(ICDDR, B.)

• Genetic epidemiology and cohort studies on amoebiasis and leishmaniasis are carried out in cooperation with the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh(ICDDR, B.)and the University of Virginia. Field sites include Dhaka and rural areas of Bangladesh. In addition to genetic factors, we aim to elucidate various environmental factors that determine and/or influence the outcome of the infection. In the laboratory, we study host defense mechanisms against Leishmania major, L. donovani and Trypanosoma cruzi, and in the process, have elucidated the function of the IL-12 cytokine family such as IL-27/WSX-1 during infection. After we developed animal models of intestinal amoebiasis together with Prof. Houpt at University of Virginia, we are now devoting ourselves to the study of pathogenesis of Entamoeba histolytica and host defense mechanisms to E. histolytica.


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Hokkaido UniversityResearch Center for

Zoonosis Control• Key Departments and Center

– Department of Global Epidemiology– Department of Molecular Pathobiology – Department of Bioresources– Department of Collaboration and Education – Hokudai Center for Zoonosis Control in Zambia

• Field research in China, Alaska and Siberia• Hosted a Workshop on Technical Training for Controlling the Avian Flu,

September 2006, sponsored by JICA– 20 participants (veterinarians, virologists, and officials) from 12

countries: Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan

– Topics: Disease prevention, diagnosis and information exchange, etc.http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/czc/index-e.html

Professor Hiroshi Kida

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Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

• One of the top universities in Japan in area of animal health, including research on Bacillus anthracis.

• Center for Excellence: Animal Global Health

• Educational Plan for Sustainable Agriculture


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A Program on “Addressing an Avian Flu Pandemic through Intraregional Cooperation”

by Sasakawa Peace Foundation (2008-2010)• General investigation in Asia (Nov. 08- Mar. 09)

– A general investigation into the current response capacity of approximately ten Asian countries

• Surveys of the current status of intraregional cooperation (information sharing, border controls/activities) in ASEAN: – Survey results will be used to suggest possibilities for effective cooperation

between major organizations within ASEAN. • Development of pandemic countermeasure tools for use at the regional level

(April to September 2009) / primary test run (October 2009 to March 2010)– To investigate pandemic countermeasures that could be carried out at the

regional level, tools permitting investigation of countermeasures appropriate to the country in question, which includes construction of damage simulation models, will be developed. The tools will be tested in various autonomous localities in ASEAN, and then revised on the basis of feedback from governments, medical institutions and citizens.

• Coordination with organizations such as the WHO, the ASEAN Secretariat, and UNSIC.


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The Research Institute of Tuberculosis• Support for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) projects in

Afghanistan, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Nepal, the Philippines, Yemen, Zambia, and others. Staff members are dispatched to the project sites to support the project team as short-term experts, and support the projects technically through communications as well as participating in JICA’s domestic support committee;

• Technical advice to JICA and other agencies on technical cooperation and Grant Aid projects;

• Support and promotion of Stop TB Partnership activities through various activities such as sending staff to the Technical Advisory Group meetings of WHO and DOTS Expansion Working Group meetings, etc;

• Collaboration with international agencies, such as WHO, IUALTD, CDC to publish the technical guidelines/manuals such as External Quality Assessment for AFB Smear Microscopy, etc;

• Collaboration with anti-tuberculosis associations in Nepal, Indonesia and Myanmar through joining JATA headquarters’ projects activities; and

• Research on expansion of quality DOTS in developing countries.


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ODA for Science and Technology Cooperation

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ODA for Science and Technology Cooperation• In 2008, JICA and JST jointly initiated the Official

Development Assistance for Science and Technology.

• Main sectors where S&T is particularly relevant:– Higher education– Environment /climate change– Disaster prevention– Health /infectious diseases control– Agriculture development– Information technology– Energy

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Source: “Science and Technology in Japan’s International Cooperation”, September 19, 2008, Japan International Cooperation Agency

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Source: “Science and Technology in Japan’s International Cooperation”, September 19, 2008, Japan International Cooperation Agency

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Source: “Science and Technology in Japan’s International Cooperation”, September 19, 2008, Japan International Cooperation Agency

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Source: “Science and Technology in Japan’s International Cooperation”, September 19, 2008, Japan International Cooperation Agency

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Source: “Science and Technology in Japan’s International Cooperation”, September 19, 2008, Japan International Cooperation Agency

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FY2009: Joint Research on Measures to Address Infectious Diseases Control Attuned to

the Needs of Developing Countries”• “Control of Infectious Diseases of Viral and Parasitic Aetiology in

Ghana” (Professor YAMAOKA Shoji; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

• “Emerging Infectious Diseases: Development of Vaccines and Natural Substance Based Antiviral Drugs for Control and Prevention of Flavi-and Related Viruses” [Indonesia] (Director/Professor HOTTA Hak; Center for Infectious Diseases, Graduate School of Medicine/School of Medicine, Kobe University)

• “New Technologies Approaches Applied for the Improvement of Diagnosis and Management of Fungal Infections in AIDS and Immunocompromised Patients in Brazil” (Professor KAMEI Katsuhiko; Medical Mycology Research Center (MMRC), Chiba University)

• “Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis in the Philippines”(Professor YOSHIDA Shinichi; Faculty of Medicine Sciences, Kyushu University) http://www.jst.go.jp/pr/info/info634/attachments3.html

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Japan’s Cooperation for International Security and Safety Using Its Space Capabilities

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Japan’s Cooperation Using Space Capabilities

• The International Charter “Space and Major Disasters”– In October 2000, the European and French space

agencies (ESA and CNES) initiated the International Charter "Space and Major Disasters", with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The JAXA became a member in February 2005.

• Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF)– APRSAF was established in 1993 to enhance the

development of each country's space program and to exchange views toward future cooperation in space activities in the Asia-Pacific region.

– APRSAF intends to ensure wider participation of space agencies, government officials, regional and international organizations and institutions responsible for applying space technology, as well as space agencies from outside the region and private sectors as observers.

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Sentinel Asia: Disaster Management Support System in the Asia-Pacific Region

• "Sentinel Asia (SA)" was originally proposed in November 2004. The space organizations associated with the APRSAF as well as disaster prevention institutions in Asia participate in SA.

• Through SA, information about disasters could begin to be delivered more efficiently through the 'world-wide-web', even outside national borders, in 'real-time' or 'near real-time', and used as early-warning, or as post-disaster information by various countries and relevant end-user agencies.

• Current proposal by the JAXA include:– Improvement of speed and accuracy for disaster preparedness and

early warning – Minimizing victims and social economic losses due to disasters.

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Space Community

Digital Earth/Web-GIS Communities

International Community

Disaster Prevention Community

Data provision, etc.

Information Sharing Platform,

Data provision, etc.

International cooperation

Date provision, etc.

A Framework of Sentinel Asia

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Information Flow under the Sentinel Asia

Monitoring Systems Disaster Prevention Institutions

Disaster Information

Sharing Platform

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International Satellite System For Search and Rescue

• The Cospas-Sarsat Programme assists search and rescue (SAR) activities on a worldwide basis by providing accurate, timely, and reliable distress alert and location data to the international community on a non-discriminatory basis.

• In 1993, Japan Coast Guard Agency joined Cospas-Sarsat.

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International Cooperation for Nonproliferation of BWC and


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Crisis and Consequence Management Capacity Building in case of CBRN terrorism

(implemented by JICA)• Since FY 2003, Japan has conducted seminars for ASEAN member

countries on crisis and consequence management in case of CBRN terrorism such as biological and chemical terrorism.

• The objective is to contribute to capacity building of Asian countries by inviting officials from ministries and agencies responsible for policy-making and coordination in the field of counter-terrorism and crisis management and providing them with knowledge and experience necessary for planning, developing and coordinating comprehensive policy on international counter-terrorism cooperation and domestic CT measures.

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Japan’s Nonproliferation Policy

• Japan’s proactive posture on nonproliferation, counter-terrorism, and counter-criminal activities, leading regional cooperation for nonproliferation in Asia-Pacific region.– Asian Senior-Level Talks on Non-proliferation – Asian Export Control Dialogue – Bilateral and multilateral training seminar of export control– Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) – Illegal Activity Initiative– Container Security Initiative

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Effort to Develop an Educational Module

• National Defense Medical College (NDMC) and the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom have decided to jointly produce a web-based resource which can be used by other universities around the world to develop courses for their students. The material on the website will cover such issues as:– the threat of biological warfare and biological terrorism

and the international regime totally prohibiting such weapons;

– the dual-use dilemma and the responsibilities of life scientists;

– national implementation of the BTWC; and – the building of an effective web of prevention.

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This material was produced by Dr. Masamichi Minehata of the UK Bradford University

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This material was produced by Dr. Masamichi Minehata of the UK Bradford University

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Outline of Lecture Series

• Outline of lecture series:– A. Introduction and Overview (slide 1)

– B. Biowar, Bioterror and the International Prohibition Regime (slides 2 – 10)

– C. The Dual-Use Dilemma and the Responsibilities of Scientists (slides 11 – 18)

– D. National Implementation of the BTWC (slides 19 – 20)

– E. The Web of Prevention (slide 21)

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Outline of Lecture Series

• Detail on the Dual-Use section:

– Lectures 11, 12, 13 on bioethics still to be completed after further discussion;

– Lecture 14. Dual-Use: The Fink Report

– Lecture 15. Dual-Use: Examples

– Lecture 16. The Lemon-Relman Report

– Lecture 17. Weapons Targeted at the Nervous System

– Lecture 18. Regulation of the Life Sciences

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Other Efforts for Capacity-Building for Counter-Terrorism in Asian Countries

Seminars and training courses on CT-related issues held by Japan

1. Immigration: (a) Immigration Control Administration; (b) Seminar on Immigration Control; and (c) Seminar on Document Examination

2. Aviation Security: (a) Seminar on Aviation Security3. Customs Cooperation: (a) Technical Cooperation on Customs; and (b)

Cooperation on Information Exchange4. Law-Enforcement Cooperation: (a) Seminar on International Terrorism

Investigation; (b) Maritime Law Enforcement (implemented by JICA); and (c) Seminar on Organized Crime in the Asian Region

5. Anti-Terrorist Financing: (a) Assistance provided by Asian Development Bank (ADB) from the Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility (ACCSF), financed by the Government of Japan; (b) Anti-Money Laundering Assistance to Indonesia (implemented by JICA); and (c) Seminar on Financial Intelligence Unit.

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Other Initiatives

• Japan-US Cooperation for Science and Technology for Safe and Secure Society

• Japan-US Biodefense Meeting (Keio University, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology)

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Special Equipment Exhibition &

Conference for Counter-Terrorism

Tokyo, Japan


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Development of Real-Time Biological Agents Detection System by Toshiba Corporation

(Source:the website of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; pictures of the TOSHIBA DNA chips are from the website of TOSHIBA Corporation)

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Development of Biological Agents Detection Sensor System, Led by Prof. Eiichi Tamiya of

University of Osaka

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Japan’s International Initiatives

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Okinawa Infectious Diseases Initiative

• At the Kyusyu-Okinawa Summit in July 2000, the Government of Japan announced “Okinawa Infectious Diseases Initiative (IDI)”, which showed the financial commitment of three billion dollars in the next five years for the control of infectious diseases.

• The IDI paved ways for the subsequent setting of the Millennium Development Goals at the UN in September 2000, as well as the establishment of the Global Fund in January 2002.

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Eradication of Polio Virus in the Western Pacific

• In October 2000, The WHO declared the western Pacific region free of the virus that causes polio, an important step in international efforts to eradicate the crippling childhood disease from the world. Containing 37 countries and territories, the area became the second of six WHO-designated global zones to be declared free of poliovirus, the Regional Certification Commission for Poliomyelitis Eradication said… The U.S. and Japanese governments and international organizations such as Rotary International provided most of the $ 73.7 million to eradicate the virus in the Western Pacific.

• The funds were used to buy laboratory equipment, train health care workers and pay for the vaccines, which cost $ 0.09 each. As a result, no new cases of indigenous polio have been reported for the past three years in the western Pacific region, the criteria required for declaring an area free from the virus.

The Japan Times, “Western Pacific declared free of polio”, Oct. 30, 2000

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Japan’s Action Plan in Combating Infectious Diseases in Africa (May 2006)

• In 2005, Japan launched the Health and Development Initiative (Contribution of US$ 5 billion over five years).

• Japan, in partnership with WHO and other organizations, has promoted health research, train researchers and strengthen information exchange, giving leading roles to core medical institutions established by Japan’s assistance in the East and West of the continent (Kenya Medical Research Institute and Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research at University of Ghana).


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Action Plan: Combating HIV / AIDS• Dispatch annually about 100 Japanese Overseas Cooperation

Volunteers (JOCV) in HIV/AIDS sector and • promote prevention and education activities.• Consider participation of African health workers, as observers, in the

training courses of HIV/AIDS Regional • Coordination Center (RCC) Project in Thailand.• Provide HIV/AIDS testing kits and other related equipment for Ghana,

Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.• Increase opportunities of HIV testing by strengthening Voluntary

Counseling and Testing (VCT) and promoting • Provider Initiated Counseling and Testing (CT) through building system,

training health workers and raising awareness among people. (Assistance on HIV/AIDS has already been expanded from VCT to CT in Zambia and prepared in Kenya.)

• Promote HIV/AIDS prevention education through mass media in Kenya and Ghana.


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Action Plan: Malaria, TB, and Polio• Controlling Malaria and Tuberculosis

– Provide 10 million long lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLITN) for African countries with serious malaria prevalence by 2007. (5 million nets have already been distributed.)

– Promote public and private partnership in strengthening net production and collaboration with UNICEF in distributing the nets.

– Assist human resource development through providing research laboratories and holding seminars.

• Eradicating Polio– Assist capacity development of medical workers to eradicate polio in

Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Benin in 2006.– Consider the dispatch of JOCV for polio eradication to other

countries as is being done in Niger.– Provide oral vaccines, technical assistance on diagnosis,

surveillance and vaccine production and other assistance related to polio eradication in partnership with UNICEF.


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Action Plan: Controlling Parasitic Diseases• Diffuse hygiene education by JOCVs and assist human resource

development related to “School Health” for the coming 5 years. (Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mali and Niger in 2006)

• Assist programmes of the Ghanaian government for eradication of Guinea Worm, which is part of the eradication programs in West Africa, and accelerate rural development in Niger and Ghana through JOCV assistance to the eradication efforts in both countries.

• Promote the control of schistosomiasis and dracunculiasis through school health models by WACIPAC.

• Create network among international medical institutes for parasitic diseases, beginning by holding a workshop attended by researchers from the West Africa Center for International Parasitic Control (WACIPAC), the center in East Africa and the Asia Center in Thailand.


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Action Plan: Controlling Emerging Infectious Diseases (Avian Flu)

• Utilize knowledge and experiences obtained through Japan’s assistance in Asia in controlling emerging infectious diseases (avian flu) in Africa. (e.g. holding seminars in Japan and other Asian countries, and promoting intellectual contribution to international seminars, etc)

• Promote prevention and communication campaigns on avian flu in Nigeria and Niger in partnership with UNICEF and NGOs.


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International Cooperation for Food Safety

This section was produced jointly with Naoko Noro, Associate Fellow of the RISTEX.

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• New Rice for Africa: NERICA – Can grow even in

environment of drought, and strong against plant diseases.

– Jointly developed by Japan and UNDP.

• Also required are:– Irrigation system– New production technology

• Cultivation and management

• Genome breeding• Genetic engineering

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Global Parasite Control Initiative(Hashimoto Initiative) (1)

• The Hashimoto Initiative: – International cooperation to control parasitic diseases at

the global level

• At the G8 summit meetings of Denver (1997) and Birmingham (1998), then Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto pointed to the importance of measures against parasites in the improvement of health and hygiene.

• PM Hashimoto proposed the establishment of centers for “human resources development” and “research activities” in Asia and Africa.

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Global Parasite Control Initiative(Hashimoto Initiative) (2)

• Under the “Hashimoto Initiatives,” three regional reference centers were established:

– Asia: Asian Center of International Parasite Control Center (ASIPAC) within the Faculty of Tropical Medicine of Mahidol University in Thailand

– Eastern Africa: The Eastern and Southern Africa Centre of International Parasite Control (ESACIPAC) within the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) in Kenya

– Southern Africa: The West African Center for International Parasite Control (WACIPAC) within the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR) in Ghana

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Global Parasite Control Initiative(Hashimoto Initiative) (3)

• Regional Reference Centers aimed to strengthen research and control programs on parasitic diseases:– by promoting school-based interventions for parasite

control; – by conducting both basic and operational research

into parasites and their control; and – by conducting training courses for human resource


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ASIPAC: Thailand

Project Period: 2000-2005Participating Countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Ghana, Kenya, and East TimorACIPAC supported model area schools by helping to develop and supply teaching and learning materials, training teachers, and supervising their activities.

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ESACIPAC: KenyaProject Period: 2001-2006Developed a parasite control model through school health education.Built information network.Conducted international courses on strategic planning and implementation, and school health and nutrition program management.

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WACIPAC: GhanaProject Period: 2004-2008Parasite control measures in the school health area: surveys of disease incidence among schoolchildren; pest eradication; health education; and improvement of toilets and water systems.Human resource development within local areas and support for community-based parasite control activities by NGOsInvited government officials in the health and education sectors to Japan for training.

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International Cooperation in the Health Sector by

Japan International Cooperation Agency

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Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)• Mission

– Addressing the global agenda– Reducing poverty through equitable growth– Improving governance– Achieving human security

• Thematic Issues– Education– Health– Water Resources/Disaster Management– Governance– Peace-building– Social Security– Transportation – Natural Resources and Energy– Agricultural/Rural Development – Natural Environment Conservation – Urban/Regional Development – Poverty Reduction, and others

Students at the Tumba College of Technology

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Infectious Diseases Control• Towards a comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS

– Importance has been placed on cooperation related to improving planning management capabilities of programs, strengthening preventive and education measures centered on HIV testing and counseling, and establishing health systems for care and treatment of people living with HIV.

• Sharing Japan’s tuberculosis control experience

• Malaria control: support from community to government levels

• Emerging infectious diseases and parasite diseases– Besides support for preparing responses to the avian influenza in Asia,

JICA also supports the fight against parasitic diseases, which are causing significant damage to the poor in African and Latin American regions.


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Maternal and Child Health, and Reproductive Health

• Based on Japan’s experience in maternal and child health, the first Maternal and Child Health Handbook in the Middle East was introduced to Palestine to contribute to improving maternal and child health.

• Additionally, JICA has been extending cooperation to improve medical services for mothers and newborns in Cambodia, Madagascar, etc., and is working to expand vaccination programs in China and Oceania.


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Strengthening and Restoring Health Systems• Aim to improve the entire health system; including

– the development of administration and institutions, – the improvement of service-providing facilities, – the optimization of drug supply, and – the securing of financial resources.

• In recent years, many developing countries have been experiencing institutional rapid changes such as decentralization and expansion of health insurance, which potentially have a significant impact on the access and quality of health services. JICA provides assistance in line with such trends.


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Strengthening and Restoring Health Systems

• In addition, as conflicts occur across the world, there is increasing need for prompt restoration of health systems in post-conflict countries as an emergency measure.

• As such, JICA provides support to countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Sudan.


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Human Resource Development for Health• JICA has been providing support to such countries as

Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, Uzbekistan, and Paraguay, for pre-service education and in-service training in nursing and other professions, and for strengthening government capacity in human resources development and deployment.

• In addition, JICA is planning and implementing further assistance for human resources development in the health sector. Regional cooperation of nursing education for Central America and the Caribbean and basic health staff capacity development for Asia are among the projects currently underway.


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The Project for In-Service Training of Community Health Staff in Fiji (Technical Cooperation Project)


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Project to Improve the Metropolitan Hospital Network (Grant Aid)

• In Tegucigalpa, the Capital of Honduras, the San Felipe Hospital did not have a maternity ward.

• Japan built it and three emergency clinics within themetropolitan Tegucigalpa area, and provided medical fittings such as examination tables and ultrasound equipment.


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China-Japan Friendship Hospital (Grant Aid / Technical cooperation projects)

• In 1979, Japan and China started a cooperative arrangement for modernizing China’s medical facilities. Through this China-Japan Friendship Hospital arrangement, Japan has provided its support for many years.


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Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Service in Rural Areas in Cambodia

(Technical cooperation projects);Project for Construction of Maternal and

Child Health Center (Grant Aid)• Death rates for expectant mothers

were abnormally high, and solving this problem was the top priority in Cambodia’s health field. Japan built a fully outfitted national hospital, provided health facility management training, improved training methods, and upgrades clinical procedures.


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Project for Improving Reproductive Health with a Special Focus on Maternal and Child Health,

Palestinian Authority, 2005–2008


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• Starting with initial project activities in pilot areas in the West Bank, a three-year-long JICA Project aimed to improve maternal and child health (MCH) in the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip by training health workers, developing and promoting a MCH handbook among health workers and community in West Bank and Gaza Strip (Jericho and parts of Ramallah as Pilot areas).

• Palestinian women face difficulties of visiting their regular hospitals or clinics. But they can receive proper services at a different hospital, if they have their MCH handbook. MCH handbook is now implemented as a universal service for both refugees and non-refugees in Palestine. Providing health records and health information to all mothers’ hands, the MCH handbook promotes empowerment and human security in Palestine.


Health education by a Village Health Worker

Palestinian MCH Handbook, the first in Arabic language

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Achievements in Palestine• MCH handbook, the first in Arabic language, was produced and 120,000

copies were printed with the technical assistance provided by JICA and utilizing the Japanese Grant Aid provided to UNICEF, January 2008. MCH handbooks were distributed at MCH/PHC centers, NGO clinics, UNRWA clinics and hospitals in West Bank, and to be distributed in Gaza.

• Through the development/promotion of MCH handbook, MOH, UNs, and NGOs started working together to create a unified MCH service in Palestine. As a result, the referral among various health sectors is improved and the access to the better MCH/RH service and MCH/RH information is improved.

• Outreach promotion activities of the MCH handbook in the local communities are conducted in cooperation with UNFPA, PMRS(Palestinian Medical Relief Society), JICA and MOH.

• Trainings in Japan on effective utilization and management of MCH handbook are conducted by the Japanese NGO:HANDS (Health and Development Service) in cooperation with JICA.

• JICA’s experiences in Indonesia and in Jordan are effectively utilized for planning/implementation of the Palestine Project.


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Polio Eradication Plan in Pakistan• To support Polio Eradication Initiative(PEI)and formulation of JICA

technical cooperation project for PEI and Expanded Programme on Immunization(EPI), the JICA individual experts were dispatched to Pakistan. The first was Dr. Shinsaku SAKURADA from July 2001 to January 2004 and the second was Dr. Makoto KOBAYASHI from August 2003 to August 2005. JICA and Pakistan counterparts had worked for formulation of the project since March 2003. The consensus was first made between two countries that the project had three components, routine EPI, surveillance and Quality Control Laboratory.

• Chief advisor and a project coordinator have been dispatched since November 2006 and January 2007 respectively. The project prepared offices, and employed local staff in Islamabad and Peshawar at the early stage. Then Joint Coordination Committee was organized and Baseline survey was conducted until the end of fiscal year 2006.


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The Lusaka District Primary Healthcare Project in Zambia

• In the Lusaka District Primary Healthcare Project in Zambia, which concluded in FY2007, JICA cooperated with local health administrations to help improve the health standards in poorer residential areas of the city.

• Specifically, assistance consisted of creating a framework for delivering health services to residents mainly via volunteers and establishing sanitation improvement activities to be conducted by residents themselves.

• As a result, cases of malnourishment and diarrhea in children were reduced by more than 70%. The community has great potential for providing health services, and it was confirmed that tapping the community’s potential through cross-sector efforts based on human security can result in stronger health systems.


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The Lusaka District Primary Healthcare Project in Zambia

• The health status of the people in Zambia was in a state of deterioration. Particularly, in the urban area of Lusaka, population growth and poor living conditions has combined to cause serious problems. But despite government efforts to improve the social infrastructure, the rehabilitation and strengthening of the rural health system remained a prime task in the health sector.

• In order to address this situation, a facility was constructed with grant aid from Japan to supply water to the roughly 130,000 residents of George Compound, one of the unplanned residential areas around Lusaka. JICA has also teamed up with CARE International to provide various types of nonphysical support, such as training for community leaders, strengthening of the water management council and its ability to manage the facilities, and education in hygiene.


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The Lusaka District Primary Healthcare Project in Zambia

• JICA, moreover, has been implementing a technical cooperation project since 1997 - the Lusaka Primary Healthcare Project - to improve health and sanitary conditions by promoting health education and improving nutrition; enhancing the hygienic environment through the construction of toilets and expanding the system for garbage collection; and upgrading health centers. These activities, in combination with the construction of water facilities, have led to a reduction in deaths from cholera from 70 per 10,000 people in 1994 to just 1 in 10,000 people in 2000.

• The Lusaka Primary Healthcare Project also monitors the growth of children. Local volunteers work with health center workers at 19 locations within George Compound to weigh children under the age of five every month, provide nutritional guidance, and conduct immunization. As a result, the number of underweight children has decreased, the immunization rate has increased, and the rate of children with measles has dropped. The goal is to create a primary healthcare system through resident participation in George Compound.


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The Lusaka District Primary Healthcare Project in Zambia

• Since 2002 JICA has been providing assistance to expand the positive results of this effort to five neighboring districts with a focus on improving the health of children under five years old. Priority is placed on caring for urban residents who are too poor to obtain public services and on improving living conditions by strengthening community capabilities. There are also efforts to extend the program to other areas to help as many people in similar situations as possible.


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Chagas Disease Vector Control Initiative, Guatemala

• JICA experts developed the strategies of the Chagas disease vector control, and contributed to improving the quality control of the same vector control in Sub-regional Central America, via training on entomological surveys, insectiside spraying, and methods of surveillance of triatomines.

Dr. Yuichiro Tabaru, internationally well-known medical entomologist

Manual Developed by Dr. Tabaruhttp://www.jica.go.jp/project/elsalvador/0700890/english/news/index.html

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Decentralization and Organizational Management of Infectious Disease Control Programs: The Case of Chagas' Disease

Control in Guatemalaby Yoichi YAMAGATA, Jun NAKAGAWA,

Michiyuki SHIMODA, and Yuichiro TABARU

• Chagas' disease is eliminable by reducing the vector infestation of houses. The vector control personnel, who had been trained and organized vertically, were assigned to 27 Health Areas and supervised by Medical Officers in charge, who had normally had limited experience or interest in vector control. In order to assure a standardized vector control campaign, a strong link between the decentralized operators and the central vector control staff was needed.


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• Three different groups of aid personnel were sent from Japan to reinforce the organization related to vector control. Four volunteers (JOCV) were assigned to the four Health Areas where the initial campaign was envisaged. They assisted the vector control operators in terms of planning, monitoring and data management.

• A long-term expert joined the vector control staff at the central level and jointly supervised the decentralized activities of vector control.

• Two short-term experts organized a policy team with the decision makers of the Ministry of Health in order to discuss policy and financial matters.


Decentralization and Organizational Management of Infectious Disease Control Programs: The Case of Chagas' Disease

Control in Guatemala

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Decentralization and Organizational Management of Infectious Disease Control Programs: The Case of Chagas' Disease

Control in Guatemala• While the short-term experts were chosen from among experienced

medical entomologists, the volunteers and the long-term expert were chosen for their managerial capacity rather than specific training on health or entomology. In order to give them the necessary knowledge and skills in vector control and project management, a training component was incorporated into the project. Pre-service training was given both in Japan and in Guatemala, followed by OJT given by the short-term experts or through seminars and workshops organized by the long-term expert.

• The organizational management of the project extended beyond the bi-lateral arrangement. Local universities were asked to give lectures and conduct basic studies in exchange for manpower support by the project. Partnership with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) was especially important for strengthening the political position of the project.


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The JICA Reproductive Health Technical Cooperation Project in Madhya Pradesh, India

• The Technical Cooperation project in the area of Reproductive Health has been jointly conducted by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP) for the welfare of women and new born children in the State

• The goal is to reduce Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) through improvement of the quality of services.

• The Project aims at facilitating five Districts of Sagar Division to implement their Implementation Plans. In the second phase of the Project (Jan. 2007 - Jan. 2011), four laboratory Blocks of two Districts (Damoh and Tikamgarh) have been selected for development of operational systems and methods, which, after field testing, will be disseminated to the entire 37 Blocks of five Districts through the State health administration.


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The JICA Reproductive Health Technical Cooperation Project in Madhya Pradesh, India


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JICA Cooperation with Afghanistan in Health


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: AIDS• Project-type Technical Cooperation

– Philippines: Project for Prevention and Control of AIDS (July 1996-June 2001)

– Thailand: Project for Prevention and Control of AIDS in the Kingdom of Thailand (July 1993-June 1996)

– Thailand: Project for Model Development of Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care (February 1998-January 2003)

– Thailand: Project for Strengthening of National Institute of Health Capabilities for Research and Development on AIDS and Emerging Infectious Diseases (March 1999-February 2004)

– Ghana: The Noguchi Memorial Institute Project, Phase II in Ghana (October 1991-September 1997)

– Ghana: The Infectious Diseases Project at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (January 1999-December 2003)


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: AIDS• Project-type Technical Cooperation (continued)

– Kenya: The Research and Control of Infectious Diseases Project in Kenya: Phase II (May 1996-April 2001)

– Kenya: Research and Control of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Project (May 2001-April 2006)

– Zambia: Infectious Diseases Control Project (April 1995-March 2000) – Zambia: The Strengthening of Laboratory Systems for HIV/AIDS and TB

Control Project (March 2001-March 2006) – Brazil: The Clinical Research Project of State University of Campinas in

Brazil (April 1999-March 2002)


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: AIDS• Equipment Supply Program for AIDS Strategy and Blood Testing

(1996-)– Provision of HIV testing equipment, testing kits, AIDS educational

materials, and other items to Philippines, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Tanzania, Ghana, Kenya, Mexico and South Africa.

• Training in Japan– Virological Diagnosis Techniques of HIV Infection (AIDS) (1993-)– HIV/AIDS Control Plan (1996)– Seminar on Epidemiology and Control of AIDS/ATL Diseases (1998-)– South Asia HIV/AIDS Control Plan (1998-)


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: AIDS• Third-country Training

– Philippines: Laboratory Diagnosis of HIV and Opportunistic Infections in AIDS (1997-2000)

– Kenya: Blood Screening for Viral Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS (1999-)

• Community Empowerment Program– Thailand: Northern Thailand AIDS Prevention Care Through

Community Organization– South Africa: Adolescent Sexual Health HIV/AIDS Project – Zambia: Zambia HIV Prevention Borders Initiative – Zimbabwe: Reproductive Health Care for Young People – Mexico: Sexual Health Program for Street Children

• Grant Aid– Viet Nam: The Project for Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS

Transmission (2000)


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Tuberculosis• Project-type Technical Cooperation

– Cambodia: National Tuberculosis Control Project in the Kingdom of Cambodia (August 1999-July 2004)

– Myanmar: Leprosy Control and Basic Health Service Project (April 2000-March 2005)

– Nepal: The National Tuberculosis Control Project Phase I, II (April 1987-July 2000) ; Community Tuberculosis and Lung Health Project (September 2000-August 2005)

– Philippines: Public Health Development Project (September 1992-August 1997) ; Tuberculosis Control Project in the Philippines (September 1997-August 2002)

– Yemen: The Tuberculosis Control Project I-III (1983-1993, 1993-1998, August 1999-August 2004)

– Ghana: The Infectious Diseases Project at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (January 1999-December 2003)

– Zambia: The Strengthening of Laboratory Systems for HIV/AIDS and TB Control Project (March 2001-March 2006)

– Solomon Islands: The Project for Promotion of Primary Health Care in Solomon Islands (September 1991-September 1996)


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Tuberculosis• Training in Japan

– Laboratory Works for Tuberculosis Control (1993-1994)– Tuberculosis Control for Administrative Medical Officers (1993-1995)– National Tuberculosis Programme Management (1996-)– Tuberculosis Control Laboratory Management (2000-)– Managing Tuberculosis at Intermediate-Level (2000-)

• Community Empowerment Program– The Philippines: Relief Program of Indigent Tuberculosis Patients

• Grant Aid– Cambodia: The Project for Improvement of the National Tuberculosis Center

(1999)– China: The Project for Improvement of Equipment for the Tibet Tuberculosis

Control Center (1994); The Project for Tuberculosis Control in Poor Areas (2000)

– Philippines: The Project for Establishment of the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory (2000)

– Yemen: The Project for Expansion of National Tuberculosis Control Program (1991); The Project for Expansion of Tuberculosis Control in the Southern Governorate (2000) http://www.jica.go.jp/english/publications/reports/annual/2001/main.html

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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Malarial and Other Parasitic and Vector-Borne Diseases

• Project-type Technical Cooperation– Laos: Joint Japan/WHO Technical Cooperation for the Primary Health Care Project in

the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (October 1992-September 1998) – Thailand: The Project for the Asian Center for International Parasite Control (March

2000-March 2005) – Ghana: The Noguchi Memorial Institute Project, Phase II in Ghana (October 1991-

September 1997); The Infectious Diseases Project at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (January 1999-December 2003)

– Kenya: Research and Control of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Project (May 2001-April 2006)

– Malawi: Community Health Sciences Project (September 1994-August 1999) Zimbabwe: The Project of Infectious Diseases Control (July 1996-June 2001)

– Guatemala: Project of Research for Control of Tropical Diseases in Guatemala (October 1991-September 1998)

– Paraguay: The Research on Chagas’ Disease and Other Parasitic Diseases (March 1988-March 1993); Community Health Project in Paraguay (December 1994-November 1999)

– Solomon Islands: The Project for Promotion of Primary Health Care in Solomon Islands (September 1991-August 1996)


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Malarial and Other Parasitic and Vector-Borne Diseases

• Training in Japan– Seminar on Parasite Control Administration for Senior Officers (1993-1998)– Echinococcosis Control Measures (1994-2000)– Seminar on Parasite Control Administration for Senior Officers-A Step Towards

Primary Health Care- (1999-)• Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers

– Dispatch of volunteers such as malaria control, community development, laboratory technician and nursing to Laos, Guatemala, Niger and Senegal.

• Community Empowerment Program– Ghana: Integrated Family Planning, Nutrition and Parasitic Control Project

• Grant Aid– Laos: The Project for Malaria Control (1998) Senegal: The Project for

Reinforcement of Mother and Child Health and Measures Against Malaria (2000)

• JICA Partnership Program– Papua New Guinea: Integrated Cooperative Research for Malaria Control


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Polio• Project-type Technical Cooperation

– China: Polio Control Project in the People’s Republic of China (December 1991-December 1999)

– Indonesia: Fundamental Technology Transfer Project for Production of Live Attenuate, Measles and Poliomyelitis Vaccines in Indonesia (September 1989-August 1996)

– Laos: Joint Japan/WHO Technical Cooperation for the Primary Health Care Project in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (October 1992-September 1998); Pediatric Infectious Diseases Prevention Project in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (October 1998-September 2001)

– Mongolia: Maternal and Child Health Project in Mongolia (October 1997-September 2002)

– Ethiopia: Laboratory Support for Polio Eradication: LAST Polio Project (April 2001-April 2004)


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Polio• Equipment Supply Program for Measures Against Infectious

Diseases (Measures Against Polio)– Provision of supplies including vaccines and cold chain needed for

immunization to China, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Mongolia, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Yemen, Tanzania, Central Africa and Cameroon.

• Training in Japan– Virological Diagnosis Technique for Polio Eradication Programme

(1991-)• Third-country Training

– Ghana: Vaccine Potency Testing and Polio Diagnosis Procedures (1991-1996); Laboratory Diagnosis of Yellow Fever and Other EPI Viral Diseases (Polio and Measles) (1996-1998)

• Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers– Dispatch of polio control volunteers to Bangladesh, Niger and Kenya.


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Polio• Grant Aid

– Bangladesh: The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (1995-1997)

– China: The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (1993-1995) – India: The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (1996-1997) – Indonesia: Project for the Construction of the Facilities for Live

Attenuated Oral Poliomyelitis and Measles Vaccine Production (1991) – Pakistan: The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (1996) – Cote d’Ivoire: The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (1997) – Ghana: The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (1997) – Kenya: The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (1997) – Tanzania: The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (1997)


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Other Infectious Diseases

• Project-type Technical Cooperation– China: Expanded Program on Immunization Strengthening Project (June 2000-

May 2005) – India: The Project for Prevention of Emerging Diarrheal Diseases in India

(February 1998-January 2003) – Myanmar: Leprosy Control and Basic Health Service Project (April 2000-March

2005) – Thailand: Project for Strengthening of National Institute of Health Capabilities

for Research and Development on AIDS and Emerging Infectious Diseases (March 1999-February 2004)

– Turkey: The Infectious Diseases Control Project in the Republic of Turkey (October 1997-September 2002)

– Ghana: The Noguchi Memorial Institute Project, Phase II in Ghana (October 1991-September 1997)

– Kenya: The Research and Control of Infectious Diseases Project in Kenya, Follow-up (May 1990-April 1996) ; Phase II (May 1996-April 2001)

– Zambia: Infectious Disease Control Project (April 1995-March 2000)


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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Other Infectious Diseases

• Training in Japan– Management and Technology in Microbiological Laboratory (1992-1998)– Patient Care for Infectious Diseases (1993-1995)– Seminar on Blood Transmitted Diseases (Special Reference to AIDS, ATL & Hepatitis)

(1993-1997)– Infectious Disease Medicine (1996-2000)– Seminar on Infectious Hepatitis, its Epidemiology and Control (1998-2000)– Diagnoses and Control of Rabies and Other Viral Zoonoses (1996-2000)

• Grant Aid– Bangladesh: The Expanded Program on Immunization Plan for Neonatal Tetanus

Elimination and Control of Measles (1998-1999) – Cambodia: The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Immunization (1995) – China: The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Immunization (1994); The Project

for Virus Examination Equipment Supply (1997); The Expanded Program on Immunization Plan (1998)

– Indonesia: Project for the Construction of the National Medical Center for Infectious Diseases (1991-1992); The Expanded Program on Immunization Plan for Neonatal Tetanus Elimination and Control of Measles (1998)

– Laos: The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Immunization (1995) http://www.jica.go.jp/english/publications/reports/annual/2001/main.html

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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Other Infectious Diseases

• Grant Aid (continued)– Uzbekistan: The Project for Provision of Vaccines for Children (2000) – Viet Nam: The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Immunization

(1995); The Project for Accelerated Measles Control (2000) – Yemen: The Project for Improvement of Cold Chain System (1998) – Palestine: The Project for the Expansion of Immunization (1999), The

Project for the Expansion of Immunization (Phase II) (2000) – Angola: The Project for Improvement of Child Health (2000) – Central Africa: The Project for Reinforcement of Mother and Child

Health and Measures Against Diseases (2000) – Ghana: The Project for Improvement of the Noguchi Memorial Institute

for Medical Research (1997, 1998) – Guinea: The Expanded Program on Immunization Plan (2000) – Kenya: The Project for Strengthening the System for Immunization



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Main Cooperation in the 1990s: Other Infectious Diseases

• Grant Aid (continued)– Mali: The Expanded Program on Immunization Plan (2000) – Tanzania: The Project for Improvement of the Equipment for

Immunization and Micronutrient Program (1999) – Bolivia: The Expanded Program on Immunization Plan (1998) – Haiti: The Project for Improvement of Child Health (1997), The Project

for Improvement of Child Health (Phase II) (1999) – Nicaragua: The Project for Improvement of Child Health (1998), The

Project for Improvement of Child Health (Phase II) (2000)


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Technical Cooperation for Laboratory Diagnosis of Infection of Polio and Yellow Fever (1996-98)

• The Noguchi Memorial Institute of Medical Research was established in Ghana in 1978 under the support of the Japanese government.


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International Medical Center of Japan

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Myanmar: Major Infectious Disease Control Project (HIV/AIDS) (2005.01 ~ 2010.01):

• This project aims to support national programs for HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis control, and IMCJ is in charge of the HIV/AIDS component. The activities cover: 1) To reduce the risk of HIV infection during blood transfusions; 2) To improve the quality of HIV testing; 3) To strengthen the capacity of AIDS control teams; and 4) To raise awareness of the target population concerning HIV prevention, especially young people and blood donors.


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Pakistan: Dispatch of a Medical officer, Tuberculosis, WHO-Pakistan, EMRO


• Stop TB is the second biggest WHO programme in Pakistan in terms of budget and human resources. Activities are undertaken to improve monitoring and supervision, to ensure good surveillance systems, and to improve drug management systems, in order to improve the quality of DOTS and to enhance the activities of the Stop TB Strategy with partners.


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Zimbabwe: The Project for Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV in Masvingo

Province (2005.11 ~ 2008.10)

• In 2005, a three-year JICA project was launched to support a program on the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) in Masvingo Province, whose HIV infection ratio is one of the highest. The project increased the number of PMTCT service sites from three to 34 during the first half of the project period.


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Zambia: Integrated HIV and AIDS Care Implementation Project at District Level

(2006.03~2009.03)• The government of Zambia has been improving care services for people

living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs), including introduction of free anti-retroviral treatment (ART). However, the government suffers many constraints in providing appropriate care services to those PLWHAs in need because of insufficient institutional and coordination capacity among health care facilities. Given the urgent need to scale up the care services including ART for PLWHA, the government has taken new approaches to expand the services through strengthening existing public health facilities. This project aims to develop a model for expanding HIV and AIDS care services at the district level.


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Pakistan: EPI・Polio Control Project(2006.11~2009.10)

• IMCJ has dispatched a total of two Japanese long-term experts in EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization) and PEI (Polio Eradication Initiative) to Pakistan from 2001 to 2005. To expand their cooperation efforts, a technical cooperation project, namely the JICA EPI/Polio Control Project was launched in September 2006 to strengthen EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization). The project supports efforts to improve: (1) the Quality Control Laboratory for EPI vaccine production in the National Institute of Health (NIH); and (2) routine EPI activities through training lady health workers (LHWs), IEC for the public and procurement of cold chain equipment in three pilot districts in the Northern West Frontier Province (NWFP).


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China: Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Surveillance and Control Project

(2007.01~2012.01)• In China, many children in poor western provinces are still threatened by

vaccine-preventable diseases. Provinces cooperating in the project are Sichuan, Gansu, Xinjiang, Ningxia and Jiangxi; with a population of 180,000,000 combined and seven times larger than Japan. There are many constraints such as geography, poverty, ethnic minorities, and cultural differences. The project is focusing on improving child health through the maintenance of polio-free status, elimination of measles, facilitating timely HepB1 vaccination and control of Japanese encephalitis by strengthening surveillance and EPI services.


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Private Sector

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• In order to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goal, SUMITOMO Chemical developed mosquito net which contains pesticide in the net.

• The distributed net has saved millions of children from the threat of malaria.

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Pharmaceutical Research and Development

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Development of IvermectinDr. Satoshi Ohmura of Kitasato Institute developed the Ivermectin, a broad-spectrum antiparasiticmedication.

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Development of Statin

Dr. Akira Endo developed the statins(or HMG-CoAreductase inhibitors), a class of drugs that lower cholesterol levels in people with or at risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Development of Vaccine for African Sleeping Sickness

• An initiative by aRigen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., together with Professor Kiyoshi Kita of University of Tokyo


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Water Sanitation

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Water Conversion and Processing Technology• Required Technologies

– Transmitting film for purification– Physical and chemical neutralization (organic processing or sensor) – Purification of sea water (film, vaporizing)– Use of natural energy (solar heat, etc.)

• Japan’s comparative advantage– Japan possesses some of the top companies which develop and

produce Reverse Osmosis Film and Nano Filtration film. In the firld of RO film, Japanese companies’ share is about 60% of the global market.

– In the field of sea-water purification, Japanese companies has about 50% share of the global market and top-class technology in the world.

– In the field of water purification through evaporation, Japanese companies has the top share in the world. (as of 2004)

SOURCE: CRDS Report, Construction of Global Innovation Eco-System to Address the Global Challenges, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2007 (a Japanese language material).

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Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (Grant Aid)

• The water supply facilities in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, were abandoned and destroyed in the chaotic situation brought by the prolonged civil wars.

• As part of Japan’s assistance to Cambodia, Japan implemented the rehabilitation project of the pumping station of Phum Prek Treatment Plant in Phnom Penh and provided safe drinking water to Phnom Penh citizens.


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The Project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Kampong Cham Province (Grant Aid)

• Many people in rural areas in Cambodia lack access to safe drinking water. In Kampong Cham Province, Japan drilled deep wells and constructed water supply facilities equipped with hand pumps. Japanese experts gave technical training on the maintenance of pumps.


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Ethiopia Water Technology Center Project(Technical cooperation projects)

• In the rural area of Ethiopia, the ratio of access to safe water is 13%. Its ratio is extremely low and it is imperative to construct and maintain water supply facilities.

• Japan has contributed to training water and sanitation related engineers.


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Assistance to Develop Measures to Deal with Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh

• Of the estimated 10 million wells in Bangladesh, over 1 million are thought to be affected by arsenic contamination. It is believed that some 30 million people are drinking contaminated water, and although the mechanism by which contamination occurs has not yet been identified, the problem requires an urgent response at the national level. Arsenic poisoning can lead to keratosis, pigmentation disorders, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, and ultimately to cancers of the skin and internal organs.


Explaining the roles of the administration, the project, and the community at a meeting of an arsenic mitigation committee, which has been set up in each village.

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Assistance to Develop Measures to Deal with Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh

• To date, JICA has cooperated with the Asia Arsenic Network, a Japanese NGO that monitors arsenic-related problems, and has given direct support to villagers suffering from arsenic poisoning by running a well-water screening program, educating residents about arsenic poisoning, identifying patients, and developing alternative water sources in Sharsha, a county in the western Bangladeshi district of Jessore.

• From 2005 the experience gained in Sharsha is being applied in other areas in Jessore where the contamination is serious. In order to fight the threat of water contamination, the JICA program particularly emphasizes capacity development for the villagers with a view to ensuring that these activities are sustained. Comprehensive arsenic-related measures designed from the perspective of the villagers themselves are being implemented, addressing capacity development in the regional offices of the central government and in the agencies of local authorities.


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Mobile Water by Nippon Basic Co., Ltd.

ASQ: http://www.asq-fs.co.jp/

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• Mobile Water Provided to Uganda


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Portable Water Purification Deviseby Nippon Basic Co., Ltd.

• Cycloclean Portable– Cleanse 100

litter/ hour– Weight: 12kg

• Well Portable– Cleanse 100

litter/ hour– 12kg
