January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times

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  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    Shannon LeCLair

    Times Reporter

    The long anticipated opening o the Aquatic Centre expansion has fnally come. On Jan. 24, Minister o Cultureand Community Spirit Lindsay Black-ett and MLA Arno Doerkson joinedcounty and town councillors or thegrand opening o Phases 2, 3 and 4.

    I do want to thank and congratu-late all the community groups that

    worked together to make this happenand tell you what a privilege it is to

    work with you to make things happenin this community, said Doerkson.

    On Oct. 21 o 2002 the Aquatic Cen-tre opened its doors with Phase 1.The fnal phases o the Aquatic Cen-tre is one o the major projects thetown has been excited about, saidCouncillor Pat Fule.

    Phases 2, 3 and 4 include a chil-drens play pool, a large hot tub, a wa-terslide and two multipurpose rooms.

    This is a community acility thatnow, with these new enhancementsis going to make it more accessible,more amily riendly and just a bet-ter community acility or amiliesthroughout, said Blackett.

    Blackett also presented a cheque tothe town or the amount o $579,000

    or the Strathmore Centennial AquaticCentre. A tour was given o the new-est additions, while students romCrowther Memorial Junior High andSiksika Nation High School spent timesplashing around.

    Anna Reinwald was one o the di-

    rectors on the committee who attend-ed the grand opening o the expandedpart o the Aquatic Centre. She waspleased to see it fnally fnished, ulfll-ing the vision the committee had or the centre. Reinwald said the planning

    or the Aquatic Centre began 10 yearsago when the Aquatic Centre commit-tee was ormed. She was a member o the committee, which she said washeaded by George Pinchback andGordon Prusky. All three o them andall o the other members o the com-mittee deserve credit and recognition

    or helping to begin what has fnally been completed today, said Reinwald.

    Continued on Page 2

    j a n u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 1 1

    Page 3

    CelebratingRobbie Burns

    Page 13

    Volume 3 issue 4

    The waitis over

    Working with you in our community Stephen A. Johnson , BComm., CA

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    Page 14

    Splashing aroundJesse Roberts had a great time testing out the new water slide with his classmates from Crowther MemorialJunior High at the Aquatic Centre on Jan. 24. The nal phase of the Strathmore Aquatic Centre was of callyopened last Monday. Shannon LeClair Photo

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  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


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    Shannon LeCLair

    Times Reporter

    During his time as a Town Council-lor, Brad Walls saw different groupscome to council meetings and suggestcreating an arts council.

    In November, Walls decided to takeadvantage of some of his free time andstart investigating the possibility andfeasibility of creating the council.

    What I have been doing the past cou-ple of months has been meeting withdifferent user groups and researching

    what their needs are, and what they are looking for, and basically gettingan understanding of how they see thisarts council running, said Walls.

    He wanted to see what the main is-sues are and what they hope to get outof the council.

    What Im thinking, is once this

    arts council is formed and we canstart working forward, then Im hop-ing maybe theres some funding, said

    Walls.He said he thinks some different

    groups that he hasnt talked to havemaybe come to the same steps he isat, with trying to gure out what to dofor funding.

    I think were on a three step pro-cess. I think the rst step is we need toget the groups together that are inter-ested, said Walls.

    The second step is forming the artscouncil and the third step I think youneed to have a strategic planning ses-sion.

    Ive been speaking with the Alberta Arts Council and there are some oper-ating grants available.

    He said he is under the impression

    that once the council is formed it, will be easier for them to apply for andreceive grants. Walls said he has also

    been speaking with the Allied ArtsCouncil out of Lethbridge. He said heis still looking for some of the peopleand groups he hasnt approached yetto hear what they would like to see.

    I guess when I say arts council, Imthinking of a museum, Im thinking of theatre players, Im thinking of the Mu-sical Arts Society, Im thinking of act-ing, Im thinking of anything that really falls under that umbrella of (the) arts,said Walls.

    The general consensus seems to be the groups are looking for an artscouncil to work with the community to establish a building. They are alsohoping the arts council will develop acohesiveness within the groups, a will-ingness to work together.

    He said a lot of groups are runningmonth to month and they are tryingto nd a way to become sustainable.One of the questions he poses is wheredo they see themselves in ve years.He said some of them are saying they hope to have money in the bank and

    be bigger, but feel they may still be atthe same place as they are now.

    The consensus seems to be if thearts council was there it would almostset that network up so they could ac-cess that next step where they need to

    be, said Walls. Walls will be at the Strathmore and

    District Chamber of Commerce lun-cheon in February to discuss the artscouncil. He said his end goal is to havethe council operating by June.

    To nd out more or to join call Bradat 403-934-0349.

    many people took advantageof the nice weather by head-ing to Kins en Park on Jan.21. Thanks to the Strath oreFire Depart ent, the ice wasclear and there were peopleout playing hockey, or justskating around the lake.

    Shannon LeClair Photos

    Art lovers unite

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    Backing onto canal in Grandoint Estates

    Continued from Page 1

    Natasha Barron, poolmanager, said she hashad this envisioned for the centre since shemoved here 12 years ago,and she is happy the day has nally come.

    Its exciting, very ex-citing. Weve been wait-

    ing for this day for a long while, said Barron.

    Though there weresome delays, and theopening date was pushed

    back a few times, Barron wasnt too concerned.

    We knew eventually we would get here, we just had to have somepatience.

    She said the hard workand dedication of the

    Aquatic Centre staff is what helped make theday possible. With theaddition of the two new multipurpose rooms, the

    Aquatic Centre will now be able to rent space for birthday parties or meet-ings.

    Aquatic Centre worth the wait

    Enjoyingthe weather

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    January 28, 2011 Strath or TimeS Page 3

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    Robbie Burnsnight a success

    Th s cond annual Robbi Burns dinn r, put on by th Gl ich n and Strath or masonic Lodg s, took plac onJan. 22. Th dinn r took plac at th Civic C ntr and th roo was fll d with n in kilts, Scottish acc ntsand good co pany. Dick ellsworth was th pip r or th night. Ji Curry was nt rtaining and ull o nthu-sias as h did th Addr ss to th Haggis. Sing rs ro th Burns Club in Calgary w r in att ndanc to

    nt rtian th crowd. Kevin Keegan & Shannon LeClair Photos

    Shannon LeCLair

    Times Reporter

    The Civic Centre was lled with men intheir familys kilts, thick Scottish accents andthe scent of haggis as people took part inthe Robbie Burns dinner Jan. 22. This wasthe second year for the dinner, hosted by theGleichen and Strathmore Masonic Lodges.Kevin Keegan, a member of the StrathmoreMasonic Lodge and one of the organizers,said attendance was way up this year. There

    were close to 200 tickets printed for theevent.

    According to the chefs there were 189plates served. A great increase from last year.In the next few days, we will be presenting

    the Anglican Womens Guild with a chequefor all their hard work, said Keegan.

    It is my understanding that 100 per centof last years donation to them went to some

    very deserving causes which will be the casethis year as well.

    Robbie Burns was a famous Scottish poetand lyricist. Burns poem Auld Lang Syneis still often sung on New Years Eve. Burns

    birthday was January 25, 1759. Due to thenumber of dinners being held in his hon-our, they are spread throughout the monthof January.

    After the welcome and introductions of themembers at the head table, Dick Ellsworth,the piper for the night, piped in the haggis.

    Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish and isa staple of every Robbie Burns dinner. JimCurry read the Address to the Haggis, which

    was written by Burns.Probably one of the best toasts to the

    haggis, the most animated. I enjoyed that im-

    mensely, said Keegan.This is one of the bet-

    ter Robbie Burns dinnersIve come to, said guestLarry Watson.

    Many of the people at thedinner in Strathmore travelto some of the other dinners,

    which take place throughoutthe month.

    Lots of these people go fromplace to place to place, saidKeegan.

    He said Robbie Burnsnights are typically put on by Masonic lodges and there isusually a large diversity of

    people at them. There had been a high-land dancer in place as partof the entertainment, butthey were unable to makeit. When Keegan looked for a replacement he found out the other dancers were going to other dinnerstaking place the same night.

    Next year I would like to get morepipers, Id like to have more drummersinvolved in the piping in and so on andso forth as well, said Keegan.

    He is not sure if he will be one of theorganizers next year but said it is one of the ideas he will pass along. Keegan said heand members of the two lodges are happy tohear thoughts and suggestions about how toimprove in the future.

    We dont want to rush things, and we want to make sure we improveevery year.

    T mes TidbiTS

    January 31st is Backward Day.Use your imagination and make this day lots o un.

    Wear your shirt backwards, play a board gamebackwards or ask your Mom or Dad i you can eat

    your meal backwards, that means starting withdessert frst, now thats what I call un!

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    Page 4 Strath or T meS January 28, 2011 www.Strath or Ti s.co

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  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    Annual General MeetngHeritage Inn - Brooks, AB1217 - 2nd Street West

    Wednesday February 9, 2011

    5:30 p.m. Registra on6:00 p.m. Mee ng7:00 p.m. Dinner8:00 p.m. Entertainment by

    HOJA, a CanadianAcapella Group

    Dinner Tickets - $10.00 per personAvailable to purchase at all branches

    Deadline to purchase ckets is February 2, 2011

    January 28, 2011 Strath or TimeS Page 5

    Baby Co n co s and visits mrs. Ful s grad 5 class v ry 3 w ks, and th grad 5 class g ts to obs rv his chang s whild v loping a bond with hi . Jan Wath n (instructor), Jo ll Sonst by ( oth r of baby Co n). Br ntwood has b n involv dwith th Roots of e pathy Progra for thr y ars. Th y off r this progra as part of Br ntwoods Grad 5 h alth curriculu .Through w ll plann d and organiz d l ssons with th instructor and rst-hand obs rvations of th babys d v lop nt, stud ntsar involv d in various discussions, ath and lit ratur activiti s, and ost i portantly th y l arn quickly to id ntify a babysf lings. Th s ar lif long l ssons in l arning co passion for oth rs. mrs. Ful s grad 5 class at Br ntwood obs rv and playp k-a-boo with baby Co n and his o Jo ll Sonst by on on of th ir onthly visits.

    Wendi Tashlikowich Photo

    Shannon LeCLair

    Times Reporter

    Have you wondered where totake your furry friend for their next vet visit? Or maybe wonder-ing where to buy a sturdy leash,

    but dont want to drive all the way to Calgary?

    At the end of April Strathmore will have its very rst Pet Expoand help point people in theright direction.

    We want to make Strathmorecitizens aware that we have ev-ery pet need, pretty much, that

    you could ask for here in Strath-more, said Melissa Crispin-Piche

    of Tail Waggers Dog Walking Ser- vice.

    We want to keep it local. We want people to know that youdont have to go to Calgary to get

    your pets needs taken care of.Crispin-Piche has paired up

    with Melissa David of Qual-ity Dog Grooming, to organizeand host the expo. David saidthrough her dog grooming busi-ness she has met a lot of peoplethat have asked her where they can go for other pet services, sothey dont have to go to the city.

    So I thought if we could geteverybody into one place at onetime, maybe we could better our-

    selves a little bit and promote lo-cal, said David.

    She said there are already quite a few people who havesigned up to have an exhibit, anda number of people helping withsponsorship.

    Anything that can be relatedto the pet industry were happy to have in for sure, said David.

    Paradise Kennels will be show-ing agility demonstrations and

    will also be teaching basic obe-dience. Happy Cat Sanctuary

    will be coming to show off thecats that they have, and what thesanctuary can do. The Town will

    be putting up a booth and going

    Pet owners rejoice




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    Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

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    Judging to take place on Saturday, July 2 Centennial Celebrations

    TH C TT GC W

    ST THM C T Y B D G W G C T ST2011 is Strathmores Centennial year and there will be numerous events for you to participate i n to mark the occasion. The rst off the starting block is the Mens Beard Growing contest. All hearty men whoare able are encouraged to grow their w hiskers as part of the celebration. Application forms are to be

    received by Jan. 30th with the j udging to take place on Centennial Day, July 2nd.There will be prizes for the best beard in eight different categories.

    Winners will get a EE beard cut from the Cutting Crew as well as other prizes.So come on guys, show your stuff! Applications are available at the Town of ce,

    Strathmore Times and various merchants in the community.

    If you have any questions or need further information contact me,

    obert Breitwieser at [email protected]

    Teaching lifelong lessons

    over bylaws and giving outmaps to the dog park.

    Were hoping to get a cou-ple of trick riders in to talkabout the local trick ridingprograms, said David.

    The Expo will be open from10 a.m. until 3 p.m. on April30 at the Civic Centre, withset-up beginning at 8 a.m. for all exhibitors. Every table is

    going to donate a product or service, which will be raf edoff, and all of the money will

    be split between the non-pro t organizations that arein attendance. Contact either Melissa Crispin-Piche at (403)901-5469 or Melissa David at(403) 923-8983 if interestedin setting up a booth at theexpo.

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    Thoughtfor the


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    FAQs (part 1)regarding RSPsWhat is an RSP?

    A registered Retirement Savings Plan (RSP)is an investment account designed primarilyfor saving toward your retirement years. As aretirement savings vehicle, regulated by theCanadian government, RSPs have special taxbene ts. Your annual RSP contribution cangreatly reduce the amount of income tax youpay in that year, and the money you put awaycan have years of tax-deferred growth potential.You only pay tax on the amounts you withdraw.RSPs are available through chartered banks, trust companies and other nancial institutions.Individuals with earned income can only makecontributions to an RSP taxable in Canada, whichincludes salaries, self-employment income,maintenance and alimony payments, and netrental income (but does not include income frompensions or investments). Certain other types ofincome may be eligible -- consult a tax advisoror Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). CRA issuesstatements to individual taxpayers with theirNotice of Assessment informing them of theirRSP contribution limit for the following year.

    Do I need an RSP? The maximum annual pension a Canadian

    can currently get from the Canada PensionPlan is just over $11,000.00 (if taken at age 65,as of 2010). Canadas senior population (65+) isexpected to increase dramatically in the future.You shouldnt rely on government pension plansalone for your retirement income. An RSP canhelp you maintain your standard of living whenyou retire. In addition to this, your taxableincome will be reduced each year by the amountof the eligible contribution. So, the more youcontribute, the less income tax youll pay in theyear that you make the contribution.

    What is a spousal RSP? The more taxable income you have, the higher

    your tax bracket. You should, therefore, considerallocating future taxable income as evenlyas possible between you and your spouse orcommon- law partner. This is commonly known

    as income-splitting. You are entitled to put allor part of any allowable RSP contribution intoan RSP in the name of your spouse or common-law partner. When you both withdraw your RSPsavings during retirement, the combined income tax you pay as a couple may be lower than whatyou would pay if all your savings were in a singleRSP. As the contributor to a spousal RSP, youbene t from the tax deduction while building aretirement nest egg for your spouse or partner.Amounts withdrawn from a spousal RSP will beconsidered part of the taxable income of yourspouse or partner, to the extent that you havenot contributed any amount to a spousal planin the current year or the two preceding years.A spousal RSP is most bene cial in a situationwhere the spouse would otherwise have littleretirement income while the contributor wouldhave a signi cant amount of income.

    Can I withdraw money from my RSP? Although an RSP is more effective as a long-

    term investment, you may withdraw all or part ofit at any time. RSP withdrawals are subject to taxand the terms of the investment you choose. But the important part is that your money is availableif you need it. Withholding taxes apply on fundswithdrawn from an RSP except when funds are transferred from one RSP to another, or whenfunds are transferred to a retirement incomeoption such as a Retirement Income Fund (RIF).

    (Check back next week for more information)

    Do you have aspecial recipe youwould like to share?Please submit to the Strathmore Timesby Friday noon.Fax Tracey 403.934.5546 oremail [email protected]

    Stuffed Baconwrapped Chicken

    Located on the North Side of Highway #1at 210 Ridge Road Strathmore 403-934-5661

    S R H R R qu N &uR S N R N N R

    8 slices bacon6 ounces cream cheese, softened4 green onions, chopped1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper1 teaspoon garlic powder4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves1 tsp paprikaSalt & pepper to taste

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a baking dishStir together cream cheese, green onions, bell pepper, garlic, salt& pepper in a bowl until combined. Divide this mixture onto eachchicken breast. Fold the breasts in half and wrap with 2 slices ofbacon. Secure with toothpicks if needed. Place in prepared bakingdish. Sprinkle with paprikaBake in preheated oven until the chicken is no longer pink in the thickest part, approx 30 to 35 minutes.

    Bake in the preheated oven until the chicken is no longerpink in the thickest part, 30 to 35 minutes.Remove the toothpicks before serving.

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    So be pro-active with your body! If you dont like theway you feel, perhaps its time for a massage! From tension headaches to sore feet, at work or at home,Self Massage is a simple way to keep yourself strongand healthy, and you have the tools at your ngertips!

    Amy Giordani is a Registered Massage Therapist atCountry Escape Spa and Wellness.

    [email protected] (403) 361- 3599

    LifestyLeswww. trathmore imes.comPage 6 Strath or TimeS January 28, 2011

    FEBRUARY CHAMBER LUNCHEONThursday, February 3, 2011


    Guest Speaker: Brad Walls

    Registration & Networking: 11:30 AMGuest Speaker : 12:15 PM

    Location: Best Western Strathmore Inn350 Ridge Road Strathmore, AB

    Tickets: $15/Pre-registered Chamber Member$20/ At the door or for Future Members

    Register for Lunch now!

    Support the Strathmore & District Chamber of Commerce with a membership.

    2011 Chamber Membership Fees are now due!

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    January 28, 2011 Strath or TimeS Page 7

    403.325.0372 www.debbiem rr y.c

    Debbie M rr yFREE MaRkEt Evaluat ons

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    Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Gleichen,Hussar, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass, Standard, Lyalta and Langdon. We also have various pickup locations throughout ourcoverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproductionwithout the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.

    Contributors - Doug Taylor, Wendi Tashlikowich

    202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 403.934.5589

    Mario Prusina Publisher / Editor

    Shannon LeClair Reporter

    Rose Hamrlik Advertising

    Tracey Rogers Of ce Manager

    Jody Schneider Production

    The Times welcomes letters to the editor or publication. All submissions must signed and a phone number included or verifcation purposes. We reserve the right to edit letters or length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original orm as possible.

    Crowfoot multi 4-H vol-unteers helped with thetake down of the Cel-

    ebration of Lights onSunday, Jan. 23.

    Photo Courtesyof Terry Morgan

    Elves helpclean up

    Kevin SorenSon, M.P., Crowfoot Parliamentary Report

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper has created aRed Tape Reduction Commission, a team of ex-perienced small businesspeople and Members of Parliament who will consult Canada-wide withsmall business owners and entrepreneurs to iden-tify areas where red tape is hurting small businesssuccess in Canada. The number one priority of our Conservative Government remains the economy.

    With the global economic recovery still fragile, wecan further our commitment to creating jobs andeconomic growth by supporting small businessesand entrepreneurs.

    We know that red tape is a silent killer of jobsand limits economic growth. In our riding, we cansee it in virtually every industry. Throughout my travels meeting with many constituents over thecourse of the Parliamentary Christmas break, Ihave heard many ideas about what should andshould not be in Budget 2011. Over the years as

    your MP, many of you have shared with me thehurdles and struggles confronted trying to estab-lish a small business. I hear these stories from the

    younger generation who often see new opportu-nities as they join the work force. While the more

    senior workers may welcome the innovations, thehard part too often becomes getting the new en-terprise off the ground.

    As the government, we have recognized andpursued the opportunity to try and help Canadi-ans with the burden of launching small business-es. Our Budget 2007 Paperwork Burden Reduc-tion Initiative resulted in a 20 per cent reductionin red tape. Since then, we eliminated almost80,000 regulatory requirements and informa-tion obligations that were crippling new-businessstart-ups. Another noteworthy effort was havingCanada Revenue Agency reduce the frequency of

    required tax ling and remittances and provideMy Business Accounts to streamline an entre-preneurs communications with the Agency. Thelatter two measures freed up a large number of man-hours on shop oors in virtually every small

    business in Canada. We have done many other things too. You can

    read about them at www.bizpal.ca, a centre pointfor small businesses to go for assistance and infor-mation from our federal government.

    There is more to be done to help our local jobcreators do what they do best - drive Canadaseconomy forward. Ninety per cent of businessesin Canada (just over one million) are consideredsmall (fewer than 100 employees). They employ 48 per cent of Canadas labour force (5 million

    workers). Small businesses with fewer than 50employees contribute about 29 per cent to Can-adas GDP. Again, we can clearly see these rmsin our own neighbourhoods. Many of our entre-preneurs have plans and dreams that they know

    would work and our governments should not bea hindrance to them. The Red Tape ReductionCommission will report in the fall of 2011 and thefederal government will respond to their recom-mendations in 2012.

    I would ask our local entrepreneurs and would-

    be business creators in our riding to take a few moments and visit www.reduceredtape.gc.ca.Send in your suggestions to this online consulta-tion process. Our government is trying to establisha client-centred approach to cutting red-tape andhelping our small businesses grow and create jobsin communities large and small for hard-workingCanadians raising their families.

    If you have any questions or concerns regard-ing this or previous columns you may write me at4945-50th Street, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 1P9, call780-608-4600, toll-free 1-800-665-4358, fax 780-608-4603 or e-mail [email protected].

    Cutting Red Tape for Small Businesses Water Softeners, Iron Filters

    & Drinking Water Systems

    205 - 3rd Ave. - Hilton PlazaStrathmore, AB403.934.6044

    [email protected]

    Di E- -DAS ATOCA RESTAuRA TOn Jan. 18, at approximately

    9:45 p.m., the Strathmore RCMP re-sponded to a call of assistance fromthe Strathmore Boston Pizza. Staffstated that ve unknown black maleshad entered the restaurant between9 p.m. and 9:20 p.m. The male sus-pects ate dinner, then ran out of the

    restaurant while staff were away fromthe table, without paying the bill. Thesuspects departed the area in an old-er model light blue 4-door automobilewith damage on the rear bumper. Thisautomobile had been parked in theCanadian Tire parking lot across thestreet from Boston Pizza.

    The suspects were described asbeing between the ages of 17 to

    25, wearing dark pants and hoodedsweatshirts. All suspects had brownhair and brown eyes; one with a crewcut hair style with an orange stripedown the centre of his head.

    If you have any information regard-ing this incident, please contact theStrathmore RCMP at 403-934-3968or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

    RCMP Briefs

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    Page 8 Strath or T meS January 28, 2011 www.Strath or Ti s.co

    Shannon LeCLair

    Times Reporter

    The Alberta Urban Municipality Association con-ference was held Nov 22 to 25 in Edmonton. Allof council, except one member, drove to Edmon-ton, incurring total costs of $380. Councillor EarlBest ew to Edmonton, incurring a total cost of $469.42.

    Policy 1806 is very speci c in outlining that alltravel should be by the most economic means of transportation, said Councillor Bob Sobol.

    The policy goes on to state that if a personchooses to travel other than by the most economi-cal means, then that person shall reimburse theamount equaling the cost of the most economicmeans of transportation.

    Sobol said he had brought this up to Council-lor Best before, saying he should reimburse theamount of $89.42. The money had not been paid

    back at the time of the council meeting, and Sobol

    was curious what the recourse was to reclaim thefunds. Chief Administrative Of cer Dwight Stan-ford said if the majority of council agreed, then thefunds would be taken out of the councillors nextpay period. Best outlined the reasons behind why he had own, one of which was he was under theimpression that the Mayors vehicle was full, andhe opted to y as council had done previously.

    I havent done anything wrong here, said Best, when asked by Mayor Steve Grajczyk.

    It seems to me if we remove the emotion fromit and we realize that there was a certain amountallotted and it went over, it seems a simple thing to

    just repay that, said Councillor Pat Fule. The motion was made by Sobol for administra-

    tion to hold back the $89.42 from Bests next pay-cheque. Councillors John Rempel and Best wereopposed to the motion.

    Westcreek re-designation A public hearing regarding bylaw #10-29 is held

    at the Town Of ces on Jan. 19. The purpose of the Bylaw was to amend the Land Use Bylaw tore-designate the land currently a part of phase 1of the Westcreek Area Structure Plan, ASP. The ASP

    was approved August 18, 2010, and the developers were looking to change a portion from R1, R2 andUR to R1N, R2 and UR. The presentation made atthe council meeting showed that 31 per cent of the lots would be 40 feet, and only seven per cent

    would be 50 feet. Councillor Earl Best had con-cerns about the potential traf c ow issues andthe fact that 93 per cent of the lots will be less than50 feet. Councillors Pat Fule and Best were theonly two opposed to the third and nal reading.

    Conforming with town bylaws There was also a public hearing for Bylaw #10-34 at the Jan. 19 meeting. Though a few concerns

    were brought up by an adjacent landowner, coun-cil voted unanimously in favour of re-designatingSW 1/4 16-24-25 W4M from DC3 to CHWY. Theproperty was non-conforming up to this point andthe idea behind the bylaw was to have it conformto the towns bylaws.

    Change of Committee Councillor Rocky Blokland is now a member of

    the United Way Strathmore Committee, after theMayor was unable to be a part of it due to sched-uling con icts.

    Councillor to reimbursethe Town

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    Shannon LeCLair

    Times Reporter

    There will not be a donation policy set up by county of cials.On Dec. 7, Reeve Ben Armstrong had suggested the county

    become a major supporter to the Cheadle Lions Club annualfoodgrain bank project. After numerous phone calls and lettersfrom concerned citizens, it was decided there will not be adonation, nor will Wheatland become a major supporter to thefoodgrain bank. Instead the county will offer services in kindto the Cheadle Lions Club.

    County councillorswill not create a donation policy Disaster training

    On May 6 Wheatland County Council-lors will be attending a Municipal Elect-ed Of cials course at the Strathmore FireDepartment. The course will be teachingthem their roles and responsibilities incase of a disaster. They will also discussthe legalities and rights they have whendeclaring a local state of emergency.

    AED training All of the staff at the Wheatland Coun-

    ty of ces have been receiving trainingon how to use the AED de brillator.

    There should now always be someoneon hand that knows how to use the AEDin case someone has a heart attack atthe of ces.

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    January 28, 2011 Strath or TimeS Page 9

    Shannon LeCLair

    Times Reporter

    Typically holding a lighter near a run-ning water hose wouldnt be somethingto be concerned about, but when that

    water catches fre, something is notright. In December 2005, Fiona Laurid-son and her amily realized something

    was terribly wrong with their water a ter noticing bright, red marks that turnedinto scabs on their skin a ter showering.In 2003, EnCana drilled two sites on her property and another near it. Lauridsonis sure its the cause o her water con-tamination.

    It wasnt like this be ore you came,its like this now and its no longer anatural system. Its been tampered with,said Lauridson.

    She is convinced its the racturing,racking method, oil and gas companies

    use when drilling or Coal Bed Methane,CBM. Fracking is when the ground isdrilled into and pumped with racturing

    uids to racture the coal or rock. Onceits been racked, it then releases meth-ane gas.

    Youve disturbed that whole purifca-tion system, now it has a leak and itsgot some thats exposed. Now impuritiesand gas are coming out, that would havenever come out be ore because they

    were under pressure, said Lauridson.She said its in the aqui er because

    EnCana blasted the ractures, put chemi-cals in, and were producing gas out o the same coal zone her water passesthrough.

    Its kind o like i you have bad wa-ter in your house, people put carbon fl-ters on because its a very good purifer.

    Thats why we use coal seams as aqui-ers because its porous, the water can

    go through and the impurities stick to

    the coal, its really good, said Lauridson.For CBM drilling, they de-water the

    coal seam, letting the water drain downso there is exposed coal. The gas comesout because the pressure is gone, andthey siphon that gas o , said Lauridson.

    When you drill a water well into acoal seam and you pump that water

    well, that liberates more natural gas

    rom those shal low locations, said AlanBoras, Vice-President o Media Relationsor EnCana.Boras said they drill deeper, put in

    casing, steel piping and cement to makesure they dont interact with the aqui ersat shallow depths.

    There has been a low level o meth-ane in the Rosebud area water supply

    or a number o years. Lauridson said it was naturally occurring gas rom deepunderground, that had ound a naturalfssure to escape out o into the aqui er.

    The water issues in Rosebud have been ocused a lot, on methane in wa-ter wells. Boras said its been well docu-mented as naturally occurring, and hasexisted there or a long time. A ew peo-ple in the Rosebud area fled complaintsin 2005 a ter witnessing di erences intheir water quality. Alberta Environment,

    AENV, investigated, working with resi-dents to determine where the concern

    was coming rom.A lot o work was done monitoring,

    analysis o the water quality or di erentcontaminants, that sort o thing, saidCara Tobin, Public A airs O fcer or Al-

    berta Environment.The result o our fndings was that

    the contamination was naturally occur-ring. We noticed that in many cases, andmany cases around the province, one o the biggest reasons or changes in qual-ity o ground water is a lack o mainte-

    nance o their wells.

    One thing Tobin said is a necessity,is ash chlorinating the well every ew

    years to help maintain it. AENV statednot chlorinating water wells could pro-duce abundant methane gas.

    I this is true we can solve the en-ergy crisis. Simple, drill a water well, useit daily but dont dump in any chlorineand bingo, you have gas, lots o it. Well

    never run out. So lets quit CBM and letthe water wells get dirty with normally occurring bacteria in them and there wehave it ...natural gas with no more drill-ing, said Lauridson.

    Unless o course thats not what hap-pens and AENV are trying to de ectresponsibility or allowing gas develop-ment in aqui ers and shame landownersinto silence.

    Both gas and water are publicly ownedresources and Lauridson said the pub-lic should have a say about sacrifcingone to develop the other. In March 2006,EnCana released a report regarding re-search they had done on the Lauridsons

    water well and CBM well sites. The re-port absolved EnCana o all blame.

    Lauridson went to the Alberta Re-source Council, ARC, who reviewed thein ormation collected. The ARC said thegas is probably coming rom the samecoal seam the water was coming rom,and not likely caused by energy devel-opment projects. Lauridson said it wasnttrue because an intact coal seam aqui er gives o very little methane. From stud-ies shes had conducted, showing water coming rom a coal seam doesnt meanits ull o methane. She said to an un-in ormed person it might sound like areasonable explanation. Lauridson saidthe scientist she had researching her

    well, said there are indications there iscross contamination underground due

    to all the cracks and ractures, and that

    gas rom deeper down in the earth iscoming up into the aqui er. She said themore they crack it, the more pathwaysthere are or gas to come out. Due tothe constant pressure rom racking andincreased cracks and ractures under-ground, there are now more fssures or the gas to leak through allowing an el-evated amount o methane to leak into

    the aqui er, contaminating the water.You have to look at, be ore man camealong and inter ered with that system,it was like a closed tin can, said Lau-ridson.

    No, the gas didnt come o , it wasstuck in there. The water pouredthrough, it went through clean, it wasgood to drink and it was good to use.Now it isnt. Now its heavily contami-nated with methane.

    Lauridson challenged the fndingsrom AENV and EnCana. She met with

    Minister o Environment Rob Renner toshow him some o the inconsistenciesshe had ound. She gave him a list o theinconsistencies, saying she wanted other scientists in the feld to look and either confrm or challenge the fndings o thereview. AENV re used to have that done.

    I cant really do anything about that.I they re used to have it done, they re-

    use to have it done. They said they areconfdent in this review, said Lauridson.

    The government has decided they aresatisfed with the fndings o the inves-tigation.

    She said the review never said de-fnitively where the gas had come rom.

    They said it is most likely rom the coalseams but they have no data to back thisclaim, said Lauridson.

    Theres just so much gas in my water and the government wanted to blameme and other landowners or not taking

    good care o our wells.

    Rosebud resident ghts for clean water - part 1

    Kindergarten Registration For 2011 - 2012

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    Page 10 Strath or T meS January 28, 2011 www.Strath or Ti s.co

    "The Sign of

    experience" 403-934-5533

    Strathmore & area24 HR. REAL ESTATE HOT LINE

    # 1 0 6 - 3 0 4 3 r d Av e n u e , S t r a t h m o r e , A l b e r t a T 1 P 1 Z 1

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    triple car garage, security rollco blindsand so much more!

    beautiful executive home!$559,900

    feature property - call sheila

    Raw land ready to developinto country acreage.

    Paved access. Gas revenueGood building sitesCal Ron Kaechele403-934-1097

    27 acresnoW $199,000!

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    Mls c3436129

    4 acres with mountain views Minutes to Chestemere

    Gentle slope accomodates walkout Services in and ready to hook up

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    Fully finished Totally upgrades with hardwood,granite, and more. 3+2 bedrooms, 3 full baths in floorheat, high efficiency heating! Landscaped and fencedwith view of country side! Awesome family home!

    price reduced! buildersoWn home $399,900

    Mls c3440756feature property - call la shaun

    2 bedrooms 1.5 baths open concept, 6 appliancesOne parking stall. Walking distance to everything!

    Why rent When you can oWn.payment as loW as $595/month!

    feature property - call la shaun



    feature property - call robert & taMara

    Show of owners pride. This homeis freshly painted throughout.

    A pleasure to show! Bright andspacious, 2 bedroom, 2 baths,fenced yard and parking pad

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    shoWs oWner'sprice - mustsee $47,000

    call la shaun

    Mls c3450472

    3 lots and Good Well Commuting Distance

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    cozy bungaloW$139,900

    call robert & taMara

    Partially remodelled twostorey house

    Single detached garageFully fenced

    Priced for sale - $149,000Cal Ron Kaechele403-934-1097

    enormous lotcall ron

    Stainless Appliances, Infloor Heat, Granite, Marble,Bamboo Flooring, Custom Cabinets, Skylight,

    Bungalow, 1450 sq ft, Heated Garage....$399,900.00 who could ask for more.

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    feature property - Debbie


    adult living$259,900

    call Debbie

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    beautiful upgraded villa,handicap friendly $348,900




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    feature property - call la shaun

    Everything you could want!Newly painted, Close to

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    call sheila

    Mls c3442714

    upgraded condo$169,900

    call Debbie

    Immaculate with2+1 bedrooms

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    Upgraded with maplehardwood

    Mls c3440756

    2 BedroomsSingle Car GarageClose to Schools

    I need TLC

    really only $100,000

    call robert & taMara

    Mls c3453607

    Mls c3451266

    Don't let this one pass you by,this home is located on quiet

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    priced to sell, fully developed bungaloW

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    call la shaun

    Mls c3456448

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    feature property - call robert & taMara feature property - call robert & taMara

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    January 28, 2011 Strath or TimeS Page 11

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    Strathmore & area24 HR. REAL ESTATE HOT LINE

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    West of Strathmore.Road to be

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    secludedBilevel on

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    Great clientele. Excellent income.Owner will train. Owner retiring.

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    Great 3 Bdrm Bilevel,Basement Development,

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    f u - c

    c / s

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    Page 12 Strath or T meS January 28, 2011 www.Strath or Ti s.co


    Happening?Wh h pp g is a free weekly community calendar.

    f you are a non- ro t rou and ave a s ecial event you would like to romote, lease email your information totracey@strat moretimes.com or call 403-934-5589 or fax 403-934-5546 and we will include your information on t isweekly Community pa e. Due to s ace restrictions, lease kee information to a minimum.

    Mark YourCalendars for

    these UpcomingSpecial Events....

    Gleichen and District Community Associationpresent their 2nd annual


    new Years

    Dinner Feb. 5th. Doors open@ 5:30pm, supper @

    6:00pm. $20/ticket foradults (+ membership)

    $10.00/ticket for children5-12, phone to get

    tickets: 403-734-0114,403-734-2891,403-734-3863

    OR 403-644-2969

    On March 19 and 20,St. Gabriel the

    Archangel Parishis hosting a



    retreat put on by Face 2 Face

    Ministries. This highenergetic team, throughtalks, prayer, and music,

    will take you on a journey to strengthen

    your Christian faith.For more details visit:saintgabrielparish.ca/

    chestermere/F2F_Retreat.html or contact Jeff/Annette

    @ 403-936-2030.

    Royal Canadian Legion For information regarding hallrentals, darts and crib, please call403.934.5119

    Strathmore Elks Lodge #491 meets 3rd Tuesday at the Strathmore Curling

    Club 6:30 pm. Steak Supper at7 pm. New Members welcome.Call Greg 403-888-6155.

    MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers)meet 1st and 3rd Thursdays9:30am 11:30am at theStrathmore Alliance Church.Babysitting available for ages 0 - 6.For more information call Jennifer at403-934-5799 or visit www.mops.org

    Strathmore Parent and Tot Playgroup ,meets every Thursday at 9:30 - 11:30 am.in the Strathmore United ChurchBasement. For more information callTammy at 403-983-7284 orAli at 403-934-2089. $1 per child

    Strathmore District HealthServices Auxiliary Meetings are held the fourth Monday of themonth @ 1:30 pm, (excluding July & August).Lower level Conference Room at the Strath-more Hospital. New members welcome. Formore info please call 403-934-4436

    Strathmore & District Chamber of Commerce meets the third Monday of the month @ 7:00p.m. All members welcome. Check web pagefor meetinglocation. For more informationcall 403-901-3175 orwww.strathmoredistrictchamber.com.

    Come Fly With Us903 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn. MeetWednesdays at 6:30pm at the blue buildingand Quonset on the Ag grounds. Boys & Girlswelcome between 12 & 19 years. Call JoannaHoward at 403-983-5796 for more information.

    Meals on Wheels is available in Strathmore. For information orto obtain this service please contact WheatlandFCSS at 403-934-5335.

    Strathmore Youth Exceptional Service Award Society - If you would like to recognize a youth whohas demonstrated an act of courage,citizenship and community contribution,call 403-901-4254.

    The Hope Bridges Society Board meetings held the third Tuesday of eachmonth at 7 p.m. at #3-236-3rd. Avenue.Please visit our website at www.hopebridges.caor contact us at [email protected].

    Strathmore FASD Parent Support Group at the Strathmore United Church.For more info call Pam @652-4776.

    Strathmore Caregiver Support Group This is an opportunity for caregivers to ndsupport and bene t from interaction with othersin a similar situation. For more information orto register call Amy Yaneza at 403-361-7176.

    Sunday School for All Ages :Lord of All Lutheran Church offersChristian Education opportunities for ages 3years to adult, on Sunday Mornings. All areWelcome! For more information please callMargo Sevick 403-901-2044 or call the ChurchOf ce at 403-934-2374.

    Wheatland Conservation & Wildlife Association (Your local sh & game club).Meetings 2nd Thursday every month, 7:30pmat the Clubhouse. Call Larry at 403-934-4388for more information.

    Wheatland Rural Crime Watch. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each Month.Featuring guest speakers. For more informationcall 403-934-4055.

    Strathmore Lions Club meets the rst and third Thursday at theStrathmore Civic Centre at 6:45 pm.

    Healing Rooms,open for prayer Mondays from 7 to 9 pm. at theHarvest Healing Centre at 115A-3rd. Avenue inStrathmore. Everyone is Welcome.

    Strathmore Country Gardens ClubMeetings at least once per month. Tours, guestspeakers, workshops and much more includedin a membership.$20 single, $30 family.For more information visit www.strathmore-

    countrygardensclub.webs.comor phone Linda Pekrul 403-901-0017.

    TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly Want to Lose Those Unwanted Pounds?? Needsupport to reach your goal? We are here foryou! We meet every Thursday at 6:30 pm @the Anglican Church. Contact Melissa @

    403-901-1566 or Lynne @ 403-934-4359to join our journey to a tter you.

    Free Tree for all New Born BabiesAttention all infants remind your parents toregister your birth so a tree can be plantedcommemorating your birth in the ChinookCredit Union Birth Forest in Strathmore.Registration Forms are available at the Townof ce, Chinook Credit Union and Health Unit.(A Communities in Bloom Project)

    Strathmore Masonic Lodge #53 meets the rst Monday of each Month at 7:30p.m. Call Glen at 403-901-6038.Website: www.strathmore53.com

    Adult Competitive Volleyball at Crowther Memorial Junior High in the gymevery Wednesday from 7-9 pmContact is Lavern Lein 403-934-4646.

    Strathmore Regional Victim Services Society needs community members to be Advocates

    (volunteers). Training is provided. ContactVictim Services through the RCMPDetachment at 403-934-6552

    Strathmore Homeschool Familes. Any Strathmore and Area familes that arehomeschooling are invited to join our YahooGroup. groups.yahoo.com/group/strathmorehs-fams

    Strathmore Full Gospel ChurchWere a Pentecostal Bible basedfamily church that has something for all ages.Call 934-2225 or visitwww.strathmorefullgospel.com

    Wild Rose Career & Employment Services - Free drop-in JOB-FINDING CLUB,

    every Tuesday from 9 to noon.A Career Counsellor will share tips and tools toassist in your job search.Please call 403-934-6488 or drop by 101,331-3rd. Avenue.Bring your lunch and join us for a SmallBusiness Brown Bag presentation at

    Community Futures Wild Rose onTuesday and Thursday from Noon to1 pm. Weekly Topics.

    The Community Crisis Shelter has several Board Member vacancies and isrecruiting individuals who would like to applyfor Board Membership. Interested individualscan call Karen Pease at 403-934-6634.

    Kidz 1st Network Parent Link Centre ,We offer programs for children (0 6 yrs.) and

    their parents (caregivers)Strathmore ProgramsStay & Play - Mon. 10- 12, Wed. 9:30 - 11:30and 4:00 - 8:30 p.m.Tots Time - Continuing Care Facility Mon. 1- 2Lets Grow Together- Thurs. 10-12Sing and Play -Fri. 1-3Rockyford - Lets Grow Together- Mon.10:00-11:30Nightingale - Encouraging Developmentthrough Play - 10:00-11:30Standard - Sing and Play - Friday- 10:00-11:30Cluny - Lets Grow Together - Thurs. 10:00-11:30All Programs are free. Please call983-0016 ext.3 for program details.

    HIV Edmontonproviding support, education and advocacy forthose infected with, affected by or at risk of HIVand AIDS for 25 years.Go to www.hivedmonton.com or call toll free1.877.388.5742

    403-901-0440www. mybite.ca


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  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    January 28, 2011 Strath or TimeS Page 13

    Wheatland Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)

    is accepting unding applications or non-proft and/orcommunity groups o ering preventive social programsor County o Wheatland residents. Consideration will be

    given or short term, special events or single endeavors.Programs should be preventative in nature, promotevoluntarism, and provide amily enrichment and socialdevelopment aspects. Phone Sharon Tibeau at403 934-5335 or email coordinator@w css.org

    or more in ormation or to request a unding application.

    During 2010 Wheatland FCSS was able to provide fnancialsupport to the ollowing community programs; Golden HillsFamily School Community Resource Program, Golden HillsDrug & Alcohol Prevention, Healthy Families, Project Hope,Roots o Empathy, Christ the Redeemer Family SchoolLiaison Program, Growing Opportunities/Growing FamiliesSociety, Junior Achievement, Rocky ord Library, FoothillsFetal Alcohol Society, Step One Support Group, Kidz 1stNetwork Parent Link, the Gleichen Kids Club and severaleducational workshops and courses.

    Stud nts at Trinity Luth ran Christian Acad myh ld Wint rf st at th school on Jan. 21. Th kidshad a chanc to participat in r lay rac s, anda scavang r hunt. Aft rwards th kids w nt out

    sid to play in th snow b for h ading hom forth w k nd.

    Shannon LeClair Photos


    airdrie Hours: Mon - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm Sat 9 am - 3 pm - No appoiNtmeNt Necessary 403-948-2610 www.airdriechrysler.com 139 East Lake Crescent, Airdrie

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    Don Good, Caleb Hughes, Michael Rebeyka, Danielle Hauck,Toni-Jaye Cooke, Megan Stefanich, Shanice Halwa, Jen Schumann

    Holy Cross Don Good, Emma Marleau, Brooklyn Giesbrecht,Aden McBean, Jen Schumann

    Westmount Elementary Jen Schumann, Vanessa Bolinger, Don Good

    Trinity Lutheran School

    Don Good, Laura Anne Torgrimson,Madelaine Hope Fisk, Jen Schumann

    Crowther Memorial Junior High

    Don Good, Riley Paquette,Jen Schumann

    Strathmore Hight School

    Don Good, Allie Davidson,Austin Pankewies, Jen Schumann

    Brentwood Elementary

    Don Good, Brianne Fraser,Annie Smeyers, Jen Schumann

    Carseland School

    Morgan Ramsey

    Holy Cross

    Th Royal Canadian L gion h ld th irannual Post r, Po m and essay con-t st. All of th submissions w r judg dat th branch l v l, b for going to thdistrict, provincial, th n national l v ls.H r is a sampl of som of this y ars

    ntri s from th local ar a.

    Photos Courtesy of theRoyal Canadian Legion, Branch #10


  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    The Wheatland Kings are riding a three-game winning streak after winninga pair of home games this past weekend. The Kings defeated Stettler andMountainview, improving to 3-1 since the New Year. Wheatland will travel to

    Airdrie on Jan. 28, before returning home to face the Medicine Hat Cubs onSaturday night. Game time is 8 p.m.

    Doug Taylor Photos

    H o m e G a m e s Saturday, February 5 8:00 pm vs Coaldale CopperheadsSaturday, February 12 8:00 pm vs High River Flyers

    Saturday, January 29 8:00 pmvs Medicine Hat CubsStrathmore Family Centre - Gold Arena

    Join us for our Drive to the Playoffs! AWAY GAMES: Friday, February 4 8:00 pm Three Hills; Tuesday, February 8 9:30 pm Okotoks

    Mario Prusina

    Times Editor

    Near the end of October, WheatlandKings head coach Doug Murphy wasin the process of assembling new for-

    ward lines.Its a common task for coaches to

    shuf e players in an attempt to sparkhis troops.

    One speci c trio Leslie Doore,Racey Big Snake and Ross Fox has

    withstood the test of time and remainsan important piece to the Kings suc-cess.

    The combination, also known asthe Blackfoot Express in the dress-ing room, is starting to take controlof games.

    The last part of November - the rstpart of December is when (the line)really started coming together, saidMurphy. If you were trying to de nethe roles, Racey certainly seems to bemore of the playmaker, (while) Rossis the guy that will go in (the cor-ners) and get the puck but he also

    has, like the guys say, absolutely sickhands. He makes some moves and

    your mouth drops open.Leslie is always in the right place.

    I think the other thing they do excep-tionally well is they communicate witheach other.

    Now its like they have a sixthsense.

    The Blackfoot Express has been an

    instrumental part of the Kings three-game winning streak, including twohome wins this past weekend.

    The Kings defeated the Settler Light-ning for the rst time in their history,an 8-4 win on Jan. 22, before postinga 3-2 triumph over the Mountainview Colts the following day. During thepast three games, the trio has com-piled 22 points.

    That sort of production has forcedopposing teams to take notice, whileproviding much needed scoring as-sistance to the teams leading point-getter, Lucas Ford, who has 41 pointsin 26 games.

    Weve got a lot of depth, said the

    coach. We look now at what our fourth line is this year and they may

    be as good as our second line in our rst year, or even last year. The bar is

    going up.We said it would take three years

    to put together a competitive team. Ithink were there (now) and what wedo in the playoff run and in the play-offs is going to give us a much better

    indication of our skill level and com-petitiveness.

    On Saturday night, the Kings got theproverbial monkey off of their backs,

    when they defeated Stettler for therst time ever.Big Snake registered a goal and four

    assists, while Fox and Nathan Voy-techek each recorded a hat-trick for the Kings. Doore scored the teamsother goal, while Ford chipped in apair of assists.

    It felt really good (but) we shouldhave beaten them in Stettler earlier in the year, said Murphy. Stettler isnot doing as well as they have in past

    years, but they are still a very good

    team, very fast. We certainly dont takethem lightly at all.

    On Sunday, Brennan Grasdahlscored twice to pace the Kings at-tack, while Mark Goodman and MikeSamoil each added a pair of assists.

    Doore scored the Kings other lonegoal, while Miles OKeefe and Bran-don Neufeld each added helpers.

    We went into Sunday down three

    guys who were suspended for a littlealtercation the night before, said Mur-phy. Mountainview is a tough, strong,grinding type team big tough farm

    boys.We had some interesting referee-

    ing. We had three goals disallowed that has to be a new record.

    Wheatland is currently in fourthplace in the South Division, two points

    back of the third place High River Fly-ers. The 12-16-0 Kings will now travelto Airdrie on Jan. 28 to take on the

    Thunder at 8 p.m. They will return tothe con nes of the Strathmore Family Centre the following day at 8 p.m. tohost the Medicine Hat Cubs.

    Blackfoot Express lead Kings

    sportstimesj a n u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 1 1

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    Shannon LeCLair

    Times Reporter

    The sound o basketballs dribblingacross the gym oor once again flledthe halls o Holy Cross Collegiate Jan.21-22. The Jr. A Boys Hawks hosteda tournament, placing second a ter aloss to Bow Valley in the fnals.

    Overall it was a really good tour-nament. The competition was really strong, especially on the winning side.

    All o the games on Saturday were re-ally close games and really competi-tive games, so that was good, saidcoach Jenni Annicchiarico.

    The season technically started at theend o November, and the boys playedin only one tournament in Olds be-

    ore the Christmas break. The leaguegames started a ter Christmas, and

    Annicchiarico said they have playedtwo tournaments since Christmas withthree to go. For league play, the teamhas only had two games. Annicchiari-co said the tournaments have becomeprogressively more di fcult.

    Its been really exciting to see the boys elevate their level o play. They have been improving signifcantly throughout the year, she said.

    They only had three returning boysrom last years team, but Annicchiari-

    co says that hasnt a ected the team.Weve been doing really well andthe boys have been really workinghard at practice, and have stepped itup when they have been playing someo the better teams, so that has beenreally good to see, said Annicchiarico.

    She said they have been workingat trying to develop di erent typeso de ence depending on which teamthey are playing.

    Were a really ast team, but werereally just trying to work to adapt to

    ft di erent styles o o ence that wecome into contact with, she said.

    The Hawks are still working on their teamwork and fnding their ability to

    balance their scoring so that its notcentered on the same ew guys.

    Defnitely the highlight would have been our game against the Brooks Se-

    nior High. The boys played antasticde ense and one o our boys, MichaelPringle, got 26 points. So he had aphenomenal game. Everyone on theteam was able to step it up. All elevenguys came in with the sense o in-tensity that was needed or that typeo game, said Annicchiarico o the

    weekend. The Hawks are play against

    Crowther Memorial Junior High onFeb. 3, at 4 p.m. Annicchiarico said it

    will defnitely be a great game to see.

    January 28, 2011 Strath or TimeS Page 15

    There will be 97 players ( rst time ever for 19 teams!) who will be playing up to 54 games, plus spectators, attending from all over the Province.

    This two-day event will bene t the local hotels,restaurants and various retail businesses.

    Special guests will include the Deputy DistrictCommander of District 9, Sylvia Westgard, who isalso the Acting Command Sports Of cer; Comrade

    Jenny Schumann, Branch #10 President; LadiesAuxiliary President, Madam Barb Narajiwsky and

    Acting Sports Of cer, LA District Commander,Madam Joan Gallant.

    On Friday, January 28th, andSaturday, January 29th, the Strathmore

    Legion, Branch #10, will be hosting

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    The Junior A boys basketball team at HolyCross Collegiate hosted a tournament at theschool rom Jan. 21 to 22. The Hawks playedtheir frst game o the tournament against theDrumheller Dynos, winning 57-41.

    Shannon LeClair Photo

    Shannon LeCLair

    Times Reporter

    The second annual Rock the Rinktook place at the Family Centre on

    Jan. 22. People had a chance to enjoy bee on a bun and other snacks be oresitting down to cheer on the Strath-

    more Rockies.Its just an opportunity or theRockies and EnCana to give back tothe community a little bit and or thecommunity to come out and meetsome o the Rockies players, said

    Tammy Schwass, game day coordina-tor and volunteer.

    I think they will always try to haveit on home ice.

    The partnership with EnCana begana ew years ago when Rockies Presi-dent Samantha Holmes-Domagala ap-proached EnCana.

    They approached EnCana aboutgetting some support or the teamand because we have a lot o opera-tions out here, its a natural ft, saidRichard Dunn Vice-President o Regu-latory and Government Relations or EnCana.

    Dunn said it is a amily-orientedevent, or people to come down andhave a chance to meet the team andsocialize with other hockey ans.

    Here, youre in uencing young-sters and they are seeing rom a rolemodel perspective. Now here are allthese girls playing a very, very highlevel o hockey, going to school andacting as great role models or these

    youngsters, said Dunn.

    There was ace painting, colouringand souvenirs or the kids and 50/50draw or the adults. A ter dinner peo-ple gathered to watch the Rockiestake on the Minnesota Whitecaps.

    Fridays game saw a close battle be-tween the teams and Rockies goalieLundy Day aced 50 shots. Despite

    the Rockies best e ort the fnal score was 8-3 or Minnesota.Continuing the evenings celebra-

    tion, two uture Rockies players romthe Strathmore Storm novice team,Kaia Gron and Kamryn Johnson, skat-ed with the team during warm-up.

    The frst period was high paced, with the only goal coming rom Min-nesota on a power play. During thefrst intermission, EnCana coordinat-ed a shootout where fve youngstershad the chance to shoot on the Rock-ies goalie. In the second period theRockies scored two quick goals, butMinnesota pulled ahead with our goals. The girls ought hard to kill o Minnesotas power plays, as they hada total o nine penalties throughoutthe game.

    The Rockies had many scoring op-portunities and battled with the Amer-icans to the end. Each team scoredone goal and the fnal score was 6-3

    or Minnesota. Overall, the Rockiesplayed a physical, hard game and it

    was thrilling to watch.Sunday eatured another game

    where the score did not accurately re ect the pace and quality o play on the side o the Rockies. The fnalscore was 9-3 or Minnesota, though

    Rockies rocked the rink

    Hawks take second place

    S a hmo M o Socc F d a o

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    For further information:www.strathmoresoccer.ca o r

    403-324-SPURS (7787)Outdoor registration available online orin person at REVS, February 9th, 2011

    @ Civic Centre, 3:30pm-7:30pmCome out and support loCal soCCer!

    it was back and orth or the frst twoperiods o play. The Rockies openedthe scoring in the frst ew minutes o the game. Minnesota answered withtwo goals. Then Michelle Glendiningscored or the Rockies to tie it up, but

    be ore the end o the period Minneso-ta went ahead by one goal. In the frsttwo periods both teams were tied inshots on goal, though in the third Min-nesota sent a urry o shots on Rock-ies goalie Amanda Squire and suc-ceeded in burying a ew more goalsto secure the win. Final shots on goal

    were 51-39 or Minnesota. The Rockies next six games are on

    the road against Edmonton and Min-nesota. Saturday January 29th theRockies will travel to Bonneyville to

    play the Chimos. The team will play at home again onFebruary 18-20 when they play hostto the Manitoba Maple Lea s. Loca-tions or the next home games are still

    being confrmed.

    The second annual Rock the Rink took place atthe Family Centre on Jan. 22. EnCana and theStrathmore Rockies put on the event, which in-cluded a bee dinner be ore the Rockies playedthe Minnesota Whitecaps. Arno Doerksen,Samantha Holmes-Domagala & Richard Dunn

    welcomed the guests. There were cra ts, in-cluding colouring, to keep the kids entertained.

    Shannon LeClair Photos

  • 8/7/2019 January 28, 2011 Strathmore Times


    Page 16 Strath or T meS January 28, 2011 www.Strath or Ti s.co


    Kristina BeZic

    Times Contributor

    The UFA Bisons inched two pointscloser to clinching a playoff spot withtheir 4-0 win over the NW Calgary Flames on January 19. The Bisonsplayed a great game against the Calgary Royals on January 21, but fell to a 5-3loss.

    Bisons Coach Parry Shockey was hap-py with his teams performance in bothgames, stating they played very wellagainst the Flames, adding, I thought

    we were really disciplined there, andmoved the puck well. I thought wemoved the puck well (Friday) night too,

    just sometimes you just dont get the bounces.

    Joshua Betinol scored twice for the

    Bisons against the Flames, the lone goalin both the rst and second periods.Mason Burr and Matthew Flette eachscored a powerplay goal to lock the

    win. The Bisons played a disciplinedgame and were penalized six times,

    while the Flames gave them 32 minutesof powerplay time. The Bisons capital-ized on 4 of the 13 penalties.

    On Friday, the Bisons came out withthe same effort against the Calgary Roy-als, but a few posts were the differencein this eventful game. The fans were infor a treat, with a fast-paced game thatsaw both teams carry a lead during thegame.

    I thought it was a really good game,said coach Shockey, I think it was an

    exciting game for fans to watch. I thinkit came down to just a matter of a few mistakes, if we capitalized on a few more chances.

    I think we hit ve posts, a couple of those go in it changes the outcome of the game.

    Torrin White and Joshua Betinolscored in the rst period to give theBisons a 2-1 lead heading into the sec-ond period. The Royals battled back totake a 3-2 lead, and Luke Philp helpedthe Bisons tie it up for the third period.

    The Royals scored the winning goal with 3:29 left in the third and scored anempty netter to give them the 5-3 win.

    Coach Shockey was happy with theperformance of his team.

    I think we had some chances to bury pucks and somehow they managed to

    keep them out. Hopefully we can bangthose ones for the playoffs, said thecoach. The Bisons are in a playoff posi-tion and a mere ve points away fromsecond place in their division.

    Shockey knows the game plan for theupcoming matches will be the same asalways - keep working on things to try to make our team better.

    I thought we played for 60 minutes.I didnt think we took a period off, sothose are all positives we see in our hockey club.

    The Bisons are gearing up for a pair of home games this weekend, Jan. 29(5:30 p.m) against the Boston PizzaRangers and Jan. 30 (2 p.m.) versus theLeduc Chrysler Oil Kings.

    Bisons split pair of road games

    Front : Jarrett Graff, Ty Schneider Middle : Brandon Larsen,Kenny Hansen, Scott Pagenkopf, Jesse Driver, Nicholas Wallace,

    Riley Smith, Carston Tourout, Jaycee Peters, Keegan LaneBack : Kevin Lane (C), Robert Jacobs, Dalton Habing, Michael Dronyk,

    Jagger Three Suns, Jordan Dyck, Conner Schmit, Zack Gibson,Jayden Corbiell, Doug Pagenkopf (AC), Kevin Dyck (AC)

    10/11 Strathmore Storm

    - midget t3

    M i n o r H o c k e y W e e k

    Strathmore Mi-nor Ball held a

    winter clinic andregistration nightat Crowther Me-mor