Pro-Life Is Pro-Adoption! F orty-four years ago this month the US Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, legalizing the killing of babies while still in the womb. If that sounds too blunt or graphic, it just means that the culture of death has been successful at hardening our hearts to the horror of abortion. We must continue to promote and defend the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. We dare not minimize the horror, tragedy and sinfulness of abor- tion any more than we would minimize the grace of continue working for the elimination of legalized abortion. In the meantime, how do we promote the message of choosing life? One way is to promote adoption. What an incredi- choice adoption is! While November is recognized an- nually as National Adoption Month, it’s always appropri- ate to celebrate this pro-life option. Adoption is an amazing example of grace. Human adoption makes a bad situation just about as good as it can possibly be as children receive a forever earthly family. That’s what grace is—unmerited favor—tak- ing a bad situation and making something good. Recently one of our staff members who teaches an Adult Bible Fellowship at her church did a short series she entitled “Rescue Adoptions in the Bible.” survivor of wicked Queen Athaliah’s destruction of all descendants who could possibly challenge her as ruler of Judah. Had he not survived the horrendous slaughter done by his grandmother, the Davidic line would have ended; and God’s promise to David that through his line would come the Savior would have been thwarted. Strengthening, Preserving & Promoting Marriage, Family, Life & Liberty ***** Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself... Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God... Eph. 1:5a & I Jn. 3:1a ***** Choose Life License Plate approved! has been almost ten years in the making....We are excited that within the next eight to twelve months, Wisconsin pro-life citizens will be able to purchase a beautiful license plate that expresses their views on life while also directly helping our state’s life- saving, woman-helping Pregnancy Resource Centers.” ~Julaine Appling, President, Choose Life Wisconsin For more information, and to view the proposed license plate, visit chooselifewisconsin.com continued on back

January 2017 Pro-Life Is Pro-Adoption! Strengthening, F ... - Liberty€¦ · horror of abortion. We must continue to promote and defend the sanctity of life from conception to natural

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Page 1: January 2017 Pro-Life Is Pro-Adoption! Strengthening, F ... - Liberty€¦ · horror of abortion. We must continue to promote and defend the sanctity of life from conception to natural

Pro-Life Is Pro-Adoption!

Forty-four years ago this month the US Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, legalizing the killing

of babies while still in the womb. If that sounds too blunt or graphic, it just means that the culture of death has been successful at hardening our hearts to the horror of abortion. We must continue to promote and defend the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. We dare not minimize the horror, tragedy and sinfulness of abor-tion any more than we would minimize the grace of

continue working for the elimination of legalized abortion. In the meantime, how do we promote the message of choosing life?One way is to promote adoption. What an incredi-

choice adoption is! While November is recognized an-nually as National Adoption Month, it’s always appropri-ate to celebrate this pro-life option.Adoption is an amazing example of grace. Human adoption makes a bad situation just about as good as it can possibly be as children receive a forever earthly family. That’s what grace is—unmerited favor—tak-ing a bad situation and making something good.Recently one of our staff members who teaches an Adult Bible Fellowship at her church did a short series she entitled “Rescue Adoptions in the Bible.”

survivor of wicked Queen Athaliah’s destruction of all descendants who could possibly challenge her as ruler of Judah. Had he not survived the horrendous slaughter done by his grandmother, the Davidic line would have ended; and God’s promise to David that through his line would come the Savior would have been thwarted.

Strengthening, Preserving

& Promoting Marriage,

Family, Life & Liberty

*****Having predestinated

us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to

himself...Behold what manner

of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of

God...Eph. 1:5a & I Jn. 3:1a

*****Choose Life License

Plate approved!

has been almost ten years in the making....We

are excited that within the next eight to twelve

months, Wisconsin pro-life citizens will be able to purchase a beautiful license plate

that expresses their views on life while also directly

helping our state’s life-saving, woman-helping

Pregnancy Resource Centers.”

~Julaine Appling, President, Choose Life

WisconsinFor more information,

and to view the proposed license plate, visit


January 2017

continued on back

Page 2: January 2017 Pro-Life Is Pro-Adoption! Strengthening, F ... - Liberty€¦ · horror of abortion. We must continue to promote and defend the sanctity of life from conception to natural

About Wisconsin Family CouncilWisconsin Family Council is a 501 (c)(3) organization that has been

advancing Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin since 1986. We have largely done this by informing Wisconsin citizens, policymakers and churches about the important legislative and cultural issues so that they can be involved in strengthening and preserving marriage, family, life and liberty in our state.“Church Connection” is published monthly by WFC and is available to churches in Wisconsin.

PO Box 14440 | Madison WI 53708 | 888-378-7395 (toll free)[email protected] | wifamilycouncil.org


Pray...• For the needs of

Wisconsin Family Council.

• For pro-life legisla-tion to be passed on both the national and state levels (protec-tion from conception through natural death).

• For our Wisconsin legislators to support legislation that pro-tects religious liberty (Let them know how you want them to vote!)

*****Where do I start?

If you are consid-ering adopting, we recommend you read Adopted for Life, by Russell Moore. Then contact one of the good adoption agencies in Wisconsin. Among ones you might consid-er using are Evangel-ical Child and Family Agency with offices in Milwaukee, Beloit/Janesville and Green Bay; and Bethany Christian Services with offices in Waukesha, West Allis and Fond du Lac.

*****Mark Your Calendar!

Feb. 21, Spring non-partisan primary


Then she looked at Moses, whose rescue adoption meant that God’s promise to Abraham that the children of Israel would be as numerous as the sand of the sea-shore would be realized. God would deliver His people through the life of this “bulrush baby.” Next, Queen Es-ther’s rescue adoption by her cousin Mordecai resulted ultimately in preserving God’s people from extinction by genocide.Finally, in the New Testament we have the adoption of sorts by Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. It wasn’t a rescue adoption in the same way as the others, though Joseph, in obedience to God, rescued Mary from public humiliation by marrying her after she found out she was going to give birth to Jesus. He stood by Mary his wife, provided for his family, oversaw the upbringing of this virgin-born Son of God, and was in every way, except biologically, a father to Jesus.The New Testament makes it clear that we become children of God through adoption, where God in His grace allows us as sinful people to become His children through the sacrificial death of His only begotten Son. We are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Ro-mans 8:17). This is astounding!Adoption is in the spiritual DNA of Christians. Our prayer is Christian couples will begin asking God, “Is there a child somewhere we need to rescue?” Is God calling you to be part of the grace of adoption, provid-ing a forever earthly family for a child? If so, we pray you will follow that divine prompting.Wisconsin is blessed to have a couple of Christian adoption agencies. In addition, our state’s many won-derful Pregnancy Resource Centers do an incredible job of promoting adoption and helping to facilitate adop-tions through referrals and connections.Hopefully over the next twelve months many children needing forever earthly families will be, in grace, res-cued by dads and moms who will love them, provide for them, and nurture them, because to be pro-life is to be pro-adoption!