Jan 9th, 1834

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  • 8/12/2019 Jan 9th, 1834



    LettersRanger Family

    [?] Jan 9th


    Dear Friends

    I have not forgotten the promise I made you when I left Glens Falls and I should

    have written before but I thought a letter from me would not be interesting enough to pay the

    postage I often think with pleasure the many happy hours I have spent in your society and how

    pleased you always seemed to see me and had I the gift of wings a little while I would soon enter

    your dwelling I cannot tell how glad I should be to see you. when I see the little pieces of silk

    you gave Anne Maria it seemed as if you were not far off I hope you will visit us some time. I

    understand you have been very much [prospered?] and I am sure you can afford a little time and

    money to visit an old friend I presume you have heard all about our little Pennsylvanian he is a

    smart boy I assure you I hear that Caroline has a fine bay give my love to her we have a very

    romantic situation among the hills we are all very contented and happy have some very good

    society I hope I am thankful for the blessings I enjoy ungratefullness to our great Benefactor for

    the blessings we enjoy is a very great sin my Religious privileges are few we do not have any

    preaching I hope you enjoy your meetings you may some day be deprived of them as I am now

    we [seldom] realize our blessings until deprived of them and if we [misimprove?] them we must

    expect they will rise up in judgment against us give my love to your aunt Peck and Emeline write

    me a long letter and leave it to mothers and Mrs Betty will bring it out to me give my best love to

    your mother tell her not to forget me in their thursday prayer meetings write all about yourselves

    and the people at Glens Falls have you [?] any of Mr Peases family since I come from the Falls I

    want to hear from them very much particularly from Delia I have but little to time write and I

    must bid you good bye with my most sincer wishes for your prosperity give my respects to your

    father and Ezra too and all that take the pains to inquire for me Anna Maria sends a great deal of


    your sincere friend Sarah R Ferriss

    Betsey Salley

    Mary and Ollive Ranger