1 IPTOP News January 2017 Issue #29 In This Issue Newsletter Editor message News from IPTOP Chair Jennifer Bottomley IPTOP Social Media links IPTOP at ER-WCPT World PT Day Tweet Chat Summary And much more! Contact Us at IPTOP [email protected] Message from the Newsletter Editor Helen Johnson Welcome to the winter 2017 edition of IPTOP News! This issue highlights some great information about Older Adult interest groups in our IPTOP member countries, new and associate members and a brief update of IPTOP Executive activity from our President, Jennifer Bottomley. Please join us in our growing IPTOP social media presence! Participating in the platform of your interest: Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, will expand our interactions and member engagement with more real time communications. More information is found on page 4. Our next newsletter will be published in spring 2017. Please send news and articles to me at: [email protected] IPTOP Objectives August 18 th 2016 Mission Statement IPTOP represents national special interest groups (SIG) of physical therapists working with older people. The efforts of the Association are directed towards enabling national organisations and their individual members to work with older people through research, evidence based practice, clinical specialisation and collaborative practice with other disciplines and carers. The intention of the Association is to be the international resource for physical therapists working with older people. Aims and objectives of IPTOP 1. Education: Provide a platform to foster sharing of knowledge between physical therapists working with older people throughout the world 2. Practice: To build clinical expertise and encourage high standards of physical therapy practice with older people. 3. Communication: To advance practice by communication and exchange of information. 4. Research: To encourage scientific research and promote opportunities for the spread of knowledge of new developments in the field. 5. Collaboration: To assist WCPT member organisations in the formation and development of recognised groups working with older people 6. Organisation: Maintain high standards of quality organisation; maintaining up to date policies and procedures; a timetable for tasks and reports due and day to day organisation management.

Jan 2017 IPTOP News - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy · Contact her at [email protected]. Thank you. WCPT Congress 2017 – Cape Town, South Africa Registration is now open

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Page 1: Jan 2017 IPTOP News - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy · Contact her at aspennp@verizon.net. Thank you. WCPT Congress 2017 – Cape Town, South Africa Registration is now open


IPTOP  News  January 2017 Issue #29

In This Issue • Newsletter Editor


• News from IPTOP Chair Jennifer Bottomley

• IPTOP Social Media links


• World PT Day Tweet Chat Summary

• And much more!

Contact Us at IPTOP [email protected]

Message from the Newsletter Editor – Helen Johnson Welcome to the winter 2017 edition of IPTOP News! This issue highlights some great information about Older Adult interest groups in our IPTOP member countries, new and associate members and a brief update of IPTOP Executive activity from our President, Jennifer Bottomley. Please join us in our growing IPTOP social media presence! Participating in the platform of your interest: Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, will expand our interactions and member engagement with more real time communications. More information is found on page 4. Our next newsletter will be published in spring 2017. Please send news and articles to me at: [email protected]

IPTOP Objectives August 18th 2016

Mission Statement IPTOP represents national special interest groups (SIG) of physical therapists working with older people. The efforts of the Association are directed towards enabling national organisations and their individual members to work with older people through research, evidence based practice, clinical specialisation and collaborative practice with other disciplines and carers. The intention of the Association is to be the international resource for physical therapists working with older people.

Aims and objectives of IPTOP 1. Education: Provide a platform to foster sharing of knowledge between

physical therapists working with older people throughout the world 2. Practice: To build clinical expertise and encourage high standards of

physical therapy practice with older people. 3. Communication: To advance practice by communication and exchange of

information. 4. Research: To encourage scientific research and promote opportunities for

the spread of knowledge of new developments in the field. 5. Collaboration: To assist WCPT member organisations in the formation and

development of recognised groups working with older people 6. Organisation: Maintain high standards of quality organisation; maintaining

up to date policies and procedures; a timetable for tasks and reports due and day to day organisation management.

Page 2: Jan 2017 IPTOP News - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy · Contact her at aspennp@verizon.net. Thank you. WCPT Congress 2017 – Cape Town, South Africa Registration is now open


“You only have two options in life: die young or get old. The idea of dying young … life is too much fun to do that." --Helen Mirren, AARP The Magazine

Message from the President – Jennifer Bottomley It was great to see many of you at the ER-WCPT Conference in Liverpool! Our social gathering, breakfast networking meeting, and presentation on frailty all provided an injection of energy as we work toward planning our IPTOP General Meeting in Cape Town in July 2017. IPTOP is growing again with a number of new Member Countries and Associate Members. The Executive Committee is hard at work developing an outline of goals and objectives for IPTOP in the form of a business plan / work plan. This document will serve to guide our activity and monitor our success. It will also serve us well in communication and collaboration with our Member Countries. I am looking forward to a busy and productive 2017 for IPTOP! Jennifer M. Bottomley, PhD, MS, PT President, International Physical Therapists working with Older People (IPTOP)


Update on IPTOP Member Countries and Associate Members IPTOP member countries now total18 countries – full list is on the last page of this newsletter. Associate membership is available to individual PTs in countries where there is no organized special interest group for physiotherapy for older people. IPTOP has 24 associate members from India, Suriname, Korea, Fiji, Zambia, Trinidad & Tobago, Bermuda, St. Lucia, Jamaica, Malaysia, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia and Northern Cyprus. Special thanks to Nancy Prickett, our Treasurer, who has been diligently keeping track of countries that have sought information about membership. If any of you know Physiotherapists in countries that are not yet members, please contact them to gather support towards their membership.

Treasurer's Report Attention IPTOP Member Country Representatives: Notices for 2016 invoices of IPTOP dues were sent out in June by Treasurer Nancy Prickett. Dues for 2017 remain at US dollar $.50 per group member. If you have changed Treasurers or contact individuals since June 2016, please let Nancy know. Contact her at [email protected]. Thank you.

WCPT Congress 2017 – Cape Town, South Africa Registration is now open for WCPT 2017, to be held July 2-4, 2017 in Cape Town. IPTOP is working hard to have a visible presence and educational content focused on older adults. Stay up to date by following updates on the website at: http://www.wcpt.org/congress

Page 3: Jan 2017 IPTOP News - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy · Contact her at aspennp@verizon.net. Thank you. WCPT Congress 2017 – Cape Town, South Africa Registration is now open


"Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." Oprah Winfrey

News from ER-WCPT

More than 1,200 physiotherapists from across the world came together recently for the 4th European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (ER-WCPT) held in Liverpool, UK, November 11-12, 2016. Web: www.liverpool2016.com IPTOP held an Executive meeting, and hosted a display booth which fostered visibility and networking with Congress delegates. A social evening of dinner and conversation at the Olive Restaurant and Bar was well attended. Saturday, November 12th featured a successful IPTOP Breakfast meeting: Notes of the IPTOP Breakfast meeting at Liverpool, Saturday, November 12th, 7:45 – 09:00 am. Present: Jennifer Bottomley (IPTOP President and meeting Chair), Jill McClintock (IPTOP Patron), Hans Hobbelen (vice-president), Nancy Pricket (Treasurer), Helen Johnson (Newsletter editor/ website manager), Jan Tessier (secretary). Abbreviations: Executive Committee (EC); Member Country Representatives (MCR), Regional Representatives (RR), World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT).

Attendance: The President of WCPT, Emma Stokes and the Chief Executive Officer, Jonathan Kruger were present. Also present: 28 PTs from 12 different countries. Among the participants were 4 MCRs (UK, Malta, Sweden and Switzerland), 21 PTs from member countries, and 3 from non-member countries, 2 of whom became an Associate Member (Saudi Arabia and Slovakia). Welcome: Jennifer Bottomley Jennifer welcomed everyone and thanked all for making an effort to get up early in the morning and to come to meet IPTOP. She explained, what IPTOP stands for and what IPTOP is trying to achieve. She also introduced the members of the EC, and welcomed Emma Stokes and Jonathan Kruger, from WCPT. In her short presentation she gave an explanation about what is important for IPTOP: 1. Communications via distribution of the Newsletter: Attendees were

encouraged to send information to Helen Johnson, IPTOP Web manager / Newsletter Editor, about Geriatric Physical Therapy Associations and upcoming congresses or conferences in each country.

2. IPTOP is looking at all settings where PTs are working with older people, not just cure and care, but also prevention is important to us all.

Page 4: Jan 2017 IPTOP News - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy · Contact her at aspennp@verizon.net. Thank you. WCPT Congress 2017 – Cape Town, South Africa Registration is now open


She mentioned also that the IPTOP EC and the MCRs have regular Skype calls to exchange information, to follow up and carry out IPTOP Business and ensure that our goals are followed up and that our member countries are informed on activities planned by IPTOP. The next event for IPTOP is the WCPT congress in 2017 in South Africa, Cape Town. Jennifer outlined the Networking Session that is planned for IPTOP and for anyone who has an interest in working with Older People. It will be an interactive event and she asked those present to sent ideas for round table discussion with colleagues from all over the world. She then introduced Dr. Emma Stokes and Jonathan Kruger, from WCPT. President of WCPT Dr. Emma Stokes: She thanked Jennifer for the invitation, which she accepted with great pleasure, because IPTOP is very close to her heart. She was there when IPTOP held its founding meeting and when she comes here, with IPTOP, it feels like being at home. Emma commended IPTOP on a great job on the request from the WHO about the Global Strategy and Action Plan on Healthy and Active Aging 2020, to provide feedback on the plan and to have someone like Steven Lungaro-Mifsud, from Malta, to explain to the full audience at the Geneva Congress what that plan means to us PTs working with Older People. This support was very much appreciated by WCPT. As a subgroup we were encouraged to keep an eye on the Strategic Plan of WCPT and work closely together with WCPT for the Cape Town Congress, and our other activities, to ensure a working partnership. Jonathan Kruger, Chief Executive Officer, WCPT. Jonathan introduced himself to the audience and told us that he is a PT from Australia and did work for the Australian PT Association, before he started to work for the Secretariat of WCPT, 4 months ago. He told us about the importance of the Network in WCPT and has some ideas about learning more about the special interest groups within the WCPT. He is looking forward to supporting the subgroups in continuing to work together with the WCPT. The upcoming Congress in South Africa is a great opportunity for PTs from all over the world to attend. There are about 1700 abstracts submitted and very interesting speakers have been announced. WCPT is rapidly changing, moving forward in a digital world, with a Congress every 2 years now and better communication possibilities. Working together for all PTs is something we all have to keep in mind. Jennifer: Thanks to Emma and Jonathan and introducing the MCRs who are present at the Breakfast meeting: Janet Thomas (UK), Steve Lungaro Mifsud (Malta), Glauca Goncalves (Switzerland) and Gilian Asplin (Sweden).She then highlighted the future when we will all have to face a global aging population and that rehabilitation of Older People will be a vital goal in managing health system pressures. She reminded attendees to send to Helen, our Newsletter Editor, information from each country about research, projects, PhD’s, best practices, to share with all PTs in IPTOP.

Page 5: Jan 2017 IPTOP News - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy · Contact her at aspennp@verizon.net. Thank you. WCPT Congress 2017 – Cape Town, South Africa Registration is now open


"If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.” Coco Chanel

Participants were also requested to use the IPTOP FB page and the Twitter account (also to use the hash tag # of IPTOP). For the LinkedIn page we are still looking to start up a discussion topic on the page, and need additional participation. Jennifer then invited everyone to enjoy their breakfast and the Executive Committee members joined each table to answer any queries. Submitted by Jan Tessier, Secretary

World PT Day: Add life to years World Physical Therapy occurred on September 8th, 2016, with a focus on “Healthy/Active Ageing”. The theme for 2016 was “Add life to years”, highlighting the vital role physical therapists have in helping people maintain mobility, independence and quality of life as they age. IPTOP, led by Janet Thomas, UK, hosted a very successful Tweet Chat on Twitter. Some information on the chat is available here: https://physiotalk.co.uk/2016/08/10/adding-life-to-years-using-the-evidence-sharing-innovation-worldptday-8th-september-8pm/

The tweet activity looked like this:

Page 6: Jan 2017 IPTOP News - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy · Contact her at aspennp@verizon.net. Thank you. WCPT Congress 2017 – Cape Town, South Africa Registration is now open


"You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore." William Faulkner

Mark your Calendars – Upcoming Conferences / Events April 20, 2017, Manchester, UK Dementia 2017: Implementing Better Care Discussions on the quality and consistency of dementia care across England, and initial outcomes of pilot programmes and innovations to ensure high standards of care and support for those with dementia and their families.

http://www.openforumevents.co.uk/event/dementia-implementing-better-care/ July 9-11, 2017, Oxford University, Oxford UK World conference on movement: The purpose of this conference is to share knowledge of all those whose interests lie in the nature of human movement. The conference will address issues related to gait, motion, kinesiology, disorders of movement, movement rehabilitation, motion and balance, movement and cognition, human factors and ergonomics, as well as optimized movement in elite athletes, developmental issues of movement and coordination. Workshops on physiotherapy of movement impairment will also be provided.

Website: https://movementis.com/

IPTOP on Social Media


https://twitter.com/iptopwcpt Join our IPTOP Linked In Group: In order to invite MCRs to our Linked In group, you need to be a member on Linked In. Once you have join Linked In please let Helen Johnson know by email so that you can then be invited to join the group. You can also search for the group and request to join via the Linked In site.


Page 7: Jan 2017 IPTOP News - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy · Contact her at aspennp@verizon.net. Thank you. WCPT Congress 2017 – Cape Town, South Africa Registration is now open


IPTOP Executive Committee 2015

President Jennifer Bottomley

Secretary Jan Tessier

Vice President Hans Hobbelen

Treasurer Nancy Prickett

Newsletter Editor Helen Johnson

Web manager Helen Johnson [email protected]

Patron: Jill McClintock FCSP United Kingdom

IPTOP Member Country Representatives

National representatives - primary contacts

Australia Stephanie Fu

Austria Constance Schlegl

Belgium Jean Van Hoornweder

Canada Sonya Vani

Finland Paulina Iiskala

Iceland Nanna Gudny Sigurdardottir

Germany (new member elect) Carola Gospodarek

Ireland Grainne Forde

Malta Stephen Lungaro-Mifsud

Netherlands Laura den Boeft

New Zealand Liz Binns

Singapore Sin Yi Lee

Slovenia (new member elect) Danielle Jagodic

Sweden Lena Ziden

Switzerland Glauca Goncalves

Turkey Filiz Can

USA Lisa Dehner

United Kingdom Janet Thomas