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Who we are....

What we do....

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Cover Photo Courtesy Porsche AG

The NOR’EASTER (ISSN-0199-4425) is publishedmonthly for an annual fee of $15.00 by the PorscheClub of America, Northeast Region at 17 Karal Dr. Framingham, MA 01701. Periodicals postage paidat Framingham, MA and at additional mailingoffi ces.Postmaster: Send address changes to:The NOR’EASTER

17 Karal Dr.

Framingham, MA 01701

All communications should be directed to theeditor. Permission is granted to reproduce anymaterial published herein, provided the full

credit is given the NOR’EASTER and the author. Nomaterial may be reproduced if the NOR’EASTERwas given the right to publish anotherpublications material. They reserve all rights to that material.Editor Adrianne RossGraphic Designer Adrianne RossCopy Editor -

Advertising Mgr. Adrianne RossAdvertising - Advertising is inserted on a prepaidbasis. Discounts are off ered for three months (5%),six months (10%), and one year (15%). Copy should be supplied photo ready or

equivalent. All advertising inquiries and alladvertising copy should be submitted to: Adri-anne Ross 791-249-5091(business hours please). All checkspayable to NER/PCAAdvertising Rates

Full page - $104/issueInside front & back cover, full pg. - $144/issueBack cover, 2/3 pg, - $114/issueHalf page - $83/issue; One third page - $68/issueQuarter page - $52/issueBusiness card - $37/issue

6 On the Edge7 One Track Mind8 Four Speeds & Drum Brakes9 The Long and Winding Road10 Minutes of the Board11 Sign Me Up12 Sterling Vernon13 Word on the Street14 Off Line

10 Anniversaries14 Calendar41 Marketplace42 New Members42 Board of Directors and Committee Chairs

16 Concours Shirts Still Available17 Winter Warmer

18 Ground School

20 Photography Clinic21 NOR’EASTER Renewal

22 2017 NER Ramble24 Welcome to the Club!

26 Ferdinand Alexander Porsche31 The Evolution of the Porsche 911

34 Porsche Launches Educational Training Project for Young People

36 Porsche Opens New Experience Center36



Writing and opinions expressed by the con-tributors in The NOR’EASTER do not necessarily represent those of the Porsche Club of America, or any of their subsidiaries, or regions.

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PG. 6 N O R E A S T E R

In This Issue...

Welcome to the Club! This month we introduce you (maybe again), to not only the Club, but the cars, and the

man himself. Some of what’s in this issue has been printed before, but I feel it bears repeating, and often! If you’ve only joined in the last year, then you get the magazine delivered to you for free, and within the pages of this issue outlines why we are so doggedly enthusiastic about this marque. The Ramble announcement comes out in January, this is especially exciting to our hundreds of Ramblers. If you’ve never been on a Ramble, I highly recommend signing up, packing your bags, and signifi cant other, and rambling with us. Hey - Happy New Year! Enjoy the Issue!

Although last year had its fair share of excitement, driving on a track didn’t feature highly enough. So although

I’m not much of a believer in resolutions, because usually by January 10th you’re beating yourself up over them, this year I hope will be diff erent. Resolution one is to up my driving game again. Being fast and good requires seat time, a lot of seat time. It also requires prioritization. Over the last few weeks I’ve found myself lamenting over how little I’ve driven, and how that has made me upset. It’s upsetting not only for the love and

fanaticism I feel about driving, and having been denied the pleasure of doing it, but also the separation from the community. I love track rats. They’re my friends, my compadres, and I’ve missed them. That’s not to say 2017 won’t have its complications, and limitations. It’s just that I’m going to prioritize what brings me joy much more often. Resolution two is fi nding (ironically) a little more stillness. I’m still trying to fi nd those “one thing at a time” moments, where I sing out to myself (pretty much only when I’m alone,) what I’m doing, so I’m more conscious of doing it. “I’m doing the laundry!” I shout to no one in particu-lar. “I’m feeding the cat!” Yes, they’re mun-dane things, but those mundane things are what makes up life…. while your wait-ing to drive. But it’s centering in its own way. I’m not multi-tasking when I’m calling things out like that. I’m doing laundry to the very best of my ability, taking care of myself, and my family. When I feed the cat I’m tending to my little furry companion who’s there for me all the time. I’m tending to my life, consciously, with purpose. I also have been working on being right in the moment when I’m on the phone with someone I care about. I’ve been try-ing more often to close my eyes while on

the phone, and just sit. (I’m a pacer on the phone.) I try to pay strict attention to what’s being said, not formatting my reply, not judging, not creating a grocery list in my head. Just being there, again, for someone who is important. Now that is not, at all, to say that at times I have 2 phones in my ears at once, listening to a meeting on one, and ask-ing my daughter not to forget an impor-tant task I need done on the other. That’s not to say that at times, I’m liter-ally doing 4 things at once, fi ve if you count the laundry! Sometimes I drive

and call into a meeting, and if I’m honest, I’m also dictating notes from the meeting into another phone. NOT texting… dictating. I’m busy. But now – I’m more conscious of

those moments that at the time seem necessary, but are actually crazy, and stressful, and should probably be teased out into individual strands. Like texting – it can wait. Resolution one, actually ties into resolution two. Driving on a racetrack is exceptionally focusing. I can’t sing out about it, even though I’m alone. I’m actually too busy just driving. There’s not even enough room to be conscious of the singularity of it. I need more of that in my life. Resolution three is to pay attention to clichés. There’s a reason they’re out there, and have stood the test of time. My favorites are from Plato and Socrates. “Know thyself,” and, “This too shall pass.” Hanging on my fridge is, “Forward prog-ress always,” which is an interpretation of “Keep moving forward,” one of my favorites. If you know the Allegory of the Cave, (Socrates again) then you’ll know how it’s about looking at life through your own lens, and taking into account that, “You don’t know what you don’t know” is really important. It’s hackneyed, but nonetheless, very true. It’s not always your self-imposed limitations that have limited your perspective. But it IS limited. Everyone’s is.

That’s not to say that at times, I’m literally doing 4 things at once, fi ve if you count the laundry!

On the Edgeof Resolution

Adrianne Ross

I try to keep these things in mind as I expe-rience diff erent people and diff erent things. Most of the clichés are also relevant to racing, although I more often than not I fi nd myself applying racetrack lessons to real life. But I’ve already written that column. I wish for each of you to fi nd your bliss this year, to make resolutions and stick to them, because you made a conscious decision that somehow you wanted to be better, and that’s the most important thing of all.

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N O R E A S T E R PG. 7

Happy New Year all you Porsche-philes! It’s gonna be a great 2017. We’ve already had our fi rst event

of the year - the annual holiday party at the fabulous Museum of Science. We’ve got new blood on the Board of Direc-tors. Some of you may not realize that we have term limits for board positions (hear that Washington!); consequently, our Treasurer, Bob Cohen, is stepping down and will be replaced by Robert Jacobsen, another fi nancial professional. Steve and Laurie James have shared responsibility as Membership Chair and have brought that

position into the 21st century. They will be replaced by Sterling Vernon who promises to sustain the momentum. Finally, Steve Ross is leaving his position as Adminis-trative VP and will be replaced by Glenn Champagne, a long time Club supporter. So thank you for all your hard work Bob, Steve R., Laurie and Steve J. and welcome Robert, Glenn and Sterling. As I said, it’s gonna be a great 2017. Although we’re all Porschephiles, many of us, in fact probably most of us, appreci-ate fi nely engineered automobiles of all marques. Those of us who also appreciate the written word undoubtedly mourn the passing of Brock Yates, auto writer extraor-dinaire, much of his time spent with Car and Driver magazine. He’ll be remembered as the inventor of the “Cannonball Baker Sea-to-Shining-Sea Memorial Trophy Dash” and the silly Burt Reynolds movies that fol-lowed; but he’ll be appreciated for his love and skill with the written word, his irrever-ence for authority and his joie de vivre. RIP, Mr. Yates, this reader will miss you. As everyone knows by now, Nico Rosberg won the Formula One World Champion-ship and almost immediately announced

his retirement at age 31. Who knew he would be so quickly in demand as an NER board member? Yes, we really received a write-in vote for him for one of our positions! I have a pretty good idea who cast that vote and he’s a cur-rent board member whose initials are Bill Seymour. Since Bill’s such a staunch supporter of Nico’s, maybe I’ll ask him to invite Nico to speak at one of our monthly meetings (good luck with that). That ought to keep Bill out of mischief for awhile! While on the subject of Nico Rosberg, Ann and I had the good fortune of attending the Grand Prix of Monaco in 2012. Nico came in second in that race, .6 seconds behind Mark Webber in the RedBull car. For those Facebook fans amongst you, we have a page entitled “NER-PCA Northeast Region Of The Porsche Club Of America.” Currently, it has 260

members and we are a club of over 2600 so where are the rest of you? In order to join the page, click on “join” button and Adrianne Ross will confi rm your mem-bership and let you in. You have access to all of the posts and may post pictures, events, and info that you believe of inter-est to our membership. For example, did you know that we had a Rick Porcello autographed baseball, donated by the Boston Red Sox, available at our annual dinner silent auction? If you’d looked at our Facebook page on December 5, you would have seen Bobby Jacobsen’s post and a picture of the Cy Young winner’s baseball. Even though we’re in the winter doldrums, your Club continues to plan activities throughout the new year. Our committee chairs are busy plan-ning monthly activities. You’ve already seen the 2017 DE schedule developed by John Dunkle and presented in his column last month. For folks inter-ested in learning more about Drivers Education we have a DE Ground School scheduled in February. We’re working

...as a Patriots season ticket holder, its killing me now to sit out the Pat’s season.

One Track Mind

The Old and the NewDick Anderson

continued on page 38

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Four Speeds & Drum Brakes

continued on page 38

It’s been a busy year and things just keep getting better. With a PCA Parade, a 356 Registry Holiday, tours, literature meets,

autocrosses and car shows, as the songs says, 2016 has been a record year. In ad-dition there have been a few cars that fol-lowed me home that are now in someone else’s garage. 2017 is looking even better. With so many events to attend every year an every other year plan looks like a good strategy. The Scottsdale Auctions are still on the schedule for Jan besides, it’s warm in Arizona but the March Litera-ture Meet in La La Land will be replaced with a SVRA Race at Sebring making noise

with Vic Skirmants 356’s. I’ve been getting plenty of track time with the LeMons and Chump crowd but the vintage races are such fun that I had to sign up. It is warm in Florida too. This Spring will see the PCA Zone 1 Con-cour/Rally weekend in Boston and a few of us have found a great site that hasn’t been used before. It includes the use of a country estate built it 1902 that I have been driving past for at least 25 years and never knew was there.

Reminds me of the fellow that called

from Maine a few years ago to buy a 356 steering wheel that I had posted in the 356 Mart. When I told him where to mail the check (he didn’t use the internet) he said that he had lived in Medfi eld for 35 years but had recently retired to Bangor. I asked which year Tub he had to make sure that the wheel would fi t and he said a ’65. Seems he had two but sold the ’58 because he didn’t have room for both. I asked what it was and he said a Speed-ster. But it got worse. I had to know where the Speedster went, a Speedster I had never seen, and he said some fellow named Cole had fl own in from GA to buy it. I know Cole Scrogham from Braselton, Ga who is an expert on 356 four cam cars and probably wouldn’t drive up for a pushrod car so I just had to ask. Yes, it was a Carrera Speedster that I had driven past for at least 30 years and never knew it was there. It happens. This year’s visitors included a couple of 356’s, both Ivory coupes and a very nice 911 Turbo from the early ‘80’s. The 930 had tires on it that were so old there was no date stamp. The age, the cracks on the sidewall and snow on the ground kept me from doing anything stupid on the test drive and I told the new owner to change them right away which he did. Cars like that are way too fast for me to have for long.

As I’ve told people before, I grew up in a world of low horsepower cars that

The car was so loud that once you got up alongside another car on the track they would instinctively give you plenty of room.

Where Do we Go From Here?

were driven foot to the fl oor. And that was just to keep up with traffi c. With modern cars where Minivans have more power that the fi rst four cars I owned added together, fl at out does not work well. I can live a long time in a slow car. Son, Rob, sent me the 356 SC that he and the family fi nished in Goodyear, AZ this year. It looks great in Champagne Yellow with brown and certainly would be a relax-ing ride to GA if the Speedster looks like too much work. Unless someone needs it more than I do when spring arrives, of course.

There is a ’77 sunroof coupe in blue that needs a new home and is an interesting story. The fellow that had the car for the last 22 years drove it for only a few years before the engine died on him. A local mechanic had a ’70 911T engine available so instead of repairing the 2.7L engine they plugged in a 2.2L engine. That engine never “ran right” so the owner just parked it and didn’t really drive it. While he said that it ran a few days before, I couldn’t get to run smoothly but it did start up as advertised. I did notice that the distributor

Tom Tate

PG. 8 N O R E A S T E R

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N O R E A S T E R PG. 9

You know that everyone who has to write a regular column gets to the end of the year and always takes

the easy way out by writing “A Look Back at 2016.” Not me! No, this is much worse, just a bunch of random crap. Let’s start with an update on Team Jamaican Bakin’. As you faithful readers will recall, the E30 that was supposed to be much faster than the Miata was, well, not so much. And you are probably also aware that there is no substitute for cubic inches. So the winter project is to put a new engine in it which is about 30 (that’s right … three…zero) inches bigger. Hot damn! This changes everything. (And

as we spend our winter doing this let the record show that the workshop also contains a project that is putting a 3.4 liter Acura engine into my former Miata.) Since it’s not enough of a challenge to change an engine, it was also decided to remove all the non-essential wires (total weight saving: 5 – 10 pounds, another

paradigm shifter!). Current Las Vegas odds on the car starting on the fi rst at-tempt are 1,000 to one. And while all this attention is lavished on the “previ-ously functioning but barely faster than the Miata” E30, the Miata (the only car in the stable that has actually won any-thing) sits in the cold and mopes. Life ain’t fair. So let’s move on to something less contentious… how about our just now inaugurated new President? While there are some who may be less than happy with President Trump, we car-lovers must acknowledge his taste in vehicles (according to the internet, not some cra-

zy hacked Russian source, so you can really believe it) ups the ante from his predecessor. Past-President Obama is reported to drive (or did when he was last allowed to) a 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid. Now there’s a sweet ride. The Donald, on the other hand, is reported

to own: a 1997 Lamborghini Diablo, a Ferrari (model unspecifi ed), a 2005 Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren, a 2011 Chevrolet Camaro Indy Pace Car Replica,

a Maybach, a Mercedes Benz S600 Limo, two Rolls Royces, a Cadillac Escalade, a Tesla and a 1993 Cadillac Allante (say what?). And in case your taste in politicians didn’t put Trump at the top, please note that Hillary’s choice in vehicles was a

The Long and Winding Road

Car Lovers....

The Donald... is reported to own: a 1997 Lamborghini Diablo, a Ferrari (model unspecifi ed), a 2005 Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren...

Dodge Conversion Van (that she, of course, did not actually drive) and Bernie owns a Lincoln Town Car (you would have bet on a Prius, wouldn’t you?). In fact if we wanted to vote for a car guy, we should have been rooting for good old Joe Biden who owns a 1967 Corvette that he washes himself and was bummed that he couldn’t drive while in offi ce. He was interviewed in Car and Driver and reported: “My brother has one of those 556-hp [CTS-V] Cadillacs with a manual. He brought it down for me to eat my heart out. So I got in. I have a driveway that’s about 1700 feet long [at the White House]. I knew the Secret Service wouldn’t let me drive it outside. So I jumped on that sucker and laid rubber. A great feel-ing. That thing could probably beat my Corvette.” While I was googling away, I also looked up what some of the more interesting rides were for previous Presidents and came up with… G.W. Bush was a Ford pickup guy (no surprise there) Bill Clinton had a red Mustang (again, I would have won that bet) Jimmy Carter and W. H. Bush both owned, at one point, a 1947 Studebaker Ronald Reagan had a U.S. Army Jeep and a Suburu Brat to tool around his ranch

Bill Seymour

continued on page 40

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Happy PCA Anniversary!

Minutes of the BoardDecember Meeting

PG. 10 N O R E A S T E R


Eileen WalkerScott MabuchiKevin J. ChangGeorge M. TrachJason V. TestaDavid A. Stetkiewicz

continued on page 40


Jerry PellegrinoHoward SalwenHenry Faulkner


Christopher B. LewisBrian DoyleMichael E. CapocefaloRobert F. Salter


Ken CrawfordJuan J. CastilloDavid J. Quinlan

Alan Donkin

So it’s come down to the last board meeting of the year and I’m sure all of you can’t wait for the latest news

regarding what we fi nd to talk about each month; so here it is for the last time in 2016. The December board meeting for the Northeast Region was graciously hosted by Karen and Bob Cohen at their home in Bolton MA on December 14th, 2016. Other attending board and chair mem-bers were Bill Seymour, Ann and Dick Anderson, Steve Ross, Laurie and Steven James, Kristin Larson, Adrianne Ross, Stan Corbett, John Dunkle, and yours truly. Members Glenn Champagne, Robert Jacobsen, and Sterling Vernon attended as candidates in training. It was Sterling’s fi rst meeting with the group as he takes on the Membership chair and we wel-come his participation. The meeting was brought to order at 7:56 PM. Bill Seymour, as VP of Activities, began with an update on the 2017 autocross season. Bill, after 6 great years has has handed the torch as Autocross Chair over to Chris Ryan who will hold that title going into the new season. You may remember Chris when he was the Ad-ministrative VP a half a dozen years ago. And now, working as his wing man, will be Jeff Johnson in the role of Registrar. Jeff , one of our AX instructors, will be tak-ing over this position from Dave Berman who has worked tirelessly since the start of the 2013 season doing this time con-suming task for each and every AX day. Nick Durham has volunteered for the task of web posting our AX race results after each event and I will continue my work as a tech support volunteer. Bill has communicated with the Devens dates coordinator and has secured NER’s posi-tion for the 2017 season and Chris will work on negotiating the specifi c dates. Bill also updated us on the Zone 1 Con-cours that the Northeast Region will host in 2017 which will replace the annual

NER Concours this coming year. This event is slated for May 5-7 and will be held at Prouse Farms in Dedham thanks to Tom Tate’s diligent work in securing this venue and the Hilton Dedham for all needing overnight accommoda-tions. Charlie and Martha Dow have volunteered to run a gimmick rally and are looking for a volunteers to help run this fun event. Murry Kane, the Zone 1 Event Chair, has been great to work with and is doing lots of the work including searching for a speaker and negotiating with the hotel. The biggest task that remains for NER is to locate sponsors and we would also like to get some freebies for goodie bags. Help would be appreci-ated. Dennis Friedman’s Ramble report was presented and the planning is moving forward with The Equinox in Vermont for the 2017 event; registration will be announced in the January Nor’easter. Negotiations with the Hyatt in Newport for the 2018 event have run into a snag and we are exploring two other options, the Cliff House in Ogunquit, ME and the Omni Mt. Washington. Steve Ross mentioned that we have promos in the Nor’Easter to sell the excess 2016 Concours T-shirts we have on hand thanks to the rain-outs. And after the great success of Richard Viard’s photo clinic this year, he as agreed to do another on March 5th at the Natick VFW. Our annual “Winter Warmer” is scheduled for February 12th at Porsche of Boston from 10AM to 2PM. Many thanks go out to Steve for his great work as he steps down from his position of Administra-tive Vice President and hands this work over to Glenn. This was just one of many board positions Steve has held through-out his years of service to the club. The club can’t thank Steve enough for the contributions he has given us! John Dunkle presented the DE roster for 2017 and this season will include

at least three, 3-day events that will be run Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The DE ground school is slated for 18 February and NCR (North Country Region) will join forces with us to make this a successful event. NCR plans to run an all day, intensive car control clinic sometime this spring and NER will run a similar set of exercises in the morning of the fi rst DE event of the season at Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park as we did in 2016. At this point, Calabogie has been added to the DE lineup to piggy-back with our trip north to Le Circuit Mont-Tremblant (LCMT) in July. Northern New Jersey Region (NNJR) will join us at LCMT and the BMW club of Connecticut will part-

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N O R E A S T E R PG. 11

continued on page 38

This December morning, it’s a chilly 15 degrees and I holed up in the house paging through a work-

shop manual for the steps to replacing my parking brake pads. This project needs to get done; I ordered the parts in October so it’s down to picking the day, asking Dave Berman to stop by and then prepare to work in a non-heated garage for a few hours. Does this sound familiar? The annual knuckle busting season coincides with our New England weather pattern, as winter begins I am making my list of vehicles, projects and priorities. I also

schedule helping friends with projects where I can both lend a hand and gain some experience. There must be dozens of these ad hoc networks of Porsche owners; running full speed over the winter months. I’m sure Pelican can track the uptick in shipments as winter repairs and service projects are funded with parts orders. We just started this off season, and I have already helped Dave Berman remove his engine and get it positioned on the engine stand for his winter project of updates. Another morning we removed the intake manifolds and completed a leak down. The view of the valves, and rotating the engine is in full view on the engine stand really helps you gain a perspective of the mechan-ics of the motor Vs when it’s in the tight confi nes of the engine bay. Even if you like doing the work your-self, not every project is appropriate for the inexperienced mechanic. I think the term used by medical professionals can apply to DIY mechanics too. First, do no

harm. One of the fi rst books I purchased for my 1988 911 was 101 projects for your 911 by Wayne Dempsey, the author rates the projects by assigning the dif-fi culty to each project using a mechanic icon. 1-5 mechanic images lets you know if it’s a 5 rating you should either have experience, call a more experienced friend or schedule a shop visit. So if you’re inexperienced or new to Porsche’s, you need to have a relation-ship with one of the professional’s shops that service Porsche’s. Find yourself a; go to mechanic, this will substantially improve the enjoyment of your car. Over the years I have received some helpful advice on what work is required, what work can be deferred and if replacement parts are needed, what choices have been proven to be reliable over the years. I also wonder how many former Porsche owners; people that sold their car, were really indications of an unreliable network of services. Porsche’s are great cars; however, try to forgo mainte-nance and you can increase the probability of a big surprise. There is also the KB of each model; some have gremlins that need to be watched; others preemptive repairs save you lots of $. One of the best ways to stay on top of maintenance

Sign Me UpWinter Projects

schedules is to plan to do some of the routine work yourself. If you’re

interested, a good way to start networking is to attend one of the technical NER tech-nical sessions, to hear directly from local shops that support our club. Once I have a project, I have this rou-tine to plan my work. First, I will pick-up one of the manuals and read about the work procedure and depending on the complexity, some R&D including reading posts by fellow enthusiasts; then check for parts and availability. Once that is done, I will draft a check list, order parts and then check-in with friends to schedule their time if required.

There must be dozens of these ad hoc networks of Porsche owners; running full speed over the winter months.

Steven and Laurie James

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PG. 12 N O R E A S T E R

I was driving my 1986 944 down the street the other day after dropping off my kids at school. And the exhaust

fell off . Completely. From the catalytic converter back, it was just lying on the ground behind my car. Oh, the noise. Oh, the lack of torque. Crazy? Yes. Fun? Sort of. How often does that happen to anyone?? Exuberance can often get the best of passionate people. I’ve spent much of my life being careful and planning and being rational. As I get a bit older, I relish the moments when I can act on impulse a bit more. I have a good safety net, so perhaps it’s an ultimate illusion, but

still. It’s a great reminder of childhood’s carefree days. And it makes me feel alive. And younger! I recently bought a car without ever having seen it before. For years now, I had an old 1983 Porsche 944 kicking around that I had in mind to make into my race car. I wanted to strip it down, add fi berglass fl ares, wider tires and wheels, race seats and harness with cage of course, do something with the motor to keep it exciting – turbo maybe. And the poor thing sat in my yard. And sat. I’d occasionally pop over and guiltily pull off some bit to keep my other 944 daily driver humming along, always thinking that I’d have to remember to go back and replace that bit eventually. But then I got “the text.” A picture of a red 944 Turbo that matched the vision in my head for this sad car with weeds growing around it in my yard. 944’s are perennially cheap(er), especially com-pared to the overheated 911 market right now. So here I could have a car with

nearly everything done…or I could pine away for those changes on my poor yard sculpture of a car. So I did the only sensible, non-sensible thing. A truck went to PA to go retrieve it for me, sight unseen. It certainly felt like an early Christmas as the truck arrived and my gleaming red 944T rolled off the back of the truck. I know, you’re thinking horror story. Psychologically, the car really doesn’t have as much to live up to as you might think at fi rst. I’m at the point in my life where I’m reasonably mechanically competent, I’ve got experience with these cars, and, most of all, what I love

is the adventurous promise they hold. Having them be absolutely perfect is far too boring for me now. I crave the unexpected, in reasonable doses, and the opportu-nity to be creative trying to work around issues. I’d

rather not have issues, but they do spice up life quite a bit. Trying to learn to drive this beast in HPDE this year is going to be very interest-ing… The opportunity to be the PCA NER membership person falls into this same category for me. I have no real idea of what I’m getting myself into – reinforced by being unexpectedly drafted also as the “webmaster” at our last board meeting! But we only live once and the prospect of the adventure holds promise. Hopefully I’ll be helpful to the club and I’ll have some happy surprises from it as well. I really hope we’ll be able to fi nd more enthusiast-minded folks for our amazing club so we all continue to benefi t from the

What did I get myself into this time?

It certainly felt like an early Christ-mas as the truck arrived and my gleaming red 944T rolled off the back of the truck.

camaraderie that really is the best part of the PCA. I was able to get my exhaust welded back on in under two hours by a local muffl er place (a referral from German Motors in Providence, no less) for a grand total of $90. It really wasn’t so bad. The car started today in 6 degree weather. It just keeps surprising me with how good it really is. That’s what I keep telling myself about this membership thing too!

Sterling Vernon

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N O R E A S T E R PG. 13

A new year. A new role. New board members. New events. A new beginning.

I am very excited for this role! Upon joining the club, it was all about learning as much as I could about the car I just purchased. Sounds a little strange, and a bit backwards, but it is true. And it turns out, I am not the only member who joined PCA this way. I knew I bought one the world’s great cars made by one of the most prestigious car manufacturers in the world, but that was really about it. This would become my fi rst – and only to date - Porsche (the Zenith blue 911 996).

Betty and I agreed we would try out the club for a year, and if it was not for us, or we did not like the people, then we were done. That was 16 years ago. I began reading the Nor’Easter and found myself soaking in each issue and looking forward to its arrival. Not long after, I noticed an article about an event called ”The New England Ramble” – which would turn out to be the ultimate Porsche social event of the year, btw. Back then, the event was only a one-day “tour”. This ramble started in the Wachu-sett area of Massachusetts. We collected as a group and began driving through central/western Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. Driving down a country road in line of Porsches is really something special. I was hooked. Besides shared passions for all things Porsche, we met great people of diff erent ages and personalities with diverse back-grounds and shared interests. Skiers, cooks/chefs, travelers, photographers,

musicians, sailors, writers. The club’s diversity allowed folks like myself to meet people who I probably would have never met. With these shared common interests, I plan to continue this great sense of community. So here’s what’s on tap for 2017: Returning popular events… Always popular tech sessions, The Winter Warmer, New comers meeting, Visit to the Collings Foundation, Visit Paul Russell and Company, Cars and (Coff ee, Dinner, lunch,…) Relaunch “spontaneous” dinners

and the annual Gala. And a few new ones in research or planning phases … A presentation by a certain former world champion driver, Trips into Boston A cooking class/chef demonstration A local brewery tour, A local winery tour,

Photography class, And a “Taste of The Track” style event Would you like to host an event in your area? North shore, south shore, west of Boston, city of Boston, and Rhode Island. There are many fun places to see and do. Feel free to reach out and I will work with you to get it scheduled. Please know, this is very important to me and I am counting on you to help me drive the calendar of events for 2017. All ideas are good ones; the only bad ones are the ones never shared! Leaving the technical and track-ori-ented content to the more experienced and so inclined, this column will focus on the social side of the club. Let me know what’s happening in your area that club members might be interested in joining. Suggestions for something new? Improvements? This is our club, and we can make it whatever we want to make it. Let me know. The best way you

Word on the StreetNew Beginnings

Glenn Champagne

Betty and I agreed we would try out the club for a year, and if it was not for us, or we did not like the people, then we were done. That was 16 years ago.

can reach me [email protected] or [email protected] .

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PG. 14 N O R E A S T E R

After sending my article to print last month, my one single reader of this column contacted me to

tell me there was an error? There are two messages in that statement. The fi rst is that I do have person who actually reads my column - yea! Thanks to that name-less individual (yes, John Fortier – I’m talking to you… And second, I should probably hire a proof reader, or only write my column after my second cup of coff ee. For this article – I’m opting for the second option (the cup of coff ee), and we’ll see how it goes – as basically, I’m

too cheap to hire a proof reader. Now, for a couple of announcements: Driver Education Ground School is scheduled for February 18th, 2017. Stan did a wonderful job of scheduling in for us this year, and wrote a terrifi c article in this issue about how to register, the time, place and contents of our Ground School. If you are reading this (maybe there will be two of you this month, I don’t know? – please know you are cordially invited to attend! As well, dur-ing the Ground School, we will also tell you about the Car Control Clinic North Country Region will be holding, which is a perfect follow-up to many of the theories that will be discussed during the NER ground school. Additionally, during our fi rst event at Thompson Motorsports (May 26, 27 & 28), that Friday – we will be running once again our Internation-ally Acclaimed (<- OK, that might be a slight exaggeration, but it is popular) Novice DE Instruction using a skid-pad, a short handling and braking course, and

personal instruction and classes. Next, we come to the NER DE Schedule. It’s awesome. Nope – I really mean it is awesome. Thanks to all the folks and their hard work to make it happen – and here it is:May 26-27-28 Thompson Speedway (Friday – Sunday);June 9-10-11 Palmer Motorsports (Friday – Sunday);July 14-15-16 Mont Tremblant (Friday – Sunday);July 18-19-20 Calabogie (Tuesday – Thursday);Aug 11-12-13 Watkins Glen (Friday – Sunday); andSep 22-23-24 Palmer Motorsports (Friday – Sunday). This upcoming season, we will con-tinue to push the “Education” element in “Drivers Education”. On that note, we are working with several Pro Coaches who will be in attendance at each and all of our events. On that note, we will have a “curriculum of classrooms” for each of the Solo run groups, which subjects will carry over and continue event to event and expand upon the previous class-room. These same coaches will also be made available for personal instruction as well, and their contact information so you can make arrangements prior to arriving at the track. We are also planning on reviewing when we open registration for our events, so you can plan well in advance and during the pre-season which events might work for you and your co-drivers, friends and family. On the subject of “Event Registration”, we are also con-sidering some incentives to registering early, but – we want to save that news as we get closer to opening registration itself. Finally, I’ve been asked if we will continue the “On-Line Drivers Meeting” we established at out fi nal event last year. The answer is “Absolutely!” It’s my understanding that NER is the fi rst and

Off Line 2017 Driver Education

...on behalf of all the members of the NER Track Committee, we want to thank you for a won-derfully successful 2016 season – and we look forward to mak-ing 2017 even better!

John Dunkle

only Region in Porsche Club of America nationwide who has embarked on this path, and I understand there will be other PCA Regions to follow our lead – so, please stay tuned as we continue to lead and add further innovation our program. As yes, there is more to come. In closing, on behalf of all the members of the NER Track Committee, we want to thank you for a wonderfully successful 2016 season – and we look forward to making 2017 even better! In the meantime, if you have any suggestions regarding im-provements to our DE program, we’d love to have you share them! Our best to you and yours for a terrifi c 2017 – and we’ll see you at one of our events in 2017!

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N O R E A S T E R PG. 15

All the real estate data you need to make a winning decision! On the web, blog, monthly newsletter and on your smartphone.

If you, as a seller or as a buyer, are currently under a written contract to use another broker exclusively then please disregard this notice. It is not our intention to solicit other real estate broker’s clients. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully. ©2011 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and operated by NRT, LLC.

Dani Fleming (617) [email protected]

Marcus Collins (781) [email protected]


With teamwork comes great results

Isn’t it time you started working with a winning team ... by Marcus Collins

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PG. 16 N O R E A S T E R

Concours Shirts Still Available2017 CalendarAt-A-Glance


- Board MeetingFebruary

- Board MeetingMarch

- Board MeetingApril

- Board MeetingMay

- Board MeetingJune

- Board MeetingJuly

- Board MeetingAugust

- Board MeetingSeptember

- Board MeetingOctober

- Board MeetingNovember

- Board MeetingDecember

14 - Board Meeting

Fabulous, fantastic, phenomenal Concours shirts for sale! The perfect Christ-mas gift! Our Concours got rained out TWICE!!

But now you! Yes YOU! Can take a part of that history home with your very own Staff Concours Shirt! The perfect holiday gift! Buy one for the Kids! Be the coolest person you know! Just $19.99!! https://pcaner.motorsportreg.com/ Local Delivery available. Questions? Contact [email protected]

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N O R E A S T E R PG. 17

Presented by...Herb Chambers Porsche of Boston, Herb Chambers, Porsche of Burlington Need a mid-winter taste of your favorite car? That’s what we asked last year and we got 65 folks to come in between blizzards to Herb Chambers Porsche of Boston! We all had such a good Time that it’s back on again in 2017. Join us on SundayFebruary 12th starting at 11am

and ending at 2pm (Address is 1172 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass.) for coff ee and munchies and a whole lot more, courtesy of Mr. Chambers, General Manager Ian Miller, and Leasing Manager “Racetrack Rick” Scourtas. Look at cars, meet your friends and, once everyone is there, Rick will catch us up on the latest Porsche news. There will be coff ee soft drinks, and killer 6 foot sub sandwiches. Rick will also be raffl ing off a bunch of neat door prizes too. And who knows what else? Weather permitting take a test drive. And note that January 18 is the AFC conference championship game, so no one will be missing the game by attending our event. The event address is: 1172 Commonwealth Ave. Boston. Please RSVP at Motorsport.reg so we can plan food (and, very importantly in January, we will have your email to contact you if the event has to be cancelled or postponed due to snowy weather. Questions: contact Steve Ross at [email protected]

Winter Warmer

February 12th

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N O R E A S T E R PG. 19

Are you a new member of the Porsche Club? Or, perhaps, a long term member getting back into Porsche-related activities? Are you interested in expanding your Porsche experience into more exotic realms? Would you like to drive your Porsche ‘spiritedly’ without the risk of running afoul of the polizei?

If you’ve ever dreamed of driving your Porsche at speed, feeling exhilarated by its performance and learning to take full advan-tage of its capabilities, we invite you to get a head start on our 2017 track season by attending NER’s Driver Education Ground School on Saturday, February 18th. This is NER’s annual classroom-based introduction to our Driver Education program and again is being graciously hosted by Cody McLean of HMS Motorsport at HMS North’s facility in Danvers MA. Additional information about HMS and directions to their facility can be found at www.hmsmotorsport.com. HMS Motorsport started life as a New England regional center for performance tuning of Mustangs and BMW’s, and has since grown to become the industry’s leading safety equipment supplier to professional, amateur, and beginning drivers. They sell only the fi nest equipment that will fi t the end user’s needs, and pride themselves on fi rsthand experience with the products they sell. HMS has cultivated a devoted customer base that enjoys their honest, down to earth representatives and commitment to making track driving as safe as it can possibly be. Included in this customer base are the vast majority of NASCAR Sprint Cup, Nationwide and Camping World Truck teams, many IRL, ALMS, and Grand Am teams, as well as countless SCCA and Club-level racers and driv-ing enthusiasts. HMS can be found at regional race tracks throughout the US for many of the summer months. They support PCA, BMWCCA, SCDA, COM, SCCA, and Ferrari Club driving events among others. PCA’s Driver Education program is the most popular activity off ered by PCA and the events are for all PCA members who are licensed drivers and 18 or older. NER’s Driver Education events are especially well-known to be among the best organized, safest and the most enjoyable and rewarding DE events in this part of the country. The Ground School will give you a great overview of NER’s on-track Driver Education program. While not geared to grooming you to become the next Formula 1 champion, we will discuss the fundamentals of high performance track driving and how many of these techniques can be applied to improve your everyday, on-street driving. You’ll hear how to prepare for an event, how and where our events are held, what to expect when you get to an event and, most of all, you’ll learn how much fun DE’ing can be. You’ll also get a copy of the presentation containing lots of useful information. Advanced registration for this highly-popular event is strongly suggested (and will save you money). Check-in and a continen-tal breakfast will begin at 9:30am followed by our presentation from 10 AM to Noon. At the end of the program, HMS will host a lunch. You’ll also have ample time to ask questions and see the practical and fun stuff that HMS has to off er, including helmets, gloves, harnesses and other safety equipment. And remember, attending this Ground School in no way obligates you to sign up for a DE event. However, we hope you agree that the only way to truly experience and appreciate what you and your Porsche are capable of doing is to drive it on track. Ques-tions? - email Stan Corbett at [email protected] or call me (please, NLT 9PM) at 774-275-1621. Who should attend? Anyone interested in improving their driving and learning about our 2017 Driver Education program. While everyone is welcome to attend NER’s 2017 Ground School, drivers participating in NER’s Driver Education events must hold current memberships in PCA or another recognized car club (such as BMWCCA), have a valid driver’s license and be at least 18 years old. Registration is available through Club Registration. If you are a fi rst-time visitor to Club Registration you will need to create a pro-fi le. This will save you time later as registrations for our DE events are also made through this site. After creating a profi le search for this event selecting “Northeast Region PCA” as the club. Cost: Early registration (by January 31st) - $10 per person. Late/Onsite registration - $20 per person

2017 NER Ground School

February 18th

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PG. 20 N O R E A S T E R

Take your car photography to the next level with our Car Photography Clinic. Do you have a digital SLR but always use auto mode? Are your car photos not quite Panorama material? Does your point and shoot camera cramp your style? Come to our car photography clinic at Natick VFW March 5th 10am-12pm presented by our own photo expert, Richard

Viard will introduce various ways to improve your photos through an easy to understand format focusing on essential tips for getting the most out of your shots. You will learn out to get out of auto mode and the essential settings for specifi c situations. The topics covered will include:• Turning off the nannies• Basic camera control• Composition (driving the line)• Essential tips for

• Motion shots• Stop action• Beauty shots• Post processing• Workfl ow and organization

Although geared towards car photography, the tips covered in this clinic apply to other type of photography such as por-trait, landscape, and more. The clinic is open to all levels, no prior photography experience needed. Bring your camera! Weather permitting, we will have a hands on session. Please RSVP to Steve Ross at [email protected] Refreshments will be available to all.

Photography Clinic

March 5th

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What is NER’s Annual Spring Ramble, aside from the obvious: 140+ Porsches (some Ramblers do drive vehicles other than Porsches), good friends, good food and a weekend at a top-notch resort hotel? You’ll arrive Friday (or earlier at our inviting rate) meet up with other early arrivers if you’re one, and begin your social

and partying activities. . There are plenty of activities on the property and in the Manchester area including The Golf & Tennis Club at Equinox, hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, Land Rover Driving Experience, Green Mountain Falconry School, Orvis Fly Fishing School, and plenty of outlet stores to visit. On Friday from 6:00–7:30 p.m., see old friends and meet some new PCA’ers at the Welcome Reception. We’ll be serving compli-mentary light nibbles and off er a reasonably-priced cash bar in the Manchester Room at The Equinox, www.equinoxresort.com. So come down, pick up your name tag, and say hello before you head out for dinner on your own. There are lots of great restau-rants in Manchester (reservations are recommended) off ering various cuisines and price points, or you can choose to eat on the property at The Marsh Tavern or The Chop House. On Saturday morning, registration will be open from 7:00–8:45 a.m. in the Rockwell Ballroom, with continental breakfast con-tinuing until 9:00 a.m. The drivers’ meeting will convene at 8:45 a.m., after which drivers will head out to our lunch destination in Saratoga Springs via the scenic back roads of Vermont and New York. You may even fi nd yourselves driving through a covered bridge along the route! Following the buff et lunch, you’ll embark on another enjoyable back road route returning to The Equinox - traversing rivers and lakes, over hills and through meadows. Or, if you prefer to get back sooner to begin your partying, massage, hike or whatever, simply take the more direct route that will also be provided. For you fi rst timers – a hearty welcome. Your registration packet will include a detailed route to and from our lunch stop, that my wife Carol and I have travelled many times, revising and correcting along the way. Unlike most other group tours, we drive on our own (not in lock-step with a leader) though usually you’ll fi nd yourself part of a multi-car pod. Stop at an antique shop, make a pit stop, or pull off to take a photo when you want, and pick up the next pod coming down the road. Want to spend time with some diff erent Porsche models of varying colors? Just pull off and join the next pod to come along. At 6:00 p.m. Saturday evening, we’ll meet for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres in the Rockwell Ballroom followed by a plated dinner in The Colonnade, and more socializing on your own after dinner. From 7:00–10:00 a.m. Sunday morning, a full, hot, buff et break-fast will be served in The Colonnade, after which you’re on your own again to head home, or stay longer and enjoy the charms of Manchester. We’re again sponsored by the good guys at European Performance Engineering in Natick, MA – 508.651.1316; give them a call for anything from an oil change to a full street to track conversion. Remember, this is a Tour, and we expect you to follow all the laws and regulations pertaining to the public roadways we’ll be traveling. If you have the urge to exercise your Porsche more fully, we would highly recommend attending one of the many Driver’s Education or Autocross events hosted by the Northeast Region. Imprudent or dangerous driving behavior will not be tolerated during the Ramble.

• Unless you like being on a wait list, register early for one of the 140 rooms in our block.

• The Friday rate is for your room only and includes all taxes. Subject to availability, this same rate applies for 3 pre & post Ramble nights should you wish to extend your stay.

April 28 – April 30, 2017 The Equinox Resort & Spa, Manchester, VT

2017 NER Ramble

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Main Hotel Single Double Townhouse Suites* Single DoubleFriday $199.40 $199.40 Friday $169.40 $169.40Saturday package $349.70 $489.01 Saturday package $319.70 $459.01

*There are only 10 of these comfortable, spacious units with a kitchenette, located a 2-minute walk from the Main Hotel. They do require walking a fl ight of stairs to access. On the ground fl oor at the same price, are a similar number of Townhouse King Rooms which are smaller and without a kitchenette.

REGISTRATION will be ONLINE this year at ClubRegistration.net

1. Type this link into your web browser: https://clubregistration.net/events/signUp.cfm/event/7969. You can also fi nd the event by going to www.clubregistration.net, logging in (see #2 below to “Create Account”), and then click on “Search for Events”, high-lighting “Find Event” on the drop-down menu. Click on “By Date” at the left middle of the screen, type in a “Beginning Date” of 4/27/17 and an “Ending Date” of 4/30/17, and then click on “Search”. 2. If you have never used ClubRegistration.net, you will need to create an account. Clicking on “Create Account” on the home page will take you to the “New Account Setup” screen where you will be asked to select a Username and Password as well as enter your First Name and Last Name. After making these entries, click “Create”. This will take you to the “Profi le” page where you will enter your personal information. Once you have completed your “Profi le”, click on “Update” (at the bottom left of the screen) to save your information. Please enter an email address that you check frequently.

3. After you’ve completed #2 above, you’ll be taken to the Vehicles Page, where you should enter your information. Once you have “Saved” your vehicle information, click on “My Account” at the top of the page, and highlight “Edit Memberships” in the drop down menu. Enter “PCA”, your “Region/Chapter” (we are Northeast), your “Membership Number”, and click “Add”. 4. The registration fee of $60 per person is fully refundable through March 1, and 50% refundable thereafter through April 7. Your Equinox reservations are cancelable with no penalty by calling them at least 3 days before arrival. If you fi nd it necessary to cancel your room, please do so as early as possible, to enable people on the waitlist to attend. 5. To reserve a room, call The Equinox at (877) 854-7626 on Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and ask to book within the “Porsche Club of New England Ramble” room block. 6. Please do not call The Equinox to make your reservation before you have registered online. We will be matching registra-tions against the hotel-supplied rooming list on a weekly basis, and those registered will receive priority within our room block. A room reserved without an event registration is not guaranteed. We expect to fi ll up the hotel, so please make your reserva-tions with The Equinox promptly after you have registered to avoid disappointment.

If you have any questions about online registration, or anything else about the Ramble, call Dennis Friedman at (781) 740-1660 before 10:00 p.m.

or email him at [email protected]

• The resort fee is included in the room rate and includes free wireless internet, indoor heated pool, sauna & steam room, fi t-ness center, local area shuttle, unlimited local calls, access to 855 preserve trails on Mount Equinox, and valet parking. There’s also complimentary self-parking.

• Your registration fee covers the Friday Welcome Reception with light nibbles, Saturday Continental Breakfast, Lunch in Sara-toga Springs, and all the other costs incurred in organizing and running the Ramble.

Sponsored by:

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The Northeast Region (NER) of the Porsche Club of America has a bunch of great activities that you can get involved in. Whether your tastes are social,

technical, or competitive, NER has something for you! You can have fun in your Porsche by participating in driver education at area tracks, autocrosses, rallies, tours, tech sessions, car shows and more. Each year NER organizes a variety of opportunities to enjoy and learn about your Porsche, and your fellow enthusiasts. All of our events are posted in “The Nor’easter” and online in our calendar. You may also receive up-dates about events in our e-mail blasts. Questions can be directed to the email addresses provided. Driving Events Tour

A tour is a non-competitive driving event in which participants follow a given route on public roads to a destination (which may or may not be known in advance). Tours usually fol-low scenic routes (which are plentiful in New England) and/or visit interest-ing or obscure destinations. Tours are sometimes combined with rallies to add variety and a dose of competition to the event. NER usually hosts two tours each year, one in the spring, and one in the

fall, and always to fantastic destinations. Rally

A rally is a competitive event in which contestants attempt to follow a course specifi ed by a set of instructions. Rallies are typically run on public, paved roads, and speed limits are always observed. The two major types of rallies are the Time-Speed- Distance (TSD) rally and the Gimmick rally. In a TSD rally, participants attempt to fol-low the instructions precisely, maintaining the correct speed, as points are deducted for arriving at checkpoints (the locations of which are not known in advance) early or late. A Gimmick rally is typically a bit less rigid and usually involves solving puzzles of some type. Prizes are often given for the most correct rallying. Autocross (AX)

An autocross is a competition (timed event) in which drivers navigate their cars through a course defi ned by orange cones, usually in a large parking lot. Top speeds are generally moderate, topping out around 40–65 MPH (no higher than third gear for many cars). Competing cars are spaced at intervals—typically only one or two cars are on the course at any time. Autocross is a safe way to experience high-performance driving while learning to drive your car at its limit. NER hosts fi ve autocross events each year, and an AX

school in the spring. Our neighbor to the north, the North Country Region (NCR) also hosts fi ve a year and many of the same participants compete in both regions. Driver Education (DE)

A driver education event provides a safe, controlled environment for high-performance driving instruction on a race track. DE off ers drivers of all skill levels the opportunity to hone their driving skills, with the help of an experienced instructor, in a controlled, closed-course environment. In keeping with PCA philosophy, the primary em-phasis at all times is on safety. A word of warning, though: the DE experience may be habit forming! As DE events are not racing, nor preparation for racing, lap times are not recorded. NER and NCR share many events at such world famous tracks as New Hamp-shire Motor Speedway, Watkins Glen International, Calobogie Motorsports Park, Le Circuit Mont-Tremblant, and Lime Rock Park. Club Racing

A club race is a wheel-to-wheel rac-ing event. A race weekend consists of a number of practice sessions and “heats” (race sessions), often involving both “sprint” and “endurance” races.

Welcome to the Club!Copy by Adrianne Ross, Photo by PCNA

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As a Club Racing license (issued by PCA National) is required for competition, club racers are serious and experienced drivers. The cars they bring with them to the track can be quite impressive!Non-Driving Events

Ground School

The Ground School will give you a great overview of NER’s on-track driving program. NER’s events are especially well known to be among the best organized, safest and the most enjoyable and rewarding DE events in this part of the country. Here you’ll hear how to prepare for an event, how and where our events are held and, most of all; you’ll learn how much fun it is. Newcomers

If you are new to NER/PCA then you owe it to yourself to come to the New-comers meeting and learn what we have to off er. There will be displays, videos, presentations and a chance to ask questions of those who run each of our various activities. Driver Education, the Ramble, Autocross, Concours, Tours, Tech Sessions, Spontaneous Dinners, other social events and “The Nor’easter.” Wow! As a member of the Northeast Region of the PCA, you can pick from a lot of diff erent activities — lots of opportunities to meet your friends, learn about your

car and, best of all, drive your car! Even if you aren’t a newcomer, are you really sure that you are getting all you can out of the club? Or, would you just like a chance to see your friends, hang out and start think-ing about the 2017 driving season? Concours d’Elegance, Concours is essentially a car show, in which contestants endeavor to present their cars in as close to ’perfect‘ condition as possible. A number of judged catego-ries usually exist, typically diff erentiating between types of cars (e.g. 356, Boxster) and level of preparation (“top only” or “full preparation” or somewhere in be-tween). Cars sometimes may be entered as “display only,” for owners who wish to participate but not compete. Social Events

Often NER members tour a specialized facility, like restoration shops, race shops, or museums. We also often host famous speakers to come and tell their stories. Once a year we host Porsches and Polo,

a picnic event in Hamilton, MA that gives you a pitch-side seat at a polo match, and a chance to show off your Porsche. The annual holiday Gala is a great place to dress up, and meet other enthusiasts. Awards are given, and dancing is done. This is an especially fun and elegant eve-ning. Other social events include

Cars and Coff ee, which is just what it sounds like. We gather someplace that allows us to park our cars in one lot, grab a cuppa, hangout, talk and share. Spontaneous Dinners are just that; we make the plan, you decide if you want to show up. These regional events take place south of town, on the North Shore, and in metro west Boston. There’s no R.S.V.P. needed, and our members are encouraged to organize one near them. Get to know your Porsche neighbors! Tech Session, is a meeting in which a technical topic is discussed. Not just for gearheads, a tech session may demonstrate practical, ’do-it-yourself‘ procedures such as brake bleeding. Tech sessions are usually presented by experienced Porsche technicians, many of whom are sponsors of NER events and “The Nor’easter.” NER hosts a few tech sessions each year, typically in the ’off ’ months when few driving events take place. There’s so much to do, all year round in the PCA, so come and join in, and meet fellow enthusiasts. Remember, it’s not the cars, it’s the people

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Porsche Launches Educational

Training Project for Young People

N O R E A S T E RPG. 34

Porsche is rolling up its sleeves to help socially disadvantaged young adults in South Africa. From mid-2017, a total of 75 young men and women will

be given the opportunity to train as ser-vice mechatronics at the new Porsche Training and Recruitment Center in South Africa across three academic years. This training will unlock career opportunities for the young adults, not only at Porsche itself, but also with other brands in the VW Group. The programme is specifi cally designed to cover a wide range of topics, in order to provide trainees with a broad spectrum of opportunities. This project is being organised in association with Don Bosco Mondo e.V. together with its Don Bosco Salesian Institute Youth Projects (SIYP) in Cape Town and the Porsche importer in South Africa, LSM Distributors (Pty.) Ltd.. The three parties have signed an offi cial memorandum of understanding today at the Porsche Centre in Johannesburg. The idea for the project was initiated by Uwe Hück, Chair of the Porsche AG Group Workers Council, in November 2015, when he took part in a charity boxing match against Francois Botha. Both men wanted to give hope to dis-advantaged young people. “It is always worth fi ghting for your opportunities. When you do this, you can achieve any-thing,” says Hück. Hück and Botha both want to donate the proceeds of the rematch they agreed to back in 2015 – which will take place in spring next year in South Africa – to local social projects. The educational project in South Af-rica forms part of an umbrella initiative, through which the sports car manufac-turer off ers its international vocational training programme for After Sales. The

project is spearheaded by the “Porsche Training and Recruitment Center Asia” in Manila, where socially disadvantaged young people have trained as service and bodywork technicians since 2008, to cover the growing need for service employees in the Middle East. In 2015, Volkswagen and Audi came on board as project partners in Manila. In collaboration with Don Bosco Mondo e.V., over 120 young Filipinos now receive training at the centre for an After Sales job at Porsche, Volkswagen or Audi each year. “Porsche has always been about more than just sales fi gures and revenue. We are committed to fulfi lling our social responsi-bility in markets throughout the world. Our project in Manila is certainly a good exam-ple of this. We gain well trained and highly motivated staff for our growth markets in the Middle East. The graduates, in turn, benefi t from long-term career prospects and can use their earnings to support their families. Our resoundingly positive experiences in Manila have encouraged us to expand this successful model to South Africa”, explains Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche AG. Whereas recruitment for Porsche dealer-ships was, and continues to be, a key focus at the “Porsche Training and Recruitment Center Asia”, the project in South Africa is also designed to establish a new train-ing programme. To this end, Porsche is developing curricula and examination regulations, training instructors and equip-ping theoretical and practical lecture areas at the Don Bosco Salesian Institute Youth Projects (SIYP) in Cape Town. Porsche importer LSM Distributors (Pty.) Ltd. is supporting the preparations in a variety of ways, acting as a central interface on site, sending its technical manager to assist with the training of the instructors on a regular basis, and providing placements

for some of the trainees at its own Porsche Centres. The aim is for Don Bosco to take over the service mecha-tronic training programme from 2020 and for the Porsche training project to extend beyond the original three years, earmarked for the project. Toby Venter, the owner of LSM Distributors, is confi dent that the ap-proach taken by the training project is a good one: “A well-founded education is the key to success. Sadly, there are still too many people in this country who drop out of their course because they don’t see any prospects for them at the end of their training. We want to encourage them and accompany them each step of the way. I am con-fi dent that they will emerge from the comprehensive 24-month training programme with a stronger sense of self-confi dence that will enable them to seize the opportunities that come their way.” The German non-governmental organisation Don Bosco Mondo e.V is playing a key role in the project. “Young people have a right to educa-tion, training and work”, says board member Uwe Bothur. “Vocational training with the ‘Made in Germany’ seal of approval is valued around the world. And it is not just the young people in emerging and developing nations who benefi t from such training programmes – society as a whole and the companies involved also reap re-wards. I am delighted that a premium company such as Porsche is giving dis-advantaged young people around the world a chance. Together, we can work with young people from diffi cult social backgrounds and off er them vocation-al training. This will open opportunities for gaining a good job and give them

Copy and Photos by Porsche AG

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N O R E A S T E R PG. 35

the chance of leading a dignifi ed life.” Chair of the Porsche AG Group Works Council Uwe Hück is also supporting the project in Cape Town: “Education is some-thing that concerns us all and must not be a privilege. Nobody is too stupid to get an education, but you have to put in the hard work. We have to take on those who – for whatever reason – appear to stand no chance. It is our task to unlock the potential hidden inside every person, regardless of ethnic origin, religion or the colour of their skin. Porsche has always fostered a social corporate culture and it is an important part of our duty to lead by example and show the way rather than to turn a blind eye.” Routes into the Porsche Training and Recruitment Center South Africa:The project will be publicised through various communication channels. Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who are interested can apply for the train-ing programme. There are three diff erent routes onto the training programme, de-pending on the applicant’s qualifi cations: If an applicant is already suffi ciently quali-fi ed for vocational training, he or she can access the two-year service mechatronic training programme directly. Any appli-cants who do not possess the required qualifi cations can complete a six to eight week life skills training course at the Don Bosco Salesian Institute Youth Projects (SIYP). If an applicant is lacking basic skills, he or she will be given the oppor-tunity to complete a year-long vocational preparation course to prepare them for the working world. This option will be available to up to 50 people per year and will enable them to make signifi cant progress in their personal development.

Don Bosco Salesian Institute Youth Projects Kapstadt

Young adults will be trained as service mechatronics

Uwe Hück and Francois Botha Oliver Blume Chairman Porsche AG

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Porsche Opens New Experience Center

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With the new Porsche Experience Center in Los Angeles the sports car manufacturer is expand-ing its worldwide network of centers. On a site spanning 20 hectares, customers and fans can experience the Porsche brand up close and per-sonal and put the power, sportiness and safety of the vehicles to the test for themselves. The new headquarters of Porsche Motorsport North America is also located here. Los Angeles is the second location of this kind in the USA. The Experience Center in Atlanta was opened in May 2015 together with the new US company headquarters. A total of 160 million US dollars was spent on the two projects – 60 million dollars of which was invested in the Los Angeles site. In addition to Los Angeles and Atlanta, there are also experience centers in Le Mans, Silver-stone and Leipzig. The next large construction project is already under way in Shanghai, with the opening scheduled for the coming year. “Over 100,000 guests worldwide in 2016 is an impressive testament to this concept and demonstrates the fascination that the brand holds for people”, says Detlev von Platen, Mem-ber of the Executive Board responsible for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “In the age of the digital revolution, real-life driving experiences are becoming increasingly important for our brand. Our cars represent performance and driving pleasure – and this is exactly what our custom-ers can enjoy in the experience centers. With the new location in Los Angeles, we are also gaining a strategically important brand world.” The new Experience Center in Los Angeles is conveniently located on Interstate 405 and is easily accessible from three airports. It includes a 6.5-kilometre test and development track with eight training modules, a periodically changing racing car exhibition and a gourmet restaurant. Visitors can take part in a 90-minute driving program led by an instructor on the test track. The eight training modules cover two circuits, an off -road course, a dynamic area, a start control and acceleration straight as well as a low-friction circuit and a skid pan. Porsche Motorsport North America, which is also located in Los Angeles, is the only autho-rized provider in the USA and Canada for the sale, parts supply and customer service of all specially manufactured Porsche racing cars, such as the 911 GT3 Cup, 911 GT3 R and the Cayman GT4 Clubsport. Porsche Motorsport North America also provides maintenance services for engines and transmissions, racing support at several in-ternational racing series, as well as repair servic-es. A glass wall in the entrance hall of the Porsche Experience Center aff ords visitors a glimpse into the workshop, where historical racing cars are re-paired, track vehicles are maintained and racing cars are exhibited by owners and collectors.

in Los Angeles

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PG. 38 N O R E A S T E R

was loose and a couple of other things made me doubt the story.

Kevin from Randolph Racing picked up the car and pronounced the carbs as the problem so off they came and sure enough that car was never going to run the way they were set. Besides the water in the fl oat bowls, two of the jets were in upside down (I know you can’t put them in upside down) and the accelera-tor pumps were not hooked up. Whoever had put them together was probably working on their fi rst set. Ever. With a few other adjustments the car starts and idles like brand new with 160 psi in all cylinders. When I inspected the paperwork I could see that in last 22 years the car had only been driven 5000 miles. The early engine is worth more that the whole car but I’m going to let the next guy do that swap. My business model (hobby, of course) says just haul them out into the daylight, get them run-ning and send them on their way. The boys in Helen, GA have put an-other Southern Drive together for the 356 crowd for 2017. I drove the Puddle Jumper to the last one a few years ago. I sort of promised my brother, Bill, I would take Blackie the next time as he always takes his Speedster. We’ll see how the

Four Speeds and Drum Brakes - continued from page 8 year develops. Certainly the drive to Ohio

wasn’t too bad this year. I think I could do it again. I should probably put a new set of tires on the car as I noticed after the Zone one Autocross that the street tires I put back on the car had aged out. Date stamp was 2004. I certainly don’t want to drive 1200 miles on a set of what I heard recently referred to as Maypop tires. Those would be old worn tires that may pop. As long as I have my helmet with the built in ear protection I’ll be fi ne.

I have talked to friends that have retired and they tell me that they don’t have time to get things done and can’t fi gure out how they managed while working. For that reason alone I won’t be retiring any time soon besides in my line of work they don’t make you quit as long as you can make it into the offi ce each day. 2017 is looking like a terrifi c year for this old car guy. If you’ll keep reading this stuff I’ll keep writing. Let me know if you fi nish before I do. KTF

on events with some really interesting guest speakers and some just plain fun stuff . Soon the activities calendars in the Nor’easter and on-line at our website will be populated with info on these activities. As I’ve mentioned in previous columns, we are interested in planning events that our members want. I’ve invited you all to submit suggestions to me for discussion and consideration at our board meetings but, to date have received none. Let me reiterate, we want your suggestions, this is your Club. Happy New Year everyone, I hope it’s your best ever!

One Track Mind - continued from page 7

If you, like me, the more projects you complete, the shop becomes a part the routine for weekends and time to network with like-minded friends that dabble in repairs and enjoy working on our cars. Based on the number of lifts that are being installed, there some serious DIY’s in NER. December, It’s the time to tackle those routine maintenance projects and knock off a few laggards that have been pending for a few years before we begin the sunny and warm 2017 season.

Sign Me Up! - continued from page 11

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Sound in MotionSound in Motion High Performance Car Audio

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PG. 40 N O R E A S T E R

November Minutes -- continued from page 13

Thank you and best wishes in this holiday season and for asuccessful new year.

In gratitude of our clients and in the spirit of the season, while being mindful that much of the world still lives in poverty, Assabet has donated two sheep, four goats, one heifer, and two llamas in addition to supplying an entire village with biogas stoves through Heifer International. For many families, these gifts will provide wool for blankets and clothing, fertilizer to assist in the growing of crops, physical sustenance in the form of milk and food and a safer and more environmentally friendly means of cooking. This gift also provides a source of income which leads to the ability to afford medical care and even education for the recipients.

ner with us for the Thompson event. John is brewing up some ideas to encourage instructor involvement including free track day incentives for those who commit in advance and professional instructor coach-ing is also being considered. As part of our Watkins Glen package for 2017, a choice of either 10 IMSA or 20 NASCAR tickets were off ered. The board voted to accept the IMSA tickets and those will be auctioned off to those lucky bidders that win them at our planned silent auction to be held at the Annual Gala, January 7th. Bob’s Cohen’s Treasurers’ report was submitted to and approved by the board. As Bob is stepping down from his great service as Treasurer for the last two years, the board approved transferring check signing authority to Robert Jacobsen and Dick Anderson and the appropriate new checks have been ordered. Many thanks goes out to Bob for his latest tenure as Treasurer and the other board positions he has held throughout his years of service to the club. Steven, having previously circulated his and Laurie’s membership report, men-tioned that membership stands at 1761 primary and 955 affi liate members for a total of 2716 including 14 new members with one transfer in and 6 transfers out.

Richard Nixon bragged that he had a 1950 Oldsmobile 98 in his Checkers speech to prove that he was just an ordinary guy LBJ had an Amphicar And JFK loved Thunderbirds and asked to have 50 of them for his inau-gural parade. That is all well and good, but let’s recognize that any of our Presidents, including his Hairness, are mere pik-ers on a global basis. Apparently the largest collection of cars among world leaders/royals/etc. belongs to Hassanal Bolkiah. [Now I’m quoting from the du-PontRegistry.com so you know it’s true.] “His rule over the sultanate of Brunei, an oil and natural gas-rich nation off the northwest coast of Borneo, began in 1967. The twice-divorced Bolkiah is the 29th Sultan, following his father who abdicated the throne, and carries a laundry list of titles including Prime Minister, Inspector General of Police, President, and Supreme Commander of the Brunei Royal Armed Forces in addi-tion to honorary titles bestowed upon him by Queen Elizabeth II of England. He likes to play badminton, race cars, and enjoys a nice cigar. Bolkiah’s car collection numbers over 5,000 exotics, sports cars, rare and

limited editions, all housed in a garage that is really more of a palace by all standards, with separate wings devoted to each brand. Reportedly, there are over 300 Ferraris, 20 Koenigeggs, 6 Daver Porsche 962 LM’s, 11 McLaren F1’s, and 600 Rolls Royces, all valued at an estimated $300,000,000.00. It has been reported that much of the collection ac-tually belongs to the Sultan’s 3rd brother, Prince Jefri, and various nephews and that most of the collection is unused and decaying. Other trivia has it that the staff has a Rolls Royce in the driveway, always running, 24/7 and that members of his harem are paid over $200,000.00 a week.” I wonder if there are any openings? Anyway, believe it or not, there is a complete list of cars – including their VIN numbers! – online. I actually wasted 10 minutes scrolling and counting (ac-curacy not guaranteed) and can report that he owns 173 Porsches including twelve 959’s (of maybe 300 made) and fi ve Dauer Porsches (of 12 made?). And maybe fi fty 928’s! BUT NOT ONE MIATA!! Now I’m sure the Sultan is a nice guy and, even though I’m not a fan of cigars, I’d welcome the opportunity to have a beer with him. But what kind of car guy has fi fty 928’s and not one Miata?

Long and Winding Road - continued from page 9

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ceFor Sale

Front Coco Mats, like new. Jasper Calico in color. Will fi t 1973-1980 911. $65 Edward. 508-548-2225 (9/16) 2006 BMW 325i sedan, Auto, Electric red with beige leather, sunroof, power front seats, new tires last August, one owner, no accidents, all service records, Weather Tech fl oor mats and trunk liner. 47105 mile. $9900.00 978-443-2672 (7/16) 2012 Porsche Cayenne Turbo, 49,600 miles, Meteor Grey Metallic exterior, Black interior, well optioned, no accidents, new brakes and rotors, 8,000 miles on tires. Paid $125,000, ask-ing $58,900. For more information, call Russ Martorana, 508-725-4213. (8/16) 2004 911 40th Anniversary GT Silver / Gray leather, 52k miles, #277, nav., Bose sound, CD changer, power seat package, rear wiper, Fabspeed exhaust, Evolution chip / air intake, imbedded Calibre Radar detector, non-IMS problem generation 2 engine, car cover, in heated garage, new Cont’l tires at 45k miles, excellent condition in Harwich, MA. $36,000. drfi [email protected]. 508-432-1778 (8/16)

Advertising Guidelines

Publication of paid advertising in the NOR’EASTER does not constitute the endorsement by this publi-cation or the Northeast Region of the products or services set forth therein. The NOR’EASTER reserves the unqualifi ed right to approve and edit for publication all advertising submitted. Marketplace Guidelines

Deadline for submitting ads for MARKETPLACE to the editor is no later than the 15th of each month to appear in the next issue of the magazine. Advertising Porsches or Porsche parts or to solicit materi-als is free to members in this section of the publication. Ads will run for two months unless the editor is formally notifi ed. To place your want ad send a note to the editor containing your copy. Please limit copy to a maximum of six lines. Ads can be emailed to: [email protected].

N O R E A S T E R PG. 41

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Building Relationships for the road ahead

Steven and Laurie have restarted Nor’Easter renewals and signup is through MotorsportReg.com with reminders going out through adds in the newsletter, eblasts and notices on our Facebook page. Email requests for contributions to the Annual Gala silent auction have been sent as well. Steven and Laurie are working with Sterling Vernon as they pass the Membership Chair reins to his tenure. Prior to our meeting, Sterling fl oated a couple of innovative ideas to handle payments electronically and Robert queried us on how we were to handle tax receipts at the silent auction. Adrianne Ross as social director for track activities has been working on getting Brian Redman to speak some-time next spring. A tentative date of 7 April has been proposed and she is working with BMWCCA, and a group of anonymous benefactors to help with sponsorship. Stan’s report on the board member ballots that were received over the last month and all current and new board volunteers were awarded their respec-tive positions with only one dissension. A vote was received for Nico Rosberg to take over the position of VP of activi-ties but Bill Seymour handily won any-way. Bill is on a streak as he easily beat a one vote write in for Lewis Hamilton last year. Way to go, Bill! Kristin reported that we have 119 signups for the Gala and two members from our charitable cause “Homes for our Troops” will be present. The board discussed awarding an “Enthusiast of the Year” award and various candidates were considered with one special, de-serving volunteer being selected and will be presented at the Gala. Auction items are being gathered and thanks goes out to Robert for a signifi cant one he managed to garner. The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 PM. Next month’s board meeting is scheduled to be hosted by Adrianne at her home in Framingham, MA on Sunday, January 15th starting with an 11AM brunch.

November Minutes -- continued from page 40

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Dick Anderson10 Cutler Road, Andover, MA 01810H: 978-474-0898, M: 978-764-0277 [email protected] President - Administrative

Steve Ross49 Village Brook Lane, Natick, MA 01760-0247 (508) 653-1695; [email protected] Vice President - Activities

Bill Seymour28 Saddlebrook Rd., Sherborn, MA 01770(508) 650-0720; [email protected]

Bob Cohen110 Harvard Rd., Bolton, MA 01740-1023 (978) 779-2226: [email protected]

Alan Donkin36 Lowell Dr., Stow, MA [email protected]

Steve James31 Old Village Rd, Acton MA 01720(978) 266-1725; [email protected]’EASTER Editor

Adrianne Ross781-249-5091, [email protected] President

Kristin Larson1 Wheelwright Ln, Acton MA 01720978-302-3634; [email protected]

Committee ChairsChair - Autocross

Bill [email protected] - Concours d’Elegance

Steve Ross49 Village Brook Lane, Natick, MA 01760508-653-1695: [email protected] Registration - Autocross

Dave Berman1 Wheelwright Ln, Acton MA 01720781-223-4119: [email protected] -Driver Education

John Dunkle603-553-0307: [email protected] - Driver Education

Stan Corbett21 Elm St., North Grafton, MA 01536774-275-1621: [email protected] Tech

Chip [email protected] Driving Instructor - Driver Education

Dick Anderson10 Cutler Road, Andover, MA 01810H: 978-474-0898, M: 978-764-0277 chiefi [email protected] Development - Driver Education

Ann AndersonH: 978-474-0898, M: [email protected] 1 Representative

Pete Tremper523 Coyle Rd, Clayton NJ 08312609-221-3854: [email protected]

NER Board of Directors

New Members












PG. 42 N O R E A S T E R





Email ChangesSubscription Changes:

As of April 2016, we can not honor multiple or changing addresses throughout the year. When you subscribe, please choose the one address you will spend the most time at during the year.

Address Change:

If you have changed your address, you MUST change it at PCA.org, that will also change your Panorama subscription. Your NOR’EASTER subscription change of address needs to be addressed at [email protected]. The Edi-tor does not control the subscription list. PCA.org does not control the NOR’EASTER subscription. Subscribed and not received your copy? Please call or email Membership. The Editor does not control the

subscription list.

New Porsche?

Bought a new Porsche? You can change and add cars to your profi le at PCA.org. Email Change? If you have changed your email, you MUST change it at PCA.org.

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