VOL XVII DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEWJERSEY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8,1887. NO 6 M*Mlb*Ml tout •*•. tart** TKHMI OV BDMCkirTIOK IKV1BU- BLV 111 lUVAKCE. On Yau Mi Moan. Tauaa Nona I % 1 26 1 1 50 • 1 75 1 86 - - - - 115 9 36 2 75 SCO «50 650 10 00 16 MHO 800 17 00 81 00 M 00 II 00 II 00 MBOUTAOB ADDED FDk BXTBfct. UXUti 10- wott15 oaan m Una. Q.10. o. omum, •. D., tID iFMIAUR ID m TMUTWI FOB ALL KINDS OF RUBBER GOODS. RUBBER GOODS, RUBBER GOODS, \ " —(Ml TO— STRAIT BROS., ROOH.AWAY. IV. 9. TO OUii PATRONS. W* haw* aiatic a incrtl nlacllaw la price art all WINTER proaiafft t» —r a»»—l tahUtg ml tl«t>. in im»Ka< STOCK or AND SPECIAL -:- SALE -OP- SHOES; One of the largest manufacture!* in the country, now retiring from basinets, has cloned out to u« tho followiag JOB LOT of Ladies' FIHE SHOES that we offer at tUe following Misses' and Ghildren't redactions; 6 ii«cu Laillei DmuohtTop Hlippti fiucd BMUiu •)»; r«rn»r prlra «!l«i. 18 " •• Kid ssd Oast '• 3.00! " " " « - " Miinoi Kid lid dott B>rlug Button, 1.661 " " »• W " Cliiiil'. " " " " " 1.35; . " " 1.IW. IS* The above we strictly first-class goods in all stylea and widths. Every pair warranted, and we Lave given customers an opportunity seldom offered of being snpplied far below manufacturers cost. HEAG1NfeGO. Minn IT m tiu tarn, Oaraar «f Htetoalletd Mam •*. DOVER, N. J. I. •.JOLUEY, Proprietor. %r nun inn, MM •> 1011111110, DOT1B.H.J. |O.BIIMWI»TH,I.«. . DOVEB, N. I. 4HU.THEB Of OEMUD Minimi* A Uil orchanm run<ahe< on .pplln.lloi. iLBKIDUE 0. BM1TH, (UTE or auoaaouB a SMITU,) COl'NSfULOK AT-HW, MO BBOADW.V, N.w York. iMMmaB, Dotcr, N. J L. W. THURBER. -'paBiwrmDuri rcwjL •"*"• or MO»HI» oorjUTi - otnaiATD.n. STATIOKBRY r every idcnptlon, •noli MDink Book*. Pocket Memnimtjoini, tut Booki, Plotun •ooke, ***Al*e Book! of til klidi; Lowll'. Library IDfull; Pens tod Holder., FOMUI, •lleolon; Writing Piper, Written loki. Slaloi, I'ockot Bnoki, Pen Inifcs; in fact «G»tkiag wbieli la ta be found In lUtiuDery •tore. TUe abort! goudi viu 1>B LOTKlit •• ehcip »• the cli»pcet. Q1VE HE A GALL. 0- LAW BLANKS OF ALL KINDS. JAMES 8. MELiICK, BLUE FRONT NEWS AND BOOK 8TOBE, SUSSEX STREET, DOVER,N. J. Extending their Business! OPP. D. L. ft W. DEPOT, DOVER. H. I. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES A REPTILIAN RUMPU1. A Fight a. ah. tk.ll. uu Oil* M4 . FiarM. l o . B Crafita. In Europe long credits linger most io Germany, one of its poorest countries, aud the only one, except Turkey, where A combat took place a few u»yi ago in mure credit is still given In retail busi- a building belonging to the U. 6. Fish ness than iu wholesale. Hut even in Commission, at Washington, between 'Uermany the casli system lias lately t«u littlep«tt»f that institution whott been making considerably way. One likes have probably never found them-' great obstacle to it there, as elsewhere, selves iu such close proximity since, tbt the shop-keeper himself. He thinks agcsol 1 feathcrloss birds, winged rep- the casli system lowering to the dignity tiles and wcb-fouteil quadrupeds. The of his establishment, or wanting in JM, and tlie victor as well, was snect to Ms customers; ha believesbe newly arrived nils (pronounced has a better huhl on the ninliiiiumce o! ill monster from tbe Gila lliver, in their custom and is liable to sell more Arizona-the only species of lizard to them if they keep an account with whose bite Is known to be poisonous— him, and he knows he can charge them and the victim was two-year-old a better price by reiisou of the accomo- alligator from Florida. The minuter datum. It is usually supposed that the l» fourteen inches long and about twice credit system Is advantageous to the tho weight of iiis antagonist. Both; shopkeeper, this, however, miiy be reptiles were in a semi-torpid condition, i doubted, but there can be no question having ceased to take food a week ori that the abolition of the system ol two ago, and for some purpose they, shop credits woulilbs anunmixed lime- luul been removed from tbelr glass' lit to mankind. Producers' credits may casos and placed beside cavil other upon' lead to occasional overtrading,' but it is men* tllF the stone floor. An attendant inad- vertently touched the alligator's tail ind caused himto move aluggUhly imvurd a few indies, where lie came In ontncL with the blunt nose of the monster. The Bnakj eyea of the latter lighted up with B gleam of maUtrol- ence, its black eyes opened wide,ami its jaivs dnged with s snap upon the fore !>u\v of the alligator. The prisoner levi'loped unexpected activity, and, lioufli taken at a sail disadvantage, at leasta means of immensely increas- ing produttion and wraith, through bringing capital-not int.it lielng, but what prauiticully la an guml-InUi IIBP, and transfering it from liunils Unit cannot handle it into hanils that ran. Hut consumers' credit carries no ad van- tage whatever, unless in individual caseB of temporary emhairassinent for which better provision ini^ht be niaiiu otherwise. Its general effect is to tempt tho weaker «ort ol persiuis to mudufut atime a gallant fight for its jliv« above their menus, mut librt d llf It t ibi-rt y midlife. Its movements were i rest of us pay the piper lot them in tin •'" ' '" ' " • "'• ' ' enhanced prices of all «e buy. On. THE DOVER LUMBER CO. DOVOR, XV. ST. kM engaged In the ciwl bunliicK*, and will keep the bert gmdett ol COA L «r nil klnd». They will «IKO keep Fire, (^iiumoii and Front Hrlck. Lime, Planter, «hore Hand, renent, Maiom' Matorlali. Fertilizers. At. nlee Man a SaMrtpn <™m s IHAVIHB Ml HAIR COTTON SALOON, tUSSIX STREET, DOVEB, % J. i. G. IOCKBFBLLRB, nirirTiniiPiii DOVER, N.J. CM*™ snt;. A. Ijtm'i ston, •»». BMt-tBix. 4lBfr<aaaallr«ILAr WOOD fats*. L F. JOLLEY 4 Co., Lamps. Paints, Oils, tc A1u avgeiU for P A I R B A N K V BGAKKB, t( maatMtanrt yrieet. Ato meitefar EwtiGkiiiBidntFii)! wUA an tba teal pni.li. ia tbe aurkat. BRUEN & BDNNELL, ROCKA * AY, IT. I . —AMD— •EN'S FURNISHERS, 831 BROAD St|lLEX THE OLD RELIABLE 8T0YE DEALER, . WltHTON, UMMt MD MRHOOt at <at HtM. ESTABLISHED 183a SEOROE E. TOOBHBEtt, KommxfTowv. uufui in BD maur. n u n r ooirmaoiow. «nn»o u> PAINTS, OILS, «ko. AOiiCSLTBIAL lirtElCHTS SAFES AND 8CAL1ES. OLIVER 8. FREEMAN, Caraeatora-a-lallfcr, Ntttantl Uniin Buk. Von*, K. J., DM. 10th, IMS. Tba amul Mttiig of tbe atockhiMtn «f (lala Bmk Tor tha tlMtkm of Dinetoti«UI be r lltk >»l. IWli «pm tiMi 10 BRUEN k BDNNELL, tkBBOGKAWAV 8TJVK l>KAI.Ek» J,M Krtdeiof work wbkb thuir biiNlum. call. for. BUuli UH »U CJ JM EtXMO. GAS FITTING, HOOFING and JOBBING, •1 all kiajda dme at -hori notitf nuil rt •hie. You en •.« -j- «ml * full *U* STOVES, oflllualiciaBdBillli. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, TIN WAR OIL CLOTHS, DOYB. V. J. kia alwara on luad a Urge itosk if HOT-:-AIR-:-FURNACES, mmt iaianad sljles, bt 0O0E, F&ILOB«4 HUTCKO STOVES, RANGES. ta.'lals«atarlatraf LAMPS, Til AND JAPAN WANE, , Iro,«bi Utdm, iai) ALEX. WIGHTON. EUGENE BUCHftMN'S. auaaEX 8THIT, DOVEU.N.J. A«d M flro«ri«, ProtUlote ud Table Sappllw tt lownt vrieM. G O O D BREED DOGS BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! I hav«! three large lutH forsale on Ran- dolph Avenue. f nave three lots for sale on Blackwell street, near the river bridge. T have flfty*ei;ht N for rale on Penn Avenue. U U. 3d, 4th. 5th and 6th 8to. 1 will sell any or all of the above cheap for cash; half mortgage or all mortgage, and give all the time re quired. Apply to GEO. RICHARDS, W. H. LAMBERT, Ami. H7B.OOO W O H T K OS* FURNITURE M CARPET^ sly (juick and Its jaws lo/.ni times in succession upon tlio mltnl lm;ul of theassailiHit. It noon, uwever, became exhausted, mid mom- iit like n suffering diild, it relapsed -'-•-./rt-r-.-ilt. The att(!iidai:t3 iou^Eit \>y u variety of mcam to release the tdl alligutur, but weracompttlled, us niiiy he Hj]»j»03cd, tobe very careful in liiimllltig the venomous "monster.' H He wi by tlie tail mid heldup k b th blri n tin: nir, taken bythe bloaturi l l ituil sevcTOly, pluugwl nmler ami ninltruatect in other ways, sharp wires iml l|n:t!lv ;i ere thrust into AT COST. THE JUDGE'S GAIN PUZZLE IK B(H*Lt or HE GRANT MONUMENT FUND. U#e your Brtina %ti Hake MOMJ. Men, Women, Children, Everybody, SPECIAL HALE PEEVIOUS TOTAKING ACCOUNT OF STOCK. Amos H. Van Horn, 73 MABKET ST., lEfiffi, I. J. OFFKIIH 919 DUESHE SIO0* ITTHE I'OU.OWISU W . 0 I S . CARPETS. (Wo. pel yard for SO pieces Body Brussels. •1.0(1 p., .ard lot 2! Pino* V.lrst. too. p.r iarj for SO pin. Tapeatlf Braaatla. OSo. pw yard lot SOpbeaa aU-wad ln^tia. PAKLOR WITH. 130 per suit far 50 Parlor Suit. In »>p or Raimlatb, | « l per aalt lot 25 Faclor Hail, ia Plo.ae< and Bt> Him, •TC for Ftrlar Biils, rasace! fromtwo. WALNuT BEDROOM SUITS. »lo for Walant fedroom Suit, Barbie tot, worth »M. |0S for WaUal Btdnttt Suit, Burble lop, worth 175. «75 Itr Walail Badrttat Hall, aaarbla k v , woatk (loo. ANTIQUE OAKBEDROOM SUITS. •30l,» anilqw (fck tMrtoat Ml, wottk»«. ««0 for tatlqa* Oa. tVaVooa Halt, worth »*). •W rot 4n«qaa Oak tMrooas Unit, wtrlk IDS. AHB BEDROOM 8U1TB. I19.S0 for Aril BMrooai Salt. »30 for Ath Badmeaa 9.B, worth 140. «WfaraablMto«a<itt, wartalU. Wo tar aah Btdnott Bait, worth »75. CHERRY BEDROOM SUITS. »'.'I for Chtrrf Bedroom (tail, IMfrOk (MfoiOkorrr IMnuaBill, woitb«75. M i , worlh(H). ENAMELED BEDROOM SUITS. 115 par tail tor M IttaseM Badraoaa Mia la data Ikaat oat. MATTRESS AND REDD1N0 DEPARTMENT. (15 will bar atool Hair ataKraaa, warth Ian. #10 wTll but a «ood Hair llaHrtii, worth (IS. •0 .111 baj afood Hair Top HatWas, warlk (la. •8 will bajr a |oo4 Mlirf IbtMaa, wtatk »5. Ml atock ol Unaini, H.rbl« Top laUaa, Hall 8laaa>, Oktlla, E: Writing D«k., Bookoam, 8 » n l u l « .to, .a«U aaj atttk la IM aHj. STOVES ANDRANGES. y Imnt in 11n >'il l i'11'ort, :i I In' ii:iii' were rciilnci'd in tho is I'iisnwIifcU hild bee 11 (iccnpiotl li llif iiiciistor, aud ii£i..u tlie itlli^iti 'vvid its itniffffle, tlirnsliinj tl tny with its tail mid snapping at with its jaws. In its Btriintfk's It hn iicaU-J its phoulilor and its irn- prisoned limb became limp and power- less. Its inoanii.ua were |>itiful, and thd iittciidiintv were moved to r 'Wftl efforts to effect a Bejiaratio 'I'lic (rowel was relntroducud Into tlie nintisttcr'a mouth WHIL no very gentle i3ta ami probably <>iFt'ek'(l a Rtivcru wound iti some tendur part, ltubblus of greyish slime were exuded fro: IOUIIL and nostrils, and ihmlly tliu jawa slowly opened. Even then it wiia a work of several mintit#3 to dlsen^tge tho hookt!<i fangs fniiu tlie woimdud aw. The combatants were planed in their separate receptacle?, the momter lap- .ITIB- his thick \y\\w\i \\\n with liis.-riwii- «h iurknd tongue, while the alligator cloned it-* eyes, i*r.b;tb]y lit die of the veiiDiu in iU system. Tk«( kaa Ikat Krcr Llrca." ca. I'nrton, in a contribution to the Ameriran Agriculturist, "The Rural Life of Andrew Jackson," snys that, u going about the Ueneral's old friends, he was struck with the deep Impression the stem old nun had made upon their affections, and copies from hla notes two estimates of Inti- mates. The Ant is by old Mr. Blair, the comiumlon of Jackson during his presidency. Mr. lllair could not apeak of Andrew Jackson ten minutes with uit emotion bordering upon tears. "Jackson," said he, "was a man of absolute sincerity. There wan no guile In him. He loved the masses of tha people witli deep and constant IOTA He would lave, laid his white head on tlie block, for them. Me was a man without fear and without tecreti-open as the day. He never locked a door nor concealed a paper. He was never pulled upanil never depressed, lie »as sufllcient for himself at all tlnet. Fighting men loied him and cowards loved him. Df men. When excited, his old bristles ment thirty dollars apiece per ani murks without r«t?>vt that the course of tilings utniins to he .unking fur its suppression, anil thia iu not tlie kasl iiii|roi;tant of the various, successive contnidictiuna Unit laku ^'M^VI i\i I sphere of credit, in (lie progress economic development. Ontraution o tlieHphtru is only om> side, lnnvm>t\ a tho evolutluu of erwlit; tlicre iici-uiu piuiiea it an imornxnis prowth of Hi fiicilitiea of credit witliiii tinit aplieit. Toor cwnitriesure overrun with credit, nnd stagnate under it; rich <>oniitiii c n t clianiKilB for it, ind guido ntidcoi line it hy severe restraints, till it How bounteguB tttid tmctable, euriuhiiiK am Itvtilizlng everything. The evolutim of liankiiiK mid credit iiiM.itutimi, past and fiituro, is, however, u Hiilijn tliat cannot beentered ii]mn ntlln; cuu elusion of a paper nlrendy lonj,'. Pilf, llrlictiri', UHII l.:i|) llngn, Kucellent as n?»training inlliienms, ns guvfrnliiR powers they would be, And art', simply destructive of alt true manhood. Tlie one niitiRntes tho HL*- verity of pure justice, tlicmher removes ugliness when it can, sotU'io It wlie it cannot, and t^:uitillci, i>MuntlaI pi>v- ertywith adventitious oriininentiitioii. But where should we be if this pity this delicacy, had the upper hand, and the nervous fears nnd relinemuiitH o women depressed tlio energies of men to a levd witli their own and abolish all the rude and uitriiKlitly activities Hough and cruel mid ghastly thinga must be done in the world, and jiity for the individual must not lie EmiTcrtH to interfere with the general good-fo: the most part brought about by the 8turil.ee ol the individual. EIBO must we go tuck to root eating nnd anbstun tial barbarism. Hut the Individualiz- ing faculty of women conies in to loftun what cannot be prevented, aud their pity restraint unnecessary excess of necesury suffering. Thus, each faculty acts u that well worn drag withoui which thing! would go too fast, but with which, ID eiag|eratian, thinga do not go it ill. For utmiple, rubies may be prevalent, but tr» largest proportion of the women with favorite Up dog* an mon indignant because of the JIB comfort of their own muzzled pets tluui abletoftppreciite the uselnliiesiof tlit general law. If polled to-day, that largest propor- tion would rote for the abolition of the muule, no matter what the results to the community at large, glad to secure the freedom of their own at the expense of a principle. And what is true ol lap dogs ii true of all the rest, ll Fr»« *r Ike Cnpil*!, On the western front of tbe Capitol, on the wcond terrace, Is a snail oval pond fenced with high, thick ratlings. In It la a little water, a good deal of ice and a doun or two imall-sind gold WINE WITH_A HISTOBV. Tw.lv. l'rechm. Uottla Tint ODD. I AcruM Ui. Atlantic. J. A. Murray, of Uutte, Montana, ia tliu possessor of twelvis iiottles of wine witli a history. The tarlient known of tiiis wine is tlutt it was found in uuu titrmiicnn vault inside a sealed utoii rt:njitacle, in a .i,-.,iiislical liiiinastery, tliaL was deinolisliediliuiiiga loeal feud ainoiiB religious faualies. It «o ban- pened tlillt the eye of nil epicurean fell upon it and In; secured it as tlie HUM aluiiliie of the treasures, uml curried it into 1'olulid; preieliled it to til cruwu.fnr which the highest honors and titles tin conid lie (Minferml ti]>uit an ordinary (jitiaesi. At tin- iniiiriaKr of the I'liii- UBB JJeclierniz of roland to tli« heir apimrent of the crown of France, the •nlv remaining lianket of this iiruvWs rlntage was ipivsented to tlie prince for heiiiijttial occJinioii, idvctitnrer by the n; He was the most eloquent ush. I tm told that It costs the govern- TtWu, hook anil lie thrilled tha nenfs at no to keepthow Bsh. Of coune, they km otlwr man did Iu th tak l i to be lei and for d t k t f otlier man did. Ia the bank affair, as in other measures, h« was alone, against friends and lorn. Members of to be fed, cared for and taken out of the pond when It freezes eolld, ind boarded around until it tbaws •gain; Tbe JUDOS propooei to tulrit the Onot ononicul if ami byorgiuiz 113 n s»ndcurn- ciliiou 011 vonMini.i) (Makingtho ttrRtat umborot Engllili wdtdifi-ou » Riven lenteuce by tramtporins ami uMtig letten to mil tla lurpatc), nhug for tliu tliemn Jlio 1 nteoee ll Wbo will IIH nitr auxi Preildctt >" ttnl offtr- fC Ofct-li prize* to inocGtiiftji cbinpiilor*, acla df wliom will lm*o to pay Fifty (JO cts, npnKDUtloDor htseoupijtilirop^pcr. Till' ohejr r^eifed * ill be appliol aa follows: Twentj-nve cent* ii at ODDUcredited to lie ram Fun J. Tlio irmninlng twenlf-flTO cent*, iftei de- uoilBK ll.;- liiitttitntte<*V»Mof -Jmt litig oaue. mlU tlteir reipuctlve iniwcM, etc, nte, will bo pliced tn a common food tu b» eqDrtlly divided amorjf the a,x iBceeMfaloompctitorP, 1. «., the ilx pcHura tending in (he Urittit lltti of EngiUti woida (proper nontu inclndurl) m m . from (bo tenteBoo "Wbo will bo onr rttPilt? Ihti rttPrt.i.lat? Tbe minBitiHlc of the priiei will depeorf on hti amount or money received, or in other ord* on tbe nanber ol oompctiton. Cmi- anlemboua open until February IStli, 1BB7. o'elofll 3 oelofll, Thli ia not t, new thins. In IBRIUI.1 large intiof tLdaey btvn bMn railed forCbariiy y Ibla Bellied, aad thote wbo b>*e partin- Ipfekd and itieldebUlly lidl|Kid 1 *«lliv object ba*o vona priiu ta high at 110,000 u a re- ward Tor tneuUI activity. Tlio namei of competitor! will ba pnbilfhed w u weak toweek in JUIME U lh<tf tiny cone fn. Tbia will not only itrve u an acknowl- edement or tho receipt of tbo money, etc., but will alto i t r n to tbow the weekly progrcii or ic mud. Ooforuing ralet in tbii week'* I Addrcai " OBANT FOND," THE JDIMK TusurBiMa Co., Potter Dalldloic. Mew York City. BUCHANAN BROS. PAINTERS, Pipe! RsDpn, Onlsm, Dmratms, ale. aiiiipiiB(<riiBslr»IDMrBlulwiilL bll- BuleiauileaiHlluKrlilifarolilinl. allmrk - wallaalatnuoaikl.grim UU but the main eipenae, I am told, growl iwvru ui<i>t;;iwu uj .uwKBoaa naoitoai out of the attempt! which bare been Oilcloth, Matting, Mttir. Uug«, BedHpriagi, Window StudM, «ic, In «ndl«ti uriety r <' llllllk ' ' • take the responsibility.' nude to block tbe little game of It " "{ LOW PUICE9. .Andrew .Taukson was, in my opinion, stalwart catfish which comes up the big tlio pirntr.it man that ever h>«d." drain pipe from the Potomac, half a Such were very nearly the words of tbe mile off, and eate up the spawn of tbe I editor of tliu "Globe," whose business gold flih. It h u been tbecustom to was for years to put QeneralJacknon'i, drain the pond andmake a raid upon thoughts into the form of editorial! him three or four times a year. In articles. The other estimate was that each cue, of course, he has quietly ofoldIIaunah,thefaUhfulandfavorit6 gone down thedrain to bii native •t the prices Qoodi dellrwed tra of charge to *uj psrt of UJQ State. 0wdll"ti*t AMOS H. VAN HORN, 73 CASTOR IA tot Inftinte «nd Ohlldran. , v o r l t e servant of the Hermitage all her days. She funded that borne one inthe com- pany smiled derisively at an anecdote which she related of Ueneral Jackson. She flretl np and•poke thus: "We black folks Is twnnd to speak high for old mnwster. He was food to w. You know what he was to you and roust speak acconlin'. lint tot ll Boundto tprak liijli Tor Mai/' A Gorcrsar'a alBval CaaiaiifilaBl. The royal commission of Denalof Wentwortli, Governor of the proviaee of Xcw-llampihire from 1741to1W7, has recently been fonni In tin Ports- mouth Atlienaum. It appears that II (•a PJWB Ooann, m Iwata BBSstV K t D. 8. MORRISON'S, SHIUX St., Dovir, N. J, USJS1WS7. a* Tonnd aiMur Ui)a|S 70a BMd, laslodlnf -:-STATIONERT-:- 1F KTUT IIKB. Bl.nl Books and U. Jlaak. of III lorn.. Bljlo«r»pblo Faas aDd OMGB, Panclla, Ptaotasrapb anil Autograph Albums, Itnttoa'a Oalebimd Tlolln BlriD», Udlea' todQeala' Polaol lii>«, all tba kad- n> S.II; sad Wnbl; Panri. rail linea ol TobiocoB and aisgara, and H..n«h.am sad Briar Piuc. In firuat w l e l r . House and Lot tor Sale I #3.000. Tbe aalMcriber offer, for aale bi. banae and at OB tBBooneror Bsaaex aad Cllntoo flta., Dorar. P r l n B.OOO. «r wbl.b |3,eOO »a.T . tb. rm^Uxmimgiftm 'Ifa J. J. VREELAND, D0TM,».J. /-kfnCEUl*a.,th. SonrLnknCoai. ! • pftsySMIII. OoataTMtiIftkn %%\4tplm\iaV adlUbalHtaaa. 'lotua/i Biiifk Moms. I"-.. OUNG MEN. Bon, vIMe-fa mm ana nann ladlH traiiMd for a aaeaMsfal Mart la Baalnflaa UI* MOOUUliK 0OLLEM, J01 M JlSBHOid BTUIT, NIW1BI, I. J., Iha Israwt and amiBopalaracfaoollalhlaooanti*. Coane aratadjtooiiiblnnTamrMlh Practice, aj a BJrttB ol Baalnia. Tranaaoilgna t u u l o, 'TalBM. Hoiaeltloaa. lattakn, Ond- CARRIAGE PAINTINQ. CHA8. G. OKIFFKN, oia,rrU|. Palnll.< lirtJablb, river. The Rood we can iccompiish ID thil world .SIHMII; the Rood that all men In nil ages could accomplish If they would ia vast. But inorder that this may be doneeuh working being must aerre his own generation and do his part to l the neit generation more umicient. Gci^'rail Graal*. llaraea. (leiieraU" i^.nt was particularly pinud and fond of his stud of horses. Ilia wur charger was an especial favorite. He look great delight in exhibiting hii horses to his friends with whom he was deposited in that institutkm la was intimate. Once at his stables with 1837, inclosed ta a box made especially far it. It WM platwd I D a drawtt of alcove, and waa known only to a few of the oliidals. Mr. Jai ~ Stanwood, a young gentle a friend he said: "PethapB you would like to see the hone I rode during nil tlie campaigns I commanded?" Tim nnimal was ordered to be brought out. I The gentleman was surprised to Uml ted in antiquarian subject*, white n> the horse no larger than a lady's p;il- ceiitly examining nme old papert auJ frey-Bmnll, Blender, agile-llmbod. bl;ick documitnts that bad been long ago de- j ns » coal, inttliinent, mild, an eye tiki' posited in the athenuum. accid«otiy u Imwk, mid alick on the mane for all found the Wentworth commiiataa,' tli« world like n, boy's cowlick. It WM whicli will be framed and bung upon such an atiiinnl as women and children the wain in the reading room. It is in' would make into a family pet. Tlio a perfect Btnte of preservation, about K gentleman pronounced theiininml ,i il sc;uare, with a pendent wat Of beauty, but expressed a rloulit an ti> its solid wux 5 inches in diameter. mil uolile purposei, widening the men' Inl horizon and eipanding the synpa- .liics, tliat the aeeming trillei of Ufa till iissmiif their true ptoportlona al oiiitol ii ^rcilt and beautiful whola An opportunity ia uifl ft put in toi sweepings: you I'tidurnnce, "Endurance!" said th general, "this animal exceeds in durance any horae-iUyli 1 ever «i\v. is an imported horsu of litie bmed iiml wjis once on Jell Duvis's plantation." Tliis was just before llavi* wiiH i-iiutrlit, nnd tlie visitor saiil, " 1 iiresumc y< would exchange the linrso ['or .T< Davis." " Vou have aaiil it," exeliilin (•rant, u 1 would exdiiinite hliu for his old master," " hut for nothing elst who laid secured tiie jiosition of seeyud Btiward to tlie crown, stole twelve jtlles of the prmmia uti^Utr anil re- lai^ci tliese with twelve nf an inlVi-ior nrllrle. Th«H) twelve bottles he bruugt with liim to Aiui'riea ill tlie yrar I7'JJ. eoniiiiiiiiiciited tiie nature of liii spi'i-iiil treasure to liis most trust«d friend, Henry Coatwur. Tlie cupidity und avarice of the latter ovcrnu wered liis reason, and hn kille<l Huufortt; to seeure the wine. Tim deed WHH no soinier done tliau ho feared the vense- aneii of the law, and resolved to |]y to tfstaiit parts, for a time at least, until lie oxeltemeiit of the murder would lie out iiefore leaving lie buried. I ho .welve Lotties with tbeir liistoiy fur among lie I<UIIH uf alt undent oak. l'ifty years after, on ujirootini tlii^ hunit ^1'ev, it iittNij' tuIivt'HrtVil mon found the treasure and took witli him when hemigrated to Utah. When llrlghum Young win made acquainted witli tlie nature of tlie valuable art iele contained ill tlie twelve b'>tlie», he informed the owner tin tind hud made himtlie instrument to Iiml this treasure that he might give it to the head of the church, aud forth- with took tlie vintage. Tim wine was in turn stolen from ISriKhHin i>y mi apostali; Muriiwn, wli bronchi it ti> Jloiitiuia, and on hii deatli-bed, at the mining einnii ol l'ioncer, he bequeutlieil to ,1. A. Mu tliis wine of BIICII tin eventful liintury us a testimonial of his gratitude to thai gentleman for Iiis having loaned him &5O1I al one time for the iiurposo of calling a hand for Julius Levy, by whieh he took down B pot containing HIMSM'. wf the Feel What are tlio mojt frei|iif nt illsmnes of tlie imilsy Well, corrugated nails arc much more frequent on the toes tliau mi the hands. Occasionally every nail will be threaded witli rough lines, nuil the color of the enlirc surface yel- low andunhealthy. Another variety uf tliis disease inan nggravBted farm is an appearance of being eroded or worm-eaten and sprinkled over more or leBS with hollow pits. Medicine, ••fortunately, con do very little for this unsightly trouble, which comes from a poor circulation of the blood, resulting from indigestion or malaria, or some chronic defect In the circula- tion. Troubles of this sort aro more frequent among women thanmen. Women, it is well known, are more troubled with cold feet than men, and this difficulty iprlngs from analogous causes. The ladies are most patient customers. They adapt thauseives quite naturally to tho luxury of per- fumed foot bath, or gentle scraping, paring, polishing, and tinting prooWM. We lay the foot on a silken cushion on which resta a fresh linen napkin, and the patient can read, or talk, or erei doze while her feet are being besutlned and doctored. She generally pwrers to talk. She tolls you what a friend of hers had done to her feet, andwhat an accident a cousin of her'« met with, Almost all troubles of the feet an '•necessary. Caution and common sense would have prevented them. Of course there are aomeforms of Jointdia- ease, inflammations and perspirations, for which the posaeaacr Is not directly responsible. If taken in time any trouble of the sort can be cured. Bad aoap 1B the beginning of many evils. Much of the most highly per- fumed ll made from the refute at rendering houses and is full of alkali. Such soaps are likely to produce ths wont forma of cutaneous affections. Warn Ike <:«•* CiltBtaaCnaw Pnaa. The country boy or girl Is face to race with practical realities, lie now slowly money is made on the farm; he Is taught from youth up the need of economy; he has the nature of iving lirst explained to him every day in the week; he Is not exposed to the temptation of the saloon or ball- room and he is not so much of a lady's man before he has occasion to uso a zor on hia dowuy cheeks. lie may i a trifle rude; he may not feel easy In company, but in the long, closely contested race of life it is the chap that trndges to school barefooted in summer .iiid in stogus in winter, whose mother IB Ills hair with the sheep-Bhears, ho leads the chap that goes to tba ty school with t!iostarched shirt 'rout nnd fancy slippers, and whose icatl is shaved with a lawn mower at lie barber simp. CQLVOBED atEK OF AM>U7BirCE. WoBjcrhil Pr«B*reas Mad.fcr••* CoU orc«l Race Iu Tea Year*. The facts arc, tiio colored nice, hag been making enormous strides in tho way ul money getting during the past tun years. Why, in the (!ity of Wash- ington to-iby, a city in whieh the Emancipation i J roclainaUou of 23 years ago found less tliau adozen free blacks, tin-re are 101 colored men who pay taxes on abovi: ^5,000 each. Tlie author of tin, standard liiatory of tlio African ice in Auitriciusworth810,0f«. Hon. < rewarded hj Fnderii* Douglaia lias. 8*0,000. Bo*, ton has a colored merchant tailor who clothes the Heacou Hill aristocracy and does a business of 6350,0110 a year. Ho was nnce a slave, and followed bher- nimi and his troops on their march to tlie sea. When hereached Charleston Ms worldly possessions were a suit of An iniprlnrlpled vl ' rv r "IS8e<l clothes and 2K cents, le of iluiifurte, ^' 1(s l lr< -'sent Tax Collector of tho District of Columbia, himself a colored man, pays tales on *3J0,OOi). New Vnrk had a colored druggist who died recently leaving I*I,IIIO,<KIU, ami a son- in-law worth M5u,uuu. The <i-lnH.-(t States JliuiBlor to Ilayti has «To,lMl. Leas than ouc hundred colored men ill I'illsburg pay taxes on a combine! property valuation of *2,5oO,OU). fiiK-iuuuti has a colored furniture dealer whose ckeck is good any day for Mfu.OOO. Twenty-three years ago lie vus a Kentucky slave. Tlie lite Hob- irt Cordon owncit more tliau a score of four-story residences at the time of liis death. One day he entered a Cin- cinnati bunk and naked for government bonds. Thecashier did not know him, nd when he handed out liis check for 4-l",oia3 he appealed to the president of '.!•>! Ii.'LiiK*. ':-.•.:': .•^. l ^\lni bomin," said tlie latter; "he can draw Ills checkfor tim times that sum." Buffalo has ll; New Orleans, 48; rhiladelphia, (H; Chicago, 22; Louisville, 8; Charleston, 12; Atlanta, 4, aid I'ittsburg has 11 colored men who pay taxes on more than »lO,mo each andnever think of attending the sittings of the court of tax appeals Up to the failure of Uie Fmdmen's Savings Bank the colored peopie of the South had deposited therein 035,000,4)00. This lum is in ad- dition to the amounts deposited by them in other banking Imtitutionn The colored residents of New York City are assessed for over 96,000,000. Col- ored men own property on Long Island to tlie value of »2,SJO,000. In South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi the colored people are buying for themselves small farms, and what it them. AalBnealoaalwtaile. A Swindle recently detected is con- lucted as follows: A check, say for ten ollars, is obtained from a depositor at i bank, and t blank check exactly like the lUled-in check is secured. The two checks are laid one upon tbe other, so that the edges are exactly even. Doth checks are then torn irregularly across, and in such a way that the signature on tho filled check appears on one piece and the amount and name of the payee on the other. The checks having been held together while being torn, of course one piece of the blank check vill exactly lit the other piece of tlio illed check. The swindler then nils in me piece of the blank check with the ime of the payee and the amount to suit himself, Bay live thousand dollnrs, takes it witli the piece of genuine check containing the signature of the bank, and explains that the check was acci- dentally torn. The teller can put the pieces together, and as they lit exactly, chances are that he will think tlio pieces are parts of tbe sumi; check, and become a victim of the swindle. The trick, of course, suggests its own remedy. The teller should refuse to pay anycheck that is mutilated. The origin of the sandwich is gener- illy mcribed tothe Earl of Sandwich, noted gambler. The old Romans, liowever, had something like sand- !S-Jf''.«.3n!ue.li.Jh«j7-" better, they are paying for •lew >ielfco4 or Verliyiai Ugaalarea. A novel application of a recent scien- tific discovery has been tried before the Orphan's Court by Dr. Perelfoi Frazer. gome questions upon checkj and charges upon partnership accounts arose, inconnection with which it was necessary to Bettle the validity of Borne signatures. Instead of resorting to tin testimony of handwriting experts, llr Fraierwas induced to apply the princi- ple of composite photography. the principle was discovered recently by an Englishman named Ualton. and connlsts In producing > photograph which is an embodiment of a number of originals. It la done by taking pho- tograph! of (Uhsubject separately giving each plate, however, but a pro- portionate amount of tbe time nquisiu for IU proper development. In tab way only the features which are In all the originals appear distinctly In tin composite, wall* the exceptions and irnfiuaritle. are lost Tha dlsoovem obtained remarkable reNlU ia MOU- ing types of criminals, persona aWetod with pulmonary troubka, f u l l y like- ana, etc. Dr. rraier waa giveo eujbteea checks aduittedly signed by ths etawkmt, whieh he divided into three group. according to tkealaaof tba haadwrnV Ing. Boms ebecka wen DM* U tbi Mo groups, so that each oot of Ux three composites was made aa froea about a down chetki. Tbenatutiwii that In each on* of ths plates tht atgtuv tun "Clark * Co."wat «artt i at tto dtaUaet, the only ladlitiut tad MftiftaMit lines being about t h t I n t Mtata, Many yean ago a young tui In oa* «f the bank! showed tuck opacity at * teller or eathler talttone of Its eua- lonengot upibaakfor him. Every- thing went on tucwwtully. Then was * habit of landing and borrowing between banks, and tometUm between i and reliable individual*, and toll young cashier had iwh a relation with nan supposed to bt beyond suspicion. On. day this man earn* to himwith a large requeit,no leas than the loanof •lB.OOO, equal to half the capital of the bank, which waaMOO,O0u. strange, he got it, and disappeared not to be round: hit kindred could five no in- •ormation about him; telefrapba, rail- roads, ocean steamers, did not exist to afford inquiry' or punolt. The direc- tors had to be made aware of the loss of half their capital. Their first thought was to reduce their capital to •1(0,000. The young cashier submitted himself to their discretion, but proposed if allowed to goon todevote himself, alibis means andenergies, to the rehabilita- tion of the capital, The director! ac- ceded tohis request The matter was keft quiet. The bank went on suc- cessfully. The cashier paid promptly 9 per cent, dividend en *a»,000, out of •450,000 builneaa. Watching every »Pportunlty to make a penny, at the mil of 15 years he aecompllihed his purpose. The capital of the bank was restored. When be began his task he was 30 yeart old, when he finished It he ought to have been In the prime of life, only 40, but the incessant strainof hose 15 years left him a wreck, and in less than live yean in the height of his usefulness he tank tohis grave. D*it*B Deiterllr. To watch Quitav*Don deahmlngbii sketches, aaysablognphef.wu enough o make one diuy. Hit angers fairly lew over the surface of the block, and mry time he took afresh one it teemed o bo finished before one had time to retliie what he hud been about This extraordinary quiekntM of execution was outstripped by that of hii imagin- ation, always miles ahead of any pos- sible mechanical work. It teems all ut incredible that tar artist should have been able to »ccomplllh so much In to abort a apace of time. AeonvinC" proof of his extraordinary duplex tanrlvy of lightning like conception and scarcely lest rapid execution was Hut he never in tbote dayi made a •ketch twice mr. Bomt he rani) gUnced at, but threw the block! Midi « IOOII u they nut Cniihad, i n n that hit faithful pencil had txartly repro-

JAMES 8. MELiICK, FURNITURE M CARPET^ - …test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-01-08.pdf · vol xvii dover, morris county. new jersey, saturday, january 8,1887

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M*Mlb*Ml tout •*•. tart**


O n YauMi Moan.Tauaa Nona

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Q.10. o. omum, • . D.,





—(Ml TO—


R O O H . A W A Y . IV. 9.

TO OUii PATRONS.W* haw* aiatic a incrt l nlacllaw la price art all WINTER

proaiafft t» —r a»»—l tahUtg ml tl«t>.

in im»Ka< STOCK or



SHOES;One of the largest manufacture!* in the country, now retiring from

basinets, has cloned out to u« tho followiag JOB LOT of Ladies'FIHE SHOES that we offer at tUe followingMisses' and Ghildren't


6 ii«cu Laillei DmuohtTop Hlippti fiucd BMUiu • ) » ; r«rn»r prlra «!l«i.18 " •• Kid ssd Oast '• 3.00! " " " « -1« " Miinoi Kid l i d dott B>rlug Button, 1.661 " " » •W " Cliiiil'. " " " " " 1.35; . " " 1.IW.

I S * The above we strictly first-class goods in all stylea and widths.Every pair warranted, and we Lave given customers an opportunityseldom offered of being snpplied far below manufacturers cost.


Minn IT m tiu tarn,

Oaraar «f Htetoalletd M a m • * .


I. •.JOLUEY, Proprietor.

%rnun inn,

M M • > 1011111110,


| O . B I I M W I » T H , I . « . .


4HU.THEB Of OEM U D M i n i m i *

A Uil orchanm run<ahe< on .pplln.lloi.


(UTE or auoaaouB a SMITU,)


MO BBOADW.V, N.w York.iMMmaB, Dotcr, N. J

L. W. THURBER.-'paBiwrmDuri o» rcwjL •"*"•

or MO»HI» oorjUTi

- otnaiATD.n.

STATIOKBRYr every idcnptlon, •noli M Dink Book*. Pocket Memnimtjoini, tut Booki, Plotun•ooke, ***Al*e Book! of til klidi; Lowll'. Library ID full; Pens tod Holder., FOMUI,

•lleolon; Writing Piper, Written loki. Slaloi, I'ockot Bnoki, Pen Inifcs; in fact«G»tkiag wbieli la ta be found In • lUtiuDery •tore. TUe abort! goudi viu 1>B

LOTKlit •• ehcip »• the cli»pcet. Q1VE HE A GALL.




Extending their Business!

OPP. D. L. ft W. DEPOT, DOVER. H. I.




A Fight a. ah. tk.ll.u u Oil* M4 . FiarM.

l o . B Crafita.

In Europe long credits linger most ioGermany, one of its poorest countries,aud the only one, except Turkey, where

A combat took place a few u»yi ago in mure credit is still given In retail busi-a building belonging to the U. 6. Fish ness than iu wholesale. Hut even inCommission, at Washington, between 'Uermany the casli system lias latelyt«u littlep«tt»f that institution whott been making considerably way. Onelikes have probably never found them-' great obstacle to it there, as elsewhere,selves iu such close proximity since, tbt i» the shop-keeper himself. He thinksagcsol1 feathcrloss birds, winged rep- the casli system lowering to the dignitytiles and wcb-fouteil quadrupeds. The of his establishment, or wanting in r»

JM, and tlie victor as well, was snect to Ms customers; ha believesbenewly arrived nils (pronounced has a better huhl on the ninliiiiumce o!

ill monster from tbe Gila lliver, in their custom and is liable to sell moreArizona-the only species of lizard to them if they keep an account withwhose bite Is known to be poisonous— him, and he knows he can charge themand the victim was • two-year-old a better price by reiisou of the accomo-alligator from Florida. The minuter datum. It is usually supposed that thel» fourteen inches long and about twice credit system Is advantageous to thetho weight of iiis antagonist. Both; shopkeeper, this, however, miiy bereptiles were in a semi-torpid condition, i doubted, but there can be no questionhaving ceased to take food a week ori that the abolition of the system oltwo ago, and for some purpose they, shop credits woulilbs an unmixed lime-luul been removed from tbelr glass' lit to mankind. Producers' credits maycasos and placed beside cavil other upon' lead to occasional overtrading,' but it is


the stone floor. An attendant inad-vertently touched the alligator's tailind caused him to move aluggUhlyimvurd a few indies, where lie came InontncL with the blunt nose of the

monster. The Bnakj eyea of the latterlighted up with B gleam of maUtrol-ence, its black eyes opened wide,ami itsjaivs dnged with s snap upon the fore!>u\v of the alligator. The prisonerlevi'loped unexpected activity, and,lioufli taken at a sail disadvantage,

at leasta means of immensely increas-ing produttion and wraith, throughbringing capi ta l -not int.it lielng, butwhat prauiticully la an guml-InUi IIBP,and transfering it from liunils Unitcannot handle it into hanils that ran.Hut consumers' credit carries no ad van-tage whatever, unless in individualcaseB of temporary emhairassinent forwhich better provision ini^ht be niaiiuotherwise. I ts general effect is totempt tho weaker «ort ol persiuis to

mudufut a time a gallant fight for its jliv« above their menus, mutlibrt d llf It tibi-rt y mid life. Its movements were i rest of us pay the piper lot them in tin

•'" ' '" ' " • "'• ' ' enhanced prices of all «e buy. On.


kM engaged In the ciwl bunliicK*, and will keep the

bert gmdett ol CO A L «r nil klnd». They will «IKO keep

Fire, (^iiumoii and Front Hrlck. Lime, Planter, «hore

Hand, renent, Maiom' Matorlali. Fertilizers. At.

nlee Man a SaMrtpn <™m s




nirirTiniiPiiiDOVER, N.J.

CM*™ s n t ; . A. Ijtm'i ston, •»». BMt-tBix.

4lBfr<aaaallr«ILAr WOOD f a t s * .

L F. JOLLEY 4 Co.,

Lamps. Paints, Oils, t cA1u avgeiU for

P A I R B A N K V BGAKKB,t( maatMtanrt yrieet. Ato meite far

EwtiGkiiiBidntFii)!wUA an tba teal pni.li. ia tbe aurkat.






. WltHTON,UMMt MD MR HOOt at <at HtM.




uufui in BD maur.nunr ooirmaoiow. «nn»o u>





Ntttantl Uniin Buk.Von*, K. J., D M . 10th, IMS.

Tba a m u l Mtt i ig of tbe atockhiMtn «f(lala Bmk Tor tha tlMtkm of Dinetoti«UI be

r l l tk > » l . IWli «pm tiMi 10


Krtdeiof work wbkb thuir biiNlum.call. for. BUuli UH



HOOFING and JOBBING,•1 all kiajda dme at -hori notitf nuil rt

•hie. You e n •.« - j - «ml * full *U*


H A R D W A R E ,





kia alwara on luad a Urge itosk if


mmt iaianad sljles, bt


STOVES, RANGES.ta.'lals«atarlatraf


T i l AND JAPAN WANE,, Iro,«bi Utdm, iai)



A«d M flro«ri«, ProtUlote u d TableSappllw t t lownt vrieM.


BUILDING LOTSFOR SALE!I hav«! three large

lutH for sale on Ran-dolph Avenue.

f nave three lotsfor sale on Blackwellstreet, near the riverbridge.

T have flfty*ei;htN for rale on Penn

Avenue. U U. 3d,4th. 5th and 6th 8to.

1 will sell any or allof the above cheap forcash; half mortgageor all mortgage, andgive all the time required. Apply to




sly (juick and Its jawslo/.ni times in succession upon tlio

mltnl lm;ul of theassailiHit. It noon,uwever, became exhausted, mid mom-iit like n suffering diild, it relapsed-'-•-./rt-r-.-ilt. The att(!iidai:t3 iou^Eit

\>y u variety of mcam to release thet d l alligutur, but weracompttlled,

us niiiy he Hj]»j»03cd, to be very carefulin liiimllltig the venomous "monster.'HHe wi by tlie tail mid held up

k b th b l r in tin: nir, taken by the bloaturil lituil sevcTOly, pluugwl nmler

ami ninltruatect in other ways,

sharp wires• iml l|n:t!lv ;i

ere thrust into



GRANT MONUMENT FUND.U#e your Brtina %ti Hake MOMJ.

Men, Women, Children, Everybody,


Amos H. Van Horn,73 MABKET ST., lEf i f f i , I . J.



(Wo. pel yard for SO pieces Body Brussels.•1.0(1 p . , .ard lot 2! Pino* V.lrst.

too. p.r i a r j for SO p i n . Tapeatlf Braaatla.OSo. pw yard lot SO pbeaa aU-wad ln^ t i a .


130 per suit far 50 Parlor Suit. In »>p or Raimlatb,| « l per aalt lot 25 Faclor Hail, ia Plo.ae< and Bt> Him,

•TC for Ftrlar Biils, rasace! from two.


»lo for Walant fedroom Suit, Barbie tot, worth »M.|0S for WaUal Btdnttt Suit, Burble lop, worth 175.

«75 I t r Walail Badrttat Hall, aaarbla kv, woatk (loo.


•30l,» anilqw (fck tMrtoat M l , wottk » « .««0 for tatlqa* Oa. tVaVooa Halt, worth »*).

• W rot 4n«qaa Oak tMrooas Unit, wtrlk IDS.


I19.S0 for Aril BMrooai Salt. »30 for Ath Badmeaa 9.B, worth 140.«WfaraablMto«a<itt , wartalU. Wo tar aah Btdnott Bait, worth »75.


»'.'I for Chtrrf Bedroom (tail,IMfrOk

(MfoiOkorrrIMnuaBill, woitb«75.

Mi, worlh(H).


115 par tail tor M I t taseM Badraoaa M i a la data Ikaat oat.


(15 will bar a tool Hair ataKraaa, warth Ian.#10 wTll but a «ood Hair llaHrtii, worth (IS.

•0 .111 baj a food Hair Top HatWas, warlk ( l a .•8 will bajr a |oo4 Mlirf IbtMaa, wtatk »5.

Ml atock ol Unaini, H.rbl« Top laUaa, Hall 8laaa>, Oktlla, E:Writing D«k., Bookoam, 8 » n l u l « . to , . a«U aaj atttk la IM aHj.


y Imnt in 11n>'il l

i '11'ort,

:i I In' ii:iii' were rciilnci'd in thois I'iisnwIifcU hild bee 11 (iccnpiotl li

llif iiiciistor, aud ii£i..u tlie itlli^iti'vvid its itniffffle, tlirnsliinj tltny with its tail mid snapping at

with its jaws. In i ts Btriintfk's It hniicaU-J its phoulilor and its irn-

prisoned limb became limp and power-less. Its inoanii.ua were |>itiful, andthd iittciidiintv were moved to r

'Wftl efforts t o effect a Bejiaratio'I'lic (rowel was relntroducud Into tlienintisttcr'a mouth WHIL no very gentle

i3ta ami probably <>iFt'ek'(l a Rtivcruwound iti some tendur part, ltubblusof greyish slime were exuded fro:

IOUIIL and nostrils, and ihmlly tliu jawaslowly opened. Even then it wiia awork of several mintit#3 to dlsen^tgetho hookt!<i fangs fniiu tlie woimdud


The combatants were planed in theirseparate receptacle?, the momter lap-

.ITIB- his thick \y\\w\i \\\n with liis.-riwii-«h iurknd tongue, while the alligator

cloned it-* eyes, i*r.b;tb]y lit die of theveiiDiu in iU system.

Tk«( k a a Ikat Krcr Llrca."ca.I'nrton, in a contribution to the

Ameriran Agriculturist, "The RuralLife of Andrew Jackson," snys that,u going about the Ueneral's

old friends, he was struck with the deepImpression the stem old nun hadmade upon their affections, and copiesfrom hla notes two estimates of Inti-mates. The Ant is by old Mr. Blair,the comiumlon of Jackson during hispresidency. Mr. lllair could not apeakof Andrew Jackson ten minutes withuit emotion bordering upon tears.

"Jackson," said he, "was a man ofabsolute sincerity. There wan no guileIn him. He loved the masses of thapeople witli deep and constant IOTAHe would lave, laid his white head ontlie block, for them. Me was a manwithout fear and without tecreti-openas the day. He never locked a doornor concealed a paper. He was neverpulled up anil never depressed, l i e»as sufllcient for himself at all t lnet .Fighting men loied him and cowardsloved him.Df men. When excited, his old bristles ment thirty dollars apiece per ani

murks without r«t?>vt that the courseof tilings utniins to he .unking fur itssuppression, anil thia iu not tlie kasliiii|roi;tant of the various, successivecontnidictiuna Unit laku 'M^VI i\i Isphere of credit, in (lie progresseconomic development. Ontraut ion otlieHphtru is only om> side, lnnvm>t\ atho evolutluu of erwlit; tlicre iici-uiupiuiiea it an imornxnis prowth of Hifiicilitiea of credit witliiii tinit aplieit.Toor cwnitriesure overrun with credit,nnd stagnate under it; rich <>oniitiiicnt clianiKilB for it, ind guido ntidcoiline it hy severe restraints, till it HowbounteguB tttid tmctable, euriuhiiiK amItvtilizlng everything. The evolutimof liankiiiK mid credit iiiM.itutimi,past and fiituro, is, however, u Hiilijntliat cannot be entered ii]mn ntlln; cuuelusion of a paper nlrendy lonj,'.

Pilf, llrlictiri ' , UHII l.:i|) llngn,Kucellent as n?»training inlliienms,

ns guvfrnliiR powers they would be,And art', simply destructive of alt truemanhood. Tlie one niitiRntes tho HL*-verity of pure justice, tlicmher removesugliness when i t can, sotU'io It wliei t cannot, and t^:uitillci, i>MuntlaI pi>v-ertywith adventitious oriininentiitioii.But where should we be if this pitythis delicacy, had the upper hand, andthe nervous fears nnd relinemuiitH owomen depressed tlio energies of mento a levd witli their own and abolishall the rude and uitriiKlitly activitiesHough and cruel mid ghastly thingamust be done in the world, and jiityfor the individual must not lie EmiTcrtHto interfere with the general good-fo:the most part brought about by the8turil.ee ol the individual. EIBO mustwe go tuck to root eating nnd anbstuntial barbarism. Hut the Individualiz-ing faculty of women conies in to loftunwhat cannot be prevented, aud theirpity restraint unnecessary excess ofnecesury suffering. Thus, each facultyacts u that well worn drag withouiwhich thing! would go too fast, butwith which, ID eiag|eratian, thinga donot go i t ill. For utmiple, rubies maybe prevalent, but tr» largest proportionof the women with favorite Up dog*a n mon indignant because of the JIBcomfort of their own muzzled pets tluuiabletoftppreciite the uselnliiesiof tlitgeneral law.

If polled to-day, that largest propor-tion would rote for the abolition of themuule, no matter what the results tothe community at large, glad to securethe freedom of their own at the expenseof a principle. And what is true ollap dogs i i true of all the rest,

l l F r » « *r Ike Cnpil*!,On the western front of tbe Capitol,

on the wcond terrace, Is a snail ovalpond fenced with high, thick ratlings.In It la a little water, a good deal of iceand a doun or two imall-sind gold


Tw.lv. l'rechm. Uottla Tint ODD. IAcruM Ui. Atlantic.

J. A. Murray, of Uutte, Montana, iatliu possessor of twelvis iiottles of winewitli a history. The tarlient known oftiiis wine is tlutt it was found in uuutitrmiicnn vault inside a sealed utoiirt:njitacle, in a .i,-.,iiislical liiiinastery,tliaL was deinolisliediliuiiiga loeal feudainoiiB religious faualies. It «o ban-pened tlillt the eye of nil epicurean fellupon it and In; secured it as tlie HUM

aluiiliie of the treasures, uml curriedit into 1'olulid; preieliled it t o til

cruwu.fnr which h«the highest honors and titles tinconid lie (Minferml ti]>uit an ordinary(jitiaesi. At tin- iniiiriaKr of the I'liii-

UBB JJeclierniz of roland to tli« heirapimrent of the crown of France, the•nlv remaining lianket of this iiruvWsrlntage was ipivsented to tlie prince forheiiiijttial occJinioii,idvctitnrer by the n;

He was the most eloquent ush. I tm told that It costs the govern-

TtWu, hook anil lie thrilled tha nenfs at no to keepthow Bsh. Of coune, they k motlwr man did Iu th tak l i to be lei and for d t k t fotlier man did. Ia the bank affair, asin other measures, h« was alone,against friends and lorn. Members of

to be fed, cared for and taken out ofthe pond when It freezes eolld, indboarded around until it tbaws •gain;

Tbe JUDOS propooei to tulrit the Onotononicul if ami by orgiuiz 113 n s»ndcurn-

ciliiou 011 vonMini.i) n« (Makingtho ttrRtatumborot Engllili wdtdifi-ou » Riven lenteuce

by tramtporins ami uMtig letten to mil tlalurpatc), nhug for tliu tliemn Jlio 1 nteoee

l l Wbo will IIH nitr auxi Preildctt >" ttnl offtr-fC Ofct-li prize* to inocGtiiftji cbinpiilor*,

acla df wliom will lm*o to pay Fifty (JO cts,npnKDUtloDor htseoupijtilirop^pcr. Till'ohejr r^eifed * ill be appliol aa follows:Twentj-nve cent* ii at ODDU credited to lieram Fun J.Tlio irmninlng twenlf-flTO cent*, iftei de-uoilBK ll.;- liiitttitntte<*V»Mof - J m t litig

oaue. mlU tlteir reipuctlve iniwcM, etc, nte,will bo pliced tn a common food tu b» eqDrtllydivided amorjf the a,x iBceeMfaloompctitorP,1. «., the ilx pcHura tending in (he Urittitlltti of EngiUti woida (proper nontu inclndurl)m m . from (bo tenteBoo "Wbo will bo onr



rttPrt.i.lat?Tbe minBitiHlc of the priiei will depeorf on

hti amount or money received, or in otherord* on tbe nanber ol oompctiton. C mi-anlemboua open until February IStli, 1BB7.o'elofll3 oelofll,

Thli ia not t, new thins. In IBRIUI.1 largeintiof tLdaey btvn bMn railed forCbariiyy Ibla Bellied, aad thote wbo b>*e partin-

Ipfekd and itieldebUlly lidl|Kid 1 *«lliv objectba*o von a priiu ta high at 110,000 u a re-ward Tor tneuUI activity.

Tlio namei of competitor! will ba pnbilfhedw u weak to week in JUIME U lh<tf tiny cone

fn. Tbia will not only itrve u an acknowl-edement or tho receipt of tbo money, etc., butwill alto i t r n to tbow the weekly progrcii or

ic mud. Ooforuing ralet in tbii week'*I Addrcai


Potter Dalldloic. Mew York City.


PAINTERS,Pipe! RsDpn, Onlsm, Dmratms, ale.aiiiipiiB(<riiBslr»IDMrBlulwiilL bll-BuleiauileaiHlluKrlilifarolilinl. allmrk

- wallaalatnuoaikl.grim UU

but the main eipenae, I am told, growliwvru ui<i>t;;iwu uj .uwKBoaa naoitoai out of the attempt! which bare been

Oilcloth, Matting, Mttir. Uug«, Bed Hpriagi, Window StudM, «ic, In «ndl«ti uriety r<' l l l l l lk' ' • take the responsibility.' nude to block tbe little game of It" " { LOW PUICE9. .Andrew .Taukson was, in my opinion, stalwart catfish which comes up the big

tlio pirntr.it man that ever h>«d." drain pipe from the Potomac, half aSuch were very nearly the words of tbe mile off, and eate up the spawn of tbe

I editor of tliu "Globe," whose business gold flih. It h u been tbe custom towas for years to put QeneralJacknon'i, drain the pond and make a raid uponthoughts into the form of editorial! him three or four times a year. Inarticles. The other estimate was that each cue, of course, he has quietlyofoldIIaunah,thefaUhfulandfavorit6 gone down the drain to bii native

•t the pricesQoodi dellrwed tra of charge to *uj psrt of UJQ State. 0wdll"ti*t


CASTOR IAtot Inftinte «nd Ohlldran.

, v o r l t eservant of the Hermitage all her days.She funded that borne one in the com-pany smiled derisively a t an anecdotewhich she related of Ueneral Jackson.She flretl np and •poke thus: "Weblack folks Is twnnd to speak high forold mnwster. He was food to w. Youknow what he was to you and roustspeak acconlin'. l int tot l l Bound totprak liijli Tor Mai/'

A Gorcrsar'a alBval CaaiaiifilaBl.

The royal commission of DenalofWentwortli, Governor of the proviaeeof Xcw-llampihire from 1741 to 1W7,has recently been fonni In tin Ports-mouth Atlienaum. It appears that II

(•a P J W B Ooann, m Iwata BBSstV K t

D. 8. MORRISON'S,SHIUX St., Dovir, N. J,

USJS1WS7. a* Tonnd aiMur Ui)a|S 70a BMd,laslodlnf

-:-STATIONERT-:-1F KTUT IIKB. Bl.nl Books and U .

Jlaak. of III lorn.. Bljlo«r»pblo Faas aDdOMGB, Panclla, Ptaotasrapb anil AutographAlbums, Itnttoa'a Oalebimd Tlolln BlriD»,Udlea' todQeala' Polaol l i i>« , all tba kad-n> S.II; sad Wnbl; Panri . rail linea ol

TobiocoB and aisgara, and H..n«h.am sadBriar Piuc. In firuat wle l r .

House and Lot tor Sale I

#3.000.Tbe aalMcriber offer, for aale bi. banae and

at OB tBB ooneror Bsaaex aad Cllntoo flta.,Dorar. Prln B.OOO. «r wbl.b |3,eOO »a.T

. tb. rm^Uxmimgiftm



/-kfnCEUl*a.,th. SonrLnknCoai.! • pftsySMIII. OoataTMtiIftkn %%\4tplm\iaV

adlUbalHtaaa. 'lotua/i• Biiifk M o m s .

I"- . .


Bon, vIMe-fa mm ana nann ladlHtraiiMd for a aaeaMsfal Mart la Baalnflaa UI*MOOUUliK 0OLLEM, J01 M JlSBHOidBTUIT, NIW1BI, I . J., Iha Israwt andamiBopalaracfaoollalhlaooanti*. CoanearatadjtooiiiblnnTamrMlh Practice, aj aBJrttB ol Baalnia. Tranaaoilgna tuu l o,

'TalBM. Hoiaeltloaa. lattakn, Ond-



oia,rrU|. Palnll.< lirtJablb,


The Rood we can iccompiish ID thilworld .SIHMII; the Rood that all men Innil ages could accomplish If they wouldia vast. But in order that this may bedoneeuh working being must aerrehis own generation and do his part to

l the ne i t generation more


Gci^'rail Graal* . llaraea.(leiieraU" i^.nt was particularly pinud

and fond of his stud of horses. Iliawur charger was an especial favorite.He look great delight in exhibiting hiihorses to his friends with whom he

was deposited in that institutkm la was intimate. Once at his stables with1837, inclosed ta a box made especiallyfar it. It WM platwd I D a drawtt ofalcove, and waa known only to a fewof the oliidals. Mr. Jai ~Stanwood, a young gentle

a friend he said: "PethapB you wouldlike to see the hone I rode during niltlie campaigns I commanded?" Timnnimal was ordered to be brought out.

I The gentleman was surprised to Uml

ted in antiquarian subject*, white n> the horse no larger than a lady's p;il-ceiitly examining n m e old papert auJ frey-Bmnll, Blender, agile-llmbod. bl;ickdocumitnts that bad been long ago de- j ns » coal, inttliinent, mild, an eye tiki'posited in the athenuum. accid«otiy u Imwk, mid a lick on the mane for allfound the Wentworth commiiataa,' tli« world like n, boy's cowlick. It WMwhicli will be framed and bung upon such an atiiinnl as women and childrenthe wain in the reading room. It is in ' would make into a family pet. Tlioa perfect Btnte of preservation, about K gentleman pronounced the iininml ,ii l sc;uare, with a pendent wat Of beauty, but expressed a rloulit an ti> its

solid wux 5 inches in diameter.

mil uolile purposei, widening the men'Inl horizon and eipanding the synpa-.liics, tliat the aeeming trillei of Ufatill iissmiif their true ptoportlona aloiiitol ii rcilt and beautiful whola

An opportunity ia uifl ft put in toisweepings: you

I'tidurnnce, "Endurance!" said thgeneral, "this animal exceeds indurance any horae-iUyli 1 ever «i\v.

is an imported horsu of litie bmed iimlwjis once on Jell Duvis's plantation."Tliis was just before llavi* wiiH i-iiutrlit,nnd tlie visitor saiil, " 1 iiresumc y<would exchange the linrso ['or .T<Davis." " Vou have aaiil it," exeliilin(•rant,u 1 would exdiiinite hliu for hisold master," " hut for nothing elst

who laid secured tiie jiosition of seeyudBtiward to tlie crown, stole twelve

jtlles of the prmmia uti^Utr anil re-lai^ci tliese with twelve nf an inlVi-ior

nrllrle. Th«H) twelve bottles he bruugtwith liim to Aiui'riea ill tlie yrar I7'JJ.

eoniiiiiiiiiciited tiie nature of liiispi'i-iiil treasure to liis most trust«dfriend, Henry Coatwur. Tlie cupidityund avarice of the latter ovcrnu weredliis reason, and hn kille<l Huufortt; toseeure the wine. Tim deed WHH nosoinier done tliau ho feared the vense-aneii of the law, and resolved to |]y totfstaiit parts, for a time at least, untillie oxeltemeiit of the murder wouldlie out iiefore leaving lie buried. I ho.welve Lotties with tbeir liistoiy fur

among l i e I<UIIH uf alt undentoak. l'ifty years after, on ujirootinitlii^ hunit ^1'ev, it iittNij' tuIivt'HrtVilmon found the treasure and tookwitli him when he migrated to Utah.

When llrlghum Young win madeacquainted witli tlie nature of tlievaluable art iele contained ill tlie twelveb'>tlie», he informed the owner tintind hud made him tlie instrument toIiml this treasure that he might give i tto the head of the church, aud forth-with took tlie vintage.

Tim wine was in turn stolen fromISriKhHin i>y mi apostali; Muriiwn, wlibronchi it ti> Jloiitiuia, and on hiideatli-bed, at the mining einnii oll'ioncer, he bequeutlieil to ,1. A. Mutliis wine of BIICII tin eventful liinturyus a testimonial of his gratitude to thaigentleman for Iiis having loaned him&5O1I a l one time for the iiurposo ofcalling a hand for Julius Levy, bywhieh he took down B pot containing

HIMSM'. wf the Feel

What are tlio mojt frei|iif nt illsmnesof tlie imilsy Well, corrugated nailsarc much more frequent on the toestliau mi the hands. Occasionally everynail will be threaded witli rough lines,nuil the color of the enlirc surface yel-low and unhealthy. Another varietyuf tliis disease in an nggravBted farmis an appearance of being eroded orworm-eaten and sprinkled over moreor leBS with hollow pits. Medicine,

••fortunately, con do very little forthis unsightly trouble, which comesfrom a poor circulation of the blood,resulting from indigestion or malaria,or some chronic defect In the circula-tion. Troubles of this sort aro morefrequent among women than men.Women, it is well known, are moretroubled with cold feet than men, andthis difficulty iprlngs from analogouscauses. The ladies are most patientcustomers. They adapt thauseivesquite naturally to tho luxury of • per-fumed foot bath, or gentle scraping,paring, polishing, and tinting prooWM.We lay the foot on a silken cushion onwhich resta a fresh linen napkin, andthe patient can read, or talk, or ere idoze while her feet are being besutlnedand doctored. She generally pwrers totalk. She tolls you what a friend ofhers had done to her feet, and what anaccident a cousin of her'« met with,

Almost all troubles of the feet a n'•necessary. Caution and common

sense would have prevented them. Ofcourse there are aomeforms of Jointdia-ease, inflammations and perspirations,for which the posaeaacr Is not directlyresponsible. If taken in timeany trouble of the sort can be cured.Bad aoap 1B the beginning of manyevils. Much of the most highly per-fumed ll made from the refute atrendering houses and is full of alkali.Such soaps are likely to produce thswont forma of cutaneous affections.

Warn Ike <:«•* CiltBtaaCnaw Pnaa .The country boy or girl Is face to

race with practical realities, l i enow slowly money is made on thefarm; he Is taught from youth up theneed of economy; he has the nature of

iving lirst explained to him everyday in the week; he Is not exposed tothe temptation of the saloon or ball-room and he is not so much of a lady'sman before he has occasion to uso a

zor on hia dowuy cheeks. l i e mayi a trifle rude; he may not feel easy

In company, but in the long, closelycontested race of life it is the chap thattrndges to school barefooted in summer.iiid in stogus in winter, whose mother

IB Ills hair with the sheep-Bhears,ho leads the chap that goes to tbaty school with t!io starched shirt

'rout nnd fancy slippers, and whoseicatl is shaved with a lawn mower atlie barber simp.


WoBjcrhil Pr«B*reas Mad. fcr • • * CoUorc«l Race Iu Tea Year*.

The facts arc, tiio colored nice, hagbeen making enormous strides in thoway ul money getting during the pasttun years. Why, in the (!ity of Wash-ington to-iby, a city in whieh theEmancipation iJroclainaUou of 23 yearsago found less tliau adozen free blacks,tin-re are 101 colored men who paytaxes on abovi: 5,000 each. Tlie authorof tin, standard liiatory of tlio African

ice in Auitriciusworth810,0f«. Hon.< rewarded hj Fnderii* Douglaia lias. 8*0,000. Bo*,

ton has a colored merchant tailor whoclothes the Heacou Hill aristocracy anddoes a business of 6350,0110 a year. Howas nnce a slave, and followed bher-nimi and his troops on their march totlie sea. When he reached CharlestonMs worldly possessions were a suit of

An iniprlnrlpled v l ' r v r"IS8e<l clothes and 2K cents,le of iluiifurte, ^'1(s llr<-'sent Tax Collector of tho

District of Columbia, himself a coloredman, pays tales on *3J0,OOi). NewVnrk had a colored druggist who diedrecently leaving I*I,IIIO,<KIU, ami a son-in-law worth M5u,uuu. The <i-lnH.-(tStates JliuiBlor to Ilayti has «To,lMl.Leas than ouc hundred colored men illI'illsburg pay taxes on a combine!property valuation of *2,5oO,OU).

fiiK-iuuuti has a colored furnituredealer whose ckeck is good any day forMfu.OOO. Twenty-three years ago lievus a Kentucky slave. Tlie lite Hob-irt Cordon owncit more tliau a score

of four-story residences at the time ofliis death. One day he entered a Cin-cinnati bunk and naked for governmentbonds. The cashier did not know him,

nd when he handed out liis check for4-l",oia3 he appealed to the president of'.!•>! Ii.'LiiK*. ':-.•.:': .•^.l^\lni bomin," saidtlie latter; "he can draw Ills check fortim times that sum." Buffalo has ll;New Orleans, 48; rhiladelphia, (H;Chicago, 22; Louisville, 8; Charleston,12; Atlanta, 4, a i d I'ittsburg has 11colored men who pay taxes on morethan »lO,mo each and never think ofattending the sittings of the court oftax appeals Up to the failure of UieFmdmen's Savings Bank the coloredpeopie of the South had depositedtherein 035,000,4)00. This lum is in ad-dition to the amounts deposited bythem in other banking ImtitutionnThe colored residents of New YorkCity are assessed for over 96,000,000. Col-ored men own property on Long Islandto tlie value of »2,SJO,000. In SouthCarolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabamaand Mississippi the colored people arebuying for themselves small farms, and

what itthem.

AalBnealoaalwtai le .A Swindle recently detected is con-

lucted as follows: A check, say for tenollars, is obtained from a depositor at

i bank, and t blank check exactly likethe lUled-in check is secured. The twochecks are laid one upon tbe other, sothat the edges are exactly even. Dothchecks are then torn irregularly across,and in such a way that the signatureon tho filled check appears on one pieceand the amount and name of the payeeon the other. The checks having beenheld together while being torn, ofcourse one piece of the blank checkvill exactly lit the other piece of tlioilled check. The swindler then nils inme piece of the blank check with the

ime of the payee and the amount tosuit himself, Bay live thousand dollnrs,takes it witli the piece of genuine checkcontaining the signature of the bank,and explains that the check was acci-dentally torn. The teller can put thepieces together, and as they lit exactly,

chances are that he will think tliopieces are parts of tbe sumi; check, andbecome a victim of the swindle. Thetrick, of course, suggests its ownremedy. The teller should refuse topay any check that is mutilated.

The origin of the sandwich is gener-illy mcribed to the Earl of Sandwich,

noted gambler. The old Romans,liowever, had something like sand-!S-Jf''.«.3n!ue.li.Jh«j7-"

better, they are paying for

•lew >ielfco4 or Verliyiai Ugaalarea.

A novel application of a recent scien-tific discovery has been tried beforethe Orphan's Court by Dr. PerelfoiFrazer. gome questions upon checkjand charges upon partnership accountsarose, in connection with which it wasnecessary to Bettle the validity of Bornesignatures. Instead of resorting to tintestimony of handwriting experts, llrFraierwas induced to apply the princi-ple of composite photography.

t h e principle was discovered recentlyby an Englishman named Ualton. andconnlsts In producing > photographwhich is an embodiment of a numberof originals. I t la done by taking pho-tograph! of ( U h subject separatelygiving each plate, however, but a pro-portionate amount of tbe time nquisiufor IU proper development. In t a bway only the features which are In allthe originals appear distinctly In tincomposite, wall* the exceptions andirnfiuaritle. are lost Tha dlsoovemobtained remarkable reNlU ia M O U -ing types of criminals, persona aWetodwith pulmonary troubka, f u l l y like-

ana, etc.

Dr. rraier waa giveo eujbteea checksaduittedly signed by ths etawkmt,whieh he divided into three group.according to tkealaaof tba haadwrnVIng. Boms ebecka wen DM* U tbiMo groups, so that each oot of Uxthree composites was made aa froeaabout a down chetki. Tbenatutiwiithat In each on* of ths plates tht atgtuvtun "Clark * Co." wat «artt iat t t o dtaUaet,the only lad l i t iut t ad MftiftaMitlines being about tht I n t Mtata,

Many yean ago a young t u i In oa*«f the bank! showed tuck opacity at *teller or eathler t a l t t o n e of Its eua-l o n e n g o t u p i b a a k f o r him. Every-thing went on tucwwtully. Thenwas * habit of landing and borrowingbetween banks, and tometUm between

i and reliable individual*, and tollyoung cashier had i w h a relation with

nan supposed to b t beyond suspicion.On. day this man earn* to him with alarge requeit,no leas than the loan of•lB.OOO, equal to half the capital ofthe bank, which waaMOO,O0u. strange,he got it, and disappeared not to beround: hit kindred could five no in-•ormation about him; telefrapba, rail-roads, ocean steamers, did not exist toafford inquiry' or punolt. The direc-tors had to be made aware of the lossof half their capital. Their first thoughtwas to reduce their capital to •1(0,000.The young cashier submitted himselfto their discretion, but proposed ifallowed to goon todevote himself, alibismeans and energies, to the rehabilita-tion of the capital, The director! ac-ceded to his request The matter waskeft quiet. The bank went on suc-cessfully. The cashier paid promptly9 per cent, dividend en *a»,000, out of•450,000 builneaa. Watching every»Pportunlty to make a penny, at themil of 15 years he aecompllihed hispurpose. The capital of the bank wasrestored. When be began his task hewas 30 yeart old, when he finished It heought to have been In the prime oflife, only 40, but the incessant strain ofhose 15 years left him a wreck, and in

less than live yean in the height of hisusefulness he tank to his grave.

D*it*B Deiterllr.To watch Quitav*Don deahmlngbii

sketches, aaysablognphef.wu enougho make one diuy. Hit angers fairlylew over the surface of the block, andmry time he took afresh one it teemedo bo finished before one had time to

retliie what he hud been about Thisextraordinary quiekntM of executionwas outstripped by that of hii imagin-ation, always miles ahead of any pos-sible mechanical work. It teems all

ut incredible that tar artist shouldhave been able to »ccomplllh so muchIn to abort a apace of time. AeonvinC"

proof of his extraordinary duplextanrlvy of lightning like conceptionand scarcely lest rapid execution wasHut he never in tbote dayi made a•ketch twice m r . Bomt he rani)gUnced at, but threw the block! Midi« IOOII u they n u t Cniihad, i n n thathit faithful pencil had txartly repro-

waEtmNmA.The Qivar L'rinUn^ Company

K'lLimiiiy, Jiiii. v i s s i .H E VKUfcCllfclift ON Uk-VIVALS.

nMu.hl i iv . ii " r t ] , 1 lir

A SAFE HOMEFOa THEDBEW LIMABY.lI'ti.l.niitieily uu.- .,f il,.. IIIO»( Ix-unlilul!

« S T atOBSIS,

owing «iltir(-r.. urn- ri,

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;,|,pn.n,l I.. IN- fa

r.-[...rt u\a iu t . - | iu«M tta»- 1 >1 p.'rsi.-l).

t h r Itcv-. M. - - I - . \Uu-f. Sjn lln I - I IT , H,t!li:

VtAW nail lt..ln-r«.'.ti).



mill ilici


u l l h r h i l l

< 1 . 1 . . ' k - '

. 1 1 * 1 . l l l . ' <

,• I 'n- i . !

;v A. J l u

A, B Van Horn »ndII/I l i . Van llt.ru1!, )>t•t-.

nl, \i-ttiirt. (ill N.-H- Vi:ilf'.- fVr. 'I In-

inn twi-. hi- iimnwl ilii.nr-r It- lii* M.'ik«.

iUi Uiiully lit .iillunli i»n iii'i.i

.Ml li.i

ni.ti vi-rr quietlj.il1"1"1 t'njojtwnuv«.l t,f tkr ^rivi

n.'> "1 HIP wither .- I tiiur at V«t-

f.v Vi-:ir'( ew.!t I.IM' been catch-. I . ' N i-jk-o. HDUIV


lulling mill

Fur yold, erutt|i, U>tctbr«»t >wc Di\ T

tad get tin1 genuine.


tare 0ffcoliUr«r,SWEIA 8TKLET, POVJIE, N. J

HkiritaUriiiicr tuajr toonlrri!ta*ieam.i'](;over. Wimldtv flunk1

tuoK. Orders (cr n|j kiuJf of m.i tally tod Drdmpllyeuicuieil. Onaincfnallitsbnnebe*. Pric-pus

Aiiniii AmltTHun,Kiitii- Ilinucy,Drill if vl llrnwu,UrH. A. Jl llnltuu,Mr i n n l l

t lUrrr.N.J.,K. .1.. .Til", tiilt. 18h7.

MIIL'IIII! 1-von.Amlivw MHJiill,

Hiii-V Milkiit. 'Ju-.'Unuillawl,j \ . l». SillltlfID,

jerry i. .aiming, Mr*. K. Villa.To obtain any >f IUt a»nve letters a»j '•«

mi.Md"and gi»e date of this lirt.o. c. m>;mnuK. v, M.

li'Jiili' ; Win. II,

Us. l.nui- Hi

.1 K. K1..IL-M

e Wil-Tr. K.

mtil I', (' sii.it

, Mr. Van II. it

. h.


11,. I, ill) ill"1


ilMvllif!. t t l l j

lil-i-lvi-K , lhlM:l | . - | ,,[,

hfn^ ln'iti-r. it wuiiU i!n t

smy amciUHl nf State :,td.

i SiUn-rilit rmk-iit |>nlili»1i I.

drliiKiui'iit [ilu.v'H in tin.- ]or

»i*i* •iill nlivaily liiive Ivii

TheTh« Martii Pl

* i s ive iy iiti.lialiilit

il.~M.iil m:.l t

tb<- NV

face, iM'Inrrliiui;, n iliiticitU problem in

riu« uiiiltrcultutnt uf tliii lu.-^iif [KI.H ,>(' tlin-

UltXe. Am), an i t i " rfuuitr.l ttiul t ji- i

Bjji-Muf tlipi Munis 1'laiiut As j him |tro[.i.

imkfnruu ai)iin>|uinii)ii tu culnruL'ilmi

m m . Tiie. twll.tinff la Toll, even rrm

aboweil tlinl tlicrr wire upvralv-figbt pi

Jiatietiln in the inHlimtloD, t>r wheme I'III

•urn nf*lil,:iHI tvtis [mill. 1< in iiMuiiiil

JISJIJI nitidh-isfdty. Hist nit «l UI.MI' (...I

or* i 'mwoilitr Kliitr-; itmlii i*m^<'<I

tlity »UiwW Iw i-stlmU'd In tmkiHui

room Unit (boy IWIIJI? hlitsiild lie aval

lor tl««* iinujivr inns'ii* «f our own Mad

IICD of iiiltuildnj: priiiiti1 putipiit" tu

flUI<! liiihHtii- AM 1«in tint tlit inoiii no

private pattern1! wmilil ammiruorUtr a i

/oriiitirlwinir ullnliml ampler n\iaw. tiim

laltei*. Hu lUt) oilier tut nil, it is :iri;ii':<l

tlif Hlutf initfltt !»• I lor ull'inl to *|ivml

•4(H),WKt, in tbcftrtrtlim nfjuMitional 1

StK» tlmn p;i«iin>r the t'»ii-tili>nili[i> n-\

derive)! fioin tlic paring i.jli.-nt*. j | it

t w o that •ttaii.r M tlir mm-jiii.vinj; <I.IIIETI

tbe inititiitimi cic )]O|I<:II«H inpuradlr*.

.r Hn>

ami f retiluicm ««f Hie i

Bias to. Mrly will Uv.

m r t in drsi^tieil h< 1'c

the Inrurubl," inticntu

tliHo w(i» uiislit bo cn

»l V -

rc tnkiu^ tiir ].l:(

n.i(. Ami, If ilu><

. Ir.k

h.V ] i l , - i : l i H l i ; tlilll w i t l i u m a r k

I'- - t l i j i i ' ul ii l i ro i i /e >.'l<M'li M'l

i ' n m l H : l i> l , , ' ,n ,v *f,it i iflt(<«»l

- i i m y r d fnrlKilili*. Mr. Vim

'ii i m u j . k l . l . v | i .VMir] . r i^ ' , l.ul

ni:i!iii|<i<il l.» t. ' iink lii- r l . - tk , fur I in

;t!i[>rci iiilion ol lii->f-ll',.T-t^ Ir. ini 'k" lln

li'ih.il.U' iiii-l liiiH>.t. Mr. \ 'nu Ili inii i

Nirni'iiM' inn! . .iij.ct tr^iili-. ft w. ( . „

Mr. Wm Horn, ;ii',.l di<- ,,li r.\|iriM>i

jrtll III 111' illlr.•ir waa'jd rni'i-il '£\di* Iiiiuir ij'K'HiiiniUs, umi t:nM' H'i'm(tfiil ul ti'iritiirv.


i' 1" IMDU UUV

it'l -ca\M- ()iiil;inil! " Jiilt din! t

Vi'lil.V, n-lir-ti li

Lake II«]Ni

I not Hmil: hf.'iv.m

ii|.inu. ami lie lui[>•

j; tin1 Iwk

! lln'.V

.Kill tlill

. ll t


r [i.i 11;

Judge Magla Will Pro&ably b* 1

,-; . nl|i.T."<ir to .Tu-li.<- ul tl.i. Sii|

an Tui-rc

•uvly l

illi.-r iiK

th.'lnlt.THN'I impiipu

ll mi Uhriylit

. «jl l I r II (,,.|x.h>

l u i i l i . J t i i ! [ ; ( . f ) i I l i

vill do.

ri- *V,!1). It

itnltlir (i.ivcriiitriiii'

I'iirktr, "

ll ' ll, Utlli HI

.•'M I.TIII tlm

WMUj Inn l*»«rt.

• Kn>!im".'rin» nml Mining Jou

icitiC tlm

dtn.M il .1

X... IV Mllwr li

An Augury a»mR FulfiUH.

m tlie lutrt.v-mii) fin.m i.f 1 twin IK r n« liv

icu- ufreclomly. Tpe ].n.mi»« nfits finav «.ii. well earned out. The M-IUIIII d«liii-li, luconliiiji in ihe old ("jyinji. »lapiir Jiiuimrv, wj-eiilj and windy i aud lln

ullillmi of iui>

Ticiinr aTiwi.li.. v. T. F. rbatubera In pi*|i»rio(( a lii-lor

f SputlK.Tl.f KrunUlin Jn>u I'oiiipun.v Mil clii'stiii

llituatlmi-- ti> Kcv. (J. W. l.lnyi), ol Ilium-ill*-, lirooKlt: hltii Sliiii,I Mi S..f<ii»i»toiit i..,, of il, , ] , , ! ai

uo-l iinittiinint ret-i'louli uf llclviileci'. tlit"rti« mi altm-k »riiiiuutu«nin l.i«t wttfc.'I'lii- Ni'iviim I'rf^li.Tierinn t'liiiroltcnlt«ctf

t:<7 hut Suniliiy lor \h>: i-xtinuuiotitneiit itii; debt nf tlif lioanl <if Fore it'll MiseiiiDn.

' tlii- dly niw

.luiili 1. llljMiller, uf

is Nov. Ut I.il7.'i rub-

« |M rJLir I h : INiil

a.lo „ Cbrhtua p- I1iin.;«ir & !\>Ninn.| It. itimiiy rn«it,e -B«1

H-<nliu0u Allam]

-mti- Klif-t

. tl»> ^.Tl

: l i ; tfl«i.f |:l a

fW -.1 IS, un>\ Maumrt l>..Hn l.-n t l ^ i i•mstlina Hii'ilrni. all witliin a Uv Aay».Tbe tmw iiaprr to lie ntnrteil al IIHvitliill iiinkv rifven ni'w»|i.ijier!i luiKtidliwlMirrt'U L'liiuitv. Uu hlmiililu'l l>e Hiirtirii

;; 1 tf tlii- miii]t.v \uu t Iti'iotlilii-Liu tirfori! Linn

more tlmn :i pfrinaiicTit 1TI;III.' li>r ineimilihiuuiif.'.

(Nort—bioce 1 be Itu''win;,1 nut in i\ JIO *liire le#ro(il npos roHaWe outlintlt.r tliai tAdrerthrr ii minKiten in tie prcmiiiCH upWbieli ttn« irtielc i* l>a*pi). 'i'tic- MnnaKrrjtb« Horrid flnloa A*JIIIUI linv.. n<-ier 1IftOjr ttiaufUt of Dftliug fpr nulliln *iuter.-Ed.}

Tk* CraiH of TOOEJ Mr,CoDpc^isan Wifliitin Wnllrr I'Loljis liuc

tvcelfMl a ilf«]>utfU fioui !ii» ton, I'ujit. Jain

BmtildF, «uconiiclr)« bi« «ilc nrrivml a

Th* BrunWMe *t.in«l froui Nor Yuri n yenmgtlut Mirjjiocr, and nailed to Ka liitiil. Itbe BtrnlU of (Ubrnllor, up tlic UHitri-ram-aiATOORII Ihn Sun Connt, theue.. tu Imlin,China, Japan, the Putii«icli MuiiiN, atnl KmPrauciecn. Tlience "lie «tart«il fur a cruiamong ttir Pacific it!(tinl», vbird «nn KIUM*tf«lly fiitnplfttd, nml ti;f jrai-bi, «Licli 1100 fe*-l loDjt, mid uiie of lim Hnent|irirntcrul«T» of E(H slic ortoiii, liaj u(,ir arrive-•aJri.rluCbiii. Cipt. i'l lj.H will now miID a leiourely «ny douu tin- euu>.t nml atouoaCupe Horn. lln vill ii;idi liomn ucit MIIincr. lie frill bate l"»n «Tuy mo rut!Ttio itcuuliUilu Will Lc ttit) (it at Amis tina*llinj( jacbt tlmt ever nintk a circuit of ttirflol*. Al]tbi>Talocli.s<rji!>te«With Mm, t-scfpt otir, IHt the VMWI ut HunFr»ucl*«i» and cane borne. Young CajPhelp* <lo«a D«I ttr* of tbe ae.i lu liw> l«a*lie prujxMta » j u t bnct In upend itoe win*anuluc ibont the W*»t Jwtui Jkliadt, iu•tBiiansiona tbiil bu fall.ertbuuU K i » tpolitic* and accuiapau; liini. lip al«u coleinpUtci ronHrueliug u utt-aui yacbt, amiwautti a few ,tear< ht-ncr, to i;n b.r *ti<ini ot<rtbe aanic route be tiaa juM eailcd iu tbeBrutliilde.


A flit M Tofwlajr pif>l•eue«r Wi41 luggage t'U ou tie tU i t i i t o w U t lU- iteWlitu, in Warrea c^ioty. Tltret«eic utecp in tlic ciwi irbca tli<mt, « d Ihej barely I!>ICU|>CI] ivitli ilirlr liFfcJkod l(i«t a portion of tbeir tlolbliii;. Tbe lireWas canned lij an oil tan Mnjf placed tooalOM: U * utore. The IUM i§ *3,(»»t, aoil |ifaJlj wrtKd Iry Unarmte.

rt utllllnery t'cJxI*

viin* tin- tiuK|.»i"Uy. It inP tlit- SiWfS I

Mrwtini IUKI Krlil» of hip riulit bi.ni)


Tlie Ilncketistosrn UtpuMtcan »n.Ts the new)l. K C'linrrtiio Iwe^ct fd in itnt jiliwe «i lIOT cost over WO (KM, mid tbe coiuiuim-e diiol rx\»et td cxi'ttil fI8.IXXI. Tbo huil.liuj.till be uf brick, itn.l tlie mawiu wurk biBiu^d nt ^l-'/HXi.

A (irh'Kition tit Lif^pttt! Htemnor Co., uj'aternon. veiled Nrwlnti on Mumlar, aud

.ih'M-nii a e.nt ul lite fnur ilrn ruapa'ufnt olllint tirtvu willi liiKiJeniocly niKroi.i.i'd i-optw

i JS|i:iila Slid jjivrn ii Mi|>]>er nt NUI-B'N b"tflTl«- wlfr ot WIIIIHIU II. KtradiT, or W*l«r

tuwo, Sumwi county, ijici) auddculv nn Nal-Wiuk- ' jf i /uuiral pnt-

curd<>u iln way lo tlii church uo

i I.J Mr. HtruderWv* \\s\wfiivr, Mtft. M»Wtt«, but dd l l


denl j of ]ineuiiioula.Hi'iiry Slum-, x Unu^ral Carpciitfrrtvillp,LiW uUvwvlioK lu vlmiv » raw lu bis >4»b)iHdi.j nifilit, VUK atluchi-d b j ttiit niiniHid cornl iu tbf fai'n, One of the ron'ii

oriineDtirei] the cnrtitr at bin l*tl«jv nilruiithrnu((li hi* mw.. It U Icnn-ct tlmt'lie «ilI III.' fi^iitnf thfM'ic.

Tlie funcrulnl M l . ftwiutkliunirr was heldiu (Le l'rt'iib\k-riuri Ctiurcb on TUIMIMV anil

M 1'ajlllj Hlll-n*ltll. IfcV. 11, II, Cullii-llvftfil ii viTvuble KITDKII) fniuitne t r i tI ill*- auil (ii,d will mTf]s visit jon , " rc-.rilitlin Den., MUli cliitp, pail nftbrnrw. Tin* iialltwuri-n wfrell . W. llntit, K.

Diidinm. 0. <.'iM>k umi J. l\,rker. ol S.-bo.ilr.v',»1 II. 1\ lluflurd nml tlljulif tbUplure. Th.-.v werr wb-ctci

by I he i k m w i l . Demli mum bar* Uet i( (tutu |iuiu uutl»HttVfiD)i a* tiu Wai1,1 L that dn-udful di^eii-c, ciiumjiiip

ntf Wih^ li^ld in Q l l r (burette* \l,Uweisk, iu (Jt)«erva»iB o| j(.* F iek »'f iiruvir.

Tlic 11:31 iiiiKuu^'r Uulu wiu dilav.il in•ai-Hilay uuti! 2:30 iu (be aflcrn.xin, nwinn *•fnlglit truln rtianing ciff tint trnrt urar tfat


The rrnmin* of Pin.on DaTPiipurt wenrouglit frnin >'cw York tu Ibis place loimini on Tumdaj. T tc funeral WUN lie Id at

[ho lton* ui M* fiitlier-in-lnw, I 'r. K. C>u tbe nrririt) of tie l:li> tr»iu on thinOirmgio tbf Immediate relating

tlict-urly train from tlic e\iy. It WB»lur ittpiD to nacb U«P wxmci-.••I bad only been airk a nbort tine.

It WMMtivmel; Mid tor MM. OaTCDport, U;hey hud only been married n W lb«e

• ieh J* life. - \ \ e kuow not tbe *!»j

- ft tlic bill. Miiybili.v will . I rh . -n w f l t h m-Just lu |I*-I ri<l « r i l* mir

- I'li-i-. Dmlli-.v S«ntli, of Siuul.Li

\ m s til" i'n-Hjiff. AH it H t k 'i'd liim liiniiiuli a tul.c nu.l il iviil if h \ f f

wn- i,f iTl,,.v a

Hi.i r,NNH' l l l l

i k l i . r

ul (lif inu UDj|d'iiiiiil rii

n , llK.r' ni tin

*M Mi.Hitiiiiij, Oiii


Itll till ' lilin- <

"Muwi'lt'lEiClI'-tlMlll As-I.ei;rJi.i^t ymrr

HUHUtl,i« )iuil

I I t l ilii'.'ii VH.V KII.JII In tlii* iiuriiruliif i^uciui innnf i u vi»).l,vvKfi.. nml | liupiMlin nriiiM-lntiuiiII. i j ' {'tintinn.' In -iirt.ml urn] pio^iMT untilrvi-r.V riiiplnrcuj Ihr cuinpiiliy HIIIIII tu-litirj;lo it. II i- tin- Mtnplrxl n-U-fiilkm nf Ul.cn-1 II Hint I ever lifiinl of. Tu hem tin-

i & F l ia l".'l' *'"w."Kailraad*»nirml bmlth, arc thcuulT tlitnea(,'i/iniiiHu meiiili.T, iittc-r wliiclnu a iiioiiih to tin-1tent.nrcr niij.t fm Hie HitiH'. riii.t i« nil.tH Mfk UT Y.OUIull-ll )ll* IH )>i)ill.v liirrifr.T wiirhinK il»,v, rot- i.

OICI.V Jt'ur. HIP .\Tiirli.l.i-,n froi;1 : In ill

•Itl in Mirli l)U';i -fit

Clmti-U Uilc.I l l

NMivt- li.cu-lin-iIniihlines in tli

On Hiiri-1.iV tin u l l l.^.i'l; i.l I ' II

of ;t

I H.ll

,, ,1 I,

III' I'llilll

lii t l i i . i

.adiei of thllow(«: Ei

r, Vke liictn-

, wlilcb

nmis. Btcvrai

> Numj tli«ii)i« t(

H'rr«:dit,.l. Tlir

i u - i , »i,Uw,

i\\ I)) l)iiu n

"f ll-uokl.vii wll

Ui Wlllllll Wlllllll' n ft-w uii.,ul I,,.,,, p

Ill If. rt:it:il(-r

rile f11:v in., 'U, l,nt.r , I Miu


i ofliuit- lliiirt! Wen ltunl.li> t<r-' fur tin1 KIM fur tho lust tow ilu: ihr liuliday N I M U It1'inli'iivitr lined more to teiid

. w lu id H 1 riiti iM,\Uct.nt tin. ChrMuiiu rurr ta t i i I

K mid tin- fli'nirilliut 1 niulil nu

f tin-in, n* I *ln>

ry pretlj. I aiiiltciided al taunt

lil lil;<- lu bu wriltei

yDr. A . t . r.irjwntt-r i- roul(!iepl»tio|{a trlh

:.> l'hil.i.lrl|ihia iiml WnhliiiiRtitD, D. C. Ue*ill pvalHilily In- fiiriw alutut tw« weeks.

Tim Mioirtf Joatmlu nml M»j Carter, HimMn Eflt.n :tnn Mi-- IMrrii* ItarHa, ull ofvhmii »™ fiui-iiflliii: .li.tiiitt aoboola, apenthi' hnliriaya willi their (liiriDli I t tfala eon-

iIH,IH (, hi,

.Mr. C

think i

•VWilOHaV.i U (trowllift liirfer all tlm hom,ft1 Ytiiiui; m biiiliiiti|[ a it«w lum>i::rti't lending to K^DvllIn aud Sir.

Wm, U.T,nl,li»Vii.»lui£llii.taurnlinlen )iut upI'urliiMiitw bdUM' uluiiji Sluiu «lm>t. T(»n>Livr btr-u Br -tral tnfnur luiildmcs crttcted

.lliin Uw twu uoutU ivitut, wliub pluinl.vHUM lirugivM. Uaj th« wurk al' improve-

ment fro un until wi' t*t our lovn iiuoriiu-nitcd.

below jierii, which WUH vtr.v toiil itod'iiple did not wiint lu travel fur wit hum

Wiu. KtickiilullawJ« liave BoDnlictmu all tbmiitcb liii lil« audmil prat'elulljr alou^ lifr'» nifcK"! mitiii,tln-ii,v(t litivin^ Cupid litrbiv pilot tu nuiileimcrnlt lulu Ihr harbor nf pence »nd linj!-

Our public rcboul rtupcnrd tlii. week uht-rii-inj; clustd lurn ttu-kuuu |Lu Mcltubim nkipiluiia ttic nltvi-t la whmit in ttie ninrtiiii« «itn

ifter tnur moiitlii at cntmtaut uiinllneuietii iulit Bcimul town. I e.iu luuk »)tait a *kuW-iui»l*-r witb jiheclinga of j , | |y ami n:»pti't.ii-cjiiH*! 1 think he limit buve lofodurtt theinnteo* of llic neboiil moia, h«*(d'-n (HeirijiiilUt'a uf tlif uiUiliiliiiKtrH Ibrmitibuut the;auii»iiuit>. lu fan, I wuuld mther watittlilt; Ilic* out of n bill cur r ntidii tturiUK thc-imiitli (>rjn|y, ibiiuto teai-b nctiool, whiehvould IH: quite ujub for me, bcvauiKt IDV hairi t l i ioon tbe (nput Hiv bead au«l (be dmn

Tlu- pi-opli! mi' tilling their ice lour-et wilhunit' very iii,-t> ice.Sl.ittinu U tbe craze iimimtt Ibe yomtf

imjitt: iu iliin licitiily now UMI at uitflit tlie'LIml inwivrrwl witli tbi'iu.We aviiboUting a MIWB wf nuiuo niifttug*

n th : cliiiribpa tbli week. Wliat i« mor«

M i l l MILL.Mr. Mi«bai-i O'ftrHilj ]i nt Iliii wriliDR

,DC<I to hit bed witb pneuinnuiu, but we hope

<lfn. Trediitulfk in buxil.T eiiRiubpu-uuH fur the trial ul O'Com1'bn ^lanbopc ootretpoDdcat mtide n sn(|ji»takt Ktu-ii lie uwttd lliat the llnor.i FHnkif Hit* pluw, vere nsiileutu ofl'urt (fraai.Our |)iiblir KtbiHil Is iu n ilt'iirmiiicjj; run-itlmi, anil )• a enilit to (lie priuvifiul.Tlif papular *i»»rt of voaiiluK ii much \atilfietl in I j tb« yauuu |w*(,ple ul tbis place.Tbo Maker wluo ia efflpluyiitj; <jnite a UUBIfmf nicoat nrrsent.The imu trade nr*nm to be un tlii> i«fNtan4>

liPilmo 1U1I Cbtirrb, Urnaah thi'ifl'iirlMn;» t-Wcitnt and able pastor, Ktv, IVuruo

ut the M I) |i.ir,lipd ibo old year

uu New Y«ar'n

t! pt-itplf uf Hi* PmiivturUu-i'd nbdiit filty IIOIUH with tbeir

"" "" V T l lppi ti>tli<u .ict-iiDg thesUte ol


•Major W n r B « InAt dm rfniilriira tiftisTtiursdHyeu'iiiKt', Minxthi»|rfatw.«n<l He. Ku<w«:rc j-im.1 in H- llni-k hy tht- Rev. A, A.

The old Credent Club. < A *f s « » n s

cd fur aud ntur,K in iho iMritjt-,

j j d a n m nI In- United Sute i

Th d

j piepared fur tlm oI'uifiu prn.vtr iiitTtin^

our I'ltiiri'livnivfrj ^vi-tuntlrM mefilnK »«« at-W mNtiiid;iy«vei.iu)rl,Mt. il

Unitd SuTh« bo.»i bid

nre mtire, and (feitly en-tbat "mine bott" I My had

y. CiirU-

n Mv>nti>- i

rfl being brill !•j Ibid vetk. Tbe

ibi' M- K. Churcb onihirted br the lt«t.

. it lln- 1'nabyteriM taurfh;i-.l TuiHduy ivtuiiiita la tbe ftc-lii \V. ilnfH.Uy a pi) Thursday

d d iin xh- SlrllimlHt: Fri-lny and talurdar lutliu I'ctsl.vttriim, Tlio ituiijeett ttftOMtfr.d1>V tic Kv.ni-.lica] Alii > arcbcl lg iol-

ic It. v. Sir. Ubiuiisi!)-, of 8*rat<ni, a-limtliirr nf Mr. .Mill., tufi fvaageli.1, Williu'ita sorkf of tiactinji* iat«e P m b j -tti ('tiiin-h, cuiiiiiinii'iTig neit 8usday.IM Surali Kslen, i lili-Ht dan|(bt«r *f our

eHi-tmed totvntmuu, Mr. Uea. W, G*Uo, tiledat 'net tutlirr'fl re»i,leinr In the park m TuenHmy laxt. fr'iiui-ml dirviiTN wtnfceld tfclf-

n rinci'.

Wl,,.,umlnl ut I'.i

n K.t.t

tbe CylbJrcn'aippuy,

h j Ulttho hKtne, vbidi pn»iti()ti oli« «bly fllted BltllItcr lulling bt-allli rotnjirlksl bw t« l« i i | i ";wtilUu, Avil Uu« rvhuiii-it to b*t f*tlliouie. Hi'riieulll. iii.idiiillT failed her autllflint itrim immnlrr ilfulli relieved bcraf allmtteiiuii*. Tbu Uuiilj iu thla«td b*W»*«uicot li»v<jtln)fjiuj>atlij ot ibii en l ln e»m

i unity.lor.l U .ittcudint; COICMU'I Bnai-

Ifrrportianduiing titru will ao

inmr* tritr. Home ofrmliark OB tbe Muooth

Muibi:r»lit ia ilge to Mr. JV»rc« KciRer.,,the KujHilytet)c]i-nt of imr Sunday S

for the *f tbe L'briotuna entertain-

Dy the way, w» ntr i[lad lu fiavn the pburr of NDnouticiDif ft,ai Mr. Vr.mk M.-N-lly

^uin cunncctud binnclf «it)i the fir 'iiin, Riirk & l,\i., of tbU plnce.

«r prayer i« Wing ftlismh b r i H hl» M. i

l>r, t'arrov wai tbrown from Lin boamlay morning and received • aa hi* head.MM. OPD, Wptnrrr «i*hp» te U c p

ruple »f thin rnnimunity her uratitude fornHr kinditMto brr (aniily and berarll *lm-errbuxhand'adMtb.hr. <.'hft«. tititra, of ChrMrr, wn« jolm-ii I

olr matrimony to MIM Annie l'urki, ol tki«place, at the PrrabylFriaa paraotMttn onSaturday Ixiit.

Mr. i»mt* Vrahtt, wbo fur •ninn tine pattlim bf en raniot! MDII f rum lbs Wl(y(ioi' u n d

it fur •hipment un tbe railnwd, h u givenIV the cutttract, UMI it will b* taken up byit. Wm. ytMirhrr* wito nmamtt caitlof. Hf.raher ban openrd aome amall holt a la

iirthi'r warcb of thin tnatetUI, u d «« l*attthat br ba» found tome af n r y RMMI qatlily.Hi.- lim, ut D. A, Vlcbolaa «Y Hon diaaolvtdi January lit, KB.1 Mr, II. K. II. Mebolaa111 roDtiiiuo the litmlqr** kt th* old HUkbd,fntura si-tllDt; nn a caifa baala, glfine; to

utcmer* the advanUice (by redaolton iu>rin») uf tbo nrccsaarv emt ol krcpiiiK npt»

k W lih bittt IUCLXM ID bit n e t TCU.lure. Ketirinn from tmiiofu, Mr. D. A.Kttbntu U our. tif tbe o l d m (oercnanta in

' ounty,haviof been in bHainewi tHr*'--

It Is nitiil tbe Ifiiinvtiti); oaurd cillei inw .U-TH-y will I'Dinn iiuilcrtbeprOTiiiloiaal

tin: bill vhii'b piiRH'tl tlic MoMMof BepKH«U-tativrs Innt vcfk nlJtiri^ to tlm tilinalah of(he frre ilelirtTy tenter, |irovM«d that,•diUtlan lo the iwcfKRury vinawlM«t«Mfltm and pojinlmion ol 1<UKK) •ooordiag to thelu«t cfunim. ihi'yhitvi'tlii'otberrecjalreaatatii,•nth ** pavrd UT planktd ildtvalki, lam-hetrd >trut IN uud bmuio, li bMil atreeU m l(hu iicurml I'liarnctur nf cltieaS AibiryI'arlt, Atlantic City, limit CUreh Morrtc-toirn, N*'W Ifnitmvick OrangeUdPialtitld.

f' A ciirrr*pandi<nl uf tint,'rf!ija; Wi'ildiDRbfils weMtMevonfarard

in our utilet villuRr, l>c0.2V. wUn IUM Ma|die letter, only Jui^bUr «f eVrlDjt FMter,

Mr. Darld Horrra wen Mrtifd. AbMt701'riem!* Btid rclulivca were prxaeRt

b^ , $ yMarlon Cocklin, of White R N W . PhilipHowere, Wm. Dcinutt and 8. Halt, of Brook-lyi. A n K k K M t r r t A b

i n f M ybrido, Tbe bridal aonplv wnt t« W»ablng-lun, U.C.,on tticir wedding trip, followed bTl d U b { l l

lMiet4 for Mtla« IHMk.John 1. Mlll.li.n'^cti m^MMI I M

Hi PoUeravlllr in plnce of & T. BlHlM, tfeeprewnt incumbent. Ur. liitrtlM b • Devo-ent. and lite •(im)aiatrntionc^lkM o»«hasbeen entirely «*tii.iWlorv Wlb* f«iblio,lMilhswaanota nappornr of PiJcack lait fall,nail no IIP '• bounce*."

this f«*llu(r M often expuiriteed il tk*wit ol Indiueilian or CMitipstlaB andwdily results In llendaube, 8twr Hlonueb,

Dltiiaeu, Dyopeptlu, KeuralfU m*i rarloBsiklD dlwrden. (Irapoline eirieiwi tk« blcwl,iacMtaea the appctit* and ftifMtM dlse*-ioa. KeeoaaMBded U Ko»1 VlltgW*. "

RMiMM UrtuJL t«4 CM* Wart.With Ibe uevcat rnrripl tyft* j«it Rceived

Ibi EBA la prepared to d«t aMfWrb wart it tbef ^ l i A tb taitatiM* '1*1'j

isg oarda, etc.TeetbitiK Rgbira never vaffer nor B«ve COP-

vuliiapi if tbe Rvrot are Mtked with I f.Hmd-aTtethtnR Lotion, Prl«»*t» .

?snnti mill fiod Mr. IICm Of

1.1. I.J -I. If. lUn^ll, EM ... Htibtrt Srailimt nod Mr*, £ji**lit'i!i llouclt, Iwtb u

TliKVETHAN-BKA^VAlML'K-lii Oov iDec. Mill., hy K«v. W. W. HallDWay, JrUtrhMil Treviiban ami Mury lli'itavurk-V

BLANtHAItD-LAIlin-Al tbe rrHUlRiite«{W.B. !>»v. l\>ri Mnrri*, I>M>. atrt. hyIlev. r'reil. BloniD, HMiMi-d bv Kcv- II. WKwmg. Wm. ft. itliiiiihitrd 'and AaianduLafnl.hotlMifHortUoNi^.

UAl'Kg-IIKIT V-At ll'i. I i' r-Uvl, :.radiiagc. Kiwid: r«, |IP(* aitli, by Ri-v. T. AMilliT V. H Hspe, and SiHU F. Ilcrry,bgtbofCheatcF. ^

STITEt4-llAHK8-At thi- 1'riHbvtrrlun pnr-•0D«Ki-. KItlli.lar., J.ii, |-t, liv'ltcV, T. AMill*. Uiiit.. B 8titc..oi fi,-i'-r. ami Ann).'I). Park^, of Kla .l.TH.

I'K'KLK-IIAZKN-I,, rhrMfr. D.-c.^il, l5llt'V. V. A. ilithiiaoo, Aii-nlj H. IVkli-, «)'I'capD.'k. uml MaK«li! K. ll.ixni. m r h e

. lit. llobcrt,m.i Knralt ),.fld

OIKI*.li<lOI>Al.K-At Hiwkiinn.y, Ji

youD 'Bt «»ll »f Willtiitii il<lomi,ib\ afed Klmoiilljs and



In this department we are showing anextensive line of DIIESS FABRICS for Falland Winter wear, in Herges, Diagonals,Homespuns, Cashmeres, Tricots, Silk andWool Hair Line Stripes, Pin Check Suit-ings and Ladies' Cloths, iu ail the latestand most fashionable colors.

A line line of ALL-WOOL 38 inch Tricots50 cts. per yard.


An extensive variety of Velvets, Velve.teens and Satins for trimming, etc.

BOOTS and SHOES.Our stock of Boots and Shoes for this

season's trade is now complete, and wehave as extensive a line as was ever shown


fir* -llll lu lint hut lllux liu»liie*», and Intelto r.'u.a I II hi Dnvet for inmtli.T ri'itr, ul Irmtu «um>1.v Uw <xm\% ivl |u-uivU' IH evfT.vtWuiu tbttlliii'or DHIXK8 ol tin- bi«l ni.ik-'. AIuntari by umil «ill receive |ir<iiu»l atn-tillou

m i l H l-\KK HOPATCON'd IIOTKL COJ]J I'ANY. -HOTKI, |lnt>i.i.s."

'J'liB eonjKiiiit due Jamiitr.v 1. 1M7. uu tit

IMii.v wil) In' Jiuii| oil |imt:Otutti>u ntKiiit-kt-i'linL'ki:r 'i 'rutt C<iiii]iuuy, cornerlit, IHIli *7tll Kt:

"lAMFS H WtV^l 1 \ ^rcHiili'TilitmirhiT tlL'M'.AI1,* iri-iwuiir.

'"jfi'w V()i'k,V«v.8>), hkt"*

r jM HKNI' H14JM jll ' l l l l . I,t.

Tlio (tn-uilin'R Vito«B anttte Kuitcuutui

(T. lilffilBTII, P

I'.irl Oriitn, ,\', .1 . withtula liitfii tillnuhetl, Tic IIOIIHI-huth ruoiii nml good i

F-The yn1'"'"'1* nu PrcHpcut utrue

ltd hy IIIP. ruHPt!#a|*|i i;iv<iH froi|ilv to

AU (Far trraiH»

Wl l .

MONEY TO LOAN.if awaey t l I

f, mav tw aetwiuioodiitoil ou a

A. II. sr.MUNUA. H. ItKltltV,

E \ E i U T B L V 8 SALE- O F -


d.o^M.l, the .ubKTiWT trill rell at )>itlili(

THUIttDAY, Fetruiry 10th,.N*7. twtween tb» hmn of 12 anil 5 o'clock I'H.. at the bntri nf NI>IMHI H T ^ , (li'rinanValW, Morri-l'iiuuiv. N J. .Ti imVKlV r;ArKKS, (ni.rurflvc uf limber, the fsrnwbii'ti auid C'buntr Thuuna, drcciiMd, (IL.»iwd, Bltuuta at Ur»ke»to«n, In tbe town-•MpHof Wiwbtn«lfln anal Ht. OIUP. MotHtL'uuutv, Now Jer«<>.v, belwwi HuM* Likeifid Hcbouley'a Huitntaiu NpriBK". ou *liera i* a,


barn, aovBlt barrack, c o » crib, I wo w l l s oleteelleot water «e»r aiM dwelling, alao IDabundance ol choice fruit. Ou tiny uf (alt

UltoiM will bo uiiidt* Waowu ami attcnU-

REroii-r OF Tin: uoNumiis OF THENATIONAL UMO.N B*SK of Dover,

Utivurjii thu State nf New Joracy, at tlii! oldof basiutpn uu ttic Wtbdayul Dtctmlitr, 1W

as, lo nee me circuit I ion lOO.GOO.Ot

Deal E*UtU\ Furniture add Fix-tnrci,

Cnircm ttptn»ti m l last* Tt.idObfck«»nJ otber Cixh Ittma,liil of other N«tlfii«ll(aBka,

i l O i U d

ial lender Nok'i,[leropliuuFuml



Capital Stock paid in\n* Funil,virttil pr«flt«(

Natiunal_B*uk nr-tuHDutnUnding

"l "u'ro-'ii. tub'

W-rtlrfntei of


1 , 5 3 6 . (HI


41 tt'i.i

tf 1 4,5*000


Dit idundividjtot ttimti

d ^ l v l i v ^ , HI0.S5401,401.01

DnetootfcerlfttlonilDaDkt, U.4M.S3Dun to Suit) bin'.!! snd liankern, 12(1.30

T.W t78S,4».eB

„. , _- _-.«.. above *tate*It )• true, lo tlio Utrt or InT knnwMci* tnd

HBO. D. MEBltU, Oiilihr.1 u d nor> to Wtac me, tUi

rj, tan.•!( PITJ.1I, Kutirj- PuMic.

At Haretifm Annoineid!SPECIAL -:- OPKNLNG81

FRAZEE, CONNET & Co.Caatral Dry 6ao4i Start.

6S7 I 659 BROAD St.,

NEW EMSIIOIOERIEr.Is recuiar Koodi tnatrkH p*ltenm, Allvrra, Vlnanctnp:*, MIM w«rk u d ktf« Mov-

nlttc«, all at apccinl prieea ftr the Booth ofIkivarjr.

NKVT WHITE tiOOPg.Jaw*' Nancbfater Nalnannka India Uant,

'nrabrira, Da re at, Kjurnllai S,%wmi and-rench NuinmMikn. Orfisdiea and Bail I"*..ill al apecial jirlpea duriof lh« Bonth ol

NEW MWLtff VMIEaWSFor l^!lf« Mb»aan4 CMMm, or c««l-

lent fabrin, nicety na«lf>, and all at aprtwlprieea d«no| ta« a>»ttU of J U M I ? .

Houtekeaplnfl Linent A CottonsE**ry Tarietj nf m ) i f denirable Table

fiu«O in Ulf an.1 loll blracbrd, it rutlrrty«w ilt»f|na. jmt «enw). aid Ihe hfat vat).tyofTOVVECs. TrT^EUNOS, NAPKINSd D l u * to In fouad a»y%bert>, a»d I|IIHM

UNPgRWBAR.A complete line of Ladies', Misses' and

's, Mews' and Bays' Mi:m\oFINE WOOL

KID OLOVBS.A new stock of Kid Gloves just received

including the well known "Ccntemeri"brand.

Flannels! Blankets!A large stock of Flannels Blankets,

Quilts and Housekeeping Goods generally,at the lowest prices.

in Morris County.Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes. #1-65

(warranted) 2.00A complete line (tf Ladies'

BAND SBWBD WMLTShoes in Curacoa Kid, Ciiracoa Kid Foxedand Goat Foxed, in Opera and Plain Toes,all sizes and four widths. These shoeshave no pegs, WAX threads or tacks to hurtthe feet and wear out the stockings, a fea-ture that is greatly appreciated by allwho wear them.Men's Solid Leather Seamlero Shoes #1.90

" « « " " 2.00« « « " " 2.80

A full line of fine e*lf shoes for men,boys and .youths, made with narrow,medium and wide toes; also in the Wau-kenphaststyle, machine sewed, band sewedwelt and hand sewed, at from $2.50 tof 6.50 per pair.

RUBBERS.A new stock of the above goods now

ready. A full line of the' Oandee RubberCo.'s Bouts and Overshoes made with theextra thick ball and tap heel.

Also a full line of tbe Goodyear, BostonRubber Co.'s, and other first-class goods.

Passage tickets on all the principal lines, and drafts, for sale at our office.



CHRISTMAS GIFTCAP make tlie best selection aud gi

the most fnvornlrie terms by luoltii

through our complete stock of


C L O C K S ,



Fancy Pottery and Bohemian Glassware!Carefully selected and espocinlly adajjtod to tucot tlic wants o:

Holiday slioppci-g.





JOHN A. LYON'S.an Bow efferinp crealer iniinofwenM tit lMl.Tfri tbnn we. cr«r iliit Itcfurn; nvcrv £will l»mwktiWJLY DOWN LUW to.uitttop - ' 'fnei.twllll*Blark«lVAY DOWN LlMV to«uittiieiiurcba»r. I

entirt atock «e ahall olTer WH« larttruu comlderably


n« la Ibo lim, to proennMf » . j >b<iut

BARGAINS.In nrdrr lo prrpan for nar annual int*tilorj- WB ilall maki- a nnetal alwistitci nnlulttgo*]*. Bartabt.1 Barttilb*! HarRalim| . t J. A. U'OVH, Opp. t h e l K 5

DRAKE & KING,• coaoM* Moa ot 8wk, Uoon. Ullofa. Monld.leg* ud BnckM*. LIB., Oa»Mt. Utn. SooBurtll u t mrjiklil pcminlof lo Ou bnlldlM







Office In t h oW I80JJ EBA BUII.DINOMOBUiS 8r.. IKJVHt, N. j .


Graining, Paper Banging,iaft K.lMinl.lDt. Mo. Ami itlll ttke

™ir.clii of rwrj iii.,1. ™,| tontahri.l«, on Ihe lo«e. poi.llile u n , cot.lwllli lie einmlon of nallj jooa work.



ISAAC KATZH«« go* open (or Inspoolioo taa b i | » t itock ol


HCLOTHINGthat has ever been dkpUjred i t Morris Coantjr. Nomatter what yon wlsk la th« llae of eiethlag we hareIt. Hulls, glDgle Coats, Single Panto, Single Y«*t>,Overcoats, Ult ten- i t mitten not how large or w i l l .If yon wish to know onr prices, we can give yon themby §ayln« all antonbhlng bargains offered elsewhereyon e u bay then at Katz't at a wring from ten totaTwea percent. WeheepCommoi, Medium and FineClothing. Hunting Costs, all ttkei, 85c., $1.50,18.76.

,'.l'l'.>" •!»> In 8WKET OKK'SOrenll.l'»al», ««rt«DHd oanr lo rip. fron Mo,

" * 5*80 r<%"1""™ lo

ISAAC KATZ U i spins, his stock *f H A T f mi 0 A Mfor Fall md Wintar, ts« lir,e»t in the esnty. Every irticl.marked in pliln figures. One price to all! Examine tha latestlatent, "MTZ'S DRESSER," Mly S275, ckMifir $J.OO.We have Hits a«4 Ctps frtm Ilk u,«.rdt to »15. W. . » ,TRUNKS, VALISES - .d UMBRELLAS. Every article y o « « .pect to find is a Hat Store you can find it at the



ISAAC IATZ, dealer In GENTS' F(JBNI8HINOGOODS, BSDEBCHIRT8 and DRAWERS, 25e. to Uslases 1^ to 60 Inches, double back aud doable breasted.Overehlrts, all styles and kinds, Half Now, 8Q g .penders, Cardigan hckets, Children's Hose Mnsllnshlrts-laundrlrdand nnlanndrled-lS eu. npwardo."The Mothert Friend" Boys W.lsts-.no buttons canBorne off. 0.0VE8 oT M kinds. An endless variety»f Ncck-we«r. Paper, Linen and Cellolotd Caffs anddollars, all styles and sizes, 20 ets.We have many other goods which for want of spacee cannot mention them.OUR M0TT0-We sell etch article at a pilce low

nongh to Induce the sale oT many.


» S B I S T 0 W N , J U T I '•••••

Saturday, Jan. 6; 1887Entered at tlie Pwt OHon »t Dorer, X. J,

*• •econd-elua matur

How 1* tbat pood resolution IFreeholder! meet pest Wednesday.Uitiuember thf a in a " WTOO up " jear.Cowman Council next Monday evening.Whlppac* haa erffHtitaed a U>boK«ao dub.TO* Ice crap for 1«7 baa been safely liwo-tiTlie rmnoui Bock Hand Coucert t>n|Mi.<


The trial of Daniel O'ConbcH is set dowif ir Monday next.

Tlio laat Drecniber Wa» the voidest iof tliiit name ID aeteo years.

Tliia year Lent will begin Febnwrj .»».,and Kriater .nil od April llhb.

Al. M. tiowlalfi and bia ftrandfether • i | » dto start far Florida to-morrow.

Tlie !>., L t W , Vallroad boa declaredquarterly dividend of 11 per eent.

It line leeaaneaneat week fur uea wit!good itwliitiaua aad sew diaries.

The tliL-raienieter touched aero far tbenocuiid nine on Tuesday mowing-

Mrs.F.8 Uthrep bMreutrd t i e TaiatorhouMf, on E!*B street, Morristowp.

E D. MofJoaaell, of Madieaa. loat a•ble dun laat week froa. poisoning.

Tlte merenry rejiittered 4° below «*:Newfoundland on Tuesday morning.

Cougreeaaiati Pltelps |ave B).,U0» to thefund for tbe widow or John A. Logan.

The NovemberptodaetlouofthslklhlfllieMIron Co. w u lbe largest Ia4ta history,

The extra Beetiiifi are oovliniuMl ilill intlie Mt. Fraction Pmbjterlau Church.

Tbe HnehotUtowa Oaaette fa thirty yearaold and ia enjoying a vigorone aiaturity-

•.eft-alar monthly meeting of Vigilest Eagioe Co. No. .*, next Wednesday evcuiiiit.

A oyolooft ia like three icbool plr|» w»lhlngabreast—if doesn't turn oat for anything

John Barhmau, ot German Valley, baarooted tho farnt of Nathan Trimmer, at Bart-ley.

Tbi* is to be a great peach -ear, iu fact allfruilanretobeabURdaut. So aay lbe |.ro|>heia. '

Jan. lat, 1886, there waa ao fruit t i thngrnuDd. /aa. l it , 1867, Ihnru waa tee a footthiok.

A aetiea of revival tnseilnis w e n eoni-awnced iu the Flanders M. E. Cbnroh tbiaweek.

Jacob Tfavla, of Haefclebaraoy, haa mtovedto While Houae station, where he Lai openeda atorfl.

Julin I. Mill-- hai beep appointed |H»tiuHlerat rottersville, and Jane I. Bogttre at Jiwh-aooTille.

There were 86 r-qniata for pratera darlnitbe three dayaltcT. 9. f a y Mills sisysd to

Jacob 8. Wit*, of NewfoiiadUiHl, wan sfine yooni bone raffled for at Devkertowu on» e w Year's,

Oeu. u d Mra. Abner Doubled.-bare HOB*troM Mendbatn to Mew York for (bo balstaoeof tho winter.

The mercury teachrd tlie new Matt laatMonday morning for the flrat tine thla wilierlutbt . action.

Mr. M. C. Wbitlook waa lu Iowa • part of• a day tbla werk u d waoy frieada werepleated In aw him.

HauniarDrahr, of Stanhope, had hit l i f e rao t>s,il,r mashed while coupling c a n t h a DiNeldcn amputated it.

Thn week of praynr la belie obatrfc* bynightly lUMtiBia In tbo PreAyUrtaa andPint M. 8 Charehea.

I n s .bootleg match at Cheater on Christ'maa the Peaitaeh uporta won the aviie—a bill

Our thank, are due M»j. O I. Pmdeu fora copy ef tae RoagiaMioniil Directory.

Henry F. Day, a well known rcnideiCbatbani, died on WwdnRntlay, ujttd Ii7 j«

Mr. BiJdllri.Ji,(,L.Mupsi»D,ofOplen»]]celebrated tbolr golden wedding on Mooday

LubanMtUtbewimn, a re Bpert;*>d f Uizen olHHulietutowD, died on Monday at tlie age


The Back Baud Contwrt Companr i* <dorwd ty tbe bigheat nualcal autlioritios of"" land,

otnjrapln io tolMisgan (witume* arc unwone of tbe iuDutneruble faaliionable ngouieiof ibe day.

Mr. Wu. Couktin, of JackMUvllle, io tbUcouotf. died an the 30th alt., at tbe great »ue

IWjeara.«PV. If. Faj Milla ii reported an meiti

With iftaat eueoeie in hia lueetlain at NoilalritiiawMk.

Jaa. T.Bowf, sfthiHSlace, fmae badly tbnMngeraofonflhand wfciki HOIHK to h,n workMonday woruiBg,

We oboerTe that the hnreiabelntC'iuontinnrilDr. Wentwitrlb dwH uot denim as oflliliivit tubat latt •soouwcnt.Tbe rtrlke or tbe coal braver* at Holxiken

ia« thrown uany orewi of !>., 1.. A- W, toaltrain* out of euploytueBt.

Thedeiitli ii anooiiuepil ut Miim\y, l'i., ofMra. Eliai HrowD. widow of John II. Ilruwn,formerly ol New VounUaiid. ua .d 7il.wur».

A new temperanceornnu is to bu iinrlnl luolviden to boom Judfif Morrow (or t'tm- \

[nwanditev. Hulutuon I'araiiuafurGitveruoiTbe nine inulioa of heavy NOOWWIIMI fH

enlay ni||tit QJIUII a bottom ol frineitoe b u m-de tbe tiiieat -lelKhlpg or tbe win i n

WlllUta Davey, ot Uwnton, bnajoiurd tbe

E SEW Sl.IllR 8 KI.I.V O BD.

Unragrtdtrleil, Mr.Ju. Ford, waanpou the ttreeta laat Moiday. lie will be Wyean old ea the ttthlaet.

J. C. Cook, telegraph o|>erator at Chathaw,jtoaatoWanlilnRtnii. and operator Ilopkiue,of DoontoB.goei to Chatham,

6tir carrier reaprd » biudtope rewardfrom hia New Year addttaa and ia dulygrateful to all who nBembered him.

IfamptoM Updrke, a conductor of the oldM. eV E. Railroad, «JW snddeatlj fro-a hifflwaM in CoHWOtlcit % few u>} i aluee.

Tbe Muufast^riag Ira ef Haab & Brotherat ifilUvittN itw beca dlf*oW«i. The hat)-teat will ae e«Uauod by Dua* II. Miah.

MU. Kltaabetb k>ltehel, ei Whlppaey, • •

p t wwoak . , fallHi tnm ber chair.

loHIIwinkeeaaun hwhwa watt* jailfor thirty d«yi for writing paetry. Tbla bMka

• Itkeapoaaible aotntion o( aveialhMU qw*#-tloa.

(Irtad Maatcr Warkaaa Po«darly andK. E. Potter will addreaa • mata l rKaigbta of Ufcor fa Me wark Friday eteafaf,14th.

Taegruleratri ef Mew Tear'a day waarainy Md dlHgreMble. aad i i Doter ththoliday WM art mrae*. by auy public ebaeir-

Ckn P. MeClellaa, reetatlr pDepntyColleeter for tbe port <**«* Tark,la a bnther to D»rld F. McCleHai, of Morni-Uwn.

M. C, Qalaiby, who elalnw te awa OracaPond, with a wanly of aV,an,000 galloae ofwater, «fati to aiwplj Jeraey ClUr wits parewaUr.

In atarilag a eniaada agaiaat the laawh)baatle tbe World hat andertiken a Mgg*r|Jab tbaa the ereetiaa af the Ubrrtr atntua

iKCT. B. Fay Hlilo U hold It f maetlagn at

Mwatfllalr thla week, after which he will go ito the Central Prenbjteriaa CbatokofNewTerkcltf.

Wbcrerer they have appeared In thla eann-try'tb* Jto*k puwCbaeeri Company haa wontbe highctt pnilae of the ttaiiebMlag pnblle

If tbe bayat iihoea are ttlf from faavjaihabB wet, rub tUea. it ulgbt wifh a Ifttle eat*Uroll. TbU will Milaw them nod make thenwork all right.

Boldl«ra Who have had apptfeatlaaa forpewalena rejected an warned agaiatt fmwdiwho profeaa they I U be acenred by payiag110 Ia ndvanee.

Ten lndlea and gentlemen ef Dover at*tended the New Year'a eve reception ofKll-tatluuy Hoae ConB»ny In Newton aad report

aia ii • •

The repoalon of Had

i d

The report (a our lait coowrajag the pen-alon of Hadaon \V. Smitb, of Ilibetnia, wbleh'waa copied from a city paper, la aiM la beVery1 Inaccurate.

At tbe Cbriatnuw exeiobjcs of the (tenthStreet Preabyterian Sunday acbool, Morrla-town, the children made n tpeefal nlaahmaryonVrloBofahouUMO.

' ChtbtraMandKow Year will t a t lali ODSaturday again till ISHB. The year 1W3 willbe lenp j e w , elae tacfeatlvala aamed'wMldthen occni on Saturday.

Uncle Brram Pradea climbed the atetpataira to oar offlce on Wcdaeadaj and renewedLit Eubwiiptioa to the fiti for anotber jear.a 1 l l ' U 9 ) d ( t J 1 ; '

, M M . waa gives ft WrtWayparty by bia friende oa New Vear>e ere, Mdall pteaeit declare It wu one of lbe jolliteteveate of tbe klud ever held in Dover.

•, agent for Mew aTeraey

rtaitUotertooiVq dlana. with o«r p*oMfthe project of iotrod.flD| tbe fight l,en.

The 1»tcat fa.btooa.le crape |a to collectwlab.boncB. The ludles P"li«h th«n, tie rib-boaa to them, and fatten then to u bundaoujeplicqne Md wn tbean ae parlor ocnuBMita,

TheeanU we oat lortU veddligof Mr.Fiord T. Woodhuli, of Morriatawn, and MillKate Bartlea, daughter of E. M. Bartlea, Eaa,»l Oermn V*llej, wbleh will take place Jan.IBla.

Bone of our town abotc had a pigeotahootUtherata on New Yuri monlig. Cbaa.W. Bewlby waa Int , killiag att MitU•traigbt; aad David Young aewad, with aMjnof io«tafthc8.

Our friead, Mr. Wn. P. Deror. forawrlj ottbUTidaily.wai narried Dee. 29tb, to MlaaMetlie E., daughtar ol Hr. N. U Kaab, ofOlevelaati.Obie. May all l-« joj« af aupiWbliet attead tbelr future way.

d d o l f f l ^nponaaaadpriaelplca." Thia ianaib naferfor lha ooQatrv thaa If aonnd pnueiplH da>fMiled apM tha DvaMcralte party.

l?atiou Army. Heapenttwo weekibfArayia FCD nay Ivan I a, but baa returnedsine.

Work ia auapended thia wrrk at the A tlaptin Dynamite Work* to take accounttook, but will be reauased ia full force wxl


At'the weddtoR of Jai. L Niulth and Nelliefouog. in Htektsltatovn last week. Hi*;rooui'a mother prcatjuhMl liim with it etc

turn.8. C. Tbuiuption, ot Wisiljiniitou, wbo «

Ihouffbt lobe Mire of flie Kn»ror.r>ios Clcitip ot thft next Homo of Awierolily, fa

retired from thn content.Mr. Auttnaliir) Cook, tlio merchant, of llut-

iabulliliiiga lutfiff new franm atom bonne.HOD. John F. Pout lualio f>icaratiun Inrau-

ei- fins aturv ttuililiu^.r. ie i i Munibv. wbeu ret:.-nt1y mkoJ hit...'--Q aliout le^lilutmo :»_ >fJBiKIBo, aaiil; " If lenWalinn would mvc JICO-Mosea would tiafe beeu tlie Christ."

Wm. E. Uudge, on Taeftday, gave tNew York Young M*n'«Clirinlrin Amnoi

it ol a railroad trip to[orriilowa. wtiru wooden rail* were aaod.

'hnaamiat vUltto HOT. Jobn H. Beofltl.1,the Mt. Oilvi! I'rcrib.vlei'inii Clmruli, will l>oidf aext WfilofadaT evrolng at Iliu \nv-

ftge. Acorilial tuvitutiou te I'xl-'inl.'d 'o

be aeniible and betl'ir ctia*. of proplc•el to hnviDit tbutr untiiea bernlilpil inrsonul notes" evrfy time tlie.v make M

IT uiilea viH.t. It Itw lii-tliug to bu too " tuiu-

Mr-. Wm. O. Wlilllur., one of tbo old IwlyreiiileutaofMviiiibaiD, ami atepmother of ourloriiier towur.ni<iu, Mr. M. C. Wliillurb. illidoo Ffiilxy last at tlie'iidvaucnd uu*: ut S3yenr-.

Bo*liDK l« tba liitcut athletic f rum*. An»'tHu|it. F. J. flriAltliB, of tlic M. fc E Dlvialnn.bun tMii'ome <iue of tliu rn|n.lrt" nt Iliu JTJJIami «HriillB Icadiue honuri wllli u Xuw Yorkbowler.

Kev. Pr, Crtwkf, of Drew tnulnarv, ecuducted OD Tueadar tbe futirral »?rv\vm of tinI.Io Joiefib VY. llHI-^r, of tho well known" illy of llint linriit, aud lute If. H. CUIIBUIMuttich.

Tlie Youiiff lVnplc'a Culture f^utriin of ttu<ec.rnd M.K. t'liurcb (javu IHIII«

nent Nttw Yeot1. niubt. anil h«nqueated to repeat It, wblvli tL.'y will prub-,bly dc.

Ber. Chi«. M. Whittipecy, the evangrliit,wlio la a lulf-brotl^r to Hep. II. Fur Villa,will begin a aeries olOoauel nertiuga iiHoaatoa Pr*#bjterUn Cbgreb tbe eo

The largo comi».uy of lad ion ami ((eEtlenieucomprialOH tbe mivv Tobuttgau Club ]ti Mor-mUiwu woro dtlipUlcd on New Vcar'n morn-ing when tbe wontlitT liurruu brousliltliroufib tltc uiHt and rain th ulii.tanuoui.ee-misiit that a cold wave wan rapi.ilj uppruueb-log, for their new MIIIIO wii» coiupletod audtliey desired to utilize it forcujoyuieut tbnt

Tbe slidii in Idialodon tbc propertyof Mr. Lj.lsnrwoofl, mmn tlie ttopn of thebill cast ol Jiuiiea)Hlrset. It iHanlnnIc vroodeoI'tiiiio, built for ttie uiodt of tlie wu; upon•lu'Iien laid OD Ihe ground. At ilie mimuiltol tbe bill U a club boune ol ooe Htory, ivhicljin beatvd aud seated fur tbe contenkuci! oftlie umi.ucm. Over tlie roof of tbia bu!lditjK

>• cofl-truclcd a broad platform, from whichlit. uliJtuHiclie* »tc«ply to tlie grouud, andHim fotlow* tbe uuduUtiauof tlie bill. Alt<-rthi! first li-'Htent Iture i« ii level, aud tluuinotliernlcr|i piuli rxtendini; to iiwaily tlio'U<1 ol Hi. Hli,!e. Tbe wondeu m\Uh ia tibuutK)OfL-.-l]ai-i:. nmi oflir IURVIUK iltbiMnb.)^tatt Hli.li'H lour or live hundrrd tc.-t furtherIOIIIHM Ibe IBVII siouutl at Hie ba-u of tlioill I. Tlie slide i« l.jren nud a lit,,.'feet wide,

with bo.irda oo« fool wlilt! (oimiog beveledlithu waj'duwn, to Vr,?\> tlitt hi ilB voune aud avoid iwmUlity (ifit. The toboiiUXi"* am 14 and 'Mwide, nlid about six fret long, ao thereiiNttitiility of tltuir "Icwliifi ornuml.

i'luy aru uitidn of uurrow iUl|m of huril KOOII,diiibtly rouodeil on tbe uodnr Me. Tim!X,rHi-t'Htuli<>t;Kun fa IIWKI with Meel at ripe,

itonc.1 uu .njjoiiiiMi-lj wllliout aerewa orrivttla. Uu Iliie uiiwliiuo tlio trouirDdiiuaupwd of three UJIIPD a luiuuttt liat licen nmde,

iletl tiiboKi.ua bciuj{ 23 |ier ceet. funter


tc j ptbuu tbe pUtu wood a a e b i n « , but t b e latt<-I a your Imircur l . OnIN Tunt n i totbe Orunjii! ulide, 1,101) f.-ut IOUK, ineludiuittbe level, tbe pl.tin tobongau loakcx the jouine.viu Nl •OOOIH.H nud tbo ei|>ert in eleveneeconila. Tu till jiutt wbal Ian wn nation of

KKaiiiuK Is like would bo liurd work,'ii [)e(jiiiuu»y ale a few ouuecu of 0(i!uni

and vividly lirearat that be wae droupluit iutoliule in Ibo (jniiind alxuit fnurteeu mil.i

eep, bit miint liuvn filt very niui'ti likeili.^KiiniT io Ibo Lvyduy of bin joy. The

fnrtUt<rn ninii $v.<* fruni the uliutelliQBiorelii« iilifk urawa, uud wben bo pii'lca ii(i bin

'ml ut the rim ho ntr»iit;>.t<way Innjjcri for more. That, tlis experts

is th« secret oi tlio sport'i* po,mUr-Tfae Morris own -li.le |« Unely

id l>y i>ii> I'owcrrul eleuttlc llgbt« di*.led HIIHIR its uoumo, and u luiifo from

tlmritv water works b»« bi'i'ii Iiiiil to the*»inl»It tn i-iulil.' tlie aliilrt to be cDTi'i-rd* ithunder uutl it'iion inim.tlil.v. (»u (tatm-dayV.SMI.MI, yt\\i-u tlio uii- beeniirn Hliar|i enoughlor fi.cKinji. wntcr wan lot iuto Ihe illde, undts 'juttotu for tin- entlte leajtth wai eovutcduritli H euatinR of he abnut an iiinh thick,

Tlie prcparatiuiiatere nil inude fevaforaialipuoiuK In Ibo eveuiuj!, but un u roll in fromtliat preelnitt of Morrlatowu known » Publiululidi-ittod tlioiu aud aalDnil tba .liitindiuoif lidtirtH tlie llmt alitle, yolun downnilmiry litml itlen, wbit-li mii«t runIIH'M' tllilll U tob.lil-UllU. It id Mil,!] Illnm n> fi-iKliU>m»l Ib it lie K;tvc niie yoll wbielimtlml nil tlm way Irnni top to bolUim, iinttmHii't u vnrv lung veil, oillicr. Wliiii lioliadmrliiiii.v ri'i'iivi n-d l.UnmjIf lie cn-Ii1 U-ji-ROHh! You B-s-Jtil tti^ro lifloii!

1-t-ti'll »i I"Ibo Dinnilnt.d flme there wim «blugu of chili members and *|ioctntiirgit, uutl I'renidein Jaa. V.


A yeweg mn of Jan. Emuon., of Potittm-Tflie, who waa hedly hart aome weeka ago by

aberan |)e * M ridiun,whkb ran uuder a tree, d ed from bia injutiealaatwee|[.

The nfipbera andtrleeds of the DtmrlM, ECiureb will luaan their paffor, Her.frrd Bloem, a donalior vlilt ut thf parsonageoi Tbvreday evesinf. Jaa. 13lb. If atormy,it will be Friday evening.

Freak tfurd, tbe Oeaooratla free traddleader, will addreaa tlie N. J. Hoard of ARII-eNltare m lbf> Kftb iaat, and eodearor to•new bew tbe aforacy faraier would be bene-fltled by ft tariff Ibr nveaue only.

Tbe Bock Band Concert Oompiny will up-aeir In BakerOpera Home Jan. KOth. nffonl-Ing tbe people of Dover a refined and tint*DlauieiitriiR)nBMfttatpo(mlfir|irl«ea. keutoreaervfil aeata at oote, at KilUorti'a.

A donaltoa for the piator of Ihe I.«ni;woodM. K ffecletv, B(!T. A. .T. freti, will be glvnat the hMMof Mr. Boott k'iohtrr. at i t WnU•eaday evealng. All are cordially invited.Uatomy, tbea the aext fair oveaiag.

Three enri of thn early morulnu; ore trainei tax Hitb BiMRe Branrh jomped the trackIhli aide of Ili.l. Bridge on Tueaday nodblocked tbe road. Tbe null train dae he»at 11:41 A. ¥., did aot arrive till3;1A P. M.

At a pigeon eheoi f« «*W, at tbe Plae Bntokhotel, on CMIatnaa day, Ciasa aod Leddyboat Grahaa. aad Veorlvma. At 21 birdaeaab, Cle** killed 1T at W yarda, Leddy M atMyarrfa, araha* 17 al II janta, aad V wb m W a t r y a H a .

Tbeoretonttaiteoverthe High BridgeDranebtor l>eeenbcr WBP. Through to Ptilllipabure

I, M,4«3U tone i local, toCheater, Stanhope and Port Oram furnacei,1,38318 toai; total, 33,W." toaa, Lime-ateae, 1.1M.M toia.

Mr. If Vswackbamer. of rioektown, Hmaer oormipoidentof the EIA. died with

theeloMoftWeM year, laat Friday nlghLHe waa aa latelllireat, npriglit and biXhlyeateewtd gentlemen, and hia death, will be•onrne4 by naay frlea.de.

Tbe candidate, for tho Horristown pottrflce are aild to b* E. A. Quaylf, whu h>a11M endorsement of the County Committee tJai. P. Hullivaa, backed by Oeo. T. Wertt,aid LeClere Vegt. wbo think, the familylane will etreagthea the p.r'v.

Aflnc and large part* was given to HIMfnlia Met-kmt thereaidenire of Mr. K ,1.

Ttoia on Wnineidsy erenlnn, Muay jieoplewere present froaj l^»ver, Newark and oth«rplaeci. Pmt. Vni-, ef N«wark, farnlibed IticMuile, and a Newark eateter nerved tie col-

Marena D. iatin, »rMew York, father ofBer. R-Tbotoaa Savin, of Drew Hetniuury,coinnilrted aaiolde at a Trenton hotel on M»u-daj evenlnn by taklil n t DOIHB. ll« badbeen separated from hia lamilr two yearaaadit is aanpoaed fal* lulad was affected by hie'laabtei, '

It la an exceedingly cold day when HenryC. Keiaey gtla left. He onntrolaan Aaieiubly-naa or two wbote vole Abbett needa; con-•>H«ently peace ban beea declared, MriKelaey will eoatiaite aa Heeretary uf Stateaid Mr. Cutlerwill be " Beati*Med " for aoKe-.(•geloe.

Tbe nrw of D. A. Nicholaa tc Boo, af Flan-dera, waa dlaaelTed Jan. 1st. Ur. D. A.Viahciaa retire* after a bag, honorable andsaeceearffl •ercaitil. nner, and tbe busiaeiafill he cqQtinaed by Mr. H. B. H. Nkholaa,wfaoae Berib] entitle bio) to a large measureof atieceea.

A doable-lreaded aall, alive and dolagwell,Uattraatlng wany tlaltere tu>'. Huakelc'aatablei, on Brook etreet, in Boootoa. A cowbeloagtag to Jaai« Bailer, of powenrllle,gar* it birth. It haa two longnea, two teta ofaoetrila, but only tva eyes, whieh are wide•part.—Bulletin.

The new rale of the Western I'ulon Tele-graph Co., psnatttiag twenty worda to be•eat for twenty-ftM cents, only applies toplaeea where there .«omp«.itloo anddoesnot

•ct Dover. TheUrIB oa tea ward* fromw Jeretj to Bufialo aad PUUbarj; baa been

Kdaeett troai Utiy te tweaty-flTe cenU.« » • •

Oallui lMthe flat display of Newaarketaand Wrapt;40 difereat atjiea to atlect Iron, at Ml»Neiao'a, Dover.

ly as a candidate fur a poet nflfuo who hat,'hia caurati greased by IheHemitorMi-pberson.1'

Qeo. T. I V - ^ . - * * | t is tho fattest tbitg |have ever known Ptcent runniag a|ai.mt a

Immune oaudldalu la Mouiatuwn "on. A- W. C — - r . - " Think I will lake to

it. Klioutdti't be aurprlitsd If it woairi p n r ebutter Him the (lrauKer fake to aasiit a manIn runelna foroSoe."

G«-o, \V. am fa.-" Would lie willing topnv lor tbn faulf acre ot plniter* tbat wnuldbe uovt'soury to mend Juib. Ilruwn if »omeone would send blm tbtongb tbe obule oa an

>Kbt»u-fneb t«Uogguu.O. |{. K — t - • • Next to Cleveland1* oivi)

srrvtce return, policy It ii ihe aaHHUheatif that baa come to aty aollce,"

y yW. A. H — < ! - • fcuwermly fawelnatidg,

hih Jot«l Quite the pwawper tulaj, don't

npoa proof ieicg fuinlahcd that thn watereongnaledlnthoatido Ii perflsclly fren from'detctcrfi»ua auh«taacci."

leoriit tboflmttiI'tir wbicb Ibo luu hv<lie fju'ed WIIH KO KH'iilIMIII the-li.li) utiii thncetititiizvi tlio perioiiBuliuKi>:irtU-l|ut.<iliu t<fliirfll ilii'Dioi IT i|. wm


11,1 mini, iliu Kiltie,* fiint ami fiirium

d xianlly

or Hire iilirwere ilinjiluyed the Hint nlglit, hut it vat(it|ii'i't>'(l Unit tliev would HUOU Iweomo gcu-<nil. Thioutfli nil tlm limirmif th«vv<-uinuliiiK-i IUIUIIKTH (if peu\>]t, wei\3 tu liu Hfun cum-iiiji to uml filing II-UIII tile m'liiteof «p>>rt.

Dinirin^ lu olitniu u turrei-1 i.lea u* to bowtlii! inn 'Vuiion was nctivcil a ntirtMcututivtl tNi. Kiuiult-rvievrtd it iuiinli«r of UortiK->wiii>ooi>lL' iMii^TuitiK it, with tht IVkiw-unrcnult:f.-lliu* W-—r.-"A*t much xuporkr to the

ihl-fiiiliioiied toaaliim »* running fur Amoa-or ia HU|-«Hrtr to riiuulnif for Comiolluiau,"A, A. V o - " Deliybiful, btu^m of tbect tliat it b lliibiMl by «lectricitv (attend of

liv the Morrlntowu Una Light t'umpatiy."h A. V 1.—" All right fort boat) wlio rannml it, but tlie tariff I* a little too high for

tbo average Democrat.". W. J 1.—" Next ti> polltici It in thent tbiug to »l(d« a man I hove ever


Nnw Yiiir'x nvc waa u .tor my, diuii.1.1, but de»,.lt.> tbU unpleauitit factDover riuk wm filled with people to witttlie riiijirauiiuc of athletic sports arrangedlir the Uover Polo Club. Tbo tint wustwo-mile race between Arthur Wrigllcbntup!(.ii itkuter of New Hruimwick,JobuK. 8 lid I, of Dover. Wrinbl tooktblead at lbe utart but frll fnon after andpuaeed bin. Bell declined to toko any •«.'antageoftbii however, but pulle« np and

auewsHrt wus made. TbU titne Belt totbe lend uud WrinK forawbiie kepteloae iimd mnclc a (iretl.v race. At tbe quarter a,U.-II iiiLTeitued Ma speed uud amid applaiidrewawiiy from tlm Hmnftft taker a o,nort

FromtliU poiut Hell kept Katuiimtll at Ifae eud of lbe tint infle Bel

bud sained a wlinln lup uud pii«M><l Wriylwliiletbi) hovrritei vented tbeir salin loud HbuiitH. Soon prter euU'riuic tlio •>»-

Wriiflit auir hi. nulaxoaistlii'»in tiidniw away Iron, lilui aiiaiu, be aailial tbe KtiH WUB tmi fiut fir liJm nnd gv

tip tlifl rucit. lhtil hml nkntcd bira down luulle aud wan mi freabasitdat-ty. Alt.a few more lup. Hull also drew ol

Ills timo tor (lie first mil« waa 4 uiinuteinmll.sectrndK.

Tim next routeat wan a quarter mile footi-iice tct«"wu Wm. MoOratli, of New Brimwlek, :•<!•-. M. ,1. kyan, nf Dover. McOratliIH II truiu.'d spriuler, aei'tiHtoui«d to ruDink., uml lioliJn a couiidtiDbte Buoibcrnediili fur vletorfes won, ltyuti wtu faardl;

iu ibo beat lorui for runuiuH, and badnee for some year*,. Hut tbow

wlio kaew of Lin ooalnei. aud pluck, and badII biiu make tbe circuit oftlie tinea (or the

D»ver ball teum, were eonndent tbat itwoalitake a tip top man to beat him, The atariwnsiD-taulaneoUs,bntByan by a

it of Mitred ahowflri in front before thelint turn WHS rrHchnl, white bis frieudi shooltbe riuk with tbeir upjiltiuie. Hu held tbelead lima \inittei until tbe fur turn in tliaeniad Mp, wbvii be loxl bis stride by aliapiojr and Metlrstb almost caught biai. H.vaicnujjlit liin unit, however, verywaa aouu ruutiiiiic like u deer, wilb hlacbealwell Torward mid lii. alildo lou« an<i CVUDHe gitlncd slowly, but perceptibly and beforebe croiaed the soratcb had put fully tifty feet••I tbe open betaeeii blai aad hisespert

HoiiiKt. Kyati'a time for the quurler waiI'oiiiln, wtilth !>« very f.nt fora riuk.In tlm ]wlo pnuif that followed between tbe

Kit<el»lori.ofNew Bruniwldr, andvutn, Hull weut oH'wltb the rusb aud opfcncdtbn pf<ivueiliii|{r< iu Iliu UruituwU-k tjiiiirtiThe fight ri'urod out to renter aad then ocei

if Hover f.;.,!, >../. Bfll Ptnljtbe bait andit do\,u to tlio (inttuj'i fortiHoaUoaa,

16 x stiuuifie eusued. Tbe ball neatilered to the DoTer end, where a drive waa

itly stopped by Taylor. Bell pasaed it tot'urr, bnt bin drive waa itoppcd i Iboo Peer'almost uot it lu aud Uell aiuilo a drlvo wUolworiritopped. Next it rotated tu Dover, bulTnylor nciit It burk, and a flglit enmied Hgbllu ,r*ul of the Him uwiek KOUT, iu wbicti Farrdrc.vr, lint tnir*sef|. To Duvet It cmuie a**but Wtiltii relui-iied II. I'ter ainteA a drinnil » *nini enufeat ruaueil uliout tbe Hruiw!i:1( n;.^- Bulitwlee drove it itrni«lit forthe |.'oa1, lint wui ftupped envli time. UB thelust n-liuuud, however, Var caujlit it andMint it In wllb « neat eroe* ebol, Time,Mivcn whinlvs.

llell wntherl nvray with tbe ttccond] tuab,uutl after u light iu Ibe Brunswick quarter,tbo 1M.I1 ennui over tu Dim-r aide,

neut it bni>k to Karr *ho in n and wat

E. A. Q - -"fbinaaaawlltlyaadatnooth-

Dr. V. A. O - " Candor rompela nato admit that I tin ve loc i ty ID Hume* bat g m t e rlimn llmt of polit ic! probilrilioc,"

E. C. 1*—n.—" A trifle too fait to cowifortHitb M f d l l t "

deptrtaient nnd other ftletda. The Vlgfttau <M ** ta n e w Vow Vear1* awalai. Hofdagadded greatly to the lotenat ef the eecMkn l b e H M f r i e r i l T »""•« « T ratlnae, aa<by preacnttag Mr*. U-bart with • large aad « * • • »*aaaalljr at it haa bagaa, t naulf


a. c. p—y.-"Am prepared toeudoraeIt

St.-crAiiiiNKA, N. J. Jan. 3d, 1«K7.Ma. EoiToa:—A eorrimpondnut ol tbe

[HUM En*plgnlog biamclf "BtriBjref" takesnee|)tloo« to the petloriitai.ee ta the Chrlst-uka eutertaiuneat Thia is evldeatlr a fling"

a'ltheM. ill Sunday school, l.eoayatbefwnlittle >l.teni, nix and seven year* old. didn'tknow bow to nlDg; and tbe little t|re yearold in cart, choked 4uwn in de-pajr. HowIbia ii nU-.-kfly alory. Mr. Hlmugsr, ;oudid not alt down by tbe door tbat Gtiristnaalight, bat like tb» character* at whuai ourliivinur speaks, you occuplmltbocliiei statea tlieayuusonue; aud tbono hiilcoiii britf,

i|norauoenufl jtalousy, tbut are yawping nolud.ort) yonr moral and mental oUspriog,

and j(ia a n tbeir nalnml father. If tboaelittle jonoeenU could have rained a yell thut

ould havt riilif a thunder cloud, or startedau Iuiliau un thR war path, It wpuld te won

• large aadelegantly framed crayoa partnit e>f hertflf—a cumpnuion plctare to th« awtralt af Fare-nan Lambert, which Ibey nrcMatrd him la«tyear. Tbe work wat dene by PaaaWamand 1* faithfully and finely executed. Tbepn-wntatlon waa nude ay AutaUat CluwfUlbion iu a few nnarka. I'onnaa Lnaibertresponded earaestty aad fcdlaflr, aad Mra,tarabtrt added tmne well ehoaen and Ap-propriate worda aa aa txpntaioa •* herthmiki. Then the largo t>oatpa»y preuntwnrn invited to partake ef tbe well knowa

j cheer which Fotamat Lamtart pnvlwai a*aaatiaUagly. All dl.l jnUl« at Wafaamot 'boanl, and tbe tine tat a eo«ph> of h,otin v a tl t l i l d i b l

mucblao pootry la«nwouder tbe ehimpi

ri.lel.llymo mho

troed tlifl eraok lor you didn't eraaftb tbelachlnc. No Mra offer who is a gentlcmau

would lie guilty of going to a Cbriatiuaa en-erthiameBt and pink out the I ir perfect torn ofDfaola and publish tbcm to Ibe world. Ooobingmore, Stranger; You are twice a cbll.l

and iajoar eeoiltty have aot itnprovrd uponthe experience which ooaiei wirb age. Artgoing: Stranger t Won't yon haveonB of tbelittle fellow'a carle aa a neaienfo of nhtiit-LUBB t A MEMBEK OP THE Hcitoor.

theChanv R M M la %*• Weataar.

A Roehaway corretpondfnt wrote toXewark Kewa on Unadiiy: A curlon* freakof nature la to be okterved ou the form ofJoteph Eatton, near hern. The farm It alarge and productive one, audit alluatedoathe aoutbcraibpe of tue mountain aide. Mr.Eattan b u n very large applr, peacb, pearl)iid cherry orchard, and tho br«nchci pf qneof the latter tfffp I] completely oorercd vltbbloaMUia. Tbe Mra ORB tight hu attractedtirowdt of coontry and city people, who areIt a loaa to explalu tb* woudfriiil pheno-menon, A branch or ttie tree full of UPBHIDB

eibil>il|on at the Lottl litre.

flrtPMVi It l ttf • • • a l i t H i .At an adjouruod awetiDg of tat Dover

Firemen'a Wiv.l A"ociatiira tbe followiDgolBoera were choecn far the ensuitg year:preaMent,Wni.H.Lambert; VicePreaident,rrankll-Mndkley; Treuurer.aR «ena«tt;nevretary, Fr*d. H. Btacb. Board of YM-tora, Mnhlon pitney, or the Wardena; panfelMoilfr of Mteamer No. 1; Jaa. H. Ifctaeb, ofiteamer No. 8, nad Wai. W. Sieklea, of Pro-tection Hook and Ladder Co.

Vtviea^ Muhwt.R, H. Bawden brt added to bit meat market

a steam aanaaga ebopver, which eaatdea himto chop aad aeaaon aaniage for aay one at theunall price of one cent aad a half per pound.

inaTlietciinUln«.,tl^.li>t ' ^ ^ '" '

to),j>cd. Again H DADIU to Uurer,iivlor mnl it li.ick, ami anah Fan'* drive'UK HtoMied. AnoiberetrugKlelalhe Brans-iek enruer win followed by a trai

Dover, bntBi'llaad White by «kill.»l play-' broaght it bnek aad f a n waa again aaait

oo a ({nod attempt; U t ai the ballbouudud ueioia Uio riuk I'tur captured bia

iy Kuallmr uruM aliot. Time,fl n.itiiit.'ri and lRHfcouds.

Tlit- iul.ililrte Dull caught the aiibore firstiu tl»- iliird trull, uml tbe ball travcraedtfae'ink Neverul timt'H. iu the ouuree ot wbicb1'it.vlor I - iiv Heut it l:u'k. Fiirr gut u drive,bin wuti Mt'ipUTil uutidaoaiely, aod tbe ball

k te DOT«r, when Hell nade another»1 LIs auperli Meals and runs Iu Ihe flg.ittliat followed at the llrunawick end, Farr,IVersnd B.H each nad . twu driveB.all of |wbieb were stopped br Hie expert goal teidfrof the Brunawk-k boyi. Tbco the aphere

traasferred to Dover, wlien Tailora strong drive, and Bell and Whin

finixht It back. Farr drove it over the cage,aod it came out tn oeator, from when Whitedrove, bat waa alnpped. Parr then tried hitbani) for a goal, bat t u ab» abat out. Tej -lur itooaed it ae (t came dewf "the rink aodBell rso it to fi^rr, who. « • Ogata blockedfa bi, drire. Uel) hrewat tt to hia agaia.I.Ul Kurr was felef) la hit drives, Plaalljit catitf) out to Bell, who not a etralgbt shotaad seat It in with aa irrealMable whack.


Thin is what May1>eeal|i'd -'uioviugyeaiiu tbe Newark • • C Cuufereoce, aa au uuaual number of a-jatura wUl l*e ebunitedtbe coming CoaloKlice ia Marcb, in couse-mience of tbe eiativaUoii of tbe three y.limit of tbat deiwaiiuatiou. Tbe foliowiB]|>uatoriur« closiog tae lubore oftlieir tliinyear aud will be transferred to otber tteldx.Appended to tbdr aainei ia the-alary they reeci*aHl lust year, iuoludicgvalue of boose rent:

Pateraon Diatrict—Holuden, tm.K.h.CMkliu, Blairatewa,WetkteyHattia.Booaloii anal Moatvllle, »1"* J. L. Heji, ButtE.ille, «700; A. ViDeanea, ColumH*, a)07r>. B. Johns, First.~ r.il.lOO: J. B. Kanifli, Second, Dovei•1,OSO; J. A. Hunrov, Uacketlatown, il,75flJ. P. Furl, Lafayette. *55O; Wm. McCaiiMttle Fall*, «KM; V ('. Ii aid win, MouuluiaView, mO i 0. 8. Co*f. Newton, fl.175 ; M. T.Uibba, Kuibsry, t^lemoii,|l,tNU, Jaa. Hoot

MarketW.Paiersou, *3,H3*J; A. M,Harriai Bockaway, a7wi, M. C, Beed, Hue•I.IIDBU, *H\:-

Newark Hint riot—B. H. Oarloa, Arlionti1.3*0; J. £. Haaeocfc lUikiag Bidge, #7! ,

Vreal Bloaw. DeuTlllc, I7IB; M. I>. Cbarcli,Montelair, «l,aW: I>. »• V. Maadolpb,teiiery,N«werk,aa,uajH SnellBeyer.Cei .Newark, *W,IIW; J. M. itubertaon, DiuhiollMeaiorUI, Newark, t l .^l; i. ~ ~~'>aTla Mouerial, Mewark, «l,tKW; V, C.Wiuaas, Det.nMl, H.25U; Wm. EakiuH,, , »Ilalaeyet, Newark,It L k ' N k

; n,); J, W. Joliuaou,

E Ly , a r , ^ ; u,

t. Lukc'a, Newark. &,7fil>; C. E. Little,'•Italy, Orange, &**>; B. W. Allen, 81.lobnV O n a f A «•*>; •>• VV. fleran, ttpriag-

fluld, *760; t. A. tiwea, Suuniil, •l,*50.Jera#y C'UT Diitr iet . -HUM. Hall, Bloou-

'Rdak, «W3; E Jf Cratto, Deckertown,*I.1SO; K. W. H.irr, CcuteDBrr, Jersey Lily,W.IW; J . B . BrBdy, Uedding, Jertey I'rty,

,HU>; p. C. Bwoom, Jaaea, Jersey City,Wj W. L. Hnaglatd, Uravetta, Jurteyt.v, W,*W; K. Cleauut, 1'alitaden, Jeraey

'ity, (l.ltM; Joba Atkiiiton, Irluity, Jeney•tlj, «3,U8O; J. I -Bonet l , Weat Bidt) Ave,

JeraevCity, tl .UO; W. II. McBride, apaiowbuab, N. Y , a i l« | W. B Kelfer, otouj'oiui,N.Y.,ai,unu,tiliaabctti IH.trl.-t.-J. B. Taylor, Uouud

Brook, 11,201); H,P. Lacey, Crtnlord, f ;" C. Dutuker, l<«rk A r t , Elizabeth, *l,M);

H. JOMI, BvnrelliUown* « n u ; W. W'oatketa, Olm Otrdatr, «C7r»; IT. U. MeCor-ikHlbHridKe,91,6T0; E.B. Jaiviejion, M<

illfl,KUn;U.ll,Winiua, NewUHmtitoon, $w, 1. S. Hajw'rty, Nortou, 4770;".» . Arudt.Graw. fltiilcn Ulaud, «I,47U; J.

. Kmjiabury, St. John'*, Slatenl«lnud, #4(50;\V. Uuudolpli, Wuoclro*, Klatcti Island,fUl; Q. W. Rvtlb, W^ifield, «1,MIU.

The Ciatral «aae Mm a Ian** Bee*Begiauiug with tbe first of this month tbeiw f erny VtminX Ballraad resumed cuutnill u praaeeti aad la operating all Ita lltica,

leludiagt»r High Mcidee Uuucb, ludcjieod-itly, AIIUH,aMaae*,a«(thecomi<'iDjare,ilu la tbatrratitlc?-. > ^ U « « •'••-•:

eeatioat, awl all Ibo eld eej*!e.uee areJ. Oa tba Haga Bridge ataaeb there iilaavge whatever, utl the p m l a rM frees Buiit. 41. L Brraataowa, being

atill la their old plaoea. For Us aaiformand eDterpritw, M wall aa fcr tbi

ray It always conierrea the avbHe tateresU,there m « r wna a awn. popular railroad

t..n Blale thaa tbe Central

new local enUircrite WUB lately ln<

md iU buBineaa will bo fondnctrd «uii knowD aa a jwrtioa of tbe Elmer c»-

poratod mdor tbe lawtof the State of HewJ.t l i r f<nt>te,lyiijKintue townabip of I la i tin,cuuuty, uleng tbn line of tbe D., L. k W, U.H; oue mile from Llttietoo prat otfee andabout one mile and oue-balf from Mount Ta-bor. Tl ie object of tbe aaaoclatlou is to par-chase tbe property trom tbe heirs of the latep p y

er, which compritea 1M oerea afrably antted tothe pnrpoaea of ponl

k b d i d l

F. Kl.tnd, bvi

try raking, stock breeding and agriculture.~: U well watered iu every part and tbe land

pruduiaivoof all that pertains to farminggeneral, laelading tbe raising of fruit*,

'Hie., <.•«•., whMi bave heretofore yielded'ttlluble barveala in their •enmiu, aud wblchin iturmliid to eoatinue tbeciihivalionofrcMniiimiition and market. It (a the piu-

uulilirod poultry, (cltlukeni, turkoyH,n, ttetiM-, eb).,) marketing egia tor batch'uU other •urpoant; alto tbe breeding

and raUhiH of blended, abeep, twiae, ale..]*\u\i In tu,.| w j ] | emhrwo a regu'" poultry,iK aud tlitck busiaraa. Thia baiineaa, whkbin proponed to be extended, baa been ope

ited gucnwtfaDy for wuvernl yean, and luder to mtke it aa exteaalva one a atock

Hiiiiany bua aeoa ergaolsed. To ape>h afthe Urtliiiea far t a t weoeaafil operation of';bli aaiociatloa, they a n aapie aud afford

for goad reaulU U be ptuduvedtbcrvfroiu. The aaatciatlvn work will be per-

e<l dy tboae wbo potaoaa exaerleuce aadkilk-d in tae labor. In addition to tbe

already in aee for the hooting of |tutor layurt aad aptiag tilting fowlt, aoiaeew one! are betig erected. Though a youug

earporation, itaaraepeetaare brlgb t for traati l d i i ll

A Rataaat B v u t at Kllbnak.Tbo Millbrook M. E. Knubath w:hool

the charge of A. Kcunnp, Hup't, badpleasant eoUrtaiuinent on Tbumlav evDecember 30th. The clmrol] bud beeu beau-tifully trimmed with imby thoyoui

md ut H oVIock tin- excred with ttinuinji by t i e school, folloi

with prayer by Rev. liobert Jeakhliulurn then recited viir

«t followt: "Will tin-New YearniKbt, Mammul" by fttdie Vai


ittt Olaut," by Dtvid 1'ujjnlcy : •' Nightalter Christmas," by Koaa Pnntley; '"Two Shoe Makert," byKatlo Prudcn; ",'Old M tb M d l l

yOld Man on tbe Mud<J

Mud<l CluJeukint; "Tlie True Laddie

L."by Robert. byAuuleSbei

lan; "The Bent Holidaj," by Ada GueriaCfariatmu* Cbiaies," by Annie PuR-leyThe New Cliiireli f )rj[aii," bv Jonuie YiHauta Claui," by Wnrren'EnKlea: "The

Propbet ol NHEaretb," by Eilitli iTbe ringing ot bello then trival of Santa CUua, wbo

ced tlm ar-

n luricea aa wellaa a »uti:e*.ful u d prei table one. Poai re-

ills bave elicited tbe fact tbat tbe aalppiag' blooded pualtry froe. tbis farm b u euo-iued ft bicli rep«Utioa, In all cases proving'izowiuuhigBtaadardbirde. Tbe manage-

ueutuftbensaoeiatioa will cwtiw itself to(wiiiiij! of a United variety of fowin at

any out' tiuiv, t b u altainlag parfeotfon In soas puaniMe, and the best Suanclal Ksults.

mice J airly loaded down will pieseutM, wbiy pore distributed auioit^'tho uie

school. Tbo wrviuea were, iuterbertof Ibo

pcrwd willpremark* and niugiiijc, mid »11 p n w u t nto enjoy tbe etercltca very much. At 9:90 theaudience wat ditntaaed. May all tbe awnbera el tbe aohool eujoy a Happy New Year.

TiuaBttTetThe BeWidere court room waa crowded on

Tueaday, tha day fixed for tbu Huteuviug oiJ-ui,f Titut for tba murdvrof Tillie Smith.Lawyer J. O, fihipuian, counsel for Titut,made atrons appeal for a rcarjpnuent or thecaw, bul thlt waa denied by Chief Jail tenBeaaley. Wbon Titut appeared "in Court bewaa the central nltractiou of uli evn. Hitcondition mentally ae«tucd to be about tbeunie, but be bad tout aume Hc«b and had be-come more pallid. After thn argument be wutremanded to Jail, thepaH»iuj[ofi»eutt!nec tating been pottpoued till Jnu. 2Titb.

A diapatch from Bel vide re on Wodnceday._.. - ,___ , kb l h f h•arkable change for tbe

>uly tlie Douilitiou of

llread Company, awl the peaale along theUgh Bridgo Bnnrb. aa well aa those of at!

other f.srt« Iraveroe4 by their lines, ba<• rally reaUaedtbiaby theeoatraat abownpr taa a i m g e i a a t of the Philadelphia eVling. All will W glad to haew tLev hi

^Minwtl poaaeMfan, u d we feel e a n thatilvr their liberal BtBUagemetit tbeir etu->? eoa, here and *very«liere, will aa of oldIve to win pnbllu favnr by accounodating

ideBcient surviot.

A I Mat BMaa PeUtteiia.3ueJ.M. Vnwt.from H I partofMorria

lUtity—be docao't deioe bit loeatioa—urgt>aa waj Into print!» avkuuvledce h* hain't

Mf ahow to ateara the plaet af •argaaat-at-1 raM, aod to withdrew in favor af tbe Boa-•able KIIM CbrltUpher Drake for Eagraaa-g Clerk. Whether thia viiitatna of Frott111 benefit or bll|fct wbtit little there la of* Hoaorable Ellat ChritUipbet'a boom weIIOI pretend to know or care. In regard

what w* aaii luat wenk in reference to thelatter the only explunttlon we bare to make

tat oar inrnrniutlaa OHIUB from a n e » -it of unqiiettioaed party lenity, vrbo likeiy of bli k>d, hit grown flick: of the Ron-

•able Elian CfcriifAaer'a iuatiate greed lorI and tnjoye the Ian of awln« hiai atirnd

orgime,|Dfaiiaatea. U all «he L

diet, the i.>over go»l keeaer. aid Mt get aSIBRIO atop, but the Braaiwick Jtoal keeacrhad bis heads fall eoa«Matlya4itl M-m*ipicodld work, la the fcitr isuiei tbe Da>vers have tbua ftt »lajed thU aeaeoa the /bave uot given tbelr oppoteati a aliigla goal,and Bell has won avery rnib bat

Fenaui Laaibtrt'a law Tear •awytlwiroremtn Wm. H. Lambert, af Vigilaal

Heamer Co., No.», In aceordaaee w hia ana-toni ofyeara atand dg, gave a taetatloa atIiU residence on Hew Yeat'a aaralag te tbe

mberaof hia eonpany, the onnrtof the

py,•e hag aa tha vtoha doea art arcfrr chargeBIhe guilty parties may ge Mpanlahed. Toaay I w u a vicllm ef easaalraey it putUa« Itratherauld. Yat Ieoareaa Ik«aa awre agree-able thaa oth«rwbt, ani 1 take thla eppor-laaltr thraaghthe ERA to eiteodany awwtgratelal tbnnkt Utll wha eeaapired tn ae-oariag a heaalifal hta4 laakMH aad praaeat-

lf«dd« Mogai toreejwetea1 nato advrr-tlMl«awifr. HcuystbMtkeMra. Ho«aiwbaleft blHMBM reana«B waa never bitwife legal]j; that ab» wtt anvkMsly aiarriedtaaaiaa who It atlllliviag. Neddy hHherwinbtaaatn tsy iktt ha haa a good m ^faratthed honte, aad hat atond ^ the e«ll«r

ip ,uromptu n»eotK» aad aaaial Joya, AU 4a-

tvd with the wub tlitt the UgbeartadawB and bia laailly waahl aajay a ha»»y

• barrel V M iii aimlef etftr. HedaaaiH watt »ay lore etak laaffahiwM «bantthe Matter, but aayrMbtetabtefeaiale whaleaaa baaiaeai e u ea> / taaee prerWeaa•Ith him n a n apaUcattoa ta hU pt*ni*ea at

Richard A. NtCaray, Praaideat ef tbeMutual Life Inturanre Conpjay, aad Bra.McCnrdyxuvea luge reception Maw Year'sday at thf Ir hone at Korrii PUins. Thelargehoute wnt handsomely fl>M»ateti with

d f f f i Ttr* at the left of lbe grand ball waa ooawaledIn a tUruhhery nf lerna anil palms. The dio-inii room, wbicb really deterven tbe name ofit l»auc|UG|lng hall, wai fragrant with garlandaof clioice llowen. Mra. UcCunly receivedthe |U< ) ware Mbe«4f*itMea f«il|efranoajse witli wide paaels af bito tbe edge of ttie iraia. Tba hodlos waa aleeut velvet. Mra. Raymond, who awlated inecri*iii|j, wore a hamliuinin gowa of brawncivet. Amoug tbe gaenti w e n Mr. aad Mra.

L. Tuebaud, Mr. aad Mra. Oeorjr* Haatlnire,Mr. and Mrs. F. lloyt, Mr. and MM: GeorgeKip, Mr. and Mrs. Ylnoent King, Mr andMr- Robert RoliRes, Mia. X. Whitney,Dtepbea Whitney, the Miaaea Wbiiaey, Mr.nnd Mra. OeorKe Wylle, Ut, and Mrs. LouieWrigbt, Mn. Theodore Ward, Mr. sod MraAuguit Wnrd, Orn. and Bra. Walker, Mra.L. P Johnsoa, Mr. aa« M H . W. Johatoa, Mr.and Mra. A. Deaa, Mr. Charles tyjtoa, aqe}aaany others.

Tha BaUatm A*iTbe govd rtsiUltt

the i^otpel meeting! ta HjarriatoffB under tbedirection of Kev.B. Fsyl l lHi araaow be-giDDinif to In nor* l«,l(y knawa. Threechurches of tbat place received large aecea-niuDt Istt Sunday At the South Btrtet Prei-hyterian Church fH w e n receirett oa ptofea-•Inn, 19 by ^Iterand }H biptiied. It it ainoexpected that bctwetn 1M and 40 n o n willJoin thia church at theneit communion. Atthe Firat Presbyterian Church r.7 were added

ie membenthip, nearly atl al whota wereon profeasian. At the M. & Church Iff werereceived on probation aad quite a sum herb;letter. Within three weeka flTpenone have

I joinod tblt ctiurcb, ol w h m W wan proba-tioner!.

P v k r I tom at BwiaeM Prwaa,I have the aale of Lebann'a foot

an even tempera tore In your aletgfa or baggyall day. Requires so attention.

will bay a fair of Meat' Buckle AwttM at I good^, ojatert,Btralt Urn., Roekavaj, N, J. and told reaeouulv

>DK«I•ooltigBM, iruiU, cuw^u) * " t « r *««U., whieharealwavafitBh P"'""1 . ""'ab)T. Dover.

.Id for tSceau, at Mlat NaUa'a,

At a largely atteaaM a*d very pleaaant1 aeoiable givca by the laafcw af the Fint M. E.Cburca ea Hew Year'a ft/gal, the membera ofthe patter1* Bible clana availed theajaelvet «fth t l t \ " k ' t B % J hWttb fbe gjft Of an flegaat silver waterpHcber, sslvir aad pair ef geblate, BuiubiyInscribed w awrk. tbo aenaaaa. VudaotarJerry R. Qaafg* Made (he efattag in a BM|preaeautioa ajweeh, and Mt, Jehaa, altaasgh

I maea nfeotcd, reeoiem) tn«cieUly I* attesth t b k M i V

riitewitbthel^puUfeaaitepteveattbeDeai.ocrat taking hia aaat aatll a new election lahail l>] th*> iteople of that district tn tht Bjan-aarproviaVdfiir by tbe <JMa|iM|iaa af Ihe"tate.

In tbo natter af leglelttata aaaieroua billsaft'eeting the labor nrohleai will tfoubtleia be

duped aud prolaag the aeaaioa. Anotherexpected taak will be MM amparatioa ol eea-•titutiooal aneuilBenU nlieviag the iron-bound reatrlDtiona agalaat kejiaUtloa formuiiicipBhtiei. It uiMwcooeeded that HenryC. Kelscy, by boldla| well in hand the votesofaeeortwoaieuibanfcr United Slates Baa-,ator, bai brought Ibe Abbott wing of bjeparty to terns uadwIU a a f r ^ l akaatif atfleenUrj af KUte.

tVveraor*lect Unoa wlU tte iatwgaratan'tftb guiiaarable eereeaoay ea taa lath, aad

the «r.t ballot far Uaiiad l u t e a Seeator willbe teMta on the fotWulU day. Haw this willeToitaate will deaead apaa tbadi ta i i i l l iao .thaeoateatedaealt aad the ootioa ef tbe Uborambera, wbakafw eltadUytwlbaal toanioaBce what lusitiee, they will take.

Xo|wt*H*tlbelarck waa ever »ere graatlv eadMred

Io Ma peaple that. Her. ft. Jehaa, aud aa Aetaw far aa»«nt4ai ^tflfaariwe lbej regardtbe tooalag paruag with fweUaga af dataeat


Ti Itw CuajBHiii,Althaagh the atatate prahlbtU

Clark W. Mills, adwtof Puwptoa, who >eatsa-atW tba IHratIHatrtttaf Paatale Caaitj la ta* AaaMbljia I M aad IBM, died at T o'eloek Wedaaeday,svealag at hia rnilliaii. M Caart atreel,Newark. Mr. Hill, was bora ta aeobea.Onwga Count.?, New Tark, a^anarj IHh,laV, aid wae the aaa af the la*a IkepaajdMill., who for a tiaereetded la Newark aaddied there. Clark W. Mllii aaeaaie a Me.-ber ofthe New York Ptadaea Ixchaage etita organiaatien, aad fcr M a j jean waa aa-gaged la bualaeia aa a grata bnket la NewYork. Uentlndaba«ta<taHa«a. Ha waafor a t l » a realdeat of flreohlre, +4 £awred to Monlelair aheet 1tfi\. l|a wao

laara, w d « v a

^ W A TBUCKAWAT, X- J , Jen 4 IMF.

•aipwliai T. H. 0. A, Blll|taia.Tbe Udlea' Auitliary of Mw MerrMawa V.

1M. C. A. gare a Terr enjoyable nmtfoa. tathe men at the roomaoftho Awctei»n aaNew Year'a Bight 'fbNaga al paagle werein attaaaaaaa aad an etaalbat aiuteal aadlitfwy oateHaiaBicut wae given, prominentfeatuMaaf*h»h W«M faeijnnaeiwd oweaby Blaa Hntlle fkartag, who hat a vote* afrare compane and aweetaeaa, aad hajaorowrecltationa by Mr. L. P. Haaaaa. A awatinterestlnt addreaa wai alaa aiaae by Ber,Dr. A.Rrdman, while all pnaentwere generoaaty treated to fike, ooaTee aad lee etean.

A OBM Mmilar a* Lajaa'a.m W. Dai-eaport. formerly af Cheater,

l.ut Utterly af New Vork, died at klrhome Lnthat city at 8 o'eloek' In lbe naming ol h>wYear', day. > e phya^aaj ia attcadaaaasaid that hit w» waa In every way alailartethat of tha late den. Jaha A. Login, bitdeath being canned by rb* fttin inlBgltiaMr. Davenport married adaaghler af Dr. E.0. Willett, sf Geraua Valley, nad waa aa ia-•l»trioai ana mack raafce:te4 mut. ttfa «maiaa wen broagbt ifi «aa«hr«]atfilla mTnetdaj, when the iflUHBW Was atade.

Qforga Wilwm, of fWareoR, was at tJraea-wood Lake laat week ana isae* throagh thetee. In tw» daya he oaaght 1H plckenil aadpereb. Perch are blHng aphadidlr aaw ladeep water. Oa Cbriataua day Will (Ie Qrawftabed in thirty .Hra f(*t»f watcrsod caughtfortj-thrte pereh, weighing tiity pouadt.The perch gather In tht deepeat water andwhen thetnglwflaja aachoel of big perchand haa a backet of live bait he will ha keptbuav for hoara and have M time to raaliaeIhatbeUmld.-Cnil.

The Aeatl. of Ool, Julian McAlllater, of tbeOrdaaaee Corpa, which oeaMrrad at Ooter-aot'a lalaad oa Hotday last, promote* MaJ.P. II. Parker, fonaerly ia ooaaaaad of theV. 8. Powdar Depot at Dover, ta a Ittataa.

Jolonelpyln thsOidaaaeo DapartaMat.MaJP-Tker'a pronotloa alsoaiabea MaJ J.P. Parlay, the present noataiaader ef theDaver Pawdar lleaot, enter Major of theOrdaanee DepartaHat aad asrt ia tbe U H ef

•J*i* wffi taBarf OTWMWI

H orf;iiiiir.i!d on tbe co-ujieralivu plan wflhcapitul stuck of W\m, divided into WU

larcBor^eaeli. They are nan aaseiaableid a limited uuaiber can be purchased. It«alil to be uii idmitted fact tfaat prefitalu

be iiuulrrj liuttlneaa are large, whllo tbe eost' operuliuu la uoanparatlvely anall. TheMntalHcera of the aaooeiatloa are: Presi-rl,r|K,rlcH('. DeHart.of Bwkaway: Viiet!»nt(!tii, EnKeac Hill, of LUfleteti, Uecre-•y, M'm. I, Mola., of New York, Treaiurer,

ii.,tV.w.v A.I-;imer. Peraeaa In Morriatown,VVunliiinftduand Mew York are some of tbestockholder*. Their annual meeting fi boldou the Hr«tMouday lu January. Anyairing information eaa reoem It by visitiagth« larta, or by addteaaiag W n . T. Moflat,Heo'y, Llltltloii, N. «f. QUJKH BABK.

Tflna, but in his Hppearunec aloce he ttood iuthe court room yialcrdny. He is no nervouitto-day tbat one would think be wat Bufferingfrom pulty. Hid fui'e i«, II i»08<iibk<,still uioreu i l Hi i ljiciite, wliii-b Ian always

rtvd him, uuil iiltogetberkl

pyunity pulo. Hi*hi«u jtood, IIIIH dr , uul ihe in a deplorable lookloK prouture.

A Fmit fcr PntMtiaiiiti .Whut will the Auc He in Free TruJ.r.s «Uy

ta tbeaunsiincement thut tbo abippiug atnLis-ttca of the port nf UVIT|WO), fur the yearlm b w n deore*te of 100,0(10lout f Liver

The Logitiature whieh caavenet oa Tu<day i it will beeaool the a t I m p o r t a n tmd protracted ever knawa la tkla State. Theimt Hglit will beapM MM ergaalaatioa andtbe uootested aeata. la the Canden dUtricI,where lluiiiua, Btpoblieaa, waa counted outand Turley, Deawerat, waa ee*lt*d in, theBrosrHit frauJH have been anooTered by the

epublieantt. Tbe reealt waa changed iu o niwmhij,. w^reHaiaeshad 170 Teles, which

ancouuttnadeliU. All tbe nenben of tbeelection board, laalasang eas Deexeerat. havesworn that the original eaant wai ottrect,and attdavlla hare been aecand from U\\people tbat they voted for Bataea. la the tiediatrict of Meroer coanty, where the Beoabli-oao candidate waa a Knlghl of Labor, it ia«pecte<l tbat the two fetor awa-bwa will

ttoul , a . u Keit port of cutty. T|>o tutiua^ of the uoatit-wlae trade has Inen ii«n;i: th ^of decrease beiiiK due to » falling off in thef r f i liade, Which Is, cvnaciiueully, do

more than 100,000 tans; In otheiwordi. b j the amount of tho cou»twi*« fa.create, fereo Trodcra nay that Protection

i a natiuu's mcrt-hunt mariue. If ere it atailing eft' iu the tonnage of tlie principalport ot one of tbe grouteit Free Trade nutlonHOR tbo face of tlie earth, and tbut, too. In Iliiforeign trade of tbat uatluu. The thoorios o.thn Free Tradert may point to certain coudi-tiont; but in tha Ilgbt of tbe fueti, it In notvery often adlncultmatter tothow tbat iucbcoadltloaa da not exit), or If they do, it iaawlag to seme other iuHuaoe.





For Chapped Hands, Salt Rheum, &c.PRICE 85 CTS. A BOTTLE






•mlif U »(kla • * riM IWf U HHow the JOIIDg pm|ile an ei^ojiag thew

h.ppy condllloml Tln> air lul nlgbt wu•uiJckl ia every direction with the tiiikllDgclinic, ol Ike alelKb lielle >ml tho JOJOUIhlgklertfthorooghly h«pOT ;o<»g people.Ai we grow oldor l.u.ite.. re.pon.iUlltic.•ftd h i u l l d h d l l b

g•ftd hoiunluld cane

phat dull tbe edgeeanewhat dull tbe edge

•f our nnj,j»oul,, but U Boil o( mt the•lel(h belle are Hill Joy'"" aouuda, reealliugIhoee nerer Io be noorcred day• wlten abriiht t.« willing.horse, a neat cutterMd a (Mir girl bouded a world ofhuppl-•CM. Tba noet of uj hare been there, yimngIWke, kaow alUbonl tbe ton jou an hatingtkiaelwantirnlaigble, and you will pardoniu if we envy you M we recnll tbe day. of"aoldlangeyne,*' inder Binnlar conditions.But we don't expect to commlaerate lu. Weknow froB eiperienee tbat a ;oung eoaplewkile ilelgblng on a moonlight algM are obIliloui to all the real of the world.

wyd ke ^ttored te Baajptoa, and white Ilifiai thei* wae etaatad a BanlMr of tkaMate AtwmMy. Ma waa a •apablleaa laaellUes. Hie mldeaaa la Newark emred apenedof about tweyoan. Mr. MJUawaaaf r y gealal aad gena—aa — i . At aaa Usehe waa quite wealthy. Re hMToa » widowaad Are children, aaa of the* a Barrio^daaghter, mHlugfr^asiMjB,

Celeasl |BKetaoll, diaeMrsia. an tat anUgMtsaofe*r<t«l aad labor, s v s : "Bar*taaaatMahap. UasekMUUeabefisalwayahue; at work during the day, always iadaa-irtoww. latbcereilagtogaaaeaanlngsoaioload, aiea girl. Then a n •watheraMH la theahop;whodon'tdo uyaweatalag- Ttwrapeadhall their working warn la l»aa>g, aad.their eve-Jags la dietd»at»e. 1 > «rU J M W 8

nan by and b; cots c*.| t a w otters, aadppafaoot.u>4«uM«*ai*«,hr. ewa. Thea

TkeaabowH lagllak neatlate aod loetn-KBUIUIa. too kWk lood CooeeHCoBOOOy,

Iraoi tbe Cryetal Polaee, Uoodan, will appearIo Haket Open U n a , Uorei, Thandayefeolug, Joa.»lb. t««lr ongnavoa la te-•oed. rarlod,n4 oHutkablo fora.T.1 aadattract, (eoMrea. Tte|r alagtag ia ol tka'kfcketl order olnaiiil, aadtbelr Inatntwalallajlectlooa tatrodwo lbe tkaona rock fcaraoa.looa,orarlao, ailber, atrelob or bow allber,fairj balla, tylopbooe aod ether lulrnBeata.AdaHiiiaa. U, K aad » oeolo. Beaaned


rDgirl. aaMhelaaUatarldeofThe «va lahat ai a, hU femer

soa.pastco's. who a» hi* Indaiglig la tblala*ary ntlra to a aeighawtag aalooa andpane a reaolnlioa tbat than la aa enterna>itruule between labar aad oaptttl."

Arcana lolge, Ho. « , t. aid A. M.-W.M., Joabua 8.8almoa| a W., Hoary Beard

| J.W.,Johl DarMlaeobna; HecreUry, Caarha ff. Korria; B. D.,Libert Cromwell; J. O., B. c . Lyon; k1. oilI., Tboe. By.rJ. W. H. Bailey; Tjler,' a. C.

Tibbale, otNo. « ; IVlMllt, Uearj Beard.

tfe , »0.170, L O.U. F.-H. O.,lim. W. Van Duyoe; V. O, Moleoa T. Alai-

aader: >. 8., Wm. B. Bailey; P. 8 , Wa. A.Elliott i Treae., JLjihK I. ttapp.

Prof. W. K. Newto*, ito (toto InopecUr,loifJ u»utr ttt aew law prokiblUat Ibo

u «l eleo»«r«Jrt>«. to pmMallag all ol.feoibjra with vigor. Traaaanr ToaVy oayatbo rcwlala ol Una laaaaM fer vlolalioa ollib) law average nearly «•,«» a auatk. Com-

1 •laoloner Kewlon haa leaned a notice to deal.era tbat tbe act ol Cowgraaa de*o aot nper.code lbe Bull Uleoaat|arlaO aea. Bolk

edera.1 »Bd tluteont by dealer,.

I ko lake.

MarrbOontfOaBttj.Tan January term opeoaoa tke lotk. Very

few civil aotloni bave ao far beea tied. Tbo,Boot laporlaat criminal eoaeo are tke Wai ofLolli. Prndcn, ol cheater, far Ike aaraer of |her newly born babe, aadtaa trial of Chae.Hoynolde, lor blaiphooiy aod wkoa it ia ex-peeled will be defended by tke reaowaed Bob


rianaaaOa.rerooata nt awl a todaood prioe (la order

to ledaee taelr large atoekl tbat paniea wkeink they will want oao aeat tail will sanlyly one now II they will ealj take tke trou-

ble to compare preaeat prlcea witb fwaer

The proof of tbe padding la in the eating,therefor* why suffer w!th m.,.1,-1

ooat aaw Maker laat aext fall, ai Pteraaa It j aaaCa-areaelllagatgrutlTredaoodor^. "U,

i a fru aaapla» • proeare I _aperient, Orapolme, at l o t t Kibooia'aT""

auwela, whoa yonMa of tka great

l ow toarw a l Toaaesk.Ho>. W B . Waller Pbelp. reoelvcda boat ol

frienda f n a all part, of »ew Jeraey oa KewVear'aday.atToooeek, hlaalegaat Horgeiieonnly boon la the tecepUoa Mr. Pielpawa>aoiUtsdarMr.Joba E. Millar aad Mrs.raalpa waaaaaMod by ber alaea, Mlaa Vaa" eea. Tba rooai of tbe koasa wen all

iwa wido opaa aad oaak pereoa wha od wae Bade to aadonload tkat ko waa to

aotaa laoagbka was la bioowa koaaa,aad•aaaial wllltaroagk Iks BHalieeally far-alokad aafanaoata. Uae of Ike potato of•vaatoal atlraelioa waa tke art gallon, lawhisk aoay rare aal valuable oanlaiaa oftka akin of aodera aaotorawan toko seen.Senator Sewsll. lloo B. r. llooey, Coa<me-aua Keaa aad aaay olker proalaoat poaala

Skates! Skates! Skates! 8katesl

They had qnitc a Hats a( tbva WhvOiog homeIn Port Morris kept 1>J M.ra. A. J. Porm eatae 94 Inat Tba haaidera, aVwl twelve inauaibpf, a«»da Mra. Foree a preaent ef abaidiima nlbaai and a loe pietan frame.

I Tka pmanliiinn apeeoh waa nude bj Mr. M.M. Mayer, aa engineer on the M. fc E. Dlr.Mra. reree waa takea coatplotely by aurprlse,bat aha ooaa got ovet it, and replied ia a fewwell cfaoeea werda. Ramarka wen Bade byengineer John Voaght aM tnachinUlt JrtaAlpaigb, and I gama the biiaiaW. aajoyedtaeaiirpiteHavieh,a. Mra. Iforce. It waaoaljr aaother preof that ake knowa tw« 4o*M«ae«awdiw«kawMe. D.J.

• . a t d L a f t h e t . I.The Knigkte aad Ladies of tbe Golden 8lar.

of Cheater, held aa electron for ofceri enDecember tWtb, IBM, whieh reauited aa fol-lews: Joeeph B. Htrykvr, Motator; JamesH. Miller, Vleo Uiotalor, OraatMeore. PaatDleUtori Wai, Ho well, Ontar; Charlea H.«WU. Beoordiag IMIietaty {John W. Eggete,Via. neeretary | Joha B. MeLain, Tnaaarer;Aadnw J. Stoat, Guide; Wm. F. Nicoola,Aas'tOuldei HenryCormsh, Warden t PeterL. Buiilb, Sentry; Joel H«d(Ctw^Uiu ; Trus-tee , Jmea H. Miller, Qraat Moore, Henry

The annual donation will be held nt tberesidence of D. Strjkcr. Ironla, on Wedaes-dayevcalag, Jan^lith. All arc Invited.

Free Trees.Tke reduction of Internal revenue anil tba

lakiagsffolnTsniieitaBpafrotn ProprietaryMoiMaes. no doabl baa largely beaefllted

aawell as relieving tbe bur-dea nf BOBO aoaofaoturan. Eapaoiolly iathis tke caaawltkGreea'eAugnal Flower aadBoHhea'e Oenjaa Brrap, u tba reduclioo olthirty i l l cents per doael, has been added toinensoB tho site of the bott'ias eontalningthese nawiUes, thereby giving one-Aftb Bonoedlelae in Ihe n cent slss. Tho AugustViewer lor Dyspepsia and Llrer Complaint,aad tba Oeiana Syrup for Congb and U a gtroables, have perbsps, tho largest sale ofaay mediotMo la the world. Tho advaatsgeol Inoresosd siae of Ibo bottles, will he anallyappreciated by lbe . i t , a»daMict.d.iu everyIowa and village in civUked oountrica. Baa-ple botltea lor Mr., remain the eame alir.

Bead John A. Lyen'e Bow adverliaeaoa opposite pageannseewbatgreat bargainsheleoferiog.

M n A B p i .MissNolaa has 90 doien tips, all colors,

wklebabeiaaelllngebeap, A bunch ol threetips lor 35 eeats.

Pleraon * Co. are aslllig Men'a Ovonoatafrom B1.M to |30; fonaer prieea 93 to «38,

apalrofMeu'altHbber Boetaat Strait Bree.,iy,for'aa.M.

1111.Brick Drag Stota. A isHaUa wlaoata Baf
















Shrawikurr, Saddle Bock nnd Morris Gore Ojnton,taaaaeatlasjarkat, anvodla evorr atyle, aid add to aay aaBBtMy. Tka heat kafarasjai

EH0RY VANGILDEB, • • - Propr.

DOBBilS' ELECTRIC SOAPIa sold by all raooen, and h u lot twenty je»re been UawnrkdijedoverjwUere to be the beat tamily soap in the world. In order to bringits merits to t ie notios of a still larger constitneriey, Te have recentlyreduced oar prioe, keeping the qutUtj unchanged, and offer the fol-lowing beautiful presents free of expense to all who uw oar soap andI who mil preserve and mail to via, with their full addreaa, the wrapperstaken from this soap.

For 7 complete wrappers we will mail a set of seven cards, in aizcolors and gold background, illustrating Shakespeare's

"SEVEN AGES OF KAN."For 15 complete wrappers we will mail from the followrag list, your

selection ot first-doss sheet mosic for piino (initraroeatal or vocal),tho marked retail price of whieh, iu auy first-class mnsio store, i s onedollar, or a new and beautiful set o[ seven cabinet portraits of

O'«jyly Carts'! Original Es.lith •ikatt Ctnsuy,

For 25 complete wrappers wa will mail a new and beaatiml panelpicture, 14120, from the original painting, owned by us, entitled

"THE TWO SISTEHS."| This is the finest piece of work of the kind ever ia—ai, aad cannotbe copied or duplicated by any other firm, and hanco is worthy a place

. any parlor.For 60 complete wrappers we will mail either sheet music i n tke

piano to the marked retail price of ( 4 5 0 , or a copy of


SOAP will bo given free to every bnyer of a single bar of DabbirVElectric Soap at the store of

WMnr. v.


Who* Uw IUrri««t) UiUcrf Mruajht IBH

F. H. rnrpniti'r.Wiihiiintrtnii ,u.n»*-pniidetit n( Hi<> I'EfVHiimi l.i'.nW. hnssmut- i.iU-it'r-tiiur tinner L- Miy iiii.utMlS. KHtpJ'liP'f. Ifiiii-ili 'h--V.il> >>fKx-finvcinot^fianii''. Uii-n in Well -ington lnlt*K, *..<' waw >niN'iintemlingtlit* removal of lirr fatlie.'b leinuiiiK toOhio. She looks Vi-iy well, anil (.IIOWBiittlf sitfiia uf iijff or tioul'li'. She witsdressed in Ulutk it ml it was u IUIUUIIOIIitinavk that sin* Ink. lost Imt littleof thf beauty for wliicli she is HUfamous. Mil' hiibimu'ii "f tin- iv.tt<iii-sof her fatlier.aud it iitt.s lin-n ultin suit)that liw »blUt* U ML-1I Iliat Imd sliobeen tvi$s.n -In* would imv« *l.<>n,- aa li»did. TIio greiiti-Ht umiaks of her lift?van in tin' nminiiij: uf timeniorSpmj(ue, of lihmle Inland. It WHS notlong after the i.iarriua't) Unit slit- di»-covered thin. NprngHv's teni|M'E «-«*eiitirfly inn>m|.atil>le witli her* IIUrude ftctiuiH rut into )i<>r liner iVHings.1 remember mi instam'ii which \va*told at the time of IKT divorce. Ithaiipt'iied tarty In tin* sixties, wul ho•uu.»yt*l her both lit Imme and ill•oviety. I t wan at a dinner given byPrctidvut Lincoln In honor of riiinfJtlfttct: Chase Bliortly uf tec his appoint-•Btttt as head of Uie Supratue Cuurt.Chwe eat at Mrs. JJiiuttlii't. right *,am.,aud KaUi Ctmse Simiiriui was seated att i e otiuit side uf thf tHl'l-' just o^io-•its; fcittUaltoI ftiprittfiiu escorted J* iiisti.1-fuitbwi lady tu tlif iliuuer ruum, anilhli §eat w u a little bit further downthe table. Shortly after the dinnerbegan it was seen ttiat S|iragiie hadbeen dr.uki.iff. He had taken a toclt-tftil or ait bffon> coming to the WhiteHouse, and thi' mixing of the whiskyWith the wine he found there reducedturn to an Intoxicated wmdltkm. l»e-fort ttw tith hiid IHU'II INWRHI, Iiis tuiiguogrew thick in hit month, and at theserving of I he first t-ntrw it wan «i*eiithat hf Imd mink tuck in his chair andl i t breathing htMviiy Iti a drunkenlleep. At this inoint<iit,&lru. Sprague•tw him. She lit'i'iune pale, but didnot low her head. -Shi- went vn witlilior ooiivtrsatidii an aylyaathough herLtutwnd W H the biigliWit mini at tlm(UltflW table. Hut a ruomoiit Inter aliecangbt her father's pye ami by frhuweculled liis attention tu Die Kituutkui.Chief Ju'aiice Chiise Bald in a low toneto Sirs. Llncolii: "1 sue iliat Cantortjpruifue la ill. Will y»u kindly lutvetia- bulIfr assist him iuto the clunkroom?" Mrs. Jihiculii \vtihi|>eml to awaiter, aud the drunken senatorquietly removed. Hf h\v\A ujton th«•Dfa during the whole of the evening,•lid M I tflkea home in his l g•titl in • dmnki'ii stniwr. This event!• on« that happened In public. A manwho will BO luiget himself nt a WhiteHome dinner, mint have bean a perfeet boor at home, and them it littledoubt that Kate ('huge Sprajfiie waiDiore linniMJ nuainst than Biniiinir.

Uearr Wnrtf Itrvclirr ia I'raaec.,,.l|fitri Hard limber, i>u»tor otriyaiuulu liotk, llruuklyn, the uiwtteloquent, the most cnturlaining, andtti« moit original prvaclier In thetutted Ma**, arrived in 1'arU tbjimorniQf. He conies to m afUr a aixweek*' sojourn in Kngland, where ourneighbors, under the delightful spell ofUs elaaitenc% forgot their t r d l a latitipatuy fur the nej>tit>WH of UncleSain. The excellent Itewreiid Heetherin nowise, it'pretieiittf the tyjih-rtl Puiit«i pastor, with lean, lung, dry face,inoiimftii as a rainy day. He la aaniall »tout man, with a laughing,rubicund iface, a IOVIT of good cheer,sitd arij InctVoipaniblK story-tellercqnverutloii-iUnt. He is an orator ofthe lint order, one «>i th«tn<«t curioiuIKXBonalitieri of the new conlinetit, andhe deiterven ft U-ttiT mo t ion froithan even that which wu extended toM. Daly'tt Ir<ni|>e.

M Ward Jlm-ti«r attleit in Urook-Ifn in IM7, and him ntatn«l the sameparish since. At lirat h[n Milary WMtut 94(10 a yew. to-day it ia •25,000, andwltk bJi.lcctureti, uewst»)ier articleand th» gifts of hU flock, he taakMmiotliH •au.OUi. But would you b*>lieve itt Star. Ward Bweher nerefhas a»«t, and you oould Ml IMm toanytUag more ammU- M D p t i btatttthyg g ft

tattoHotthe putor with ui»> w J K O M !• tryiug W n i k eend. meet with bii crediton. Tberea-•oit if that the eicellent man doei notunderstand anything about money.Oil M* ty*t Ja»u*ty every year liegives his wife WU,0U> fur the houaeholdcxpenBes of the year, and then payi nono inore attention to money matteri.At to the other MM MI, they remain inIda uocket, or rather they go out ot hitpocket to N u into the till, of Mllenof brifrvbrw. bibelot* wd to tortb-But it ti not the good man'! fault If htibuys everything, whether valuable orworthies*, of tUia klud, ttmt linvtw^ibe tin own in tils way—Paris Figaro.

TlieniMni otiglnattiifrfii I'uriiUeffect that llonanza Slackay hud loanedthe llutgarinti gov«nnni'Ht fti^Wdoubtien fftw mit o| the /net that lieluu been huyiaghU wife a few druse!,and his cheeks pasting through thfclearing house excited some curiosity.titicU trautiacUoiit inny wvm Utugoveritment loans to people in Kurouc,but over here they art)common mutterof domestic economy.

M U f .

AB lor the so-called ctiarmiug osarprntL, it may lie practiced by any

. cue wbolruiu observation cuiapreuendsthe movfuit-nu of the reptiles andkuowft how far t» venture on famiUari-ties. Confld«nwaud deiterity on, thepart of the "charmer "ran overcom&ar aa<l subtlety on the part of th«nake, whirl,, after all, is only watrliIng its opportunity to strike or tescape. The iiiRHlere undersUnd thi,very well, -ml know how far tht- snakecan reteh to strike. Keeping at a safedlsUnce, they irritate It Just enough to•wke it follow the movement, of theirhands, or tlie bit of bright cloth wavedbefore tlwra, and which la point oifact iiasaitidto receive the bite ihonhthe cobra atWmpt tvitrikc Theauakchas risea and eipahded its "hood," notfor imy admiration of the Hauutedcolora, or for any enjoyment of thediscordant din which it supposed tocharm it, but, In welf-protectiau, thebetter to aim at Its tormentor. " lie inthe bent charmer," sayi Dr. VincentBichards, ia hli valuable work, 'Land-marks of Snake Foisoaed Literature,"•'wltbisUiemoi* ititimatolyconmMntwith the maTemmU of the n t i kunder varying conditions.

Wfc*. iMlaad * M sisMta.ScoUa now means Scotland, but it

oswetMant Ireland. Ireland was knowntaUie.Qncki as Juveoua, abaat twocenturies before the birth of Christ

.: C«s»r oalU it Iliberner.M dota Ptol-emy in the map he lias giTep of theisland. It is said that the I'haniciamflrrtnvelreUndtaanainopf Hlbernia,imaning thereby " utmost, or lait htbi-

,, tation,"for befsndtbat laud, westward,tke l-hceniciaai never eiteuded theirtrayages. Toward the decline of theRoman empire the country began tobe called Scotia, a name retained by theBODantlq writers till the ekveuthcen-•ory, wteB UH mm siotU havingpassed to snodern Scotland, toe ancientname of Hlbemla began to b« arjj

t-d In

.-,1 (i

Sol l lu i le in 11 Hlteml W o r l d .

From B'rfttnde to solitude in the orderin Alaska. The ao]iturt« of the foresttii.l t lie s>*a. of th? ueniutuln uudmvitu1,. \ l t l i t l , i -M'.u: . i i i i l lur i ' iue nwn-

f f i i i i l l i i irwhei t\i!<n'd s-lii,. head

•>l»M..itUi1-nl IK- illi'l MIUV. I-> fpfl n- il ive ivi-n- lit'injf drn}!k'

on tin' ldf-l ul the wrirl.l iis il tvibwimining in Hie ll*«i<lr'il c.ii-.'suf

il, writes ., citin-sjiotident of theSun Fraiu-isHi t'liri-mrli' from Alaska.ioiut'tiuies there ratm- over me it at'iiset utter loneliness. n{ Ilic ilJMtana- tliat

lay between us ..ml t-verylxidy else, andf the |iel|iiesKtie^s ol' uiiirfise BIKUIIIIny Ht'ii'ius ikt-A.-ii.viit U'ti... -M. It isliis very state, [wrliapB, tli.U (tut* thoicurts of tlie liiinlicHt of tlm exjilcirura

WIKI Keek vainly t<> unravel the jioliirif story.

I'li'in tiun* tu tmw. us we «...l.t,( Urni-u. iniw ;i tirifflitcr lilue than evt-r. waativtvji with frtfriileuts of iee. \',ryovely they looked its tliey l inked theHstiint shore, n tfhtjstly iiml Can last iritlu'O'T'ssioi., horiif ever huullivviit'it bylie nlow .unvitt. iintl *rn>wiii|f unit,fhostly and fantastic..! hour hy hour as.liey dwindled in tlie cleur Hiiiialiin.'of

he luiitf SiiimiiiT days. Anuu tin' i.rn

ritKiiu-i.tit Imn-J.sfd in number und

linietisUms, The whole watery t'Xjjjiiise

was i-ovi-ieti with l>ru.sli and w e were

i>bliged t o i>.ck our way w i t h consider-

iWe caution.

Often we- narrowly inc»iH-ii grazing

iiuill i fcl iergs | |mt inijr.it caHily have

I us, had « • ' c o m e in eollisii'ii

witli tlu'in. A s i t w a s , ninny an i«**-

cake that looked hiirttiless t'ltimgh, •>'•-

vi'iy low in tin' water, struck us

with a thud tliat was s t a r t l i n g or

under <ntr ohl-fiwhiom-d hide-

spUnU'riiig tin1 pm.illfd unit

our lieartH to leap w i t h i n us,

A disabl id wheel meant a tedious de-

lay iu H lat i tude Khun1 the restmices

deci<it;dly limiti'd. Often wu

<\\t «t' thv .n.st>r..\)k'- .mU\t>m away

Kast Biininu'iinK in l i ie sult iy

Suiumcr heat, while tlie therinoineter

with ii* stoud at 45 degreej in the HUH.

i the iir niiiK salt air wan ini) i n i t i a l I'd

4 < biiii *i ( oiititli m e (iii i i ic.

T h e I'uulidt'iicu trick, witli whicl i so

mi.ny Hiviiidl.'.-t l u n e U-i-n | .tTj" t i i i t .d,

lint ooiir and clumsy iu iroiini;uis»u

t . i thf liH-tlxids (Miisnul hi Cliili... No

u r , in fiiet, bill 11 fool Would lie tulit-11

nl>y the jmijHwal to hand a quant i ty

if money t o n straiifftT, iti order to HIUIW

t-iiiiiidence in him. 'I'lii' Chinese tiivitul-

ler iinut'L'd.i Hindi more artfully to

i>rk, and eiilisla human nature on liiti

i.e. Til ls in sliotvu by a case heard

tlu> other day iu ISIiangliui, when four

Chinamen were olmrgcd wi th const-iir-

to cheat Chaitff Wong, u super-

«, of 41*) nii-L-cs. The delt'iicl,-1 mill, to Iw followery uf tlie fiiiu

Tin Si Kok, who was ceieliratetl iur hht

skill in wiiylaylinf Chiiianifii arriving

from foreign parts and dwindling themuf the money they had acriimutated,Ity ftrtfiiiW )tlay..in mi their cupidity.lit t)ii> pratem rtut the pluiuUfT wagmet hy on? of tbe twn in the, strtwt.nvitcd intn a house, and

treati-d; and thm an artful Bulii'ine waaMI i» him by wiiii-h tiie party

mitflit, Ijy joining in the (fame of fantun. client a wealthy ritlil'ornin China-initii. who WIIH ttiiid to liavi- just arrivedwith a litrp*' (|i.antity of gold. CardsWv-f*? pnw.ucwl, antl it. WHS proved howi-asily and I'.'rtiilnly tin; cheating mightIn- fiirrifd out. The party were eachto ii(!]itril.ute some money to carry out(lie game. Chijn.tr Wong was miahlti to

.. and ttw, iiTtf.U teinittutU).,.pretended 4'iiHforniaii chinanian came)», ami the game was played; hntsoine-how the cheating wan nutand at tlie end of the frame thtf plaintiffwa« 48U rupees out of pocket. Tliia Itclearly a great advance: on thenmii'fence triek.

t'urr liar Wtller*> I r««p,

Writer's franip is an affection which,until very recent date, hai l>een lookediptin an in most cam* incurable. For-

tmiatt-ly, htmever, forthime who sufferfrom this disease, means are nowknowu to eilit not onl£ for lto •meli-oration, but for its' permanent cure.The difficulty ti one wliicli Is not, uits i.ame imp.ie*, euiinned to writen.It may occur in aiiy Individual whoseoccupation brin^' int&.con'atant playouewtofnmsclwitt.ua the pianist, thetelegrapher and the tollct^Uneer may•uffer from tltete cTtunps OT from anInability to perform the, acts peculiarto his occupation. The cramps aremerely symptoms of a diseased condi-tion, the exact Mat of which is a mat-ter of dispute, «otn« locating it in thebrain, others in the spinal cord, wliilthen are those who regard the nerve-centres as in no wise affected, but tncethe source of the affection to the nervesthemwlvM. The method of treatmentwhich has been found most succes-fticommit* in the ftppllcatloti of gymnas-tics, combined with massage, to theaffected muscles. Tlie rubbing, and•uaetlnMi K geutta stTiUiiS of th«miikles with a wooden bar, togetherwith regular movements of the lingersor other defective part, art1 continuedfor several weeks, during which timenot more than one hour dally is devutectthese exercises.

Ikath makes a ueaviUfvil np]»eal V•hatity. When we look upon tlie deadrot m, so composed and still, the kind-less iiml love that ar« In tit, all...rill.

During list year them wen nearly•SOtl,(KW,uob worth of sugar raised Inthis State. N«ighboriii| farawn) raisethe beets far th* factory, the companymking contract* with growers to takathe beets, usually at from «4 to MJOper ton. The'factory has paid outabout 9VO.O0O per year forlwets. Atonetime about 7,M0 tous of bwta had beenbought by tlte ratRbrithnw^t; but not*witbiUndlng the deduction, made atthe t in* ot buying, there remainedonly 7,150 tons of washed beet to btmanufactured Into sugar, Ths yte*4of beeU It ttW to t m a g f fnm flftc*to twenty or thirty, tout per acre, tbobeets needing no irrigation. This re-mit is better than the product In Gel*many, whore tho. yield, even with theuse of fertilizers, averages only tweWatons to the acre. The yield of sugarper (oa here 1B between 100 and 1Wpounds, making from 3,nno to 4,000pounds of sugar per acnt. Quite »number of cattle are usually kept t»long sheds «nd inrlosiires at a diitanc*from tike factory aud fed partially onthe refuse pulp of the sugar beeta.They seem to enjoy this diet, and tothrire on i t In l&£ there were about400 liead of stock kept in the cattlemis. . The beets are stored under coveriii sheds ready tu be manufactured intosugar. They at* sometime* piled upsix or seven feet lilglu The beeta arethrown from the sheds into* sort ofcanal, and are carried by the water tottw place where they are washed.After being conveyed to the slicer theyare cut into small pieces by a set ofrevolving knives, and then the regularprocess of manufacture liegtn*. Themolasses left by tlw process is uot litfor table UK, aud lias been generallymade into vinegar. The cost of manu-facture has averaged from «to 7 centsper pound, and tlte factory has a capa-city .of. over eighty tons per day. ItWM originally intended to use onlythirty tons daily, but the demand wan

Kvery tv n L ] ntrv t

this womi.Tf.il iimiurliiiiit}- tu SAVK MONKV.J IMTIHV: iu .'..••., UKAt'TIFlM. r iA

LOMAOI Gniver«rda,

Thtre are BOUIB queer phases of lift' in t

London which ure Bcanwly credihle tous in this still new country. London is ,a very old city. The dead have been for I

iy centuries buried i» Mnall city,»-yimU. Littk tl.on^lit is givi-ii

tin-in alter tlie nt-iicratiun of the living

The u •s him; been forgotten in•gping the new. The bonea are scat'rwl thrunxlt tltesutl, and it wuuUl lU't'in

thitt in Hitiueyarda Inigiiirnts of honeaart-as plenty as stones in gravelly soil.'A proposition has lieen recently under j.liHcupsii'ii to transform many of tln-Hfli.ht gniveyuidti ilttu o,it'et little uurks,|trc»erving tlie monumenu. atoniM, butmaking the yards garden-apots. This

ledto nitit-.i public dlHciission. Therector of Ht'tluuil (irticu, Ucv. Mr. Han-snid, cuinmnniL'ates to the Londun

Tinica" Koine very curious fiictfi withreference to the soil of sueli ccmcterii-a,imd the danger to public healtli arisingf rum it* didturliancf. JJut ituothcr dun-per whicli he points nut in «t.

is rectory o}H'iis intomuild graveyard.There is no other access to it. He nays

HpatMul of ertrth emmnt ^'l tiiken upithout turning up human bones. In

lie juirt fortncrlydovoted to the juniperteruieiit he has k-arued that the cotlintt>rc formerly piled out: on another iu

great ..vimlH'tD. Tim vvsvi.t i» that thebin face ia treiiL'hertms to footxteps.

Jecity Inia left vast cavities below. Mr.lansard sa>H that lie 1ms himxelf fallenlight tlinen up to his waist ln"thfsi);ttastly Intlvs," once l\v ))-,.»».i.g i.Wng ariavelh-d walk! His daughter has hud

two such plunges. Iu a neighboringgraveyard he says a policeman fell Inthe night into a grave hole which'tiwiiiHi tmdw his f««t, mid tliern t«-niiincd up to his neck until morning.The horror ol' the night cruml him andlie died noon afterward. Xumeionsnther incidents aru told where ))ersoiiBiiuUWnlj" disumiejiv iu the lUrktiesH.

VMI flurc Hull.Ur. Iturggracve, a leanied professor of

lit) I'uiversity of tiheut, lias just pub-inht'ii u re murk able Work in which he

endeavors to prove that anybody whowill tiike the tronlili* to follow his iu-itntctioiix may U'coine a centennarliin.'Iia (system is mi1 ruty a system of reno-vation, and is simplicity itHi-lf. TIIQgreat <I:IU:U'I*» for nil JIJji wi-'-U'h ht1 \icHseM to intve discovered in salt, tin1 ril-ioiiiti use of which, h« H»ys, la a surem>*crver of life, l ie i.lllrms that Roodifaltli is not a matter of chanw or cou-ititutioti; t\w lnws which riniuaii lit'*1 are calm and rt-gnlar phe-lomt-iiii, iind all we liavt; to do is to tak<-iirt- tliat they shall develop then,selveswithout obstruct ion. Accuidhig to liintheory, salt ia tir* great reguli-Nit. I r the blood is ton rich, salt will•iiirify it; if the bin.)., .H* loo |NH>r. saltwill Blrt'iiKtlieii it and fuuiiHh it withtin; mvessary cleinents. l>r, lluriquotes several exauiplcs in sti|ipi)it uf

ho sovereign virtue which he attributesoitii.t. Vormerly, in llollnud, the great-'->t piinithinent which existed for

oifendiiigHoliliero was to give themsalted bread. After a few months ofthin rei/hiiv the culprits almost iiivnri-itily died. In Huxony, at the. end of tin;last century, a terrible epidemic reignedsolely through the want of Halt, The

>utch snviuit ftirtlicrnior« lias

Mint xalt Is un Uifallible cure for cun-i and t'holem. (Tlie 1once saved tlieiuselv«H from a

pliigiie by putting »alt In their milk.)HeeHtimatf-sttiiit the (iimntity of suitwhich every adult in ordinary healthshould cimamiiv dully ia two-thirds olan ounce. In coiii'l union, lit) asserts thatit the world would only take tu suitccutetiuai'iiUis would bucome ulmitst ascommon an new-born babes.

,,1 ,>,e 1^ l i . . - s i - n - fr.au the «iu-k « « .

mill niid Ihiit hiiiimt: l»>ti.-wereofit-:i foiiml

in iiu'p'i"' fii-io [Inn iiu'ti i''i- Agaiu, a few

VVIH-K itfti-f my »i-'ii 1(1 l l"' f*l"lJl". • i-aw a

,|,,.-r i-f mt'i.'n hkull-'mid o'liur bones in

KIIUIICW ojn'ii ln'i'- i" '"" Acropolis of

v ]„. ul ilru^OUWll told 1UD

wtTL- tin' rviuitiih uf .•ii<-li-> ai.il Turku wlio

hud fi.llf" iu Un1 war i>f iiKliipeijduue.0 (Ifty

j-wtri. »t!"- T.wt Al'iliuiiujntlmi* mid other

nidi- nicfi* ti'V ituliii-K--1H .dniut Imryhig Uw

Ixtdlt'ri Hi tlil>r.u ill ull"I" lll«>' baVt) llONjte-

OTMiinl i.»a«t«-i I VM we« Wlieve.

Will, them llie f-«li"W '>* xyjupatliy forj . ul st uon^kui.-Mt.

> culliiitN uiMJiit ill'' living, why K1H,U1I|

lillluilf jilivu li.v 1'1'iWri of prey—wheti u

inittsV misfry. ll i- Hi'' uime with tiug-

'ii 'u mid iillu'i' uiiimul-.. Of tho 7ll,0.M)

umuh whicli &v& diiriiiy .lie 1B78-1I A I -

;}i(iii tMinjmiyii, I ..U|I]IOM; a Urge Min-

ority (litil in OHO ur ollmr of tlie above

lurribju »u.vi. Of ihost- that aid nut, we

nay cirfuly KinjoL'tuid thu Imppy de»|Mituh

vtts oil..!? dnu to itii' hionttuit/ u f a b r i l -

Moliuniiia'ditii ritoiuiu-li.—HktcheoofPi Maga-


From certain meteorological statis-tics recently publlalwd In (Jermmiy weleant tliat thunder-storms in thatcountry have duriug the lut tliiityyears been steadily increasing both infrequency and severity The numberof death! per annum from lightninghas increwed in a far greater ratio thanthat ot the tucrrftae of popuUtton. tnthe present lUteof oarknowlulgH ofthe whole subject of atmospheric elec-tricity, the cause of the phenomena ofthunder-storms in cunfeuediy obscure.It is, however, very pouibU; th»t»omeUfht would be thrown upon the qiies-tiou hy a comparative itudy of thefrequency and severity of storms dur-ing a lengthened period and over Hwide geographic-ill area. Tlte tlmntui

ivants incline to the opinion that theincrease is to be attributed to the enor-niwiHly increased production of uinokeand steam whicli has taken place dur-ing the last three decades. Hut althoughwe nmy admit this to be to some extenta probable tern mnmr, yvt when weconsider the vary local characterthiuider-ntormt, we should naturallyeuwct to Unit that it would follow thatUrn neighborhood of large cities, andespeclklly of manufacturing districts,would DUffei the most severe.y. Huttliu atatisticB referred to show dls-tiltctljr that the reverse is the case.Tlie number of storms attended byfatal results from li?htnfng is far largerin the agviwi.tura. .tlstrkts than .n thetowim. Vpon the other hand, we oughtto take into coiutidHratimi the protec-tive action of lifiitniug eonduetors,with which the prominent buildings intlw towns if Uetm&njF are well pro-vided.

On the banks of tbe Hurray, N. S.W., which separates Victoria from NewSouth -Wales, a Presbyterian minlstehad Ms charge, hft chnrch and mi-deneebeinc on the Victoria side, andportion of his confref itlon resldinf othat or New South Wale*. In the courseof events a young latly at his peoplewastoberaarried; but with the fanciesthat younr Iadi«t so often indulce in,she would be nurried In her father'shome, which WM on Uw Srm SouthWfclw shore, and by her pastor, who.u It ippearal at tlie lut moment, wasref istered only to tie m nuptial knot InVictori*. Here w M • pnttf n>; thehour had come-«4 tbi P***- MtmdbytMTi of the lotelj auppUut, tbeminister was equal to tta oocailoQ.It appMrs that HM wfcwle ef ttw wateriof the Murray pertala to Victoria, so,obUinlni a boat, and puHInf tbenln•» Kit i*n.phem»lU and booki i mother iMtrunients requiiiU for the p.*.formauce of the ceremony, be put offmm tba shore. Tba young lfto> -MM*bft friend* came to tba foot of barf Hint's ftouMU, tui tba partyIDI on tbe shorn in battla amy, tha•iniage settle* w u dnry perfwnwdbTtbemtaistCTintatboat Tbeaur-rtsfe was enrolled In tin' rsoords atUetbonrne; botUw qutttlonaruet.01nuy arise, or in ttw event of osrtalnoonttitfencies very certainly will arite,Utbemarrtaffaliwal?

The Chlnew lanfuafe it»little ob-^ure to ttw oMlurjr white listener,mtd it Is nther hart to ascertain justwtuit the Chinamen an talking atnut-whether a possible luMitinstioii or aproposed liirtation with a lady.

Tbs anfsstbtntl

ins sf wit oo|bt always to towill, wiles; wbta thv *& •"

lb*t Uuy bsooms a stroMa sad Ufcs two-



_... for tl... dwi.1? Over

I veny tlmy li'iin n 'l"t:, wlwu dUul

Wbss iba WM • Child, ib« u M ' Y

When *\M I M I M UIM - 1 " - f r ~ | t i

Max Stadler & Go.jTIa- senior uuimbtT of the firm ivtinnjr.]

TliiB is Bimply m incoBiprcliciiBiblc uml Kturtliiife' LV.-UI. It is aimutbewilderiiijf to ihink uf ii coloosiil stuck of dtttliinjr, ctrtuinly tin1 ui<wtvaried and u»);nifirciit evcrsc-en in Kew Voik, lii'infr sold 1o hnvtrs atprices so iiinuit-simally luw UH to nmkii (IIIK imnt'Uilrtn* sacrilJ'-f oi'f'lcjrant gomlK wt'Jii unreal, JIu( then; is « rciisnit fnv this jurfictw*li|we of p r i w . U w litaMw of uu itn|H>riitivc fmsiwss tiiwrjji'tM'v !Kvery irarmi'iit i-'iniitonin^' this vn- t tirmy of supcrl) <-lul liinjr itiiif-t hewild JMMKMATKLV AVI) I'KHK.MITOUII.V I'Oll IMSII !

There will not In- a innnuiitV di'l«y nu IK-C mit uf |»ric<N, even il' ili<?Ifuodx do nut Iirinjf tiui'.lliiril of tiivir i-osl. Il \* IHI>I<,VU>IM' oilu'iwiM'Hum |iluuiiil'mit tills mil.-. .MAX .STADLKIt .V (.'.. want iiiuiu'V^uitltlwir pwrinw stut'k of clol liinir will Iw sold to tliiiM.- wlm iiavc jiut Iliut'ax'i willwut tlie sligiitcst hi'sitjiliun us to |iriir.s. |)u yitn wiint n jrooii,Kolit), tHtuvM, vfcll-imult1 wi»lcr oYvn-unt, Mm- liml slnml«i iusl y<m furutleuHt tbrce years » llt'iu they nn* ut |I5. ^'oii i-(«uld not lniy n ln'tturoue in New York fur Iw* tlmii fUf. Tlun Ilicn- »re Miiis, * liirli uwfman would IK protiud to wnn-.ut (r>. I f you inv vu\\i\\\£ into lim cilyUIMJ wsnt to Imik a t tin-iiiitst ovtrcoiiln in (lie land, HKII UK Uctivns,Meltoiw, CbiaffuiiuK und, UN a tuuti-lilcw ^nciully, Kcrst-yi', tlii-y ur«lit-re at $12, iind tht'R- I'dittii CDIIIII not be liuiijrlit a penny t'lii-iijiir tlmn$25 in aiiy ollu-r I'NluliliHliment on tliis eonliiniit. IJi'ijcis ulli'inliiiKthis moHt extriKirilumry fitlt1 can liuvo the |irivi:i^i' ut si^rCiiij,' fromover 1041,000 i>nw mid Itunhiess Suits, u'l jfoiiig- nl (IK; KUIIR' iiiL'oin-t'iv-alily l o r iiririw. Wlu-n you mv cuiuing into imvn hrinj? tlie eliililri'jiwith vou. 'I'licrt! tin- uviTcoitls here Tor tlicin nt $-2, iiml eviTtlliin^ elsethey iiml to wrtir at ONK-FuUlt'l'II TJIK I H I ' A I , | ' l ! l ( K Kin-ally, ekrthbHC is ttlxmt Uw wnnu as living U1VKN AWAY »l thin( i l lKAT PlSSOIiVTlOX HAl-K OF

MAX STADLER to CO.,4S1, IBS. 405 and 44)7 BROADWAY, tor . Grand M.

6I» ut* «8I KIUIITII AVR, Tor. 4IHIi Ht.. New York.


Brown's IronBitters



Insurance Agents.omoMunoui. mum tun i m »



REAL ESTATE AtESTS,. -bnud lml l kltuli of

n« well tlie nPiinitiilioo i' - - iufn'nl«. 5 ) ,

Wk>.>l.l»nl BIMtart.At a nmHnK «r t\n< l t e

t l i i v U « u k I11-UI I O H I U V . I n• I n i r . 1 u l | i i i « 11

«• follow*. vl>: At the r**» rfICMlMM Fl-r A«MN«M. 01 all WDMSU Dtwo TliouMtd Hulluri or IMS. awl »t T w »*M4U#r.aiBiriVr trNttJM IHr * • •M any otcHs ol Two Ttmwafrf Uul lan.

r * v * M . K - O i > and artar TUBBUAV,Janairr lUili, IWff. l i tMtM M t v l t M n w nwill bear intcrfst Irjiu J i iaury lat.

. IIKMiV W. KILLER, Pttt't .II. T. 1ILI.L, iS(.'Creturv M<l TrMilfrr.

"" jrristown, > .[., IKv. UJ, IIM. 4-4<r


TUESDAY, Jan. 4th< IMH. U. I>LATT,




and CIGARS.BLACKWELI, St., DOVERCJTAlESf-N F fil nt iab, . . . - • . .Jj Mincrt'MiviiigH B u k o l !)«)•», S , J-,itio&iorii.Dg uf Janin,,y ) • ! , 19fT, • • tniJ« _ih« PecreUiv «f »'.t(«, i c d t r vt th , t i R-TiiireO by law.

tjtd.p-irnr- .!*'!!"...!.' m.in(IROIIQEniCltlliM, Pr'fidenl.

OKO. I>. VEKIKB, TrnMrer.

FLOWERS Foncmnraii.1.

•fail Ifcr? want at tli« HrilcA pmaHilcnrat 1 «lll collider II a f»ar. Gall al a joahe Hd ee« imnli* ml ml tact l a u nalkd .Hb avnliutlni ( a j n a aad • « • • « ,rnailScUnp

8PAM1I.KU, ikenarial, O«M lit

PIANOS !On*) Stel iw.y Unrickk. sk flMj

s m M ( i | i i n ' t l l 7 & U ^

Xil Rmrtb i n , (

HOTEL FOR 8ALE.Tie kotrl a t SIOBIMM M f , Mwap.«l

Jtfh» M. Kofeli!. Fur pwtltnisra apply si



da;, Janwn lOib. I K


D. SCHAFE» fc 8O», - • • »~pH«l>

Will a. »»pl ap»« t a i a . « W I W p



mtta JJcU»«i and Madsiai Jt-ulxo»J*..MtmiUltMlHira witb Lebitrlj Vfttbiltailmid LvhiuL so'i Bu»queli*nn» JUilrotci

l i i l ) l « » a c l Jusn» » *

uvei, Nc- iou w d . 11 .i wilt. Ul»i»to»ti K

t'r.utim, wilh jou, Uinx-tou,uubLTlHiitl. Actain itnm Kow

d . 1 1 . .

ij Cur 1'ittl l

U«rri«tam! J r

Ulto.Ji-rrt.D. fi««ioii({i-rt U K I B S i* / | i r ' i i >'"itttcu and lioont

HtOti, lh,lIlit>lttlBI, UlOBtUStl L t (. V.tl

ii diirf Husntiiliiii will' flflvulet

H T t

Let* lUitfft.(J« ; at

ol fs.B,

Ai Wt>" A. ai.BufTHlusndOuWt'So Ki\iivt*UiK-iUR Huoio Out) Water Oap.^trtm -iiuic Scrutiltiu, ltincliftttituii, Owego, ItliaVV.vVrly, tlmirii, Munut Murrw swl BulliAIHU 8yr(iou*e Kud Oawugu, CODnttUngUiuulmUatuu Iur d i e * mil Eictitfm np;>u^

i t tf.iu A. H. Dour Aoounifuoditloti.

Atit l


1,'Dl.HBI HO-W

./oinlna.KltiMUiD.vBalWlttaa-ll»rr.. f ^ « l . r . U l t l thi. trtJL tnm K »Vttk.PatotMKiaad Uooaiao eta «MJHclSl Wilt-

I'tlhrntark'sUw r. • (1Mton t i -prt«)t:onnecti«g st Wslertuo fur Apdofer,

«itU LuhiRh Yftll«* RtvilroRd and LebigU taduquebsiiDi B. it. for lletbtvI.eu.AlRi.u.wo,eadicjt and Harriaburg.«iiM P. U,, Hover Expreii fur Bam«il,

Madiaou, Murristowu, Morriiflafci.DeiiTille,EockMway »D(1 Dover.

it*i«OP.H.(H.okDttitn«tiEipreii)iti>p-pl g.tMULuni,t)Ltn.nit,Cliatti.m,MadiBOD,Horriitownand al) .ration., w*ut lo Haokettl-tara,«out»Ui.|i.. W»terl«>«11L

Andoveraud Newton.r.Ml*.M.Oi»cKiiaud BuffaloEi. fronFew

• • ' ' ittiulit'tl) via. I'»t*Mon*HiterOsp,"

Tlie rniij linirlili.e in tie world that non,iufH to ne* in tlie miiiin ilicetrtiou-liethur mu ltuukvanl or iorwunl. TliU

'tiiuc la atfoof- utnl durublu, ni d in oi-wlHgL-d to be OIHJ ul tfao best in ibir

! S. JENSEN, Agent,

rAKl'FI' WKAVINO, HVKINd AM)CLKAMKO dmie In limti'tiiMHlrle, Dotur.lir will idiiviDiF v»ii tliat liiv wnibBiTfi llio IH-HI ol-uliiflirlluii. (live me uIti ill. V. K .li;,VHKN,

Uluihwell Ht., Mover,

land, Homor, V » c n a t »na 0»wc«o.AtBiugliamtonwilhtriinrorflreeue.Oilord,

Norwioti.BloIifield BprlDRi, Dtloa, Ao Thi;tn lu runs tbroun^i to Onw.iKd Eiifftlo tBJobBeld ^rfDfS W">t.*t>J>*>*<'*> Bnu

T t t w ' p , tf. Dovrr Accommodation forUbatba'm.sfuiri-tovD ind Dover.

for BorDarilavillc, B-»kuiKri.l([e, Lnsw.illing tot . Stirling, Gillette, forte.e} llelglii

audairiUtioc* oa Faiitie sad I 'Na-m B.B.(N. / . We*. Doe Btllroad) 7:», WiW A.



„„„.. ^-, «:£i& niiliiloEip.'HiolmttitlownB*,),7:81 Dover AoeonF'nl),l,i K x r n - - ' »:2<>Eutcu Eipreii 8:>r> DnTniAcconDur«r Aooorn, ll:iil> EnHtonEipr

r.si. Elmira EiprrM'iiW;.• 12:17 E«ntou E i p w n 5:«t

IIUV-«T Acioiii. U:K DuvurEipreiri 1:92Eigtou Mail aiW ll'kcttatowu Eip.J:MEhuir* Eiprcis* *:(* fJatTtto E i p / 9:!Duvet (acoum. ft'.CT) nnv^T AMOTO, Id-.'Buffalo RiproM* 1M UnQulo El.* ID:.1>EutflB Aooon. a:ftU:

V u . Booatos Branoli.

n ' , MfaHW*. «*>•'• asd B»ya' w.ar, hw jtlit arrir«d Aa in* I lat Ion to the |* t | ln i .•ctwtat i» cstokded to vuwlnti Ibe M«HI. PtUUKSt HM . W » « W : .

CtislMi W«tk •





NlrMn. mnmn>. Bnu QMII, BlMjat fliant,•aialtlaall Wan, Ulan • • i « , H»Mk«rchl«r aatn,

Takanaa Tfe*rm«aiUrt, Jaaaan* Baikal., r«aa,few* aatkela, rarfatacrr. •ta.fcaa, PataM aaaki,

•ilk UaaakataMMi aa* Maaina, Uaaa Haaikaiskter.,Maai*«4 Uara Oaatta, Ckllama'a Laca CaNan,

Neckwnr, Kalt fklrta, CI<Hk riaawl fklrtt.•alia Qalllca fklna, Warala* Haaia, Daiarfllaa,

Caaai. Saiaktaf Jaekalt aai OnMiai flwat,riaaa aaa TaMa Vvm, •atllwna aaa Mamkh

Mmih Blaakfl. aaa CaariWtaMaa, Napklai, Oarlln,Tawah, Lap Bakat aM Hana llaakda,


Uuf>, BOM, Toboggan Caps, Olora of all kink.

Hosier; and OoneU, Noravw' Aprooi, Cardigan Jackets,

Bbawla, Cloaka, Ooaaamer Qooda, Deiiiarest Bering Macliiuee,

iaM Urn •! atUclai »afck»lll .pi.k (ot laaaadiaa IT J « oaaa la aad Uak at Una.

W. V. 8NYOBR Sb Oo. P7tS, 727, 721 IMAO 8t« NEWARK, N. J.


M«lr»Mllti> Nnvtp«««rt.

OnlyflOOjVYnr.Thi Host Ubtrat Mi Yined Pnmium

Lift free Befcit Olerel.


m winiT *«••• I.

Ma.clMrQl». ItlaHancUj


A. rtm}2JlJ,'|1»;1\ tUHa"i™aT»


rtlll MtaUlaa bia rmutathni for ketpiBK full



bota a rm la wetj MattM af life.Tk.lUra.1 *epu» nm fraa . n i r %-

rartaat nmiMrrial aeatta u a >..? b. K I M^ . > . k W ] MTM a. 1° tae bnr.r

T& War^Crtlctr. tkat kaT« attrartMl Ma r t atlaulaa larta>lrl.i>N»taa<l accano«UI he coattaafrd thlmMtaeat tb. cuui.i

*""' A »A»PLE COFV F«EKrfWI. la. WMklr h s a .aa II. aiaplllmtRrtalaa LI.1 "ill ke aral lo at* aildrrnBMa afTlte.ti".. Ba ..re J . . cie «'IH»«tneno.t an<f l^.tfor jrornoarj bclor. 50U

E G. ROBICK,iMkttlhr a«. StttUmr,

Oor. alKanll anil «nMei U.. . Dorar, N I.U. . j .k i . r«ka»a . tn lHia«Dt lOOHiT

•II tlaa>, R a T l O I U I ol van .•"«•Hitatblr Jf.ir.BM. and Wccll.r aod IMIIVFapm. Pirn, Mlb 10IJ .ad . M l : WriliuPepw o( twry fleaerialioii, f'ciar. ramn,all a IM ; aad . nil .luck of FIKCI .BTtci.r<tooaDucroaalaauatlMi. l . laoanpalarce.lock uf

THOS. JOHNSON.•anlManr aad «nbr i>

aataallworalaMrblaaBd Orulla. Ulmrl


isrs tryst.pTHnf and Clrinidff R*lt,lillMbiDPiit aa Mor.ria 8L, Uorrr, in Ibn oM Isnn En* hulldlni,Silk, Cottoa and Wiwlcn «oc<k d \ td anilCIMBMI O(iat!cKf0'<iaotliliiirelc*iJPil.dT<M]

to leak like mw. A trial la re-tirllRd.


and prcMapecllull


i M •ctDioBMrfBt)nn» for boarfenaad ittnrieat froMts. ttla bar ia well atoekad. I l k .11 M»d*.ril,c b n t a f d r i n k i l i D d " ^Hla pool i w « I* alwaje open tn all l o » i * of

«. U18OKEB. §np.tUie»«aal.


Iralo* -rri« snd ieput from lltli itstloo

BfcaT aouaa


.M. *TaUTBOim»





ChMt.)HottOBIrjnitHuccnmiN O i

7. I .7M «,'SU3 0.18 10 5.



- A T -

CHESTER, N. J.Halt Door to tho FoiUoftot.

The •ntiwriber wonUt miHwlfuDv HIIBOHOC*to tbu «it.sena of VUttUt\w\ vliiiiitv thatIw tiaa ofwiW » FL'HMl ('Hi: HlOlJK(Jbvaler, where eaa be found furalturaevert deaortallon, and i t priuei to ault thelltHt.

I n t f H i f •••» Ua*«l.t»rU»Nvmtlr »»••••

Tkf Uriirtakh•Jilt lw in vbarze o t » competent pet*on,..CRubti fonuUritberday or nislit a t the i tor-- ' immediA.el.T lo uHenA all call*.

"ic. wuodarclollj covered *oMniairolifa. K.OVCI. fco., alwifa on luu

,.-jraea, carrtagea, CM u p ehmre, fcr, of tbelt fumUbpd when rriiufreU. Mod ten piwrred vtitb ice or li,r fiiibalminK. Ilcing •U n d u t n of a regular EiobalwiDft aud Hur«ic«l College, (from wblcb I have recclredwy diplorna), and linfitm had much practiceMd cxperwioe, tbaA part at Ibe Inufnen Killl « attended to by ni j^ l faqd tbe work luar

MtalpaakeU, rlloaraea,b

Thirty yfar* experience Iu tlie aBdcrtaklniV»»*).n«?s* vnablfs mw to oay witli ooafldithai 1 a s ready aad willini to wanval „iif-tliop to all iteraaae who way bare ocoa-el.m to call on tbe eervicfi ot an undertaker.MOTTO—"All work .uaraateed."




Family and MedicinalPurposes,


U no* offering K>t>, mil otbir WhUklos In

Qln from 10 ctt>, l o M.50,hrntid'r-a trum id da, to 1.1 uo.Wmea of all hloda frum 40 uu . lo »L,50.All wiiitklta aud wlnta from sfl.35 la IC per

All bramlii'i from 11.15 to US per i i l loo ,HiKlwat uiiitHi ptleti pkld jot bidei ul al


luoiwiu. •>., oona, a. i.

Hlate Booflnfwith.

•mbat tbe brtqaalltj if ahtoHaplojia, lrat«la> aMkaate I maMa.aa.taaU art mat im a.«7•v ikrHbaalklBafJIarnian

Dalad Oatiliai lltk. 1M0.

JOHN J. ECKBART,(Shooetaorto Bmiili AEckbaM.)


Oaalram Uaa. ud aatailali h M a M ra>

«HII.DINtta, BRIOUKr).•balhnoiniOI o. mm.

Ion I. loniai, IM>

JOSEPH C. iOHNSON,r.ra|i«r. ririMtMrnr a«l

il iha .M HIM tfWtl, CMtas-l,



lh.r»in nilkln.<»ol

Estote of Samuel Tlppett,deceased.

1>t)B»UANT lo tbo order or <ha Bnrrogato«f tin* I'mniiy of MorrJa, msdc ou tbe

itli iiaj of OL-IO.W A. D. one thomond" liundred unl dglily-pii, notice la

i' niri'ii t<> stl iwriona ii»r.nfj elm nigt ibti t i l* to ol Maun el TimnjUit I lie Crtutity or Morrla, deoeaa^d, tuiti he l i m e , amler oatli or affiinsliou,e Mih»eiU'vi, mi or before tlie tweDly.

ii. 1. <\w «ra» l j » t « , IIUIBR niu« aaowiii' if eui<l ordvt; iiul an*creditor


Estate of 'IhoiHNi. Brlghi,d



BOOTS »»mil erervthluf wltich ia lenerallr'keptinmy line of uusmetii. I roake a apudnhy xA

HAMf),witii'li arc m-kuowlrdnul to Iw tlie liqst in tbRmurkut. Ev*)rytliiii« in m? »t«re in wild a**







FROM $10 UP t

FROM $10 UP!

GEO. FEDER'SNo. 0 BRECK l i L O i i ,

Gor. BUckwell aad Morri* Su..

D O V E R . N . J .



itJB itl o

editorr her

tbtbit lin or her

iin, under uatli r ftirraaliuD, wltUio tboi.'rn limitetl, ml) lie r»n.'v.<r!*rrcdalIiiBlinractifiii tliMti'iir aciini-t il.vEii-raiurB.

hi,ted tlie t>v> nh -ui'j.li (Iny i.r OJtuber A.G CflAKLIrt t 1IIV1TT.


Kxpcat '

IIIC1 n.*> ,i. nib UI.III v. • . . * . «j«.a ,v|fiii

(il tlio Cmuity uf Motric made on Hie• ,,tt, davot ^i)•(llllll^,A.D.ope ibiinanmit > uitdrvd iii'l < ighly-rix, toticv ub% Hivi-u to all piTf'tit1 luiViitg CIDDII

ij.uibt t i c ci>t-t<' orTlmmm BJplit, lad' ofit- (JuiiLly ot Sltirrl", dci;t'«irt!ii,HJ prpM;Bl Hie

sttno nnder ottli or (fill nininu, t o ihu ntucrib-IT, <>u ur befurc Hie fifi'itiHt ilay of Ann'i'lni'tl, l)tiup nine ninuiiu from ilie daii- oimid oNkr; ind suy i-r.dilvr iirsteoiintt InliiiiiH in and i-iliibit hla or bef claim, undernaili urilHrniatfuu, vitlnalbe l ine •olfDiiiid,-ill lie forever bnrrrd of bla or b«r actloa

LlCffctUf Iftaaittitt .llC Ela CUtUT.IMIed ilic Btl.r.nl. i l . r ol r n n m b r , i . D.

««.i T H U H a B H 1 I C H 1 ' . J r . ,Cz<—'•

itttttMatNoticu i« bendy g lwn (liat tkw ancoan

f lite eulinribcr, Eicrafor of toKlup^li, diccaapd. will lio inditctt

•taicl by tho SurrofiIf, and rrjiorlfor «vttlpnicnt to Hit- Urpliana' Coart ut tCunnty cf Mcrrli, on MONDAY, tlie u n nJajof Fil.rdirv mi t ,

• * " ' * " ,"To!Er.Hw.Hor a i i .O>k Biogt, S J.

NatitMf MUtant.Botioeia keitbjtivea Hial thaacfotjnti «f

the mbauriber, AdmiolMralsr of EltiaHim,', dtccaird, will l>e aaitltad u d fUtedl>y tlie Burrogate. atid reptirl*d for Htl lanenlto (lie Otpbina' OoHrt ol the Oonntj of Hurrii,on Noidav tbe (cvfuih day of March M t t ,

Dttad Dec. Mia, 19MOr A.Ji;.>H0NCO£,

Notleo tfHotico ta ticrcbj given Uvtvt Ibc ttconnU of

ILB mbiiTibor, Qiiatdign of Oeuige fi. Frilti,a minor, will be audited und •fi led l>r ItiHBurrofttP, itiO reported lor •ettlptni-r't lothe OrphatV Court of tbe ConnU of Horrii,

a MuiHhf tlie aetenth Atj ot March m ft.D»tLdnce.S7tlu liWU.U« W1LUAV TUEDWAT, i f t .




b ti per Mat. ktrrager

than any kaowa expltMlTe,

It not u

handle or traanpari

i plaftle aad prodacex

••ek leaa fane*.

b waterproof aid

bmld as low a» any otherhiga explodre.

IU Aawitu /ttitto hwi« ST| b,OMetiSSLIktrlylt., N.Y.

Warkt: Orakmllli, N. j .



aaa manaSS.PUMPIKO EtHGINBs. atraaa

• a . ccaaaaHcaL


The Equipment of InnHiii«« a apedaMy.

T H E BEST HOLIDAY 6IFT!Tuilioa fur tbe cmulng jear, in

;Mfc700HROA0 SI., VRWAUE.SEWTKHll! .:• xsw


Laulogue and Boator.. Eilnculor Irw.

^ *•.. atoaan at, DUTU.



Oap. PaM <i«ca, Darar, «f. t.

i-FI» Claltlai at SaamaaU 8at»..;





•'r*?f ^ ^


CEILING DECORATIONS,. Having dcvolad aivwif

o.pwilll, l« tka> Uah liratca.I n ef.nS»illoil.e.illitidloa.btreier I to. ta»lofof ay work ea. u aMn at aajr Una. il*ollwraaioleaUiiailorilnkllmile. Or.la-im In all kioa. or not, Haule, W.lnat, Blaek.od Frinoli Koaewood. O.I, Kali. •roiaT tc.Till painting anntb I aliall alricllf •••aria-it»d m,iell •uacawlo] <U« bcU <>(SIM>slaiit»d m,iell •uacawlo] <U« bcU <>(SIM>aslai,I uk t hlr trial o! mj aallilv an) will wJf.vorto mjalnoalto tkaaaarna laa r

T H E NEW MILITARY DRILL.,£".'' S» TOB<M«1 ta )l,.lt ,„ ooj

atluHr tVltJC-^llaBriillI»K one of A. B W >

" 1 '

ja and baUla-wblatw lo w r W Md r d a i v b

telJ-^llaBriilly dwyoardaiv b , buy-. B. Wmaa>. rail tterl.J. flUK «™ S"" '!*<S1"W»« ««•<•» aa*

R l a ' H C l d•top at A. B. RlBoa'a. HALi~Coine la aadloot Ibronub our .took al iaod., cbao'rallyahown .hetbrj ,an bu, V . i , . «,cHi. *?"* * » « - B n»loa. C .li.rp Mil don'tIt*1' ° .n u o v ^ bOr r . - Ibo aadN k d

; your lltlfelljilllbaalt.ur iMtft tttt

pnof our iMTe.,.»l toT l t

jion, P a u i x t-iTuumlfeatkajolito

Hr to A. B. Slui.io for a<T K».r -li,» p.lr

-'-»,II1oll,l.('KtAliv-To.ee, c , l « « wot. H U B K t n v - 1 O >oa

.THorwlt klllreu in ODO of our etesaut fall and

.Into ovoicojl., prior, raw. from (3 to W0.,..!,*• *• * " 0 D " ololWnir .tore, and

yo» «ill hit II,. .,>„, f,,r « „ ,[„,*!,!„. 'piaa—Of yramld garamla aid uenre .onie ofA.II.HIU01'. lall aid wl.tcr.tjlu. B u n—A<ray at y o n bo.r« octuiuil™ that ion

• " I M n i . »<1". •»!•». ptita' lurnl>MuB loot.,, at A. B. lilmou'., Ulaikvtll »1 ,l)oycr,

H. L. DUNHAM,fir. Iaianaea aaa Baal Kuala

Aicat,O». MaT OIT.CE, BOTtl. H. J


DENTIST,(OWB aa • nou-nioK tuxx, >


Cmnt* Collaetor'a Ntttet
